The layout of the plot is 9 acres of rectangular shape. Layout of the land plot for the construction of a house. Small decorative designs and details

Every person who has his own summer cottage, sooner or later has to deal with some issues related to the arrangement of the garden area. How should the planning of the suburban area be carried out? Where and what plants are best planted? Is there enough space for arranging a bath or garage? At

Proper planning, all the necessary elements can fit even in the smallest area.

As a rule, site planning always begins with zoning, which is a conditional division of the territory into several functional parts. All elements of the dacha area are conditionally divided into 4 zones:

  • rest zone;
  • garden and vegetable garden area;
  • outbuildings zone;
  • living sector.

From this video you will learn about the basics of zoning a site

An example of zoning a suburban area

Basic requirements when drawing up a plan

The layout of the garden plot in most cases depends on the wishes and requirements of the future owner, however, some generally accepted rules should still be followed so that no troubles arise in the future.

When solving issues with the most rational arrangement of elements in a summer cottage, you should pay attention to some details:
1. The house is the most important object of building a summer cottage. Therefore, planning work begins with determining its location, since all further breakdown of the territory will depend on this. If you are going to use the main territory mainly for planting fruits and vegetables, then it is more expedient to equip housing next to the fence.

An example of the layout of a garden plot, the main area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is occupied by the cultivation of fruits and vegetables

If the site is intended for recreation, then the house should be located in such a way that complete harmony and comfort reigned on the territory. Whichever option is chosen, one should take into account the shadow from the building, which will fall on the site and, accordingly, select its location so that the plants do not lack sunlight.
2. Outbuildings, ideally, should be located in the depth of the site so that they attract a minimum of attention. If this is not possible, then it is desirable to decorate them with various plants and plantings. Remember that one of the functions of the buildings on the site is its protection from the winds (but in no case shading!), Therefore, when planning buildings, it is recommended to use the northern or northwestern sides of the site.

On this layout, the outbuilding is located in the very corner of the site near the fence

3. Recreation areas can be located in a variety of ways, and their elements can be collected all together or located separately on the territory of the entire site. In this case, the ideal option would be the construction of a cozy gazebo, which will help hide from the scorching rays of the midday sun. In addition, you can decorate the recreation area with the help of all kinds of flower beds, which are framed by neat paths, as well as a pond surrounded by ornamental shrubs.

An example of planning a summer cottage with a pond

4. It is desirable to take the most open and sunny side for planting fruits and vegetables. Remember that this part of the territory should not be shaded, so you can get a good harvest.

Options for planning a summer cottage

Standard rectangular layout

This is one of the most successful examples, allowing you to easily place all the necessary elements of country life. This site layout scheme is ideal for rectangular, standard areas.

Option for a rectangular layout of a summer cottage

Long narrow layout

As a rule, the layout of an elongated area is accompanied by some difficulties, but thanks to the use of certain techniques, all difficulties can be minimized.

So that the territory does not look like a single whole, a narrow section should be divided into several zones. To achieve the desired effect, all kinds of elements are used (hedges, groups of shrubs and trees, arches of climbing plants, etc.), which act as some kind of "space dividers".

In addition, to visually give the territory a more regular, rectangular shape, it is recommended to use different color schemes. Near the shortest side of the site, it is necessary to plant large plants of bright colors, near the long side - small plants of cold colors.

Option for a long narrow site layout

L-shaped land plot layout

The design of such a site, in fact, is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. One of the main advantages of such a site is that the entire territory cannot be covered in one glance. Accordingly, the protruding part, which is somewhat separate from the rest of the site, can be used as a place to relax, where no one will disturb you. The area, which is limited on three sides, gives just the perfect opportunity for a good and relaxed holiday, alone or with friends.

L-shaped land plan option

How to make a layout of a summer cottage with your own hands

1. First of all, you need to collect all the existing information about your site: groundwater level, soil data, wind impact on the site. Then you should determine which part of the territory is more sunny, and which is more shaded. This information will be required when choosing a place for an artificial reservoir or plants for planting.

