Glue wallpaper in winter. Is it possible or better in the summer? Is wallpaper applied in the winter season? When is it better to glue wallpaper in winter or autumn?

In order to make repairs, many people wait for a vacation, and this does not always happen in the summer. But what if the vacation falls in winter or cold autumn? Is it possible to make repairs and how to glue wallpaper in winter so it doesn't come off?

This question worries everyone who makes repairs in the cold season. And many are worried, is it possible to do this in winter or is it better to wait until spring? But builders work all year round, so you just need to know what kind of glue can I use to glue wallpaper? winter time , and comply with technology.

First of all, you need to know that glued wallpaper does not like drafts, as well as sudden temperature changes, so the temperature in the room should be constant. You should not open windows and doors wide, and it is also important to prime the surface well beforehand. But this is far from a complete list of secrets that builders and finishing craftsmen use when making repairs in the winter season.

The cheapest paper wallpapers, as well as all paper-based types, are the most unstable to “winter” gluing. They are affordable and therefore very popular among Russians.

Many people prefer them because they like to frequently change the wallpaper in their apartment, as they quickly get boring. But it is worth keeping in mind that at high temperatures in the room, the wallpaper dries quickly and may come off the wall. In this situation, in winter it is better to glue them not end-to-end, but overlapping.

A good alternative to paper are duplex, which consists of two layers. They cost more, but they look more stylish, do not fade, and are easy to glue.

Vinyl – they are not afraid of moisture, have an affordable price, and can be glued even in the bathroom.

Textile - they are quite expensive, they are environmentally friendly and durable, they look beautiful, they can be used not only in the apartment, but also in public buildings, offices.

The main disadvantage of repairs during the cold period is the heat from the radiator, because of which the wallpaper begins to peel away from the walls. The glue line can dry out faster than it can set, and as a result the wallpaper will simply fall off.

To avoid this, you need to generously coat the wallpaper with glue; it is best to use PVA for this purpose.

For priming walls, they usually use the same glue as for wallpapering, only slightly diluted. The primer forms a thin film that does not allow the composition to be absorbed into the wall, but will hold the panel.

Rules for gluing in winter:

  • Remove the remnants of old wallpaper using a spatula, after soaking the walls with a damp cloth.
  • The temperature in the room should be 15-25°C.
  • The glue must be carefully selected for the specific type of wallpaper (it is better to use the one specified in the instructions).
  • Prepare the walls thoroughly before pasting.
  • Start working by moving from the window.
  • Smooth the wallpaper with a roller or brush, not with a rag, which leaves stains.
  • Do not open the windows for two days to allow the wallpaper to dry evenly.

You should not skimp on the quality and quantity of glue. In order for them to reliably adhere to the surface, it is necessary to thoroughly lubricate both the panels and the walls with an adhesive composition.

The construction market nowadays is very rich in a variety of materials for finishing our houses and apartments. Wallpaper has always been relevant for many years. A wide variety of textures and materials from which the wallpaper is made attracts the client. Any purchase of wallpaper will not do without the cost of glue. The type and quality of glue play an important role in professional wallpapering work.

Types of wallpaper

During the development of technology, people did not ignore wallpaper as a decoration product for apartments and houses. Even the most demanding and scrupulous buyer will find his type. Wallpaper according to general criteria and characteristics are divided into the following types:

  • Paper. The most classic and cheapest wallpapers. There are two-layer (duplex) and single-layer (simplex) wallpapers. Eco-friendly, moisture and air permeable. But they wear out quickly, they cannot be washed, they absorb unpleasant odors.
  • Non-woven. The structure of such wallpaper is such that a material with the addition of fabric fibers is glued onto the paper. They decorate walls and ceilings. They hide irregularities well, allow air to pass through, are wear-resistant, durable and environmentally friendly.

  • Vinyl. They are foamed vinyl, the base of which is paper or non-woven fabric. The texture of such products is varied. They can be smooth, embossed, corrugated, embossed, click wallpaper (so-called silk-screen printing). Very wear-resistant, the colors hardly fade and hide unevenness. They do not allow moisture to pass through, so these wallpapers can be washed. They can be painted up to ten times. A negative quality of such wallpaper is its airtightness.

  • Acrylic. They are foamed acrylic laid on paper. The characteristics are very reminiscent of vinyl wallpaper. In terms of service life, they are less durable than vinyl, but they allow air to pass through.

  • Natural. Some of the most expensive. They are made from natural ingredients - seaweed, bamboo, reed, veneer, straw, cork. In most cases, the basis is paper. 100% environmentally friendly. Afraid of moisture, lose color.

