Carry out heating in a wooden house. Heating a wooden house: a detailed overview of the best options. Advantages and disadvantages of natural circulation

Of course, you can get by with the usual ones by putting them in every room. But this approach has certain disadvantages - at least the fact that such heaters consume a lot of electricity. Yes, and warm the house with them in a short time - for example, if you decide to visit a home in the winter vacation after a long absence - very problematic.

It is much more difficult to lead a full-fledged heating system than to scatter simple heaters around the rooms - this is indisputable. But the effect is much better. Stable, uniform and soft heating of the house, not too high resource costs - all this gives a very high level comfort.

In principle, heating systems in all private houses are equipped according to general principles, regardless of what material the building is built from. But wooden dwellings have one feature that should be taken into account - combustibility. Of course, in itself, water or air heating is not dangerous in any way. But as for the boiler, which is the main element of the system, one should carefully approach the selection and installation, since many varieties involve the presence of an open fire.

But this will be discussed in detail below. In the meantime, let's look at those same general principles in order to finally choose which arrangement is right for your home.

Circulation type

The most basic thing you have to think about is how the coolant will move through the system. There are two ways:

  • natural circulation. It is formed due to the difference in density between hot and cold water. Also, a small slope of the mains, which is done specifically when laying pipes, plays a role in the advancement of the coolant along the route. The undoubted advantage of this approach is independence from electricity, since no special equipment is needed for circulation. The downside is that the fluid flow is rather slow, losing a significant part of the thermal energy along the way. And the longer the route, the colder the water will be at its end. Therefore, this method is clearly not suitable for a large house - those farthest from the boiler room will be practically unheated. But for a small house, this is quite a good option. If the circuit length is approximately 30 meters, and the coolant enters no more than five radiators, then its thermal energy will be enough to heat the home along the entire route;
  • forced circulation. For the movement of the coolant, special equipment is installed in the system - circulation pump. It gives the fluid the necessary speed and pressure. Thus, you can not limit yourself to the size of the premises and the number of radiators - if you choose the right pump power, then there will be enough heat energy for the whole house, even if it is two- or three-story. The disadvantage of this approach is one - dependence on electricity. No power - no working pump. Therefore, it is advisable to stock up on a backup generator in advance in such a case.

From the foregoing, it is clear that when choosing the type of circulation, be guided by the dimensions of the dwelling. For a small house, both options are suitable (although the second, in any case, is more effective). For a large one - only forced circulation, otherwise there will be no sense.

Boiler type

The second important factor in any heating system is the type of boiler that will be responsible for heating the coolant. All varieties on the modern market are divided into several large categories.


The electric boiler is one of the most popular because of its versatility and safety. It works from the network, there is no open fire here, so all that needs to be provided is the presence of high-quality grounding.

A specific model is selected according to your needs. There are very simple and inexpensive boilers, the whole function of which is to heat water. More expensive models have additional features. In particular, various sensors allow you to adjust the operation of the equipment in such a way that it practically does not require subsequent intervention by the owners. For example, you can set a certain level of heating of the coolant for each time of the day.

Also, such sensors are responsible for the issue of security. For example, overheating protection allows equipment to automatically shut down when a problem occurs. This helps to avoid serious damage.

A separate advantage of such a boiler is the ease of installation. In principle, the whole process is to put or hang the device in the place intended for it and plug it into the network. The downside is the rather high power consumption. However, even taking into account this factor, it is perhaps the best option for a wooden house, since it excludes the possibility of a fire in the environment.


Gas boilers occupy the highest line in the popularity ratings of such equipment for private homes. They have a fairly wide functionality, and the resources for the operation of the equipment cost literally a penny.

It is especially convenient to use just such a device if there is a gas line to which you can connect. In this case, the supply of the resource will be uninterrupted and very inexpensive. But even in the absence of a highway, we solve the issue by supplying cylinders with liquefied gas.

