Originally decorate the front garden in the country. How to decorate the front garden with your own hands from improvised materials? A photo. Fruit bushes and trees

A beautiful front garden in the country is a whole art and a real hallmark of the summer cottage, and therefore, today we decided to take the time to learn how to create a front garden with our own hands.

A suburban area is a canvas on which you can create. Some people involved in planting and harvesting vegetables and fruits rarely pay attention to the overall beauty of the dacha, many, on the contrary, grow flowers and ornamental plants, but we are interested in becoming generalists in the dacha business and being able to do everything.

It’s easy to create a beautiful front garden in the country, especially if you devote enough time to your land plot and the study of plants. In this case, you only need to grab the muse by the tail, let your imagination run wild a little, gain a real desire to create, and get down to business.

How to create a front garden in the country with your own hands

In fact, creating and decorating a front garden with your own hands is a very interesting and exciting business. One has only to think about how to ennoble the territory, change the landscaping of the dacha for the better and create a magnificently blooming and smelling corner in the dacha, as soon as this thought will capture you for a long time. Now you just need to find free hours, determine the list of works and start their implementation.

Choice of territory for the palisade

It is possible to determine the location of the front garden on the territory of the dacha without special knowledge. To do this, you will not need to call expensive landscapers or purchase special equipment, the knowledge gained from our material will be enough, because we have collected here the advice of the best specialists.

So, choosing a place for a front garden in the country should be in that part of the territory that does not have a single plane, and from which it will not be necessary to remove buildings or trees to equip a magnificent site. This can be the center of the dacha, its outskirts, or even the area in front of the main building, because a front garden in front of the house is also possible, which will be very pleasant to create with your own hands. It is desirable that the territory is not in open areas, but in partial shade, because not all plants freely tolerate summer heat, and therefore, if there are already several trees on the site, this is only for the better.

The landscape should be extremely diverse - a flat area is not aesthetically interesting, as it is more suitable for a classic lawn, a depression will collect moisture, and an elevation will not provide the necessary protection to plants. Therefore, it is much better if the territory is with small hills and slopes, partly flat.

The soil should be medium enough, not heavy, but not extremely light, its acidity should also correspond to the average level, that is, we select a universal site where most plants will grow. The groundwater level is not of particular importance, but it would be better for it to lie at a distance of at least one meter from the soil surface. The land itself should be clean, with minimal debris, more or less well-groomed, almost ready for processing under the palisade.

You should choose a territory for arranging a palisade in advance so that you have time not only to clean it and carefully prepare it for decoration with plants and accessories, but also to fertilize the soil, which is very important for the growth of flowers and shrubs.

DIY front garden design

Landscape design of any site is a difficult thing, but since we do not need a professional level, we can easily cope with the task. Try to initially determine the design in which you will work until the result is obtained. To do this, you can even sketch out an easy action plan on paper, where you will determine the style for the front garden. buildings, architecture, crafts and figurines, fences and paths, color policy and plants that will decorate the territory.

Of course, in this case it is better to build on a certain style of landscape design, but this is only with special knowledge, otherwise you can create something completely different from what you dreamed about and ruin many hours of work as a result.

The main thing is to choose the general shape of the palisade, imagine how it should be when completed, and go to the goal without stepping back and even to the side. But to set such a goal, you can even use images on the Web, peep interesting options from neighbors, or run to the full resource of your own imagination.

Do-it-yourself front garden fencing

We decided to raise the issue of palisade fencing, if, of course, it will be of a closed type. Well, everything is clear about the open palisade - the main thing is to make a smooth transition between the landscape of the front garden and the rest of the dacha, but I want to talk about the closed one.

Do-it-yourself fence for a front garden is an interesting but controversial topic. Many argue that the palisade should stand out only with a color background and plants, but then it will resemble a flower bed or some kind of rockery, but we are interested in isolating the palisade from the general area, putting a grandiose accent on it, creating a beautiful front garden with our own hands, which will be visible from afar , but it will be a quiet place for relaxation and reflection, games with children or conversations in a friendly company.

Well, this is all philosophy, but it is simply necessary to make a fence for the front garden with your own hands. It is worth starting here from wood - a natural, warm, completely natural material. It can be a low fence, a symbolic picket fence, or a low but solid log fence for the front garden. It is very simple to create something like this with your own hands, you just need to have a minimum set of tools and material in the country (which, by the way, can always be purchased).

