Basic control and protection systems. Protective visor for air conditioner Installing protection for the external unit of the air conditioner

When purchasing an air conditioner, almost no one thinks that even such a device needs protection. Even if they creep into the head of the happy owner of such a device, it’s not for long. There is no point in stealing the external unit of a split system: it only fits the same brand of air conditioner. And for vandals it is at an unattainable height. On this rosy note, every owner of an air conditioner stops thinking about its safety, and in vain.

What are the dangers of an air conditioner?

Many will say that the compressor unit of a split system is designed for outdoor installation and its body is metal, coated with a special compound, so it does not need protection from the effects of “cataclysms”. But it is atmospheric influences that are the main danger for expensive external units of any split system. And although the body of the compressor unit is metal, it still gets hit from a great height by ice build-ups and giant icicles, which abound in winter period the roofs of our houses, he is unlikely to survive. If the case holds up, then the communication tubes do not, and restoring them, plus refilling with refrigerant, will certainly cost a pretty penny. Damage to the air conditioning compressor unit can be:

  • From falling branches of a nearby tree.
  • Due to various heavy objects falling on it, which careless neighbors can simply leave at low tide after repairing the window.
  • We should not forget about utility services, whose workers tend to throw down broken sheets of slate or remaining rolls of roofing material during roof repairs.
  • From falling layers of finishing material and slabs of balcony barriers.

It is much more difficult to protect the compressor unit of a split system, if it is installed low enough, from the actions of vandals, children and other irresponsible citizens. The main damage to the device is caused if a metal rod of suitable diameter is inserted through the ventilation holes of the case. In this case, the fan blades can jam, which will lead to the engine stopping, and it may simply burn out. The air conditioner's power supply may also fail. Such an act of vandalism will damage the heat exchanger and disable the entire air conditioning system.

How to protect your air conditioner

There is a proven and fairly simple remedy for icicles, snow caps, and ice build-ups - installing a canopy. You can buy a canopy for the outdoor unit of an air conditioner, order it made to size, or make it yourself. This will entail additional costs, but compared to the cost of an air conditioner, it will be a drop in the ocean.
The canopy for the external unit of the air conditioner is a structure made of metal, preferably galvanized sheet, mounted on a frame made of steel angle. If you own a tool and have the skills of a welder, and also know how to properly mark, cut and secure metal workpieces, then making your own hood for an air conditioner will not be difficult for you. But if your knowledge of plumbing and welding is mainly theoretical, then the best solution would be to buy a ready-made visor in a store or order it from the nearest “Kulibin”, which our fatherland is rich in. As a rule, “Kulibins and Samodelkins” can always be found in your garage cooperative or work collective. Anti-vandal protection is made a little more complicated; you can’t get away with just a visor. The air conditioner compressor unit should be completely enclosed in a steel box, where the side walls will be made in the form of a lattice. The side grilles for the air conditioner are best secured to the structure using a weld. In especially crime-prone areas, a metal box is made as anti-vandal protection, which is placed on the condenser unit, and for ventilation, small holes are made in the side and front walls. This is already an extreme case: in most cases, it is enough to enclose the device in a metal lattice structure. The anti-vandal grille for the air conditioner is made of 6-8 mm steel wire rod.

Tip: The grid cells can be of any size, but for the most effective protection of the air conditioner, it is not recommended to make the cells larger than 3 cm.

How to install a visor with your own hands

I would like to note: it is best to entrust the installation of air conditioner protection to professionals. The thing is that the design of the visor, although not particularly heavy, has sufficient windage. And the very first gust of wind can tear the visor out of your hands and injure both the craftsman installing the structure and those nearby.

If you live on the ground floor, then using a stepladder, scaffolding and one more person, you can independently install anti-vandal protection or a canopy for your air conditioner. The difficulty of installation lies in the precise marking of the places where the protection is attached to the wall of the house, and also in the fact that at the time of fastening the structure should be held in your hands. That is why when self-installation A visor assistant will come in very handy.