As for the disadvantages of gas boilers, two points can be distinguished:

  • for installation and regular maintenance of the device, you must contact a specialized organization. It is strictly forbidden to carry out such work on your own, since we are talking about an explosive substance;
  • the second minus is directly related to the first. Gas, if the supply is incorrectly connected to the boiler, is extremely dangerous. Its leakage can cause both poisoning and an explosion followed by a fire. Therefore, the equipment requires an extremely responsible approach. When installing, it is highly desirable to equip the room with an airborne gas sensor so that you can see the problem if it occurs and react instantly.

solid fuel

Solid fuel boilers are also quite popular, although less than gas boilers. Firewood is usually used as a resource for work. This is a completely eco-friendly and, as a rule, quite affordable material, which makes such equipment quite attractive.

The efficiency of the device is slightly lower than that of gas and electric. However, the efficiency of a good solid fuel boiler is about 95%, which is quite good. In general, a lot depends on the model. In this matter, it is better not to save money and purchase high-quality equipment that allows you to adjust the heating temperature, does not require frequent laying of firewood, is easy to clean from soot, etc.

But in connection with a solid fuel boiler, it is worth mentioning the main disadvantage. The presence of open fire is always a danger. And since today we are talking about wooden house, for him this question is especially relevant.

Of course, this does not mean that the use of a solid fuel boiler in a timber dwelling is unacceptable. But the installation will require an extremely responsible approach. Walls and floors in the boiler room must be protected with refractory materials: asbestos sheets, ceramic tiles and the like. In addition, it is important to properly equip the chimney, since when burning wood, carbon monoxide is formed, which must be removed to the street.

In general, if you follow all the requirements for installation and regular maintenance (which includes, mainly, cleaning from soot and soot), then the solid fuel boiler will serve you faithfully, doing an excellent job with its heating duties.

Power calculation

An important criterion when choosing a heating boiler is its power indicator. For an accurate calculation, you can contact a specialist. But it is quite possible to get by with an approximate indicator, adding about 15% to it as a reserve.

  • an old, uninsulated wooden house - 130–200 watts per square meter;
  • an old house with ordinary window frames and doors, but with insulated walls - 90–120 watts per square meter;
  • a high-quality thermally insulated house, equipped with modern double-glazed windows and a well-equipped air exchange system - 50–80 W per square meter.

If the building has two floors or more, be sure to include those too.

Number of circuits

The last parameter to consider when choosing a boiler is the number of circuits. There may be one or two. The first option is designed for a single-pipe piping scheme. With this approach, both the heated and cooled coolant goes along the same line.

The advantage of a single-pipe scheme is that laying pipes is not difficult. In addition, it requires a minimum of cash costs, since there are not so many materials needed.

The disadvantage is the same as in systems with natural circulation. Uniform heating of the house using a single-pipe scheme is almost impossible. The farther the room is from the boiler room, the colder it will be. The only way to improve the situation is to install a pump. That is, if you combine a one-pipe scheme with forced circulation, then this is quite a worthy option.

But two-pipe wiring is still better, since it does not initially imply the presence of such problems. Of course, it will come out more expensive: you need twice as many pipes as in the previous version. In addition, it is desirable to equip each installed radiator a shut-off valve so that it is possible to increase or decrease the level of heat transfer in each room.

Such wiring also requires more labor than a single-pipe one. But in the end, you will get high-quality and uniform heating of the premises.

Dear friends, today you have figured out the most important factors in arranging a heating system in a wooden house. Of course, you will also need to choose pipes, as well as radiators. But you can get information about this from materials on this topic on our portal. The modern market provides a wide selection of these elements, which is not so difficult to navigate. Good luck to you and warmth to your home!

The technology for designing and installing a heating system in a wooden house differs from standard schemes. This is due to the building material and its performance. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the features of the heating system in a wooden house: the arrangement of pipes, the choice of boilers and stoves.

Rules for organizing heating in a wooden house

Professional installation of heating in a wooden house begins with the choice of a scheme and its adaptation to the parameters of a particular building. Attention is drawn to the specifics of the structure.

The main selection criterion is the safety of the heating system. Correct wiring of heating pipes in a wooden house should not impair the quality of the structure, as well as lead to dangerous situations.

