Presentation for the lesson "houseplants in the interior." Presentation "Indoor plants in the interior" Presentation indoor plants in the interior of the apartment


technology teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 1 Korolev M. o.

Monina Anna Alexandrovna

Lesson Objectives

  • Educational - to acquaint students with the role of indoor plants in human life; study the technology, the rules of care various types indoor plants and their placement in the room, depending on the type.
  • Educational - instill a desire for beauty and comfort in the design of the surrounding interior.
  • Educational - develop aesthetic taste, broaden horizons.
  • Career guidance - acquaintance with the profession of a phytodesigner.

The role of indoor plants in the interior.

It is difficult to imagine a house without flowers in our time. Advice from videoecologists: people in the room where they are on duty should definitely start

indoor flowers, because they improve mood, purify and humidify the air, and also destroy harmful microorganisms.

Rules for the care of indoor plants.

Success in landscaping depends on right choice plants that match in their natural properties room conditions.

Conditions of detention.

  • tropical plants (Tradescantia, ferns) - require a lot of heat.
  • Subtropical (geranium, Chinese rose) - require a lot of moisture.
  • shade-tolerant (monstera, begonias) - tolerate low light.
  • Light-loving (aloe, lemon, asparagus) - demanding on light.
  • Fresh air A well ventilated area is helpful for most plants.

care conditions.

  • For further normal growth and development of plants, care is required, which includes: choosing the appropriate soil, watering, cleaning, top dressing, transplanting or transshipment.


Indoor plants are grown in pots, in which the top is wider than the bottom or in wide bowls. This form makes it easy to knock out plants from dishes during transplantation. New pots are well soaked before planting in them, and the old ones are thoroughly washed in hot water and dried over a fire.

soil mixtures.

  • Each plant needs to choose the appropriate soil mix , consisting of sheet (peat and humus) and sod land, sand. Different plants require different types of soil.


  • Its frequency and amount of water depends on the type of plant, the phase of development and the time of year. It is recommended to water with a temperature of 2-3 degrees above the ambient temperature.

watering groups.

  • Abundant watering (begonias, ficuses, ivy, lemon) - water as soon as the topsoil dries.
  • moderate watering (chlorophytum, palm trees, asparagus) - water 1-2 days after the topsoil dries.
  • Rare watering (cacti, aloe, gloxinia, hippeastrum) - can be left without watering for weeks and even months.

Most plants are watered abundantly in summer and moderately in winter.

In the spring - summer period, the plants must be sprayed (but not in the sun).


  • To improve photosynthesis, prevent diseases and damage to plants by pests, regular cleaning, i.e. washing the leaves, helps. Plants with pubescent leaves are cleaned of dust with a soft brush.

Top dressing.

  • Plants need extra food to live. top dressing . It consists of nitrogen, potash and phosphorus fertilizers, which are not enough in the soil. Plants are fed during growth (spring and summer), after watering them with water.


As the plant grows and its root system increases, it is necessary transfer(replacement of the soil without preserving the coma). Pots are chosen 2-3 cm more than the previous ones. Plants are transplanted from late February to May.


For plants that do not tolerate transplanting, apply transshipment, i.e. the plant is transferred to a new, large dish while maintaining a coma. A lump with a plant is placed on a new drainage layer and the empty spaces between the wall of the pot and the lump are filled with soil, the earth is compacted. You can transfer the plant at any time of the year.



The earth should be of medium humidity, and the temperature should not be lower than 25 degrees.

The technology of growing indoor plants.

The division of the bush.

The division of tubers.

The divided parts are planted in pots of appropriate sizes.

The tubers are divided so that each part has an eye.

The technology of growing indoor plants.



Bulbs are separated in the spring after flowering and planted in pots in light soil.

Splicing a scion with a stock. It is used to preserve the varietal characteristics of the propagated plant.

Hydroponics .

  • Growing plants on artificial nutrient media, in which all the necessary nutrients are given in an easily digestible form, in the right ratios and concentrations. Plants with this method of growing are placed in hydropots.

