Seeds: determining the number of seeds required for sowing. Weight and size of flower seeds How many flower seeds are in 1 gram

Vegetable grains vary in shape, size, weight and color.

The largest seed beans, beans and peas.

The average size in tomatoes, cabbage, peppers, eggplants, onions, radishes and radishes.

Small size characteristic of carrots, dill, parsley and lettuce.

The sowing rate depends on the weight of the grains. The period and temperature conditions seed germination.

Table of sowing rates, number of seeds per 1 g, timing and germination temperatures

Culture 1 gram
number of seeds
t 0
g/m 2
Watermelon 6-30 14 20 6-8 0,15-0,35
Eggplant 200-300 14-21 20-22 5 0,004
Beans 0,5-1 7-14 22 5-6 8-10
Swede 300 6-10 20 3 0,3
Peas 3-6 7-10 15-18 2 10-22
Melon 20-30 14 20 6-8 0,1-0,15
Zucchini 8-10 5-8 20-22 6-8 0,3-0,5
-white pumped 250-350 7-12 20 4-5 0,04-0,06
-colored 300-400 7-12 20 4-5 0,07-0,1
-Brussels 300-400 7-12 18-20 4-5 0,07-0,1
-Savoy 300-400 7-12 18-20 4-5 0,05-0,07
-kohlrabi 300-500 10 18-20 4-5 0,04-0,08
-broccoli 250-300 7-12 18-20 4-5 0,05-0,07
-onion 250-400 21 15-17 3-4 0,35-0,45
-batun 400-420 14-18 15-20 3-4 0,2-0,5
-leek 350-400 14-18 18-20 3-4 0,15-0,16
Carrot 600-1000 17-20 17-20 3-4 0,1-0,2
Cucumber 40 3-5 25 6-8 0,12-0,18
Squash 10-12 5-8 20-22 6-8 0,5-0,7
Parsley 700-800 16-18 17-18 2-3 sheet: 0.4-0.6
Pepper 150-200 14-21 20-22 4-5 0,04-0,05
Radish 80-130 4-7 15-17 4-5 1-1,5
Radish 100-170 4-7 15-17 4-5 0,8-1,2
Turnip 280-400 6-8 15-17 4-5 0,8-1
Salad 700-1000 6-12 15-20 3-4 0,06-0,1
Beet 45-100 10-14 20-22 4-5 1,2
Celery 1200-2000 12-18 20-22 1-2 0,01-0,015
Tomato 250-300 8-11 23-25 4-5 0,008-0,015
Pumpkin 3-8 5-8 25 6-8 0,1-0,3
Dill 450-550 12-15 17-20 2-3 0,05
Beans 2-3 7-14 22 5-6 10-12
Corn 10-18 10-12 22 5-6 1,8-2,8

*Dolgikh S.T. “Growing vegetable crops from seeds on a personal plot”

*Decoding the table
1 gram– measurement of weight and number of grains of different crops contained in it;
Germination days– period of germination time, which must be taken into account when waiting for the first shoots;
Germination temperature– optimal conditions under which timely germination and healthy development of the plant can be obtained;
Germination years– maximum shelf life of seed;
Norm g/m²- recommendations regarding sowing density.

Seed packaging

  • Seeds from 0.3 to 10 grams are seed material for amateur gardeners cultivating a dacha or a small garden plot.
  • Seeds of 100 and 500 grams are seed material for gardeners who grow vegetables for business or a certain group of crops.
  • Seeds in bulk - seed material for gardeners who have a plot of more than 30 acres and are engaged in growing vegetables specific type for business.
  • Wholesale seeds are seeding material for farmers who have a plot of more than 1 hectare and are engaged in growing vegetables at a professional level.
  • Seeds on a tape are seeding material for summer residents and gardeners, making work easier and promoting the appearance of uniform seedlings;
  • Dutch seeds are seed material of foreign selection, which makes it possible to grow unique varieties of vegetables (in packages from several seeds to several grams).

