What should be the thickness of the walls of a concrete pool? Monolithic pool bowl - all the pros and cons. What types of blocks are there for construction?

Build your own pool and enjoy it all summer long - these are the thoughts that are driving you now. In addition, your kids will also be crazy about the joy that a small pond with cool water will give them on a hot day. And today we will look at how to build a concrete pool with your own hands, what are its advantages and disadvantages and for whom it would be an ideal option.

What you need to know first

Before building anything, you need to understand the design features, its advantages and disadvantages, and similar options. Perhaps concrete is far from the most ideal option for you, and installing, for example, a frame pool would be much more rational.

Let's first look at the positive aspects of this material for the construction of artificial reservoirs.

  • The most rigid pool structure is made from concrete;
  • Freedom of choice. You can build a bowl of any size, depth and shape;
  • Possibility of installing any additional equipment. You can install a hydromassage, and so on;
  • Concrete is the most durable material of all similar ones for the construction of tanks;
  • Large selection of finishing and decoration options;
  • In general, a concrete pool looks more prestigious than all others.

Now about the disadvantages of this material.

  • Extended construction periods. If you build a tank in the spring, then you will only be able to enjoy cool water in it in the middle of summer;
  • High price. How much exactly? We will talk about this in more detail below;
  • Not the most convenient option to maintain.
  • For self-installation You need to have construction skills and experience working with tools.

As we see, even concrete bowls are not without drawbacks, in principle, like all other options. This option is suitable for those who are not going to save on the construction of an artificial reservoir and want to install the maximum number of additional devices to increase comfort and decoration.

So, if you have decided that a concrete pool is what you need, then read on.

Construction of a concrete pool

A pool with a concrete bowl does not differ much in design from other types. It has the same systems that perform necessary work to maintain water in the required condition.

Concrete pool systems:

  • Pump;
  • Thermostatic devices;
  • Filters of various types.

It is also possible to install additional devices:

  • Automatic chemical dispensers;
  • Contour ;
  • Hydromassage, counter current, waterfalls, fountains;
  • Slides, jumps and other attractions.

Holes for nozzles for collecting and returning water to the bowl are installed immediately when pouring concrete. Next, a circuit consisting of a pump, filter and heater is connected to them. The procedure for connecting this equipment depends on your conditions and device models. After installing the circular chain, consider that the pool is ready for use.

You can install additional equipment after completing all construction work, but it is still better to think through everything in advance and do it in one go.

Now let's look at each stage in great detail.

Let's start construction

We have divided the process of building a concrete pool with your own hands into several steps. In the end it worked out detailed guide, which will help you do everything yourself.

Construction layout

Any big undertaking must begin with drawing up a plan. You need to draw a bowl on paper indicating its dimensions. The drawing also needs to reflect the location of the equipment and its connection to the pool and the electrical network.

Decide on the depth of the bowl. If it is intended exclusively for adults, then 2 meters is just right. If for children, then it all depends on their age and height. When installing a diving board, the depth must be at least 2.5 meters.

Planning is a serious and responsible matter. Under no circumstances should you rush. Do not start work until you are sure that your drawing is correct and specific.

Only after creating a detailed plan for this can work begin.

Digging a hole and preparing a pillow

The next step will be choosing a location, digging a pit and preparing a cushion for the foundation.

The place should initially be as level as possible. Electricity and water supply should also not cause problems for the future tank. Pay attention to these two points when choosing a location.

We clear the area of ​​plants and large stones, and then begin digging a hole. You can do this yourself, but this approach will take a lot of time and effort. If possible, contact a team of private workers or even the services of an excavator. This will significantly speed up the process and bring you closer to finishing the job.

Pit requirements:

  • The bottom of the pit is 20-30 centimeters lower than the bottom of the future pool;
  • The walls of the pit with a margin of 15-20 in each direction from the walls of the concrete bowl;
  • The side walls should have a slope of 6-7 degrees to the outside;

Compliance with these requirements simplifies the installation of the pool. If they are violated, you will either not be able to complete the work at all, or you will do it with big problems.

Next, we install all the pipes that will be supplied to the pool. A bottom drain and side nozzles are installed, and from them the pipes go up. It is advisable to cover the holes tightly with a rag or film to prevent dirt from getting in during construction work.

After finally digging the hole, you need to prepare a cushion for the foundation. There is nothing complicated, you just need to pour the compounds in several layers and level them out. The first layer is 15-20 centimeters of sand. Next comes crushed stone 5-10 centimeters high.

We level each layer using a board with a level attached to it and compact it. If you are pouring cement, let it harden completely and only then proceed with further work.

The last layer is laid out with overlapping roofing felt or other waterproofing material. It will protect from external groundwater and leakage of the bowl itself.

Pouring the foundation

Now you need to install formwork from boards to fill the foundation of the tank. It is recommended to make the foundation slightly wider than the perimeter of the pool walls. This will give greater stability and durability to the structure.

The next step is to install reinforcement for the foundation. Rods with ribs with a diameter of 10-14 mm are used. The larger the area and depth of the tank, the thicker the reinforcement bars should be used. The mesh dimensions should be 20 by 20 centimeters.

The mesh of rods is installed in two layers. The first is located at a height of 5 centimeters above the pillow, and the second layer is 5 centimeters higher than the first. Thus, it turns out that our slab will be about 14-15 centimeters thick.

To accurately position the reinforcing layers at a height of 5 centimeters, use brick or wooden blocks. Professional installers have special stands in their arsenal.

