Drawings of homemade stoves for heating cabins. Stoves for garage heating: what is suitable from factory and home-made, solutions, schemes. Video: do-it-yourself original potbelly stove for a garage

We have a ready-made solution for this issue - a compact and inexpensive metal stove for heating a wood-fired garage! Agree that it is cheaper to operate a small portable stove in the garage than to heat the garage with electrical appliances. We can offer a choice of small long-burning stoves that can heat a small room.

A garage is not only a place to park a car, but also a workshop, and often a “club of interests”. In frosty weather it is very difficult to start the car engine, sometimes it takes so much time, the trip itself becomes irrelevant.

Doing repairs and just exchanging advice is also better at a comfortable temperature. Therefore, it is clear that space heating is one of the problems that motorists solve. Heating a garage is not an easy issue, since this is not only a condition for comfortable maintenance of equipment, but rather a requirement for a normal, civilized maintenance of a car.

The simplest and fastest solution to this issue is the installation of electric heaters, fully automated and fireproof. But what to do if someone has a garage without electricity or has a desire to save money by burning various dreary things? There is a ready-made solution for a wood-burning garage oven.

As a rule, a wood-burning garage stove requires economy and reliability, ease of use, as well as operation on inexpensive fuel. All these aspects are present in a small metal stove, by the way, you can burn not only firewood in it, but also all the garbage that appears. It is not recommended to heat it with coal or peat, otherwise it will quickly burn out, since the combustion temperature of this type of fuel is too high.

Also, these stoves are indispensable for heating change houses. After all, a change house with a stove is an excellent solution for giving. Since you want to relax not only in summer but also in winter, when all the work is completed. In such a change house it is always warm and cozy.

Many stoves for change houses are equipped with a hob, which makes it easy to heat water and cook food. Especially for our customers, PechiMAKS online store offers a wide range of stoves for small spaces such as garages and change houses. As well as related products.

Sometimes indispensable when there is no way to use central heating. Such a structure can be built independently using one of the technologies presented below. An electric heater, if necessary, to heat the garage can become unnecessarily uneconomical.

Garage stove features

The design must have certain qualities. A garage oven, first of all, should be compact, because, as a rule, there is not too much space in it. In addition, the heating device should be economical, and also not so expensive. It would be nice if there was an opportunity to heat different types of fuel. Ease of use is also extremely important. A homemade garage oven can be made from different materials, you will have to choose one of which, taking into account your skills when working, for example, with brick or steel. It must be remembered that heating equipment must not only be able to generate heat for a long time, but also not reduce the amount of oxygen in the room. The operation of the furnace should not be accompanied by the release of harmful substances, in addition, it should not be a fire hazard.

Making a brick oven

When laying the firebox, it is recommended to use fireclay bricks, placing it at the level of 2-4 rows. In height, such a brick oven will not be more than nine products. In order to ensure the removal of furnace gases, it is necessary to lay out a brick chimney, into the interior of which a sleeve made of stainless steel is to be installed. A garage oven will exhaust smoke through a chimney through the roof. It is imperative to build a foundation, as the furnace will have an impressive mass. It can be made on the basis of a monolithic slab. A steel sheet should be laid along the perimeter of the structure, which will protect the floor from sparks, because they can cause a fire.

Potbelly stove manufacturing technology

If you need a garage oven, but you do not want to spend an excessive amount of effort and money on it, then it is preferable to make a potbelly stove, which will be the easiest task. For this, it is recommended to use steel in sheets, a barrel is also perfect, which is sometimes replaced with a steel pipe of the appropriate diameter. If sheet steel is available, then you will have to use a welding machine that will allow you to create a rectangular installation. In any case, it is necessary to use metal, the minimum thickness of which is 5 mm or more. But if you decide to use a pipe, then its minimum diameter should be 300 mm.

Such a garage oven will also have a chimney, which, as a rule, is arranged from above, but in some cases this is done from behind. In the latter option, it is necessary to provide a pipe slope, the angle of which is approximately equal to 30 0. The exhaust gases can be removed most efficiently if a steel product with a diameter of 120 mm is used as a pipe, but a larger diameter is also suitable.

