DIY stainless steel chimney step by step guide. Chimney made from a sandwich pipe: we assemble and insulate it ourselves. Advantages of a stainless steel chimney

The sandwich chimney is a double-circuit structure made of stainless steel, in which there is insulation between two pipes, external and internal. Non-flammable, environmentally friendly material is used as insulation.

In other words, a sandwich chimney is an insulated chimney. This design is used widely and everywhere: for fireplaces, stoves, ventilation systems and where the internal structure cannot be used. Let's look at how to properly install a sandwich chimney with your own hands.

A three-layer chimney, like any other device, has a number of features that distinguish it from other similar structures. First, let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of the design.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages Flaws
Name Characteristic Name Characteristic
Simplicity and accessibility of installation Installation of a sandwich chimney is simple and affordable, unlike similar devices that require supervision by a specialist Short service life The service life of sandwich devices is about 10 - 15 years, while conventional pipes can last much longer, several decades
Versatility The sandwich pipe for the chimney is capable of stretching upwards and to the sides, that is, into the walls, due to which there is a choice when configuring Rapid loss of tightness Due to temperature changes, sections constantly narrow and expand, resulting in reduced tightness.
Has high-quality insulation Due to which the device has low heat loss and high performance High price High-quality elements and parts have a high price
Safety Using this design is safe for humans, since the external circuit heats up to certain values ​​and is not capable of harm or cause burns
Multi-layering Prevents condensation and large amounts of soot from appearing

As we see, the disadvantages of such a design are much smaller than the advantages, which greatly distinguishes it from its analogues. Thus, the insulated sandwich structure on the outside allows for rapid heating of the inner pipe, resulting in constant natural draft, and combustion products are immediately removed outside. In addition, they have a high standard of safety and reliability, are resistant even to sudden changes in temperature and have a low level of condensation.

SNiP 21-01-97 and technical characteristics of basalt thermal insulator

When installing a sandwich chimney, it is important to study technical characteristics basalt thermal insulation layer, that is, the thickness of the contents. Its meaning may vary in meaning from 2.5 to 6 cm.

The cross-section of the device can also be different and it depends on the power, another indicator that should be taken into account when installing in accordance with building codes and regulations.

Table - Ratio of power and cross-section

When installing on your own, mainly round-section products are used. In such situations, first of all, the cross-sectional area is calculated according to the rules, and only then the necessary products that have certain indicators are selected.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a design?

When choosing a chimney pipe from finished products, you should pay attention to several main factors:

  • it is important that it provides normal traction;
  • the chimney must not become clogged;
  • the device must be installed correctly;
  • the design must meet safety and comfort requirements.

At the same time, the price when purchasing parts and elements should not be the determining factor.

Preliminary calculation of the chimney and installation diagram

Installation of a sandwich structure should occur after preliminary calculations, among which it is important to determine not only the cross-sectional parameters, but also the length and its location.

Chimney height and location on the roof

When determining where it should be located, it is important to consider the following:

  1. In a situation where the house has a flat roof, the sandwich structure should be placed at least half a meter (0.5 m) above the roof.
  2. When the distance between the outlet and the roof ridge is less than half a meter (1.5 m), then the chimney should be installed half a meter above the ridge.
  3. If the distance between the chimney and the ridge falls within the range of one and a half to three meters, then the height should be made equal to the height of the ridge.
  4. When the above distance is more than three meters, then the height of the chimney is built according to the principle of an imaginary line, which it should be equal to. The imaginary line, in turn, is drawn from the ridge to the horizon at an angle of 10 degrees.

When calculating the length, it is important to consider several basic rules:

  1. According to building codes, sandwich the system must have height not less than 5 m.
  2. When using a material with a high combustion rate as a roof covering, chimney sandwich over the roof ridge worth raising further approximately 1 - 1.5 m.
  3. When using a roof covering made of non-combustible material, the same height should be at least half a meter.
  4. If the house has extensions on the roof and they are higher in height than the house itself, then the structure must be installed so that it is higher than such a building.

Sandwich chimney installation diagram

To make it easier to imagine how to carry out the installation correctly, here is a diagram.

Figure - Installation diagram

Thus, if you take into account all the requirements and rules when calculating the location of the sandwich chimney, its height and length, then the installation will be carried out correctly.

DIY installation instructions

Required parts, fasteners and tools

Before you begin installing a chimney sandwich structure on your own, it is worth preparing some accessories and parts. These include:

  • a special adapter that will allow you to bring the device to the roof;
  • console (bracket) for fixing the sandwich structure;
  • platform for unloading, thanks to which it will be possible to evenly distribute the weight and thereby remove the load from the base;
  • a kind of hole (window) through which the chimney will subsequently be cleaned;
  • clamps for fixing structural elements;
  • several adapters;
  • an elbow at an angle of 90 or 45 degrees, it will allow you to change the direction of the sandwich chimney;
  • device for the upper part - cone, mushroom, woppler, etc.

Before you begin installation, you should find out how and in what way the elements can be connected. There are several such methods:

  1. Flanged. This connection allows smoke to escape through the pipe without obstacles due to excellent draft, but if the joints are poorly closed, moisture can seep into the structure and damage the basalt insulation.
  2. Condensate. This method is used when it is necessary for condensed moisture, which arises due to temperature differences, to flow freely down the walls. With this installation, the inner tube is placed in a socket so that moisture does not penetrate inside, but at the slightest crack, smoke will enter the room.
  3. Bayonet or bayonet. This connection of parts is obtained as a result of axial movement and rotation, and sometimes lateral displacement, of one part relative to another.
  4. Smoke. The sandwich structure is assembled according to this method in cases where it is necessary to prevent carbon monoxide from entering the house.

When choosing any of the chimney pipe connection options, it is important that all cracks are carefully closed, then moisture will not be able to damage the insulation, and flue gases will not damage the health of household members. In addition, it is recommended to install the internal pipes of the structure against condensate so that moisture does not get into the joints and does not leak.

After preparing the necessary parts and choosing a connection method, you can proceed directly to assembly. Installation of the structure does not require special or additional skills and abilities. Even a person who is far from construction can do it.

The basic rule to remember before starting assembly is that installation should start from the bottom, that is, from the boiler, and continue towards the roof. The installation can be divided into four main stages.

Assembly of stainless steel chimney elements

Stage 1 – assembly of parts.

Connecting the parts together is quite simple, the main thing is to be careful. First of all, what you need to pay attention to is that one end of the pipe has a small radius, and the other a little larger. In order to connect the parts correctly, you need to insert the end with a smaller radius into the larger one.

This assembly has many advantages:

  • soot will not accumulate;
  • moisture will be easily removed.

However, to ensure that condensation and moisture actually come out and do not settle inside the device, it is necessary to insert tees.

Stage 2 – output of the chimney pipe.

A sandwich pipe can be installed on the street in two ways:

  1. Through the wall.
  2. Through the roof.

Let's look at each option a little later.

Stage 3 – fixing the chimney.

Stage 4 – completion of work.

Through-wall installation

Let's return to the second stage and consider ways to remove the chimney structure. When installing an insulated chimney through a wall, the following steps should be performed:

  1. When installing sandwich pipes through a wall, the first thing you will need to do is disassemble the entire structure and secure mounting brackets (supports).
  2. Install the outer console and attach a couple of corners to them so that you get the shape of “runners”. They will allow you to move the tee during operation without obstacles.
  3. Cover the wall with a 1cm sheet of plywood and secure the fine-fiber asbestos material on top with screws.
  4. One galvanized sheet with dimensions of 12*20 cm should be installed on top of the asbestos.
  5. Next, you need to make a square hole in the sheet through which the pipe will come out; the sheet itself should be well secured with screws.
  6. After installation, the support must be coated with varnish with an anti-corrosion effect.
  7. An adapter is inserted into the hole in the wall, in which a hole is also made, and then the pipe is put on.

When installing a chimney through a wall, be aware of the concession. A concession, or setback, is a space that must be left between the wall and the pipe. The value of the concession depends on the thickness of the chimney (furnace) wall.

Table - Main parameters of assignment

When installing through a wall, it is important to correctly install the first element of the entire structure so that the first part is attached to the second above the level of the ceiling. This installation will allow visual monitoring of fire hazardous elements.

Installation through the roof

To route an insulated chimney through the roof, perform the following steps:

  1. A sheet of steel is applied to the outlet hole from the inside.
  2. The chimney is vented outside through the roof.
  3. The sheet is fixed to the roof using screws.
  4. If necessary, it can be brought under the edge.

If the roof of the house is made of flammable material, then it should be additionally protected from possible fire. To do this, the deflector itself should be equipped not with a cone or fungus, but with a spark absorber.

Bringing the structure to the roof is the most difficult and with this installation method one more part will be required - the roof trim. This is a special metal structure that prevents the chimney walls from coming into contact with the roofing materials.

Mounting features

When fastening the structure and its component elements, some features should be taken into account:

  • all parts and elbows are connected and fastened together with clamps;
  • the tee should be additionally secured with brackets;
  • if the top of the structure remains unsecured, then to be on the safe side it should be secured with guy wires;
  • The connecting elements must be additionally secured and secured to each other with clamps, and with other parts, for example, with an adapter, with clamps on both sides.

How to insulate and seal a chimney from the outside

Features of the final stage:

  • After all installation and fastening work has been completed, it is worth removing the protective film.
  • It is important to check whether all cracks and joints are well sealed. It is better to seal using a fire-resistant sealant that can withstand very high temperatures, at least 1000 0 C.

In this case, the sealant must be applied, taking into account some nuances:

  • if it is applied to internal pipes, then it covers the entire area of ​​the outer surface of the upper element;
  • if on the outside, then it is applied according to the same principle (see above);
  • if at the point of transition from a regular pipe to a sandwich, then they should seal the entire area from the outside around the circumference;
  • if at the junction of an ordinary pipe and other elements, then also to the entire area from the outside around the circumference.
  1. The most dangerous areas of the chimney should be checked for temperature.
  2. Don’t forget to set aside a place for the inspection window so that there are no difficulties during inspection and cleaning.
  3. The correct length of the structure should ultimately be approximately 6 m, counting from the grate.

