Standard electrical connection. Connecting the site to electricity. Video: Solar panels for home

A building cannot be considered residential if its power supply is not organized. The difficulty is not in connecting to electrical networks itself, but in the fact that the owners of a private house are often lost, not knowing where to turn. Let's figure out what it is - technical conditions for connecting to electrical networks in relation to a private home, whose competence this includes and approximately how much it costs.

GOST should not be confused with TU. A standard is a set of state requirements relating to a specific field of activity, type of product, and so on. Technical specifications are departmental documentation developed on the basis of the same GOST, SNiP, and internal regulations. That is, these are just rules that are binding on both parties involved in the contract for the supply of electricity, as well as the basic criteria that the equipment and devices used must meet.

Definitely contact your local administration. Making inquiries about neighbors is usually a waste of time. Firstly, they could simply buy a house and buy it themselves. But this is not the main thing, because there is a second thing. If in a specific locality (microdistrict) electricity is supplied to the population by various organizations (and this is not uncommon), then they have their own “areas of responsibility”. Where is the border? Which energy specialist is the “networker” and which is the “supplier”? Neighbors may simply not know about this (and they don’t have to). But the relevant structural unit of the local administration probably has such data.

The second option is to contact power engineers directly (if a private house is within the boundaries of a populated area). If this is not their territory, they will tell you how to contact neighboring companies.

There is one more (third) solution. Find out where your neighbors pay their electricity bills and contact the payment collection point. They will probably tell you how to proceed next.

Example of technical specifications

Each resource supplying organization can establish its own form of forms for connecting to electrical networks. They may differ in the alternation of points, their number and a number of other characteristics. But in any case, the following points should be indicated in the technical specifications.

  1. Connection diagram (power reception). Attached to it:
  • a list of en/receiving devices located in a private home;
  • their maximum total power (kW);
  • consumed voltage (V);
  • reliability category (degree of wear) of devices (installations);
  • data on the timing of putting each sample into operation (for used equipment).

  1. Power sources (indicating characteristics) – main and backup (if provided), connected voltage (kV).
  1. Connection points to the electrical network (with identification of switch contacts and load busbars).
  1. Voltage rating at connection points.
  1. Responsibilities of the electricity supplier (terms for the development of project documentation, its approval, installation work; as well as for resolving issues, if necessary, with third parties).
  1. Responsibilities of the owner of a private building (within the site) in terms of connecting to electrical networks.
  1. Validity period of the technical specifications (until... – day, month, year).

What to prepare

An application from the owner of a private house for connection to electrical networks will not be accepted unless a package of documents is attached to it. To save time, you need to take the following with you (for the first three - originals and photocopies).

  • Passport.
  • A document confirming ownership of the house and land.
  • Site plan (in any design, even by hand). It must indicate all consumers of electricity, as well as the adjacent territory to the facility (transformer, substation) where the connection will be made (indicating the distance to it).
  • List of all technical devices (consumers of electrical energy) with calculation of total power.

If the application is submitted not by the owner himself, but by another person at his request (instruction), then an additional power of attorney to carry out such actions is attached.

What to consider

The total power of all electrical energy consumers in the house should not exceed 15 kW. This is stipulated in Rules No. 861 of 2007 (approved by the Government of the Russian Federation). But it can be increased to 20 if the distance from the connection point to the border of the site does not exceed (in m): 500 - rural areas, 300 - within the boundaries of a populated area.

The standard contract states that its validity period is from 2 to 5 years (no less and no more). But each administrative division may have its own rules that do not directly contradict the governing documents. This issue should be clarified immediately.

Regardless of whether the available capacity allows it or not, the resource supplying organization is obliged to enter into an agreement for the supply of electricity with the owner of a private residential building. If it does not have such an opportunity at the moment, then it will be the power engineers who will have to solve the problem.

It is better to order design documentation for connecting to electrical networks from the supplier of this service. This is a guarantee that conflict situations will not arise later. If a third-party organization develops a project according to technical specifications, then the power engineers will find something to complain about, it’s been verified. At least for the fact that a “piece of bread” was taken away from them. And they definitely won’t have any complaints about their own departmental designers.