Making a chimney

The first meters of exhaust gas must be made of thick material (about 3 millimeters). If this requirement is neglected, then the thin metal will burn out after a while. Under the firebox, a place must be arranged that will be used to remove the ash. Why is it necessary to use a steel plate, which is located horizontally and has slots. The dimensions of the latter can be determined from the calculation of the size of the furnace, as well as the type of fuel. If the unit is relatively small, and also functions at the expense of coal and small firewood, then the slots should be equal to 12 mm, while if the garage is relatively large and it is supposed to install a large oven in it, then the slots in the described element should be equal to 40 mm or even more .

Ash pan features

When craftsmen make such stoves for a garage, they put a removable box under the partition, periodically cleaned as ash accumulates in it. For the manufacture of this box, 3 mm sheet steel should be used. The technique will increase the efficiency of the furnace, which implies the need to attach steel plates to the sides, they should be based on 5 mm steel. This will significantly increase the area of ​​​​contact of the apparatus with air. As a result, the interior of the garage will heat up much faster. It is worth remembering that it is necessary to correlate the thickness of the sheet steel and the suitable parameters of the angle grinder.

Homemade oven in development

If you need a garage oven, then you can make one that is perhaps one of the most economical, since fuel for it can be purchased for nothing or even taken for free. Such furnaces function at the expense of used oil, which you yourself, as a motorist, throw away as unnecessary. Now it is possible to reuse it. Such an oven involves more impressive labor costs compared to those that accompany the manufacture of a potbelly stove.

When making such furnaces for a garage with your own hands, it will be necessary to create two compartments, one of which is designed for the combustion of mining, while the second is for the combustion of gases previously mixed with oxygen. To create such a device, it will be necessary to form an H-shaped apparatus, which will include a fuel tank, a chimney, an afterburner, and a temperature chamber. In the manufacture should use the same sheet steel. Whereas the tank located below can be formed using a finished steel box. In order to ensure fire safety and the correct functioning of the oven, legs are welded to the bottom drawer.

Do-it-yourself garage ovens described above should be made taking into account the fact that the lower compartment is to be provided with a hole with a steel damper. It is through it that the used oil-fuel will be poured, but the damper is absolutely necessary in order to adjust the intensity of the primary air supply.

Making the top compartment

The upper chamber must be made in such a way that it has a cylindrical shape. It is to be paired with the tank using a pipe made of metal. In the last mentioned element of the furnace, several holes Ø10 mm will have to be made, they are needed so that air can enter the interior.

Supplementing the stove with a chimney

An oil-fired garage oven must have a chimney that is attached only from above. Its fixation should turn out to be completely airtight, otherwise the exhaust gases will enter the room. This characteristic must be checked before putting the furnace into operation. As a fuel, it is possible to use not only mining, but also solar oil, kerosene, fuel oil and gear oil. But flammable substances like acetone, of course, will have to be abandoned.

Making a wood stove

If you are not satisfied with the garage oven for working out for the reason that you use the garage not for a car, but, for example, for storing vegetables, then you can make a wood-powered oven. It is also economical, since there is no need to put firewood into it, sometimes up to 20 hours. For its manufacture, it is recommended to use a steel barrel, the volume of which is 200 liters. The barrel must first be prepared, for this its upper part is removed so that it becomes possible to make a hole for the chimney pipe. In addition, you need to make a hole for a 100 mm pipe through which oxygen will flow.

Wood-burning garage stoves work efficiently if the chimney has the right dimensions. Thus, its diameter should be equal to 150 mm or more.

The structure is to be provided with a circle, which is made of sheet metal. To it you need to weld 2 segments of the channel. The circle must have such dimensions that it can move freely in the interior space. After that, you need to make a hole to which a 100 mm pipe is attached. As an alternative solution, you can use a pipe that will replace the barrel.

Internal filling of the device

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare a drawing of a furnace for a garage, it should be indicated there, for example, that a metal blank will become the bottom of the structure, which is welded to the edge of the body for stability. The load must be placed inside, and everything must be covered with a lid on top. The oxygen supply pipe is inserted into the hole prepared in advance. Finally, it will be necessary to cut out a couple of hatches through which fuel will be loaded and ash removed. Hatches should be closed using steel covers. After the oven is ready, you can prepare a foundation for it, which is made of bricks. This will ensure fire safety. After all, this circumstance is the most important when operating heating equipment.

In the autumn-winter period, staying in an unheated garage is not a pleasant process, and installing traditional heating is an expensive pleasure. Therefore, for the most part, the owners choose economical options and install compact, energy-efficient garage stoves. The design should warm up well, heat the air evenly and be safe at the same time.

