What is the best cold water meter. Which water meters to choose: which water meter is better to choose based on the assessment of technical and operational characteristics. Additional classification differences

The law requiring the installation of metering devices in each apartment has come into force. Based on its provisions, it becomes very unprofitable to pay according to the standards. Therefore, many people want to know how to choose a water meter. Properly selected device will help to significantly reduce the cost of utility bills. Now you don’t have to shell out decent amounts for the time you are away from the apartment, accidents, summer “preventions” and repairs. Payment "in fact" is much less than according to the standard. It remains only to choose the right counter.

Before rushing to the store for a purchase, you should understand the classification. There are several of them. Devices are divided into devices for cold and for hot. Their principle of operation is absolutely the same, the difference is in the materials from which the elements of the system are made.

Hot and cold water meters available

The device of the first type is designed to work with cold water whose temperature does not exceed 40C. Hot water meters withstand temperatures up to 150C. There are universal devices used to measure the flow of both hot and cold water.

Vane meters can be equipped with special anti-magnetic protection

Another classification, according to the type of power supply, divides all meters into non-volatile and volatile models. The first group does not need additional power sources. The second ones work only from the mains and stop when the power supply is turned off.

When choosing which water meter is better to install, you should know that, according to the principle of operation, all devices are divided into four groups:

  • Vortex. The frequency of vortices occurring on a body of a special shape placed in a water stream is recorded. The obtained data characterize the flow rate.
  • Electromagnetic. In proportion to the speed of the liquid passing through the meter at a certain speed, which the device fixes, a magnetic field is induced.
  • Tachometric. They are a mechanical counting device associated with an impeller placed in a stream or a specially shaped impeller rotating in a liquid.
  • Ultrasonic. Analyze the acoustic effect that occurs when ultrasonic vibrations pass through a moving stream of water.

It also produces devices for industrial and domestic purposes. The former are used for businesses, and the latter for housing. From the whole variety of meters for apartments, only two types of devices are usually chosen: tachometric or electromagnetic.

Tachometric counters

The most popular design for residential premises. Differs in the compact sizes, reliability, democratic cost and rather high accuracy of measurements. The device will last at least 12 years, however, with the necessary periodic verification. The basis of the design, a small impeller or impeller, determines the type of device. The so-called vane devices can be:

  • Single jet. The principle of operation of this meter is based on counting the number of revolutions of the impeller, which is rotated by a single stream of water in the pipe. By means of magnetic couplings it is transferred to the indicator on the case. The counting mechanism itself is isolated from water, so the measurements remain accurate for a long time. The main advantages of the system include the ability to install a pulse output module, which allows you to read its readings remotely. In addition, the design features of the device make it possible to install anti-magnetic protection of the meter.
  • Multi-jet. The main difference is in the division of the measured water flow into several jets directly in front of the impeller blades. Due to this, the measurement error is reduced, and the calculation of water by the meter becomes more accurate. The advantages of the system include ease of dismantling and installation required for verification, since only the upper part of the device is removed. Possibility to install a pulse output module.

Turbine systems are distinguished by the design of the rotating part, which is a small impeller. Another nuance: vane meters are installed only on pipes with a maximum diameter of 40 mm inclusive, turbine meters - from 50 to 200 mm. When choosing a device, this must be taken into account. There is a special kind of meters - combined devices that combine a vane and a turbine device. They are used in water pipes with severe pressure drops.

Multi-jet devices give more accurate readings than single-jet devices. Turbine meters (the last 2 on the right) are installed on pipes with a diameter of 50 mm or more

Tachometric counters are available in dry or wet types. The difference lies in the location of the counting mechanism. In the “wet” versions, it is located in water, therefore it is exposed to contaminants dissolved in it, which distort the final readings and quickly disable the mechanism. To protect the device, it is recommended to install a filter in front of it. In "dry" devices, the counting device is separated from the water by a special non-magnetic partition. Thus, it is not affected by pollution, it works longer. However, the cost of such devices is higher.

