The assignment is a plot with a view. Landscape design of a site: why it is needed and how it is carried out, design styles. Drawing up a land plan

- this is a joyful event. Surely its owner has many plans and wants to immediately begin to implement them. But where to start? You need to start with the layout of the site. After all, you need to know exactly where the house, outbuildings and other objects planned for construction will be located. Most likely, the site will have a garden, flower beds and possibly a pond or swimming pool. In order to place all this correctly, effectively using the entire available territory, you need to know how to plan the site country house.

A well-drafted plan is necessary for any site, regardless of its size and shape. If this is not done, then during the construction and layout of the garden and flower beds it may become clear that the objects are located irrationally: hard-to-reach “pockets” appear that will have to be empty in the future. If something can be remade without significant costs, then when moving capital buildings you will have to incur significant financial and labor costs.

A plan is necessary when arranging each site, regardless of its size: only in this case will each of its objects be in its place

Proper site planning allows you to save on costs associated with energy and water supply, drainage, heating and irrigation of the site. Residential buildings will be oriented so that they have natural light, but are not hot from the scorching summer heat. The playground will definitely be visible from the kitchen window so that children can be supervised, even if mom is preparing dinner.

When drawing up a plan, special attention should be paid to the playground. It should always be in the field of view of adults, be sufficiently shaded and lit

However, some rules for the location of objects on the site are strictly regulated and do not depend on the wishes of the owner. You just need to know them so that there are no misunderstandings in the future, and follow them strictly. Certain nuances of this issue will be highlighted in the video, which is located at the very end of this article.

Basic principles when planning a site

When drawing up a plan for a suburban area, it is necessary to take into account many different factors. For example, the shape of the plot, the buildings that are located near it, as well as the characteristics of the area can have a significant impact. In particular, the location of your land is very important.

Not all plots have a traditional rectangular shape. There are, for example, triangular ones. But the right layout can turn this disadvantage into an advantage.

You should definitely take into account whether the land is located on a hill or in a lowland, and whether there is any body of water nearby. It would be good to know what was in this place before, perhaps, there was once a forest here or it was just a piece of the steppe plain. If we take these important circumstances into account, then even on a small plot of land all the planned objects can be placed.

The following factors deserve special attention:

  • Terrain. The location of utilities, the location of the main house and the necessary outbuildings may depend on how flat the plot of land is and what the surrounding landscape is like.
  • Soil type. Soils in Russia can be different. There are light and fertile ones on which you can grow different plants. There may be sandy or heavy clayey soils, as well as loam. If the soil is “poor”, it will require careful care, and in some cases it will be necessary to bring special fertile soil to the site.
  • Shape of the site. Not all plots are rectangular, although this shape is considered traditional. The plots can even be triangular or L-shaped.
  • Reservoirs. It is important to take into account not only the proximity of ground-based bodies of water, but also the presence groundwater, their level. If there is groundwater and is close to the surface of the earth, you will have to install a drainage system.
  • Position of the site on the sides of the horizon.

Feature #1 – terrain of the area

The complex terrain of the site sometimes cannot be corrected, but Negative consequences arising from differences in surface levels can and should be prevented

Using the information obtained about your land plot, you can prevent some negative consequences in a timely manner. For example, to level the surface, you can remove soil somewhere and, on the contrary, add soil somewhere else. You can take care of gutters or blind areas near buildings in advance.

Slopes can be strengthened by constructing terraces, stairs, special slopes or retaining walls. Sometimes, in order to grow plants on an area with an uneven surface, it is necessary to use a vertical layout.

Feature #2 – location taking into account cardinal directions

It is very important to take into account how the site is located relative to the cardinal directions. After all, the correct placement of buildings depends on this, allowing you to use the lighting features of the allotment during daylight hours. For example, if large trees and buildings are located on the north side of the site, then the shadow cast from them will not have a negative impact on other green spaces.

Most of the house's windows should face south or southeast, allowing maximum use of natural daylight in all rooms

The house should be oriented with its façade facing south. Then his rooms will be light from dawn to dusk.

Feature #3 – taking into account reasonable traditions

Do not neglect reasonable traditions: leave between the facade of your house and the street small area land for a front garden. This piece of land, filled with flowers and green plants, will serve not only a decorative function. It will protect the house from dust and street noise.

Having a front garden is not only beautiful, but also reasonable, since green spaces are a natural barrier to noise and dust that penetrate from outside

Dividing a suburban area into zones

Let's think globally so that at this stage we don't get stuck on details. To do this, we will divide the entire site into zones in accordance with their functional purpose.

