How to mark the perimeter for the foundation. Do-it-yourself marking under the foundation. We mark the slab foundation

One of the most expensive and labor-intensive stages of each type of construction is the construction of a base, a base for a functional structure, an integral attribute of which is do-it-yourself marking for the foundation. It is clear that it is on this foundation that the mission is laid to bear great responsibility for its future strength, as well as the stability of the building, its strength and functional viability. Such a structure as a foundation plays the role of that support, which fully assumes the entire load exerted by the structure, distributes it over the occupied zone of the underlying surface.

Moreover, it is precisely the well-designed foundation of any building that makes it possible to reduce all the nuances of the soil relief to a single homogeneous horizon, in particular, the marking of the site for the house itself begins from it.

This process is the determination of the entire perimeter of the house and also the implementation of the facade orientation procedure. How to properly carry out this procedure without using the services of specialists? Consider below.


To begin with, it is worth highlighting the basic stages of the process of adequate marking of a building site. These include the following components:

  • determination of the binding, the degree of its correctness;
  • fixing such parameters as the width of the structure and its length;
  • measuring the corners of a building.

The procedure described above is carried out by trained technologists - professionals - surveyors. Of course, when you go directly to the construction option, by that time you have a competent development plan approved by experts. It is at this moment that it is worth studying in detail all the features of the cultivated soil, as well as at what depth ground water Location on. Even if we are talking about a lightweight type of building - a bathhouse, a garage - do-it-yourself marking for the foundation is still a very important component of organized activity.

Correct geometry is the most difficult element of the process. The plan should be “imposed” on the site and at the same time observe all the necessary angles. Of course, the inaccuracies of the calculation will not affect the quality and stability of the foundation in any way, but when it comes down to it, the procedures for erecting walls will cause a lot of all kinds of trouble.

In order to correctly observe all the geometric angles necessary for adequate marking, it is worth remembering the two basic geometric rules that are still known from school:

  1. Within one rectangle, both diagonals are exactly the same. They are also similar in another figure - an isosceles trapezoid.
  2. It is also worth considering the rule called the "golden triangle". So, a rectangular figure, the sides of which are always multiples of 3 and 4, is in any case characterized by the presence of a hypotenuse, a value of five units. This principle applies to construction.

Conditions and nuances of the process

In order for the marking for the strip foundation to be adequate, it is necessary to use the following tools for its implementation:

  • 20-meter metal tape measure;
  • reliable thick rope;
  • strong wooden pegs and reliable clothespins that are applicable for marking local points of a future structure.

Before starting work, a point is necessarily determined that acts as the corner of the building. Through this zone it is necessary to draw a special long line, which became the basis for the first wall (whether it is frontal or facade type does not really matter). The peg itself should be installed somewhere at a distance of 50 cm from the original angle, but we mark the last one with a clothespin.

With the participation of a measuring tape, we set aside the required length from the wall itself, after which we drive in another peg at the same distance as the first, we also fix the localization of the second corner with a clothespin.

Through the mark - the point, you should carefully draw a flat line of the second wall, just as it happened in the first case, first the required angle is measured:

  1. set aside four meters from the first wall and mark this point;
  2. on the second and third - and do the same;
  3. measure the distance obtained with a tape measure;
  4. if the result is 5m - excellent, you can also drive in the next peg of the next wall, measure the next corner;
  5. other geometric parameters are measured.

You should pay attention - the cord, with which you can qualitatively mark the foundation yourself, must be located at the same height at all points. It is more than impractical to carry out measurements on the soil itself, since there is a potentially large error in the calculations due to the nuances of the relief.

In itself, such work, in principle, is not particularly difficult. But sometimes its implementation requires the presence of an experienced and skillful assistant. You can complete the marking procedure by monitoring whether the diagonals of the resulting rectangle are the same. If a deviation within three centimeters was found, then such an indicator is quite acceptable.

The inner contour is marked in a similar way. Angles are controlled in the same way. If it is only intended to fill the trench with the foundation, the procedure can be performed immediately, without fail allowing formwork. In general, marking the site for the foundation is a fairly simple procedure, it is much more problematic to comply with all the geometric parameters of the installation of the formwork itself and the optimal installation of the mandatory top level keeping the correct height. For this purpose, a procedure for a thorough clearing of the construction site and its leveling is carried out even before the marking has been carried out.