Power engineers are required to issue technical specifications within a month. Regardless of the time of year, climatic factors, or lack of specialists, they must install everything that is necessary to organize the electrical supply of a private home in no more than six months. In some cases (for example, a large distance from the point of connection to the site), the period is increased, but not more than two years.

If energy workers do not meet the agreed deadlines, they can not only be “adjusted” by submitting a claim, but also receive monetary compensation. You just need to contact a specialized lawyer, and he himself will find the justifications, and at the same time determine the approximate amount to be collected.

Cost of work

The maximum price for connecting to electrical networks, which can be set by electricity suppliers (if the power does not exceed 15 kW), is 550 rubles. An additional payment can only be made if the owner wants to speed up this process. But only with his personal consent, without any coercion.

Often, power engineers, taking advantage of our incompetence, use various tricks to increase the fee for connecting to electrical networks. There are different arguments - the complexity of the work, lack of capacity, and so on. It is illegal! To put it simply, these are their problems, not the consumer’s, which they are trying to solve at his expense.

The article highlights the main points that every owner of a private home needs to know. More detailed information can only be obtained from the resource supplying organization itself, which will issue technical specifications for connecting to electrical networks. As already noted, each has its own rules. Therefore, in order to resolve the issue with technical specifications the first time, it is advisable to clarify all the nuances in advance with the local division of Energosbyt.

Building your home is only half the battle. It must be provided with everything that is necessary for normal living. Not a single building can be considered fully suitable for habitation if it lacks water, light, and heat. That is why various engineering communications are laid during the construction process.

But they will begin to function only after they are connected to external highways (about autonomous systems, such as generators -).

And this is where the most unpleasant part begins. For the most part, all this trouble is due to the fact that people simply do not know where they need to go, what documents to prepare and submit. There is a rather vague concept of both the timing of the work and its cost. In order not to depend on the mood of this or that official, you need to know what regulations regulate the organization and conduct of such events.

Without going into details that only a specialized specialist can understand, we will note the main points that the average consumer needs to know when connecting their home to central power grids.

Everything is determined by Rules No. 861 (the name is long, so we will call it briefly “Rules”), which were approved by the Government on December 27, 2007. In particular, they describe in detail the entire technology for connecting private residential buildings to electrical networks. What do we need to know?

The energy supply organization is obliged to conclude an agreement with the owner of the home for the supply of electricity. Moreover (attention!) regardless of whether she has such an opportunity at the moment or not.

There is a nuance here - this is the case if the power consumption of all the Applicant’s devices does not exceed 15 kW. In this case, all those “objects” that were previously connected to this connection point are also taken into account. That is, 15 kW is the total power for 1 consumer.

If from the boundary of the site to the connection point (transformer, switchgear, etc.) in a straight line does not exceed:

  • for rural areas – 500 m
  • for cities, urban-type settlements – 300m,

then the power can be increased to 20 kW.

Where to go

To the organization that supplies electricity to this “territory”. Information about it can be obtained either from the local administration, or checked with neighbors (if they have already connected).

It happens that the site is located on the border of the zones of “responsibility” of 2 different electricity suppliers. In this case, the connection is made by the one whose objects (poles, substation or something else where the connection will be made) the border of the site is closer.

How to apply

Submit an application (in writing). What should I include in it?

  • First name, patronymic, last name.
  • Passport details. It is also possible to enter them from another identification document (for example, a license), but this is in agreement with the organization.
  • Location of the connection object (house) – address.
  • List and name of devices that will be connected, indicating their total power in “kW”.
  • Dates when the design will be completed. In addition, the expected commissioning dates for the connected equipment. But this needs to be clarified in advance with the design and installation organizations.

What should I attach (photocopies)?

