How to make a swimming pool at your dacha with your own hands from polyvinyl chloride film. DIY pool made of PVC film. Do-it-yourself PVC pool Drawing a pattern on PVC film for a pool

Film for swimming pools: do-it-yourself installation - in our time, this event has become a reality, which allows you to build artificial reservoirs on summer cottages without unnecessary costs. This technology has gained wide popularity and is used in many regions of the country. A DIY film pool is striking in its simplicity and at the same time is reliable enough to be used for active recreation.

Features of the material

Currently, polymer films are used for finishing swimming pools, differing in their structure. Most often it is made on the basis of PVC and at the same time plays the role of waterproofing and facing material for the base of the pool. The essence of pools with a film coating is that they are based on a strong frame, made with a recess into the ground or with an elevation, and a film material is laid on top, ensuring the tightness of the reservoir.

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Types of films

PVC film for swimming pools is available in several varieties, differing in the number and structure of layers. The choice of material type is determined by the size and depth of the reservoir, the intensity of operation and the capabilities of the customer. The following main varieties are distinguished:

The film is laid in such a way that it covers the entire base of the pool bowl.

  1. Non-reinforced film is a simple polyvinyl chloride sheet with a thickness of 0.6-0.9 mm. It provides good waterproofing, but does not have high strength. The main advantage is the low price. Suitable for small and shallow pools.
  2. The two-layer reinforced film is made of PVC fabric reinforced with a layer of polyester threads, and has a standard thickness of 1.5 mm. This material has fairly high strength and very good waterproofing properties. Typically used in reinforced concrete ponds of any size. In this case, the water pressure is contained by concrete walls, and PVC seals the container.
  3. The anti-slip film is designed to ensure safe bathing for children and prevents feet from slipping along the bottom. The anti-friction effect is created by forming a rough or ribbed outer surface of the coating.
  4. Film with acrylic coating has increased bactericidal properties. By applying acrylic to PVC, protection is provided against the growth of algae, mold, fungi, and harmful pathogenic microorganisms. The outer layer increases resistance to salts and chlorine additives.

Depending on the type of PVC film for swimming pools is available in thicknesses from 0.6 to 1.8 mm. When arranging shallow containers, a coating with a thickness of 0.6-0.9 mm is selected. Small but deep reservoirs require a thickness in the range of 0.9-1.25 mm. Installation of lining for large pools is made from sheets with a thickness of about 1.5-1.8 mm. The material is produced in standard rolls with a width of 2.4 and 6.8 m, and a length of 25 m.

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Main advantages of the material

After the film has been laid out, you can begin welding the seams. Special equipment is used for this.

PVC coating has a number of positive qualities, which determine its prevalence: serving as a sealing and decorative outer layer; high resistance to sunlight and other climatic factors (including cold resistance); environmental Safety; hygiene; ease of installation and cleaning from dirt; relatively low cost. A wide range of colors makes it possible to decorate the surface.

The disadvantages of the material include: low resistance to cutting, the appearance of scratches during intensive use, gradual loss of brightness of colors and gloss.

The substrate is placed loosely on the bottom and carefully spread over the entire surface. It is secured with stripes along the perimeter. If there are stairs in the pool, the canvas at the corners of the steps is secured with corners (with a similar plastic coating). When laying the substrate, it is important to fulfill one condition: there should be no folds on its entire surface.

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Necessary tool

When installing a film pool with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  • hammer drill or electric drill;
  • scissors;
  • construction heat gun (for example, “Leister”);
  • pressure roller for rolling seams;
  • paint brush;
  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • putty knife;
  • Grinder;
  • roulette;
  • plumb line;
  • metal ruler.

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Installation technology

PVC film for the pool has a slightly rough (relief) surface, and therefore does not slip.

In order to install a PVC film on a pool with your own hands, you must carefully carry out the preparatory work and lay the coating correctly.

The film pool can be constructed at a temperature not lower than 14-16°C to ensure the necessary elasticity of the material and better adhesion (the higher the air temperature, the better). When preparing the base for installation, the following recommendations should be observed:

  1. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the pool base from debris and dust.
  2. Any loose tiles and any damage to the plaster should be removed.
  3. All irregularities in the form of cracks, dents, and potholes must be filled with putty; If the walls are lined with brick, then they should be plastered.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to sharp irregularities: they should not exist at all.
  5. You should carefully align the corners of the junction of the walls and the bottom, avoiding sagging of the solution.

After this, the substrate is applied. To prevent abrasion of the coating on the concrete surface, it is recommended to lay a backing. The most suitable material for this is a geotextile fabric made of non-woven material. In addition to reducing friction, such a substrate plays the role of an insulating layer. The canvas is attached to the walls of the pool using special metal strips, the upper surface of which is covered with plastic (PVC is then welded onto it). Fastening is carried out with screws screwed into dowels in increments of 12-18 cm. The standard strip has a width of 5-7 cm and a thickness of 2 mm. The lower edge of the canvas extends 15-20 cm to the bottom.

If necessary, additional gluing of geotextiles to the concrete surface is carried out using an elastic waterproof adhesive composition.

One of the most important rules for installing a film pool is to carefully lay the film, since any gaps, folds, or wrinkles will cause further depressurization of the container. Installation includes the following operations:

  1. Cut the PVC film, taking into account all the irregularities of the inner bowl and its shape.
  2. Laying sheets on the bottom of the bowl. The sheets are laid with a distance from the wall within 15-25 mm and with an overlap of 6-9 cm at the joints. If there is a significant bottom slope after laying, some time is allowed for the film to shrink under its own weight.
  3. Installation of wall PVC sheets. The verticality of the installation is checked with a plumb line, the following overlaps are recommended: surface joints - 6-9 cm, joints in the corner between the walls - 13-16 cm. The lower end of the film is folded onto the bottom and overlaps it by 14-18 cm.