The project of most garages does not provide for the installation of a heating system. At the same time, low temperatures in winter not only create discomfort for car owners, but are also undesirable for vehicles. As practice shows, the use of traditional portable electric heaters is ineffective and results in a round penny in the form of electricity bills. Solving the problem is quite simple - you need to build a stove in the garage with your own hands, choosing the best option.

At the heart of the garage heating problem are two points:

  • lack of effective thermal insulation;
  • the square-cube law, which implies the ratio of the size of the surface of a body to its volume.

The mentioned law is reflected in the form of heat losses. To heat one cubic meter of a room with a small area, much more heat is required than when heating a spacious building. For example, a 10 kW device is enough to heat a two-story house, and a standard-sized garage will require a device with a heat output of 2.5 kW.

To maintain a temperature of 16 ° C in the garage, you can install a unit with a power of 2 kW, and for a temperature regime of 8 ° C, provided for storing a car, a unit with a power of 1.2 kW is sufficient. Accordingly, in order to warm up the entire area, much more thermal energy will be required, therefore it is better to heat not the entire room, but the so-called workplace.

How to make an oven in the garage: maximum placement efficiency and insulation system

The air heated by the heating furnace for the garage should be concentrated in the center of the room, spreading around in such a way that a small layer of cool air forms between the walls and the ceiling. Thus, the vehicle and its owner will be in a comfortable temperature zone, and heat consumption will be significantly reduced. The so-called thermal cap is formed due to natural convection: a strong flow of warm air rises, where it collides with a cold dense layer.

Useful advice! According to the rules (regarding car parking), regulated by the document SP 113.13330.2012, the optimum temperature for storing a car should not be lower than 5 ° C, and during repair work - 18 ° C.

Thanks to the physical process of convection, which consists in the distribution of warm air currents, almost the entire garage is heated efficiently. You can get this result even with a homemade garage oven with low power.

An important role in the process of heating and heat preservation is played by the insulation system. One of the tricks that the builders of garage cooperatives use is the dense arrangement of neighboring buildings, which allows you to save heat as much as possible. In individual buildings, various available materials can be used for external insulation, for example, fiberboard.

Warming a metal garage inside can be problematic, as a dew point appears at the point of contact between materials, where condensation accumulates. As a result, this can lead to rapid wear of both the base material and the insulation. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain an air cushion between the main and additional walls of 30-50 mm, retreating from the floor by approximately 60 mm.

Varieties of stoves for the garage: choosing the best option

In the garage, it is allowed to install a variety of heating systems that operate on various types of fuel: liquid, solid, electric or gas. The main conditions - the unit must have a high efficiency, while having a low cost and a low level of resource consumption. In addition, the device must be mobile and secure.

For heating the garage, various units are used, which differ in the principle of operation, type of fuel and operating features.

Furnaces for a garage on wood of long burning. The principle of operation of such devices is the converter combustion of fuel. The unit requires professional installation, but experienced craftsmen can make it on their own. Wood, pellets, peat, coal and other exclusively solid fuels are used as fuel. Gas and liquid combustible materials are not applicable. Additionally, it is necessary to install a chimney and an insulation system. Belongs to the category of expensive devices.

Potbelly stoves for the garage. A compact, convenient and affordable version of the oven, which is easy to build yourself using a basic drawing. The main disadvantage of bourgeoisie is an increased threat of fire.

Garage furnaces for working out are the most economical option, operating on engine oil, which has already worked out its resource in the engine.

A brick oven for a garage allows you to get soft heat for a long time, but subject to full warming up. Therefore, this option is suitable for people who work in the garage every day.

Infrared heaters. Such equipment is not suitable for metal structures and half-brick structures. Metal does not reflect well, and brick absorbs such energy, which leads to low efficiency of this type of heating.

Important! During the installation of the heating system, the construction of a high-quality and reliable ventilation system and chimneys is required.

Stove for a garage on long-burning wood: types and principle of operation

Any option for garage stoves has its pros and cons, and at the same time, each of them can be made by hand. To have an idea about the process of creating the unit and calculate your strengths and resources, it is worth getting to know each type of device in more detail.

