social conflict. Social conflict: structure and examples Negative consequences of conflict

Depending on how effective conflict management is, its consequences will become functional or dysfunctional, which, in turn, will affect the possibility of future conflicts: eliminate the causes of conflicts or create them.

There are the following main functional (positive) consequences of conflicts for the organization:

1) the problem is solved in a way that suits all parties, and as a result, people feel involved in solving an important problem for them;

2) a joint decision is implemented faster and better;

3) the parties gain experience of cooperation in resolving disputes and can use it in the future;

4) effective resolution of conflicts between the leader and subordinates destroys the so-called "submission syndrome" - the fear of openly expressing one's opinion, different from the opinion of seniors;

5) relations between people improve;

6) people cease to consider the existence of disagreements as "evil", always leading to bad consequences.

The main dysfunctional (negative) consequences of conflicts:

1) unproductive, competitive relationships between people;

2) lack of desire for cooperation, good relations;

3) the idea of ​​the opposite side as an "enemy", of one's own position as exclusively positive, of the opponent's position as only negative. And people who think that they alone own the truth are dangerous;

4) curtailment or complete cessation of interaction with the opposite party, which impedes the solution of production problems.

5) the belief that "winning" the conflict is more important than solving the real problem;

6) feelings of resentment, dissatisfaction, bad mood, staff turnover.

Of course, both the negative and positive consequences of conflicts cannot be absolutized, considered outside the specific situation. The real ratio of functional and dysfunctional consequences of the conflict directly depends on their nature, their causes, as well as on the skillful management of conflicts.

4. Handling conflicts.

4.1. Leadership attitude towards conflict.

There are four types of manager's attitude to a conflict situation.

1. The desire to avoid trouble, suffering. The elder acts as if nothing happened. He does not notice the conflict, avoids resolving the issue, lets things take their course, does not violate apparent well-being, does not complicate his own life. His moral infantilism often ends in disaster. Discipline violations grow like a snowball. More and more people are drawn into the conflict. Unresolved disputes destroy the team, provoke its members to even more gross violations of discipline.

2. Realistic attitude to reality. The manager is patient, sober about what is happening. He adapts to the requirements of the conflicting ones. In other words, he follows their lead, trying to mitigate conflict relations with persuasion and exhortation. He behaves in such a way that, on the one hand, he does not disturb the team and the administration, and, on the other hand, does not spoil relations with people. But persuasion, concessions lead to the fact that the elder is no longer respected and laughed at.

3. Active attitude to what happened. The leader recognizes the presence of a critical situation and does not hide the conflict from superiors and colleagues. He does not ignore what happened and does not try to please "both ours and yours", but acts in accordance with his own moral principles and beliefs, ignoring the individual personality traits of conflicting subordinates, the situation in the team, the causes of the conflict. As a result, there is a situation of external well-being, cessation of quarrels, violations of discipline. But at the same time, the lives of members of the team are often crippled, their destinies are broken, and a steady hostility is caused to the boss and the team, and sometimes to the organization as a whole.

4. Creative attitude to conflict. The senior behaves in accordance with the situation and resolves the conflict with the least losses. In this case, he consciously and purposefully, taking into account all the accompanying phenomena, finds a way out of the conflict situation. He takes into account the objective and subjective causes of the conflict, for example, not knowing the motive for insulting one employee to another, he does not make a hasty decision.

A creative attitude, a thorough analysis of what happened is especially necessary when perceiving criticism. If the critic seeks to improve work efficiency, correct shortcomings that interfere with full-fledged work, social work, it is necessary to record valuable advice, try to correct omissions, and in your free time, when the speaker cools down, if necessary, criticize him for tactlessness, explain what criticism should be , and be sure to praise for a serious attitude to work, for the desire to correct shortcomings.

If the critic is settling personal scores or seeking to present himself, to show his integrity, it is best to try to enlist the support of those present and avoid further contact with the speaker. It is useless to explain anything in this case. It is better to calmly explain to those present the reason for the indignation of the critic, to show what caused the desire to “boldly” speak out against the gaps in the work.

