We make flower beds with our own hands at the dacha. Do-it-yourself flower beds and flower beds using improvised materials: ideas, design, decoration, photos. What perennial, unpretentious flowers to plant for a flower bed that bloom all summer? How to beautifully decorate a flower bed in the garden, at the dacha, in the yard

Colorful and fragrant flower beds give us joy and aesthetic pleasure. Especially beautiful and unique are country flower beds - decorated with your own hands. And we perceive each new bud with pride and admiration.

The art of landscape design ensures perfect harmony of flower beds with the style of buildings. Then flower arrangements visually unite the garden with the house - and this is a guarantee of comfort.

Lush flower bed with perennials

It is not difficult even for beginners to prolong the flowering of perennials as much as possible: you just need to trim off the faded buds along with part of the twig in time. And we will effectively cover the empty land with plant mats with alternately blooming buds.

As a rule, we make blooming country oases of the correct shape. Other configurations on the lawn are also interesting if they are in harmony with the structure of the yard and garden, but symmetry and strict geometry are a special chic of the landscape.

Plants for composition

We select plants from the sketches and choose the best option from them.

  • Symmetry, contrasting shades and compositional repetitions will create a long-lasting color masterpiece.
  • Correct location promotes growth for all - and this blooming oasis will decorate the landscape for many years.

  • We will plant tall perennials in a group in a separate area.. At the same time, we will plant the flower beds at the dacha with our own hands with low, graceful varieties that differ in the color of the petals. For example, the yellow and red heads of helenium are spectacular above the blue candles of sage.
  • A wonderful endless ball will be created by plants blooming one after the other.: snowdrops and crocuses will give way to tulips and primroses, then lush annuals and, finally, autumn asters and chrysanthemums.

  • We will cover the ground in a new, not yet grown flowerbed with ground cover evergreen Waldsteinia or aubriet. They are also good along the edge of the flower garden, where they will smoothly flow into the garden and surprise us with a green path even in winter.
  • The green carpet is formed by sunflower, chickweed, cat's paw, phlox, and tenacious.
  • Shade-tolerant tall astilbes and black cohosh with decorative or Rogersia will romantically decorate the garden with a shady flowering corner.

Making a flower bed

  • Gardening instructions advise planting perennials in the spring.
  • We loosen the soil and add compost.
  • Let the depth of the hole correspond to the earthen lump with the roots of the seedlings.
  • Then we’ll try on the planting material right on the flowerbed to see with our own eyes the picture of the future flower garden.

Planting too closely will harm growth, and planting too sparsely will leave unsightly gaps for a long time.

  • We compact the soil and water it to give the perennials a great start.

Exquisite rock garden

Rockery - an exotic rocky flowerbed - is a trend in the country landscape.

Even identical, like twins, country houses from block containers will find their uniqueness thanks to the rock garden. Its most interesting shape advantageously presents the harmony of colors and stones.

For the construction of this marvelous flower garden, both flat and embossed soil will do. A decorative stream or pond, hedge or an arch entwined with ivy will maximally decorate a colorful flowerbed of stones.

A rock garden near the house is undesirable: heavy snowmelt can damage the foundation.

By the way, a truly beautiful rocky flowerbed is only possible in sunny areas.


  • We will use a cord to mark its contours on the territory.
  • From this site we will remove a 20-cm layer of soil with weeds.
  • Cover the bottom with geotextile to prevent weeds from growing.
  • Let's add gravel and coarse sand: they will protect ornamental plants from waterlogging and rotting.
  • Now let's cover it with soil.
  • We decorate the base with large stones facing outwards, their attractive side.
  • We press the stones into the ground 1/3 and compact them with crushed stone.
  • We will install huge boulders separately.
  • We decorate the soil with gravel chips or river pebbles.

Note that the price of arrangement is always justified - after all, we will simply arrange construction waste aesthetically.

Combining large and small stones of the same material gives the most beautiful result.

Masterpieces from annuals

Let's look at how to make a flowerbed at the dacha with your own hands from annuals. They are the ones who will improve the site in a new way every year. Some varieties will bloom in May, others in summer, and others in autumn. And the seedlings will speed up flowering.

We will grow seedlings on a windowsill, but better yet, in a greenhouse. Its electric heating by a generator is very economical. After all, renting a diesel generator for a summer residence is profitable.

This way we will provide ourselves with high-quality seedlings of the desired varieties, and annuals will be decorated with buds 3 weeks earlier.

  • In pots, these plants will bloom in April if we sow them in January.
  • We place marigolds, ampelous petunias, lobelia and calendula with open petals in the flowerbed during the day in April.