The problem of how to count water from a meter for devices of this type is solved very simply. The counting mechanism converts the number of revolutions of the impeller into the number of cubic meters or liters of liquid spent. The devices are non-volatile, compact and quite simple. Disadvantages usually include sensitivity to a magnetic field, which distorts the readings of the device, as well as gradual wear and contamination of the blades, which also affect the reliability of the read data.

Electromagnetic devices

No less popular than tachometric devices. Their main advantage is the high accuracy of readings based on the determination of the speed and the average area of ​​the water flow. They are completely independent of the temperature, density or viscosity of the liquid. Therefore, many of those who are thinking about how to save water on a meter make a choice in favor of this particular device, hoping not to pay extra money for inaccurate readings of an imperfect device. This is justified, but it should be borne in mind that the chemical and physical properties of the water passed through the meter still affect its accuracy.

For example, sediment in the water can lead to data distortion after a year of system operation. Another caveat: electromagnetic meters cannot work in very clean water. In addition, they are dependent on the power supply and simply turn off in the event of a power outage.

The most accurate readings can be obtained from an electromagnetic water meter

The owner of the apartment needs to choose which water meters it is better to install. Only he himself can determine the type of a suitable device, taking into account all the shortcomings and advantages of the proposed options. You can check the correctness of your decision in the course of consultation with a specialist from the management company, who knows exactly what types of devices can be installed in this particular house.

Installing water metering devices in an apartment or house is a matter of saving both the water itself and optimizing family expenses for utility bills. But before choosing water meters, it is necessary to find out how they can be installed on an existing or just installed water supply system.

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It will be necessary to take into account the correspondence of the diameters of the pipe and meters, their compatibility by type, as well as their throughput. It may be useful to visit a house management company in order to find out what requirements for these metering devices may be presented, as well as which types they recommend, so that later there are no questions and difficulties with their installation, maintenance, verification, etc.

Water meters - what are they

All water meters, regardless of their design features and principle of operation, can be divided into those designed to account for water consumption:

  • cold, calculated up to a temperature of 40 ° C;
  • hot, work up to 90 °C, and some devices up to 150 °C.

Also, before proceeding with the choice, you should find out that the counters are:

  • non-volatile;
  • volatile,

the second, when the power supply is cut off, they simply stop working.

And of course, you should decide on the principle of operation of the water meter. To do this, the following types of water meters are on the market:

  • tachometric;
  • electromagnetic;
  • ultrasonic;
  • vortex.

As a household appliance, the most common are tachometric with a mechanical principle of operation, less often - electromagnetic. Vortex and ultrasonic are mainly designed for water metering at industrial facilities.

Tachometric counters

This type of meters are the most common in city apartments and many country houses. Their main advantages: small size, rather simple and convenient installation, low cost of the device itself. It can serve up to 10-15 years, but due to the low price comparable to the cost of verification, many apartment owners prefer to replace them with new products during scheduled verification activities.

Sometimes this type of meters is called vane devices because of their design features, which are based on an impeller or turbine. But this type also has its subspecies: they can be single-jet or multi-jet, depending on the method used to calculate the amount of passing water. Therefore, which water meter to choose is a rather difficult and responsible question, since an error in the exact selection of the right device instead of saving can result in additional costs. In addition, it should be noted that impellers can be installed on pipes with a diameter of up to 40 mm, and turbine ones - from 50 to 200 mm. And for pipes with variable pressure, combined devices are recommended, consisting of both an impeller and a turbine.

Device diagram

Single jet meters

In this device, the amount of water is counted due to the rotation of the impeller or turbine, which rotates the total flow of water in the pipe, and then, through a magnetic coupling, it is transferred to the housing indicator. The mechanism itself, designed to count water directly from it, is isolated, the so-called "dry method", which allows you to get fairly accurate data. Often these devices are equipped with special protection against magnetic influence, and in addition, they can be installed with the ability to output data from the pulse module to a remote device, which facilitates (as evidenced by positive consumer reviews) the procedure for taking readings for accounting and payment for services.