The division of the entire territory of the site into zones - zoning - is of a fundamental nature, the details of the plan will be worked out at the next stage

So, we have to highlight:

  • Residential area. The most important building – the house – will be located here, as well as all additional buildings that are attached to it. This could be a garage, terrace, summer cuisine and so on.
  • . It is better to relax away from outbuildings. We need to choose a place not far from the house, but at the end of the site that is hidden from the views of strangers.
  • Garden and vegetable garden area. For this purpose, you need to choose a well-lit place convenient for watering. Here you can compactly place shrubs, fruit trees and beds.
  • Economic zone. This is a work area. It should be located at the opposite end of the site from the recreation area. Buildings for utility purposes, premises for keeping animals and poultry (chicken coop, etc.) are concentrated here.

The largest of all can be considered the garden and vegetable garden area. It occupies about half or even most of the entire plot. As a rule, approximately 1/10 of the entire territory is allocated for housing. A little more space is occupied by buildings for utility purposes. If the remaining space seems insufficient for arranging a recreation area, this area can be increased by adding a garden, vegetable garden or utility area.

When the basic zoning has been done, you can draw out the details of the plan.

Examples of plot layouts for 6-20 acres will also be useful:

Work plan details

Let's say your dreams are ahead of your financial capabilities. This is a common situation, but there is no need to be discouraged. Put on the plan everything that should eventually appear on your site, regardless of whether you are ready for these expenses today or not.

The time will come when you will be able to bear the new expenses, then you will be able to realize what you have planned to the fullest. It is important to include everything in the plan, and then follow it strictly. If you constantly change decisions, over time you can become convinced that chaos has formed on the site.

The process of developing and detailing the plan will be greatly facilitated by the free online garden plot designer:

At the detailing stage, not only specific objects appear on the site plan, but their parameters, drawn to scale, also begin to be drawn

Having calculated the parameters of future buildings, you need to use a scale to plot their outlines on graph paper. The more detailed the plan, the more accurate its implementation will be, and the fewer mistakes will be made in the process of its implementation.

In addition to buildings, it is necessary to draw all the elements of other zones. For example, mark out and lay out future beds and flower beds. At the same time, try to make the paths comfortable. It is not at all necessary that they be straight. Smooth curves will give them a more natural look. At the same time, your site will get rid of banality. In addition, all proposed sites must be marked on the plan, and at the same time, the paths must receive not only a direction, but also a width.

Don’t try to make the paths on your property perfectly straight; it will be inconvenient for you to use them, and you will end up rounding corners and ruining your lawn.

Now you can allocate space for trees and shrubs. Let them look like circles of the appropriate size on the plan. To decide on the types of plantings, take a reference book and select those plants that suit the area where you live. This will help to approximately estimate the upcoming primary costs of landscaping the site.

An overview of the best varieties will also be useful ornamental shrubs for arranging a garden:

The largest trees should be located in the part of the site away from the house. The recreation area can be surrounded by decorative deciduous shrubs that bloom beautifully. Along the paths you can plant dwarf conifers or berry bushes, for example, hawthorn. Plants with large leaves and a dense crown are planted from the direction of the expected winds.

Despite the fact that the gardening area is allocated the largest area, you should not overuse tree planting: they need space to grow and develop

For flower beds we are looking for the most sunny places. pay attention to entrance area, recreation area and space in close proximity to the house. If this plot already had owners, then it is better to leave the beds for vegetables and berries in the places where they already were. The reason is simple: the land in this place is already sufficiently cultivated and it will only be enough to fertilize it in a timely manner. If you got virgin land, make it between the recreation area and outbuildings.

Garden gazebo with barbecue. Review of 2 examples of DIY construction:

Like flower beds, beds also do not have to have a regular rectangular shape. As you can see, a round bed for greenery, divided into sectors, is convenient and original

Next, we need to determine the locations for. Trellis, pergolas and arches should appear on the plan. Determine a place for them in such a way that they can not only become a decoration of the territory, but also hide from view the necessary, but not always quite beautiful, buildings for economic purposes.

At the final stage of drawing up a plan, you need to take care of places for, lighting and portable containers in which you will place beautiful ornamental plants.

Vertical gardening objects should also be displayed on the site plan of a country house: they give the area additional charm and are necessary for growing climbing plants

Now that everything you have in mind is placed on your virtual territory, make sure that the objects do not interfere with each other. There should be no empty or “blind” nooks. Every meter of territory should bring you benefits in order to please you in the future. Don't be discouraged if it undergoes some adjustments as you put this plan into action. This is acceptable. But try to follow what is planned.

