A pond or decorative pond on a personal plot. Pond water filtration, useful tips. Benefits of Using a Pond Filter Gravity Sand Filter for a Stream Pond

Why is a filtration system needed? Most owners of garden ponds want the water in the pond to be transparent and clean, for others, it is important that fish and plants normally exist in the pond, but the goal is the same - to create and maintain biological balance. However, in each pond in the course of its existence, the nitrogen cycle occurs. Fish waste, food residues, organic plant residues sink to the bottom of the reservoir and, undergoing decay processes, release ammonia NH 4. Ammonia is a dangerous poison that, in high concentrations, can lead to the death of fish and other living organisms in the pond. Special bacteria, with the help of oxygen, convert ammonia to nitrite N O2, while another class of bacteria convert nitrite to nitrate NO 3. Nitrate is only harmful to fish in very high concentrations and is an important nutrient for pond plants. These special bacteria are grown in laboratories and live year-round only in warm countries, so it is necessary to add them to the pond every spring, but only when the water temperature gets above 12C. There are three ways to balance
  1. With the help of biological products, with this method, it is imperative to install an aerator of the required performance, because. most bacteria-based drugs work more effectively when combined with oxygen. It is also necessary to purchase a test to monitor the level of pH, KH, N O2 in the reservoir in order to add this or that drug in time.
  2. With the help of a filtration system and biological products, which will be required many times less than in the absence of a filter. You need a product to start the water, which sets the pH level and maintains it at the desired level, and a drug to start the filtration system.
  3. Wait for the biological balance to be established over time, but this process can take years, and in small reservoirs it is almost impossible. Because to establish biological balance, a large number of aquatic plants and a minimum number of fish are required, plants grow rather slowly, and fish multiply quickly, and as a result, the appearance of the pond does not please, but depresses the owner.
Choosing a filtration system To select a filter, you need to know the volume of the reservoir, it can be approximately calculated based on the area and depth of the pond, or measured when filling the reservoir with water, using a water meter. Also, to select a filtration system, you need to know whether there will be fish in the reservoir, because. the presence of fish increases the size and performance of the filter by 2 times. The filtration system includes:
- ultraviolet lamp- a device for combating algae, passing through the lamp, the water is “disinfected” and the algae dying must remain in the mechanical filter (UV is included in the filtration system kit or purchased separately).
- biomechanical filter , includes filtration material for mechanical cleaning (sponges or special mats) and biological filler (zeolite or lava granulate) - this is a kind of "house" for microorganisms, special bacteria are launched into the filter every spring, their goal is to make water "alive" and process nitrites, as mentioned earlier.
- pump(necessarily with an open rotor "Vortex", designed to supply dirt particles to the filter, pumps for fountains with a closed rotor are not suitable for this purpose), the pump performance is selected based on the technical characteristics of the filter and changes only if the filter is installed at a distance from the pond or above the water level.
- skimmer- surface filter, not required, but desirable, because a properly selected skimmer increases the filter's performance by 10-15%, more detailed information can be obtained from the manager.
- bottom intake - necessary in large reservoirs and when connecting a skimmer to some types of pumps Filters are Pressure- This is a filtration system, after which purified water can be fed to a stream, cascade or waterfall. The height of the waterfall depends on the characteristics of the filter and pump, so carefully read the instructions or consult a specialist before installing the filter in the base of the slide. Pressure filters come in different capacities, but at the moment the largest one is designed for a 60,000l pond without fish or 30,000 with fish. The advantage of such filters is their compactness. Flowing (gravitational) - These are filtration systems that are installed above the water level and clean water from the filter returns to the reservoir by gravity. It is important not to narrow or raise the outlet pipe from the filter. Most of these filters can be installed as gravity, but this method of connection is more complicated and is possible only at the stage of pond construction. Advantages of flow filters: more thorough water purification, simple maintenance, pumps that are equipped with flow filtration systems of lower productivity, and therefore consume less electricity. To select a flow filter, you should pay attention to the following parameters:
- filter housing material, plastic or fiberglass, the latter will last much longer
- filter media sponges of varying densities are harder to clean and less durable than special wire mats
- the manufacturer and supplier of the filter, is it possible to buy spare parts for the filter or in case of a small breakdown it is necessary to purchase a new one.


Necessary conditions for the correct operation of the filter
- Water intake for supply to the filtration system is made from the opposite side of the discharge of purified water, and in large reservoirs, the intake is made in several places.
- The hose must be of the required diameter (selected based on the length of the route and pump performance), most of it, if possible, should pass under water - this significantly reduces losses.
- The filtration system must operate around the clock and is turned off only for flushing.
- The biological part of the filter is washed only with pond water and is not dried, bacteria live in a humid environment.