Monoflowers for the whole season

Types for monoflowers Peculiarities
Ageratum Popular varieties of corresponding shades:
  • White bouquet;
  • Blue mink;
  • Kalinka;
  • Malinka.
Blooms from May to October in the form of an attractive terry mat. In the shade it grows up to half a meter. To create multi-colored spots, mix the seeds or plant the Aztec Treasures variety with different colors.
Alyssum (Lobularia) The names of the varieties reflect the color of the buds:
  • Pink rug;
  • Snow carpet;
  • Gold placer.
Weeds will not break through the thick, fragrant mat. Its generous honey smell attracts bees all summer and autumn.

Loves moisture and does not tolerate acidic soils and fresh organic matter.

Forms a wavy relief of fragrant flowers.

We sow in rockeries and frame flower beds.

Salvia A huge number of varieties of any shades. Half of a salvia bush is a bright inflorescence that shows off until late autumn. Its different colors are delightful, but in design it is better to combine only 2 tones - it looks elegant.

A colorful front garden is appropriate for a country-style house.

We frame the half-meter nondescript salvia trunk with low-growing graceful greenery of cineraria.


First, we’ll think about and mark out the flower beds on the dacha area, and then arrange them there. Full compliance with the architectural style of buildings is the most successful project, so we are interested in all the varieties of flower beds discussed here, because combinations of color and shape in a country landscape are a matter of personal taste.

Following simple floriculture rules for grouping plants according to height and flowering time will make the estate always beautiful. And the video in this article will help you create a unique masterpiece.

Every owner country house wants to relax in nature not only physically, but also mentally. Therefore, many amateur gardeners want to create a bright corner in their garden plot. To do this, you need to know how to design a beautiful flower bed.

Before you start decorating, you need to take into account the basic rules. The right one will allow you to create a flower garden that best meets all the requirements and dreams of the owner. In addition, proper design helps you feel the plants and understand their special needs. Thus, everyone can join the world of floristry.

First stage

How to design a beautiful flower bed? It is necessary to start creating a flower arrangement with the layout and correct location different types plants in the flowerbed. After all, plants should not only combine correctly with each other and create a harmonious overall picture, but also not interfere with each other. Amateur gardeners who have never designed flower beds can use photographs from magazines that match the architectural structures of their garden plot.

First of all, you need to choose the right plant species. There are many factors to consider:

  • climate and microclimate of the region;
  • lighting features;
  • soil features;
  • watering features.

Plant Features

Necessary Special attention pay attention to the microclimate of the territory in which the country house is located. It is known that some are particularly sensitive to spring frosts. Therefore, this may negatively affect their viability. Other species may die during winter period, even if they are insulated.

If you are really interested in how to beautifully design flower beds, then you need to pay special attention to the lighting of the area. Some plants are adversely affected by direct sunlight, from which they get burned. Other types of plants cannot lay generative buds without the influence of direct sunlight. This results in the flower not blooming.

The beauty of the future flower bed also depends on the composition and acidity of the soil. For example, calciophilic plants love soil containing a pH above 7. Such plants cannot grow normally in acidic types of soil, and vice versa, sundew, cotton grass, rhododendron and heather do not tolerate alkaline soils.

Watering is also of great importance. Regular watering is very important for plants that have large and non-fleshy leaves. In these types of plants, the leaves have a large evaporation surface, so a large loss of moisture occurs.

Therefore, if you seriously decide to learn how to design a beautiful flower bed, then you need to carefully study not only your garden area, but also the different types of plants.

Types of flower beds

Many gardeners prefer to design their flower beds themselves. Therefore, you need to know some rules that will tell you how beautiful it is. It is very important to combine not only the shades of plant colors, but also their flowering time. It should be remembered that the color scheme should not be provocative. The general background should be pleasant.

All flower beds can be divided into:

  • irregular;
  • regular.

Regular ones have a strict geometric appearance and combination various types plants. Planting vegetation in this type of flower bed has clear boundaries. Flowering begins at the same time.

An irregular flower bed is a flower arrangement that has been planted in small groups. This design method has a special advantage, because as soon as one type of plant fades, others begin to bloom.

Features of the design of a round flower bed

There are many options for planting flowers in a flower bed. How to design a beautiful flowerbed of any shape that would always please the eyes of all residents and guests of the house? First of all, it is necessary to determine the location of the flower bed. There is no need to arrange a flower bed in the shade or in a corner, because it has a bright and attractive appearance. You should also pay attention to the size of the flower bed and garden plot. A small flowerbed looks unattractive on a large lawn. A large flower garden will also look ridiculous in a small area. But in this case, you can arrange several flower beds of different sizes. So, your site will look bright and dynamic.

