Construction of a wooden frame. Step-by-step technology for the construction of frame houses. "Wrong" frame houses

Technologies. During the construction of a low-rise frame house, it is possible to quite effectively use the most modern building materials and the latest advances in the industry.

The need for the construction of such houses has recently grown very much, so many decide to start building a frame house on their own. Because the technology of its construction is not too complicated.

When planning the construction of a good one for your family, firstly, they determine its purpose. You need to clearly know at what time of the year the family will live in it, all year round or only in the spring-summer season. The method of its insulation will depend on this choice. Initially, a frame house is an elementary simple structure, consisting of vertical racks and a certain number of horizontal strappings, which must be carefully and efficiently. During the construction process, all voids found are filled with special materials with low thermal conductivity. And then, already when facing internal and external walls, different building materials are used.

Based on this, we conclude that the appropriate type of insulation will directly depend on the time of operation of the house and on the weather conditions under which this frame house will be built. As a heater and use, or - these are universal materials.

Foundation work

As a rule, a frame house is built no higher than 2 floors. Moreover, it is worth noting that the second floor is of the attic type. Therefore, it makes no sense for such houses to build a deep foundation. in the best way for there will be an erection, prefabricated from reinforced concrete blocks.

In the final calculation of the number, as well as the width of the wall sections, you must take into account all possible mechanical loads on the floor of the building. Beams are usually installed in increments of 30 cm to 60 cm. The choice of the width of the boards is selected in accordance with finishing material. When sheathing, a distance (20-30 cm) is needed due to the plasticity of this material and its inability to withstand an insignificant load. Moreover, if you sheathe with chipboard sheets, then the distance can be increased to 35-60 cm.

When installing windows () during the construction of a frame house with your own hands, it is necessary to comply with exact building codes. Firstly, the window area should occupy 18% of the entire wall area. Secondly, in a house where you plan to live only in the spring-summer period, there will be enough frames with single glazing. When living all year round, use frames with double, and preferably triple glazing.

The final stage of construction is the device and installation of the frame. In addition to external beauty, the role of distributing significant external loads falls on the roof. Here are the main elements of the load-bearing roof - rafters and rafter legs, they are divided into hanging and inclined, diagonal connections, ridge run. At With When building a frame house with your own hands, sooner or later you will think about the material for the roof. Currently, a wide range of necessary materials is presented on the construction markets.

The construction of residential buildings with a wooden frame has a long history - in particular, the construction of such houses is widespread in the countries of Southeast Asia, North America and Scandinavia. Recently, they have become popular in the CIS countries. This is associated with the emergence of modern heaters and various wall cladding materials.

The variety of technologies for the construction of frame dwellings, which are on the market, is quite large. This is due to the fact that such a technology is characterized by various kinds of engineering solutions and it is easily adapted to any needs.

Do-it-yourself construction of wooden frame houses

Frame dwellings are undoubtedly considered the most reliable, economical, warm and energy efficient of all known in our time.

This technology requires developers to carefully study it, but, alas, not everyone treats it with the proper level of responsibility to comply with the requirements for the construction of frame structures. It is often violated, due to a bias in favor of the conveniences of the builders, and sometimes simply because they have not studied it enough.

Building a frame house on your own is a simple and very inexpensive task. Here you do not need to have special knowledge or skills, you do not need to recruit a team of builders. It will be sufficient to have a high-quality detailed design, 1-2 assistants and skills in using conventional tools at a general level.


The construction process is quite simple. Pre-prepared elements of the future home are brought to the site. Due to the ease of construction, this method does not require the use of expensive equipment.

If the base for the frame house is ready, the work is carried out in the following order:

  • Mounting and fixing bottom strapping. The beam is fixed with anchors directly to the foundation;
  • Installation of the floor, waterproofing is carried out in advance, then floor SIPs are laid - panels up to 20 cm thick on the base tape, subject to the technology that the span cannot be more than 5-6 m;
  • An angle is set, after which wall panels are installed and fixed;
  • Load-bearing walls are installed;
  • Overlapping is put;
  • The roof system is installed and the required finishing work is carried out.

The construction of frame dwellings is associated with the use of frame structures made of wood and metal. The metal frame is much more expensive, which affects its popularity. The wooden frame is predominantly made from oak wood.

Naturally, it is logical to mount the insulation in the gap between the walls. If you do not unfasten the house with braces, external loads will contribute to the occurrence of distortions and further destruction. The frame from the outside is sheathed with boards. It should be remembered that wood swells or cracks during the year due to the influence of natural factors.

Modern technologies

The modernized technologies for the construction of skeletons are superior to brick and concrete houses in indicators such as: reliability, strength and durability.

  • Prefabricated and rather low cost of the construction process.
  • Small chance of home damage from design errors or ground features. The heavy weight of stone walls contributes to their destructive effect.
  • All season finishing works.
  • Relative lightness of structures.
  • Fire resistance. Using new non-flammable materials, frame structures have more high level fire safety than concrete or stone.
  • « Breathable room. With proper planning of such a building, using modern vapor-permeable materials for the outer skin and high-quality insulation, it is permissible to create vapor-permeable walls.

Knots of a wooden frame house

There are nodes of floor systems, roofs and walls. They are divided into sub-nodes.

The lower harness knot is the place where the strapping bars are fastened to the base. Joints are made by using bolts, clamps or other means.

Another structural unit of the lower trim is the joint of the bars with each other in the corner.

In the process of creating a frame dwelling, corner vertical supports are first placed, followed by intermediate ones. Here are the following nodes: places of docking of vertical racks in the corners of the upper and lower strappings and docking of racks with strapping beams.

The bars of the upper strapping are fixed like the bars of the bottom.