Chimney cleaning and maintenance

It is a pleasure to use the results of your labors, especially if you installed the chimney correctly.

However, care is no less important. Typically, during use of the device, soot accumulates in the pipe, which not only reduces the useful cross-sectional area, but can also cause a fire.

It is necessary to regularly clean the sandwich chimney, especially during the heating season, at least twice.

For this important matter, a special inspection window was provided during installation, which will allow you to clean the pipe without much hassle.

Prices and sizes of stainless steel components

The cost of sandwich pipes for chimneys varies and depends on several factors:

  1. inner pipe diameter;
  2. quality of thermal insulation material;
  3. thermal insulation thickness;
  4. pipe thickness;
  5. module length, etc.

When installing a sandwich chimney yourself, you should take into account many features and rules, the exact implementation of which will not only allow you to install the chimney correctly, but also safely.

  • The average price for one sandwich pipe module is from 500 to 4000 thousand rubles.
  • Short sandwich pipes 0.25 m and not very thick you can buy within 500 – 600 rubles(we are talking about one element).
  • Pipes about 1 m long will cost more 2,000 – 3,500 thousand rubles.

It is also important to choose the right chimney exhaust; for this you can read the characteristics, consult with specialists, and study installation master classes. In general, if you have installation instructions and diagrams, the necessary tools and parts at hand, then you can install a chimney pipe yourself without much expense or hassle.

Stainless steel chimneys are best for DIY installation. Even a person ignorant of the furnace business can cope with this work, since all that is required of him is to connect the ready-made components of the structure like a construction set. Of course, there are some nuances in this matter that affect the efficiency and durability of the pipes. From this article you will learn everything about how to properly assemble stainless steel chimneys with your own hands.

Stainless steel chimneys also have a second shorter name – “sandwich chimneys”. Just as in the case of sandwich panels, this name is explained by the design features of the pipes - they are created from several layers. The inner layer is made of stainless steel so that condensation arising during the operation of the furnace or boiler does not destroy the pipe ahead of time. Behind it comes insulation, which prevents the smoke from cooling too quickly (if hot smoke suddenly collides with cold street air, condensation will occur). As a rule, non-flammable basalt materials (mineral wool) are used as thermal insulation. The outer layer is made of stainless or galvanized steel (budget option), which adds strength to the structure.

Such a device makes it possible to remove flue gases and soot as successfully as possible, because the inner layer of stainless steel withstands extreme temperature changes, and its smooth surface does not retain soot particles. The latter will be very appealing to those who decide to replace a brick chimney with a steel one - it will have to be cleaned much less often.

Advantages of stainless steel chimneys:

  1. Possibility of installation at any time of the year.
  2. Basic maintenance and care - since the internal circuit does not contribute to the accumulation of soot, it is enough to clean the chimney once a year.
  3. If any segment breaks, there is no need to dismantle the entire structure - you can disconnect and replace the faulty section.
  4. Due to the light weight of the chimney, there is no need to build an additional foundation for the stove, as is the case with brick products.
  5. There are options for chimney pipes for all types of fuel: coal, wood, gas, oil. When installing one type or another, you should know that it will remove smoke most effectively only if the stove is fired with suitable raw materials.
  6. To make contours, titanium is often added to the metal alloy to add strength. Heat-resistant pipes with a wall thickness of up to 1 mm that can withstand heating up to 600C are available for sale.
  7. The durability of a structure is determined by its quality. Good stainless steel chimney pipes will last 20-30 years.

Of course, pipes alone are not enough for installation - you will need a lot of fittings and fasteners (brackets, revision, adapters, tees, elbows, clamps, rosettes, etc.). More details about the structure of stainless steel chimneys and installation are described in the video below:

The upper part of the chimney must be cone-shaped, and also have a spark arrester, wopper, or at least a thermal fungus to protect the roof from fire and to prevent precipitation from getting inside. Thermal insulation of sandwich chimneys allows them to be routed along the external wall of the building, but if possible, it is better to run it inside the house to reduce heat loss.

Types of metal chimneys

When you go to a hardware store, you will see several types of chimney pipes. They differ not only in cost, but also in structure and purpose. The products described above have two walls, between which insulation is placed. Such pipes are suitable for installation on fireplaces, boilers, gas appliances and stoves.

Inexpensive single-wall pipes are also available. There is no insulation in them, so there can be no talk of any insulating abilities. Such products are intended for repairing any segment of a metal chimney, creating connections in brick chimneys and strengthening the structure.

There is a third type - the most expensive. Coaxial pipes appeared on the market relatively recently and immediately demonstrated their effectiveness. They have an unusual structure - a smaller pipe is placed in a larger diameter pipe. Through one, smoke comes out of the firebox, through the other, fresh air penetrates inside and maintains intense combustion. Coaxial chimneys make heating appliances more autonomous and are used in cases where a constant supply of oxygen is required for fuel combustion.

Pipe connection methods

To connect stainless steel sandwich chimneys, standard parts are used, however, fastening methods may vary depending on the desired result.

There are two methods for joining sandwich chimney elements:

  1. For smoke - this method guarantees protection of the interior of the house from the penetration of carbon monoxide. It is often used when installing heating equipment inside a bathhouse or residential building. It is very important to properly insulate all seams, otherwise condensation will wet the insulation.
  2. For condensate - this technique allows you to create conditions under which the condensate formed due to a sharp temperature difference flows down the pipe directionally. With this assembly method, the inner pipe of the upper segment is inserted into the socket of the lower segment, and as a result, water flowing from above cannot harm the insulation in any way. However, smoke can enter the house if there is even one small gap.

In the first case, the chimney may suffer from condensation, in the second, there is a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, so what to choose? If you are building a chimney inside the house, it is better to give preference to the “smoke” method, if in the utility room - “by condensate”. However, in both cases, pay special attention to sealing all seams.

Chimney installation

The dimensions of a stainless steel chimney depend on the dimensions of the building and the required draft force. The standard length of one segment can be 50 cm or 100 cm. Installation begins from below near the stove and gradually moves higher, inserting one element into another. However, many experts recommend doing exactly the opposite - assembling the chimney from top to bottom, starting from the roof. This will allow you, in the event of a breakdown, not to disassemble the entire structure, but to easily remove the faulty part and replace it with a new one.

Each segment has one tapered end - it should fit into the wide end of the next part. All links should be mounted so that condensate accumulating on the walls can flow down freely and not linger in the seams.

Useful trick: To properly connect two pipes, extend the inner contour of one of them by 15 cm, then insert it into the other pipe, and then fasten the outer contours. Coat each joint with sealant and reinforce with a steel clamp. The sealant must be special - the usual one will simply crack from the high temperature during the first fire.

How to take the chimney out

The first step when installing a chimney on the external wall of a building is to ensure its stability. Sharp gusts of wind, strong hail or an accidental blow can become a fatal nuisance that threatens to leave the house without heat. To prevent this from happening, the chimney must be firmly secured. To do this, use various brackets that fix the chimney to the wall every 1.5-2 m.

If the design provides for the installation of a tee or outlet, these parts should also be attached to the wall. They will hold the chimney strictly vertical, prevent it from collapsing and remove some of the load from the connecting elements. In this case, a small distance should be maintained between the chimney and the wall - a retreat. To calculate the amount of indentation, it is necessary to take into account the wall thickness of the heating equipment, the nature of the firebox (open/closed), and the degree of flammability of the finishing materials of the walls. Let's give an example: let's say the wall thickness of a stove with a closed firebox is 65 mm, and it stands next to a wall that is not protected from fire. In this case, the safe distance will be at least 50 cm. If the stove has thicker walls, say 120 mm, and is located near a non-combustible brick wall, then the distance can be reduced to 20 cm.

If you need to install a chimney inside a box or between two walls, two window openings measuring 150 cm² should be made on the outer wall. One window should be located on the lower floor, the other closer to the roof.

Passing floors

If you run a chimney inside the house, sooner or later you will run into a ceiling between floors. How to be in this case? To bring the pipe out through the ceilings, you need to make a special box with a hole in the middle. Insert a pipe with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the chimney into this box. The thickness of the box must exceed the thickness of the floors by 7 cm on each side.

The main purpose of such a box is to protect the ceiling from fire. During operation of the stove, the chimney can heat up to 100C or more, which creates a fire hazard, so it must be insulated. The box must be carefully secured in the ceiling and connected to the pipe. The pipe inside must be solid (without joints, otherwise they will quickly separate due to temperature changes).

When you install the box in the ceiling, the pipe must be properly insulated. To do this, it is better to use special mineral wool mats with a foil coating that reflects heat. Such mats are covered with fire-resistant mastic and are not afraid of high temperatures. It also wouldn’t hurt to cover the hole in the roof with such mats for reliability.

Exiting the chimney to the roof

So, the installation of a stainless steel chimney is already nearing completion, but there is still a very important moment ahead - bringing the pipe to the roof. This can be done using a special link - roof cutting. The cutting should be selected in accordance with the angle of inclination of the roof slopes.

How the chimney is removed:

  1. Using a marker, make marks on the inside surface of the roof. The diameter of the future hole should be slightly larger than the diameter of the chimney pipe (only a few millimeters).
  2. Cut a hole through the roof, cutting through and removing each layer of roofing pie in turn. You shouldn’t even try to cut through everything in one fell swoop - the result will not please you.
  3. Place a steel pipe inside the hole to insulate the roofing layers.
  4. Attach a steel sheet with a hole for the chimney in the middle to the roof from the inside.
  5. Take the pipe outside and install a roof trim on top.
  6. Mount on top of the cutting required amount links
  7. At the very end, attach an umbrella or spark arrester to protect the pipe from precipitation and the roof from fire.

Important: Where the pipe passes inside the roofing pie, there should be no joints!

