Do-it-yourself foundation drainage: instructions for slab, strip and column foundations. Do-it-yourself drainage system around the house - device technology Foundation without drainage

Sometimes, even the most good waterproofing the foundation cannot withstand moisture penetrating into the basement. The reason for this may be the high level groundwater. The consequence of this will be not only dampness in the basement, but also the inevitable appearance of fungus and mold. In addition, over time, the base is eroded and underground elements are destroyed.

Why is foundation drainage necessary?

When wet soil freezes during the low temperature season, it expands and increases in volume. The pressure from such expansion is very high and can cause the destruction of the foundation, and therefore destroy the integrity of the structure itself. Therefore, at high water levels and poorly permeable soils, it is necessary to drain the foundation.

Indeed, in order to reduce the groundwater level of the foundation walls of a house or basement and thereby prevent the underground parts of the structure from getting wet, you can arrange foundation drainage for the house - a system of pipes laid according to certain rules around the foundation.

According to the rules, a geodesic engineer, taking samples of the soil on the site, even before the start of construction, gives an opinion on the maximum groundwater level. Based on this data, each developer plans for himself what kind of system foundation drainage is it necessary or is it possible to do without it? But many refuse to do geotechnical surveys, relying on chance or trying to save money. As a result, the foundation walls begin to become damp, mold and mildew appear inside the basement, and constant ventilation of the basement no longer helps. This problem can be solved with drainage. But often the owners of such a house simply sell it, and the next owner, in the spring, runs to the store, buys a pump and pumps out the water from the basement.

When is home foundation drainage necessary?

If the groundwater level is below the basement floor, then consider yourself lucky and there will be no problems with constant dampness. In addition, there is no need to drain the foundation country house, when it stands on well-permeable soils, which include sandy or crushed stone.

If the water rises high and the house is built on soil such as clay or loam, then it is better not to skimp on this and make high-quality drainage of the foundation. The peculiarity of such soils is that they retain moisture, which cannot pass further down. When it rains, a similar situation occurs.

If your house is on a slope, then the base will be constantly moistened on the upward side because... precipitation will inevitably flow down the slope towards the building. Therefore, for such conditions it is also necessary to arrange foundation drainage.

Installation of a house drainage system

To put it simply, home drainage is a system of pipes with holes laid in a certain way to drain the area. Nowadays, special perforated drainage pipes are more often used. They are laid along the perimeter of the building and inspection wells are made at certain intervals. Next, the water naturally flows into one large receiving well, from which it is subsequently discharged.

Eat a budget option drainage devices made of asbestos and ceramic pipes. Holes or cuts are made in them, they are necessarily wrapped in geotextile or other material that allows moisture to pass through, but not soil particles, and they are also placed in the ground. The greater the number of holes, the better, but do not forget that the pipes are buried in the ground and are under constant pressure, so do not overdo it.

With the development of industry, plastic began to be increasingly used for the manufacture of drainage channels and wells. Asbestos and ceramic pipes are becoming a thing of the past, but still remain relevant today. Modern drainage pipes are already produced with special slots, have a length from 50 to 250 m, which is very convenient when laying, they are produced in different diameters depending on the type of soil and the volume of water. The undoubted advantage of plastic is its ease and ease of processing, so such pipes require much lower transportation costs and can be cut even with an ordinary knife.

Many people now produce drainage pipes wrapped in geotextile to prevent siltation of drainage channels. In addition, the service life of the system increases and the work of builders is simplified. In addition to geotextiles, you can use special non-woven fabrics made of coconut fiber, but the cost of such filter material is much more expensive.

Pipes wrapped in geotextiles are best used on sandy, sandy loam and silty soils. In this case, it is necessary to make a bedding around the pipe in the form of crushed stone or pebbles.

On clay and loamy soils, it is advisable to use pipes with coconut fiber protection. On clay soils, you can also do without protection, due to the fact that clay has the property of plasticity, but in this case it is necessary to make a backfill at least 20 cm thick from crushed stone.

