How to overlay a barbecue with natural stone. Do-it-yourself stone brazier: photos, drawings. The design of the brazier requires focusing on itself from the very beginning

If you like to fry shish kebab and cook vegetables on the grill in your summer cottage, we suggest making a stone brazier. In the construction process, not only natural stone is used, but also sand and clay. Such a brazier will withstand any weather conditions and will not lose its decorative effect under any circumstances.

When deciding on the site on which the construction of the barbecue will unfold, proceed from where it is better not to start the construction:

  1. A brazier erected right next to the house or, conversely, at a great distance from it, is inconvenient to use.
  2. To avoid fire, do not place the structure near spreading trees. Consider the fact that the young growth is growing and in a couple of years its branches can reach the stone product.
  3. Near the cesspool.

The best place is to equip a brazier made of stone with your own hands in a recreation area, near a gazebo, a pond or a flower garden. Notice which direction the wind is blowing. If you often barbecue, the neighbors may not like the pungent smell of smoke. Provide cover - so that during the preparation of delicious dishes you can hide from the rain or the scorching sun.

With high stretch groundwater need to do monolithic foundation which will ensure the stability of the structure. A small foundation will quickly collapse and the stone structure will sag, warp and deteriorate.

Before proceeding with construction, draw drawings on which carefully consider the physical parameters of the brazier. Decide on the height, length and width. Finally, you can proceed to the preparation of tools and the selection of materials:

  • stock up on a wheelbarrow and a shovel;
  • put down the bucket and concrete mixer;
  • for stone processing you will need a sledgehammer, pickaxe, saw, jigsaw;
  • for marking construction tape measure and chalk;
  • to make the structure even, you need a building level;
  • additional tools - hammer, chisel, grinder;
  • from a stone it is better to choose natural;
  • refractory bricks are ideal for arranging a brazier;
  • for kneading the fixing mass - crushed stone, sand, cement and clay;
  • connect the finish and stone with wire and steel tape measuring 5 × 50 cm.

To increase the functionality of a stone brazier, you can provide a sink and a plane for cutting meat in the drawings, plan a water supply. Before laying, natural stone must be properly processed by cutting it, sanding and polishing it. Trimming is usually performed with a grinder, and polished with a grinding machine operating in automatic or manual mode.

The owner needs to determine the size of the brazier made of stone made by himself suburban area. The person becomes full-length and imagines that he is holding skewers. The level at which the hands are located is the ideal distance from the ground to the barbecue.

The optimal width is from 30 to 40 cm, otherwise the design will heat up excess air. The length is calculated by the number of skewers (the usual number of guests). If there are 10 skewers, then one meter in length is enough.

In the brazier, coals of 13-15 cm should be placed, this is the desired depth.

How to make a foundation for a barbecue

In order for the built brazier to please with durability and strength, you need to lay a strong and solid foundation. The base equipment guide looks like this:

  1. Dig a recess with a shovel, capturing more than 15-20 cm on each side.
  2. Add sand and gravel to the pit, pour water and tamp.
  3. Mount the formwork made of boards, following a rectangular shape.
  4. Reinforce with wire.
  5. Pour cement by mixing with crushed stone of fine abrasive.

Leave the foundation to stand and dry completely. Then place roofing felt or other waterproofing material on the base.

In order for the stone to fix well, the clay is laid out in water for a couple of days, after which it is mixed with river sand, following a ratio of 1: 3.

Step-by-step instructions for laying walls consists of the following steps:

  1. Choose the largest stones and lay out the first rows of them.
  2. Rising up, according to the principle of the pyramid, lay small stones.
  3. From the outside, stones of different colors and bizarre shapes look unusual. If these are not available, as finishing material in some areas, heat-resistant filled red brick will do. Thanks to the brick, the structure will become even more stable and acquire a truly chic look.

Used as an arch and supporting supports metal pipes and corners. The blower and ashpit are equipped with sheet metal 5 mm thick. If the drawing shows compartments for storing firewood or utensils, do not forget to think about how you will do them at the first stage of laying the stone.