Cleaning of very large reservoirs (more than 1,000,000 m3)

Owners of large reservoirs are faced with the fact that it is almost impossible to achieve the same purity as in a small reservoir. The water will bloom, as in natural lakes, and silt will accumulate at the bottom, without movement and aeration, the water will darken, the fish will start to get sick, etc. But the situation can be greatly improved.
1 . It is necessary to install an aerator of the required capacity, it will saturate the water with oxygen and create the necessary movement. When installing the aerator, the aeration nozzle should not be lowered to the very bottom. It is installed at an average depth so as not to raise silt from the bottom (during the reaction of silt with oxygen, a large amount of harmful compounds are released), and not to lower the overall water temperature in winter. 2 . The installation of skimmers significantly improves the condition of the water. Their size and number depends on the area and configuration of the pond, the size and quality (deciduous or coniferous) of trees near the pond. The surface filter not only collects leaves and debris floating on the surface, but also cools the top layer of water, thereby reducing algae. Pay attention to the characteristics of the skimmer, what area it is designed for, what capacity the pump is recommended for, if the skimmer is designed for a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pond, it will not give any effect in a large pond and it will be a waste of money, so you need to choose the right size skimmer.

Filtering the water in an artificial pond is necessary for a number of reasons. Only in this way the reservoir will retain its original cleanliness and freshness and will not "bloom".

After you have organized pond in the country you probably have a few more questions. If you are, for example, planning on keeping live fish, breeding aquarium fish, or simply planting ornamental plants, then you should be concerned about the issue of clean water. Pond water can be purified using special filters. What types of filters are there and what to look for when buying them?

Why do you need a water filter?

The main problem of any reservoir is bloom. This is an inevitable process caused by activity phytoplankton and other organisms. It is especially pronounced if the water in the pond is stagnant, and the ambient temperature is above 20 ° C. How does flowering happen?

In a static and closed water system, the same processes always occur. Dead plants, waste products of fish and other organisms, fallen leaves and branches - all this settles on the bottom. putrefactive bacteria taken for their decomposition. Active bacteria wash out oxygen from the aquatic environment and saturate it with nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. Here phytoplankton is involved in the matter, which makes the water "bloom".

Plants that can revive the pond begin to "suffocate" - they do not have time to produce oxygen, and the bottom is gradually covered with a continuous layer of sediment. Phytoplankton "hosts" in the pond, from which the smell of rotten eggs begins to emanate (hydrogen sulfide has begun to be produced). A muddy green film covers the surface with a continuous carpet, the composition of the inhabitants is now changing. swamps- the fish (if it was) is dying out, but there is absolutely no salvation from mosquitoes. Under favorable climatic conditions, one season is enough for the full flowering of the pond.

To combat flowering, you basically need a filter.

Types of pond filtration

There are many ways to filter a pond. There are several ways to clean and maintain an artificial reservoir on the site in good condition.

1) biological filtration. When using this method, aerobic bacteria are launched into the pond, which decompose organic residues into oxygen, nitrogen and carbon. The method is suitable for those who do not want to interfere in the "natural affairs" and is ideal for restoring natural balance.

2) Chemical cleaning. On sale there are special reagents that decompose nitrates, phosphates, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and other waste products into water and carbon dioxide.

3) Ultraviolet radiation. UV waves are safe for fish and higher algae, but at the same time they kill microorganisms and lower algae that cause the "bloom" of the reservoir. For the skin and eyes of humans and animals, such installations are also unsafe.

4) mechanical filters. These devices purify the water, making it completely transparent. Regular pumping of water through the filters retains even the smallest particles in layers of quartz sand or special granules. The filters are easy to change and are perfect for pond cleaning.

How to choose a pond filter?

Experts advise choosing a filter at the design stage of a reservoir. True, there is always a chance that during the construction process you will want to reduce the size of the pond or think about breeding fish. Therefore, it is better to buy a filter when all issues are resolved and the pond has a complete look.

When buying a pond filter, you need to consider the following factors:

  • pond volume(its length and depth);
  • peculiarities climate;
  • Availability living organisms;
  • illumination;
  • power pumps(if they are).

The most difficult thing to select a filter is if you plan to breed fish in the pond, because it constantly needs oxygen in sufficient quantities.

Flow type filters always work only in conjunction with a pump. Dirty water passes through the filter system, getting rid of debris and sediment. A porous filter keeps algae out, while a container with bacteria and reagents fights organic residues and random chemical compounds that have entered the water.

The flow filter is an excellent solution for small ponds with a volume of about 300-350 m³. For larger reservoirs, the installation of several combined flow filters will be required. The best models carry out complex cleaning - mechanical, chemical and ultraviolet, which makes them universal in the fight against any pollution.

Filters of this type do not have the highest performance - they are able to effectively clean only small ponds, up to 60 m³. But purified water can be supplied to a height of up to 5 m thanks to a circulation pump installed at the bottom of the reservoir.

The cleaning process is generally identical to the operation of the flow filter, but the pressure unit is additionally equipped with an electric pump and several modules for deep filtration. The only drawback is that powerful pumps are needed for full operation, but not all pressure filters are equipped with them.

