Feng Shui desktop decoration. Organization of the workplace: the right workplace according to Feng Shui, tips, photos. Placement of the workplace

In order for people to work productively, it is necessary to create suitable working conditions. This should begin at the planning stage of office space, if this is not possible, then attention should be paid to the design of workplaces.

Organization of the workplace: important rules

To properly organize the workplace follow the advice:

    "Quality furniture is worth more than money". If it is not possible to completely update the furniture, do it at least for the departments that work with clients and, of course, for the manager. This will immediately raise the status of your enterprise in the eyes of people and increase your profits accordingly.

    "The table and chair create comfort". Proper selection of this furniture will reduce staff fatigue. Given that everyone is of different heights, it is better to choose chairs with rising seats.

    "Clean table". On the working surface there should not be objects that are not related to work.

    "Everything has its place". All documents, without exception, must have their permanent place. At the end of the working day, be sure to put everything on the shelves.

    "Use Organizers". In order not to clog the workspace, store all small items in a special stand.

    "Clean where they don't litter". The administration should introduce some restrictions in the office, for example, to ban smoking and eating in the offices.

    "Lighting". A sufficient amount of light is a factor that positively affects the comfortable work and health of the employee.

    "Fresh air". Fresh indoor air increases productivity and reduces employee fatigue.

    "Volume". You need to choose the best option for external noise that will not cause discomfort to employees.

    "Ambient temperature". The environment affects the work of the entire team. Try to optimize it so that everyone is happy.

For most of the population, work is an integral part of life.

People get different emotions from labor activity, some brings pleasure and prosperity, but there are those for which hard work. In any case, most of the time a person spends at work, so you need to know how to make your stay as comfortable and successful as possible.

Organization of the workplace: the correct location of the desktop according to Feng Shui

Lately great meaning when organizing their living space, people give the rules of feng shui. It is this science that optimizes energy flows, which increases the chances of success and prosperity. There is nothing complicated in it, all that is needed is to determine the correct location of the desktop and the items that will be located on it.

Feng Shui Desktop Location: Tips

    Between table and wall the opposite should be enough free space- it denotes your plans for the future. The greater the distance, the higher you can move up the career ladder.

    The table should not stand under the ceiling beams.- they produce destructive energy. If this is not possible, put vases with fresh flowers, they will take away some of the negativity.

    It is forbidden organize workplace on the same line between the window and the door- You will simply be blown away by the flow of energy. Try to rotate the table as much as possible perpendicular to these objects.

    Give up table position to the door face or back the best option diagonally. You will see the door, and your back will be protected from an invisible threat.

    If in the room huge windows, better stay away from them. At the energy level, they cause unconscious danger. If there is no chance to change the place, close them with curtains or hang blinds. Additionally, you can decorate the window sills with flowers in pots.

    Don't sit under the air conditioner it can not only cause illness, but it will also blow all thoughts out of your head and interfere with work. If possible, move your desktop to a place that is safe in every way.

    For good and fruitful work there should be a lot of light above the table. An ideal option is a lamp with an ordinary light bulb in a honey or golden shade, it will become your symbol of good luck.

    The workplace should not be reflected in the mirror, it will absorb all your efforts. Even if you like to admire yourself while you work, try to give up this pleasure and sit back from the mirror.

    Chair near the desktop is also of great importance dimensions must be proportional to the table. It is better if there are armrests and a good back - this will give you a feeling of support and support. Do not skimp on a quality chair, it will even add self-confidence.

    For managers the best option would be to place your workplace how can further from the entrance to the office. A different location will negatively affect your career and even reduce your authority in the team. After all, according to the rules of the ancient world, the leader always chooses the best place.

    Subordinates are better off sitting in front of superiors, this will provide him with full protection and support.

When you get a job in a big office, then opportunity to choose a job, no. However, you can still help yourself setting up a personal workplace according to the recommendations of feng shui, which will help neutralize the negative impact from the outside and stabilize the situation.

To have prosperity and success in your career, feng shui rules:

    the best location will be the northern part of the room;

    in the southeastern part, put a "money tree";

    hang an image of a turtle behind your back;

    the table lamp should be red.