To avoid this, when designing and installing heat supply, the following important points are taken into account:

  • Installation of compensators and sliding fasteners. The average shrinkage of a log house can be 5%. This will change the position of pipes and radiators. Therefore, the scheme of heating systems of a wooden house must be adapted to this phenomenon;
  • Insertion of bushings. Contact of pipes and batteries with a wooden surface is strictly prohibited. This can lead to zonal expansion and deformation of the walls and floor. Heating pipes in wooden floor must be carried through the logs using special steel sleeves;
  • Arrangement of a safe chimney. The temperature of volatile combustion products can reach +700°C. The correct calculation of heating in a wooden house must take into account the appropriate insulation of the chimney at the points of contact with the wall or when it passes through interfloor ceilings.

Experts recommend that you familiarize yourself with the current SNiPs, with the help of which you can make safe and efficient heating in a wooden house with your own hands. The main ones for study are SNiP 41.01-2003, SanPiN and SNiP 23.01-99. They set out the requirements for thermal insulation of the house, the choice of heating systems and the optimal parameters for its operation - temperature regime, pressure and thermal distribution.

Heating radiators for a wooden house are no different from standard ones. It is important to choose the right mounting scheme to prevent direct contact of the heater with the wall or floor.

Options for choosing heating in a wooden house

In a wooden house, you can use all types of heat supply. But first you need to analyze all the factors influencing the choice. Often, the options for heating a wooden house directly depend on several of them.

The primary task is to determine the optimal energy carrier. It can be solid fuel, gas, electricity or diesel fuel. It all depends on the cost and the possibility of a constant supply.

You can not do the installation of heating in a wooden house with your own hands without the following preliminary stages analysis:

  • Fuel selection;
  • Heat generation equipment: boiler, convector (gas, electric), film heating;
  • Development of the layout of heating devices. The thermal distribution throughout the house will depend on this;
  • Analysis of fixed costs for heat supply. The best option is gas heating in a wooden house. But at the same time, the complex preparatory stage of obtaining permits is taken into account.

If there is a connection to the gas line, the choice stops on this type of fuel. If it is possible to purchase cheap (and high-quality) diesel fuel, they do water heating a wooden house with a boiler (or burner) of this type. The total area of ​​the building and the degree of its insulation are also taken into account.

In practice, the choice of heating options for a wooden house depends on financial capabilities. Therefore, you should first draw up an optimal budget for the organization of heat supply in the building.

Gas heating in a wooden house

Installation of any gas-fired heating equipment should only be carried out by specialists. This is especially true for the arrangement of heat supply in wooden houses. There are several ways to implement gas heating in a wooden house.

The most common method of heating is the installation of batteries and radiators. They are connected to a gas boiler. Depending on the type of fuel used, there are two types of equipment:

  • Usage main (natural) gas. To install heating in a wooden house, you must connect to the gas main. For this, a project is drawn up, the basis of which is the terms of reference from the management company;
  • Application bulk (liquefied) gas. For storage, special cylinders with a capacity of 10 to 50 liters are used. It is possible to minimize the costs of storage and delivery of fuel by installing a special storage facility - a gas tank.

IN typical pattern heating systems of a wooden house using gas provides for the installation of pipelines that are connected to batteries. Recently, however, the underfloor heating system is gaining more popularity. In this case, heating pipes are installed in a wooden floor. This scheme is characterized by a greater length of the mains as a result - increased heat transfer.

In buildings with a small area, you can consider installing gas convectors. At the same time, there is no need to do the wiring of heating pipes in a wooden house, to mount radiators and boilers. The main source of heat is a gas type convector.

It is installed in every room of the house. To connect the gas, you need to make a supply line.

The features of installing heating in a wooden house with your own hands are the following factors:

  • Installation of a coaxial pipe is done only with a safety sleeve. It protects the outer walls of the house from temperature effects;
  • To ensure safety, you should choose the right material for the manufacture of pipelines. They must be designed for gas transportation;
  • To improve heat transfer in the room, you can use a fan installed next to the convector. There are currently models that come with a fan included.

The main advantage of converter heating in a wooden house with your own hands is the ease of installation and maintenance. But compared to a gas boiler, fuel consumption will be 20-25% more.

Solid fuel boiler in heating a wooden house

The rules for the design and installation of solid fuel water heating of a wooden house are practically no different from gas ones. Exceptions are recommendations for the arrangement of the boiler room. The large dimensions of solid fuel boilers and the heating of their surface cause special requirements for the boiler room.

