How to cook Poltava porridge for a side dish. Calorie Wheat groats "Poltava". Chemical composition and nutritional value. Preparation of wheat and milk base

And the acquaintance will be interesting! After all, wheat porridge is a product of centuries-old selection, and not scientific, but associated with "happy accidents", artificial selection, produced by man for almost 10 thousand years! Surprisingly, the plant, which initially successfully grew independently and covered the fields of southeastern Turkey and modern Armenia, has by now forgotten how to do without the help of people.

Wild wheat had more than just small grains. Its "fruits" fell off immediately after ripening and it was impossible to collect them from the ground. For the first time, people who got acquainted with it began to use green ears of corn for food, estimating the nutritional value of grain. In the future, a person selected those ears in which the grain did not crumble for a long time. Over the centuries, wheat began to grow on cultivated fields, from which grain could only be obtained by threshing. Such from the middle regions of Eurasia went first to India, then “captured” Africa, after which it conquered Russia and Europe. Later, only porridge made from wheat groats came to America. It appeared in the New World only in the 19th century.

The benefits and harms of the product

Since ancient times, people have valued wheat grain so highly that there are even mentions of it in the Bible. It was wheat groats that were the basis of communion bread. And among the Slavs, it was considered the only symbol of power, wealth. Modern Russia is the leader in terms of product exports to other countries, but is not itself its largest consumer.

Paradoxically, the primordially Russian product, on which Slavic cooking has been built for centuries, suddenly became unacceptable for modern cuisine. Few people know how to cook wheat porridge correctly. Moreover, the dish is considered state-owned, budget, convenient for use only in canteens and kindergartens. The fact that it is convenient, it really is. But its budget can be argued. After all, it contains a lot of useful substances, which is why nutritionists recommend eating wheat porridge regularly, and even came up with several diets based on it.

What is the use of the product?

  • The porridge is nutritious. Eating it for breakfast creates a feeling of satiety for half a day.
  • Easily digestible. Related to this is the widespread belief that wheat porridge makes you fat. Indeed, it is assimilated simply, but by no means quickly. The glycemic index of the product is not high, it is a source of long, regular carbohydrates. Any organism copes well with the product, whether it is a child or weakened by an illness. It should be included in the diet of people engaged in active physical labor. Wheat porridge quickly restores strength.
  • Rich in vitamins of groups B, E. The product contains a lot of folic acid, so it is called the ideal porridge for expectant mothers. The presence of vitamin E - a source of youth, renews the skin, stimulates tissue regeneration, fights free radicals. Nutritionists say that the vitamin composition of wheat grain porridge has a general strengthening effect on the immune system, so it is especially important to use it during the cold season.
  • Cleanses the intestines. Wheat porridge on water is considered a regulator of fat metabolism and removes toxins from the esophagus. It improves digestion, and by maintaining a long feeling of satiety, it allows you to eat less and get rid of excess weight.

The harm of the product is purely individual. Only people with gluten intolerance should exclude wheat groats from the diet. The use of gluten-containing cereals is dangerous for them by the development of celiac disease (inflammation of the intestinal mucosa).

Features of selection and preparation

Wheat porridge is extremely easy to handle, unpretentious in cooking. It goes well with meat and liver, with which it can be served at the table. Good with vegetables, which improve its positive effect on bowel function.

Knowing the rules for choosing and preparing cereals will allow you to appreciate all its benefits.

Cooking wheat porridge in the microwave is inconvenient. It belongs to poorly boiled cereals, so you can’t make a quick dish with it. But if you only have a microwave at your disposal, use the following technique. Pour boiling water over the cereal, leave for 2 hours. Drain and add water in a ratio of 1:3. Cook at high power for 20 minutes.


We offer you to get acquainted with the methods of cooking wheat porridge with water and milk. The first recipe will be the basis of a delicious, hearty dinner. And it can be used in dietary nutrition with the exclusion of salt from it. The second is good for baby food and as a healthy breakfast.

On the water

A simple dish is ideally combined with oil, which is recommended to season wheat porridge immediately after cooking. The side dish must be served hot, as it will become thicker as it cools (as in the photo). Completely frozen wheat porridge can even be cut with a knife. This is an analogue of the Italian polenta.

You will need:

  • wheat groats - 1 glass;
  • water - 2.5 cups;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • salt.


  1. Pour the prepared cereal with water.
  2. Put on a big fire, let it boil.
  3. Remove the foam, reduce the fire, salt.
  4. Leave to cook on low heat for 15 minutes.
  5. Check the readiness of the cereal: when the water boils away and hardness, add a little boiling water.
  6. Remove from heat, wrap in a blanket and let steep for 30 minutes.