At the site of erection of the side walls, the rods are bent vertically upward. Later we will tie reinforcement for the walls to them. This design is rigid and reliable.

To fill the base, you must first prepare a solution. To do this, you can order a special machine or do it yourself in a concrete mixer. But you need to work quickly so that your solution does not have time to harden while you are preparing a new batch.

To prevent air voids from forming in the thickness of the foundation, you can use a vibration machine or an ordinary rod. The vibration installation works in accordance with the instructions, and you simply lower the stick into the solution that has not yet hardened and make circular movements. This will allow air to escape to the surface.

Fill the side walls of the bowl

First of all, you need to make reinforcement of the side walls. To do this, we tie the steel bars to those that were bent vertically upward at the base reinforcement.

The installation of walls should only begin when the foundation has completely hardened. How quickly will this happen? Depends on weather conditions and the composition of the solution itself. On average, this period is 1 week.

The thickness of the walls of a concrete pool and the number of tiers of reinforcement directly depends on the volume of the pool. For a pool of 4*4 meters with a depth of up to 1.5 meters, it is permissible to use one tier. The thickness of the walls is 10-15 centimeters. If the area and depth are larger, then at least 2 tiers of reinforcement are installed, and the wall thickness is at least 20 cm.

Next, the formwork for the walls is installed. They use it for wooden boards, plywood or chipboard sheets. All of them must be impregnated with a moisture-repellent composition. The joints of wooden sheets need to be covered with some material or sealed.

Poured concrete will put a lot of pressure on the formwork. To avoid deformation or complete destruction of the structure, spacers are installed on both sides. Also, the formwork walls are nailed on top to small bars.

Formwork for steps and other pool shapes is also installed. Next, concrete is carefully but quickly poured into all walls at once.


After complete hardening, you can remove the formwork and begin waterproofing and lining the pool.

For waterproofing, special compounds are applied by spraying or using a roller. Carefully work out the junction of the walls and the foundation, as well as uneven areas of the walls. Let the composition dry completely.

A slight change in water level may be due to normal evaporation of moisture.

For final cladding, tiles, mosaics or film are used. Which to choose? Depends on your budget, preferences and ease of use of the material.

To install tiles and mosaics, use only high-quality glue that is not afraid of water. The seams also need to be treated with anti-funge compounds. This will significantly extend the life of the cladding and make it easier to maintain.

Thematic videos

Construction budget

What is the cost of a concrete pool? This question often arises among residents of private houses. Let's figure it out.

If you take all the work into your own hands, then the largest item on the list of materials will be concrete. You will also need a minimum set of equipment: a pump, a filter and a heater. And less tangible expenses will go to tiles, waterproofing, and so on.

Don't skimp on equipment. The entire circulating system should have time to pass the entire volume through itself 2-3 times a day. If this does not happen, the efficiency of cleaning and heating will approach zero.

On average, a pool with an area of ​​10-15 m2 will cost you 200-300 thousand rubles. Of this amount, approximately 100-150 will be spent on equipment, and the rest on construction materials. Of course, you can keep it to 150, it all depends on your requirements and desires.

We have provided an approximate average cost. Take it as a guide, and when you get serious about building your own tank, calculate everything exactly in accordance with the prices of your city.

So, today we have discussed in detail how to build a concrete pool with your own hands and how much this pleasure will cost you. You can also check out other step by step guides for installing artificial reservoirs on our website.

The article was prepared with the information support of the PoseidonStroy company - turnkey construction of concrete pools.

To paraphrase the words of a classic, a swimming pool on a property is no longer a luxury, but an urgent necessity. The construction of an artificial reservoir has become as common an activity as the construction of a gazebo or bathhouse. The difference is in scale.

A small reservoir is made in the sauna, a huge swimming pool is built in the yard, which becomes an addition to the overall landscape design ensemble.

You can buy a ready-made pool or make it yourself. The second option is better only because its cost is lower. However, it is worth remembering that a pool not built by specialized specialists may not be durable.

If you are planning to build a concrete pool, you will not be able to purchase a ready-made structure. You need to hire a team of specialists. These are additional but reasonable expenses. The PoseidonStroy company receives good recommendations from clients. On their website you can see examples of work and contact a specialist for advice.

If you still decide to build a pool with your own hands, at first glance, the design really seems difficult to manufacture.

But everything you need is already with you: desire, plus our detailed instructions. A concrete pool is considered one of the most reliable. The efforts made will pay off handsomely, and at the very first splash, fatigue will disappear as if by hand.

Concrete pool- one of the most reliable structures among other types of pools

Comparative characteristics

  • Frame. It is unlikely that it will be possible to build it without special knowledge.
  • Inflatable. Of course, it has a ridiculous price and is convenient to transport and store in winter. But the practicality of such a device is highly questionable. The service life is also short.
  • Fiberglass. Already ready bowl, which needs to be delivered by excavator, installed, adjusted. You will have to dig a pit of decent depth.
  • Plastic. Relative strength and lightness are the strengths of the design. But during transportation and subsequent installation you will have a headache.
  • Concrete. Seasonal, durable, long lasting. Someone is building a pool from concrete rings or blocks, but nothing better than monolithic pouring has yet been invented.

Disadvantages of concrete - are there any?

Before you make a concrete pool, we’ll tell you about the pitfalls of the process and the material itself.