Sealing the pool bowl involves PVC welding sheets together and welding them to the fastening strip. To carry out high-quality welding, a special apparatus is used - a construction hot air gun, for example, “Leister”. The connection is made by straightening the plastic with a controlled stream of air heated to 500-550°C. When the operation is carried out correctly, the strength of the seam is not inferior to the characteristics of the base material.

First of all, the sheets are welded together on the walls and bottom of the pool without tension. The film is then welded to the plastic covering of the fastening strips. When carrying out this process, it is important to ensure uniform tension of the canvas to avoid sagging, folds and other defects. The next step is to weld the wall covering to the bottom covering. The welding work is completed by attaching the PVC to the sides of the pool.

Until recently, it was believed that building a swimming pool at the dacha with your own hands from film or any other material was the privilege of wealthy people. Today, literally anyone can afford a pond, because the construction market offers a huge range of materials and tools at affordable prices, with which you can easily build such a structure of any size, shape and depth. The easiest way would be to make a pool from film - minimal financial and labor costs are required, but the result will exceed all expectations. Below we will look at what this material is, how to install it correctly, as well as what types of pools can be built from it and where it would be best to place it on your summer cottage.

PVC film intended for swimming pools is a waterproofing material that not only retains water, but also has high aesthetic characteristics. It is this that gives the reservoir that familiar blue tint that we are used to seeing in all pools, from inflatable country pools to public sports pools. Therefore, this material combines two functions at once - waterproofing and decorative, which allows you to save money. In itself, it is inexpensive, but at the same time it is perfect for a reservoir of absolutely any configuration and size. True, it is not without its drawbacks, for example, its service life usually ranges from five to ten years, depending on operating conditions, and the color range is limited. When joining layers of film, the seams remain visible, plus, it cannot be laid if there are passages close to the surface on which the film pool is installed. groundwater. However, if the listed disadvantages do not scare or stop you, then you can safely use PVC film in construction, because this method is the most economical for people who want to create everything with their own hands. Installation is simple, the main thing is to follow the instructions, which are described step by step below.

First you need to make planning, which takes into account the dimensions of the pool, its location, purpose, appearance and pool construction diagram. Then select Construction Materials and equipment for the normal functioning of the reservoir (filters, pumps).

Then preparatory work is carried out: this includes excavating the soil (if the structure is planned to be “sunk” into the ground) and creating a drainage system, after which it is necessary to create technical niches and piping.

After this, installation work begins. This includes pouring concrete mortar that forms the walls and bottom of the reservoir, as well as finishing with PVC film and installing all purchased equipment.

The last step is to check the system for functionality.

It looks something like this step-by-step scheme building a swimming pool with your own hands. Let's take a closer look at some of the key points.

Selecting the type of reservoir and its location

First, you need to decide whether you want to build an indoor or outdoor pool at your dacha. Based on this, you will choose materials and equipment - the price for each type is different. In an open type, it is best to choose steel as a filling material; in an indoor pool, you can save money on such equipment, but you will have to spend money on a pavilion.

As for the location of the reservoir, it is best to place it on a flat, empty area where there is no excess vegetation that could clog the water with leaves or damage the frame with the developing root system. Ideally, a swimming pool in a country house is best located close to the water supply to make it easier to use, if, of course, there is one on the site.

Design and arrangement

At this stage, you need to decide what is more important - appearance or cost savings. The most economical option would be to build a simple rectangular pond at your dacha with your own hands from film without any additional corners or bends; the smaller it is, the cheaper it is. Be sure to draw up a diagram according to which you will later build a pool with your own hands. You can do this yourself, or contact specialists and order a project, as a result of which you will receive ready-made drawings and diagrams that ensure the accuracy of the construction of the pool and the installation of its equipment.

There are three types of pool film; choose the most suitable option based on your own design requirements and its type:

  • Non-reinforced film: cheap, but not very durable;
  • The reinforced fabric is equipped with polyester fibers, which increase its strength characteristics, due to which the material copes with high pressure of the water column, temperature changes and mechanical load;
  • The anti-slip surface is equipped with a ribbed surface, thanks to which you will not slip and get injured, which is ideal for the bowl of family and children's ponds.

Some of the films also have an additional acrylic coating, which provides additional durability as well as antibacterial properties, which is very important for a home pool.

At the stage of choosing equipment, you need to decide which filtration system is best for you - skimmer or overflow. The filter and pump are selected based on calculation of the amount of water in the reservoir.

Preparation and installation

A pool in a dacha made from film does not require any complicated preparation. All you need to do is dig a pit of the required size, into which the concrete solution will subsequently be poured. It is important to note here the fact that the soil walls of the pit may begin to crumble. To avoid this, it is necessary to make them not perpendicular to the ground, but with a slight slope to the outside, literally 3-5 degrees will be enough. The bottom of the pit should also not be perfectly straight: make it with a slope to the side of about 4 centimeters. Once the foundation pit for the construction of the pool is ready, installation can begin.

At this stage, it is necessary to fill the bowl: it will be a monolithic structure made of concrete, in which the bottom is first poured, and then the walls, and this is done using a cold seam. In some cases, builders decide to add additional strength to the walls of the bowl. To do this, even at the pouring stage, it is necessary to install a reinforced steel mesh inside the frame - this kind of trick will prevent the structure from collapsing during operation. When pouring, make sure that both horizontal and vertical surfaces are as smooth as possible, otherwise you may damage the film, which is sensitive to any irregularities. It is very easy to deform it, but repairing it, much less replacing it with a new one, can be very problematic.