  1. First of all, you should mark the technological holes for attaching the visor.
  2. Using a hammer drill and a pobedite-tipped drill required diameter According to the markings, holes of the required depth should be drilled. For fastening, it is best to use anchor bolts with a diameter of 8-10 mm.
  3. Insert the anchors into the prepared holes, then put the protection structure on the holes onto the threads of the anchor so that about 10 mm remains for tightening the nut. At this stage, the help of a second person is simply necessary.
  4. Tighten the latches on the anchor bolts as much as possible.

For better installation, you should use at least 6 points for attaching the canopy to the wall of the house.

A reliable and well-fixed visor is a good basic protection for the external unit of a split system, thanks to which you can save a significant amount on its repair.

Many private companies involved in the sale and installation of split systems offer an additional service for the manufacture and installation of protection for the outdoor unit from various external influences. Usually they install a metal canopy for the air conditioner, sometimes with an anti-vandal grille. Is this accessory really necessary? It’s worth looking into in more detail.

Why do you need a canopy over the split system unit?

It should be immediately noted that in none of the operating instructions for split systems you will not find a mandatory requirement to install protective hoods for air conditioners. As refrigeration equipment sellers tell us, these products are designed to protect the expensive outdoor unit from the effects of precipitation, dust, dirt, snow and icicles falling from the roof. In practice, the situation is somewhat different, namely: the design of the block provides for its constant presence “under all winds”. Furthermore, the focus is on cleaning the heat exchanger and fan blades from dust and dirt using precipitation. Then the process of exchanging heat with the outside air remains effective for a long time.

If there is a protective visor over the unit body, cleaning does not occur and the heat exchanger gradually becomes filled with dust. You can verify this by visually comparing two outdoor units installed a year or two ago. An air conditioner without any protection looks much cleaner than another one covered with a canopy. As for falling icicles, this is a real threat to the integrity of the unit, which means that a hood for the air conditioner is still needed.

The same trouble awaits the outdoor unit if the building is dilapidated and begins to gradually collapse. As a rule, such processes begin with parapets made of brick. The latter gradually crumbles under the influence of precipitation, and at times large pieces fall off.

To prevent water from flowing into the glazing from the upper balcony, a small canopy made of galvanized steel 10-15 cm wide is placed along its entire length. From now on, any rain, even the smallest one, can be heard in the apartment, since the tin on which the drops fall, acts as a bell. You can imagine what the melody of rain will be like from a sheet of metal cut to the size of the outdoor unit of the air conditioner. Everyone will get it: both you and the surrounding neighbors, especially in the event of night rain, when people need rest.

To muffle the sound of drops hitting the protection, you can use a polycarbonate visor. But you should understand that polycarbonate can withstand the impact of an average icicle falling. If a large block of ice falls from the roof, the consequences are unpredictable.

When is canopy installation required?

From all of the above, it follows that the metal canopy rather interferes with the proper operation of the outdoor unit than helps. It also gets on the nerves of you and your neighbors during rains of any intensity. In turn, there are reasons why installing a canopy over the air conditioner is inevitable:

  1. Falling icicles.
  2. Slipping of large amounts of wet snow.
  3. Falling bricks or decorative parts of the parapet. In this situation, a protective visor is the only alternative.

Important! You cannot tilt the canopy more than 20º. Since the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, objects falling onto the plane at an angle of more than 20º will fly far to the side and can hit passing people or passing cars.

The classic design of a canopy made from a single sheet of metal is shown in the drawing.

What is the difference between an air conditioner and a split system? How to clean a split system How to properly install an air conditioner in an apartment Design and principle of operation of a split system How to do right choice air conditioner for apartment

There are several types of protection for air conditioners, anti-vandal protection and a visor that is mounted above the air conditioner.

Protective visor

The protective canopy is a metal protection, it is attached to the wall on top of the air conditioner, the canopy has a slope from the wall to the bottom so that falling ice or snow rolls off it without hitting the air conditioner. Its main purpose is falling icicles and blocks of ice from the roof that fall when cleaning the roof.

Anti-vandal protection

Protection of this type is a box, which is slightly larger than the outer block itself, made of steel gratings. At the top of the box there is a steel plate at a slight slope. Companies that install such protection claim that it is capable of protecting the outdoor unit of a split system from: Snow, rain, hail, icicles. Air conditioner theft. Damage to an air conditioner by attackers.

