Rules in the gas industry. Gas supply systems and gas pressure standards. Rules for technical operation and labor safety requirements in the gas industry of the Russian Federation

3.1. General requirements

3.1.1. The organization operating gas facilities is obliged to:

carry out a set of measures, including a system of maintenance and repair, ensuring the maintenance of the gas facilities in good condition, and comply with the requirements of these Rules;

have copies of licenses of organizations performing maintenance and repair work under the contract;

have acts on the delimitation of areas of activity with organizations performing maintenance and repair of gas facilities under contracts;

have the staff required by the state that meets the qualification requirements and does not have medical contraindications to work;

conduct timely training and certification of employees;

have legal acts and regulatory technical documents (rules, regulations and instructions) establishing the procedure for conducting work in the gas sector;

organize and exercise production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements;

ensure the availability and operation of the necessary instruments and control systems;

comply with the resolutions of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia and the instructions of the territorial bodies of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia in accordance with their authority;

ensure the conduct of a technical inspection (diagnostics of the technical condition) of gas pipelines, structures and gas equipment (technical devices) within the time limits established by the Rules or at the request (order) of the Gosgortekhnadzor bodies of Russia;

ensure the protection of gas facilities from penetration and unauthorized actions of unauthorized persons;

immediately inform the territorial bodies of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia about an accident or incident that occurred in the gas sector;

carry out measures to localize and eliminate the consequences of accidents (incidents) and assist state bodies in investigating their causes;

take part in the technical investigation of the causes of accidents, take measures to eliminate them, prevent and record accidents;

submit to the territorial bodies of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia information on the implementation of measures to prevent accidents prescribed by the investigation report.

Ensuring the implementation of these activities is entrusted to the first head of the organization.

3.1.2. Organization and performance of work on maintenance and repair of gas facilities is carried out in accordance with these Rules, in accordance with the instructions of manufacturers, as well as instructions for the safety of work on technical operation gas equipment agreed with the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

3.1.3. Maintenance and repair schedules for gas facilities are approved by the chief engineer (technical director) of the owner organization and agreed with the executing organization when concluding a contract for the maintenance of gas pipelines and gas equipment.

3.1.4. For persons involved in the operation of gas facilities, job and production instructions should be developed to ensure the safe conduct of work.

3.1.5. The job description should define the duties and rights of managers and specialists.

3.1.6. The production instruction is developed taking into account the requirements of equipment manufacturers, specific operating conditions, must contain requirements for the technological sequence of performing various operations, methods and volumes of quality control of work performed and be approved by the chief engineer (technical director) of the organization.

Technological schemes should be attached to the instructions for the maintenance and repair of equipment for hydraulic fracturing, GRU, GNS, GNP, gas filling stations and boiler houses.

The production instruction and the technological scheme must be reviewed and re-approved after reconstruction, technical re-equipment and changes technological process before putting the equipment into operation.

3.1.7. The organization is obliged to keep design and executive documentation for gas pipelines and gasified facilities during the entire period of operation.

The procedure and conditions for storing documentation are determined by the owner organization.

3.1.8. For each external gas pipeline, electrical protection, reservoir and group cylinder installation, hydraulic fracturing (GRU), GNS (GNP), gas filling station, an operational passport must be drawn up containing the main technical characteristics, as well as data on the overhauls carried out.

3.2. Organization of maintenance and repair of gas facilities of organizations

3.2.1. In each organization, from among the managers or specialists who have passed the knowledge test of these Rules, persons responsible for the safe operation of the gas facilities as a whole and each section separately must be appointed.

3.2.2. The job description of the person responsible for the safe operation of gas facilities should provide for the following responsibilities aimed at ensuring a safe gas use regime:

participation in the consideration of gas supply projects and in the work of commissions for the acceptance of gasified facilities for operation;

development of instructions, a plan for localization and liquidation of emergency situations in the gas industry;

participation in commissions to test the knowledge of these Rules, regulatory documents and instructions for personnel;

compliance check established by the Rules the procedure for admission of specialists and workers to independent work;

regular monitoring of compliance with the requirements for trouble-free and safe operation and repair of gas pipelines and gas equipment, checking the correctness of maintaining technical documentation during operation and repair;

preventing the commissioning of gas-using installations that do not meet the requirements of the Rules;

suspension of operation of faulty gas pipelines and gas equipment, as well as unauthorized ones put into operation;

issuance of instructions to the heads of departments, the head of the gas service to eliminate violations of the requirements of the Rules;

assistance in the work of persons responsible for the safe operation of the gas facilities of workshops (sections); control over their work; development of action plans and programs for the replacement and modernization of obsolete equipment;

organizing and conducting training sessions with specialists and workers to eliminate possible emergency situations;

participation in surveys conducted by the Gosgortekhnadzor bodies of Russia.

3.2.3. Persons responsible for the safe operation of the gas facilities have the right to:

communicate with the gas supply organization, as well as organizations that perform maintenance and repair work under the contract;

demand the removal from the maintenance of gas equipment and the performance of gas hazardous work of persons who have not passed the knowledge test or who have shown unsatisfactory knowledge of these Rules, regulatory documents and instructions;

carry out technical supervision (of the customer) during the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the gas facilities of the organization.

3.2.4. Maintenance, repair of gas pipelines and gas equipment of administrative, public and residential buildings should be carried out by operating organizations of the gas economy (gorgazy, mezhraygazy, etc.) or under an agreement by other organizations that have the appropriate license from the territorial bodies of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

3.2.5. The organization of operation of gas facilities of industrial and agricultural production, heating boiler houses is assigned to their owners.

The operation of these gas facilities is carried out by its own gas service.

3.2.6. The owner of gas pipelines and gas equipment can transfer maintenance and repair work under an agreement to an organization providing these services.

The contract should define the boundaries and scope of maintenance and repair work, regulate the obligations to ensure the conditions for safe and reliable operation of the gas facilities.

3.3. External gas pipelines and structures

3.3.1. Natural gases supplied to consumers must comply with the requirements of GOST 5542-87 "Combustible natural gases for industrial and municipal purposes. Specifications".

The odor intensity (odorization degree) must be checked by gas distribution organizations in accordance with GOST 22387.5.-77 "Gas for domestic consumption. Method for determining the odor intensity." Control points and frequency of sampling are established by the operating organization. The results of the checks should be reflected in the log.

3.3.2. The value of gas pressure at the outlet of gas control stations (GDS) must be maintained by the supplier at the nominal level determined by the project.

Control over gas pressure in the networks of cities and towns should be carried out by measuring it at least once a year (in winter) during the hours of maximum gas consumption at points that are most unfavorable in terms of gas supply.

Points (points) for measuring pressure in networks are established by the operating organization.

3.3.3. Checking for the presence of moisture and condensate in gas pipelines, their removal should be carried out at intervals that exclude the possibility of blockages.

The frequency of the inspection shall be established by the operating organization.

3.3.4. Stop valves and compensators installed on gas pipelines must be subject to annual maintenance and, if necessary, repair.

Information about maintenance is recorded in the journal, and about major repairs (replacement) - in the passport of the gas pipeline.

3.3.5. Existing external gas pipelines must be subject to periodic bypasses, instrumental technical inspection, technical condition diagnostics, as well as current and major repairs at the intervals established by these Rules.

3.3.6. When bypassing aboveground gas pipelines, gas leaks, movement of gas pipelines beyond the supports, vibration, flattening, unacceptable deflection of the gas pipeline, subsidence, bending and damage to supports, the state of disconnecting devices and insulating flange connections, means of protection against falling electrical wires, fastenings and painting of gas pipelines, safety of electrochemical protection devices.

Bypass, at least 1 time in 3 months, can be carried out by one worker.

Identified malfunctions should be eliminated, damage to the color of gas pipelines should be restored.

3.3.7. When bypassing underground gas pipelines, gas leaks on the gas pipeline route should be detected by external signs and instruments - sampling and analysis for the presence of gas in wells and chambers of engineering underground structures (communications), control pipes, basements of buildings, mines, collectors, underground passages located on distance up to 15 m on both sides of the gas pipeline; to clarify the safety of wall signs and landmarks of structures; clean the covers of gas wells and carpets from snow, ice and dirt; heaving, subsidence, landslides, collapse and erosion of soil, erosion of the gas pipeline by flood or rain waters are detected; production conditions are controlled construction works providing for the safety of the gas pipeline from damage.

3.3.8. The frequency of bypassing the routes of underground gas pipelines should be established depending on their technical condition, the availability and efficiency of electrical protective installations, gas pipeline pressure category; heaving, subsidence and degree of swelling of soils, mining undermining, seismicity of the area, season and other factors, but not less often than the dates given in the table.