DIY foundation drainage

There are many manufacturers on the market who can complete foundation drainage system all elements. Many of them give detailed instructions for installation of systems that depend on the soil and depth.

Drainage pipes should not lie below the level of the base of the foundation, otherwise soil particles will be washed out from under the foundation along with water, which can lead to subsidence of the entire structure.

The design of all drainage systems for the foundation is similar and begins with digging inspection and water intake wells, and trenches along the perimeter of the building. Trenches must have a slope for natural drainage drainage water. The slope is 2-10 mm per linear meter. Of course, the steeper the slope, the easier and faster the water will flow down the gutters. After the trenches have been prepared, a layer of gravel or crushed stone about 5 cm is poured into them and compacted. As soon as the preparatory stage of work is completed, you can begin installing the drainage system of the house.

Pipes for drainage should be located at the level of the base of the foundation, and they should not freeze in the area itself. Indeed, the depth of soil freezing directly near the house is small, and the further away from it this value increases. Therefore, in order to ensure that the drainage system is fully functional in the spring, when the groundwater level is at its maximum, pipes are laid either to the freezing depth or a special cable is installed, which, when connected to the electrical network, heats up and melts the ice in the foundation drainage system, if any.

After the pipes are laid, they are covered with 30 cm of crushed stone, pebbles, expanded clay or gravel and covered with geotextile to prevent siltation. Next, you need to begin installing inspection wells. They are necessary for cleaning in case of unexpected blockage. They are installed at a distance of 50 m from each other, but not less often.

Modern drainage wells are also made from plastic. They are much lighter and cheaper than traditional reinforced concrete rings, which are difficult to install without a crane. Therefore, plastic rings are becoming more popular. They have the necessary strength, are light in weight, and can be installed without special equipment, as they say manually. All these advantages lead to significant savings, which has a positive effect on their growing popularity.

The traditional diameter of plastic wells is 200-250 mm. This is enough for free access to drainage joints and for periodic flushing. Flushing is carried out on average every 7 years, but this depends on the conditions in which the system is operated. For rinsing, use a regular watering hose from which water is supplied under pressure. The purpose of this process is to get rid of silt and sand in the system.

You can install a special sand trap in the wells, into which sand, silt, and various small particles settle during the drainage process. Once a year, as a rule, in the fall before frost, it is taken out, the settled sand is shaken out, and after cleaning it is put back in place.

To ensure safety and to prevent the entry of foreign debris, the wells are covered with hatches. If you do not want to spoil the appearance of the site with hatches, you can cover them with film, and cover them with soil and sow them with grass. Just don't forget the place where they are located. Many people decorate hatches with various flower vases, flower beds, sculptures, etc.

After installing drainage channels and inspection wells, the largest water intake well is dug. It is located at the lowest point of the site. Over time, the well will fill to a certain level and will need to be drained somehow. Many people use water from a well for irrigation, while others drain it into the central sewer system, if there is one. But there is another way of drying. True, it is not suitable for all types of soil. For example, if a building stands on clay soils that do not allow water to pass through, and behind them there is a permeable layer, such as sand, then it is necessary to dig through the clay layer and the water will begin to go deeper.

For such conditions, a special absorption well is dug, to which a drainage channel is connected. The bottom of such a well is not concreted, but covered with layers of crushed stone and sand, through which the water naturally drains to the underlying layers.

Additional protection from moisture can be created by changing the topography. To do this, it is necessary to ensure a slope away from the house to the sides. When creating a correctly executed blind area that fits tightly to the building, a positive effect is also observed. The blind area helps water flow away from the foundation, thereby reducing soil moisture near it.

Foundation drainage inside the house

Sometimes situations arise when the drainage of the foundation of a country house was not installed, and the walls in the basement become damp or a puddle appears on the floor. The reason for this may be a superficial attitude to the geotechnical conditions of the site or dense buildings around the house. To get out of this situation, drainage is done right inside the basement.

