Finishing the ceiling in the bathroom: options and methods. Finishing the ceiling in the bathroom: possible options Main types of ceilings and their characteristics

There are few problems in life that a nice hot bath can't solve. At the same time, your personal comfort in the bathroom is a rather fragile thing, which directly depends on how seriously you took the renovation of this room. Special attention You should pay attention to where the hot air flows rise. What is the best way to make a bathroom ceiling, taking into account the consistently high humidity, hot pipes and often rising steam from highly heated water? We offer an elegant or not so, but in any case quite effective solution to the problem in 50 photos with examples of the installation of ceiling surfaces in modern bathrooms.

But first, let’s list the basic requirements for ceilings in bathrooms:

  • good moisture resistance- the aforementioned steam, constant contact with moisture and elevated temperature will “deal” with a material that does not meet this criterion quite quickly, ruining even the most beautiful and expensive repair without any regret;
  • anti-corrosion properties, resistance to mold, streaks, stains and condensation- all this directly affects the durability of the installed ceilings;
  • temperature reserve- ceiling surfaces should not be afraid of high temperatures or change their performance depending on specific temperature indicators;
  • possibility of easy, quick and safe installation of lighting fixtures- it is not appropriate to destroy the mounted structure in order to replace one or two failed lamps.

Of course, every owner will definitely add a couple of their own criteria to this list. Without fear of making a mistake, we will assume that this is necessarily an attractive aesthetic appearance, hygienic safety and low cost. There is nothing reprehensible in the latter: the money saved always has something to spend on. For example, a new luxurious bathtub with armrests, in which it will be even more pleasant to relax after everyday work. Or a modern shower cubicle with radio. Who cares what is closer?

What material should I use for the ceiling in the bathroom?

Not recommended for use in bathrooms due to poor sensitivity to high temperatures and permanent high humidity in the room. If you see whitewash somewhere on the ceiling surface in the bathroom, you will be very lucky: usually such ceilings deteriorate very quickly, and the owners, having received a cruel lesson in life, move on to other, more practical options.


The performance characteristics of polystyrene foam do not allow us to nominate this material as recommended for use. Most often it is produced in the form of polystyrene tiles, laid in the manner of ordinary ceramic tiles over the entire ceiling area. If you have been thinking for a long time about which is better to make a ceiling in the bathroom and eventually settled on this option, it means that you are not fully aware of the possible problems that you may encounter later: mold, mildew, constant condensation on the surface, which is why a foul odor may appear. You can forget about a comfortable bath.



Quite a controversial decision, which has approximately equal number of minuses and pluses. The use of plasterboard structures in the bathroom is supported by the wide design possibilities that this material, which is in demand today, provides. The downside is the not very reliable moisture resistance and the need to install lathing for subsequent sheathing of the ceiling with plasterboard panels. The likelihood of mold and mildew appearing can be reduced to zero by carefully treating the material with an antiseptic, but why waste your time on this if there are plenty of other, more practical solutions for use in the bathroom?

The simplest and in most cases a budget option. Why with such a reservation? The whole point is how smooth your ceiling is, because to paint it you need to properly prepare and prime it. These services cost a lot of money and often take a lot of time.

To paint the ceiling surface, it is best to use latex or water-dispersion paint and avoid water-based paint, since the latter quite quickly and noticeably loses its color and attractive appearance due to high humidity. In addition, water-dispersed ceiling paint options are easy to maintain and can easily withstand even the most vigorous and intensive washing.

The color should be chosen based on the overall color mood of the bathroom. Of course, the most universal and widespread is white paint. Behind the seeming banality of the choice lies the quite obvious desire of the owners to make the ceiling in the bathroom universal and practical. At the same time, there are plenty of options with quite original and interesting colors - we suggest you check this out immediately.


A “folk” material that owners of apartments and houses with enviable tenacity try to use in any room that is part of their living space. To a large extent, because of its budget: plastic panels are available in a wide range in almost any hardware store and therefore it is always possible to choose the best option for your family repair budget.

Other advantages are obvious:

  • moisture resistance
  • variety of textures and colors

However, in any barrel there is always room for a modest fly in the ointment: if your bathroom has rather low ceilings, then installing plastic panels does not seem to be a rational solution. For a simple reason: it requires the preparation of the so-called frame (sheathing), which takes away many precious centimeters from the upper level.

Advice: if, nevertheless, plastic panels on the ceiling are what you want to see in your bathroom, then pay attention to collections with subtle boundaries between the fragments. A solid, monolithic canvas will look more serious, more harmonious and more expensive!

