Construction of multi-storey buildings. Giant construction set: How new panel houses are built What multi-storey buildings are made of

The construction of a multi-storey residential building today is the main option for solving the housing problem for many developers. The advantage of the technology is that not one, but several families will move into a house, even if the construction is carried out on a small plot of land. Several types of construction are popular: panel, brick, monolithic, monolithic-brick. The choice of type of development is carried out in accordance with soil conditions, seismological conditions, climatic conditions, availability of materials, means and capabilities. Land development with multi-storey buildings is a responsible job that does not allow for ignorance or mistakes and requires strict adherence to all nuances.

Panel construction

The technology developed rapidly at the end of the last century due to the efficiency of all stages of work. The presence of ready-made elements allows you to install houses without any delays; the process is reminiscent of assembling a construction set; the elements are produced in a factory manner.

The conditions for using panel construction have their own characteristics:

  1. The requirement to carry out mass development in a limited area;
  2. Sale of finished housing at a price that covers the cost of work;
  3. Availability of a powerful base of resources and equipment used.

Advice! The construction of a panel high-rise building is impossible without the use lifting mechanisms and provision of energy resources.

The scope of application of the technology extends not only to the construction of multi-storey public buildings, but also to private housing construction, where it is necessary to erect a building of 2-4 floors. The technology involves the use of two types of residential buildings: frame and frameless.

Frame buildings also have two construction options: full frame or internal. The first are a spatial frame, the formation of which involves external supports and ribbed panels, and the frame is formed by transverse and longitudinal elements. The second option is a design without supporting column panels. The internal columns act as load-bearing columns, taking on the entire load. The optimal span in this case is 500-600 cm. The longitudinal part of the frame is represented by columns, the pitch of which is no more than 300 cm. The permissible floor height is 280 cm, the crossbar and column elements are combined and connected by welds. The column is covered with I-steel consoles. The height of frame buildings is calculated depending on the purpose of the building.

Main stages of construction

Stages of panel construction:

  1. Foundation work. The choice of foundation depends on the number of storeys of the building, the type of soil and other nuances. When working with lightweight panels (SIP), lightweight foundations are preferable; when working with heavy reinforced concrete panels, a powerful and recessed foundation is chosen.
  2. Waterproofing the foundation, treating wood with protective agents, metal parts, installation of the bottom beam.
  3. Arrangement of the basement, laying the floor of the first floor.
  4. Arrangement of the frame or installation of the first floor by erecting panel elements, fastening the parts by welding.
  5. Installation interfloor ceilings along the perimeter of the floor.
  6. Insulation, waterproofing of the building.

Important! The construction of all subsequent floors is carried out in the same way as the installation of the first. If there are supposed to be large rooms, the structure is reinforced with high-strength timber.

  1. Roofing. Work is carried out taking into account the weight load on the panel.
  2. Installation of windows, doors, roofing.
  3. Finishing work.

This technology has its advantages and disadvantages; the advantages of a multi-storey panel building are as follows:

  • Increased speed of building assembly;
  • The ability to reduce the size of the construction site by working “from wheels”, that is, the material is delivered from the manufacturer and immediately installed on the site, without cluttering the construction site;
  • Minimum set of instruments and equipment for installation of prefabricated structures.

Disadvantages of panel house construction:

  • Low thermal performance in comparison with other materials;
  • Insufficient sound insulation;
  • The slightest deviations in the technology of connecting joints will lead to the formation of cracks;
  • Reduced seismic resistance of panel-type high-rise buildings;
  • Dependence of the layout on the panel elements produced (this only applies to large-panel houses).

Construction of brick houses

The technology of brick construction became known a very long time ago; even before our era, people built houses from baked pieces of clay, giving them almost the right size. The technology is simple, reliable, and does not require special equipment other than lifts, but it is difficult to implement and quite labor-intensive. Wherein brick construction impossible without experience, knowledge and the use of highly qualified workers. Minimal masonry errors will lead to irreparable loss of appearance, so the brick construction of a multi-story building should either be carried out under constant supervision, or only by the hands of professionals.

