Distance of the drainage pit from the well. Cesspool - sanitary standards for distance from house, well and borehole. Sanitary standards regarding cesspools

Often, residents of summer cottages, their own houses or cottages receive a statement that the cesspool from the well was built by their neighbors very close. In order to properly make a cesspool, you must follow certain requirements.

What should be the distance from the cesspool to the well?

What should be the distance from the cesspool to the well according to building regulations? When constructing a waste pit, it is necessary to maintain a distance of at least 5 m from the neighboring area.

The distance from the house and all outbuildings must be at least 10 m, and in some cases - 15 m. This depends on the shape of the septic tank. If the neighbors agree, they can use one common cesspool.

When done sewer well becomes the cause of a conflict between residents, a commission of local residents is assembled to resolve such disputes.

All buildings on the site must be built according to garden standards. Most often, wastewater is disposed of in a cesspool. From an environmental point of view, it should have a concrete bottom. Then the groundwater under the site will not be polluted. Ideally, the pit should be airtight.

But according to SNiP it is allowed to build a storage tank for Wastewater without bottom. Only in this case should it be located below the water intake and the daily intake of wastewater in it should not exceed a volume of 1 m³. If the volume of wastewater is more than 1 m³, then concrete rings are used for construction.

You can get a sealed structure from plastic. The distance to buildings from such a structure is established by regulations and can be less than 10 m, and to various fences - 1 m. The depth of the waste storage facility should not exceed 3 m.

When operating such a structure, safety rules must be observed. It must be remembered that explosive methane gas can accumulate in a sealed container. To prevent this from happening, installation is required ventilation pipe. Its diameter is 10 cm, and its height is at least 60 cm.

If they pass nearby gas pipes, then the distance to them should be at least 5 m. The septic tank can be located no closer than 10 m from the water pipeline and 20 m from the water intake well. It should be 2 m away from all plantings. The depth is allowed no more than 3 m and depends on the level of groundwater. They should not be allowed to become contaminated with waste when seeping through the ground.

How close can a cesspool be to a well? The minimum distance to the water intake well depends on the soil:

  1. With clayey conditions - 20 m.
  2. Loamy - 30 m.
  3. Sandy loam and sandy - 50 m.

How is a cesspool cleaned?

Well cleaning is usually carried out in early spring. The design of the storage tank may involve pumping out waste with a special machine, or the septic tank may be cleaned manually. The plastic storage tank is cleaned using a sewage disposal machine. The machine hose is threaded through a special hatch in a plastic structure.

Between the buildings on the site, it is necessary to leave a sufficient gap for the passage of the vehicle with which the cleaning will be carried out.

In order for the sewage system on the farm to function well, it is necessary to monitor the sewage pit and operate it correctly. An old sewer can overflow very quickly. You have to clean it frequently. Sediment can clog sewer lines. Contaminated soil prevents wastewater from seeping out.

To solve these problems, you must first completely clean the pit. Then fill it with clean water so that the solid residues dissolve or soften. Every other day, special biological products are added to the water. They contain bacteria that feed on the remains of sewage and sludge in the pit. All surfaces of the structure will be cleaned. Drainage outlets will be restored. Microorganisms will also enter the pipes leading to the pit and clean them of grease, which will prevent them from clogging during future use for a long time.

How to file a complaint about the illegal construction of a cesspool by neighbors?

When planning a waste facility, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of SNiP and SanPiN documents. These norms apply both in one area and between neighboring ones. The BTI has a technical passport of the neighbors' structures. If the location of your neighbors' waste storage facility does not meet construction and sanitary requirements, you can complain.

The complaint is submitted to local authorities, for example, to the chairman of the gardening association. If there is no result, they call a representative from the sanitary and epidemiological station, draw up a report with which you can file a lawsuit. You can contact the village or city administration and then the court. The complainant's claims are also considered by the Federal Tax Service.

To competently draw up your claim, it is recommended to go to a lawyer. A specialist will help you justify legally statement of claim, will indicate the legal rules suitable for your case.

If the site is located in a city, then the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation applies.

In the case where the cesspool already existed, and the neighbors built or planted something very close, then when considering the conflict, the owner whose structure was built earlier has priority.

To avoid disputes, before installing a septic tank, you need to collect all the documents with a site plan and apply for permission from the SES.