Before installing heat supply in a wooden house with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of this room:

  • Minimum area boiler room should be 7 m². This is necessary for repair and maintenance work;
  • Non-combustible finishing materials. The boiler must not be placed on a wooden floor. As protection, you can use a sheet of stainless metal;
  • Forced ventilation. The cross section of the ventilation duct is calculated from the ratio of 8 cm² per 1 kW of boiler power;
  • Natural and artificial lighting;
  • Minimum chimney height- 5 m. The number of bends should not exceed 3.

All heating batteries for a wooden house are mounted in accordance with the rules. The minimum distance from the walls should be 3 cm. To reflect heat, it is recommended to install a foam sheet on the wall.

Without fail, the schemes of heat supply systems of a wooden house provide for the installation of protective components - an air vent, a bleed valve, an expansion tank.

Electric heating of a wooden house

It is not always possible to install a solid fuel boiler or connect to a gas main. In this case, electric heating of a wooden house is chosen. To do this, you can install water heating with an electric boiler or consider a more economical option - film heating.

In this case, it is not necessary to install heating batteries for a wooden house. In film heating, objects are heated, not air. Conductive carbon strips are applied to the polymer surface.

When passing electric current radiation is generated with a wavelength of 10-15 microns. When it hits the surface of objects, the temperature rises.

The main advantages of film electric heating of a wooden house are:

  • Economical electricity consumption. This is due to the nominal power of PLEN up to 200 W / m²;
  • Low inertia. Unlike gas heating in a wooden house, the temperature rises quickly. However, after the first installation, the system must be stabilized beforehand;
  • Small area occupied by PLEN. This is true for the electric heat supply of country houses. wooden houses or cottages;
  • Does not affect the humidity in the house. To maintain an optimal microclimate in the premises, this option for heating a wooden building is considered the most optimal.

However, for PLEN it is necessary to ensure an uninterrupted supply of electricity. In the event of a power outage, it will not work. Therefore, PLEN is often made as an alternative system along with water heating of a wooden house.

For normal operation of film heating, the total area covered by the film should be 70% or more relative to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling or floor.

Furnace and air heating in the house

Despite all the advantages of the above methods of heating air in log cabins, stove heating is still relevant. It is distinguished by a high indicator of labor intensity when installing heating in a wooden house, as well as a low efficiency value.

To install this type of heat supply, you will need to equip a separate foundation. It is best to erect it at the stage of construction of the building. If you plan to install a steel (cast iron) furnace, you can not do it. A significant drawback of stove heating in a wooden house, made by hand, is a small heating area. To solve this problem, you can think of a hot air circulation system in all rooms or make air heating in a wooden house.

A special heat exchanger is installed in the stove or fireplace, in which the air is heated. It enters the living quarters of the building through pipelines. Most often, the lines are located on the ceiling, but options for installing a heat supply pipe in a wooden floor are possible. It all depends on the design of the furnace.

Features of air stove heating in a wooden house:

  • Protection of the floor and walls in the area where the stove is installed;
  • It is recommended to install a fireplace or stove in the center of the house so that the heat from it is evenly distributed throughout all rooms;
  • Before installation steel structure it is recommended to make a base of concrete screed or brick.

Instead of heating radiators for a wooden house, louvred grilles are used in the air system. By changing the angle of inclination of the slats, you can control the volume of hot air inflow into the room. To minimize losses during the movement of air masses, the distribution of heat supply pipes in a wooden house is done with a minimum of turning parts.

To store firewood or coal, you must use a separate room or building. The fuel must not be in the same room as the stove.

Chimney pipes in a wooden house

Particular attention in the design of heat supply should be given to the system for removing combustion products. This function is performed by a chimney that runs from the boiler (furnace) to the roof.

To calculate the parameters of the chimney, you need to know the approximate temperature of carbon monoxide. It is not constant and varies depending on the type of fuel used and the design of the boiler.

For the stove and solid fuel boiler, it is recommended to use brick chimneys or sandwich pipes. If gas heating is planned in a wooden house, a coaxial chimney can be installed. But in any case, it is necessary to insulate the structure to prevent condensation. Most often, basalt or mineral wool is used for this.

