Bathhouse with a swimming pool: a project for a stunning bathhouse complex for relaxation. How to build a mini pool in a bathhouse: design features and DIY construction technology How to build a pool in a sauna

What Russian doesn't like to take a steam bath? And if the bathhouse also has a pool, which you can plunge into after a hot steam room, that’s absolutely wonderful!

Of course, if you invite specialists, then building a pool will cost a pretty penny. If you try to build it with your own hands, the price will no longer be so prohibitive.

The construction process is labor-intensive, but the pleasure from bath procedures will more than repay all the efforts. Our instructions will help you go through all stages of construction step by step.

Choosing the type of pool

So, the decision to build has been made. What's next? The next step is to decide which type of pool suits us best.

There are three main types of pools.

Let's look at them in more detail.

  • Stationary pools are considered the most durable and durable. In essence, they are a concrete bowl of arbitrary shape. It can either dig into the ground or remain on the surface.

Such designs can be open and closed type, depending on how you plan to use them.

Even if you decide to build an open-air pool, it is still worth covering it with a canopy so that it does not become clogged with various wood debris.

  • Collapsible or temporary structures are usually made of PVC. Their main advantage is the ability to quickly install/dismantle and transfer from one place to another.

The simplest collapsible pool can be made with your own hands from thick polyethylene film. The film is perfectly welded using a regular iron in a shape close to a bowl and fits into a suitable frame.

After fixing to the frame, it can be filled with water. The pool is ready! The price of such an improvised reservoir will be minimal (as well as its service life).

  • Hydromassage or spa pools. Sometimes, mistakenly, they are also called Jacuzzis. Just as “Xerox” is the name of one of the companies that produces copiers, so “Jacuzzi” is one of the manufacturers of hot tubs.

Hydromassage pools are usually purchased ready-made. They are small in volume and not designed for swimming. Their main purpose is massage and relaxation.

Not so long ago, cascade-type pools came into fashion. They consist of several bowls of different volumes and temperatures, for example decreasing. In this case, the water in the first bowl may be lukewarm, and in the last bowl it may be ice cold.

We bring plans to life

Having selected the most suitable type of pool for yourself, you can begin calculations and construction. The whole process is divided into three main stages.

It is important to give each of them maximum attention. Next, we will tell you how to build a sauna with a swimming pool with your own hands.

Deciding on the construction site

The most important thing when choosing a place for construction is to decide where we will build the pool: indoors or outdoors. Not only the size of the object itself will depend on this, but also the mode of its use - year-round, or only in the warm season.

During construction, you should also take into account the groundwater level. The foundation for the bowl must be at least a meter higher than this level, otherwise it will collapse.

When constructing inside a building, please note that the bowl should not touch the walls. Even small.

A small gap should be left between the side and the walls, which is filled with sand. This gap can also be filled with foam chips.

Choosing a shape and size

Design is rightfully considered the first stage of construction. It is necessary to take into account in advance that the price of the finished product very much depends not only on its size, but also on its shape. The more complex the shape of the pool, the higher it is.

When designing, we take the dimensions of the human body as a basis. So, for example, for dipping an adult, the dimensions of the mirror must be at least 2.2x2.2 m, and the depth - 1.5 m. If swimming is also planned in the pool, then its length increases to at least 5.5 m.

If you are planning to build a pool in a bathhouse with your own hands with a bowl shape other than rectangular, then it is best to order finished project. This will greatly simplify installation work.

In addition, the finished project has the following advantages:

  • Calculation of static loads on the reservoir bowl;
  • Selection of equipment and communications;
  • Taking into account the conditions for comfortable and safe operation of the bathhouse pool;
  • Calculation required quantity materials.

Even if you are designing a reservoir yourself, it is worth consulting with specialists.

We are building. We are building. We are building

So, the project is ready. Rolling up our sleeves, we get down to construction. And the first thing we will need to do is dig a pit. The dimensions of the pit for the pool should be approximately 0.5 m larger than the planned bowl and 30-40 centimeters deeper.

The bottom of the pit is made with a slope and a drain pipe with a diameter of 10-12 cm is installed in the deepest place. The pipe is connected by a pipe with a slight slope to the drainage pipe.

After this, the bottom of the pit is covered with a layer of sand 5-7 cm thick, on top of which crushed stone of the middle fraction is poured and compacted with tampers until a dense layer is formed.

must be at least 5 m from the pool!

In order to protect the walls of the pit from crumbling, they are protected along the edges with boards.

After this, horizontal lining of the walls is made from reinforcement of the same diameter so that a grid with cells of 30x30 cm or less is obtained. The mesh can be welded or tied with wire.

On the finished base, pour a layer of concrete 10-12 cm thick, after which we lay a reinforcing mesh of reinforcement. We connect the mesh to the wall reinforcement and again fill it with a 10-12 cm layer of concrete.

For pouring, it is best to use concrete with a maximum water absorption coefficient. The best option would be to use W-8 concrete.

The flooded bottom of the pool is left to stand for 12 to 16 hours. During this time, formwork is prepared for pouring the walls.