The popularity of long-burning garage stoves lies in their efficiency, since when burning ordinary firewood, you can get the maximum amount of heat. The principle of operation is that a large amount of fuel is loaded into the combustion chamber at a time, where the process of long-term combustion is due to poor access to oxygen. Thus, firewood does not burn instantly, but gradually smolders, releasing combustible gas.

Furnaces for a long-burning garage can be different in their design features, a popular variety is Bubafonya. The name of the unit comes from the name of its inventor. The high efficiency of the design lies in the fact that such a long-burning furnace can work on sawdust. If you try, then Bubafonya can be connected to a water heating system. In this case, the principle of operation of the device will be to create a water jacket around the boiler.

Buleryan is also a popular model of a long-burning stove, its design is very unusual. The device is widely used not only for service, but also for residential premises. This is a kind of modern hybrid of a classic potbelly stove and a long-burning stove. The unit works by forced convection. Several curved pipes go to the firebox from below and from above. Cold air enters through the lower ones, which instantly heats up in the furnace and comes out already hot from above.

Do-it-yourself long-burning oven for a garage

Despite the relatively complex design, a long-burning stove can be made independently. Such a model will have one, but a significant drawback: to rake out the ash, you will have to turn a rather weighty body upside down. To build a unit, you need a metal cylinder, a welding machine. You can take a square container as a basis, but subject to the normal provision of smoldering firewood. The manufacturing process itself in this case will take several hours.

Most often, for the production of a long-burning furnace, a thick-walled metal barrel with a capacity of about 200 liters is used. From above, they make fasteners for a lid with a chimney, and also make a small hole necessary for the access of oxygen, which is needed for the combustion process. The chimney is approximately 15 cm in diameter, and the air duct is 10 cm. Often the chimney is led out from the side, and a place is left for air to enter from above.

Useful advice! For a wood-burning garage stove, you need to purchase dry fuel. It is necessary to choose such types of wood that emit a minimum amount of resin during combustion.

An important detail of a wood-burning garage stove for a long-burning garage is a load to provide a press for smoldering firewood. It can be made from a metal circle, the diameter of which should be a few millimeters smaller than the dimensions of the combustion chamber, and two sections of channels that act as a weighting agent. In the weighting circle, it is necessary to make an air duct and weld a pipe with a cross section of 10 cm to it. Its length must exceed the height of the stove body .

Do-it-yourself hole with a door for loading firewood into the garage stove is made on the side, and a grate and an ash container are installed below. The final touch is the welding of the legs at the bottom of the finished furnace.

Stove-stove for a garage: the principle of operation and manufacturing features

An ordinary potbelly stove, popular in the 20s of the last century, is considered the most popular option for a garage stove for wood and other types of solid fuels. It can be made from a variety of improvised materials. Both sheet metal and a piece of pipe, an old barrel or a used gas cylinder will be appropriate here. For successful production, the material must meet the following requirements:

  • metal thickness - at least 5 mm;
  • the capacity of a cylindrical shape in cross section should exceed 30 cm.

The composition of the classic potbelly stove includes the following elements:

  • body with grille;
  • loading door;
  • ash pan;
  • chimney lateral or vertical.

For the manufacture of the chimney, a metal pipe 3 mm thick is used, having a cross section of at least 12 cm. The combustion chamber is cut from the selected workpiece. The grate for fuel is installed at the bottom, and under it is a box for collecting ash made of metal 3 mm thick. The chamber is closed from above and the chimney is removed. The legs for the stove are made of metal corners.

Before you make a potbelly stove in the garage, you need to decide on its shape, which depends on the base material. It can be round or square. It is also important to think about safety rules. Install the stove on a flat and solid base made of fire-resistant materials. Walls also need to be protected from fire. Near the potbelly stove should not be foreign objects.

It is important to take into account that the metal surface of the potbelly stove will become very hot during operation, therefore, in order to avoid serious burns, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of people and animals touching it.

The procedure for making a vertical potbelly stove in the garage with your own hands

The most popular version of a do-it-yourself potbelly stove for a garage is a metal stove. In order to make a vertical unit, the workpiece is conditionally divided into two parts. The smaller one will be located below and serve as a place for collecting ash, and the upper part (base) will be a furnace, and firewood will be laid into it.

Useful advice! When working with an old gas cylinder, you need to be extremely careful. First of all, you should make sure that there is no gas inside the container. You can completely displace it by filling the balloon with water. There are cases when gas residues in the process of sawing a cylinder provoked an explosion.