2. Next, the site must be divided into functional zones. In most cases, the traditional site plan consists of a recreation area, a place for outbuildings, a flower garden, a garden with fruit trees and a vegetable garden. You should also think about where the artificial pond or swimming pool will be located.

In order to save money, a cesspool can be made common, along with neighbors.

On the remaining territory, a garden and shrubs are arranged (the latter can be placed on the opposite side of the house). Shrubs are good because they do not give too much shade, while being a kind of fence that separates your site from the neighboring one.

The garden should be laid out on the sunny side, while the sunlight should be in this area for at least 6 hours. Thanks to this, the plants will develop as it is necessary, and, accordingly, bring a good harvest.

An example of planning a summer cottage for 5 acres

Potatoes can be planted next to shrubs as they don't need too much sunlight. You can also plant cabbage here. In addition, there will be quite a good place for planting cucumbers, but for peppers and tomatoes, in turn, you need to choose a fairly sunny place.

Read also

Plans and drawings of residential buildings with dimensions

The ideal option would be to arrange a small green area where you can sow a lawn and plant beautiful flowers.

Record dated: 6-19-2016

The day has come when you finally made an important decision - you purchased a building plot or a summer cottage and you were faced with the question of its layout. This issue is very important, since even small miscalculations can negatively affect the entire process of construction and improvement, and the further operation of home ownership.

In the examples below, I will introduce you to planning options with a house, a bathhouse and a garage. Ideas for the placement of a garden, vegetable garden and outbuildings will also be given. In a word, the entire set of buildings that should be on a plot of 25 by 40 meters.

In this material I will try to present the boring boring text from SNiPs in human language. Of course, the original rules also need to be studied, or, at least, printed out, take the information from SP 42.13330.2011 “Planning and development of urban and rural settlements”.

Where do we start?

I propose to consider the layout of a plot of 10 acres, as an example of the rational distribution of land for all necessary needs: building a house, outbuildings, farming or landscape beauty and other needs of the homeowner.

The division of the site into various functional zones is a matter that requires some knowledge and at least a little theoretical training. The solutions I propose should not be taken as a one-size-fits-all recipe, but they will guide you in finding an individual solution to your needs.

So, I bring to your attention one of the options for planning a plot of 10 acres - 25 by 40 meters in size. It is desirable that the territory of the site has some slope towards the road.

To begin with, a little theory on the zoning of the site

It is necessary to plan the territory taking into account three functional zones:

Living sector

The residential area will include:

  • first of all, home
  • approach or driveway
  • flower beds and lawns
  • recreation area (patio) with a canopy, gazebo, barbecue, etc.
  • children's or sports ground
  • decorative pond or pool
  • pet area (dog house, etc.)

agricultural zone

  • garden trees, shrubs
  • zone for growing vegetables, herbs, berries,
  • greenhouse or greenhouse

Economic zone

  • car park or garage
  • makeshift, barn, workshop
  • bathroom and shower (if they are not in the house)
  • bath, sauna, etc.
  • bin, compost heap or pit
  • livestock area (hens, ducks, rabbits, etc.)

We analyze the detailed layout of the site

With proper planning, you need to know in which part of the site to place this or that zone relative to the cardinal points, so that, for example, a compost heap and a toilet are not in the most profitable zone, and a patio and a flower garden are not in the most disadvantageous zone.

An example of planning plots of 6 and 10 acres

In these two projects, we see examples of the classic dacha planning developed over the years. It may be somewhat simple, but it is also very budgetary in terms of labor investment. Everything is directly lined, for a start, such a layout option may be appropriate.

Another option for planning a summer cottage in color and perspective

A more visual plan is a diagram made in color and perspective. Also the classic layout of the site, but I know that many do not need frills. Therefore, the classics are always in demand, besides, you can improvise a little, for example, make the tracks a little winding. There will always be a field for creativity, the main thing is there would be a site!

Schematic division of the site into zones

Here is another good example of the organization of the layout, here is a more modern design approach. The path is winding, a lot of space is reserved for the lawn, a children's play area is allocated, there is a bathhouse, a barbecue area and a plot for household needs. An interesting choice, in my opinion. Note!

