How to make a gazebo from a metal profile with your own hands? Do-it-yourself country gazebo made of metal Arbor made of metal profile

Pergolas in the summer cottage are installed quite often. Various materials are used for their construction: wood,. It all depends on your financial capabilities and preferences.

An important condition is the harmonious combination of the house and other structures in the countryside. A gazebo made of metal profiles is an attractive construction option in terms of price and appearance.

At the initial stage of construction, gently decide: what shape and size it will be, on which it will be installed, and it is also necessary to resolve the issue with the material and shape of the roof.


The first step is to build a frame. For this, pipes made of metal profiles are used. This material is durable while being light in weight. In the work, a square pipe from a metal profile and a rectangular one are used.

The first option is preferred because it has greater strength. The metal pipe has a different thickness, which is also taken into account when installing the frame for the gazebo. If a gazebo from a metal profile is conceived as a small structure, then you can take a profile with thin walls for work, and vice versa - overall gazebos need a strong frame made of a thick-walled profile.

Note. When choosing a place to install a gazebo, consider factors such as: distance from the road and prying eyes, ease of access to it, as well as partial shade from trees.

If there is not enough space


To protect the metal from rust, it is necessary to treat it with special anti-corrosion agents, beat off scale and align the seams with a grinder. Further, all metal pipes that will form the frame of the gazebo are cleaned of rust, degreased with a solvent and coated with paint. At the last stage, the roofing is made and the wooden parts are fixed.

Metal country arbors - designs are inexpensive, aesthetic and easy to assemble. This explains their extraordinary popularity. You can build such a structure on a suburban area in a couple of days. Of course, before that, you need to decide on its shape, size, and also choose the most suitable material for sheathing. Only after that you can start welding the frame.

Further in the article, we will deal in detail with how to correctly draft such a structure and build it with your own hands.

What are the advantages of metal gazebos

The main advantage of metal gazebos is that they can be installed absolutely on any soil, even unstable. Moreover, if desired, some varieties of such structures, unlike the same wooden ones, can be moved from place to place.

The second advantage of such structures as gazebos for summer cottages made of metal is a variety of designs and a very aesthetic appearance. Conceived, such structures have an unusually beautiful, original form. If desired, you can choose an option that is ideally suited to the design of the site, both in classical and modern, folk and almost any other style.

Photos of metal gazebos, comfortable and beautiful:

Another advantage of metal structures is considered to be extraordinary strength and durability. The steel arbor will not be covered with a white coating of mold, like a wooden one, will not rot and will never suffer from insects. At the same time, iron structures are much cheaper than chopped and cobbled ones. Collecting them is also much easier.

Varieties of welded arbors

Garden metal arbors may differ both in the material used for the manufacture, and in shape or purpose.

Types of frames and sheathing made of iron

Photo portable and stationary design

In portable arbors, the supports are attached to the lower horizontal frame, welded from strong metal. Of course, in terms of dimensions, such prefabricated options are usually much smaller than stationary ones.

In general, a metal summer gazebo can have both a very simple design and an original exclusive one.

How to make a project

What should be the size

The scheme of fastening cellular polycarbonate to the frame on a self-tapping screw with a thermal washer

Important: You need to work with polycarbonate correctly. Since this material is able to expand with an increase in air temperature, it is impossible to tighten the fasteners too much. A gap of approximately 1 mm should be left between the sheet and the head of the fastener. It is best to use special self-tapping screws with a thermal washer.

As you can see, assembling a metal gazebo is not a particularly difficult process. The main thing is to draw up the right project, accurately calculating everything. The rest is a matter of technique.

Reading time: 13 min

You live, you are in a hurry somewhere, you work - in this turmoil you do not even have time to rest. And if in the country, moreover, there is not even the simplest gazebo made of metal, the chances of restoring strength tend to zero.

Although, if you think about it, there is nothing complicated in solving such structures. A small shed with a barbecue can afford every average family. There would be only a desire, and, of course, step-by-step instructions from our country portal.

The pros and cons of creating a metal gazebo

How many people - how many opinions: one likes a gazebo made of corrugated board, others prefer to see only natural, natural materials during their holidays and do not recognize anything other than wood or reeds.