The frequency of bypassing the routes of underground gas pipelines

Characteristics of gas pipeline routes


Gas pipelines

low pressure in the built-up part of the city (settlement)

high and medium pressure in the built-up part of the city (settlement)

all pressures in the undeveloped part of the city (settlement) and inter-settlement

Newly built

Directly on the day of launch and the day after launch

Operated in normal conditions and in a satisfactory technical condition

Installed by the chief engineer of the operating organization, but:

At least

1 time per month

At least

2 times a month

At least 1 time in 6 months with an annual instrumental technical examination or 1 time in 2 months without it

After reconstruction by pulling polyethylene pipes or sanitizing




Laying in the area of ​​action of sources of stray currents, in soil with high corrosive activity and not provided with a minimum protective electrical potential

At least once a week

At least 2 times a week

At least 1 time in 2 weeks

Defective protective coatings after instrumental technical inspection




Having positive alternating values ​​of electrical potentials




In an unsatisfactory technical condition, subject to replacement




Laid in subsiding soils

At least once a week

At least 2 times a week

At least 1 time in 2 weeks

Temporarily repaired leak

Daily until repair

Located within a radius of 15 m from the construction site

Daily until the threat of damage to the gas pipeline is eliminated

Coastal parts of crossings through water barriers and ravines

Daily during the flood

3.3.9. Bypassing the routes of underground gas pipelines should be carried out by a team of two people.

In the undeveloped part of the city (village), as well as outside the carriageway, in the absence of wells, other underground structures (communications) within a 15-meter zone from gas pipelines, it is allowed to bypass by one worker.

3.3.10. Crawlers of underground gas pipelines should be handed, against receipt, route maps, which indicate the diagrams of gas pipeline routes with the location of gas (including electrical protection) and other structures (communications), wells, basements of buildings to be checked for gas contamination (15 m on both sides of the gas pipeline) . Route maps must be revised annually.

Before admission to the first bypass, workers must be familiar with the gas pipeline route on the ground.

3.3.11. If gas contamination of structures on the gas pipeline route or gas leakage is detected by external signs, the workers conducting the bypass are obliged to immediately notify the emergency dispatch service and, before the arrival of the brigade, take measures to warn others (residents of the house, passers-by) about gas contamination and the inadmissibility of smoking, using open fire, electrical appliances and the need for ventilation.

In addition, checking with instruments and ventilation of gassed basements, basement and first floors of buildings, wells and chambers of underground structures (communications) should be organized at a distance of 50 m on both sides of the gas pipeline.

3.3.12. The results of the bypass of gas pipelines should be reflected in the log.

In case of detection of malfunctions or unauthorized work in the protected zone of the gas pipeline, a report must be drawn up.

3.3.13. Storage of materials and equipment, including for temporary storage, is not allowed along the route of the underground gas pipeline within 2 m on both sides.

3.3.14. The administration of the organization on whose territory the gas pipeline is laid in transit must provide access for the maintenance personnel of the operating organization to inspect, repair the gas pipeline, localize and eliminate emergency situations.

3.3.15. Owners of underground structures (communications) adjacent to the gas pipeline must promptly clean the covers of wells and chambers at a distance of at least 15 m from the gas pipeline to check them for gas contamination.

3.3.16. Building owners must keep basements and technical undergrounds in a condition that allows them to be constantly ventilated and checked for gas contamination.

3.3.17. Instrumental technical inspection of existing underground gas pipelines should be carried out at least once every 5 years.

Gas pipelines requiring overhaul or included in the plan for replacement (relocation) must be subjected to instrumental technical inspection at least once a year.

3.3.18. Extraordinary instrumental technical inspections of steel gas pipelines should be carried out if leaks or rupture of welded joints, through corrosion damage are detected, as well as during interruptions in the operation of electrical protective installations during the year:

more than 1 month - in areas of dangerous action of stray currents;

more than 6 months - in other cases, if the protection of the gas pipeline is not provided by other installations.

The corrosion state of the metal and the insulating coating of the pipe must be determined in all pits torn off during the operation of the gas pipeline or adjacent structures.

The quality of welded joints in the exposed sections of gas pipelines is checked if damaged welded joints were previously found on the gas pipeline.

3.3.19. During instrumental technical inspection of underground steel gas pipelines, places of damage to insulating coatings and gas leaks should be detected.

3.3.20. In places of identified damage to the insulating coating, as well as in areas where the use of devices is hindered by industrial interference, control pits with a length of at least 1.5 m should be opened for visual inspection.

The number of pits in zones of industrial interference should be at least 1 for every 500 m of gas distribution pipelines and for every 200 m of gas input pipelines.

3.3.21. In order to check the tightness of an underground gas pipeline and to detect gas leaks, it is allowed to drill wells.

Wells are laid at a distance of at least 0.5 m from the gas pipeline wall every 2 m with a depth not less than the depth of soil freezing in winter time, the rest of the time - to the depth of pipe laying.

3.3.22. The use of open fire to test the wellhead is allowed no closer than 3 m from buildings and structures.

If the gas in the well does not ignite, its presence must be checked with instruments.

3.3.23. When using highly sensitive instruments to determine the presence of gas, the depth of wells can be reduced in order to lay them along the axis of the gas pipeline.

3.3.24. It is allowed to check the density of gas pipelines by pressure testing according to the standards for testing newly built gas pipelines for tightness.

Gas pipelines with pressure up to 0.005 MPa are checked for tightness with a pressure of 0.3 MPa for 1 hour. No visible pressure drop on the reference pressure gauge is allowed.

3.3.25. When examining underwater crossings, the location of the gas pipeline and the presence of damage to the insulating coating are specified according to the methodology developed by a specialized organization and approved by the owner of the gas pipeline.

Surveys of crossings over water barriers should be carried out at least once every 5 years.

3.3.26. Gas leaks on gas pipelines, detected during instrumental technical inspection, are eliminated in an emergency order.

Defects in insulating coatings identified on gas pipelines located in zones of dangerous influence of stray currents and at a distance of less than 15 m from administrative, public and residential buildings must be eliminated within 1 month, in other cases no later than 3 months after their discovery.

3.3.27. Based on the results of the instrumental technical inspection, an act should be drawn up, in which, taking into account the identified defects and an assessment of the technical condition, a conclusion is given on the possibility of further operation of the gas pipeline, the need and timing of its repair or re-laying (replacement).

3.3.28. Extraordinary technical inspections (diagnostics of the technical condition) of gas pipelines should be carried out after the expiration of the estimated service life, accepted for steel gas pipelines - 40 years and for polyethylene - 50 years.

Diagnostics in order to determine the need for replacement or residual life with the development of measures to ensure the safe operation of the gas pipeline for the entire period of life cycle extension should be carried out in accordance with the methods approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

3.3.29. Construction and earthworks in the protected zone of the gas pipeline (closer than 15 m) are allowed with the written permission of the organization - the owner of the gas pipeline, which must indicate the conditions and procedure for their implementation and attach the gas pipeline diagram with references.

Prior to the start of work, the operating organization of the gas economy is presented with a draft work plan for the coordination of measures to ensure the safety of the gas pipeline.

Construction work in the protected zone of the gas pipeline without a permit is prohibited.

3.3.30. Prior to the start of work on impact mechanisms and earth-moving equipment, the actual location of the gas pipeline must be determined by manually digging pits in the presence of a representative of the gas management organization.

Impact mechanisms for loosening the soil can be used no closer than 3 m from the gas pipeline, and those capable of deviating from the vertical (wedge-woman) - no closer than 5 m from the gas pipeline.

Operating organizations of the gas economy are allowed to open the gas pipeline mechanically, provided that the last layer of soil (200-300 mm) is removed manually.

3.3.31. During the construction of buildings, engineering structures (communications), roads near existing gas pipelines and in cases where they cross gas pipelines, construction organizations must comply with the requirements of current regulatory documents and the project.

3.3.32. When carrying out work on the expansion and overhaul of railway, tram tracks and highways at the places where they intersect with gas pipelines, the latter, regardless of the timing of the previous inspection, must be subjected to an extraordinary technical inspection and, if necessary, repair or re-laying.

Operating organizations of the gas economy must be notified in advance of the upcoming repair or expansion of the tracks (roads).

3.4. Gas control points (GRP), gas control units (GRU)

3.4.1. The operating mode of the hydraulic fracturing, GRU should be established in accordance with the project.

3.4.2. The setting parameters of regulators in hydraulic fracturing of cities and towns for household consumers should not exceed 300 daPa*.


* Decapascal (daPa) equals 10 Pa

3.4.3. Safety relief valves, including those built into pressure regulators, must ensure gas discharge when the maximum operating pressure after the regulator is exceeded by no more than 15%; the upper limit of operation of safety shut-off valves (PZK) should not exceed the maximum working pressure of the gas after the regulator by more than 25%.

3.4.4. The settings for the GRU equipment of gas-using installations of industrial, agricultural production, heating boiler houses and other organizations should be established by the project and specified during commissioning.

3.4.5. The fluctuation of gas pressure at the outlet of the hydraulic fracturing, gas distribution unit is allowed within 10% of the working pressure.