The place for burning firewood is equipped with a metal circle equipped with a grate. Take a piece of iron intended for creating a roof and make holes. For reliability, go over the inner outlines with steel tape.

Have you built a brazier? Now it doesn't hurt to decorate decorative elements, sit them on glue or cement. The made cauldron with forged details looks original.

"In the master class presented to your attention from the author, it will be shown how to independently fold a stone barbecue in the country or in the courtyard of a private house.

Today, the topic of building and creating all kinds of barbecues, smokehouses, barbecue stoves made of stone is very popular. Let's look at another rather unusual type of stone barbecue, and its peculiarity is that it resembles a "tandoor" in shape but has natural cracks in the walls through which air enters the combustion source. According to the author, you can start frying meat on it without waiting for the firewood to burn out and turn into coals, you just need to turn the skewers or grate a little more often.

Stone grill does not require a serious foundation, a small recess with compacted gravel is enough. Stones can be obtained completely free of charge: in a quarry, along the banks of rivers and reservoirs, along roadsides. The collected stones should then be thoroughly washed with water and a metal brush, so the solution will adhere more strongly to the stone surface. For masonry, the author used a special masonry mixture for stoves and fireplaces, which withstands high temperatures.

And so, let's look at what exactly is needed to create a stone barbecue?


1. stone
2. coarse gravel
3. masonry mixture for laying stoves and fireplaces (heat-resistant)


1. shovel
2. trowel
3. tape measure

This type of brazier was advised to the author by his friend to build, and he saw such a miracle while relaxing in the south. We consulted and decided to repeat it on our native land) We went to the quarry, collected more stones (it's a freebie))) How much is not known exactly, by eye) It was decided to put the brazier closer to the recreation area next to the gazebo, so that when cooking and frying barbecue everything was side by side. As already mentioned above, it is not necessary to fill the foundation here, a small recess for a shovel bayonet and 1x1 m in size is quite enough.

First, the stones were prepared and laid out so that it would be convenient to choose a pebble that was suitable in size and configuration.

The top layer of soil is removed, the earth can be used in the beds.

We go deeper by 25-30 cm.

This is quite enough, but if you wish, you can pour a small concrete slab.

A couple of buckets of coarse gravel are poured into the bottom of the pit and carefully rammed.

Then the first row of stones is laid out. For the base, you should pick up the largest stones and put them in a circle on a gravel cushion.

The next row is laid out from smaller stones on a special masonry mixture for stoves and fireplaces.

Attention! You can't lay out the whole brazier at once! We laid out a row, let the solution harden for at least a day! This is necessary so that the structure simply does not part, because the stones are heavy and have a non-standard shape.

Each subsequent row goes to narrowing.

Of course, everything was done with an assistant))

A temporary lid was made from a 200 l barrel.

And here is the gazebo itself, overgrown with grapes, the cottage is still under construction and the gazebo is the main place to relax after a hard day.

As mentioned above, there is no need to wait for the firewood to burn out and coals to form, we start frying right away, we just turn it over more often.

But the fire, of course, should not be strong, otherwise everything will simply burn out)) A lit fire should support slow burning.

After the kebab is all fried, you can simply burn firewood and use it as a hearth.

The article contains information on how to choose the right stone barbecue for installation on the site of a private house or cottage. After studying it, you will understand why it is beneficial to make a massive stationary brazier made of stone, what you need to consider when choosing its design and installation location. This will provide the necessary theoretical basis for communicating with managers of specialized companies or private traders involved in the construction of such barbecues. Knowledge in this matter will allow you to avoid unnecessary expenses, order what you need without compromising quality and the desired result.

The brazier, built of natural stone, will create an atmosphere of comfort and decorate the surrounding space.

What he really is

Stone braziers for summer cottages are massive structures made of natural stone, connected by a binding base of natural clay and sand. To install it, you need a reliable and massive foundation. The structure made of natural stone looks as close as possible to the natural environment. There are many varieties of braziers, from simple designs to complex complex structures for preparing a variety of dishes in harmony with a place to relax.