Today there are 2 types of bricks used:

  1. The ceramic piece product has strength, heat resistance, seismic resistance, and moisture resistance. At the same time, brick is easy to manufacture
  2. Silicate is made from a mixture of lime and sand, has a cheaper price and its characteristics are more modest: it does not tolerate moisture and high temperatures.

Advice! Manufacturers offer a good alternative: hollow (slotted, porous) brick. Due to the voids in the mass, the product has a greater heat capacity and provides better thermal insulation.

Stages of building a brick house:

  1. Foundation. A powerful, durable and well-buried foundation is required, since brickwork has massiveness.
  2. Foundation waterproofing.
  3. The first row of masonry is on a “dry” base, then the next rows of masonry are made, and the choice of installation option for bricks is made depending on the features of the project, the height of the house and the customer’s preferences;
  4. Reinforcing masonry elements or “bundles” must be present in every 2-4 rows;
  5. Laying of interfloor ceilings is carried out using the slab method;
  6. Each subsequent floor is laid out, just like the first; we should not forget about tying and strengthening the wall panels.
  7. Insulation and waterproofing of the building;
  8. The roof is installed rough, mostly flat. The final roofing is laid only after the structure has settled.
  9. Installation of windows and doors.
  10. Final finishing work.

The brick construction of a multi-storey building has a lot of nuances: from the choice of masonry type to the variability of the bond. However, despite the difficulties, the numerous advantages of the final result make up for all the technological inconveniences:

  1. The highest thermal characteristics;
  2. The best sound insulation performance;
  3. Maintaining a comfortable microclimate inside the house;
  4. Variability of building formats;
  5. Undemanding façade finishing due to the good aesthetic appearance of exposed brick.

There are several disadvantages:

  1. Mandatory use of qualified labor;
  2. High price level for construction work;
  3. Slow construction of the house;
  4. Requirement of time for shrinkage;
  5. Limited number of floors in buildings;
  6. It is mandatory to have a large warehouse for materials on the construction site.

Monolithic construction

One of the newest technologies is monolithic construction of a residential building. The type of construction is based on pouring a building with concrete mixture directly on the construction site. The cost of the work is high, labor costs are also high, so monolithic panel construction is most often used, where construction is carried out using ready-made monolithic reinforced concrete slabs manufactured in a factory. When considering monolithic technology, it is worth clarifying that all processes are carried out only in seasons with warm temperatures; in case of precipitation, work stops. A detailed plan for the work being carried out is extremely necessary, since any deviation from the process, delay or incorrect choice of cement brand threatens a violation of the technology, as a result of which the developer will receive a fragile house that requires constant modifications.

Construction stages:

  1. Site preparation, arrangement of a buried foundation;
  2. Installation of reinforcement frame;
  3. Installation of formwork;
  4. Pouring concrete mixture;
  5. Warming up the concrete for better setting when the ambient temperature drops;
  6. Dismantling of formwork;
  7. Arrangement of interfloor ceilings;
  8. Roof installation;
  9. Exterior finishing.

Important! Concrete compositions are characterized by high insulation and energy intensity, so the structure will not require additional work on laying hydro-, heat-, and sound insulation. There is no need to additionally level the wall panels, that is, all work comes down to finishing.

Advantages of monolithic construction:

  • Open plan;
  • Individuality of building configuration;
  • Smoothness of all wall and ceiling panels, which reduces the finishing stage to a minimum;
  • Increased seismic resistance of buildings.

Disadvantages of monolithic construction:

  • Use of highly qualified labor;
  • High cost of building construction;
  • Low use of technology.

Important! It is worth noting that monolithic construction technology is in little demand in today’s market, however, numerous advantages make it possible to use this type of house construction on a wide variety of soils. And if you use the panel-monolithic option, the buildings meet the highest demands and requirements of the owners, distinguished by durability, practicality, long service life and excellent heat and power performance.

Monolithic brick construction

Frame-monolithic construction technology has become widespread. Being the most modern option, the type of construction is reliable and allows you to combine in one object all the indicators of a heat- and soundproof brick wall with the variability of planning solutions for a building using monolithic reinforced concrete floors. The price level of buildings lies between inexpensive large-panel technology and expensive brick houses.