Some secrets of site planning can be learned from the video:

Maintaining the style of the site

One of the factors that influences the planning of a site is the style chosen by its owner. Of course, a single style to which the objects of the site will be subordinated will inevitably be reflected during its planning. For example, if the design includes a well in the Russian style, there must be a place for them on the plan.

Of course, the features of the style in which your site will be built affect the list, number and location of objects on the territory

Unity in the design of a country house site can be achieved in another ingenious way: using a single geometric shape when creating different objects. For example, give a pond, playground, flower bed and lawn the shape of a square, diamond or circle. Then repeat the same geometric figure in the design of the gazebo, fence and window grilles. It is simply impossible to realize such an original idea without a plan.

Additional information about site planning can be obtained from the video:

organizing comfortable housing on acquired land certainly consists of many stages. One of the basic ones is undoubtedly land planning. At this stage, the citizen developer will have to plan and “break” the land into separate parts, using not only some knowledge, but also his own imagination.

In today’s material we will consider the main nuances of planning a land plot and the general essence of such a procedure.

How to properly plan a site for individual housing construction? Photo No. 1

Planning a land plot is a set of measures aimed at forming a general concept for the land in a competent and convenient way. That is, the layout is a diagram that reflects the boundaries of the site and the location of potential buildings, non-capital construction objects, areas for planting with bushes, trees or lawns, as well as paths, driveways and other elements necessary for the owners of the land.

The main thing in planning existing land is the rational and competent placement of the previously indicated objects on it.

The organization of the planning process always begins with an assessment of the existing site and the locality in which it is located. In particular, it is necessary to define the following parameters:

  • the locality where the site is located;
  • area of ​​available land;
  • soil type;
  • availability of groundwater;
  • light level;
  • prevailing winds;
  • relief and shape of the site;
  • seismic picture of the area;
  • depth of soil freezing.

These parameters, in their entirety, will make it possible to determine what type of building can be erected on the site, how multi-story they can be, and whether it is worth planting the land decorative trees whether they will take root and the possibility of realizing other desires of the owners of the territory, which they translate into reality when planning.

Which planning style should you choose? Photo No. 2

Also, the parameters identified during site assessment have a significant impact on the planning style, which can be:

  • Geometric - a layout characterized by strictness and symmetry of shapes. Excellent for planning areas with flat topography and good soil (mainly black soil), since when using a geometric planning style it is convenient to organize the cultivation of agricultural crops on the site.
  • Landscape – a layout characterized by confusion and randomness of shape. That is, for a landscape planning style, you can choose a site with any form of relief (mountainous, flat, etc.), since it does not require strictness and symmetry of forms. As a rule, this type of layout is used to create areas aimed at recreation for the whole family, because winding paths and chaotic vegetation, for example, pose a big question on the cultivation of agricultural crops on the ground.
  • Mixed - a layout that is a symbiosis of the styles described above. When choosing this style of planning, there are no restrictions or rules in the formation of the site, since everything depends on the planner himself, his tastes, preferences and desires.

An important stage in planning any land is the zoning procedure. Simply put, this process is the definition of separate zones on a planned site for housing construction, gardening work, recreation and other needs of the site owner.

Zoning is very important in planning, because it is the literacy of its implementation that determines how costly and successful the formation of a site will be. That is, placing a bathhouse at one end of the site and a house at the other would be irrational, since water delivery to bath complex will become difficult or expensive to implement. Or, for example, placing a recreation area and an area for keeping conditional pigs next to each other is also wrong, since leisure is leisure, and raising animals is raising animals.

In addition, at the zoning stage, do not forget to take into account the results of the site assessment, because, for example, building a house over a groundwater flow zone is not so correct, since it is dangerous and sooner or later the foundation may fail under the influx of groundwater.

Drawing up a plan diagram of the land plot. Photo No. 3

After assessing the site, choosing a planning style and the zoning process, all that remains is to draw up a plan diagram of the land. To do this, immediately determine the scale, for example, 1 square centimeter of sheet per 1 square meter of land, and only then start putting your ideas on paper.

In fact, drawing up a site plan is the main stage of the entire layout, since this paper will contain the location of:

  • houses, entrances and exits from it;
  • auxiliary buildings: bathhouse, barn, and the like;
  • a fence that forms the boundaries of the site;
  • paths and driveways for cars;
  • children's and sports grounds;
  • utility plan;
  • plant compositions and decorative elements of the site;
  • orientation of the territory in space;
  • other components of the layout that the owners of the site wish to display.

Having drawn up such a plan diagram with your own hands, it should be taken to the organization authorized to draw up a general plan for the site, without which, by the way, it will not be possible to obtain the same building permit.