The main advantages of barbecues or barbecues made of stone experts include the following:

    effective, solid and status appearance;

    high strength;

    lengthy lifetime;

    excellent sustainability to all external influences (changes in temperature and humidity, precipitation, falling hot oil on the stones, low temperatures, etc.);

    high refractoriness(you can not be afraid of deformation and melting);

    excellent stamina to mechanical wear;

    does not absorb moisture(which is important when used at low temperatures);

    practically does not absorb odors;

    do not require special care;

    easy to wash using a practically unlimited range of detergents;

    great opportunities in terms of design and breadth functionality.

What kind of stone can be made

Stone barbecues for summer cottages can be built both from natural stone and from artificial. If the choice is made in favor of natural material, then granite, shungite, sandstone, quartzite, slate and granite can be used for this task.

On our website you can find the most . In the filters, you can set the desired direction, the presence of gas, water, electricity and other communications.

The complexity of the construction of the brazier, and hence its cost, will depend on the shape of the stones. Stones such as torn butt, thallus and limestone are considered simple for installation.

If, for the sake of achieving maximum exclusivity, the choice falls on rough cobblestones irregular shape, then you will have to “pay” for this by increasing the labor intensity construction works and increased consumption of binders. At the same time, the arrangement of such a brazier will require the involvement of highly qualified masons. All this together will affect the cost of a brazier or barbecue made of stones.

The use of an artificial stone substitute, on the contrary, will save both on the price of the material and by reducing the labor intensity of work due to the most convenient form of artificial stones for laying. In addition, the artificial material can be modified with special additives that provide the material with additional resistance to moisture and high temperatures.

How is the installation of the brazier

A brazier or a stone barbecue oven is constructed according to the following typical algorithm:

    choice typical project or ordering an individual construction project;

    choice of location for arranging a stone brazier;

    definition geometric parameters of the brazier, its base, decorative and auxiliary and complementary elements;

    site preparation for the construction of a brazier;

    concrete foundation;

    arrangement basement constructions;

    erection walls and the working surface of the brazier (stone laying);

    finishing finishing;

    construction or installation decorative, auxiliary and complementary elements(canopy, benches, surfaces for cutting meat, firewood, shelves for dishes, etc.).

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer services for the construction of small architectural forms. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Variety of projects

The choice of the most suitable brazier design is mainly determined by the desired functionality and the desired design style. In terms of functionality, these can be both small braziers designed exclusively for frying meat or vegetables, and serious structures that are multifunctional grill areas. In terms of design style, the choice usually comes between the following varieties:

    constructions in the style of minimalism(neat structures with smooth walls and smooth surfaces);

    stylized as primitive"brutal" structures with braziers, built roughly and randomly from stones of different sizes;

    neat and refined braziers in a classic or antique style made of stones of almost the same shape and size and decorative cladding.

Location selection

As a rule, for maximum outdoor comfort, a brazier is built near or inside (with smoke extraction equipment) covered structures that protect from precipitation. It can be various verandas, gazebos, terraces, summer kitchens. If the area of ​​​​the site does not allow the placement of such structures, then a certain area in front of the house or in the backyard is simply allocated for the construction of a barbecue area.

When choosing the location of the brazier, the following factors are taken into account: wind direction, proximity to the hearth from flammable objects (shrubs, trees, unprotected wooden structures, dry annual vegetation), compatibility with the environment, proximity to the eating area. But when prioritizing between factors, the main thing, of course, is compliance with fire safety requirements.

Dimensions of the brazier and foundation

The dimensions of the brazier are determined by the list of tasks that it allows you to implement, as well as the number of potential eaters of meat or other dishes made on it. In this case, the mass of natural stone should be taken into account.

Unlike a conventional metal barbecue, a stone product may require a very massive foundation. And all this will affect the amount of concrete and reinforcement for the slab, and hence the cost of arranging the barbecue area as a whole. In this regard, when planning the size of the brazier and its functionality, it is necessary to minimize unnecessary frills without compromising the desired result.