When installing a chimney system on your own, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • For brick chimneys, a separate foundation is most often needed. The thickness of the seam should not exceed 10 mm;
  • Minimum distance from chimney to wooden wall- 25 cm;
  • Forced ventilation is installed in the room;
  • When the chimney passes through the floors, mounting sleeves are installed. To compensate for thermal radiation, there should be a layer of asbestos between them and wooden surfaces;
  • The height of the pipe above the roof should be 500 mm;
  • The minimum thickness of stainless steel chimneys is 1 mm.

To improve the traction index, a deflector is installed. In addition to preventing precipitation from entering the chimney, it helps to stabilize the movement of air, which is important for the normal operation of the boiler or furnace. For stove heating, you can make a brick wall in which chimney channels of complex shape are equipped. This contributes to a better heating of a wooden house and increases the efficiency of heating.

The video shows an example of heating a wooden house using a boiler:

Heating in a wooden house is the most important aspect that matters if you need to ensure coziness and comfort in this type of building. Yes, and the climatic conditions on the territory of our country contribute to the fact that the heating in the house is, and effective. It is clear that in the conditions of the high cost of utilities, as well as various resources and minerals, high-quality and at the same time inexpensive heating is exactly what every owner of a wooden house needs.

At the same time, each owner is looking for an effective solution due to the fact that you want to keep the walls of the house dry, and also prevent fungus and mold from spreading. And today we will talk about which heating mechanism for a wooden house would be the best solution.


Before you start choosing heating equipment for your home, it should be said that wood, unlike a number of other building materials, can change its size depending on how long it has been used and the humidity of the environment. If these moments are not taken into account during installation, then the failure of the heating system is a matter of time. And remodeling an already installed system is quite expensive, and technically it is not easy. It is for this reason that it is necessary to calculate everything very clearly, after which it is already necessary to buy this or that equipment. The main criteria for choosing will be the low cost of energy sources, as well as their availability.

To date, in this capacity are used:

  • liquid fuel;
  • solid fuel;
  • electricity;

When you decide on what fuel the house will be heated on, you need to choose the type of heating mechanism.

By the way, you should not try to make a heating system with your own hands, this should only be done by a specialist.


It should be noted that the heating system for a private house may not always be classified as centralized. So often you have to look for alternatives.

  • One of the most common options in this type of home would be electric heating. In this case, the equipment to be used can be called cheap. Yes, we have electricity almost everywhere. This option is especially relevant where there is no possibility of gas supply or an alternative cannot be used.

It is quite simple to carry out heating by this method (we are talking about an electric boiler). But here it should be understood that it is absolutely minimal cost cannot be dispensed with due to the fact that the electric boilers themselves consume quite a lot of energy, and therefore it is better to choose models with a capacity of 10 kilowatts or more.

However, it should be taken into account that in some remote areas the electrical network may simply not pull such loads. Such a system requires good wiring in the house, otherwise it may cause a fire.

  • If the house is small, then you can use the stove option for heating. This method is more suitable if natural gas is not supplied to the house. Heating the stove is cheap, but rather troublesome. Although if you are in the house infrequently, but only on arrivals, then the process of melting the stove will be pleasant for you.

To effectively heat the house with a stove, it is best to build it in the center of the room. This will allow the heat to dissipate evenly throughout the house. The designs of furnaces today are very diverse, but it is best if they are built by a person who really has experience in this. Then the stove will be effective in any weather and will give off heat perfectly inside the house.

If desired, a water boiler can be installed in the furnace, which will also create water-type heating based on the furnace. This will make it possible to heat the wooden house even more evenly. But, however, in this case, it will always be necessary to live in the house, otherwise the water will simply freeze in the pipes, and the system will become unusable.

An alternative to the furnace can be a solid fuel boiler. But in this case, heating will cost more, since you will have to pay quite a lot for fuel. This type is generally considered not very cost-effective for a private house, which is why it is better to use other options for heating the room.

  • Another type of heating that should be mentioned is gas. It is gas heating for wooden houses that is the most common solution that their owners resort to. This option is considered one of the most profitable of all that exist today. The heating device in this case will be quite simple, and the cost of gas today is not as high as that of alternative options.

But gas heating, like any other, has certain disadvantages. For example, it is not advisable to carry out it if there is no gas main near your house. The fact is that the cost of connection is now quite high. In some cases, if you make calculations, you can find out that a gas heating system can fully pay for itself only after a few decades.