  • Passport (or other document specified in the application).
  • Certificates of ownership of the house.
  • A list of all units (devices) that will be connected, indicating the power of each of them.
  • Load calculations.
  • Site plan indicating the location of the attached objects. In this case, it is necessary in this diagram to outline not only the territory of the house itself, but also the adjacent area on which the object is located, where the connection will be made (and to scale). This is necessary to determine the distances from the land ownership boundary to the energy supply facility.

If the documents are submitted not by the owner himself, but by his representative, then you will also need a power of attorney certified by a notary office.

Based on the application, Technical Conditions are issued, according to which the project is developed.


  • It takes no more than a month to issue the Technical Specifications.
  • Connection based on the submitted application must be made no later than six months from the date of conclusion of the Agreement. This takes into account the laying of communications (for example, cable, if the connection is from a substation), installation of additional poles (air connection).
  • It will take specialists about 2 to 3 days to carry out the installation work to connect all the devices.

It may also be that the distance between the border and the joining point is greater than indicated (from 300 or 500 m). In this case, the Supplier is given up to 2 years to lay the line, but payment for a temporary connection will be charged at an individual tariff (higher). You can speed up such “construction”, but at your own expense. This is decided on an individual basis, since each organization has its own nuances in the provision of services.


It should not exceed 550 rubles if the estimated energy consumption is no more than 15 kW.

Important point! If the application specified power is up to 15 kW (inclusive), then no one has the right to demand any additional payments from the property owner.

This cannot be called a “rule,” but sometimes it happens that the Applicant is told that “this and that” will need to be paid separately. There are different explanations - the complexity of the work, the need to erect additional “structures” or increase the technological capabilities of equipment, and the like. All this is illegal. In other words, this is “not our problem” (if the distance from the site to the connection point and the declared power do not exceed the above limits).

  • The list of documents may be slightly changed. Therefore, before preparing them, this issue needs to be clarified with a specific supply organization. The fact is that within the framework of all-Russian legislation, regional authorities can make some additions, taking into account local conditions. In addition, there are departmental documents that clarify certain provisions.
  • If the supplying organization does not meet the established deadlines (and this is not uncommon), then a formal complaint should be made in writing. There are many “subtleties” here, so it is better to contact a lawyer. Electricity suppliers can give various reasons (lack of funding, staffing problems, etc.). But the owner has nothing to do with it. There is an Agreement, and it is not fulfilled due to the fault of the other party. By the way, an experienced lawyer will also tell you how to recover compensation for moral damage. And it can be quite decent (in monetary terms).
  • It is more expedient to order the connection project from the Supplier. They are all quite jealous about this, and if the documents are developed by a third-party organization, then difficulties may arise later. If they want, specialists will always find something to hook a non-professional on. At the very least, this will help save both time and nerves. After all, it is clear that no one will find fault with “their” document.

Unauthorized connection is fraught with serious trouble. If this fact is revealed, then the relevant organization, among other things, will issue such an invoice (and prove its validity) that it will take a very long time to pay, according to a court decision.

You can supply electricity to a site without buildings at any time convenient for you. But before you start connecting the lights, you will need to clarify the power of the devices that you will need for the full functioning of your home. In addition, it is important to accurately calculate the distance at which the electricity lines should be located relative to the building.

List of required papers

If you have decided to provide EE (electricity) to a plot of land, then you will first need to write a corresponding application, according to the established template. After filling it out, you need to contact the district power station (RES). There you will be given permission to connect electricity. To do this, in addition to the application, you will need to collect additional papers and make copies of them certified by a notary, among them:

  • Russian passport and identification code;
  • a certificate confirming the right of ownership of a plot of land;
  • other important papers for the site;
  • a design of a plot of land and electrical connections for a future home, which should indicate information about the connected electrical appliances and their power;
  • a document confirming permission to build a house on this site.

After collecting all the documentation, you will need to send it by registered mail, with an additional list of papers attached.

If one of the documents listed above is missing, the organization is obliged to notify you of this within 6 days after receiving the letter. In some situations, RES may require you to send additional originals of specific papers from the list. This is necessary for official confirmation of the specified data. The papers you send will be the basis for creating technical conditions, without which it will be impossible to connect the electrical equipment to the site. These documents must indicate the technical data for conducting electricity.