Formula for calculating the number of seeds for sowing

To decide how many packs you need to buy, you need to consider the following parameters:
(NG/M²) - Norm g/m²
(PP) - Crop area
(Qty G) – number of grams
Based on this, the calculation formula is as follows: NG/M²xPP=K-voG

Calculation example

You need to calculate how many cucumbers you need to buy to plant 6 m². The consumption rate for cucumber grains is 0.16 g per m² (we take the average value). We multiply NG/M² (0.16) by ZHPP (6m²) and get the required number of grams - 0.96 g. Packaging of cucumbers varies from 0.2 g to 5 g or more (100 g). Varietal and hybrid cucumbers are sold individually; a pack can contain from 10 to 50 pieces. To find out what number of grains is in 0.2 g, divide the approximate number in 1 gram by 5 (200 mg is the 5th part of 1000 mg). Thus, a pack of 0.2 g contains about 8 grains. A pack of 0.5 g will contain about 20 grains. Next, you need to take into account the following parameter - the method of growing cucumbers. These crops can be grown in open ground without a garter or in a greenhouse (in pots, for example), with a vertical garter. When grown in open ground, 2 to 3 bushes can grow and develop freely per 1 m², depending on the variety and size of the shoots. When grown in a greenhouse with a vertical garter, 4 to 6 bushes can be planted per 1 m² without damaging the plant.

Therefore, when determining the required number of grains for sowing, please pay attention to all parameters, both the number of seeds in a pack and their weight.

I hope the above information is helpful to you.

The article was prepared by Elena Pochtareva based on Internet materials

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Vegetable seeds vary in size, shape, and color. The seeding rate largely depends on the weight of the seeds. Many of our customers ask: how many seeds are in 1 gram? We decided to answer the question in detail. Information about the weight of seeds of various vegetable crops, germination temperature and timing of emergence of seedlings is written below in the table.


Weight of 1000 seeds, g

Number of seeds in 1 g, pcs.

Time of emergence of seedlings when sowing with dry seeds, days

Minimum germination temperature, 0C







Vegetable peas






White cabbage






Bulb onions












Sweet pepper







































Vegetable beans








The largest seeds are beans, the largest are beans and peas. The average size is typical for cabbage seeds, onions, sweet peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, radishes, radishes. Carrots, parsley, dill, and lettuce have small seeds.

The size of the seeds must be taken into account when determining the seeding rate. The larger the seeds, the more of them are needed per unit area (and the greater the sowing depth). If we sow beans, peas and beans at a rate of 15-20 grams per 1 m2, then carrots, dill and parsley, lettuce - 1-2 grams per 1 m2. Therefore, it makes no sense to buy one bag of beans or beans - it is better to take 5-10 pieces at once, but one bag of carrots or cabbage is enough.

The table also contains data on the temperature at which seeds begin to germinate. Cold-resistant crops - cabbage, onions, rhubarb, turnips, lettuce, dill - are already beginning to germinate at 2-3 0C, radishes, radishes and sorrel - at 1-2 0C. These crops need to be sown early. Heat-loving crops - eggplant, cucumbers - germinate at higher temperatures of 13-15 0C, tomato seeds, beans, zucchini - from 10-12 0C. We plant these crops when good warm weather arrives, or seedlings in advance.

This table shows the timing of emergence of seedlings. We see that beans, peas, cabbage, radishes, turnips will germinate the fastest (3-8 days). You will have to wait longer for carrots to sprout (carrots sprout in 9-15 days), beets (beets sprout in 8-16 days), onions, parsley and celery (celery sprouts in 12-22 days). To speed up seedlings and make them friendly, various tricks are used (soaking in water, etc.).

This table, which we found in Dolgikh’s book “Growing Vegetable Seeds on personal plots"(Rosselkhozizdat, 1986).

Edelstein in "Vegetable Growing" offers such grouping vegetable seeds by size:
1. the seeds are very large: 1-10 seeds in 1 gram - beans, beans, peas, pumpkin, corn, watermelons.
2. large seeds: a) 10-60 seeds in 1 gram - artichokes, watermelons, melons, cucumbers, beets, asparagus. b) 60-100 seeds in 1 gram - rhubarb, spinach, radish, radish.
3. medium seeds: 150-350 seeds in 1 gram - peppers, cabbage, onions, tomatoes, eggplants, parsnips, rutabaga, turnips.
4. small seeds: 600-900 seeds in 1 gram - turnip, carrots, parsley, dill, chicory.
5. the seeds are very small: 1000-2000 seeds in one gram - sorrel, celery, potatoes, lettuce, tarragon (5000-6000).

In the next small article I will write an answer to another important question - how long do seeds remain viable, so follow our blog!


