Sexual characteristics of hamsters. How to determine the sex of a hamster of any breed? By appearance

When buying a hamster, it is not enough to trust the words of the seller when determining the sex of the future pet. You can learn to recognize for yourself who they offer to buy - a male or a female. And - ?

Dzhungariki, how to distinguish a boy from a girl - age

Newborn dzhungariki are so small that it is very difficult to determine the sex visually. occurs at the age of one to two months. It is at this time that it is recommended to determine the sex of the rodent. At the same age, little jungars must be moved from their mother to a separate cage.

Dzhungariki, how to distinguish a boy from a girl - visually

To determine if it belongs to the female or male sex, the pet must be turned on its back and, gently holding the head and paws with your finger, examine the rodent's tummy.

There are three distinguishing features that determine the sex of a hamster.

  1. In the male on the tummy, you can feel a small tubercle resembling a navel.
  2. A female hamster is distinguished from males by the presence of nipples.
  3. The distance between the anus and genitals in males is about 1.5 cm, in girls - a few millimeters.

Dzhungariki, how to distinguish a boy from a girl - other signs

By the behavior of sexually mature individuals, it is also possible to determine the gender of Djungarian hamsters. Females are more aggressive in the company of their own kind, males, but the hair of dzhungarian boys is longer than that of their girlfriends.

The Dzungarian hamster belongs to the genus of legged hamsters, their paws are covered with short hair. The size of the body reaches from 5 to 10 cm in length. A distinctive feature is a dark stripe from the head to the tip of the tail, and the tail is very small and almost invisible. In color, domesticated dzhungars differ from wild relatives.

They are divided into 4 types according to the types of color:

  • standard color (brown-gray);
  • sapphire (gray-blue);
  • pearl color (matte white and has gray spots);
  • tangerine (reddish-cream color).

When shedding, which occurs in winter, the color becomes almost white with a dark stripe on the back. By nature, these hamsters are friendly and easily tamed, prefer solitary habitation and do not share their territory with relatives. Staying in one cage of a pair or more individuals can cause anger and aggression in rodents towards each other. Djungarian hamsters are very mobile, so you should choose a cage with a large area. Life expectancy at home is approximately 2 years, but may be longer, it all depends on proper nutrition and care.

Why be able to distinguish between hamsters by sex

Everyone who plans to acquire a small decorative animal should understand that distinguishing between females and males is just as important as knowing how to feed a Djungarian hamster, how to choose the right cage for him, etc. What is the importance of determining the sex of these rodents? There are several answers to this question.

  • Firstly, a male and a female are specially bought if they want to breed rodents at home. In this case, future breeders simply need to know how to distinguish between Djungarian hamsters by sex, so as not to acquire two same-sex animals. In addition to the fact that such a couple will not give offspring, they can also seriously mutilate each other. This is especially true of adult representatives of the breed, staying in the same cage. Their nature is as follows: as long as Djungarian hamsters live, they do not put up with competitors on their territory for so long.
  • Secondly, sometimes the seller in the store or the novice breeder from whom you can buy a decorative rodent does not know how to determine the sex of the animal. In this case, the buyer must learn to independently distinguish females from males of this breed in order to choose a suitable animal for himself.
  • Third, sometimes a person wants to have a Djungarian hamster boy or girl. Especially attentive during the purchase you need to be someone who wants to have a male animal. After all, there are times when a female is sold to an inexperienced buyer, and at that time she may already be pregnant. Such an acquisition will not please a person who planned to keep one animal, but instead acquired a large family of rodents.
  • Fourth to choose a name for your pet. After all, if you don’t know who he is (a boy or a girl), then what to call him?

At what age is it easiest to find out gender?

Clear signs of females and males are evident in mature rodents. Therefore, the older the pets, the less problems arise with their gender identification. It is almost impossible to find differences between the reproductive organs of girls and boys in hamsters that are less than 4 weeks old.

In the natural environment, hamsters are very active, so in captivity they need to be able to actively move. For this purpose, it is recommended to install a wheel in the cage. During the day, the animal on it can run several kilometers. With a sedentary lifestyle, the ward is threatened with obesity and other diseases.

In addition, the difficulties are associated with the fact that at this age the animals are categorically not recommended to be picked up and subjected to palpation. Based on this, experts advise in the first month of life not to disturb small rodents while they are close to their mother. Already at 35–40 days of age, the brood should be settled in different cells. It is then that you have to find out where the females are and where the males are.

Method of determination

Do not wait for help from sellers. It is better to figure out on your own how to find out the sex, to distinguish a male and a girl from each other. Only in such a situation will the pet that you dreamed about appear in the house. To determine the sex, you can resort to the help of external signs.

  1. Pet activity. There is an opinion that girls are more energetic. Unlike boys, they constantly show activity, mobility. Cells are almost never in one place for a long period of time. If you try to take the female in your arms, then she is able to show aggressiveness. However, it is not recommended to rely only on the activity of the pet in determining the sex. There is a high probability that a mistake will be made, because males are also capable of displaying excessive activity.
  2. Fur condition. How to distinguish a male from a female? You can hear the opinion that the boy's coat is thicker compared to the female. However, this option for determining the sex of hamsters is inaccurate. A 100% result may not be achieved, since the wool can be different, which the photos are excellent proof of.
  3. Definition by gender. It should be understood that all the above methods by which you can distinguish a boy from a girl are vague, additional. It is not recommended to use them alone. It is necessary to resort to other methods. More accurate are those methods that involve the study of the sexual characteristics of hamsters. How to determine the sex of the Dzungarian hamster in this situation? First of all, you need to know that sexual characteristics will become noticeable in pets after they are 4 weeks old. Therefore, listening to the assurances of sellers that the animal is still small is not worth it. Please note that it is necessary to seat heterosexual hamsters no later than they are one month old. This measure is aimed at preventing inbreeding, as a result of which defective babies may appear.


To distinguish a boy from a girl, you will need to perform a few simple steps:

  1. Take the pet in your hands, lay it on its back, gently fix the head with the front paws with your thumb. Remember that the animal must lie freely.
  2. You'll have to be patient a little. In order to distinguish a boy from a girl, you need to wait until the pet is completely relaxed. It can be stroked on the abdomen to shorten the waiting time.
  3. After a few minutes, you can begin to study the genitals of the animal, which will help in determining the sex.
  4. In a boy, in the lower part of the body, directly under the fur, you can see the anus. From the genitals, it is located at a distance of at least 1 cm. At the same time, this space is covered with fur. In the center of the tummy, the boy has a gland (navel), which can be felt with your fingers.
  5. The minimum distance between the genitals and the anus indicates that you have a girl in front of you. Plus, she doesn't have hair. Glands on the abdomen can not be found. In addition, the girl can feel the microscopic nipples, located in two rows.
  6. To distinguish a girl from a boy, you can press the pet a little on the tummy. If you have a boy in front of you, then the testicles will become noticeable.

Hamster breeders share their experience

  • Remember that any animal must be kept in pairs. Singles live much less due to the fact that they are constantly in a state of stress.
  • You will be able to distinguish between hamsters by sex as early as 4 weeks of age. By this time, they can already be separated from their mother without harm to health.
  • Since rodents have a relatively short lifespan, it is best to purchase only young animals.
  • It is a mistake to think that adult rodents cannot be tamed. If you show a little patience and show your concern, the ward will quickly become attached to the new owner.

It will not be difficult for an experienced consultant in a pet store to find out the gender of a hamster. Ask him for advice and test the theory in practice.

A hamster in the house is a joy for children and adults. And everyone certainly wants to know who it is - a boy or a girl. Surely only those people who care for them for a long time can determine the sex of rodents.

But if a person first acquired a fluffy animal, then determining the sex of a hamster can be very difficult. To do this, you need to know a few little secrets. The kid is unlikely to like familiar treatment with him, when he is turned from his stomach to his back without asking.