Slat ceilings

An attractive alternative to classic plastic panels. Due to the similarity of the source material, it has all the advantages that we described above.

Cassette ceiling options have also become widespread, differing from slatted structures only in the width of the panels used. For small rooms, such ceilings are an excellent solution - no matter what kind of wall covering you use, you can always choose an option that matches the color.

Lovers of correct geometric shapes and modern solutions in the spirit of contemporary - strictly take note.

Stretch ceiling

We destroy the common stereotype that stretch ceilings are undesirable for use in the bathroom (with simple stretch ceilings in rooms). Countless texture solutions and a wide variety of colors, wide possibilities for photo printing and application of original patterns and other decorative elements, the ability of a stretched fabric to hold up to 100 liters of water in the event of an unexpected flood from somewhere above - isn’t this a reason to say “yes” to stretch ceilings in question? about which ceiling is optimal for a bathroom?

Do not think about this question - it is rhetorical in nature. It’s better to carefully study the following options for suspended ceilings in the bathroom - they’re full of cool ideas that, perhaps, will find optimal practical implementation in the format of your room.

Some interesting design solutions to help

If you still haven’t decided what kind of ceiling you will have in the bathroom, then here is a small selection of original compositions from the arsenal of designers around the world.


We really hope that you have carefully studied the options we have considered, weighed all the pros and cons, and are determined to create a real aesthetic revolution within the walls of your small or not-so-small bathroom. Still, deciding which ceiling is best for the bathroom is only the first step towards creating a truly comfortable space within the walls of this vital room for every person. There are a lot of nuances and painful repair work ahead, but if you were really able to find a compromise in your choice between the dictates of your heart and the voice of your mind, then the likelihood of enjoying each bath subsequently is close to conditionally 100%.

It should also be noted some disadvantages:

  • necessity create a frame for attaching drywall sheets, which means additional time and expense. By the way, it is better to install a metal rather than a wooden frame in the bathroom;
  • plasterboard on top will have to prime and paint to obtain a pleasant-looking coating;
  • periodically will have to renew the paint, as dirt may accumulate in some places. To do this, however, even on your own, is not so difficult.

No. 3. Plastic panels

This finishing option can be called the golden mean in terms of price-appearance ratio. PVC panels have a lot of advantages, the most important of which are:

  • absolute moisture resistance and strength;
  • You can even do the installation yourself;
  • externally it is a wonderful stylish finish that does not require additional processing, for example. At correct installation the ceiling will look monolithic, and the joints of the panels will be impossible to recognize with the naked eye;
  • Can be mounted into such a ceiling Spotlights, if such lighting matches your design idea;
  • the finish is very easy to maintain;
  • , which allows us to classify this option as a budget solution. If the installation is carried out independently, then the cost of such finishing is generally minimal.

Not without disadvantages:

  • if the ceiling is not assembled very skillfully, then the joints of the panels will be visible. But that's not so bad. Dirt and moisture will gradually begin to get into such joints, provoking the development of mold if not properly maintained;
  • the metal frame to which the plastic plates are attached may rust over time, even with a galvanized coating. But if everything is in order with ventilation in the bathroom, then this should not happen;
  • It will not be possible to quickly update the coating, as in the case of painting, for example - you will have to dismantle the old panels, and only then organize a new finish.

No. 4. Dropped ceilings

Today, suspended ceilings often mean slabs, slats, modules made of plastic, plexiglass, metal, etc. attached to a frame. There are a lot of possible options, but it is important that the material is moisture resistant and matches the interior.

A definite plus such ceilings - the fact that no additional priming or painting is required, as is the case with plasterboard. The finishing material already has an attractive appearance, with which you can create a unique interior in the bathroom. In addition, any suspended ceiling can be equipped with built-in lighting, all communications can be hidden under the structure, providing the most attractive appearance of the entire structure.

Among the disadvantages is the fact that the room will become 10-15 cm lower. Moreover, often the cost and installation of a suspended ceiling is quite expensive, and the simplest cellular or cassette ceilings will not give the bathroom the proper home comfort, reminiscent of an office or public toilet.

No. 5. Slat ceiling

No. 6. Expanded polystyrene boards

This is one of the most inexpensive and simple options for finishing the ceiling in the bathroom, which at the same time has controversial decorative qualities. Often they are even glued to the ceiling, thus simplifying and reducing the cost of installation. With foam tiles you can hide significant unevenness and flaws in the ceiling. All the work can be done independently, and this is a significant saving, and in the end such finishing will cost very little.