To level the surfaces, there is a simple way - use cement diluted with water, apply it with a whitewash brush.

Next, a layer of insulation is laid, which prevents the film from rubbing against hard concrete, and then the pool film itself. The seams of the material must be welded with special equipment and treated with sealant, then the film must be welded to the edges of the reservoir. Installation work has been completed. Upon completion, the pumping and filtering equipment purchased in advance is installed, and a comprehensive check of the functionality of the hydraulic systems is carried out.

How to make a swimming pool at your dacha with your own hands: step-by-step instructions for making it from scrap materials with photos and videos

Every summer resident dreams of the early arrival of summer and imagines himself on vacation on sunny, hot days. In order to refresh yourself comfortably in cool water on vacation, you need to take care in advance about building or purchasing a bathhouse. Many owners refuse this idea, considering it too costly and time-consuming. In fact, any novice builder can make a small swimming pool at the dacha with his own hands. You just need to study different manufacturing methods, choose the appropriate option and follow the instructions step by step.

What available materials can be used to build a country pool?

You can, of course, buy one ready-made from expensive materials and invite a team of installation specialists, but often a modest budget does not allow for large-scale construction. Many summer residents give up, and the pond remains a pipe dream for them. But a thrifty owner will definitely find available and inexpensive materials and independently make a durable and beautiful pool that will last for many years and will become a real decoration of the site.

As you walk around your property, don't miss the following useful materials and things:

How to make a swimming pool at your dacha with your own hands - step-by-step instructions with photos

It is very important to choose a suitable location on the site to install the pool.

The choice of location has been made, now you need to draw a sketch with dimensions and mark the dimensions of the structure with pegs in place, and prepare the necessary tools.

For any type of pool, it is necessary to make a platform so that the bowl stands level and firmly all season.

Stages of foundation preparation:

  1. Remove the top loose layer of soil with grass, eliminate potholes, uneven areas, remove stones, debris, and uproot protruding roots. If you decide to deepen the bowl, then dig a pit with a reserve of space for the outer lining of the sides.
  2. Level the surface strictly horizontally, pour a small layer of crushed stone, and compact it thoroughly.
  3. If possible, cover with geotextile, which will protect the pool from gnawing by insects and weeds from growing under it, and will also strengthen and level the base.
  4. Pour a sand cushion 10 cm thick, lay insulation or a special polypropylene substrate under the bottom.

Making a pool from pallets

This structure can be built in less than a day and will cost very little.

For work you will need the following tools and materials:

  • old wooden pallets, at least 9 pieces, depending on the size of the structure. They are made in standard dimensions 80x120 cm;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • pegs and cord for marking;
  • jigsaw;
  • planer for processing boards;
  • boards;
  • nails;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • screws,
  • tie straps for fastening pallets into a single frame;
  • film for lining the inside of the bowl;
  • construction stapler;
  • siding or finishing boards;
  • felt;
  • scotch;
  • antiseptic impregnation;
  • paint and varnish.

Installation steps:

Tire pool

First you need to find a larger tire, for example, a BelAZ tire has a diameter of more than 300 cm and a width of more than 95 cm, and prepare the necessary tools and building materials:

  • hacksaw or sharp knife;
  • level;
  • bag of cement M-300;
  • water;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • liquid soap;
  • paint and any decorative elements;
  • container for mixing the solution, drill with mixer attachment;
  • shovel.

Stages of work:

The properties of rubber will allow you to enjoy such a work for many years without fear of leaks and destruction.

Film pool

This method is the fastest - it allows you to create a budget version of a bathhouse in two hours, which can be installed right in the garden. It should be noted that such an express bowl will serve until the first puncture of the film.

Step-by-step instruction on production:

If necessary, such a reservoir is quickly removed until the next hot season.

Swimming pool made of plastic pipes

There are ready-made prefabricated models of swimming pools on sale, the frame of which is made of PVC pipes, and the bowl is made of thick soft material or also of plastic. This design can be made on your own from pipes left over from repairs or purchased. They are inexpensive and are sold at any hardware store.

To work you will need:

  • PVC fabric, which does not allow water to pass through and is used for making awnings and inflatable boats, it is very durable and is sold in various densities, an excellent solution for a homemade pool;
  • shovel;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • marker;
  • an iron for soldering pipes or a construction hair dryer with a special nozzle for welding film;
  • insulation;
  • geotextiles.

Assembly takes place in several stages:

The bathhouse is usually small or medium in size; it can be disassembled in the fall and hidden in the closet until next summer.

Rules of care

In order for a homemade pool to last for several years, it needs proper care.

Having your own pool on your property is not a luxury item; it is quite affordable for an ordinary summer resident and can be made independently without significant financial costs. Thanks to the use of simple designs and inexpensive materials at hand, as well as simple rules for care and water purification, the pool will become a decoration of the dacha and will serve for a comfortable stay for more than one season.

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Film for swimming pools: step-by-step installation with your own hands in the house and on the site

  • Features of the material
  • Types of films
  • Main advantages of the material
  • Necessary tool
  • Installation technology
  • Final stage

Film for swimming pools: do-it-yourself installation - in our time, this event has become a reality, which allows you to build artificial reservoirs in summer cottages without unnecessary costs. This technology has gained wide popularity and is used in many regions of the country. A DIY film pool is striking in its simplicity and at the same time is reliable enough to be used for active recreation.

Scheme of a swimming pool made of PVC film.