Faults in regulators that cause an increase or decrease in operating pressure, malfunctions of safety valves, as well as gas leaks must be repaired in an emergency.

3.4.6. The inclusion of the pressure regulator in the event of a gas supply interruption should be carried out after identifying the cause of the operation of the safety shut-off valve (SVK) and taking measures to eliminate the malfunction.

3.4.7. In case of equipment repair, it is necessary to provide a backup reduction line or a bypass gas pipeline (bypass).

A bypass device is not required when supplying gas to installations designed to operate only in automatic mode.

Gas is allowed to be supplied through the bypass gas pipeline (bypass) only during the time necessary for the repair of equipment and fittings. The work must be carried out by a team of workers consisting of at least two people, one of whom is appointed senior.

3.4.8. The air temperature in the hydraulic fracturing room is determined by the project, depending on the design of the equipment used and instrumentation in accordance with the passports of manufacturers.

3.4.9. During the operation of hydraulic fracturing and GRU, the following must be performed:

inspection of the technical condition (bypass) within the time limits established by the production instruction, ensuring the safety and reliability of operation;

checking the operation parameters of safety shut-off and relief valves at least once every 3 months, as well as after the completion of equipment repair;

maintenance - at least 1 time in 6 months;

current repairs - at least 1 time in 12 months, if the manufacturers of gas equipment do not set other repair periods;

overhaul - when replacing equipment, measuring instruments, repairing a building, heating, ventilation, lighting systems, on the basis of defective statements compiled based on the results of inspections and current repairs.

3.4.10. Organizational and technical measures and work performed during the inspection of the technical condition (bypass), maintenance, current and overhaul of the hydraulic fracturing, main distribution unit must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents agreed with the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

3.4.11. Inspection of the technical condition (bypass) of the hydraulic fracturing should, as a rule, be carried out by two workers.

It is allowed to bypass hydraulic distribution stations equipped with telemechanics systems, equipped with gas alarms with controlled signal output, cabinet control points (SHRP), as well as GRU, by one worker.

The operating organizations of the gas economy are allowed to bypass the hydraulic fracturing by one worker from among the permanent personnel of the services for the operation of gas control stations. In these cases, a special instruction should be developed that defines additional security measures.

3.4.12. The gas pressure drop across the filter must not exceed the value set by the manufacturer.

Disassembly and cleaning of the filter cassette should be carried out during maintenance outside the hydraulic fracturing (GRU) premises in places at least 5 meters away from flammable substances and materials.

3.4.13. The mode of setting and checking the operation parameters of safety valves should not lead to a change in the working pressure of the gas after the regulator.

It is allowed to set and check the operation parameters of the safety valves using a pressure regulator if the upper limit of the safety valve operation does not exceed 300 daPa.

3.4.14. When disassembling the equipment, the disconnecting devices must be closed. At the boundaries of the site, plugs are installed, designed for the maximum inlet gas pressure.

For the convenience of installing plugs during the installation of gas pipelines, flange connections should be provided for installing a rotary or sheet plug with a device for expanding the flanges and a conductive jumper.

3.4.15 Maintenance and current repair of regulators with a guaranteed service life can be carried out in accordance with the passport (instruction) of the manufacturer.

After the warranty period expires, such regulators must be checked and serviced.

3.4.16. Repair of hydraulic fracturing equipment and replacement of electric lamps should be carried out with the voltage removed.

3.4.17. Outside the building of the GRP, on the ShRP and the GRU fence, there should be warning signs "Flammable - gas".

3.4.18. When determining the types and required quantity of primary fire extinguishing equipment in the hydraulic distribution unit, the GRU should be guided by the standards fire service Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

3.5. Gas filling stations, gas filling points, car gas filling stations for liquefied hydrocarbon gases

3.5.1. The conduct of production processes, the technical condition of technological and electrical equipment, gas pipelines, sanitary facilities at the gas pumping station, gas pumping station and gas filling station should ensure trouble-free operation and safety of personnel.

3.5.2. Production processes must be carried out in accordance with approved production instructions and technological schemes agreed with the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, in compliance with the requirements of these Rules.

3.5.3. Expansion (additional installation of technological equipment), technical re-equipment (replacement with a new type of equipment) or complete reconstruction of the HPS, HPP, gas filling stations should be carried out according to projects developed in accordance with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents and approved in the prescribed manner.

3.5.4. For each production room and outdoor installation, depending on the nature of the technological process, categories and fire hazard classes must be defined in the project.

On the gas pipelines of the GNS (GNP), gas filling stations, the directions of movement of the gas flow must be indicated.

3.5.5. Technological equipment, gas pipelines, fittings, electrical equipment, ventilation systems, measuring instruments, emergency protection, blocking and signaling in the production area of ​​the gas pumping station, gas pumping station, gas filling station should be inspected every shift, the identified malfunctions should be eliminated in a timely manner.

The inclusion of stations in the work without a preliminary external inspection (bypass) is prohibited.

3.5.6. Faulty units, tanks, gas pipelines must be turned off, detected gas leaks must be eliminated immediately.

3.5.7. Elimination of gas leaks on operating process equipment is not allowed.

Dismantling of fittings, threaded and flanged connections on gas pipelines is allowed after they are turned off and purged with an inert gas or steam.

It is forbidden to tighten fasteners of flange connections, remove (change) bolts on gas pipelines and equipment under pressure.

3.5.8. Maintenance, repair of gas pipelines, fittings and process equipment, with the exception of emergency recovery work, must be carried out during the daytime.

3.5.9. Maintenance, repair and overhaul of gas pipelines, fittings and process equipment must be carried out in accordance with the instructions of manufacturers for the installation and operation of equipment and with the requirements of these Rules.

3.5.10. Shut-off valves, non-return and high-speed valves must provide quick and reliable shutdown.

Valve handwheels must be marked with the direction of rotation when opening and closing the valve.

Maintenance and current repair of fittings must be carried out in accordance with the regulations at least once every 12 months.

3.5.11. Tanks and gas pipelines must be equipped with safety relief valves.

Operation of technological equipment with faulty and unadjusted safety relief valves is prohibited.

3.5.12. The upper limit of operation of safety relief valves should not exceed the maximum working pressure in tanks, gas pipelines by more than 15%.

3.5.13. The serviceability of safety relief valves must be checked:

short-term forced opening (undermining) at least once a month;

in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, if manual opening of the valve is not provided.

3.5.14. Checking the settings of the valves, their adjustment should be carried out at the stand or at the installation site using a special device with a frequency: safety relief valves of tanks - at least 1 time in 6 months; the rest - during current repairs, but at least once every 12 months.

3.5.15. A valve removed for repair or inspection must be replaced with a serviceable one.

Valves after checking the settings are sealed and recorded in the journal.

3.5.16. The mode of operation, the amount of time worked and the observed malfunctions in the operation of compressors and pumps should be recorded in the operating log.

3.5.17. Running pumps and compressors must be constantly supervised. Operation of pumps and compressors with disconnected or failed automation, emergency ventilation, blocking with fans of exhaust systems is prohibited.

3.5.18. The gas pressure at the suction line of the pump must be 0.1-0.2 MPa higher than the saturated vapor pressure of the liquid phase at a given temperature.

3.5.19. The gas pressure in the compressor discharge pipe must not exceed the condensing pressure of the LPG vapor at the discharge temperature.

The maximum gas pressure after the compressor should not exceed 1.6 MPa.

3.5.20. Compressors and pumps are subject to emergency shutdown in the following cases:

leaks or malfunctions of disconnecting devices;

vibration, extraneous noise and knocks;

failure of bearings and stuffing box seal;

changes in the permissible parameters of oil and water;

failure of the electric drive, starting fittings;

malfunctions of mechanical gears and drives;

increase or decrease in the normalized gas pressure in the inlet and outlet pipes.

3.5.21. Pumps and compressors during repair and maintenance work in the pump-compressor departments (NCO) of stations (points), as well as for the duration of gas hazardous work in the production area, must be stopped.

3.5.22. At stations (points), a person responsible for the operation of ventilation systems should be appointed.

3.5.23. Ventilation systems should be identified by functional feature (supply, exhaust, emergency) with the assignment of a serial number.

Designations are applied on the fan casing and air ducts.

3.5.24. Passports must be drawn up for ventilation systems. Each passport should contain information about the performance of the system, its scheme, characteristics and type of fan and electric motor, information about repairs and adjustments.

3.5.25. All changes in the design of ventilation systems must be made on the basis of the project.

3.5.26. Start-up of ventilation systems in the production area should be carried out 15 minutes before turning on the process equipment.

Initially, exhaust systems are turned on.

3.5.27. In places where air is taken in by supply ventilation systems, the possibility of the appearance of vapors of liquefied hydrocarbon gases and other harmful substances should be excluded.