Site and foundation preparation

The first step in preparing the site is marking it out, usually using pegs and a rope or an aerosol can of paint. Laces or paint fix the boundaries of the foundation of the brazier. The next step is the construction of a foundation pit, its depth is usually about 30 cm, it may vary depending on the depth of soil freezing in the region.

The boundaries of the pit usually exceed the boundaries of the foundation by 15-20 cm. Then a sand and gravel cushion is prepared, it is compacted (including watering). A formwork is installed on the pillow, in which metal reinforcing elements are laid. The finishing operation is the pouring of concrete, after it hardens, the formwork is removed and waterproofing is created using roofing material or greasy clay.

The device of the plinth, walls and working surface of the brazier

To create a brazier, you will need a number of specialized tools: a level, a chisel, a trowel, a sledgehammer, a chisel, an angle grinder with a set of diamond discs, a carpenter's hammer, a pickaxe, a wheelbarrow, a concrete mixer, a bucket, bayonet and shovel shovels, jointing and much more.

The stones of the basement, walls, work surface are fastened together not with cement, but with a specially prepared mortar of clay and sand. Masonry begins with more massive stones, based on the principle that the higher the row, the smaller the mass of its constituent elements, relative to the previous row.

fine finish

To increase the aesthetic appeal or give a certain style to the structure, after the walls of the stone brazier can be finished with a decorative stone of a certain texture and color. Metal, main functional, decorative and auxiliary elements of the barbecue area, depending on the purpose, are mounted either in the process of building walls and a work surface, or in the process of finishing.

Video description

From the video you can learn how to make a stone barbecue with your own hands:


Despite the outward simplicity of a structure made of natural stone for frying meat, these are quite expensive structures when compared with a conventional steel grill. In order not to be disappointed as a result, having spent several tens of thousands of rubles, it is better to entrust the construction of the brazier to a professional.

Every trip to the country is rarely complete without barbecue. Cooked meat on coals is not just food, it is a joint pastime, communication of loved ones, games with children. All this brings real pleasure. For interesting communication surrounded by nature and near the barbecue, you need a good barbecue. You can buy it or make it yourself.

Foundation preparation


Extraction device


Today, metal structures for cooking meat and barbecue are very convenient. But the best option is to make a stone barbecue with your own hands, the photos and drawings of which you can see below. Despite the simplicity of its design, this is a very convenient structure that can be used when frying meat or vegetable products. Such a brazier is distinguished by a round shape, ease of construction and operation.

Having studied the materials of our site "Remontik", you can easily make a brazier that has a beautiful appearance. For a small number of people, it is perfect. The fact is that such a brazier will be more convenient to clean, and there will be much less garbage from it. It can have a diameter of 1 m and a height of 65 cm. It does not have to be washed, assembled, and you will not burn yourself on hot iron handrails. Only after cleaning it slightly, you can use it again. If you make it yourself, it will cost much less than buying it.

Do-it-yourself stone brazier, which is located on the territory country house permanently, can be used for many years.

We offer you a stone brazier scheme

Attention! When laying out the stone cylinder of the brazier, it is worth leaving a small hole for cold air, which will create traction.

Choosing equipment and essential tools

Among the tools that you will need for the construction of a stone brazier, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • pitchfork, shovel and bayonet shovel;
  • bucket and wheelbarrow;
  • carpenter's hammer;
  • trowel, pick and mason's jointing;
  • concrete mixer;
  • level;
  • manual jigsaw;
  • saw;
  • sledgehammers with long and short handles;
  • chisel with protection, zokolnik, dowel;
  • measuring tape and chalk;
  • grinder with a set of diamond discs.

Attention! Before you start building a stone barbecue with your own hands, you need to process the source material (stone) hand tools. Such a process is quite laborious and inefficient.

But be that as it may, the tool for such work is inexpensive, which means that in the event of a breakdown, you can quickly replace it.