The technology of growing flowers without soil.

  • substrates- inert earth substitutes: gravel, vermiculite, perlite, expanded clay, coarse sand, moss, peat. They are easy to disinfect, do not enter into chemical reactions with mineral salts dissolved in water, and provide good air access to the roots.

The technology of growing flowers without soil.

  • The root neck of plants is fixed with clamps on the lid of the box, which is filled with a nutrient solution so that 1/3 of the roots are in the solution, and 2/3 are in the airy, moist space between the poured solution and the lid of the box.

Aeroponics - non-substrate method of growing plants (air culture).

formed from the ancient Greek phyton - "plant" and English desiqn - "plan, design". Thus, phytodesign is the design and decoration of a person's living space using living plants.

Word phytodesign -

For every style and for every room, there are different types of plants that are designed to regulate humidity, oxygen levels, absorb dust and harmful substances.

Proper selection of plants is the key to success, because well-thought-out phytodesign in any room will benefit all its inhabitants.

Placement of indoor plants in the interior.

  • Before you start working on a composition, you need to determine where it will be located. It is necessary to take into account the plant community of plants and their physiological characteristics. Plants must be properly matched for size, appearance, shape and growth rate, structure, and grouping capability.
  • In addition to the basic placement techniques (single, compositions from potted plants, indoor garden and terrarium), there is a wide variety of combined compositions using potted, forcing and cut flowers.

Solitary plants.

  • Evergreen or blooming - placed on the floor, stand, windowsill. They can be miniature (cyclamen, begonia) or large (ficus, palm).

Composition of potted plants.

  • Placed on shelves, whatnots, stands. Flower pots are placed close to each other to form a large green spot: background - a tall plant with large leaves, foreground - lower.

Room garden.

  • A container with plants planted in the ground or in separate pots and decorated with moss, pebbles. He m. b. both miniature and form a large composition.


  • Flower arrangement inside a glass jar.


  • Field of activity : man is nature and man is an artistic image.
  • Phytodesigner – a specialist in the creation of interior design projects using colors and ornamental plants. A phytodesigner cannot do without knowledge in the field of botany, agronomy, biology, chemistry, because this specialist must know the name of the plant, where it comes from, how to take care of it, how a particular flower gets along with “colleagues”, what fertilizers are needed use in this or that occasion, etc. Plus, you need to understand the trends in floral fashion, know what are the principles of design, what styles of decoration exist, etc.


  • Alphabet of flowers / Comp. I. V. Roshal - St. Petersburg: Crystal; Tertia, 1998.
  • Kapranova N. N. Indoor plants in the interior - M .: Publishing house - in MGU, 1989.
  • Strashnov VG Beauty and comfort for your home. – M.: Mosk. worker, 1990.
  • Semenova A. N. Indoor plants: friends and enemies. - St. Petersburg: Nevsky Prospekt Publishing House, 1998.
  • Dr. D. G. Hession. All about indoor plants. Translation from English. O. I. Romanova. - M .: "Kladez - Buks", 2005.


  • Article "Hydroponic method of growing plants without soil":

  • Article "Profession designer":

  • The article "What is phytodesign and why is it needed":

Lesson objectives: expand knowledge about indoor plants, their role in human life. Learn how to properly place plants in the interior.


This question interests many. Scientists-researchers claim that indoor plants appeared a very long time ago - more than three and a half thousand years ago. Already ancient peoples - the Greeks and Romans - grew ornamental plants with special love.


Many people underestimate the importance of indoor flowers, thinking of them only as a decoration of a house or a means of improving the microclimate of an apartment, and do not even assume that flowers can open a whole world of harmony in front of a person and cleanse a house.

Protect from dust

Increase air humidity


Enrich the air with oxygen

Aesthetic enjoyment

Interior design

Improve and strengthen health

Greenhouse- this is a glazed room for the cultivation and maintenance of southern evergreens, citrus fruits and flowers that do not withstand the climate of the area outdoors.