We figured out the arrangement of furniture, now we will add everything the correct position of objects in the workplace. This will become a certain talisman for achieving even greater success in work and harmony in relations with colleagues.

If your desk looks like a mini junkyard, don't count on a successful career. Feng Shui means perfect order, because without it, positive energy will not be able to circulate freely. To do this, you need to put everything in its place, select a drawer or cabinet for this. The first thing to do is use "bagua" - energy card, which divides any space into 9 parts, each of which is responsible for a specific area of ​​​​life. Ask yourself what is the most important thing in life for you and, based on the answer, organize your workplace in accordance with your preferences.

Arrangement of objects on the table according to Feng Shui:

    Place a lighting fixture in the far left corner. This place is responsible for financial well-being.

    Put a photo in the middle left your loved ones or a talisman that is associated with family happiness.

    Store books on the front left or other items to record. Add here some blue object to stimulate your cognition.

    The area at the back in the center is responsible for the reputation. Place a red lamp or your awards in this place.

    In the middle in the center - a place of health. Try to always keep it spotlessly clean, it is better if there are flowers here.

    Front in the center - a place of career. There must be a computer. A screensaver that shows the ocean or a waterfall symbolizes money.

    Rear right - relationship zone. Post a photo of your loved one here, if there is none, then a red flower to attract love.

    Middle right - creative zone. Put magazines or any metal objects from iron.

    Place front right customer phone lists.

    Crystal pyramid in the southern part will be your assistant in overcoming all difficulties on the way to promotion.

    Success in negotiations will provide four-armed Ganesha. Its best location for right hand from yourself, from time to time contact him and stroke.

    There are others talismans appropriate on the table that are responsible for material abundance are the three-legged toad, the money tree and Chinese coins. The main thing to remember is that the last item should be hidden from prying eyes, put them under the keyboard.

Making it right soon You notice positive changes At work. Relationships with colleagues and superiors will change. The manager will begin to notice your merit and colleagues' knowledge.

Suddenly I wanted changes in my office. What is the most common and affordable way produce them? That's right, move the table to another place.

After 2-3 attempts, he took a not quite traditional position - I had to sit facing the door, located obliquely, and with my back to the wall. “Oh, how you successfully placed the table, right in feng shui!” exclaimed a colleague who came to evaluate the rearrangement. To be honest, it never occurred to me to think about desktop feng shui.

The main motive for such changes was the desire to disguise attempts to sometimes escape from everyday life and walk with a thoughtful facial expression, personifying global employment, on social networks. No, no, it never crossed my mind to abuse it, play solitaire, read articles about fashion trends.

I managed to do everything and was even considered a very promising employee in the office, it was just that sometimes it was necessary to be distracted, and a change of scenery was supposed to spur on working capacity. The statement of a colleague about the feng shui of the workplace interested me, I wanted to decorate the table so that the beneficial energy of Qi was a frequent guest not only in this office, but throughout the office.

Having got acquainted with the basic provisions, I realized that I did everything right - the table of an employee of any status should stand diagonally from the entrance. If you put it opposite the entrance, the Qi energy will not linger in the office.

Even worse, if you have to sit with your back to the door or to the window, here you won’t lose your health for long. And the one who sits with his back to the door is the first candidate for dismissal. Sitting facing the wall means acquiring a certain narrowness of thinking.

The feng shui of the workplace suggests that the best protection is a wall behind your back. It is advisable to hang a landscape depicting mountains on the wall, but only if they do not have sharp peaks. Any peaks, connections of straight lines are poisonous arrows that affect the well-being of a person.
For the same reason, you can not hang bookshelves and filing cabinets over your head and behind your back.

Desktop - rules for organizing space

Before I started organizing my desktop in feng shui, I got rid of scribbled pens, unnecessary papers in drawers, a broken stapler and a battered computer mouse pad.

All things of this kind, broken and unused, should be thrown away immediately. One of the postulates of the teaching says that rubbish and old things are an obstacle to the circulation of beneficial energy.