  • We cover the bottom with roofing felt and put boards on top so that you can walk;
  • We install the formwork boards and knock them down with bars; The distance from the formwork to the walls of the pit is 20-25 cm.

The bars must be inside the pit.

  • Pour concrete in portions 15-20 cm high. We compact each layer thoroughly.
  • The formwork can be removed after the concrete has set, i.e. in 2-3 days.

The entire filling must be done at one time.

The concrete dries completely within 2-3 weeks. After removing the formwork in the warm season, it should be watered with water 2-3 times a day throughout the first week.

The finished bowl is tiled or filled with liquid glass.

The pool is ready. Equipment can be installed. The video in this article will help you learn more about making a swimming pool for a sauna with your own hands.

Many people value comfort, which will make the usual washing procedure a real pleasure. The question of whether a swimming pool is needed in a bathhouse is decided by each owner independently. Some people believe that this is an excess and extra costs, while others do not understand how they can do without it. Of course, a structure such as a swimming pool in a bathhouse with your own hands adds difficulties with operation and creates a risk for the whole building structure, but with proper construction, all problems can be easily eliminated.

Advantages and disadvantages of a sauna pool

The following factors speak in favor of its arrangement:

  • providing a hardening effect, and the ability to cool down in water directly in the bathhouse without going out into the cold;
  • bathing can be an independent procedure for those for whom the steam room is contraindicated;
  • beneficial effects on the human body of a combination of steaming and water procedures;
  • the possibility of conveniently washing the body after the steam room;
  • increasing the comfort and prestige of the bathhouse.

When planning construction, the disadvantages of the project should also be taken into account: firstly, the need for additional space, secondly, an increase in humidity in the room, which has a destructive effect on the wooden structure, and thirdly, an increased risk of water seeping from the pool into the soil, which can have a destructive effect. impact on the foundation. Additional financial investments will also be required for the development of the system and special equipment.

Consider the need for constant maintenance (cleaning) and increased water consumption.

Features of accommodation

If, after considering all the pros and cons, you still decide to build a pool in a bathhouse, then first of all you need to choose a place to place it. The bowl can be positioned as follows.

  1. Directly in the steam room. Only a miniature version is possible here due to limited space. The only advantage of this arrangement can be considered to be the organization of the entire process in one room. The problem is maintaining the vapor environment. The sauna steam room uses dry heat, and therefore they do not plan to have a swimming pool there.
  2. In the washing room. This is a fairly common option, especially if it was included in the original design of the bathhouse. In principle, the size of the washing room is not limited by operational features, and a pool (even a large one) can be built during the construction of a bathhouse. Water supply to this room is necessary in any case, which simplifies the solution to the communication issue.
  3. In a separate room. This option is the most suitable for a large structure. In this case, the installation of a pool in a bathhouse does not depend on other systems, and it can be provided in accordance with all the rules. If there is not enough space, the pool is placed in an extension, with a separate entrance from any room of the bathhouse building, without access to the street.

The main conditions for a room where you can install a swimming pool: sufficient area, the possibility of water supply and sewerage, accessibility for maintenance (primarily cleaning).

Design features

If you are planning a swimming pool for a bathhouse, then you can install such structures with your own hands.

Varieties Characteristics
Stationary pool. This is a capital structure inside a bathhouse, which is made in the form of a bowl from durable material with reliable waterproofing. A water drainage system must be equipped.
Portable or mobile option. Such collapsible structures contain a frame on which sealed walls and a bottom are mounted. It can be installed in any bathhouse for a certain period of time and then dismantled.
Font, or miniature pool. These are small stationary containers that can only accommodate one person. The main advantage: the ability to install in small baths.
Hydromassage pool. It is a small reservoir made of plastic. This design is equipped with heating and a compressor to form water jets.

Stationary structures can be erected in the following options: recessed, semi-recessed and surface. In the first case, the bowl is located completely below ground level, and in the latter case, it rises above the floor. The semi-buried type occupies an intermediate position, i.e., a pit is dug, but the upper part of the walls of the bowl rises above the floor covering.

Size selection

The size of the sauna pool depends on its location, the area of ​​the sauna, the chosen design, and when building an extension - on the size of the entire site. The main geometric parameters are the area, length and width, depth and height of the walls above the floor level. When choosing parameters, certain requirements must be taken into account.

The bottom of the pool should not reach the groundwater level. There should be a distance of at least 70–80 cm to them. To eliminate the risk of destruction of the foundation, the walls of the pool inside the bathhouse are removed from the foundation at a distance of at least 0.3 m. When placing the pool in an extension, it is moved away from the bathhouse foundation by more than 65–75 cm. The distance to other structures must be at least 1 m.

If it is possible to build large tanks, their size is limited only by the desire of the owner himself. This could be a real swimming pool in a large elite bathhouse or a very tiny bowl in a small room. The following dimensions in a typical bathhouse are considered optimal: an area of ​​about 2.5 m²; length 1.7–2 m; width 1.2–1.6 m; depth 1.2–1.5 m. If a pool is being built with the ability to swim, then the length should exceed 4–4.5 m. The minimum dimensions of the bowl are chosen so that you can lie down in it and make at least small movements.