The construction stages are similar to other technologies:

  1. Arrangement of a strong foundation;
  2. Installation of the house frame with pouring concrete, after which the formwork is removed and the process is repeated until the building reaches the required height;
  3. Installation of interfloor ceilings;
  4. Construction of the next floors;
  5. Arrangement of a rough-type roof, and after shrinkage of the structure, installation of a finishing roof;
  6. Finishing work.

Advantages of monolithic brick construction:

  • The most modern technology that allows you to quickly erect buildings of different heights, shapes, and formats;
  • Open plan;
  • High thermal capacity and sound insulation: such a high-rise building combines all the unique qualities of brick and concrete;
  • Minimum requirements for the alignment of walls and ceilings, which means easier finishing work.

A monolithic brick apartment building will have one drawback - mandatory compliance with development technology, and, consequently, the use of highly qualified workers.

Monolithic ventilated facades

Strictly speaking, this is not a construction technology, but rather a type of finishing work. The systems are characterized by the following indicators:

  1. The presence of an air gap between the wall surface and the finish;
  2. Possibility of using different types of cladding panels;
  3. Adding aesthetics to the facade and minimizing the threat of condensation in the house;
  4. Significant reduction in heating costs due to increased heat capacity of the entire building.

This technology is used for many multi-storey buildings for various purposes. At the same time, the materials used for the installation of ventilated facades are produced in a huge variety: aluminum, vinyl panels or panel elements made of composite materials are durable and strong.

When choosing a suitable technology for the construction of multi-storey buildings, it is necessary to take into account not only all economic aspects, but also the availability of a powerful base of special equipment, resources and professional builders. It is difficult to cope with a house even of 2-3 floors alone; it is better to entrust this task to specialists.

In order to build a cottage, you need to spend a lot of money, time and effort. But you can still do it by building apartment buildings.

In addition, difficulties may arise when drawing up documentation for the construction of premises. Despite the fact that problems arise in obtaining permission, it is quite worthwhile and profitable.

Often, the first floors of buildings are rented out for shops, offices, salons, and so on. Starting from the second floor, the premises are converted into apartments. The costs quickly pay off, since the profit is quite large.

If you decide to start building such an apartment building, remember that this project will take a lot of money and effort. Time will also be spent on selling apartments. You can sell apartments quickly only if you sell them at a low cost. This should not be done, because your income will be minimal.

Before you start drawing up plans for building an apartment building, you will need to decide in what area you will build it. You must think through every detail because your home must meet all the requirements.

Leave the drawing up of a house project to a special organization that has sufficient experience in this area. Such a company will be able to make all the necessary calculations. As for the construction site, you must choose it yourself.

An apartment building must be connected to all currently available communications, namely: gas supply, electricity supply, sewerage and water supply. If you follow practice, it is best to choose a place to build within the city. It will be better if you build a house on the outskirts of the city. You can also provide a plan in the area where communications will be able to withstand the load.

It is also important that all necessary communications are nearby. This is both a school and kindergarten, and shops. The condition of the roads in this area will also be important. If the road wants to leave the best, you will need to work on lining up the roads. This will significantly increase the cost of an apartment in a house in such an area.

Also arrange the nearby area (yard), organize an underground floor with parking. Parking will provide you with additional income. This decision has already been approved by many developers. They confirm that this . The main thing is to identify the condition of the soil and find out whether it is possible to build something in this place.

Stages of construction of an apartment building

Where can I get money to start my own business? This is exactly the problem that 95% of new entrepreneurs face! In the article we revealed the most current methods obtaining start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

Let's summarize all of the above and tell you in basic terms about all the stages of preparation for the construction of a multi-story building.

1. Select a building site. The best option is to join the general urban planning plan. Build the building in a location where residential development will take place over the next few years. Gather all the necessary information about construction options. Find out if they can network engineering withstand the load of a new multi-story building.

2. Obtain permits to build a house

3. Draw up an estimate and a development project. Do this with the help of special organizations. Choose it based on your preferences and financial capabilities.