Multi-jet water meters

Multi-jet devices have several differences from their single-jet "brothers", the main of which is that due to the possibility of dividing the total water flow in the pipe, directly in front of the impeller into several separate ones, more accurate data can be obtained, with virtually no errors. It is also necessary to point out such an important point as the ability to perform verification of the device without removing it: it is enough to remove only the upper part of the device. You can also install modules for a pulse output on them, and the installation / dismantling itself is easy and can even be done independently, but on condition that such a device is then sealed (some companies do not encourage this installation method and require installation to be carried out by their specialist, which and ).

Installed meters

"Wet" and "dry" devices for water metering

The location of the water metering mechanism determines what kind of tachometric type meters are - “dry” or “wet”. As follows from the logic, in “wet” meters it is in water and, as a result, suffering from the presence of various suspended particles and contaminants in it, it quickly fails. This problem can be partially solved by using a filter, which should be installed directly in front of the counter. There are no such problems in "dry" devices, since the accounting device is protected by a non-magnetic partition and therefore such a device is more durable and, most importantly, retains the ability to show accurate results longer.

Tachometric meters are also called mechanical meters, respectively, they refer to non-volatile water meters, which in some cases is a decisive moment of choice, and such a problem as sensitivity to a magnetic field is successfully solved by using antimagnetic protection.

Electromagnetic water meters

Although this meter is used as a household appliance, it is much less common, mainly in private houses equipped with an emergency power source system, since these are volatile devices. They are preferred because of the ability to obtain highly accurate readings, calculated as the ratio of the flow area to its speed. But the readings can be adjusted in any direction by the features chemical composition or the physical properties of water, although in this case the error is small. It should be noted that specifications of this type of devices are not designed to work in absolutely pure water, but it must be taken into account that the presence of a large amount of suspended particles can disable it in a very short time.

Simple counters

Ultrasonic and vortex water meters

These types of devices are designed to account for a large amount of water consumption and are used at industrial facilities or in large suburban households, at facilities such as hotels, sanatoriums, etc. Due to their rather high cost, as well as volatility, it is unprofitable to install them in city apartments.

Vortex meters in calculating the amount of flowing water use the flow rate and frequency of vortices formed on a special element placed in it. And the main principle used for counting in ultrasonic devices is the analysis of data received from sensors that propagate ultrasonic waves in opposite directions, while calculating the difference in the passage of identical segments "up" and "against" the movement of the water flow.

Meter kit

Important about devices for measuring water consumption

After it has been decided which water meters are better to install, when buying them, you should pay attention to ensuring that they comply with the requirements of GOST, to clarify what their warranty period and installation size are. You should also find out whether it is possible to obtain service and what time interval should be between instrument calibrations. It is important to know that water meters must have a technical passport, which indicates the device number and, of course, it must match the one indicated on the device. The technical data sheet contains information on the terms of warranty service, the period of which, most often, is 1 year, but manufacturers who are confident in high quality and reliability of their devices, as well as those who care about their customers, can give a guarantee for a period of 3 to five years.

Which water meters are better than video:

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The classification of meters is mainly based on the design of the mechanism for accounting for consumed water.

  • Tachometric. The design of the device uses an impeller or impeller installed in a chamber inside which a stream of water moves.
  • Electromagnetic. The principle of operation is based on interaction magnetic field and moving water, in which charged particles are always present.
  • Vortex. A streamlined body (usually two, equidistant from each other) is placed inside the chamber along which the water flow moves. The fluid pressure before this body is always greater than after it. Measuring the pressure difference and changing its frequency in proportion to the water flow.
  • Ultrasonic. The fluid flow passes through ultrasonic waves. Analyzing acoustic vibrations, the counting device shows the flow rate.

The easiest way to work is with the tachometer class. It is the counters of this group that are installed in apartments and private houses. Their design feature is a part that is located inside the fluid passage chamber. This is either an impeller connected to the counting mechanism with a vertical axis, or an impeller, the axis of which is located horizontally.