But these manipulations will not be long and will not bring any harm.
Below we present a few guidelines on how to determine the sex of a hamster.

How to prepare your hamster for examination

  1. It is better to examine the animal when the rodent is in a calm, sleepy state. Then his aggression will be minimal, and attempts to escape from his hands are reduced to zero. The baby should first be stroked, calmed down, treated to something tasty.
  2. To avoid damage from a fall, it is best to inspect over something soft. For example, put a folded terry towel on your knees. It is necessary to hold the fluffy carefully, but firmly so that it does not break out.
  3. The hamster should be placed on the left palm.

    Then thumb and forefinger right hand gently grasp the fold of skin from above between the shoulder blades. Thus, the position of the body of the animal is fixed. He will not be able to turn his head, and the owner will avoid bites. (It must be remembered that it is impossible to stretch the skin and lift the hamster in this way.

    ) After that, gently turn the hamster on its back. The animal is ready for inspection.

How to determine the sex of adult hamsters

There are several ways to determine the sex of an adult rodent, for this you should pay attention to the following details.

  • Girls are bigger than boysNature is set in such a way that hamster girls are always larger than boys. And if there are several pets in the house, then there is always the opportunity to compare them with each other. It is impossible to call this determination of the sex of a hamster accurate, but nevertheless, in most cases, a visual inspection can help.
  • The shape of the back is different. You should carefully look at the shape of the body of animals. As a rule, in boys the back is as if pointed towards the tail and sticks up, while in girls it is rounded and somewhat larger than in boys.
  • Sex differences are visible Sex differences are clearly visible in adult hamsters closer to their sexual maturity. After 30-35 days, the pet is ready for breeding. And then you should examine the ass of the animal. Boys have well-bulging, almond-shaped testicles. Girls have nothing to brag about. The ass is smooth, there are no bulges.
  • Females have nipples If you carefully run your finger along the surface of the animal's abdomen, then in females you can feel the nipples. Their female hamsters have three pairs. In male dwarf hamsters, an odorous gland is visually distinguished. It is located in the navel and has a yellow color.
  • When pressing on the abdominal cavity of a rodent in a male, the testes will become clearly visible, but this will not happen in a female.

All of these sexing tips help when the hamster is already an adult.

When determining full, there is no difference; to determine the sex of a Syrian or Dzungarian hamster, the same methods should be used.

If, nevertheless, doubts arise during a visual examination and it is not possible to determine the sex, most likely the pet simply has not grown up yet. Postpone the inspection for a week or two, and then try again to determine the sex of the hamster.

Sex determination in baby hamsters

On closer examination of the buttocks of babies, it is easy to detect two small pink circles with raised pink edges. These are the anal and urinary openings. Depending on how far they are in relation to each other, you can determine the sex of a small hamster.

Sex determination in female hamsters

So in girls, the holes are very close. Sometimes so close that it seems as if there is only one hole. Although this is not true at all.

Sex determination in male hamsters

In males, the distance between them is greater. The anus is located just below the tail, and the urinary opening is near the center of the abdomen. If rounded edema is found in the groin area, then these are developing testicles.

So, the distance between the two holes in females and males is different. In girls it is less, in males it is more. Of course it is easier when there are several kids. Then they can be compared with each other. But if the baby is alone and there are doubts about sex determination, then it is better to show it to a specialist, for example, a veterinarian.

Sex determination is more important for Djungarian hamsters. They may live in groups. And there is a risk of unplanned pregnancy pets. To avoid this problem, it is better to determine the sex of the animals in advance. Syrian hamsters are housed in cages one by one. So gender doesn't really matter. Unless the owner plans to breed them.

Hamster Care Guide

  1. In nature, hamsters are the prey of predators, so they are shy in nature. And if it is noticeable that the pet is frightened or excited about something, it is better to leave him alone. At this time, you should not take it in your hands. You have to wait until the hamster calms down.
  2. Distinguishing the sex is much easier for someone who has more experience in caring for rodents.
  3. If it is noticeable that the hamster very quickly becomes larger in size, while gaining weight. It can be assumed that this is a pregnant girl. Here it is difficult to make a mistake in determining gender.

    The owner should be familiar with the information on caring for newborn hamsters.

  4. Syrian hamsters will not feel at all comfortable if there are more than one of them in one cage. They are ready to fight for their territory. So they will fight each other. They are always placed one at a time.

    It also helps to avoid unplanned reproduction.

  5. Hamsters are best taken only in clean hands. This helps to avoid bites. If the hands smell of something attractive, like food, the hamster may take it at face value and want to try it.
  6. It is better for children to play with fluffies when there is someone from an adult nearby.
  7. Hands should be washed after communication with the hamster is over, as well as after cleaning the cage.

The video will help you determine the sex of a hamster:


How to determine the sex of a Djungarian hamster

You do not need to think about how to determine the sex of a Djungarian hamster if he lives alone. Those who intend to breed them or bought a couple of animals just so that they would not be bored need to navigate the gender differences in rodents.

The Dzungarian hamster, nicknamed "dzhungarik" for short, is quite unpretentious in everyday life, sweet and funny.. In addition, this furry-legged hamster is scrupulously clean, not particularly fussy in terms of feeding, and also does not annoy with a repulsive smell.

Domesticated Dzhungars differ from their free counterparts, as well as neighboring species (Campbells and Syrian) by their characteristic coloration. All Djungarian hamsters have a dark stripe along the ridge, wider than that of Campbells.

This dwarf rodent, which grows up to 10 cm and weighs 35–65 g, has an extremely short tail, which is practically hidden from prying eyes when the animal sits down. Wool covers not only the body of the dzhungarik, but also his feet. The dominant color of the fur is often diluted with noticeable white patches. Permissible colors of the Djungarian hamster:

  • standard - brownish-gray with a white belly;
  • pearls - matte white with gray stains;
  • sapphire - bluish-gray with a white belly;
  • mandarin - red-cream.

Important! The average dzungaria lives in captivity for about 2-3 years, but with good care and good health, it can live up to 4 years.

The Djungarian hamster will brighten up the leisure time of both adults and growing family members. Even preschoolers can take care of rodents: for this reason, jungars are often purchased to please the child. This dwarf hamster can be fully recommended to those who have not kept living creatures before.


Brief description of the dzhungariks

It is far from always that sellers in a pet store and even breeders (especially those who do not have experience in breeding animals) are trained to recognize male and female individuals.

It happens that the seller of hamsters deliberately misleads in order to sell "stale" or substandard live goods.

In both cases, basic knowledge of the location and structure of the hamster reproductive organs will come in handy.

First. Perhaps you have set a specific goal - to buy only a boy or a girl. Here, a person who intends to acquire a male jungar gets into the zone of special risk.

You can also sell a female to an amateur in matters of sexual dimorphism, and the fact that you were fooled will become clear after two or three weeks, when the “boy” will give birth to numerous offspring.

And then instead of one pet, you will be forced to take care of 5-6 dwarf hamsters: feed them, clean up after them and sort the maturing cubs into different cages.

Second. The ability to navigate the anatomical nuances of dwarf hamsters will help those who decide to do a modest business - breeding jungars. If you unknowingly buy a pair of same-sex rodents, they will not only not give offspring, but simply mutilate each other.

Important! Djungarian hamsters are animals with a pronounced territoriality that do not tolerate any competitors next to them. This rule applies to all same-sex individuals that have reached reproductive age: this is why young dzhungars from the same litter must be seated on time.

Third. If you do not have entrepreneurial acumen, and you have one hamster and plays the role of your spiritual friend, in this case, awareness of his gender will be needed to choose a nickname. Of course, you can choose a name from the category of "unisex" (Valya, Zhenya or Shura), but are you really not interested in who will live next to you for several years?