4. When starting the construction stage, remember that this is a very important stage. Take all stages of construction seriously: preparing the territory, digging a pit, supplying the necessary communications, laying the foundation, building the house itself. By the way, the price for the foundation is equal to half of all the costs of the construction itself.

The construction of a multi-storey building is the work of many specialists, such as architects, installers, and others. Many design organizations are also involved in construction. When it comes to construction, it becomes immediately clear that there must be contractors and subcontractors - people who create a project for your future home, design its appearance and calculate the structure of the house, and then install it.

If we consider all the works as a whole, there are quite a lot of them. All of them require responsibility and great expense and effort. But in general, building a new residential building is a very profitable and profitable business.

Of course, building a multi-story building is a long process, especially in our country. But there are technologies that make it possible to erect multi-story structures in a matter of days. Here, for example, is a technology from China (based on lightweight metal structures), which allows you to build a full-fledged hotel (without interior decoration, of course) in 90 hours:

How to build a monolithic house April 25th, 2016

The construction of residential buildings is one of the important branches of construction. Housing is built always and everywhere - you simply cannot do without it. Housing construction can be different: it is high-rise or low-rise construction, brick or monolithic, etc. Today I want to show several main stages of construction of a monolithic multi-storey building. For better clarity, photographs of the construction of different houses will be used.

The first stage of the actual construction of a house is excavation work. Those. First, they dig a foundation pit for the future building. After the pit is ready, driving begins pile field. Piles are not always driven, but in our city this is done quite often. Whether piles are needed or not depends on the geological conditions of the site chosen for construction.
The photo on the left just shows a section of the pile field. On the right is the equipment for the first stage of construction work - an excavator for excavating a pit and a machine for piling work.

Here is another machine for piling work. These machines are different - which one to use depends on the type of piling work being carried out and the type of piles used. As a rule, in our city we use either driven piles or bored piles (bored injection). Driven piles are usually reinforced concrete bars. To immerse them in the ground, only special devices are required. Therefore, in individual construction they are used quite rarely. The high cost of the piles themselves, as well as the rental of equipment, leave their mark.
Bored piles are most often used. First, a hole is made in the soil with a special drill, into which a reinforced frame is then inserted by machine. Then the well is filled with concrete solution, which fills all the voids.

This is where the process of preparing a well for a future bored pile is shown.

The pile field is closer. Bored piles are visible here.

General form

Then the foundation is made. This is the basis of any building, a guarantee that the structure will last for many years without deformation. The main function of the foundation is to carry the weight of the building, and the key requirement for it is strength. Foundations are also different, for example monolithic (slab) and prefabricated. Used in multi-storey construction slab foundation. Such a foundation is resistant to any type of deformation and copes very well with maximum vertical loads without significant loss of its functional qualities. Since this monolithic foundation, then its main element is poured reinforced concrete. It withstands loads and soil movements well. A frame made of reinforcement is installed in the dug pit, which is then filled with concrete. Moreover, the filling is continuous. The photo shows an already poured monolithic foundation

Bigger. In winter, after pouring, the concrete is covered with a special material. This is done to warm up the concrete, which helps maintain the strength of the concrete.

Well, then comes the construction of the floors of the future house. Since our house is monolithic, the main tasks during such construction are the preparation of a reinforced frame and the subsequent filling of the frame with concrete.

The reinforcement sticking out of the concrete is the future basis of the frame of future walls.

When the frame is ready, it is enclosed in formwork. Formwork creates the shape and dimensions of the future wall, column and ceiling. After the formwork is assembled and the process of pouring concrete occurs. Pouring takes place using concrete pumps. While the building's number of floors is not high, concrete pumps are used.
In the photo you can see a concrete pump - it is a white machine with an elongated blue arrow. The concrete is directed along this arrow.

By the way, before assembling the reinforced frame or pouring it with concrete, the area is cleared of dust and various elements (stones, sand, etc.). This is done with special air vacuum cleaners, and it looks like the photo below.

A larger concrete pump - at the moment when a mixer with concrete drove up to it.

This is how the walls of the building are poured

And here, in fact, is the process of assembling a reinforced frame. The reinforcement in the frame is directed both vertically and horizontally.

Openings in the frame are made immediately.