Let's start with the theft of the outdoor unit of the air conditioner. To be honest, in my practice I have not heard of the theft of the external unit of an air conditioner, because it is only needed by the person who has an internal unit that is exactly the same as the air conditioner, so this is only possible on purpose. To steal an air conditioner, you will need a ratchet with a head, an adjustable wrench and hexagons to shut off the service taps so that all the freon does not escape. This entire procedure will take about ten minutes. For the outdoor unit of the air conditioner with protection, you will need the same tools, and five minutes of additional time to unscrew four more bolts. For a thief who needs your air conditioner, five minutes of time is unlikely to be a hindrance.

Rain protection

I would like to say right away that snow, rain and fog do not cause any harm to the air conditioner. Icicles falling on the air conditioner can damage it, but a regular visor can handle this. In order to damage the air conditioner with hail, it must be no smaller than an icicle, only in this case it can cause harm; small icicles falling on the air conditioner can only harm the body of the air conditioner, without interfering with its further operation.

Damage to the outdoor unit

For an air conditioner to fail, it is enough to pierce its heat exchanger metal object, for example, a screwdriver, a nail or a piece of reinforcement. The protection will not be able to prevent this; there is no grille at the bottom of the air conditioner and reaching the heat exchanger will not be difficult. Even if it is installed there, you can take a longer rod and damage the air conditioner.

Truck Damage Protection

Protection is relevant for air conditioners installed on the first floors, where there is a narrow passage, for example, the entrance to a store for unloading. You come across air conditioners installed in narrow passages in old houses, twisted. The protection along with the air conditioner was damaged, since the metal grill is unlikely to withstand a multi-ton machine. Although in some cases it helps, the driver will hear a metallic grinding sound, look in the mirror and try to drive around this structure.

To install air conditioner protection or not

Air conditioner protection structures protect against icicles that fall from roofs and, in some cases, from trucks. If you have such a question, then you should turn to common sense, for example, if you have a flat roof, then the formation of icicles is impossible and there will be nowhere for them to fall. Or your air conditioner is installed on the fifth floor, then no machine can harm it, and vandals and thieves have no chance of getting in there.

Disadvantages of protection designs for air conditioners

The main disadvantage of protective structures is poor access to cleaning the air conditioner. It is very rare to see a grille with a lid that opens to allow access to the air conditioner service; in most cases it is a solid structure. During repair of the air conditioner, this grille will need to be removed, and this will add to the cost of repair work. So we advise you to be more vigilant and not let the manager mislead you, sometimes they themselves have no idea how it is attached.

It's no secret that modern air conditioners consist of 2 blocks connected by communications. But few people understood the total cost of the entire system and its components separately. As you know, the highest cost of the unit falls on the compressor, which is located in the outer part of the system.

It is important to take care of the safety of the external unit, since natural surprises often lie in wait on the roofs of houses, in the form of ice build-ups falling from a height. Thus, both the outer part of the block and the interblock structures may be damaged.

Even if the compressor itself is not damaged, restoring communications and refilling the unit with refrigerant will be quite expensive compared to installing a protective hood. In addition to natural disasters, irresponsible neighbors and communication service workers, outdoor Decoration Materials, the service life of which has long gone beyond reasonable limits.

Here's what can happen to your air conditioner

By installing an air conditioner hood, you reliably protect your equipment from all kinds of dangers. The main feature of the visor is its installation at a certain angle to the wall, which makes its operation more efficient.

DIY installation

To carry out installation yourself, it is necessary, first of all, to correctly mark the fastening along external wall, on which it is planned to install an external system. After that, all necessary technological holes are marked for installation of the protective visor.

The installation of the visor should be carried out simultaneously with the installation of the air conditioner

It should be noted that marking must be carried out with maximum accuracy so that unforeseen unpleasant situations do not arise in the future. After final marking and checking, special holes are made using a hammer drill to attach the visor. Using dowels or anchors above the block.

Important! The holes for fasteners must be made deep enough to ensure the strength and reliability of the structure.

By installing a protective canopy for the air conditioner, the owner acquires:

  1. Protection from icicles.
  2. Protection from precipitation.
  3. Frost protection of the structure.
  4. Protection from old communications in old houses.