Stainless steel chimneys are a new generation product and successfully replace massive brick structures. And although their cost sometimes exceeds the price of installing even ceramic chimneys, the benefits become noticeable after just a few months of operation. Thus, steel chimneys need cleaning less often and break less often, and if this happens, you can simply buy a new segment and quickly replace it without dismantling the entire riser.

To make using the chimney even longer and more convenient, we have prepared some useful tips:

  1. When it’s time to clean, start working from the top, first making sure that the chimney is not blocked (a bird could have built a nest in it over the summer, leaves have attacked it, etc.).
  2. If the chimney is clogged with something, do not try to remove the blockage, but simply push it to the nearest inspection. Audits are special installation elements that are installed in several places along the entire length of the chimney. They accumulate debris falling from above. All audits must be closed before cleaning.
  3. To remove soot, purchase a special brush, the diameter of which should be slightly larger than the diameter of the chimney pipe. First, work with a brush, and when the soot settles, clean the inspection tanks.
  4. To clean the chimney as little as possible, try not to burn the stove with wood coniferous species. It contains resins that settle on the walls inside the pipes and form difficult-to-remove contaminants. The same thing happens if you heat the stove with raw wood.
  5. It is not recommended to burn household waste in a “home” stove - use an old metal barrel outside for this.
  6. For prevention, throw some aspen firewood into the stove from time to time - quickly burning out, they give off a powerful high flame that burns out the soot inside the chimney.

Installing stainless steel chimneys is not that difficult if you choose the right pipes and know how to handle them. Use the recommendations from this article and everything will work out for you!

How to assemble a chimney sandwich? Every novice stove maker asks this question, because sandwich chimneys firmly occupy a leading position in the construction of fireplaces and stoves, displacing brick and metal chimneys. Their popularity is easily explained: sandwich chimneys are safe, practically do not heat up, are less susceptible to blockages, and in addition, they are easy to install. Our article will tell you how to do this correctly.

This type of chimney includes multi-layer prefabricated chimneys made of stainless steel or ceramics. They are produced in the form of ready-made elements assembled into a single structure. Both types of sandwich chimneys have their own characteristics, but their installation is generally similar.

Stainless steel chimneys consist of an inner pipe, resistant to high temperatures, wrapped in a layer of non-flammable heat-insulating material, protected from external influences by an outer pipe made of stainless steel or, for cheaper chimneys, galvanized steel. The inner pipe can be made of either metal or ceramic; such chimneys are called combined.

Video - installation of a combined sandwich chimney

Ceramic chimneys are a pipe made of heat-resistant ceramics, coated on the inside with a high-strength glaze, and wrapped on the outside with thermal insulating mats. This structure is placed in an outer shell made of expanded clay or foam concrete blocks.

Thanks to their design and thermal insulation layer, sandwich chimneys from the outside never heat up to high temperatures that could lead to a fire. This feature, as well as quick and easy installation, make them popular among builders.

Metal and ceramic chimneys, despite the similarity in design, have differences, the main one being weight. A full-fledged ceramic chimney can weigh about a ton, while the weight of a stainless steel chimney does not exceed a couple of hundred kilograms. A ceramic chimney requires a foundation, while a metal chimney requires unloading areas at each floor level. At the same time, ceramic chimneys are more durable and will last you at least 20-25 years. A metal constructions, especially when using fireplaces with straight chimneys or stoves such as potbelly stoves, they burn out after 5-10 years and must be replaced.

Installation of a stainless steel sandwich chimney

Installation of metal chimney elements is not difficult, the main thing is to observe the direction of connecting the elements “through smoke” and “through condensate.” What does it mean? When the stove is fired, smoke rises. If an obstacle is encountered in its path in the form of even a small plane formed by the previous element and facing downwards, solid smoke particles settle on it, and the chimney becomes clogged over time. With condensation, the opposite is true: it flows down, lingering on the ribs of the upward-facing elements, and penetrates the insulation, worsening its thermal insulation and fire-fighting properties. This is clearly visible in the figure.

Assembly of chimney elements “for smoke” and “for condensate”

When working, be sure to use thick gloves - thin metal can cut your skin. When installing elements, it is necessary to check their verticality using a level and ensure that the distance to non-insulated combustible structures does not exceed 25 cm for sandwich elements and 60 cm for single pipes.

Chimney sandwich made of metal: installation sequence

1. A single metal pipe is installed at the outlet of the furnace smoke collector. Its height determines heat transfer into the room. The pipe is placed “along the smoke” - put on the pipe from the outside. A damper is placed before or after the pipe to block the chimney. All joints are coated with heat-resistant sealant.

2. A starter sandwich chimney is installed on a single pipe: a double pipe, closed at the bottom end. Sandwich pipes are subsequently installed on it. The starting element is mounted on the pipe “along the smoke” and put on the pipe. The joints are also coated with sealant.

3. Begin assembling the chimney from the necessary elements; possible chimney elements are shown in the figure. Pipes and elbows are installed “along the condensate”, that is, they are inserted inside the previous element so that the draining condensate does not get into the fiber insulation. It is also advisable to coat the joints with sealant.

4. When passing through the ceilings, unloading platforms are used, and the pipe itself is tightened with clamps every two meters and secured to rigid structures. It is better to do this in places where the pipes are connected, this gives additional strength to the entire chimney. The pipe is separated from combustible structures by a layer of basalt wool placed in a special box.

5. For pipes with many bends and branches, it is mandatory to install inspection elements with a window for cleaning. They are installed in places with open access to the pipe, also “through condensate”.

6. Passage through the roof and sealing is carried out using a special lining - a conical roof, and an apron. The upper part of the pipe is equipped with a head or deflector.

7. During the first fire and heating of the pipe, the sealant hardens and creates additional strength and impermeability to smoke and condensate.

Video - installation of a stainless steel sandwich chimney

Installation of a ceramic sandwich chimney

The main difficulty in installing ceramic sandwich chimneys is arranging a reliable foundation, as well as assembling the outer shell. For the shell of chimneys, blocks of foamed expanded clay concrete are used - they are light, durable and not afraid of moisture. Ceramic pipes are heavier than metal pipes, so installation is best carried out by a team of two or three people.

Ceramic sandwich chimney: installation sequence

1. Check the presence and completeness of all chimney elements in accordance with the project: pipes, blocks, insulation, additional elements.

Insulation - basalt wool

2. Level the foundation using sand-cement mortar and wait several days for it to gain strength. Two or three layers of roofing material are laid on top of the screed - the waterproofing will not allow moisture from the soil to penetrate the walls of the chimney.

3. Install the base block first. This is a very important stage - any deviation from the vertical of this block will lead to a strong distortion of the entire chimney, so at this stage it is necessary to use a level.

4. After fitting and leveling, the block is placed on roofing felt using the same cement-sand mortar and finally leveled.

5. For greater stability, cobblestones, crushed stone or broken bricks are placed inside the block and filled with cement-sand mortar or concrete.

6. All the following blocks are fastened together using a special solution that is resistant to high temperatures - it is purchased together with the chimney kit. The solution is applied onto a metal template with a spatula.

7. To install some elements - tees, revisions - it is necessary to make a cut in the blocks. It is performed using a grinder with a diamond-coated disc using a ready-made template included in the kit.

8. The first element of the pipe is a condensate collector with an outlet; it is installed in a block with a cut hole for the ventilation door so that the outlet faces the cut in the block.

9. A heat insulator is laid around the first pipe element - basalt wool mats.

10. The next pipe element is placed on the condensate collector, connecting the elements with a special sealant.

11. Continue assembling the chimney. Blocks are connected to blocks with a heat-resistant mortar, pipes with a sealant. At the same time, do not forget to combine inspection elements and tees with cuts in the blocks, and wrap the pipes with heat-insulating mats.

Head for protection against precipitation

Video - installation of a ceramic sandwich chimney

A properly installed chimney is not afraid of either moisture or overheating; it successfully copes with the task of removing smoke from a stove, fireplace or boiler. Timely installation will extend its service life, so before assembling a sandwich chimney, carefully consider the location of all inspection elements, and the operation of your chimney will become convenient and safe.

Chimneys are necessary to remove gases generated during fuel combustion. They help create draft, which increases the efficiency of the heating system. The main quality requirement is tightness, preventing carbon monoxide leaks. Its construction uses durable materials that are resistant to acid and high temperature. One of the reliable and popular models has become a stainless steel pipe. The universal system is compatible with any type of boilers and fireplaces; it is placed outside and inside the building; installation of a stainless steel chimney is simple and affordable.


Chimney installation kits are manufactured in two types:

  1. Single-wall or mono-systems - a pipe made of welded steel sheet, without insulation. This design is affordable, but is limited to indoor installation. The structure can be fixed inside a brick chimney. Single-layer metal is limited in use to temperatures up to 450 degrees. Corrugated stainless steel also belongs to single-layer systems; it is advisable to use it on curved sections of the channel.
  2. A sandwich pipe consisting of two metal contours separated by a layer of basalt fiber. Heat-resistant insulation provides good thermal insulation and improves the safety of the entire system. This chimney is universal - it can be installed indoors and outdoors. The thickness of the insulation is 30–100 mm, chosen depending on the winter temperature in the region.

Note! The systems are made from steel of various grades; its properties and scope of application are influenced by the percentage of impurities of chromium, nickel, titanium, molybdenum and other metals. All these elements form alloys characterized by varying resistance to acids and high temperatures.

  • AISI 409 – contains 10–12% chromium, titanium stabilization adds heat resistance and corrosion resistance, the metal welds well and forms a strong, hermetically sealed seam. Used for solid fuel appliances.
  • AISI 430 – is slightly resistant to aggressive environments, used for the manufacture of outer casing for sandwich pipes.
  • AISI 321 - the alloy is designed for use at high temperatures from 600 to 800 degrees, the chromium content is 17-19%, nickel - 9-11%, giving the material ductility and corrosion resistance.
  • AISI 316 - contains the addition of nickel and molybdenum, these metals significantly increase resistance to acid and heat, the material is used for the production of components for liquid fuel boilers.
  • AISI 309 – heat-resistant stainless steel with a high chromium content (22–24%), operating temperature up to 900°C.
  • AISI 304 – repeats the characteristics of grade 316, but contains fewer alloying additives, so it costs less.
  • AISI 310S – is characterized by heat resistance up to 1 thousand degrees and a high degree of corrosion resistance, has a long service life.