Once the conditions are met, you can begin connecting the electrical networks. It is important to consider that technical conditions must be approved no later than 2 years from the date of their creation.

In some cases, it may be impossible to bring light to an area without buildings. The reasons for this may be the specific technical conditions of the energy supply or too high power of the network indicators. If such moments are detected, the RES must notify you in writing. Moreover, you will not be able to change anything in this case.

Costs of connecting electrical energy to a land plot

To check the technical conditions you will need to pay about 500 rubles. Prices for bringing light to the site may vary. The exact cost can be determined after assessing the power of connected devices during operation.

If the power of the network connected to the land plot exceeds 15 kW, then the cost of connecting it will be about 600 rubles. Moreover, the work is carried out only if the electric gander is removed from the main power lines, no further than 0.3 km for urban areas, and no further than 0.5 km for rural areas.

If you need to create a new line, which, in turn, involves connecting the network over a long distance, then you will first need to obtain the appropriate permit from the local government.

It is important to understand that connecting EE outside the plot of land is the responsibility of the RES. At the same time, the work itself is carried out on the basis of the created project.

Connecting the power line on the site must be done by you yourself. All costs for installation and other work may vary in price. Its calculation is made on an individual basis.

A special feature of connecting electrical energy to a land plot is that all work is carried out in stages. Here it is important to comply with all technical conditions, and only after their official approval:

  1. connection of electrical energy to a land plot without construction;
  2. confirmation of serviceability of all electrical devices that will be operated as devices, controlled energy costs;
  3. drawing up a report on all work done;
  4. securing papers for EE connection with signatures.

After a positive decision is received from the distribution network regarding the possibility of connecting electricity, you can begin laying wires and distributing electrical power.

Principles of connecting EE to a house under construction on a plot of land

If you are planning to connect a single phase power line, then use copper or aluminum power cable.

The main condition for supplying electrical energy here is the reliable insulation of all electrical cables. The wiring must not be damaged in any way.

First, two wires are supplied under the power line supports, one of which will be the first phase, and the other will be zero.

The wires must be located safely relative to each other. If they are connected to a brick wall, then the distance should be 5 cm. If they are connected to a wooden wall, then the wires are placed 10 cm from each other.

The opening created in the wall for the cable exit must be closed with cement or concrete. Only then will it be possible to move on to connecting wires to a device that monitors EE consumption. The important thing here is to stick to the project.

What could be the consequences of independently connecting EE to a land plot?

Never install light on a plot of land yourself, that is, without obtaining the appropriate permits for such work.

This also applies to enhancing the power of an already installed power line or devices that control EE costs. Such actions are considered illegal, which means they may entail fines from the state.

If it is discovered that EE distribution and controlled devices have been installed illegally, they must be immediately dismantled. The law provides for the complete disconnection of a plot of land from electricity by distribution network workers.

This article will provide a comprehensive answer to this question in the form of instructions for action! A person who decides to build a house, a dacha, or simply use a plot of land for some of his own needs will certainly face the problem of connecting to centralized electrical networks. You can connect a house, cottage or plot to centralized electrical networks both at the construction stage and upon its complete completion.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to determine the power consumption, the distance to the nearest electricity transmission line and its capabilities. If it is fundamentally impossible to connect electricity to a site without buildings, a house or a dacha, then a refusal will be received without the possibility of appeal. In this case, there is only one possibility - creating a local power supply system based on a generator of any kind or solar panels!

Package of documents for connecting electricity

To connect electrical networks to a building or site, it is necessary to draw up and submit an application in the appropriate form to the organization that provides power supply to the given territory and obtain from it a document permitting connection to electrical networks. The entire process of electrifying the facility is presented in the following picture.

The following set of documentation is attached to the application to the energy supply company:

  • copies of identification codes and civil passport of the object owner;
  • a set of copies of documents confirming property registration.