The foundation drainage system inside the house is the same as outside. The only limitation here may be the height of the basement, because... about 30 cm will be spent on installing a drainage system.

If you need to drain the foundation inside the house, then first remove the layer of earth inside the building to the level of the lower plane of the foundation. After that, pipes and drainage inspection wells are installed. They fill everything with crushed stone or gravel, lay waterproofing and make new floors. In this case, the drain must also be vented outside.

Video on the topic “Foundation drainage”

After watching this video, you will learn what to do if water seeps into the basement not through the walls, but from below. Hear recommendations regarding the design of the drainage system of the house outside and inside.

The area allocated for construction is not always ideal for building a house. Often, already at the preparation stage, pitfalls, features of geology, landscape and soil, and problems that have to be solved during the work are discovered.

A striking example is an area with a high groundwater level. It seemed that it was impossible to build here, but it was enough to carry out a number of simple measures and ensure drainage of the foundation - and the problem would be solved.

What is drainage and why is it needed?

In a general sense, drainage is a system of water intakes and pipelines designed to drain groundwater and storm water outside the building. Drainage is necessary in the case of a high aquifer location or poorly permeable soils.

Regardless of the configuration, the drainage system must provide:

  • drainage of rain and melt water;
  • groundwater level control;
  • protecting the basement from flooding;
  • durability of the foundation.

The need for drainage is especially acute in winter time during a period of unstable temperatures, when during a thaw water seeps into the cracks of the foundation, freezes, expands and systematically destroys the concrete.

From all of the above, we can conclude that it is possible to build on excessively moist soil, but before starting construction of the foundation, good drainage must be ensured. There are several ways to do this.


There are several main types of drainage systems. The choice of one or the other directly depends on the characteristics of the site, the degree of its susceptibility to flooding, and the groundwater level.

Open drainage

This is a truly budget option. The system is based on a series of open channels dug into the site, which drain excess water away from the building. This scheme cannot protect against groundwater, but it collects rain and melt water quite effectively.

It is rational to use such a system only in the case of an area where aquifer It lies quite deep, but the clay soil allows rainwater to stagnate.

Storm drain

Since the open system itself is ineffective, it should be supplemented with a storm drain. Its task is to collect and remove rainwater outside the site.

Structurally, a storm drain consists of a network of pipes laid underground and water collectors brought to its surface. Depending on the owner’s preferences, several point collectors or belt collection channels can be installed.

Ring system

Both previous designs cannot be considered as complete drainage. They only remove moisture from the surface without regulating the water level in the soil.

Note! The ring system is a good foundation protection in case correct installation it will ensure the durability and reliability of the building.

The system includes two parts - storm protection and groundwater drainage pipelines. Storm protection consists of pipes into which water collected from the roofs of buildings is supplied, it is transported to storage wells and accumulated in them. The second part is a closed network of special pipelines with holes (tubular drains). They collect water from the soil and send it to the same storage tanks.

If it is necessary to significantly lower the groundwater level, drainage wells are used. Excess moisture, which is collected by all these devices, is discharged outside the site in case of a slope or collected in a collector for subsequent removal.

Formative drainage

Perhaps the most effective way foundation protection is reservoir drainage. It does its job perfectly on any soil, collecting and removing water. It's excellent drainage strip foundation, foundation made of solid concrete blocks and other similar structures. Its only drawback is that pipelines can only be laid before construction begins.

The basis of the system is perforated pipes, which are laid below the base of the foundation at the level of the sand backfill. The water they collect is accumulated in a receiving well. Then it is drained into the sewer, and in case of its absence, it is periodically removed.


Protecting a multi-storey building or industrial structure from groundwater and storm water is a difficult task, but you can make a drainage system for the foundation of a private house yourself. It is only important to choose the right method and do the job efficiently.

The easiest way to ensure drainage of storm water from the foundation of a dacha or country house is in an open way. This is not a difficult task; the only condition for success is maintaining an angle that ensures drainage.