Advantages and disadvantages

Stainless steel chimney systems meet all the requirements for safe and reliable channels for removing combustion products:

  • a minimum amount of combustion products settles on a smooth surface;
  • resistant to acidic compounds formed from combustion products;
  • the weight of the structure does not require a separate foundation, unlike a ceramic system;
  • high degree of tightness;
  • modular system simplifies installation;
  • the use of a sandwich pipe guarantees fire safety.

A single-pipe structure heats up to a high temperature and can cause a fire, so passages through the ceilings must be carefully insulated. Installing such a chimney from the outside is impossible without insulation, otherwise an excessive amount of condensate will form. The sandwich pipe is more versatile and reliable, but over time, due to the expansion and contraction of the metal, the tightness of the weld decreases. Therefore, before installation, the seam is treated with a heat-resistant sealant.


A stainless steel chimney consists of several modules connected in a certain sequence. The kit includes:

  • tees installed in places where several elements are connected;
  • straight pipe with a length of 0.33 to 1 m;
  • 45° reversing elbow;
  • 90° bend for connecting the outlet pipe and the chimney system;
  • container for collecting condensate;
  • element for inspection and cleaning;
  • head with cap;
  • fasteners.

Location rules

When designing the installation of such combustion product removal systems, the standards stipulated by technical standards are taken into account:

  • The roof duct outlet, located on a flat roof or 1.5 m from the ridge, must have a height of at least 0.5 m.
  • The chimney, located at a distance of 1.5–3 m from the ridge, reaches its level.
  • The edge of the pipe, located at a distance of more than 3 m from the ridge, is flush with a line 10° from the horizon of the ridge line.
  • The minimum height of the chimney is 5 m, the maximum length of the horizontal section is 1 m.
  • The thickness of the channel walls for solid fuel boilers is 1 mm, devices on
  • liquid fuel - 0.8 mm, for gas appliances 0.5–0.6 mm is sufficient.
  • The joints of the structure do not fall on the floor.
  • The passage through the roof of the sandwich pipe has a gap of 13 cm, through the ceiling - 20 cm.
  • The permissible number of turns of smoke exhaust channels is 3. The diameter of the pipe is not less than that of the outlet pipe.


Stainless steel parts are sold in a protective film; it must be removed before installation. The chimney is installed from the bottom up from the heating device. The reliability and tightness of connections can be increased by using a special sealant designed for use at temperatures up to 1000°C.

Note! A steel chimney is located inside or outside the building. The second method is preferable, since the design does not take up free space, and there is no need to equip passages through the ceiling and roof.

  1. A heat-resistant sealant is applied to the inner surface of the tee, in the lower part of which there is a container for condensate, previously kept for 12 hours at a temperature of +20°C.
  2. The element is placed on the outlet pipe of the heating device; for strength, the connection point is additionally secured with a clamp. In this section, the pipes are joined “along the smoke” - the next one is put on the previous one so that the combustion products escape without obstacles. In all vertical sections, the connection is made “by condensation” - the upper pipe is inserted into the lower one so that moisture flows down the walls.
  3. The tee is attached to the wall with a bracket; all joints are pre-treated inside with sealant and secured outside with clamps.
  4. A special element for inspection is installed in the lower part, its hole is closed with a door. A straight section is attached to the tee, on top of which a damper is installed.
  5. Then the system rises to the ceiling height. Fastening to the wall is carried out every 2 m.
  6. Installation inside the house will require passages through the floors and roof. For these purposes, ready-made stainless steel elements are sold. You can make a steel box yourself and cut a hole of the required diameter. The free space of the box is filled with non-flammable mineral insulation. It is preferable to install a sandwich pipe at the passage point; to do this, install a starting adapter from a single-circuit chimney to a double-circuit chimney, and install a return finishing element in the upper part. The passage in the roof is complemented by a waterproofing skirt; it is selected taking into account the angle of the roof.
  7. For external installation, a sandwich pipe is used, the horizontal section from the boiler to the chimney should not exceed 1 m. The passage through the wall is made of a metal sleeve of larger diameter, the gap is filled with basalt fiber.
  8. Assembly begins with a tee that has an outlet for condensate and inspection. The sections are connected with the entry of the upper into the lower and secured with metal clamps. Fastening to the wall is carried out with brackets at intervals of 1.5 m. The upper section is covered with a chimney with a protective cap.

The assembly of an external or internal smoke exhaust duct made of stainless steel is carried out according to the diagram; it is important to securely fix the elements to prevent gas leakage.


The correct operation of the boiler largely depends on the quality installation of the chimney.

Assembly algorithm:

  1. A tee with a condensate collector and an inspection is connected to the nozzle of the heating unit.
  2. Holes are cut: round or square in the attic floor, oval or rectangular in the roof.
  3. The pipe is increased to the required height. At the ceiling level, a ceiling-passage device is put on it, which is fixed in the ceiling and filled with thermal insulation. In an opening cut into the roof, the chimney must also be insulated.
  4. After passing the hole in the roof, a special “skirt” is put on the pipe, which is needed to protect it from leakage. The base of the “skirt” is fixed to the roof. The top of the pipe is equipped with a deflector to protect it from rain, wind and clogging. If the roof is made of flammable materials, an additional spark arrestor is installed.
  5. The joints are tightened with clamps and treated with sealant; if necessary, the structure is strengthened by securing it with brackets inside the attic.

Outdoor installation

  1. Mark the location of the chimney in the wall and cut a hole taking into account the thermal insulation.
  2. Connect the passage pipe to the pipe of the heating device and lead the chimney to the street. Isolate the passage of the wall.
  3. Attach a tee with a dropper and an inspection to the removed pipe.
  4. Raise the chimney up to the required height; if necessary, fix the structure with a bracket every two meters. The joints are tightened with clamps and covered with sealant. A conical nozzle - a deflector - is attached to the top of the pipe.
  5. Cover the chimney with a protective compound to prevent rust from forming.
  6. If the structure is made of single-layer pipes, insulate along the entire length.

It is important to know! When assembling the chimney, the sandwich pipes are connected so that from the outside the upper pipe fits onto the lower one. When installing an internal chimney, single-wall pipes are connected “by smoke”: the upper one is put on the lower one, the external one is connected “by condensate”, that is, the upper one is inserted into the lower one

Range of modules

Installation of a stainless steel chimney is carried out using ready-made modules of various types, so it is not difficult to do it yourself. Manufacturers offer the following elements:

  • Straight pipes. The part can have a length from 33 to 100 cm. The elements are firmly connected to each other through bell-shaped coupling; installation does not require the use of additional fasteners.
  • Bends 45°. They are used when it is necessary to perform a deviation from the vertical.
  • 90° bends. Used to transition between vertical and horizontal sections of the structure.
  • Tee 45° or 87°. Designed for installation of a condensate assembly unit, it can also be used to connect two heating units to a common chimney.
  • Condensate collector. It is mounted at the lower point of the main vertical channel; moisture condensed during cooling of the flue gases flows into it.
  • Revision element. Installed in places where there is a higher risk of soot accumulation, to check and clean the chimney system.
  • Penetrations. Special elements for arranging the nodes for passing pipes through floors and roofs help ensure fireproof insulation of structures, roof tightness, and an attractive appearance.
  • Cap, spark arrester and other elements for installation on the top of the chimney. They protect the system from the penetration of precipitation, the occurrence of the reverse draft effect, and from sparks hitting the roofing.

Chimney elements

Stages of installation of the structure

  1. At the outlet section of the smoke collector of the heating device, installation is carried out metal pipe. The heat transfer into the interior depends on the height of this element. The direction of the structure should be “along the smoke”. Next, it is put on the pipe. The installation of a gate blocking the channel is very important. It does not matter where it will be located: either before the pipe or after it. All joints obtained must be coated with a sealant that has heat-resistant properties.
  2. An element is put on a single structure - a starting chimney-sandwich. This addition is a double pipe that closes on one side. All rolled metal products required for the channel are subsequently installed on it. The resulting joints are also carefully coated with a special sealant.
  3. Next, you can begin directly assembling the elements. All pipes, elbows and other parts are installed “by condensate”. Sealant is also used at the joints.
  4. When passing pipes through the roof, it is necessary to use a so-called unloading platform, and for rolled metal products it is necessary to tie them using special clamps. After this, you need to take care of attaching the elements to structures with increased rigidity. A similar process is recommended to be performed at the joints, since this increases the strength characteristics of the entire smoke channel. The structure must be separated from materials that are easily flammable by laying a layer of basalt wool, which must be placed in a special box.
  5. For highways with many tortuosities and branches, it is necessary to provide inspection elements with a special window designed for cleaning pipes.
  6. When passing through the roof, linings are used: a conical roof and an apron. The end part of the steel element is equipped with a deflector or a cap.

Care and maintenance of a stainless steel chimney

In order for a steel chimney to function properly during the heating season, it is necessary:

  • before the first ignition of the stove, check for debris or foreign objects in the smoke channel, push the blockage to the nearest inspection, then close the hatches, brush the chimney with a brush, removing soot, and then clean the inspection tanks;
  • do not burn household waste in stoves;
  • For solid fuel heat generators, do not use coniferous wood containing resins, but sometimes heat it with aspen wood, which produces a high flame that can burn out soot in the pipe.

In addition, you need to periodically inspect the roof for the formation of rust around the chimney, which tends to spread and can affect even stainless steel chimneys.