Fancy tables decorated with complex decorative elements, especially from metal, having sharp corners and asymmetric motifs. Natural materials, especially wood, contribute to the stimulation of the working process in the office according to the feng shei of the workplace.

Bagua Octagon

Like many Feng Shui-style spaces, the desktop space in an office is oriented around areas distributed around the Bagua octagon.

Its 8 sectors cover everything that is expensive and important for a person. I visually divided the table into three parts: center, right and left side, and then these parts into 8 zones:

  • Directly in front of the sitting Feng Shui desktop is located career zone. Here is my assistant on the way to a career - a computer. It is believed that ideal order should reign here, and it is better to free this place from unnecessary items.

    The desktop screensaver is essential. I put a picture of a waterfall there, because water brings money, and why do you need a career that is not accompanied by financial incentives?

  • Beyond the career zone in a straight line is zone of plans for the future, development prospects. I planned to continue working in this office, so I put a folder with the plan of our working group for a new project there.
  • Even further, and also straight - glory zone. Achievements of the company as a whole and yours in particular, the company logo - that's what should be there. There are no such attributes, so you need to put a jade pyramid there, which I did. And again, there should not be anything superfluous that obscures the perspective. Purity and emptiness is your sign to the Universe that you are ready for fruitful work.
  • top right - family zone. Two baby faces with a serious dad between them smile cheerfully at me from the photo, adding motivation to work and positive emotions.
  • right middle - creativity zone. There should be already completed projects or things that embody creativity for each individual person.
  • Bottom right - this area according to Feng Shui of the workplace should be occupied helpers and patrons. A work phone, a diary, a notebook, a business card holder are the inhabitants of this place. I have a list of phone numbers of service contacts in our office and outside it.
  • top left - wealth sector. It was there that a pot with a money tree or a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth would not interfere. But, as soon as I imagined the face of the head of the department, looking at these attributes, I somehow got tired of bringing a fat woman in a pot and a toad here. It turned out that they can be replaced with a table clock and a table lamp, and if these items are purple, a bonus or salary increase is just around the corner.
  • left middle - health and physical activity zone. It is there that should lie what you would like to spend your energy on in the near future - projects, articles, term papers, dissertations. Put them there in a neat pile, and the forces will be found by themselves.
  • Bottom left - knowledge zone. Reference books or other items that are sources of knowledge for you are appropriate there. You can keep a notepad with a pen there as a symbol of openness to gaining knowledge. If there is nothing like that, then a rock crystal crystal will be appropriate in this zone.

It is not necessary to clutter up all the tables in the office with crystals and pyramids with table lamps. The main thing is to choose what is relevant for everyone at the moment and activate this particular area of ​​the desktop.

Computer desktop organization

A three-legged toad, a crystal and a jade pyramid are symbols of successful work.

Wise teaching is universal, like many things and concepts that have stood the test of time. It did not bypass its attention and the organization of the desktop computer. Its screensaver will be selected in accordance with Feng Shui if it contains views of nature that have a perspective. A flat pattern is considered a departure from the canons of Feng Shui.

Computer desktop organization - basic rules:

  • Clutter is not welcome there either, the chaotic arrangement of shortcuts without any system does not add organization in the ordinary life of such a user.
  • All elements must be arranged according to Feng Shui, focusing on the Bagua map. The top of the screen is the zone of reputation and fame, the bottom is the career and life path, the right side is the family, the left side is creativity, the center represents health and well-being.
  • It is best to hide extra icons in folders or delete them completely, leaving only the main shortcuts on the screen.
  • The "Basket" icon cannot be placed in the center of the screen, otherwise well-being will flow into it along with health. Its place is in the northwest corner of the desktop.

To be honest, the chaos on the desktop of the computer subconsciously annoyed me even without the teachings of Feng Shui. After spending half a day at work, I put everything in relative order. Why is everything going back to normal so quickly?

One pleases, there is something to strive for. I don’t know how with the activation of the necessary zones, but as for organization in the workplace, Feng Shui helped a lot here. It turns out that traditional teaching can be applied in the modern world.