Advice! It is important to choose the right channel configuration. For an elongated section, we can recommend a network of parallel trenches merging into one common one. A square area with a slope can be protected with beams; in this case, the drains converge at one point.

To ensure that the drainage lasts a long time and the earthen walls do not crumble, it is recommended to waterproof it. For example, you can line the bottom of the trench with polyethylene and fill it with crushed stone inside.

Create open system It’s really simple, but if you need full protection from groundwater, it won’t work; you need to consider other options, for example, creating a ring system.

Ring system: features of material selection

Often, the shortcomings of the site chosen for construction emerge after the construction of the house. The basement regularly floods, the house is constantly damp, and the foundation is exposed to moisture. It's time to take action, namely create a reliable drainage system.

The basis of ring drainage is perforated drains. Previously, ceramic, asbestos-cement or metal pipes. All of them have a number of disadvantages, which is why they have not been used recently. The best choice for foundation drainage - perforated PVC pipe. Several varieties go on sale:

  • two-layer with geotextile;
  • single-layer with geotextile;
  • drainage pipe with coconut fiber filter;
  • HDPE with and without geotextiles.

A two-layer pipe has the best consumer characteristics; it can be laid to a depth of up to 8 m, however, in a private home this is too much. Other varieties are designed for operation at a depth of up to 3 m, which is quite sufficient. It is recommended to choose drains with an additional filter and always with stiffeners, this will protect against premature failure of the system.

Advice! Regarding the diameter: it all depends on the degree of water saturation of the soil. Most often, 100 mm pipes are chosen for storm sewer systems, and 165 mm for a ring or layer system.

Drainage wells will also be needed. The optimal material for them is plastic. Products made from it are durable, not subject to clogging, and are easy to maintain. Wells of this type, in addition to collecting moisture, provide the ability to monitor the condition of the system and, if necessary, clean it.

In addition to the main parts, you cannot do without all kinds of corner joints, tees, and plugs. All this is purchased separately, based on the drainage configuration.

Step 1: Preparation

Drainage pipelines are laid around the house, therefore, to calculate the amount of material, you need to measure the length of each side. The distances from the walls of the building are 1.5–3 m, it all depends on the area of ​​the house and the depth of groundwater.

In order not to make a mistake, it is worth making a small drawing, a diagram of the future drainage system. Draw the outlines of the house by hand, indicate the location of the wells and collector tank. Using the finished diagram, it is easy to calculate the length of the pipelines and make a list of the necessary connectors.

On a note! The depth of the drains depends on climatic conditions; they must be below the freezing point of the soil, otherwise the durability of the system is not guaranteed.

The number of drainage wells is selected based on the saturation of the layers with moisture. The best option there are four in the corners of the building. The collector must be located at a distance of at least 3 m from the house. Regarding its material, you can purchase a ready-made plastic product and bury it, you can dig a fairly deep well and ensure its waterproofing.

Step 2: excavation

Once everything you need is prepared, you can start working. First of all, you need to dig a trench. Using a tape measure, the diagram is transferred to the site. Using pegs and rope, they mark the route of future drainage.

It is better to start excavation from that part of the site where the depth is minimal, therefore, from the highest point of the system being created. Gradually increasing the depth, they dig a trench around the house and make a branch to the collector well.

During excavation, it is important to control the slope so that water does not stagnate in the pipe. Its optimal value is 2 degrees.

In addition to the trench, at the same stage, recesses for water collectors are prepared. Their depth should be 20–30 cm greater than the height of the well, and be sure to leave space at the edges for subsequent filling with crushed stone.

Closely located groundwater or a large accumulation of moisture in the soil have a negative impact on any buildings, especially on the foundation. Therefore, to eliminate excess moisture, it is necessary to take measures related to the installation of a drainage system. Making foundation drainage is not so difficult if you know the features of its installation and the technology for carrying out the work.

