Finishing of chimney hoods on the roof with corrugated sheets. Finishing a pipe on the roof: do-it-yourself installation instructions, lining a stove chimney, video, photo. Ready-made factory-made structures

The protruding part of the chimney pipe is easily exposed to negative environmental influences: temperature changes, rain, snow, wind.

Condensation, which is formed as a result of a temperature difference between the air and the pipe, has a destructive effect on the chimney.

Methods for finishing a chimney on the roof

When the construction of the pipe is completed brickwork, then, according to construction rules, it is necessary to cover the space between the roof and the chimney with non-combustible roofing material. For this purpose, a protective apron is made.

A protective apron is made around the perimeter of the pipe at the junction with the roof. The apron is made of steel or galvanized sheet in two layers. The first layer is attached under the roofing material, and the second layer is laid on top of the roofing covering. The joints between the apron and the pipe must be sealed.

The protective apron is also called a collar or salary. You can make it yourself or purchase it ready-made.

  • if the chimney masonry is made of low-quality material;
  • if additional insulation of the pipe is required to ensure good traction;
  • if the appearance of the chimney does not match the appearance of the house.

Before lining the chimney, it is necessary to make a frame for the lining material. The frame is made of metal guides or bars coated with an antiseptic.

Table of types of corrugated sheets.

Used for cladding various materials, which have non-flammable properties:

  • corrugated sheeting It is galvanized metal coated with polymer paint. It can be smooth or profiled;
  • clinker brick. It is durable, weather resistant and compatible with many roofing materials;
  • artificial or natural stone. It is often used for finishing facades;
  • lime-cement plaster. This method is applicable when the facade of the house is plastered and the building is a solid structure;
  • cement fiber boards. This material has an attractive appearance, and its range is available in various colors.
  • ready-made double-circuit design. It is a part of a pipe equipped with a steel channel. Finished structures can be faced with brick, plaster or reinforced mesh. They are quite comfortable and have an attractive appearance.

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Chimney lining with corrugated sheeting

Profile sheets are widely used for finishing facades, roofing, and also for the construction of fences. Chimney lining with corrugated sheeting is considered the most popular due to good characteristics of this material:

  • simple installation and ease of maintenance;
  • durability;
  • light weight;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • non-flammability;
  • environmental Safety.

Corrugated sheet is a steel sheet with a profile section. The section of the profile sheet is presented in different shapes, depending on the scope of the material.

The material is most often produced galvanized or steel, coated with polymer paint.

Table technical characteristics corrugated sheets

The structure of this finishing material is a kind of “sandwich”:

  • thin rolled steel;
  • anti-corrosion zinc coating;
  • chromate layer;
  • primer;
  • paintwork.

Corrugated sheeting is distinguished by a huge assortment, since the range of its use is quite extensive. The main types of profiled sheets are:

  • combined. This material is universal, as it is intended for various designs;
  • galvanized. Used for roofing;
  • colored;
  • aluminum. It has high moisture resistance and durability;
  • roofing Used for covering roofs and cladding facades;
  • facing. Designed for lining chimneys and protecting structures from the damaging effects of the environment;

Corrugated sheeting is one of the most popular materials in modern construction.

The chimney lining can be made with any modern finishing materials. Their choice depends on exactly what functions the structure performs.

Today there are two types of chimneys:

  • Active.
  • Decorative.

Let's take a closer look:

  • The first design option can only be used if the house has a fireplace or stove (see Decorative cladding of stoves: choice of material). It serves for normal ventilation so that smoke can escape freely.
  • A decorative chimney serves as a simple decoration of the building and does not provide any functional properties. For this type of construction, similar finishing materials are used.

Advice. The existing chimney is constructed of fire-resistant red brick, the decorative one is made of plasterboard or other similar material.

Finishing materials for chimney structures

Lining of chimneys above the roof can be done:

  • Porcelain tiles.
  • Profiled sheeting.
  • Plaster.
  • Decorative or natural stone.

See photo of the chimney design.

Advice. When choosing a method for finishing chimneys, you should pay attention Special attention on the properties and characteristics of materials.

Porcelain tiles for finishing the chimney

This tiling of the chimney is carried out both on the existing and on decorative design. Porcelain stoneware is the most suitable material for such finishing.

  • The shapes of porcelain stoneware can be different. The sizes are also varied.
    There are very small tiles that measure 10x20 cm, and there are also large tiles 90x60 cm, but they are not used in finishing work on the chimney.

The surface of porcelain tiles can be:

  • Smooth and structured, embossed.
  • Glossy, matte or glazed.

More details:

  • The material is made from several types of clays and feldspar, which ensures the high strength of porcelain stoneware. The tile is double fired, which makes it more reliable and practical.
  • During the first exposure to high temperature, the clay dough is hardened, and during the second, surface decoration and protective layers are applied.
  • There is a large assortment of porcelain tiles and thanks to this you can create a unique design for any design.

The main properties of the material are:

  • Moisture resistance, which makes it possible to use porcelain stoneware in any climatic and weather conditions.
  • Its surface does not absorb dirt and is quite easy to clean. You can use any detergent for this.
  • Fire resistance, since the material does not burn or deform when exposed to high temperatures. This technical indicator is especially important for existing chimneys (see Finishing the chimney outside and inside the house).
  • Frost resistance, as it can withstand very low temperatures.
  • Wear resistance and durability. Throughout the entire service life of ceramic tiles, they do not lose their appearance and technical properties.

