Closing and locking the hatch: a necessary condition for the safe operation of the washing machine. What to do if interior doors do not close well We repair a door that does not close

Private Vacation home- this is not only an opportunity to take a break from the bustle of the city and enjoy the beauty of nature, but also the constant need to maintain a residential building in good technical condition. Especially if the cottage plays the role of an exclusively summer residence and is empty in winter. In this case, there is a possibility that individual structural elements of the house will become unusable, and jamming front door- one of the most unpleasant incidents of its kind. How to cope with this scourge and prevent a similar problem in the future?

A door may stop opening and closing for several reasons. First of all, the problem may be related to the material from which it is made - a tree, as you know, has the ability to absorb moisture, while increasing in size. The same can happen with the wooden structural elements of the house - for example, in log buildings, swollen beams may well squeeze the door frame up to the complete impossibility of opening the door.

The iron structure is devoid of such shortcomings, and the inability to get into the house in this case will most likely be due to a malfunction of the lock. Problems with opening can occur if the mechanism is rusted, small particles get into it, as well as the door frame as a whole is skewed. Finally, the inability to turn the key to the end may be due to the banal lack of lubrication.

How to open a jammed door

The correct sequence of actions to correct the situation that has arisen depends on the material of the door leaf, as well as on the presence of a malfunction of the locking mechanism. In other words, before taking any action, you need to make sure that the jamming is really caused by a misalignment of the door and / or door frame, and also check the operation of the lock.

Wooden door frame

Problems with opening can arise either due to distortion of the entire structure, or due to its excessive swelling from high humidity. In the first case, it is best to start repair work by inspecting the hinges - if they are loose, you need to tighten them to the desired position. If there is no proper result, the door will have to be removed. To do this, you can pry it from below with a crowbar, lifting it so that the canvas is removed from the awnings. If the cause of jamming is loose hinge screws, the holes for them should be strengthened - wooden wedges greased with PVA glue are suitable for this, thanks to which the newly screwed screws should hold much better. If such a measure does not have the desired effect, it is better to rearrange the loops higher or lower than their original positions.

In the case of a door that has increased in size due to humidity, the only more or less operational option is to use a heat fan in moderate mode for 2-3 days to dry the entire structure. If this is not possible, you should try to lift it with a crowbar or crowbar. In any case, with the onset of consistently warm weather, excess moisture will disappear, and the need for additional manipulations may completely disappear.

Iron door

Warping of a steel door usually occurs due to its too much weight. Also, the cause of jamming can be wear and tear on the canopies. In both cases, the problem can be solved by replacing used parts with new ones that completely match the location of the holes. But when the door frame is skewed due to shrinkage of the house, the most effective measure will be to replace the entire structure as a whole. However, wedges driven under the base of the door frame can also help return the door to its original position.


First of all, you need to make sure that the malfunction of the locking mechanism is not caused by distortion - in this case, you should first try to align the door. If the problem is in the lock, then for a start it is worth lubricating its moving parts. To do this, you can use machine oil, kerosene or other available lubricant, delivering it inside the mechanism using a conventional syringe with a needle and a thin long brush.

If the door does open, just in case, you should remove and disassemble the lock to make sure it is in good condition and, if necessary, clean it.

Preventing door opening problems

As you know, trouble is easier to prevent than to deal with its consequences, therefore it is best to install the entire input structure in advance in such a way that in the future the risk of jamming is minimal. So, the norm for wooden doors is the presence of at least a 3 mm gap between the leaf and the frame. In addition, the door itself should be purchased from responsible manufacturers who use only well-dried wood as raw materials, which are not characterized by significant fluctuations in size. Before installation, it is recommended to cover the surface on all sides with two or three layers of yacht varnish - this way it will be possible to significantly reduce annual changes in door dimensions due to excess moisture.

With metal doors, problems often arise due to their excessive massiveness. The awnings can barely cope with the weight of the structure, and over time, a warped door may simply stop closing. Usually such a problem is solved by a complete replacement of the entire door unit, therefore, even at the installation stage, it is necessary to take into account the weight and resistance of the canopies to loads.

What to do if the door does not close

Let’s assume that you managed to open the warped door, but you can’t close it back due to the impossibility of turning the key in the lock, but you already have to go. In this case, you can try to sand the wooden one with a special machine (if you have one) or carefully remove the edge with an electric planer, if the cause of the jamming is not excessive swelling of the panel, but wear and tear on the elements of the door block - drive a wedge into the place of the distortion and use it to try to return it to its original position .