But, unfortunately, foam boards do not have the proper decorative effect, although they often have an interesting topography. You can transform them a little by painting, and if you do it in an original way, using several colors, you can create a very good interior. These slabs are moisture resistant and perform well in operation, but due to their cheap appearance they will not fit well into every bathroom. However, this budget finishing option is perfect for those who do not have huge funds for repairs or want to do temporary repairs while the new building shrinks, For example.

No. 7. Mirror ceiling

No. 8. Stretch PVC ceiling

However, suspended ceilings also have some disadvantages:

  • relatively expensive, in addition, you also need to pay for the services of professionals - you cannot install such a structure on your own;
  • the material is delicate, so it is easy to perforate it during cleaning, and then many useful performance characteristics will disappear;
  • you need to be extremely careful with lighting fixtures. If they are too powerful, the ceiling material may begin to melt.

No. 9. Wooden ceiling

Wooden ceiling in the bathroom is beautiful, unusual and stylish. Most often used for finishing ceilings wooden lining, which preserves the noble appearance of the tree, its smell and warmth. materials impregnated with protective properties, or apply a protective layer yourself. The type of wood also plays an important role: it is better to choose those varieties that are naturally most resistant to moisture, and this is teak wood.

A wooden ceiling makes the bathroom stylish, and at the same time its installation will not be very difficult, since the lining is attached to the frame using nails. The only thing is that you need to carefully care for the wood and cover it with protective agents in time so that it does not become deformed or become moldy.

- Another one a good option for finishing the ceiling in the bathroom, since there are special compounds on sale that are not afraid of water and which can be easily applied even by yourself. The result is a strong, durable and environmentally friendly coating.

Using decorative plaster you can create a huge range of different textures and effects on the ceiling, and in each case the surface will be unique, because it will be impossible to repeat the pattern in another room in the same way. You can also choose any color you want.

Plasters are ideal for bathrooms on an acrylic basis, which have excellent water-repellent properties. In addition, you can use Venetian plaster. With its help, you can imitate almost any surface, give it a glossy effect, create stains and other effects.

Absolutely anyone can cope with the application of most types of decorative plaster, because preliminary leveling of the surface is not required. Another advantage is that plaster practically does not take away the height of the room.

Repairing a shower room is a rather labor-intensive and costly process. In addition to installing plumbing, finishing the floor and walls, you need to pay attention to the ceiling covering. How to make a bathroom ceiling with your own hands? Many people ask this question. However, only an experienced specialist can give the correct answer, since the choice of material will depend on various parameters.

Today, few people think about finishing the ceiling in the shower. Although the room is an important and indispensable part of the overall design of the room. Currently, there may be several design methods. The relatively limited choice is based on the difficult operating conditions of the premises. High humidity, temperature changes, steam and condensation are just some of the obstacles that the finishing material will have to face.

There is a way out of this situation, and more than one! A high-quality ceiling in the bathroom with your own hands is a reality. However, first you need to carefully approach the issue of selecting raw materials, consult with specialists, and also decide on the stages of installation. Repairs must be carried out correctly, taking into account all the complexities of the shower room. In addition, it is necessary to decide in advance on the choice of material.


The standard choice of ceiling covering is no finishing. During renovations in the bathroom, a large amount of work is carried out and there is not always the desire, opportunity or means to decorate the ceiling. In this case, it is usually leveled, whitewashed or carefully painted. It looks quite fresh and stylish depending on the chosen shower interior. Advantages:

  • no costs;
  • fresh appearance;
  • speed of finishing.

In addition, such coating can be easily repaired in case of damage or flood from the upper floors. In addition, it will not be as bad as, for example, expensive options, and restoring its original appearance is quite easy and inexpensive. This ceiling is very unpretentious in maintenance; there is no need to think about the choice of design and type of installation. Flaws:

  1. fragility;
  2. lack of presentable appearance;
  3. all surface imperfections are visible.

Need to know! In order to hide uneven ceilings and save money, it is best to lay moisture-resistant plasterboard.

Tension material

Installation of a suspended ceiling in a bathroom is easy and quick. This material will add originality to the shower and also emphasize the dignity of the room. From the name it follows that the design is carried out using the technology of tensioning a special fabric made of fabric or plastic. The last option is considered the most relevant for the bathroom today.


  • Maintains the height of the space.
  • Installation of any type of lighting.
  • Perfectly flat surface.
  • Aesthetics.

Installation of the product is carried out using special equipment, which allows installation in a short time. Specialists carry out the installation of the material efficiently, however, it is impossible to repeat the procedure on your own, especially without the appropriate tools. In addition, tension types have a number of disadvantages. Weak sides:

  1. high price;
  2. weak strength;
  3. possibility of melting.