What you will learn from the article:

feng shui workplace

It just so happens that we are at the workplace most of our time. So feng shui workplace determines your level of luck on a par with the situation at home. Therefore, it is important to arrange feng shui workplace so that it helps us achieve our goals, protects and supports us.

For the workplace BAD:

... to sit in the corner. The corner concentrates several energy flows in the room at once, which can adversely affect well-being. If it is not possible to move the table and chair, hang a poster, a picture in the corner, place it there living plant- a large one on the floor, and a small one can be hung right in the corner using a planter or a shelf with rounded edges. Try to move as far as possible away from the corner and the adjacent wall - to avoid the danger of "being cornered".

...sit with your back to a window or door and next to the door. To neutralize this problem, you can hang a thick curtain or keep the blinds closed.

... the presence of symbols of Water behind the back (aquarium, fountain, paintings and posters depicting water, etc.). Everything related to water in the workplace can be either in front of you or above.

…to sit facing a poorly lit hallway. Move the desktop a little to the side.

... to place the desktop near the column.

…put your desk under the stairs or sit down so that you can see the stairs.

…be reflected in the mirror during the workflow.

...neither in front of you nor behind you should be sharp corners directed at you. It can be sharp corners of furniture, interior decorations, or even wires that go straight to the window. A round flower vase, a potted houseplant, or an oval table lamp will help fix the situation.

... to sit in front of the toilet door.

...set tables so that those sitting at them are facing each other. This will cause a confrontation between their owners.

... position the workplace between the door and the window so that they form a straight line.

... to sit under the shelves hanging over the desktop. To avoid headaches and a threat to business from above, it is better to remove or re-hang the shelves.

... look at the wall. If there is no way to change seats or turn around, hang a picture on the wall in perspective. For example, an open free road going into the distance or a pleasant landscape.

GOOD for the workplace:

*The front door should be located in front of you, but diagonally from your workplace. You must have a good view of everyone in the room, as well as who enters or exits it.

*It's good if there is a capital wall behind your back, your boss's desk or a window that overlooks a successful bank, an expensive hotel, or a rounded massive mountain. This will give support and protection.

*The table must be chosen with a closed front panel, and the chair with a high back and armrests. A "status" chair will help advance your career.

*Try to place the desktop so that there is free space in front of you. Fresh flowers in front of you, as well as images of flowers and water landscapes, work favorably.

*Ensure free access to the table.

*Keep your desktop clean and tidy, throw away everything superfluous on a regular basis.

* A good landscape outside the window that you have in front of you is a very auspicious Feng Shui. But here is the blank wall of the house or the corners of the houses directed directly into the window - a sign that it is better to keep the window curtained or make it indoor plants.

*The table must be large and stable.

*The boss's desk should be placed in such a way that it is impossible to pass behind him. This will help to avoid unpleasant rumors behind your back, hidden hostility and neutralize those who aim for your place.

In any feng shui activity, this also applies to the feng shui of the workplace, strictly follow the scheme: purification and neutralization - protection - activation. Do everything in order, without skipping or swapping anything.

We clean and neutralize:

1. Cleanliness is the main whale in Feng Shui in general. Make sure that there is nothing superfluous in the workplace. Throw away any waste immediately.

2.if you find yourself sitting in a workplace that is characterized by some of the items from the section BAD for the workplace, neutralize them in the ways mentioned or try to move the table a little.

We defend ourselves

Place an image of a mountain with a blunt top or a turtle on the wall behind your back. This will provide protection and support. A portrait of the president of the country in which you live, or your personal mentor / idol / coach / teacher, also works well in this regard.

If the sharp corners of furniture, columns, shelves, etc. are directed directly at you, or if one of the employees in your field of vision is unpleasant to you, place on the table from the side where the danger comes from, a living plant, beads with large beads, a symbol of an eye or fu dog figurines.


Good luck in business and business will bring a figure of Ganesha, an amethyst obelisk, Chinese coins tied with red thread and hidden under the keyboard, in the diary and under the phone.

You need to sit facing in one of your auspicious directions according to the number of Gua.