  • Another type of heating for a wooden house can be air. Today it is not very common with us, but in Europe this option is quite popular. The bottom line is that heat is transferred by air, which is heated at the very bottom of the building. The air passes through a heat exchanger heated by the combustion of gas or fuel.

Thanks to the air duct system, the heat disperses throughout the rooms, and all the air that has cooled down is drawn in and goes for heating.

If we talk about the advantages of this type of heating, then the following points should be mentioned:

  1. good efficiency;
  2. the absence of too complex and expensive equipment elements;
  3. ease of control and maintenance of temperature;
  4. drying rooms due to the intensive circulation of air masses;
  5. the system can be cleaned of dust simply and easily;
  6. possibility of use in large areas;
  7. the lower floors of the house will be dry and warm.

If we talk about the shortcomings, then we should name the following nuances:

  1. complexity of design and installation;
  2. high cost of the system;
  3. difficult to repair or replace parts of the system;
  4. the need to attract specialists for service maintenance;
  5. the presence of a certain level of noise during operation of the system.

  • Another option is the so-called underfloor heating system. It works on the principle that underlies liquid heating. Water is heated by a boiler and enters the pipes. What distinguishes this system from others is that the pipes are located in the underground, that is, they are not visible. Usually the water here is heated to no more than 40 degrees, which allows flooring do not overheat.

If we talk about the merits of such floors, then we should name:

  1. the same advantages as steam heating;
  2. when warming up, the room does not dry out;
  3. underfloor heating perfectly retains heat and can give it away for a long time;
  4. no drafts.

If we talk about the minuses, then it should be called:

  1. complex installation;
  2. lifting the lower level of the room;
  3. expensive repairs in the event of a breakdown.

One of the varieties of the above system will be heating with a warm floor, which is based on an electric cable, divided into sections using a special film. The main advantages of this type of heating will be simplicity and reliability. Such a cable can even be simply covered with polypropylene, and everything will work fine.

The only disadvantages in this case would be:

  1. the presence of harmful electromagnetic radiation;
  2. high consumption of electrical energy.

In general, as you can see, there are a considerable number of heating systems for wooden houses, and there are plenty to choose from. Today, there are even some kind of exotic options, such as quartz heating.

How to choose?

To choose the right option for heating a wooden house, several important factors must be taken into account.

  • How appropriate is the installation of a particular system. For example, it is not always possible to conduct gas or electricity, but the boiler can be installed everywhere.
  • Another factor is the price. That is, carrying out preliminary calculations of the estimate should be carried out necessarily.
  • How convenient it will be to use this or that system. For example, which option is best suited to heat a two-story wooden house.
  • The next important criterion is the cost of fuel for heating a country house.
  • Equipment safety.
  • Aesthetics of structures.
  • Profitability of system installation works (wiring, connection and maintenance). It should be noted that this factor does not always directly depend on the cost of the system. These things should not be confused. Sometimes it happens that the cheapest equipment can be very expensive to use.

It should also be taken into account that wooden houses can be used during the season or all year round. If we talk about seasonal dwellings, then a small local heating source will suffice - a fireplace, stove or electric convector. In this case, one should take into account only how convenient it is to install a particular system and how easy it is to use. But for houses where people live year-round, a carefully thought-out and well-executed heating system will be needed, which will make it possible to make heating high-quality and efficient.

In conclusion, it should be noted that there has never been a universal and 100% efficient heating mechanism in nature and never will be. Each system discussed above has both its disadvantages and advantages. And only the owner of the house can decide which criterion will be more or less important for him and start in his preferences from one or another option.

The main element of the heating system in a private house is the boiler. Despite the increased popularity of fireplaces and Russian stoves in suburban wooden houses, they are mainly used as an additional source of heat.

The heating system can be of various types: gas, liquid fuel, solid fuel, electric. If there is a gas main in the village, users prefer boilers that run on gas fuel.

Heating gas boiler:

  • has high efficiency;
  • is economical;
  • does not always require the equipment of a special boiler room;
  • differs in simple operation;
  • does not require extensive maintenance.