The foundation project itself can be measured by applying the measurements of the technological reference to the cultivated area, which are indicated within it. Then, any of the potentially erected corners of the structure is usually fixed, taking into account the selected distances from all control points. This will be directly the first corner of the structure.

Remember that the marking of the site for the bath itself is, in principle, the last chance to transform the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbuilding. There is a possibility that you want to change the orientation to the cardinal points, or choose a different material for building the walls of the structure, or you feel that it is worth increasing the size of the foundation, since brickwork it won't fit into it.

All these facts are very important for the construction process. It is at this stage that we have the opportunity to make changes to the already approved building plan, in which the need arose. It is worth considering only the fact of keeping the parameters for residential development, for example, such as the minimum distance from the boundary limits of the site, as well as pipelines of the main type.

Another way to carry out the procedure

In answering the question of how to make markup for the foundation, there are no small nuances. It is important to take into account every little thing, the structural features of the base will affect the construction of the entire structure as a whole.

Let us describe one of the most optimal methods for implementing the marking procedure applicable in construction. It is characterized by the presence of such structural stages:

  • it stands for a start with determining the location of the main or basic angle, it is into it that a special wooden peg is driven;
  • benches are fixed at a distance of one and a half meters from one side of the foundation being erected and three meters from its other side;

  • the cord is stretched between the boards and the basic corner itself; the length of the side of the structure itself is measured, the peg number two is driven in at this point;
  • all perpendicular lines are restored from stakes driven into the ground. a measuring tape marks the same distances from them, all markers are fixed. its length is set to 2.1 m, arcs of conditional circles are drawn - where they first intersect, and the construction rope will be attached to the “bench” installed on the ground.
  • further from the last structure, the required value is further measured, which is equated to the subsequent length of the foundation being built, a board is necessarily installed here. it is worth connecting them with a special rope, which is the height of the triangle. the next length of the foundation being erected is measured from the peg and the third necessary angle of the structure is allocated.
  • other distances and angles are plotted in the same way.
  • at the end, it is worth verifying the diagonals of the rectangle. If they are equal, then you performed the markup procedure correctly.

By and large, such work can be corrected in a few hours, especially when there is a good assistant.

Work on the construction of a house begins with the creation of a foundation: the foundation, whatever it may be (tape, slab, column or pile), must be resistant to atmospheric and climatic phenomena, physical influences, reliability in relation to freezing, as well as uniformity of shrinkage, and therefore the arrangement of the foundation must be approached carefully already at the stage of its preparation. In order for the house to be strong and stand for many years, it is necessary to understand how to mark the foundation, and apply the knowledge gained in practice. This is especially important if you are doing the construction yourself. It is necessary to mark the base on the ground, and by this time the design plan should already be ready. Read also about building a fence on a strip foundation. Also, read on how to insulate. strip foundation.

This process includes preparing a piece of land on which construction will be carried out, calculating the length and width of the base along the perimeter and delineating its axes and lines on the ground. Thanks to precise marking, the base will be of the correct geometric shape, which is important not only for the aesthetic appearance of the house, but also for its stability. In order to properly mark the foundation, you will need the following tools:

There are several ways to correctly mark the foundation, and this set is useful for any of the methods. Interesting about how to arrange a columnar-strip foundation with your own hands.

The main methods of marking the bases for different houses

One of the most commonly used methods is the creation of an “Egyptian triangle”, the sides of which are related to each other as 5 to 4 to 3. The dimensions of the triangle directly affect the accuracy of measurements: the larger the figure, the better the results. When constructing such a triangle, it turns out that the walls along the axes are parallel to the legs of the geometric figure. After creating the triangle, the location of the base corner is determined, where the peg is driven into the ground. Learn more how to build a strip foundation on a slope by clicking on this.

Important! After driving in the peg, the direction of the first wall is determined. It is desirable that it be the longest of all planned.