The truss system includes:

  • Knot supporting the rafters on the ridge run;
  • Knot supporting the rafters on the Mauerlat;
  • Docking of rafters with a crossbar and other struts;
  • Docking of rafters with counter-lattice bars;
  • Docking of the crate and counter-crate.

Foundation for a frame house

The base of the frame structure can be anything.

The main thing is that the structure itself is built in accordance with the soil soil where the dwelling is located and has the necessary strength.

If a strip base is used, then it should be remembered that the central partitions “stand” on the foundation strip, and are not in a “hanging state”.

Similarly with columnar base. The design of the house should take place so that the joining of the partition and the wall is on the support, but not along the gaps.

The frame of a frame house

The frame of the dwelling is made of any material: metal, lightweight wood, solid wood, etc.

At the time of choosing the material and design of the frame, one should be guided by the strength of the latter, its service life, the number of cold bridges, and the fact that independent construction is realistic.

The connection of the base of the frame with the foundation must have the necessary strength. Wood for the production of the frame must be dry and of sufficient quality. Also, do not save on processing. All elements of the frame must be planed before installation. Then all the components of wood must be impregnated with special compounds that prevent the process of decay and increase fire resistance. It is worth remembering that dry wood changes its geometry when used.

If the project is completed successfully and of high quality construction works, then such a frame will be strong enough and durable.

Log and floor device

The most popular option for installing the floor is considered to be the installation of the floor on the logs. Although the process itself seems confusing, it is quite possible for an amateur. To properly lay it, you need to carefully understand all the nuances.

Between the pillars and lags it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing. The thickness of the log reaches from 4 to 6 cm. The distance from the ground to the floor should be more than 15-20 cm, and the underside of the boards must be treated with an antiseptic. The joists are attached to the beams. It is optimal to fasten them to the sides of the beams. Then there is no need to use linings.

The device of a wooden floor on logs is considered the most popular and durable. This floor is easy to repair. It is necessary to carefully monitor and verify the correct installation of the log, in which case the design will be strong and durable.

Installation of house frame racks

In the process of building frame housing, corner vertical posts are first installed, and then intermediate ones. To fix the vertical racks, holes are made in the corners. Fasteners for intermediate racks are made in the same manner.

Vertical supports are reinforced with special brackets. Making them is easy enough. Reinforcement 0.5 m in length is sharpened at both ends and bends with the letter "P". Then they are driven into vertical and horizontal beams. They greatly strengthen the frame. It is possible to make them in the forge, but their absence will not be a drawback.

When installing vertical bars, you need to carefully check the diagonal of the future wall. For these purposes, the level and twine is quite enough.

Attachment of the upper trim bar

At the corners, the bars of the upper trim are connected by cutting. They are fixed in the same way as the bottom bars. They are connected at the corners and with the pillars of the building.

  • Corner fixings: there are no characteristic features. Mounted with wooden screws.
  • Fastening by punching: before putting the bars on vertical supports, grooves are made in them for each rack. It is necessary that they are located clearly vertically in relation to the grooves of the lower trim. Only then will the vertical supports be truly vertical.

Roof of a frame house

  • Creation of a rafter system;
  • Installation of a heater;
  • Arrangement of battens and counter battens;
  • Fastening material for the roof and the final components of the structure.

Insulation of the walls of a frame house

Properly done insulation will keep the home from losing heat during the cold season and contribute to the creation of comfort and coziness indoors.

Recently gained great popularity mineral insulation. Basalt wool is produced in the form of a fibrous substance as a dense slab. No less popular insulation, consisting of glass fibers. The latter are extremely simple and easy to install. Thanks to the air gaps, fiberglass effectively insulates sound and heat.

The very technology of warming a frame dwelling is the same for all materials. In the process of choosing a heater, it is important to build on its cost. At the same time, it is not recommended to save on the insulation of environmentally friendly housing. The inflated cost of insulation will repeatedly pay off with the saved heat energy.

OSB frame house wall cladding

OSB production technology is much more advanced than in the manufacture of chipboard. In this regard, they have greater resistance to moisture and mechanical stress. For sheathing a frame building, OSB is considered the most promising material. Main disadvantage- the high cost of the plate.

The lower trim is completely covered with OSB sheet.

OSB boards are fixed if:

  • In the intermediate section - a step of 30 cm.
  • At the joints of the plates - a step of 15 cm.
  • On the outer edge - a step of 10 cm.
  • From the edge of the plate to the fastener, the distance is 0.8-1 cm.
  • Among the plates, the gap is 0.5 cm.
  • A self-tapping screw or nail enters the support by 4-5 cm.

Wind protection and waterproofing of the walls of a frame house

and waterproofing are carried out by a superdiffusion membrane. It is often advised, in addition to the membrane, to use a waterproofing film and polyethylene. But these materials have poor vapor permeability. In this regard, the film does not guarantee the necessary removal of moisture from the insulation, which can lead to various negative consequences.

The membrane is nailed to the frame supports, tightly against the insulation. After the crate, thanks to it, a gap is made. Then stitching.

This scheme is used:

  • in the process of plastering on the lining;
  • if the lining with a board turns into a fine finish;
  • when facing with siding on top of OSB, LSU, DSP, boards.

The rough lining is nailed to the frame supports. On top - a membrane, tightly, without gaps. After, the siding is fixed along the crate.

Vapor barrier of the internal walls of the frame house

The installation technology of penofol is extremely simple. It requires a construction stapler. The vapor barrier is mounted horizontally to save time and money. An overlap of approximately 5 cm is performed.

Penofol is fixed with foil outward to reflect the heat radiation of the room. Moreover, this position reduces the risk of condensation. When the penofol is carefully fixed, the entire structure of the walls is sheathed with boards.

Insulation of walls and other components of the dwelling on its own is a fairly simple and relatively cheap process, with the right selection of thermal insulation and study of the technology of the construction process.