3.5.28. When stopping the supply ventilation systems, the check valves on the air ducts must be closed.

3.5.29. Ventilation systems should be tested at least once a year, as well as after overhaul, adjustment or unsatisfactory results of air analysis.

Evaluation of the efficiency of ventilation systems is confirmed by a technical report of a specialized organization with instructions (recommendations) on the mode of operation of the systems.

3.5.30. The gases received and supplied to consumers must meet the requirements of GOST 20448-90 "Liquefied hydrocarbon fuel gases for domestic consumption" and GOST 27578-87 "Liquefied hydrocarbon gases for road transport".

3.5.31. The intensity of the smell of gas must be checked in accordance with GOST 22387.5-77 "Gas for domestic consumption. Method for determining the intensity of the smell."

3.5.32. Preparation for the discharge of liquefied gases from railway tanks should be started after the tanks are fixed on the rail track and the locomotive is removed from the territory of the HPS.

3.5.33. The number of railway tanks simultaneously located on the territory of the STS should not exceed the number of discharge posts.

3.5.34. Loading and unloading operations must be carried out on the written order of the head of the station in compliance with the requirements of the production instructions.

The team must consist of at least 3 workers.

3.5.35. Loading and unloading operations during a thunderstorm and during hot work are prohibited.

3.5.36. Railway (road) tanks, rubber-fabric sleeves must be grounded.

It is allowed to disconnect the grounding devices after the completion of loading and unloading operations and the installation of plugs on the fittings of tank valves.

3.5.37. Rubber-fabric hoses used in loading and unloading operations must comply with the technical specifications and state standards that allow their use for liquefied hydrocarbon gases; for protection against static electricity, they must be wrapped with copper wire with a diameter of at least 2 mm or a copper cable with a cross section of at least 4 mm with a turn pitch of not more than 100 mm.

Both ends of the wire (cable) are connected to the tips of the sleeve by soldering or bolting.

3.5.38. It is allowed to use steel cord hoses, as well as flexible metal gas pipelines with swivel joints, designed for their use with liquefied hydrocarbon gases.

Inspection, testing, rejection of hoses used in loading and unloading operations must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Safety Rules for the operation of the gas facilities of automobile liquefied gas filling stations.

3.5.39. It is forbidden to tighten the union nuts of the hoses, disconnect the hoses under pressure, and also use an impact tool when screwing on and unscrewing the nuts.

Gate valves and valves on gas pipelines should be opened smoothly, without causing hydraulic shocks.

3.5.40. Before performing loading and unloading operations from tankers, with the exception of those equipped with pumps for pumping LPG, as well as when refueling LPG vehicles, the motor vehicles must be turned off.

It is allowed to turn on the engines only after disconnecting the sleeves and installing plugs on the fittings.

3.5.41. It is forbidden to leave filling, draining and filling dispensers, railway and automobile tanks, gas-balloon vehicles unattended during the discharge and loading of LPG.

There should be telephone, loud-speaking or visual communication between the personnel performing loading and unloading operations and the drivers of the pump-compressor department to transmit information about the pressure and level of gas in the tank and the receiving tank.

3.5.42. The maximum filling level of the tanks must not exceed 85% of the tank volume.

3.5.43. When filling tanks, tank trucks and cylinders, it is prohibited to reduce the pressure in them by dumping vapors into the atmosphere.

3.5.44. The pressure of the liquid phase in gas pipelines supplying gas for filling cylinders should not exceed the working pressure (1.6 MPa).

3.5.45. Filling of cylinders with design defects and expired technical examination periods is prohibited.

3.5.46. Suitability for filling automobile cylinders of vehicles belonging to legal entities, must be confirmed by a corresponding mark in the waybill (route) sheet.

The procedure for refueling personal vehicles and cars of individual entrepreneurs is determined by the instructions approved by the owner of the station.

Refueling of vehicles in which there are passengers is prohibited.

3.5.47. All cylinders, after filling with gas, must be subjected to a control check of the degree of filling by weighing or another method that provides control over the degree of filling.

Control scales for weighing cylinders must be checked before the start of each shift; the permissible error for them is (no more than):

10 g for cylinders with a capacity of 1 l;

20 g for 5 l and 12 l cylinders;

100 g for 27 l and 50 l cylinders.

3.5.48. Excess gas must be drained. Discharge of gas into the atmosphere is prohibited.

3.5.49. All filled cylinders must be checked for tightness and plugged.

Gas from leaky cylinders must be drained.

3.5.50. The number of cylinders in the filling shop should not exceed half of its total productivity.

Placement of cylinders in the aisles is prohibited.

3.5.51. Tanks and cylinders before examination and repair must be freed from gas, unevaporated residues and processed (degassed).

Processing of tanks and cylinders should be carried out by steaming them, followed by purging with an inert gas or filling with warm water.

Use for air degassing is prohibited.

Tanks are additionally disconnected from gas pipelines via steam and liquid phase with the help of plugs.

3.5.52. The sequence, time of degassing of tanks and cylinders and the necessary safety measures should be determined by the production instructions.

3.5.53. Pyrophoric deposits from tanks and dismantled sections of gas pipelines in a wet state must be removed from the station territory.

3.5.54. Waste water after degassing should initially be discharged into a sump, which excludes the ingress of LPG into the sewer.

3.5.55. The quality of the degassing should be checked by analyzing samples taken from the bottom of the vessel.

The concentration of liquefied gases in the sample after degassing should not exceed 20% of the lower flammable limit of the gas.

The results of the control should be reflected in the journal.

3.5.56. The inclusion of tanks in operation after survey or repair should be carried out on the basis of a written permission from the head of the station (point).

3.5.57. Hot work at the station (point) is allowed to be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the instructions for the organization of the safe conduct of hot work at explosive, explosive and fire hazardous facilities, approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

3.5.58. During the production of hot work, the main production activities (draining and loading) should be suspended.

The ventilation systems of the production area must be turned on.

Before starting and during work at the station, an analysis of the air environment for the content of LPG vapors should be carried out at a distance of at least 20 m from the place of work.

If LPG vapors are detected, hot work should be stopped.

3.5.59. Territories, industrial premises of stations (points) must be provided with primary fire extinguishing equipment.

When determining the types and required quantity of primary fire extinguishing equipment, one should be guided by the Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation PPB-01-93).

3.5.60. In the production area of ​​the stations, it is prohibited to perform work and stay of persons not related to production.

3.5.61. The personnel of the stations (points) must be warned against a receipt of the prohibition of smoking, and warning signs on the prohibition of the use of open fire are posted on the territory.

3.5.62. The procedure for issuing cylinders with LPG to consumers should be established by an instruction approved by the owner of the station and agreed with the territorial body of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, which should provide for checking the timing of the certification of cylinders, registering filled and dispensed cylinders to the consumer indicating the numbers in a special journal, a note that the consumer has a subscriber book issued by the operating organization of the gas industry.

3.5.63. Release of cylinders from the station must be carried out with protective caps screwed onto the neck.

3.5.64. The number of filled and empty cylinders at loading and unloading sites should not exceed twice the daily capacity of the filling compartment.

3.5.65. When moving cylinders, the possibility of their falling and damage must be excluded.

3.5.66. Entry into the territory of stations (points) is allowed for vehicles intended for loading and transporting cylinders:

specially equipped (such as "cage");

trucks with a spark arrester installed on the exhaust pipe, equipped with wooden lodgements or having a sufficient number of rubber (rope) rings and a device for attaching cylinders.

Vehicles must be equipped with fire extinguishing equipment and identification marks about the danger of the cargo.

3.5.67. It is allowed to refuel vehicles at the gas filling station, gas filling station and fill household cylinders at stationary gas filling stations, provided that special sites with separate entrance and exit for vehicles are allocated in accordance with the project.

3.5.68. It is allowed to refuel vehicles and fill household cylinders from mobile gas stations (tank trucks) at specially designated (according to the project) sites, the land allocation of which is agreed with the local administration and the territorial department of the state fire service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

3.5.69. Refueling of vehicles from mobile vehicles (tank trucks) must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Safety Rules for the operation of the gas facilities of automobile liquefied gas filling stations.

3.5.70. Sites intended for filling household cylinders must be equipped with: a weighing unit for filling household cylinders; control scales that provide standard weighing accuracy; a vessel (cylinder) for draining gas from overfilled cylinders; equipment ground loop; primary fire fighting equipment.

3.6. Reservoir, evaporation and group cylinder installations of LPG

3.6.1. The working pressure of LPG after the regulator of tank and group cylinder installations should not exceed the maximum provided by the project.

Safety relief valves must ensure gas discharge when the maximum working pressure is exceeded by no more than 15%. The upper limit of operation of the safety shut-off valves (PZK) should not exceed the maximum working gas pressure by more than 25%.