Currently, polymer films are used for finishing swimming pools, differing in their structure. Most often it is made on the basis of PVC and at the same time plays the role of waterproofing and facing material for the base of the pool. The essence of pools with a film coating is that they are based on a strong frame, made with a recess into the ground or with an elevation, and a film material is laid on top, ensuring the tightness of the reservoir.

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PVC film for swimming pools is available in several varieties, differing in the number and structure of layers. The choice of material type is determined by the size and depth of the reservoir, the intensity of operation and the capabilities of the customer. The following main varieties are distinguished:

The film is laid in such a way that it covers the entire base of the pool bowl.

  1. Non-reinforced film is a simple polyvinyl chloride sheet with a thickness of 0.6-0.9 mm. It provides good waterproofing, but does not have high strength. The main advantage is the low price. Suitable for small and shallow pools.
  2. The two-layer reinforced film is made of PVC fabric reinforced with a layer of polyester threads, and has a standard thickness of 1.5 mm. This material has fairly high strength and very good waterproofing properties. Typically used in reinforced concrete ponds of any size. In this case, the water pressure is contained by concrete walls, and PVC seals the container.
  3. The anti-slip film is designed to ensure safe bathing for children and prevents feet from slipping along the bottom. The anti-friction effect is created by forming a rough or ribbed outer surface of the coating.
  4. Film with acrylic coating has increased bactericidal properties. By applying acrylic to PVC, protection is provided against the growth of algae, mold, fungi, and harmful pathogenic microorganisms. The outer layer increases resistance to salts and chlorine additives.

Depending on the type of PVC film for swimming pools is available in thicknesses from 0.6 to 1.8 mm. When arranging shallow containers, a coating with a thickness of 0.6-0.9 mm is selected. Small but deep reservoirs require a thickness in the range of 0.9-1.25 mm. Installation of lining for large pools is made from sheets with a thickness of about 1.5-1.8 mm. The material is produced in standard rolls with a width of 2.4 and 6.8 m, and a length of 25 m.

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After the film has been laid out, you can begin welding the seams. Special equipment is used for this.

PVC coating has a number of positive qualities, which determine its prevalence: serving as a sealing and decorative outer layer; high resistance to sunlight and other climatic factors (including cold resistance); environmental Safety; hygiene; ease of installation and cleaning from dirt; relatively low cost. A wide range of colors makes it possible to decorate the surface.

The disadvantages of the material include: low resistance to cutting, the appearance of scratches during intensive use, gradual loss of brightness of colors and gloss.

The substrate is placed loosely on the bottom and carefully spread over the entire surface. It is secured with stripes along the perimeter. If there are stairs in the pool, the canvas at the corners of the steps is secured with corners (with a similar plastic coating). When laying the substrate, it is important to fulfill one condition: there should be no folds on its entire surface.

Having your own is no longer a luxury item or something unusual. The backyard of almost every suburban or country house boasts the presence of this element. Moreover, progress does not stand still and for those who do not want to bother too much, ready-made ones are sold, equipped with everything necessary. All that's left to do is assemble and enjoy. More economical and practical owners are trying to equip their pools with their own hands. minimal costs. And it’s worth noting – not without success. Whichever option you like, you will definitely be faced with the issue of reliable and durable waterproofing. Let's try to figure it out how to select and installfilmsPVC for swimming pool, one of the most inexpensive and simplest materials to ensure proper operating conditions.

No. 1. Characteristics of PVC film

Today it offers consumers many different quality options at different prices. However, delving into the topic a little deeper, you can find that the same finishing with tiles or mosaics, taking into account not only its cost, but also the consumption of the adhesive mixture, turns out to be an expensive pleasure.

As more accessible, but not inferior in technical specifications waterproofing, Often a PVC film is used, or in other words a liner, which consists of a base and a top layer. On the reverse side there is a thin fabric backing. This modern coating is made of dense polyvinyl chloride, between two layers of which a layer of polyester fiber is placed. It is necessary for reinforcing the material. It is worth noting that PVC is obtained from vinyl chloride, which contains high levels of chloride compounds. Such discharges are very harmful to human health, however, in high-quality products such risks are minimized. And given the fact that a person spends only a few hours in the pool, the liner is absolutely safe for use as waterproofing. But as insulation for a pond in which fish will constantly live, it is better to use butyl rubber film.

A prerequisite which guarantees the safe use of PVC film for health is the passage of special certification by the material. Therefore, when purchasing, do not hesitate to ask sellers about its availability.

No. 2. Types of PVC films for pools

As we have already said, the liner can be used both for waterproofing small collapsible structures and for large pools with concrete bowls. The size and depth of the tank is two key indicators, which must be taken into account when choosing the type of film. It is not advisable to overpay for denser material if there is no real need for it. But it is also wrong to purchase a thinner one in order to save money, since in this case the film will wear out much faster and will have to be repeated in a couple of years. Naturally, you won’t find any benefits from using the liner in this case. That's why note for the following features:

Depending on the thickness of the material and coating, liner happens four types:

No. 3. Advantages and disadvantages of PVC film

We can safely say that the use of PVC film has made it possible to make a big step forward in the field of construction and finishing of swimming pools. After all, when making the right choice and following the installation technology, you can get a lot advantages:

TO shortcomings The material includes the following points:

As you can see, the material has enough advantages to prefer it to other types of finishes.