If you are really interested in how to beautifully design a flower bed, you should also think about the size of the plants. The flower bed should be twice the length of the tallest plant in the flower bed. Note the tallest vegetation type. To avoid errors, you should first draw a diagram of the future flower bed. There are many options for designing flower beds. You can build a chain of several circles.

When choosing a place for a flower bed, you should remember that the soil must be fertile. Its thickness should be more than 50 cm. The ground must be thoroughly cleared of stones and weeds. After this, you need to dig up the soil and level it with a rake. Remember that the flower garden must be convex in shape. The edges should be raised 20 cm above the ground level.

Integrity of the picture

Each element of the landscape should be brought to perfection. You will not achieve the desired result if you pointlessly plant plants around the site. Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to landscape the entire territory, you should landscape only a certain part of it. This is the basic rule that must be followed in order to decide how to beautifully decorate a flowerbed in the country (and not only). In such a flower bed you can combine mixed plantings, where annual and perennial decorative foliage and beautiful flowering plants will be used.

Arrangement of colors

All plants must be placed according to height. This principle of multi-tiering involves the placement of ground cover and low-growing plants in the lower tier. They act as a frame for beautifully flowering medium-sized plants. The soloists in this orchestra are medium-sized plants. They are the center of attention. Tapeworms look very impressive against the backdrop of tall plants. Their foliage has a decorative shape, and the flowers are always characterized by contrasting shades.

As an example of how to beautifully design flower beds, you can consider a combination of tall perennials with medium-sized plants that are in harmony with each other in color and shape. The ideal option in this case are ground covers. They quickly fill empty spaces in the flowerbed.

Flowerbed architecture

If you are really interested in how to beautifully design flower beds, you need to take into account all the features landscape plot and its dimensions. Flower beds can be made as flat, raised, or decorated with decorative stone or brick compositions.

To design flower beds in the corners, you can use various shapes that do not have clearly defined boundaries. To make the florist unique, you can use various unnecessary items from everyday life: barrels, beds, baskets and even old cars.

Features of color selection by height

It seems that everything is already known and you can start creating a small masterpiece in your garden. But don't rush. You should also know something about how to beautifully design a flower bed near your house. To do this, you need to choose the right plant height.

If the flowerbed is presented only on one side (for example, in front of the wall of a house, a fence, etc.), then taller plants should be placed in the back, and lower plants should be placed in the front.

If the flowerbed is located in the middle of the lawn, then the tallest flowers should be located in the center.

All tall plants characterize the structure of the flower bed. They are used both in small groups and each type separately.

Remember that next to tall plants it is also necessary to plant medium-sized perennials, which are in perfect harmony with their neighbors in shape and color. For example, the bright red flowers of helenium go well with the blue candles of sage.

When choosing plants for combination, make sure that there are repeating groups in the composition or having other combinations.

If there are open spaces in the flowerbed, they can be closed using Due to the optimal distance between plants, they can cover the flowerbed with a dense carpet for several years.

Now everyone knows how to beautifully decorate and create a unique atmosphere in your garden. It will be a pleasure to relax here at any time.

Elegant flower beds decorated with bright flowers enchant and fascinate, leaving no one indifferent. They attract us with their dazzling beauty and wonderful aroma of flowers, spreading over several tens of meters around. Beautiful flower beds at the dacha transform the area, making it more festive. There is nothing difficult about building an original, beautiful flowerbed with your own hands. You can use any items to create a spectacular flower garden. A photo selection of unusual flower beds made by the hands of creative craftsmen will help you verify this.

Leaky kitchen utensils and old household equipment can find a second life in the hands of a creative owner.

Even old plumbing fixtures can serve as material for making unusual flower beds.

Old bathtubs, cisterns and toilets themselves serve as excellent containers for planting plants.

To arrange such a flower bed you need to put in a minimum of effort. Paint the exterior of the plumbing fixtures with exterior paint, choosing two or three bright shades for the design. Just a few touches, and the colorful composition will take on a new look, which instantly lifts your mood when you look at it.

If you turn on your imagination, then the idea can be developed by creating a thematic composition that will amaze everyone around you with originality and humor

Any available material is suitable for creating colorful compositions: old shoes and clothes, leather bags and suitcases, wicker baskets and baskets, paint buckets, barrels, tubs... Painted in bright colors and planted with plants, they will look very organic in a suburban area.

When composing a composition of miniature flower beds, you should focus on harmonious combination its components, so that the result is a complete picturesque corner

Original flower beds made of rubber tires

One of the most affordable materials for making spacious outdoor flowerpots are car tires. To make a beautiful flower bed, you can simply cut off the side of the tire with a shoe knife so that you get an improvised container into which fertile soil is poured and flower seedlings are planted.