Have questions?

Ask and receive useful advice from professional builders and experienced gardeners.

And still others prefer going to a club or cafe to fresh air. And at the same time, each side will find arguments in defense of its choice. There are also fans of steel structures. Here is a sample list of them:

Lots of reasons, right? However, they can all be easily discarded if you have already decided and decided. But if only in the selection process, let metal be your material.

Do-it-yourself metal gazebo

Congratulations. Passed the most difficult part on the way to achieving the goal. All the pros and cons have already been weighed, and since you are still with us, it means that you liked the iron gazebos. The next stage is the search or development of a working drawing. If you do not have a technical education, but still want to make a beautiful canopy for a summer residence from metal, then there are only two ways to choose from.

  1. Finding a ready-made drawing on the network, and this is actually not so difficult, you just need to ask the appropriate request to Google or Yandex.
  2. Or choose any photo you like and try to make a project based on it. It won't be too difficult. A gazebo made of a metal profile is still simpler than a finished house, where all the details are in plain sight.

But for clarity, we stopped at the finished version. We just typed into the search engine the phrase: “Drawing of a gazebo from the profile” and Google gave us this picture:

As you can see, in addition to a detailed design plan on the drawing, you can also find a list of necessary materials, and this greatly simplifies life.

In total, for the implementation of the project you will need:

  1. Profile pipe 25×25 mm - 47.23m
  2. Wooden beam 25×125 L 3000 - 20 pcs.
  3. Wood screw 4×40 -120 pcs.

True, the covering material is not indicated in the drawing, but we will think about it a little later. In extreme cases, you can always use polycarbonate.

Looking for a place for a gazebo

Production of a metal frame gazebo

Bend from three-meter sections of the profile 25 × 25 mm three arcs with a bending radius of 2187 mm high and a segment height of 493 mm. This is the most difficult part of the work, and therefore we advise you to start with it. If it doesn't work out, order these parts from a specialized workshop and continue working only with them on hand.

Cut out the remaining profile and make three identical parts from it according to the following layout. At the same stage, carefully remove all sagging from the welds with an angle grinder.

Pay attention, despite its apparent fragility, the design turned out to be quite rigid. The welded frame of the benches here acts as a slanting one, and therefore it cannot be removed from the project.

Raise the trusses to a vertical position and tie them with profile sections 1975 mm long, and wedged at the top with 950 mm fragments. As before, keep an eye on the welds, the influx of metal must be removed in time. The longer you delay with this process, the more headaches you get.

Weld from six seventy-centimeter pieces of the table leg profile. Details on the following diagram.

On this work with metal can be considered completed. Once again inspect the welds, place the structure on the embedded foundation elements, weld it to them and open the skeleton with primer and anti-corrosion paint. Thus, fully preparing it for subsequent sheathing.

Metal frame sheathing

Finish the benches and table. To do this, cut the existing board up to two meters, pass it through the thickness gauge, sand it thoroughly and open it with varnish. Only after such preparation can lumber be screwed to the frame with self-tapping screws according to the following figure.

Please note: bench boards are mounted with a centimeter gap, while on the table this is done with a solid shield.

Well, the finishing touch will be sheathing the roof of the gazebo with cellular polycarbonate. Since its standard width is 2100 mm, nothing needs to be joined. Simply glue the thermal tape along the metal planes adjacent to the roofing material and, using thermal washers, screw the polycarbonate to the frame.

If someone forgot, or came to our resource for the first time, we recall: the holes for the fasteners must be made a few millimeters wider than the thermal washers, since the synthetic product has a significant coefficient of thermal expansion. If desired, all end planes can be additionally closed with a guide profile, only in this case it will be necessary to drill ventilation holes in it so that moisture does not accumulate in the roof combs.

And in parting, I would like to show our readers photos of gazebos made of metal and polycarbonate made especially for giving. Perhaps they will inspire you to create your own corner of comfort. Goodbye and see you soon on the pages of the Modern Estate website.