There are all kinds of electronic counters for calculating your Kua number. However, you can use the formula.

For men:

From 100, subtract the last digits of the year of your birth and divide the difference by 9, the remainder will determine your direction. (Year of birth 1954, 100-54=46, 46/9=5, remainder 1.)


Subtract 4 from the last two digits of the year of birth. Divide the resulting number by 9. (Year of birth 1960, 60-4=56, 56/9=6, your number is the remainder - that is, 2.)

If you get 1, 3, 4, 9 or there is no remainder, then you belong to the eastern group. The lucky directions of this group are southeast, south, north, east.

2, 5, 6, 7 or 8 characterize the western group. Favorable directions are northeast, northwest, west and southwest.

So, we talked about what should be feng shui workplace. First, determine if your workplace is located correctly according to Feng Shui. If possible, correct all adverse moments. Then place protective symbols behind your back and to the side potential danger. And finally, fix the result with activators of good luck at work - a Ganesha figurine, an amethyst obelisk, or other symbols of success and prosperity.

What is the feng shui of your workplace? Analyze right now and start improving the space!

Do you dream of raising and increasing your salary? Or maybe you regularly encounter various troubles at work? Solving all these problems will help. This ancient Chinese teaching says that success in a career is largely due to the right work environment. This material reveals the basics for a successful job and career.

A lot of attention in the art of Feng Shui is paid to itself. The most successful is the place next to the wall. Sitting with his back to the wall, a person will be additionally protected energetically, he will feel safe and comfortable.

It is also good to sit with your back to your boss's office: this arrangement will contribute to rapid career advancement due to the energy flows of success emanating from your boss.

If you are located opposite the window, you will receive a charge of additional energy, as well as creative forces and will be able to reveal all your creative talents.

If you are located in such a way that you can see the entire office and all your colleagues, you can talk about another huge advantage. Then those around you will additionally feed you with their energy.

Feng Shui prohibits the placement of the desktop near the aisle, opposite the door or wall. By placing your desk in this way, you will block possible career growth for yourself. The location opposite the door or passage in general is the most inappropriate, because a lot of negative energy accumulates in these parts of the room.

It is also impossible to have an empty wall in front of your eyes - then you can forget about the promotion forever! After all, being located in such a disadvantaged area, you will not see the horizons and new opportunities that appear in front of you. If it is not possible to move the table, it is worth hanging on the wall. It will allow you to make the room visually wider, which will have a very positive effect on your ability to work, creativity and opportunities.

How to arrange your workplace

First of all, it is necessary to study the theoretical part of this oriental art. After all, Feng Shui is represented by various nuances and little things that must be taken into account. Therefore, below we list the factors responsible for the career zone according to the philosophy of feng shui:

  • it is necessary to put the desktop in the northern part of the room or office;
  • give preference to gold and silver colors, blue shades, as well as black. They should be the main ones in the design of your working sector, if you want to program it for success;
  • according to the art of feng shui, the water element is responsible for attracting money, as well as removing any troubles from the path of a person. Therefore, the mandatory presence of a water theme in your work area is necessary;
  • it is also very important to place special plants in the workplace. So, for example, a money tree will attract material wealth, a geranium will calm even very aggressive people, a dracaena will provide a stable financial profit, a Chinese one will contribute to the activation of creative processes. To enhance the effect, Feng Shui recommends placing these plants not only in your office, but also in your home.

An interesting detail. To provide even more inspiration, hang portraits of celebrities or people who have been able to achieve certain professional heights on a nearby wall in your office. Also, be sure to put on your desktop photos of people close and dear to your heart that will remind you of something pleasant, especially at the end of a hard day's work.

office color scheme

It may seem strange, but the color scheme of the walls in the office also greatly affects your career success. The predominance of green and blue tones is considered ideal. These colors, according to Feng Shui, are symbols of vigor, sound thinking, sincerity, as well as harmony and peace. Decorate your office in similar colors and you will not feel tired, sleepy and irritable, but on the contrary, you will feel the maximum fullness of strength and energy.