Both subgroups include devices with and without a pulse output. If the meter is installed on a pipe, the approach to which is free, that is, readings can be taken visually, then there is no need for a pulse output. Both turbine and vane versions are divided into "wet" and "dry" types of action. In the first case, the entire mechanism for counting the flow of water, together with the impeller or impeller, is located in the water, that is, in the chamber through which the liquid is passed.

In the second case, both nodes are located in different chambers: the impeller (turbine) in the water, the counting mechanism in the dry compartment. They are connected by an axis hermetically installed in the partition between the chambers. It should be noted that the partition is made of non-magnetic material. This makes it possible to avoid salt deposits, which prolongs the life of the device.

Water meters with an impeller are divided into two groups: single-jet and multi-jet. In the design of the latter, longitudinal partitions are installed in front of the chamber where the impeller is mounted, which divide the water flow into several small flows. Thus, it achieves a reduction in the turbulence error of a moving mass of water. Hence the accuracy of the instrument readings.

Single jet water meters are compact devices that can pass a small volume of water through them. Therefore, they are installed inside apartments and small cottages. Multi-jet - these are more voluminous metering devices, so they can be installed either in the water supply of a large private house, or as a common house device in apartment buildings. "Dry" and multi-jet water meters are more expensive, but their readings are more accurate. This is the question of which water meter is better to install in an apartment.

As for turbine devices, this group is mainly divided according to the method of accounting for the volume of flowing water. This is a mechanical method and induction.

More recently, both types were also divided according to the installation method: vertical or horizontal. Currently, manufacturers offer universal meters that can be installed in both positions. And at the same time they accurately show the amount of water consumed.

Water meters are needed to account for utility bills. They help to avoid any disputes with the management company, save on paying for its services, since you will not pay the average calculation, which is very high, but only according to the actual water consumption. Water meters are reliable if you choose the right type of device that does not require additional maintenance for 5 years. We will help you decide which water meter model is best and what it is suitable for.

How to choose a water meter?

There are hot and cold water meters, different models they also differ not only in brand and price, but also in device, they can give slightly different readings, be more accurate than very cheap models. Metering devices also differ in temperature susceptibility. And to the possibility though modern models no longer afraid of exposure, for example, VALTEC water meters, it all depends on the task you are pursuing :-)

When choosing a device, you need to pay attention to its technical characteristics.

From installing the meter there will be the following benefits:

  • You will have to pay according to real consumption, and not according to an excessively high consumption rate.
  • You will not be able to distribute the debt of residents of other apartments who do not pay utility bills on time.
  • If you live in a private house, you will not have to pay extra for watering, which is included in the consumption rate.
  • You don't have to pay for wasted water.
  • In addition, the costs of sewerage maintenance will be reduced, as they are tied to the volume of water consumption by the subscriber.
  • Most often, when there are water meters, the residents themselves begin to use it more economically, do not open the tap in vain, so they have to pay less.

As practice shows, all the costs of installing a meter pay off after 6 months, then the savings begin.

Choosing a meter for an apartment

There are several types of water meters, the selection of which must be carried out, taking into account the parameters of your premises.
Tachometric counters. Inside such a device are blades, they are attached to the wheel. The revolution of such a wheel corresponds to a certain volume of liquid. Such a device is compact, does not require complexity during installation or maintenance. It is used if household pipes are of small diameter, there is an impeller inside the meter. The more powerful the flow of water, the more accurate the readings of the device will be, but the error is minimal.

If you have a more accurate device in front of you, then instead of an impeller it will be equipped with a turbine. Such a counter is used for pipes with a diameter of 25 mm, it can also be used for thicker ones. In this case, the readings will be most correct with a powerful stream.
Combined models are especially distinguished: they are made in the form of a monoblock, which makes them more practical, but maintenance-free. These devices are usually placed on the highway, as they cope well with different pressures.
Water meters can be conditionally divided into dry and wet. They differ structurally.