The use of a liquid fuel boiler requires the equipment of a zone for placing diesel fuel tanks, as well as the availability of a road for the access of special vehicles. The operation of solid propellant devices is extremely laborious. It is necessary to manually load firewood or coal, as well as regularly clean it yourself. To store fuel reserves, it is necessary to equip a special place or outbuilding. In addition, solid fuel and liquid fuel boilers must be installed in an isolated boiler room.

Electric boilers are easy to use. Installation of equipment can be carried out in the kitchen, hallway, bathroom. But in order to heat a large Vacation home, will require significant costs. Summing up, I would like to say that in our country the most common and profitable fuel is a gas.

Qualified installation of heating in a wooden house

The specialists of our company have been installing communications in wooden houses for more than a decade. We know about all the nuances associated with the installation of a heating system in log cabins. Heating installation service in our company includes a full range of works:

  • development of a design scheme taking into account the standards;
  • calculation of the required boiler power;
  • selection of equipment and consumables;
  • assembly, installation of equipment;
  • system launch, testing.

It is very important that the development of the project is carried out by engineers. This will take into account all the nuances of a country house, calculate required power and a list of equipment, excluding unnecessary expenses. Installation of the system should also be carried out by professionals who have experience in working specifically in wooden houses. Only a competent and responsible approach to the issue can guarantee the reliability and durability of the heating system in your wooden house.

You can place an order for the service at any office of our company (Moscow, Krasnodar, Kirov), we install communications in wooden houses throughout the Russian Federation.

In Russia in winter period severe colds are coming, so it is simply necessary to have high-quality water heating in a private house. Such a system has primacy over the others, since over the years it has already managed to show itself from the best side. Stove and fireplace heating today is no longer so effective - this is just a tribute to our rich history.

In a cold and snowy winter, heating is indispensable ...

The principle of operation of water heating

Water heating of a private house has gained such popularity that in fact it is a simple mechanism. There is a closed circuit where the boiler heats the water to the required temperature, the water goes through the pipes to the batteries or radiators in the premises and gives off heat, after which it returns to the boiler.

Water heating scheme

In addition to the main elements - the boiler, pipes and radiators, the system may also include additional ones. The expansion tank is used to drain excess water that has appeared during heating. Also, thanks to the tank, there is no oxygen in the system. Another element is the circulation pump. This device serves to maintain a continuous circulation of water in the system, with the help of such a pump, the rate of heating of the room temperature increases due to the fact that the water moves faster. Also in the system there may be a pressure gauge, a thermostat, an air vent, safety valves.

Choosing equipment for heating in a private house

The most important equipment that properly provides water heating in a private house is a boiler.

When purchasing a boiler, it is usually assumed that the power is 1 kW per 10 sq.m of the room that is heated.

It is also taken into account that the height of the ceilings is taken no more than 3 meters. In addition, the volume of the room, the level of insulation of the house itself, the size of the windows and additional heat consumers are taken into account.

So, with an area that is heated, the boiler power will be equal to:

  • 60 - 200 sq.m. – up to 25 kW;
  • 200 - 300 sq.m. - 25-35 kW;
  • 300 - 600 sq.m. - 35-60 kW;
  • 600 - 1200 sq.m. – up to 100 kW.

To equip water heating in a country house or in a private house, you can choose an electric boiler with an area of ​​30-1000 sq.m. power 3-105 kW. But electric boilers have disadvantages - the high cost of electricity, constant interruptions and drops in electricity, its insufficient power.

electric boiler

The pipeline must also be carefully selected. Pipes from different materials are used, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. In the old days, steel pipes were the most common. But today they are used less frequently. After all, such pipes are more susceptible to corrosion processes.

That is why stainless steel or galvanized pipes are now more often used.

Copper pipes are also gaining popularity. They are able to endure high temperatures, they are durable in themselves, so copper pipes are the most reliable. But they are not cheap either. In addition, recently, more and more often you can find water heating in a wooden house with polymer pipes. Such pipes are made of metal-plastic or propylene (with the participation of aluminum). Pipes made of such materials are durable, resistant to corrosion, and sediment is not deposited inside them. But they have a fairly high coefficient of expansion when heated.

