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Protection against microwave radiation - document
Views: 5519 Is a microwave oven dangerous to human health: truth or myth? When they first appeared...
Preparing the floor for linoleum: technology and useful tips
Linoleum is a floor covering that has been used successfully all over the world for over a hundred years. It has a mass...
Preparing the floor for linoleum: technology and useful tips
Linoleum is a floor covering that has been used successfully all over the world for over a hundred years. It has a mass...
Growing basil in a greenhouse How to grow basil in a greenhouse
Basil is a plant that grows in warm tropical countries, so growing good bushes of this...
How to grow a crystal from copper sulfate at home Evaporation of water from a solution of copper sulfate experience
To the question: What interesting things can you do with a jar of copper sulfate? given by the author Katya Osipova is the best...
Common cotton plant Cotton plant description
Cotton plant (Gossypium) is a herbaceous one- or two-year plant from the Malvaceae family. Origin...
What is feng shui.  Feng Shui tips for the home.  Feng Shui zones.  Bathroom and toilet
Owners of private houses can provide themselves with a decent and happy life, improve family relationships,...
The Vasileostrovskaya metro station is open today after major renovations. Its opening is timed to coincide with...
Original do-it-yourself wall painting How to paint a dandelion with paints and watercolors for children
The heroes of the story moved to a new apartment and decided to decorate the walls. After analyzing all possible options (...
Why don't tomatoes grow, what should I do?
Every gardener knows that problems can arise when growing tomatoes. They are necessary...
How to protect a wooden house from rot, mold, insects and fire
Grinder beetles are insects from the order Coleoptera. The group is polymorphic, so characteristics for everyone...
Energy efficient lamps
Energy-saving lamps are now in trend and this is not without reason. In an environment of constantly rising prices...
Features of installing ceiling lamps How to properly install built-in lamps
If you have planned to independently install lamps in a suspended ceiling, it would be useful to...
Do-it-yourself design and installation of sewerage for a private house
The system is one of the most important and expensive engineering communications of a private residential building....
Dome dishwasher Comenda LC700M
This dome dishwasher LC700M from Comenda is designed specifically for high-quality...