A hood for the outdoor unit of an air conditioner is a cheap, but at the same time reliable solution that can protect the most expensive part of the system from external damage, whether accidental or intentional.

Briefly about the design of the air conditioner

A household air conditioner consists of two units - indoor and outdoor. The functions of a condenser and an evaporator are clearly distributed between them. The condenser is the outdoor unit, and the evaporator is the indoor unit. These two parts are connected to each other using a line that includes control wires and tubes for refrigerant circulation.

A drain pipe is connected to the indoor module to remove condensate. According to the instructions, it must be connected to the sewerage system. There are designs that have several internal units, then they are called multi-split systems, but they are designed according to the same principle.

The outdoor module has rectangular shape and includes in its design: a fan that blows over the condenser (1); a condenser that provides cooling of the coolant and its condensation (2); a compressor that serves to ensure the movement of cooled coolant along the circuit (3); control board (4); 4-way valve, which is included in the design of split systems that operate for both cooling and heating (5); fitting fittings (6), filter (7), cover (8)

Mount the outdoor unit in a horizontal manner in all planes. It is necessary that the wind blows over it - when arranging protection, this point must be taken into account. The ideal case is when the outer part of the device is on a balcony or under a curtain.

If the apartment is located on the top floor, the outdoor module is sometimes installed on the roof. This option is possible when the length of the highway does not exceed 1-15 m.

When installing a condenser unit on the wall of a house, maintain a minimum distance of 100 mm, otherwise in hot weather the compressor may fail due to poor airflow. Not only the part of the air conditioner itself, but also the line connecting both parts of the device must be protected from all kinds of negative influences.

Or maybe you can do without a visor?

There are mixed opinions regarding the need for a canopy for a split system. Often, even from specialists, you can hear that its installation is not at all necessary. Indeed, the instructions supplied with the air conditioner do not require the presence of such a protective device.

The very design of the external module of the device takes into account that it will constantly experience atmospheric influences. It is also taken into account that the heat exchanger and fan blades will be cleared of dust that has settled on them during rain. This is essential to maintain efficient heat exchange.

The visor prevents the heat exchanger from being washed and dirt gradually settles on it, and sometimes birds settle in. On the other hand, pieces of ice falling from the roof actually damage the outdoor unit.

In old houses, collapsing brick parapets and finishing elements are a threat to the external module. Therefore, those who believe that after installing an air conditioner, you need to take care of protecting its outdoor unit are also right.

Although the metal casing of the outdoor unit of the air conditioner is designed for installation from the street side, if an ice build-up of impressive size falls on it from a great height, it is unlikely to withstand such an attack

The external module itself may not be damaged by exposure to ice or heavy pieces of trim that have fallen off, but the communication tubes will most likely be damaged.

Repairing and refilling with refrigerant requires a considerable investment, so it is better to install protection for the external unit of your air conditioner and periodically clean the housing - it will cost less.

What is anti-vandal protection

If the apartment is located on the first or last floor, then the issue of protecting the external module from attacks by vandals becomes relevant. Stealing it often simply does not make sense - it is not universal and is not suitable for any split system.

Therefore, more often there is simply damage for the sake of entertainment. But there are times when, after destroying the outdoor module, tubes made of copper are removed.

In order not to purchase new parts to replace damaged ones, it is better to immediately install anti-vandal protection, which is a metal box with lattice walls, immediately when installing the air conditioner. It encloses the external unit and makes it inaccessible to strangers from the street or the roof.

The lattice is made from steel wire with a diameter of 6 to 8 mm. There are no strict requirements for the size of the cells, but it is better to make them no more than 30 mm. The ideal solution is to build a frame from galvanized wire, which does not corrode and retains its aesthetic appearance for a long time.

Some companies make anti-vandal protection facades from perforated sheets. This design allows air to pass through well, does not interfere with its circulation and makes the outdoor unit almost invisible

Thanks to the reliable fastening, unauthorized persons will not be able to dismantle both the air conditioner canopy and the anti-vandal protection. You can order such a design according to individual sketches and cover it with polymer paint.

If the outdoor module is placed on the façade of a building and needs to be hidden, a decorative panel that does not have fasteners is a good solution.