Varieties of indoor plants

There are four main groups of plants.

Decorative leaves. They are grown for beautiful leaves or stems. At proper care they can grow for a very long time room conditions.

Decorative flowering indoor plants. Plants remain decorative all year round. They are grown not only for their beautiful flowers, but also for their attractive foliage.

Decorative flowering potted plants. These plants are used to create temporary compositions; after flowering, they fade, they are removed and stored until the next flowering period.

Cacti or succulents. Plants with fleshy stems covered with thorns or fluffy hairs can live for a very long time indoors. Many of them bloom under favorable conditions.

The main thing is not to harm

poisonous plants


amaryllis belladonna

Indoor plants in the interior

Four basic techniques for placing indoor plants:

  • Terrarium


JARDINERCA- an artistically designed container for flowers, which looks like a box, basket, whatnot, slide or table, in which a recess is made in place of the table top for planting indoor flowers.


This is a flower arrangement planted inside a plastic or glass vessel, such as an aquarium with a removable lid.

Caring for indoor plants is not as easy as it seems. If there is a desire to engage in breeding indoor plants on their own, then it is worth considering a number of factors.

Compliance with the temperature regime

As you know, a decrease in air temperature slows down the development and growth of plants, in addition, it is necessary to protect home flowers from drafts that can kill them.

Compliance with the light regime

Light-loving plants are placed on the south window, shade-loving - on the east or west, and shade-tolerant - on the north. If your plants do not have enough light, use, for example, fluorescent lamps. Lighting from them is as close as possible to natural light and they almost do not radiate heat.

Water for irrigation

It is best to water the plants only with soft rain, river or pond water.

Chlorinated water from the water supply is defended for at least a day, so that the chlorine has time to evaporate.

The water temperature should not be lower than room temperature. Cacti are recommended to be watered with warmer water. watering plants cold water can cause root rot, bud drop and even plant death.

On the contrary, watering plants with warm water in a cold room is also undesirable, because. this will cause the plant to grow prematurely.

Soil nutrition with microelements

The plant, just like our body

additional food required

various micronutrients. For example,

a lack of calcium in the soil leads to a halt in the growth of roots and stems, young shoots and leaves die; a lack of potassium

prevents the formation of ties.

A plant that lacks potassium is more susceptible to various fungal diseases.

Pests of indoor plants

Despite good care and good location, pests can still appear on our plants. The key to a successful fight is the correct and timely identification of the type of pest.

If any pest of indoor plants is found, you need to:

1. Try to remove the pests mechanically by wiping the leaves and stems with a sponge dipped in soapy water or alcohol.

2. Be sure to remove all damaged buds, flowers, leaves and shoots.

3. Isolate the affected plant immediately.


Indoor plants growing in a limited space of a pot need regular transplanting: the root system grows, the old substrate loses its properties (compacted, clogged with harmful substances).


Actively developing young plants are not transplanted, but transshipped, without disturbing the earthen clod and without disturbing the roots that have sprouted through it. The plant is removed from the cramped pot and transferred as it is to another, slightly larger pot (the diameter of the new pot should be only 2-3 cm larger than the previous one), adding fresh substrate to the bottom and sides of the pot when transplanting; watered.

For a plant very

hygiene is important. To

the plant was

well-groomed, but fallen

leaves or flowers

cause mold and

rotting, it is necessary in time

remove yellowing

leaves and withered flowers.


The leaves of plants accumulate dust, it closes the pores, and it is difficult for the plant to breathe. Large leaves, like ficus, monstera, chlorophytum, dieffenbachia, should sometimes be wiped with a damp cloth or napkin, and plants with small leaves can simply be sprinkled or washed in the shower.



Tatyana Sukhanova
Presentation "Indoor plants"


All the most beautiful things in life are compared to flowers. Each person is worthy of surprise, admiration and special care and attention.