Concrete is delivered to the upper floors with a special pump or crane using a “bell”.

This is how concrete is poured using a crane and a “bell” - one presses the levers, the other directs the flow.

The crane is also used to lift other floors building materials- formwork, reinforcement, beams.

To build a floor slab (this is the future floor or ceiling of the apartment), you also need a reinforced frame.

But first, the formwork is installed (in the photo), and then a reinforcement frame is assembled on the formwork, which is also filled with concrete.

But builders need to know exactly where the boundaries of the floor will be, where the openings, walls, columns and other elements will be located. To do this, a construction site needs a surveyor who, using various instruments (as in the photo), will make an accurate breakdown of the location of the above elements.

The basis of the building is a monolithic frame. But various partitions and balconies are made of brick (pictured) or building blocks. And here you can’t do without masons, who carry out this work.

The balconies are made of brick, the facade walls and partitions are made of blocks.

This is only part of building a house. Here you still cannot do without finishing work - both external (façade construction) and internal. But I'll tell you about this another time.

In the construction of multi-storey buildings there are many nuances that must be taken into account by the developer and other participants in the process - drawing up estimates and designs, obtaining permission to construct a residential structure, collecting documents, and so on. One of the main roles is played by the technologies that are used in the construction process of buildings. It wouldn’t hurt to know the stages in which construction works. In general, more details about everything.

Building a house is not as difficult as the paperwork preparation procedure. Permission to build houses, drawing up estimates, obtaining permission to open a multi-storey building - all these issues take a lot of time and create serious difficulties for developers.

In fact, there are no problems here. The main thing is to know the nuances of design and drafting of the project, as well as collect the necessary papers in advance. The process of building houses in Moscow (from the design perspective) consists of the following stages:

  • Documents are being prepared for the construction of residential buildings - individual housing complexes, multi-storey buildings (panel, monolithic) and others. Before starting a project, it is recommended to prepare a complete package of IRDs and submit them for approval to the relevant authorities.

The following points should be taken into account here - estimates, design issues, development of engineering structures, installation of communications, and so on. Wherever construction is carried out (in Moscow or another city), the attitude towards these issues should be the closest. History knows more than one example when, due to inattention to the preparation of the project, the construction of multi-storey buildings was delayed or stopped altogether.

When preparing papers, the norms and requirements specified in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as laws and regulations in force in the construction industry, must be taken into account. To simplify the work, you can take projects of houses already built in Moscow as an example.

  • Submitting papers to government agencies to obtain permission to begin work. Here, permission from authorized authorities will be required for the construction of a multi-storey building. In Moscow and other cities, papers are submitted to the department dealing with construction and architecture issues. At this stage, all documents must be submitted on time, without deviations from the requirements. An example of filling out certain papers can be studied in advance (there are examples on the Internet).
  • Protecting the project and making adjustments. It happens that after receiving documents for the construction of a multi-story building, inspection authorities discover a lot of inconsistencies in the papers. In such situations, the project and/or the estimate are returned for revision. It is important to quickly make adjustments and return the papers for re-checking.
  • Positive conclusion of the state examination for the construction of a multi-story building. All adjustments to the project regarding the construction of a house in Moscow or another locality of the Russian Federation must be agreed upon with the customer and also made taking into account regulatory documents. To avoid wasting time on re-planning or reworking the project, it is worth clarifying the requirements in advance and being interested in changes in the construction industry.
  • Coordination of papers at the local level. In conclusion, it remains to coordinate the documentation for the construction of a house in numerous institutions - the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Research and Development Institute and others. Once all the work is completed, you can move on to the most important thing - the construction of residential buildings (multi-storey buildings and other facilities) in Moscow and other cities.

What technologies are popular?