Rust affects pipes made from low-quality materials

Therefore, if it appears, you need to find out the cause and take appropriate measures:

  1. Clear the space around the pipe and dismantle the problem area if necessary.
  2. Clean the work surface, sand and degrease.
  3. Seal small holes and cracks.
  4. If possible, rinse with water and dry.
  5. Fill the cracks around the pipe with a suitable sealant and place a silicone nozzle on the pipe, securing it with self-tapping screws. Errors in arranging a chimney can lead to significant negative consequences, for example, the formation of rust on a metal roof

Stainless steel chimneys are a new generation of products that have successfully replaced bulky traditional chimney structures that cause a lot of trouble. They are reliable and durable. In addition, they have a beautiful and stylish appearance, especially the latest innovative models with colored powder coating. They are much easier to assemble and install than, for example, asbestos-cement or brick with a ceramic insert, and the cost is significantly lower. That is why stainless steel chimneys are much more popular than their counterparts.

Purchase of sandwich chimneys

To choose the right device, you need to consider the following points:

  • installation method: external or internal;
  • the type of fuel on which the operation of the device will be based;
  • all operational characteristics of the heating system.

The main components of the chimney, regardless of the type of installation, is a stainless steel sandwich pipe with all additional elements. Today on the construction market you can find many companies and manufacturers that sell similar chimney structures. Their prices may vary.

The main reasons for the difference in cost:

  • thickness and grade of steel used to create these pipes;
  • weld quality;
  • features of insulation, its thickness and density.

Chimney design

During operation, chimney pipes are subject to significant destruction as a result of exposure to factors such as moisture and aggressive substances. Moisture is an important factor, resulting from condensation formed when vapor comes into contact with a cold surface. Aggressive components of the removed smoke arise when burning fuel (salt, acid, alkali). All this, taking into account the high temperature of the rising air flow, destroys the material of the structure. To increase durability, steel systems are increased in thickness.

A stainless steel pipe provides a different picture. Stainless steel, due to its chromium content, is able to withstand aggressive influences, which in turn makes it possible to reduce the wall thickness. At the same time, the risk of condensation is also eliminated, since the thin layer quickly warms up and condensation does not have time to form.

When choosing a material, it is important to choose the right grade of steel, since this creates an alternative (price and reliability). Naturally, higher-alloy steels also have a higher price, although their use is not always justified taking into account the purpose of the chimney

  1. 430 is installed under conditions of low aggressiveness.
  2. 409 contains titanium, which allows this grade to be used when burning solid fuels (fireplaces, stoves).
  3. 316 contains molybdenum and nickel, has increased resistance to acids at high temperatures, and can be used with liquid fuels.
  4. 304 is similar in many ways to 316 steel, but has reduced durability at a lower price.
  5. 321 - universal steel with heat resistance up to 860ºС.
  6. 310S is the most resistant material with heat resistance up to 1100ºС.

What is a stainless steel chimney?

First of all, a few words about what a set of parts for assembling a stainless steel chimney is.

There are three options:

  • Components made of single-layer material, with a thickness of 0.6 to 2 mm, the so-called mono systems. They are certainly cheaper, but their scope of application is significantly limited. They are used only inside an insulated room, since a large temperature difference between the outside and inside the pipe will lead to absolutely unnecessary excessive consumption of energy carriers, to the abundant formation of condensation in the cavity, will affect the overall performance and durability of the entire heating system. Their only advantage is that indoors they are often used as secondary heat sources - for example, tanks for heating water or external liquid or air heat exchangers can be mounted to them.

Single-layer and sandwich pipes

  • Corrugated stainless steel parts - they are used to create curved transitions, for example, from the heating device itself to the rigid section of the chimney. However, they do not always have the required strength and heat resistance, and often inspectors of regulatory authorities simply refuse to approve projects using corrugation.
  • The most versatile - components from the category sandwich tube, in which a layer of fireproof material with high performance is laid between the inner and outer stainless coating thermal insulation - usually, this is basalt mineral wool. Such elements can be safely used for both internal and external installation of the chimney.

The next question is the grade of stainless steel. The metallic sheen of all parts is almost the same, but the performance characteristics can vary significantly

Therefore, when choosing, you should definitely pay attention to the product labeling:

  • Steel grade 430 is used for parts that are least susceptible to aggressive influences. As a rule, external casings are made from it - the surrounding humid atmosphere is not dangerous for it.
  • 409 steel – optimally suited for appliances running on solid fuel (fireplaces, stoves).
  • Steel 316 – enriched with inclusions of nickel and molybdenum. It boosts her heat resistance and resistance to chemical (acid) attack. If you need a chimney for a gas boiler, then this will be the right choice.
  • Steel grade 304 is largely the same as 316, but the content is alloyed shih the additives in it are below. In principle, it can be a replacement for an analogue, with the advantage of a lower price.
  • Marks 316 i and 321 are the most versatile. The temperature limit of their operation is about 850ºC, and this is combined with high acid resistance and excellent ductility.
  • Stainless steel 310S is the most “elite” material, which, along with all other positive qualities, is distinguished by its resistance to temperatures up to 1000ºC.

The range of manufactured stainless steel chimney parts is very diverse and can satisfy the needs of almost any designed system.

The range of components is very wide

  • Straight sections with a length from 330 to 1000 mm. All of them have a special socket connection that does not require any additional elements.
  • Elbow (bend) 45º, used when it is necessary to change the direction of the chimney on vertical or inclined sections.
  • 90º bends - as a rule, are used to transition from a short horizontal section at the heating device to the main part of the chimney pipe.
  • Tees at an angle of 45 or 87º - are installed at the installation site of the condensate collector or, in the case of installing two devices, when they are connected to a single chimney system (separate approval from regulatory authorities is required).
  • Chimney inspection elements - designed for regular monitoring and cleaning of the system.
  • Condensate collector - installed in the lower part of the main vertical section and serves to regularly clear the chimney of accumulated moisture.
  • Elements of the upper part of the chimney - spark arrester, cap, waterproofing skirt.
  • You can also purchase special elements for passing through a wall, interfloor ceiling or roof. If such parts are not provided by the supplier, you will need to make them yourself.

Important principles for installing chimneys

A corrugated stainless steel pipe can be used for internal and external chimneys, the transition from the outlet pipe of the device to the main channel, and the repair of a brick chimney that has bends.

In chimney systems it is also permissible to use corrugated steel pipes

When installing a horizontal or inclined section from a heating device or fireplace, the pipe is put on top of the previous one from the device. This ensures free movement of combustion products through the channel. When installing the vertical part of the chimney, the next section of pipe is inserted into the lower one.

If the roof has a certain angle with the horizon, then the hole for stainless steel pipes should have an elliptical or rectangular shape. When performing installation, it is necessary that the smoke exhaust duct runs approximately in the center between the ceiling beams and rafters

Particular attention is paid to the requirements for the height above the roof of the chimney cut.

When using a stainless steel duct, the chimney pipe must have waterproofing on top to prevent moisture or precipitation from penetrating into the attic.

Stainless steel channels are the most acceptable option for a smoke exhaust system. Its installation is simple if all requirements and recommendations are strictly followed.

Types of stainless steel chimneys

To install a stainless steel chimney, three types of pipes are most often used:

Single-layer with a wall thickness of 0.6-2 mm;


Sandwich module.

The corrugated look is ideal for creating curved and arched transitions. Easily withstands temperatures up to 900 degrees, it is distinguished by effective removal of combustion products from the internal walls of the chimney.

Sandwich systems are universal, which is why they are extremely popular among developers. The modules are distinguished by high thermal insulation rates, which gives the right to use them both for the construction of a chimney indoors and outdoors.

Straight stainless steel pipes (available in lengths of 33-100 cm);

45° elbow;

90° elbow;

Tee with angles 45° or 87°;

Condensate collection unit;

Revision elements;

Spark arrester;

A skirt that provides fixation of the waterproofing layer;

Elements for passing through roofs and walls.

When is it better to buy a steel chimney instead of a ceramic one?

When choosing a chimney, you need to know what device it will be intended for. In some cases, it is better to prefer a stainless steel system:

  • When installing boilers with a closed combustion chamber, it is better to use coaxial pipes, which are more convenient for installation than the same pipes, but made of ceramics;
  • Replacing a brick heating device, its modernization is easier using stainless steel inserts;
  • Installation of an additional smoke duct in an already built house is best done using double-walled sandwich chimneys made of steel (from the facade).
  • Steel pipes are used in cases where it is necessary to blend gently into the current architecture and interior design.

It is almost impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which chimney is best to buy for a particular stove, fireplace or boiler. First, you should study all the structural features of the heating device for which the system will be installed. The buyer should evaluate his financial capabilities and then make an informed purchase decision.

Looking for where to buy a chimney? Baustroi specialists will always be happy to help you with choosing a chimney for any stove, boiler or fireplace! Call!

Ceramic chimneys

Ceramic flue systems use ceramic flue pipes from HART. They can be used for all types of structures, various types of fuel. The company has 150 years of experience in the production of ceramic products, therefore it guarantees high quality manufactured goods. Pipes can be used not only in dry, but also in wet operating conditions. Technical information You can find out about ceramic pipes for smoke exhaust in our Info section.

The BAUSTROY company offers the following options for ceramic products:

  • Ceramic chimney pipes as part of chimney systems, as well as other elements of the main chimney channel (tees, valves, pipes);
  • Elements for connecting the consumer (couplings, elbows).

A ceramic chimney has the following advantages:

  • The structure is not subject to corrosion;
  • Resistance to high and low temperatures, to soot fire;
  • Can be installed for any type of heating systems;
  • Not subject to deformation;
  • Cools slowly, allows you to retain heat;
  • Can be installed simultaneously with walls, separately;
  • Long service life (up to 30 years).

Features of installation of stainless chimneys

All installation work must be coordinated with regulatory authorities. Unauthorized installation is strictly prohibited.

The diameter of the stainless pipe is selected in accordance with the parameters of the outlet pipe of the heating boiler. A smaller size cannot be installed.

To ensure good draft in the pipe, it is recommended to assemble a structure with a height of at least 5 m. The horizontal zones of the chimney should not be more than 1 m. In this case, combustion products will flow freely through the channel without forming accumulation points.