After determining the direction, you need to measure 4 meters of the future wall, where the second peg is driven in. A string is stretched between two stakes, and one side of the triangle is ready. Similarly, a side of 3 meters in size is created, and then a twine is stretched, completing the construction of a triangle. The marking of the axes of the foundation will be carried out based on the resulting figure. Parallel to the legs, the directions of the walls are drawn, stakes are also installed in the corners, and then the last angle is calculated: for this, it is enough to retreat from the extreme points the required distance (the length of the walls) and determine the convergence of the lines. Thus, the outer part of the perimeter is marked, and for the inner one, it is necessary to deviate from the received boundaries by 30, 40 and 50 cm. After installing all the stakes and stretching the twine, it is necessary to additionally mark the boundaries on the soil itself.

Another way to make markings for the foundation is suitable for the foundations of houses made of logs, timber and frame-panel materials. It is usually used for the construction of buildings in which there will be only one floor and it is not planned to make an extension next to it in the future. First, the perimeter of the base is calculated, after which the stakes are installed, on which the diagonals of the foundation are marked and the so-called “web” is made.

The web is stretched along the sides of the foundation and diagonals, after which the position of future trenches is marked. Their width depends on the type of foundation and its size.

The third method is an option for how to evenly mark the foundation if the building is large and multi-story. In addition, if it is to be built from piles or poles, then special accuracy will be required, and a preliminary drawing will be required to determine how far the foundation elements will be from each other. For this, the first cast-off is built, in which the corners of the structure will be indicated (you can resort to drawing a triangle, as in the first method). After installing the pegs, you need to attach the twine, and then make a second new thing, which is done horizontally.

After the correct marking of the foundation is ready, you can start digging trenches or holes, if we are talking about piles or pillars. During this, you should check with the stretched twine, which is desirable to make it more noticeable: special weights, bright colors or other methods will do. The stakes on which the twine was stretched should be deepened into the soil by 30 - 40 cm for greater stability, they should be dug in strictly at a right angle.

How to make the markup of the foundation correctly? Basic Tips

Before you start work, it is worth following a number of rules that will allow you to make the markup most accurately.

The process of marking on the ground is a necessary stage for creating a strong, durable foundation for the house. Without this, the foundation is more likely to be deformed or skewed from the very beginning. Since there are several ways to lay out the foundation, videos containing detailed instructions will clearly show how to implement these methods. Nevertheless, in any case, the principle is to determine the boundaries of the base along its outer and inner sides (if we are talking about a slab foundation, then marking is carried out only along the outer contour). For the actual implementation of the markup, special knowledge and things are not required, you only need a set of materials and an understanding of the dimensions of the future building, its shape, layout and design features: load on the base, number of storeys, material from which the walls with a roof will be made. Good instructions on how to lay out the foundation (photos of both the process and its result can be found on the net) allow you to better understand exactly how to do this work. Find out more from an interesting article what are the advantages and disadvantages of building a foundation in winter on this one.

Any house should have a reliable and stable foundation. During construction country house, you need to know how to mark the foundation, because the service life of the building and the level of comfort depend on the quality of the support while living in it.

Marking for the house will allow you to navigate the exact location of the object on the site. There should be no mistakes in this work. This affects the stability and strength of the foundation. The marking process involves distribution of all quantities from the drawn up plan to the site. That is, on the ground, a division is carried out taking into account the shape of the house and its size.

Preparation for marking the foundation

Before marking the foundation with your own hands drafting the future building. This determines the area of ​​the object, appearance buildings and layout of individual premises. The project is tied to the site where the construction will be carried out. First, work is carried out to study the soil, and then the marking of the base is carried out.

To carry out the markup, you will need the following tools:

Before marking the foundation, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work:

After that, the foundation for the house is laid out. Installation technology assumes the presence rectangular shapes. General rules and norms for marking are suitable for all types of bases, they are not affected by the material of manufacture or the presence of a basement.

Marking starts from any side of the building. It can be a facade or a side part of a building. When using a tape measure, it is worth giving preference to metal products that have a length of more than 10 m. Fabric models do not guarantee measurement accuracy and sag during measurements.