You can fill a porridge from wheat groats with oil simply in a plate. If the product is intended for dietary nutrition, add nuts, fresh berries, apples, other fruits, and fresh vegetables for dinner instead of salt and oil.

On milk

A wonderful breakfast, hearty and healthy, suitable for starting the day of a child and an adult. Sweet, tender porridge can be supplemented with delicious additives - dried fruits, fresh fruits, berries.

You will need:

  • wheat groats - 1 glass;
  • milk - 1 l;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - a pinch.


  1. Bring the milk to a boil.
  2. Pour in the prepared cereal. Add sugar, salt.
  3. Stir, wait for the mass to boil.
  4. Reduce the heat to minimum, cover with a lid and leave the mass to boil for 30 minutes.
  5. Turn off the heat, add butter. Leave for another 10 minutes covered.

During cooking, you do not need to stir the cereal. It is important to keep as much steam as possible in the pan, which will allow the mass to boil well. You can also cook porridge in bags, it is very convenient and quick to prepare. You just need to throw a few bags into boiling salted water, and cook for about 15-20 minutes. It turns out a crumbly dish.

Now you know the technology, how much to cook wheat porridge, how to cook it with milk, on water. Include it in the family diet as an additional source of valuable substances and just a delicious dish!

Groats Poltava benefit and harm

Wheat groats - benefits and harms to the body

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In ancient times, wheat porridge on the table was considered a sign of great prosperity and prosperity. The nutritious dish is praised to this day due to its ease of preparation and availability. Everyone knows beneficial features millet in general terms, but it makes sense to delve into them in more detail. Also, people are interested in the harm that can be caused by excessive consumption of the dish.

The composition and calorie content of wheat groats

As the name implies, wheat groats are made on the basis of wheat grains, which are extremely beneficial for the body. The modern food market is crowded, so there are many types of raw materials.

For example, "Poltava" millet has a coarse, medium or fine grinding. Groats "Artek" is made exclusively on the basis of crushed wheat grains, which are previously cleaned of germs and shells.

There are a lot of carbohydrates in cereals, they are given about 62.5 grams. Another 12 gr. occupy proteins and only 1.5 gr. fats. In addition, grains contain a lot of fiber, which acts as a brush for the gastrointestinal tract.

Millet is not deprived of mineral compounds such as iodine, magnesium, calcium, potassium, molybdenum, zinc, silicon, phosphorus and others. Of the vitamins, it is worth highlighting retinol, vitamin F, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, B-group vitamins (thiamine, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine).

In addition, starch, poly- and monosaccharides accumulate in cereals. The calorie content of dry wheat grains is 314 Kcal. per 100 gr. If you cook porridge based on raw materials, this figure will be halved.

Properties of wheat groats

  • strengthening the walls of the blood channels;
  • cleansing of blood vessels from cholesterol deposits;
  • elimination of slagging;
  • removal of toxic substances, radionuclides, salts of heavy metals;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • decrease in arterial, intracranial pressure;
  • improvement of the condition of hair, nails, skin, teeth;
  • enveloping and protecting the walls of the stomach;
  • increased absorption of food, preventing its fermentation in the esophagus;
  • prolongation of youth;
  • fight against puffiness;
  • prevention of dementia in the elderly.

Benefits of wheat groats

  1. A regular breakfast using cereals teaches the body to “wake up” at a specified hour. Porridge is recommended to be consumed 15 minutes after waking up in order to start all metabolic processes and gain energy for the whole day.
  2. Croup concentrates many substances that have a positive effect on the human immune system. During winter viral epidemics, consume cereals daily, cook it with water or milk. The same applies to periods between seasons when the body is weakened.
  3. Due to the accumulation of dietary fiber, millet is considered a real “brush”, which frees the esophagus from congestion. With its help, you can easily remove all the toxins and adjust the chair.
  4. Rare B-group vitamins have a positive effect on the nervous system. Millet gives strength and normalizes the psycho-emotional environment. Against this background, the effects of recent stresses are eliminated.
  5. Vitamins A and E are considered elements of youth and natural antioxidants. They are needed to maintain the beauty of the skin, as well as the prevention of cancer.
  6. Nucleic acids in combination with calcium are responsible for the density of bone tissue and teeth. It is useful to consume millet for building muscle mass for those who are actively involved in sports.
  7. Often wheat groats are used for weight loss. It helps to speed up metabolism, break down fat deposits, transform carbohydrates into energy, and not layers at the waist.