At what age is gender determined?

The older the jungarik becomes, the easier it is to understand who is in front of you - a male or a female. A sexually mature Djungarian hamster is an excellent object for studying the reproductive organs, which does not create problems for a potential owner.

Difficulties arise with babies who are not yet 4 weeks old (at this tender age, in principle, it is not recommended to palpate and pick them up). If there is an urgent need to deal with the sex of the cubs (they came to the store, but the consultant cannot tell), follow these steps:

  1. Gently place the jungarik in the palm of your hand, holding it with your thumb so that the back of his body hangs freely. If necessary, lightly hold the hamster underneath.
  2. In this position, the external genitalia of the rodent will become visible to you (if he is worried and tries to slip out, there will be no sense from the examination).
  3. You should be interested in the gap between the anus and the urethra. If you have an "assistant", ask him to take a picture of this area and release the hamster.

! Novice owners, when determining the sex of jungars, make a common mistake - they take them by the scruff of the neck and lift them up so that they spread their paws. Hamster breeders with experience consider this unacceptable.

There is another way to take a closer look at the reproductive organs of the Djungarian hamster. It is laid on the palm with the stomach up, slightly holding it with the thumb. If your pet starts to fidget, try to calm him down by petting his belly. When the rodent relaxes, proceed to a visual inspection.


Sexual characteristics of a hamster

Since the genitals are considered the main gender signs of the Djungarian hamster (like most animals), inexperienced hamster breeders try to consider the testes. These attempts (especially in relation to rodents that have not reached fertility) are doomed to failure. The animals, like their reproductive organs, are still very small, and visual inspection is completely unproductive.

The testes of growing males are very inexpressive, besides, cryptorchidism cannot be ruled out, in which the testicles of a rodent do not descend into the scrotum, remaining almost invisible in the abdominal cavity.

Please note that it is necessary to seat heterosexual hamsters no later than they are one month old. This measure is aimed at preventing inbreeding, as a result of which defective babies may appear.

Signs of a female

Despite the miniature dimensions of Djungarian hamsters and especially their genitals, experienced hamster breeders are advised not to despair, but to start examining the pet according to the above algorithm.

If you have acquired a girl, the interval between the vagina (urinogenital opening) and the anus is reduced to a minimum, and often completely invisible. The vagina is practically adjacent to the anus, but is separated by a zone where hair does not grow at all. If attempts to find the urogenital opening ended in defeat, this is also a sign that you have a female in front of you.

The second thing you notice is the absence of a navel (yellowish bulge) on the abdomen. This is a specific feature of females. Next, look for the presence of mammary glands (nipples): there should be eight of them. In unformed females, they are not very pronounced and resemble pimples.

Eot interesting! Some owners of Djungarian hamsters offer to look at the animals from above. According to experts, the rounded edge of the back will tell about belonging to the female sex (while in males it is slightly pointed).

The task of gender identification is also easier if you have a friendly hamster family. It is generally accepted that the female individuals of the Dzungaria are somewhat larger than the male ones, which is more noticeable in the group.

Male signs

The presence of distinct testicles is what distinguishes a true macho male. When the jungaric turns 35-40 days old, convex almond-shaped tubercles begin to clearly appear in the perineal area. With age, the testicles of the Djungarian hamster noticeably increase in size, and its gender can be determined, as they say, with the naked eye.

Until the cub has entered reproductive condition, try to carefully feel its groin (the area near the base of the tail): on palpation, characteristic swellings are felt there, testicles are forming, which will tell you that this is a boy.

To be sure that this is a boy, arm yourself with a ruler to measure the distance separating the anus and the urethra. In an adult Djungarian hamster, the gap is approximately 1–1.5 cm, in a growing one it is less than 0.5 cm. In addition, in males, in comparison with partners, this zone is covered with hairs.

And in general, the males of the dzungaria stand out for their increased hairiness, including the belly completely overgrown with wool. The coat of males is not only plentiful, but also longer. Experienced breeders of Djungarian hamsters offer not to be limited to looking at the anatomical features of rodents, but also to observe their behavior.

Important! The most striking sign of the males of all Djungarian hamsters is a special gland on the belly, with which they mark individual areas, spraying an odorous secret. This gland is located where the navel should be, and looks like a rounded and hairless leathery yellowish button.

As it turned out, the females are much more capricious and do not stand on ceremony with their owners: being in a bad mood, they may well grab a finger or refuse to walk in their arms. Against their background, the males of the Dzungaria are much kinder and more phlegmatic - they willingly run into their hands and love when they are treated and stroked.


about determining the sex of the Djungarian hamster



How to determine the gender of a hamster: Dzungarian, Syrian and other breeds

How to determine the gender of a hamster

Even specialty store sellers can't always get female hamsters from boys, so when choosing a pet, it's important to know how to determine the sex of a hamster yourself.

This will be needed in order to provide comfort for the future pet. And if you want to have several rodents at once, you need to know if they can peacefully exist in one cage or if they are better off living separately.

General rules for determining sex in hamsters

To determine the sex of a purchased hamster, you need to carefully examine it. This is not an easy task, a pet unaccustomed to hands can resist and bite painfully. Therefore, for the safety and effectiveness of the inspection, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • The procedure should be carried out in a calm, relaxed state of the pet in order to avoid its aggression and attempts to escape. It is better to treat the baby with a treat before this, stroke and soothe.
  • It is more convenient to do this on your knees, spreading a terry towel. When examining a hamster, you need to hold it firmly, but carefully.

To determine the sex of a hamster, the following details are important:

  • Dimensions. Girls are always slightly larger than boys; it is convenient to distinguish sex on this basis if there are several individuals.
  • back shape. In males, it is narrowed towards the tail and raised upwards, while in girls it is wider and rounder.
  • Sex characteristics. Boys have a pair of almond-shaped testicles on their ass, while hamsters have a smooth one.
  • Nipples. On the abdomen, females have several pairs of well-defined nipples. And dwarf males have a yellow odorous gland on the tummy near the navel, resembling a boil to the touch.
  • The distance from the genitals to the anus. In females, this distance is almost zero. The genitals of males are one and a half centimeters from the anus.

Difference in distance between genitals and anus in male and female

In newborn hamsters, sexual characteristics are invisible, and it is not recommended to pick them up before the age of four weeks.

The cubs on the ass have two tiny pink circles with slightly raised edges: in females they almost merge, and in males the anus is located under the tail, and the urinary tract is almost in the center of the abdomen. In the inguinal region in boys, rounded edema can be found - future testicles.

The animal should be fixed with two fingers by the skin fold between the shoulder blades. So the baby will not be able to turn his head and bite you.

How to determine the gender of the Dzungarian

Male Djungarian hamster

Djungarian hamsters are one of the cutest and funniest pets. They bring a lot of joy, and caring for these babies is easy. Examining the jungars, putting them on the palm upside down, you can notice the following differences:

  • From the age of four weeks, the testicles are distinguishable in boys near the base of the tail, they stand out especially well with gentle pressure on the abdomen.
  • The distance between the penis and the anus in adult hamsters is one and a half centimeters, and in babies it is three times less. In females, the distance from the genitals to the anus is only 3 mm.
  • Males have a gland on their abdomen that resembles a navel, with which they mark their territory.
  • The back of a male dzhungarik is pointed, while that of a hamster is rounded.
  • In females, there are 8 nipples on the tummy, arranged in pairs.
  • Females are larger and more active than males. Usually they do not want to go on hands, they often express their protest by biting their fingers.

Their sex can be determined by the length of the coat - in males, the fur coat is much more magnificent and longer.