3.6.2. The procedure for the operation of reservoir, evaporation and group cylinder installations must comply with the requirements of these Rules, the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels (PB 10-115-96), the requirements of regulatory documents agreed with the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia:

carrying out external inspections of the technical condition of tank installations simultaneously with a bypass of gas pipelines;

checking the serviceability and settings of pressure regulators and safety valves at least 1 time in 3 months;

current repair of installations with dismantling of control, safety and stop valves at least 1 time in 12 months.

Checking the settings of the safety valves of underground tanks, their adjustment should be made at least 1 time in 12 months.

Information about the work performed should be recorded in the operational documentation.

3.6.3. Replacement of cylinders of installations located in a special building or extension to the building, and their maintenance must be carried out by at least two workers.

3.6.4. The operation of installations with malfunctions that can lead to accidents in the gas supply system or to accidents must be stopped until the malfunctions are rectified.

3.6.5. The coolant in the "shirts" of capacitive evaporators should be supplied only after filling them with liquefied gases.

3.6.6. Before draining LPG into tanks, the equipment of installations, tank trucks and hoses for loading and unloading operations should be inspected.

Draining of LPG is prohibited if equipment malfunctions are detected, the term for the next survey of tanks has expired, there is no residual gas pressure in the tank and primary fire extinguishing equipment.

3.6.7. Drainage of excess LPG, unevaporated residues from tanks should be carried out into liquefied gas tank trucks.

3.6.8. After filling the tanks or replacing the cylinders, the tightness of the connections and the setting of the pressure regulators should be checked. Detected LPG leaks must be repaired immediately.

3.6.9. Liquefied gas installations must be provided with primary fire extinguishing equipment in accordance with the requirements of the Rules fire safety in the Russian Federation (PPB-01-93).

3.6.10. Cabinets and rooms of group cylinder installations, fencing of sites of reservoir and evaporation plants must be provided with warning signs "Flammable - gas".

3.7. Internal gas pipelines and gas-using installations of heating and industrial boiler houses, industrial and agricultural industries and public buildings with industrial premises

3.7.1. The premises in which gas pipelines are laid and gas-using units and fittings are installed must be accessible to maintenance personnel and comply with the project.

Occupy these premises in whole or in part for warehouses, workshops, etc. prohibited.

3.7.2. It is forbidden to use gas pipelines as supporting structures and groundings.

3.7.3. Internal gas pipelines and gas equipment must be subject to maintenance at least once a month and current repairs - at least once every 12 months.

Current repairs of gas equipment may not be carried out annually if the manufacturer's passport (instruction) contains appropriate guarantees of reliable operation for a longer period and clarifications are given on the maintenance regime after the warranty period has expired.

Checking the technical condition, cleaning and repair of gas ducts (hogs) and chimneys should be carried out when repairing furnaces, boilers and other equipment, as well as in case of violations of draft.

3.7.4. Gas pipelines supplying gas to units, boilers and furnaces, when starting gas, must be purged with transported gas until all air is displaced from the gas transmission system for a time determined by calculation or experimentally and specified in the production instructions. The end of the purge is determined by an analysis of the oxygen content in the gas pipelines of the boiler. If the oxygen content is more than 1% by volume, ignition of the burners is prohibited.

It is forbidden to blow the gas pipelines of the boiler through the safety pipelines and gas burners of the boiler (furnace).

3.7.5. The furnaces and flues must be ventilated (ventilated) before putting the boilers, furnaces and units into operation.

The ventilation time is determined by calculation and set by the instruction or (for automated units) by the start-up (ignition) program.

The shut-off valves on the gas pipeline in front of the burner must open after the ignition device is switched on.

3.7.6. If, during the ignition of the burner or during the regulation process, a separation, flashover or extinction of the flame occurs, the gas supply to the burner and the ignition device must be immediately stopped.

It is allowed to start re-ignition after ventilation of the furnace and gas ducts within the time specified in the production instructions, as well as elimination of the cause of the malfunction.

3.7.7. It is allowed to operate gas-using installations without constant supervision by personnel when they are equipped with an automation system that ensures trouble-free operation and emergency protection in case of malfunctions.

Signals about gas contamination and malfunction of equipment, the state of the security alarm of the room where it is located, should be displayed at the control room or in a room with the constant presence of workers who are able to send personnel to take action or transfer information to the organization with which the service contract has been concluded.

3.7.8. The installed protective equipment must immediately stop the gas supply to the installation in the event of changes in the operation of the equipment according to controlled parameters.

In addition, the gas supply must be immediately stopped by the service personnel:

when leaks appear in the lining, at the installation sites of safety-explosive valves and gas ducts;

interruption of power supply or power failure on remote and automatic control devices and measuring instruments;

malfunctions of instrumentation, automation and signaling equipment;

failure of safety interlocks and loss of tightness of the shut-off valve in front of the burner;

malfunctions of burners, including flame arresters;

the appearance of gas pollution, the detection of gas leaks on gas equipment and internal gas pipelines;

explosion in the furnace space, explosion or ignition of combustible deposits in gas ducts;


The order of turning on the installations after a stop must be determined by the instruction.

3.7.9. The shut-off valves on the purge gas pipeline and safety gas pipelines must always be in the open position after the unit has been shut down.

3.7.10. In the event of an explosion and fire in a workshop or boiler room, gas contamination of the premises, the shut-off devices at the inlet of the gas pipeline must be immediately blocked.

3.7.11. Before repairing gas equipment, inspecting and repairing furnaces or gas ducts, as well as when decommissioning seasonal installations, gas equipment and ignition pipelines must be disconnected from gas pipelines with a plug installed after the stop valves.

3.7.12. Prior to commissioning seasonal installations, including heating boilers, the owner must ensure:

verification of knowledge of instructions by maintenance personnel in accordance with the requirements of these Rules;

maintenance of gas equipment and automation systems;

carrying out scheduled preventive maintenance of gasified installations and auxiliary equipment;

checking the health of ventilation and smoke exhaust systems.

Removing the plug and starting gas is allowed only if there are documents confirming the performance of the specified work.

3.7.13. Gas ducts of boilers, furnaces and other units brought out for repair must be disconnected from a common hog using blind gates or partitions.

3.7.14. Direct-flow heat generators that heat the heaters in the steam section of the baths must operate during the hours when there are no visitors and turn off before the opening of the baths.

3.8. Gas pipelines and gas equipment of administrative, public and residential buildings

3.8.1. Owners and operating organizations providing services for the technical maintenance and maintenance of engineering equipment of buildings must ensure:

providing gas facilities organizations with comprehensive assistance in the maintenance of gas equipment, as well as promoting the rules for the safe use of gas;

sealing the inputs and outputs of underground utilities to the basements of buildings, as well as at the intersections of building elements of buildings with gas pipelines;

unhindered access (at any time of the day) for employees of gas operating organizations to all basements, technical corridors and undergrounds, as well as the premises of the first floors to check them for gas contamination;

installation of gas pollution control systems in gasified premises of administrative and public buildings, in rooftops, in boiler houses built into and attached to these buildings;

timely inspection of the condition of ventilation and smoke exhaust systems, including iron connecting pipes (JST), chimney caps, and quality control of the performance of these works with registration of the results in a journal;

immediate notification of the operating organization of the gas economy about the need to turn off gas appliances when a malfunction of chimneys and unauthorized installed gas appliances is detected;

calling a representative of the operating organization of the gas economy to disconnect gas appliances from gas supply when residents leave.

3.8.2. Before the initial start-up of gas in administrative, public and residential buildings, the personnel of organizations and tenants (consumers) using gas appliances and apparatus (including restaurant-type) for food preparation and hot water supply, as well as apartment heating, must be instructed in the organization of gas facilities.

The working personnel of organizations - consumers of gas at least once every 12 months must be re-instructed at the workplace.

3.8.3. Maintenance of gas equipment and gas pipelines of administrative and public buildings should be carried out at least once every 6 months by an organization that has the appropriate license from the territorial body of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

3.8.4. Maintenance of gas pipelines, gas equipment (instruments and apparatus) in residential buildings must be carried out in accordance with the requirements approved by the established procedure.

3.8.5. The standard service life of gas equipment is established in accordance with the passports (instructions) of manufacturers; for domestic gas pipelines, this period is 30 years.

After the expiration of the standard service life, diagnostics of the technical condition of gas pipelines and equipment should be carried out in order to determine the residual resource with the development of measures to ensure safe operation for the entire period of life cycle extension, or justify the need for replacement.

3.8.6. Signs (nameplates) on the safe use of gas must be posted at gas burners of devices and apparatus with organized removal of combustion products, with a warning about the mandatory check for draft before and after ignition.

3.8.7. Devices and devices that have gas leaks, faulty safety automation, ventilation and smoke exhaust systems, destroyed chimney caps, as well as those that are unauthorized connected, are subject to shutdown with the installation of a plug and execution of an act.

Seasonally operating devices and devices in administrative and public buildings after the heating season are subject to shutdown with the installation of a plug and execution of an act.