Fundamentals of land plot planning. Photo No. 4

Now that the general principles of site planning are more or less clear to every reader of this article, let's look at some recommendations for carrying out the entire procedure. In general, their list is as follows:

  1. If the area of ​​the plot is large enough, it is rectangular, then there are two options for the location of the house: the first - the housing is located in the very center of the plot, in this case the emphasis is on the distance of the house from prying eyes and creating a cozy environment in it; the second one is located close to the “street”, most of the area of ​​​​the plot is given over to the creation of a vegetable garden, a garden or a recreation area, in this case it will not be possible to organize coziness in the house, but it is quite possible to use most of the land for any purpose.
  2. If the plot is narrowed and its area is small, then the house should be located closer to the side of the territory and in its narrowest place. This approach to planning will visually increase the area of ​​the site and allow for the most efficient use of its territory for other purposes.
  3. It is advisable to either terrace the slope or mountains on the topography of the site or compare it to the same level with the rest of the land. Otherwise, it is better to locate the house on the highest part of the territory.
  4. Trees, shrubs and other vegetation can be planted according to your wishes and formed into natural protection from the sun in the summer. The main thing when planting vegetation is not to plant it closer than 5 meters to buildings, especially to a house, because its roots and branches can adversely affect objects.
  5. If you want to arrange a vegetable garden, garden or flower garden, be sure to place them on the sunny side, otherwise there will be no point in them.
  6. Before building, determine the sunny and shaded sides of the site in order to properly arrange it. In places of constant shade, as a rule, recreation areas, garages, houses are organized, and in sunny areas - the previously mentioned vegetable gardens, orchards and similar objects.
  7. If in the planning of the territory areas for a children's playground were allocated, then the windows of the house and the terrace must necessarily face it, as this will always help to keep an eye on the children.
  8. And most importantly, during the planning process, do not forget to take into account sanitary and fire safety standards for the location of buildings and the distances between them. More information about these can be found in the sanitary and epidemiological station and fire service authorities at your place of residence.

Nuances of planning taking into account the shape of the site

How to take into account the flaws in the shape of a land plot? Photo No. 5

Since there is no single form of planned plots, there are quite a lot of options for their zoning. In order to simplify the task in this matter for our readers, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the principles of planning 4 main types of plots according to shape.

  • An elongated area or, to put it simply, a narrow area. On such land, it is better to refuse to place it in the center, but to build it either in the narrowest part of the territory, or in one of the quarters of the site, as if on the side, in the corner. On an elongated site, it is better to refuse to organize large vegetable gardens or complexes for keeping livestock, preferably giving preference to careful zoning through the use of hedges (for example, grapes) or individual shrub and tree plantings. It is not worthwhile to clutter a narrow version of the site with fences on its territory. It would be a good idea to plant a large tree in the corners of such areas.
  • Triangular area. Planning such a site is not entirely easy, however, knowing the basic principle of planning for it, the procedure will not cause any special problems. The essence of this principle is that on a triangular plot the house should be located in its center, and auxiliary facilities and recreation areas should be built around it. The main thing in such territories is proper zoning, which depends on the area of ​​the existing plot. You shouldn’t set up a huge number of objects on the “triangular ground”; always leave free space for other zones.
  • The area is L-shaped. The process of planning such land is very similar to planning narrow plots. The main difference is that at the top of the letter “G” it is desirable to place a secluded recreation area and carefully hide it from prying eyes, and the rest of the zoning is carried out exclusively in creative mode.
  • The plot is on a slope. Again, the essence of planning is similar to narrow, but there is a slope. What to do with it? There are two options:

1. Divide it into horizontal terraces of the same size, each of which will organize a separate zone. This zoning technique is used, as a rule, in areas with a large slope.

2. Level the slope or a separate part of it for construction. Accordingly, a similar zoning technique is used in areas with a slight slope.

If the plot is not narrow, then the house should be located in the center, otherwise - in the corner. The remaining zones are planned based on individual preferences and the previously described norms of this procedure.

To summarize today's article, we present to you 3 “golden” tips for planning a site from masters in the field of landscape design. As the latter say, adhering to these guidelines, it will be extremely simple to plan the site correctly and, most importantly, successfully for yourself.

What are we talking about?

  • Tip No. 1. Never forget that planning is a creative process, during which you should listen only to yourself and take into account only your wishes from the use of the planned territory. That is, if it is beneficial for you to place a house on a narrow plot in its center, do just that. The previously presented provisions are not mandatory, but are applied very often.
  • Tip #2: When planning your land, don't try to put in all the zones you want if you have to sacrifice territory. The golden rule of planning is to do everything harmoniously and conveniently. Agree, if on each square meter will there be any object, will it be convenient for you to walk along such an area? Of course not.
  • Tip No. 3. Approach planning thoroughly and with due responsibility. When planning your site, remember that while paths, pools or recreation areas can be moved to another place over time, the house cannot. Therefore, it is better to plan longer, but to do it competently, than to rush and, accordingly, not make people laugh, but ruin your life.