  • Glass wallpaper.

    Is it possible to glue wallpaper in the winter in an apartment?

    This type of finishing products is made of fiberglass. Very durable and environmentally friendly. Durable, can be repainted up to fifteen times, hides unevenness, and is fireproof. A very useful quality is that this wallpaper does not allow fungi and mold to develop. Very small selection of textures. Textile. The base is paper or fleece. The outer layer is a fabric - velor, cotton, linen, silk. Very nice and expensive look on the wall. Fireproof, good sound and heat insulation. Not very resistant to dirt, odors, or moisture.

  • Metal. Thin foil is used to make the outer layer. Increased wear resistance, resistance to sunlight, good sound insulation, good and easy to clean.

  • Liquid. The structure is very complex. They combine the qualities of wallpaper and decorative plaster. The basis is cellulose. They are sold in the form of a powder that must be diluted with water. They have no joints, are very beautiful and decorative, level walls, are environmentally friendly, and have antistatic properties. Short service life 6-9 years.

  • Wallpaper. The basis is self-adhesive paper. Long-term. They do not allow air and moisture to pass through. A very wide selection of pictures and photos for different interiors.

Types of glue

Many people think that buying universal glue will solve all their problems. But it's not. For a certain type you need to use the right adhesive mixture. There are adhesives:

Universal wallpaper adhesive

  • Universal. The name itself speaks about the breadth of application of this glue. But there are also disadvantages. This adhesive mixture does not withstand so-called heavy wallpaper very well;
  • Vinyl. Suitable for all types of vinyl wallpaper;
  • Lightweight glue. Paper wallpaper is usually glued with this glue;
  • Heavy glue. It is intended for gluing glass wallpaper, cork, acrylic, metallized, textile and vinyl wallpaper.
  • Water resistant. Used for wallpapering in rooms with high humidity.
  • Dispersed. Used for glass wallpaper and textile wallpaper. Has increased strength.

How and at what temperature should wallpaper be glued?

There is a lot of controversy on this issue. When is it better to glue - in winter or summer? You can always glue wallpaper, in any weather and at any time of the year, but subject to certain nuances:


  1. Compliance temperature regime. The temperature should be approximately 10 to 25 degrees Celsius. This temperature is needed for the adhesive base of our wallpaper to dry evenly.
  2. Humidity. Humidity should not exceed 60%. At higher humidity, the glue reacts with water and its adhesive properties are significantly reduced, which can lead to the appearance of bubbles. In worst cases, the wallpaper may peel off.
  3. External factors. Don't forget about sunlight. If glued wallpaper is exposed to direct sunlight, this can cause the color to fade and the glue to dry out quickly. As a result, wallpaper can change its structure (shrink, settle). Drafts must not be allowed. They will sharply change the desired temperature and disrupt the uniform drying of the glue.

Remember - the wallpaper takes about a day to dry. Follow these subtleties and achieve maximum effect.

Topics of the following articles:
  1. DIY wood putty?
  2. Which wallpaper to choose for your bedroom interior?
  3. Finishing foam concrete blocks with wooden lining
  4. Do-it-yourself plastering of external walls

One of the very quick ways to change the interior of a room is to glue tapestries on the walls. The only thing left is to find the right time for this work. In this note, we will consider the stages of the process, and we will also find out whether it is possible to stick wallpaper in winter in a living space or house.

For some, this may be a funny question, since other times, like on vacation during the cold, they never made repairs. But, there are many home professionals who try to do everything “according to science”. Any one of them can find enough reasons to prove them right about when is the best time to wallpaper during winter or summer.

We glue the tapestries on the wall accurately

Only one thing can be said about this - professional finishers do not care when it's time to re-glue the tapestries, since they can do this in any season. So let's take a closer look at the issue.

Cons and also disadvantages of winter wallpapering

There are disadvantages and advantages to any option, and therefore, working in the frosty season is no exception.

Let's check what the glued tapestries are "afraid" of:

  • humidity;
  • drafts;
  • sudden temperature change.

Is it possible to remove similar unpleasant moments during the winter - very easily. Now the heating system is working, it can keep the normal climate in the rooms. It is unlikely that it will also occur to you in the cold to open windows and doors wide open.

In the photo - gluing technique

Among the problems of "winter" repair, one can single out work on gluing wallpaper next to heating radiators, where special care is required. In another case, the canvas is trying to lag behind the base.