Important! You should know that when drawing up and submitting an application for connection to electrical networks, along with copies, you must provide the originals of all documents. If the owner has authorized a third party to carry out the connection, then a power of attorney with notarized registration must be issued to him. It is possible to submit an application by registered mail, but this form increases the time required for making a decision. In the absence of certain documents, the energy supply company is obliged to notify the applicant within 6 days!

Some energy supply companies, in addition to the above documents, may require a project for the electrification of the facility, with a detailed plan for the placement of electrical appliances, equipment and their technical characteristics in terms of power. When connecting electricity to the site, it is necessary to attach to the application a permit for construction and installation work on it. Sometimes, management companies require that the application be supplemented with original contracts and acts confirming the accuracy of the copies.

After making a positive decision, the division of the district electrical network (RES) is obliged to develop specifications within 1 month for connecting electricity to a private house or plot, which the owner must complete within up to 2 years. The technical specifications indicate what type of cable or wires must be used - for three phases or one. Only if all technical requirements are strictly met, is it possible to connect the facility to electrical networks. After all points of the specifications have been completed, a connection project is developed.

Project for electrification of a house, cottage or plot

An electrification project for a house, cottage or plot can only be developed by an enterprise that has the right to carry out such work in the form of a state license. There is no point in using the services of non-certified organizations - the project will not be approved by the local distribution zone and other authorized bodies. A complete set of documentation for connecting a facility to electrical networks includes the following initial data:

  • topography of the site and detailed plan for connecting to power lines;
  • cable supply diagram from the support pole to the electricity consumption meter;
  • calculation of the input group rating: automatic switch and voltage limiter;
  • design of a grounding bus for the entire facility.

For electrical networks with three-phase voltage, the rated power of the transformer, the throughput capabilities of the network and electrical cabinets are additionally calculated. The finished project is agreed upon by the regional distribution zone and local authorities.

Rules for connecting an object to electrical networks

Approval of the project for connecting the facility to electrical networks is carried out after submitting to the Distribution Zone a diagram of the location of electrical appliances and engineering equipment, indicating the total power consumption. This plan is necessary for correctly calculating the required cross-section of the wire strands supplying electrical energy to a house, cottage or site, as well as for selecting electrical equipment. The scheme makes it possible to obtain a permit to connect an object to a power line.

The diagram will be necessary for selecting the cross-section of the electrical wiring cable cores and the parameters of instruments and electrical equipment. Its presence is also required to obtain permission to connect to a nearby power line. When calculating energy consumption indicators, it is best to make a certain power reserve, which will allow you to connect additional equipment in the future. The final stage of all these procedures is the conclusion of an agreement with the distribution network division for connection to the main power line. An integral part of the contract are technical conditions.

After work has been carried out by RES employees on the technological connection of the facility to the electricity supply line, the company representative draws up an act, which is the basis for concluding an agreement for the supply of electrical energy. Connection can only be made by employees of the distribution zone, otherwise a large fine may be imposed. For dachas that are part of garden associations, the connection is carried out by the association’s full-time electrician.

Requirements for electrical equipment of the connected facility

Requirements for an electricity consumption meter

The characteristics of metering devices installed on connected houses, cottages and plots must comply with GOST 6570–96. For residential premises, the operating current of the device must be at least 30 A with an accuracy class of 2.0.

All these parameters must be taken into account when purchasing a meter. For cottages and private houses, it is necessary to purchase a meter with an operating current of more than 50 A, and also take into account the phase pattern of the supplied electricity.

Requirements for input distribution devices (IDUs)

Input distribution device- this is an electrical panel with a set of equipment designed to control electrical circuits, protect against overloads, and so on. The ASU consists of an input cable, a power supply on/off system, grounding, RCD protection devices and other elements. The input cable is placed in a special corrugated pipe that protects it from mechanical damage. The external wire must comply with all design characteristics in terms of power, phase and degree of protection from the external environment.