Interesting layout of the plot with a house in the depths of the garden

A very stylish and behind-the-scenes version of the layout of the site with a house in the depths of the garden, oriented to the cardinal points, and not along the axis of the site. An interesting solution for those who love solitude and privacy. A gravel road and a separate footpath with natural stone paving lead from the roadway to the house.

The best alignment is if your site is rectangular and has a short side to the road. In this case, you can fence only this small area (on the side of the road), and along the other three borders, make a simpler and cheaper fence, or just plant a bush in the form of a hedge.

A residential building is usually placed a little in the depth of the site - it is recommended to retreat from the road at least five meters (for noise and dust insulation). It is advisable to retreat at least three meters from the border of the neighboring site.

The best distance between houses is 15 meters or more, but if it is not possible to comply with these requirements, then it is recommended to build a house no closer than ten meters from neighboring housing. When placing a house on a narrow site, preference should be given to the side where the shadow falls.

When planning a house, it is desirable to take into account the possibility of two entrances - one, the main one, from the side of the road, and the other, a secondary one, directed towards the garden and onto a large territory of the site. It will be convenient if from the internal entrance it will be possible to get directly into the economic zone.

The garage can be placed directly facing the road, but more often it is placed next to the house or even as part of the house. If you want to have a capital garage, then it is most convenient to place it in the basement or first floor of the house.


In the agricultural part of the site (in the garden and in the garden), it is important to conveniently arrange the paths. It would be logical to lay a watering system along them (stationary pipes or a summer version - flexible hoses).

It is important to correctly divide the garden part into beds, I already wrote how to make comfortable ones that will increase productivity and look very aesthetically pleasing on the site (and practical to use).

It is important to arrange the beds in parallel from north to south, this will contribute to uniform illumination and heating by the sun. When landscaping the site and arranging the paths, it must be taken into account that in the spring, when the snow melts or after showers, puddles do not stagnate on them.

One of the options for arranging tracks is to build them using. I have little experience in this, it is ambiguous, I have already written about it. I advise you to read.

In general, paths in the garden are a great field for the application of creative energy, and I will separately consider the most interesting options for their design.

Entrance and terracing

The arrangement of the entrance to the garage requires preliminary preparation, one of the options is gravel backfill, possibly with concrete pouring. Another option is ready-made floor slabs laid with a slope of 4-5 degrees.

If the site is sloping, then it should be terraced. This will not only create additional convenience during landscaping, but also give it a more aesthetically attractive appearance. With a slope of 10-15 degrees or more, garden stairs should be arranged.

Sometimes 3-4 steps already make it much easier to climb such a site. If you approach the design of terraces and stairs correctly, they can become independent elements of garden landscape design.

Decorated with stone, illuminated at night, garden stairs will play the role of small architectural forms in your garden along with a gazebo, fountain, pergola and similar beautiful elements.

Arbors and pergolas

By the way, about pergolas. These are light wooden structures, which consist of wooden racks with a section of 5 x 10 cm, or 10 x 10 cm, covered with beams from above. In a dry climate, pergolas are not covered with anything, but in our climate of the Middle Strip, you can make a weightless polycarbonate cover to protect from rain. The pergola will give a light shade, you can put climbing plants on it - grapes, clematis.

The gazebo is one of the necessary elements of the garden. Arbors may differ, but most often they are made in terms of a rectangle with dimensions of at least 2 x 2 m. Hexagonal arbors look very attractive. Floor heights are usually not higher than 220 cm from the floor level. The gazebo can be made with removable glazing and removable doors - then you will be comfortable in it in cool rainy weather.

All street buildings made of wood must be treated with an antiseptic, and only then varnished for wood or painted with enamel.

One of the most attractive decorations of the site is a garden pond: it can be an artificial stream, a waterfall, a pond, a pool.

You can carefully consider the plan of the plot 25 by 40 meters (10 acres)

The entrance to the house and the main facade are 7 meters from the road. In front of the house there is a large front garden with elements of landscape design.