If you can’t close the iron door, repairs in the “field” conditions are unlikely to lead to a positive result, so all that remains to be done is to quickly call specialists to solve the problem. It’s good if behind a massive steel door there is a less durable one, but still equipped with a lock, - this way the house will remain under some kind of protection from uninvited guests until the professionals arrive.


Opening a jammed door is usually no more difficult than closing it again, so it is extremely important that the door unit is installed taking into account its mechanical strength and durability individual elements, as well as possible shrinkage of the house. In addition, wooden structures require additional protection against swelling due to excess moisture in the form of impregnation with special compounds and varnishing.

A large number of older cars (and even the latest series of new ones) have complex problems when car doors won't close, and can only be closed with a loud pop. And if you do not make significant physical efforts, then it will not close at all. And neither elastic seals nor sagging doors have anything to do with it. And most often the fault is the lack of adjustment of the locks. In order for the doors on the car to close with a slight movement, it is not necessary to have the ability of a magician or a magician. Or even the dexterity of a car mechanic. Just read the instructions.

Car door problems

Before equipping with wrenches and screwdrivers, try to lubricate the mechanisms of both parts of the lock with high-quality grease (the first is fixed on the rack, that is, on the machine body, the second has a rigid mount in the door itself). If the machine is old and the locks have already been repeatedly filled with grease, then it is advisable to remove the layer of old grease and apply a new one to the lock mechanisms. If the lubrication did not work, then the matter is definitely in the adjustment. It may even happen that by lubricating the elements of the lock and clicking them lightly, you will immediately get a good result.

Lubrication of the door lock

But if there is no improvement, then we must try to change tactics. To begin with, understand and look for the root cause of the weak closing of the door.

  • It is possible that the section fixed on the case is far from the part of the lock soldered in the door, that is, it almost does not reach it. In these cases, the driver and passengers need to work hard to close the door;
  • Part of the lock on the machine body can be displaced relative to the second lock part. This is more often seen in older cars that have been in various road scrapes;
  • The lock is just wrong. If there is mechanical damage to the parts of the lock or seal, then most often this happens when it comes to one door. And if two or more doors begin to close tightly, then this is adjustment and lack of lubrication.

Recognizing the root cause is not difficult at all. It is necessary to slowly close the door, and at the same time observe through the crack how the lock mechanisms work. When the loop barely reaches the lock, or is displaced in relation to it, this can be immediately determined. Such faults can almost always be recognized only by visual inspection. In the event that visible worn areas, chips are observed, this is a clear alarm signal.

Troubleshooting with a lock

After finding out the root cause, you can begin to repair.

  • When removing both sections from each other, you need to slowly ease the fastening of the sections on the body with a screwdriver or place a washer under its base. This will reduce the gap between the hinge and the lock, which will then work as expected;
  • If the reason is the displacement of the first section to the side, then it is necessary to adjust the position of the loop, trying on and correcting;
  • A damaged lock must be replaced;
  • You need to know that the bolts securing the hinge are quite difficult to unscrew. Therefore, you need to use an impact screwdriver;
  • After adjustment and adjustment, do not rush to remove the tools. Use some oil to lubricate all parts of the lock and hinges. This will greatly improve the additional adjustment. After you manage to set up the first door, the rest will take much less time;
  • If no efforts have led to success, and the car doors do not close, then contact the service station specialists.


The cold seasons bring with them many problems for vehicle owners. There are frequent cases when, due to frost, the car turns into a locked bastion. At the same time, opening or closing the door can be extremely difficult. Even if you somehow managed to unlock it, after that it may not lock. Driving with it open is unwise and unsafe. In order to have knowledge of what actions to take when the door does not close in the car, you need to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe simplest device of this mechanism.

locking device

The general structure of the lock is represented by a rotary type latch and a locking mechanism. These are details that allow them to be seen from the outside. There are several rods in the door, it is possible to have a servo drive for driving the rods and a relay of the lock itself.

In post-Soviet cars there is no electronics, the whole device has a mechanical mode of action. Along the inner contour of the door and along the opening of the body, those responsible for its snug fit are installed. There is a locking part on the door latch mounting line on the body. When trying to lock the car, the door closing element engages with the body lock. Such details cause trouble in the winter cold. They may not lock or vice versa.