benefits and harms of quinoa

Wheat groats for weight loss

  1. To say goodbye to extra pounds, you need to balance the diet. If you want to lose weight, start a new day with a breakfast that consists of wheat porridge and apples.
  2. At lunch, you can eat lean soup, vegetable salad and a portion of porridge. In the afternoon, it is enough to get by with one apple and a glass of kefir. For dinner, eat only a serving of millet. Half an hour before bedtime, you can drink a glass of kefir.
  3. If you follow the described diet and consume sour-milk products, wheat porridge, fruits and vegetables, you can lose up to 4 kg in 1 week. total mass. Keep in mind that it is forbidden to eat potatoes and bananas during this period.
  4. Also, after a week, a significant part of the fat from the abdomen will go away. During the period of weight loss, it is important to give preference exclusively to green tea. Do not forget to drink enough liquid, about 2 liters. purified water.
  5. The wheat diet is considered softer than the rest. The positive side is that the diet is allowed to be supplemented with sour-milk products, fresh fruits and vegetables.
  6. If you decide to lose weight, you need to switch to a new diet gradually. Include a new dish every day. It is forbidden to resort to such a diet if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The harm of wheat groats

  1. You should not eat meals with wheat groats if you have impaired intestinal absorption. Cereal crops can cause significant harm to the body.
  2. Millet is categorically contraindicated in gastritis with low acidity. Also, the product is not recommended for flatulence.
  3. Raw materials can not be eaten during gestation and lactation. Excess fiber increases the tone of the uterus. During breastfeeding, because of the product, the baby often has colic.

All the beneficial qualities of grains do not define a complete list of what wheat groats are really capable of. Each organism is individual, so the dish acts accordingly. Excessive intake should be abandoned, eat millet in moderation.

health benefits and harms of couscous

Video: the benefits and harms of wheat porridge

Wheat groats - how to cook delicious recipes with photos, useful properties and calorie content

Even in ancient times, wheat porridge was considered one of the must-have dishes on every table and even a symbol of abundance and prosperity. When cooked properly, it has a tender and airy texture. In addition, this cereal is very useful for the human body. You will learn about the healing properties and ways to cook wheat porridge below.

There are many varieties of wheat itself, but only two types of cereal are more often used in agriculture - soft and hard. The first has not so much gluten in its composition, therefore it goes to the production of flour. It is used in confectionery and bakery products. Durum wheat contains a lot of gluten, which is why it is used to make pasta and cereals. Grains in the process of processing are partially or completely freed from the shells and the germ, then polished. As a result, wheat groats are obtained. Otherwise, it is called durum.

Dishes from wheat groats are considered suitable for dietary nutrition. Their calorie content is about 316 kcal per 100 g. Before you cook from such cereals, learn more about the benefits and harms of wheat porridge. It is especially valued for its general strengthening properties and a large number of substances necessary for the human diet. Using recipes from wheat groats, you can feel its effect on yourself:

  • is a natural source of energy;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • helps with weight loss;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • strengthens the walls of capillaries;
  • helps to heal wounds faster;
  • beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • regulates fat metabolism;
  • reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the brain;
  • positively affects the condition of the skin, hair, nails;
  • promotes the removal of antibiotics, toxins, toxins, salts of heavy metals from the body;
  • when consumed for breakfast, it fills you with energy for the whole day thanks to the slow carbohydrates in the composition;
  • saturates the body with fiber, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, vitamins of groups B, C and E, fatty acids, vegetable protein and amino acids.

Such porridge can bring harm only with low acidity of the stomach, individual intolerance and flatulence. Do not abuse it during pregnancy, because gas formation may increase. To refrain from wheat porridge is for people who have recently undergone an operation to remove appendicitis. Since the cereal contains a lot of starch, it is not suitable for patients with diabetes or those prone to it.

Depending on the method of processing, the size and shape of the grains, the classification of types, names of cereals from wheat is made. You can combine them into the following list:

  1. Artek. Represents crushed grains, freed from the shell and germ and polished. It does not contain much useful fiber.
  2. Arnaut. The raw material for it is the durum wheat variety of the same name. The grits will look like glassy grains. It is intended just for consumption in the form of porridge.
  3. Wheat flakes. Beans steamed and pressed. They are used not only for cooking porridge, but also for making desserts.
  4. Bulgur. This type of cereal is made from wheat, which is not just steamed, but also cleaned of bran. The grains have an unusual nutty flavor.

Poltava groats are another variety. It is divided into 4 groups:

  1. Large, or No. 1. These grains are not crushed beforehand, they are only polished, giving an elongated shape with a pointed end. Visually resemble barley. Used as a condiment for soup.
  2. Medium, or No. 2. This type of grain is classified as crushed. Their shape is oval, but also with a pointed end. Most often used for porridge.
  3. Another average, but already #3. These crushed grains differ from No. 2 only in their rounded shape. Suitable for porridge or casseroles in the oven.
  4. Small, or No. 4. This type of grain has a difference with the third number only in a smaller form. Ideal for porridge, cutlets or meatballs.