No. 4. Large manufacturers of PVC film for pools

The most popular question is how much does PVC film cost?? It’s worth saying right away that the price directly depends on the thickness of the material. The name of the manufacturer also plays an important role. Firstly, by purchasing film at an attractive price, which is significantly lower than the market average, you have a unique opportunity to purchase non-certified material. In other words - fake. It follows from this, secondly - health hazard, which can be represented by material produced without meeting sanitary standards. Such a film may contain particles of heavy metals, arsenic and other harmful elements. It will definitely have a very unpleasant smell. Buy a liner from trusted manufacturers that you have heard about, read reviews, or that your friends and acquaintances recommend from personal experience.
On the Russian market The following brands have earned trust:

  • Agrilac is an Italian company that specializes exclusively in the production of PVC waterproofing. In this regard, their products are characterized by high quality indicators. At the same time, such a narrow focus made it possible to maintain a more than affordable price for the product - from 150 rubles. per square meter;
  • IZOFOL– Polish manufacturer waterproofing materials. The range of goods is not large, but this fully compensates high quality and the strength of the Polish film. The price starts from 200 rubles/sq.m;
  • RENOLIT– German quality and a varied range of coatings are available to customers for 200-250 rubles/sq.m.;
  • WTB ELBEsecur is another well-known German manufacturer that specializes in the production of various waterproofing materials. Color solutions the brand offers little, but their product has a double safety margin, which allows the coating to withstand significant loads. Cost – from 230 rub./sq.m.;
  • Azure- a Russian manufacturer that is distinguished by good quality coatings. The average price is 650 rubles/sq.m.;
  • Flagpool is a French company that produces high-quality film, but with a rather modest range of colors. Almost all varieties are uniform in color and come in various shades of blue. The price of the product is from 1000 rubles/sq.m.;
  • Elbtal is a German manufacturer of expensive film with a reflective effect and a reinforced layer. The design of the liner is made in the form of a decorative pattern. The cost starts from 1400 rubles/sq.m.;
  • AlkorPlan is a Belgian manufacturer that specializes in the production of luxury film, the design of which very realistically replicates the texture of natural stone. Coating quality top level, however, like its cost - from 1500 rubles/sq.m.;

No. 5. How to choose PVC film for a swimming pool?

When choosing, be sure to consider the depth And configuration your pool. The deeper and more intricate it is, the thicker the film should be. For frame structures of standard sizes, you can buy a ready-made and soldered liner. You also need to pay attention to the appearance of the coating itself:

If all these parameters correspond, this indicates that this is a quality product that was produced in a factory.

No. 6. Where to buy PVC film for a swimming pool?

To purchase a truly high-quality product, you must contact specialized stores. When purchasing online or from small outlets, you may encounter the following troubles:

  • The seller will not provide you with a warranty for the purchased product. And not from the manufacturer, not from your own retail outlet, which should already arouse suspicion in you and discourage you from purchasing the product here;
  • In addition to the warranty, there may be no delivery. For people with personal transport, this may not be a problem, but for others, given the weight of the rolls, this will incur additional costs. After all, reliable sellers can always provide free or minimal delivery;
  • Lack of a certificate confirming the decoction’s compliance with sanitary standards;
  • And the most unpleasant thing is the replacement of goods. It may happen that you will be shown a sample of really high-quality film at an appropriate price. You place an order, pay for it, after which they will ship you a film of similar thickness and color, but from a completely different manufacturer, and naturally at a much lower cost. You will be able to find out about this only if the film has a characteristic smell, like its cheap analogues. Or when, after several years of operation, the waterproofing layer wears out.

Therefore, be vigilant and do not purchase goods from dubious points. Even if the price is very tempting. On the contrary, this is a reason to once again think about the origin of the material.

No. 7. Finishing the pool with PVC film

For those who are determined to carry out waterproofing work themselves, it will be useful to know that it is correct to carry out finishing in several stages. Due attention should be given to each of them. After all, only a properly installed canvas can withstand the load and please you with a long service life. And you will not be among those users who leave negative reviews about this method of isolation and call it short-lived and unreliable.

Prepare the following in advance tools:

Now in detail about the cladding technology itself.

Preparing the pool for finishing with liner

Like many other important jobs, film installation should begin with proper surface preparation swimming pool To do this you need:

  • Perform a thorough visual inspection of the pool bowl and identify any defects. In the case of laying a bowl from blocks, there may be cracks and gaps in the seams or simply uneven masonry. The walls must be leveled and then cleaned. There may be sagging or various bulges on the concrete surface that need to be leveled and sanded. If you find a crack or deep chip, first and then sand the restored area. Loose tiles need to be replaced;
  • If there is significant damage to the bottom of the pool, it is necessary. The fastest way, which makes it possible to begin subsequent work within a few hours, is the use of self-leveling solutions. Before using them, you need to clean the surface from dirt, dust, grease stains, thoroughly prime it and let it dry;
  • Particular attention should be paid to problem areas such as edges and corners. In these places, the solution may not “stick” well to the base;
  • After the pool bowl has a smooth and complete surface, you need to make sure that all embedded parts are flush with the walls and equipped with sealing flanges. This will ensure proper tightness;
  • It is better to use flanges made of stainless steel or plastic with a rubber gasket that is resistant to aggressive influence chlorine;
  • Now you need to remove all the debris and empty the cavity of the bowl;

Arrangement of the substrate

This stage is mandatory. Used as a substrate , which not only prevents the reduction of dynamic loads on the film and its premature abrasion, but also allows the water to cool much more slowly. He prevents heat loss through the concrete bottom and walls.

Please pay attention, that geotextiles should be attached smoothly, without wrinkles, folds, gathers, and especially gaps. The sheets should be overlapped by 3-4 cm. If you are installing the substrate yourself, in order to avoid its displacement, you can apply several dots of elastic glue to the wall and press the material. It is better to do this closer to the middle, and not along the edges of the sheets. When the substrate is securely fixed, you can begin attaching the film itself. You also need to remember to attach the mounting strip along the entire perimeter of the pool on the sides, at a distance of 5-8 cm from the edge of the bowl. At the very end, a film will be attached to it that covers the walls.