The sewage system has become an integral part of comfortable living. Moreover, owners of private households are increasingly acquiring such amenities. Output sewer pipes outside and install septic tanks or build cesspools. But here some difficulties may arise. One of them is compliance with sanitary standards. For example, such a question as what distance should be between the well and the cesspool is very important. This is exactly what this article will be about.

Why is this so important

Compliance with sanitary standards is important. Especially when it comes to cesspools. A large amount of sewage accumulates in these structures. If they get into the ground, the environment may be damaged.

In modern construction, new materials and designs are used. They can ensure almost one hundred percent tightness of containers for the accumulation of sewage. But in any case there is a small risk of leakage. This means that sewage can get into groundwater, and from there into the taps of your home water supply.

If a neighbor has a well or well on his property, he will be very unhappy if you decide to dig a cesspool (especially without a bottom) next to his water source.

It is for all these reasons that the minimum distance from the cesspool to the well (or well) must be observed. This way you will avoid contamination of drinking water and quarrels with neighbors.

What standards exist?

Construction of a cesspool, installation of a septic tank or other work related to external sewerage are regulated by various rules and regulations. These documents indicate all possible parameters and requirements related to compliance with environmental and sanitary safety.

Such documents include:

  • SanPin 42-128-4690-88 – a set of sanitary rules for maintaining territories.
  • SNiP 2.04.02-84 – external networks and structures.
  • SNiP 2.04.01-85 – sewerage and water supply of buildings.

The last two list everything technical requirements to similar structures. Sanitary protection zones that should be formed around drainage systems (septic tanks and cesspools) are also indicated. The size of these zones depends on the performance of such a system. Filtration volumes are shown in the table:

In such areas there should be no sources of water, either open (wells, reservoirs) or closed (wells).

SanPin 42-128-4690-88 directly indicates the distance at which a cesspool can be placed from a well or spring drainage (essentially, a well). This indicator has a value of at least 50 meters.

We determine the location of the well and cesspool

In order to determine at what distance from the cesspool to make a well, it is necessary (in addition to compliance with sanitary standards, of course) to take into account some indicators. Namely:

  • Depth of groundwater. A cesspool (especially without a bottom) should not be deepened below the level of the aquifer.
  • Flow directions groundwater. If a well is made downstream from a cesspool, then there is a risk of wastewater penetrating into drinking water.
  • Physical properties of soil. It's no secret that sandy soils easily allow water to pass through. In this case, it is better to place the well away from the cesspool.

To accurately determine best place location of the well, it is worth drawing up a detailed site plan. The shape of the site, all buildings and communication lines are drawn to scale on the sheet, and the location of the cesspool is shown (not only your own, but also on the neighboring site). The direction of flow of groundwater and all significant unevenness of the terrain are also indicated (atmospheric precipitation flows from any elevation, which can flood the source of drinking water).

With this diagram it will be easy to calculate optimal place for a well. Using a simple compass, you can draw a circle (measuring the required distance on a scale) from the point where you are going to make a water intake. If the resulting circle does not contain a cesspool or other undesirable objects, then the location has been chosen correctly.

In the same way, you can choose the optimal place to install a septic tank or build a cesspool. Only here it is necessary to additionally take into account the distance to residential buildings and other objects important for human health.

Also, do not forget that the presence of large plantings near the waste collection site is not desirable, and that such an object should be some distance from the border of your site (so as not to quarrel with neighbors).


This video explains how to properly place a cesspool on your property. Such actions will not only protect your well from contamination, but will also help avoid many troubles:

The distance from the well to the toilet, its permissible limits, the requirements of SNiP and sanitary and hygienic standards on this issue - this is the whole problem facing every developer. This is a completely understandable requirement. Controlling authorities especially carefully check the distances from the well to the street toilet and. Failure to comply can easily lead to contamination of the source of drinking water, soil for crops, and the emergence and development of infectious diseases.

In the village

Regulatory documents

Sanitary standards are focused on maximum distancing of the toilet not only from the well, but also from other sources of water supply, building objects on the owner’s property and buildings on neighboring plots. The distance from the toilet is regulated by several regulations and legal acts:

  • SP 42.13330.2011 “Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements”;
  • adopted ten years later, due to increased need, SNiP, called: “Planning and development of low-rise housing construction areas”;
  • approved two years before, in February, SNiP entitled “Planning and development of gardening (dacha) associations of citizens. Buildings and constructions";
  • sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • The Code of Administrative Offenses, which contains a special subsection 8.6 that defines the requirements for the construction of a closet that still exist today.