Drawings of a brazier made of stone made by one's own hands

Each object needs a project, and a stone brazier is no exception. Any stove maker can easily cope with this task. If you do not have such knowledge, we recommend ordering a project by contacting a specialized organization. In addition to the drawing itself, you will receive a technical task, where step by step description work with diagrams.

After studying the drawings and approving the project, you can proceed to the construction itself. With the help of the drawn scheme, you will be able to imagine the future structure, which will save your time when building the structure. The picture is made on two sections from the inside.

Photo brazier in a section

Also in the project there should be descriptions of orders. For efficient work, carefully study the provided drawing, as all the stones are clearly marked on it.

Attention! Performing orders, follow the instructions of specialists. Otherwise, even deviations that seem insignificant to you can bring a lot of trouble during the operation of the barbecue.

How to make a stone grill with your own hands

  1. Foundation pouring.

Whichever brazier you choose: a covered structure or a rectangular structure, you should take care of building a quality foundation. If you plan to equip a simple structure, then you can make a cement-based cobblestone base. If you plan that your barbecue will have a height of more than 1 meter, then the foundation will have to be built below the freezing level of the soil. Otherwise, the upper part of the structure will tilt and the frozen soil will swell.

If on land plot clay soil, then pour the concrete solution into the dug recess. Do not reach the edges of the pit about 15 cm. Then set the formwork to create a flat rectangular structure. If the soil is sandy, then immediately install the formwork. After the foundation has hardened, you can remove it. If we talk about waterproofing, then it must be done using white, red or yellow clay.

  1. Foundation preparation.

When building a brazier with your own hands, do not forget that you must be able to lay bricks. Otherwise, it is worth hiring someone who understands this. The entire construction process should begin with the construction of the base of the barbecue.

To do this, it is necessary to dig holes with a diameter of 120-130 cm and a depth of 80 cm. Pour a layer of gravel on the bottom bottom part, and a layer of sand on top. After that, pour everything with concrete mortar. Next, you need to reinforce the base by taking a steel reinforcing mesh. When this part is embedded, it will look like a vertical cylinder with a diameter of 1 meter.

Scheme of the foundation for a stone barbecue

After ten days, when the concrete hardens and becomes strong, inside the walled-in mesh, you need to lay out with a cement mortar, consisting of fragments of parts of bricks or stones. The inner surface should not be embossed. The smoother it is, the better.

When this part is lined with natural stones, problems may arise due to the relief. The stone structure resulting from the work described above has the shape of a cylinder. It is necessary to pour inside the building, then immediately tamp the soil. After such work, a recess resembling a bowl remains, 55 cm deep.

  1. Facing stage.

The future barbecue from the outside should be finished with natural stone, but using only profile or specialized glue. Otherwise, after the firewood burns out several times in the brazier (if the tile is not planted on a special glue), it will simply fall off, and there will simply be no external attractiveness. This good glue, having the consistency of a dry state, bought in any hardware stores.

It helps a lot to hold stones together and forms watertight joints. Such a brazier can be under snow or rain, but the facing tile will not fall off and will last a very long time.

Separate tiled parts during laying must be selected, like a mosaic or puzzles. They should be adjacent to the base of each other. Stones located on the outside must be tied in a checkerboard pattern with other stones laid out inside. They need to be fixed with a steel thread.

  1. Extraction preparation.

When you lay out the stone cylinder, you need to leave a hole at the bottom for cold air, due to which draft is created. Need to lay down metal structure in the form of a circle to burn and place the fuel. A metal circle can be cut from a sheet of metal using a grinder. Any metal can be used, even unnecessary and old. At the top there will be a removable grate through which cold air will penetrate, which ensures the frying process.

In the inner focal perimeter, a steel hoop is fixed, the size of which is 6x60 mm. It will be used as a protection for the stone edges and will act as a support and base to lay the net or skewer. You can also make an additional function - a grill. For example, it is convenient to grill chicken, meat dishes or fish in a queue, and bake vegetables on a grid.