The site is selected taking into account the following factors:

  • The prospect of conducting all communications.
  • Road condition.
  • Georeferencing to cardinal directions.

The most important purpose of marking is the implementation of the correct orientation of the future structure, relative to the terrain. This will allow you to build a structure, taking into account standard technological rules.

Measurement steps

Proper marking for the foundation consists of several stages. First of all, the main point is determined, which is the right corner of the building. It is set according to the design task. The first peg is mounted at this point.

Markup start

A distance is laid off from the peg, which is equal to the size of the foundation. Spent segment must be parallel to the front line. A perpendicular guide is measured inside. In this case, the resulting angle should be 90 degrees. The angle is checked with a level.

The designation of external boundaries is performed as follows:

In the same way other elements are labeled. If the diagonals of the resulting rectangle are the same, then the corners are right.

Internal borders

When deciding how to mark the foundation on your own, it is worth pay attention to the correct measurements of the inner contour. The thickness of the foundation should not be less than 45-50 cm. This distance is measured inward from the outer boundaries and is indicated by pegs. If internal load-bearing walls are planned, then additional marking is also performed. In each element of a rectangular or square shape, the equality of the diagonal lines is checked.

When it is planned to erect a complex base shape, the entire area is divided into separate rectangles and each element is checked separately.

After marking, all values ​​are checked again and pegs are set in the right places. This work must be carried out with responsibility, and measurements must be carefully verified. Even a small error in the calculations will affect the quality of the support.. Proper marking of the corners helps to further minimize the pressure on the ground.

Carrying out a cast-off

After completion of the marking work, a run-down is carried out. This step of the process is considered necessary for control measurements. All contours of the future structure are brought to the surface of the earth. The top layer is removed and a recess is made to the size of the shovel bayonet.

Cast-off is the installation of wooden posts, which are driven in pairs into the soil at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from the corner of the base. shabby allows you to create the correct contour of vertical planes. In this case, the planes have a pair of columns. The horizontal parts of the pillars should be at the same level.

The height of the cast-off is equal to the height of the base of the building. The marking of the depth of the trench is carried out from cast-offs. In this case, the perimeter, regardless of the nature of the relief, should be the same.

Using a level

The laser level is level for marking. The internal bubble level allows you to check whether the level is level. IN modern models there are automatic mechanisms that adjust the level of position. When deciding how to mark the foundation on your own, you can use this device.

In doing so, the following actions are performed:

  1. From the mark of the corner of the building, with the help of a level, a line is calculated and drawn, which should coincide with one of the walls of the future building.
  2. All measurements are taken from the same starting point. This will improve the accuracy of the measurements.
  3. The zero mark is performed on some visible element.

Features of marking the strip foundation

Creating a strip foundation with your own hands begins with the correct markup. Similar foundation made of continuous strips of reinforced concrete that fit into the trench. The width of the support depends on the quality of the soil. The foundation should not be thinner than the walls. Its thickness should be more than 50 cm if the building will be built of brick or blocks.

The depth of the foundation depends on the level of soil freezing. Such structures are built on solid soils and are easy to install, and also allow you to equip ground floor and basement.

When marking, it should be borne in mind that the building from the fence and the neighboring territory should be located at the following distances:

  • According to the rules fire safety the distance from the windows to the walls of another building must be at least 6 meters. At least 3 meters from the building to the neighboring area.
  • According to sanitary and household standards, at least 3 meters.

The marking for the strip foundation is carried out according to general rules site marking for construction. Exactly also run-down is performed.

On the upper part, cast-offs are clogged nails for markings:

  1. IN central part mark for the foundation wall axis.
  2. Left and right of the axial- a label for the width of the base;
  3. Next is the width of the pillow under the base.

The very first stage of construction is the removal of the axes and edges of the house from the drawings or diagrams “in kind”. To do this with your own hands, you need to follow the technology and control the accuracy of measurements. In most cases, it is enough to know how to correctly mark the foundation for a house that is rectangular in plan. You can perform work for more complex forms based on these skills. The removal of geometry to the site depends on the type of foundation, but the initial stage has no differences.