Syrian hamster

Syrian hamster female

Syrian hamsters differ in their coat: in males it is richer than in females, which can boast of a long coat only in the lower part of the body and behind the ears. The differences between male Syrians and females are basically the same as in other breeds of these rodents:

  • They have a rather pointed and upward tailbone.
  • The almond-shaped testicles are located in the genital area, and from April to October (during their natural reproduction period) they become swollen. The distance between them and the anus is about one and a half centimeters.
  • The boys have two barely visible nipples on the abdomen, while the female has 4 pink ones that are clearly visible.
  • The lower abdomen of the female is barely covered with fur.
  • The behavior of the male is much more passive than that of the female.

Definition nuances for other breeds

It is more difficult to determine the sex of dwarf hamster breeds; their testicles are practically not distinguished. Here we have to focus only on the differences in the distance between the anus and the genitals. In addition, the female gives out a smooth lower abdomen, and the male is almost always a wet abdomen due to the actively working gonads.

Sexual characteristics are especially important when acquiring several hamsters. In this case, one has to take into account their compatibility, the ability to mate and procreate. You should not provoke the early course of these processes, because too young a female may face death during childbirth.

Therefore, having indicated the sex of the acquired pets, it is better to settle the males and females separately until the girls reach puberty. And it’s better not to put two “ladies” in one cage at all - there is a very high probability that they will not get along on a common territory. Males are more compliant in this regard, but in nature they live alone in most cases.

It is important to consider all these factors, and then your pets will be a constant source of positive emotions.

  • Lyubov Kazankina
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How to determine the sex of a Djungarian and Syrian hamster

It is very important to determine the sex of the pet. When buying a hamster, everyone wants to know what gender it is. This question is important when two or more individuals are contained in one cage, and the owner does not want their reproduction.

In fact Determining the sex of an animal does not require special skills. You need to know the differences between a boy and a girl. Of course, the hamster will not be happy to be touched and examined, but with the right approach, you will not cause much discomfort to the rodent.

How to distinguish a hamster boy from a girl

It is important to determine the sex of hamsters, as they can live in small groups. The neighborhood of heterosexual rodents carries the risk of an unplanned pregnancy.

How to determine the age of a hamster?

By appearance

Experienced breeders are able to determine the sex of a pet by external characteristics. To understand what gender of a rodent you bought, consider the visual differences between a male and a female. Further recommendations apply to both Djungarian hamsters and Syrian and other breeds.

Girls are bigger than boys. When the owner has several individuals, then this difference is clearly visible.

If you look at the animals from above, you can see that in boys, the back to the tail narrows, while in girls it is rounded. But this method does not guarantee 100% accuracy, but works in conjunction with other features.

Females have much shorter hair than in males, whose body is covered with long and thick fur, especially in the genital area. In girls, it is visually difficult to find the navel, since in boys it is clearly visible.

By behavior

Females are much faster than males. As practice shows, females are the most active, playful, than their male relatives. Hand girls are rare.

Males are distinguished by a calm and balanced character. Of course, they play, but much less often than females. The boys sleep most of the time.

Aggression can only be shown against another male when the mating period begins. They are patient with people and it is easier for girls to make contact.

How long do Djungarian hamsters live?

By the genitals

In newborn hamsters

If you carefully examine the ass of a small hamster, you can see two small pink circles with raised edges. These are the anal and urinary openings. The gender of the babies is determined based on the distance between them.


Girls are larger than males. It is possible to identify a female by external sexual characteristics.

If you look at the belly of a rodent, which is practically not covered with fur, you can see the anus and vagina. You can understand that this vagina is possible with the help of a ruler.

The distance between the anus and the genital slit should be approximately 3 mm. Another sign that you have a female in front of you is the presence of 8 nipples, which are located in two rows.

How to tame a hamster?


Boys are more friendly. The most accurate sign that you are dealing with a boy is the presence of only two nipples in an animal.

Two testicles are easily distinguishable in the genital area.

They are located at a distance of 1.5 cm from the anus.

Before proceeding with the examination, the hamster must be calmed down. To do this, it is enough to stroke him, while you can talk to him in a calm voice. Treat your child to a small piece of their favorite treat.

To avoid possible injury, if the rodent suddenly breaks out of your hands, it is better to examine it over something soft. Lay a towel or blanket on your knees, folded in several layers.

Take the hamster carefully, but you need to hold tight, so that he doesn't break out.

To do this, place the animal on the left palm with its stomach down, and with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, take it by the crease between the shoulder blades. This will help to fix the animal in the desired position.

The animal will not be able to turn its head and bite the owner. Gently turn the hamster over on its back and start examining.

Knowing the sex is important, even if you only plan to keep one hamster. This is necessary in order to give the rodent a name. If you buy an animal for a child, then he will definitely ask you whether it is a boy or a girl. In pet stores, keep animals in one cage. Therefore, careful attention to the gender of the hamster will avoid buying a pregnant female.

Consultation with a specialist

If you find it difficult to independently determine whether you have a boy or a girl, then contact a professional.

Ask the salesperson at the pet store for help. But in this case, make sure that he has the skills to determine the sex of these animals. It often happens that people who are not always competent in these matters work in stores.

The safest thing to do is contact your veterinarian. A knowledgeable doctor will easily determine the sex of a hamster and will give a number of recommendations on how to do it yourself.

For beginner hamster breeders who plan to breed, learning to determine the sex of an animal is very important. This is useful in the early stages, when the animal is just bought, and later on for separating babies by gender. Be careful when buying animals.


Djungarian hamster - how to determine the sex

Does your home have a hamster? Do you want to know if he is male or female?

When we decide to have a pet in our home, we take on a certain responsibility for this creature that will appear in our house and will live with us under the same roof.

That is why, experienced pet owners always tell "newcomers" that before bringing a cat, dog or maybe a small Djungarian hamster into their home, future owners need to carefully weigh the pros and cons about their solutions. And, also specifically determine both the type of animal, the breed, and, of course, its gender. After all, as you know, the maintenance of a female differs from that of males (see the maintenance of Djungarian hamsters), and animals do not change their gender until the end of their lives, therefore, you will not have a second chance to change something.

But, if everything is more or less clear with cats and dogs, it is clearly visible here where the male is, where the female is, where he or she is, then what about, for example, such small rodents as Djungarian hamsters? How to determine the gender of such pets? Today we will share with you tips and tricks, as well as precise instructions that will help you decide who is in front of you - a Djungarian hamster boy or a Djungarian hamster girl ...

Why you need to know the gender of your hamster

Your election fell on the Dzungarian hamster. Yes, yes, it is this little rodent that you decided to have in your house as a pet. You were attracted by the small size of this "beast", as well as its unpretentiousness in matters of care. But, now the most interesting.

For example, you need a female. That's just how to determine that a female hamster is offered to you in a pet store, and not vice versa - a male.

Well, is it significant, one might ask? In principle, if you have one hamster, then no, but if you decide to have two hamsters, so to speak, take on double responsibility, and plan, for example, to breed them in the future (more on how to breed hamsters you can read in this article), it is quite obvious that you will be expecting offspring from a male-male or female-female pair for a very, very long time. Moreover, as practice shows,

same-sex rodents get along very poorly with each other in the same cage, so there will obviously be no peace and harmony in their “family”. So, you need to know exactly who is in front of you - he (Djungarian hamster) or she (Djungarian hamster).

How do you define it?

When can you determine the sex of a hamster?

This is how you need to take a hamster in your hands

First of all, you must know that

if the hamster is 3-4 weeks old, its sex can already be established with almost 100% accuracy and the absence of the possibility of error. Before the hamster reaches the age of one month, sexual characteristics may still be in doubt, therefore, it is better not to acquire such babies (unless, of course, you don’t care who will live with you - male or female) ...

How to determine the gender of a hamster

Gently hold the top of the hamster's body with your thumb, but do not press too hard.