This will require the installation of racks on a steel hoop. A spit that will spin and be located on such racks. For the manufacture of the rod, we recommend using reinforcing steel. Such material is fire resistant and has a long service life. When the masonry is completed, lay out the perimeter of the laying with refractory bricks, where the brazier will be located.

With this calculation, it is better not to use a solution, but to resort to the "sand cushion" method. Just pour sand and lay bricks. This is done so that in the event of a crack or breakage of a tile, it could be replaced with a new one. You can build a brazier design with a firebox. However, this will require an exhaust pipe. It is worth noting that this is a rather troublesome job that requires skills and abilities.

If a person does not understand this, nothing may work out, since home-made stone barbecues cannot provide normal draft in chimneys.

Alternative to stone grill

To make a more complex structure with normal draft and a chimney, you can make a steel fireplace, which is subsequently trimmed with stone on all sides.

Whatever fireplace you decide to make, it is important not to forget that stone or brick should not be afraid of fire. Otherwise, the fire could create a severe blast wave that could cause stones to fly off in small pieces and cause injury. As a result, your picnic will go down the drain. Yes, and the appearance of the barbecue may suffer.

The lower part near the fireplace must be tiled. She is prettier and goes well with the grill. You have the option of creating a square fireplace with stone cladding but with steel guards for high strength.

The do-it-yourself method of building a stone brazier described above is inexpensive and effective. Every man can make this design, the main thing is to decide on right place and strictly follow the instructions. It is better to choose a place for the fireplace where there are no drafts, otherwise the heat will be regularly blown away by the wind.

An evening with friends with a delicious barbecue will be decorated with a unique stone brazier. To make such a brazier with your own hands is within the power of most. And the result will please years.


If you are interested in stationary braziers on the site, and you would like to learn more about options made of natural or artificial stone, then the first thing to consider is what options there are in general.

Stone braziers attract attention with their appearance. What can not be achieved by making a brazier out of bricks. The brazier comes out rough, massive, monumental. This is easy to beat in the design of the barbecue area and the entire backyard.

It is worth deciding on all the nuances of the design. It will be almost impossible to make changes when the brazier is ready.

Stone itself will require more mason skill than brick. This must also be taken into account. Working with a boot is longer and more effort is needed.

We see a number of pros and cons of stone barbecues.


  • Aesthetics (rubble masonry is beautiful and unusual in our time);
  • Strength (not all, but most types of stone are stronger than the best brick);
  • Frost resistance and water resistance (compared to brick, natural stone is the champion here);
  • fire resistance;
  • Durability;
  • Many varieties of stone with different colors and textures;
  • Rubble masonry is not as difficult to master as many people think.


  • Expensive (if you buy a bottle, it will cost more than a brick);
  • The complexity of masonry;
  • The material itself is difficult to process;
  • It is worth recalling that a stone barbecue is an exclusively stationary option.

Design Options

It is worth talking about the functional side. The presence of certain details collects stone barbecues into 3 large groups:

  • A simple brazier. Minimalism in everything. The foundation and an open brazier laid out of stone on it. You can put a gazebo outside or with a high-quality hood inside.
  • Barbecue with a chimney. Heavier and responsible building. It is this option that is most often considered for installation in gazebos and on the veranda.
  • Mangal-smoking-furnace complex. The desire to have everything that could and possibly could be required, gave rise to such a decision. This is the most difficult option, and the moment of construction, and especially at the design level. We do not recommend for self-construction.

If you decide on the material at the very beginning, this will simplify the task in further work.

Location selection

Designing a brazier begins with the selection of a meta, where it will stand. This stage is important, because stationary braziers, if you change your mind in the process, will not work.

Do not be afraid to put the barbecue in the "clean field" on your site. Now there is nothing there, and later a recreation area is formed around the brazier.

But the question of the beauty of the location is not the only one. Imposes the main restrictions. The brazier is a fire hazard, to varying degrees. For convenience and safety, you need to take into account the rules, there are not many of them.