The very first step in this case is finding one of the corners of the house and building perpendicular rays from it. Here they use the method of the Egyptian triangle or the Pythagorean theorem. A geometric figure has one right angle and legs that are multiples of 3 and 4. In this case, the hypotenuse must be a multiple of 5.

The step-by-step instruction looks like this:

  1. Determine the location of one of the walls of the house on the site. Most often, it is placed so that it is parallel to the fence or property boundary (if the fence has not yet been built). If you need to mark up with respect to the fence, then the same segments are set aside from it and a line is laid. Determine the location of one corner (or two corners) of the building, mark them with stakes. The line is fixed with a cast-off. To do this, the structure is located at some distance from the slope of the pit (at this stage of its intended location). A cast-off is a structure of racks and horizontal boards that are attached to them. For a strip foundation, it is enough to make the boards in one row.
  2. They choose a corner on the side of the house, from which subsequent constructions will be carried out with their own hands. From this point, the twine is pulled, and this must be done at an angle of 90 degrees as accurately as possible, while by eye. It is absolutely impossible to do this in practice, so at this stage there are deviations from the project. At the point of intersection (the corner of the house on the first extended side), the twine is fastened together. Initially, work is carried out using a cord. After the right angle is determined exactly, you can install the cast-off with your own hands.
  3. From the intersection on one cord mark 3 meters, on the second 4 meters.
  4. A tape measure measures the distance between two marks (hypotenuse) in a straight line. However, it is difficult to do the job alone. It is important to securely fix the measuring device at the starting point.
  5. If the distance is 5 m, then the angle is built exactly and its degree measure is 90ᵒ. You can proceed to the next points. If the value does not match, then the right angle is not built correctly. It is necessary to shift the leg from the original location until the hypotenuse becomes equal to 5 m.
  6. After the constructions are completed accurately, proceed to the next stage.
  7. On the first side (located parallel to the fence) take the second point (the size of the foundation on this side). Just as in the first case, you need to build a right angle of the house and pull the third twine.
  8. On the second cord, the length of the wall of the house is marked and from this point you need to find a right angle and fix the fourth twine.
  9. On the fourth and third sides, segments equal to the dimensions of the building in terms of are laid. If the geometry is done exactly, then the marks will match. If this does not happen, the cords are moved to ensure the match.
  10. The final step is to check if the rectangle is built correctly. It is not difficult to do this. If all actions are performed accurately, then the diagonal measurements should be equal.
  11. The result should be a stretched string or a cast-off piece that indicates the outside dimensions of the house.

Advice! When locating a house on a site, it is important to take into account the red building lines and fire breaks. The former are usually indicated in the town planning plan. IN countryside and cottage settlements, roads (streets and driveways) usually become red lines. The minimum distance from the passage to the wall of the house is 3 m, from the street - 5 m. Fire breaks depend on the materials of the house and are assigned according to SP 4.13130.2009 "Fire protection systems" table 1.

Alternative way to draw a rectangle

In addition to using the Egyptian triangle, the marking of the foundation can be done using the "web" method. This will require twine, pegs and a tape measure. Actions are performed in the following order:

Advice! For this method, twine is used, which does not give deformations (does not stretch). If this condition is not met, one cannot speak about the accuracy of the constructions.

The previous two points are valid for any type of foundation, but then there are differences. The strip foundation can be made in two ways:

  • in the pit;
  • in the trench.

A pit is needed if the building being erected has a basement. The cast-off is located only along the outer contour. In the case of a trench, the inner edges of the tape are indicated by twine, which is fixed to the structure with nails. To do this correctly with your own hands, you need to retreat from the first cord a distance equal to the width of the foundation tape.

Advice! The main requirements for carrying out works on the removal of foundations to the terrain are given in the joint venture "Geodesic works in construction". The error of measurements and constructions, which is allowed by the standards, is 1 cm, so special attention should be paid to accuracy.

Marking the column foundation

Step-by-step instructions for designating the outer faces of the house with your own hands look the same as in the previous case. To indicate the location of each freestanding element, a cast-off around the perimeter is installed at some distance and the twine is pulled. At the same time, two horizontal boards are fixed to the racks of the cast-off. The first is at the level of the edge of the foundation elements, the second is at the level of the upper face of the grillage.