Internal lining of the walls of a frame house

To carry out the internal lining of the walls of the building, drywall or OSB is used. Due to the irregularities of the frame supports, the drywall will take their shape. As a result, drywall will have to do more layers of alignment. OSB boards are much stiffer and they will have to be leveled less.

Often, internal sewing is done using. When these panels are not laminated, they must be applied carefully as they do not tolerate moisture. They are not advised to use in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the bathroom.

Ceiling device

The ceiling is one of the most significant structures in a building. It should be approached very carefully. Usually, the heat goes up and if the ceiling is equipped without any details, then the heat loss will be quite large and this may affect the funds for its repair.

To equip the attic floor you will need:

  • edged board up to 3 cm thick;
  • hydro-vapor barrier;
  • construction foam;
  • insulation;
  • nails;
  • Fiberboard or drywall;
  • pegamine or roofing material;
  • croaker.

Common construction mistakes

The most common mistakes that occur during the construction process:

  • Poor frame reinforcement;
  • The use of poor quality wood;
  • Insufficient steam and waterproofing;
  • Wrong step when installing vertical supports;
  • Weak fastening of vertical supports.

tree care mistakes

When building a frame dwelling, you should not make mistakes on your own.

Often, poorly dried wood is used to build a structure. This is a gross oversight. When a tree dries, its shape changes. As a result, the building may squint, nails or screws may be uprooted. The house, insulation, and decoration will also be destroyed.

Wood needs to be carefully looked after in order to avoid the occurrence of defects and early damage, which is caused by mechanical stress, as well as the influence of natural factors.

  • Having started construction work, it is worth determining its purpose. Will it be temporary housing, or a room where there will be permanent residence.
  • It is reasonable to use all frame buildings for low-rise construction. It is not recommended to build a frame building with your own hands for more than 2 floors.
  • To create a wooden frame, it is more expedient to use oak wood.
  • Metal fasteners are not recommended. since the tree rots strongly, when interacting with metal, naturally, the connection weakens at the junction and the building can loosen.
  • Before erecting walls, you need to find a leveled and dry surface. for installation, so that there is no distortion of the walls.
  • All load-bearing structures, walls and floors must be built from the same material, otherwise, there is a risk of the building tilting.

Now extremely popular frame technology housing construction. This is quite natural, since the design of the frame house is lightweight, and, hence, does not require a reinforced base.

The construction of a frame house is a long-term business and requires strategic thinking over many things in advance, in stages. It is very important to follow the construction technology that was developed in Canada and Scandinavia. What material to use and what should be the floor and wall cake depends on the chosen technology, but there are clear rules that everyone must follow.

The southern and central regions of Russia are more suitable for Canadian technology, and northern regions- Finnish technology. Using any of the technologies, you can build a durable home for your family, and with your own hands.

My step by step instructions construction of a frame house is written according to the scheme: what needs to be done at this stage + additional links to how I DID IT and how it SHOULD be done. The arrangement of a frame house is quite complicated, but I will help you figure it out, and then you can build such a house on your own or be able to manage a team so that negligent workers do not deceive you.


It is better not to build a frame without a project. It is quite possible to make a project yourself (especially 6 × 6 in size), but it will take a long time if the house is large and with a complex roof. Even a garden house using this technology may require design.

You can do the project gradually, during the days of rest from construction. They drew a harness - built it, painted floor logs - implemented it, and so on. True, this may lead to the fact that at some stage you will do something unforeseen in advance, but if there is no way out, then do so.

Resolve the floor issue. Building two floors with your own labor is very difficult. That's why I chose the single storey.

Tool and fasteners

If you decide to build a frame house, then without tools it will be hard. List the right tools already on my site.

It is also better to buy fasteners in bulk in advance. IN frame house used: nails 3.1-3.5 × 90 smooth, as well as ruffed nails 60mm (for OSB wall sheathing) and 70 mm (for floor or roof sheathing with slab materials).
It is better to build a carcass yourself with the help of a nailer, since it takes 10-20 thousand nails for an average carcass. Save your hands! You need to purchase a hose, adapters, oil and a compressor for it. Well, do not forget about special nails, I immediately took 100 kg and there were almost no leftovers, but I also manually hammered 50 kg of ordinary nails. Also buy 5 kg of 120 mm nails, sometimes they come in handy (but I didn’t tell you that).

You may also need self-tapping screws for GKL and GVL, and it’s just useful to have self-tapping screws on hand to temporarily fasten some element, and then nail it normally.

We also need 6-9 mm staples at the frame construction site. They are convenient to nail hydro- and vapor barrier films.

Surely you will need concrete dowels (for installing windows) or anchor plates (for the same purpose). But do not use perforated fasteners, it is rarely useful in a frame house and only for special purposes.

Video about tools, you will need:

Do-it-yourself frame foundation.

Recently, it has been fashionable to make UWB under the frame, but not everyone can do it on their own, although this is also real. I made TISE for myself and I also recommend pile foundations to people who contacted me for advice, they are more versatile and easy to implement on their own.

bored pile foundation- it’s better to do it yourself, it’s better to order a screw one with installation (just avoid piles welded in a handicraft way and painted incomprehensibly what, their service life will be many times less than real ones screw piles, better good piles, but self-twisting).

On top of the piles, a wooden strapping is required (or a concrete grillage, which is more monolithic, but heavier and much longer)

Do-it-yourself floor beams

After we have a support (wooden strapping), you can nail logs to it (in the case of a concrete grillage, you must first screw it to it wooden board flat as in the photo above).

Logs (or floor beams) are usually made from a board 200 × 50 (195 × 45) in increments of 400-600 mm. Read more at the links below. It is important to nail them both to the intermediate supports and to the lag strapping (this is the same lag, only across the others along the perimeter of the building)

By the way, ceilings are made using the same technology using the same lag, and then they are hemmed from below with drywall or clapboard.