  1. Water supply system. If you make a mistake when installing the pipeline, problems may occur.
  2. A leak. Even if it does occur, the leak can be easily eliminated using waterproofing materials. Also, there is no need to save on concrete, buy only high-quality composition.
  3. Peeling of tiles. Again, purchasing high-quality glue will help prevent this problem.
  4. The spread of fungus in a DIY concrete pool is also not uncommon. But if you regularly clean the bowl and treat it several times with a special disinfectant solution, fungus and mold will never appear.

When planning to build a concrete pool, be extremely careful; mistakes made will be more difficult to correct.

Concrete or composite

Along with the construction of private concrete pools, composites are actively used. This is the name given to artificially created combinations that combine the advantages of two or more materials. For example, the same reinforced concrete. Reinforcement makes it more durable, the concrete mass prevents corrosion. Thanks to reinforcement, it was possible to create many durable polymers.

At first glance, the advantages of composite materials are obvious. But in the case of monolithic pool structures, everything is not so simple. Composite is stronger and cheaper, but it cannot maintain the consistency of its dimensions. The material bends, which significantly complicates the mating process.

Another disadvantage of composite materials is that they are easily scratched during use. It will be difficult to repair the damage in the future. A comprehensive bowl repair will be required. Under the influence of chemicals, composites age, and micropores allow fungi to pass through. Choice color solutions very limited. This is another argument in favor of choosing a concrete pool.

How is a concrete pond constructed?

A typical construction of a concrete pool in a private house is not much different from other types of artificial reservoirs. The basic design elements are:

  • Pump.
  • Thermoregulation systems.
  • Various filters.
  • Additional devices. The concrete pool is complemented by lighting, composition dispensers, various waterfalls and hydromassage.

All nozzle holes are installed during the filling stage. The system includes a heater, pump, filter. The rest of the equipment can be purchased later.

Pool construction


The construction of a swimming pool in a private house with your own hands was divided into several stages. This allowed us to prepare a special guide. Using it and following valuable recommendations, you can even build a pool of concrete rings yourself.

Make a detailed plan by drawing the bowl on paper indicating the exact dimensions. The procedure for connecting to the electrical network is also indicated here. various devices, the principle of their placement. For bathing adults, make a bowl 2 meters deep. If a springboard is installed, this figure will be increased by at least 50 centimeters.

When choosing a location, pay attention to the following:

  • How level is the ground?
  • Will it be convenient to supply water and electricity?

After clearing the area of ​​weeds, you can start digging. This kind of work cannot be done manually - but how can it be done correctly? Invite a team of workers, use the services of an excavator - they will speed up the process.

The following requirements apply to a DIY concrete pool pit:

  • The pit is 25-30 centimeters deeper than the bottom of the concrete reservoir.
  • They also make reserves of 20 centimeters on the sides.
  • In addition, each side wall should have a slight slope - approximately 6-7 degrees.

It is enough to comply with these requirements - the technology for constructing a concrete pool will be significantly simplified. If they are violated, problems may occur.

Preparing a pit for a swimming pool

It is impossible to imagine the foundation for a swimming pool in a house without an additional cushion. This is quite a feasible task - first, 20 cm of sand are poured, and then 5-10 cm of crushed stone. To level each layer, it is convenient to use a board with a level. Waterproofing material is laid on top of the sand and crushed stone. For example, roofing felt with an overlap. Thanks to it, the bowl will not leak, plus it is additional protection from groundwater.

Pouring the foundation

The first stage is the installation of formwork for the pool from boards. To make the structure stronger, the foundation is made a little wider. After installing permanent formwork, reinforcement is made from steel rods with ribs. Recommended diameter is up to 14 mm. The greater the depth and area, the thicker the rods should be.

Installation of the mesh made of twigs is carried out in two layers. The first one rises 5 centimeters above the pillow, the second one rises above the first. The total thickness of the slab is about 15 centimeters. At the site where the walls are erected, each rod is bent upward to secure the reinforcement. We will return to this stage later.

Pouring a concrete pool bowl begins with preparing the solution. Some people order a machine with a ready-made mixture, others prepare the solution in a concrete mixer. High speed of work is important, otherwise the solution will harden. It is advisable to take helpers. While some are busy preparing the solution, others have already concreted everything and checked the voids.

Formwork for pouring pool walls

Features of filling side walls

Once the foundation has hardened, you can begin to form the walls. This usually takes a week.

Remember how we bent each twig up? We will tie the steel rods to them. What should be the thickness of the walls, how many tiers should there be? It all depends on the volume of the artificial reservoir. Reinforced concrete pools measuring 4 x 4 meters, 150 centimeters deep allow the use of only one tier, the wall thickness is 10-15 cm. When the parameters are larger, two tiers are made, the wall thickness is increased to 25 cm.

Since it is impossible to build a concrete pool without wall formwork, we proceed to the next stage. Not only wooden boards, but also chipboard sheets are used as a base. They are pre-impregnated with a special composition that repels moisture. The sheets are sealed at the joints. Since the poured concrete will begin to put pressure on the formwork and can cause deformation, it is important to install spacers on both sides.

Waterproofing, cladding

With a pool made of concrete rings, everything is much simpler. But when you make a monolithic tank, after removing the formwork it is important to make good waterproofing and lining. The composition, purchased in advance at a hardware store, is applied with a roller. All foundation joints and irregularities are worked out with special care. It is important that the composition dries completely.

Waterproofing is very easy to check. Just fill the pool with water and wait a week. Before pouring, level measurements are taken. If the changes are significant, look for the leak and fix it.