Particularly unpleasant forms of criticism are performances in order to improve one's status in the team and criticism in order to receive an emotional charge. In both cases, the conflicting party is not at all interested in the matter. The reason is frankly selfish motives or love for squabbles, the joy of emotional discharge, the need for it. In both situations, one should not succumb to emotional influence, become a target for the critic. If possible, you should leave the room, if not, calmly, with dignity, talk with the team on an interesting topic or do some business, in no case demonstrating contempt for the critic, without stimulating his emotional intensity even more.

These forms of criticism are rarely found in their pure form and are by no means always used consciously and deliberately. Therefore, they are difficult to recognize and correctly interpret. However, having understood their causes, it is easier to determine the goal of the critic and outline tactics for preventing a quarrel and getting out of a conflict situation.

The manager's indifferent attitude to the events in the team, the passive reaction to the seemingly insignificant friction of the employees often cause stable uncontrollable conflicts. Therefore, it is advisable not to bring things to serious clashes, not to wait until good relations are established by themselves. It is necessary, setting a specific goal for the subordinate, organizing his activities aimed at achieving this goal, cultivating camaraderie, friendship in the team, increasing the cohesion of its members, making the team resistant to disagreements and conflicts.

If this is not possible, the conflict has arisen, it is necessary to eliminate it with the least losses for the participants, the team, the manager himself.

Among the basic concepts that social science studies today, social conflicts occupy a large place. Largely because they are an active driving force, thanks to which modern society and came to its present state. So what is social conflict?

This is a clash of different parts of society, due to the contradictions that have arisen. Moreover, it cannot be said that social conflict always leads to negative consequences, because it is not so. Constructively overcoming and resolving such contradictions allows the parties to get closer, learn something, and society to develop. But only if both sides are determined to take a rational approach and look for a way out.

The concept of conflict in society was of interest to researchers long before the emergence of sociology as such. The English philosopher Hobbes was rather negative about this. He pointed out that some kind of conflicts would constantly occur within the society, the natural state, in his opinion, was "the war of all against all."

But not everyone agreed with him. Collision issues were actively explored by Spencer at the end of the 19th century. He considered that we are talking about a natural process, as a result of which the best remain, as a rule. Considering social conflicts and ways to resolve them, the thinker brought the personality to the fore.

In contrast, Karl Marx believed that the choice of the group is more important for society as a whole. The scientist suggested that the class struggle is inevitable. For him, the functions of social conflict are closely connected with the redistribution of goods. However, critics of the theory of this researcher pointed out that Marx was an economist. And he approached the study of society from the point of view of professional deformation, paying too little attention to everything else. In addition, here the value of a single person turned out to be downplayed.

If we talk about the basic concepts related to modern conflictology (which even took shape as a separate science, which indicates the great importance of the issue under study), then we can single out the teachings of Coser, Dahrendorf and Boulding. The theory of social conflict in the former is built around the inevitability of social inequality, which generates tension. Which leads to clashes. In addition, Coser points out that the struggle can begin when there is a contradiction between ideas about what should be and reality. Finally, the scientist does not bypass the limited number of values, the rivalry between different members of society for power, influence, resources, status, and so on.

It can be said that this theory does not directly conflict with Dahrendorf's approach. But he emphasizes differently. In particular, the sociologist points out that society is built on the coercion of some by others. There is a constant struggle for power in society, and there will always be more people who want it than real opportunities. Which gives rise to endless changes and collisions.

Boulding also has his own concept of conflict. The scientist suggests that it is possible to isolate something in common that exists in any confrontation. In his opinion, the structure of social conflict is subject to analysis and study, which opens up wide opportunities for monitoring the situation and managing the process.

According to Boulding, conflict cannot be completely separated from public life. And by it, he understands the situation when both parties (or more participants) take positions that cannot be fully reconciled with the interests and desires of each other. The researcher identifies 2 basic aspects: static and dynamic. The first concerns the main characteristics of the parties and the general situation as a whole. The second is the reactions, the behavior of the participant.

Boulding suggests that the consequences of social conflict in a particular case can be predicted with a certain degree of probability. Moreover, in his opinion, errors are often associated with a lack of information about what caused it, what means the parties actually use, etc., and not with the inability to make a forecast in principle. The scientist also draws attention: it is important to know at what stage of social conflict the situation is now in order to understand what will or may be at the next stage.