About lags, I have already painted in detail in other texts, look.

If you are building using the “platform” technology, then you must definitely put a black floor on the logs in front of the walls - usually it is plywood (FK 1525 × 1525 or FSF 2440 × 1220) or OSB-3 (2500 × 1250). FC plywood is used only in the case of a non-classical platform, when the subfloor is already made under the roof, since it is not very moisture resistant.

Platform technology in a frame house is especially popular and for good reason. It is much more convenient to build on it, since the walls can then be assembled on a flat floor.

Additional information and instructions for the subfloor:

Racks, strapping (walls)

On the "platform" frame walls are assembled on a black floor and rise ready-made. This allows you to assemble the walls very quickly. Remember - timber is not used in a frame house. Not in the walls, not in the floor. A beam is a bridge of cold, which “twists” very well.

Here in this video the house is being built on a platform:

There is also a “balloon” system, in which we assemble the walls post-column - I did it this way, in a sense it is even more convenient, but still much slower, I would not recommend this system.

Openings in the Canadian and Finnish frames are made differently. And there is also Norwegian, it is something in between. In any case, any of these houses are not panel houses, as they call them.

Now the Finnish technology of frame housing construction is popular, when a crossbar cuts into the wall at full length, and the pillars of the openings do not double.

Roof and rafters. Is it real for yourself?

Mounting the roof of a frame house is a very important undertaking. Roof rafters (pictured) can be made both before and after wall cladding. I did the sheathing first, but often they do the rafters before sheathing (especially the Finns, who have trusses put on the roof very quickly from the factory)

I delegated this stage, I couldn’t master it myself, very heavy boards for rafters, you have to drag it to the very top and do everything very accurately.

wall cladding

Before sheathing the walls, you need to check their vertical slope. It is better to sew up the walls completely, and then cut openings in the cladding, so stronger.

Usually the walls are sheathed with OSB, but I don’t like this stove, it doesn’t let off steam.

Selection and installation of roofing

Now is the time to cover the roof. We select the material, then choose the right roofing pie (depending on the material and the room - is it warm or not). Do not forget that it is often necessary to design ventilation in advance in order to lay penetrations for ventilation pipes before closing the roof with the same flexible tiles (all this can be done with metal later).

We tighten the walls with a hydro-windproof membrane

Before installing windows, it is better to sew up the walls from the outside with a hydro-windproof film. At the same time, we will protect the OSB from moisture.

It is better to install windows before facade materials and insulation. So that later there would be no problems with the design of slopes and wetting of the insulation. Doors and windows can be taken both with installation (expensive, but they give a guarantee), or you can install it yourself (budget, but hard). Large windows from 2 sq.m. it is better to put on pins on concrete, small ones can be put on plates. Do not forget about professional foam, plastic special spacers, as well as the use of films (to form a closed loop of vapor and waterproofing.

Facade of a frame house

The sooner we make the facade, the sooner our structures will be protected from moisture, and the film from sunlight (from which it gradually loses its properties).

Almost all facades in the right wooden house are made with a ventilation gap, so do not forget to buy a dry crate (buy 100x25 and cut lengthwise, as well as 50x50 - in the case of the option with external insulation to the vent gap).


Before warming, it is better to carry out the main communications in the house: sewerage and water supply. You can wait a little with electrics and heating, as they are made either openly or hidden, but in crates (after the main insulation and vapor barrier circuit).

The bathrooms of our frame-panel house are a separate issue:

  • bathroom floors should be well waterproofed;
  • the ceiling must be vapor-insulated;
  • walls must be vapor-insulated.

Warming of a wooden house.

The skeletons are usually insulated with mineral wool, but ecowool is becoming more and more popular. I also insulated my house with ecowool, it has many advantages: the price, the absence of gaps in the insulation, the speed of insulation, environmental friendliness (compared to mineral wool), the absence of structural elements to a clear step (you can make a lag step of at least 300 mm, the same thing with racks, you can safely put them through 600 mm).

Vapor barrier in the frame.

After insulation, but before finishing or additional insulation inside, tighten all walls with a hermetic closed vapor barrier circuit. 200 micron thick polyethylene film and special butyl rubber tape are best suited for this.

Electrical and heating

Now is the time to connect the electricity from the pole to your electrical panel (it is better to design and assemble it in advance, and before that get permission to connect a specific amount of KW).

After the house is insulated, but before the finishing stage, it's time to start heating as well. We start with the choice of heating fuel (wood, gas, electric, gasoline), the boiler, and then the material for the heating pipes. Recently, more and more often, warm floors are being chosen in a frame house instead of heating radiators.

A Canadian wooden house is very warm, it needs to be well insulated once, and then it can even be heated with electricity. Of course, spending on electric heating will be 3 times more expensive than on gas, but still less than what you pay in an apartment.

Interior decoration

The walls and ceiling in a frame house are usually finished with plasterboard (gypsum board), and then it is painted or wallpaper is glued on it. GKL is good because it does not burn well. In Canada, it is forbidden to build frames without gypsum boards at all according to fire safety requirements. And in our country, lining or imitation timber is increasingly nailed to the ceiling and painted (I like the white color in this place).

After finishing the walls and ceiling, you can pour a concrete screed, finish the floor with tiles or laminate, and then install interior doors. Finnish interior doors are especially good, many praise them, but their price is sky-high now.

Congratulations! Connect plumbing fixtures, arrange furniture and you can move in.

Here is such an instruction for building a Canadian or Finnish frame house. How are you?
Do you have any questions? You can always ask them in the comments.
If this instruction for arranging a frame house seemed too complicated for you, you can always hire a team of builders. Send me an email or click on the red box on the right of the screen, I will always help you.