Practical activities to create a green corner of the group will allow children and parents to study nature not only from books, but also from their own observations. This project helps children to show their creative activity, to build interpersonal relationships in small working groups, to experience feelings of emotional satisfaction and self-realization.

Educational areas: communicative, productive and cognitive activity.

Objective of the project: develop an interest in development and growth indoor plants, observation and curiosity, visual-effective thinking.

Project objectives:

1. Introduce children to names indoor plants.

2. Consolidate children's knowledge about indoor plants.

3. Learn to compare plants, find similarities and differences in external signs.

4. Contribute to the formation of ideas about the significance indoor flowers.

5. Contribute to the development of environmental culture education.

6. Develop cognitive interest.

7. Develop practical care skills indoor plants

8. Education of love for the nature of the native land, education of observation and respect for plants.

Age of participants: children 5 - 6 years old.

Project type: short term (1 Week).

The composition of the design team: educator, pupils of the group 5 - 6 years old, parents.

Project organization forms:

1. Survey of children.

2. Compiling an album about bread

3. Children's free activities

4. Plot - role-playing game "Family", "Florist", "Flower shop", "Birthday".

Stages of project implementation:

The first stage of the project is an introductory one.

Drawing up a long-term work plan for the project

Involving parents to help the teacher

cultivation indoor plant at home with children

indoor plants presentation(from the Internet, selection of literature, photographs, illustrations, poems)

stories about indoor plants, riddles

Creation in the group of an appropriate subject-developing environment

Definition of purpose and objectives

Creation necessary conditions for project implementation.

Stage II - the main (practical)

Introduction into the educational process of effective methods and techniques to expand the knowledge of preschoolers about indoor plants

Create a slide folder « Houseplants: harm or benefit?

Exhibition of children's drawings "Flowers"

Joint production of role-playing games for children and parents "Family", "Shop"

Development and accumulation of methodological materials, development of recommendations on the problem.

III stage-final

Exchange of experience in the formation of the foundations of ecological culture in children

Advice and reminders for parents on the topic

project presentation

Location: MBDOU TsRR - d / s Pinocchio.

Working mode: during and outside of class.

Expected results project:

1. Expansion of knowledge on the ecological culture of pupils.

2. Development in children of a sustainable interest in representatives flora - indoor flowers.

3. The development of research activities of preschoolers in the course of joint practical activities with a teacher.

Plan-schedule of project implementation.

Preparatory Survey children: "What do I know about bread"

Basic Drawing "Flowers"

cognitive « Indoor plants are our friends»

Application. Tulip.

Manual labor "Vase" (sandography)

The development of speech. Comparison room, garden and meadow flowers.

Designing flowers from a mosaic

Reading fiction literature:

Evening of riddles. Flowers, plants.

"Snowdrop" V. Vangeli

"Flower-seven-flower" V. Kataev

Didactic games:


"Find the same"

"Guess plant according to description»

"Describe, I will guess"

"What's gone?"

"Find plant by name»

"What first, what next?"

"One is Many"

"Flower shop"

Role-playing games:



"Flower shop"



"What flowers do I know"

Why do you need light plants»

"Why do we need flowers"

« Houseplants»

"What is the difference between violet and ficus".

Problem solving:

“If you do not water the flowers for a long time, the leaves wither, the flowers fall” Memorizing and reading poems about plants.

Reading popular science and fiction on the topic.

Discussing proverbs, sayings, guessing riddles.

Examination of illustrations, postcards with the image indoor plants.

Finger gymnastics

Articulation gymnastics

Breathing exercises

"Let's blow on a flower",

"Let's warm the flower with our breath"

Listening to music works by P. I. Tchaikovsky

"Waltz of the Flowers"


Outdoor games

"Assemble a flower from petals"

"Living flowerbed"

"We are flowers"

"Show me a flower"

"Decorate the carpet with flowers"

Folder-slider « Houseplants: harm or benefit?