Which cladding option should I choose? It all depends on your budget and personal preferences. Some people choose mosaic or film, others prefer tiles. It is very important to use adhesive High Quality, moisture resistant. All seams are additionally treated with antifungal substances. This way you will significantly extend the life of the cladding, and it will be much easier to care for it.

Waterproofing for swimming pool

Approximate budget

How much money will it take to build a medium sized concrete tank? If you take on the lion's share of the work, the main costs will be concrete and equipment (pump, heater, filtration system). The costs of tiles and waterproofing will not be so significant. On average, an artificial reservoir with an area of ​​15 square meters. meters costs 350 thousand rubles. 50% of the amount is the purchase of equipment, another 50% is construction materials. If you wish, you can keep within 200 thousand rubles. Take the average price as a guide, as prices vary greatly in each city.

Let's sum it up

We have looked at the main stages of constructing concrete pools, learned how to pour a foundation, make formwork, and perform waterproofing. We also calculated how much such a pleasure would cost. You can also get acquainted with step-by-step guides for the construction of other artificial reservoirs on our website.

What you need to know about building a swimming pool (video)

Concrete pool is an expensive, labor-intensive and complex hydraulic structure, the durability of which tends to reach the 100-year mark. Of course, this prospect depends on the project, the quality of the building material and compliance with modern technologies.

It can be assembled from individual elements or be a monolith, in any case a multilayer structure will be required external and internal waterproofing . Concrete pool is a classic type reinforced concrete structures, but allows for countless modifications with the addition of bends, cascades, waterfalls, hydromassage and artificial flow.

To choose, you need to know...

Concrete pools vary in type. These differences may be related:

  • with location (indoor, outdoor, adjacent, with sun canopy);
  • with size (for decorative accent, for dipping, for splashing, for swimming);
  • with shape (rectangular, round, oval, polygonal, figured);
  • according to the method of constructing the bowl (prefabricated, cast, monolithic);
  • By design features(overflow or skimmer).

Which pool is better, composite or concrete?

Along with concrete, they are widely used for the construction of swimming pools. composite materials- these are modern artificial analogues that combine the advantages of two or more materials, while neutralizing their disadvantages. The oldest of this line building materials is reinforced concrete (reinforcement increases tensile strength, but the concrete mass protects the reinforcement metal from corrosion). The principle of reinforcement has been successfully used to create particularly strong polymers.

Composite materials, in the end, convincingly prove their superiority in strength to reinforced concrete; in addition, they are cheaper. However, products made from such materials, while maintaining their basic dignity- strength, cannot maintain constant dimensions (they bend). And this complicates the process of pairing them with other structural elements and materials.

And one more minus composite materials: the likelihood of scratches received during operation, which are quite difficult to eliminate - repair of the entire pool bowl is required. The durability of the composite material does not prevent it from aging under the influence of chemicals and ultraviolet rays, which affects its appearance and the appearance of micropores that allow spores of microalgae and fungi to pass through.

But the main problem of such pools is the limited shape and color solutions. Here is the answer: about the advantages of a composite pool compared to a concrete one.

Main building material

Of course, this is concrete, mostly brands M350 – M400. At the same time, the recommended frost resistance index is F100, and the water resistance index is W6. To model a concrete pool bowl with your own hands, use heavy concrete with plasticizers and hydrophobic additives from well-known brands. The special density of concrete is achieved by vibration (using a vibrator) and evacuation (vacuum pump), which reduces the size of capillaries and protects the product from sinks.

Composition of concrete for a swimming pool. You can prepare concrete yourself according to the following recipe (per 1 cubic meter):

  • 600 kg of cement 400 grade;
  • 1,600 kg of medium granulation sand;
  • 60 kg microsilica;
  • 0.8 tons of fiber fiber;
  • 1 kg plasticizer;
  • water-cement ratio = 0.3.

The mixture is prepared in a concrete mixer, starting with water.

As an option, it is possible to order a ready-made mixture from industrial enterprises. Such deliveries are very common in the Moscow region.

Compliance with technology is a guarantee of quality and durability

How to make a concrete pool with your own hands? The technology for constructing a concrete pool includes the mandatory performing the following steps:

  1. Project development.
  2. Preparing the base.
  3. Installation of embedded elements.
  4. Formwork installation.
  5. Reinforcement of the prepared pit.
  6. Stage-by-stage concreting.
  7. Waterproofing device.
  8. Finishing work and decoration of the surrounding area.

In practice, two options for technological solutions for concreting a pool bowl are used:

  • creating a monolith using formwork;
  • pouring concrete into a structure made of polystyrene foam blocks.

Technology and stages of constructing a concrete pool

Stages of construction (photos and videos) of a concrete swimming pool for a summer residence with your own hands (excavation, construction of a bowl, covering, etc.):

  1. The basis of any type of construction is project- a documentary embodiment of the customer’s and contractor’s plans, containing drawings, calculations, architectural solutions, geodetic survey results, estimates and other documentation.
  2. The project can be developed by specialized organizations, but it can also be authored if the construction is carried out for oneself and independently. Projects are divided into standard and individual. Example standard project Concrete pools can even be found on the Internet.

    The beginning of project development is determining the location for the facility and the construction site. When building a concrete pool, information about the depth of groundwater is very important (located close to the surface, it will soon destroy the bottom of even a monolithic structure).

    It is important to decide on the size - the power of the water supply and filtration system and your material costs depend on them.

    It is necessary to provide safety measures and distance from trees that will clog the pool bathtub with fallen leaves.

    It is worth considering that the most economical and simplest to implement will be a rectangular structure.