Installation of PVC film

This is the most critical stage on which the final result depends. It is best to mount the film at positive temperatures – at least +15°C. This way it will be more pliable and will stick well. You should start with cutting of canvases:

  • You must understand that after filling the pool with water, the film will experience significant stress. It will stretch. Moreover, how long it will have to stretch depends entirely on the configuration of the pool. The more sharp corners and turns, the greater the supply of canvas should be. If on average the sheets are stacked on top of each other with an overlap of 3 to 4 cm, then at corners, radii and similar elements this figure should be doubled;
  • Start with the sheets that will cover the bottom. Their length should be such that they extend onto the adjacent walls by 5-8 cm;
  • Now you need to hang the sheets on the walls of the pool. This must be done in a vertical manner. The easiest way to control this parameter is with a plumb line. Perform the markings in such a way that the sheets overlap each other vertically by 5-8 cm, and at the corners and bottom by 10-15 cm;
  • Keep in mind that the film under water pressure will stretch not only in the vertical, but also in the horizontal direction.
  • Leave enough reserve;
  • After cutting, you can start welding. For convenience, first fasten the first two sheets point by point using the quick tack method. This will allow them not to move, but will give you the opportunity to correct their position if necessary. During soldering, all sheets must lie flat and not form wrinkles. They cannot be removed afterwards;
  • Welding is performed using a hair dryer. If carbon deposits form during the process, it is removed with a wire brush;
  • At the end, you need to weld the film to the mounting strip on the sides of the pool and carefully roll the edge with a special roller;
  • The seams can be treated with a special sealant for additional tightness and allowed to harden for 30-40 minutes.

The work is finished, it's time to check the finished waterproofing. To do this, you need to fill the pool with water. This must be done slowly and only use warm water.

PVC film for a swimming pool is a modern coating that is widely used in its finishing. The material simultaneously performs two functions: waterproofing and decorative. It turns the tank into an airtight bowl in a teal hue. What types of products exist, how to choose the right film for a pool and how to finish it are described in detail in this article.

A modern coating that is attached to the walls of the tank is a polyvinyl chloride film. It has another name - liner. The film is made of dense PVC, between the homogeneous layers of which a reinforcing layer in the form of polyester fiber is placed. During the manufacture of the liner, special stabilizers are introduced into the mixture, due to which the final product exhibits increased resistance to ultraviolet radiation.

The product is treated with a fungicidal and antimicrobial composition, which protects the material from the effects of pathogenic bacteria, microorganisms, fungi and spores that are in the water. PVC film intended for swimming pools is certified, which indicates the safety of its use. In order for the coating to have a shiny appearance, several layers of acrylic are applied to the product, which also improves the strength characteristics of the product.

You can buy a pool film, the price of which starts from 300 rubles/m², in a width of 3.05; 6.1; 9.15; 12.2; 15.2 m. The length of the product is usually 15.2; 30.5; 45.75 and 61.0 m. The material is supplied in rolls.

Types of finishing materials for PVC pools

There are three types of PVC film:

  • single-layer;
  • multilayer;
  • butyl rubber.

Single-layer blue or light blue PVC film for the pool is presented in a product with a thickness of 0.65-0.8 mm. This covering is often used for a collapsible pool and comes with it. Covering the frame base, the material absorbs the pressure from the water that has filled the pool. The outer surface has a rough coating, which creates an anti-slip effect. All components of the material fold compactly, acquiring a small-sized appearance. The weight of the product is only 1 kg.

Multilayer PVC film for a pond, the price of which starts from 1,500 rubles. per 1 m², feels like linoleum. The film is presented in the form of a three-layer material with a thickness of 1.5 mm. The liner consists of two layers of PVC, between which there is a fabric layer with Kevlar fibers. The layers are connected by welding. This durable material is used for stationary pools. The outer surface may have a glossy or textured finish. The liner is characterized by a wide color palette. The product can be plain or with an applied pattern in the form of a mosaic, imitation of natural stone or a photograph. This decoration will become a real decoration of the yard.

Collapsible pools are equipped with PVC bowls. For stationary tanks, the material should be cut and welded on site. However, both options can be used if the collapsible tank is large. In this case, the film is immediately mounted to frame pool, included in the kit, and then the surface is covered with a liner bag made of reinforced fabric, which is welded and secured around the perimeter of the structure using a bandage tape.

The most durable, wear-resistant and reliable is a two-layer butyl rubber membrane without reinforcement. The material exhibits increased resistance to mechanical stress and sudden temperature changes. The liner is able to withstand high and low temperatures without compromising the integrity of the structure. The film is characterized by high elasticity, due to which it does not require much effort when lining the pool. This liner is used for large volumetric tanks.

Advantages and disadvantages of a liner for swimming pools

High-quality PVC film has a service life of about 20 years. Thanks to its elasticity and stretchability, the material is quickly and easily applied to the tank frame, clearly following its contours. During the manufacturing process, the film is impregnated with special substances, which makes it resistant to biological and chemical influences. Compared to other finishing materials that are used to finish a swimming pool, PVC film has the lowest cost.

There is no risk of cracks or chips, which are possible when using ceramic tiles or mosaics. If there is a violation of the integrity of the product, its repair is carried out quickly and inexpensively.

When covering the surface with PVC film, there are no sharp edges, which eliminates the possibility of injury. Thanks to the wide variety of material designs, the liner is not only reliable waterproofing pool, but also its real decoration.