Hot tubs are not intended for swimming. A person immerses vertically in them or has the opportunity to sit down. Typically their volume is in the range of 400–2000 liters of water. The most common are small tanks with a capacity of about 600 liters.

Necessary materials

A stationary pool is most often made of concrete. The bottom of the bowl is filled with it, and then the walls are filled with formwork. The most common mortar recipe: cement (1 part), sand (2–3 parts), crushed stone (3–4 parts). To increase water resistance, liquid glass can be added to the solution.

The walls of a surface pool are often made of brick. In this case, it is important to ensure they are waterproof. To do this, apply a primer, waterproofing and cement-sand plaster with additives that increase water resistance.

An important category of materials necessary for arranging a swimming pool is waterproofing. It is applied both on the outside and on the inside of the walls and bottom. External protection must reliably protect from groundwater and flood waters, and internal waterproofing– prevent water from leaking out of the bowl. There are 2 main types of such materials: coating and roll insulation.

For a sauna pool you can use the following waterproofing materials:

  • roofing felt - widely used for waterproofing the bottom from the outside;
  • polyethylene film of increased thickness and strength;
  • membrane-type films based on PVC, EPDM;
  • mastics: Penetron, Calmatron, Xipex mixture and others - belong to the coating category with deep penetration;
  • sodium bentonite in the form of mats;
  • liquid rubber - with its help a layer of seamless waterproofing is applied;
  • impregnating compositions with the ability to polymerize - the most widespread is liquid glass, which can be used as a coating sealant or added to concrete mortar;
  • bitumen - has low cost and good waterproofing properties, but has insufficient durability; most often it is used in combination with other elements, for example, roofing felt.

Another group of materials for the pool is necessary for exterior finishing and decorative purposes. Such facing elements stand out in particular.

  1. Ceramic tiles (tiles). In pool conditions, it does not have great durability, but despite this, it remains one of the most popular materials, because it provides a pleasant appearance and easy to install with your own hands. It also attracts the possibility of simple repair of damaged elements.
  2. Porcelain and glass mosaic. She confesses the best material for lining swimming pools. It has high water resistance, wear resistance, strength, and a wide range of colors.
  3. Polymer boards and films. PVC with a thickness of at least 3 mm is most often used.
  4. Ready-made plaster mixture with an additive in the form of ceresite emulsion.

When making portable structures with your own hands, sheet plastic, metal, and rubber are used. A sufficiently spacious font can be built from ready-made containers - these are pallets, plastic and metal tanks.

Production at the construction stage of a bathhouse

It is best if a stationary pool is provided original project the entire building. In this case, its foundation is laid already at the stage of building the foundation, and the finishing work is carried out together with the arrangement of the steam room, washing room, dressing room, etc. You can design a pool in any section of the bathhouse, but the best option is a separate room.

As a guide, as an option, this step-by-step plan for building a permanent pool is used. Work begins with digging a pit. Its dimensions should exceed the length and width by 0.5–0.6 m on both sides, and the depth by 35–40 cm. Pipes for draining water are installed and a drain pipe with a diameter of at least 15 cm is installed.

The bottom of the pool is arranged in this order. A two-layer cushion is laid on the ground: a layer of sand 7–10 cm thick and a layer of gravel (crushed stone) 6–8 cm thick. The cushion is carefully compacted to form a slope towards the drain pipe. Metal rods are driven in along the entire perimeter of the pool walls (in the center of the future walls). The installation pitch is 30–40 cm. Steel reinforcement with a diameter of at least 14 mm is used. On top of the pillow, external waterproofing of the bottom is installed from roll material or slabs and a reinforcing mesh is laid over the entire area of ​​steel reinforcement. The grid cells are about 6–8 cm in size.

Filling the bottom with concrete is carried out in 2 stages. A first concrete layer 10–12 cm thick is poured onto the reinforcing mesh. Another reinforcing mesh is laid on top of it and a second concrete layer of the same thickness is poured. The poured concrete is left undisturbed for at least 16 hours for complete setting and hardening.

The construction of the pool walls begins with the installation of formwork along the entire perimeter of the structure. It is installed so that the vertical rods are located in the center. The required wall strength is achieved using a reinforcing frame. To do this, steel rods are laid horizontally in 3–4 rows and tied to vertical pins (using steel wire with a diameter of 4–6 mm. Concrete is poured in layers 20–25 cm thick with careful compaction using a vibrator.

Dismantling of the formwork can be done 2-3 days after pouring, when the material has gained its initial strength. Concrete care is provided for 6–7 days. To do this, periodic moistening is carried out (with an interval of 5–6 hours).

The final formation of the pool walls includes the application of the necessary protective elements. External waterproofing is installed on the outside. This technology is usually used. The outer side surface is covered with bitumen or deep penetration mastic. Then a layer of roofing material or thick plastic film is laid. The gap between the concrete and the ground is filled with soil, creating a natural “castle” by adding clay.

Particular attention is paid to the outside of the walls, which is always visible. First of all, internal waterproofing is formed on it: coating with a waterproof compound or laying rolled material. Next, the entire surface is primed and the mounting mesh is laid.