Fences and fences are installed simply into the ground, without any foundations and solid construction, log or more capital fences - the same, only they go deeper into the ground in order to have greater stability. The fence of the palisade can be complete, that is, separate it from the rest of the summer cottage, or cyclical, in fragments, in the form of pretty, even fabulous fences. Here it is already worth fully understanding your imagination, since ours already dictates to us at least a dozen original options.

Plants for the palisade in the country

In order to properly form a front garden, we recommend not neglecting plants and even some of their species, but using the territory to the maximum, if, of course, it allows. But, if we were talking about several trees in the palisade that are already there to create some shade, then it remains only to dilute the area with herbs, flowers, shrubs and ornamental plants.

We want to say right away that it would be most expedient to plant in the palisade those flowers and plants that will not cease to delight the eye already next year, that is, we orient the maximum territory for perennials.

Early-flowering and late-flowering plants must be present in the palisade, so that the beauty and aroma of flowers can delight the owner of the cottage throughout the season.

  • Herbs and flowers in the garden. Do not get carried away with expensive plants from nurseries or from abroad, because a simple and natural palisade is much more soulful than a pompous place to relax, where there will be only roses and bonsai. Alternate early and late flowering flowers, plant lawn grass along the border of the palisade, do not forget about wild herbs, wildflowers. Make a light mix in color schemes, because a sharp separation of shades will affect the softness of the style and can turn the palisade into a strict department for growing varietal plants. It will be most correct to choose those plants that we mentioned or wrote review materials, because it will be much easier for you to grow them correctly: Gerberas, Phloxes, Primroses, Orchids, Nasturtiums, Lobelias, Delphiniums, Geraniums, Cornflowers and many others.
  • Shrubs for the palisade. Here you should not particularly accelerate, as the bushes in the palisade should be in moderation. Naturally, in a large area you can organize a hedge, grow shaped evergreen bushes for pruning, plant ornamental plants. But, if we talk about the given simplicity and magnificence, then you can organize an entrance to the territory of the palisade from decorative conifers, run evergreen ornamental plants under the fence, and plant the resting place itself (where a beautiful bench and, for example, a lantern) will be placed in the palisade) with bushy roses). Choose from our offers Weigela, Barberry, Honeysuckle, Skumpia, Budley, Spiraea, as well as Cypress trees and a pretty bonsai.
  • Trees for the front garden. It is difficult to talk about trees, since it is unrealistic to grow them within a year or two, so you will have to be content with those plants that are already in the country, or plant and take care of those giants with spreading crowns that you choose for yourself for a long time.

Making a front garden with your own hands

How to arrange a front garden with your own hands? The question is interesting, but the complexity of the answer to it depends on the availability of free time, fantasy colors and a certain budget. Let's take a quick look at two design options.

Standard front garden design consists in fencing the territory, planting plants and creating the simplest comfort. Of course, against the background of general harmony, it is possible to decorate with sculpture, garden figures, landscape lighting and essential accessories. It can be an arch, a bench, a small canopy, sparing from the sun and rain. By and large, in order not to spend too much and get an excellent result, this will be quite enough. If the soul requires luxury and maximum comfort, it is worth considering the next option.

Expensive front garden decoration in the country allows you to turn it into a kind of recreation area. Thus, the palisade turns into a separate territory of a large area, perhaps even in a style that differs sharply from the stylization of the main territory. In such front gardens there are often small architectural forms, modern, or vice versa, classical and antique elements of the landscape. There are automatic lighting systems, paved paths, special drains and drains that prevent water stagnation, numerous accessories and decor fragments that radically change the picture.

Naturally, among our palisade design options, only you can choose. It is quite possible that your palisade will be special in general, only plants, a small lawn for a picnic, DIY crafts for the front garden and only the most necessary accessories will be located on its territory, because really, this is only your choice.

Video about the formation of the simplest palisade

Now that you know and fully understand how to make a front garden with your own hands, to design it in an original way and make it not only attractive in appearance, but also convenient for relaxing from the inside, you just have to correctly calculate your own strengths and set a start and end date for work on its formation. Remember, creating and decorating a front garden with your own hands is quite simple, the main thing is to have a desire and a little time to implement ideas.

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Tusya 22.04.2015

It is really very important to think ahead before organizing a front garden, since it will be difficult to change something after that. It's become a problem for us right now. At first we bought all the plants that we like and planted in random order, where the place was. Without any plan, so to speak. And now many shrubs and plants do not allow each other to grow. And they have to be moved to another place. Thus injuring an already strengthened plant.