This is done due to the rapid drying of wallpaper glue, which does not have time to soak into the wall and dries on its plane. The difficulty has the following solution - in these areas you will not have to regret the material and smear the places as richly as possible, and also apply it both to the base and to the wallpaper itself.

Important to know: for fidelity, you can use PVA glue.

Also, it is imperative to adhere to the uniform rules for wallpaper stickers, so that the work is not ineffective. Unfortunately, many home specialists sometimes attach importance to this, believing that even a baby can handle this work.

Tapestry technique

And therefore, situations often appear, for example, a seam has parted or a corner has come unstuck, which will then become the basis of a new repair. Of course, all the declared miscalculations can be glued in a new way, but this does not mean that you were able to remove the reason why this happened.


There is a specific simple instruction which one will be needed for different wallpapers and different bases. She should not ignore and come up with some own rules, so that after that she does not carry out repairs in a new way, spending time and money.

They are suitable for any season, and therefore we will consider them in detail:

  1. Prepare walls for wallpapering. This stage is one of the very basic ones, since it actually depends on it - how long the canvases will stand on the basis. Do not forget to remove wallpapers that are already outdated from the walls with your own hands, for which use all kinds of options - with a spatula, wetting or using an iron. It does not matter, the most important thing is that you have a clean wall in front of you.

Remove wallpaper from the plane that is already outdated

  1. Apply putty to smooth out potholes and cracks on the plane, which should certainly be embroidered before this, removing layers along the edges that are already poorly held. After the putty dries, cover the wall with a disinfectant primer, which will protect the surface from the expected appearance of fungus and fungi later.
  2. N gluing wallpaper is preceded by a selection of materials for work, which should be like them. For example, when choosing an adhesive, it is necessary to look at the type of canvas (light, heavy, etc.), otherwise it cannot hold the canvas on the wall surface. Also, on the packaging there are always tables or tips on its proper use.

Pick the Right Glue

  1. You can start sticking canvases from either side, but if they have an edge, then:
  • on the left - cut the edge on the right side;
  • from right to left.
  1. Start work from the window so that the connections are less visible.
  2. Try to adjust the tapestries with the image between the canvases while still dry, so that it is where it is needed.
  3. The strip after gluing to the wall should be smoothed out with a specialized roller.

It is important to know: do not use a rag to smooth it, as this can ruin the structure and pattern on the canvas, and still leave stains.

To work tools

Types of wallpaper


Paper ones are considered the most common in configuration. They have a wide range of colors and the same number of different images. Their cost is the smallest among other types.

They are made from environmentally friendly material - paper, but they are also very short-lived in work.

After a short time, similar wallpapers:

  • begin to fade and fade;
  • collapse under the influence of moisture, dirt, fumes;
  • can be covered with mold and fungus.

There is a much more expensive option - two-layer paper-based wallpaper for finishing work. True, they are stronger than the past, but they are also afraid of moisture.


Vinyl wallpapers have gained great popularity among consumers in a short time. For the most part, they were attracted by the price of the material, which was only slightly superior to paper counterparts.

But unlike them, they are considered resistant to water and their service life is much longer. Vinyl wallpapers on a non-woven backing were also created, which are quite strong and fit evenly on the base. In working with them, it is only necessary to cover the wall with glue.

Decorated vinyl wallpaper

These are two very well-known types that are used in the vast majority of houses and apartments.


It's not scary if you still want to make the interior newer than the apartment with trellises during the winter. You can calmly get down to work, remembering the main rules of this process. The video in this post can help you find additional information on this topic.

Someone will definitely start convincing you that hanging wallpaper in winter is not the best idea. They can give you their sad experience as a powerful argument.

There is reason to think, but do not despair. It is possible that the reasons for wallpaper lag are not related to the time of year, but were caused by a violation of the work technology.

Large temperature difference between internal and external walls, as well as freezing of walls and the appearance of condensation in unheated rooms, can lead to the appearance of mold on new wallpaper, or the wallpaper simply will not hold up well and will quickly fall off.

If the heating works stably, then there will be no temperature fluctuations in the room.

The main thing is to avoid drafts. Excessive moisture from the walls will go away thanks to the heating.

Conditions under which the wallpaper will stick well on the wall: no temperature fluctuations and drafts.

It is very important to maintain indoors optimal temperature.

If it's too hot, the glue will dry before the wallpaper sticks to the wall. And in a cold room, the wallpaper will remain wet for a long time, which can cause mold.

Often those who decide to wallpaper in winter are faced with another problem - wallpaper lagging near batteries.

This is due to the fact that the places near the batteries are too warm. The glue dries quickly and does not have time to grab.