For today, perhaps, the information on the topic has come to an end. We hope the material presented above was useful to you. Good luck with your planning!


Planning of buildings is the second stage after purchasing the site itself, but is no less important. It is necessary not only to come up with and draw a plan for the location of future buildings on the site, but also to comply with many norms and rules and carry out the appropriate calculations.

The layout of the land plot, as well as the layout of the house itself, is carried out at the preparation stage project documentation. After the project is ready, when all calculations have been successfully completed, it will be necessary to coordinate and approve the design documentation.

When planning a site, you must comply with:

  1. architectural and construction requirements,
  2. fire safety requirements,
  3. sanitary requirements.

In addition, we advise you to take into account the issue of interaction with neighbors, because your future buildings, with their location or architectural and construction features, may violate their rights or otherwise negatively affect your neighborly relations.

For example, if you just bought a plot, and your neighbors have already rebuilt their house and planted a beautiful flower garden, then your neighborly relations will be hopelessly damaged if one of your buildings completely deprives this flower garden of its sunny color. Therefore, at this stage it is necessary to think as carefully as possible about all aspects that will be affected by the location and type of future buildings.

Site Planning Basics

In principle, you can carry out complete site planning yourself, without involving third-party specialists. This will be easier the more professionally you are close to the subject of architecture and construction. It will be necessary not only to familiarize yourself with the mass of regulatory and reference documentation (various GOSTs and SNiPs), but also to fully comply with its requirements.

In our opinion, at this stage you should not save money and instead of wasting your time and trying not to miss various important details, it is better to entrust this task to a good specialist or a company engaged in similar work. After all, in addition to a collection of rules and regulations, there is also such a thing as experience, which is not always possible to find in books.

To order a project from a specialized organization, you will most likely need to provide the following documents:

  1. Topographic plan of the site with underground utilities marked (usually on a scale of 1:500)
  2. Cadastral site plan
  3. Materials of engineering-geological surveys on the type of soil and groundwater level.
  4. Your wishes in the form of technical specifications, with a description of how you want to see your house and accompanying buildings.

First of all, as already mentioned in the article “Selecting a site for construction”, it is necessary to conduct engineering-geological surveys to determine the properties of the soil, groundwater level, etc. Based on these and other data, the type and depth of the foundation, the required degree of waterproofing, the thickness of the walls of buildings are calculated, and calculations are made for heating the future home.

Based on your wishes, a specialist designer will make a design of the house and accompanying buildings, and will also place them on the ground, linking them to the plan of your specific site.

To draw up technical specifications for design, you will need to answer the following questions:

  • what your future home should look like;
  • what should be the area of ​​the house;
  • how many rooms (and what purpose) should there be in the house;
  • which Construction Materials preferred (brick, concrete/foam concrete, wood, etc.);
  • what equipment and what communications should be in the house (heating boiler or stove, ventilation equipment, air conditioners, pumping station for a well, sewer system, security and fire alarm, telephone-Internet, etc.);
  • how many and what additional buildings do you need on the site - their sizes, purpose and the possibility of “blocking” (that is, is it possible to connect them with other buildings into a single whole with a common wall).

Site planning procedure

When planning the site itself, first of all it is necessary to determine the number and purpose of additional (yard) buildings on the site. It can be:

  • garage;
  • bath;
  • greenhouses, greenhouses;
  • utility block;
  • place for compost/manure, cesspool/septic tank;
  • external toilet, shower;
  • decorative pond, swimming pool.

In addition to buildings, you need to keep in mind your wishes regarding the size and location of the garden, vegetable garden and other areas for vegetation (vineyards, hedges, etc.). Obviously, the more buildings you plan, the less space will be left for a garden and vegetable garden and vice versa. Therefore, here it is necessary to come to an agreement that will suit all interested parties.

