How to care for ampelous geranium. Features of caring for and growing ampelous geraniums at home. What is the difference between winter care?

Unlike the usual zonal geranium, ampelous geranium looks more beautiful in hanging flowerpots, and many flowers form on it. This perennial It is easily propagated by cuttings, does not require complex care and blooms all summer.

Ivy-leaved ampelous geranium appeared in culture a long time ago, three centuries ago. During this time, flower growers have developed many beautiful varieties that differ in the length of their shoots, color of leaves and flowers. The shape of the corollas can be very unusual and beautiful. Sometimes they resemble small roses, fancy alstroemerias or bright tulips.

Description of popular varieties:

  1. "Crocodile." The variety is distinguished by its original leaf color; yellow veins are clearly visible against a green background. The flowers are coral-red.
  2. "Icerose." Flower corollas appearance resemble roses. The color is white with a delicate pink tint.
  3. "Martin". The bushes grow lush, with long shoots. The flowers are double, the corolla is purple or pink.
  4. "Amethyst". Long ampelous shoots are decorated with inflorescences of large double flowers of dark pink color.
  5. "Jackie Gold" The variety is interesting because during flowering the flowers change color from white to pink or purple.
  6. "Roulette". Unusual bright flowers resemble alstroemeria, the white petals along the edges are painted bright red.
  7. "Rhapsody". A lush ampelous bush that blooms with bright, dark burgundy inflorescences.

All varieties ampelous geranium are developing rapidly. Flower growers sometimes plant different varieties of plants in one pot so that the flowers have different colors and look even more decorative.

Reproduction methods

To propagate ampelous geraniums, two methods are used - sowing seeds and cuttings. Each of them has its own characteristics, but propagation by cuttings is easier.


To grow ampelous geraniums from cuttings, use a two-year-old mother bush with lignified branches.

  1. The cuttings are broken off by hand; a piece of bark from the mother plant should remain on it.
  2. All the lower leaves of the cutting are cut off, leaving only the top.
  3. The prepared cuttings are placed in a substrate of peat and perlite. The volume of the landing container must be at least 400 ml, and drainage holes are required at the bottom. It is not advisable to root branches in water; they may rot.

A young pelargonium bush is cut differently.

  1. Cut off the top 1 cm below the node.
  2. The peduncle is removed and the lower leaves are cut off.
  3. Do not use rooting agents, as this will slow down the development of the cuttings.
  4. The cut is not dried. Place the cut branch immediately in a light nutrient substrate of peat and perlite (10%) or vermiculite.
  5. Moisten the soil with a spray bottle.
  6. Make a greenhouse from a bag or jar to maintain high humidity.
  7. When the cutting takes root, the shelter is removed.

Seed method

Ampelous pelargonium can be successfully propagated by seeds.

  1. For better germination, the seeds are pre-soaked in the Baikal solution.
  2. They are laid out on the soil surface at a distance of 2 cm and 3–4 cm between rows.
  3. Then they are sunk into the ground 0.5 cm, sprinkled with earth or sand.
  4. Moisten with a spray bottle, cover with film and place in a bright place.

Shoots appear on the 5th – 6th day. Pelargonium is picked approximately 20 days after sowing.

  1. Plant in pots with a diameter of 9 cm and a volume of 200 ml. The soil should be light, with a peat content of at least 50%.
  2. From a common bowl, seedlings are planted in separate containers along with a lump of earth so as not to damage the roots.
  3. Water with rooting agent.
  4. Place on a windowsill with diffused light and an air temperature of about 18 – 20°C.
  5. After 2 weeks, you can feed the seedlings with Radifarm.

How to choose the right growing container

Plants grown from seeds and planted in pots with a diameter of 9 cm cannot be kept in a small container until flowering - they will develop poorly. Therefore, about a month after the first picking, the seedlings are planted in pots with a diameter of 14 cm.

In summer, a developed pelargonium seedling feels good in a 5-liter flowerpot with several drainage holes.

A sufficient volume of soil is important for pelargonium. If there is not enough room for the roots, the plant may shed its leaves.

The soil for planting is purchased specially “For pelargoniums”; it should be light, nutritious, and well-permeable to moisture and air. After transplanting the geranium, it is watered the next day. This is done so that the damaged roots dry out and the plant takes root better.

Care and cultivation at home

A plant purchased in a store must be treated with fungicides and insecticides against insect pests and fungal infections. Keep in quarantine for 2 weeks, separately from other flowers.

In order for the ampelous geranium to retain its beautiful appearance, it is necessary to apply regular fertilizing 2 or 3 times a month. You can use humic fertilizers.

It is advisable to reduce the number of shoots on a lush bush of purchased pelargonium to make it easier for it to grow.

Cuttings can be rooted and new plants can be grown.

With proper care, flowering of ampelous geranium continues throughout the warm season until October. The soil should not be constantly wet; regular watering is alternated with drying the top layer.