Among all prefabricated structures, frame houses are the most popular. Such buildings have many advantages. They are quite light, so they do not need a strong foundation. Due to its good thermal insulation qualities, such a house can be used not only as a summer cottage, but also for permanent residence. In addition, frame buildings are easy to build with your own hands, which is why many developers choose this option. In our article, we will describe in detail and step by step how to build a frame house.


Do-it-yourself frame house construction can be carried out using Finnish or Canadian technology. But the basic principles of building frame houses for both technologies are the same. Regardless of the choice of technology, we build a frame house, adhering to the following sequence:

  1. Choice of materials. The basis of such buildings is the frame. It can be made of wood or steel elements. More often, private developers prefer to build a frame house with their own hands using a wooden frame made of timber. Such buildings are economical, environmentally friendly and quick to install. If you decide to build your house on a steel frame, then its price will be 1/3 more. However, these structures are slightly lighter, which allows for a lightweight foundation. Also on a steel frame, you can safely use steel fasteners.
  2. After the installation of the foundation, they begin to manufacture the floor of the future house. How to make a floor, we will describe in detail in a step-by-step guide.
  3. After the installation of the floor, they begin to erect the frame of the walls, ceilings and roof.
  4. Further, the frame made is sheathed with wood sheet materials. The built house is insulated. Window and door openings are being installed.
  5. Now you can start laying engineering communications and performing exterior and interior wall decoration.

As you can see, the construction technology is quite simple, but to build a frame house with your own hands, you need a construction scheme and drawings. Detailed schemes, according to which it is easy to build a house on your own, can be found on the net, but it is much easier to work on a specially designed project, so do not be lazy and order it. When you have a blueprint or diagram in your hands, figuring out how to build a house will not be difficult with our step-by-step guide.

Preparatory work

When building a frame house with your own hands, work begins with the preparation and marking of the site for construction. Preparatory work includes the following steps:

  1. First you need to clear the construction site of debris, stones, unnecessary green spaces.
  2. If there are irregularities or a slight slope in the territory, then the site must be leveled. That is, all the hills should be cut off, and soil should be poured into the recesses.
  3. Next, you need to mark up the future building on the site. In order to transfer the data from the project documentation to the site, you need to mark the axes and dimensions of the building with the help of pegs and a cord, it is also worth breaking down the internal load-bearing walls. If we are building a frame house with our own hands, then it is very important that all angles are strictly 90 degrees.


If you want to know how to properly build a frame house, then first you should familiarize yourself with the foundation sequence. Since the walls of such a building are quite light, there is no need to equip a massive capital foundation. In this case, we build a house on one of the following grounds:

  • shallow-depth monolithic or prefabricated strip foundation;
  • columnar base structure;
  • pile screw bases.

The easiest way is to build a columnar base under a frame house. The pillars must necessarily be located at the corners of the future house, at the intersection of the walls and with a certain step under the external and internal load-bearing walls. Usually the pitch of the pillars is taken equal to 2 m. The installation of the base is carried out in the following order:

  1. Under each post, dig holes of the required depth. To do this, you can use a shovel or motor drill.
  2. At the bottom of the pits, a sand cushion 100-150 mm high is made. Wet sand is carefully compacted.
  3. After that, a wooden formwork is installed. It should rise above ground level by at least 30 cm.
  4. The inner surface of the formwork is lined with roofing material, which will act as a waterproofing and facilitate the dismantling of the formwork.
  5. Concrete is poured into the formwork to a height of 5 cm.
  6. After the concrete mixture has hardened, a reinforcement frame is installed. At the same time, it should not approach the formwork closer than 50 mm. On top of the frame, it is necessary to leave reinforcement outlets 15 cm long, which will make it possible to tie together the structure of the pillars with the grillage.
  7. Concrete is being poured.

Important: in addition to reinforced concrete, poles can be made from ready-made concrete blocks, bricks, steel or asbestos pipes with concrete poured inside.

For the manufacture of the grillage frame, rods with a cross section of 12 mm connected with wire are used. Formwork for grillage is made from boards. After installing the reinforcing cage, it is associated with the release of reinforcement from the pillars. After pouring and tamping the concrete mix, 300-500 mm long studs are inserted into the grillage. They will then attach the frame of the house.

Base binding

After setting the mortar and dismantling the formwork, horizontal waterproofing of the base is performed. To do this, lay two layers of roofing material on bituminous mastic. Usually, a beam with sides of 15 cm is used to perform the strapping.

Attention: the cross section of the strapping beam is directly related to the pitch of the posts. The larger it is, the larger the cross section of the beam is needed to avoid sagging.

If you build frame houses with your own hands, the step-by-step instructions for installing the strapping will definitely come in handy for you:

  1. The bar is mounted on a foundation base along its perimeter. At the same time, they strictly control the length of the walls and constantly check the data with the project. Docking of the beam is allowed if its length is not enough. The joints should be directly above the posts. In the corners and at the docking point, the bars are connected into a “half-tree”, fixed with nails and corners.
  2. The beam is attached to the base with bolts and studs. To do this, holes are drilled in the timber and foundation heads. Fasteners, if possible, should be deepened into the material.


To know how to build a frame house correctly, you need to understand the process of making the floor of the future structure. For a log, it is worth taking a beam with a section of 100x200 mm. The lag step is selected based on the width of the insulation boards. Usually it is taken equal to 60-70 cm. The logs are attached to the strapping beam with the help of corners and nails.

After that, the installation of the floor is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. We attach cranial bars to the installed lags, and we lay rough roll boards on them.
  2. Then the surface of the log and roll is covered with a waterproofing membrane.
  3. Thermal insulation material is laid on top of the membrane.
  4. From above, the entire structure is closed with a vapor barrier membrane.
  5. Next, the floor is covered with OSB or moisture-resistant plywood.