The need for drainage for the foundation and its function

Even deep groundwater in some cases requires the arrangement of drainage; a large number of factors are considered in each specific case. In some situations, drainage around the foundation must be done anyway. Here are some of them:

  • When the basement is deep, when it is below the groundwater level, or less than half a meter from the basement floor to it;
  • If the basement is located in loamy or clay soil, the level of groundwater passage in this case is not taken into account;
  • When the depth of underground premises is more than 1-1.5 meters in loamy or clayey soil conditions;
  • If the place where the building is located is an area of ​​capillary humidification.

Based on the above, we can conclude that drainage is necessary when groundwater is located in critical proximity to the building, or passes high enough, creating the impression of a swampy area with no vegetation. There is no need to develop such a system when the soil is dry, and even during the rainy season the groundwater level does not rise to critical levels.

Important! The need for foundation drainage in clay soil is a correct and reasonable decision.

The main functions of the drainage system include:

If the correct choice of drainage type is made, and the design is carried out in accordance with the design, then the pipes and wells included in the drainage system will significantly reduce the likelihood of the formation of gaps and cracks in the foundation, improving its strength characteristics.

Types of drainage

Depending on the depth of installation of the drainage system, wall foundation drainage is distinguished:

Each of these types of drainage can be either ring type or sheet type.

The ring type scheme is a closed loop that encircles the perimeter of the building. With a deep laying system, such a structure can also be laid radially along the entire plane of the structure.

It is most advisable to build reservoir drainage in the case of a building foundation of the type “ Swedish stove" It is laid at a level lower than the foundation plane. The peculiarity of its laying technology is that drainage pipes are laid on a sand and gravel bed, which are covered with a foundation slab on top.

Required tools and materials

To make foundation drainage with your own hands, you will need tools and materials such as:

You can get some valuable tips that will help answer the question of how to drain the foundation by watching the video

Work technology

Making foundation drainage with your own hands is quite simple; to do this, you need to adhere to certain rules for its design, depending on the type of foundation of the building.

Slab foundation

Drainage slab foundation consists of the following stages:

Columnar (pile) foundation

Drainage pile foundation do it this way:

  • A layer of 20 cm of sand and crushed stone is placed in a ditch dug around the perimeter of the building, and a drainage pipe is placed on top;
  • A layer of crushed stone of 30 cm is again poured on top, and geotextiles are laid;
  • Everything is covered with earth.

Rules for organizing the drainage system

After completing all the work, it is necessary to make wells into which excess water will flow. There are some rules for installing them.

The preparatory work includes the implementation of the following tasks:

  1. Foundation drainage diagram. It depicts all trenches, pipes, wells, and indicates the exact dimensions and immersion depth of the pipelines. Such a scheme is prepared so that during the construction stage there are no misunderstandings that will subsequently affect the quality of functioning of the wall drainage device.
  2. Preparing the foundation itself. It is necessary to dig up excess earth, dig trenches and pits of the required depth, transport excess earth outside your personal plot. Also, trenches should be prepared taking into account the angle of inclination. 2 cm per meter of pipeline. The foundation must be dried and lubricated with coating waterproofing.
  3. The last preparatory stage includes the selection of tools and materials. Need to collect: building level, plastic or polypropylene pipeline, geotextiles, crushed stone, sand, gravel, earth, if necessary, trays and grates, water intakes, shovels, pipe clamps, wheelbarrows for transporting materials, other components.

Draining water from the foundation of a house is a very important procedure, because moisture is the main enemy of the foundation. It can disrupt its integrity and contribute to the appearance of dampness, mold and other unpleasant aspects.

In order for the building to survive for decades without damage, it is necessary to take care of the waterproofing and drainage system of the foundation.

Preparatory work

Before laying drainage, dig around the foundation of the house

Proper drainage of the foundation of the house will help protect the building from dampness. This work can be done comprehensively in several stages:

  1. At the very beginning, the base needs to be dug up, and the excess soil carefully placed nearby for reuse.
  2. If the house is not new, the soil is carefully cleaned from the tiled structures and the old waterproofing is removed.
  3. The base is thoroughly dried in open air; during wet weather, gas burners can be used for this purpose.
  4. Waterproofing the foundation.