Plastic decorative panels

Properly carried out repairs will not only transform the shower room into an attractive room, but will also make it possible to significantly reduce budget expenses. Installation of plastic panels can be done independently. The advantages of the material include the following criteria:

  • low cost;
  • attractive appearance;
  • possibility of installation various types lighting.

The products are attached to each other with special fasteners that have a reliable grip. By appearance, we can say that the joints are not particularly noticeable or look quite organic. Besides, plastic materials for repairs, as well as consumables are characterized by an inexpensive price. However, in addition to the positive aspects, there are also negative ones. For example:

  1. Possibility of deformation during transportation.
  2. Poor assembly makes the seams more noticeable.

Self-assembly from plastic

Do-it-yourself installation of plastic panels in a shower room is rightfully considered the simplest of all. Other materials require special tools, as well as some skills and dexterity. In this case, absolutely anyone can handle bathroom renovations. In order to correctly install the panels you must:

After completing the stages of work, you can proceed directly to the wall repair itself - finishing the shower with plastic panels.

Rack frame

Suspended ceilings made of slats are a structure in the form of aluminum elements attached to stingers, which, in turn, are installed on the ceiling parallel to each other. The distance between the stingers should not exceed a gap of 0.4–1.2 m. They are equipped with a special spring-like mechanism that allows the products to be leveled to the same level.

Using self-tapping screws, these elements are installed to the ceiling, after which they are aligned vertically. Only after completing this stage of repair can you proceed to the next step - installing the slats. It is necessary to choose a product that will be the first or last in the structure, and then install it 30 mm shorter than the length of the ceiling itself.

There is a concern that the batten needs to be shortened, since its length cannot always be precisely matched to the length of the ceiling. Trimming occurs with a sharp knife and very carefully, otherwise the workpiece may be deformed. It is best to divide the intended length into smaller sections, make an incision with a knife and break them off one by one. After which the rail is installed in the end profile and fixed to the ceiling.


Today, sheets have stable popularity. In living spaces, it can bring a touch of style and practicality. To begin repairs, you need to choose a moisture-resistant material. After which the height level of the room where the ceiling will be installed is determined. You should take into account the space for lighting and wiring - this is approximately a distance of 10 cm.

Having marked the zero level, the guide profile is attached using dowels. The gaps between the dowels should not exceed 0.5 m. The ceiling profile is attached at a distance of 35-40 cm and fixed with peppered inserts. When adjusting the material, you need to make a cut, then break the first layer, and then the second. The resulting cut is cleaned with a plane.

Video instruction

The finishing of the ceiling in the bathroom plays a very important role, so when renovating, you should take a responsible approach to the choice of finishing materials. In this room you not only relieve fatigue after a hard day at work, but also get a boost of energy by taking a morning shower or simply washing your face and brushing your teeth.

The ceiling decoration should be harmoniously combined with the wall covering. This is an indisputable guarantee of success and good mood. Yes, accessories also play an important role, but they need a positive background and this is the decoration of the floor, walls and, above all, the ceiling.

You may ask – why the ceiling? The answer suggests itself. If you enter a confined space with a dark and unkempt ceiling, then an uncomfortable pressure is immediately placed on the psyche of any person. I want to expand the space and breathe deeply.

The problems of small rooms are solved by light and voluminous ceilings. The range of materials used and methods of finishing bathrooms is significantly wide, but it is worth mentioning the most popular and affordable options.

Methods for lining a bathroom ceiling

The most popular materials for finishing the bathroom ceiling are presented in this list:

  • PVC plastic panels
  • Aluminum slatted ceilings
  • Foam ceiling panels
  • Mirror, Armstrong systems

All of the listed types of ceiling finishes are undoubtedly aesthetically beautiful and functional, but choosing any of them requires a preliminary analysis and design approach.

Important to learn! Any material used to decorate the bathroom ceiling for the examples in this article is not susceptible to moisture and is recommended for use in finishing the ceiling of rooms with high humidity.

Finishing with stretch fabric

The material from which the canvas is made is polyvinyl chloride film or PVC. It is practically not affected by moisture and when heated behaves like rubber (stretches in all directions).

A special profile called a harpoon is welded to the edge of the rectangular sheet. To attach it to the walls of the bathroom, a special aluminum or plastic profile is used. It has two doors with internal ledges for hooking a harpoon. The principle of joining the canvas and baguette exactly repeats the hook of a whaling harpoon.