It is best to plan in the following order:

  1. Determine where to build the house.
  2. Determine the functional parts of the remaining area of ​​the site (garden, vegetable garden, outbuildings).
  3. Determine the location and types of individual households. buildings, specific areas for gardening and vegetable gardens.
  1. It makes sense to build a multi-story building in the city (due to the small areas of land allocated in the city), and outside the city - a one-story building with the creation of separate additional buildings. This is due to the fact that in practice construction multi-storey building is more expensive than a one-story one (a reinforced foundation, walls and ceilings impose additional costs). At the same time, the construction of additional buildings can be spread over time, speeding up the construction of the house itself and “stretching out” financial costs.
  2. The experience of northern countries shows that heating costs during the construction of spaced buildings are quite comparable to the costs of heating an all-in-one house, so at this point special attention not worth converting. Moreover, in buildings that do not require heating it is not necessary to organize it, which can even reduce costs on this item.
  3. It is recommended to make the garage a separate building. This is due to the fact that, as experience shows, garage odors can penetrate the house despite any ventilation or sealing of cracks, and it is very difficult to get rid of these odors.
  4. It is more rational to locate the garage at the edge of the site (in compliance with the rules and regulations) in order to minimize the costs of creating access roads and the loss of usable space.
  5. On small plots of land, it is more rational to place the house near the street in order to increase the usable area of ​​the remaining land. If you have a large plot of land, then you can choose any location of the house, even building in the depths of the plot, in order to protect yourself from the noise of the street and neighbors.
  6. It is better to place the garden area in the middle and in the depths of the plot, garden trees- in the foreground and in the middle of the site.
  7. If your site is located in a suburban area, then, by agreement with your neighbor, you can combine your outbuildings into one building with a common wall, slightly reducing construction costs. Otherwise, you will have to indent at least a meter from the border of the neighboring plot.
  8. Take into account the orientation of the site relative to the cardinal directions and the trajectory of the sun in order to correctly position the house relative to the garden and vegetable garden (prevent them from falling into constant shadow). In addition, this will allow you to provide yourself with a cool zone during hot daylight hours (relevant for the southern regions), as well as correctly draw up a plan for the layout of rooms in the house itself.

Layout options

Detached buildings

Layout options with spaced buildings can be used for any type of house and in any climate.

Option 1

In this option, the outbuildings are located in different buildings, the garage is separated. The garden is planned in the front and middle parts of the plot, the vegetable garden is in the back.


  1. garage
  2. utility block
  3. garden

Option 2

Two adjacent areas are shown.

In this embodiment, the garage is adjacent to the house. Household The neighbors' buildings are combined and are in the background. The garden occupies the front and middle parts of the plot, the vegetable garden is located in the back. This option is undesirable for two reasons (combining a house with a garage and irrational use of land for an access road to the garage due to the distance of the house from the street), but is presented as one of the options.


  1. garage
  2. utility block
  3. garden

Combined buildings

Option 3

The garage is combined with the utility room. buildings, but separated from the house into different buildings. Inside there is a courtyard that can be arranged as a place to relax, closed from prying eyes. The garden occupies the front and middle part of the area around the house, the vegetable garden is located in the back.


  1. garage
  2. outbuildings
  3. garden

Option 4

A “fortress” type plan, in which the house and all buildings are evenly located around the perimeter of the site, inside there is a garden with a vegetable garden and an area for outdoor recreation. The garage can be double (one next to the house, the second in the depths of the site), or single (inside the site), and a parking shed can be installed next to the house.


  1. garage
  2. outbuildings
  3. garden, vegetable garden, vineyard

Option 5

In this option, most of the buildings are combined, some of them are outbuildings. structures are located in a separate building (if necessary), along the perimeter there is a garden and a vegetable garden.


  1. garage
  2. household the buildings
  3. garden

Compliance with building codes

It is very important to comply with fire safety standards when planning, otherwise your project will simply not pass approval. Below are some numbers that will help you at the initial stage:

  • for houses made entirely of stone and other non-combustible materials, the distance from the windows of the house to the buildings of neighbors should be at least 6 m.
  • For a stone house with wooden floors, which are protected by difficult-to-combustible or non-combustible materials, the distance should be at least 8 m.
  • If wooden floors are not protected from fire, or the entire house is built of wood - the minimum distance increases to 10 m.
  • Detached garage or utility room. the block must be located at a distance of at least 7 m from the windows of living rooms or the veranda of the house.
  • A separate toilet, compost pits or animal pens should be located at least 15 m from the house.
  • Distance from the house (yours or a neighbor’s) to a separate standing bathhouse or sauna must be at least 8 m.

When designing, it is better to clarify all values ​​in the regulatory and reference documentation, as they may change.

A couple of final notes - the construction of a bathhouse or swimming pool will require additional documents for coordination and approval, so be prepared for this.

Several previous generations of private home owners were forced to consider their backyard territory as the main source of food and winter supplies. This utilitarian approach explained appearance plot, arranged on the principle of a model collective farm. Where most of the time was spent working, the place of rest was considered to be a platform near the barbecue and a children's swing on a tree branch.