3.8.8. Ventilation and smoke extraction systems must undergo periodic inspections:

before the heating season - chimneys of seasonally operating gas appliances and apparatus;

at least 1 time in 3 months - brick chimneys;

at least 1 time in 12 months - asbestos-cement, pottery chimneys, from special blocks of heat-resistant concrete, as well as ventilation ducts.

3.8.9. During inspections of ventilation and smoke exhaust systems, it is specified:

in the primary - the conformity of the materials used, the absence of clogging, density and isolation, the presence and serviceability of fire cuts, iron connecting pipes (ZHST), the serviceability of the chimney heads and their placement outside the wind backwater zone, the presence of draft;

with periodic - no clogging, density and isolation, serviceability of iron connecting pipes (ZHST) and heads, the presence of traction.

3.8.10. An organization licensed by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia should be involved in the inspection and repair of ventilation and smoke exhaust systems.

The results of the primary verification are documented in an act, periodic - in a special journal.

3.8.11. In the event that the ventilation and smoke exhaust systems are found unsuitable for further operation, the inspector is obliged to warn, against receipt, the gas consumer about the prohibition of the use of gas appliances and apparatus.

Inspection reports must be immediately submitted to the owner of the building, to the operating organization of the gas facilities or to the organization providing services for the maintenance and service of engineering equipment of buildings, in order to take measures to turn off gas appliances.

3.8.12. In winter, at least once a month, and in areas of the Northern building and climatic zone - at least 2 times a month, building owners should inspect the chimney caps in order to prevent their freezing and blockage.

3.8.13. Before starting work on the repair of ventilation and smoke exhaust systems, the owner of the building must notify the gas management organization in writing of the need to disconnect gas appliances and apparatus from the gas supply system.

After repair, ventilation and smoke exhaust systems are subject to an extraordinary check.

3.8.14. During the overhaul of buildings or the re-equipment of premises (resettlement of apartments), gas pipelines and gas equipment must be turned off with the installation of a plug and execution of an act.

3.9. Flame treatment of metals using liquefied hydrocarbon gases (propane-butane)

3.9.1. Works on gas cutting, welding and other types of flame treatment of metals, as well as the use of open fire from other sources are allowed at a distance (horizontally) of at least:

10 m - from group gas-cylinder installations;

5 m - from separate cylinders with oxygen and combustible gases;

3 m - from gas pipelines and rubber-fabric sleeves, as well as from gas folding posts during manual gas flame work and 1.5 m - when using automatic and semi-automatic lines.

3.9.2. LPG cylinders must be kept upright during operation.

3.9.3. The maximum allowable temperature of a cylinder with liquefied gas is not more than 45 °C.

Cylinders installed indoors must be at least 1 m from radiators and other heating devices, and at least 5 m from heat sources with open fire.

3.9.4. Portable burners and mobile units may be connected using rubber-fabric sleeves, the technical specifications and state standards for the manufacture of which indicate the possibility of their use for liquefied hydrocarbon gases.

The length of the sleeve should not exceed 30 m. It should consist of no more than three separate pieces, interconnected by special double-sided nipples. The ends of the sleeves must be securely fastened to the gas pipeline and to the burner with clamps. A shut-off valve, in addition to the valve on the burner or mobile unit, must be located up to the sleeve.

The use of rubber-fabric sleeves with cracks, cuts, swelling and abrasions is not allowed.

3.9.5. It is forbidden to produce gas welding, cutting and other types of flame treatment of metals in basements and basements, as well as in wells, mines and other underground structures.

3.9.6. It is forbidden to take liquefied gas from the cylinder when the working pressure in it drops below 0.05 MPa.

3.9.7. Approaches to all gas folding posts must be free. Installation of cylinders in the aisles and driveways is prohibited.

3.9.8. Repairing burners, cutters and other equipment at the workplace is prohibited.

3.9.9. When the burner (cutter) is operating, the flame must be directed away from the cylinders. If it is impossible to fulfill the specified requirement, the cylinders must be protected by a metal screen.

3.9.10. It is forbidden to purge the combustible gas hose with oxygen and the oxygen hose with combustible gas, as well as interchange the hoses during operation.

3.10. Electrochemical protection of gas pipelines against corrosion

3.10.1. When operating steel underground gas pipelines and LPG tanks (hereinafter referred to as gas pipelines), the requirements of GOST 9.602-89 "Underground structures. General requirements for corrosion protection" must be met.

Operation of means of electrochemical protection of gas pipelines and periodic monitoring of potentials on underground gas pipelines should be carried out by specialized organizations, services (groups), laboratories.

3.10.2. During the operation of electrochemical protection installations, periodic technical inspection and verification of the effectiveness of their work should be carried out.

3.10.3. Checking the efficiency of the operation of electrochemical protection installations is carried out at least once every 6 months, as well as with each change in the operation parameters of the installations (change in the spreading resistance of the anode ground electrode, etc.), when corrosive conditions change associated with the installation of electrochemical protection on adjacent communications, changing the configuration of the gas and rail network in the protection zone, laying new underground structures.

3.10.4. Checking the effectiveness of electrochemical protection of gas pipelines is carried out by measuring potentials in the protected section of the gas network at reference points (at the connection point of the electrochemical protection installation and at the boundaries of the protective zone created by it).

To connect to the gas pipeline, control and measuring points, entrances to buildings and other elements of the gas pipeline available for measurements can be used.

3.10.5. Measurements of electrical potentials on gas pipelines in the areas of action of protective equipment should be carried out at least once every 6 months, and also after each change in corrosion conditions or plant operation parameters.

3.10.6. The measurement of electrical potentials in order to determine the dangerous effect of stray currents on sections of gas pipelines that previously did not require protection is carried out at all measurement points once every 2 years, as well as with each change in corrosion conditions.

3.10.7. Serviceability of insulating flange connections should be checked at least once every 12 months.

3.10.8. Terms of maintenance and repair of electrical installations are regulated by manufacturers. At the same time, a technical inspection of electrical protective installations that are not equipped with telemechanical control should be carried out at least 4 times a month - on drainage installations, 2 times a month - on cathode installations, 1 time in 6 months - on tread installations.

3.10.9. An organization operating electrochemical protection installations must develop and implement a maintenance and repair system aimed at preventing violations of the operation of protective installations.

Violations in the operation of protective installations must be eliminated promptly.

3.10.10. An organization performing work to protect existing gas pipelines must have maps of gas pipelines indicating the locations of electrochemical protection installations and control points, generalized data on the corrosiveness of soils and sources of stray currents, and also conduct an annual analysis of the corrosive state of gas pipelines and efficiency protection work.

3.10.11. When corrosive zones are identified, the organization - the owner of gas pipelines should take measures to enhance their protection against corrosion. The deadlines for the performance of work are determined based on the operating conditions of the organization performing work to protect gas pipelines, in agreement with the territorial body of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

Prior to the elimination of corrosive zones, the owner organization must develop and implement measures to ensure the safe operation of gas pipelines.

3.10.12. The owner of gas pipelines must establish the causes of the occurrence of corrosive zones.

Each case of through corrosion damage to gas pipelines is subject to investigation by a commission, which should include a representative of the organization that performs work to protect city gas pipelines. The owner of the gas pipeline is obliged to notify the gas supervision inspectorate of the territorial body of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia about the date and place of work of the commission.

3.11. Explosion-proof electrical equipment, instrumentation, automation and alarm systems

3.11.1. The organization (owner) must ensure constant technical supervision, maintenance, maintenance and overhaul of instruments and means of control, automation and signaling installed on gas pipelines and units, as well as explosion-proof electrical equipment that provides a safe switching mode for electrical circuits in explosion-hazardous areas and premises.

3.11.2. Checking the tightness of impulse gas pipelines and shutoff valves should be carried out during inspections and maintenance of gas equipment.

3.11.3. The scope and frequency of maintenance and repair of measuring instruments, automation and signaling systems are established by state standards for the relevant instruments or manufacturer's instructions.

3.11.4. Carrying out metrological supervision of measuring instruments is carried out in accordance with GOST 8.002-86 "Organization and procedure for conducting verification, revision and examination of measuring instruments".

3.11.5. The following working measuring instruments are subject to periodic metrological verification:

thrust gauges; pressure gauges showing, self-recording, remote - at least 1 time in 12 months;

weighing instruments used for control weighing of LPG cylinders - at least 1 time in 12 months;

portable and stationary standardized gas analyzers, signaling devices for pre-explosive gas concentrations - 1 time in 6 months, unless other terms are established by the manufacturer;

standard weights - at least 1 time in 12 months.

3.11.6. It is not allowed to use measuring instruments that do not have a seal or stamp, the verification period is overdue, there are damages, the arrow does not return to zero division of the scale when turned off by an amount exceeding half the permissible error for this device.

3.11.7. On the dial or case of indicating manometers, the scale value corresponding to the maximum working pressure should be marked with paint.