Walls and ceiling

We continue to make frame houses with our own hands - step-by-step instructions for mounting walls:

  1. For the manufacture of the frame, you can use a beam of coniferous wood. To begin with, it is necessary to assemble the span of the wall at the construction site, and then install the assembled structure on the strapping.
  2. The distance between the racks of the frame is usually determined taking into account the width of the insulation boards that will be laid between them. If mineral wool is used for insulation, then the pitch of the racks should be 1-2 cm less than the width of the heat insulator for its snug fit.
  3. The frame posts are fixed with nails to the lower and upper horizontal element. For additional fixation, you can use mounting brackets.
  4. To increase the rigidity of the frame, jumpers are mounted between the vertical posts. They are staggered.
  5. Window and door openings are equipped in the places specified in the project. To do this, racks are mounted along the edges of the opening, jumpers are mounted above and below the window opening.

After assembling all the spans, they are mounted on the strapping frame in this order:

  1. The first span is attached to the floor and fixed with props.
  2. Next, a second span is installed. It is attached to the floor and the side post of the first span.
  3. All subsequent spans are connected to each other by means of nails.
  4. For the installation of spans in a strictly vertical position, jibs are used - diagonal struts, which are fixed at the corners.

Installation of internal partitions is carried out similarly to the installation of the external frame. After that, the entire structure is tied on top with a board to give additional rigidity. Then the walls from the outside are sewn up with oriented strand boards.

The ceiling is mounted on the upper trim:

  • To do this, grooves are made in the beam into which the beams are inserted.
  • They are additionally fixed with nails and steel corners.
  • Support bars are mounted along the internal partitions. They are connected to the top and bottom trim.
  • Then the ceiling shield is nailed. It is better to make it from grooved boards.
  • After that, a vapor barrier layer is laid. The material should also be wound on the ceiling beams.
  • Now the insulating material is laid out.
  • The thermal insulation layer is covered with a waterproofing film.
  • The draft floor is laid from the boards.


To know how to build a frame house yourself, you need to understand the sequence of arranging the roof:

  1. Rafter pairs are assembled on the ground into a structure, like a truss, and rise up to be installed on the upper strapping bar. The overhang of the rafters should be within 350-500 mm. The first to mount the rafter pairs on the gables.
  2. All subsequent rafter pairs are installed between them in increments of 700 mm from each other.
  3. The rafters are connected by a ridge beam, which is attached to the "paw floor".
  4. Next, a solid or thinned crate is made, which is laid on a waterproofing membrane fixed on the rafters with a counter-rail.
  5. Now you can lay the selected roofing.
  6. At this stage, you can announce to your family members and acquaintances about the completion of the installation of the housing box.

Wall insulation

For insulation of the house, expanded polystyrene, mineral wool or polystyrene are used. The thermal insulation layer must be at least 50 mm thick. Insulation and decoration of the walls of the house are carried out in the following order:

  1. Thermal insulation material is laid between the racks of the frame. If two layers of material are used, then the joints of the plates in the layers should not coincide.
  2. From the inside, the walls are covered with a layer of membrane vapor barrier, which is attached over the insulation to the frame racks with a stapler.
  3. Then the walls from the inside of the house are sewn up with OSB, moisture-resistant plywood or clapboard.
  4. From the outside, the walls of the house must be protected from moisture. For this, a waterproofing membrane is attached to them.
  5. Then a crate of slats is stuffed onto the walls, which will allow ventilation of the walls of the frame building.
  6. The selected finishing material is sewn over the rails. For exterior decoration of the facade of a house built using frame technology, you can use vinyl siding, lining, etc.

How to build a frame house with your own hands - video lesson:

It is rapidly gaining popularity among individual developers. If in Canada it is a government program. In Russia, this means solving housing problems on your own, and in the shortest possible time with the lowest possible costs.

It is possible to build a frame with your own hands, even in the absence of special construction education, skills, and experience. To do this, you will have to make an effort, understand the technology, and also acquire the simplest skills for performing construction work. As a result, you can build a frame house with your own hands , and get at an affordable price an individual house for your special requests, needs, needs.

We give a detailed description of technological operations. Using technology, you can do it yourself (step-by-step instructions, 6x6 m 2 - the dimensions of the house that we took as a basis) with high quality.

Frame house: step by step instructions

We list the main steps that you need to follow in order to build a new frame house with your own hands, the step-by-step instructions will give you the right idea about construction.

Scheme of the frame wall.

  1. Design - planning, thinking through the design of the house, the layout of the walls and rooms, doors and windows, plumbing fixtures, plumbing, sewerage, electrical wiring, heating. In the design process, a diagram of a frame house is drawn , which indicate the location of engineering networks and plumbing, heating devices. Working through the schemes of frame houses with your own hands , utility rooms, it is important to consider how the house will be heated - choose a heating system, a scheme for laying its elements. According to the finished scheme, step-by-step construction will be carried out.
  2. Ground work is the preparation of a pit for the foundation and the actual construction of the foundation.
  3. Assembling the frame of the walls and roof.
  4. Construction of walls and subfloor.
  5. External doors, windows and walls.
  6. Interior decoration and internal doors.

And now let's go directly to the question, with our own hands, what to consider for high-quality construction and the correct execution of work.

DIY frame house

Preparatory work is necessary for any construction, especially if you decide to build a frame house, you will simply need step-by-step instructions. If you thought over the project of the house on your own, then you took into account the peculiarities of the location of the building on the site. If you bought a ready-made project and decided to implement it on the spot, then you will need to "attach" the building to your terrain. How to build a frame house, the instruction will be useful in the earliest stages of construction.

Do-it-yourself frame house step by step photo.

Site preparation

What you need to do on the site where I build a frame house with my own hands:

  • Clean it from old buildings, if any, on the site, from construction debris and from stumps, snags.
  • Provide the possibility of transporting building materials, clear the road for the car and a place for a U-turn.