Original buildings will help unique. Pergolas from the profile are a great chance to be outdoors as long as possible during your vacation. It is not necessary to be a professional builder to create an original landscape on your site. Anyone can build from a metal profile. This material is easy to work with.

An example of a gazebo from a profile covered with corrugated board

To make a gazebo out of metal, it is enough to be able to use welding equipment.

Before starting construction work, it is necessary to complete a drawing of the future structure and buy building materials:

  • Polycarbonate sheets;
  • Profile pipes with a square section.

It is advisable to determine in advance the design of the structure and the amount of starting materials. Profile pipes in construction have managed to prove themselves on the positive side. Products are produced by manufacturers in two forms - with a square section and rectangular.

A variant of a country gazebo made of square pipes

You will also need to purchase tools:

  • apparatus for welding;
  • electric drill;
  • grinder;
  • hacksaw.

In addition, you need to buy a primer or paint coating for metal, which has an anti-corrosion effect. By providing reliable protection against corrosion, you can count on the durability of the building.

Why is aluminum popular in the construction of a gazebo from a profile

To make a beautiful gazebo, today the owners of country cottages often choose an aluminum profile. Its price is higher than that of a tree, but it has many attractive advantages:

  • A versatile alloy that allows you to implement any design ideas;
  • The ability to perform any decoration when finishing;
  • Production of a collapsible design of the gazebo;
  • Resistance to corrosion.

Today, aluminum profile gazebos are considered fashionable and stylish.

The construction of a glazed gazebo made of aluminum profile

They compete with metal products. Aluminum pipes can be used for the construction of structures of various forms:

  • square;
  • rectangular;
  • hexagonal;
  • octagonal.

The material serves to bring the most unusual fantasies to life. If you have an original idea, but you do not know how to implement it, contact a construction company for help. Professional designers quickly, according to which you can easily create the gazebo of your dreams on your own.

Step-by-step instructions for building a gazebo from a profile

After you have made a drawing, you need to choose a place to install the building. Basically, the owner wants to hide a small building away from curious passers-by. Therefore, the gazebo is behind the house. Often, climbing flowers are planted around the building, which serve as an attractive decor all summer.

A design option for a gazebo from a profile

At the same time, creepers and other plants do not allow onlookers to peep what is happening inside the gazebo. If there are large trees on the plot of land, then the building can be placed near them: in the midday heat, their foliage will save from the scorching sun. The general design of the future gazebo consists of racks that are connected by jumpers. The minimum number of supports is four.

For the manufacture of individual parts, a profile with the same or different section is taken. Protection from the sun is provided by a roof over the frame of the structure.

The number of slopes corresponds to the number of racks. The rafters are attached on one side to the uprights, and on the other, they are connected together.

The process of installing a strip foundation for a gazebo

To build it, follow these steps:

  1. It is necessary to remove a layer of soil 20 or 30 cm thick from above.
  2. The bottom of the structure is leveled and compacted.
  3. Sand is poured into the trench to make a sand cushion.
  4. Install the frame from the reinforcement.
  5. Perform pouring from a solution of cement with gravel.

When building a gazebo on unstable ground, it will be required. Regardless of the type of foundation used, metal parts are laid in it during concreting. The frame of the gazebo will be attached to them. Embedded elements make the structure more durable and reliable.

An aluminum or metal profile, after fixing, will serve as an excellent basis for the design. The owner of the cottage must choose a powerful foundation if he plans to build a structure with large dimensions.

Ready-made brick foundation for a gazebo from a profile

Assembling the base of the gazebo from the profile

The structure of structures is easier to assemble when there are ready-made drawings. It is necessary to properly design the foundation so that the structure is solid:

The ties look beautiful in the center from the base. Where the entrance is, the structural element is recommended to be welded at a height that exceeds the height of the average person.

Roof for a gazebo from a profile

If you have chosen aluminum for the construction of the structure, then the roofing material should be lightweight.

Roof construction for a gazebo made of corrugated board

Polycarbonate sheets are great for roof construction. The building material transmits sunlight. By choosing bright colors, you can cheer yourself up in any weather. However, completely transparent sheets should not be taken, otherwise the sun will blind you. It is better to give preference to multi-colored building materials.
Reasons why a polycarbonate roof should be preferred:

  • Affordable price makes the material attractive to everyone who appreciates practical solutions;
  • Polycarbonate goes well with various building materials, including the profile;
  • The ability to build a roof of any shape.