These can be flower beds that are successfully inscribed in the lawn, large boulders, an artificial pond, a fountain, small architectural forms - garden sculptures, etc. The entire front garden can be decorated with lighting, which will give it an extra charm in the evening. In front of the fence is a hedge of low shrubs.

On two sides of the porch of the house there are small flower beds with benches recessed into them. In this case, the facade of the house is symmetrical, which determines the symmetry of the landscape design in front of it and the symmetrical placement of benches.

Along the left border of the plot there is an entrance to the garage, which is attached to the house. The driveway is made of laid reinforced concrete slabs. The width of the entrance to the garage is at least 2.3 m; in this case, reinforced concrete floor slabs 6 x 1.2 m were taken for the entrance, laid in two rows in width on a sand bed.

A blind area is made along the contour of the house to drain atmospheric moisture 80 cm wide.

From the side of the garden, a veranda is attached to the house. In front of it is a recreation area, including a small patio with a pergola, and to the left is a children's and sports ground for outdoor activities.

In the depths of the garden, near the left border, there is an economic zone. There are hosts. block with toilet and shower, sauna, greenhouse. A beautiful path made of artificial stone leads to them, not laid tightly, but with the ability to sow the seams between the stones with lawn grass.

On the right side of the site - a garden and a vegetable garden. Very little space is allocated for vegetable crops. But if you need a larger garden, then you can allocate a wider area for it by moving outbuildings and a sports ground (you may not need it). The orchard consists of apple, pear, plum and cherry trees.

Removal of moisture from the site (drainage system)

One of the serious tasks in wet and swampy areas is the removal of excess ground moisture. The drainage system can be open (drainage ditches) or closed (underground drainage).

With a high level of groundwater, closed drainage should be done - then the channels are arranged underground using asbestos-cement pipes and divert water towards the road. To do this, arrange one central channel with a slope of 1 cm per 2 meters of pipe and make branches from the pipes to the sides, the diameter of the pipes is at least 10 cm.

Holes are drilled in the walls of the branch pipes to collect moisture - a diameter of 2 cm, to prevent clogging of the drainage system with soil, the pipes are wrapped with water-permeable durable material with a fine mesh before being laid in the ground.

Instead of pipes, you can make wooden or brick boxes. The drainage system must be covered with rubble, filled with brushwood and only covered with soil on top of everything, on which you can arrange a garden or landscape design.

Site planning video

Planning your summer cottage is very interesting, because you can come up with a bunch of all sorts of interesting solutions.

In order to beautifully and efficiently ennoble the territory, you need to have some knowledge.

Our article will help you step by step to complete the basic work and decorate your site.

Where to begin?

Before starting work, you need to make a plan. Reflect your site on it, sketch its shape, display all the buildings and be sure to take into account the terrain, streams can flow in such areas.

Consider also the location of your territory, whether your house is located in a lowland or on a hill. If the cottage is built under a mountain and streams enter the site, then its arrangement will take a lot of time and effort.

The layout of the territory implies dividing it into zones, this is a residential area, a recreation area, a garden and outbuildings. For each building, you need to allocate a specific place and set the area.

The residential area, that is, your house, should take up about 25% of the space of the entire territory, the toilet, bathhouse and barn should fit in 15-17% of the area.

The largest place on the site, as always, is reserved for the garden, which means that you can plant and grow berries, fruit trees, your favorite flowers, build an artificial reservoir, build a gazebo, in general, make the territory beautiful and ennobled.

The first thing that is built on the site is, of course, a house. Everyone builds it in a different place, someone in the center, someone likes the house to occupy the first line, right after the gate.

A gazebo or terrace is built close to the house, closer to the garden, so that during the rest you can enjoy the fresh air and the aroma of trees. The playground is also placed closer to the gazebo, it can be at its level or behind it.

The toilet, bathhouse and shed should take place closer to the fence. In this case, they will remain invisible on the site and will not take up space.

There is no single type of landscaping for a summer cottage, since everyone has different territories both in size and shape. The standard lot type is a square or rectangle.

On their territory, summer residents are very fond of creating rockeries from stones, plants and a reservoir.