Pelargonium should be placed in a sunny place so that it blooms better. In summer, it is advisable to expose the flower to fresh air; you can even plant it in open ground in a sunny flowerbed.

Trimming ampelous geraniums for lush flowering

Geraniums are pruned in spring and autumn. Begin pruning a young plant grown from cuttings or seeds when the shoot reaches 30 cm in length. 3-4 buds are left from the ground and the top is cut off with a sharp blade. After the side shoots appear, the remaining large leaves are also cut off.

Flowers form at the end of the shoots, which is why pruning for full blooms is so important.

When the side shoots grow 10 cm in length, they are cut off to allow branching to continue. Form the plant until the bush becomes quite dense.

What is the difference between winter care?

In winter, pelargonium is brought into the apartment; it does not tolerate frost. It is desirable that the air temperature is about 9 – 15 °C. Water the plant moderately.

If by spring pelargonium has stretched out from lack of light and too hot air, it needs to be rejuvenated by pruning. Cut the shoots to a height of 15 cm.

Disease and pest control

It is dangerous to flood the plant. If the ground does not dry out, it may rot. When root rot appears, you can treat the plant with Fundazim or Fundazol.

Other diseases that threaten indoor pelargonium:

  • rust;
  • gray rot;
  • a bacterial infection that causes leaf wilting.

The most common pests on geraniums are mealybugs, spider mites and whiteflies. In order not to spray a large bush on the leaves, use systemic insecticides (acaricides for mites). The plant is watered with a preparation diluted in water at the root.

Ampelous pelargonium is unpretentious. In summer, it will decorate not only the room, but also the gazebo in the garden, veranda or loggia. It blooms very beautifully and tolerates light shade.

Ampelous pelargonium is one of the most favorite plants of gardeners; it usually decorates parks, balconies, terraces, open areas and spacious rooms. It is valued because it has beautiful flowers and leaves, and it blooms brightly and for a long time. Ivy-leaved pelargonium is loved not only by experienced flower growers, but even by those who are poorly versed in the intricacies of caring for this fragrant plant.

Varieties of ampelous pelargonium

Today in stores and markets you can buy geraniums of various varieties, including hanging pelargonium. Decorative leaves and flowers of bright and unusual colors on a window or balcony will delight not only the apartment owners themselves, but also their neighbors. And passers-by are unlikely to remain indifferent.

There are many species and varieties, the most common of which is zonal pelargonium, the varieties of which number several tens of thousands. This species got its name because of the so-called zones on the leaves that have a different color. Moreover, in winter, when there is little light, they disappear, and in the spring they appear again.

There are rosaceous pelargoniums with buds similar to pink and tulip-shaped ones, the flowers of which resemble tulip buds - they were bred by American amateur breeders in the middle of the last century. Star pelargonium is a rare species. It is characterized by curled flower petals. Carnation varieties look like garden carnations.

Royal geraniums are large in size and have flowers with a ruffled edge. The peculiarity of its color is that it does not have monochromatic shades of white, burgundy, purple and pink. The “Angel” variety resembles asteremeria in appearance. It was obtained through selection in the 30s of the last century. This variety is also classified as a royal variety. Photos of ampelous pelargonium of this variety can be found on Internet resources.

Fragrant geranium exudes a strong aroma and, as a rule, has many small flowers in an inflorescence. When grown at home, it forms a small bush, the height of which can reach one meter.

Planting ampelous pelargonium and its subsequent care

Hanging baskets, flowerpots, flowerpots, window and balcony boxes are used for planting ampelous pelargonium flowers. Most often, these light-loving plants decorate the sunny facades of houses, where they look both organic and beautiful. Ivy-leaved, or ampelous, pelargoniums differ from other species in that they have hanging or creeping shoots ranging from twenty centimeters to one meter in length. This type is widely used for decorating windows, loggias or balconies. Planting can be done in spring or early autumn.

Subsequent care for it consists of timely watering and application of mineral fertilizers. It is easy to care for pelargonium at home; it grows normally under certain conditions. It is necessary to monitor fluctuations in temperature, light, and the amount of moisture in the soil. The temperature in the room where pelargonium grows in the warm season should be on average 22-23 degrees, and in the cold season it should not be lower than 12-15 degrees.

For planting, you need to prepare soil suitable for it: take approximately equal amounts of sand and humus soil, there should be a large amount of potassium in the soil, but there should not be a lot of nitrogen. The fact is that with an excess of nitrogen, the rate of flowering slows down, and the leaves, on the contrary, become larger.

The seedlings are planted in a window box in one row, at a distance of about fifteen centimeters from each other. After the end of the spring frosts, they can already be placed outside, and in April-May and in the summer, pelargonium should be regularly watered, fertilizing with small doses of mineral fertilizers.

Watering the plant also requires certain conditions: the soil in the pot or box must be moderately moist. If there is more than normal, it will stagnate in the container and mold may eventually appear. Excess moisture can be removed by draining small holes in the bottom of the container. In summer they water more often, in winter - less often, once every one and a half to two weeks. At the same time, ampelous geraniums do not need to be sprayed, since moisture on the leaves can create areas of rotting on them.