Further development of the theory

At present, social scientists are actively studying social conflict and ways to resolve it, because today it is one of the most urgent and pressing problems. Thus, the premises of social conflict always concern something deeper than it might seem at first glance. A superficial study of the situation sometimes gives the impression that people are simply hurt by religious feelings (which often also has its significance), but upon closer examination, it turns out that there are enough reasons.

Often dissatisfaction accumulates over the years. For example, social conflicts in modern Russia are the problem of a clash of different ethnic groups, the economic disadvantage of some regions of the country compared to others, a strong stratification within society, a lack of real prospects, etc. At times it seems that the reaction is simply disproportionate, which is impossible to predict, to what are the consequences of social conflicts in certain cases.

But in reality, the basis for a serious reaction is a long-accumulating tension. It can be compared to an avalanche, where snow constantly accumulated. And just one push, a sharp sound, a blow in the wrong place is enough for a huge mass to break off and roll down.

What does this have to do with theory? Today, the causes of social conflicts are almost always studied in relation to how things actually happen. The objective circumstances of conflicts in society that led to the confrontation are considered. And not only from a sociological point of view, but also from an economic, political, psychological (interpersonal, confrontation between the individual and society), etc.

In fact, theorists are tasked with finding practical ways to solve the problem. In general, such goals have always been relevant. But now ways to resolve social conflicts are of increasing importance. They are essential to the survival of society as a whole.

Classification of social conflicts

As already established, the issue under study is of great importance for people and even for humanity. This may seem like an exaggeration, but when considering this topic, it becomes clear that global types of conflicts really threaten the entire civilization as such. If you want to practice, give yourself different scenarios for the development of events in which survival will be in question.

In fact, examples of such social conflicts are described in science fiction literature. They are largely devoted to dystopia. Finally, from the point of view of the social science study of the material, post-apocalyptic literature is of considerable interest. There, often the causes of social conflicts are studied after the fact, that is, after everything has happened.

To put it bluntly, humanity has reached a level of development when it is really capable of destroying itself. The same forces act both as an engine of progress and as a deterrent. For example, the promotion of industry enriches people, opens up new opportunities for them. At the same time, emissions into the atmosphere destroy the environment. Garbage and chemical pollution threaten rivers, soil.

The danger of nuclear war should not be underestimated either. The confrontation between the largest countries in the world shows that this problem has not been solved at all, as it seemed in the 90s. And a lot depends on what paths humanity will take next. And what methods of resolving social conflicts it will use, destructive or constructive. A lot depends on this, and it's not just about big words.

So let's get back to classification. We can say that all types of social conflicts are divided into constructive and destructive. The first is the focus on resolution, on overcoming. Here, the positive functions of social conflicts are realized, when society teaches how to overcome contradictions, build a dialogue, and also understands why this is generally necessary in specific situations.

We can say that in the end people gain experience that they can pass on to future generations. For example, once humanity faced the legalization of slavery and came to the conclusion that it was unacceptable. Now, at least at the state level, there is no such problem, such a practice is outlawed.

There are also destructive types of social conflicts. They are not aimed at resolving, here the participants are more interested in creating a problem for the other side or in completely destroying it. At the same time, they can formally use completely different terminology to indicate their position for various reasons. The problem of studying the situation is often related to the fact that the real goals are often hidden, disguised as others.

However, the typology of social conflicts does not stop there. There is another division as well. For example, short-term and protracted are considered by duration. The latter, in most cases, have more serious causes and consequences, although such a relationship is far from always traced.

There is also a division according to the total number of participants. In a separate group are allocated internal, that is, those that occur within the personality. Here, the functions of social conflict are not realized in any way, since we are not talking about society at all, it is rather a matter of psychology and psychiatry. However, to the same extent that each individual is able to influence others, to the same extent such contradictions will cause problems in society as a whole. After all, society as such consists of individuals. Therefore, the importance of such problems should not be underestimated. Next come interpersonal conflicts, clashes between individual individuals. And the next level is already group.