Site planning is a creative and interesting process, but in order to make the cottage cozy and beautiful, it will not be out of place to look at some of the work of landscape designers.

We draw a diagram

After you have decided on the place of buildings on the territory, mark them on paper and sketch them. So, you will visually facilitate your work, and you will surely imagine what to place where, namely:

  • Where the house will stand, from which side of the site the entrance will be.
  • Place for outbuildings.
  • Where will you put the gazebo and playground.
  • Track direction.
  • Place for flower beds and a pond.
  • Communications.

Strictly observing the sequence of buildings, the main place on the site belongs to the house, then we build a garage, sheds, a bathhouse and a toilet.

Lastly, we choose a place for a gazebo, a barbecue area, a summer shower, etc. The garden and vegetable garden is given enough space, depending on what you plan to plant there.

Layout of the site depending on the size

Depending on how many acres the suburban area occupies, the location of the buildings should be designed.

If the plot is not more than 6 acres, then with proper zoning of the territory, you can build everything you need. A house on such a site will turn out no more than 20-25 square meters. m., parking - about 7 sq. m., garden - no more than 100 sq. m.

If your plot is large, from 12 to 15 acres, then this has a serious project on which you will have to work properly.

According to the standard plan, everything will be possible to build here, and even large objects, for example, the house here will be just huge, with a summer terrace and a spacious parking lot.

When developing a development plan for your site on your own, consider all the nuances regarding the construction and placement of summer cottages. Use a clear work plan and follow the advice of experienced craftsmen.

Photo of a successful layout of a summer cottage

Happy owners of suburban areas and owners who have just entered into their rights to use the land are faced with many nuances: from the location of the house, buildings and ending with the elementary planting of fruit trees. Careful planning of the suburban area will prevent errors that occur when making hasty decisions, and ensure the effective use of the entire territory of the site.

To strengthen the slopes, you can use special structures: terraces and slopes, retaining walls and stairs

The vertical layout of the site will make it possible to maximally adapt the existing terrain for the growth of valuable crops, as well as protect the foundations of buildings from rain and flood waters.

The key to a successful site planning is also taking into account the sides of the horizon. This will rationally place all plantings and buildings, taking into account solar illumination at different times of the day and year. It is preferable to place buildings and large trees on the north side so that their shadow does not fall on green spaces. In addition, the facade of the house, located on the north side of the site, will face south. This arrangement will achieve natural sunlight in the rooms throughout the daylight hours.

If the territory allows, then between the street and the facade of the house it is desirable to equip the front garden, which will act as a decorative barrier from dust and street noise

The best option is the conditional division of the site into functional parts - zones, which are represented by:

  • residential area;
  • recreation area;
  • a zone of outbuildings;
  • garden and orchard area.

Rational zoning will allow you to correctly distribute the placement of objects of the dacha structure. A tenth of the entire territory is mainly allocated for the residential area, about 15% of the total area is used to equip the zone of outbuildings, the largest area is allocated to the garden area - 50-75%. The allocation of territory to can be carried out by reducing the area for garden crops or outbuildings.

The nuances of planning the main elements of the landscape

The planning of a personal plot begins with determining the location of the main building. The subsequent breakdown of the territory directly depends on the location of the house.

If the main focus of the site is on the arrangement of the garden area, then it is more preferable to place the house closer to the fence

This will expand the area provided for the cultivation of sun-loving crops, some of which delight with lush flowering, while others with a rich harvest.

If the site is intended primarily for the embodiment of picturesque landscape solutions and relaxation from the bustle of the city, then the placement of the house should also be a harmonious addition to the design idea.

The easiest type of design to implement is an English landscape style garden:

Placement of outbuildings

In general, first of all, the planning and design of the suburban area are aimed at making the most efficient use of every corner of the territory, hiding little attractive elements of the landscape. A place for outbuildings is allocated in the depths of the site. It is advisable to arrange the buildings so that they do not obscure green spaces, but at the same time protect the territory from the winds.

In the absence of the opportunity to place this zone away from home or a recreation area, you can always resort to planting green spaces, the picturesque thickets of which will successfully decorate it

The best option for planning this zone is the arrangement of buildings on the northwestern side of the site.