Nothing captures the eye like a beautifully arranged front garden. It can become an original decoration and a wonderful addition to any private home. Many people believe that creating a harmonious design is an incomprehensible and extremely difficult task. But this is not so at all. The main thing is to correctly combine all the elements (house, fence and plants) and carefully plan how to decorate the front garden with your own hands.

Main elements

The design of the front garden depends on its shape, size and location. Sometimes a spacious plot is allocated for this territory. But some owners can leave only a narrow strip resembling a flower bed.

It is important to think over the main elements of your front garden in advance:

  1. Fence. This detail may be missing. But if you provide for this element, then approach its creation creatively. For the fence, you can use any material: metal. The hedge of low ornamental plants looks original. However, do not forget that we decorate the front garden with our own hands with improvised means. Therefore, consider creating an original and stylish fence from car tires, slate, beautiful stones, plastic bottles.
  2. Bright accent. The focal point located in it will give an unforgettable effect to any front garden. This is a bright original detail that will immediately attract the eye. What kind of element it will be depends entirely on the owner's imagination. A decorative beautiful tree, a pillar entwined with an interesting sculpture, a small fountain can become a bright accent. Sometimes an unusual stone can become the central part of the composition.
  3. Plants. Think in advance of the most attractive and harmonious combination of vegetation. The front garden should look beautiful all year round. Designers recommend providing coniferous plants in it. Plant flowers very thoughtfully. It is unacceptable for the front garden to look dull. Therefore, consider the flowering time of plants. Competent composition will be attractive throughout the year. Choose it so that the flowering of some plants is smoothly replaced by others.
  4. Decorative elements. Complement the composition with various pots, baskets, tubs, flowerpots, flower boxes. Such details can be part of the front garden, or located along the path. A wonderful decoration will be: a small fountain, a sculptural composition, figurines or animals. The main thing is that such elements fit the style of the house and the front garden. If the territory allows, on a dedicated area you can arrange a guest corner with a table and a bench.

small front garden

There are many tricks to visually enlarge the territory. When thinking about how to decorate a small front garden with your own hands, use a few secrets:

  1. A lot of details that you want to consider for a long time always visually increase the area. Small figurines, beautifully placed, a small fountain, original stones - such elements will not take up much space, but will always attract attention.
  2. If trees grow near the front garden, be sure to use them. You can hang an original decorative birdhouse on them. Plant figurines of birds or animals on the branches.
  3. A fairly simple solution can be beautiful plants planted in tubs. Highlight them with a backfill of pebbles or decorative gravel.
  4. Small coasters built from improvised material look interesting: brick, stumps. They will lift your plants above the overall composition. Thanks to this, the front garden will acquire an interesting volume.
  5. To create tiers in the front garden, you can use miniature ones. This option will add originality to even the simplest front garden. It is enough just to raise one of the tiers of plants by 20-30 cm. The differences can be decorated with decorative bricks or pebbles.

Many ideas have been developed on how to decorate the front garden with your own hands. But most importantly - do not forget that the site must have a common compositional and stylistic design. Only in this case it will become a real highlight of homeownership.

Large front garden

An impressive area is the dream of any owner. After all, there is a place where you can "roam around" and realize all your creative ideas. On such a site it is possible to plant trees, bushes, flower beds, place flower beds. And even equip the patio.

If you plan to use this part for gatherings, consider how to protect it from prying eyes. It can be a hedge or a structure with a camouflage net. It is important to understand how to decorate the front garden with your own hands. The photo shows original solutions.

  1. One Ensemble. Be sure to consider the appearance of your home, its stylistic direction. You should not set up a Japanese rock garden near a rustic-style room.
  2. The same materials. Try to use the same finishes for the design of the front garden as for the house. It is important to consider not only materials. The combination of colors of the front garden and facade looks harmonious.

Now let's look at what do-it-yourself details will allow you to decorate your front garden.

Original flowerpot

This is the easiest way to demonstrate how to decorate a front garden with your own hands. The photo located in this article shows how original this idea can be realized. Flowerpots can be purchased. But you can make them yourself.

A few simple ideas will help you create your own masterpiece:

  1. The flowerpot can be made of concrete. For this you need a form. It can be a deep basin, a bath, a plastic bucket.
  2. As a flowerpot, you can use any improvised means. Old barrels, deep basins, tubs, buckets, boxes, hemp are perfect.
  3. Be sure to apply multi-colored paints to the flowerpot. This will give a new look to old things.
  4. To emphasize the rustic style, you can wrap containers with flowers with burlap.
  5. Unsightly flowerpots look much better when placed in wicker baskets.

old tires

They are the perfect material for your creativity. Imagine a little how to decorate the front garden with your own hands.