  3. The next stage after design will be pit preparation. It should accommodate the pool bowl, sand and gravel backfill and external waterproofing, but not be lower than the adjacent foundation standing house. Therefore, the calculation of the pit depth is done in advance, taking into account all the component quantities.
  4. The pit is marked using a cord and pegs with a size allowance of 40-60 cm. To avoid shedding of the walls, they are made at a slope of 3 degrees to the outside.

    The bottom of the pit is leveled and thoroughly compacted, creating a slight slope for drainage, then covered with a 30 cm layer of sand and 10 cm of gravel (drainage pad).

    Before concrete works install the drain pipe at an angle of 5 degrees with a valve at the outlet end. For drainage around the perimeter of the pit, a system of PVC pipes with drainage wells on the bends. The water is subsequently pumped out using special pumps.

    A thin cement screed is made over the compacted backfill. After it has set, a layer of primary waterproofing is laid from sheets of roofing material (overlapping up to 15 cm). The sheets are rolled out to the full height of the walls of the pit. The places where the strips are applied are coated with bitumen mastic or soldered together with an industrial hair dryer. Embedded drain pipes are installed.

  5. At this stage, they are laid water supply pipes(anywhere in the future bowl).
  6. Reinforcement of the pit is carried out carefully, so as not to damage the waterproofing, in two steps: 2 layers of mesh along the bottom of the pit (with 20x20 cells) and along the walls, deepening the curved ends of the rods (14 mm in diameter) into the bottom mesh system. The above-ground part is reinforced with 3 layers of mesh.

  7. Pool wall formwork made from boards, plywood, timber or corrugated sheets with its surface covered from the inside with film.
  8. It is important to maintain the verticality of the formwork and strengthen its ability to withstand concrete pressure. The ends of the reinforcement should be slightly below the top edge of the formwork.

  9. Concreting process It is advisable to do it in one go, filling the bottom with concrete, and then the space between the formwork and the wall of the pit (the thickness of the concrete in this place should be up to 30 cm).
  10. Using a vibrator will improve the quality of the pour. This ensures a continuous supply of concrete from the concrete mixer truck. This technology can only be provided by companies specializing in pouring concrete, and it will cost the customer more.

    Second way: pouring in two steps. In this case, a hydrophobic self-expanding cord (2.5-3.5 cm cross-section) is used, which is laid at the junction of hardened and new concrete. When moistened, it increases in volume 6 times and eliminates the possibility of the formation of “cold joints” that are unable to maintain tightness. In this case, first of all, the bottom is concreted, and then the vertical walls of the bowl. Before concreting, the joints are thoroughly cleaned of dust and crumbs.

    After the main concrete work, additional elements are poured, such as entrance steps and seating areas. This is followed by a technological break of 10 to 20 days (depending on the size of the pool).

    Then the formwork is removed, and the surface of the bowl is leveled with a layer of up to 4 cm of latex mixtures with the addition of plasticizers. At this stage, embedded elements are installed: bottom drain, skimmer, nozzles.

  11. An important stage of the device begins internal waterproofing which is carried out using an elastic one- or two-component mixture (in two layers) over an adhesive primer or PVC film.
  12. For the strength of the layer, reinforcement with synthetic mesh is used. Waterproofing of embedded elements is carried out especially carefully. A second technological break is carried out, and, finally, hydrotesting is carried out, filling the pool with water to the very edge for 2-14 days.

  13. Pool finishing depends on the taste and financial capabilities of the customer.
  14. This type of work is carried out after the bowl has completely dried, and it uses tiled or mosaic coating technology, or finishing with PVC film, which can have any color shades and imitate the design of stone, marble, or mosaic. A geo-textile is glued under the film, and the cutting of the film is welded with a special hairdryer at a temperature of 600°C.

    It is also possible to paint the internal surface with two-component epoxy paint of the Temaflor 50 brand, applied with a roller in a layer of 0.05-0.1 mm. On the 7th day the pool is ready for use. A universal polyurethane coating - “Ukreplen-Universal”, which forms a durable waterproofing membrane, is suitable as a paint coating (according to the method of application).

    It is worth noting that after the cold season the coating will probably have to be renewed.

And here is a video about how to build a concrete pool at your dacha with your own hands, pouring it.

Video on how to pour a concrete pool.

And another video about how to build a concrete pool.

A crack in concrete cannot be an irreparable disaster

How to repair a concrete pool? How to seal the crack? If such a misfortune has already happened, do not despair. There are two ways to fix the problem: injecting a solution or semi-viscous resin into the crack cavity, or manually sealing it. For this:

  • tap the crack to remove weak concrete;
  • remove a layer of cement on both sides of the crack by 300 mm;
  • coat the crack with 3 layers of epoxy resin, filling it completely.

How to paint a concrete pool? What to cover with? How to update a concrete pool? The next video is about this.

Savvy for weaponry

If you don’t have the funds and space on the property for a large pool, you can do it yourself a cute bathing suit near the bathhouse or a decorative pond from concrete rings. And for this you will need one standard reinforced concrete ring and a lifting mechanism capable of lowering it into the pit.

Everything else is based on the technology of constructing a concrete pool. True, it will not have a filtration system, but with such a volume of water you can get by with chemicals. But such a tiny pool is easy to operate and repair and regularly solves its functional problems.

Each the dream must come true! You can realize the dream of your own swimming pool with your own hands: build it out of concrete!