Why won't my car door close in winter?

The main problem is the freezing of the lock mechanism, which does not work when trying to close. Hardened sealant can also interfere with normal locking. You should not turn all the troubles on the impact of low temperatures. There is an option when the latch teeth are triggered, or the engagement point on the body is developed. In this case, you can slam the door until the morning, but there will be no effect.

There is a high probability of freezing of the castle itself. Then the door in the car from the key fob does not close. The freezing of the mechanism occurs due to the presence of condensate inside, formed after an unscrupulous washing or the temperature difference in the cabin and on the street. The salon is poorly ventilated, has fallen into disrepair. The consequences of such manifestations will be condensation of moisture. At a minus, water droplets will grab and give car owners a headache. Trouble with opening the vehicle can occur with incorrect adjustments. The condition of door hinges that lack lubricant should be checked. There is a possibility of loosening of the latch fasteners - this will make it difficult to close the machine. When the door is not closed in the car with a key, it is required Special attention give to the state of the core of the castle. The problem lies in the presence of some backlash between the larva and the body. When moisture enters this gap, under the influence of frost, icing occurs, and locking the door becomes a troublesome task. Another problem that complicates the closure is the wear of the locking spring.

You should carefully inspect the door at the time of closing, there is a possibility of spontaneous displacement of the locking bracket. For normal operation, you will need to make an adjustment by moving the stopper to the desired value.

The door in the VAZ car does not close

The essence of the problems for owners of domestically produced cars lies in the presence of a number of shortcomings in the design of the locking device, the principle of operation of the rods and the locking device. At any time of the year, you can see how the owners of such vehicles make considerable efforts to close the door. The most rational solution is to tune in to replace the locking mechanism with a more modernized lock with a slightly different principle of operation. Larvae are a disease of early models of domestic cars. Some can be completely lost when driving on poor-quality road surfaces. To fix this problem, you need to insert. This will prevent the entry of unwanted particles and moisture.

Is it possible to defrost the castle with water in winter

The first thought that comes to mind when the door freezes and does not close is to go to heat a kettle of water and warm up the locking device. Such a process will bring an effect, but the consequences will make you think. The trouble is that the poured water will remain inside the mechanisms and will certainly freeze back. It will just create new troubles. It's a good idea to move into a warm room, wait for it to melt, and blow out all the elements with warm compressed air. Due to the constant presence of water, corrosion processes can develop.

How to prepare castles for the cold

Before the arrival of cold weather, maintenance of the locking parts should be carried out.

You will need to purchase a thick grease like grease, and lubricate the elements of the closing mechanism. Such a lubricant does not freeze and will minimize wear and wear of parts. There is a need to check the condition of all seals. If defects are found, replacement will be required. Rubber sealing tapes are quite expensive, so it makes sense to provide good care.

How to extend the life of seals

The door in the car does not close in the cold - the cause of this trouble often lies in the state of the sealing rubber. According to numerous advice from motorists, it is necessary to apply a special treatment with such material that will allow you to maintain the desired properties of the seals without feeling discomfort when closing the vehicle doors even in severe frosts. This will help to extend the service life and not spend extra money on purchasing new parts.

Is there a gentle way to defrost the lock

The modern market is full of offers of various antifreeze agents, both domestic and foreign. Various lubricants and special sprays are available. When the machine does not close, then with the help of these means it is possible to cope with icing and freezing of parts of the locking system. Treatment is carried out by spraying. It will take a little time, then everything will be all right. This procedure will protect you from similar troubles in the future. The cost of such solutions ranges from 200-400 rubles.

What additional ways to warm doors

If the door does not close in the car, and the lock has succumbed to low temperatures, then, in the absence of other means, it is possible to warm the mechanism with warm air. It is necessary to arm yourself with an ordinary hair dryer and blow hot air into problem areas. But such a procedure should not be expected to have a long-term effect. Subsequently, processing will be required for the purpose of permanent protection from the cold. When the door lock in the car does not close, there is a way to heat the key with a lighter or by burning combustible materials. A method of using pure alcohol for defrosting is possible. The effectiveness of such actions is present. But one should not expect a guaranteed result from such manipulations. This method is intended for extreme measures. It is worth having some funds in reserve. You can also close the doors, drive, start the engine and warm it up thoroughly. After these steps, it is necessary to turn on the stove to the maximum with all the airflows, and wait until the locking system warms up and starts to function.