For good growth, the plant needs fresh air, so ventilation of the room is necessary, but drafts must be avoided. In winter, it is advisable to place pelargonium in such a way that it has additional lighting, while the ground part does not need to be cut off. But in the spring, pruning will give the pelargonium a truly luxurious splendor.

At room temperature, pots with plants should be kept as far as possible from heating devices. IN winter period Pelargonium should not be watered too often - once every one and a half to two weeks is enough. By the way, in winter it is more difficult to “please” pelargonium, since it needs light more.

It is important to fertilize pelargonium on time. When caring for ampelous pelargonium, you should remember that from March to August, during the flowering period, the plant must be fed weekly. Mineral fertilizers, as already mentioned, should be used in small concentrations. Florists have long noticed that milk diluted with water is very useful for pelargonium.

But some believe that geraniums do not need to be fertilized. It grows well in fresh, fertilized soil, so in the spring it is better to transplant it into a new pot with fresh, moderately fertilized soil. Such soil can be purchased in specialized stores, or you can prepare the soil yourself. Recommendations on how and in what proportions to do this can be obtained from any specialist or experienced amateur.

Miracle fertilizer for pelargonium:

After a while you won’t recognize your flower!

You will need:
1. Settled water
2. hydrogen peroxide
3. iodine.

Mix 1 ml of peroxide with 1 liter of water. Add 0.6 ml iodine. Mix everything well.

Before watering geraniums, make sure the soil is completely dry. Water the geranium.

Watch the video on how to prepare and use vitamin fertilizer for geraniums. Take care of your flowers. Let your plant bloom magnificently.

Reproduction of ampelous pelargonium

Flower growers sometimes practice growing ampelous pelargonium from seeds, but they rightly consider this to be too troublesome, since many nuances must be taken into account. Therefore, it is preferable to propagate ampelous pelargonium from cuttings that have been previously dried for about a day.

For propagation, dry cuttings, first dipped in coal powder, which acts as a growth stimulant, are planted in disinfected soil. Disinfection can be carried out with boiling water or kept in a hot oven for about ten minutes, and then cooled to room temperature. The distance between the cuttings is no more than two centimeters. The soil around them must be compacted. If all this is done in the spring, then in the summer the pelargonium will definitely bloom.

But if there are no cuttings, then you can grow them from seeds, especially since they are sold completely freely. The most favorable time for sowing is the beginning of winter. Flower growers recommend sowing them to a depth of about five millimeters. The optimal soil temperature for propagating ampelous pelargonium by seeds is up to 25 degrees. After just a few days, the seeds can sprout, but, as the experience of professional flower growers and amateurs shows, it is rarely possible to get a full-fledged flower from seeds.

If a plant's stem becomes bare during the winter months, there is no need to rush to rejuvenate it by cutting it into cuttings. In this case, you just need to pin the top. After this, new shoots appear from the buds, and the plant blooms faster and more luxuriantly.


Pelargonium ampelous is a fairly common plant that housewives use to decorate balconies and verandas. The flowers look very beautiful and amaze the eye with a variety of colors.

The main difference between ampelous geranium and the classic variety is the drooping, branching stems, on which are located a huge number of umbrella-shaped inflorescences. They can reach 18 cm in length. One inflorescence can include up to 15 flowers. Thanks to this, ampelous pelargonium is an ideal flower for vertical gardening.

Pelargonium ampelous: care and reproduction

Geranium is a fairly light-loving plant. When choosing a place for it, stop on a warm and well-lit windowsill. But at the same time, direct rays are detrimental to a delicate flower, so it is recommended to create diffused lighting.

In the summer, hanging geraniums are most often taken outside. In this case, it is very important to choose places protected from strong winds. Otherwise, the fragile branches of the flower will be mercilessly destroyed. Don't forget to read, Why do pelargonium leaves turn yellow?

Since ampelous geranium rapidly gains volume of vegetative mass and blooms almost without interruption, it requires a nutritious planting substrate. The soil under the flower should be light and well-drained. Geranium does not like stagnant water, and therefore there should be a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot.

As drainage you can use:

  • Expanded clay;
  • brick chips.

Pelargonium likes not too much watering and can tolerate short-term drought. It is also worth knowing that the flower simply cannot tolerate spraying from a spray bottle. The liquid that gets on the tender leaves and stems becomes the cause of its illness.

That is why it is recommended to water this lush plant from a tray, and not from above, so that water does not fall on it under any circumstances. After watering, the liquid from the pan must be drained to prevent waterlogging of the soil and rotting of the root system.

Reproduction of ampelous pelargonium

Ampelous varieties are traditionally propagated by cuttings. Best time for the procedure - spring and summer. Autumn and winter shoots will produce weak and disease-prone plants.