The pressure filter can be operated without getting into the water, which is especially good in cool weather.

A budget option is a sand filter for a pond. Instead of a complex multi-level filtration system, it has a simple sand and algae collector. The disadvantage of this type of filter is that organic matter begins to decompose, releasing hydrogen sulfide, methane and other harmful gases.

floating filter, or skimmer, is usually recommended as an additional filtration device. It can only be used in conjunction with an in-line or pressure cleaner. These are small installations that float on the surface of the pond and actively drive water and debris in it through the filtration holes. Large wastes (fallen leaves, grass) remain in the waste bin, while small ones are driven through the filter and crushed. The skimmer prevents leaves, twigs and grass from sinking to the bottom and decomposing there.

Filter power calculation

Ability filtration system to cope with the cleaning of the reservoir is called it power. A well-chosen filter should pass all the water from your pond through itself in 1-1.5 hours.

To organize a pond in the country, it is important to correctly use the main resource - space. It is always in short supply and sometimes you have to sacrifice plantings in order to place a pool suitable for swimming. Usually nearby natural reservoirs are used for this, but why not equip a small place for swimming in your area? Moreover, it does not take much time and effort.

Differences between a swimming pond and a swimming pool

Often the creation of a reservoir on the site comes down to two varieties: a decorative pond (, and) or a swimming pool. However, the pond can also be made suitable for swimming. In addition, it compares favorably with the pool in several ways:

  • the bath looks more natural and beautiful at any time of the year;
  • from June to September you can swim in the pond, and in winter you can use it as a skating rink;
  • filtration eliminates the chemical treatment required by the pool;
  • building a pool will require more capital investment than creating a pond.

Types of swimming ponds

There are several types of swimming ponds, depending on the structure and division into zones:

  • single-volume, without technical devices and division into zones. The role of filters is performed by aquatic plants, microorganisms and zooplankton. The water recovery zone occupies about 60% of the total area of ​​the pond. To create it, you need a wide area;
  • single-volume, with surface flow. Division into zones in ponds of this type is also not performed. The debris is collected by a skimmer (floating filter), and the water is pumped by a pump;
  • single-volume, with a flow-through regeneration zone. The bathing bowl is divided by partitions (not rising above the water level). The cleaning system is two-level - using a filter-skimmer and plants. The bathing area is always larger than the previous two types;

  • two-volume, the bathing area is separated from the filtration and water treatment area. There is a gravel filter and plants for cleaning, as well as a water supply and pumping system with control and automation devices;
  • two-volume, with a complex water treatment system. Bathing and filtration areas are completely separated from each other. Water purification is carried out both mechanically and "vegetatively". There are biofilters, a control and water supply system, metering and control devices.

The choice of place and form for the bath

The location of the pond depends on the size and shape of the site, as well as the position of the house. In addition, it should not be too sunny or shaded. The pond should look harmonious on the site and be located in a place where the whole family can admire it. Too sunny places should be avoided so that the water does not bloom. Places under trees are also not suitable, because. fallen leaves can clog the pump or water supply.

The choice of a place for a bath is also influenced by the relief of the site, the composition of the soil and the level of groundwater. If there is a slope on the site, this is even for the better, since you can create a water system from two communicating reservoirs. A flat surface will allow you to give the reservoir any shape or dig it to a depth sufficient for swimming. True, with restrictions on the type of soil and the level of groundwater.

If light soils (sandy or sandy loam) predominate on the site, the coast needs to be strengthened additionally: either with rigid waterproofing, or by creating gentle slopes using a film. Rigid waterproofing usually involves the installation of a pond from a finished form, and to create a reservoir with gentle slopes, you need to dig a pit. Each of these methods has its pros and cons.

1. Benefits of prefabricated construction:

  • durable design that is easy to install;
  • durability;
  • it is easy to operate and clean.

Disadvantages of the bath from the finished form:

  • ready-made forms of large sizes (suitable for swimming) are expensive;
  • the shape of the reservoir cannot be changed;
  • this design is sensitive to natural factors.

2. Advantages of the bath, dug by yourself:

  • such a pond can be given any shape and depth;
  • he looks more natural;
  • resistance to temperature changes.

Disadvantages of a bath dug independently:

  • the arrangement of a gentle slope will require an increase in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pond by 1.5 times;
  • film insulation is easier to damage;
  • all work to strengthen the banks is carried out from scratch.

If the site is dominated by clay and loamy soils, waterproofing can be made from clay. Three layers of wet clay, softened to the state of soft plasticine, are gradually laid in the prepared pit, 15 cm each. The first 15 cm are carefully tamped, then allowed to dry, then the second and third layers are also laid. It is worth considering that after drying, each layer will decrease by an average of 3-5 cm, so that as a result the thickness of the clay bowl of the pool will reach 30-35 cm. Coarse gravel (pebbles with a diameter of about 3 cm) is used as the top layer. They are rammed, and then fine gravel and a layer of sand of 5-7 cm are covered.