At the same time, the price of porcelain tiles is quite low, which makes the material even more popular. It is also worth considering that porcelain stoneware has quite a significant weight, which must be taken into account when choosing its laying on the surface.

Installation of porcelain tiles

To line chimneys with porcelain tiles, a concrete solution or special glue is used, which is intended for use in external finishing work.
You will also need:

  • A tile cutter used to cut material.
  • Construction level for a smoother chimney finish.
  • Tape measure and decorative putty.

Advice. It is worth considering that porcelain stoneware tiles can only be fixed on a flat surface.

The surface of the existing chimney must be leveled using asbestos cement mortar. After it dries, the surface is primed. The video shows the process of installing porcelain tiles.

Corrugated sheeting for finishing the chimney

Lining the chimney pipe with corrugated sheeting has become quite common. The surface of the material can be shiny and have different designs.
There are imitations of modern finishing products. As a rule, the surface of the corrugated sheet is coated with a polymer, which reliably protects it from weather and climatic conditions.
The corrugated sheet is made of stainless steel, which does not corrode when exposed to a humid environment.
Profiled sheeting:

  • Does not burn or melt.
  • Moisture-resistant and practical.
  • Frost-resistant and wear-resistant.
  • Withstands high and low temperatures.

The following types of pipes reach the roof of the house: chimneys of heating equipment (fireplace, stove pipes), ventilation pipes ( natural ventilation rooms such as kitchen, bathroom).

Today we want to take a closer look at the topic of finishing chimney.

It is very important to correctly position the pipes on the roof. Of course, the location directly depends on the layout of the premises in the house.

The diagram below shows the parameters for the location of the pipes and their height relative to the ridge.

As you can see, the closer the pipe is to the ridge, the smaller its height. During construction, it is necessary to follow the rules for the location of pipes and their height (according to the diagram) to create better traction.

From an aesthetic point of view, pipes located closer to the ridge look more beautiful, but this is not always feasible. More often than not, the layout of the premises that is acceptable for each specific family comes first, which controls the location of the fireplace chimney, stove and ventilation shafts.

Building codes and regulations (SNiP 41-01-2003 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”) state:

- hot surfaces of heating and ventilation equipment, chimneys located in rooms in which they create a danger of ignition of gases and vapors should be insulated, ensuring the temperature on the surface of the heat-insulating structure is at least 20 ° C below their self-ignition temperature;

- heating and ventilation equipment, pipelines and air ducts in rooms with a corrosive environment should be made of anti-corrosion materials or with protective coatings from corrosion;

— chimneys should be designed from clay bricks with walls at least 120 mm thick or from heat-resistant concrete with a thickness of at least 60 mm; it is allowed to use chimneys made of asbestos cement pipes or prefabricated stainless steel products;

— the use of asbestos-cement chimneys, as well as stainless steel for coal-fired stoves, is not allowed;

— the mouths of chimneys should be protected from precipitation; umbrellas, deflectors and other nozzles on chimneys should not interfere with the free exit of smoke;

— the clear distance from the outer surfaces of brick or concrete chimneys to rafters, sheathing and other roofing parts made of combustible materials should be at least 130 mm, from ceramic pipes without insulation - 250 mm, and with thermal insulation with a heat transfer resistance of 0.3 m2∙ °C/W for non-flammable or low-flammable materials - 130 mm;

— the space between chimneys and roof structures made of non-combustible and low-combustible materials should be covered with non-combustible roofing materials.

Finishing the chimney on the roof

A two-layer protective apron is installed around the chimney along its entire perimeter, where the pipe exits onto the roof. The first layer is placed under roof covering, the second is placed on top of the coating.

This apron is called a flashing or collar and is made of metal (galvanized or steel sheet). Currently, ready-made frames can be purchased on the construction market. The junction of the apron and the pipe must be sealed.

The need for additional finishing of the chimney on the roof is determined by the following factors:

— the pipe laying is made of low-quality material (brick);

— there is no draft, it is necessary to perform additional insulation of the pipe;

— the appearance of the pipe does not match the appearance of the house, decoration is required.

How to close the chimney? Any material must be resistant to precipitation and any influences (wind, sun, temperature changes).

For any pipe lining, it is necessary to make a frame for attaching the finishing material. The frame is made of antiseptic timber or metal guides. The chimney lining is installed only on a metal frame.

Chimney lining and ventilation pipes The roof can be galvanized metal coated with polymer. In appearance, it can be smooth or profiled (corrugated sheeting). This is perhaps the most inexpensive finishing option.

The most practical solution is a chimney made of clinker bricks. But you can simply line the pipe with clinker tiles, which are compatible with many roofing materials.

Finishing the chimney with artificial or natural stone, which is also used in finishing facades.

The finishing material must be non-flammable; lime-cement plaster can be used as finishing. In this case, the plastered pipes will be combined with the plastered facades, and the building will look seamless.

Also suitable for installing chimneys. You can read about this in a separate article dedicated to this topic.

The chimney can be lined with cement-fiber boards. This non-flammable material has an attractive appearance and is available in various colors.

The use of siding is only suitable for lining ventilation ducts facing the roof.

The choice of material here is much wider, up to roofing material used for roofing (metal tiles, soft roofing).

However, a lined chimney of a completely unconventional shape can become the main decoration of the house. Such a chimney will not require additional finishing.

Chimney lining inside the house

The choice of material for lining the chimney inside the house largely depends on the style of the room. You can lay it out of clinker bricks and fit it into a brutal interior without additional finishing.