At the same time, gray and brown shades have an extremely unfavorable effect on workers. Such a dull color scheme will not contribute to your career advancement, because these colors absolutely do not raise vitality and ability to work and act depressingly on the psyche.

Amulets for the career area

First of all, you can use all the items directly related to the element of water, for example: aquariums, small fountains, models of ships and sailboats and, of course, fish.

Sailboats or ships are the most suitable solution for those people who have their own business or dream of it. Then the model of the sailboat must be placed in such a way that its nose is directed to the wall or to the corner of the room, but in no case looks at the window or door. But the stern of the ship must be placed just the same, on the contrary, to front door so that your ship seems to swim in a dwelling and bring success in all beginnings.

As for the fish, you can, of course, purchase real individuals, but it’s more correct to turn to artificial ones, made in the form of figurines, for help. In this case, the fish figurines must be gold or bronze. In addition, you can place a fan decorated with images of fish on the wall, and the more these cute creatures are drawn on it, the better.

It is also allowed to use talismans that are indirectly related to the elements of water and also enhance the metal element. Among them, the first place is deservedly occupied by a turtle, symbolizing wisdom and support from above. Therefore, if you dream of getting help from higher people (for example, your superiors), be sure to get a turtle figurine. And remember that there should be only one turtle. The options with a pyramid with three turtles in this case will not work. Ideally, when turtles are made of heavy metals, for example, cast iron, the more the weight of the figure, the better

A rather unusual item that will help increase your luck in business is a voluminous spherical vase. You need to place white flowers in it. Metal will help increase financial well-being, so the vase will not only stimulate career growth, but will help you get much more at the same time than before.

In those areas in which you need to attract luck most of all (such as doors to a dwelling, dimly lit places), it is recommended to hang wind chimes. In this zone, it can be formed by several metal tubes. And in order for the tubes to make a sound, additional details should be attached to them, for example, metal sticks.

Now you know how to attract good luck in work and career. Use this knowledge to improve your situation, and at the end of the topic, be sure to watch an interesting video:

Many successful business people follow the feng shui rules of the workplace in the office, as in the modern world, work takes up most of the time and is an integral part of everyday life.

Proper organization of the workplace (from placing the table in the room and ending with its design) will help you concentrate on achieving your goals and cheer you up.

Many successful business people follow the feng shui rules of the workplace in the office, as in today's world, work takes up most of the time and is an integral part of everyday life.

Some of the business people prefer to hire specialists involved in the arrangement of the working area. Others are doing it on their own, following the basic feng shui recommendations for decorating a desktop in the office, thanks to the video on YouTube.

It is worth starting with where it is more expedient to place the desktop. First, there is always a gap between the table and the back wall. Taoist practice suggests that free space is a reflection of new horizons and future projects of a business person. These concepts are directly related: the greater the gap between the table and the back wall, the more prospects open up for its owner.

It is worth starting with where it is more expedient to place the desktop

Never place a desktop under the ceiling supports. This is a bad sign for a businessman, producing destructive energy. Also, do not place the table on the same level as the door and window, because they will “blow out” new ideas, undertakings and profits from the office.

  1. If the room has many large windows, beware of them. Of course, they are sources of air and light, but the rules of feng shui say that their danger lies in the inability to concentrate when performing various tasks.
  2. Do not place your desk with your back to the door. Ancient Taoist teachings associate doors with anxiety and danger, but walls are support and protection. Not the best option would be to arrange working furniture in the corner. Sitting with your back to the door or to the corner, expect any "troubles" and problems. Therefore, it will be much better to have a closed cabinet or a flat wall behind your back.
  3. A win-win option for the office is to place the workplace so that there is a wall behind your back, a door and there is a wall to your left or right. This way you can see all visitors.
  4. Lighting is very important for both health and performance, so a table lamp is acceptable. When choosing, it is better to stop at a lamp of a golden or honey hue - this will attract additional income and prosperity to the owner.
  5. When placing mirrors in the office, you need to be especially careful. The desktop should be placed in such a way as not to see your reflection in the mirror.
  6. When choosing a chair, it is better to focus on the proportional dimensions of your table. A chair is the backbone of a business person, so it should be fairly stable and preferably with armrests.