You have decided to build a swimming pool, a good one, not a prefabricated one, and one that will delight you not only for one season, but for several years. The most common and inexpensive option for building a concrete pool with your own hands on your own suburban area is, of course, a pit concrete pool. You know construction technology, but questions arise about pouring concrete so that it does not crack, fall apart and last without overhaul at least 5 years.

How to properly fill a swimming pool with concrete? Read a detailed guide on how to fill a concrete pool with your own hands.

The right technology Pouring concrete will ensure the service life of the pool - more than 10 years. At the same time, do not forget to subject it to cosmetic treatment and drying from time to time.

It all starts with a pool project, for this you choose:

  1. : round, oval, square, rectangular, other.
  2. Location.
  3. Waterproof grade of concrete.
  4. Necessary building materials.
  5. Suitable dimensions to match the size of the plot.

Let's take a closer look at each point. When choosing a form, you need to consider what main functions your future structure will perform:

  • Plunge into the heat.
  • with hydromassage.
  • Swimming.
  • Swimming training.

IMPORTANT! Despite the fact that concrete pools can be made of any shape, the most acceptable is rectangular shape, when the length of the pool was 2-3 times greater than its width. Round or square pools are more expensive when calculated per 1 sq.m of area.

And in accordance with the size of the site, so that construction does not require the uprooting of fruitful garden crops and the demolition of necessary structures, you decide where the concrete pool will be located harmoniously and in its place.

The location of a permanent concrete pool must also meet the following criteria:

  • Sunny side;
  • Distance from the fence or buildings;
  • Convenience when moving around the site;
  • Proximity to communications - drainage, collection of water.

If it is possible to meet all the criteria, then you can immediately mark the location of the future reservoir with pegs.

When choosing a concrete brand, be sure to consider:

  • Strength.
  • Water resistance.
  • Tightness.
  • Frost resistance.
  • Little susceptible to external mechanical influences.

It is better to choose a brand of concrete starting from M300, although many experts for rough pouring recommend a cheaper option - M100. In this matter, decide for yourself, as much as your planned budget allows.

And only after all of the above, start digging a pit, the dimensions of which should be larger in length and width than the dimensions of the pool.

Brand Class Frost resistance Waterproof Proportions: cement-crushed stone-sand-water, part Price per m3, rub.
Cement grade M400 M500
M100 B7.5 F50 W2 1:4,6:7:0,5 1:5,8:8,1:0,5 3500
M150 B12.5 F50 W2 1:3,5:5,7:0,5 1:4,5:6,6:0,5 3600
M200 B15 F100 W4 1:2,8:4,8:0,5 1:3,5:5,6:0,5 3800
M250 B20 F200 W4 1:2,1:3,9:0,5 1:2,6:4,5:0,5 3900
M300 B22.5 F200 W6 1:1,9:3,7:0,5 1:2,4:4,3:0,5 4000
M350 B25 F200 W8 1:1,5:3,1:0,5 1:1,9:3,8:0,5 4100
M400 B30 F300 W10 1:1,2:2,7:0,5 1:1,6:3,2:0,5 4450
M450 B35 F300 W14 1:1,1:2,5:0,5 1:1,4:2,9:0,5 4700
M500 B40 F400 W16 1:1:2:0,5 1:1,2:2,3:0,5 4800

DIY concrete pool

The advantage of building this particular type of pool is obvious:

  1. You can build a bowl of any size, any depth.
  2. In addition to traditional shapes (rectangular, square, round, oval), you can include arched, serpentine, and any other shape in your project.
  3. You can finish a concrete pool with your own hands different materials.
  4. A DIY pool made of concrete does not require a lot of money.
  5. Eco-friendly.
  6. Reliable.
  7. Durable.
  8. Resistant to corrosion and exposure from the external environment.
  9. With proper use it will last for decades.

Plus - a concrete pool with a beautiful finish will decorate your site. It will not only fulfill its functions of improving the health of its owners, but will also simply please the eyes of both you and your neighbors.

How to properly fill a swimming pool with concrete

If you prepare concrete yourself, you will choose:

  • coarse sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • cement;
  • hydrostable additives;
  • water.

ADVICE! If you prepare the concrete mixture yourself, then its recipe may be as follows (calculated per 1 cubic meter):

  • 600 kg of cement 400 grade;
  • 1,600 kg of medium granulation sand;
  • 60 kg microsilica;
  • 0.8 tons of fiber fiber;
  • 1 kg plasticizer;
  • water-cement ratio = 0.3.

The mixture begins to be prepared from water using a concrete mixer.

To prevent concrete from sticking to the shovel, you can pre-lubricate the shovel with oils of any format.

How to fill a concrete pool - step-by-step instructions

When digging a pit, keep in mind that the bottom of the pool should be sloping towards the drain. Lay it down immediately - to drain the water, it is advisable to install two drains. Strengthen the bottom as follows:

  1. Pour a layer of coarse granular sand - 20 cm.
  2. The crushed stone layer is 10 cm.
  3. Moisten with water.
  4. Compact it.
  5. Lay the sheets of roofing felt overlapping.
  6. To tightly apply roofing felt sheets, coat the joints with mastic.
  7. Apply another layer of roofing felt.
  8. Coat with mastic or any hydraulic agent for complete water resistance.

Instead of roofing felt or inexpensive PET film, you can use more expensive sealed sheets, the so-called geotextile fabric, also polypropylene sheets, etc.

IMPORTANT!During the pouring process, it is very important that the metal and wooden structures are completely covered with the mixture.

Pouring a pool with concrete begins with concreting the bottom.