  • You will need a vertical shoot at least 10 cm long.
  • The cut of the cutting must be powdered with charcoal and left to dry for about a day.
  • To accelerate the formation of young roots, the cut before planting can be treated with any root formation stimulator, for example, Kornevin.
  • Then plant the cuttings in a pre-disinfected soil mixture (sand + peat).

It takes no more than a month for roots to form. After this, the young plant is transplanted to a permanent place. The growing point must be pinched, which causes abundant lateral branching.

Pelargonium: cultivation and care in winter

The flower does not tolerate cold weather at all. And geraniums should definitely be brought into the house in the fall. If it is not possible to provide the flower with the required length of daylight, then the ground part must be cut off. After this, the container with the plant should be stored in a room with a temperature of +7.

Blooming ampelous pelargonium

Why doesn't pelargonium bloom? After all, this plant is quite unpretentious. And, nevertheless, the reasons may be as follows:

  • The landing container is of the wrong size;
  • incorrect watering scheme;
  • poor soil;
  • incorrect pruning;
  • lack of fertilizing;
  • poor quality care.

The reasons are now known and the next step is how to make pelargonium bloom?

1. Select a pot

You should never take a planting container “for growth”, since in this case the flower will actively grow its root system to the detriment of flowering. Geranium prefers miniature pots made from natural materials.

Here are the ideal proportions:

  • Diameter – 12…14 cm;
  • height – 10…15 cm.

2. Water geraniums correctly

As already mentioned, geranium does not like excessive watering, as it is susceptible to diseases such as root rot. But overdried soil will not benefit the flower either - the geranium simply will not bloom. In order not to overwater or dry out the plant, you can focus on the top layer of soil: after it dries, the flower can be watered again.

The frequency of watering also depends on the specific time of year. Warm seasons require almost daily watering, while in winter once a week is sufficient.

3. How to fertilize ampelous pelargonium?

It is very convenient to combine watering with fertilizing. From March to August, fertilizers with a high phosphorus content must be added to the water, which promotes abundant flowering. Feeding is carried out once a week. In winter, the flower does not need feeding.

Caring for ampelous pelargonium at home we looked at - an unpretentious plant that pleases the eye with lush flowering throughout the season. And everyone can grow this beauty.

Ampelous geranium care

Ampelous geranium care

Pelargonium ampelous is a fairly common plant that housewives use to decorate balconies and verandas. The flowers look very beautiful and amaze the eye with a variety of colors.

Pelargonium ampelous

The main difference between ampelous geranium and the classic variety is the drooping, branching stems, on which are located a huge number of umbrella-shaped inflorescences. They can reach 18 cm in length. One inflorescence can include up to 15 flowers. Thanks to this, ampelous pelargonium is an ideal flower for vertical gardening.

Geranium is a fairly light-loving plant. When choosing a place for it, stop on a warm and well-lit windowsill. But at the same time, direct rays are detrimental to a delicate flower, so it is recommended to create diffused lighting.

In the summer, hanging geraniums are most often taken outside. In this case, it is very important to choose places protected from strong winds. Otherwise, the fragile branches of the flower will be mercilessly destroyed. Don't forget to read why pelargonium leaves turn yellow.

Since ampelous geranium rapidly gains volume of vegetative mass and blooms almost without interruption, it requires a nutritious planting substrate. The soil under the flower should be light and well-drained. Geranium does not like stagnant water, and therefore there should be a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot.

As drainage you can use:

  • Expanded clay;
  • brick chips.

Pelargonium likes not too much watering and can tolerate short-term drought. It is also worth knowing that the flower simply cannot tolerate spraying from a spray bottle. The liquid that gets on the tender leaves and stems becomes the cause of its illness.

That is why it is recommended to water this lush plant from a tray, and not from above, so that water does not fall on it under any circumstances. After watering, the liquid from the pan must be drained to prevent waterlogging of the soil and rotting of the root system.

Reproduction of ampelous pelargonium

Ampelous varieties are traditionally propagated by cuttings. The best time for the procedure is spring and summer. Autumn and winter shoots will produce weak and disease-prone plants.

  • You will need a vertical shoot at least 10 cm long.
  • The cut of the cutting must be powdered with charcoal and left to dry for about a day.
  • To accelerate the formation of young roots, the cut before planting can be treated with any root formation stimulator, for example, Kornevin.
  • Then plant the cuttings in a pre-disinfected soil mixture (sand + peat).

It takes no more than a month for roots to form. After this, the young plant is transplanted to a permanent place. The growing point must be pinched, which causes abundant lateral branching.

Pelargonium: cultivation and care in winter

The flower does not tolerate cold weather at all. And geraniums should definitely be brought into the house in the fall. If it is not possible to provide the flower with the required length of daylight, then the ground part must be cut off. After this, the container with the plant should be stored in a room with a temperature of +7.

Blooming ampelous pelargonium

Why doesn't pelargonium bloom? After all, this plant is quite unpretentious. And, nevertheless, the reasons may be as follows:

  • The landing container is of the wrong size;
  • incorrect watering scheme;
  • poor soil;
  • incorrect pruning;
  • lack of fertilizing;
  • poor quality care.