To mark the pillars, the strings are pulled so that they pass along the axes of the supporting structures (in the middle). The pitch of the cords is equal to the pitch of the supports under the building. To determine the point of drilling or pieces of soil from the intersection of the twine, a plumb line is lowered. Next, the markup is moved to the outer contour of the supporting elements. All locations are marked on the cast-off with self-tapping screws or nails.

The marking of the grillage is carried out according to the same principle as strip base(mark the outer and inner faces). You can perform actions based on an existing nail mark. Half the width of the grillage is simply measured from it in both directions and new fasteners are driven in, onto which the cords are pulled.

Slab foundation marking

This option is the easiest. In fact, after steps 1 to 11 described for the strip foundation have been completed, the work can be completed. Here it will be necessary to designate only the outer rectangle with twine stretched between the cast-off or pegs.

Removing the location of the foundations on the ground is a feasible task, but it requires attention and scrupulousness. If the markup is not done correctly, then difficulties may arise during the next stages of the construction of the building.

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Anyone who is engaged in independent construction knows that before the construction of the structure begins, it is necessary to mark the foundation with your own hands. Here we consider the case of the start of work on the construction of a pile screw foundation on the site, for a number of reasons of a horticultural nature, not cleared of useful plants. This made it difficult to mark the future foundation, but these difficulties were easily overcome with the help of a simple device for setting right angles.

How to make the layout of the foundation with your own hands

Usually, the marking of the foundation in self-construction is done by eye using a tape measure. First, the columns for marking the corners of the walls are set at distances of the length and width of the future building. Then the diagonals of the resulting rectangle are measured and the process of rearranging two adjacent columns begins until the measurements of the diagonals are aligned. According to the basics of geometry, a rectangle is a figure in which two diagonals are equal to each other. But it was precisely because of the landings that the measurement of the diagonals in the process of fitting was difficult. Landings interfered with pulling the tape measure and obscured the rangefinder laser. But this difficulty can be overcome.

1. Before starting work, you must have minimal knowledge of geometry and know the solution of the Pythagorean theorem :). Let me remind you of the theorem. The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs in a right triangle.

2. Stretch a cord between two pegs indicating the first wall of the foundation. If the side of the foundation, for example, is 6 meters, then the distance between the pegs must be at least 8 meters.

3. Let's make a device for setting a right angle on the ground. To do this, you must purchase a package. non-stretching cord or use a steel cable. In total, about 13 meters of cord will be required.

4. We tie the ends of the cord folded together so that the length of the resulting loop is 6 meters. The accuracy of tying and sizing is important.

5. We take a permanent felt-tip pen and from the center of the knot, using a tape measure, make marks at a distance of 3 meters in one direction and at a distance of 4 meters in the other direction. So we got a rope right triangle. This invention will allow you to calculate the direction of a 90° angle by simply expanding the triangle.

Marking the first wall Life hack kit Sides of a triangle

6. To work on the ground, we need thin wooden pegs or pieces of thin fittings.

7. We install one peg to indicate the corner of the foundation on the marking line made earlier in paragraph 2.

8. We take a rope life hack. We place the knot on a peg indicating the angle and stretch the sides of the rope triangle by driving the first peg at a distance of 4 meters into the wall markings p.

9. Set the peg on the 3 meter mark. One side of the rectangle is parallel to the layout of the first wall, and the other side indicates the direction of the layout at a 90° angle for the second wall. The Pythagorean theorem in action - see photo.

Pieces of rebar Right angle base peg Rope triangle

10. We stretch the marking cord for the second wall, parallel to the side of the triangle.

11. We carry out similar actions to mark the third wall.

12. We mark the lengths of the second and third walls on the marking and carry out control on one of the corners of the correctness of the direction of the fourth wall. If the length of the wall in the marking was 6 meters and its direction crossed the marking points of walls two and three, then we can say that measuring the diagonals will give an equal result. If the convergence did not work, check again that the markup is set correctly.

Marking of the 2nd wall Cord of the second wall