Allotment of a place for a recreation area

There is no single rule for placing a recreation area on a site. Its elements can be found both in several corners of the site, and assembled into a single composition in a designated place. A gazebo entwined with picturesque clematis or other climbing plant can act as a bright decoration of the territory. It is pleasant to spend time in such a cozy building, hiding from the scorching sun or heavy rain.

A spectacular addition to the recreation area will be flower beds, a miniature pond framed by moisture-loving plants, neatly laid out winding paths

Closer to the border of the site, you can place a bath or. The layout and filling of the site depends only on the wishes and capabilities of its owners.

Sunny plot for the garden area

Under the arrangement of the garden and the garden, the brightest and most open place in the summer cottage is allotted. To obtain the maximum yield, it is advisable to think over the planting of vegetable and horticultural crops in such a way that they are not obscured by summer cottage buildings. When choosing garden and horticultural crops for cultivation on the site, the conditions for their cultivation should be taken into account.

Some of them prefer moisture, others calmly endure drought, along with sun-loving representatives of the plant world, shade-tolerant specimens can often be found.

Knowing these features, it is easy to give each plant a worthy place in the garden or in the garden, where it will feel comfortable surrounded by a pleasant neighborhood, delighting the owner with a bountiful harvest.

Examples of the breakdown of territories of various shapes

A standard rectangular plot is the most preferred option, allowing you to realize any ideas of the owner without resorting to special tricks.

This site layout can be applied to any rectangular area.

The main advantage of the configuration of the non-standard shape of the site is the isolation of the protruding part, which can be used as a niche by equipping a cozy corner of a recreation area, hidden behind a hedge from prying eyes.

The platform, limited on three sides, has a good rest away from the hustle and bustle of the city

A triangular-shaped plot opens up great opportunities for arranging an asymmetric garden, decorated with rounded elements: gazebos, lawns and ponds.

The corners of the site can protrude for the placement of utility rooms or arranging a brazier

Our expert spoke about the layout of the round section in his material:

There is nothing difficult in planning a suburban area. The main thing is to approach this issue wisely, combining practicality with beauty in order to continue to enjoy being in the bosom of nature for many years.

Today, many land owners repeatedly ask the question - how to plan buildings on the site ? Our article will not only help you understand this issue, but will also provide some illustrative examples of ready-made projects.

Step-by-step instructions for planning buildings on the site

In order to correctly plan the site and correctly distribute the territory between the buildings, you need to follow the brief and extremely clear instructions described in the article below.

It is important to remember that before any layout you need

The instruction consists of four checks:

  • Step 1. Evaluation of the land plot;
  • Step 2. Stages of site design;
  • Step 3. Marking by zones of the land plot;
  • Step 4. Development of a site plan;
  • As well as examples of planning.

Step 1. Land valuation

The first step is to objectively assess the characteristics of land:

  1. plot size;
  2. terrain;
  3. soil type;
  4. the architectural structure of the area where the site is located;
  5. ground water;
  6. the location of the site to the sun, the illumination of individual zones;
  7. the strength of the wind (grove of winds).

Knowing these nuances, you can accurately choose the location of the house, households. buildings, correctly design engineering communications, etc. If the soil is sandy or clayey, then it will require fertile black soil to fall asleep. Knowing the acidity of the earth, you can determine which crops and fruit trees are best used on the site.

Step 2. Site design stages

It is best to use one of two styles of land planning:

  1. landscape or picturesque;
  2. regular or geometric.

You can also choose a mixed style of pictorial-geometric.

  1. Picturesque, will become indispensable on a flat terrain. The correct form of the path, the structure of buildings, strictly symmetrical planting of ornamental shrubs and fruit trees in a checkerboard or square order. Reservoirs take a rectangular shape.

Fig 1. Regular or picturesque style

  1. Landscape, best used on complex terrain with smooth or abrupt changes in the forms of vegetation used. This style is more picturesque. All buildings and plantings are arranged in random order, symmetry in this case is completely excluded. These can be ravines, elevations, irregularly shaped ponds, paths with a winding structure.