Later, growing vegetables and berries on an industrial scale lost its meaning. The desire to improve the land around the house, to make the area a place where one would like to relax and enjoy a pleasing environment, came to the fore. Landscape design of the site will help to carry out redevelopment (if the site is many years old) or offer an original option for arranging a newly acquired land plot, taking into account the features of the landscape and your wishes.

Harmony and beauty of landscape design

What is landscape design of a site; task and purpose of the project

The task of landscape design is to create a comfortable living area that best suits the tastes and lifestyle of the owners. Landscape design will help to rationally transform the territory of the site, correctly distribute areas for buildings, recreation and green areas.

To create a harmonious landscape design, you need not only excellent taste, but also special knowledge, supported by experience. The work begins with defining the style concept of the landscape. To ensure that the site design project is of high quality, and therefore optimally uses money, effort, materials and time, the features of the territory are carefully studied.

The landscape design of the site is the result of complex multi-stage work; it can give a visual representation of the final appearance of the garden area.

Important site characteristics

The physical characteristics of the site may affect the final appearance of the project. In addition to the area and relief features, these include:

    geological, hydrogeological, seismological features;

    availability of utilities and distance to them;

    roads and access roads;

    territory protection.

The landscape design takes into account the terrain features

Design stages and components of a landscape project for a land plot

Before the area surrounding the house pleases the eyes of the owners, the design of the site is embodied on paper. It includes a mandatory part - a package of design documentation that establishes the quality of the work, and an individual part, depending on the site being developed. While working on the project, the organization is guided by the existing set of rules for design and construction (SP 11-106-97 and SNiP 30-02-97).

Designing a summer cottage includes several stages.

Stage 1. Owner request

The owner of the site, who has decided to competently and stylishly arrange the territory, contacts a company that provides landscape design services. This can be done either by phone or via email, website or by visiting the office. Staff will provide information on the scope of the project and the estimated cost of various options. As a rule, such consultation is free. At this stage, an order for landscape design is placed.

Stage 2. Pre-design work, topographic survey

After the order is received, experts study the geographical characteristics of the estate and the surrounding area. During the first visit, measurements of the site and detailed photography are carried out, and the features of the relief are studied.

A comfortable recreation area is an important part of the landscape project

A landscape architect is interested in many parameters:

    The territory adjacent to the site. This includes nearby green areas (forests and plantings), access roads, engineering Communication, reservoirs.

    Potential noise sources ( Railway, highway).

    Territory of the site. This is the composition of the soil, the depth of groundwater, trees and other vegetation, and the wind rose.

    The buildings. The architectural style of buildings, the location of windows and doors are taken into account.

Wind rose - a graphic designation of the directions of the prevailing or predominant winds. Shows where air masses most often flow into a given area.

Stage 3. Pre-project analysis

Based on practically obtained data, a pre-project analysis is carried out:

    Analysis of plantings. If there are trees and shrubs on the site, their condition is determined.

    Illumination analysis. Helps identify the general light regime, shadow and sunny areas estates.

    Determination of no-landing zones. They are affected by hidden utilities (water supply, gas, communication cable or power cable).

The topographic plan and its analysis will become the basis for drawing up sketches. At this point, the owner enters into an agreement with the contractor.

Fragment of a landscape project

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer landscape design services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Stage 4. Draft design

The determination of the future design takes place in collaboration between the landscape architect and the client. The specialist, having ascertained the wishes of the owner and taking into account the features of the landscape, determines the most attractive places, thus organizing the structure of the territory. Several sketch plans and design sketches of the site are made with different style concepts. Before the final sketch, the customer’s preferences are clarified:

    A garden style that includes a selection of trees, grasses, flowers, and decorating details.

    Distribution of functional areas.

    Possibility of future changes (adding a garage or bathhouse).

    The need for lighting and watering the area.

The final sketch includes 2 types of documents:

    Functional zoning plan. Shows the location of the recreation area, barbecue area, children's (play) and garden areas.

Video description

3D visualization of the plot plan (10 acres) on video:

Conceptual plan. Describes the idea of ​​the project, often accompanied by a 3D presentation that allows you to see the future landscape and take a virtual walk through the garden.

Master plan - the final document of the landscape project

Stage 5. Master plan

Based on the selected and approved sketch, a master plan for landscaping and landscaping of the site is developed, which contains:

    Dendrological plan (includes an assortment list), which lists the plants planned for planting. The size of adult plants is indicated to eliminate problems with site lighting.

    Landscaping plan (layout and planting). It is built to scale, indicating the buildings and fences to which the connection is made.