3.11.8. The value of the settings for the operation of safety automation and alarm means must correspond to the parameters specified in the technical report of the commissioning organization. At the same time, the signaling devices that control the state of the air environment should work when a gas concentration in the room does not exceed 20% of the lower flammability limit of the gas.

3.11.9. Checking the operation of protection devices, interlocks and alarms should be carried out at least once a month, unless other periods are provided by the manufacturer.

3.11.10. Checking the gas detector for compliance with the established parameters must be carried out using a test gas mixture.

Checking the operation of the gas alarm by deliberately gassing the premises from the existing gas pipeline is prohibited.

3.11.11. The operation of gas equipment with disabled control and measuring devices provided for by the project, interlocks and alarms is prohibited.

3.11.12. Devices removed for repair or for verification must be immediately replaced with identical ones, including those according to operating conditions.

3.11.13. It is allowed in technically justified cases, with the written permission of the head of the organization, short-term operation of individual installations and units with disabled protection, subject to the adoption of additional measures to ensure their trouble-free and safe operation.

3.11.14. Prior to the replacement of a continuous gas alarm, it is necessary to control the concentration of gas in the air of industrial premises with portable devices every 30 minutes of a work shift.

3.11.15. Maintenance and repair of measuring instruments, automation and telemechanics devices must be carried out by the service of the owner organization or, under the contract, by a specialized organization that has the appropriate license from the territorial body of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

3.11.16. Work on adjustment and repair of automation systems, emergency protection and alarm systems in conditions of gas contamination is prohibited.

3.11.17. Electrical equipment used in gas facilities must be operated in accordance with the requirements of the rules for the operation of consumer electrical installations, approved in the prescribed manner.

3.11.18. The procedure for organizing the repair of explosion-proof electrical equipment, the volume and frequency of work performed in this case must comply with the requirements in agreement with the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

3.12. Requirements for gas equipment

3.12.1. The design of gas equipment must ensure reliability, durability and safety of operation during the estimated service life adopted in specifications and state standards, as well as the possibility of its repair, replacement of individual units (blocks).

3.12.2. The gas equipment used must comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation.

3.12.3. Gas equipment, including foreign-made equipment, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, must be certified and have permission from the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia for use.

The presence of a certificate of conformity and permission should be reflected in the passports (forms) of the equipment.

3.12.4. The procedure for admission of prototypes (batches) of new gas equipment (technical products) to operational tests in organizations controlled by Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, at production facilities and facilities, issuance of a permit for serial (small-scale) production of equipment, as well as for the use of imported equipment is established by the Instruction on the procedure for issuing by Gosgortekhnadzor Russia of permits for the production and use of equipment for the gas industry of the Russian Federation, approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia on 14.02.95.

3.12.5. Gas equipment (technical products) after the expiration of the estimated service life is subject to diagnostics in order to determine the residual life with the development of measures to ensure safe operation for the entire period of life cycle extension, or justify the need for replacement.

These rules are designed to ensure safety at enterprises, organizations and residential premises, regardless of their form of ownership. They are subject to both officials responsible for the operation of gas facilities, and private homeowners or residents using gas. From their strict observance and implementation of all the recommendations specified in normative documents depend on the life and health of people, the integrity of their property.

In the gas industry, they provide for responsibility for the safety of equipment and the maintenance of engineering communications inputs to the premises in good condition. Only in this case is it possible to safely use appliances that provide heating for residential and industrial premises, cooking. In addition, these rules govern the fact that ventilation is mandatory - chimneys. In private households, the obligation to comply with the rules rests with the owners of apartments and houses, in housing maintenance organizations and housing cooperatives - with their leaders (chairmen). Both owners and persons directly using gas are responsible for the safe operation of gas appliances used in everyday life. High-quality repair of gas equipment and its maintenance is provided by operating organizations.

Safety rules in the gas sector dictate the following responsibilities for homeowners and housing maintenance organizations:

  1. Assistance to gas enterprises in the maintenance of equipment, as well as propaganda among the population of the basics of safe use of gas.
  2. Providing employees of operating organizations of gas facilities with unlimited access to residential and technical premises located on the first and ground floors, in order to check them for gas contamination.
  3. Timely notification of gas facilities that it is necessary to turn off gas appliances due to the detection of their malfunction.
  4. Settlement of gasified apartments only if there is a document confirming the tenant or owner of the housing by representatives of the gas utility company.
  5. Calling a gas worker in the event of a tenant leaving the apartment to turn off the gas appliances in it.

Safety rules in the gas industry provide for obligations for the population using gas for domestic purposes:

  1. Passing instructions on the safe use of gas in the organization responsible for the operation of the gas facilities, compliance with the instructions for using gas appliances.
  2. Calling the employees of the gas management enterprise if it is necessary to make changes to the gas outlets (their design) or detect a malfunction of the equipment, admission to the apartment of the above workers at any time. For the purposes, the presentation of service certificates should be required.
  3. Economical consumption of gas, timely payment of its cost and cost
  4. Periodic check of the heads in winter, cleaning them from frost and ice.

Only in the case when the safety rules in the gas sector are observed, the efficient work of all structures responsible for its operation, preserving the life and health of citizens is ensured. It is about such documents that they say that they are written with the blood of the victims, and their implementation helps to prevent the repetition of tragedies, because behind many cases of violations are someone's broken destinies.

The health and life of people, the safety of their property directly depend on the strict observance of certain safety rules in the conduct of gas facilities. Such requirements are specified in special regulatory documents. This is a direct responsibility for the long-term use of equipment, for maintaining all utilities in working order.

Basic requirements for gas operation

Modern safety rules in a certain way provide for certain obligations regarding the use of gas in everyday life. Here you can note such points as:

1. Passing instructions on the safe use of gas in organizations that are responsible for the operation of such a facility, as well as strict adherence to the basic instructions for the use of gas equipment.
2. If necessary, it is required to call an employee of the gas management company. This is necessary to make certain changes to the taps of a similar engineering communication, during their operation, if some malfunctions are detected in the equipment used. At the same time, the admission of specialists must be ensured at any time. To ensure your own security, you need to check for the presence of an official identity.
3. It is important to observe the most economical gas consumption, as well as to make timely payments. There is a requirement for the competent and careful use of devices, to carry out timely maintenance.
4. It is required to periodically organize a check of the head in the winter, thoroughly clean it from frost and frost.
5. It is necessary to ensure high-quality ventilation in the building, in particular, the installation of chimneys.
6. If breakdowns are found during thorough inspections, it is required to immediately organize the repair of gas equipment.

There are also some requirements regarding construction companies. Settling in gasified apartments and houses is allowed only if all the necessary documentation is available, which will confirm the passage of a certain safety briefing for the owner of the apartment, as well as the compliance of the object with all safety requirements.

Summing up

Only with full observance of safety rules in a gasified economy, it is possible to ensure the smooth operation of all structures that are responsible for the operational process. More importantly, the preservation of human health and life can be guaranteed. Strict observance of such rules will prevent the occurrence of tragic situations.