If the bottom and sides of the pit are sprinkled with soot (before the clay layers are compacted), this will scare away earthworms so that they do not violate the tightness of the clay bowl.

Now about groundwater. If they lie within 1 m from the surface of the earth, then a natural lake can be created (although swimming in such water is not very pleasant). With a high level of occurrence (2-3 m from ground level), it is necessary to additionally strengthen the banks. Best of all, when groundwater is located at a level of 5 m from the surface of the earth. In this case, you can safely dig a pit 2-2.5 m deep.

An example of the construction of a bathhouse on the site

Consider an example of creating the simplest swimming pond, which is used as a waterproofing film. Before starting work, it is necessary to mark the contours of the pit for the future pond and treatment zone on the site. Also specify the depth of the pit, taking into account groundwater. After that, you can start digging it out with the simultaneous formation of terraces and ledges. The width of the terrace is 30-40 cm, the slope is 45-50 degrees. The further course of work looks like this:

  • fill the bottom of the pit with sand, pumping out groundwater with a pump if necessary, and lay durable material (geotextile, felt) on it;
  • for a comfortable entry into the water, make concrete or wooden steps using terraces;
  • unwind and lay the film, carefully adjusting it to all the bumps and protrusions of the relief;
  • fill the pond with water by a third, after 2-3 hours - by another third, and after another 3 hours, completely fill the pond with water. This is necessary so that the film stretches under the weight of water gradually;
  • cut off excess pieces of film around the edges and proceed to decorating - lay stones along the coastline, pressing the film with them. If desired, stones can be laid on the bottom;
  • there should be no vegetation near the pond other than that used for cleaning. To do this, choose a yellow iris or arrowhead, they must be in the cleaning zone and along the contour of the reservoir.

The construction of a pond based on a finished form does not differ from that described in article A, we will dwell on the filtration and water supply system in more detail.

Filtration systems and cleaning zones

A swimming pond is advantageous in that it does not need to plant plants or run fish "for beauty". At the same time, the water in it must be purified and circulated so as not to "bloom".

1. Filtration of an artificial pond for swimming.

Various systems are used to purify pond water. The most effective but costly is installation with silver water disinfection. More familiar is a system of a filter, a UV lamp, an ionizer, a skimmer and a pump.

  • Filters there are flow (gravity), tape and pressure. In-line filters are primarily mechanical cleaning, although they do contain sponges to remove debris, capsules, and additives that purify the water. Pressure and belt filters usually contain UV lamps for water disinfection.
  • Ultraviolet lamp, built into the filter housing, kills all bacteria and disinfects the water that passes through it.
  • Ionizer- a relatively new device that saturates water with copper ions. A special core, in which a copper anode and a steel cathode are located, releases positively charged copper ions into the water, which are harmful to blue-green, filamentous and other algae. It is because of them that the water "blooms", turning the bath into a swamp.
  • Skimmer is a floating, built-in or stationary device that collects fallen leaves, branches or other debris from the surface of the water, preventing it from sinking to the bottom. Belongs to the category of so-called "coarse" filters.
  • Pumps There are two types - submersible and centrifugal. Submersible is installed at the bottom of the bath, and centrifugal - outside, below the water level.

In large swimming pools, it is desirable to install all the filtration and purification systems described. In small ones, you can get by with one.

2. The scheme of water circulation in the bath

As an example of the organization of the circulation system, we have chosen the most complex type of bath: two-volume, with an integrated water treatment system. The whole pond is divided into 3 zones: for swimming, shallow water regeneration and deep water regeneration. Sites for cleaning are located on both edges of the reservoir. Suction nozzles connected to the pump are covered with rubble. Water from these zones enters the filtration system. There it is cleaned and returned to the reservoir through the water supply nozzles located at the bottom of the pond. The area of ​​​​the regeneration zone should occupy at least 1/3 of the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bath. Below is an approximate diagram of the circulation of water in a reservoir:

Swimming pool maintenance

With a well-installed filtration and water circulation system, it is practically not necessary to take care of such a pond. The pumps pump water in a closed circuit during spring and summer, filtering it and preventing it from stagnating. The only thing to keep an eye on is the water level, topping it up exactly as much as evaporated during the heat. In heavy rainfall, excess water should be pumped out using an external pump, unless a drainage well has been provided in advance.

Once a month during the swimming season, an inspection and, if necessary, cleaning of the reservoir should be carried out. In April, the remains of algae and last year's vegetation are removed from the water. Small debris and algae should be periodically removed from the filters. Also watch the activity of oxygenator plants - they should not be crowded out by other species. Closer to autumn, you can stretch a fine mesh over the bath so that debris and leaves do not get into it.

Closer to winter, place sheaves of straw in the pond so that the polynyas that serve as a source of oxygen do not freeze.

Making a beautiful alternative to the pool on the site is easy. The main thing is to choose a favorable place for placing the pond and provide it with a system for cleaning and circulating water. Then you will always have a reservoir with clean and cool water at your disposal.