All circuit breakers, RCDs and other elements of the input distribution device are selected in full dependence on the power of electricity consumption, with some margin. The elements of the electrical panel should not come into contact with metal structures: roof, fence, grille, etc. Installation of a power cable passing through a wall must be carried out using PVC pipes.

Options for connecting a house, cottage or plot to electrical networks

There are only two such options: transmission of electricity via an overhead line and a closed underground cable. The first is the simplest and cheapest, but laying the cable involves serious material costs. Below are the connection features for both options.

1. Air line. In this case, a special cable is pulled from the power line support to supply electricity to the input distribution device. It is not difficult to make such a connection; the main thing is to comply with safety precautions and regulations. Currently used for these purposes.

Attention! - This is a special insulated wire with self-supporting ability, which is provided by the built-in cable. Thanks to this, the cable does not sag and can withstand heavy wind loads. can be two-wire for a single-phase network, as well as four-wire for a three-phase network.

If the distance to the power line exceeds the standard indicators, then it is necessary to install additional supports. Very often, according to the requirements of RES employees, it is necessary to install an ASU and a meter on the external wall of a building or a support pole. This is necessary for controllers to have unhindered access to the metering device. In this case, all elements of the device must be reliably protected from moisture.

The hidden method of connecting to electrical networks is more aesthetically pleasing, but requires additional investment. For this option, a special cable is used, designed for laying underground.

It is more expensive than SIP and requires compliance with certain conditions during installation.

The cable for hidden connection, enclosed in a “shell” or corrugated pipe, is laid in a trench on a sand bed, in compliance with all regulatory requirements. The wire must be laid freely in the prepared trench, without any tension. All other operations for connecting an object to electrical networks using an underground cable are no different from connecting over the air.


After all installation work has been completed to connect the facility to the electrical grid, it is necessary to invite a Distribution Zone employee to draw up a report and seal the metering device. If all work is completed in accordance with regulatory documentation there will be no problems, otherwise you may receive a refusal. The technician will point out the shortcomings and only after they have been eliminated will the report be signed and a seal placed on the meter!

Video on the topic

How to connect electricity to a house, cottage or plot (how to join the electrical grid) or “electricity online”.

All those who decided to build a private residential building in the city or in the country are faced with the problem of connecting the newly built house to the power grid. Almost all home owners have encountered this problem: it is unclear where to go and what needs to be done, how much electricity costs, and also who connects it.

In this article, we offer instructions for connecting a newly built residential building to the electrical grid and connecting the electricity.

So, what actions does the owner of a house or cottage need to perform in order to connect electricity to the house?

First, we suggest considering the issue of connecting to electrical networks. private residential building, whose owner is not member gardening non-profit partnership(SNT or DNT).

1. You need to contact the network organization (whose organization owns the power lines), whose electrical networks are located at the shortest distance from the boundaries of your site.

2. A list of documents must be submitted to this network organization:

  • application for technological connection (an example of an application is given in the section "Consumer's Handbook");
  • a plan for the location of your power receiving devices (a draft power supply diagram - you can order the simplest and most inexpensive project from any organization). It is worth noting that not all network organizations require a power supply project, so the need for its preparation must be clarified when submitting an application for technological connection;
  • copies of documents that confirm ownership of the house and land;
  • power of attorney for the representative, if the application for connection to the electrical networks is submitted by the representative.

Requirements from the network organization to provide any other documents - illegal.

3. After this, the network organization will issue technical conditions that must be fulfilled by the consumer within the boundaries of his site. The validity period of the technical conditions for the applicant cannot be less than 2 years.

4. At his site, the consumer carries out the work provided for by the technical conditions independently. All work up to the consumer site (construction of power lines, etc.) is performed by the network organization!!!

5. After the consumer and the network organization have fulfilled the technical conditions, representatives of the network organization carry out an inspection and actual connection to the power grid.