The most ancient finishing method is plastering. Suitable for a “country hut” style interior. The chimney can be whitewashed or painted with heat-resistant acrylic paint.

Cladding the fireplace and chimney with fireproof tiles, tiles, majolica tiles, clinker tiles or natural stone will help decorate any interior, since the modern market is rich in a variety of materials. The choice depends on style, financial capabilities and taste preferences.

The main thing to remember is that the finishing must be safe for the life and health of people living in the house.

Many people believe that finishing a chimney on the roof is needed only for beauty, this is partly true, but the aesthetic component is not in the first place here. The lining is needed, first of all, to protect the chimney, both from the inside and the outside. Next, we will look at the 3 most popular methods of arranging a chimney, plus you will learn why this is necessary and how to sheathe the pipe with your own hands.

Why finish the pipe?

There are at least 3 reasons why it is necessary to finish chimneys on the roof:

  1. High temperatures, on the one hand, and cold air on the other, lead to condensation settling on the inner surface of the pipe. But this is not just water; condensation is an aggressive acid cocktail that gradually corrodes the pipe. External insulation shifts the dew point inside the insulation and eliminates the appearance of condensation;
  1. 222222If a solid clinker brick or a stainless steel pipe was used to construct the chimney, then these materials are not afraid of weather troubles. While ordinary brick without external protection will begin to crumble in a couple of years, steel will rust, and concrete will crack;
  2. In addition to the strength of the chimney, there is also such an important point as protecting the roof itself from rain. If the sealing of the sector connecting the pipe with the roof was performed poorly, then within a year the insulation will become unusable, and the wooden rafter system will begin to deteriorate.

Standards and possible finishing options

The chimney system, as well as the entire stove system, is an important fire-hazardous facility; accordingly, all aspects of its arrangement are strictly regulated.

Rules and regulations

All important points regarding the arrangement of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems are described in detail in SNiP 41-01-2003. The work is quite voluminous, so I will recount only those standards that apply to chimneys:

  • The ignition temperature of the thermal insulation and finishing materials of the pipe should be 20 ºС higher than the maximum temperature of the chimney outside, but ideally it is advisable to line the chimney with non-combustible materials;
  • Sheathing the pipe with metal is allowed, but the metal must have an anti-corrosion coating;

  • The brick pipe must have walls with a thickness of 120 mm;
  • Concrete chimneys are rarely installed in private houses, but if you decide to install such a pipe, the concrete must be reinforced, heat-resistant and have a wall thickness of 60 mm or more;
  • The minimum gap between the chimney and the wooden roof sheathing is 130 mm;
  • For ceramic chimneys that are not protected by thermal insulation, the gap between the pipe and the wooden roof structures is from 250 mm;

How to finish a chimney pipe

Illustrations Recommendations
Clinker tiles.

The above-mentioned clinker brick is a good thing, but expensive. Therefore, many people lay out the pipe from ordinary brick, and line it with clinker tiles on top.

The material can withstand any vagaries of weather, plus such tiles can be used to cover not only chimneys, but also the stoves themselves inside the house.


The option is not as durable as clinker tiles, but if you attach a reinforcing mesh made of fiberglass or galvanized metal to the surface of the pipe, the plaster will stick well.

But keep in mind that not everyone is capable of high-quality plastering of the surface with their own hands while standing on the slope of the roof.


To line the chimney, you can use any type of siding, except plastic.

Both metal and cement siding are equally suitable for lining chimneys. Moreover, this material is mounted on the sheathing, which means it is possible to lay insulation under it.

Corrugated sheet.

Finishing chimneys with corrugated sheeting is now one of the most common. This option harmonizes especially well with metal tiles.

But if you choose the color, then steel chimneys on roofs made of slate, ondulin or ceramic tiles will also fit into the overall design.

Bituminous shingles.

Since the material is produced with the addition of bitumen, finishing a real chimney with it is strictly prohibited.

In this case, we can only talk about installing a decorative cocoon made of fire-resistant plywood around the pipe, on which it is stuffed bitumen shingles.
But this option is only suitable for sandwich pipes equipped with a cap with a spark arrester.

Three options for independently arranging a chimney outside

There are 3 options where a person without special training can do everything with his own hands. The first option concerns brick pipes, which do not need lining, but you need to seal the joint with the roof. After this comes the frame version and the option with ready-made factory solutions.

Option number 1: we arrange a brick pipe

Waterproofing the pipe on the roof should be carried out before laying the roofing material. If the roof is already in place, you will have to partially dismantle it. The entire perimeter of 50–70 cm around is removed, plus you need to remove the lower part of the roof from the pipe to the edge of the slope.

The materials we need are a wall metal profile. You can bend it from galvanized steel with your own hands or buy it ready-made. The profile consists of 4 parts, which are superimposed on each other during installation.

It is definitely better to buy an external apron for the pipe, and it is advisable to buy it together with the roofing material, it is easier to choose the color.

The so-called tie is a sheet of roofing iron with sides curved on the sides. It is laid from the bottom of the pipe to the edge of the slope and placed under the lower section of the wall profile.

In order to hermetically connect a brick pipe with a wall profile, we need to cut a groove about 20–30 mm deep on the pipe with a grinder. The curved edge of the profile is inserted into this groove.

Next, we insert the curved edge of the profile into the groove and fill the groove with sealant. Then we fix all 4 parts of the profile and the tie, fastened from below with self-tapping screws and press washers. Roofing material is laid on top of this entire structure.