From the point of view of orientation, it is worth considering horizontal, that is, problems between equal participants (representatives of the same group), vertical (subordinate and boss), and also mixed. In the latter case, the functions of social conflicts are very heterogeneous. This is the realization of ambitions, and the splashing out of aggression, and the achievement of conflicting goals, and often the struggle for power, and the development of society as such.

There is a division according to the methods of resolution: peaceful and armed. The main task of the government is to prevent the transition of the first to the second. At least in theory. However, in practice, states themselves often become the instigators of such a transformation, that is, provocateurs of armed clashes.

In terms of volume, they consider personal or domestic, group, for example, one department against the second within a corporation, a branch against the main office, one class at a school against another, etc., regional, which develop in a single area, local (also a locality, only more, say, the territory of one country). And finally, the largest ones are global. A striking example of the latter are world wars. As the volume increases, the degree of danger to humanity also increases.

Pay attention to the nature of development: there are spontaneous conflicts and planned, provoked ones. With a large scale of events, one often combines with others. Finally, in terms of content, production, domestic, economic, political, etc. problems are considered. But in general, one confrontation rarely affects only one specific aspect.

The study of social conflicts shows that it is quite possible to manage them, they can be prevented, they should be controlled. And a lot here depends on the intentions of the parties, on what they are ready for. And this is already influenced by the awareness of the seriousness of the situation.

The concept of social conflict.conflict functions.

Generally conflict can be defined as a clash of individuals, social groups, societies associated with

existence of contradictions or opposing interests and goals.

The conflict attracted sociologists of the late nineteenth and early XX in. Karl Marx proposed a dichotomous model of conflict. According to her, the conflict is always bob- . two sides are treated: one of them represents labor, the other capital. Conflict is the expression of a given

confrontation and ultimately leads to the transformation of society.

In the sociological theory of G. Simmel, the conflict was presented as a social process that has not only negative functions and does not necessarily lead to a change in society. Simmel believed that conflict consolidates society, as it maintains the stability of groups and strata of society.

However, in the middle of the last century, the interest of scientists in the conflict has noticeably decreased. In particular, the reason for this was such a feature of the concept of functionalists as the consideration of culture and society as unifying and harmonizing mechanisms. Naturally, from the point of view of such an approach, the conflict could not be described.

Only in the second half XX century, or rather, starting around the 1960s, the conflict began to gradually restore its rights as a sociological object. During this period, scientists, based on the ideas of G. Simmel and K. Marx, tried to revive the consideration of society from the point of view of conflict. Among them, first of all, R. Dahrendorf, L. Koser and D. Lockwood should be mentioned.

There are two main approaches to understanding conflict.

The Marxist tradition considers conflict as a phenomenon whose causes lie in society itself, primarily in the confrontation between classes and their ideologies. As a consequence, the entire history in the writings of Marxist-oriented sociologists appears as the history of the struggle between the oppressors and the oppressed.

Representatives of the non-Marxist tradition (L. Koser, R. Dahrendorf, and others) consider conflict as part of the life of society, which must be managed. Naturally, there are also substantive differences in their approaches, but it is fundamentally important that non-Marxist sociologists view conflict as a social process that does not always lead to a change in the social structure of society (although, of course, such an outcome is possible, especially if the conflict subjected to conservation and was not resolved in a timely manner).

Elements of a conflict situation. In any conflict situation, the participants in the conflict and the object of the conflict are distinguished. Among participants in the conflict distinguish opponents(i.e. those people who are interested in the object of the conflict), involved groups and interest groups. As for the involved and interested groups, their participation in the conflict is caused by two reasons or a combination of them: 1) they are able to influence the outcome of the conflict, or 2) the outcome of the conflict affects their interests.

Object of conflict- this is the resource to which the interests of the parties apply. The object of the conflict is indivisible, since either its essence excludes division, or it is presented within the framework of the conflict as indivisible (one or both parties refuse to divide). Physical indivisibility is not a necessary condition for a conflict, since it is not uncommon for an object to be usable by both parties (for example, one party forbids the other from using a particular parking space without having the right to do so).