  • To avoid fire, the brazier must be at a safe distance from flammable objects.
  • Tree branches should not approach the chimney or hang over the brazier.
  • The hood or chimney must safely remove smoke from nearby buildings. For an open brazier, choose a place so that the smoke does not drift to neighboring buildings.
  • The design of the brazier must be such that gusts of wind do not lead to scattering of coals.
  • The area around the grill. It will be convenient if there is a table next to the barbecue, and not to take the barbecue into the house.

You can check whether the place is convenient with the help of a test picnic with a portable grill.

After choosing a place, pause, then with a fresh look to make sure that all the requirements are met, and the place is safe and convenient.

Material selection

There are many rocks for rubble masonry. Let's figure out what types should be used for the barbecue.

The ability to use material from under your feet is a big advantage of stone barbecues.

The stone can be natural or artificial. Natural can be more affordable (if you don't need a non-local stone) but is often tricky to work with. We also recommend considering artificial stone, this can simplify construction, and at a price such material is comparable to purchased natural stone.

Consider the varieties of buta for laying barbecues:

  • Sandstone is a white, gray or brown stone. Easily processed, but essentially used as a finishing one - the brazier will have to be laid out of brick.
  • Granite is a strong and durable material. Which complicates the processing, but the design is more durable.
  • Dolomite is a white or gray stone. Widely spread. Not recommended for laying out a brazier - use a brick.
  • Slate is a stone with a layered structure. The color is whitish-gray to green. Slate masonry is very decorative. Use a brick for the brazier.
  • Quartzite is a tough competitor to granite. It comes in black, red and yellow.

These are the most common stones for our territory. Of course, you can consider those varieties that are found only in your area or imported. Consider frost resistance and strength, and also pay attention to whether it is permissible to lay out a firebox from the stone you have chosen (if not, use a brick).

Tools and materials for construction

Required tools:

  • concrete mixer or container for mixing concrete;
  • shovel and bayonet shovels
  • Master OK;
  • hammer;
  • building level and plumb.

Required material:

  • stone
  • refractory or oven brick;
  • cement and oven mixture;
  • sand;
  • metal mesh or reinforcement;
  • rolled waterproofing (roofing material or others);
  • sheet metal.

Before you start. Booth needs to be washed and sorted into large, medium and small stones. Set aside flat stacked specimens separately.

Dimensions and drawings

The next step in the preparatory work will be sizing and preparing drawings.

There are parameters that you need to decide on:

  • Height. The height of the working area of ​​​​the brazier should be slightly higher than the cook's belt. Usually it is 80-90 cm. So the arms and back will be less tired.
  • Length. The number of skewers depends on the size of the company. 8-10 cm are allotted for 1 skewer. Usually, for stationary barbecues, a brazier is made at least 80 cm long.
  • Width. The length of the skewer determines the width of the barbecue. The skewer should lie confidently with a margin on the mounts.
  • Depth. From coal to meat should be 15-20 cm. Taking into account the layer of coals and the thickness of the piece, the depth of the barbecue will be 25-30 cm.
  • Decide whether you will use the space under the grill, for example, for firewood.

All the elements with which you have decided, transfer to the diagram in compliance with the scale. This will help to fit them into the design without error.

Let's do it yourself

Before starting work, prepare all materials and tools. And our advice to you: do not rush!


Important for masonry solid foundation. How long the brazier will last depends on the quality of the foundation. For strength and reliability, the foundation is reinforced.

So let's get started:

  1. Dig a pit. The depth is not less than 30 cm. The length and width are 10 cm more than the dimensions of the brazier.
  2. A sand cushion of 10 cm is laid at the bottom and rammed. Formwork on pegs is installed on top.
  3. Prepare concrete in the proportion of cement: sand: crushed stone 1: 3: 1;
  4. Tie a reinforcing cage from two meshes. The frame is installed on the pillow through supports 5 cm high. It is poured with concrete so that the upper mesh is immersed in concrete by 5 cm.
  5. Cover the formwork with polyethylene. After a week, concrete will gain 70% strength and you can continue to work.
  6. Waterproofing is applied to the upper part (welded roll, mastic or roofing material on mastic).