The implementation of these rules allows you to balance the energy flows in the room.

The implementation of these rules allows you to balance the energy flows in the room

feng shui office flowers

Various accessories are an integral part of any room. The office is no exception, so with the help of indoor plants you can set up an energy atmosphere that will only attract income and open up new horizons.

Various accessories are an integral part of any room.

First you need to figure out which work areas are often planned in an office space. After all, feng shui involves a variety of decoration for different parts of the office:

  1. Director's office. The leader's office is set up in the very first place, because it is on him that the achievement of the results of the entire team depends. Therefore, the tree-like fat woman and the ever-flowering begonia will fill the director's office with positive energy and bring financial prosperity to the entire company. To calm the boss's angry temper, it is better to give him rosemary, tea rose, violet or chrysanthemum in a pot.
  2. Staff office. If the space in the office allows, the most suitable option would be to place a tree. Such a plant will provide the entire team with financial well-being. By placing fatsia, syngonium multi-leaved or lyre-shaped ficus in the southwestern side of the room, you can achieve harmony in human relationships. It is desirable that the tree was young. A growing green tree will be the embodiment of career advancement and an increase in the financial resources of employees. It is better to choose a plant with round, heart-shaped or oval leaves. But it is better to refuse a cactus in the workplace.
  3. Restroom. This is an important place for any firm or company, where the mind and body relax, filled with new energy. Most the best option colorful plants are considered for such a room, for example, an orchid, a ficus biophytum or an ivy with falling stems.
  4. Meeting room. In a room where important negotiations are held and decisions are made, it is better to install a small fountain or aquarium on the southwest side. To set up a positive atmosphere in the hall, it is necessary to place plants such as crescent asparagus, Montezuma pine, dracaena or bamboo.

Decorating a room is a personal thing

Decorating a room is a personal thing. However, when designing an office according to Feng Shui, there are some nuances to consider. So, orange and red flowers are best placed on the south side of the office.

Attention! It is worth knowing that some of ornamental plants capable of absorbing electromagnetic radiation.

feng shui for money in the office

To increase financial flows in the office space, you need to know a few simple rules for its competent design.

A sailboat brings additional profit for the office, which must be placed with the bow to the office. This accessory will bring wealth to the office and keep them from leaving. A gold-plated ship filled with precious stones and coins is also perfect.

Brings additional profit for the office sailboat, which must be placed bow to the office

A three-legged toad or a figurine of Hottei will bring prosperity, wealth and independence from financial resources to your office. You can also put a figurine of a dragon - a symbol of prosperity and success in any endeavors.

As a decoration, they put a figurine of a small turtle on the windowsill or on the north side of the desktop. In this case, the head of the animal should be directed inside the working room.

A three-legged toad or a figurine of Hottei will bring prosperity, wealth and independence from financial resources to your office.

Ganesha is a symbol of confidence, prosperity and good luck. A figurine made of bronze will set its owner to accept important and right decisions in business. Ganesha is depicted as a man with the head of an elephant, who places his four hands on the throne. There is an opinion that by stroking his trunk, a person will solve all his problems in difficult times.

Ganesha - a symbol of confidence, prosperity and good luck

By placing a crystal pyramid on your desktop, you can tune in to a quick career advancement. According to Feng Shui, this figurine for the office symbolizes the aspiration of a person forward and upward, and also brings profit.

Important! When organizing your workplace, the main thing is not to overdo it with the placement of all kinds of items.

Order must be observed on the table, so an abundance of many colorful figurines will not be welcome either.

feng shui office aquarium

The three sectors of Bagua are best activated with water, so an aquarium in the office is an indispensable attribute.

According to feng shui, the size of the aquarium should match the room in which it will stand. Too large dimensions will “wash out” all prospects and large profits from the office.

The three sectors of Bagua are best activated with water, so an aquarium in the office is an indispensable attribute.

Also, when choosing an aquarium, its shape is important. It is better to dwell on a rectangular or rounded shape. An aquarium, made in the correct form, will fill the room with light and positive energy, eliminating all negativity.