December 13, 2013

Clear and clean water is the main condition for the normal existence of living organisms and plants in the pond. Sunlight, rain, various external pollution (eg leaves, dust), partial replacement of water and many other things cause changes in water conditions. There are two main reasons leading to water pollution. One of them is the presence in the water of too much nutrients, which are a waste product of fish, as well as the result of the decomposition process of dead plants. Another is the excessive accumulation of organic sludge and harmful fungi and bacteria living in it at the bottom. In this case, the oxygen content in the water is significantly reduced.

The biggest problem for a pond is usually an excess of nutrients, which is caused by insufficient landscaping, overpopulation of the pond with fish (as a result, a large release of ammonia), and rainwater. Unused nutrients lead to intensive growth of algae (and not algae in the usual sense, but microscopic blue-green or filamentous algae). Bacteria decompose algae, while consuming a lot of oxygen - which causes a lack of it for plants and fish and brings the pond out of biological balance. Violation of the biological balance leads to the defeat of plants and fish by various diseases.

To prevent this from happening, special biological agents and filtration systems are used to help preserve the natural balance.

The main criterion for choosing a filter for a pond is the size of the reservoir and the ratio of volume to the population of fish and plants.

The issue of placement of the filtration system is best resolved at the construction stage of the reservoir, since some of them are rather large in size, and after construction is completed it can be very difficult to "fit" the system into the overall landscape of the site.

A properly selected pond filtration system allows you to turn a simple garden pond into a natural ecosystem with its own biological balance.

To care for a relatively small garden pond, you can use special products that carry out biological control of algae and blooms. The advantage of using these tools is that they can be used as needed. By adding various preparations, it is possible to restore the normal level of water acidity, bind harmful ammonia and metal compounds, saturate the pond with oxygen, and destroy algae. There are special products, the biological composition of which allows you to improve the quality of water and make it habitable for fish and aquatic plants, while they are completely harmless to any inhabitants of your reservoir and garden (with the right dosage). The composition of most drugs is such that their residues decompose into water and carbon dioxide, that is, they are harmless. For the most effective use of products, good water circulation is important, which ensures that the water is saturated with the necessary amount of oxygen and maintains a normal pH level.

In ponds of medium and large size, multi-stage purification systems are used, including mechanical, biological and ultraviolet systems, and such preparations are used as auxiliary preparations in preparing water for starting the filtration system or to prevent water turbidity.

Cleaning with the use of zeolite minerals is also effective - they are placed in the filter chambers or directly into the pond in special nets. These natural minerals have a “porous crystal” structure, due to which they have the ability to extract harmful substances from water. Only 1-3 kg of zeolite is enough to maintain biological balance during the season per 1000 liters.

A mechanical filter (installed in front of the pump) serves to purify water from large particles, protect the pump from abrasive. It is used, as a rule, with fountain pumps or as a pre-filter in filtration systems. The principle of operation of mechanical filters is based on the passage of water through a container filled with a porous material (sponge or special granules). Organic particles and algae are trapped and deposited in the filter.


Fallen leaves at the bottom of the reservoir turn into a layer of silt that emits putrefactive gases. In such a pond, the ecosystem of which is out of balance, the upper layer (about half a meter) is usually well warmed up, and the bottom layers are darkened and very cold.

A skimmer (surface filter) will help to avoid getting debris and leaves into the water in the summer, and a special mesh that stretches over the surface of the reservoir in the fall. With the help of a skimmer, dirt particles are sucked directly from the surface of the water before they have settled to the bottom and polluted the pond. The upper part of the skimmer floats on the surface, with the help of an attached pump, a thin layer of water is sucked in and creates a current on the surface of the pond towards the skimmer. Large particles of dirt (leaves and grass) are caught by the skimmer basket, while smaller particles enter the filter. The skimmer is an important part of the filtration system, as it mixes the warm water from the surface of the pond with the deep layers, and the water temperature evens out, which inhibits the formation of algae.

The principle of operation of the skimmer is shown in the diagram.

There are three types of skimmers, one of which has a fixed stand, into which pebbles are poured for stability, the second floats freely on the surface, the third is mounted on the edge of the pond. The skimmer on the rack has automatic level adjustment when the water level fluctuates up to 16 cm. The depth of the pond for installing a skimmer with a fixed rack must be at least 60-80 cm. A free-floating skimmer is practically independent of changes in water level. The side skimmer is installed in the ground next to the pond and is powered by a separate pump, the rest can be connected to a pump that supplies water to the filtration system.

In small ponds, the surface can be cleaned with a net.

Part of the debris inevitably settles to the bottom, creating a layer of silt that releases ammonia. A pond sludge pump is used to remove silt from the bottom of a pond. At its core, this is an ordinary vacuum cleaner that sucks not air, but dirty water with various suspensions - bottom silt, algae, and dead plant remains. Ilosos can only be used in reservoirs with artificial turf (concrete, rigid form, film).