Canopy for storing boards.
  • Consider places for storing building materials; if the terrain is uneven, they should be located on elevations.
  • Perhaps the site needs to be leveled, for this you need to call construction equipment.
  • For some areas where frame construction is underway, the instruction will be relevant on how to build a fence to prevent the theft of materials.

Plot marking

Marking is understood as the designation of the location of the future structure on the ground. The scheme of the frame house is transferred to the area with the help of pegs and ropes. Pegs are driven into the ground and a rope is pulled between them, indicating the location of future outer walls.

Marking the site for construction.

Carefully measure all angles, observe degrees (clearly marked 90 °) and the length of the walls. Deviations of at least a few degrees are not allowed. They lead to the curvature of the structure and improper distribution of loads. As a result, it can reduce the strength of the entire structure and reduce its reliability.

Instructions for the foundation

The phased construction of a frame house with your own hands begins with the foundation. This is the foundation of the house, a large, even and durable “stand” on which the entire frame structure rests. It can be poured from concrete or assembled from ready-made concrete blocks.

Strip foundation for the frame.

Frame construction is called "light". The walls of the skeleton put much less pressure on the surface of the earth than capital structures made of bricks or monoliths made of concrete. The frame is also lighter than a log wooden house. Therefore, your building will need a small, shallow foundation.

On a note

When deciding with your own hands, you invariably face the issue of choosing designs and materials. For frame structures, shallow strip foundations or slabs are constructed. In some cases, foundations are made deep for frame builders.

This happens when the soil is unsteady, mobile, loose and the building is planned on the shore of the reservoir. In such a case, which will rely on deep and immovable layers of soil.

Strip foundation

It is a stone tape, a path buried in the ground by 100-400 mm. Above the ground, the foundation rises by 100-300 mm. Thus, the total height of the strip foundation for a frame house is 200-700 mm.

Strip foundation formwork with reinforcing mesh

On a note

You can make the foundation deeper and higher - but this is up to you, if you want to spend more building materials and get a more massive structure of the base of the house.

The foundation tape is poured into trenches prepared in advance. Concrete for pouring can be kneaded independently. Before pouring, a layer of sand is poured into the trenches and thereby a so-called sand cushion is made (thickness up to 100 mm) and metal reinforcement is laid.

slab foundation

The slab foundation is also called floating. The frame house will rise and fall with it, with seasonal expansions of the soil. Therefore, the plate must be strong enough.

The slab foundation is poured from concrete and reinforcement, while the reinforcement is tied with wire. The reinforcing mesh provides the frame house slab with the necessary strength.

The foundation is filled with a monolithic slab

The slab base can be minimally deepened into the ground by 100-200 mm, or concrete can be poured onto a gravel pad without deepening. The total height of the slab should be 200-300 mm.

For the foundation slab, it is important to ensure resistance to the rise of ground moisture. Therefore, when mixing concrete, a water-resistant additive is added to it. This will ensure the water resistance of the concrete slab and the dry floor inside the future premises. And also extend the durability of the foundation and the entire structure.

Pile screw foundation

To obtain a pile-screw foundation, you can use asbestos pipes or metal finished piles. For asbestos pipes, pits are prepared in which the pipe is installed and concrete is poured into it. Pre-reinforce, i.e. put metal fittings inside the pipe. Metal piles are screwed into the ground without excavating the soil, without digging a hole.

In order to make it easier and clearer, how to mount a pile-screw foundation and a frame house with your own hands step by step photo.

Set of piles for screw foundation
Screwing piles for the foundation manually
Connection of screw piles of the foundation to each other
Pile screw foundation

Beam strapping

Horizontal beams are laid on top of the finished piles. This design is called a grillage. When you decide to build a frame house with your own hands, the step-by-step sequence begins with the installation of a grillage, which is also the lower trim of the frame with vertical fastening of racks on them.

For the lower trim, a wooden beam with a section of 150x150 mm is chosen. This is the load-bearing element of the building, which must have sufficient strength and hold the walls, roof, trim and internal household appliances on itself.

To connect the corners of the strapping, choose one of the methods proposed in the picture - in half a tree or in a half paw.

Half tree connection options
Connection in half-tree and in half-paw

They differ in the thickness of the wood cut for the corner connection. Half-tree - exactly half the thickness of the beam is cut, half-paw - the beam is cut at an angle to each other. From above, the connection is strengthened with a metal bracket or plate. After that, the strapping angle is fixed to the foundation with a metal anchor. After the installation is completed, the timber is treated with an antiseptic.

Instructions for the subfloor

To build a frame house, the instruction will describe in detail the entire construction process. First of all, the floor of a frame house with your own hands consists of a rough layer and a finishing coat. The subfloor is made of concrete or wood. Finishing coating of wood, laminate, linoleum and other finishing materials.

Concrete subfloor

The concrete floor is poured over the ground. It is a multi-layer structure, in which there is a layer of waterproofing, thermal insulation, reinforcing mesh.

Draft concrete floor - concrete screed

The bottom layer is sand 10 mm. On top - expanded clay insulation, sawdust with clay - the so-called adobe, foam. Further concrete with a waterproofing additive.

Wooden subfloor

If a tree is used to build a subfloor, then an empty space is formed under it.

Draft floor between lags

Wooden logs are laid on top of the bottom strapping and are used as a base, to which subfloor boards are nailed from below. Insulation is laid on the subfloor boards. Then the flooring is spread on the logs: laminate, linoleum, OSB, parquet.

Frame house installation

How to build a frame house with your own hands? The step-by-step construction scheme begins with the construction of the frame - one of the most important construction operations. It is important to choose the right beams and boards (size and section) and connect them correctly. What features arise when the installation of a frame house begins: racks, beams, jibs and crossbars? You can easily start building a frame house with your own hands, the video will step by step show all the main points of installing a house.