Final - exchange of experience on the formation of the foundations of ecological culture in children with teachers

Advice and reminders for parents on the topic

-project presentation

Application No. 1

Examination of illustrations, posters.

Care about indoor plants.

Learning the Parts plants(what does a flower consist of)

Laying out a flower from a mosaic, geometric shapes

Board game "Contour, Silhouette"

Application "Tulip"

Manual labor "Vase" (sandography)

Application №2

morning greeting


The bells rang.


Bells woke up

All bugs, spiders

And happy moths.

Ding, day! Ding, day!

Let's start a new day!


Bells woke up

All bunnies and hedgehogs,

All the lazy bear cubs.

And the sparrow woke up

And the jackdaw started up ...

Ding, day! Ding, day!

Don't sleep through the new day!

Dynamic pauses

The flower says to the flower:

Pick up your paper.

(children raise and lower their hands)

Get out on the path and stamp your foot.

(children walk in place, raising their knees high)

Yes, shake your head in the morning, meet the sun.

(head rotation)

Tilt the stem slightly - here is the charge for the flower.


And now wash yourself with dew, dust yourself off and calm down.

(shaking hands)

Finally all ready

Celebrate the day in all its glory!


Our scarlet flowers open their petals.

(slowly raise your hands up)

The breeze breathes a little, the petals sway.

(swinging hands to the right - to the left)

Our scarlet flowers cover their petals

(sit down, hide)

They shake their heads and fall asleep quietly.

(move head left to right)

Application №3

Synopsis of directly educational activities for cognitive development in middle group on topic: "My green friends"


Expand children's knowledge about indoor plants

Strengthen the ability to recognize acquaintances plants, name their parts

Enrich children's vocabulary

Continue to develop children's interest in flora;

Lead the children to understand that indoor plants are living; organisms requiring specific care;

Cultivate respect and love for nature; desire to take care of plants.

Integration of educational regions: "Knowledge", "Communication", "Socialization", "Work".

Methods and techniques: game; visual; verbal.

Equipment and materials: watering cans, spray bottles, wet wipes, aprons.

ICT tools: presentation, laptop, TV.

preliminary work: looking indoor plants in a corner of nature; learning proverbs and sayings about plants; viewing illustrations on the topic « Houseplants» .

Lesson progress

1. Pinocchio comes to visit the children and makes a riddle

Pinocchio: - Guys, do you know what it's called? plant? Who will tell me?


2. Didactic game "Find plant by name» .

caregiver: - Children, listen to Pinocchio's riddles and try to solve them.

3. Pinocchio makes riddles about indoor plants.

4. Physical education "On the window in pots":

5. Didactic game

Show and name the parts plants»

6. Dialogue between Pinocchio and the teacher

7. Practical exercise for flower care.

8. Educator



caregiver: - Guys, guess riddle:

“There are no arms, no legs, but it moves.

No nose, but breathing.

There is no mouth, but he drinks and eats.

(slide 1)

children's answers

Right! This plant called geranium.

(slide 2)

How is it different from this plants? (Shows chlorophytum).

Guys, what else indoor plants you know? (children's answers).

(slide 3)

The teacher calls indoor plant, and the children must find it in the picture.

(slide 4)

Smart little sisters

Guests are greeted all day

They serve honey.


Not a pillow for needles

And not a hedgehog, and not a tree,

But don't let yourself be offended

Because all in needles.


Purify the air

They create comfort

Green on the windows

Bloom all year round.

(Houseplants) .

On the window in pots

Flowers rose.

Reached for the sun

Smiled at the sun

Leaves to the sun

Flowers turned,

Expanded buds.

Drown in the sun.

The guys sit on their haunches facing in a circle. They get up slowly. They stretch on their toes, raising their hands up. Turn left and right, hands on the belt. Connect the palms above the head. Open palms - buds.

(slide 5)

The teacher shows the parts plants: root, stem, leaves, flower. Then each child independently shows parts plants.