Instead of crushed stone, small fractions of buta can be used.

rubble masonry

Above the foundation you need to build a basement. The brazier will rely on it. The division is conditional, but it is easy to understand: the heat affects the brazier, almost none on the base.

The main task of the plinth is to raise the brazier to the desired height. Well, be beautiful.

Rubble masonry is similar to brick, but has its own characteristics:

  • Rows must be tied;
  • Convenient stones are placed on the front side and corners, small and uncomfortable - inside;
  • Large stones with a convenient break on one side under two planes of mating walls go to the corners;
  • There should be no voids, all the space between the stones should be filled with concrete.

Booth is not a brick, try to maintain a horizontal line where possible. If not, fix it next.

Do not chase perfectly smooth walls. This is almost impossible, and the protrusions and bumps give their charm to rubble masonry.

For strength, a mesh can be laid every 40 cm.

Mix concrete in batches for 1 row.

Do 1 row per day. This will allow the concrete to gain sufficient strength, and you will not get cracking and deformation of the structure during the construction phase.

If you want to lay out an arch:

  • A supporting structure is built from wood, repeating the span of the arch. The structure must be truly supportive: not break or collapse. Estimate the weight of the stone and mortar that will go to the arch.
  • Not only facial stones are carefully selected. Arch is a responsible place.
  • The masonry of the buta arch is similar to brick.
  • Wait 3 days for the concrete to harden before continuing work in this area.
  • Remove the supporting structure no earlier than a week later.

Hearth and work surface

We approached the brazier. It can be done in three ways:

  • Lay out of brick;
  • Embedded parts are attached to the rubble masonry;
  • Attachment brazier. This steel trough, according to the size of the brazier, is embedded in the brazier.

How to choose the right scheme?

If the stone that you are using is not heat-resistant (limestone, slate), then you cannot do without using a brick.

A plug-in brazier in the future will make it easy to change burned-out parts, but a brazier where all the elements are built into the masonry looks more solid.

If bricks are used:

  • The stones on the front side are laid out as usual;
  • 2 upper rows (if you look at the size of the brick) the middle is laid out with oven bricks;
  • The walls of the brazier are laid out with bricks placed on their side;
  • From the outside, all this is laid with a boot, so that the brick is not visible;
  • Use oven heat resistant masonry mortar.

When using heat resistant stone Special attention pay attention to the alignment of the internal planes of the brazier. Then it will be easier to clean.

You will need to fix the embedded parts in the masonry:

  • Mounts for skewers (combs, staples or just corners);
  • Brackets for the grill;
  • Rotisserie holder.

For an inset brazier, all these brackets are attached directly to it.

All metal parts the braziers are covered.


For the chimney, you need to extend the walls and make a transition to the pipe. Protect the top of the pipe with flexible metal or stone.

Masonry is carried out on the same principles as the brazier.


The rubble masonry is beautiful in itself, but sometimes you want to finish the stone brazier in a different way.

Whitewash. The surface of the brazier is rubbed with concrete or oven mixture (if it is clear that such a plaster will turn out to be thick, then it is superimposed on a grid fixed on the masonry). And after hardening it is bleached 2-3 times with drying of each layer. A good option when perfectly level surfaces are not required.

Ceramic or stone tiles. Here the requirement for the surface is stricter - it needs to be leveled. The plaster composition is applied on the grid. After drying, the tile is attached to a special heat-resistant adhesive.

Some oven mixes and clay mortar will require the brazier to dry. To do this, a week after laying, heat it several times and let it cool.

What can be added

A lid covering the brazier from debris and bad weather will not be superfluous.

Nearby it would be nice to place the necessary tools:

  • poker;
  • Shovel for ash;
  • Forceps;
  • Grid-barbecue.

It is good to lay the space around the barbecue for 3-5 meters with paving slabs.

A canopy over the barbecue area will complete the ensemble.

It should turn out beautiful and original. Your guests will be happy. And get a great place to relax and meet.