  • The locations of the racks and joints of wooden elements are measured with a tape measure and marked with a pencil.
  • Carefully check the verticality of the racks, the horizon of the upper trim and the angle of the connection. The angles between posts and beams should be 90°.
  • For joining frame elements, the most reliable options are used - metal staples and nails.
  • The installation of a frame house is carried out from elements assembled in advance on the ground - wall templates, trusses. They are lifted, installed, temporarily supported by oblique beams and then fixed with connecting elements.

Installation of walls in a frame house

Step-by-step construction of a frame house, the wall frame assembly technology is as follows:

  1. Install the bottom trim.
  2. The frame of each wall is assembled separately (lower, upper and vertical elements) - the so-called wall template. After the assembled template is completely lifted and installed on the lower harness.
  3. A second upper trim is laid on top of the wall templates, on which the rafters for the roof are then placed.

On a note

It will take three people to lift the 6 m long wall template. The three of us to raise such a template is quite realistic. Longer walls are assembled from several templates and their joints are connected with special threaded connections.

The assembly of a frame house, photos and videos demonstrate the progress of construction operations - the assembly of the template and its installation in the place of the future wall.


In some schemes for mounting a frame house, not only vertical and horizontal frame elements are used, but also inclined ones - the so-called jibs. They enhance the strength of the frame structure. They are made from boards 150-50 mm or 100-50 mm.

The correct location of the jibs


Rigil is a horizontal board, which is attached next to the top trim board. The crossbar is attached to the template during the assembly process on the ground. For crossbars, wooden boards with a thickness of 50 mm or more are used.

Crossbar in the entire wall of a frame house

A crossbar is also called a horizontal support between inclined roof trusses. In general, a crossbar is any beam that works in compression.


The corners of the frame bear the maximum load. Therefore, they are assembled from two or three support boards.

Options for fixing the corners of the frame wall

Internal walls

The frame of the inner walls is assembled from wall templates in the same way as the outer walls. Internal piers do not carry a large load, and therefore may be of a smaller section.

The main requirement for interior walls is sound insulation. Therefore, their thickness should ensure the installation of soundproofing material during the subsequent arrangement of walls and their insulation.

Windows and doors

After assembling the frame, windows and doors are installed in the openings provided for by the scheme. This work is easier to order from the manufacturer - along with installation in a window opening. As for the doors, their box can be successfully assembled independently from wooden boards 25-30 mm thick.

Instructions for proper insulation

The frame house is being built step by step, and now it is necessary to deal with the insulation of the house. High-quality insulation provides the ability to maintain a comfortable temperature in the winter, and also determines your future costs for paying for winter heating. Therefore, it is better to overdo it and insulate the frame house with your own hands well than to save money and insufficiently insulate the walls of the building. What is used for insulation:

  • Mineral wool in the form of pressed mats- the best option for warming the frame structure. It allows air to pass through, provides air exchange, limits heat loss due to the fact that it does not conduct heat from the house to the street, does not cake and does not lose its properties over time. During installation, it shrinks a little and then straightens out, which ensures the absence of assembly seams, slots, through which heat losses also usually occur.

Wall insulation with mineral wool
  • Styrofoam- rigid polyurethane foam boards. They have one advantage over mineral wool mats - they are cheaper in price. In all other respects they are inferior to cotton insulation. They do not shrink during installation and leave small gaps that must be blown out with foam. They do not let air through and do not provide air exchange. They require the construction of exhaust ventilation, with permanent residence in a residential building.

Since thermal insulation with mineral wool mats has clear advantages, let's turn to this technology.

  • Mineral wool- Moisture-wicking material. Therefore, when installed inside the wall, it is closed from the outside with a special film. This film must be made of a membrane that will not stop air exchange. That is, the structure of the membrane must pass wet steam only on one side, i.e. do not let moisture in from the atmospheric air and let it out from the inside.

On a note

The use of polyethylene instead of a membrane negates the effort of building a "breathable" house wall. With the same success, you can insulate the wall with airtight foam.

  • An external finishing material can also block the removal of moisture. Therefore, an air gap is provided between the membrane and the outer plates - a void or a layer of air with a thickness of 50 mm. Through it, that humid air that has accumulated in the frame wall will come out. For the construction of such a gap, a wooden crate is used - wooden planks 50x50 mm wide. They are mounted along the supports on top of the insulation. After that, the panels of the outer wall are attached to the crate.

step by step finishing

After mounting the walls, proceed to the interior wall decoration. The basis for finishing are panels of wall material, which were installed during the installation of the wall from the inside of the frame. The following materials are used as internal walls:

  • Drywall GKL - is a natural material, environmentally friendly, with an absolutely flat surface that does not need to be plastered and leveled in any way. It is necessary to close up with putty only the joints between adjacent drywall slabs.

Wall decoration with plasterboard.
  • Gypsum-fiber boards GVL - a variant of a plasterboard wall with higher strength indicators.
  • OSB - wood-based material, chips connected with synthetic glue. It has a lower degree of environmental safety. In addition, it has a rough surface, requires plastering and puttying.

So, the sequence of operations when performing wall decoration is as follows:

    1. Installation of an internal wall (GKL or OSB wall panels).
    2. Seal joints between panels. If it is drywall, then puttying and gluing the joints with paper tape. If OSB - then plastering the surface of the wood board.
    3. Primer for the appropriate wall finish. For wallpapering - primer with glue. For painting - primer for paint.
    4. Direct execution of wall decoration - wallpapering, painting, decorative plastering of the walls of the room.

If wall panels (MDF, cork) are used as wall decoration, then they turn to another finishing technology. They do not make a draft wall, but immediately mount the interior finishing material.

Finally, we offer you an interesting training video about building a frame house with your own hands (a video with a phased demonstration of technological operations).

It is important that the result is of high quality. If I build a frame house with my own hands, then I do everything reliably and correctly.