All of these criteria refer to the static consideration of the conflict. As for its dynamics, the following are usually distinguished stages of the conflict:

1. Hidden stage. At this stage, the conflict participants are not aware of the contradictions. Conflict manifests itself only in explicit or implicit dissatisfaction with the situation. The discrepancy between values, interests, goals, means of achieving them does not always result in a conflict: the opposite side sometimes either resigns itself to injustice, or waits in the wings, holding a grudge. Actually the conflict begins with certain actions that are directed against the interest of the other side.

2. Formation of the conflict. At this stage, contradictions are formed, claims are clearly recognized that can be expressed to the opposite side & in the form of requirements. Groups taking part in the conflict are formed, leaders are nominated in them. There is a demonstration of one's own arguments and criticism of the opponent's arguments. At this stage, it is not uncommon for the parties to conceal their plans or arguments. Provocation is also used, that is, actions that are aimed at forming a public opinion that is beneficial to one side, that is, favorable about one side and unfavorable about the other.

3. Incident. At this stage, an event occurs that transfers the conflict to the stage of active actions, that is, the parties decide to enter into an open struggle.

4. Active actions of the parties. Conflict requires a lot of energy, so it quickly reaches a maximum of conflict actions - a critical point, and then quickly subsides.

5. Completion of the conflict. At this stage, the conflict ends, which, however, does not mean that the claims of the parties are satisfied. In reality, there may be several outcomes of the conflict.

In general, we can say that each of the parties either wins or loses, and the victory of one of them does not mean that the other has lost. On a more concrete level, it is fair to say that there are three outcomes: win-lose, win-win, lose-lose.

However, this representation of the outcome of the conflict is rather inaccurate. The fact is that there are options that do not fully fit into the original scheme. As for the “win-win” case, for example, a compromise cannot always be considered a victory for both parties; a side often seeks a compromise only to prevent its opponent from considering itself victorious, and this happens even if the compromise is as unfavorable for it as losing.

As for the “lose-lose” scheme, it does not fully fit the cases when both parties become victims of some third party that takes advantage of their discord for gain. In addition, the existence of a conflict may cause a disinterested or little interested third party to transfer value to a person or group that was not involved in the conflict at all. For example, it is easy to imagine a situation in which the head of an enterprise refuses to two employees in a position they dispute and gives it to a third party only because, in his opinion, only a person who does not enter into conflicts can perform these duties.

According to L. Koser, the main functions of the conflict are:

1) the formation of groups and the maintenance of their integrity and boundaries;

2) establishment and maintenance of relative stability of intragroup and intergroup relations;

3) creating and maintaining a balance between the opposing sides;

4) stimulating the creation of new forms of social control;

5) creation of new social institutions;

6) obtaining information about the environment (more precisely, about social reality, its shortcomings and advantages);

7) socialization and adaptation of specific individuals. Although the conflict usually brings only disorganization and harm, the following can be distinguished: positive functions of conflict:

1) communicative function: in a situation of conflict, people or other subjects of social life are better aware of both their aspirations, desires, goals, and the desires and goals of the opposite side. Thanks to this, the position of each of the parties can both be strengthened and transformed;

2) tension discharge function: expressing one's position and defending it in confrontation with the enemy is an important means of canalizing emotions, which can also lead to finding a compromise, since the “emotional supply” of the conflict disappears;

3) consolidating function: the conflict can consolidate society, since an open clash allows the parties to the conflict to better know the opinion and claims of the opposite side.

Factors affecting the formation, course and resolution of the conflict, associated with the state of the social systems in which it unfolds (the stability of the family, etc.). There are a number of such conditions:

1) features of the organization of conflict groups;

2) the degree of identification of the conflict: the more the conflict is revealed, the less intense it is;

3) social mobility: the higher the level of mobility, the less intense the conflict; the stronger the connection with social position, the stronger the conflict. And indeed, the renunciation of claims, the change of place of work, the ability to obtain the same benefit in another place are the condition that the conflict will be ended at the cost of getting out of it;

4) the presence or absence of information about the real resources of the participants in the conflict.