It will help in a critical situation, which is part of the antifreeze, but this can adversely affect the condition and further operation of the lock parts. There is a way to use kerosene, which is usually used to facilitate turning threaded connections. This also helps a lot in defrosting locks, but it harms the locking elements by washing away the lubricant. When inspecting the seal, remove particles of debris and ice from the cracks and wipe dry. When the door handle along with the keyhole has iced up, there is an option to use a special plastic scraper that allows you to remove ice in hard-to-reach places. If you act rashly, you can easily break the lock cylinder, and this will entail extra costs.

How to avoid trouble in cold weather

All such problems occur due to the long stay of the car in the open. The best way out is to park the vehicle for a long time in the garage, then you won’t have to think why the door in the car doesn’t close. When traveling to work, you should place your car in heated parking lots. Otherwise, you will have to resort to the help of chemical means of protection.

Operation of the central lock in winter

Installing an alarm and the presence of a remote control for closing the car at the touch of a button adds convenience. No need to waste time locking with keys. But with the advent of sub-zero temperatures, problem situations can also arise, but there will be no cases when the keys are in the car, the doors are closed. The central locking system depends on the power source, and if it is negative, the battery may lose its charge. In winter, a case may arise when, when trying to lock the vehicle, the desired action will not occur. The reason may be the failure of the electric drives. Then you will need to resort to the key or press the mechanical latch and close the doors, after thinking about the subsequent opening. IN winter time it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the battery, the functioning of the central locking system depends on it. Now it is clear what to do when the door in the car does not close.

Composition against freezing agents

The main constituents of such solutions are silicone and various types of alcohol.

In other cases, other chemical components are used that have cold-resistant properties. The silicone base also has an anti-corrosion effect. Also, some drivers advise the use of special automotive cosmetics that contribute to the rapid thawing of doors.

How car washing affects locks in winter

When visiting washing stations, it is desirable to have confidence in the quality of drying. During washing, water can get into keyholes and other easily accessible openings. After washing, it is important that the machine is dried, otherwise the remaining water will turn into ice.

In this case, a situation will arise when the door does not close in the car. You should wash your car at stations that have positive reviews and recommendations from car owners.

Are there service stations that defrost doors?

In particularly difficult situations, you can always resort to the help of professionals who do everything as soon as possible and without any difficulties. There are many workshops dealing with the problems of non-closing doors on vehicles. Specialists have extensive experience in solving these problems and have a set of necessary tools to help provide qualified assistance. It is possible to provide services with departure to the parking lot. The trouble is the need to spend money when ordering services.

So, we found out why the door in the car does not close, what to do in this situation and how to solve the problem.

Interior doors are installed in every home, but not everyone understands the need for regular maintenance. As a result, we notice a problem when it already requires an immediate solution. But its appearance can be prevented if you follow the design and properly care for it.

Attention! There are many different problems that relate to interior doors. It swells with excess moisture, there are problems with closing the structure. Most problems can be fixed with your own hands. Initially, you will have to find the root cause, and only then proceed to get rid of it.

What problems can affect an interior door?

If you neglect to care for your models, defects will eventually occur. Often structures fall down and touch the floor with their surface, leaving scratches on it. An unpleasant squeaking noise appears when opening and closing. Also, sometimes the models are loosely hinged; during operation, force is required due to rubbing in the door frame. Cracks appear on the surface of the canvas, the door frame loosens or loses attractiveness decorative trim. Of course, these are not all possible problems that lead to the fact that the door closes poorly.

Specific problems depend on the room in which the door is located. In other words, the model closes poorly for various reasons. If it is a bathroom or a bathroom, there is a high probability that the structures are swollen. That's why they stopped closing. It is difficult to solve such a problem, therefore, if possible, it is better to replace the design.

The door does not close and touches the floor: what to do?

Sometimes interior doors stop closing due to the fact that they cling to the floor. To solve a problem, it is important to find the cause. One of the reasons why the structure touches the floor with its surface during operation may be a problem with the hinges.