Remember that the bones of this creature are very fragile, and one of your careless movements can cause injury to a small djungarian (read about the diseases of djungarian hamsters here). Oh, you don't want to cripple this cute creature, do you?!

Sexual characteristics of the male

This is how the male Djungarian hamster differs from the female Djungarian

Well, now, the most important point of your "diagnosis" - you need to measure the distance between the genitals and the hamster's anus with a glance (you can also use a ruler!) If the distance is from 0.5 centimeters to 1 centimeter, and at the same time a small bulge is visible in the center of the hamster's abdomen - a gland that looks like a navel - you can rest assured that you are a real male hamster.

Sexual characteristics of the female

If the distance between the genitals and the anus is less than the sizes indicated by us, and besides, the navel gland on the abdomen is barely noticeable, or not at all visible, then you have a female jungarik. In addition, if you have a “girl” in front of you, you can see two rows of tiny nipples on her stomach under the hair.

about hamsters:

Today we have learned how to determine the sex of a Djungarian hamster, and how to distinguish a male from a female. This is very important and relevant for those who want to breed these rodents at home.

Good luck with your research!

Have you been able to accurately determine the gender of your pet? Share with us your experience. We also invite you to share photos of your hamster on our group pages…

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When buying, it is very important to determine the gender of the Djungarian hamster. This is especially true when several animals live in one cage.

Why you should definitely know the gender of your hamster:

  1. To choose the right name. If a pet girl will have a male name, a very ridiculous situation will turn out.
  2. If you plan to breed hamsters in the future.
  3. Hamsters of the same sex in the same cage do not get along well with each other. Therefore, having settled two males in the same territory, you will have to be prepared for injuries and frequent fights between them.

Many pet store salespeople are unable to tell a female hamster from a male hamster and may give incorrect advice. Therefore, it is necessary to independently be able to distinguish between boys and girls, so that in the future there will be no problems.

Basic rules for examining hamsters

To distinguish the sex of the Djungarian hamster, you need to know the basic rules for examining it. Incorrect inspection can lead to injury or severe stress to the hamster.

Before you start the inspection, you must wait for the right moment. Hamsters have sharp teeth, so if you choose the wrong time, your pet can bite hard. The most optimal time to find out the sex of a hamster is immediately after sleep. During this period, the animal is as relaxed as possible and can be examined. It is contraindicated to watch a hamster during a period of increased activity (during games) or immediately after eating (vomiting can be provoked).

After choosing the right moment, the animal should be stroked, caressed so that it does not feel danger and is relaxed. During the procedure, it is necessary to put something under the examination site. If the pet moves and cannot be held, it may fall onto something soft. As a bedding, a towel folded several times is suitable.

It is necessary to take the animal for examination by the skin fold, which is located on the back in the region of the shoulder blades. You can’t lift a hamster by her, as you can injure him. Gently taking this fold, supporting it under the belly with your free hand, the animal is turned over and placed on its back. During the examination procedure, the pet must be constantly supported under the back.

Determining the sex of small hamsters is much more difficult than in adults. Therefore, it is recommended to examine the baby together. One person holds a pet, the second examines his genitals.

After determining the sex of the animal, you can treat it to something tasty to relieve stress.

How to recognize a female?

One way to spot hamsters is to trust the seller. But this method is not always reliable, so it’s better to know for yourself how to recognize a female. There are differences external, behavioral and genitals.

It is possible to distinguish Djungarian hamsters by sex, taking into account the external features of females:

  1. The coat of females is shorter;
  2. The belly is not so much covered with fur;
  3. If we compare the female and the male, then the female will be larger in size;
  4. It is very difficult to find the navel, it is almost invisible.

You can determine the sex of the Syrian hamster by behavior. In most cases, females are more mobile, active and playful. It is rare when you can meet a calm hamster girl. But this sign is not reliable.

The most accurate way to determine the female is by the genitals. If you examine the belly, you can see the anus and vagina on the uncovered lower abdomen with fur. You can make sure that this is really a vagina using a ruler. It is necessary to measure the distance from the anus to the genital slit. It is about 3 mm.

Another reliable sign of the female is the nipples. She has 8 of them and they are arranged in 2 rows.

Determining the sex of a jungar

If you are wondering how to distinguish a boy from a girl, then you should know the basic rules. Sometimes there is a problem about how to determine the sex of the Djungarian hamster. To do this, take the rodent in your hands and put it with its tummy up. In order to determine exactly who you bought, a boy or a girl of the Djungarian hamster, you should carefully look at the belly. Remember that you can not strongly hold them, because their bones are so fragile that it is not difficult to break them.

If you are thinking about how to determine the sex of a Djungarian hamster, then it is important to know a few rules. Basically, you should look at sexual characteristics, which are more pronounced in adults. To do this, pay attention to how much distance there is between the genital area and the anus of the animal.

Hamster boy

Djungarian hamster boy has the following features:

  • the distance from his genitals to the anus is at least 0.5 cm and not more than 1 cm;
  • in the central part of the abdomen is a small tubercle, this is a gland that can resemble a navel.

Hamster girl

The Djungarian hamster girl has the following features:

  • on the belly you will not see any bulges;
  • if you have a female hamster, then she will have small nipples on her stomach: a large number of people ask how many nipples should be available, the answer to this question is 1 - 8 pieces, and they are all arranged symmetrically in 2 rows.

Now it is more or less clear how to determine the genus of the Dzungarian representative.

Secondary signs for recognition

Now we should analyze the question of how to find out the sex of a Dzungarian hamster by secondary features. You should be aware that they have different body dimensions. A hamster will have a much larger body size than a male. In addition, her belly is less fluffy.

To know how to determine the sex of a Djungarian hamster, you should pay attention to a number of other signs. In the female, the navel is much more difficult to find, despite the fact that her coat is much shorter and thinner. As soon as you started wondering how to distinguish Djungarian hamsters by gender, you should pay attention to the shape of the shoulder blades. In the female, they will have a more rounded shape than in the male.

Determination by the nature of behavior and size

Experienced specialists know how to determine the sex of the Djungarian hamster. To do this, they pay attention to the nature of the behavior of the pet. It is believed that female girls are more aggressive than boys. You should also pay attention to the fact that they are more energetic and always in motion. While males lead a more calm and sleeping lifestyle. Also, Dzungarian girls look much smarter than Dzungarian girls.

Sometimes you can meet questions about how to distinguish a hamster from a female. In this case, you should pay attention to the size of the pet. The bottom line is that girls are bigger. Especially if she is in position. At this time, it increases in size and volume.

Recognition of newborn rodents of the Dzhungariki breed

It is quite difficult to determine who is in your house: a Djungarian hamster is a male or a female. This applies to the case if you bought a small rodent. The thing is that small pets do not yet have pronounced genitals. Therefore, the question begins to arise of how to determine the sex of a fluffy at an early age.

It is best to seek help from a specialist who works in a pet store. He will tell you which one you have chosen. Experienced professionals will help you stay on right choice. But you should choose your consultant carefully, because most of the workers in the pet store do not have a veterinary education, and they can deceive you.

A qualified specialist will not only help you buy the right animal, but also give advice on determining the sex of the Junagar hamster at home. In case pets start breeding and you sell babies, you need to know the basic rules for determining sexual characteristics in order to be able to sell small rodents.

Syrian breed recognition

Quite often the question arises of how to find out the gender of your Syrian hamster. This is necessary so that you can save on the cage, because males can live in the same cage. But the female will never be able to get along in the same "room" with another representative of her sex.

You should also look at the distance between the excretory organs and the genitals.

  1. In males, these organs are at a distance of 1.5 cm from each other.
  2. In the female, they will be in close proximity.

Once you have determined the sex of your hamsters, it will now be much easier to care for them, because males and females require completely different care. Moreover, you will know exactly in what conditions to keep several rodents so that embarrassment does not happen. Such a definition will allow controlling the process of reproduction of pets in order to avoid rapid and unnecessary fertility.