Before analyzing the sequence of actions when building a house, it is worth considering the technologies for constructing residential buildings that are most in demand today:

  • Monolithic construction. The peculiarity of the technology is that the load-bearing elements of the structure are made of concrete (examples concrete elements buildings - walls, ceilings, etc.). The use of this option for building a house allows you to solve several problems at once - reduce costs according to the estimate, achieve greater reliability of the structure, and build a structure of a non-standard shape. The entire process of preparing the solution is carried out directly on the construction site, which simplifies the process. Examples of such buildings in Moscow are numerous new buildings and business centers. It is difficult not to recognize buildings built in this way.
  • Construction of panel houses. The peculiarity of the technology is its extensive experience, which dates back to the middle of the 20th century. Here, when constructing a residential building (including a multi-story building), they already use ready-made designs(slabs). Such products are prepared in advance at the factory, after which they are transported to the construction site. The advantages of panel buildings of this method are the high speed of construction. Disadvantages: low reliability and short service life. Examples of panel residential buildings in Moscow can be found in large numbers in old areas.
  • Construction using bricks is another example of a popular technology that involves constructing a structure using bricks. The advantage of this method of constructing an object is reliability. The downside, unlike panel houses, is significant labor costs.

Stages of building construction

To complete the picture, we present the sequence of actions for the construction of a residential building. The algorithm is as follows:

  • Selecting a plot of land. When performing this work, many factors must be taken into account - infrastructure, proximity to the center, transport links, impact on the final size of the estimate, and so on. In addition, it is worth considering various technical aspects - water, heat and electricity. For example, the proximity of a power line or heating main to a future facility is only a plus, because it will reduce costs and make the estimate more profitable for the customer. If the power lines are far away, this can lead to an increase in the cost of building a house. It’s worth noting right away that the customer plays a big role. If the city authorities act in this capacity, then it is easier to obtain permission and other papers for the construction of residential buildings.
  • Geological examination and topological survey. These works are required to calculate the exact location of the object. Here we evaluate how deep they go groundwater, whether there are risks of subsidence of a residential building (especially relevant for panel and brick structures). Experts also take into account the characteristics of the relief, the properties of the earth and many other factors. The more detailed the research is, the fewer “surprises” will arise after the completion of the residential building. For example, if the soil is not analyzed carefully after the completion of the project, the building may sag, which will lead to the appearance of cracks in the walls and the impossibility of further operation.
  • Design. At this stage, the most difficult and important work is performed - a project is drawn up and an estimate is made. It is important that the documents are drawn up taking into account sanitary requirements and existing standards in the construction industry.
  • Construction. As soon as the permitting papers for the construction of a residential building are received, the developer proceeds to the construction of the facility. At the same time, construction work is also divided into several stages. For example, it all starts with preparing the construction site, then the axis of the object is placed, and then excavation work is carried out. As soon as the preparatory activities have been carried out, the foundation is laid, walls are erected, communications are installed and the roof is laid. After this, the developer installs internal partitions, installs metal-plastic windows and lays communications. But that's not all. The final stages of construction of residential buildings are floor screed, interior and exterior finishing.
  • Arrangement of the territory. The construction estimate necessarily takes into account the costs of arranging the area near the house - planting trees, arranging playgrounds, planting flower beds, and so on.

The above is just an example of a construction plan. But it accurately reflects how important each stage of the construction of the facility plays. That is why the developer is required to have maximum attention and concentration when performing work.

It is believed that panel houses are inferior to monolithic and brick houses due to the lack of open layouts, poor noise and heat insulation and monotonous facades. But due to the low cost and high speed of construction, Moscow has been built with panel houses since 1947. Now, according to the chief architect of Moscow Sergei Kuznetsov, about 40% of new buildings in the city are of the panel type.

Last year, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin approved improved standards for standard housing. This is how new series of panel housing construction appeared - the embodiment of the ideas of officials and architects about a comfortable city. Their appearance was preceded by the modernization of house-building factories and the development of architectural concepts. The Village decided to figure out how the new panel houses differ from previous projects. To do this, we visited the plant where they make panels for new houses, went to the experimental quarter and talked with the architects.

New panels

Standard houses can be assembled like a large construction set. The parts are block sections - compartments from several apartments. They can be ordinary, rotary, latitudinal, and the configuration of the house depends on how they are arranged. The main requirement of the Moscow authorities for new houses is the ability to combine different block sections and use a different set of apartments on the floor.

Other details of the designer are the colors. A variety of facade solutions is another point of improved standards. In addition, the new houses have increased ceiling heights to three meters and equipped an entrance for people with limited mobility.