How to cook wheat porridge

Traditionally, there are several ways to cook wheat groats. This is done on water, milk or broth. The dish will be nutritious if you cut into cubes meat or fish, eggs, vegetables or mushrooms, salt and put bay leaves, ground pepper for taste. You can chop fresh herbs there too. No less appetizing is sweet porridge with fruits, dried fruits, honey or nuts. There is such a dish as porridge mix, which includes a mixture of buckwheat, millet or rice. Instructions on how to cook wheat porridge are very simple:

  1. For 1 cup of cereal, you need to take 2 cups of water. The quantity may be different, but a 1:2 ratio is required.
  2. Next, pour the cereal with water, after boiling, salt and simmer the dish over low heat for about 15-20 minutes.
  3. Turn off the fire, fill the porridge butter.

Wheat groats in a slow cooker

Cooking porridge is even easier in a slow cooker. This device even has a special program. It's called "Kash". It can be replaced with the "Pilaf" mode. Wheat groats in a slow cooker are cooked using almost the same technology as in a saucepan:

  1. Take 100 g of cereal, rinse thoroughly, then put in a bowl and pour hot water, then leave for half an hour.
  2. Next, you need to grease the multicooker bowl with oil. Then you can put soaked grains into it, pouring about 500 ml of milk or more water.
  3. Add sugar and salt to taste, cook for 35 minutes in the "Porridge" program, at the end leave in the "Heating" mode.

How to cook friable wheat porridge on water

There are several simple secrets, using which you can cook wheat porridge in loose water. In this recipe, the grains should never be washed. Otherwise, you will not achieve the effect of friability. Another important stage is the roasting of cereals. It leads to dextrinization of starch, which reduces the viscosity of the product, which is why it becomes crumbly. The process of preparing such a porridge includes the following steps:

  1. Toast about 1 cup of grains in a dry frying pan until a pleasant nutty aroma appears.
  2. Next, pour it into already boiling water, salt and add sugar to taste.
  3. Cook over low heat until all liquid is absorbed.
  4. Season with oil, wrap the pan with something warm and let the porridge brew for about half an hour.

Do I need to wash wheat groats before cooking

Finely crushed varieties are allowed not to be washed before cooking. Although some housewives still do not skip this stage, believing that this is how they make the grains more beautiful and clean. Most recipes recommend washing wheat groats before cooking if it is Poltava. In addition, if you need crumbly porridge, then you should not skip this step either. In any case, when the water for porridge begins to boil, it is necessary to remove the foam with debris from the surface.

wheat porridge recipe

There are many recipes for wheat porridge with the addition of a variety of ingredients. It can be viscous, liquid or crumbly. In each case, only the proportions of cereals with water or milk change. If you did not have time to eat fresh porridge, then you can easily make hearty cutlets or meatballs out of it. It will turn out very tasty too. The main ways to cook porridge from wheat groats are presented in recipes.

Wheat porridge with milk

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 136 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Wheat porridge with milk tastes better if you cook it sweet. It's perfect for breakfast. The porridge is not too sugary, but moderately sweet. Although the amount of sugar can be adjusted to your liking. Optionally, it is not forbidden to add a spoonful of honey or a little raisins. If the porridge seems watery to you, then next time increase the amount of cereal to 2/3 cup.


  • sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • wheat groats - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • butter - a small piece;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • milk - 1 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan, put on fire and boil.
  2. Then salt, add sugar and at the same time pour the cereal itself.
  3. Wait for the next boil, reduce the power of the fire to a minimum, close the lid, simmer the dish for 40 minutes, without interfering with the porridge.
  4. At the end, add oil, mix, let it brew for another 10 minutes.

Recipe for wheat porridge on the water

  • Cooking time: 40 minutes.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 122 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch / dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

The recipe for wheat porridge in water does not differ in particular complexity from the method of cooking in milk. Only in this case you get a dish that can be both independent and a side dish, for example, with meat, liver or fried mushrooms. Grind a couple of pieces of carrots with onions, fry them - and it will also turn out very tasty. The viscosity of the porridge is easily adjustable. If you prefer crumbly, then just do not wash the grains before cooking and fry them additionally.


  • butter, salt - to taste;
  • wheat groats - 1 tbsp.;
  • water - 2 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Dip the grits in a saucepan with water, immediately salt.
  2. After boiling, simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  3. Fill with oil at the end.