The final arrangement of the pool includes plastering the walls from the inside using a ready-made waterproof mixture or a homemade cement-sand mortar with the addition of liquid glass. After this, communications are connected (sewage and water supply), the necessary equipment is installed and adjusted: pump, cleaning devices, heating elements, lighting system.

Features of installing a swimming pool in an existing bathhouse

In an already built bathhouse, it will be possible to build a stationary pool only if there is free space. You don’t have to look for it in the steam room, because this room is designed with optimal sizes. But you can try to reconstruct the rest room or washing compartment.

The most acceptable type of pool in this case is the surface type. At the place of its installation (be sure to step back from the walls of the bathhouse at a distance of at least 30 cm), the floor covering is dismantled. A hole up to 40 cm deep is dug, a pillow is poured into it and the concrete base of the bowl is poured. The walls can be raised by pouring concrete into formwork or as brickwork. In this design, drainage can be done by gravity into the existing system, but a pump is needed to fill it with water.

The construction of a stationary pool in an existing bathhouse causes a lot of problems, so a detachable structure is often chosen. This version of the frame type can be done as follows.

  1. The concrete base is poured to install the pool bowl.
  2. The frame of the bowl is made of wooden beams or metal profile(pipe, corner). The shape can be either rectangular or round.
  3. A thick PVC or rubber cover is pulled over the frame and securely fixed. You can weld plastic using a hair dryer.

The simplest option is to use a ready-made container. In particular, you can install a metal tray, carefully checking its tightness. A protective layer should be applied inside the tank by coating to prevent corrosion.

Principles of use and care

Improper use of the pool is fraught with serious consequences: destruction of the foundation; increased humidity in the room, leading to wood rotting and mold; the occurrence of unsanitary conditions hazardous to human health. To avoid such phenomena, the following requirements must be observed:

  • preventing water leakage into the ground;
  • availability of reliable ventilation;
  • cleaning and disinfection;
  • monitoring the lack of water in the bowl when the bath is idle;
  • timely water replacement.

Proper operation of the pool requires periodic cleaning of the bowl. It is necessary to ensure timely removal of dirt, silt, mold, and fungal infections. Water can be poured into the bowl only after preliminary cleaning, while ensuring its acid-base balance (pH should be 7.1–7.7). To completely purify the incoming water, special filters should be installed in the pool. Care is carried out independently using coagulants, algaecide, acid granules for hard (alkaline) water, universal tablets for swimming pools.

Fully ensures compliance sanitary standards carrying out chemical cleaning. It will require certain costs, but will make the use of the bowl safe for health. Chlorination is most often used in your own pool. To carry it out, special compounds are used (chlorine mass, shock chlorine, prolonged action chlorine, chlorine granules). You can carry out oxygen treatment yourself (for small pools). In this case, you will have to purchase containers with active oxygen.

High-quality water treatment, giving it beneficial properties provided by more complex techniques. It is quite possible to use them in domestic conditions, but for this you will have to install special equipment. Among the different methods, technologies such as ozonation, ultraviolet cleaning, and exposure to a magnetic field stand out.

It is very important not to create a risk of water stagnation. After completing the bath procedure, the liquid must be completely drained and the bowl dried. Water should be added immediately before use.

The question of whether a swimming pool is needed in a bathhouse does not have a clear answer. The owner himself is free to decide it based on his capabilities and needs. They set up a sauna pool both during the construction of a sauna and in an already built structure, and everything can be done with your own hands. With proper construction and proper care, all risks of negative impact on the bath structure will be eliminated.

Your own well-equipped bathhouse will be a wonderful place to relax with your family, a cheerful group of friends, and even alone, especially if you equip the steam room with a swimming pool. You can do the arrangement of a swimming pool in a sauna or bathhouse yourself - there is nothing super complicated in this event, you just need to read the manual, remember a few important nuances and do everything according to the instructions.

There are several types of sauna pools.


Considered the most reliable. The base of such a pool is represented by a reinforced concrete bowl. Work on arranging such a structure requires preliminary digging of a pit and pouring the foundation. The pool can have a wide variety of dimensions, depth and shape - it all depends on the preferences of the owner and the area of ​​his bathhouse.


Very convenient mobile designs. The advantage is that, if necessary, such a pool can be disassembled, moved and assembled in a new location. The design is based on polyvinyl chloride.

Prefabricated structures are extremely easy to install, can have different sizes and are sold at an affordable price.

Among the disadvantages, it should be noted less reliability and lower strength compared to stationary pools.


They are often installed in various spa salons and simple bath complexes. They have small dimensions - you won’t be able to swim in such a pool even if you want, but you can plunge into it after a steam room and additionally relax under the influence of hydromassage.

SPA pools are sold ready-made and do not require separate installation.

When choosing specific type pool, be guided by the dimensions of your bathhouse and personal preferences. This guide will discuss the procedure for arranging a full-fledged stationary structure.

What needs to be done before starting the main work?

Before you start building a pool, choose the size and shape of the structure that suits you, and also select a convenient place to place the reservoir.