The modules should be joined using sealant. Treated joints will give the structure additional tightness and prevent gases from leaking out. It is prohibited to connect elements in the plane of the wall or ceiling.

If the structure passes through the roof, maximum sealing of the joints should be ensured. For this, a square-shaped steel sheet is used, which acts as a fastening element of the pipe to the roofing. In the attic area, the pipe is lined with bricks for safe operation.

Places characterized by semicircular bends are made of corrugated material.

It is necessary to fix a cap on top of the chimney, which will prevent precipitation from penetrating through the channel.

The correctness of the installation is recorded by the stove-maker, and a certificate of commissioning of the structure is drawn up.

Features of operation of a stainless steel chimney

The rules for servicing such a chimney are practically no different from those for any other design:

  1. Pre-season inspection of the heating unit and smoke removal system. If necessary, the channel is cleaned of contaminants.
  2. Checking the draft before the first ignition. If it is absent, it is necessary to establish the cause and eliminate it. Most often, it is enough to warm up the chimney pipe using improvised means.
    To check the draft, just bring a burning match to the firebox - the flame should deviate towards the chimney

    The draft is checked with the gate valve or regulator valve fully open..

  3. Inspection of the chimney channel for planting of its walls. If necessary, you need to clean the walls using a soft brush (for stainless steel) and plaque softening agents.

    When large build-ups of soot form, the flow area of ​​the channel decreases, so the thrust decreases

  4. Regular prevention. You can periodically add aspen logs to the firewood stack, which burn at a high temperature and burn soot in the chimney. There are many means for prevention, but this is a subject for separate consideration.
  5. Compliance with the rules for using the oven. Firewood of resinous wood species, as well as waste in the form of scraps of plywood, chipboard and other products in the production process of which binders are used, cannot be used for combustion. It is also necessary to stop burning waste in furnaces.


The obvious advantage of a metal chimney is that it is assembled from additional elements, connecting which you can get a pipe of almost any geometry and length. Before going to the store, just sketch out a diagram of the future chimney and select the necessary elements from the presented assortment:

    Straight cylindrical sections. Basically, chimney pipes are made up of these elements. Depending on the length of the straight section, pipes with a length of 330 mm, 500 or 1000 millimeters can be sold.
    The fastening system between the segments is bell-shaped, that is, the joint does not require any additional connecting elements. Experienced craftsmen install them using a steel clamp, which additionally prevents depressurization of the chimney system.

    Straight pipe section

    45 degree and 90 degree bends. These are the rotating elements of the chimney, which are needed to give it the desired shape, turn the pipe around, go around an obstacle or lead it through a wall. Installation of bends, called elbows by builders, is carried out using a bell-shaped connecting system.

    Sandwich pipe elbow 90 degrees

    Single-circuit pipe elbow 90 degrees

    45 degree and 87 degree tees. These elements are used to connect the chimneys of two different appliances and to install a condensate collector.

    Steel tee

    Audit. These are chimney segments with a small damper or door used to monitor the condition of the inner surface of the pipes and subsequently clean them. The revision is installed at the base of the vertical section under the tee element.

    Steel inspection

Experienced builders recommend placing a steel pipe chimney vertically. Horizontal sections are allowed, however, the length is limited to 100 cm. A large number of horizontal segments reduces the traction power, so it is necessary to increase the cross-sectional diameter of the elements.

How to choose and install a stainless steel chimney

The importance of a system for removing furnace gases from the premises of a residential building cannot be overestimated. The composition of fuel combustion products includes many components harmful to humans.

The most dangerous of these is carbon dioxide, exposure to which can cause death. A serious cause for concern is also the solid soot particles deposited on the walls, the ignition of which in the chimney often leads to tragic consequences in the form of fires. It is accompanied by the release of a large amount of heat, which leads to an increase in the flame temperature to a thousand or more degrees. There are not many materials that can withstand such conditions.

The Furanflex company produces material for repairing chimneys. The material can be used to repair chimneys of any type and complexity. Fast installation and high-quality installation. Warranty from 10 to 30 years.

As furnace gases pass through the chimney, condensation is formed, consisting of moisture evaporated during fuel combustion and solid particles deposited on the walls. Considering the composition of the smoke, it is obvious that the condensate always contains chemically active substances that accelerate the erosion of the chimney material.

During the combustion process, condensation is formed in the chimney, consisting of drops of water and chemicals that make up smoke and soot

The shape of its cross section is important for the operation of the chimney. Furnace gases move in the channel along a helical line, therefore, stagnant zones are formed in the corners of square or rectangular openings, in which the flow rate decreases. At the same time, increased condensate settling and soot formation are observed here. The cross-section of the chimney decreases, and the overall productivity of the heating device decreases.

Photo gallery: types of stainless steel chimneys

The installation of an external chimney allows you to save space in residential premises and reduces the risk of fire. For the internal chimney, it is important to reliably isolate the passages through the ceilings and roof. On the outside, a special sealing structure is installed at the passage through the roof. At the exit from the wall, a tee and a bracket are installed, which accepts bear the load from the entire vertical section

Considering the above, we can conclude that the chimney must meet the following requirements:

  1. Round cross-section of the internal channel.
  2. Chemically resistant material.
  3. High quality internal surface. It is important that the resulting condensate flows downwards, where it can be collected and disposed of.
  4. Insulated outer surface. By reducing the temperature difference between the outside and inside the pipe, the amount of condensate formed is significantly reduced.

Obviously, the requirements are best met by a round stainless steel pipe with thermal insulation made of non-combustible materials installed on it.

Optimal from the point of view of the speed of smoke removal and the minimum amount of condensate formed is a chimney made of a sandwich pipe: the internal channel is made of heat-resistant steel, and the external one is made of stainless steel

Ceramic chimneys also have similar properties. But they are very massive and heavy. Installation is carried out using special insulating blocks made of expanded clay concrete with insulation. Therefore, a ceramic chimney must be installed on its own foundation.

Types of pipes

Stainless steel is used to manufacture three types of chimney pipes, each of which has its own specific application

It is important to take this into account when choosing an option for a residential building, bathhouse or other building. Manufacturers offer the following types of designs:

  • single-walled (single-layer);
  • corrugated;
  • sandwich pipes.

Let's take a closer look at which stainless steel chimney pipe would be more appropriate for use in certain conditions.

Single wall pipes

Single-layer systems are made of stainless steel sheet with a thickness of 0.6 to 2 mm. The option is characterized by a low price, but the scope of application of such a pipe is limited.

It can only be installed inside a warm room, and the outer part of the chimney should be insulated. This is due to the fact that contact of heated metal with cold air leads to increased formation of condensation. This reduces the efficiency of the heating unit, entails excessive fuel consumption, and reduces the service life of the stove or boiler.

Single wall pipes

Single-wall steel pipes are most often used to arrange sleeves when modernizing brick smoke ducts. Lining extends the service life of a brick chimney due to protection from destructive condensation, and reduces the need for maintenance, since soot does not build up on the walls. Manufacturers offer single-layer stainless steel pipes of different sizes, round and oval sections, which allows you to choose best option for a specific brick chimney.

A single-layer pipe can also be used in conjunction with a water heating system for a small room - a garage, workshop, washing department of a bathhouse. In this case, a water jacket is mounted on the chimney pipe, to which the supply and return pipes are connected. Also, the thermal energy of exhaust flue gases can be used to heat a compact room by running a single-layer pipe at an angle along a long wall.

Installation of a chimney made from a single-layer stainless steel pipe requires strict adherence to fire safety rules when arranging passages through the floors and roof. The ignition of soot in a pipe (especially when using a solid fuel stove) can heat the metal to critical temperatures and lead to the fire of wooden structures.

Corrugated pipes

The corrugated stainless steel pipe is designed for installation of curved transitions if the outlet pipe of the boiler or furnace is located away from the vertical chimney channel. Also, when lining a brick chimney, a corrugated pipe can be used inside a structure that has bends.

Corrugated pipes

It is necessary to choose a high-quality corrugated pipe made of stainless steel that can withstand heating up to 900 °C. Corrugated elements are used inside and outside the building, but in the second case they require insulation to avoid the formation of condensation due to contact of the metal with cold air.

Note! A chimney project using corrugated elements may be rejected by regulatory authorities, since there are complaints about the strength and heat resistance of corrugated pipes.

Sandwich systems

A two-layer pipe, which is a sandwich with a non-flammable heat insulator between metal shells made of stainless steel, is produced in the form of straight and shaped elements for assembling a chimney of any configuration. Due to the thermal insulation layer, this is the most practical option for a smoke exhaust duct, because:

  • increased safety is ensured (the outer walls of the system do not heat up to dangerous temperatures, the heat insulator itself is resistant to ignition);
  • allows you to install the chimney outside the building;
  • a minimum of condensation is formed (the internal pipe through which combustion products move does not come into contact with cold air);
  • there is no unnecessary heat loss, which allows the heating unit to operate in optimal mode, without excessive fuel consumption;
  • the system is installed quickly and without the hassle of pipe insulation.

Sandwich system

Sandwich pipes are universal; they are used for installation on gas or solid fuel boilers, fireplaces and stoves of any type.

Description of stainless steel chimney

A smoke duct made of stainless metal can be equipped in different ways, so it is advisable to consider all types of the structure under discussion.

Types of stainless steel pipes

To equip a stove with a stainless steel chimney, you will need to choose between three options:

  • single-layer steel product;

    The simplest chimney consists of several single-wall pipes

  • stainless corrugated pipe;

    Corrugated stainless steel pipe has spiral-shaped flexible walls

  • double-circuit structure made of stainless metal (sandwich pipe).

    A stainless steel sandwich pipe consists of two pipes of different diameters, between which insulation is placed

The thickness of single-layer chimneys can range from 0.6 to 2 mm. Purchasing a product will not break your pocket, but you must keep in mind that the use of such products is not permissible in all cases.

You will have to refuse to purchase a single-layer stainless steel pipe if the building with the furnace is not insulated from cold air. Due to the difference in temperatures inside and outside the room, there will be excessive energy consumption. And the formation of large amounts of condensate can significantly reduce the service life of equipment.