The first floors in new buildings are non-residential; they are intended for street retail - shops, cafes, consumer service points, public spaces. Finally, there will be a place to place the infrastructure that is traditionally lacking in blocks of panel high-rise buildings, say the designers.

Only five proposals from house-building factories were approved by the Moscow Architectural Council, two of which - the "DOMRIK" and "DOMNAD" series - are produced at House-Building Factory No. 1 (DSK-1).

House-building plant

At the Krasnopresnensky reinforced concrete plant of House-Building Plant No. 1, which occupied 19 hectares immediately behind the Third Ring, we are met by chief engineer Igor Anatolyevich Pavlov. The first thing we see is an “exhibition of miniatures”, which contains one panel from each standard house made on DSK-1. It’s hard not to recognize your house, the house opposite, and many other houses that are full of them in every area.

If you imagine a panel as a sandwich, then it consists of several layers: cladding, reinforced concrete, insulation and reinforced concrete again. The layers are connected by a discrete reinforced concrete connection - for this, a cut-out is made in the insulation into which the reinforcement is inserted. This way, there are no gaps between the layers, which makes the panel more energy efficient. The outer layer of the panel can be tiled, smooth or have a textured finish. The inner surface must be treated for further wallpapering.

The pallet of concrete moves on a conveyor, and in ten operations the panel is ready. Manufacturing begins with molding, then the tiles are laid. Each color of the tile, and there are 26 of them, has its own marking. Under the uniform crackling of the conveyor on which the reinforcement parts are made, the chief engineer lists the colors as if he were painting a watercolor: sorrel, apricot, azure, turquoise, sky...

After the tiles are laid, concrete pavers lay concrete, then insulation on top of it, and then concrete again. The last operation is finishing: a device that imitates the movement of a skier levels the concrete surface. The panel goes through the entire conveyor in 19 minutes, and then goes to heat treatment, where it dries for several hours. After processing, the panel is ready to go to the construction site.

There is a separate reinforcement shop at DSK-1, where frames are made on a conveyor belt and manually. They are especially proud of a machine that automatically bends reinforcement parts needed for discrete communication. DSK produces 440 thousand panels per year. The plant also builds elevator shafts, roofing panels, flights of stairs and sites.

How do new houses differ from each other?


Standard height ceilings in new houses are 2.8 meters. Another innovation is an inversion flat roof, which allows for better heat retention. “DOMRIK” can be recognized by its flat facade (the loggias are, as it were, recessed into the facade of the building), color transitions on the facade, and almost panoramic windows of the same type. The layout of the new series includes compact one-room and two-room apartments. The area of ​​the apartments is from 30 to 60 square meters. They are inexpensive and meet today's demand for housing, according to the plant. According to the CIAN portal, prices for apartments in such a building start at 3.8 million rubles.

Ricardo Bofill, author of the concept of the “HOUSE” series:“Prefabricated panel houses do not mean worse than monolithic ones. The negative perception is due to the large number of poor quality buildings over the past 30 years. Quality begins with the reconstruction of production, modern equipment, new colors and a thoughtful process of transportation and assembly of panels. In Europe, heavy sandwich panels are increasingly being abandoned in favor of ultra-light materials.

The development of the “DOMRIK” series took DSK-1 and the Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura bureau two years. The peculiarity of “DOMRIK” is how the design of each panel is used to create a façade design. Panels can be combined in color and location on the facade, following simple rules of composition. The result is a universal architectural dictionary.

The joints between the panels visually disappeared, which means that the perception of the house as a panel house also disappeared. We also made flat facades - mainly due to economic considerations and the capabilities of the production lines in the factory.

An ideal panel house does not look like a panel house. Big cities require different houses - not only in color, but also in height, texture, composition. Each resident should recognize his home among others. This depends not only on the houses themselves, but also on urban planning decisions.”


The houses of the DOMNAD series have one-room apartments, two-room apartments and three-room apartments with an area of ​​39 to 81 square meters. The colors of “DOMNAD” are more restrained than the bright shades of the “DOMRIK” series. The northern façade of the house is flat, and on the southern façade decorative architectural elements (friezes) and protruding loggias are used.