The secrets of how to cook wheat groats are very simple. They concern not only the ingredients themselves, but also the dishes. If you want to cook wheat porridge really tasty, study the following tips:

  1. More rich in taste and aroma, porridge is obtained in a cast-iron cauldron. Although a thick-walled pan will also work.
  2. You can fill the finished porridge not only with butter - olive or linseed is often used.
  3. If you like a more homogeneous porridge, then you first need to grind the cereal in a coffee grinder or hand mill.

Video: How to cook wheat porridge

The standard of a healthy diet is wheat porridge. The benefits and harms of cereals ::

We are all familiar with wheat porridge since childhood. The benefits and harms of this dish depend on what it is used with, but in general it is worthy of all attention. A storehouse of natural vitamins and nutrients, fiber, not burdened with excess fats and calories - it's just a godsend, especially considering the low price. At all times, wheat porridge was valued, both adults and children loved it. Today, there are several types of it on the market for you to choose from. This is the usual poltavka, whole-grain bulgur or spelt, as well as couscous, which is a medium-ground cereal. You may be surprised, but semolina is also a finely ground wheat grain.

History of wheat porridge

Since ancient times, wheat grains have been a common food in Russia. They made a hearty and healthy lunch. And until now, wheat porridge is considered the standard of proper nutrition. The benefits and harms of this dish are incommensurable. If there are no specific diseases, which we will talk about later, you can safely eat porridge. The calorie content of wheat is considered the smallest of all known cereals, so you can not greatly limit yourself in quantity.

Properties of wheat porridge

Today, a variety of weight loss systems with the help of cereals are especially relevant. Number one on the list is wheat porridge. The benefits and harms of it are due to the composition. Moreover, it can harm in the only case: if a person has a tendency to constipation, the cause of which lies in muscle spasms. The abundance of fiber in this case only exacerbates the problem.

Wheat porridge is very nutritious. It contains not empty carbohydrates, like cookies or buns, but a huge amount of useful substances. This is a complex of minerals: silver, zirconium, phosphorus, zinc, iron and others. The composition contains beta-carotene, which serves as a prevention of visual impairment, in addition, the most important B vitamins, vegetable fats and starch. It is wheat porridge that can be called a perfectly balanced diet, because it contains 15% protein and 75% carbohydrates.

Protein is a source of energy, so for people who prefer a vegetarian lifestyle, wheat porridge is so important. The benefits and harms of this dish have been tested for many generations, and it is safe to say that the more often you use it, the healthier you will become.

What gives the body wheat porridge

The benefits of wheat porridge are obvious. It is nutritious and tasty, low-calorie, rich in vitamins and protein. Its main difference from other similar dishes is hypoallergenicity. Such porridge has a beneficial effect on the stomach, and it can be used for many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Groats are rich in iron, as well as calcium that strengthens the skeleton.

If you have suffered a serious illness, during which you had to take medications, be sure to add wheat porridge to the menu. It strengthens the body, frees it from toxins, restores the functioning of the stomach and intestines. It is especially useful to include this dish in the diet for diabetes, arthrosis and gout. As you can see, the benefits of wheat porridge are enormous. It should be consumed as often as possible. The basis of wheat porridge and ordinary bread is the same - these are wheat grains, but the effect on the body is very different.

Wheat porridge for weight loss

This is a low calorie and very nutritious dish. The benefits of wheat porridge boiled in water for a person who has decided to lose weight is enormous. Groats help to cleanse the body due to the high content of fiber. Due to the balanced complex of vitamins and minerals, porridge acts as a regulator of fat metabolism. It lowers cholesterol levels, improves immunity and improves the functioning of the digestive tract. In addition, you will get the most important effect: wheat porridge is slowly digested, and an abundance of fiber ensures a long-lasting feeling of satiety. At the same time, the body receives a large amount of minerals and vitamins, which means that you will not once again be tormented by the desire to eat something.

How to cook

Now you can no longer doubt whether wheat porridge is useful. In addition to all of the above, cereals also have a positive effect on the condition of hair and nails. This effect is achieved due to the high content of vitamin E. This element provides youth and beauty to your skin, it is smoothed, softened and rejuvenated.

There are many ways to cook wheat porridge. It is equally good as a side dish for a meat dish and as a dessert. Try boiled coarse grains (bulgur) and serve with honey, nuts and raisins. Children will enjoy this afternoon snack. Seasoned with meat or mushroom sauce, it will be an excellent second course. Cook crumbly spelt and serve with a piece of fish - you get a healthy and extremely tasty lunch. Finally, you can cook an excellent milk porridge, in which you can add butter, sugar or dried fruits.