A chimney made of single-layer stainless steel requires careful insulation of the house

The double-circuit stainless steel pipe is said to be the most reliable design. The sandwich system can function well when installed both inside and outside the home. This is due to the intermediate layer of the product - a non-flammable material that retains heat. It can be ordinary mineral wool.

The sandwich pipe retains heat well and can therefore be installed outside the house

Corrugated stainless steel pipe

A corrugated pipe is used if you need to create a smoke channel with curved transitions. The product, made of corrugated stainless steel, works without problems, even when heated to 900 degrees. It removes gases resulting from fuel combustion well and is therefore in great demand.

A corrugated pipe is taken knowing that an ordinary steel product will not be able to provide the necessary bending of the channel

A corrugated stainless steel pipe is actively used when installing heating equipment, including gas boilers.

The flexibility of the corrugation provides a unique opportunity to install the pipe in a room with beams. Even the slopes of the ceilings will not become an obstacle to carrying this product through the roof.

A corrugated stainless steel pipe can be bent in any way and therefore becomes indispensable in a number of cases.

Table: technical parameters of corrugated stainless steel pipe

The latter characteristic means that the inner walls of the product are very smooth and therefore protected from excessive contamination.

Advantages of using a corrugated stainless chimney

The corrugated stainless steel chimney has earned a good reputation because:

  • easy to install and does not require the use of special construction tools;
  • serves conscientiously for 30 years;
  • has excellent flexibility and resistance to vibration;
  • does not rust or mold;
  • weighs relatively little;
  • not damaged due to hydraulic shocks;
  • withstands low temperatures.

    Corrugated stainless steel pipe is easily installed on any heating equipment

Diameter and standards of stainless steel pipes

Stainless steel pipes vary in size. The nominal diameter, outer diameter and wall thickness of the pipeline may not be the same.

Stainless steel pipes are available in a wide range of sizes

Table: parameters of stainless steel pipes

Passage, mmOuter diameter, mmWall thickness, mmWeight of a pipe 1 m long, kg
Standard pipesReinforced pipesStandard pipesReinforced pipes
10 17 2,2 2,8 0,61 0,74
15 21,3 2,8 3,2 1,28 1,43
20 26,8 2,8 3,2 1,66 1,86
25 33,5 3,2 4 2,39 2,91
32 42,3 3,3 4 3,09 3,78
40 48 3,5 4 3,84 4,34
50 60 3,5 4,5 4,88 6,16
65 75,5 4 4,5 4,88 6,16
80 88,5 4 4,5 8,34 9,32
100 114 4,5 5 12,15 13,44
125 140 4,5 5,5 15,04 18,24
150 165 4,5 5,5 17,81 21,63

Preparation for installation

This kind of work is not difficult to do. The main thing is to ensure that the directions of the main components are correct. There are two types of connections: “by condensate” and “by smoke”.

And now more about this.

When the heating system is operating, smoke tends to rise. If on the way it encounters any obstacle from the previous downward element, solid particles will settle there in any case, which will subsequently lead to clogging of the stainless steel sandwich pipes.

But for condensate, everything works exactly the opposite. After formation, it begins to flow down and, therefore, settles on elements that are directed upward, which further leads to the accumulation of moisture in the insulation, and therefore to the deterioration of all its properties.

When performing installation work, it is necessary to use gloves made of dense material, since the metal is very thin and can leave wounds on the hands.

During installation work it is necessary to use building level, with which you can control the exact vertical position of the pipes

It is equally important to ensure that the channels are kept away from flammable elements. For sandwich chimneys, this distance should be at least 25 cm, for ordinary chimneys - 60 cm

Stainless steel grades

The grade of steel used for stainless chimney pipes affects the performance characteristics of the product.

Table 1

steel gradeCharacteristics
304 Similar to 316 steel, but contains fewer alloying additives. It is characterized by good weldability, corrosion resistance and high strength at fairly low temperatures.
310SIt is resistant to temperatures up to 1 thousand degrees.
316 Enriched with inclusions of molybdenum and nickel. This increases the steel’s resistance to chemical attack and heat resistance. Well suited for organizing fireplace chimneys and boiler rooms, the heating units in which operate on diesel fuel, wood or gas.
316i, 321The most versatile. They are distinguished by good ductility, resistance to temperatures up to 850 ° C and acid attack. It is recommended to use pipes of these steel grades for wood-burning stoves.
409 Suitable for devices that run on solid fuel (fireplace, stove).
430 Used for parts that are least susceptible to aggressive influences. It is usually used to make outer casings because it is not affected by the humid surrounding atmosphere.

Installation methods

Based on the location of the heating device in the house and the wishes of the homeowner, an alloy steel chimney is installed in the following ways:

    Indoors. This option means that from the inlet pipe of the heat generators, the chimney pipe rises vertically, passing through interfloor ceilings and the roof onto the street.
    The difficulty of internal installation is that the points where the chimney passes through the roof and ceiling must be additionally insulated in accordance with fire safety requirements. The positive feature of this method is that the pipe running inside gives off heat throughout the entire length of the room, heating the space and reducing heating costs.

    Options for placing a steel chimney pipe

  • Outside the house. This technology has become more popular in Russia with the spread of inexpensive double-circuit metal chimneys. The idea is that the pipe from the heating installation is led out through the wall to the street. The advantage of external installation is simplicity, since it requires one outlet for the chimney to exit through the wall. To prevent heat from escaping into the environment, thermally insulated pipes are used.

Please note that mono systems are connected “by smoke”, that is, each subsequent element is put on the previous one. Sandwich pipes are assembled differently: the inner circuit is mounted “along the smoke”, and the outer circuit “along the condensate”

The main assembly rule for all types of pipes is to build from the bottom up.

Scheme of external placement of the chimney pipe

Having successfully solved the problem of which chimney to choose, the home master will be able to install it correctly if he becomes familiar with the simple rules:

  • Good traction is provided by a pipe with a height of at least 5 m.
  • Horizontal sections should not be longer than 1 m.
  • When the chimney is installed in an unheated room or outdoors, it will need to be thermally insulated.
  • If the chimney passes through a roof built with flammable materials, a spark arrestor must be installed.

Joining pipes in the wall is strictly prohibited when the chimney channels are not insulated; it should be fixed at a distance from the ceiling of at least 1 m.

2 Instructions for internal installation - all work from A to Z

Do-it-yourself assembly of modular chimneys has become widespread today. This is facilitated by ease of installation, fastening and sealing, a wide selection of parts and components, as well as the ability to choose the optimal configuration for any case and ensuring good draft while maintaining high boiler efficiency. We begin installation with preliminary calculations, selection of the expected chimney configuration and wall markings. At this stage, we choose the chimney installation scheme - internal or external.

First, let's consider a variant of the internal installation diagram. In this case, we lay the pipes through the ceilings and roof. You should know that a chimney located inside a building is less susceptible to external influences, and the formation of condensation is minimal. Since we carry pipes through floors and roofs, the installation work is quite labor-intensive and technologically complex. At the same time, part of the internal space of the premises is occupied. Next, we calculate the length of the structure and select the necessary rotary and operational elements.

We must add 25-50 cm to the total length of the structure to extend the pipe above the level of the roof ridge, which is necessary to ensure good traction! Assembly begins from the heating device - a boiler or stove, onto the pipe of which we put an adapter. Be sure to coat the transition area with heat-resistant sealant and clamp it with a metal clamp. Then we continue to assemble the pipes and all the elements until we bring the chimney above the roof ridge.

First, we install a thin-walled pipe of the same cross-section as the sandwich pipes, but without insulation, since under the influence of high temperatures the thermal insulation sinteres and loses its initial characteristics. At the vertical outlet, it is possible to install a tank for heating water and a heater grid.

When passing through the ceiling, be sure to attach a passage unit filled with thermal insulation material. The knot is easy to make yourself, but it’s easier to use ready-made design. Having installed and secured the unit motionless, we thread the sandwich pipe through it. The unit can be fixed to the ceiling using metal profiles or on the back side of the roof with a metal sheet with an elliptical hole.

Joining pipes in the ceiling or at the roof level is unacceptable. The joint should be 250–300 mm above or below the level.

On top of the roof we put a conical roof on the pipe - a special element with an angle equal to the steepness of the roof slope. We place the upper edge of the canopy support plate under the roof and secure it to the roofing decking. If it is not possible to get the edge of the roof plate, then seal the connection with sealant. Finally, we cover it with comfrey, install the cone and the required head. This completes the installation work.

Chimney design

The design of a system for the removal of combustion products begins with the selection of a modular system and preparation of the project. Since the requirements for chimneys for gas boilers are increased, their design must be submitted to technical supervision services and permission for installation work must be obtained.

  1. The minimum permissible total height of the chimney is 5 meters, otherwise the draft will be insufficient.
  2. The maximum length of the horizontal section of the channel is 1 meter;
  3. Outside the building and in unheated rooms, the chimney must be thermally insulated, unless it is a sandwich system.
  4. The height of the chimney pipe above the roof:
    • at least 50 cm if the roof is flat or the distance from the ridge of the pitched roof to the pipe is less than 150 cm;
    • flush with the ridge or higher, if the distance from the pipe to the ridge is from 150 to 300 cm;
    • below a line with a slope of 10° from the horizon of the ridge, if the distance between the ridge and the pipe is more than 300 cm;
    • above the level of buildings attached to the building.
  5. If the roofing material is not resistant to fire, regulations require the installation of a spark arrestor.
  6. The minimum distance between a single-wall stainless steel pipe and the floor and roof structures is 1 meter; (for a sandwich - 20 cm), the pipe must be insulated with non-flammable material (basalt wool).
  7. A gap of 13 cm is required between the pipe and the roof (including those made of non-combustible materials).
  8. Pipe connection points should not be located inside structures (ceilings, walls). The minimum distance from the joint to the structure is 70 cm.
  9. Horizontal and inclined sections of the chimney duct must be assembled “according to the smoke” - the next element is put on the previous one so that combustion products are removed as efficiently as possible. The vertical channel is mounted “along the condensate” - so that the moisture flows freely, the subsequent element is inserted into the one located below.
  10. Throughout the entire length of the chimney duct, its internal diameter must be no less than the diameter of the outlet pipe of the heating unit.
  11. No more than three turns are allowed along the entire length of the chimney.