Beautiful wooden structure

Why are standards needed?

In 2001, another set of norms and rules, called “Single-Apartment Residential Houses,” was approved for use. The need for such a number of regulations and standards is dictated by the need to provide for all the necessary nuances of housing construction.

They provide for several goals at once - prevention of the epidemic threat and compliance with sanitation and hygiene standards, fire safety and the absence of threatening circumstances for those living on the territory.

The importance of regulatory documents on the question of at what distance objects necessary for life can and should be placed also lies in respecting the rights of both parties, between the sites of which there is only a demarcation structure.

After all, any attempt to violate existing norms is not just disobedience to existing restrictions, but also an infringement of the legal rights of people living in the neighborhood.

Compliance with the rules allows you to avoid conflicts with neighbors and administrative violations. The former can lead to lawsuits, the destruction of already constructed buildings, or fines from regulatory authorities. Penalties for administrative violations include: different kinds repressive measures, which are determined by the relevant articles.

Territory of a private house

Types of toilets on land

According to the above regulations, the distance to the well can be at least 25 meters, provided that the toilet is not equipped with a central sewerage system. In this case, you need to remember that it must be at least 12 m.

Read also: Permissible radiation rate for humans: doses in microsieverts/h, sieverts and microsieverts

However, SNiP 30-02-97, as amended in 2018, states that the minimum distance can be 8 m, provided that the well is of a certain type and complies with the standards for its construction.

Scheme of distances between buildings according to SNiP

In the absence of a central sewerage system, the problem of a latrine becomes especially acute, since this is one of the most necessary types of construction, along with a residential building and a source of drinking water. The developer, deprived of the most basic amenities, is forced to independently resolve the problem with the well and toilet.

It is often necessary to drill a well to extract groundwater, which must be sufficiently distant from the surface. At the same time, decide where and what to put, combining problems like how to maintain the required distance and coordinate it with the tiny size of the land plot.

Main Differences

For standard-sized dacha plots and small ones intended to accommodate an individual residential building, such requirements are sometimes simply impossible to meet. To resolve them, one has to resort to different types of wells and street toilets.

Most often used:

  1. A backlash closet is a capital structure, the emptying of which is carried out using a sewer truck. The purpose of such a building is to maximize the isolation of odors and pollution, to prevent penetration into the soil and its contamination by decay products, toxins, and pathogens. The cabin must be equipped with ventilation, the drain must be galvanized iron or cast iron. Given the high cost of such a toilet, the possibility of penetration into the soil is practically excluded, because the cesspool is completely sealed.
  2. A powder closet, with a special tank, can be installed even indoors, because after each emptying its contents are sprinkled with a special filler (sawdust or peat). The tank is emptied manually and a compost heap is formed from it, which after a year is suitable for fertilizing the site in the form of loose compost.
  3. The easiest way is to put up a “birdhouse” at the dacha. Its service life is not very long, but it can last up to 9 years in a dacha. And in villages they dig a hole every 4 years and move the toilet to another place. A “birdhouse” can be built beautiful and comfortable and even equipped with a toilet. But this is provided that it will stand in a place where feces will not threaten the surrounding soil, the source of drinking water and neighboring properties.

Minimum distances between objects in SNT and individual housing construction

To do this, you need to decide on the installation rules and follow them in compliance with all the necessary requirements.

SNiP 30-02-97* “Planning and development of gardening (dacha) associations of citizens. Buildings and structures" determines the following distances to the restroom and cellar - 12 m, from the bathhouse, sauna and well to the restroom - 8 m.

Read also: Depth of water in the pool: what is the standard length and width for jumping

The distance from a well with drinking water is determined by other criteria, but they also take into account the indispensable principle of compliance with sanitary standards (SanPiN), SNiP and others regulatory documents. And they agree on several points.

Need to take into account

SNiP 30-02-97* reserves the owner the right, in the absence of sewerage, to make an informed choice between three types of toilets: bio, backlash closet or powder closet. At the same time, to build a backlash closet, as an outdoor sealed one, equipped with a sealed cesspool, special approval is required from the sanitary and epidemiological service and planning of a place for it at the very initial stage of development.