Who can harm

We talked about the benefits of wheat porridge. It is also necessary to tell about who should beware of using it. Among the contraindications is low acidity, and doctors also do not recommend getting involved in this dish with exacerbation of gastritis and stomach ulcers. If you are allergic to wheat protein, you should stop eating porridge or introduce it into the diet in small portions from time to time. These are special cases, but basically eating a dish brings only benefits. The presence of all vital trace elements, vitamins and nutrients in wheat porridge guarantees you health and well-being.

WHEAT PORRIDGE: useful properties and contraindications.

Since ancient times in Russia, wheat porridge has been one of the main dishes in the human diet. In those days, people most likely did not imagine that this tasty product has excellent beneficial properties and helps to keep the body young and healthy for many years. Other cereals are also useful, which can be read about in the article "Porridge: benefits and harms."

Description of wheat porridge: Wheat groats are made from durum wheat of coarse or fine grinding. Two types of wheat groats are produced in our country - "Poltava" and "Artek". The grains in Artek groats are smaller than those in Poltavskaya. Wheat groats can be stored for up to 10 months, while retaining their beneficial properties. There are a lot of recipes for wheat porridge - it is prepared with milk and water, sweet and not, with the addition of berries, fruits, vegetables and mushrooms.

Composition of wheat porridge: Wheat porridge is an excellent source of fiber, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system. This porridge is rich in vitamins A, E, C, PP, group B, macro- and microelements such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and other minerals.

Calorie content of wheat porridge: Calorie content of wheat porridge boiled in water without adding salt, sugar and other ingredients is about 90 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Useful properties of wheat porridge:

  • Regular consumption of wheat porridge improves immunity and has a general strengthening effect on the body.
  • It helps to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, is the prevention of problems of the digestive system, such as constipation or dysbacteriosis.
  • Wheat porridge improves metabolic processes and helps to eliminate toxins and toxins from the body.
  • It has antioxidant properties, protecting the human body from premature aging.
  • Favors lowering cholesterol levels and cleansing blood vessels.
  • It is useful to eat wheat porridge for athletes and people who receive heavy physical exertion.
  • This porridge is one of the products useful for the child's body, as it is very nutritious and is a source of a large amount of nutrients necessary for the harmonious physical and mental development of the child.
  • Experts recommend including wheat porridge in the diet of overweight people, because. It helps to get rid of extra pounds without harm to health.
  • Regular consumption of wheat porridge improves the condition of hair and nails, has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, increasing its elasticity.

Wheat porridge contraindications: Do not eat wheat porridge too often and in large quantities, it can adversely affect the body. As with other healthy foods, remember that everything is good in moderation! In addition, wheat porridge is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to this product.

Recipes of wheat porridge: - Wheat porridge in the oven.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

You can read about the beneficial properties and contraindications of other cereals in the articles: BUCKWHEAT PORRIDGE: useful properties and contraindications. MILLET PORRIDGE: useful properties and contraindications. OAT PORRIDGE: useful properties and contraindications. Barley porridge: useful properties and contraindications. CORN PORRIDGE: useful properties and contraindications. semolina porridge: useful properties and contraindications.

What hostess does not think about the variety of dishes for a family meal? Everyone wants to cook something not very complicated, but at the same time tasty and nutritious.

And I'm a taxi-bearing hostess, so for me the key word in cooking is always easy and fast.

Therefore, Poltava groats came up for me as an ideal side dish for meat, or solo as a milk porridge for breakfast.

☕️ 🍵 🍲 🍱 🍶 ☕️ 🍵 🍲 🍱 🍶☕️ 🍵 🍲 🍱 🍶☕️ 🍵 🍲 🍱 🍶


Poltava groats are one of the types of processed wheat groats. Outwardly, it may look like whole peeled or coarsely crushed grains, that is, its grains are always quite large.

Poltava groats are rich in vitamins and microelements. It contains vitamins of group B: B1 (0.3 mg), B2 (0.1 mg), which is respectively 20% and 5.6% of the daily requirement. Vitamin E in cereals is in the amount of 1.8 mg or 12% of the daily norm, and vitamin PP - 2.9 mg or 14.5% of the norm.

Phosphorus, magnesium and potassium predominate among microelements in Poltava groats. It also contains a lot of iron, which covers almost a quarter of the daily need for it.



Poltava groats are characterized by a high content of proteins (12 g per 100 grams) and carbohydrates (62 g), as well as a small amount of fat (1.5 g).

Its calorie content is 329 kcal per 100 grams of the product.

🌀 The amount of protein in the cereal is absolutely perfect and indicates that the cereal is really made from durum wheat.

I heard something like this gradation for flour, perhaps it fits here too:

12-14 gr. - durum wheat

10-11 gr. - a mixture with the addition of soft varieties

up to 10 gr. – soft wheat/flour

🌀 The packaging is usual for similar food products.