Conflict: participate or create... Vladimir Kozlov

Diagram 1.1.2 Negative consequences of the conflict

Scheme 1.1.2

Negative Consequences of the Conflict

Possible negative consequences of conflicts are as follows.

Approximately 80% of industrial conflicts are of a psychological nature and move from the industrial sphere to interpersonal relationships.

About 15% of working time is spent on conflicts and worries about them.

Labor productivity is declining.

Conflicts worsen the psychological climate in groups, they violate cooperation and mutual assistance.

Job dissatisfaction and employee turnover are on the rise.

Unjustified competition is on the rise. Information is hidden.

The idea of ​​the other side as an "enemy" is formed.

It is difficult to imagine a leader who has never faced the problem of resolving conflicts between subordinate employees or departments, while understanding that:

Any conflict, as a rule, has a strong destructive charge;

The spontaneous development of the conflict very often leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the organization;

The conflict is usually accompanied by powerful negative emotions that the parties experience in relation to each other. These emotions impede the search for a rational way out and form the image of an enemy that must be defeated or destroyed at all costs. When the conflict reaches this stage, it is already difficult to deal with it.

Dysfunctional Consequences of Organizational Conflicts:

Decreased productivity, negative emotional state, increased staff turnover (people leave the organization), increased feelings of dissatisfaction with oneself, increased aggressiveness in interaction;

Reducing the scope of cooperation, focusing on the struggle between groups, increasing competition between groups, increasing the influence of intra-group norms;

Shifting attention from the overall task of the organization to the conflict: the formation of a negative image of the competitor as an enemy.