Chimney installation diagram

There are various installation schemes for stainless steel chimneys. In the case of using a sandwich system, it is easier to bring the pipe outside so as not to punch holes in the ceilings and roof. The pipe is secured to the external wall using special brackets. The external chimney can also be mounted inside a metal profile frame to prevent accidental mechanical damage, especially in the case of high wind loads.

Steel pipe options

Manufacturers of components for chimneys offer three types of stainless steel pipes:

  1. Single-walled with a thickness of 0.6 to 20 mm.
  2. Corrugated.
  3. Three-layer sandwiches made of two pipes and insulation.

Each option has its own application features, pros and cons:

Pipe typeprosMinusesApplication area
Single layerLow cost,

smoothness of the inner surface

high heat dissipation,

condensation formation,

requires thermal insulation

part of the chimney located inside the house,

can be used as a secondary heat source

CorrugatedElasticityLow temperature resistance,

wears out quickly

the inner surface is uneven, which contributes to the accumulation of condensation,

cannot be used on horizontal sections of the chimney,

additional fixation and thermal insulation is required

Parts of the structure where a curved transition is required, for example, around obstacles,

can be used as an outer casing

Sandwich pipeLow heat transfer,


ease of assembly,

joint density

High pricecan be used on any section of the chimney

It is important! Regulatory authorities may refuse to start gas if corrugated pipes are used for the chimney. .

Grades of steel used

Chimney parts are made of several grades of steel:

BrandProperties and scope
304 and 316They have increased heat resistance and resistance to aggressive substances, as they contain molybdenum and nickel. Suitable for gas equipment.
304 steel is cheaper because it contains fewer additives, which slightly reduces acid resistance.
409 Suitable for heating systems using solid fuel.
439 Contains titanium and aluminum, is universal, operating temperature is up to 850 degrees.
430 Less resistant to acids than others, but not afraid of high humidity. Used for outer casing.
316i, 321 and 310sThe grades are resistant to acid attack, plastic, and universal. The 316i and 321 can withstand temperatures of about 850 degrees, and the 310 s - up to 1000.

Note! Modules and components made of steel of different grades can be used in one design. .

Stainless steel grades

A stainless steel pipe for a chimney can be of different grades, which in turn affects the operational parameters of the product.

steel gradeCharacteristics
304 Similar to grade 316 stainless steel, but has fewer alloying additives.

It is characterized by excellent weldability, corrosion resistance and high strength at fairly low temperatures.

310SIt is resistant to heat up to 1000 °C.
316 Enriched with inclusions of molybdenum and nickel.

This increases the resistance of stainless steel to chemical attack and temperature differences.

Excellent for organizing a chimney exhaust for fireplaces and boiler rooms, the heating units in which operate on diesel fuel, wood or gas.

316i, 321Multifunctional.

They are characterized by high plasticity, heat resistance up to 850 °C and acid resistance.

409 Suitable for devices that run on solid fuel (fireplace, stove).
430 Used for parts that are least susceptible to aggressive influences.

External casings are often made from it, since the humid surrounding atmosphere does not affect it.

The diameters of steel chimneys vary from 80 mm to 300 m.

DiameterNWeight 0.5Weight 0.8
80 195 0,27 -
100 195 0,32 0,61
110 195 0,36 0,68
115 195 0,37 0,7
120 195 0,39 0,74
130 195 0,42 0,8
135 195 0,43 0,82
140 195 0,45 0,86
150 195 0,48 0, 91
160 195 0,51 0,97
180 195 0,58 1,1
200 195 0,64 1,22
220 195 0,71 1,35
250 195 0,8 152
280 195 0,9 1,71
300 195 0,96 1,82

Popular ones are:

  • stainless steel 150 mm;
  • stainless steel 80 mm.

Chimney pipes made of stainless steel 150 are usually used in fireplaces with sufficient power to heat a house outside the city or a bathhouse with a large steam room.

Photos of stainless chimneys

  • Chimneys for gas boilers
  • Electric boiler
  • Solid fuel boilers
  • DIY potbelly stove
  • Circulation pump
  • Heating system pressure
  • Gas heating in a private house
  • Thermostat for battery
  • Water heated floor
  • Baseboard heating
  • Battery paint
  • Chimney for stove
  • Double-circuit gas boiler
  • UPS for boilers
  • Connecting heating radiators
  • Chimney cleaning
  • Heating a private house
  • Oven with water circuit
  • Infrared heater
  • Infrared heated floor
  • Screen for radiator
  • Pyrolysis boiler
  • Heating boiler power
  • Gas boilers for home
  • Air in the heating system
  • Boiler room in a private house
  • Convector heater
  • Fireplace finishing
  • Heat gun
  • Do-it-yourself warm floor
  • Heater for apartment
  • Stove-fireplace

Chimney components

The range of stainless steel elements is varied, which allows the installation of fairly complex chimney systems.

The length of straight pipes varies between 33-100 cm; their characteristic feature is the presence of a special bell mate, which makes it possible not to use any additional parts.

A 45 degree elbow or outlet will be needed by the home craftsman, when the chimney changes its direction, the part is installed on a vertical section.

A 90-degree bend is required when transitioning a small section of heating equipment located horizontally to the main part of the chimney pipe.

Tees with angles equal to 45 and 87 degrees are placed where the condensate collector is mounted, and when 2 heating units are used simultaneously, they are connected to common system chimney.

If you need to connect 2 devices at once, you will need to coordinate this with the regulatory authorities.

The installation of a condensate collector is required so that moisture does not accumulate in the chimney; the part is installed at the bottom of the vertical section. To clean and monitor the operation of the smoke exhaust system of boiler houses, inspection elements are needed.

The upper parts of the chimney include the following parts:

  • spark arrester;
  • cap;
  • waterproofing skirt;
  • special elements designed to pass through walls.

Installation of a stainless steel chimney

Actually, if the chimney scheme is carefully thought out, the approval of the regulatory authorities is obtained ( this is a prerequisite), all the necessary parts for the future system have been purchased, then the installation itself is not particularly difficult. All elements are equipped with adapted mating areas, and connecting them one to another is a simple and intuitive task.

It is advisable to further strengthen pipe joints, especially inside living quarters, with a special sealant that can withstand temperatures up to 1000-1500º - it is easy to find in specialized stores that sell components for chimneys. This will ensure that combustion products hazardous to health are avoided from entering the premises and reducing draft in the system.

Sealant for chimney systems

When mounting the chimney on an external wall with brackets, the distance between them should be no more than 2 m. A bracket (support) is required where the pipe passes through the wall and where the condensate collector (inspection compartment) is attached.

If installation is carried out indoors, then the main attention is paid to the places of passage through the ceilings. Some manufacturers of chimney systems include special elements for these purposes in their range.

But, if there are none, it’s easy to make them yourself.

Self-made box for passage through the ceiling

Essentially, this is a box with a central hole for the passage of a pipe of the appropriate diameter, and a length of walls that provides the required distance of the chimney from the floor material. Very often it is also made from stainless steel.

It's installed in the right place

It is mounted in the thickness of the ceiling, the free space in it is filled with non-combustible material (basalt wool or expanded clay). It can be covered with a decorative plate at the top and bottom.

Top and bottom can be covered with a plate

On the roof there is a slightly different approach.

  • Firstly, if it has a certain angle with the horizon, the hole for the pipe will not have a round shape, but an elliptical or rectangular elongated shape.

Cutout in the roof for the chimney pipe

  • Secondly, you should immediately take into account the location of the ceiling beams and rafters - it is necessary that the chimney runs approximately in the center of the distance between them.

Installation of a passage through the roof

  • Thirdly, in addition to thermal insulation, it is necessary to provide waterproofing on top - so that precipitation or condensed moisture does not penetrate into the attic. Today it is easy to purchase special flexible elements that will fit any roof profile.
  • It would be useful to put a “skirt” on the chimney pipe, which will protect the joint with the roof from direct rain.

“Skirt” to protect the passage through the roof from direct rain jets

The pipe is topped with a head - an umbrella. In a number of cases, which have already been mentioned, the installation of a special element - a spark arrester - will be required.

Comparison of modern systems

Ceramic chimney structures and stainless steel pipes have a great advantage over a classic brick chimney:

  • Easy and quick installation of the structure, while installation of brick systems is a lengthy process, where vertical installation is usually used.
  • High quality of all chimney products. The quality of brick systems depends on the material chosen and the skill of the builder;
  • A ceramic chimney is easy to clean, but brick structures require careful maintenance and regular inspection;
  • Resistant to smoke emissions. Fire safety brick chimneys are lower, since over time cracks appear through which traces of combustion spread;
  • Ceramic and steel pipes are suitable for modern boilers, stoves and fireplaces, but brick structures are not;
  • Low thermal inertia, which cannot be said about brick chimneys;
  • High resistance to corrosion, unlike brick systems. They require regular repairs and monitoring of the situation.

Purpose of sandwich pipes

It is important to note that the temperature of the combustion products that exit the furnace and are directed through the channel is quite high. When designing a smoke system, it is necessary to provide for all the nuances in order to protect the home from fire.

The single-circuit parts are first connected to the boiler. Most often these include an adapter, a single-wall pipe, a valve, a tee, a condensate collector, and various outlets. Subsequently, elements with a single-wall structure are connected through a special adapter to a sandwich chimney, which is directed through the walls or roof. Thanks to thermal insulation inside the structure, all necessary fire safety measures are provided.

No less important is the fact that the insulation, which has good thickness and quality, provides constant traction, as a result of which it protects the structure from condensation. The presence of this property is especially important for regions whose climate is quite harsh, as well as for heating devices with low flue gas temperatures.