It is enough to use a little imagination, with a little more effort, and an ordinary tire turns into a marvelous flower, an elegant vase, or even a fairy-tale carriage

Tires of various diameters are suitable for the job. But still, craftsmen most often use R12-R17 tires, choosing for work products with maximum tread wear. You can always get hold of material convenient for work and creativity in any tire shop.

You can even create multi-tiered compositions from old wheels, which can be used to successfully decorate unsightly walls of outbuildings and solid fences around the perimeter of the site

When putting your ideas into practice, don’t be afraid to experiment. And then such flowerpots will become a worthy frame, emphasizing the beauty and splendor of the flowers planted in it.

Decorative wood frame

After rejuvenating the garden, in addition to young shoots, thick branches are often left out. A thrifty owner will always find a use for them.

Cut thick tree trunks can become a reliable basis for making beautiful flower beds that will harmoniously fit into landscape design plot

Such flower beds will act as original elements of vertical gardening. Taking up minimal space on the site, they will successfully decorate unsightly corners in the garden.

When planning to build such a flower bed from wood, you just need to choose a suitable trunk that can withstand the load that will be created by flower pots attached to it. To increase the strength of the structure, the trunk or thick branch of a cut tree is buried approximately half a meter and, if necessary, concreted. To extend service life wooden frame, the surface of the trunk is treated with waste machine oil or coated with any composition that prevents wood from rotting.

A flower garden placed directly in the tree trunk also looks interesting.

To create a beautiful flowerbed from a log, you just need to remove the bark from the tree trunk and make “pockets” that will serve as containers for fertile soil for planting plants.

Spectacular flower beds made from old furniture

Do not rush to throw away old furniture, it will still serve you, acting as an unusual flower garden. Old benches make an excellent stand for a whole range of colorful flower pots.

The most beautiful flower beds are made from old furniture with carved legs and figured trim.

In order for the old chair to look more like a piece of art and not unnecessary trash, you will have to work hard. But thanks to your efforts, a spectacular composition will appear on the site, which will be a bright decoration of the garden. A pot of flowers is placed instead of a chair seat. Using climbing plants for landscaping, you can achieve the effect of a “living” structure, in which all the supports are picturesquely entwined with flowering vines, creating a colored carpet.

From old furniture you can even create a whole floral set in blue tones, which, combined with a green carpet and colorful flowers, will create a stunning effect

An old chest of drawers, gathering dust in the corner of a barn, can easily be transformed in just two or three days into an unusual flowerbed, which will become a worthy decoration of the front area of ​​the site. The fascinating process of transformation will appeal not only to adults, but also to children, for whom it will be one of the best creative games.

The main advantage of such a flower garden is saving space, which is especially important when decorating small garden plots. For arranging a cascading flower garden drawers The chest of drawers must be secured in the open position so as not to inadvertently spoil the planted plants in the future. The bottom of the boxes is covered with plastic film and covered with a layer of fertile soil. To place the top landings, holes are cut in the top of the chest of drawers to the size of containers with flowers.

Such a chest of drawers will add original touches to the decor of the garden and will become a source of admiration for the guests of the site and a source of pride for its owners.

When decorating a flower garden, you can safely experiment, giving free rein to your imagination and showing your creativity.

Improvised flower beds on wheels

The use of wooden wheelbarrows and carts for decorating a site has long become a classic. They harmoniously combine with the wicker fence, giving the area a special flavor. A bicycle is more suitable for decorating a garden in a modern style.

When arranging a flower garden, you can paint the bicycle in any desired color, or leave it, specially preserving the distinct imprints of past years

Pots for fresh flowers can be conveniently placed on the front and rear trunk, as well as on the frame of a bicycle, or hung from the handlebars. A flowerbed bicycle can act as an independent exhibition or serve as a part of the house.

A bicycle leaned against the wall and decorated with elegant flower pots acts as a fence decorating an unattractive wall.

Using this principle, it will not be difficult to equip an impromptu flower garden from an outdated moped or motorcycle.

An old rusty moped, decorated with colorful floral arrangements, looks attractive and unusual

The ideas for creating flower beds are endless. Try it, show your imagination and create the same masterpieces on your site.

2014-07-04 105


Remember the legendary phrase of the building manager from the Soviet bestseller “The Diamond Arm”?

“Our yards are not designed for celebrations, but for aesthetics.”