Quite simple and original solutions:

  1. Use tires in the form of flowerpots. To do this, it is enough to paint them. You can apply any pattern or ornament.
  2. Originally placing them in the front garden, you can get an excellent composition.
  3. By making wedge-shaped cuts and turning the tire inside out, you can get a beautiful flowerpot.
  4. The wheel makes a beautiful swan. To do this, put the wheel upside down and make certain cuts. Having unbent such parts, we make out the head, wings and tail.

Be sure to apply several coats of white primer before painting tires. Otherwise, the black color of the wheel will surely drown out even the brightest palette.

Plastic bottles

Do not rush to throw away the used container. A few tips will demonstrate how to decorate the front garden with your own hands from bottles:

  1. Plastic will make an excellent fence for your front garden.
  2. For a variety of flower beds, you can make flowers. You need to cut the bottle. You will need the top part, along with the lid. Make cuts all the way to the lid. Carefully unfold the resulting parts in different directions. These are flower petals. Give them the desired shape. Such plastic flowers will be a beautiful decoration for your front garden.
  3. The bottle can be used as a flowerpot. Approach this issue in a non-standard way. For example, if you put a bottle and make a hole in the side surface for flowers, then the upper part with the lid forms a good muzzle of a hedgehog or mouse.


Original masterpieces can be created from different materials. But the most harmonious are the figures made of wood. After all, it is part of nature.

Consider how you can decorate the front garden with your own hands with the help of figurines. Of course, they are easy enough to purchase in the store. But the greatest pleasure will be delivered by masterpieces created by oneself.

Everything will fit:

  • old stumps;
  • driftwood;
  • tree branches.

The main thing is to see amazing images in them. So, for example, in an old stump you can see the face of a gnome. And a tree branch can resemble a mermaid with its curves.

It remains only to paint this material, add a little, and the original figurine will become the best decoration for your front garden.

big stones

How to decorate the front garden with your own hands? Easy enough! If you have a developed creative imagination, you can easily see in an ordinary boulder:

  • dog
  • sleeping cat;
  • newborn deer;
  • funny turtles;
  • a whole family of ladybugs.

Having painted such a stone, you will get an original figurine that will delight and fascinate your relatives and guests.

Mounting foam

So, have you already figured out how to decorate the front garden with your own hands from improvised materials? If not, then another piece of advice will come in handy.

To create figures, you can use ordinary mounting foam. Models are waterproof and durable.

Most often, mounting foam is used for the manufacture of:

  • dolphins;
  • swans
  • gnomes;
  • snails;
  • donkeys;
  • storks.

Build the frame first. For it, you can use plastic bottles, cans, planks. And on top of such a frame, apply mounting foam.


Now you know how to beautifully decorate the front garden with your own hands. And this is not such an unthinkable task as it seemed at first glance. Any idea can be easily implemented using improvised means and showing a little imagination. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, and then the exclusive decoration will become a real highlight of your possessions.

Any suburban area, whether it be a modest dacha or a chic mansion, must be equipped in such a way that it gives aesthetic pleasure to its owners and guests. To do this, it is important to pay attention to every corner of the territory. A special design requires a kind of entrance hall of the courtyard - a front garden in front of the house.

The landscape interior of the local area is within the power of every owner of a suburban area. Decorating a front garden with your own hands is easy if you follow certain rules.

Plants for planting

The main attribute of any yard is plants. Their choice determines the appearance of the entire site. The ideal option (under appropriate climatic conditions) is continuous flowering from spring to autumn. This result can be achieved by using plants whose flowering follows in sequential order - one after another. Decorations can be flowers such as:

Shrubs will give a special atmosphere to the adjacent area:

  • hawthorn;
  • barberry;
  • wild rose.

Their beautiful flowering and bright fruits will become a bright decoration of your garden.

Climbing plants are often used as hedges in front of the street. Suitable for this purpose:

  • honeysuckle;
  • kampsis;
  • wisteria;
  • clematis.

Landscaping of the site in the winter months is possible when landing on it:

  • boxwood;
  • juniper;
  • yew.

You can complement the interior of the flower garden with slides of stones and garden figurines.

Plot functionality

The beautiful design of the front garden requires a rational distribution of the territory. It can be used as a parking lot for vehicles or a recreation area.