Step-by-step installation of a canopy over an air conditioner

Making a visor is quite simple. The process of installing it looks much more complicated. It is better to entrust this work to specialists, but if this is the first floor, then you can do everything yourself by using a stepladder and hiring someone as an assistant.

The crucial point is marking the attachment points with chalk; there must be at least six of them. This operation is carried out using a tape measure and a level. After marking is completed, take the following steps:

  1. Take a hammer drill and concrete and metal drills of the required diameter and drill fairly deep holes both in the supporting structure of the canopy and in the wall.
  2. Choppers are inserted into the holes.
  3. Drive in anchor bolts with a diameter of 0.8-1 cm.
  4. Place the holes of the visor onto the threaded part of the anchor so that about 1 cm is left for screwing on the nut.
  5. Tighten the nut.

To manufacture and install the canopy, you will need an average of 5 m of 25x25x4 mm angle steel, 1 m² of sheet steel, 4-6 pieces of anchor bolts.

In order for the protective canopy to serve for a long time, you need to purchase high-quality material for its construction, and paint the finished product in a light tone. For normal heat exchange, leave a gap of at least 100 mm.

Only professionals can install both the canopy and the block itself at a height. It is best to do this in parallel with the installation of the split system itself.

It is better not to install a canopy over an air conditioner located above the second floor yourself. This applies to high-altitude work, which requires special permission. It is usually possessed by industrial climbers.

There are times when, after installing the outdoor module, they forget to remove the shipping net from it. back wall. Gradually, fluff and dust penetrate into its cells - they remain there, creating a strong layer. When installing the visor, all this must be removed.

If the unit is located high enough on a building, birds may land on its outdoor unit. To avoid this, install sharp spikes

Some companies make soft covers made of mosquito net. They protect from dust and poplar fluff, but not from mechanical damage. In addition to these, you will also need to install a canopy.

Features of the heating device

Modern split systems are highly efficient. In some models, one kilowatt spent produces cold or heat in a volume 4 or more times greater.

You can use the air conditioner for heating only down to -5 degrees. At lower temperatures, its heating performance decreases and can drop to zero, although units manufactured by the Japanese companies Daikin and Mitsubishi Electric operate for heating at -25 degrees.

The outdoor unit of an air conditioner operating for heating must be protected with a canopy from icing and strong wind, otherwise it will not be able to function

In any case, the air conditioner will not function without effective snow and wind protection for the outdoor unit. Therefore, a durable canopy is mounted over it. To prevent snow from getting into the gap between the wall and the rear panel of the module during strong crosswinds, the sides are also sewn up.

Caring for the external unit

The external part of the split system requires periodic cleaning at least 2 times a year. Air conditioners located between the fourth and eighth floors are almost inaccessible to dust and small organic debris. They can be cleaned at intervals of several years.

The easiest way to do this is to use a powerful vacuum cleaner. It will remove dust from external filters and heat exchanger tubes. Since access to the air conditioner is required to perform maintenance, the protective grille is not made solid, but with a door in the front or side of the structure. It is locked and the key is kept only by the owner.

To clean, you need to open the door of the anti-vandal protection box, and then open the module housing. If there is large debris, it is removed with a brush, and even larger debris with a vacuum cleaner. Use a soft bristle brush to clean the filter grille.

When the external module is located at a low height, cleaning is performed from a regular ladder. In the case when a simple device does not provide convenient access to the outdoor unit climate system, dismantle the grille, treat the internal contents with a vacuum cleaner and a cloth.

If the significant height does not allow you to clean the outdoor module yourself, you will have to call specialists.

There is another way, but this requires a compressor or a cylinder filled with compressed air. Cleaning is done as follows: push a hose into the housing, and then turn on the compressor or unscrew the valve. Thus, there will be both debris and dust outside the condensate collector housing.

The outdoor module of the split system, located up to the fourth floor, is most susceptible to contamination and therefore needs to be cleaned every three months

The fact that the external unit needs urgent cleaning is indicated by the appearance of a characteristic knocking sound. This may indicate that the fan blades are difficult to rotate due to clogging or a foreign object that they are clinging to as they rotate. There may also be condensation leaking from the outside of the device.