Before this we make the fittings. Metal rods must be strong and not corrode. It is necessary to take into account that the closer the groundwater is to your pool, the stronger it should be and not move or deform under their influence. Therefore, we choose rods with as large a diameter as possible.

  1. We lay reinforcement on the bricks - the distance from the bottom surface should be 5 cm.
  2. We lay out the first row of reinforcement so that we get a grid with cells 2 cm by 2 cm.
  3. The first row is laid along the entire bottom of the pool.
  4. Do not forget to bend the reinforcement at a right angle and bring the metal rods up - to fasten the reinforcement for pouring concrete into the pool bowl - in particular, the walls.
  5. Concreting the pool bottom should be a continuous process.
  6. Pour concrete until the layer above the reinforcement mesh reaches 5 cm.
  7. Using a sharp stick, after pouring concrete into the bottom of the pool bowl, make holes that will allow air to escape from the fresh solution.
  8. Cover the concreted bottom with film for better setting and freezing of the concrete.

Step-by-step video instructions on how to make a concrete pool with your own hands:

How to properly fill the walls of a swimming pool with concrete

The second stage of pouring concrete into the pool bowl is concreting the walls.

We begin to concrete the walls. For this:

  • We install formwork. They can be made from plywood or wood sheet 2 cm thick.
  • We install a reinforcing wall. We connect the vertical rods with the ends of the horizontal reinforcement protruding from the bottom.
  • Before pouring concrete under the pool, install all pipes and necessary communications (lighting, nozzles, etc.).
  • The distance between the reinforcement wall and the formwork must be at least 5 cm. For the strength of the bowl, you can increase this distance.
  • We install diagonal slats so that before pouring a concrete pool with your own hands, the pressure does not bend and deform the reinforcement walls and formwork.
  • We begin pouring concrete into the pool bowl - 20 cm vertically.
  • When the concrete has set - from 10 days to a month, we remove the formwork and wipe the walls with a mixture of water and concrete - for a better effect of high-quality hardening.

After the walls have hardened, we begin to plaster. We add microfiber and latex additives to the solution for better tightness and strength. If you are planning a ladder or steps to descend into the pool, they must be taken into account when concreting the walls and bottom.

Sealing and finishing

After we have successfully poured concrete under the pool, we proceed to sealing the concrete bowl. To do this you need:

  1. Treat the walls with a penetrating primer.
  2. over the entire inner surface of the pool.
  3. Check the waterproofing of the bowl by pouring some water, marking the level and leaving it for 15 days. Taking into account natural evaporation, look at the level, it should change by a maximum of 2 cm.
  4. If desired, you can pour concrete and tile the area around the pool - this will give stylistic unity to the place of relaxation and convenience when using the pool.

We must remember that finishing is also a kind of waterproofing. Therefore, when choosing materials, consider their functionality in terms of tightness and moisture resistance. The most common and reliable Decoration Materials:

  • Tile.
  • Polymer materials.
  • Composite materials.
  • Hydrofilm is polymer.

Create your own design for a relaxation area with a swimming pool: decorate the area around the pool from the same material that is used to decorate its inner surface, connect lamps - above-water, underwater, install a gazebo, think about the design of the pool roof.

Many owners of private houses dream of building a concrete pool with their own hands, but do not know how to do it correctly, because the finished structure must be not only attractive, but also durable. This type of construction has its own characteristics, which only an experienced specialist can handle. This applies to situations where it is necessary to equip systems for drainage, filtration, and water circulation.

Short description

A concrete pool is a rather expensive, labor-intensive and complex hydraulic structure. Its service life can reach 100 years. The durability of a concrete pool largely depends on the design, the quality of the building materials used and compliance with all required standards. A hydraulic structure can be assembled from individual elements or a solid monolith. But for each situation, the specialist must provide for the presence of internal and external waterproofing.

An interesting fact is that you can make a pool out of concrete on almost any personal plot, since the master can use any type of modification. Finished design may have peculiar bends, waterfalls, cascades, as well as hydromassage. Thanks to this, concrete pools began to differ in appearance. The main differences may be related with the following factors:

  1. Size. A pool may be designed for splashing, swimming, dipping, or as a decorative accent.
  2. Method of arranging a bowl. Today there are three options: cast, prefabricated and monolithic.
  3. Design. The structure can be a skimmer or overflow.
  4. Location. External, internal, nearby standing pools, as well as structures with a sun canopy.
  5. Form. Each specialist can build an oval, round, square, rectangular, polygonal or even shaped version.

Main disadvantages and their elimination

Many pool owners are well aware that during the active operation of a hydraulic structure, certain problems may arise. All of them can cause a lot of inconvenience, but even they can be dealt with on your own. The most common disadvantages include:

Required materials and tools

The craftsmen claim that the purchase of all necessary building materials must be carried out after the project for the future pool has been prepared, and a place for its construction has been selected. Only in this case can you avoid unexpected financial expenses by preparing only the most important and necessary things.

To build a concrete pool with your own hands, must be purchased:

  • clean sand;
  • crushed stone of medium fraction;
  • strong and durable cement grade M500 or M600;
  • reliable material for waterproofing;
  • metal mesh and reinforcement;
  • wooden beams and boards for arranging formwork;
  • durable geotextile.

Don’t forget about the tools, without which construction work is simply impossible. These include:

  • Sander;
  • concrete mixer;
  • specialized tool for tying reinforcement.