Addition to the table:

I will write the name of the crop, and then the number of seeds in 1 gram:
Artichokes - 15-25
Rutabaga - 300-400
Kohlrabi cabbage - 250-300
Corn - 3-10
Leek - 400
Parsnip - 200
Squash - 5-10
Asparagus - 40-60
Spinach - 90-120
Tarragon - 5,000
Watermelons - 6-30
Melons - 20-30
Pumpkins - 2-5

Flower seeds vary in shape, size and weight. The seed sowing rate largely depends on their weight. After all, the larger the seeds, the more they are needed per 1 unit of area.

It is difficult to determine the number of seeds, the mass of which is indicated in grams. It’s another matter if their quantity on the package is indicated in pieces. Therefore, it is not superfluous to know information about how many flower seeds are contained in 1 gram.

Name Quantity in 1 gram Name Quantity in 1 gram
Ageratum 6000-10000 Flax grandiflora 300-400
Aquilegia 500-1000 Lychnis 1500-1600
Amaranth 1500 Lobelia 30000
alpine aster 700-850 Lobularia 3000
Begonia tuberous 50000-100000 Snapdragon 6000-7000
Balsam 80-150 Lupine 350
Periwinkle 650-750 Poppy 8500-9500
Marigold 300-700 Mallow 100-200
Immortelle 1200-1800 Daisy 6000-8000
Brachycoma 6000 Mesembryanthemum 4000
Cornflower 250-300 Spurge 200-300
Verbena 360-500 Digitalis 10000
Gaillardia 400-900 Nasturtium 5-16
Gatsania 200-400 Forget-me-not 1500-2000
Chinese carnation 800-1200 Nivyanyk 700-800
Dianthus pinnata 600-700 Nigella 400-600
Turkish cloves 800-1100 Pyrethrum 400-500
Carnation Shabo 500-600 Pelargonium 200
Dahlias "funny guys" 100-200 Penstimon 2000
Godetia 1500-2000 Petunia 5000-10000
Lipstick 2300-2500 Platycodon 6500-7000
Delphinium 350- 900 Purslane 10000
Doronicum 6000-7000 Primrose 4000-7000
Sweet pea 18-20 Mignonette 700-1000
Goldenrod 18000 Rudbeckia 1500-3000
Iberis 350-500 Scabious 300
morning glory 45-50 Smolyovka 850-950
Calendula officinalis 200-500 Sweet tobacco 6000-9000
Calendula terry 100-300 Decorative beans 1
Decorative cabbage 300-400 Phacelia 1900-2500
Clarkia 3500 Violet 800-900
Kobeya 15-20 Physalis 600
Coleus 3000-4000 Chrysanthemum 200-700
Garden bell 4000-5000 Cineraria 1800-2800
Coreopsis 600-650 Zinnia 100
Cosmea 120-200 Celosia 1000-1500
Kochia 1100 Sage 750-800
Lavatera 100 Stock rose 130-150
Lacrifol 400-600 Echinacea 3000
Liatris 350 Eschszolzia 500-600

Based on this table, you can easily calculate the number of seeds depending on the area to be sown.

Some of them are especially large, for example, 1 gram of false calamus iris contains only 20 pieces. While the seeds of some wild flowers are more like dust particles. 1 gram contains about 80,000 centaury seeds. Many wildflowers, due to the fact that they have to survive, are excellent self-sowers, spreading thousands of seeds and filling vast areas.

Seed sizes

In addition to the information given in the table, there is a grouping of plant seeds by size. But this grouping is relevant in relation to vegetable crops. Although you can navigate it if we are talking about some flower crops.

Size should not be compared with their weight, which determines their lightness or heaviness. The weight of the seeds of some vegetable and flower crops varies depending on the variety. Size is a dimensional concept and a relative one. So, for example, when sorting seeds of the same crop, those that make up the bulk of the batch with a standard set of sieves will be considered average. Seeds that are larger than average are considered large, and those that are smaller than average are considered small.

What is the difference between large and small seeds? Small seeds, although they contain fewer nutrients, are easier to spread. They are carried by the wind, so they have a better chance of ending up in an area that is not yet so crowded and germinating. In addition, the small seeds of some plants are able to remain in the ground for a long time, maintaining germination and germinating when conditions are most favorable.

Large seeds, deprived of the ability to be transported over long distances, carry a larger supply of nutrients, due to which they have the strength to take root where the proximity of plants is too dense. But the plant is not capable of producing a large number of large seeds; most of them quickly lose their viability. More of them are needed to sow a certain area.


Vegetable seeds vary in size, shape, and color. The seeding rate largely depends on the weight of the seeds. Many of our customers ask: how many seeds are in 1 gram? We decided to answer the question in detail. Information about the weight of seeds of various vegetable crops, germination temperature and timing of emergence of seedlings is written below in the table.