I always remember this film fragment when I start decorating my country flower beds in the spring. Just as selflessly as the colorful house manager played by Nona Mordyukova, each housewife protects her flowerbed from outside intrusions. On personal plots We plant flower beds for aesthetic pleasure, to rejoice at each new bud, enjoy the aroma, and watch bees work on colorful “platforms.”

Did you know that proper design of flower beds is an important component of the art of landscape design? A flower garden can become not just a picturesque corner of your dacha, but also a connecting link between buildings and planted areas. With the help of a flower bed, you can visually combine the garden and the house into a single harmonious picture, which will create an atmosphere of comfort. Perhaps it will be unnecessary to say that flower arrangements are the best decoration for a summer house in the summer.

We use words "flowerbed" And "flower garden" as equivalent, but for very picky readers I will say that these are slightly different concepts. The essence does not change, but country flower beds usually have a regular geometric shape - rectangular or oval. Other options are also possible, but strict geometry is always observed.

But the design of a flower garden can be of absolutely any configuration, even bizarre shapes. In the form of a silhouette of an animal, represent some kind of ornament. It can be decorated in a free style; it is a kind of spontaneous flowerbed, for which no design laws are important. Only imagination, only a bright palette of colors.

Design of flower beds and their varieties

Before setting up flower beds in your dacha, you need to carefully consider how they will fit into the overall design of the site and whether they will match the style decision. There are many types of flower beds, and each type is interesting in its own way. For example, a flower border is a narrow flower bed or a row of plants planted along a path. Low flowers that form compact bushes look best here.

A rectangular flower bed is called discount. You can plant plants of the same height on it or create a multi-tiered effect. And the small pond inside the ridge looks very nice. Very original solution for spacious areas.

A very fashionable trend in such a matter as landscape design of a flower bed in front of the house is mixborder. Behind this complex name lies a flower garden of free configuration, which has already become familiar to domestic latitudes. Designers actively use this option to decorate country houses.

Here you can combine colors and styles. But there are also some rules. Firstly, the mixborder must be in a state of constant flowering. Let these be alternately blooming flowers, but such a flowerbed should not be empty. Experts recommend using at least two dozen plant varieties and grouping them by height and timing of active flowering.

Beginning gardeners who are just trying to create original flower beds will love this look monoflower bed. From the name it is clear that plants of the same species grow here. Despite the simplicity of the design, this flowerbed looks simply gorgeous. Such an impressively bright picture that you just can’t take your eyes off.

By the way, as an option for a monoflower, I can recommend a mini-rose garden. Just please don’t get carried away by the abundance of varieties. One, maximum two rose flowers will be enough. Or you can plant medium-sized perennials that form lush, colorful bushes. Look how bright, stylish, unusual it is.

Very popular today vertical flower beds. This is already, so to speak, the aerobatics of homestead design. Want to practice? Try building a pyramid from several flower pots of different diameters. Sow different flowers in each of them. But they should be approximately the same height and have visually similar petals - for example, begonia and petunia.

And this option is for more experienced gardeners. This requires some skill. Using a mesh netting and decorative stone, you can create beautiful flower beds that resemble mountain serpentine. Alpine forget-me-not, viola, and primrose will look especially romantic in such a flower garden. If you want to add an exotic touch, plant a squat chamerops or dracaena at the top of this structure.

They say that a real woman can create a scandal, a hat and a salad out of nothing. And an amateur gardener knows how to create beauty out of nothing. In this case we are talking about a flower bed. Absolutely all available materials are suitable for arranging a flower garden. To bring it to life beautiful ideas flower beds for a summer residence will not require significant investments. As borders for flower beds, our “crazy” summer residents use:

  • old car tires;
  • tree cuts;
  • brick;
  • a natural stone;
  • unnecessary kitchen and household utensils;
  • broken furniture.

I really like the idea of ​​car tires. Round flowerbeds made of tires in the country look great. But you just need to show your imagination. If you just plant flowers in a tire, it will be a bit dull. For example, like here.

Take some time and make the tire into something like a flower pot on a stand. A completely different look! Elegant and original. All that remains is to paint the tire some bright color - and you’re done, we have an excellent flowerbed for the garden.

If you have brick or stone laying skills, it will not be difficult for you to build beautiful flower beds with your own hands in your favorite area. Of course, these are quite expensive materials, but you can use what is left from the construction site. Just a few rows - and your flower garden looks truly impressive.

Dear readers, I hope you understood the main idea that I wanted to convey to you. You can create a real landscape fairy tale at your dacha with your own hands. To find out how to properly design a flower bed, it is not at all necessary to seek help from a professional designer. Give free rein to your imagination and create. Dream, try, gain experience.

Photo selection of flower beds

Need some inspiration? See a wide variety of ideas for decorating flower beds in this photo collection.