1.1. In each gas facility, instructions on labor protection (safety) must be drawn up and approved in the prescribed manner, establishing the rules for the performance of work and behavior in industrial premises and on the territory of gas facilities in relation to the types of work performed and taking into account local conditions and properties of the gas used. The instructions must contain fire safety requirements at gas facilities. 1.2. The head of the enterprise is responsible for the general state of labor safety in the gas sector. 1.3. Employees of all professions involved in the operation of gas supply systems must undergo the following special safety briefings: introductory; primary in the workplace; repeated; unscheduled; current. 1.4. An introductory briefing on labor safety for applicants should be carried out by the chief engineer or his deputy, the labor protection engineer or the employee who is entrusted with these duties. 1.5. An initial briefing on labor safety at the workplace is carried out for each employee hired before allowing him to work independently, as well as when transferring an employee to another workshop or a new job for him. The briefing at the workplace is carried out by the person in whose subordination the employee is. 1.6. Workers of cross-cutting professions, regardless of qualifications and work experience in this profession, must undergo repeated safety training every 3 months. 1.7. Unscheduled briefing on labor safety is carried out in the following cases: - when changing the technological process, replacing and upgrading equipment, as well as in cases where working conditions change significantly; - when workers violate the rules, norms and instructions on labor safety, as well as when using incorrect methods and methods of work that can lead to an accident; - if an accident has occurred as a result of violations of labor safety requirements; - when new rules or instructions on labor protection (safety) are put into effect, by order of the head of the enterprise, at the request of the Gosgortekhnadzor bodies of Russia if insufficient knowledge is found by the operating instructions. 1.8. The current briefing is carried out before the production of work for which a work permit is issued, and is recorded in this work order. 1.9. The results of the briefings on labor safety should be recorded in the briefing log, in the personal briefing card. (As amended by Changes No. 1, approved by the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation on March 22, 1994) 1.10. Control over the briefing is entrusted to the chief engineer of the gas facilities enterprise or his deputy and the labor safety engineer. 1.11. Responsible for the implementation of the rules and instructions for the protection (safety) of labor during the performance of work are the supervisors of the work (foremen, foremen, etc.). 1.12. The administration of the gas economy enterprise and the heads of gas services of enterprises and organizations are obliged to provide workers and employees with overalls, safety shoes and personal protective equipment of the required size in accordance with the nature of the work performed and model rules . Personal protective equipment issued to workers should be checked and workers instructed on how to use them. Work supervisors should not allow people to work without appropriate overalls, safety shoes and personal protective equipment. The work manager is obliged to check the availability and serviceability of personal protective equipment for workers before starting work. 1.13. The requirements for persons performing gas hazardous work must comply with the instructions of the "Safety Rules in the Gas Industry". 1.14. Instructed workers who know the safe methods of working with these tools are allowed to work with pneumatic tools. 1.15. Persons who have been instructed in safe methods of conducting the specified work, familiar with the Instructions for the delivery and replacement of LPG cylinders at consumers are allowed to transport and install LPG cylinders filled with LPG. (Clause 1.15 as amended by Changes No. 1, approved by the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation on March 22, 1994) 1.16. For the performance of work with technical spirits, the most qualified workers at the age of at least 18 years should be appointed. The list of persons admitted to work with alcohols must be established by order of the enterprise. 1.17. In accordance with the current labor legislation, persons under the age of 18 who have undergone production safety training are allowed to load and unload operations. The norms of maximum allowable loads when lifting and moving weights manually should be taken according to Table. 4. The mass of the lifted and moved cargo includes the mass of tare and packaging. It is allowed to lift the load along the inclined gangway with a height of not more than 3 m. 1.18. Gas hazardous work should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Section 6 of the "Safety Rules in the Gas Industry". 1.19. For gas-hazardous work performed on work orders, a single work order form has been developed, in which there should be links to instructions drawn up by the types of work performed, labor safety and fire safety. The launch of gas into residential buildings must be carried out according to the act-order for the initial launch of gas into residential buildings. 1.20. All workers must be provided with the necessary protective equipment and devices appropriate for the type of gas hazardous work performed. The personal protective equipment used must be checked and tested. 1.21. In the performance of all types of work on damaged underground gas pipelines, measures must be taken to prevent the ignition of the gas exiting the gas pipelines. If during excavation there is a threat of poisoning or asphyxiation by gas, workers must be in gas masks. 1.22. Connecting power tools without plugs and sockets is prohibited. The handles of power tools and the inputs of the wires supplying them must have reliable and serviceable insulation, the condition of which must be carefully examined before issuing the tool. Power tools must be disconnected from the mains when you stop or interrupt work with a power tool, as well as when the power supply is turned off while working with a power tool. 1.23. If voltage is detected on the body of the power tool, work must be stopped immediately. 1.24. The reserve of hose gas masks should be 5-10% of the number of people using them in the gas industry. 1.25. Before working in a hose gas mask, it is necessary to check its serviceability. The mask or helmet of the gas mask must be sized and fit snugly to the face without causing pain. The size of a helmet or a hose gas mask is selected in accordance with the general rules for the selection of gas masks. 1.26. The gas mask hose must have an internal diameter of at least 20 mm and a length of at least 8 m, but not more than 15 m for self-priming and not more than 40 m for gas masks with mechanical air supply. 1.27. Oxygen-proof gas masks should be used when the use of hose-type ones is not possible. If the regenerative cartridge has worked for more than 30 minutes in one or several steps, it must be recharged or replaced with a new one. 1.28. The employee in charge of issuing oxygen-insulating gas masks is obliged to check the operation of all parts of the gas mask according to the instructions attached to each gas mask, in the presence of the responsible head of gas hazardous work and the owner of the gas mask. 1.29. Gas masks should be stored in special cabinets at a distance of at least 3 m from heating devices and 0.75 m from external walls, in a room with a temperature of no more than 25 degrees. C. Responsibility for the condition and maintenance of gas masks lies with the person appointed by the administration of the enterprise. Persons who constantly use a gas mask are given individual nominal gas masks and allocate cabinets for their storage. 1.30. When assembled, oxygen-isolating gas masks are placed in a vertical position, while the cylinder valve must be closed. Oxygen-insulating gas masks are not allowed to be lubricated with any kind of oil. 1.31. After use, the rubber parts of gas masks must be washed with a stream of warm water, directed so that water does not fall on the outer surface of the corrugated tube. After washing the gas mask, the part of the mask or helmet adjacent to the face should be disinfected. All metal parts (valve box, taps, valve guides, union nuts on the breathing bag) are thoroughly wiped, and the rubber parts are dried with heated air. Natural drying is allowed, but always in the shade, under a canopy or in a well-ventilated area. The body of the gas mask, the outer surface of the oxygen supply mechanism and the excess valve are wiped with a soft, clean rag. After cleaning, the gas mask is assembled and checked according to the instructions. To disinfect the rubber parts of the gas mask, you can use: 1) ethyl alcohol (denatured); 2) 3% solution boric acid; 3) 0.1% solution of quinazole; 4) 0.5% potassium permanganate solution. After disinfection with solutions 2, 3 and 4, the parts are washed with water and dried. 1.32. The rubber parts of the gas mask (mask, corrugated tube and valve) during long-term storage must be sprinkled with talc. 1.33. The degree of suitability of belts, carabiners and ropes is determined by external examination and testing. 1.34. An external inspection of belts, carabiners and ropes should be carried out before work and after each use by the employee to whom they are assigned. 1.35. The belt cannot be used due to the following damages: - waist tape or shoulder straps (tear, cut, regardless of their size); - belts for fastening (tear, cut, regardless of their size); - buckles, no washers on the rivets; - cut by rivets of material (belt tape, straps, belts). The use of belts that do not correspond to the size, as well as their sewing, is not allowed. 1.36. The main malfunctions of the carbine, due to which it is recognized as unusable, are: - jamming of the shutter when it is opened; - deformation (shutter does not close); - the presence of protrusions and irregularities at the place where the fastening enters the lock; - leaks and protrusions in the place of the hinged fastening of the shutter; - weakness of the shutter spring; - the presence of roughness and sharp protrusions on the surface. 1.37. The length of the rope used must be at least 6 m, and when working in wells, collectors, pits and trenches, its length must be 2 m more than the depth of the well, collector, etc. 1.38. Malfunctions and damage that give rise to a rope being considered unusable include broken threads and moisture. If wet, the rope must be dried. 1.39. All personal protective equipment that fails the test must be discarded and destroyed.

PB 529 12 03 - a set of safety rules that must be observed during the operation of gas distribution and gas consumption systems, was valid for 10 years and was canceled in November 2013 by order of Rostekhnadzor. Thus, today PB 12 529 03, which entered into force on 18.03. 2003 have the status of an invalid document.

What was the purpose of PB 529 12 03

PB 12 529 regulated all stages of work with gas distribution networks: from development project documentation, construction of systems, their installation, maintenance, debugging to reconstruction and overhaul. Along with PB 12, the rules for working with gas networks are enshrined in General Rules of industrial safety for organizations involved in the field of industrial safety, approved by the predecessor of Rostekhnadzor - Gosgortekhnadzor - in November 2002.

The PB for gas supply applied to gas pipeline facilities located:

  • in settlements and in inter-settlement territories;
  • external and internal systems installed in industrial enterprises and in the production of the agricultural sector;
  • CHPP equipment, points for preparation, purification and dehydration of gas;
  • internal and external systems of district heating plants, as well as boiler houses various kinds, both built-in and placed on the roof;
  • gas regulation points, GRPB, cabinet points, gas control units;

PB 529 12 03 replaced the federal norms of Rostekhnadzor

The safety rules in the gas industry (PB 12 529 03) also applied to the means of protecting gas pipeline systems from corrosion, to the means of automatic control of the supply and distribution of raw materials, as well as to buildings located on gas pipeline networks. PB 12 529 03 did not apply to gas pipelines and equipment installed at metallurgical enterprises, as well as at automobile compressor stations.

Having become invalid according to the order of Rostekhnadzor, the gas distribution and gas consumption safety regulations were replaced by federal safety rules for gas distribution and gas consumption networks. Federal regulations, which have become the heir to PB 529, came into force on 28.07. 2014. New safety rules for gas distribution and gas consumption systems have left in the past a whole section containing technical requirements to boiler rooms: production and heating. The updated version of the rules, unlike PB 12 529 03, does not contain a block with gas distribution terminology, as well as the requirements for certification of employees and managers.

Where to find PB 12 529 03

In system "Techexpert: Industrial Safety" You will find the text of the invalid PB 12 529 03 with the latest changes, a comparative analysis of PB 529 03 and new federal regulations. Users of the system have access to author's materials on such topics as:

  • legislative initiatives in the field of industrial safety in the operation of gas networks;
  • causes of emergencies at gas supply facilities.