Helpful advice! Using a liner, you can eliminate small pool leaks.

Among the disadvantages of the material are the following:

  • the likelihood of scratches and abrasions on the surface of the product;
  • labor-intensive process of cleaning the pool;
  • impracticality for tanks with complex configurations;
  • violation of the integrity of the surface when exposed to cutting or piercing elements;
  • cannot be used in heaving soils;
  • the visibility of butt seams disrupts the harmonious, holistic appearance of the surface;
  • liner without acrylic coating does not tolerate low temperatures, which causes bubbles and cracks.

How to choose the right PVC film for swimming pools

PVC film for a pond or pool must meet the following criteria:

  • be durable, not wrinkle or crumble;
  • exhibit resistance to UV rays, low and high temperatures;
  • withstand high pressure without significant deformation and damage to the integrity of the material;
  • be resistant to mechanical stress.

When choosing a suitable material, you should pay attention to the thickness, design of the film and the manufacturer of the product. To optimize material costs and ensure a sufficiently strong, reliable and durable coating, you should take into account the depth of the pool bowl. If it is within 2 m, the film should have a thickness of 0.5-0.9 mm. It is necessary that in other cases the material is no thinner than 10 mm. For pools with complex configurations, the liner must have a thickness of at least 15 mm.

Helpful advice! For reservoirs with a relief shape, it is advisable to buy thick, expensive products in the form of bubble wrap for swimming pools. For small structures with a smooth bottom, you can use budget options.

The film has different designs, which affect the performance properties of the material. A conventional liner has the lowest cost and is characterized by low strength. It is advisable to use it for prefabricated small-sized pools. The reinforced liner can withstand significant loads, has high performance characteristics and can be used for any tank.

To ensure safety, you should buy a PVC film with an anti-slip coating for the pool, the price of which will be higher than other analogues. Liners with acrylic coating have bactericidal protection. The material does not deteriorate. Microorganisms, bacteria and fungi do not multiply on its surface. Such products are characterized by the highest service life, which undoubtedly affects their cost. The price of PVC film starts from 1500 rubles/m².

In order to select high-quality material, you should cut along the end of the product. If the structure of the material crumbles and flakes, this indicates a low-quality film that will not last long. A high-quality product has a homogeneous structure with evenly spaced threads. The fabric should stretch evenly in all directions. The relief pattern should be uniform.

Popular manufacturers and prices of PVC films for pools

Today the liner is presented in a wide variety of species. The product is produced in rolls, so the price of pool film is determined per square or linear meter of the product. The cost of the product depends on the type of material, its thickness, elasticity and manufacturer. The cheapest option is a single-layer coating. The price of blue PVC film for a swimming pool is on average 300 rubles/m². A multi-layer product will cost 1,500 rubles/m². A liner with a textured anti-slip surface can be purchased from RUB 1,800/m².

Among the popular manufacturers that have proven themselves to be the best in the construction market are the following: Elbtal (Germany), AlkorPlan (Belgium), Flagpool (France), Ceplastik (Spain), Lazur (Russia). The German company produces a wide range of high-quality PVC coatings with reinforcement, reflective effect and decorative patterns. The cost of the liner starts from 1,400 rubles/m².

The Belgian company specializes in coatings with imitation under natural stone. You can buy PVC film for a swimming pool from 1,500 rubles/m². The French and Spanish manufacturer offers a less diverse range. Mostly monochromatic models of different shades of blue are presented here. The cost of the material starts from 1000 rubles/m². The most affordable products are offered by the Russian manufacturer. The average price of a classic blue film will be 650 rubles/m².

How to make a pool from film: the main stages of work

Today, using PVC film, you can use PVC film to line a pool with your own hands, cheaply, quickly, and very simply. Installation consists of the following steps:

  • preparation of the base;
  • geotextile backing devices;
  • film cutting;
  • installation of the liner;
  • seam processing.

Before you begin installing the PVC film, you should make sure that you have the necessary characteristics for the pool bowl. The structure must have a flat and smooth surface. It is necessary that the edges of the pool walls have sufficient strength to withstand drilling. The tank must be equipped with adequate groundwater protection.

To perform the work you should have the following materials and tools:

  • polyvinyl chloride film;
  • a backing made of non-woven material;
  • corner or fastening strip;
  • welding hot air gun with the necessary accessories in the form of an iron brush and nozzles;
  • silicone roller;
  • screws, dowels;
  • pressure roller for butt joints;
  • elastic glue;
  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • construction knife or scissors.

DIY pool made of PVC film: preparatory stage

Before starting work, you should thoroughly clean the pool bowl. This will help identify all surface defects, which should be perfectly smooth. If the walls are made of brick, they should be pre-plastered and then sanded. If the surface is concrete, it will have to be puttied. In case of serious damage to the bottom surface, it is recommended to fill in a self-leveling screed. Particular attention should be paid to the sides and corners. In these places it is necessary to ensure maximum adhesion of the solution to the base.

All embedded parts of the pool must be flush with the surface and be equipped with sealing flanges that provide a tight connection. Flanges are selected from stainless steel or plastic with a chlorine-resistant rubber gasket. Next, you should remove all debris from the pool.

Helpful advice! If you are reconstructing an old structure where the waterproofing is damaged, PVC installation film can be applied directly to previously laid ceramic tiles.

At this stage, a diagram is drawn up for fastening the substrate fragments and installing fastening strips. There is no standard option, since all pools differ in configuration and linear parameters. However, one recommendation should be followed: the strips are placed in such a way as to ensure a minimum number of butt joints.