What is the difference between Dzhungars and Syrian hamsters

According to unofficial data, about 95% of domestic hamsters are representatives of the Dzungarian or Syrian golden breed. They differ from each other in appearance and habits.

Experienced breeders know that Djungarian hamsters are 2 times smaller than their Syrian counterparts, and they also distinguish a number of features from each breed.

Let's look at them in more detail in the table.

At what age is it easiest to find out gender

Clear signs of females and males are evident in mature rodents. Therefore, the older the pets, the less problems arise with their gender identification. It is almost impossible to find differences between the reproductive organs of girls and boys in hamsters that are less than 4 weeks old.

In addition, the difficulties are associated with the fact that at this age the animals are categorically not recommended to be picked up and subjected to palpation.

Based on this, experts advise in the first month of life not to disturb small rodents while they are close to their mother. Already at 35–40 days of age, the brood should be settled in different cells. It is then that you have to find out where the females are and where the males are.

How to distinguish between jungars: a boy and a girl

Experienced hamster breeders warn that this kind of pet is very sensitive to rude behavior. Therefore, they should be picked up very carefully so as not to frighten them. There are several ways to recognize the reproductive organs of females and males.

By appearance

Many livestock breeders distinguish Djungarian hamsters by external characteristics.
In this aspect, you should pay attention to such signs of females:

  • big sizes;
  • less thick and short hair (do not forget that the quality of the fur of animals largely depends on the conditions of their maintenance, health status and genetic characteristics);
  • the absence of a navel (in males it is clearly expressed);
  • rounded back (in a sexually mature male, the end of the back is pointed and “looks” up).

By behavior

In order to understand who is who, just watch the pets.

From an early age, female jungars differ in:

  • increased activity (males are characterized by phlegm);
  • aggressiveness in relation to every attempt of the owner to touch or pick up (they may even bite).

However, you should not trust only the listed signs, because each animal has individual characteristics in behavior.

By gender

This method is considered the most accurate.

The technique of inspecting animals is carried out in 2 ways:

  1. Gently take the hamster in the palm of your hand, gently holding it with your thumb. In this case, the tail part of the body should remain uncovered so that it is possible to examine the genitals of the animal. Hold it underneath if necessary.
  2. Carefully take the pet by the base of the head and place it on the palm of the second hand with the belly up. At the same time, lightly hold it with your thumb.

If during the inspection the pet begins to spin, it is better to leave it alone, postponing your venture until better times. It is important that your actions do not frighten the animal. In case of obedience, pay attention to his reproductive organs.
However, do not forget that the genitals of the Dzungarian hamsters are too small, and the young ones are also underdeveloped.

Males have the following characteristics:

  • the presence of testes, which are convex almond-shaped formations in the perineum (increase with age);
  • a large distance between the anus and the urogenital canal (this place in the animal-boys is densely covered with hair).

Females are characterized by:

  • the distance between the genitals and the anus is not more than 3 cm (usually this place is not covered with hair);
  • the presence of 2 rows of tiny papillae that stretch from the chest to the bottom of the abdomen (their number usually does not exceed 8).

We hope our article has helped you in determining the sex of your hamsters. Now you know how to distinguish domestic hamsters by sex, how to take animals for inspection and what to look for.

How to distinguish a hamster boy from a girl

It is important to determine the sex of hamsters, as they can live in small groups. The neighborhood of heterosexual rodents carries the risk of an unplanned pregnancy.

How to determine the age of a hamster?

By appearance

Experienced breeders are able to determine the sex of a pet by external characteristics. To understand what gender of a rodent you bought, consider the visual differences between a male and a female. Further recommendations apply to both Djungarian hamsters and Syrian and other breeds.

Girls are bigger than boys. When the owner has several individuals, then this difference is clearly visible.

If you look at the animals from above, you can see that in boys, the back to the tail narrows, while in girls it is rounded. But this method does not guarantee 100% accuracy, but works in conjunction with other features.

Females have much shorter hair than in males, whose body is covered with long and thick fur, especially in the genital area. In girls, it is visually difficult to find the navel, since in boys it is clearly visible.

By behavior

Females are much faster than males.

As practice shows, females are the most active, playful, than their male relatives. Hand girls are rare.

Males are distinguished by a calm and balanced character. Of course, they play, but much less often than females. The boys sleep most of the time.

Aggression can only be shown against another male when the mating period begins. They are patient with people and it is easier for girls to make contact.

How long do Djungarian hamsters live?

By the genitals

In newborn hamsters

If you carefully examine the ass of a small hamster, you can see two small pink circles with raised edges. These are the anal and urinary openings. The gender of the babies is determined based on the distance between them.


Girls are larger than males.

It is possible to identify a female by external sexual characteristics.

If you look at the belly of a rodent, which is practically not covered with fur, you can see the anus and vagina. You can understand that this vagina is possible with the help of a ruler.

The distance between the anus and the genital slit should be approximately 3 mm. Another sign that you have a female in front of you is the presence of 8 nipples, which are located in two rows.

How to tame a hamster?


Boys are friendlier.

The most accurate sign that you are dealing with a boy is the presence of only two nipples in an animal.

Two testicles are easily distinguishable in the genital area.

They are located at a distance of 1.5 cm from the anus.

Proper Inspection

Before proceeding with the examination, the hamster must be calmed down. To do this, it is enough to stroke him, while you can talk to him in a calm voice. Treat your child to a small piece of their favorite treat.

To avoid possible injury, if the rodent suddenly breaks out of your hands, it is better to examine it over something soft. Lay a towel or blanket on your knees, folded in several layers.

Take the hamster carefully, but you need to hold tight, so that he doesn't break out. To do this, place the animal on the left palm with its stomach down, and with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, take it by the crease between the shoulder blades. This will help to fix the animal in the desired position. The animal will not be able to turn its head and bite the owner. Gently turn the hamster over on its back and start examining.

Knowing the sex is important, even if you only plan to keep one hamster. This is necessary in order to give the rodent a name. If you buy an animal for a child, then he will definitely ask you whether it is a boy or a girl. In pet stores, keep animals in one cage. Therefore, careful attention to the gender of the hamster will avoid buying a pregnant female.

Consultation with a specialist

If you find it difficult to independently determine whether you have a boy or a girl, then contact a professional.

Ask the salesperson at the pet store for help. But in this case, make sure that he has the skills to determine the sex of these animals. It often happens that people who are not always competent in these matters work in stores.

The safest thing to do is contact your veterinarian. A knowledgeable doctor will easily determine the sex of a hamster and will give a number of recommendations on how to do it yourself.

For beginner hamster breeders who plan to breed, learning to determine the sex of an animal is very important. This is useful in the early stages, when the animal is just bought, and later on for separating babies by gender. Be careful when buying animals.

Dzhungariki, how to distinguish a boy from a girl - age

Newborn dzhungariki are so small that it is very difficult to determine the sex visually. occurs at the age of one to two months. It is at this time that it is recommended to determine the sex of the rodent. At the same age, little jungars must be moved from their mother to a separate cage.

Dzhungariki, how to distinguish a boy from a girl - visually

To determine if it belongs to the female or male sex, the pet must be turned on its back and, gently holding the head and paws with your finger, examine the rodent's tummy.

There are three distinguishing features that determine the sex of a hamster.

  1. In the male on the tummy, you can feel a small tubercle resembling a navel.
  2. A female hamster is distinguished from males by the presence of nipples.
  3. The distance between the anus and genitals in males is about 1.5 cm, in girls - a few millimeters.

Dzhungariki, how to distinguish a boy from a girl - other signs

By the behavior of sexually mature individuals, it is also possible to determine the gender of Djungarian hamsters. Females are more aggressive in the company of their own kind, males, but the hair of dzhungarian boys is longer than that of their girlfriends.