Making garden figures from concrete with your own hands

From what function the site in front of the house performs, the methods of its arrangement also depend. So, there are two types of design:

  1. Open without fencing. Basically it is a lawn with flower beds and a path leading to the house. Such a front garden can be viewed from all sides of the site, there are no tall trees and shrubs on it.
  2. Closed. It has borders of living plants or special architectural elements. One of the features of a closed flower garden is good sound insulation.

If you have chosen a closed type of flower garden for your site, you should think about the material of the fence. It can be a low picket fence or a forged openwork fence. Yard decor with metal elements will please the eye much longer than wooden decorations. Profile fences will not be able to decorate your front garden, because the beauty of the flower garden will be hidden behind a dense fence. It is better to use a plastic fence or make a net and put climbing plants on it.

Design calculations

The design of the front garden in front of the house must begin with a preliminary design. Calculations should be based on the size of the available land and house. The width of the flower garden cannot be greater than the front wall. The length is usually defined as 2/3 of the height of the house. It is important that the design of the front garden is consistent with the architectural design of other buildings in the yard.

The design depends on the imagination and capabilities of its owners. It is also important to determine the style of performance in order to be guided by it when choosing decorative elements and plants for the flower garden.

The front garden can be decorated in the following styles:

  • rustic;
  • modern;
  • romantic;
  • Asiatic;
  • Mediterranean.

Dendroplan of the site and the rules for its preparation

A distinctive feature of the rustic style is simplicity and artificially created negligence. Such a flower garden may consist of perennials such as chamomile and bluebell, as well as small wooden or metal fences. This style of decorating the yard does not require strict adherence to the colors and shapes of decorative elements. Even a novice gardener can design a front garden with his own hands in a rustic style.

The modern way of designing a flower garden also does not have strict rules. A feature of this style is the use of unusual plants, often with blue inflorescences (delphinium, sage) and natural or artificial stone.

The romanticism of landscape design is emphasized by red roses, arches and color contrasts. One of the methods of such design of the front garden in front of the house is climbing plants, a combination of bright colors with a white fence.

The specificity of the Asian flower garden is determined by the use of only stone elements in its decoration. Perennial plants of such a front garden should be associated with peace and tranquility. Better than other plantings, this atmosphere is conveyed by coniferous plants of dwarf varieties.

The most daring ideas are embodied in the Mediterranean style. Its visiting card is that the plants are planted not in the ground, but in special decorative tubs and flowerpots. The presence of furniture, such as a table with chairs or a chaise longue, is an important element of this style, along with various lamps and garden figurines.

In landscape design, four main techniques are used that will help you decorate the front garden in front of the house with your own hands:

Creating a unique landscape in a summer cottage of small size is not an easy task. Indeed, on a small piece of land it is necessary to recreate a cozy atmosphere. Before you get started, you need to make a plan. This will allow you to decide on the choice of not only the style of composition, but also with plant varieties.

If necessary, the site can be divided into certain zones. Without a plan, creating a beautiful landscape will be very difficult. As a result, there may not be enough strength, time, or money.

Basic rules for site design

In order to decorate a small area with your own hands, it is worth remembering the basic rule: there is no place for large trees, shrubs and structures.

It should be noted that such fences can not only spoil the appearance and atmosphere of the site, but also disrupt its microclimate. After all, such a fence interfere with air circulation. If the site is small, then it is better to use a chain-link mesh or a low fence made of a picket fence to protect it.

What should be included in a site plan

Before you start creating a landscape design for a small area, you should decide on the style. This will save not only energy, but also money. Worth it in the first place draw up a detailed plan.

Creating a landscape with your own hands requires care and accuracy. After all, any search can adversely affect the overall design. In order to correctly draw up a summer cottage plan, you can use special software. In extreme cases, the plan can be drawn on paper. Here you need to specify the location of the house and other buildings.

In addition, the plan should mark the barbecue and recreation areas. Some computer programs allow you to mark the proposed places where shrubs and trees will be planted. On the plan, you can specify places for flower beds and a garden.

Features of the choice of landscape style

In order to create an original landscape design for a small area with your own hands, you should decide in advance on the style. There are several main areas: natural and regular.

Regular. In this case, the main axis of the entire composition is provided. In relation to her symmetrical landings are created. This style is ideal for large areas, but if desired, you can also use it to create an original landscape in a small area.

It is worth noting that the tracks in this style are laid straight. At the same time, strict geometric shapes are observed, the choice of which depends on the configuration of the site. If the site is elongated and long, then it is worth building rectangular flower beds.