When choosing a place, be guided by personal preferences; there are no special recommendations at this point. The main thing is that the bottom of the pool is at a distance of at least 50-100 cm from groundwater.

It is to protect against groundwater and generally increase the reliability of the structure that the pool must be built on a separate foundation.

Prepare in advance all the necessary equipment for arranging the pool. The list of tools and materials will vary depending on the hot tub configuration you choose.

In general, you will need standard construction set, which includes the following devices:

  • shovels;
  • level;
  • boards for formwork;
  • ready-made concrete or container and components for its preparation;
  • various kinds steel structures(channels, corners, etc.);
  • waterproofing material. A polyethylene film with a thickness of about 0.7 mm is perfect. Use acrylic-coated film - this material is resistant to chlorine and eliminates the possibility of algae formation. If you wish, you can choose a more modern and expensive material.

Decide in advance whether you will buy concrete or prepare it yourself. Professionals recommend using concrete with a high water absorption rate. The best option is W8 concrete. This material has a dense structure and absorbs a minimal amount of moisture.

Prepare your pool design in advance. It is better if the construction of the pool was initially included in the bathhouse design. However, even in a ready-made steam room, you can arrange an artificial pond without any problems.

Design is a very important stage, the quality and correct execution of which directly determine the main characteristics of the finished pool.

When drawing up a project you need to do the following:

  • solve architectural issues. Consider whether the pool of your sauna should be equipped with various additions such as artificial waterfalls, slides, etc.;
  • design individual elements pool bowls;
  • calculate load-bearing structures.

If you do not have design skills, entrust the drawing up of drawings to qualified specialists, or find all the necessary documentation in open sources. The drawings will allow you to cope with the arrangement of the pool in the shortest possible time.

With the help of a well-designed project, you can solve the following problems:

  • calculate the main parameters of the bowl of an artificial reservoir;
  • select equipment for arranging a swimming pool;
  • plan engineering communications;
  • provide for the installation of embedded elements;
  • take into account the basic and additional nuances of convenient and safe use of the pool;
  • calculate the required amount of materials for construction and finishing;
  • calculate the approximate cost of arranging a sauna pool.

It is better that the drawings include a detailed explanatory note indicating such points as:

  • installed equipment;
  • methods of water purification and replacement;
  • reagents used;
  • other subtleties and important nuances of the arrangement of the pool and its further operation.

The work on independently arranging a sauna pool is carried out in several stages.

1. water supply
2. drain pipe (overflow)
3. water drain pipe
4. wooden boards
5. drainage mixture
6. pit (side walls)
7. wedges for fixation
8. metal plates
9. stairs
10. platform
11. inner part of the wooden panel
12. outer part of the wooden panel
13. block
14. fastenings (nails, bolts)
15. rail for clamping
16. Insulation film(PVC)

First step. Dig a pit. Select the depth and dimensions of the pit in accordance with the design data. The depth of the pit should be approximately 15 cm greater than the depth of the future pool.

Second step.

Third step.

Fourth step. Lay the reinforcing mesh.

Fifth step. Pour the second layer of concrete.

Sixth step.

Seventh step. Fill the walls with concrete. In this case, the bowl must be filled in one go, since pouring the walls in several stages will lead to a significant decrease in the reliability of the structure.

After pouring, the concrete must be properly treated to remove excess air. It is best to use a vibrating hammer for this operation.

If this is not available, simply pierce the concrete with a reinforcement rod in several places. In the future, the voids will need to be carefully filled with solution.

Level the fill and leave it to dry for about a month. Water the concrete periodically to prevent cracking.

If you don't have time to wait, instead concrete bowl you can build a prefabricated structure from caissons. These products are metal plates. Concrete is poured between them. Finally, the seams are welded.

The option with caissons has a big drawback - the seams can become depressurized. Therefore, preference should be given to this method only as a last resort.

Eighth step. Waterproof the dried concrete. There are several options for arranging moisture protection. The fastest and most cost-effective method is to simply lay polyethylene film. It is enough to simply cover the inner surface of the concrete bowl with film.

A more modern, reliable and high-quality method of waterproofing is coating concrete with special compounds such as osmosis. Such products are applied in a double layer to a pre-moistened surface. A third layer of a special adhesive composition with a latex additive is applied on top. The result is the most reliable and high-quality protection against moisture.

Finishing options

Finally, all you have to do is finish lining the pool bowl. For this you can use various materials.


Special porcelain tiles are used for lining pools. This material has a higher density and a much lower water absorption rate compared to its popular ceramic counterpart. Such tiles are quite expensive.

It is important that the water absorption coefficient of the cladding is no more than 3%. It is strongly not recommended to use ceramic tiles for finishing swimming pools. This material has a porous structure; it will absorb and accumulate moisture, thereby creating favorable conditions for the proliferation of various harmful microorganisms.

When choosing tiles, give preference to elements with a rough surface - they do not slide as much as their smooth counterparts.

There are several types of mosaics. Most the best option in terms of quality and cost ratio it is mosaic made on the basis of tempered glass. This is a dense and durable material that perfectly withstands moisture.

The main advantage of mosaics is the ability to implement the most interesting and unusual design projects - even real paintings can be laid out from small cladding elements.