The weight 700 gr! Very unusual packaging. Groats absolutely do not contain any debris. The grains are not ideally shaped, but these are cereals, and not wheat itself.

On the reverse side, everything that is necessary in these cases is indicated. Plus, a recipe for cooking porridge with pumpkin has been added to the cooking method. I never intended to cook such a dish, but I still have a pumpkin in the underground, so everything can be.

HOW I PREPARED porridge I.

1 way. Poltava milk porridge. For breakfast.

With the help of a multicooker. I cook all cereals in a slow cooker, but I assume that it will not be difficult to cook it on a regular stove.

1 part of cereal to 2 parts of liquid (I always dilute 2.5% fat milk in half with water so that the stomach does not grow, but this does not save it was so fat). This is in the case of a multicooker.

If you cook in an ordinary saucepan, then you will need 2.5-3 times more liquid than cereals, if we want to get a non-dry porridge at the exit. (1 cereal / 2.5-3 liquids).

I add a little salt (I use sea salt for greater good), I DO NOT put sugar. Porridge mode for 7 minutes (I have a pressure cooker without the possibility of opening the lid during cooking).

In normal mode (on the stove), porridge will be cooked with some stirring for 25 minutes, up to 30.

It turns out not a viscous consistency, but the porridge opens up and is delicious!

2 way. Poltava porridge as a side dish on the water.

I cooked it the way it says on the package.

I fried 1 cup of cereal in 1.5 tablespoons of sunflower oil in a pan for a couple of minutes.

I poured it into a regular saucepan and poured 2 cups of boiling water. * There was an idea to cook in the same place where I fried it, but I discarded it.

Salted. She closed the lid. The smallest fire and forgot about it for 20-25 minutes. Never stirred during the process.

The porridge took all the liquid and remained crumbly. It didn't melt, but it didn't stay too hard either.

For those who love wheat porridge and those who have never tried it, I RECOMMEND!

Once in the village they fed me pies made from wheat porridge with mushrooms .... Tastier than pies then I did not eat.

All tasty and healthy food and be sure to HEALTH!!!

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Wheat groats, Poltavka or Poltava groats are groats made from durum wheat.

In Russia, two types of wheat groats are produced from wheat - "Poltava" and "Artek". The first is whole, refined grains or grains of coarse crushing (grains are large enough). "Artek" is a finely crushed cereal. For meatballs, casseroles, milky viscous and liquid cereals, Artek is used. Kashi is also cooked from "Poltava" coarsely crushed cereals. Whole grains are used to season soups.

Before cooking, only Poltava groats are usually washed with water. Finely crushed can not be washed, although some housewives wash both. It is believed that this improves the quality of porridge. Usually, when water with cereals boils, foam forms on the surface, which it is desirable to remove. Before you put the cereal in the water, it must be inspected for the presence of litter in order to remove pebbles, residues of cake, bran or other small items.

In accordance with GOST 276-60 "Wheat groats (Poltava, Artek). Specifications" produce 5 types of wheat groats by size:

Wheat groats Poltava No. 1 large - wheat grain, freed from the germ and partially from the seed and fruit shells, polished, elongated with pointed ends.
Wheat groats Poltava No. 2 medium - particles of crushed wheat grain, completely freed from the germ and partially from the seed and fruit shells, polished, oval in shape with pointed ends.
Wheat groats Poltava No. 3 medium - particles of crushed wheat grain, completely freed from the germ and partially from the seed and fruit shells, polished, rounded.
Wheat groats Poltava No. 4 small - particles of crushed wheat grain, completely freed from the germ and partially from seed and fruit shells, polished, rounded.
Wheat groats "Artek" - particles of finely crushed, polished grain of wheat, completely freed from the germ and partially from the fruit and seed coats.
Wheat contains starch and other carbohydrates from 50 to 70%, it is rich in essential amino acids and protein. Wheat contains vegetable fats, fiber and a small amount of sugars.

Wheat contains important trace elements such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, E and PP. A quality product of a benign nucleus contains at least 99.2%. A distinctive feature of wheat groats from other groats is that it has a uniform consistency of almost all elements of the groats, which makes it very convenient to cook, since all the grains are boiled at the same time.

Wheat porridge is considered traditional dish Eastern Slavs. Wheat groats are distinguished by good consumer qualities, high calorie content - 325 kcal per 100 g of the product, as well as easy digestibility. The benefits and properties of wheat groats Wheat groats are especially valued for their tonic properties, they perfectly stimulate the immune system and are especially recommended for people who are professionally involved in hard physical labor.