The reasons are now known and the next step is how to make pelargonium bloom?

1. Select a pot

You should never take a planting container “for growth”, since in this case the flower will actively grow its root system to the detriment of flowering. Geranium prefers miniature pots made from natural materials.

Here are the ideal proportions:

  • Diameter – 12…14 cm;
  • height – 10…15 cm.

2. Water geraniums correctly

As already mentioned, geranium does not like excessive watering, as it is susceptible to diseases such as root rot. But overdried soil will not benefit the flower either - the geranium simply will not bloom. In order not to overwater or dry out the plant, you can focus on the top layer of soil: after it dries, the flower can be watered again.

The frequency of watering also depends on the specific time of year. Warm seasons require almost daily watering, while in winter once a week is sufficient.

3. How to fertilize ampelous pelargonium?

It is very convenient to combine watering with fertilizing. From March to August, fertilizers with a high phosphorus content must be added to the water, which promotes abundant flowering. Feeding is carried out once a week. In winter, the flower does not need feeding.

We looked at caring for ampelous pelargonium at home - an unpretentious plant that pleases the eye with lush flowering throughout the season. And everyone can grow this beauty.

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Features of care and propagation of ampelous pelargonium at home

Geranium is beautiful and unpretentious flower. Its scientific name is Pelargonium bush. The second variety of the plant is ampelous pelargonium, the care and propagation of which is simple, given its vagaries. Thanks to their long flexible shoots up to 1 m, the bushes look luxurious in hanging flowerpots, flowerpots, baskets, decorating the space.

Ampelous pelargonium is distinguished by lush flowering, which looks good in hanging flowerpots.

Ampelous pelargonium gives its owners a fountain of lush, bright flowers for a long time. Today, a huge number of varieties with different colors have been bred.

Ampelous geranium care and propagation

They come in: white, red, crimson, lilac, spotted, two-color, etc.

Not only the flower stars have a decorative appearance, but also the ivy-like leaves. For this similarity, the plant received another name - ivy-leaved pelargonium. Unlike bush leaves, its leaves are not fluffy, but smooth and shiny.

Diagram of flower growth and pruning location.

  1. Lighting. It is very easy to find a place for indoor pelargonium. This is one of the few flowers that can easily tolerate direct sunlight. Hang it on the most illuminated area in the flowerpot, and it will give truly royal blooms.
  2. Temperature. Although the plant is native to Africa, it does not tolerate heat well. In summer the most comfortable temperature will be up to 25 °C, and in winter - about 15 °C. In the warm season, pelargonium feels great in the fresh air without drafts. That is why it is actively used in the exterior design of homes to create long-blooming cascades.
  3. Watering.

    In summer it must be provided regularly. Although the plant can tolerate short-term drought, it is better to avoid this.

    Excess moisture from the pan must be drained, otherwise high summer temperatures will create all the conditions for the development of rot. In winter, watering is reduced. Books on floriculture recommend spraying the plant in hot weather, but experienced housewives warn about possible rotting and yellowing of the leaves.

  4. The soil. It is easier to purchase special soil. Pelargonium loves light soil. When buying land, pay attention to the amount of nitrogen. With its high concentration, the leaves begin to fatten and flowering decreases.
  5. Feeding. During the period of active growth and flowering, it needs complex fertilizer once a week. Pelargonium has a little secret - it loves diluted milk and infusion of onion peels.
  6. Trimming. Every year in the spring, strong shortening is allowed, which will stimulate the growth of new branches. Pinching at the right time throughout the season will make the crown more luxuriant and flowering powerful.
  7. Transfer. This plant is convenient because it loves cramped pots. Therefore, replanting is required as the root system increases. Sometimes it is enough to replace the top layer of soil to nourish the flower.
  8. Winter care rules. This is the most difficult period for a florist. Tolerating a slight cold snap, the plant is absolutely intolerant of frost. If it was outside, you must definitely find a place for wintering with a temperature of about 15° C. Of course, not every house has the opportunity to place a huge bush with long vines for the winter. Therefore, the easiest way is to cut it to 10-15 cm and place it in a bright, cool room, for example, an attic or a glazed loggia. Keep in mind that your beauty can be destroyed by rodents! Keep watering to a minimum to prevent root rot. If pelargonium constantly lives in the house, then in winter it will definitely need additional lighting.

    With a lack of light, the branches will stretch out, some of the leaves will fall off, and by spring the flower will have a very pitiful appearance.

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Scheme of a flower garden with pelargonium.

The easiest way to propagate is by cuttings in spring or late summer. To do this, you need to cut shoots 10-15 cm long and plant them in damp sand with peat for rooting. Flower growers advise dousing the soil with boiling water before use and then calcining it in the oven. The cuttings themselves can be treated with a growth stimulator. Roots will appear in about a month. Young plants must be pinched when transplanted into a permanent pot. Due to the risk of rotting, it is not recommended to place it in water for roots to appear.