After preliminary marking of the horizontal level of the stretch ceiling, the harpoon profile or baguette is attached to the walls. Fastening is done with dowel nails and an impact drill or hammer drill. The drill used is 6 mm diameter for concrete (SDS).

In order to stretch the PVC ceiling sheet, it is necessary to heat the ambient air in the bathroom to a temperature of +60 degrees. A propane heat gun is used for this. To thread the harpoon into the baguette, use a narrow spatula.

The housings of recessed lamps are installed on the existing ceiling in advance, after which thermal rings are glued and the installation of lighting fixtures is completed. PVC stretch ceilings can carry wonderful images of marine nature.

Plastic finish

The ceiling is made of plastic panels, much cheaper than a stretch ceiling. Like any other, plastic panels have excellent installation properties. They are hollow inside, but have partitions, which significantly increases their strength.

The front part of the panel can have a pattern applied using offset printing. This could be a cut of a noble stone or a pattern of expensive wood. Ceiling plastic panels are installed on a prepared frame.

Important to remember! To construct the bathroom frame, it is recommended to use a galvanized metal profile for plasterboard suspended ceilings.

Panels can be seamed or seamless. The first ones imitate the texture of wooden lining or a house block. The latter, on the contrary, create an almost invisible seam when joined - hence their name “seamless panels”.

You can easily install any lighting devices, including built-in ones, on plastic panels. When installing recessed spotlights, the ceiling level should be lowered by 12 cm.

Finishing with slatted aluminum panels

The material from which slatted ceilings are made is aluminum. It is covered on top with a special protective layer of paint and varnish. It is not afraid of water and, thanks to its simple hanging design, it is easy to install.

The frame of a suspended slatted ceiling consists of a wall guide profile and load-bearing stringers. They are suspended from the existing ceiling using special hangers. The stringers have slots in their body into which the aluminum ceiling panels snap into place.

A decorative narrow profile can be inserted into the spaces between the panels. It will give an exclusive appearance and cover up the appearance of the existing ceiling and its flaws.

Cladding with foam panels

The simplest and cheapest option for finishing a bathroom ceiling with a moisture-resistant material is to glue it. This material is practically impervious to moisture. For execution installation work It is enough to prepare the surface of the existing ceiling to be pasted.

Finishing the ceiling in the bathroom begins with putty and primer. The primer will ensure the best adhesion of the adhesive and the concrete ceiling slab. Foam boards and the ceiling are lubricated with moisture-resistant glue, and after waiting for 1-2 minutes they are pressed tightly to the base. Cutting to size can be done with a regular knife. After installing the slabs around the perimeter of the ceiling, a ceiling plinth made of the same foam is pasted over.

Armstrong mirror ceilings in the bathroom

In order to visually expand a small bathroom, the ceilings in the bathroom are decorated with an ARMSTRONG type mirror ceiling. It represents a metal frame with ceiling slabs made of mirrors. As a rule, they are coated with a protective film that will prevent fragments from scattering in the event of accidental damage.

The suspended frame of such a ceiling consists of profiles that form cells 600 x 600 mm. Mirror panels are inserted into them or mirrors and slabs with patterns alternate. To install lamps, you can use a glass cutter or raster lighting devices 600 x 600 mm. They simply lie on the frame profiles. After reading this article, you learned what and how to decorate the ceiling in the bathroom.

September 5, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction works(laying a foundation, erecting walls, constructing a roof, etc.). Internal construction work (laying internal communications, rough and fine finishing). Hobbies: mobile communications, high technology, computer equipment, programming.

When starting renovations in a plumbing room, many people pay attention only to utilities and wall design, missing out on such an important element as the ceiling in the bathroom.

This is what happened, for example, with one of my friends, a police colonel from the local district department. We discussed everything with him possible options arrangement of plumbing engineering systems, and the question of how to decorate the ceiling in the bathroom arose after I had finished covering the walls.

It’s also good that installing the ceiling can be done after finishing the walls (although it all depends on the type of material used and this statement is not always true). Therefore, we urgently sat down with him to discuss possible options. I proposed this or that design, indicating the strengths and weaknesses of each solution, and he decided whether this option was suitable for him personally.

If you are just planning or are already doing repairs with your own hands, then sooner or later you will also encounter a similar problem. So that you know in advance how to make a bathroom ceiling, I will describe the most popular designs that I have ever installed.

Basic requirements for bathroom ceilings

I would like to note right away that a bathroom is a room with a special microclimate, the distinctive features of which are high air humidity and significant temperature fluctuations. Therefore, the bathroom ceiling finish you choose must meet certain requirements.