Features of waterproofing device

Be sure to waterproof the basement and basement

Before draining groundwater, it is necessary to waterproof the walls and floor of the basement, basement and base of the foundation. Here are some important points to consider:

  • the coating used for these purposes must be complete without gaps or cracks;
  • on the side that experiences greater moisture pressure, additional protection is applied with insulating material;
  • it is necessary to have a blind area around the house, the right choice its width and degree of inclination. It will allow water to be removed from the building not only by drainage, but also by installing a storage pit. If there is a blind area, puddles will not form. It protects the foundation and soil from water penetration.

The blind area is important in protecting the building from moisture.

Organization of waterproofing for different types of foundation

Arrangements for protecting a constructed building from moisture vary depending on the type of foundation. The most common types are slab, pile, column, strip and monolithic foundations.


Here it is best to wrap the foundation with rolled roofing felt. When any irregularities are detected.

They must be removed using a leveling screed.

Then a water-repellent material and insulation are placed on the concrete slabs and the surface is leveled again.

Pile and column types

It is not easy to waterproof concrete piles and pillars. It is provided by adding water-repellent additives to concrete. Wooden structures are treated with special liquids that prevent rotting and moisture absorption.

Strip and monolithic foundations

Most often, monolithic structures are insulated with hot bitumen mastic

To properly waterproof these types of foundations, the following several methods are used. They are varied and quite effective.

  1. Treat the foundation with a special mastic, only the surface must be dry and smooth. This method is not entirely reliable, so to strengthen the composition it is necessary to cover it with insulation or build a brick wall.
  2. Just as in the first case, you need to carry out all the manipulations using hot bitumen mastic, and stick roofing material on top in 2 layers with an overlap of about 15 cm.
  3. Using a special sprayer, a water-repellent composition is applied to the dry foundation. It is advisable to use geotextiles on top, then the waterproofing will last a long time.
  4. Another reliable and high-quality method is penetrating waterproofing. It contains quartz sand, cement and special additives. This mass has penetrating properties.

Moisture and precipitation occur almost everywhere, so a waterproofing system is important in the process of protecting a structure from their penetration.

Drainage system

Work in dry weather

Water is removed from the foundation by organizing drainage around the house. Before implementing it, you need to know some features of the work:

  • installation work is carried out in summer in dry, warm weather;
  • to build a foundation drainage with your own hands, it will take 2 to 3 months;
  • After preparing the ditches, it is advisable to build a canopy over them to protect from rain;
  • if the soil is in a loose state, then the walls of the ditch must be thoroughly strengthened;
  • from the appropriate authority you need to obtain information about the condition of the soil, as well as conduct a small experiment to determine where moisture is most collected;
  • Having learned comprehensive information, you can draw a drainage diagram for the building, calculate how much material will be needed and the cost of the structure.

Types of drainage

Before choosing a way to drain water from the foundation, you need to know what types of foundation drainage systems there are and choose the appropriate one.

According to the design of the building, three types are distinguished:

  • wall-mounted – constructed in a building with a basement or basement;
  • ring - suitable for buildings without a cellar, basement or basement;
  • slab - used under the foundation slab.

Wall drainage

Wall structures will protect the basement from flooding

Today this design is widely known and used everywhere. Typically, foundation wall drainage is installed at the construction stage, before the walls are erected. It is possible after construction, but its cost will increase in this case.

It is necessary when there is a possibility of basement flooding. Sometimes waterproofing can protect against groundwater, but most often owners are satisfied with the design of wall drainage. Its specificity close to home.

Wall drainage is created along the perimeter of the base; inspection wells are installed in the corners. The required number of pipes to be laid, which are located at an angle, is calculated.