Tips to help avoid problems when wallpapering in winter:

  • before starting work, prime the walls with the same adhesive that you will use for wallpaper (the consistency can be made more liquid);
  • if the walls are porous and the glue is quickly absorbed, you should apply it in several layers until a thin protective film appears (thanks to it, the wallpaper sticks well);
  • It is better to give preference to non-woven wallpaper, because they “don’t get capricious” in winter conditions;
  • paper wallpaper, if it is not thick, should be glued overlapping so that the edges do not spread.

So, is it possible to wallpaper in winter? Yes, the main thing is to follow the basic rules:

  • The room temperature should be between 15-25°C;
  • compliance of the glue with the type of wallpaper (indicated in the instructions);
  • primed walls;
  • no drafts.

One of the fastest ways to change the interior of a room is to stick wallpaper on the walls. The only thing left is to find the right time for this work. In this article, we will consider the stages of the process, and also find out whether it is possible to glue wallpaper in the winter in an apartment or house.

For some, this may be a ridiculous question, since other times, like on vacation in cold weather, they never made repairs. But, there are a lot of those home masters who try to do everything “according to science”. Each of them will be able to find enough reasons to prove them right about when it is better to glue the wallpaper in winter or summer.

Only one thing can be said about this - professional finishers do not care when it's time to re-paste the wallpaper, as they can do it in any season. So, let's take a closer look at the problem.

Pros and cons of winter wallpapering

Each method has advantages and disadvantages, so working in the cold season is no exception.

Let's find out what the pasted wallpaper is "afraid of":

  • moisture;
  • drafts;
  • sharp temperature change.

Is it possible to exclude such troubles in the winter - easily. At this time, the heating system is operating, which is able to maintain a normal microclimate in the premises. It is unlikely that you will also think of opening windows and doors wide open in cold weather.

In the photo - gluing technique

Among the problems of the "winter" repair, one can note the work on gluing wallpaper next to heating radiators, where special care is required. Otherwise, the canvas strives to lag behind the base.

This happens due to the rapid drying of wallpaper glue, which does not have time to soak into the wall and dries on its surface. The problem has the following solution - in these areas you will have to spare no material and lubricate the places as abundantly as possible, as well as apply it both to the base and to the wallpaper itself.

Tip: For reliability, you can use PVA glue.

In addition, you should definitely adhere to general rules wallpaper stickers so that your work is not in vain. Unfortunately, many home masters do not always attach importance to this, believing that even a child can cope with this work.

Therefore, situations often arise, for example, the seam has parted or the corner has peeled off, which can subsequently cause a new repair. Of course, all the above shortcomings can be re-glued, but this does not mean that you were able to eliminate the reason why this happened.


There is a certain simple instruction that is useful for any wallpaper and any reason. You should not neglect it and invent some of your own rules, so that later you do not carry out repairs again, wasting time and money.

They are suitable for any season, so consider them in more detail:

  1. Prepare walls for wallpapering. This stage is one of the most important, since it will depend on it - how long the canvases will hold on to the base. Do not forget to remove old wallpaper from the walls with your own hands, for which use different, moisturizing or using an iron. It doesn’t matter at all, the main thing is that you have a clean wall in front of you.

  1. Use putty to level out potholes and cracks on the surface, which should definitely be embroidered before that, removing layers around the edges that already do not hold well. After drying with an antiseptic primer, which will protect the surface from the possible formation of mold and fungi in the future.
  2. N wallpapering is preceded by a selection of materials for work that must comply with them. For example, when choosing an adhesive, you should pay attention to the type of canvas (light, heavy, etc.), otherwise it cannot hold the canvas on the wall. In addition, the packaging always has tables or recommendations for its proper use.

  1. You can start gluing canvases from either side, but if they have an edge, then:
    • on the left - cut the edge on the right;
    • from right to left.
  1. Start work from the window so that the seams are less visible.
  2. Try to adjust wallpaper with a pattern between the canvases while still dry so that it is where it needs to be.
  3. The strip after gluing to the wall should be smoothed out with a special roller.

Tip: do not use a rag to smooth it, as this can damage the structure and pattern on the canvas, as well as leave stains.

Types of wallpaper


The simplest in structure are paper. They have a wide range of colors and the same number of different patterns. Their price is the lowest among other types.

They are made from environmentally friendly pure material- paper, but they are also the most short-lived in operation.

After a short time, this wallpaper:

  • begin to fade and fade;
  • break down under the influence of moisture, dirt, fumes;
  • can be covered with mold and fungus.

There is a more expensive option - two-layer