Especially often, the radiator of the external module becomes clogged with poplar fluff, which reduces the cooling efficiency until the unit completely fails. In this case, cleaning is performed with a water jet. It washes away debris from all hard-to-reach places. Immediately after this procedure, the unit can be put into operation.

Do you need a canopy for an air conditioner and what is anti-vandal protection?

The article discusses the possibilities of protecting the external unit of an air conditioner on the facade of a house from its mechanical damage by installing appropriate protective canopies and an anti-vandal mesh.

Few buyers of an expensive drained air conditioning system, when purchasing it, ask themselves the question of whether a canopy is needed for the air conditioner, or rather for its external unit, located on the facade of a house or apartment. This is the rhetorical question we will try to find an answer to in our article today.

What is the “cap” for the air conditioner?

A canopy for an air conditioner or a technically competent-sounding phrase - “protection of the external unit of the air conditioner from mechanical damage” is an important element of protecting the external unit from damage by third-party objects.

Everyone knows that modern split systems are equipped with two units, an internal unit located in the room and an external unit mounted outside this room. But few of us have the knowledge that the cost of equipment located outside, in the external unit of the air conditioner, far exceeds the cost of the internal unit of the split system, because the compressor, the most expensive air conditioning unit, is located here.

Of course, the housing of the external unit is usually made of metal, but even this will not always be able to help save the equipment in certain critical situations.

The weather conditions in Russia are specific, and often the collapse of a block of ice or snow from the roof of a building onto the external unit of the air conditioner overnight bury all your good intentions regarding the comfort in your apartment in the summer.

The same can be said about fallen plaster or facing tiles with sharp edges, rapidly flying down or falling onto the external unit of the air conditioner, a tree branch broken off by the wind - which can also cause significant damage to the external unit, and the refrigerant circulation system of your air conditioning system. It’s not the best situation for you when doing renovation work in the apartment of a neighbor living on the floor above, where every time you expect some kind of catch for the lower reinforced external unit of your split air conditioning system.

Without mechanical protection on the facade, above the external air conditioner unit, the cost of possible restoration work on your air conditioning system can far exceed the cost of the “protective canopy” along with the cost of its installation.

The hood for the air conditioner is its reliable protection

By purchasing a protective hood for an air conditioner once and installing it together with your split system, you will forever protect your expensive climate control equipment, and especially its external unit along with the refrigerant circulation system, from all kinds of mechanical damage, and yourself from unnecessary, quite significant financial expenses.

A little about anti-vandal protection of the air conditioner.

A few words about “anti-vandal” protection. This primarily concerns residents whose apartments on the ground floor, and, accordingly, the external units of their split systems, are located on the street - within the reach of street “vandals” who are ready to spoil everything. Here we strongly recommend that, along with installing a protective canopy, you also protect the sides of the external unit of your air conditioner with a special frame mesh, which will at least slightly protect your expensive equipment from the interference of street hooligans.

Anti-vandal protection of the external unit of the air conditioner

The external unit and the protective canopy for the air conditioner installed above it, and, if necessary, anti-vandal protection - together will serve you for a long time and reliably, thereby ensuring comfort and coziness in your home!

Air conditioner hood is a means of protecting the outdoor unit from the harmful effects of the external environment - snow, icicles, rain, twigs and branches falling from nearby trees. The canopy can be mounted on external units being installed for the first time and on existing ones. The protective device is reliable in operation, why?

  • the visor itself is made of steel sheet;
  • brackets made of metal corners;
  • fastening anchor bolts;
  • There are several points of attachment to the wall.

All parts are coated with durable paints. The canopy of the protective canopy is installed at an angle, so snow and ice will not linger on the surface, and rainwater will drain instantly. This lightweight, inexpensive device will last a long time and reliably protect the expensive split system from damage.

Types of visors for external units of air conditioners

Installation of a protective canopy for air conditioners

Our company produces regular and collapsible visors of standard parameters and according to customer sizes. With or without installation, as you prefer. The price depends on the size of the protective device, the thickness of the metal sheet, the type and method of fastening.

We can do it together with installation. They are extremely necessary when installing outdoor units in the area of ​​the first floor. Purchase and order protective visors directly from the manufacturer. Call the company's phone number during business hours or come to the specified address.