At the same time, the mosaic is extremely wear-resistant, reliable and non-porous.

PVC based film

The most affordable material for finishing a pool. It has a thickness of about 1-1.5 mm.

PVC film is characterized by excellent waterproofing qualities. The material consists of 4 layers. A durable synthetic mesh is laid between the 2nd and 3rd layers, which improves performance characteristics films.

This finish withstands a variety of natural and chemical influences. The material is extremely simple and easy to care for.

The top layer of the film has some roughness, which makes the material less slippery and more resistant to various kinds of microorganisms.

A geotextile fabric is preliminarily placed under the film.

Thus, if you have sufficient space in the bathhouse, free time and budget, you can safely begin arranging a full-fledged stationary pool. If you have problems with any of the mentioned parameters, install some small font or barrel instead of a concrete bowl.

Such containers, of course, are not as comfortable and spacious as the previously discussed pool, but they allow you to take a dip after the steam room and cool your body. For the rest, focus on your needs and capabilities, follow the instructions and everything will definitely work out.

Good luck!

Video - Do-it-yourself sauna with a swimming pool

Today it is quite difficult to imagine a private bath without a mini pool with pleasant cool water, which, after the hot air of the steam room, perfectly refreshes and invigorates. You, it seems, also asked the question “How to make a pool in a bathhouse?”

Currently, there are no problems with installing swimming pools in bathhouses, because... quite compact and functional fonts appeared.

The most popular today are composite swimming pools and ready-made mini pools from the most different materials. The design of such pools is considered more optimal than concrete. It is more durable, easy to install and installs quickly enough. In addition, such pools are resistant to temperature changes, which are the norm for a Russian bath. Also, the materials from which mini sauna pools are made are quite wear-resistant. Especially composite pools with a solid fiberglass structure that have a reliable seal.

Types of mini pools for baths

A stationary pool is considered one of the most durable due to its design.

Today, mini bath pools come in three types:


These mini pools are the strongest and most durable. They differ from large solid pools only in their size. Their basis is a reinforced concrete bowl, which must be installed in a specially dug hole of small depth. At the same time, the mini pool itself can be either in-ground or above ground - this depends on the wishes of the bathhouse owner himself and the characteristics of the foundation.


Such mini-pools for baths belong to the “temporary” types of construction. They can be easily dismantled at any time and generally moved to another place. They are usually made of PVC, so, of course, they are not as strong as stationary ones, but they are lightweight, quickly installed, can have the most intricate shapes and are inexpensive.

Mini SPA pools

Fashionable mini SPA pools for baths are a hydromassage type. Such pools are very small in size and are produced ready-made, without subsequent installation or special installation. In common parlance, these are called Jacuzzis, but in fact, Jacuzzis are just the name of a well-known company that produces this type of pool.

Today it is not difficult to order one of these types of mini pools and install them in your bathhouse without any problems, enjoying the coolness of clean water after a hot steam room. But for those who do not have sufficient funds and capabilities, it is quite possible to install a mini pool in a bathhouse without any special financial costs or turn your attention to.

A bathhouse or sauna is a favorite vacation spot for many people, and therefore some owners of private houses decide to build such a structure on their site. But what is a sauna without a swimming pool? Naturally, after the steam room you will want to swim in the cool water and relieve all fatigue. Therefore, you can make a pool in a bathhouse with your own hands, without the help of professionals.

Swimming pool in a bathhouse or sauna - convenience and feasibility of construction

Traditionally, we are used to swimming pools being installed in a Finnish sauna, as this is assumed by the project. The Russian bathhouse never had an indoor pool, so after the steam room people ran out into the cold in winter and rolled in the snow or jumped into an ice hole.

But since time does not stand still and everything in the world is improving, our bathhouse now has a swimming pool, which is installed indoors. It is not only convenient, but also practical. If you live in a country or private house where there is no river nearby, then naturally, after the steam room there will be nowhere to run to rinse off. And if you decide to take a steam bath in the spring or summer, when it’s hot outside and there’s no snow, then you’ll have nowhere to fall. In general, a swimming pool in a steam room is a must.

Even if you live near a river, you cannot be sure that there will be clean water there and that after such a swim you will not have to take a bath or shower again. In your own pool, the water will always be clean, cool and treated with special antiseptics, that is, chlorinated. Therefore, you can happily take a steam bath and swim in the pool even with small children, without fear of germs and bacteria that are found in rivers and other bodies of water.

Some people install a pool near the bathhouse, but then they will have to constantly clean it and change the water, since an outdoor pond requires more attention and effort to maintain.

The water in an indoor pool does not need to be constantly changed and cleaned, and it will only need to be chlorinated as needed. Thus, we can say that when planning the construction of a bathhouse on your site, do not forget to allocate space in the drawing for a small pool.

Construction of a home pool: types of structures and their arrangement

Swimming pools in the bathhouse can be various types, types and designs. Today, there are three types of such structures that are usually installed in a bathhouse. Pools can be large or small, deep or shallow, as well as round, square, rectangular, oval or have an unusual geometric shape. It all depends on the design of the bathhouse, as well as the space that will be allocated for the pool.