Distance diagram according to SanPiN

Features of the dry closet

Dry toilet is not the best a budget option, because it constantly requires chemicals, and besides, it is unlikely to be suitable for a large family. But you don’t need to bother with the installation - you can purchase a ready-made booth and container right away. It is considered suitable only for the warm season, but can also be used indoors.

There are no restrictions on the dry closet, and it can be placed in any part of the site. A prudent owner will not place it near a source of drinking water, but for those who have a land plot of less than six acres, this is best option solving the problem of distances on the territory and lack of space.

Pros of powder closet

The powder closet seems like a great solution, and many owners use it. However, to quickly process feces, special substances like Biocompostin are required, and they also do not cost a penny. If you process excrement without the use of biologically active substances, instead of one year it will take three whole years, and during this time new heaps of waste will have time to accumulate.

Nuances of the backlash closet

Backlash closet - completely eliminates the entry of feces into the soil and is considered safe from a sanitation point of view. However, no one is immune from poor-quality construction or defects in the construction of this type of toilet. Therefore, there are specially developed standards that must be observed, and they relate not only to the distance to the well. There are many components that need to be taken into account, sometimes this is the subject of much thought:

  • at least 5 m to the foundation of the house, to the road, to the gas pipe;
  • more than 10 m – to sewer pipes, lakes or rivers;
  • 2 m to the fence, 3–4 m to the trees, 1 m to the bushes and the foundation of outbuildings;
  • if there is a reservoir nearby, the distance to it cannot be less than 30 m;
  • the minimum distance of toilets with a sealed cesspool according to these standards cannot be less than 20 m from the water source, but in small areas such a requirement is simply impossible;
  • A sewer truck must be able to access the septic tank hatch without hindrance.



An administrative fine is provided for owners of improperly equipped structures, which is why it is said that major toilets should be planned before the start of construction, and ideally, approved along with the entire plan for the placement of buildings on the site.

A well will give you clean water if it is not only equipped according to all the rules, but also if there are no polluting objects near it. They may appear after the water source has been exploited.

Obvious sources of potential, dangerous well contamination include the following objects:

  • sewerage;
  • a septic tank is a special structure through which wastewater is treated if its volume does not exceed 25 cubic meters per day;
  • cesspool.

In this article we will consider such an issue as the distance between the well and the cesspool. This topic worries many owners of private houses who drilled wells with their own hands.

Basic requirements for well placement

Our instructions will help you determine what the distance should be between sanitary facilities on your site.

In particular, if you are interested in how far a cesspool should be from an underground water source, then pay attention to the following:

  • hydraulic connection between the aquifer and the soil;
  • since it is the soil that has the cleansing functions;
  • and it is through the soil that all pollutants can enter the water.

In particular, we are talking about such indicators as:

  • impermeability of the soil, which is expressed in the presence of a layer of waterproof clay - with such a soil structure, the minimum distance between a potential pollutant and an underground source of water will be at least thirty meters;
  • if the soil is permeable and there are no waterproof layers, then in this case the minimum gap between the potential pollutant and the water source will be at least fifty meters.

Two water sources

Although we are talking about potential pollutants, we would still like to separately consider what the distance between water wells should be. In this case, everything depends on several components.

Even if you break through the source yourself, because of which the price of the work is significantly reduced, pay attention to indicators such as:

  • well design features;
  • aquifer level;
  • the amount of liquid in this layer;
  • water quality.

If the aquifer is sufficiently full, then experience shows that the gap is about ten to fifteen meters. If there is little water in it, then the distance should be significantly increased, otherwise your neighbors or you will be left without life-giving moisture.

If there is a well

A well located nearby can also become a potential source of pollution, and therefore the following standards should be adhered to:

  • the gap between the well and the well is at least fifty meters if they are located on the same aquifer;
  • if the aquifer is different, then in this case the distance between the two sources is about thirty meters.

Related articles:

How to properly arrange a cesspool

Now let's return to the main topic of this article and look at how to properly equip a cesspool so that it does not cause contamination of the aquifer that feeds your home and site.

Features of arranging pits without a bottom

One of the simplest options for creating a sewage pit in accordance with the Building Codes and Rules is the construction of an underground structure without a bottom.

Advice. If you have no more than one cubic meter of waste drained daily, then such a pit will be enough for you.
However, its lower level must necessarily be below the water intake level, which will avoid moisture contamination.