Pinocchio: - I want to be beautiful, like you. As soon as I get home, I will put the flower on the closet so that no one will push it.

caregiver: - Do you know how to take care of plants?

Pinocchio Q: What do you need to take care of them?

caregiver: - Certainly! Guys, let's teach Pinocchio to care for plants. What do we need for this?

(slide 6, 7)

The children tell how to water plants, wipe the dust from the leaves, spray, loosen the ground.

Then take the necessary material: watering cans with water, wet wipes, spray bottles.

Quiet music plays. The kids get to work.

Today we met with indoor plants; learned how geranium differs from chlorophytum; how to take care of flowers.

Guys, today you and I learned a lot of new things. But, unfortunately, I need to go to my fairy tale. Goodbye, guys!


Guys, we have worked hard. Our lesson has come to an end, let's say goodbye to the guests and put our workplaces in order.

The role of indoor plants in human life Human life is connected with nature, with the life of plants. Since ancient times, people have decorated themselves and their homes, shrines with flowers and plants, expressed gratitude for courage and bravery, awarded for services to the fatherland. In Burma and India, the custom of decorating honored guests with flower garlands has survived to this day.

Indoor plants with beauty of forms, coloring with fragrance have a beneficial effect on the human body, improve mood, relieve tension, and extinguish nervousness. Plants are housekeepers. They absorb dust, purify the air of carbon dioxide, contribute to its humidification, and destroy harmful microorganisms.

When placing plants, the decorative and artistic value and originality of plants are taken into account. A climbing plant suspended from the ceiling or on a bracket against the wall will visually increase the height of the composition or enliven a boring wall. Large single plants are placed on the floor. Tall narrow leaves visually raise the ceilings, lower open low ones.

A certain arrangement of plants visually changes the space of the premises, allows you to divide the room into separate zones, organize a relaxation area in the form of a small winter garden. If the plant is selected according to color, the interior takes on an irresistible look.

Glossary of terms Liana - a climbing or climbing plant with an elongated stem, unable to climb up without additional support. Ampelous plant - a plant with lash-like shoots hanging freely from a hanging vessel in which it is planted. A terrarium is a flower arrangement planted inside a plastic or glass vessel. Jardinière - a special flower table, equipped with a tin or zinc box with a sewer. A succulent is a plant that has fleshy, succulent leaves or stems that can store and retain water. Phytodesign is the artistic design of the appearance of interiors using plants.

slide 1


slide 2

SYMBOLS Partial shade Good soil drying Hardy Capricious Normal temperature Regular spraying Light drying of the soil Constantly moist soil Water level in the pan Direct rays Diffused light Shade ENDURANCE AIR HUMIDITY AIR RATIO IRRIGATION

slide 3

UZUMBARA VIOLE A perennial herbaceous plant with a shortened succulent stem bearing a rosette of leaves. Leaves up to 8 cm long, petiolate, heart-shaped at the base, broadly oval or rounded, with a wavy edge, dark green, reddish strongly pubescent below. The flowers are collected in 2-7 flowering inflorescences, on long axillary peduncles. Corolla dark purple with five lobed two-lipped limb (2 lobes shorter than 3 others). Light: bright. The plant is able to tolerate direct sunlight. Temperature: during active growth 18-25°C. Watering: water is poured into the pan every other day in summer, twice a week in winter. Air humidity: does not play a significant role.

slide 4

P E O Reo is a herbaceous rhizomatous plant with a short, fleshy, erect stem, from which leaves are densely planted to each other, linear-lanceolate, dark green, red-violet below, about 30 cm long. Light: intense diffused. In spring and summer, shade from direct sunlight. Temperature: in the spring-summer period - 20-24°C. In the autumn winter period the temperature must be at least 12°C. The plant does not tolerate drafts, especially in winter time. Watering: abundant in the spring and summer, watered moderately in the autumn and winter, when watering, drying out and excessive waterlogging of the substrate should not be allowed. Air humidity: spraying, especially during the heating season.