The arrangement of fastening elements for geotextiles (and, accordingly, for film) is selected individually, based on the geometry of the pool and the number of strips of facing material. The liner is laid overlapping with an allowance of 5-10 cm at the bottom of the pool, 4-5 cm on the walls of the structure and 15 cm in the corners of the structure.

Creation of a reliable insulation layer in the form of a geotextile substrate

During operation, the pool film, which can be purchased at any hardware store, will be subjected to significant loads, as a result of which its service life may be significantly reduced. To protect the liner from damage and at the same time to create a sealing layer on the entire surface of the pool, a geotextile backing is installed. The material will help reduce heat loss through the bottom and walls of the pool, which will contribute to a slower cooling of the water in the tank.

To fix geotextiles, a metal tape is used, represented by a fastening strip with a plastic coating. It is to this that the PVC film will subsequently be welded. Therefore, it is extremely important not to confuse the top and bottom of the tape. The length of the product should be 2 m, width – 8 cm, thickness – 2 mm. The film is attached to the inner surface of the pool using screws that are screwed into pre-installed plastic dowels. The distance between the fasteners should be 10-12 mm, which will ensure reliable fixation of the liner to the surface of the pool bowl over its entire area.

If the structure has rounded sections, triangular cuts are made in the metal strip in several places to ensure a secure fit of the strip to the surface. If the pool is equipped with steps, it is better to use corners rather than stripes on their edges. With their help, you can fasten sections of film with tension, which will reduce the number of points of attachment of the material to concrete. In some cases, the tape may be fixed to the bottom. This will prevent the bottom sheets from moving and wrinkling the liner.

According to the chosen scheme, holes are drilled in the concrete and dowels are driven in. Next, geotextile fragments are laid out over the entire area, starting from the walls of the pool. The strips should fit tightly to each other, without forming gaps or folds. A special adhesive for PVC pool film is applied pointwise to the back of the material, which will prevent displacement individual elements. The strips are laid loosely on the bottom of the pool.

Important! If there are embedded parts in the pool, it is necessary to make corresponding holes in the substrate.

The final stage is the installation of metal strips and their secure fixation with screws. To protect the geotextile from melting when welding the film to plastic fasteners, the joints should be covered with self-adhesive foil.

Do-it-yourself finishing of a pool with PVC film

Before laying PVC film, the price of which depends on the type of product, cutting should be done, which is an important and responsible step. Here it is necessary to take into account that when filling the bowl with water, the liner will stretch. Therefore, the film fragments are overlapped by 5-8 mm, which depends on the thickness of the product. The strips should be placed freely on the surface without unnecessary tension. It is required that the overlap for corner joints be at least 12 mm.

The work of laying the material begins from the bottom of the pool. The quality of all other stages will depend on the accuracy of the installation. Do-it-yourself finishing of pool film walls is done from the bottom up. The liner fragments are leveled using a plumb line.

Helpful advice! Work on finishing the pool with PVC film should begin in the hot season. At high ambient temperatures, the material becomes more elastic, which ensures easy installation on the walls of the tank bowl.

Laying the liner is a complex undertaking that requires special attention and precision in execution of actions, the price of finishing a pool with PVC film starts from 600 rubles/m².

After installation, the defect cannot be easily eliminated. The whole piece will need to be replaced. Adjacent strips are immediately laid, which should be aligned and secured in one of the following ways. If a thin liner is used, spot connections can be made using solvent. It will melt the material at the points of contact and glue it securely. You can use a hair dryer to heat the film in certain places and then fix it.

At the next stage, the film fragments are welded. The joint areas should be heated with a hairdryer using the required nozzle (depending on the location of the material installation). Hot air, the temperature of which is regulated, melts the seams. By pressing adjacent elements to each other using a silicone roller, after the material has cooled, you can obtain their reliable soldering. When performing this step, the following rule should be taken into account: the lower the ambient temperature, the hotter the air should be. In addition, when soldering film fragments together, you will not need such hot air, as when soldering the liner to the corners or fastening strips.

Helpful advice! The nozzle of a construction hair dryer should be periodically cleaned of accumulated carbon deposits using a special metal brush.

After covering the bottom, you can begin finishing the walls of the pool. The sheets are placed with the necessary allowance. The fragments are immediately soldered to the fastening tape along the entire perimeter of the pool. Then the transition seam is joined between the vertical wall and the bottom of the structure. Lastly, the fragments in the corners are welded.

The final stage of work in finishing the pool with a liner

After installation is complete finishing material for the pool and doing everything welding work It is necessary to carefully inspect each seam. If defects are found, they should be corrected immediately. After a thorough check, you can proceed to sealing the butt joints. For this, a special sealant in the form of a liquid mixture is used. The substance must remain in the open air for 30 minutes until a plasticine-like state is formed. The sealant covers the entire surface of the seam. It should be applied to vertical stripes from bottom to top, thereby creating an additional sealing layer.

Helpful advice! The sealant for the seams can be matched to the color of the liner.

After the seal has completely hardened, which will occur in 30-45 minutes, the pool is gradually filled with hot water at a temperature of 40 ° C. You should immediately add no more than 30 cm. This helps to ensure good tension of the vertical film strips. At this time, holes are made and flanges are installed on the embedded parts. Next, decorative elements are installed, after which the pool is filled to the top with water.

Today's choice facing materials quite extensive for swimming pools. However, PVC film is the most popular option. This is due to affordable cost, environmental friendliness, high performance characteristics, ease of installation and low maintenance. In order for the coating to please the eye for many years, it is important to choose a high-quality, certified product from a reputable manufacturer.