I will list those that I personally (and, by the way, my interlocutor, the colonel) consider the most important:

  1. High hydrophobic properties. The selected material must be waterproof, not deteriorate and not change its appearance during operation in humid air.

In addition, there is always the danger of direct contact with water, when the stream of liquid from the shower is accidentally (or deliberately, because everyone will have children someday) directed upward. Therefore, the material must withstand this.

And it is also advisable, at least I highly recommend, to provide for the possibility of water appearing from the lower floor. The neighbors are different and the nice people do not live upstairs (you can check this with the neighbors below).

  1. Easy to care for. This is especially true if the ceiling height above the floor requires the use of a stepladder to clean it. My apartment has three-meter ceilings, so at first I didn’t even know how to change the light bulb in the spotlight, since no available means allowed me to get to the top.

So, your wife will not thank you if she has to pretend to be an aerialist several times a month, wiping off dust or traces of water from the surface of the decorative material you chose out of thought.

For the same reason, I do not recommend using chandeliers in the bathroom. Firstly, they are very poorly used in a damp environment (not designed for this), and secondly, they have so many small parts that you will get old before you get it in order after a month of use. I know, I checked it from my own experience in my youth.

  1. High aesthetic qualities. Naturally, no matter how high you are specifications and performance properties, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the material. Especially if your other half likes to take a bath (after all, in this case the ceiling comes into view).

Ways to decorate the ceiling in the bathroom

Now I will tell you how you can decorate the ceiling in the bathroom. As I already said, the list may not be exhaustive, since I will only mention those options in the arrangement of which I had a hand in.

All of them are on the diagram that I bring to your attention.

Method 1 – Putty and paint

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about how to make a ceiling in a plumbing room is simply filling the surface and then painting it. These operations are easy to do with your own hands, and the cost of materials will be low.

However, before you decide on this option, I want to mention a few important points:

  1. This finishing method will be profitable and not very labor-intensive only if interfloor covering flat, that is, you do not have to level out large differences in heights and curvature of the surface. Otherwise, in order for a thick layer of putty or plaster to stay on a horizontal surface, you will have to resort to additional tricks, which I would not recommend.
  2. Use paints and do not listen to the advice of grandmothers who recommend covering the surface with chalk. You don’t want to think every year (or even more often) about how to whitewash a ceiling located 3 meters above the floor (well, this is in my case).

I will not highlight separately the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution. The fact is that in the process of talking with the colonel it turned out that some characteristics that I consider disadvantages, he perceives as advantages, and vice versa.

Therefore, I will only list the technical characteristics and performance properties, and you can decide for yourself whether they are good or not:

  1. Such a ceiling cannot be called an exquisite design solution, but you can unique it by using several different colors for painting. If a higher power has endowed you with talent, you can use paint to transform this surface into a work of art worthy of recognition by the great Michelangelo. After all, in fact, the majestic churches in the Vatican are simply painted.

  1. The service life of plastered and painted is about 10 years. Naturally, unless another higher power intervenes, the representatives of which are the neighbors above.

What I mean is that if water leaks from the upper floor, the decorative painting can deteriorate. Although it is easy to fix the defect. You just need to have paint, a brush and a stepladder, without which it will be difficult to reach the surface.

  1. The ceiling is easy to maintain, although over time the surface will still darken. The fact is that the paint absorbs dirt particles that cannot be washed off with household detergents.

But many readers have already guessed that this question is also easy to read. For those who have not yet understood, I advise you to re-read the previous paragraph.

  1. It is impossible to build utility lines into such a ceiling. In particular, we are talking about the ventilation system and electric lighting. Therefore, you will have to be content with a pendant or wall lamp and a fan built into a niche (without air ducts).

It is precisely because of the last point that I do not like the method described in this section. Therefore, without further delay, I will move on to presenting other finishing options.

Method 2 – Plastic panels

This finishing material made from polyvinyl chloride - a special plastic whose technical characteristics make it perfectly suitable for use in the bathroom.

To make it easier for you to decide on choosing this method, I will point out the main advantages and disadvantages of the material. They are collected in a table for ease of perception.