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The question of the nature of the conflict causes a lot of controversy. Here are the opinions of several modern Russian scientists.
A. G. Zdravomyslov. "This is a form of relationship between potential or actual subjects of social action, the motivation of which is due to opposing values ​​and norms, interests and needs."
E. M. Babosov. “A social conflict is the ultimate case of social contradictions, expressed in various forms of struggle between individuals and various social communities, aimed at achieving economic, social, political, spiritual interests and goals, neutralizing or eliminating an imaginary rival and not allowing him to achieve the realization of his interests.”
Yu. G. Zaprudsky. "Social conflict is a clear or hidden state of confrontation between objectively divergent interests, goals and trends in the development of social subjects ... a special form of historical movement towards a new social unity."
What unites these opinions?
As a rule, one side has some tangible and intangible (primarily power, prestige, authority, information, etc.) values, while the other side is either completely devoid of them or lacks them. At the same time, it is not excluded that the predominance may be imaginary, existing only in the imagination of one of the parties. But if one of the partners feels disadvantaged in the possession of something of the above, then a conflict state arises.
It can be said that social conflict is a special interaction of individuals, groups and associations in the clash of their incompatible views, positions and interests; confrontation of social groups over the diverse resources of life support.
Two points of view are expressed in the literature: one is about the dangers of social conflict, the other is about its benefits. In essence, we are talking about the positive and negative functions of conflicts. Social conflicts can lead to both disintegrative and integrative consequences. The first of these consequences increases bitterness, destroys normal partnerships, distracts people from solving pressing problems. The latter help to solve problems, find a way out of the current situation, strengthen the cohesion of people, allow them to more clearly understand their interests. It is almost impossible to avoid conflict situations, but it is quite possible to ensure that they are resolved in a civilized manner.
There are many different social conflicts in society. They differ in their scale, type, composition of participants, causes, goals and consequences. The problem of typology arises in all sciences that take place with a multitude of heterogeneous objects. The most simple and easily explainable typology is based on the identification of spheres of manifestation of the conflict. According to this criterion, economic, political, international, domestic, cultural and social (in narrow sense) conflicts. Let us explain that the latter include conflicts arising from conflicts of interests in the sphere of labor, health care, social security, education; for all their independence, they are closely related to such types of conflicts as economic and political.
Changes in social relations in modern Russia are accompanied by an expansion of the sphere of manifestation of conflicts, since they involve not only large social groups, but also territories, both nationally homogeneous and inhabited by various ethnic groups. In turn, interethnic conflicts (you will learn about them later) give rise to territorial, confessional, migration and other problems. Most modern researchers believe that in the social relations of modern Russian society there are two types of hidden conflicts that have not yet been clearly manifested. The first is the conflict between hired workers and the owners of the means of production. This is largely due to the fact that after half a century of social security and all the rights in the field of social policy and labor relations that they were endowed with in Soviet society, it is difficult for workers to understand and accept their new status hired worker forced to work in the market. The other is the conflict between the poor majority of the country and the wealthy minority, accompanying the accelerated process of social stratification.
Many conditions influence the development of social conflict. These include the intentions of the parties to the conflict (to reach a compromise or completely eliminate the opponent); attitude to the means of physical (including armed) violence; the level of trust between the parties (as far as they are ready to follow certain rules of interaction); the adequacy of assessments by the conflicting parties of the true state of affairs.
All social conflicts go through three stages: pre-conflict, directly conflict and post-conflict.
Consider specific example. At one enterprise, because of the real threat of bankruptcy, it was necessary to reduce the staff by a quarter. This prospect worried almost everyone: employees were afraid of layoffs, and management had to decide who to fire. When it was no longer possible to postpone the decision, the administration announced a list of those who were to be fired in the first place. On the part of candidates for dismissal, legitimate demands to explain why they were being fired followed, applications began to be received by the commission on labor disputes, and some decided to go to court. The settlement of the conflict took several months, the company continued to work with a smaller number of employees. The pre-conflict stage is the period during which contradictions accumulate (in this case, caused by the need to reduce the staff). The direct conflict stage is a set of certain actions. It is characterized by a clash of opposing sides (administration - candidates for dismissal).
The most open form of expression of social conflicts can be various kinds of mass actions: presentation of demands to the authorities by discontented social groups; use of public opinion in support of their demands or alternative programs; direct social protests.
Protest forms can be rallies, demonstrations, picketing, civil disobedience campaigns, strikes, hunger strikes, etc. Organizers of social protest actions must be clearly aware of what specific tasks can be solved with the help of a particular action and what kind of public support they can rely on. -read. Thus, a slogan that is sufficient to organize a picket can hardly be used to organize a campaign of civil disobedience. (What historical examples of such actions do you know?)
To successfully resolve a social conflict, it is necessary to determine its true causes in a timely manner. The opposing sides should be interested in a joint search for ways to eliminate the causes that gave rise to their rivalry. At the post-conflict stage, measures are taken to finally eliminate the contradictions (in the example under consideration, the dismissal of employees, if possible, the removal of socio-psychological tension in the relationship between the administration and the remaining employees, the search for optimal ways to avoid such a situation in the future).
Conflict resolution can be partial or complete. Complete resolution means the end of the conflict, a radical change in the entire conflict situation. At the same time, a kind of psychological restructuring takes place: the “image of the enemy” is transformed into the “image of a partner”, the attitude to fight is replaced by the attitude to cooperation. The main disadvantage of a partial resolution of the conflict is that only its external form changes, but the reasons that gave rise to the confrontation remain.
Let's look at some of the most common methods of conflict resolution.

The method of avoiding conflict means leaving or threatening to leave, it consists in avoiding meetings with the enemy. But the avoidance of conflict does not mean its elimination, because its cause remains. The negotiation method assumes that the parties exchange views. This will help reduce the severity of the conflict, understand the arguments of the opponent, objectively assess both the true balance of power and the very possibility of reconciliation. Negotiations allow you to consider alternative situations, achieve mutual understanding, reach agreement, consensus, open the way to cooperation. The method of using mediation is expressed as follows: the opposing sides resort to the service of mediators ( public organizations, individuals, etc.). What conditions are necessary for successful conflict resolution? First of all, it is necessary to determine its causes in a timely and accurate manner; identify objectively existing contradictions, interests, goals. The parties to the conflict must free themselves from distrust of each other and thereby become participants in the negotiations in order to publicly and convincingly defend their positions and consciously create an atmosphere of public exchange of views. Without such a mutual interest of the parties in overcoming contradictions, mutual recognition of the interests of each of them, a joint search for ways to overcome the conflict is practically impossible. All participants in the negotiations should show a tendency towards consensus, i.e., to agree.