The upper apron is attached to the pipe with self-tapping screws along the entire perimeter. It must extend onto the pipe by at least 100 mm. The lower part of the apron is often made of soft bituminous materials. It is pressed around the corrugated roof and glued to this roof with mastic or special glue.

The scheme works something like this: the main amount of moisture is removed from the pipe by the upper apron, but if this barrier does not cope with its task and moisture gets under the roof, then it will be collected by the wall profile and the water will flow down the tie from the roof.

Option No. 2: frame installation

This method is well suited for insulating and lining the chimney with corrugated sheets, siding and other similar materials. To begin with, the base is sheathed with a metal profile; later we will attach corrugated sheeting to it. It is better to make the frame from a wall profile under plasterboard; it is wider than the ceiling.

It is not difficult to work with a metal profile, but if you are not confident in your abilities, you can build a frame from wooden blocks. Is it true wooden frame it will need to be well saturated with fire retardants, antiseptics and a water-repellent composition. Between the frame slats, to insulate the pipe, dense slabs are laid mineral wool.

Corrugated sheet or any other sheet material It is screwed to the frame slats with self-tapping screws and press washers. The whole structure is crowned with an umbrella for protection from the rain.

Option No. 3: ready-made solutions

There are no problems at all with round pipes now. Special flexible aprons are produced for them. Based on experience, such an apron can be installed in a couple of hours maximum. Photo instructions for installing such an apron are given below.

  1. Select the pipe diameter you need and cut a hole in the soft polymer cone;
  2. Pull the cone onto the pipe, the connection should be tight;
  3. Crimp the lower ring of soft metal to the shape of the roof;
  4. Thickly lubricate the perimeter under the ring with sealant;
  5. Screw the ring to the roofing material using self-tapping screws and press washers.

  • Video tips for chimney treatment
  • Should I sew up pipes above the roof?
  • Materials and methods of sewing
  • Lining and caps on pipes
  • Chimney finishing

Where is the best place on the roof to place the pipe?

The higher the better. The ideal place is the ridge, the highest point. Firstly, traction is maximum, and secondly, waterproofing is simpler and more reliable. You also need to take into account that the further the chimney is located from the ridge, the higher it should be. This does not paint the roof and complicates its construction.

The roof of the Renaissance masterpiece, the Chateau de Chambord on the Loire, is crowned with many intricately shaped chimneys. Now even in France they don’t know how to do this.

The shape of the pipe can also be considered from an aerodynamic point of view. The caps that are installed on the head of the pipe slightly reduce the draft. Therefore, critical chimneys, if they are not located singly, are raised higher, above the common cap. In addition, any protrusions of the pipe casing located in the upper part interfere with normal ventilation. Ideally, the pipe should taper towards the top and the cap should not be too large or too low.

To maintain traction, there should not be much expansion at the pipe head.

Often there is a need to install a single ventilation pipe above the roof. For example, ventilation of a sewer riser, which is best placed separately to avoid overlap and reverse draft of air flows with conventional ventilation. In this case, the most rational solution would be not to expose brickwork to the roof, but to use a standard plastic or metal ventilation outlet, which is included with most modern species roofing systems.

Standard roof ventilation outlets are reliable, airtight and aesthetically pleasing. Provide good protection from precipitation and are height adjustable. For most roof types, single ducts are the best option.

Sealing brick pipes on the roof

First of all, the outlet of the vertical pipe to the roof must be sealed; this is the first and technically main stage of finishing.

Some time ago, domestic standards prescribed expansion of the brickwork directly above the roof in order to place roofing material under it to seal the joint. Metal was placed under the protrusion of the masonry to ensure the tightness of the connection. The roofing part of the pipe turned out to be quite heavy and not very attractive.

Now, with the advent of new effective waterproofing technologies and materials, it is not necessary to expand the masonry. The brick pipe can be laid straight, without ledges.

Regardless of the type of roof, all roofing films are either waterproofing materials Before installing the roof covering, it must be wrapped onto the brickwork. Bituminous materials cannot be wrapped around chimneys; non-flammable elastic tapes must be used.

A protective apron is installed around the pipe. It can be made of galvanized metal coated with a polymer composition. If necessary, lay a flexible sealing tape under the apron. Such tapes can be purchased complete with roofs, and in different colors. They are made on the basis of aluminum foil with a self-adhesive layer of bitumen-polymer materials, even from lead plates. For chimney aprons, only non-combustible materials are used.

The most reliable solution is a combination of a metal apron and a flexible sealing tape. If a groove is not made in the masonry in advance, it makes sense to cut a groove in the masonry and insert the metal into the recess. Although this is not necessary.

At the bottom and sides of the pipe, the apron should lie above the roof covering. And from above, on the contrary, it must be brought under the covering.

With any method of fastening, the junction of the apron to the masonry must be sealed. Transparent silicone sealant is perfect for these purposes. Also, do not forget to apply sealant to the seam.

Should I sew up pipes above the roof?

Stitching is performed in the following cases:

  • The masonry is made of low-quality brick; there is a fear that it will not withstand atmospheric influences.
  • There is no normal draft at high pipe heights. In this case, a layer of insulation is placed under the lining. For chimneys, non-flammable basalt wool is used.
  • If only lightweight plastic ducts can be brought to the roof, there is no need for brickwork at all. You can build a strong frame, run communications inside it, and sheathe the outside, pre-insulating it.
  • Aesthetic considerations.