An aquarium needs good lighting and constant movement of water, oxygen saturation.

Also, when choosing an aquarium, its shape is important.

The inhabitants of the aquarium are very important for opening new horizons and getting extra money. Therefore, experts who know the basics of feng shui recommend keeping an odd number of fish. For example, nine fish, of which 8 will be gold (symbols of wealth and prosperity), and one will be black (takes away all the negativity from the office).

A well-chosen aquarium in the office will have a calming effect on its inhabitants and set up employees to achieve their goals.

A well-chosen aquarium in the office will have a calming effect on its inhabitants and set up employees to achieve their goals.

feng shui zones in the office

The Taoist practice of Feng Shui involves the organization of the desktop, distributed over the Bagua octagon. It includes 8 sectors responsible for different aspects of human life:

  1. The career zone should take center stage in the workplace. A computer or laptop is placed right in front of you - an indispensable assistant to a business person. Here it is necessary to observe absolute order, freeing the career zone from distracting objects.
  2. The development perspective zone is located in a straight line beyond the career zone. In this place put new plans and developments of the working group.
  3. The sector of glory is even further in a straight line. Here it is necessary to place the company logo, collective and individual achievements. If there are no such attributes, you can put a jade pyramid.
  4. The family zone is located in the upper right side of the table. A photo with children and parents will add positive emotions, good mood and even more motivation to its owner.
  5. The creative zone is located in the middle on the right. Here you can put completed things or projects made by yourself. They will personify the creative spirit of a business person.
  6. The zone of assistants and patrons is located on the lower right. It is filled with a telephone, a notebook, a business card holder or a diary - indispensable helpers for a businessman.
  7. The wealth sector should be located at the top left. There you can put a three-legged toad holding a coin in its mouth, or a money tree in a pot. A table lamp or clock would also be acceptable. And if these items are purple, you can expect a bonus or increase in salary.
  8. The sector of health and physical activity is located on the left in the middle. Here they put what needs to be done in the near future, whether it's a term paper, a diploma, projects or articles.
  9. The Knowledge Zone takes up space at the bottom left. Reference books or things associated with knowledge will be acceptable here. It can be a notebook, pens and even a crystal made of rock crystal.

It is easier to visually represent the correct organization of the work area using the Bagua octagon

It is easier to visually represent the correct organization of the work area using the Bagua octagon. To do this, you can watch a video on how to equip your desktop on the YouTube channel. It is not necessary to clutter up the work area, the main thing is to create an atmosphere tuned to get results and move up the career ladder.

feng shui mountain painting in the office

According to the practice of feng shui, the mountain is responsible for the direction of energy qi, which goes around all sorts of obstacles in its path. Thus, a picture of a mountain will become a symbol of incredible strength and support. However, the picture should not contain a depicted river or lake, because these signs do not bring prosperity and profit. The best option for placing a picture in the office is opposite the desktop at the back.

In fact, the mountain is the embodiment of sacred animals such as the Dragon, Turtle, Tiger and Phoenix. Being a symbol of confidence, a picture of a mountain will give new strength to both a novice specialist and a professional and will bring good luck in all matters.

In fact, the mountain is the embodiment of sacred animals such as the Dragon, Turtle, Tiger and Phoenix

There is a large selection of mountain scenery. It can be massive mountain ranges or a lonely mountain covered with vegetation. Since this picture is associated with strength and stability, it is great for those who feel insecure. You can replace the mountain landscape with the image of a turtle, which will bring good luck.

When choosing a picture depicting mountains or a turtle, you need to be sure that it will improve your financial condition and bring a good mood not only to you, but also to your office visitors.

When choosing a picture depicting mountains or a turtle, you need to be sure that it will improve your financial condition and bring a good mood not only to you, but also to your office visitors.

As you can see, in order to be successful in your work, you need proper organization table. Thanks to the practice of Feng Shui, the design of the desktop according to a special scheme will help remove all negativity from the room, fill it with light energy and achieve your goals and at the same time make a good profit.