In this case, you will have to adjust or re-hang the loops, or in the worst case, replace them. First of all, inspect the screws that secure the hinges to the canvas, if they are loose, tighten them. If the screws turn and cannot be tightened, the following options are possible:

  1. Replace screws with larger fasteners.
  2. Insert a piece of wood that is suitable in diameter into the hole for the screws.
  3. Change the location of the hinges by moving them slightly up or down.

A metal washer is a good helper in this matter. You will need to complete the following steps. This will lift the door and get rid of scratches and other problems that prevent opening. A metal washer or wire ring is put on the hinge pin. A hand-made element will save you from problems.

Doors stopped closing: looking for reasons

Sometimes the cause of problems with closing the door is a violation of the geometric parameters of the door leaf. Moreover, often to identify this defect, it is not even necessary to take measurements, everything is visible “with the naked eye”. The reason is exposure to moisture or, conversely, too hot and dry air.

Also, if the door is used for a long period of time, too much old paint or varnish will form on it. With the door tightly closed, evaluate the available gaps. If their dimensions are too small or they are completely absent, remove the door from the hinges and use a planer to remove the excess on the strapping. It is not difficult to do this, and the operation of the door leaf will again be easy and affordable.

If the interior door does not close, the question arises of what to do. However, if the reason lies in excessive varnish or paint, this can be considered good luck. Of course, you will have to work hard to return the door structure to its former performance characteristics, however, as a result, you will also change the appearance of the door for the better.

There are many different door decoration techniques. Initially, it will have to be removed from its hinges. After this, they get rid of the old layers of decor. It's easy to do. Next, you should carefully examine your own interior, decide on the color scheme and its style. The next step is to select your preferred processing method. You can choose from the following options:

  1. Easy painting in your chosen color.
  2. Coating the door with varnish, especially if it is a wooden surface.
  3. Using decoupage technology. It is important to take a comprehensive approach to choosing a pattern so that it complements the design of the room.
  4. Glass mosaic on the door leaf.
  5. Acrylic painting on the door leaf.
  6. The use of fabric as the main means of decoration.
  7. Application of the patchwork technique.

Removing the old layer of paint or varnish will solve the problem that the interior door does not close. The subsequent independent decor in the chosen technique will add a luxurious door leaf appearance, and the interior design sophistication.

What else could be the reason?

If the door manufacturing technology is violated and insufficiently dried wood is used, the door leaf dries out over time and changes its geometry. Which in turn leads to the appearance of large gaps between the door frame and the door, the tongue of the lock or latch that does not fall into its hole, and a number of other problems.

In this case, they resort to the following method to solve the problem - rearrange the hinges so as to raise the door as much as possible. A wooden plank is attached to the bottom of the door, according to the dimensions taken, which, if necessary, is processed with a planer. Existing side gaps are eliminated in the same way. The bar is attached from the side of the loops. Proceed to finishing, putty and clean the existing gaps, paint or varnish. You can choose some other methods of decorating the door surface. It is important that the resulting door harmoniously fit into the overall design and becomes its integral part.

In some cases, cracks appear on the door leaf. Oddly enough, but they can also lead to problems with closing the door leaf. This is explained by the downward displacement of the structure and the impossibility of complete closing. Sealing cracks requires a lot of labor and increased accuracy, but the result will more than pay for all the efforts.

The algorithm is generally simple. The door is removed from the hinges and placed on a flat surface. The old coating is removed from the surface of the door leaf. To do this, use sandpaper or special chemicals. By using sandpaper different grit, producing polishing the surface of the door leaf. Not big cracks and scratches are puttied.

A good result is the use of a mixture of epoxy glue and sawdust as a putty. After drying, the surface is polished again. Through cracks and crevices big size close up with wooden inserts matched to the size. They are attached with glue. Identified irregularities are puttied and polished. This is repeated until the desired result is achieved. After that, a layer of primer is applied to the surface of the door leaf. The door is painted or a layer of varnish is applied to it.

Remember that if none of these methods helped to cope with the violation of the closing of the interior door, the problem can be much more serious. In this case there are two possible options solutions. The first involves the call of experienced professionals. They will inspect the door leaf and determine the cause of the problem. After that, they will solve this problem, relieving you of discomfort. However, this method is associated with significant costs, which is not always convenient.