In this case, it is important to take into account a certain number of parameters, depending on the characteristics of the soil in a given location:

  • if the soil is mostly clayey, then the distance to the water source is at least twenty meters;
  • if the soil is loamy - then at least thirty meters;
  • if we are talking about sandy loam or sandy soil - at least fifty meters.

The pit itself is built quite simply - a pit is dug out, to which a sewer pipe is connected. The pit on top is equipped with a reliable cover with a hatch for possible pumping out of liquid.

When a bottom is needed

If the daily runoff exceeds one cubic meter, then in this case it is necessary to provide for the arrangement of the pit with any of the following materials:

  • concrete;
  • brick;
  • metal;
  • storage device made of plastic.

Advice. It is important to provide for the correct slope of the bottom, which will allow for better cleaning of the pit and pumping out wastewater from it.

When choosing a location, the following indicators should be taken into account:

  • the distance from the building should be about ten meters;
  • distance from the fence is at least one meter;
  • the distance to the artesian well should be twenty meters;
  • the distance to a shallow well or well is at least fifty meters;
  • possibility of free access for a sewer truck.

Advice. It is not recommended to build holes whose depth exceeds three meters, otherwise it will be extremely difficult for even a special vehicle to perform high-quality cleaning.
The pump will not be able to lift sludge from the bottom; it will constantly accumulate there.

The distance from the well to the cesspool is regulated by SanPiN and SNiP standards. This is an important sanitary parameter for ensuring safety and a matter of everyday convenience for the owners of the land plot. It is the construction and sanitary standards that determine how to build drainage pits and drill wells in relation to them. When arranging this source of drinking water, it is necessary to strictly observe the distance from the cesspool in accordance with the standards.

In the village

Cesspool and well

The distance from the cesspool to the well is a variable parameter defined in SNiP as the structure most often used in personal plots to solve the problem of waste disposal and storage. The simplicity of the construction gives rise to a deceptive feeling of freedom from taking special precautions.

It is just a dug hole for the temporary stay of 1-2 people, which is buried after the end of the season.

Septic tank made of rings

However, sanitary and environmental inspections carry out strict supervision of compliance with SanPiN standards, because when the requirements and safety standards of structures are ignored, this often leads to irreparable consequences.

Construction of similar pits without a bottom, from which it is possible:

  • penetration of sewage, feces and rotting products with microorganisms into the soil on the owner’s property;
  • contamination of the drinking water source and similar processes on neighboring landholdings;
  • ingress of environmentally and epidemiologically hazardous groundwater into natural reservoirs in the environmental protection zone.

Drain pit

Even in SNT, the cesspool must be equipped with a special bottom, subject to the seasonal residence of a small number of summer residents. It does not matter whether they live on the site only during the summer months or come for the weekend.

On the territory of a private plot, with a heated house located on it, under any circumstances, sanitary standards require the construction of a cesspool with a special bottom and equipping it with a filtration system. Compliance with SanPiN is especially strictly checked by the sanitary inspection if more than 3 people live in the house on a permanent basis and the daily norm exceeds 1 cubic meter. m of sewage.

Layout of the cesspool on the site

Subtleties and nuances

Permission for cesspools is given only if the house does not have a central sewerage system. But on the territory Russian Federation There is a specially developed SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 that regulates how such a structure should be constructed, regardless of the place of residence and the region where the land is located.

Well in the village

Prerequisites for location on summer cottage or in a private home:

  • lack of a centralized sewer system;
  • correct location, that is, maintaining the required distance not only from objects located on the owner’s plot, but also from structures and buildings that are included in a special list;
  • waterproofness of a specially equipped bottom;
  • the presence of a closing grille and a special cover over the drain hole;
  • correct distancing from the water supply source;
  • cleaning with a vacuum cleaner at least once every six months (some conditions depend on the size and shape of the structure);
  • carrying out disinfection with a special composition, but in no case with dry bleach.

Brick version

The distance between the well and the cesspool is a basic requirement, the fulfillment of which can be regularly checked by supervisory authorities. The requirement to comply with the rules and regulations relating to the drainage pit and other sanitary and hygienic facilities, regardless of the date of their publication, is regulated by federal legislation.

Read also: Distance from the house to the barn: SNiP standards from a residential building on the site

Back in 1999, Law of the Russian Federation No. 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” was adopted. Its implementation is mandatory for all citizens of the country and for those temporarily residing on its territory.