Natural or, in other words, landscape style. In this case, more free accommodation is provided not only for landings, but also for buildings, including houses. Straight paths can be omitted when creating a simple landscape.

When using this particular style, you can beat the natural relief of the area or create artificial elevations or depressions. In a small area, you can make a reservoir and throw a humpbacked bridge over it. If there is no desire to mess with the ground, then you can make a flower garden by planting plants of different shades, shapes and heights.

How to enlarge the area visually

If the area in front of the house is very small, then it can be increased by installing certain shapes and materials. The main emphasis should be on lines, smooth and smooth forms. So, how to create a unique landscape with your own hands:

Gardening methods

In order for the design of a small area, created by one's own hands, to please, several basic rules of landscaping should be observed:

  1. First of all, it is worth considering the requirements for lightening certain trees, shrubs and flowers.
  2. Planting height should increase in the direction from south to north. The smallest specimens should be planted on the south side, and tall trees, such as pears and apple trees, on the northeast or north side.
  3. If the soil on the site is poor, then it is worth bringing fertile soil. Alas, manure and compost will not immediately correct the situation and saturate the soil with nutrients.
  4. The color scheme should be thought out in advance. Properly selected shades will visually enlarge a small area.
  5. Don't chase diversity. Not always an abundance of various shades in the garden plot is good. It is worth choosing one color scheme and placing its variations in different corners of the site. This step will achieve harmony.

Water facilities

Landscape design of a small area is a complex process. When creating certain compositions, you should take into account the basic rules and requirements. In this case, ponds and small reservoirs can perform not only practical functions, but also decorative ones.

Water can be used for irrigation. If desired, you can create lakes small sizes for aesthetic purposes. If you decide to create a reservoir with your own hands, then you should take care in advance not only about building materials, but also what plants and animals will live in it.

In addition, special equipment may be required to maintain such facilities. As a water structure on the site, you can build:

  • water mill;
  • the fountain;
  • waterfall or cascade;
  • circulating stream.

Flowers and plants

Growing any plants near the house requires constant attention and a lot of time. In addition, some financial costs may be required. However, it is plants and flowers that make it possible to fill the landscape design with bright shades.

If desired, you can plant a small flower garden. At the same time, it is worth stopping your choice on one color scheme.

Today you can buy seeds of almost any ornamental plants that will decorate the area around the house. When arranging a summer cottage, you can use classic plants, or you can create an alpine slide. In many ways, the choice depends on the style of the overall design.

Places to stay and decorations

Usually, when creating a landscape design for a small area, a special place is given to the recreation area. In this case, any buildings should be practical. At the same time, it is important to choose not only the construction project, but also a suitable place.

When creating a landscape with your own hands, you should take into account the overall design and appearance of buildings. They must harmonize and complement each other. If the site is equipped in the Japanese style, then the structures should be made in the appropriate style.

Most often, the following structures are erected:

  • playgrounds;
  • shed for equipment and tools;
  • tandoor with open kitchen;
  • gazebos.

To create a cozy atmosphere, you can use various decorative elements for garden areas, such as patios, sculptures, flowerpots, decorative fountains. Lighting is also of particular importance. With it, you can increase or decrease the area, as well as create a unique and fabulous atmosphere.

Decorative elements fit perfectly into almost any stylistic decision. The main thing is pick the right one decorative elements that will emphasize the style and create a sense of harmony. All the rules and nuances listed above will allow you to create a unique landscape design for a small area at a minimum cost.

Starting the development of a summer cottage, we rarely pay attention to the design of the space in front of the house. We put up a fence, make a gate and a gate - and we return to the design of the front garden and the entrance to the site much later, when the house is standing, the trees are planted, the lawns are sown ... What is important to consider when forming a zone in front of the house? We give advice on landscape design with your own hands.

Gate and gate

The perception of the garden will largely depend on the appearance and location of the gate. It is advisable to place it in such a way as to combine the useful with the pleasant, namely, the convenience of access to the site and the passage to the house with the attractiveness of the view from the gate.

For gates and gates, materials are selected that are combined with the materials used in the construction of the fence. Relatively speaking, plastic gates are completely unsuitable for a brick fence, as well as gates made of chain-link mesh. But metal and wood are very suitable materials for making a gate that will be in harmony with most types of fences.

The dimensions of the wicket and gate should provide a comfortable passage and passage to the site, usually the width of the wicket is at least 1 m, and the width of the gate is at least 2.5-3 m.