Wall foundation drainage has the following features:

  1. First, the foundation walls are protected with a waterproofing material, such as liquid rubber.
  2. Along the top of the wall, a profiled membrane is glued overlapping with special glue to prevent water seepage.
  3. The lower edge of the membrane must be laid on the soil and pipes covered with geotextiles must be installed.
  4. The area around the building drainage should be filled with sand and gravel.
  5. Pipes can be taken of different diameters, from 5 to 20 cm, everything is determined by the depth of the flood waters. They are laid at a slope of 1-2% towards the drainage well.
  6. To clean the drainage system, vertical pipes with plugs, the same height as the blind area, are placed in the corners. Cleaning is carried out by running a stream of tap water into the device. To learn how to install wall drainage, watch this video:

For clay soil, geotextile fabric is necessary. If the soil is made of crushed stone or sand, then you can do without such material.

To find a way out of the situation of how to drain water from the foundation of a house that does not have a basement or basement, you can turn to the foundation ring drainage system .

To do this, a closed set of trenches with a depth exceeding the level of the foundation by half a meter is erected around the structure.

When constructing such a structure, you need to pay attention to the following:

The process of constructing a ring drainage

Sand is poured into the bottom of the trench

To make it easier to create drainage for the foundation, you can make markings. For this purpose, various pegs are used, which can be easily removed.

You can arrange ring drainage as follows:

  1. At a distance of 5 m from the house, you need to dig a deep ditch larger than the height and width of the house foundation in order to fit a pipe with a diameter of 11 cm. There should still be 10 cm indentations from the pipe on each side.
  2. Sand in a layer of up to 100 mm is placed at the bottom with a slope towards the reservoir. This way the water can drain on its own.
  3. The drainage pipe is placed in the trench, on geotextiles, its ends are fixed to the walls of the ditch. The pipe is laid in a trench, covered with gravel to a depth of 50 cm, then wrapped in material twice. The seams of the structure are fastened and covered with sand or gravel.
  4. The pipes are connected, but not at a right angle, so that silt does not accumulate.
  5. To construct an inspection well, a hole is dug and a container with a hole for water drainage is placed. Here you also need to place geotextiles on the bottom to prevent pebbles from getting in.
  6. If the soil is heavy and does not allow water to pass through well, a solid pipe can be used for drainage.
  7. If there is a large accumulation of water in the reservoir, it can be pumped out and watered for garden plants.

Reservoir method of water drainage

Drainage under the foundation slab is necessary to ensure that the properties of the structure are maintained when in contact with water. This means removing water and preventing its effects on the foundation of the house. For more information about drainage work on the site, watch this video:

Drainage under the foundation slab can be done in various ways. One of the popular ones is the layer type. Its essence is as follows:

  1. A ditch is dug 1 m deep than the size of the building.
  2. A slight slope is established from the center to the sides.
  3. Geotextiles are laid, then a 10 cm layer of sand and a 30 cm layer of crushed stone are alternated to level the bottom of the pit.

Reservoir drainage is used in the presence of various aquifers, pressurized groundwater, the location of the basement below the aquifer and the appearance of capillary penetration of liquid.

Drainage diagram

Drainage is arranged for this type of foundation due to the high presence of groundwater, highly moist soil or the risk of flooding of the site. Properly arranged drainage of the strip foundation of a house will help to avoid deformation of the concrete strip during thawing or freezing of the soil. Here it is also necessary not to forget about a properly executed blind area so that moisture cannot easily penetrate to the base.

Manufacturing of drainage systems for shallow foundation should be carried out at a depth of about 80 cm. Drainage is constructed along the perimeter of the tape at a short distance from it. The pipeline is laid at a depth of at least 1 m, 20-30 cm below the sand layer. The peculiarity of the work here is that the volume of excavation work is very large. All about drainage strip base watch in this video:

To choose the right type of drainage, you need to know the characteristics of the soil. Only in this case will it effectively and reliably perform the function of drainage.