6. Cost of technological connection (amount of payment for technological connection). If the distance from the boundaries of the consumer’s property to the nearest electrical networks of the network organization is less than 300 m for the city and less than 500 m for the village, then the cost of connecting electricity to the house (the price of connecting to the electrical networks) cannot be above 550 rubles for 15 kW connected capacity - or no more than 550 rubles per connection. (power can be calculated using data on the consumption of electrical appliances, which is posted on the portal pages). If the distance is greater than specified, then the cost of connecting to electrical networks is calculated on the basis of the tariff, which is established by the local executive authority in the field of state regulation of tariffs (Regional Tariff Service or Regional Energy Commission).

7. The period of connection to electrical networks should not exceed:

  • 6 months if the electrical networks of the network organization are located more than 300 m from the border of the applicant’s property (for a city) or 500 m for a village
  • 1 year if the electrical networks of the network organization are located further than the above distance.

8. After completing the procedure for technological connection (connection to electrical networks), the network organization draws up and transfers to the consumer an act of delimitation of the balance sheet ownership of the parties and the operational responsibilities of the parties and an act of technological connection. All these documents are issued for free.

Now we propose to consider the case when it is necessary connect electricity to the dacha.

If you are a member of a horticultural non-profit partnership and the members of the horticultural partnership at the general meeting decided that the members of SNT express a desire for “dacha electricity” to exist in SNT, i.e. make a decision to connect SNT to electricity, then the authorized representative from SNT, in the interests of SNT members, carries out the following actions:

1. Submits the following documents for technological connection to electrical networks to the network company:

  • application for connection to electrical networks;
  • plan - diagram of the location of energy receiving devices of SNT members
  • copies of documents that confirm ownership of houses and plots of SNT members;
  • a copy of the decision of the general meeting of SNT members on the decision made to conclude an agreement on technological connection with the grid organization;
  • a copy of the SNT charter.

2. After this, the network organization will issue within 30 days draft technological connection agreement, technical conditions that must be fulfilled by the consumer within the boundaries of his site. The validity period of the technical conditions for the applicant cannot be less than 2 years.

3. If all the terms of the technological connection agreement comply with the norms of the current legislation, then the chairman of the SNT signs it within 30 days and returns one copy to the network organization. If the contract does not comply with the norms, then it is necessary to send a reasoned refusal to sign it to the network organization, the network organization within 5 days must correct the comments.

4. After signing the agreement, SNT carries out the implementation of technical conditions (construction at the expense of SNT members on its territory of power lines, transformer substation, etc.), and the network company organizes implementation to the borders of SNT.

5. How much does it cost to connect electricity to SNT. The tariff for technological connection for SNT is no more than 550 rubles for connecting one section, provided that each member needs to connect no more than 15 kW. However, for each member of the SNT, the cost of connecting to the power grid will be increased by the amount of the cost of building a power line within the SNT (the network company is not obliged to build it).

6. The period of technological connection should be no more than:

  • 6 months, if the total connected power of all members of the SNT is no more than 100 kW and the distance from the borders of the SNT to the objects of the network organization does not exceed 300 m for the city and 500 m for the countryside;
  • no more than 1 year, if the above conditions are not met and the total connected power does not exceed 750 kVA;
  • no more than 2 years if the total connected power exceeds 750 kVA. In this case, the investment program of the network organization may provide for other deadlines for completing the technological connection, but not more than 4 years.

7. After completing the procedure for technological connection (connection to electrical networks), the network organization draws up and transfers to the consumer an act of delimitation of the balance sheet ownership of the parties and the operational responsibilities of the parties and an act of technological connection. All these documents are issued for free.

If the SNT members at the general meeting of the SNT members do not make a decision on connecting dachas to the power grid or a compromise cannot be reached between the SNT members on the issues of connection and the cost of building a power line within the SNT, then the dacha owner can connect electricity to the dacha independently. In this case, he must act in accordance with the procedure described above, as for cases of connecting electricity to the house.

So, this article provides a list of necessary actions, as well as information about the payment for electricity, methods of connecting to electricity for consumers who want to connect their house, cottage, plot to electricity, i.e. carry out activities that some people incorrectly call “connecting to electricity” or “installing electricity”.