The attractiveness of the gate will largely depend on its frame, on the nature of the decoration. For these purposes, climbing plants seem to be specially designed. Depending on the size and design of the gate, it can be decorated, for example, with climbing honeysuckle, girlish grapes, actinidia or climbing roses. In the front part of the garden, conifers of a columnar or pyramidal shape, symmetrically planted near the gate, such as the western thuja Columna and Smaragd or the common juniper Suecica, look good.

front garden

As follows from explanatory dictionaries, a “front garden” is a flower garden or a small garden fenced with a palisade along the house, usually along its front part. This is the very first garden picture that a person sees when approaching a site or opening a gate. The front garden can be an ordinary, inexpressive passage zone, but you can turn it into an independent, originally designed miniature garden.

A retaining wall separates the front garden from the house

The front gardens look most solemn, imitating regular parterres with low molded borders made of cotoneaster or barberry, as well as topiary figures, for the creation of which conifers are often used.

Small conifers and large shrubs of the original appearance are planted in free front gardens as tapeworms. These are, for example, the bizarre Norway spruce Inversa, the columnar common juniper Hibernica, or the golden form of the western Rheingold arborvitae. In the center of plant compositions and as dominants, bright and attractive deciduous trees are also planted, such as the globular Norway maple Globosum, the Kilmarnock goat willow grafted onto a trunk, and the rough weeping elm Camperdownii.

Front gardens can be designed in a utilitarian manner (orchard, ornamental vegetable garden or garden of herbs and aromatic herbs, imitating a monastery apothecary garden). In their design, you can often find sculptural or everyday elements, such as stone, wooden or clay figures, retro-style objects: ancient mechanisms, garden tools and accessories.

Front gardens "with them" and "with us"

Unfortunately, in our country, front gardens in general, and even more so beautiful, elegantly executed, are rare. The reason for this, obviously, is the prevailing way of life, which involves fencing off the whole world with high, deaf fences. In this case, the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200blaying out a front garden loses its meaning - decoration in front of the house, put on display, for everyone.

What kind of artistic techniques can not be found in the design of small plots of land under the windows or in front of the entrance to a Dutch, German or Belgian house! Flat parterres and compositions using geoplastic techniques are adjacent, miniature slides, retaining walls and borders made of wood or stone rise. Concrete containers, ceramic flowerpots and boxes made of boards and old sleepers are hidden under cascades of ampelous annuals.

Numerous options for paving and filling the surface with crushed stone, pebbles or gravel screenings alternate with the greenery of short-cut tiny lawns. There are large stones: boulders, flat slabs or angular fragments of rock, reminiscent of islands, surrounded by a foamy surf of sedum, sapwood or thyme.

Many sites are dominated by flower front gardens, which reveal all the advantages of gardens of continuous flowering. Often there are so-called staffing elements - objects made of stone, metal or wood: hollowed-out flower decks, bird drinkers, ancient plows and anchors, as well as original garden furniture made of snags or roots. Old stumps and wood saw cuts turn into flower vases or pedestals.

front area

The front zone usually bears the main "representative" load and determines the perception of the main object on the site - a residential building. The most frequently used garden elements in this part of the site are parterre lawns and flower beds, free flower arrangements, as well as plantings of coniferous or decorative deciduous trees and shrubs. In the front part, a pond, fountain or other water objects are sometimes arranged to enliven the territory. It is advisable to provide for the placement of garden benches, awnings from the sun and rain, or a place to relax and chat with guests.

It is known that open or semi-open spaces look friendlier than closed ones. The shape and dimensions of the front of the site are also important. A square, rectangle or circle is preferable to an irregular shape or an elongated stripe.

When at the entrance to the site there is a place sufficient to “run up the view”, the house, located at some distance, in the depth of the site, focuses attention on itself and is perceived as a whole, and the parterre part plays the role of a rich frame for it.

If the house is extended to the street, the parterre area of ​​the site, which is also the entrance, will be reduced to a front garden at best. Thus, the owners often close themselves off from the surrounding disturbing world and at the same time free up space for their private garden located behind the house. This is an example of an introverted garden intended for a narrow circle of people; it can be found in England, and in Holland, and in our country.

The sophistication of the landscape solution of the front part of the site must necessarily be combined with the functionality of this territory. No design finds can compensate for elementary inconveniences that may relate to the nature of the road surface, the location and size of the gate and gate, the width and turning radius of the entrance road, the magnitude of the slopes, the placement of paths, and many others.

When calculating the balance of the territory of the site for the front zone, rather large areas of paved surfaces are usually provided. If, in general, on a personal plot, a hard coating occupies approximately 10-15% of the territory, then in the front part it can be 20-25% or more. Indeed, because here, as a rule, there is an entrance road, and often a parking lot, footpaths.