    Landscaping plan (layout drawing). The shape of zones, garden areas and paths is specified; their type of paving. The diagram of buildings and paving systems is indicated (on a scale of 1:100 or 1:200) with all dimensions.

    Vertical layout diagram. Necessary if the site is located on an uneven surface (on a slope). The diagram is taken as a basis when performing excavation work (for example, when constructing terraces); it indicates the difference in height.

    Lighting scheme. Lanterns along the paths and a comfortably lit gazebo are not only beautiful, but also practical in the dark.

Garden lighting is an important element of the landscape

    Automatic watering project. Proper installation of sprinklers is painstaking work that makes the project more expensive. But in many cases, watering is necessary to maintain a garden.

    Preliminary estimate for work and materials.

    Explanatory note to the project.

In general, developing the concept of a design project and a working landscape project takes 30-45 working days.

Designer prices range from 4-5 thousand rubles. / hundred (economy option) up to 18-30 thousand rubles. / hundred. The cost of a company's project can start from 150 thousand rubles. (for a plot of 15-50 acres) and from 250-380 thousand rubles. (for a plot of 50-100 acres).

Main zones of a summer cottage

The main functional areas include:

    Grounds area. The area in front of the main facade or entrance.

    General recreation area. It includes open lawns and lawns, playgrounds, gazebos where the whole family can gather.

    Mini recreation area. Small, hidden from prying eyes spaces with garden furniture.

    Game Zone. Suitable for the little ones.

Cozy play area for little ones

    Sports area. It can contain both a playground (tennis court) and exercise equipment hidden under a canopy. Some objects (for example, a swimming pool) can change their purpose, turning into an original place for receiving guests.

    Garden area. This includes not only fruit trees and beds, but also greenhouses and a greenhouse.

    Natural area. An area that imitates a fragment of a forest or meadow, often with a pond.

    Economic zone.

Correct zoning of the territory of a summer cottage

In order to correctly distribute the territory of the site and make each zone comfortable and functional, the landscape architect should proceed from the wishes of the owners.

Zoning is based on the use factor. If it is intended to grow garden crops, then 80-85% of the usable area is allocated for economic and garden zones. If the estate becomes primarily a place where the owners plan to regularly receive guests, then 20-25% of the site area will be allocated for the arrangement of a comfortable recreation area.

A place where it’s nice to gather the whole family and receive guests

The design project of the site includes landscaping and landscaping details that will help highlight the beauty and advantages of each zone:

    hedges, lawns, decorative solutions from flowers and shrubs, flower beds;

    ponds, fountains and streams;

    decorative hedges, garden stairs and retaining walls (especially in areas with difficult terrain), fireplace.

Small architectural forms (MAFs) are considered an effective addition:

    park sculpture;

    gazebos, canopies and trellises;

    decorative bridges and walls;

    garden furniture;

    lamps and lanterns.

Analysis of existing styles in the organization of parks and gardens in private areas

Traditionally, all styles in landscape design can be classified into one of the directions - regular or landscape.

The majestic harmony of English landscape design

The birthplace of the landscape style is England, although it also includes, for example, Japanese gardens. Landscape style allows you to plan the placement of plants along smooth, close to natural lines. You can play with combinations of shape, color and size of flowers and leaves, but symmetry is not encouraged. The style welcomes some mixing of zones. An original effect can be achieved by planting vegetables and herbs among fruit trees, and berries and medicinal plants are on the front lawn. Thus, no area is allocated for the garden, which is important for small plots.

Regular (geometric) planning originated in France, about three centuries ago. She relies on functional zoning personal plot; such a compositional solution is still in demand. To organize the landscape of a site in a regular style, it is necessary to follow some principles:

    a site with flat terrain is desirable;

    geometric shapes are preferred - axial layout and symmetry;

    paths - straight, paved with gravel or natural stone;

    symmetrical accents (fountain, sculptures, plants).

Options for planning summer cottages

Let's look at different examples of landscape design according to styles.

Fragment of landscape design of a summer cottage plot of 6 acres

There are several zones in the modest backyard

Landscaped garden on a personal plot (15 acres)

Landscape solution option taking into account local conditions


Intuitively, every owner understands how he wants to see his personal plot. Of course, the location of the recreation area and garden beds can be planned independently, without spending money on a landscape design project. But few owners know the features of the terrain, soil and groundwater, or understand the intricacies of irrigation and drainage. Without taking into account small details, after a couple of seasons you can end up with a ruined garden and paths covered with mineral sediment.

Experienced specialists will help you improve country cottage area, make the area surrounding the house a favorite place to live and relax. The result of such work will delight household members for many years.