Materials and methods of sewing

  • For any lining, it is necessary to make a frame for attaching the material and installing the insulation. The frame can be assembled from an antiseptic wooden block 4x4, 5x5 cm or metal. For chimneys, the frame must be made only from a metal profile, suitable for plasterboard. The dowels should also be metal, not plastic.
  • It is convenient to work with galvanized profiles for gypsum boards. The insulation will fit well between the profiles.
  • The most inexpensive and at the same time neat material for lining is galvanized, polymer-coated metal. Flat or profiled. At large size Sheets are preferable to a profiled profile - it is stiffer.
  • Metal chimney lining: cheap, cheerful and neat. The metal is secured with hex head screws and a rubber gasket.
  • Covering can even be done with siding. True, only ventilation pipes, since it is flammable.
  • It is appropriate to line a pipe on a roof made of flexible tiles with the same material. The frame is made, lined with OSB or DSP, and tiles are glued to it. Also - not for chimneys due to flammability.

Lining and caps on pipes

For finishing, a method such as pipe lining is used. In this case, natural or fake diamond, however, in our conditions this method is not entirely practical. The fact is that the cladding can come off from low-quality bricks (along with the top layer of ceramics), ruining the roof. But a good brick looks beautiful, there is no need to cover it. In addition to the adhesive composition, heavy cladding should be fixed with hardware: secured with metal brackets along the edges or with dowel nails directly through the stone slabs.

To protect against precipitation and birds, protective caps are placed on the pipe heads. The cap impairs traction, so its size should not be too large, and the distance from the top of the pipe to the bottom of the cap should not be less than 15 cm.

The shape and material of the cap is a matter of taste and the fullness of the wallet. You can use a cover made of ordinary galvanized metal or build a complex architectural and artistic composition from copper or stone with a unique weather vane on top.

To protect communications from birds, it is worth placing a protective mesh or grille in the openings. The lattice will create an obstacle for the birds.

Chimney finishing

The finishing of the chimney on the roof must be carried out in full compliance with fire safety standards. The gases coming out of chimneys have an increased temperature - these are stove and fireplace pipes, as well as chimneys of boilers operating on solid or liquid fuels. Modern gas boilers, especially condensing ones, have exhaust gases so cooled that they can be considered safe from a fire point of view. However, for all types of chimneys it is necessary to have sufficient draft.

The main requirement for finishing chimneys is the use of only non-combustible materials.

If the chimney is located “in a cage” with ventilation ducts, it must be installed above the common hood.

Widely used today, stainless steel chimneys with internal thermal insulation can be installed on the roof without brickwork using a metal apron.

The methods of protecting and finishing pipes on the roof are quite varied and depend largely on the tastes and capabilities of the owner of the house. For pipes, tight connections and good traction are important. Let us repeat that fire safety standards when installing chimneys must be strictly observed.

Materials ideal for decoration

The external part of the chimney is affected by:

  • weather conditions, namely wind and its gusts, precipitation in any form, solar radiation;
  • a sharp change in temperature;
  • the high operating temperature that the chimney encounters during its functionality.

The chimney is subject to sudden temperature fluctuations. Also, its operating temperature and ambient temperatures vary significantly, which leads to the formation of condensation. It is in order to avoid these destructive consequences that it is necessary to provide for insulation of the outer part of the chimney using modern facing materials.

When choosing a material for cladding the outer section of the chimney, experts recommend taking into account:

  • resistance of the material to adverse environmental factors;
  • duration of the operational period;
  • appearance of the material and its color design.

The material for insulating the outer section of the chimney should harmoniously complement the roof. It is also recommended to carry out such work before installing the roof. This will avoid mechanical damage and contamination.
When performing design and insulation work, clinker bricks, ceramic tiles, decorative mixture for plaster, cement-fiber boards, and profiled sheets are most often used.

Properties of clinker bricks for finishing

The most practical and simple option for external design is to use clinker bricks or ceramic tiles. Even after many years they do not lose their decorative properties. In addition, this design:

  • suitable for any type of roofing material;
  • allows you to create an aesthetic appearance;
  • resistant to adverse environmental factors and sudden temperature changes;
  • very strong and durable.

Clinker bricks can be used for low chimneys in the country. For tall pipes, clinker tiles are an excellent insulation option. This material is the same as brick. It is easy to install and creates an elegant chimney design.

Plaster is a universal material for decoration

Plastering a chimney is also very often used by both professional builders and ordinary summer residents. Modern plaster mixtures are in great demand due to their high technological characteristics:

  • versatility. Plaster is ideal for any roofing materials;
  • creating a chimney of any color. The plastered element can be painted in any shade;
  • easy to apply. Anyone can work with the mixture without the use of special tools and equipment;
  • at an affordable price. Plaster is an affordable material.

Plastering a chimney is carried out in the same way as plastering the facade of a building. Today you can purchase different types of plaster: mineral, silicate or silicone, acrylic, lime-cement.
To extend the service life, the plaster is painted with a special paint.

Use of cement fiber boards and slate

Cement-fiber boards are produced in small sizes. The material is resistant to sunlight, temperature changes, humidity, and is lightweight. In addition, the modern product is resistant to fire and very high temperatures, is an environmentally friendly and completely safe material for people and the environment.
You can purchase cement-fiber boards in different structures, with a smooth surface, and in different colors.
In the case where the roof cladding is made of special slate, the outer part of the chimney must be decorated with the same material. Slate products can be purchased in the form of arcs, scales and rectangles. Natural material is sold in the shades in which nature created it.