Benefits of polycarbonate

The building material has the following performance properties:

  • UV resistant;
  • incombustibility;
  • Good strength;
  • Durability;
  • Possibility to make fantastic designs.

The best option for roofing polycarbonate is a structured (honeycomb) material. It has low weight and high flexibility. Any unusual design is easy to build. Pergolas made of aluminum profile can have a roof in the form of:

  • domes;
  • pyramids;
  • arches.

The number of slopes may vary. can be installed in just one day.

Recommendations for the construction of a gazebo made of polycarbonate and profile

After installing the rafters, you can begin to fix the roofing material. It is important to take advice from professionals in your work:

Metal buildings for recreation have proven themselves due to many advantages. Assembly speed, durability, low cost, resistance to environmental influences make them affordable for most owners of suburban areas, and you can make gazebos according to standard designs of standard sizes with your own hands.

In this article we will talk about the popular types of structures and materials for them, we will present step-by-step instructions for creating a gazebo from a metal profile.

Choosing the optimal shape and size

The main material used in the construction of this structure is steel pipes of square or rectangular section. Due to the strength of the metal, the load in the building is distributed evenly, while having a small weight. It is convenient to adjust such a profile to the desired dimensions, and the appearance of the gazebo will be neat and original.

If you choose pipes for supports, then preference should be given to a square section. It is better to purchase a rectangular type for elements that are less subject to loads (battens, fences).

When the issue is resolved with the selection of the type of rolled metal, you need to decide on the shape and size of the future gazebo.

Depending on which geometric figure is taken as the basis of the frame, several types of structures are distinguished. Among them:

  • square;
  • round;
  • six or octagonal;
  • rectangular.

The simplest creation technology is in the first and last case, but to get the right polygon, you will have to work hard, since many joints in the corners require increased care.

Users often search:

If it is decided to make a hexagonal structure, in addition to installing supports along the perimeter, it is recommended to fix another rack in the middle of the frame. This addition will simplify the arrangement of the roof, create the desired angle of inclination.

The gazebo from the profile pipe has two roof options: flat and pitched.

The first type is suitable for collapsible buildings, as it may not withstand constant loads in the form of snow.

For capital structures, the right solution would be the arrangement of a one-, two- or four-pitched roof.

It should also be taken into account that the angle of its inclination for most regions varies within 45 0, for the southern part of the country this figure should not exceed 25 0 .

Collapsible and stationary structures

Starting to draw up a drawing, you must immediately decide whether a closed-type gazebo or a temporary structure for summer holidays will be made.

After all, each of the designs has its own characteristics and advantages of use:

For permanent use in the family circle, it will be enough to build a small stationary gazebo measuring 3x3, 4x4 m.

Preparation of necessary materials, tools

In addition to the quality of the construction work performed, the durability of the structure depends on the right combination of materials for the frame, roof, floor, walls. And you should not forget about the aesthetic appearance of the gazebo.

Depending on the budget of the project and the direction of the design of the structure for the walls, the following is suitable:

  • glass;
  • cellular polycarbonate;
  • tree;
  • forging;
  • profile pipe.

On the floor you can buy:

  • edged boards;
  • natural or artificial stone;
  • paving, ceramic tiles.

As a roofing material, it is allowed to use:

  • tiles;
  • ondulin;
  • polycarbonate;
  • profiled sheet;
  • metal tiles;
  • awning.

For a columnar base, you need to stock up on M200 concrete. If the drawing indicates a strip foundation, you need to purchase boards for creating formwork and wire for reinforcement. You should also not forget to add protective solutions to the list of building materials: anti-corrosion agent - for metal, antiseptic - for wood.

As for the number of pipes, this figure requires an accurate calculation, so that later you do not have to overpay for delivery and extra material.