How to decorate the entrance to the site: lawns, flower beds, vertical gardening

The lawn is one of the most sought-after landscape elements in the front area, there can be quite a lot of it here. In order not to complicate the care of the lawn, do not break it into small fragments. A single sheet of lawn looks more solid and is a great backdrop for placing other decorative elements on it.

This advice applies not only to lawns, but also to flower beds, group plantings, and many other components that make up a garden. Whether we are talking about creating a flower garden from perennials or building a rockery, working with “broad strokes”, operating with enlarged groups of objects usually gives a more impressive result than a combination of a large number of small decorative elements, which often leaves a feeling of fuss and anxiety.

The entrance area to the site, as well as the parterre, benefits significantly when vertical gardening techniques are used in its design. These can be arches at the entrance and on the way to the house, entwined with flowering vines, pergolas and canopies in the corners of the rest. Openwork gazebo gazebos will be appropriate at the intersection of paths, and living trellis walls entwined with girlish grapes, aristolochia or wood pliers will also be able to perform a utilitarian function - to separate the parking lot or block the view of the site from the side of the street. In combination with a dense hedge around the perimeter of the site, the use of green verticals creates an atmosphere of security and comfort in the garden.

Climbing rose on the wall lattice

The classic lawn or flower parterre can be supplemented with wooden or metal pyramids or columns decorated with climbing roses, clematis or honeysuckle. The use of repetitive, regular decorative elements gives the front area a particularly solemn look.

In the parterre part of the site, flower beds are most often planted from colorful annuals, arranging flower beds, flower beds, or even, in some cases, carpet flower beds. Group plantings of beautifully flowering perennials create, albeit a shorter, but impressive effect. To do this, use the brightest varieties of peonies, lilies, saplings, phloxes, daylilies, astilbes, hostas, irises.

Planting mixborders, which combine not only perennials of different flowering periods, but also ornamental shrubs, will create a continuous change of colors in the parterre area throughout the growing season.

Comment on the article "In front of the house. Plot design: gate, lawn, flower garden, what else?"

Landscaping. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and country plots: purchase, improvement, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits, berries, harvest. What is important to consider when forming a zone in front of the house? We give advice on landscape design with your own hands.

Landscaping. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and country plots: purchase, improvement, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits, berries, harvest. Section: Landscaping (what flowers are planted next to panicled hydrangea).

In front of the house. Site design: gate, lawn, flower garden, what else? Do-it-yourself landscape design: how to arrange the entrance to the site. Among the elements of the floral design of the garden, flower beds with a regular and landscape layout are common.

Landscape design. Landscaping. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and country plots: purchase, improvement, planting trees Landscape design. To create a small green island where everything was done according to your tastes and desires is a dream...

Arrangement of the site. In front of the house. Site design: gate, lawn, flower garden, what else? As follows from the explanatory dictionaries, a "front garden" is called a flower garden or a small garden along a palisade. Indeed, here, as a rule, there is an entrance ...

Landscaping. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and country plots: purchase, improvement, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, garden beds Small summer cottage: design. Fence, paths, flower beds in the country - how to fit everything. Every lucky owner of the notorious...

Landscaping. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and country plots: purchase, improvement, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits, berries, harvest. Section: Landscaping (how flower beds fall asleep on top of the ground).

In front of the house. Site design: gate, lawn, flower garden, what else? If in general on a personal plot a hard surface occupies about 10-15% of the territory, then in the front part it is. Whether we are talking about creating a flower garden from perennials or building a rockery ...

In front of the house. Site design: gate, lawn, flower garden, what else? We put up a fence, make a gate and a gate - and we return to the design of the front garden and the entrance to the site much later, when the house is standing, the trees are planted, the lawns are sown ...

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Site design: gate, lawn, flower garden, what else? Do-it-yourself landscape design: how to arrange the entrance to the site. As follows from the explanatory dictionaries, a “front garden” is a flower garden or a small garden along the house, fenced with a palisade, usually along its facade ...

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In front of the house. Site design: gate, lawn, flower garden, what else? As follows from the explanatory dictionaries, a “front garden” is a flower garden or a small garden along the house, fenced with a palisade, usually according to How to create a flower bed on the site.

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Landscape design courses. Landscaping. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. She worked as a landscape designer - in very well-known firms. In other words, free up the central zone of the garden and do not spoil its “ceremonial” appearance with random plantings.