Regulatory documents to be followed

A sewage pit is a constant source of concern for the owner if it is not equipped with modern biological or chemicals for filtration and purification. The treatment facility is the main determining factor, based on which the required distance is determined. When planning a drainage pit, various indicators are taken into account:

  • the type of soil on the site and the degree of its permeability in the event of emergency or gradual penetration of sewage (sandy soil is considered potentially the most dangerous);
  • location aquifer taken into account when arranging a cesspool structure without a bottom, with a small volume of contents (it should not be located below its level).

Well in the garden

The minimum distance from the well may be less if the location is waterproof soil. But if it is located downstream (this is not recommended), then the direction of fluid flow in the aquifer is also taken into account.

How to determine the distance from the well to the drainage pit can be found in the following regulatory documents:

  • SNiP 2.04.03-85 “Sewerage. External networks and structures";
  • SNiP 2.04.02-84 “Water supply. External networks and structures";
  • SP 31.13330.2012 – updated response to SNiP 2.04.02-84, which took into account changes that occurred in the form and specifics of structures for drinking water production and wastewater treatment;
  • SP 32.13330.2012 – updated version of SNiP 2.04.03-85, carried out in accordance with Federal Law No. 184 “On technical regulation” and approved by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation;
  • SNiP 30-02-97 “Planning and development of gardening and dacha associations of citizens. Buildings and constructions";
  • SP 53.13330.2011 – updated version of SNiP 30-02-97;
  • Law on Dachas of 2018, Town Planning Code, Administrative Code.

Layout of buildings from the well in accordance with SNiP and SanPiN standards

A source of additional information can be SanPiN, which contains standards for sanitary ruptures, certain requirements for building materials, ensuring tightness to avoid contamination of soil and aquifers with sewage.

Read also: Safe distance from a cell tower to a residential building: standards and harm to health

Distance norms

The distance from the well to a regular cesspool must comply with sanitary standards. On any site, especially individual housing construction and SNT, an indispensable condition for the construction of structures called a drain, cesspool or sewage drain requires permission to be obtained from the local sanitary and epidemiological station. The permit is issued subject to the availability of a layout diagram and project submitted to the supervisory authority.

Well location diagram according to standards

If the required sanitary gap, which must be maintained for a particular type of soil, is not met, as well as the conditions for placing a sealed device, the developer is told which distances should be increased. Changing the layout is easier than demolishing or moving it later finished building in the country.

If the conditions specified in the diagram are not met, an inspection may detect this.

There will also be a chance that neighbors will complain. True, you can agree with them on the construction of a joint pit for draining sewage, but in this case it is better to conclude a written agreement, duly certified.

Close to home

Watch a video on this topic.

It should be taken into account

The location of the well and cesspool is not the only parameter taken into account when determining their location. The new law on dachas, SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 and other regulatory documents have strictly defined rules about the distance of structures from other buildings on the site:

  1. The placement of the cesspool in relation to the water supply is regulated by the type of equipment required. The use of reinforced concrete or asbestos cement pipes does not allow a distance of less than five meters, but it can be made smaller if you use cast iron pipes(3 m with a diameter of 29 cm or more, 14 m if the pipe diameter is smaller). At the same time, you need to keep a 2-meter distance from any gas.
  2. For residential buildings, different standards are indicated (from 5 to 10 m). This significant collapse is due to the type of underground structure used. This means that it is necessary not only to purchase factory equipment, but also to equip it correctly: with good, dense and high-quality building materials, below the place where the well was drilled, and with a depth not lower than the aquifer.
  3. The distance to the well is also a variable figure, the range of which is in the range from 30 to 50 m. In small areas, a 20-meter distance is allowed, but only on the condition that the location of the septic tank is below the water intake devices, including the water sump. The volume of wastewater also matters - the less it is per day, the fewer claims there are. But the main requirement is the conformity of buildings building regulations, so even the most modern devices may not be a decisive argument during the test.

Layout of the well and septic tank according to the standards

The distance from the fence is calculated not according to existing standards (1.5–3 m), but according to the distance from neighboring buildings. The norm is maintained at a distance from the street, where it should be possible for a vacuum truck to approach.
It is recommended to maintain a distance of at least 10–12 m from neighboring buildings (residential building), and from 1 to 5 m from outbuildings, but experts advise maintaining a greater distance to avoid claims.
The minimum distance from the well should be 10 m, although for modern types of filtration and wastewater equipment in one area it can be reduced to 8 m.