Main stages of construction

Almost every builder comes across concrete, so a pool made from this material is the most affordable option. But the construction of a hydraulic structure has its own subtleties that must be taken into account.

To make it easier for a craftsman to build a concrete pool, the entire work process needs to be divided into several main stages. This construction technique will protect you from the most common mistakes.

Drawing up project documentation

This stage should always be the first, since all ideas must be described in appropriate documentation. The project must include all calculations, drawings, geodetic survey results, architectural solutions, as well as estimates. At the legislative level, both specialized and independent development of documentation is allowed.

First of all, you need to determine the exact location for building the pool. The key role in this case is played by the depth of groundwater. The main danger is related to the fact that close proximity is fraught with rapid destruction of the bottom of the pool (this applies even to monolithic structures).

The master will also have to decide on the size of the structure, since the power of filtration and water supply, as well as the level of material costs, will depend on this. An important factor is the distance of the object from the trees. It is worth considering that all the foliage falling from trees and bushes will clog the pool bowl. As practice shows, the least amount of hassle and financial investment is needed for those structures that have a rectangular shape.

Preparing the pit and laying pipes

When a master is working on a pit, he must ensure that it accommodates the bowl of the future pool, as well as external waterproofing and gravel backfill. The upper edges of the bowl should not be lower than the foundation of the adjacent building. That is why it is best to calculate the depth of the pit in advance, so as not to redo everything several times. For marking, you can use ordinary pegs and a cord (the size allowance should be in the range from 40 to 60 cm).

The bottom of the pit must be leveled and compacted, but there must be a slight slope for good drainage of water. Only after this the bottom is filled with 40 cm of sand and gravel (no more than 18 cm).

This procedure is carried out in order to create a high-quality drainage cushion. It is also worth considering that even before concreting begins, the master must install the drain pipe at an angle of 7˚. There must be a special valve at its output end.

To install a high-quality drainage system, a system of PVC pipes is installed around the entire perimeter of the pit. In the future, special pumps will be used to pump out water. When the bottom is thoroughly compacted, a thin cement screed is made over the backfill. When it has hardened, a layer of primary waterproofing from sheets of roofing material is laid on top of it (all sheets should overlap exclusively). The material is rolled out to the full height of the pit walls.

Areas where two strips touch should be lubricated with bitumen mastic. If the master has professional tools, he can use a hair dryer. Reinforcement of the pit should be done as carefully as possible, so as not to damage the waterproofing layer during this procedure. Two layers of mesh must be laid on the bottom and walls of the pit. It is worth noting that the curved edges of the rods must be buried in the bottom mesh system. The entire above-ground part is reinforced with three layers of mesh at once.

Creating durable formwork

For this procedure, it is advisable to prepare high-quality boards, strong beams, thick plywood or corrugated sheets. The entire surface of the pool walls must be covered from the inside with film. The master is obliged to monitor the verticality of the formwork being created. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen its ability to withstand the pressure of heavy concrete. All ends of the reinforcement should be slightly below the top edge of the formwork.

Pouring concrete mixture

Experts note that excellent results can be achieved if concreting is done in one go. At the first stage, the bottom itself is poured, and only then the entire space between the pit wall and the formwork. It is advisable that the thickness of the concrete does not exceed 28 centimeters. You can improve the quality of pouring using a special vibrator.

Concrete should be supplied from the concrete mixer in a continuous stream. Of course, such an effect can only be achieved by those companies that are professionally involved in pouring the solution.

If the master prefers to use a high-quality hydrophobic self-expanding cord, then the concrete can be poured in two steps. It is worth noting that it is better to give preference to a product with a cross-section of 3 cm. The cord is laid at the junction of new and hardened concrete. When it is exposed to moisture, its volume increases five times. This approach avoids the formation of so-called cold joints, which cannot maintain the necessary tightness.

It is important to remember that at the first stage only the bottom is concreted, and only then the vertical walls. For reliable setting, all joints must be cleaned of dust and other construction debris. When the main stages of the work are completed, the master can pour concrete into additional elements (seating areas, steps).

The technological break must last twenty days. The main role in this case is played by the size of the pool. After this period, all formwork is removed and the surface is leveled with special latex mixtures and plasticizers (the applied layer should not be more than 4 cm). Next, you need to install the embedded elements: skimmer, bottom drain, nozzles.

Laying internal waterproofing

Many masters consider this stage one of the most important. For work, it is customary to use an elastic two-component mixture, which is applied to PVC film or an adhesive primer. To give the material the necessary strength, builders use reinforcement technology with a specific synthetic mesh. It is necessary to approach the waterproofing of embedded elements with special responsibility. This stage involves a third technological break, after which the necessary hydrotests are carried out (the pool is filled with water to the very brim for 2 weeks).

Final finishing

When all construction works completed, you can begin finishing the pool. In this case, it all depends on the taste preferences of the owner and his family. It is worth noting that this stage can only be started when the concrete pool bowl has dried. Tiled and mosaic types of coverings are especially popular. Some craftsmen prefer to cover everything with PVC film, which can be painted in any color and is an imitation natural stone or marble. But a geo-textile must be glued under the film.

Modern finishing also allows for the option when the entire inner surface of the bowl is painted with two-component epoxy paint, which must be applied with a roller (the layer of paint material should not exceed 1 mm). Already on the seventh day the pool will be completely ready for use. It is also worth noting that after a cold winter, the paintwork will most likely have to be renewed. This is due to the fact that severe frosts and thaws negatively affect the structure of the paint. But even this small drawback can easily be eliminated in just a few hours of work.