Alexander Nadysev, author of the concept of the DOMNAD series:“Initially, the workshop was tasked with modifying a 17-story building of the P-44 series, and in the end it turned out to be a new house. We had three months to do everything. The first nine-story building was built in parallel with approvals from the Moskomarkhitektura. Architects, designers, engineers and many subcontractors worked on the house project.

We had many technological limitations, but I think that the house turned out to be consistent in terms of architectural solutions and comfortable. For example, such houses will have three-room apartments with an improved layout.

The following modifications will be aimed at improving the comfort in the apartments through bay windows of different shapes. They provide additional space, a comfortable view from the window and good lighting.”

At a construction site

To build a nine-story building, approximately 450 panels are needed. The construction of panel houses proceeds extremely quickly: a floor section is erected in a day, and seven to ten months pass from the foundation pit stage to the moment of occupancy.

There are three main types of panels: exterior wall panels, interior wall panels and floor panels. The construction technology is simple: the panels are connected to each other with special metal connections using welding. The joints between the panels are filled with cement-sand mortar or special insulation. First, the external wall panels are installed along the contour, followed by the internal walls, and then the floors.

New DSK-1 houses have already been built in the Nekrasovka-Park residential complex on Lyubertsy Fields. Two more are currently being built there, and one is being built by city order in South Medvedkovo. By 2018, Moscow authorities plan to build 80 houses of new series.

How are new panel houses better than old ones?

Artem Ukropov, Megabudka architectural bureau:“The standard panels that were developed earlier have become obsolete a long time ago. And the innovations on which the new series are based are relevant. Glazing of the first floors, access to the entrances from the ground level and other solutions can influence the quality of the residents of these houses. This makes it safer and more convenient. This has been talked about for a long time, but it has finally come to physical fruition.

A tool has also appeared that is more convenient for designers to use - a palette of variations of façade solutions. It is important to remember here that this is just a tool, the main thing is the ability to use it, which is often lame.

Everyone who has ever encountered the design of panel houses has come across the limitations of the designer. Now there are more variations in the designer, new necessary parts have been added. Of course, the problem of panel housing construction is more structural, but even these details are a small victory, despite the fact that there are already very good interpretations using the updated construction kit.”

Ekaterina Stepanova, interior design studio Variatika:“Panel houses have stepped far forward and bear little resemblance to the cold Khrushchev-era buildings with thin walls and minimal room area. Modern series of panel houses achieve the quality of a monolith in many respects. The layouts have become more diverse, the area of ​​the rooms has increased. In some series, an open layout is even possible.

Thermal insulation has become more thoughtful, now it has become unprofitable for everyone to heat the street. Some series use additional façade insulation. The technology makes it possible to eliminate interpanel seams, the weakest point in heat and sound insulation.

According to the characteristics, some houses are close to the comfort class: the first floors are non-residential, underground parking, a courtyard free of cars, large windows, high ceilings, many options for facade design.

In general, we can say that the clear line between low-quality, economical panels and elite monolithic houses is being erased. Especially considering that the quality of construction of monolithic houses is often not the highest. Despite this, stereotypes are strong. All other things being equal, many will choose the monolith.”

Anton, buyer of an apartment in “DOMRIK”:“I bought an apartment in the 11th quarter of Nekrasovka and took out a mortgage under the state program. I have studio apartment, 32.5 meters. The apartment has a functional layout - for example, my kitchen is 7.7 square meters, this is a lot for such an apartment. The room can also be enlarged if desired by moving the partition and reducing the corridor.

Appearance- business card of the house. I have an apartment in the turquoise “DOMRIK”, and it appears in all the photographs of Nekrasovka and is generally very remarkable. The orange color of the second “DOMRIK”, in my opinion, is not so interesting. The facade of the house is flat, loggias from the 4th to the 17th floor. The house has panoramic windows up to the 15th floor - I really like the lighting.

The house is warm, there is even a “B+” sign on the house, which indicates a high energy efficiency class. They say that the sound insulation in the house is not very good - I can’t say for sure yet. But overall I'm happy."