Alternatively, you can simply replace the interior door. In this case, you will have to spend money, but the new door leaf will serve for an extremely long time, and there will be no problems with closing it for a long time. The installation should be trusted experienced craftsmen to exclude possible defects in the canvas due to self-assembly.

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Difficulty closing the door washing machine quite often disturb the hostesses. It is often quite easy to eliminate them. In the first case, it does not close. In the second, it slams shut, but does not electronically lock. Consider the main types of reasons that make it impossible to close the hatch, and also figure out what to do if the door does not block or the lock in the washing machine does not close.

The washing machine door does not close, usually due to defects caused by mechanical action. At the same time, the door lock does not emit a characteristic click.

Blocking difficulties caused by malfunctions electronic component unit. In this case, the lock slams shut, as it should, until it clicks. However, there is no repeated click confirming the blocking by the electronics. As a rule, in this case, the device displays information with an error code on the display.

External damage

The lock may not close due to normal wear and tear or neglect. For example, sometimes wet things are hung on the door, which, by their weight, can damage the mechanism. Damage can also occur if the unit is closed with excessive force.

The device may not close for several reasons:

  1. As a result long-term use the washing machine door was skewed.
  2. The tongue in the lock mechanism, designed for fixing, was displaced.
  3. The plastic element or rubber gasket has worn out.

It is not difficult to identify a malfunction of this type. To check, you can make a test closing in normal mode, without loading laundry. If the door does not close under such conditions, then the lock has broken or the mount is skewed. Sometimes this can be due to improper installation and then in an uneven position, the hatch can warp under the influence of weight and vibrations. How to install the washing machine correctly - read.

You can debug the operation of the machine on your own. Carefully inspect the device and the locking mechanism. Check:

  • Are there any objects blocking the closure? Sometimes things can completely or partially fall under the hatch and jam the system.
  • The condition of the locking hook: whether it falls into the groove.
  • Is the fixing tongue normal?
  • Signs of detached plastic or rubber gasket.

Usually warping occurs as a result of prolonged use. This can be easily determined by checking how stable it holds. If the guide has undergone significant wear, then the hook will not be firmly fixed in the groove.

Internal problems

If there are no difficulties with closing the lock, but the door in the washing machine in use is not electronically blocked, and the washing program does not start, then the problem lies within the device itself:

  1. out of order sunroof locking device(UBL). The unit must always be electronically locked out as a precautionary measure to protect users and the room in which the unit is operated. Thus, flood protection occurs. The UBL is responsible for these actions, in which there are bimetallic plates. Over time, they deform and wear as a result of impact. electric current. In this case, blocking will not occur. The element needs to be replaced.
  1. A small one got into the hole in the UBL foreign object. It can be garbage, pile or thread. For diagnosis, an inspection of the UBL, analysis and removal of foreign elements should be carried out.
  1. Could break. This means that the UBL does not receive the correct signal from the control module to block the hatch, so the washing machine door does not close. Basically, this reason is due to the burning of contacts or a general program failure, for example, associated with voltage drops. It is necessary to diagnose the control module. Depending on the results obtained and the nature of the damage, reprogramming, repair or replacement of the door lock control module in the faulty washing machine is required.

Basically, UBL problems are fixed by replacing it.

Diagnosis and treatment

Can I do it myself if there is a problem with the lock? In some cases, it is possible to cope with this task on your own. First of all, it depends on the nature of the malfunction and your training. If the breakdown consists only in mechanical damage or jamming of the lock with a small foreign object, then if desired and with a screwdriver, you can easily resolve it. So it is possible . However, electronic damage associated with UBL is best not to try to fix it yourself.

Repair of the control board requires qualification, experience and skill.

Unsuccessful attempts to get a blowtorch into the electronic control board will make it impossible to repair, and then the element will need to be replaced. And this will result in a significant amount for repairs.


If the lock does not close or the door of your washing machine does not block, then the first thing to do is to make an external inspection. Quite often there are problems mechanical character. To avoid such problems, you should carefully treat the equipment and its mechanisms. The second type of malfunction is associated with the electronic module that programs the sunroof lock. Typically, the device warns of such an error using a special code. Such a breakdown is much more serious and more costly.

There is also a reverse situation: . Here, too, mechanical damage can act as provoking factors. however, more often than not, it is an electronic failure. If the electronic module is broken, then it is better not to try to fix the breakdown on your own, as you can only aggravate the situation. You should definitely contact the experts.