Hamsters are small frisky little animals that are easy and pleasant to keep in the house, and a very small space will be enough. Caring for them is simple, and even a child can be entrusted with it. When buying this animal, even sellers sometimes cannot answer the question of how to determine the sex of a hamster.

Who are hamsters?

The hamster family includes small rodents with short legs and a small tail. The body is tightly folded, its length can be from 5 to 34 cm. They have special cheek pouches that are designed to carry food, giving these animals a special charm. In nature, they live in the steppe regions of Europe and Asia, they can be found even at an altitude of 3600 m. These animals are often found near human dwellings, in gardens and kitchen gardens, where they are pests.

Varieties of hamsters

There are 7 genera and 19 species in the hamster family. Among them there are specimens of different colors and lengths of wool. Most often, near human habitation, one can meet which can turn out to be a serious opponent and leave deep marks from their teeth, because it is comparable in size to a rat. And houses most often contain varieties such as medium-sized hamsters (usually Syrian) and small Dzungarian, similar to fluffy gray mice.

Domestic hamsters

Due to their playful nature and cheerful disposition, some of them are kept in captivity at home. Basically, these are Syrian Campbell and Roborovsky. When buying such an animal, you need to decide what size animal you want to have, and it is advisable to find out how to find out the gender of the hamster. You also need to consider that almost all hamsters are solitary in their way of life. Therefore, if you try to keep them together, fights and other troubles may arise. Even in the case when the animals are of different sexes.

Syrian hamsters are distinguished by a particularly large variety of colors and forms of wool. It is among them that you can find rodents with long hair, which are sometimes called "angora". These fluffy babies look especially interesting, but there is always a problem how to determine the sex of a hamster with such a fur coat. Often also pay attention to the little ones. They require very little space for keeping, but will please the eye, rustling cheerfully in sawdust or running intently in a wheel. As a result of breeding and selection, even curly hamsters have been bred.

How to determine the sex of a hamster?

This is important if several animals are purchased for further breeding (again, we recall that they must be kept separately), and, of course, when a name for a pet will be chosen. The main difference between males and females is the different distance between the genitals and the anus. In girls, these two holes are located close, at a distance of about 3 mm, and in boys they are much further, 1.5 cm. Before determining the sex of a hamster, it is most convenient to gently take it by the scruff of the neck. At the same time, the animal will instinctively stretch out and spread its hind legs. However, if the question is how to determine the sex of a Djungarian hamster - a baby, it is better to act differently. You should put the animal on its back on your palm, holding the upper part of its body with your thumb. Then the genitals will be clearly visible.

Determining the sex of a hamster is not a difficult task, but when buying it is better to study the animal yourself, and not rely entirely on the seller.

Djungarian hamsters can become wonderful friends for both children and adults. These funny clean little animals are most often started by those who have not yet had the experience of keeping pets at home. Even children can handle them. This is precisely what serves as a frequent reason for acquiring animals of this species as a gift for a child.

Often, when buying a pet, people do not think about whether they chose a boy or a girl. But if the purpose of acquiring a rodent is to further breed hamsters, or if there is already a jungarik at home, it is important to learn to distinguish between males and females by gender.

Why be able to distinguish between hamsters by sex

Everyone who plans to acquire a small decorative animal should understand that distinguishing between females and males is just as important as knowing how to choose the right cage for him, etc.

What is the importance of determining the sex of these rodents? There are several answers to this question.

Firstly, a male and a female are specially bought if they want to breed rodents at home. In this case, future breeders simply need to know how to distinguish between Djungarian hamsters by sex, so as not to acquire two same-sex animals. In addition to the fact that such a couple will not give offspring, they can also seriously mutilate each other. This is especially true of adult representatives of the breed, staying in the same cage. Their nature is as follows: so many do not put up with competitors on their territory.

Secondly, sometimes the seller in the store or the novice breeder from whom you can buy a decorative rodent does not know how to determine the sex of the animal. In this case, the buyer must learn to independently distinguish females from males of this breed in order to choose a suitable animal for himself.

Third, sometimes a person wants to have a Djungarian hamster boy or girl. Especially attentive during the purchase you need to be someone who wants to have a male animal. After all, there are times when a female is sold to an inexperienced buyer, and at that time she may already be pregnant. Such an acquisition will not please a person who planned to keep one animal, but instead acquired a large family of rodents.

Fourth to choose a name for your pet. After all, if you don’t know who he is (a boy or a girl), then what to call him?

How to properly fix an animal for examination

It is easy to determine the sex of an adult representative of the breed, because his external sexual characteristics are pronounced, visible during the examination. But if you need to find out the sex of the cub, you should wait until he is 3-4 weeks old. It is from this age that it becomes possible to understand whether it is a boy or a girl.

To begin with, a pet must be placed in such a way that external sexual characteristics become visible. There are two ways to do this:

1. In order for the rodent to show its genitals, you need to take it by the scruff with your hand and lift it up. Thus, the body is stretched, the zones that need to be considered become clearly visible.

2. Another way is not as stressful for the animal as the previous one. The baby needs to be laid on the palm with the belly up, while carefully holding it with the thumb. It is possible that at first he will not like this position very much, but the animal can be calmed down by gently stroking the tummy. In this case, it becomes possible to examine the area of ​​interest of the body.

In order to find out the gender of this cute pet, you need to carefully examine it. Naturally, the main features of both the female and the male are the genitals. Additionally, the size of the rodent's body, as well as its character, can tell about the animal's belonging to the female or male gender.

How to identify a male hamster

  • In a male Djungarian hamster, starting from the age of four weeks, you can already notice the testicles, which are located near the base of the tail. Putting the animal on the palm with its tummy up, you need to very carefully press on the abdomen so that the testicles become visible. The distance between the penis and the anus in adults of the breed should be from 1 to 1.5 cm, and in babies approximately 0.5 cm.
  • In males, the navel is easily groped. It is with his help that these animals mark their territory.
  • If, during an examination of an adult pet, a slightly pointed edge of the back can be seen from above, then the pet is male, and when this zone is more rounded, it is female.
  • If swellings are felt in the cubs of these animals in the groin area, the testicles are ripening and, accordingly, such male babies.
  • Males have thicker coats than females.

How to identify a female hamster

  • In females, the distance from the genitals to the anus is approximately 3 mm.
  • In girls of this species of animals, two rows of nipples stretch on the abdomen to the very chest. There are eight of them. The navel is impossible to feel.
  • Djungarian hamster girls are usually larger than boys, so growing several pets of this breed at home, in most cases, you can correctly determine their sex by body size.
  • Females are much more active than males, they do not like to walk on their hands, sometimes, protesting, they can bite their fingers.

How to determine the sex of a Djungarian hamster: a photo of a phased inspection

Many buyers do not think about how to find out the gender of a Djungarian hamster and purchase an animal “blindly”, guided by the criteria “This is very cute” or “This is the most active, it suits me”. Most of these inexperienced breeders then have problems with breeding and keeping these animals.

Hamsters are rather unpretentious pets. They are cute, fluffy and funny. In addition, they do not require special care and feeding regimen. That is why many people prefer to have hamsters. There are many types of these animals. The most common are dwarf Djungarian hamsters and large Syrian hamsters. When purchasing a hamster in a store, the seller, as a rule, reports its gender. However, sometimes the seller can make a mistake. If only one individual lives in a cell, then sex, as a rule, does not matter. However, if several individuals are planned to live in the same territory, the sex of the purchased animal must be found out. Firstly, so that there are no unwanted offspring, or that same-sex animals do not fight for territory. It is easier to find out the sex of a hamster if it is an adult. However, there are several ways to find out the gender of any hamster.