Corrugated sheeting as a chimney lining

Corrugated sheeting is another finishing option. It is used when the roof is made of profiled sheets. A chimney decorated with corrugated sheets has a beautiful appearance and emphasizes nobility. This material has many advantages. It is durable, strong and resistant to temperature changes. That is why it is also used for cladding the roof and chimney.

Ready-made design elements

Ready-made structures for creating an aesthetic appearance and insulation, which can be purchased at a hardware store, are distinguished by simple installation and a modern appearance. This is a complex structure with a steel chimney duct and exquisite external finishing. You can also purchase a ready-made structure with a finish that will harmoniously fit under the roof. This modular product is a ready-made chimney that is directly mounted into the roofing pie.

Installation of waterproofing materials

According to regulatory requirements, a space is left between the roofing material and the chimney, which must be insulated. As a rule, many summer residents in such places install a wooden box, the internal space of which is filled with non-flammable material. Such filler is stone or glass wool.
Sealing work includes installing a collar that is installed around the chimney pipe. This is a kind of finishing of a chimney on the roof, as an element of the heating system, which is done using metal strips, the width of which is up to 40 cm. When installing a collar, it is imperative to determine the angle of inclination of the slope, the dimensions of the pipe and what Decoration Materials will be used. The collar elements are connected in different ways. This includes fixation using a soldering iron, welding or fasteners.
The main thing is that the structure is strong and airtight. If the slope angle is large, experts recommend installing an additional bumper, which will become a reliable protector during periods of heavy rainfall.
Another option for sealing the roof is to install an apron. It is mounted from flexible materials, usually lead or aluminum tape. This design is installed around the perimeter of the chimney in two layers, with its lower edge running along the roof, and the upper edge being fixed to the surface. Installation of the apron is carried out using a waterproofing film, which is secured using special profile strips. All joints and fastenings are treated with a special sealant or silicone glue for such types of work.
The insulation of a chimney on the roof should be approached with full responsibility. After all, these works will not only reduce heat loss, but will also significantly extend the service life of the chimney. Durable and reliable protection of the heating system element will protect it from the harmful effects of the environment.

Roof chimney box

First of all, you need to take care of the passage hole. In order to seal and protect roof materials from contact with a hot pipe, a box is made. This is a structure made of ceramics, asbestos or metal, which prevents the pipe and roof from coming into contact. Sometimes they make their own as a box rafter system for the chimney. In this case, the box will be wooden. Design diagram in the figure:

To install a box made of non-combustible material, it is necessary to prepare a hole for the pipe outlet. The box itself can be purchased or made independently. The size of the box depends on the diameter of the pipe - the minimum distance between the walls of the box and the pipe should be 15 cm. We then follow the algorithm:

  1. The box is inserted into the hole so that its upper edge is aligned with the roof level
  2. A pipe is inserted or laid out through the box from above
  3. The inside of the box is glued with a waterproofing film along the walls so that the entire hole is closed and the edges can be glued to the pipe
  4. The edges of the insulation are hermetically glued to the pipe. Use fire resistant sealant and reinforced tape
  5. Insulating material - expanded clay - is laid inside, stone wool etc. This will create thermal insulation. Do not pack tightly, air circulation must be maintained.

Next comes the exterior finishing of the chimney.

Sealing a chimney on the roof

The installation of a chimney on the roof should ideally occur before the roofing is laid. In this case, you can do everything right. If your roof is already finished and covered, you will have to unscrew some sheets near the pipe.

The most the best place for pipe outlet - 50 -70 cm from the ridge, between the rafters. In this case, the sheathing will not be affected.

Sometimes the pipe is brought out through the ridge, but then the integrity of the supporting beam of the ridge is compromised, which weakens the roof structure. Therefore, try to bring the pipe out a little to the side.

To seal a rectangular brick chimney, the following elements are used:

What can result from poor installation?

Often, the list of works of a stove maker or installer of a gas or electric heating boiler does not include work on installing a chimney. It is assumed that the passage of the chimney pipe through the roof is laid at the construction stage, or the homeowner will install the chimney on his own. The apparent simplicity of such work provokes owners to refuse to use professional roofers. They don't think about how serious negative consequences may result from poor-quality chimney outlet to the roof. Frequently encountered problems:

Not only chimneys from stoves, fireplaces and other solid fuel devices are raised above the roof. Exhaust pipes from gas heaters, as well as ventilation pipes, are also discharged there. When installing them, exactly the same methods are used as for chimneys.

The height of the pipe and the location of its passage in the roof

A chimney on the roof can only be placed correctly if the outlet for the pipe through the roof is chosen correctly. This factor may affect the proper functioning of the heating system. To prevent installation errors, it is necessary to be guided by existing fire safety requirements, as well as building regulations and standards. Key points of arrangement:

The main problem with installing a pipe through the roof lies in the fact that when smoke or combustion products pass through, the temperature of the structure increases, and this can lead to a fire of the materials from which the roofing elements or rafter system are made.

Flexible passage for round chimney

Usually, in private residential construction, one has to deal with the arrangement of smoke exhaust and ventilation pipes with a round cross-section. How can you install a chimney through the roof elements to also ensure sealing of the passage? For this purpose, a special design is used - an elastic roof passage element. This product is made of special durable silicone or rubber. The shape resembles a funnel with wide round or square margins. These fields are called an apron. The elastic passage element, due to the flexibility of the material, can take any configuration. This allows it to be used on roofs with any slope angle and any final coatings. The material from which it is made must withstand the lowest and highest temperatures possible, and also be resistant to the external environment. Elastic penetrations are available in various colors and configurations.