Wet equipped with either an impeller or a turbine that is in direct contact with water, when passing through the meter, the water flow rotates the impeller, each revolution of which corresponds to a certain volume of water. This is a fairly simple counter, equipped only with mechanical elements that make it as reliable and durable as possible. However, there is a minus - corrosion may appear on its internal parts. The devices are not afraid of an external magnetic field, they are inexpensive, therefore they are very popular among subscribers. However, such a meter requires that the water be clean, otherwise it may fail as a result of large particles entering it, which will interfere with proper functioning.

Dry option is not afraid of pollution, since its elements do not have direct contact with the liquid. The torque is created thanks to the magnets, so the device itself is electronic, the disadvantages include dependence on an external magnetic field, which can have a direct effect on it. The display of such a device is digital, it shows a more accurate flow rate, lasts longer, but costs several times more than a mechanical counterpart. Installation of the device is quite simple, often the models are protected by a special clutch, which allows you to get rid of the effects of an external magnetic field.

How to understand the scales?

In order to correctly take readings from the counter, it is necessary to know the division of the scales. To do this, pay attention to a number of numbers on the device: they can be black and red. The divisions on the rotating part correspond to 100 ml, respectively, one revolution will correspond to 1 liter.

Correct interpretation of water meter readings

The numbers marked in black are cubic meters, and the thousandths are marked in red. Some devices have a different scale layout, but they always come with instructions, so understanding the values ​​\u200b\u200bis not very difficult. The scoreboard can be either mechanical or electronic, but the values ​​are usually the same.

More complex models

There are quite complex modern water meters, for example, equipped with a signal cable for a pulse output. Such a device is equipped with a reed sensor. It reacts to the shaft revolutions and gives out certain impulses, which are transmitted to the meter through a special cable. The meter can be located in any convenient place, it is not necessary to place it on the pipe, as in most cases. This makes its use convenient, since you can always come up and see the data, you do not need to get to communications.

ITELMA water meters

There is usually a special connector for connecting the cable, but some models have a built-in cable. The electronic unit is remote, it has its own power supply and memory, so it can go without power for a long time. It is also convenient in that you can program the amount to be paid, and the block will show not only the number of cubic meters, but also how much you will have to pay for them.

Hot water meters are slightly different in design, as they are designed for greater temperature exposure. They can not only take into account the flow of liquid, but also show its temperature, which is quite convenient, especially if you need to control this process, for example, for a bathroom set or laundry. Another advantage of such a meter is that if the water temperature is not high enough, then the billing will become preferential, or as for cold water if the water is not hot enough.

There are water meters that are installed on two pipes at once, have different metering sensors and one electronic display. There are designs when the cable of a cold water meter is connected to a hot unit. There is no fundamental difference, since the readings will be shown in any case quite accurately.

Counters for an apartment

There are a large number of water meters, so the most popular models that are used in a house and apartment should be considered separately and in more detail, so that you can study all the pros and cons of the device and choose the most suitable one for your option.

Ultrasonic water meters can be interesting enough. They are able to determine the flow rate of the liquid by sending ultrasonic pulses. To do this, the device is equipped with piezoelectric sensors that not only emit vibrations, but also receive them when they are reflected from the water passing through the pipes. All data is processed by a microprocessor, the results are displayed on an electronic display. Such a meter has high-precision readings, does not have parts that come into contact with water, and is not afraid of electromagnetic vibrations.

An ultrasonic meter is a rather expensive and complex equipment that is used on powerful water lines. Most often these are enterprises, but there are also small devices that are used by users at home. The size of the device will be approximately the same as that of an electronic tachometer, however, the ultrasonic version has a designation on the case Ultrasonic, less often Ultralyd, indicating its peculiarity. Such a counter is distinguished by the possibility of the most accurate accounting. It is suitable for measuring both hot and cold water. The design of the counter has a special coil that is capable of creating a magnetic field. When the flow of water moves through this field, it creates a certain electromotive force, which is picked up by the meter. Thanks to this, you can get the most accurate readings.