slide 5

SANSEVIERA (PIKE TAIL) Light: bright diffused light, tolerates both light partial shade and full shade. But for variegated plants, bright intense light is needed, as the variegated color of the leaves is lost in the shade. Temperature: in the spring-summer period it prefers a moderate temperature within 18-25 ° C, in the autumn-winter period the temperature should not fall below 14-16 ° C for a long time, in the event of a prolonged decrease in temperature, the plant becomes ill. Watering: moderate from spring to autumn - the soil should have time to dry out. In winter, watering is limited. When watering, especially in winter, water should not be allowed to enter the center of the outlet - this can cause decay. Air humidity: It is useful to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. Sansevera is a perennial rhizomatous evergreen herbaceous plant with erect succulent lanceolate leaves. It usually blooms in spring, in April - May, with small white flowers collected in racemose inflorescences. At night, they emit a fairly strong aroma of vanilla. All species of this genus are extremely unpretentious and very hardy.

slide 6

FICUS rubbery Light: bright diffused. Temperature: in spring and summer 23-25°C, in winter most species need a temperature of 12-15°C, but they tolerate wintering well in the warmth of a dwelling. Watering: plentiful in the spring-summer period. In autumn, watering is reduced, in winter it is watered moderately. Air humidity: the plant is able to tolerate dry air, but responds well to spraying. Ficus does not like change, so it is better to immediately determine a permanent place for it and, if possible, do not transfer, move or disturb it. In summer, ficus can be taken out to fresh air, a balcony or terrace. For ficus, a bright place with shading from direct sunlight in summer is suitable.

Slide 7

GERANIA (pelargonium) Geranium can be grown on the windowsill, and in the garden or on the balcony. In addition to its beauty, geranium creates a positive aura around itself. It is easy to care for, rarely diseased, requires moderate watering and not too nutritious earth mix, drought tolerant, and has high vitality. They bloom for a long time with large and colorful inflorescences. Light: bright. The plant tolerates direct sunlight. Temperature: in summer - room temperature. In winter, pelargoniums are kept as cool as possible, at a temperature of 8-12 ° C. Watering: moderate, as pelargoniums do not like waterlogging. In winter, the plants are watered very sparingly. Humidity: May be sprayed on hot days.

Slide 8

NEPHROLEPIS Light: diffused, should be shaded from midday rays. Temperature: moderate, spring-summer period, the optimum temperature is about 20 ° C, at temperatures above 24 ° C, there should be high humidity, as it does not tolerate high temperatures. In the autumn-winter period, the optimum temperature is within 14-15°C. Watering: in the spring-summer period, watered abundantly, in winter, moderate watering, the soil should always be slightly moist. Air humidity: high. It is necessary to spray the plant several times a day. Beautiful resistant fern, the most hardy among indoor ferns. Nephrolepis fast growing plant. The most common types of Nephrolepis sublime with straight leaves up to 60 cm long. The fern is unpretentious and suitable for vertical compositions.

Slide 9

PRIMULA Light: Bright light Temperature: In spring and summer 20-26°C, in winter 16-18°C, the plant is able to tolerate temperatures as low as 12°C. Watering: The soil should be constantly moist, but excessive watering or, conversely, drying out the earthy coma, can lead to the death of the plant and adversely affect flowering. Air humidity: Moderate, the air around the plant is sprayed from time to time. It is necessary to avoid getting moisture on the leaves of the plant. A herbaceous flowering houseplant with a short stem and a rosette of round, hairy leaves with wavy edges. It is grown as a 1-2-year-old plant, since in subsequent years it blooms weaker and loses its decorative effect. Inflorescences - umbrellas of bright pink, white, red or purple flowers - rise as a second tier above the leaves. Primrose blooms from early spring to December.

slide 10

BALZAMINE Light: Bright light Temperature: In winter, keep at a temperature of 10-16C. The plant can tolerate higher temperatures with good lighting and high humidity. In summer, it is recommended to take it out into the open air. Watering: Abundant, the soil should be constantly moist, Humidity: Moderate, from time to time the leaves should be sprayed avoiding water on open flowers. Herbaceous plant up to 60 cm tall from the balsam family, native to the tropics of East Africa. It first appeared in Europe in 1596. The people is called the light - for the bright color of the flowers that bloom most of the year. The stems are fragile and juicy, break easily, juice flows out of the fracture. The leaves are fleshy, ovate, with a lack of moisture quickly sag. The flowers in the axils of the leaves are red, purple-pink, with a long curved spur.