When choosing which penetration to purchase, you need to focus on the diameter of the chimney and the color of the roofing finish. Universal products are produced, similar to a stepped pyramid, they are suitable for any pipe diameter. The size is adjusted using scissors, which are used to trim the penetration to the required level.

Installing an elastic apron on the roof is quite simple. To do this, you need to attach it to the chimney passage, press it on top with a metal circle in which there are holes for self-tapping screws, apply fire-resistant sealant to the place of contact with the roof and screw it in with a screwdriver or screwdriver.

For roofs with extremely steep angles, it is necessary to use a special type of penetration with a fixed mounting angle of the pressure flange.

Rigid metal feedthrough

For the installation of chimneys, you can use another type of passage products for pipes of a round configuration - a passage pipe made of metal. It is used in cases where it is necessary to arrange the passage of a chimney pipe through a roof without relief. Such finished products from galvanized or painted steel are made to a fixed roof slope angle.

To purchase, you need to measure this angle at your roof. The installation of such a product is carried out in the following order:

In some cases, it is recommended to use another method. Its essence is that it is necessary to remove the chimney pipe in the passage box in advance, cover it with a special insulating material, for example basalt wool, and after that the entire structure is laid in the roof.

Arrangement of rectangular chimneys

The chimney pipe of a stove or fireplace is usually made of brick and has a square or rectangular shape. In this case, a different method must be used to arrange the roof passage.

When the chimney pipe masonry approaches the roof, you need to cut a hole in it of the calculated size with a tolerance of about 6 cm. Using it, the pipe will be brought out above the roof. Despite the fact that heat-resistant brick perfectly retains heat inside the chimney, the outside of this pipe must be lined with asbestos sheets. This measure will protect the rafters from exposure to high temperatures.

On the protruding part of a brick pipe metal profile The waterproofing is attached to an aluminum base, and its lower edge is secured to the roof using sealant. Next, the unsightly waterproofing of the chimney on the roof is covered with a special decorative apron. It consists of four parts and is mounted on the roof, making the transition aesthetic and protected from influences.

A properly arranged pipe outlet will not spoil appearance roof, will not allow moisture penetration and is completely safe according to fire safety requirements. The finishing of the chimney on the roof is carried out depending on the design of the roof and the desires of the homeowner.

Installing a chimney is quite a responsible and complex job. It is necessary to think through all stages of installation in advance and get advice from a specialist.

Chimney finishing: choice of materials

Negative factors affecting the chimney include:

  • atmospheric influences (wind, precipitation, ultraviolet radiation);
  • difference in ambient temperatures;
  • high temperature operating loads.

Due to the difference between the temperature of the working pipe and the air temperature in the chimney, condensation forms, which provokes destruction of the pipe during the combustion of heating oil. To avoid the formation of condensate and protect the pipe from external influences, it is necessary to provide reliable insulation chimney due to lining.

Various materials are used to cover the protruding part of the pipe. When choosing, you should consider:

  • resistance to external factors, wear resistance;
  • appearance and color scheme (matching the roofing or wall decoration of the building).

Finishing a chimney on the roof is most often done using:

  • clinker bricks or tiles;
  • plasters;
  • cement fiber boards;
  • roofing material (corrugated sheeting, slate).

Characteristics of finishing materials

Clinker bricks or tiles are a practical option for finishing a chimney pipe, since dirt is not noticeable on such material. The advantages of clinker materials also include the aesthetics of the masonry; such a chimney goes well with any type of roofing. It is worth noting the resistance of tiles and bricks to weather conditions, temperature changes, as well as the strength of the material. For lining the chimney, exclusively solid clinker bricks are used, laid on a clinker mortar; special compounds are used for grouting joints. Thin, lightweight clinker tiles are usually used for lining tall pipes.

Finishing a chimney on the roof with plaster is characterized by:

  • affordable cost;
  • simple installation;
  • versatility (suitable for any roofing);
  • the opportunity to implement any color solutions(plaster can be painted with silicone paint).

Plastering pipes is carried out using the same technology as finishing facade walls. Traditional cement or lime-cement mortar can be used, but a more durable option is to use mineral, silicone, silicate or acrylic plaster. Painting the dried surface increases the wear resistance and durability of the finish.

Small-format cement-fiber boards are durable, resistant to ultraviolet radiation, moisture, temperature fluctuations, and light in weight. This is an environmentally friendly, non-flammable material. Smooth or structured slabs can be used for lining the chimney; the material is available for sale in a wide range of colors.

If slate is used for roofing, the chimney lining on the roof is usually made of the same material. Slate slabs can be shaped like an arc, flake, rectangle or octagon. The color of this natural material depends on the deposit. This color is usually graphite, green or purple.

Quite simple and a budget option finishing the pipe - using corrugated sheets. It is used if the roof covering is made of the same material. The pipe, finished in the color of the roof, looks aesthetically attractive.

Manufactured in a factory, the chimney elements for the roof passage have an aesthetic appearance and are quite easy to install. They are equipped with a steel chimney duct and can have a ready-made external cladding made of any material, or be prepared for independent finishing so that the chimney is externally in harmony with the roof. Modular steel structure There is no additional finishing required; it is enough to install it at the point of passage through the roofing pie.

Waterproofing a chimney on the roof

When making a passage through the roof, it is important to comply with SNiP standards. A gap should be left between the roof elements and the chimney, the size of which is regulated by documents. At the point of passage through the roof, a box (wooden or galvanized metal) is usually installed, in which all the free space around the pipe is filled with non-combustible material - stone or glass wool.