Wheat groats are a natural source of energy for the human body, which makes it an indispensable product, both in the daily diet and in dietary nutrition. Despite the fact that the popularity of this porridge has recently declined significantly, and pasta and potato dishes have come to replace it, wheat groats are still used to prepare various dishes. From it, for example, not only tasty and healthy cereals are prepared, but also soups, casseroles, puddings and even meatballs. Dishes prepared from wheat groats are regulators of fat metabolism, they improve the functioning of the digestive organs and help reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Wheat porridge will bring maximum benefit if you eat it at breakfast, in this case you can get a boost of energy for the whole day and feel full until lunch. Eating whole grain wheat products improves brain function and the cardiovascular system. Wheat normalizes digestion and cholesterol metabolism. Wheat products slow down the aging process, improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair. Also, wheat porridge is able to remove toxins, toxic substances and excess fat from the body, taken antibiotics, settled salts of heavy metals.

Despite all the glamor of nightlife, one should not forget about a healthy diet. Eight weeks, eight weeks... easy! After all, for the sake of health!

So, wheat groats. It tastes a bit like couscous to me. It costs twice as much, if you take it purely economically. However, you need to cook it for a very long time, it is cooked for about an hour. In principle, I don’t bother with “recipes” for making cereals: on water, without salt, spices - without anything.

Why is it useful or remarkable, now we will find out.

In fact, wheat groats are crushed wheat grain, freed from germs and partially from fruit and seed coats, polished. By and large - a useless refined product! But not everything is so simple! And in this cereal there is an undeniable benefit! The same consistency of almost all grain particles allows all grains to boil at the same time, which means that the porridge turns out to be tender and easily digestible, which is very useful for children and people with problems of the gastrointestinal tract. Wheat groats are considered the best breakfast: they not only energize the body for most of the day, but also give a feeling of fullness until lunchtime.

According to the method of processing durum wheat and the size of the grains, wheat groats are divided into: Poltava and Artek. In turn, Poltava groats, depending on the size, are divided into numbers: No. 1 (large), 2 and 3 (medium), 4 ( small). Groats "Artek" are not divided into numbers.

Wheat porridge is easily digested in the body, it is indispensable for those who lead an active lifestyle, children and older people, pregnant women and nursing mothers. It is also necessary for people with intensive intellectual work or regular physical exertion to systematically consume dishes from wheat groats. The fact is that this product has general strengthening properties and is an excellent natural source of energy for the human body.

Wheat groats are especially good in the autumn-winter period, as it helps to strengthen the immune system.

Wheat groats are a storehouse of many healing substances. It contains various vegetable fats, proteins containing essential amino acids, starch and other types of carbohydrates (about 50-70%). In a small amount, this product also contains sugars, in particular lactose, fructose, maltose, glucose and raffinose. In addition, wheat groats are not deprived of minerals and vitamins: they are rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, selenium, molybdenum, manganese, boron, silicon, etc., as well as vitamins E, F, PP, C, B6, B1 , IN 2. But the valuable complex of wheat groats does not end there. In addition, it contains substances such as choline, carotene, biotin, niacin, folacin.

The use of dishes from wheat groats contributes to improved activity of the cardiovascular system and the brain, normalization of digestion and cholesterol metabolism. This product slows down the aging process and has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails. In addition, with the help of wheat groats, you can generally cleanse the body: it perfectly removes toxic substances, toxins, antibiotics, excess fat and even salts of heavy metals from it. This product also helps to normalize the acid-base balance, increase potency and overall immunity, and compensate for vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Many nutritionists consider wheat porridge to be the best breakfast and strongly recommend eating it in the morning: such a cereal meal will charge you with tremendous energy for most of the day and give you a feeling of satiety until lunchtime.

A seven-day diet on wheat porridge will saturate the body with vitamins and minerals that wheat groats are so rich in, and will also allow you to lose about 2-4 kilograms of excess weight and get rid of fat deposits in the abdomen.

Of course, for this, wheat porridge during the diet must be consumed without salt, sugar, spices, milk and butter. And besides porridge - fresh fruits and vegetables (except bananas and potatoes), fermented milk products with a low percentage of fat content, green tea with honey.

Recipe: wheat groats - 1 cup, water - 2 cups. Cooking porridge is a mess. Do not salt. You can add cinnamon and herbs. Divide the porridge into three meals.

Sample diet for the day:

Breakfast - a portion of porridge, an apple or an orange.

Lunch - a portion of porridge, vegetable lean soup or vegetable salad (do not salt).

Snack - apple - 1 pc. or orange + yogurt or kefir. Dinner - a portion of porridge,

Before going to bed - kefir or fermented baked milk - 1 glass.


Individual intolerance, celiac disease (gluten intolerance).