If the bathhouse is small, then we recommend making the pool a small corner one so that you can simply rinse off after the steam room. And if the project involves a huge bathhouse with a large area, then you can install a large pond where you can swim freely.

Stationary pools are the most durable, comfortable and durable. They are a deep concrete bowl that can be of any shape. Such a structure can be recessed into the ground or located on the surface. A concrete pool will require more time to build and more money to purchase materials, but it has a long service life and will therefore serve you for many years. The inside is usually tiled.

PVC pools can also be installed indoors, sunk into the ground when building a bathhouse, or left on the surface. But such reservoirs do not have a long service life, have certain conditions for their operation and are quite expensive. If a crack appears in such a pool, it will need to be replaced, which costs a lot of time and money. Therefore, if you choose this type of structure for a bathhouse, it is best to make it mobile so that, if necessary, it can be removed from the room.

Spa pools with hydromassage, made of special durable material, are not intended for swimming, but only for relaxing water treatments. Since such designs are sold ready-made, it is not always possible to choose the required size or shape specifically for your bathhouse project. I would also like to say that a hydromassage pool would not be entirely appropriate in a bathhouse, so it is best to abandon such an idea unless, of course, it is part of your plans.

Project gallery

Bathhouse project with a swimming pool Bathhouse project with a large round pool project of a two-story bathhouse with a swimming pool Drawing of a bathhouse with a square pool Bathhouse with a large rectangular pool Large sauna complex with swimming pool Project of a large wooden bathhouse with a swimming pool

Preparation for construction: drawings, determination of dimensions depending on the area of ​​the room

Since we will be building a pool inside a bathhouse, the drawing must be drawn up in accordance with this decision. If the bathhouse is large enough, then a separate room can be allocated for the pool, which can be equipped at your discretion.

  • If there is not enough space, then it can be installed in the washing room in the form of a small font. In any case, all calculations are carried out at the stage of marking the territory and installing the foundation of the bathhouse, since a stationary pool requires, first of all, proper excavation work.
  • Also, when choosing a place to build a swimming pool, you must take into account that all plumbing systems and sewerage must be calculated taking into account the fact that this reservoir will require constant water purification and its proper circulation. In addition, the proximity of groundwater should be taken into account, since the structure should be no closer than one meter to it. Otherwise groundwater They will simply wash away the foundation and destroy it.
  • The walls of the pool should not come into contact with the walls of the bathhouse, as the water will put a lot of pressure on them and cause cracks to form. Therefore, it is necessary to fill the distance between the reservoir and the walls with sand or lay it with polystyrene foam.

The size of the pool matters, since only by building a square or rectangular structure can you save room space and reduce material consumption.

We will build a pool measuring 2.2x2.2 meters and 1.5 meters deep. This will be a small pond for a bathhouse, in which both adults and children can swim.

Choosing material for a stationary pool is quite simple, since here we will mainly need only high-quality concrete mortar mixed with cement, sand, crushed stone and water.

For the first pouring of the base (bottom) of the pool, you can take the M100 grade of cement and this will be enough. It is recommended to construct the walls and bottom of the reservoir only from M400 cement, since its composition contains the substances necessary for such a structure (mastics, waterproofing agents, etc.). Final work is also carried out using cement of this brand, which has a high degree of waterproofing.

The composition of the concrete mixture must be correctly adjusted, since the quality of the construction of the pool bowl depends on this.

  • Sand should have fractions of no more than 1.5–2 mm. Free from clay and other foreign matter. Also, silted sand should not be used.
  • Crushed stone and gravel must be taken from durable rocks without foreign impurities. The fraction is about 1–2 mm.
  • Cement grade 400 must be fresh (shelf life from the date of manufacture is no more than 3 months).
  • Only clean and soft water is used (you cannot take it from a river or pond).

The concrete solution is prepared in exact proportions: 1 part cement, 3 parts sand and 5 parts crushed stone. The portion of water is determined by its ratio to the entire mass of the dry mixture. For greater stability of concrete, before using it, it is necessary to use hydraulic additives (4 kg of additive per 1 cubic meter of concrete solution).

Calculation of the amount of material and necessary tools

To build stationary concrete, we will need a large number of materials and various tools.

  • Cement grades 100 and 400;
  • Fine sand 1.5–2 mm;
  • Crushed stone;
  • Fittings (long rods with a diameter of 1.2–1.4 mm);
  • Reinforcing mesh;
  • Wooden boards for formwork;
  • Pumps for filling the pool with water;
  • Plastic pipes of different diameters;
  • Waterproofing film;
  • Ruberoid;
  • Adhesive solution with latex;
  • Pool frame;
  • Geotextiles;
  • Metal sheets;
  • Mosaic or porcelain tiles.


  • Shovels;
  • Concrete mixer;
  • Trowels;
  • Containers for solution;
  • Level;
  • Plumb;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Hammer;
  • Sander;
  • Tampers.

To mix 1 cubic meter of concrete or 2400 kg you need:

  • 325 kg - cement;
  • 170 l. - water;
  • 625 kg - sand;
  • 1250 kg - crushed stone.