Propagation from seeds is a rather painstaking task and is popular mainly only among breeders for developing new varieties. This is very difficult to do at home: they are demanding on temperature and humidity. Therefore, even in flower shops, pelargonium grains are rare.

All plant diseases appear due to violation of maintenance conditions.

Lack of moisture can cause dry leaves.

Excess water causes rot, or whiteflies and aphids settle on the plant. A so-called black leg may appear, in which case the flower cannot be treated and is destroyed.

If the edges of the leaves of a plant turn red, it means it is very cold.

By following these simple tips, you can understand that caring for pelargonium at home is really not difficult.

You can easily grow this magnificent plant and create very interesting flower arrangements.

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Currently, a large number of varieties and hybrids of geranium (pelargonium) have been developed, adapted for growing at home. Their bushes are compact, usually do not reach a height of 50 cm, they have beautiful leaves with different patterns, not to mention inflorescences, double or not. but always beautiful. Now these are not only traditional red umbrella-inflorescences, but white, yellow, scarlet, purple - too many to list - they also have peony and rose-shaped forms!

Caring for geraniums at home is not difficult, but if you know and
understand what it consists of and how to organize it.

Here, caring for geraniums in winter is especially important.

Varieties of indoor geranium, photos and names

In fact, it is more correct to call indoor geraniums pelargoniums, but the plants are firmly assigned the name of another genus of the same family Geraniaceae.

  • Pelargonium is zonal or bordered. This is the most popular species and is easily recognized by the color of its leaves. They have a clear wide border, different in color from the main one. Inflorescences can consist of double or simple flowers with a diameter of 2-4 cm. Height from 10 to 80 cm.

Pelargonium zonal, photo:

  • Ampelous. The shoots can be a meter long, the leaves are glossy and deep green. The inflorescences are racemose, flowering time is summer, and therefore are good for landscaping balconies and verandas.

Zonal geranium, photo:

  • Royal geraniums. They are very beautiful, the inflorescences reach a diameter of 18 cm with a plant height of up to 50 cm. The flowers are simple, double, their petals are velvety, corrugated or wavy. Currently, many hybrids of this species have been created. The flowering time is shorter than the zonal one, but they require more careful care.

Pelargonium royal, photo:

  • Fragrant. As soon as you touch the leaves of this pelargonium, you risk being at the mercy of one of the aromas, for example, ginger, rose, lemon, pineapple. The flowers are small, usually pink or purple. Geranium oil is obtained from this type of greenery.

Fragrant geranium, photo:

  • Succulents. In winter, it sheds its leaves, the woody stems bend curiously, may even have spines, and are used to create an appropriate interior.

Succulent pelargoniums, photo:

  • The appearance of angels is unpretentious, height 40-50 cm, summer flowering, abundant, flowers look like pansies, thin stems; if you don't cut it. used as an ampel.

Geranium angel, photo:

  • Unicums are very decorative, with a delicate aroma of foliage. The flowers are usually red with a white center, sometimes white and pink are found.

Pelargonium unique, photo:

Home care

  1. Temperature regime. Pelargonium prefers warmth in summer, 18-26 degrees. If it grows in the garden at this time of year, then when it gets colder to about 10 degrees it will stop blooming. At home and in winter, a lower temperature is required, approximately 16 degrees Celsius.
  2. Light mode. Geranium is a light-loving creature; with a lack of light, shoots
    stretch out. become brittle, flowering becomes smaller. It is better if she spends the summer on a sunny balcony, and the winter on a maximally lit windowsill. If the sun is too hot, the geranium needs to be shaded for a while.
  3. How to water. Geranium loves moisture, this must be taken into account. Summer care in this
    differs in relation from winter, watering also depends on the conditions of keeping pelargoniums. The brighter and warmer the house, the more watering should be. In summer, geranium requires almost daily watering. In cool weather, when the plant is “dormant,” a minimal amount of water is needed, once or twice a week. If, for example, we moved the flower to warm but shady conditions for the winter, then it is necessary to water it moderately, a day after the top layer has dried.
    I like to cover the ground around the flower with dried sphagnum moss, this prevents it from drying out and creates favorable conditions for the geranium's root system. To prevent water from stagnating in the pot, provide good drainage.
  4. For better flowering, geraniums are planted in tight pots.
  5. Spraying and washing leaves is not for geraniums!
  6. The soil requires loose soil. with good air access, humus, sand, peat equally.
  7. Young plants that have just been planted should not be fed. We have to wait. when the root system grows. This is where you need to feed them with fertilizers that will help the geraniums bloom for a long time and powerfully. Connections are suitable for these purposes. which contain trace elements in the form of chelates, that is, they will be available for absorption. Such fertilizers are soluble in water: Kemira, Fertika, Mortar. Agricola (for flowering plants). Feed weekly, less often in autumn and winter.
  8. The frequency of replanting depends on the size of the bush, approximately once every three years. Sometimes, if the pot is large, you can place several seedlings there.
  9. Start pruning the geranium bush. When daylight hours begin to increase, this is approximately February-March. Old stems that have become woody are pruned so that no more than five buds remain on the stem. Bare shoots should also be cut back by two-thirds. Trim above the bud so that the side sprout from it goes outside the crown and does not thicken the bush. This pruning will rejuvenate the geranium; bare stems will not be visible. When the growing shoots have 8 leaves, pinch the tip. The result will be a branched plant with a large number of flower umbrellas.
  10. The main enemy of geranium is the black leg. This fungal disease, which manifests itself at high soil moisture and low temperature, indicates that the plant is not provided with proper care. There is little hope for salvation, but it is still worth scraping the soil away from the stem a little and treating it with a biofungicide (phytosporin, alirin).
    Among the pests, geranium can be bothered by spider mites and aphids. whitefly Here, too, appropriate processing is needed.