Boiler piping with copper pipes

What are the heating schemes of a private house

Schemes of water heating of a private house can be single-circuit and double-circuit. The single-circuit system serves only for heating the room. This is a simpler and more inexpensive system, which is suitable if you have a house up to 100 square meters. Such a system includes a single-circuit boiler and atmospheric exhaust, single-pipe wiring with pipes made of steel or polymers, cast-iron, steel or aluminum radiators.

Single-circuit and double-circuit water heating system

A single-circuit heating system can be improved with a two-pipe wiring, the addition of a circulation pump, thermostatic valves on radiators.

If you want to equip a single-circuit system for heating water for domestic needs, then reconsider the installation of a geyser or boiler. In another case, you can make a two-circuit system, which is designed not only for heating, but also for heating water.

The double-circuit water heating system of a private house is a very convenient option.

Here, the boiler is comfortable with the need for hot water for a family of no more than 4 people. Water must be tap or softened, hard water from a well will not work. It is possible to equip two single-circuit systems, the first of which will be “responsible” for space heating, and the second for water heating. Thanks to such a system in the summer, you will only use the water heating system, and only 25% of the boiler power is spent on it.

Pipe laying

The water heating system of a private house involves the use of three options for piping - one-pipe system, two-pipe and collector.

A single-pipe system is a system where the heated coolant (water) from the boiler sequentially flows from one battery to the next. Such a system has one big drawback - it is very difficult to manage the wiring here, since when water is blocked in any of the radiators, the rest are also blocked.

Single pipe system

IN two-pipe system for each radiator there is a pipe with hot and cold water. So, with such a system, water heating at home can be regulated very conveniently.

Two-pipe heating system

Another system is the collection system. It is also called beam. Here the mechanism works in this way: from the collector (which is a device that collects water), two pipes are connected to each heating device - a direct and a return one. Thanks to this, you can easily mount the system with concealed wiring pipes, you can maintain a certain temperature regime of a separate room and regulate it.

If you have a two-story house

Today, water heating schemes for a two-story house are very different. It can be both a collector system and a two-pipe wiring. Single-pipe wiring (one in which radiators are connected in series) is now less often used as a water heating circuit one-story house, and two-story.

A two-pipe scheme for a two-story house is a versatile and practical option.

There are two pipes for each heating device - for supplying and discharging water. Experts advise to do this: put a control valve in front of each radiator.

Collector scheme in two-story house- It's quite expensive. Water heating of a two-story house with such a system, despite this, is also popular. After all, here the advantage is obvious - the installation of the pipeline is hidden, so the interior does not deteriorate. In this case, the boiler is placed on the first floor, expansion tank- on the second. The pipeline is located under the floor, ceiling or window sills, so there is a great opportunity to hide it.

The collector system is also very efficient because here a control valve is placed on each radiator. This is very convenient, because depending on your needs, you can set your own climate.

Collector heating system of a two-story house

Alternative methods of water heating of a private house

In addition to traditional heating with a heating boiler, there are other types of water heating for a private house. Such modern systems effective as the main heating systems of the house, or additional.

Very often today you can hear such a phrase - the "warm floor" system. In principle, a warm floor is the same water heating of private houses, which can also be used as an addition to the main heating. Underfloor heating has advantages - there is a large heat transfer area. Indeed, in this case, the floor of the room is practically a large radiator. Yes, and the air warms up in this way correctly - it is warm below, and a little cooler above.

Warm water floor

Thanks to the underfloor heating system, it is possible to reduce the operating temperature of the coolant (no more than 55 degrees Celsius). You can also set the heat output within the required limits.

The disadvantages of the underfloor heating system are that such a system is difficult to install, and with an already completed repair it is impossible, or you will have to raise the floor or deepen it.

Another option for alternative water heating is baseboard heating. In fact, baseboard water heating of houses is an average between a radiator system and a warm floor. In this case, heating equipment is placed around the perimeter of the room at the level of the plinth. Thanks to this, both the walls and the floor are evenly heated. The air in the room is also uniform. With such a system, water heating of a country house or a private house will allow you to equip the interior without large radiators, and all this without heat loss.

Baseboard heating


Thus, before you decide to equip water heating in your private home, you should choose the appropriate option - traditional heating with radiators or modern methods. Each system has advantages and disadvantages, so for heating design it is best to invite specialists who will be able to take into account all the details.