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CHLOROPHYTUM Light: Bright diffused light. Grows well near an east or west window. In a place that is too dark, the plant loses its decorative appeal. Temperature: Moderate. In winter, not lower than 18°C. Of course, unpretentious chlorophytum will not die at adverse temperatures, but this will certainly affect its appearance. Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn. The soil must be kept moist at all times. Moderate in winter. Humidity: In summer, it is useful to spray the leaves from time to time and arrange a warm shower. Spraying is mandatory if the plant is kept near the heating homeland - South America. Chlorophytum is one of the most common indoor plants. This is not surprising: it grows quickly, it has beautiful curved leaves, and in spring and summer, small white flowers appear on thin stems, and then tiny rosettes of leaves. They can be separated and rooted. Another reason for the popularity of chlorophytum is its hardiness. Chlorophytum refers to photophilous plants.

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SAxifrage Light: Saxifrage is quite photophilous, although considered by many to be a shade-tolerant plant, it is still necessary to choose a bright place for it, in summer with protection from direct sunlight. Temperature: Cool in summer, preferably no higher than 20°C. In winter, they are kept in a cool place, at a temperature of about 10-12 ° C. Winter minimum 6°С. Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn - the soil should be moist all the time, in winter watering is moderate or limited depending on the temperature of the content. Humidity: Saxifrage leaves should be sprayed periodically, both for hygienic purposes and for moisturizing. If the room is warm in winter, then spray daily. This is a herbaceous plant, with leaves collected in a basal rosette. The leaves are rounded, about 5-7 cm in diameter, with a serrated edge, pubescent on both sides. The color of the leaves is dark green, with light stripes along the veins, the underside of the leaf is lighter interspersed with reddish dots. The saxifrage forms long mustache lashes, at the end of which child rosettes are formed. Forms an inflorescence panicle of small inconspicuous white-pink flowers.

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COLEUS A plant from the mint family native to tropical Africa and Asia. It is a bushy plant up to 35 cm tall with quadrangular juicy, almost transparent stems and velvety leaves with rich coloration and serrated edges. In most forms, the leaves are similar to nettles. The main attraction of the plant is the leaves, variegated, with a varied combination of red, yellow, green, brown, spots and stripes. Coleus blooms, throwing up a panicle with small nondescript flowers. Light: Bright light Temperature: The optimum temperature in summer is 18°C, in winter - not lower than 12°C, as in cooler rooms the plant may shed its leaves. In the summer they take it out into the fresh air. Watering: It is necessary to water with soft water, spray in summer. In winter, the soil should be only slightly moist. Humidity: Moderate

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SPATIPHILIUM Light: In summer, shade from direct sunlight, i.e. bright place, light partial shade. Good lighting is a must in winter. Temperature: It develops well only in warmth, not below 18°C, the optimum temperature is 22-23°C. Does not tolerate drafts. Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn, more moderate in winter, but the soil should never dry out completely. Spathiphyllum does not tolerate stagnant water in the roots. Air humidity: Likes very humid air, regular spraying and washing of leaves is required. Before spraying, you need to cover the flowers and buds. Homeland South America, East Asia, Polynesia. If you choose a suitable place for this herbaceous plant, then it can bloom almost all year round. In addition, spathiphyllum begins to bloom at a fairly early age - after 6-7 months. The flowers last quite a long time - more than a month. Therefore, spathiphyllum flowers are also used for cutting for bouquets. Large specimens are grown in tubs.