How to prune geraniums for the winter

Many who had indoor geraniums (pelargonium) growing in their gardens in the summer, transplanted them into pots in the fall and brought them home. And some people had geraniums growing in pots dug into the ground. This is very convenient for indoor plants that spend the summer in open ground. What to do next?

Ampelous geranium: how to care for the plant

  • If possible, add loose nutrient soil.
  • Place the pot of geraniums in a place with plenty of light.
  • Water regularly
  • Wait for it to bloom and acclimate.
  • If the bush is small and has not stretched out, we will try to postpone pruning until February-March.

    If the bush is large or old, cut it off by at least half. This way more light will fall on it. The cuts can be greased with brilliant green. emerging shoots will be weak and stretched due to lack of autumn sun, so pruning will have to be repeated in the spring.

Taking cuttings cut before winter to obtain new seedlings is unproductive; they do not take root well.

It often happens that geranium leaves turn yellow. What to do? This phenomenon indicates unsuitable growing conditions.

  • In autumn this is a common thing, pelargonium prepares for new conditions, some stress and acclimatization occur.
  • The next reason may be lack of light.
  • The potty may be too cramped.
  • More often this phenomenon occurs in winter, when the air is dry from batteries,
  • Frequent fertilizing, especially in winter with nitrogen.
  • If the lower leaves turn yellow or dry out, watering should be increased; if the upper leaves turn yellow, water should be increased.

Why doesn't geranium bloom?

The reason lies in the fact that incorrect care is organized.

  • Big pot.
  • Cold or drafty.
  • Overfeeding with nitrogen fertilizer.
  • Suboptimal watering regime.
  • If a geranium has been pruned, it will not bloom for some time.
  • There is little feeding with potassium, phosphorus, and microelements.

    They say that it is very useful to water geraniums with a solution of a drop of iodine in a liter of water.

At first it will seem that geranium is capricious to grow, but over time the skill will come, and caring for geranium and the sight of blooming pelargonium will give you pleasure.

You may be interested in the following information:

Autumn is a crucial period for gardeners, when they need to prepare their favorite plants for winter. How I want to save all the flowers so that next season they will again delight the eye with an abundance of colors. Many housewives use geranium not only as indoor plant, but also decorate flower beds with them and plant them in pots outdoors in the spring. With the onset of cold weather, you need to decide how to preserve geraniums during this period.

There are several ways to preserve geraniums in winter. The plant can be used as an indoor plant. One of the most common methods is to take cuttings, root them, and plant them outdoors again in the spring. But if there is not enough space in the house to preserve a large number of flowers, then you can use another method that not many have heard of.

Storage conditions for geraniums in the basement

The story about how to preserve geraniums in the basement in winter delights novice gardeners. After all, the hard, woody stems of these plants can continue to serve both as a supplier of new young cuttings and themselves produce an abundance of flowers in the new season. The advantage of this storage method is that it saves space in the house and the ability to preserve a large number of plants. Disadvantage - waste cannot be avoided, some of the plants will inevitably die.

Of course, not every basement is suitable for wintering your pets. Several conditions must be met:

  • The room must be frost-free and dry.
  • Temperature range is within +7 degrees.
  • It is good if natural light is supported by the presence of a small window.
  • Geraniums must be pruned (all flowers and leaves are removed, only woody parts of the plants remain).

Options for storing geraniums in the basement:

  1. After pruning, the geranium needs to be dug up, leaving a lump of earth on the rhizomes. Each plant is placed in a plastic bag with the stems facing out. Geraniums are suspended with their root system facing up. The bags will protect the roots from drying out during wintering. Plants suspended in this way can more easily provide themselves with moisture. Plants preserved in this way are planted in pots in the spring and nothing will hinder their growth and abundant flowering.
  2. Geraniums that have been pruned must be completely freed from the soil. Plants are hung in a dark basement with their roots facing up. You can wrap them in newspaper paper rolled into a tube. Experienced gardeners recommend soaking the roots of plants several times during the winter with this storage method to avoid them drying out. The geraniums are placed in cool water for several hours, then allowed to dry and hung again. When the time comes, all plants need to be placed in water for a day, where a growth activator can be added. And only after that you can plant them in the ground.
  3. The easiest way to preserve geraniums in the basement is directly in pots. Plants need to be trimmed and lowered into the basement. In this case, they need to be watered occasionally. In the spring you will need to refresh the top layer of soil.