You need to start examining the animal right in the store. This will allow you to compare it with other individuals, and more accurately identify the result. No need to hurry. First you need to pet the animal and treat him with something tasty. You need to understand whether the hamster will bite your hand during the examination. If the animal is friendly, you can start the inspection. In the beginning, you need to pay attention to the groin area. In males, especially mature ones, testicles can be easily detected. In the female, if you feel the tummy, you can find nipples. The female hamster has 3 pairs of nipples. However, these signs appear only in mature individuals.

In small hamsters, you need to pay attention to the genitals. If you look closely, you can see the anus under the tail. A little further, to the stomach, you can see another hole - the urethra. So, in females, these holes are very close to each other. In males, at a fairly large distance. If there is no certainty, you can compare the purchased individual with others. Such a comparative analysis will help more likely to determine the sex of the hamster.

Even if the hamster is small, his testicles begin to form. Therefore, feel gently in the groin area. If swelling is found there, then most likely you have a male in front of you.

If there is no absolute certainty, then it is better to place the hamster in a separate cage. After a month, the sexual characteristics of the animal will appear stronger. Then the gender will be much easier to determine.

There are several tips to help make the inspection safe for the animal. First, do not create a stressful situation for the animal. Remember that hamsters are very shy. If the hamster in the pet store is not amenable to inspection, it should not be done by force. Secondly, all probing should be done carefully and gently. Remember that with painful sensations, the hamster can bite the offender. After examining the animal, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water.

In fact, there is nothing difficult in identifying the sex of a hamster. The main thing is that the animal is healthy and friendly. Then, regardless of gender, the hamster will fit perfectly into the family.

Why is it necessary to determine the sex of a hamster?

If you decide to get yourself a Djungarian or dwarf hamster in a single copy, then its gender as a whole may not interest you. But as soon as the second individual appears in the cell, then as a result of such “cohabitation”, after a while you will be able to accept offspring. Of course, if pets live in each cage separately, then their gender may not be recognized. But if you want or need to breed these rodents, you just need to know how to determine the sex of a hamster (this is impossible to do from a photo).

When can you tell a boy from a girl?

Immediately after the birth of babies, distinguishing their gender turns out to be an impossible task. In the first month of life, the brood is next to the mother, after 35 days of living together, the grown children must be settled in cages. Then you can already try to determine how many boys and girls you have. The first attempts can be made at four weeks of age.

If you do not know how to determine the sex of a hamster, then we can give you some recommendations about this. Several methods can be used to distinguish a boy from a girl. Careful observation and inspection will help you in this matter.

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When you pick up a Djungarian or dwarf hamster, then try to do it carefully. In order not to scare the baby, take the base of the head with two fingers and gently hold it. At the same time, place it on your other hand with your tummy up. You can also examine the rodent in limbo, so to speak "by the scruff". But these animals do not tolerate such treatment and often behave aggressively when held by the skin above the shoulder blades.

You can try to take a sleepy pet and inspect it or pre-caress the baby. But this is not at all a guarantee that you will be able to distinguish between a male or a female, as the hamster will begin to kick and try to bite you. Your task is to look between his hind legs and feel his tummy.

Male signs

On examination, the male can find the testicles under the tail. These two convex hemispheres are difficult to confuse with something else. Another sure sign that you have a boy in front of you can be considered the distance from the urogenital opening to the anus. For males, this distance can be up to one and a half centimeters.

Almond-shaped testicles can only be observed in mature males. If the baby has not yet formed, then his sexual characteristics will be invisible. In mature dwarf male hamsters, the sexual odorous gland is actively functioning, and therefore it is still possible to distinguish a boy by a wet tummy in the area near the upper (urogenital) opening. Another option for determining gender is by the shape of the shoulder blades. In males, they appear more pointed when viewed from above.

Signs of a female

If we consider the area under the girl's tail, we can see two holes located close to each other. A sign of a female is the distance between the anus and the urogenital opening, a maximum of a few millimeters. At the same time, no bulges and odorous glands are observed on the surface. But in girls, you can feel three pairs of nipples on the stomach. This is a sure sign that you have a female in front of you.

As for the shape of the shoulder blades, in girls they seem to be more rounded than in boys. If, when examining the anal and genital openings, it seems that they have merged into one, then in front of you, most likely, it is a female individual. If you are unsure of the result, it is better to examine the pet another time. Perhaps he still needs to grow up a little so that he can be distinguished from the rest.

Additional Methods

There are several additional ways to distinguish a male from a female. It is possible to find out by the behavior of adults: the female sex is considered more aggressive. You can also simply estimate the size of pets: girls are often larger in size than boys (this can be seen even in the photo). Male Djungarian hamsters have longer hair than their girlfriends. A growing belly and a clearly increasing volume of a rodent indicate pregnancy, and, therefore, belonging to the female sex :)

Brief description of the dzhungariks

The Dzungarian hamster, nicknamed "dzhungarik" for short, is quite unpretentious in everyday life, sweet and funny.. In addition, this furry-legged hamster is scrupulously clean, not particularly fussy in terms of feeding, and also does not annoy with a repulsive smell.

Domesticated Dzhungars differ from their free counterparts, as well as neighboring species (Campbells and Syrian) by their characteristic coloration. All Djungarian hamsters have a dark stripe along the ridge, wider than that of Campbells.

This dwarf rodent, which grows up to 10 cm and weighs 35–65 g, has an extremely short tail, which is practically hidden from prying eyes when the animal sits down. Wool covers not only the body of the dzhungarik, but also his feet. The dominant color of the fur is often diluted with noticeable white patches. Permissible colors of the Djungarian hamster:

  • standard - brownish-gray with a white belly;
  • pearls - matte white with gray stains;
  • sapphire - bluish-gray with a white belly;
  • mandarin - red-cream.

Important! The average dzungaria lives in captivity for about 2-3 years, but with good care and good health, it can live up to 4 years.

The Djungarian hamster will brighten up the leisure time of both adults and growing family members. Even preschoolers can take care of rodents: for this reason, jungars are often purchased to please the child. This dwarf hamster can be fully recommended to those who have not kept living creatures before.

The hamster is a fairly common pet. First, they are unpretentious. Secondly, they are inexpensive, anyone can get a hamster. Thirdly, they do not take up much space in the apartment and do not make noise, unlike parrots or cats in the spring. All hamsters are equally cute and fluffy, but the nature of the animal may differ depending on the gender. In addition, it would be nice to know the gender of your pet in order not to name the hamster boy "Sonya", but the hamster girl "Tumble".

You can take the word of pet store salesmen or rodent breeders and not determine the sex yourself. But there are annoying mistakes that can happen to anyone. Trust but check! If the animal is no longer small, you can try to feel the nipples. Females have eight of them, one for the intended cub, which she will feed. Naturally, the male simply does not need such a number of nipples. If the animal is still a cub, it will be more difficult to determine the sex. Since the sex of rodents is not determined by color, appearance, shape of the muzzle and everything like that. The exception is Djungarian hamsters, whose body hair is longer if it is a male. This can be done most reliably by looking at the hamster's genitals. At the age of an animal from one month, this is already quite a feasible task. To do this, turn it upside down and look at the location of the genitals. If the anus and urethra are located very close to each other, then we have a female. If they are at some distance from each other, then the male is in our hand. Also, males in this place are more fluffy than females.

It is believed that male hamsters are calmer and more friendly than females. However, this is only a general observation, which is not a common truth.

Findings site

  1. Female Djungarian hamsters do not have such long hair as males.
  2. For hamsters, in general, a visual difference in the location of the genital and excretory organs is characteristic: in females, both holes are located almost close, and in males there is a distance between them
  3. The lower abdomen of females is almost not covered with fur, unlike males.
  4. Females tend to develop a more restless temperament than males.
  5. Male hamsters have 2 nipples, and females have two rows of 4 - a total of 8 nipples.