An ultraviolet filter (installed outside the water) allows you to purify water from organic compounds. Ultraviolet light, successfully used for many years in wastewater treatment, is now available for use in garden ponds up to 230,000 litres. The ultraviolet filter not only makes the water clear, but also prevents many diseases of fish and pond plants. The effect of using the filter is noticeable after 5-10 days (depending on the condition of the water at the time of installation). Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, algae and unicellular organisms die and stick together into large lumps that can be filtered out by a mechanical filter, so it is better to install UV at the inlet to a biomechanical filter.

The UV filter is easy to install (since the kit includes standard connections for all types of hoses) and does not require complex maintenance. Lamp life 8000-10000 hours. Such filters are produced by various companies that produce equipment for garden ponds. Between themselves, the models differ in size, power, design, installation method, operation. The most advanced (but also the most expensive) are German UV filters. Their distinguishing feature is the presence of a built-in tube cleaning system (automatic or with a powerful electromagnet), which prevents contamination of the UV lamp.


The novelty of the season is the T-Flow algae control devices. This device consists of an anode (mineralized copper alloy) and a cathode (stainless steel). The microprocessor of the device emits electrical impulses, thanks to which the formed copper ions effectively destroy algae (especially filamentous ones). For people, animals (except snails) and plants, such a concentration of copper ions is absolutely safe. Different modifications of the T-Flow device are suitable for reservoirs from 5000 to 75000 liters.

Multi-chamber filter system

In order to obtain clear pond water, various multi-chamber filter systems have been developed. The range of produced filters covers reservoirs of almost any volume. These filters are suitable for ponds with only plants, as well as for ponds inhabited by fish.

The filter housing is made of durable polyethylene or fiberglass, resistant to ultraviolet radiation and low temperatures. Complete cleaning includes three necessary stages: mechanical, ultraviolet irradiation and biological. It is better to follow the following sequence of steps: first UV treatment, then mechanical cleaning and finally biological filtration. In this case, the mechanical filter will pick up more debris - both existing in the pond and formed after the passage of water through ultraviolet emitters (for example, clumps of algae). It must be understood that installing only one of the filters will not solve the problem of keeping the pond clean. So, ultraviolet installations kill algae, but do not remove them from the water - this is the task of mechanical cleaning. It is difficult for a biological filter working alone to cope with a large load - it will often become clogged.

Action of the multi-camera filter

Center Vortex multi-chamber filters are designed according to the “up and down” principle. Water is supplied to the mud chamber below, where a significant part of the pollution is collected from the very beginning. After that, the water rises through the filter medium and enters through the diaphragm into the next mud chamber. Dirt remaining in the lower part of the chambers should be regularly removed through the drain pipes. Dirty water can be sent to the sewer or used in the garden as fertilizer for plants and for irrigation. Purified water through the drain pipe in the upper part of the body is directed by gravity back to the pond.

The principle of operation of the vortex chamber

Systems in which a round filter chamber is placed first have a great advantage. As a result of the slow movement of the rotating stream, most of the contaminants settle in the mud chamber below. Only then does the water flow through the filter mats. For the correct functioning of the filter system, an optimal selection of pump performance is necessary. Too much pump capacity leads not only to filter overflow, but also to less efficient filtration.

These systems have dimensions that are larger than those of other manufacturers, which allows you to install a pump with a lower capacity, and therefore more economical, because the filters must work around the clock for almost the entire season.

BIOTEK Multichamber Filter System

Combines biological treatment and ultraviolet disinfection of water. Moreover, the number of filter chambers is selected depending on the volume of the pond and the presence of fish or plants in it.

The advantage of these systems is a more compact size and a more convenient scheme for connecting the biomechanical part of the system with an ultraviolet filter, and ease of maintenance. For some popular BIOTEK filter models, the drain hole is located at the bottom of the housing, which creates additional difficulties when masking the unit. In new models of filters, this drawback is practically eliminated.

Pressure filters for ponds

In our opinion, such systems are the simplest and most economical solution for reservoirs up to 20,000 liters. A three-stage filtration system allows you to professionally take care of the purity of the water. The filter uses a filtration system that combines biological, mechanical and UV purification, the combination of which guarantees the purity of water and reduces the number of pathogens.

Buying such a filter, you get in one case:

  • three-stage water purification system using a pressure filter,
  • UV lamp built into the filter system,
  • easy maintenance by control on the top cover,
  • the ability to locate the source of your stream or waterfall much higher than the filter installation site (the difference depends on the filter model),
  • the possibility of integrating a heater (for "Druk filter"),
  • the ability to bury the filter ¾ into the ground and easily disguise it (the inlet and outlet pipes are located directly on the cover).


The information provided on the selection of filters is approximate. The choice of a filter unit is influenced by many factors, such as the number and types of fish inhabiting the reservoir, the presence of additional aeration of the pond, etc.