Temperature conditions, levels of illumination, and air humidity are different in all basements.

Ampelous geranium - a joy for the gardener

Therefore, in order to understand which method will help to effectively preserve most of the plants in your case, you need to try them all. No matter what storage method you choose for your plants, make sure the danger of frost has passed before planting them outside. Then lush flowering will be guaranteed throughout the next season.

Video on storing geraniums in winter

In addition to our article, watch this video with detailed recommendations on how to store geraniums in winter.

How does ampelous geranium reproduce and what care does it require at home?

Beautiful homemade pelargonium: how to propagate it? For you on the site - various methods of propagation of pelargonium

Numerous methods for propagating indoor geraniums include seeds, geranium cuttings and division. Let's look at all kinds of easy reproduction methods.

House pelargonium is relatively easy to propagate

The easiest way for us to propagate homemade geranium is by taking cuttings. Homemade geranium takes root well, while pelargoniums - varietal qualities are transferred.

Breeding home geraniums by sowing seeds is an interesting business. This activity, as a rule, requires skill from us.

Geranium seeds that appear in specialized centers are sold at a high price.

Another very important point that it is advisable to take into account when working with such seeds. Pelargonium grown from simple seeds does not always inherit the selected varietal properties of the original bush.

If our indoor pelargonium has grown too much, you can simply divide it. You'll just end up with a lot of the same colors.

We are also studying photos of the most unusual geraniums

Exclusive varietal geranium - nuances of cultivation

A selection of beautifully blooming pelargoniums...

Amazing pelargoniums - write them out

With the arrival of the first warm days, most residents of city apartments strive to decorate their balconies and loggias with climbing living greenery. Most often, ampelous geranium is used for these purposes - it is unpretentious in care and easily propagated.

Ampelous geranium is a climbing plant with high decorative characteristics, capable of growing up to 1 m in height. The flowers are small, shaped like stars, and can be painted in a variety of shades. Each inflorescence has up to 30 flowers (with the exception of ampelous geranium, in which this figure is limited to 15 flowers). Ampelous geranium forms long weaving branches, thanks to which the crop is used to decorate gazebos and balconies. Ivy-leaved ampelous pelargonium is somewhat different from the classical culture, so its description deserves a separate section.

Features of cultivation

Ampelous pelargonium will develop well in places where there is a lot of sunlight and no drafts. If you are going to keep the plant outdoors during the summer months, then do not forget to start the hardening procedure in the spring, periodically taking the pot with the climbing crop to the balcony. After this procedure, the plants will be able to tolerate noticeable drops in temperature, up to several degrees Celsius. Of course, when there is a threat of frost, it is better to put the flowers in a protected place.

Considering the fact that the ivy-shaped form of the plant in natural conditions is nothing more than a mountain crop, geranium at home cannot be called a plant that is demanding on the composition of the soil. But it will be better if you make sure there is enough drainage material at the bottom of the pot and prepare a soil mixture that includes a little clay.

Rules of care

Caring for the ampelous form of pelargonium involves regular, but not too abundant watering, since the volume of the above-ground part of the plant is quite large, so excessive moisture along with the curly crown can provoke the development of fungal infections or rotting of the root system. From time to time, artificial rain can be provided to the bushes, generously watering the green crown. How to care for a plant during the active growing season?

This is not so difficult: geraniums at home will require regular feeding. For lush flowering, you can use various nutrient mixtures. But there is a mandatory rule: in the spring, before abundant flowering begins, nitrogen-containing fertilizers can be used, and from the first summer month the plant should be limited in this element. The fact is that, like any crop, ampelous geranium has the property of increasing green mass.

As the plant develops, its root system will gradually fill the entire pot, and the geranium will need to be replanted.

No matter what age your pelargonium is, it will tolerate the “move” calmly. The main thing is not to plant the plant in a container that is much larger than the previous one. This is due to the fact that multiple flowers appear only after the roots have completely occupied the entire space of the pot.



Reproduction of ampelous geranium is possible in two main ways: seeds and cuttings. Experienced flower growers agree that propagation of ampelous pelargonium by seeds makes it possible to obtain more resistant plants, but propagation by cuttings is still more often used. Moreover, you will have an abundance of planting material after each scheduled pruning; such cuttings are quite suitable for propagation. They need to be in the standard way - in water, and after the roots appear, planted in the ground. As you can see, caring for and propagating ampelous geraniums is not particularly difficult. Just a little effort is needed, and your beauty will curl up on the loggia, decorating it to the envy of your neighbors.

Video “Ampelous geranium”

From this video you will learn how to properly propagate ampelous geraniums.