Sealing a chimney on the roof can be done using improvised means or using standardized elements. Around the chimney you should make a so-called collar, or flashing - a trim made of strips of metal, about 40 cm wide, in accordance with the dimensions of the pipe. The bend angle of the steel strips must correspond to the angle of passage of the chimney pipe through the roof. To calculate the length of the section, you need to take into account:

  • slope angle;
  • chimney dimensions;
  • chimney finishing type.

If the flashings are made of galvanized sheets, then they are interconnected with an overlay and soldered. Elements made of sheet steel are connected by a double standing seam. The rebated seam connection is used to seal the passageway on roofs made of corrugated slabs and tiles. If the roof slope angle is more than 30 degrees, a special beam should be installed behind the chimney - a “bumper”, which will protect the pipe from rainwater flows and excessive snow pressure in winter.

A protective elastic apron for a chimney can be made:

  • from flexible metal tape (lead or aluminum);
  • made of galvanized metal with polymer coating.

The apron is installed around the pipe in two layers around the entire perimeter. The bottom layer of the apron is placed under the roofing, and the top layer is mounted on top of the roofing material. To cover the top layer of the apron, a waterproofing film and metal profiles are used.

The top curved edge of each apron should fit into a groove cut around the perimeter of the chimney. After installing the edge into the groove, the joint is filled with polymer sealant or silicone for roofing.

Ready solutions

Sealing a chimney on the roof is enough difficult task, the quality of the solution of which determines the reliability of the thermal and waterproofing of the roof. You can make the passage assembly yourself, using various materials and special strips, or mount a ready-made structure, which includes a wide protective apron.

Ready-made roof cutting on the construction market is presented in many versions - models differ in material and manufacturing method, as well as the angle of inclination of the element that protects the place where the pipe passes through the roofing pie from water. The angle of inclination can be from 15 to 55 degrees, therefore, the cutting of the chimney on the roof is designed for the most common slope options.

To install such a structure in roofing pie a hole of appropriate size is made. A seal made of rubber is attached to the outside of the structure using silicone. The distance between the pipe and the collection passage is filled with non-combustible insulation. The roofing penetration covers the passage unit, after which the penetration can be attached to the roof with self-tapping screws. To ensure a tight connection, it is recommended to use a sealant.

When choosing the option of how to seal a chimney on the roof, you can use other ready-made solutions, for example, Master flash roofing penetrations.

A chimney is necessary in any house where a heating boiler or stove is installed; even after installing the boiler, the issue of removing combustion products will need to be resolved. In addition, there are decorative chimneys that do not have any functional properties, but are an important element of roof design. Decorative finishing of chimneys can be done using a wide variety of materials, and the choice is constantly expanding.

Options and features of exterior finishing

The chimney trim on the roof plays a decorative role. To avoid maximum smoke removal and prevent the formation of condensation, the outer part of the pipe must be insulated, and insulating materials require mandatory external protection. The finishing of the chimney pipe should be in harmony with the design of the roof, and it will make the smoke exhaust structure a full-fledged decorative element.

!!! Important. It is strictly forbidden to use asbestos or asbestos-cement pipes as a chimney pipe!

There are a lot of finishing options, the most current ones can be named:

Finishing the chimney with a metal profile on the outside

Finishing a chimney on the roof with corrugated sheeting is one of the simplest options; even a novice home craftsman can handle such work. A galvanized sheet equipped with an anti-corrosion coating will be a strong and durable solution: it does not burn, does not collapse under the influence of high temperature or strong vibrations, and installation of such cladding does not take much time. However, this is a cold material, so the chimney will have to be insulated.

Finishing the chimney with a metal profile is carried out after the construction of the metal frame. Metal sheets are installed overlapping on it to ensure the strongest possible connection. To ensure that the sheets are positioned evenly, a building level is used when attaching them.

The metal profile is attached with self-tapping screws; this work is more convenient to carry out using a screwdriver. Between the metal sheet and the smoke exhaust pipe there is a layer of non-combustible insulation.

Finishing the chimney inside the building

A fireplace or stove is usually installed in a living room or study, so it becomes necessary to conduct smoke exhaust ducts through the second floor and the attic or attic room. The decoration of the chimney inside the house can be very diverse in appearance, but in any case it is installed on a common basis. The interior finishing of the chimney is carried out as follows:
  1. To line the chimney, a metal profile frame is built around it, which is sheathed with special plasterboard sheets. They must be fire-resistant, this will ensure the fire safety of the house. Such sheets are designated by the special abbreviation GKLO.
  2. The frame is insulated: a layer of mineral wool or other non-combustible insulating materials is laid around the chimney.
  3. Smooth plasterboard sheets are finished with any selected materials: it can be ordinary wallpaper, ceramic tiles, plaster and much more. This decoration of the fireplace chimney allows it to be harmoniously integrated into the space of the room, and the choice of material depends on the style of interior design.

The interior decoration of chimney ducts can have a wide variety of colors, so it can be chosen to suit every taste. However, in any case, it is recommended to choose non-combustible materials so as not to increase the risk of fire. This is especially important in wooden house: walls located near the chimney, and especially all bending areas, must be treated with fire retardants.

External and internal finishing of the chimney will allow you to turn it into a full-fledged decorative element: the choice of materials depends on the design features of the building and the financial capabilities of the owner. Self-installation cladding will allow significant savings, but it must be carried out in strict compliance with all technological requirements.