Fig 2. Landscape style

  1. When using a mixed style on the site, a unique landscape design is obtained with the right buildings or, for example, with straight-winding paths.

Fig 3. Mixed style

Step 3. Marking by zones of the land plot

It is best to use the following zones:

  1. Residential;
  2. Recreation;
  3. Gardening;
  4. Household and household services;

Under construction, it is best to allocate 9-11% of the site.

Under decorative landscaping, paths and households. yard - 14-16%.

Under the garden, lawn, garden - 65 -77%.

Fig 4. Breakdown of the site

The house is the main element on the site, the location of which is determined in the first place.

The economic part will be best located in the depth of the site.

The recreation area should be located in one place of the site or several parts of it (it all depends on the preferences of the owners and hobbies). The gazebo must be placed in the most picturesque place.

The sunniest side is taken under the garden and vegetable garden.

The following important factors should be considered when zoning:

  1. rationally arrange infrastructure zones;
  2. use the minimum distance to move;
  3. use a minimum of land for footpaths and buildings.

Step 4. Development of a site plan

First of all, it is necessary to outline the site on a piece of paper and sketch out a preliminary zoning plan.

  1. To do this, you can use a scale of 1:100, for example, a plot of 9 (30 by 30 meters) acres can be represented as 30 by 30 cm on a piece of paper.
  2. After that, we break the entire sheet into 1x1 cm squares.
  3. Now we cut out from paper all the buildings, flower beds, reservoirs that you would like to place on the site.
  4. By placing cut objects in different places, you can more clearly determine for yourself where and what should be located.
  5. After that, you can order or make an official building plan according to a ready-made sketch. All approvals with the developer and landscapers must be carried out in state organizations that will approve your plan.

Fig. 5 An example of a plan-scheme of a square plot of 9 acres.

  1. Parking area.
  2. Household the buildings.
  3. Water.
  4. Rest zone
  5. Brazier.
  6. Garden.
  7. Compost.
  8. Sports zone.

Fig 6. Plan-scheme of a rectangular area.

Examples of planning plots of different sizes and shapes

For narrow and elongated lands, it is best to use a landscape style with winding paths, asymmetrical plantings, and an irregularly shaped garden.

Fig 7. Examples of zoning of an elongated area

The second picture shows that the use of a flower bed in the center allows you to create an optical barrier and visually expand the area.

The third option presented uses bright and contrasting flowers and plantings along and at the end of the site, which visually expand the boundaries.

It is best to use high plantings at the end of the plot, and low-growing ones closer to the house as you get closer. This solution allows you to visually increase the distance between plantings.

Figure 8. The illustrative example zooms in and out.

Layout and layout of a triangular plot

Land plots of triangular shape allow you to create unique plans using mixed zoning. Below is a finished version of the zoning of a triangular area.

Fig 9. Optimal layout of a triangular section

  1. Sidewalk.
  2. Lawn planting.
  3. Rest zone.
  4. Flowerbed.
  5. Rose garden.
  6. Decorative plantings.
  7. Brazier.
  8. Hedge.
  9. Sports zone.
  10. Swimming pool or body of water.

Zoning and layout of the site on the slope

Figure 11. Finished plot on a slope

This location of the estate allows you to create a unique landscape design that will be viewed from top to bottom.

Before planning a plot with a slope, it is necessary to take into account some of the nuances:

  1. The house is best built on top of the plot.
  2. With a slope greater than 15 degrees, it is necessary to pour or build a retaining wall under the house or other structures.
  3. Use a diversion drainage system (grooves, concrete ditch, sewers, etc.)
  4. To strengthen the turf with a steep descent, planting coniferous or various types of grasses with a developed root system can be used.
  5. If the slope is less than 15 degrees and more gentle, then zoning can be performed here as on a normal flat area.

L-shaped plot layout

Such a site has a significant advantage even with its small size - the inability to visually cover its entire territory due to the L-shape. Below is an example of a plan diagram that visually expands a small area.

  • Site geodesy.

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