pros Minuses
Plastic panels are quite durable and withstand external mechanical stress well. Even if you accidentally touch the surface with some object, this will not damage the polymer in any way. Although, I once opened champagne in the bathroom (don’t ask for details), and the cork left a dent on the ceiling. This finishing method requires the use of metal or wooden frame. Whatever the treatment of the parts, over time they become unusable, which leads to the need to dismantle and replace the entire structure. To increase the service life of the ceiling, I advise you to take care of effective ventilation in the bathroom.
Plastic perfectly tolerates not only humid air, but also direct contact with liquid. At the same time, neither its appearance nor its performance properties suffer in any way. The panels, no matter how tightly they are installed, have seams under which dirt gets clogged over time. It is easy to clean with a cloth. But sometimes, especially due to high humidity, mold appears inside, which can only be removed with antiseptics.
The products are easy and simple to install with your own hands. You just need to decide how to install the metal profile, and every man can cover it with plastic. They say that the polymer has a bad effect on human health by releasing harmful chemical compounds into the air. This may have been the case before, but modern building materials are safe, as evidenced by quality certificates and other similar documents.
The surface is very easy to care for. The polymer is easily cleaned with ordinary household detergents. I have used a special long-handled window mop several times. And there was no need to climb to the top.
A ceiling made of plastic panels allows you to hide any amount engineering communications. I had not only electrical wires and lights laid under it, but also air ducts with fans.

Personally, I prefer to use plastic ceilings paired with a similar one. In this case, the finishing work is carried out more efficiently, and the design of the room looks more organic.

But if you are an esthete and a refined person, I’ll tell you about a more aesthetic option for decorating a suspended ceiling - slats.

Method 3 – Aluminum slats

This type of ceiling is called slatted. As you already understood, it got its name from the narrow long parts that are mounted on the sheathing. I only worked with aluminum slats, although varieties made from other types of metal and plastic are available.

I have always chosen aluminum due to its exceptional performance properties. This metal is not susceptible to corrosion and is not negatively affected by water. And the parts themselves have a very attractive appearance without any additional decorative finishing.

Although if you want variety, modern manufacturers can give it to you. In stores you can find the following options:

  • chrome parts;
  • gilded panels;
  • single-color products;
  • patterned slatted ceilings.

The parts have a certain flexibility, so you can make curved designs that diversify the design of the bathroom.

As for installation, there is nothing to say here. Everything you need is included in the kit, so if you have ever assembled a children's construction set, there will be no special problems here. You just need to read the instructions and get started.

I will also mention the shortcomings. Personally, I highlighted two points:

  1. If you buy slats that need to be installed tightly together, dirt may get stuck between them in the seams. Naturally, it can be removed by simple cleaning.
  2. The use of a slatted ceiling requires a special interior style. And this solution is not suitable for all bathroom shelves. You need to plan in advance, which was not done in our case with the colonel.

One more thing. The suspended slatted structure takes up some of the height of the walls. On the one hand, this is good, this way you can hide utility lines. But on the other hand, if your walls are not three meters high, you will have to put up with a ceiling hanging over your head, which not everyone likes.

To get rid of this drawback, I recommend installing glossy slats with a reflective surface, which visually enlarges the space.

Since we are talking about suspended structures, I will next talk about drywall. The uniqueness of this option is that it can be decorated with different decorative materials.

Method 4 - Drywall

As with plastic panels, plasterboard sheets are attached to a pre-designed sheathing. It can be made of galvanized profile or wood. I do not recommend using the latter option, since the wood will quickly become unusable due to high air humidity (or you will have to think about how to protect it with the help of special impregnations).

The frame is covered with plasterboard sheets. Let me immediately mention that you need to choose a moisture-resistant material that is not destroyed by water vapor and is additionally treated with antiseptics. The latter prevent the development of mold, fungi and other harmful microorganisms.

Visually, moisture-resistant drywall differs in color. The cardboard in this material is painted green and the GKLV marking is applied to its surface.

I’ll tell you in more detail about the pros and cons of the material.

Advantages Flaws
With the help of gypsum boards it is easy to create a unique and inimitable ceiling in the bathroom. I often designed multi-level structures with any curvature. The cost of implementing such a solution is quite high. Moreover, you will have to buy materials and pay to an experienced master, which is capable of creating the masterpiece you have drawn.
Any reasonable amount of utility lines can be hidden under the sheathing. The lamps themselves and ventilation suction holes look organically on the surface of the ceiling, without spoiling the design of the bathroom. Drywall requires additional decorative finishing. To do this you will need putty, primer, and paint. Not to mention the time you will spend on the work.
This design can correct any curvature and defects in the interfloor ceiling. The paintwork on the ceiling will have to be renewed from time to time, as it quickly fades from use in a room with high humidity.
Plasterboard ceilings have a long service life.

If slats are expensive for you, and you don’t want to bother with drywall, I suggest another suspended structure. This time decorative ceiling tiles will be hung. This is what we will talk about next.

Method 5 – Hanging Tiles

Here, which I think is no longer surprising to you, a special suspended structure is also used, similar to the one that has to be constructed for a plasterboard ceiling. However, ready-made cells or cassettes are hung on it.