In our calculations for ponds inhabited by fish, we proceed from a maximum value of 1 cm of fish length per 30-50 liters of pond water. When sizing a filter, keep in mind that the number and size of fish in a pond with good water quality can increase rapidly. For a pond inhabited by fish, the volume of the pond is multiplied by two and the filter is selected based on the result.

Oxygen is, as described above, a very important part of the nutrient cycle in the pond, so we recommend the use of aeration pumps in these filter systems, or be sure to arrange cascades and waterfalls.

For the correct functioning of any filter system, an optimal selection of pump performance is necessary. Too much pump capacity leads not only to filter overflow, but also to less efficient filtration. The pump must meet the filter specifications and pass solid particles (dirty water pumps). The pump must be installed so that there are no areas of standing water left in the pond.

Filtration equipment is turned on when the water temperature in the pond rises to +12°C. Shutdown is recommended in September-October, depending on weather conditions. Throughout this period, the filters must constantly work, turning off only for the period of cleaning.

The length and diameter of the supply hoses, the number of connections and the UV-C emitter affect the water flow in the filter system. To avoid overfilling or running dry, the water flow must be adjusted. Speed ​​controllers or conventional valves are ideal for this purpose. A hose size that is too small will result in an unacceptable loss in pump performance.

Considering the foregoing, it is possible to select a filtration system on your own, but it is better to entrust it to specialists who will be able to select it, taking into account all the features of your reservoir.

To mask filtration systems and camouflage electrical equipment, you can pick up artificial stones of various colors, sizes and shapes.

In order for living organisms of different species, fish and plants to exist in an artificial reservoir, you will need to take care of the purity of the water in it. The rate of water pollution in a pond is influenced by many factors: leaves falling into it, dust, debris, rainwater, exposure to sunlight. According to experts, the main factors in this negative process are the excess of nutrients and the accumulation of silt in the bottom layers. The reason for the appearance of a large amount of organic matter is the vital activity of fish and the natural decomposition of the remains of dying plants. The sludge that settles at the bottom gradually becomes an environment for the development of harmful bacteria and fungi. Naturally, against this background, there is a significant decrease in the level of oxygen in the water.

The correct arrangement of a decorative reservoir - we provide a filtration system during design

Changes in the reservoir will eventually lead to an active colonization of algae, which are microscopic blue-green filamentous formations; when they decompose under the influence of bacteria, a large amount of oxygen is consumed. At the same time, fish and plants begin to feel the lack of the latter, there will be a threat of infection with infectious diseases.

The conclusion suggests itself about the need to use water filtration systems or biological preparations. The choice in favor of one or another option can only be made by studying in detail the ratio of the dimensions of the reservoir with its population of vegetation and fish. The design of the filtration system should be carried out during the construction of the reservoir: the small size of the pond can become an insurmountable obstacle to their installation.

A well-chosen and installed decorative pond filtration system will turn the pond into a biologically balanced system that can decorate the landscape of the site in any style.

Pond Filtration with Minerals

A very effective option is water purification using zeolite, which is laid directly into the pond, placing it in special nets or laying it in filters. During the passage of the liquid, the minerals trap all organic particles and microalgae.

Zeolite is valued for its ability to extract from water and absorb harmful decay products of biological substances. To purify each ton of water throughout the season, 1 to 3 kg of zeolite will be required.

How to clean the surface of the water

The question of cleaning the surface of the water is indeed very important - fallen leaves, settling on the bottom, will lead to the formation of silt and cause putrefactive processes in its thickness. In this case, the natural ecosystem of the pond will be disturbed, the shading of the lower layers of water will lead to a significant temperature difference between the transparent upper layer and the darkened lower one. The easiest and cheapest way to clean the surface of the water is a special net, models with a metal edging that prevent damage to the mesh seem very convenient.

In the autumn, when the leaf fall is very active, it is recommended to stretch above the surface of the water grid.

A more expensive, but effective and easy-to-use device is a surface filter called skimmer. Garbage of different fractions, located in the upper layer of water, enters the skimmer basket due to the suction action of the pump, which the device is equipped with.

The smallest fragments clogging the surface of the pond are captured by a system of high-quality filters. The mixing of water layers that occurs during the operation of the skimmer leads to temperature equalization, which is a serious deterrent to the development of algae.

According to the principle of operation, skimmers can be divided into three types:

  • with fixed stand
  • floating freely on the surface of the pond,
  • mounted on the waterfront.

Cleaning the bottom of the pond

Even with systematic cleaning of the surface, over time, a considerable amount of silt will accumulate at the bottom of the pond. You can get rid of it with the help of a special vacuum cleaner - a device that works on the principle of a vacuum cleaner. It draws in everything that is at the bottom - the remains of algae, garbage, bottom silt.

An important condition is that the operation of the sludge pump is possible only in ponds with a concrete or film coating.