Step-by-step instructions for building a swimming pool in a bathhouse with your own hands

  1. We begin to dig a pit in the place where the pool will be located. Its dimensions along the entire perimeter should be ½ meter larger than the bowl itself on each side, that is, 2.7x2.7 meters and 30–40 cm (1.9 meters) deeper.
  2. We need to make the bottom of the pit with a slight slope so that in this place we can install a pipe for draining water (Ø10–12 cm). We connect the pipe plastic pipe with a certain slope sewer system baths or with a drainage pit (they should be located at a distance of less than 5 meters from the pool).
  3. We pour a layer of sand about 7 cm at the bottom of the hole, and crushed stone on top. We tamp with special tampers so that we get a dense layer. To prevent the walls of the pit from crumbling, we secure its edges with boards.
  4. Along the walls we hammer in reinforcement in increments of 30 cm and a distance of 5–6 cm from the edge of the pit.
  5. We create a horizontal harness. From the reinforcement we make a mesh with cells of about 30 cm 2. We do this using wire or welding. Pour a 10 cm layer of concrete onto the prepared base using grade 100 cement.
  6. We lay the reinforcing mesh. We tie it to the wall frame and re-fill a 10 cm layer of concrete using grade 400 cement. Let the concrete solution dry for a day.
  7. We spread roofing material on the surface for preliminary waterproofing. We lay the boards so that you can walk on the concrete without destroying its structure.
  8. Using bars, we knock down the formwork boards and install them inside the pit at a distance of approximately 20–25 cm from the walls.
  9. To prevent the formwork from deforming under the pressure of heavy concrete mortar, we install special stiffening ribs and spacers made of 50x50mm timber at a distance of 50 cm from each other.
  10. Pour a denser 20 cm layer of concrete with waterproofing additives. We compact it thoroughly with a special vibrator. Then we again pour a layer of concrete until it reaches the desired height in the formwork.
  11. After about 2-3 days, we remove the formwork and let the concrete dry for 25-30 days. For the first 7 days we wet the entire pool with water about 3 times a day. This is necessary so that the solution dries evenly and does not crack.
  12. We place a special frame made of durable plastic on the sides of the pool, and geotextiles on it. We lay a waterproofing film on top and fix it well. We apply a special adhesive solution with latex to the film.
  13. We plaster the interior of the pool for further cladding. We pour part of the ceresite into the cement-sand mortar.
  14. Using a sanding machine, we carefully level the entire surface of the pool for further finishing.
  15. Before final finishing, we check the quality of the pool waterproofing. To do this, pour water into it to a certain level. Let it sit for 10–12 days and then note the water level. If it has changed significantly, this means that the waterproofing was done incorrectly and the bowl is leaking. If there are minor discrepancies, we can say that the water simply evaporated a little in a warm room.
  16. After making sure that everything is done correctly, we lay the mosaic or porcelain tiles and let the solution dry for several days. Then we grout the seams with a special hydrophobic grout.

You should not use ceramic tiles for lining a pool, as they have a porous base, absorb water and are unsuitable for such structures.

Glass mosaic is one of the most best options pool lining material. She not only has high quality execution, but also an excellent appearance, as well as an affordable price compared to porcelain tiles, the cost of which can reach up to $50 and more per 1m2.

But if you need to save money, you can use a special PVC film, which has such advantages as:

After all work on the construction and finishing of the pool is completed, we install additional equipment: filtration systems, pumps for pumping water, heating devices and lighting.

Care and operation

Only tap water is used to fill the reservoir. It is very important to take into account its quality, since hard water will cause the rapid appearance of limescale on the walls of the pool.

It is necessary to monitor the pH level (the norm is from 7.2 to 7.6). To maintain the required condition of water, there are various care substances:

Since chlorine-containing preparations do not have a very pleasant odor and are allergens for some people, experts recommend using bromine, which will not irritate human mucous membranes and skin.

Active oxygen tablets, which combine several different purifying substances, will help quickly and safely eliminate all dangerous bacteria and microorganisms in the water.

To maintain cleanliness in the pool, the water must be changed at least three times a year. Clean the reservoir bowl with special means. A special solution is used to remove limescale.

Regular purification of the water in the pool is carried out using installed filters. This is very important, since if they are absent, the water will have to be changed much more often.

  • Several different filter devices are currently used: Sand filter purifies water using quartz sand, which must be changed periodically (about once a year). These are inexpensive and affordable devices that are perfect for use in a small sauna pool.
  • A cartridge filter with reusable or disposable cartridges effectively purifies water by removing particles larger than 10 microns.
  • Diatom filters are quite expensive, but they are capable of purifying water from particles larger than 3 microns. Such a filtration device will always keep the pool clean and significantly reduce its level of pollution. The water cannot be changed as often as in previous options.

Video on the topic

The construction of a stationary pool cannot be called simple, quick and easy, but since the bathhouse is built for more than one year and must be well-equipped, you need to try and build a durable and reliable pond for your family. The main thing is that when constructing such a structure, strictly adhere to the instructions of specialists and, if necessary, contact professional craftsmen for useful advice.