Compared to gypsum plasterboard, this material does not require decorative finishing, which means priming, painting, and so on. For me personally, this is just a huge plus.

By the way, tiles can be made of different materials:

  • organic glass;
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • mineral slabs.

I once installed slabs with built-in lighting. The result was a simply breathtaking bathroom that looked like a fairy-tale cave or a compartment of a spaceship (as your imagination works).

The disadvantages of the described solution include the fact that cassettes or cells do not always fit into the design of the bathroom or your home as a whole. Often such a ceiling is installed in office or commercial buildings, so you may have a similar association at home, which for me personally is not good.

On the other hand, if you decorate your house in a high-tech style, then metal tiles on the ceiling will fit perfectly.

Method 6 - Mirrors

I've already talked a lot about reflective materials on the ceiling. And now I’ll tell you about the best of these solutions – mirrors. If you decide to use them in a plumbing room, it will turn out simply gorgeous. Although you will have to spend a lot of money.

So, mirrors weigh a lot, so they can be installed on a reinforced frame made of metal profile. Mirror plates are attached to the sheathing using screws for which you need to drill holes (and, believe me, this is not as easy as it seems).

You can, of course, cheat and install a “mirror type” ceiling. These are special panels that have a surface that reflects light well. They are mounted on their own suspension system, and this can be done quickly and easily.

An example of such a solution is the products of the Armstrong company, located in St. Petersburg. But I think that in any city there are proposals for such systems. I’ll warn you right away that the frame of inexpensive systems can be susceptible to corrosion, so you need to organize effective ventilation.

The use of mirrored ceilings also has several disadvantages, which I did not fail to mention in a conversation with the colonel:

  1. Such a ceiling is a source of too intense shine, which may not be to your liking. Especially if it is located too low or you have to stay in the bathroom for quite a long time.
  2. The mirror surface will have to be washed frequently to look impressive. And if with a vertical ordinary mirror this process is quite simple, then with the ceiling very great difficulties can arise. Therefore, you need to agree on such a project with your other half in advance.

Method 7 - Tension

I left this option for last, since it was the one my friend, a police officer, chose. And I completely agree with him, because this design has many advantages:

  • perfectly tolerates exposure to humid air without changing its appearance and technical characteristics;
  • does not require additional decorative finishing after installation;
  • tension fabric can hide any number of utilities laid under the ceiling;
  • easy to clean and wash using ordinary household detergents;
  • has many design options (can be plain, with a pattern, with three-dimensional photo printing, matte, glossy, textured, and so on).

Another important plus is the ability to withstand large amounts of water leaking from the top floor. If such a problem happens to you, all the liquid will be retained by the ceiling. Afterwards, specialists will merge it, and the decorative material will restore its size.

I personally can name only two disadvantages that prevent the choice of this option:

  1. You are unlikely to be able to install the ceiling yourself. If only because this requires special equipment and materials.
  2. The canvas can easily be perforated by any object. This will not only worsen its appearance, but will also make it impossible to contain spilled water.

Let me point out one more feature. If you buy a white ceiling and install spotlights in it, be prepared for the fact that the polymer sheet in this area may turn yellow due to high temperature. To avoid this, install LED lights.

As I already mentioned, my client and interlocutor made his choice. For you, I have prepared a few tips that may help you in the difficult process of deciding which ceiling to use in the bathroom:

  1. You need to choose an option that would be combined with the design of the bathroom and home as a whole. The best option- White color. You can make such a ceiling with stretch ceiling, plasterboard or tiles. In this case, the lighting problem is easily solved (you need to install spotlights).

  1. Textured ceilings help to visually increase or decrease the dimensions of a plumbing room. In this case, I recommend modular or slatted ceilings. The texture of individual elements is clearly visible on them.

  1. If you are lucky enough to be the owner of a spacious bathroom, you can aim for a multi-level ceiling. It is made, as you already know, from plasterboard. Particularly impressive are solutions where geometric shapes on the ceiling are combined with appearance plumbing fixtures.

  1. If the aesthetic component is not a priority for you, but practicality comes to the fore, install a ceiling made of plastic panels. It is ideal for this purpose.

Of course, tension is even better, but you will have to pay extra for the installers for the work. So decide for yourself.


As you can see, there are a huge number of decorative finishing methods. Using one or another option, you can easily design the ceiling in the bathroom so that it 100% matches your taste.

If you don't mind, tell us about your results in the comments. And for those who want to study the options I propose in more detail, I can suggest that you watch the video in this article.

September 5, 2016

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