UV filters

An ultraviolet filter has a completely different principle of operation - under the ultraviolet radiation emitted by it, unicellular organisms and algae die, stick together into lumps, which are easily retained by a mechanical filter operating in a pond. The result of the UV work becomes noticeable after about a week, the water becomes much clearer and cleaner, in addition, pathogenic microbes that are dangerous for fish die in it.

The installation of such a filter is carried out outside the water, it can be used to clean the reservoir, the capacity of which does not exceed 230 thousand liters. The service life of the UV lamp reaches from 8000 to 10000 hours, its installation and operation are not particularly difficult. Different models are different:

  • installation method,
  • operating rules,
  • power,
  • dimensions.

Not so long ago, another device appeared that allows you to quickly get rid of small algae. The death of blue-green filamentous algae causes water ionization, caused by current pulses coming from the microprocessor to the mineralized copper anode and stainless steel cathode. Ionization of this kind is completely safe for animals, people, fish and plants. The I-Tronik device can be used in reservoirs with a volume of 5-75 thousand liters.

Multi-chamber pond filtration systems

Multi-chamber filter systems are popular: among the many models it is easy to find those that can be used for reservoirs of different sizes inhabited by algae or fish. Such devices produce water purification in three stages:

  • remove mechanical impurities
  • treated with ultraviolet
  • remove biological components.

  • ultraviolet radiation will kill, but not remove algae from the water,
  • if the biological filter works alone, as a result of heavy loads, it will often become clogged.

Since multi-chamber filters consist of several chambers, the water on the way passes through the membranes that separate them and is purified from impurities of various kinds. Dirty, organic-rich water that is removed through the filter drains can be used for irrigation or fertilization. Purified water immediately returns to the pond.

In practice, pond filtration systems turn out to be more effective in which, at the first stage of treatment, water enters the round filter chamber - the flow moves slowly and most of the dirt settles in the mud chamber below, then the purified stream passes through the filter mats.

For the normal functioning of the system, it is very important that the pump has optimal performance, too powerful a pump causes water to overflow from the filter, and therefore to reduce the efficiency of the system.

No less relevant are multi-chamber filters including UV, disinfection and bio-purification. The number of chambers in them should correspond to the volume of water and the presence of fish and vegetation in it. Such systems have small dimensions, they are easy to assemble and maintain.

Filtration of water in the pond using containers

The most natural way to filter can be considered the use of special containers. The principle of water purification in them is the passage of liquid through a layer of gravel. The use of zeolite or lava granulate can significantly increase the efficiency of the treatment system. The amount of mineral substance is taken at the rate of 3 kg per 1 cubic meter of liquid.

The cleaning process is completed by cattails or other marsh plants planted in baskets on the top layer of gravel. Such a system is installed either in the bed of a stream or at the very edge of the pond - clean water must fall back into the pond. To circulate water in such a system, it is sufficient to use a pump with a capacity of about 3-4 thousand l / h. Do-it-yourself pond filtration, equipped in this way, will work quite efficiently.

pressure filters

The simplest and most economical solution to pond filtration is pressure filters. This three-stage filtration system can be used for ponds up to 20,000 liters. Professional pond care is provided by a three-stage system, including:

  • UV cleaning,
  • biological treatment,
  • mechanical filtration.

Such systems have the following advantages:

  • they are easy to install and maintain,
  • when using a pressure filter, it is possible to locate the source of a stream or waterfall above the installation site of the filter, the differential should be calculated according to the parameters of the model used,
  • the filter can be integrated with a water heater,
  • the filter can be installed by burying it three-quarters into the ground (both of its valves are located directly on the cover) - with this installation option, the task of masking is greatly simplified.

  1. When choosing a filter for an artificial pond, many important factors should be taken into account; before buying, you should study in detail the characteristics of the selected model and consult on the appropriateness of choosing it for your conditions from the manager of the company involved in the implementation of filters.
  2. The size of the filter should be determined taking into account that improving water quality will lead to more active growth and an increase in the number of fish in the pond, i.e. for a pond in which fish lives, the volume of the pond should be doubled, the result should be used in calculating the size of the filter.
  3. Experts recommend taking into account the importance of oxygen saturation of water and using aeration pumps in filtration systems, or equipping waterfalls or cascades in the way of water.
  4. Pumps should be selected carefully, taking into account the technical characteristics of the filter, it is better to give preference to models designed for dirty water. The installation of the pump should be done in such a way as to ensure the circulation of water throughout the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe reservoir.
  5. The filters are turned on in the spring, when the water temperature reaches +12 C, and the filters are turned off at the beginning of autumn, taking into account weather conditions. Filters should be operated continuously, they should be turned off only for the period of cleaning.
  6. In order to save money, you can adjust the flow of water in the system using valves or speed controllers - this will help to avoid the system running dry or overflowing. Thin hoses should not be used as they will cause loss of pump performance.
  7. Masking of filtration systems can be done using stones of different breeds, which are distinguished by a beautiful color or original shape.