Typically, such a meter is placed one on the whole apartment house, its task is to control the water consumption of one object as a whole. Such a meter can be vortex or superstatic, but this option is rarely used in city apartments, since it is not practical in terms of cost. The device reads the data as accurately as possible, has an electronic unit that sends information to the management company.

Advantages and disadvantages
Kinds pros Minuses
Mechanical + High reliability based on extremely simple design


Very low measurement uncertainty

Ease of installation

Average service life is 10-12 years

Low price compared to other types of meters

Availability of models with pulse output

Inevitable wear of a small gear that rotates the impeller and counting mechanism

High sensitivity to magnetic field guidance

Ultrasonic + High measuring accuracy

The absence of rubbing parts in the design and, as a result, low wear

No hydraulic resistance occurs

Large measuring range

Meter readings (to prevent spontaneous reset during a power outage) are archived

Volatility: functions only when there is an active power supply

The error is largely affected by air bubbles in the water.

Electromagnetic + Thanks to the design, hydraulic losses are minimized

The quality of the current liquid does not affect the meter reading in any way

They are used not only in domestic conditions, but also in chemical and food enterprises

Magnets installed in the meter can cause clogging of the supply pipe

High sensitivity to air bubbles in the liquid, the presence of turbulent flows and ground currents flowing through the pipeline

How to choose a water meter for your home?

Before purchasing a metering device from a local management company, you need to ask what requirements are put forward to it. In many localities, a mandatory requirement for the installation of meters has already been introduced. For such places, a meter equipped with a pulse output is more suitable. The device must be certified, otherwise the management company will not approve it. You should only buy a new counter. The fact is that the controller will not seal a non-certified or new device. Therefore, when buying a device, carefully consider the choice of the organization that sells it, in addition, it must have a product passport, in which marks are made that it has passed factory checks, inter-check periods and the warranty period are indicated.

When buying a water meter, it is important to pay attention to the year of manufacture, it is desirable that there be a production date of this year of manufacture.

What is important to know about the characteristics?

Before buying, pay attention not only to the price and place of sale, but also to the quality of the device. There are fairly cheap but unreliable water meters that will have to be replaced pretty soon. These include, for example, those whose case is siloumine. This material is afraid of corrosion, does not last long. If you want the device to last at least ten years, the case should be made of brass or bronze, if the meter is in direct contact with water, it can be made of stainless steel. The polymer casing performs well. The material is durable, absolutely not afraid of moisture.

According to the law, the verification period for water meters is: for hot water 4 years; cold 6 years. It is important to pay attention to the year of manufacture and service life, it can be up to 12 years.

Pay attention to the contact with water at what temperature the meter is designed: some models are designed exclusively for cold water and cannot withstand temperatures above +40 degrees. Models produced for hot water metering can withstand up to +90 ° C, some are perfect for use in cold water supply and should last longer. According to statistics, hot water meters most often break.

Water meter marking. blue cold red hot

Look at the display: it is desirable that it has a color marking. Usually it is made in two colors - blue and red. Such meters are universal and are placed on a hot and cold pipe. The universal instrument will have a gray display. Although, according to the manufacturers of some water meters, there is no technological difference, this is only a marking.

Pay attention to the installation parameters of the device. Pipes can be of different diameters. Accordingly, the counter must also be selected suitable or an American should be used, but this will complicate the cut, create unnecessary joints that may begin to leak. Another important parameter is the mounting length of the meter: it can be from 110 mm to 260 mm, it depends on it whether there is enough space for the device where you are going to install it or not.

In addition, you will need to take into account the force of water pressure. The water meter must have a sufficiently large margin of safety, otherwise its body may crack. A standard water meter can withstand about 1 MPa - this is 10 pascals, and a more advanced one can withstand 16 atmospheres: this value is 1.6 MPa. In reality, such values ​​\u200b\u200bof pressure in the water supply system practically do not exist.