To create a small country gazebo, you need to prepare:

  • concrete M200;
  • crushed stone;
  • sand;
  • primer;
  • level;
  • welding machine with 3 mm electrodes;
  • profile pipes 4x4, 4x2, 2x4 cm;
  • grinder;
  • manual drill;
  • sledgehammer;
  • bitumen.

If there is no welding experience, it is recommended to purchase rectangular pipes. Specialists will cope with round pipes, since connecting them at the corners by welding requires care and accuracy of the seams, and they are cheaper than the first type at a price.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a gazebo

For example, consider the construction of an open structure 3x5 m with a columnar foundation and a gable roof.

Drawing development

Drawing up a diagram of a future structure provides for an accurate calculation of its dimensions, consumption of materials, location, type of foundation, image of the fasteners of individual elements, and the choice of the type of roof.

It will be right to make several sketches of the gazebo at once from different angles in order to evaluate all the nuances of the upcoming work.

As for the choice of a suitable site, such a gazebo looks good next to the pool, in the garden or next to the house.

Thematic material:

If it is planned to install a heating and cooking device indoors in the form of a barbecue or barbecue, then this must also be included in the project. A separate foundation may be required for such a product, and in closed gazebos, you should choose the right place for it and, when depicting the roof, provide for the location of the chimney.

Taking into account fire safety requirements, it is not recommended to make PVC. Preference should be given to metal tiles, corrugated board, and the chimney should be well insulated.

In open buildings there is no need to equip a chimney, so there are no special restrictions on the choice of roofing material.

It must be remembered that any modifications to the design must be recorded in the drawing in accordance with current legislation.

Choosing the type of foundation

Under a small gazebo with a metal frame on sandy or rocky soil, a columnar foundation will suffice. Owners who want to install a brazier inside should fill in the tape base. For swampy unstable soils, a pile type is suitable.

After marking the site, it is recommended to remove the top layer of soil. Level the site. Drill holes in the corners to a depth of 50 cm. Pour 15 cm of sand and gravel at the bottom. Tamp. Install pipes in the pits according to the level. Fill them with concrete. Curing time 1-2 weeks.

Frame assembly

To install the structure, it is necessary to pre-cut 6 pipes with wall dimensions of 4 * 4 cm, 3 m long and 4 pipes 4 * 2 cm, 5 m each. The lower trim to the uprights is carried out at a height of 80 cm from the ground, the distance of the upper trim from the future roof is also 80–90 cm. To avoid frame distortion, a mark is made on one of the bearing supports at the indicated height. It should be noted on other pipes as well.

Upon completion of the measurements, each element is fastened by welding. For the stability of the upper trim, two transverse pipes should be welded to it and only then proceed with the arrangement of the roof.

roof decking

To create the upper part of the structure, a 2x4 cm profile pipe is used. First, you need to cut three pieces 5 m long, eight - 2 m each, four - 3 m each. A rectangle is cooked according to the size of the gazebo.

Two pieces of 2 m each are applied to the smaller side of the figure and welded together so that the edges of the pipes protrude 5 cm beyond the entire frame of the building. The remaining 6 segments are attached in the same way. The step between the elements must be the same.

The resulting roof frame must be raised and fixed by welding to the strapping. Welding areas are cleaned. A protective solution is applied to the frame. The final stage is the installation of roofing material. The roof can be made of polycarbonate, profiled sheet, slate. Sheets of the required dimensions are cut out, attached to the structure with self-tapping screws.

How to sheathe walls

In the decoration of an open gazebo, a crate made of wood with climbing plants in the form of grapes or roses on the sides of the structure harmoniously looks. And those owners who know how to handle iron bars and other metal elements can decorate the frame in an original way with interesting forged figures.

This is more clearly seen in the photo:

You can also simply fix sheets of colored or transparent cellular polycarbonate instead of walls or sheathe the walls with clapboard, moisture-resistant plywood. It all depends on your preferences and financial capabilities.

If necessary, electricity is provided inside the premises. Of the furniture, a table with chairs or benches is installed.

Owners of summer cottages who want to quickly get an interesting inexpensive gazebo with a long service life should take profiled pipes as a basis, and, following the recommendations, try to manually create their own masterpiece.