Weight of 1000 seeds, g

Number of seeds

Germination time

when sowing with dry seeds, days


germination temperature, degrees C

Eggplant 3.5-5 260 8-14 13-14
Beans 1000-2500 1 3-8 3-4
Vegetable peas 150-400 3-5 3-7 1-2
Zucchini 140-200 5-10 4-8 10-12
White cabbage 3.1-5 250-300 3-6 2-3
Cauliflower 2.5-3.8 250-300 3-6 2-3
Bulb onions 2.8-5 350-400 8-18 2-3
Carrots 1-2.8 800-900 9-15 4-5
Cucumber 16-35 40-60 4-8 13-15
Sweet pepper 4.5-8 160-180 8-16 8-13
Parsley 1-1.8 900 12-20 3-4
Radish 8-12.5 100-120 3-7 1-2
Radish 7-13.8 100-120 3-7 1-2
Rhubarb 7-11 45-50 6-10 2-3
Turnip 1-4 600 3-6 2-3
Salad 0.8-1.3 600-1000 4-10 2-3
Beetroot 10-22 50-90 8-16 5-6
Celery 0.4-0.8 2000 12-22 3-4
Tomato 2.8-5 250-300 4-8 10-11
Dill 1.2-2.5 850-950 8-15 2-3
Vegetable beans 300-700 2-3 4-10 10-12
Sorrel 0.6-1.2 900-1000 8-12 1-2
Corn 200 0,2 5-7 5-6

The largest seeds are beans, the largest are beans and peas. Medium size is typical for seeds of cabbage, onions, sweet peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, radishes, radishes. Carrots, parsley, dill, and lettuce have small seeds.

The size of the seeds must be taken into account when determining the seeding rate. The larger the seeds, the more of them are needed per unit area (and the greater the sowing depth). If we sow beans, peas and beans at a rate of 15-20 grams per 1 m2, then carrots, dill and parsley, lettuce - 1-2 grams per 1 m2. Therefore, it makes no sense to buy one bag of beans or beans - it is better to take 5-10 pieces at once, but one bag of carrots or cabbage is enough.

The table also contains data on the temperature at which seeds begin to germinate. Cold-resistant crops - cabbage, onions, rhubarb, turnips, lettuce, dill - are already beginning to germinate at 2-3 0C, radishes, radishes and sorrel - at 1-2 0C. These crops need to be sown early. Heat-loving crops - eggplant, cucumbers - germinate at higher temperatures of 13-15 0C, tomato seeds, beans, zucchini - from 10-12 0C. We plant these crops when good warm weather arrives, or seedlings in advance.

This table shows the timing of emergence of seedlings. We see that beans, peas, cabbage, radishes, turnips will germinate the fastest (3-8 days). You will have to wait longer for carrots to sprout (carrots sprout in 9-15 days), beets (beets sprout in 8-16 days), onions, parsley and celery (celery sprouts in 12-22 days). To speed up seedlings and make them friendly, various tricks are used (soaking in water, etc.).

This table, which we found in Dolgikh’s book “Growing Vegetable Seeds on Household Plots” (Rosselkhozizdat, 1986), can provide such interesting information.

Edelstein in “Vegetable Growing” proposes the following grouping of vegetable seeds by size:
1. the seeds are very large: 1-10 seeds in 1 gram - beans, beans, peas, pumpkin, corn, watermelons.
2. large seeds: a) 10-60 seeds in 1 gram - artichokes, watermelons, melons, cucumbers, beets, asparagus. b) 60-100 seeds in 1 gram - rhubarb, spinach, radish, radish.
3. medium seeds: 150-350 seeds in 1 gram - peppers, cabbage, onions, tomatoes, eggplants, parsnips, rutabaga, turnips.
4. small seeds: 600-900 seeds in 1 gram - turnip, carrots, parsley, dill, chicory.
5. the seeds are very small: 1000-2000 seeds in one gram - sorrel, celery, potatoes, lettuce, tarragon (5000-6000).

Addition to the table:

I will write the name of the crop, and then the number of seeds in 1 gram:
Artichokes - 15-25
Rutabaga - 300-400
Kohlrabi cabbage - 250-300
Corn - 3-10
Leek - 400
Parsnip - 200
Squash - 5-10
Asparagus - 40-60
Spinach - 90-120
Tarragon - 5,000
Watermelons - 6-30
Melons - 20-30
Pumpkins - 2-5