As an illustrative example, consider the procedure for manufacturing a furnace for a garage from a gas cylinder:

  1. Cutting doors: upper - for the firebox, lower - for collecting ash. They do it with the help of a grinder. The cut pieces are not thrown away, they will serve as doors.
  2. Welding grates. To do this, use pieces of reinforcement made of steel of the appropriate length, 13-15 mm thick. A distance of 20 mm is left between the grates.
  3. Chimney construction. For this purpose, a metal pipe about 10 cm high is attached to the top of the structure.
  4. Locks and hinges are welded to blanks-doors. Connect all the details. To create a seal on the door from the outside, metal strips 20 mm wide can be welded.
  5. Installation of legs at the bottom of the product from metal corners.

By the same principle, a potbelly stove is made in a garage from a pipe. The difference lies in the need to weld the bottom and top cover, where a hole for the chimney is prepared in advance. A gas cylinder can also be used to build a heat-efficient rocket stove for a garage.

Related article:

Advantages and disadvantages. heating requirements. Types of heating systems: water, electric, gas and others.

Instructions for making a horizontal oven for a garage with your own hands

The horizontal design is considered more convenient in terms of loading long logs, but at the same time it takes up more space in the garage, so it is not suitable for a small room. In a horizontal potbelly stove, an ash collection box is placed below. To do this, a blank is made from a piece of channel, and holes are made in the furnace part. Thus, grates and a collector for ash are obtained.

The chimney is placed in the upper part of the housing. For this purpose, a piece of pipe of the appropriate diameter is welded. For the legs of the product, pieces of a metal corner with welded flat blanks of sheet iron are used. This is necessary in order for the structure to become stable. The blower is placed on the side - in the opposite part from the chimney. To do this, a piece of metal is cut out in the wall, which is subsequently used as a door.

You can build an original, more practical and safe oven for heating a garage from two barrels. A metal potbelly stove, unlike its cast-iron predecessor, heats up much faster and it is almost impossible to be near it. This problem can be solved by using two barrels of different diameters by installing one of them inside the other. In this case, the inner barrel is a firebox, and the outer barrel is an additional frame. The space between the walls can be covered with sand or pebbles.

Such a stove will heat up much longer, but at the same time it will cool down much more slowly. Therefore, the required temperature will be maintained in the garage much longer, and staying in it will be more comfortable.

Useful advice! Small wings welded on the sides of the stove from a pipe will help to increase the heating efficiency of the potbelly stove. These details will increase the area of ​​​​contact of the heated metal with air, which will help warm the room faster.

Do-it-yourself brick garage oven

Homemade brick ovens are also used to heat the garage, although much less frequently. This design radiates heat for quite a long time, but it will take a lot of time to warm it up. Such a unit is suitable for those owners who spend a long time in the garage and go there every day. In this case, you can simply keep the fire in the firebox by throwing firewood.

To equip a small brick oven in a garage with a hob, you will need:

  • ceramic refractory bricks - 290 pcs.;
  • door for the combustion chamber 250X200 mm - 1 pc.;
  • grate for grate 250X250 mm - 1 pc.;
  • door for blower 120X120 mm - 1 pc.;
  • gate valve 120X120 mm - 1 pc.;
  • cast iron plate 70x30 cm.

For laying bricks, it is necessary to prepare a clay mortar. The thickness of the seams should be from 5 to 15 mm. Before you install the oven in the garage, you need to take care of preparing the foundation. Its horizontal dimensions should be approximately 20 cm wider than the device itself.

For the firebox, it is necessary to carry out a lining, providing for the laying of fireclay bricks on a similar solution. Under the casting of the furnace, the bricks are undermined, and under the grate, stove and doors, the base should be wider than the dimensions of the casting. In order to provide thermal insulation, an asbestos cord is used; mineral wool strips are also acceptable, which can withstand temperatures up to 1200 ° C.

Brickwork, performed according to the established scheme, on average consists of 15 rows. Approximately 6 of them install a valve that allows you to switch the furnace to different temperature modes of operation, which is especially convenient in the off-season. In order to have an idea about the future brick stove and so that you do not have to correct mistakes later, it is better to carry out preliminary laying without mortar.

Economical and energy efficient garage ovens

A waste oil furnace is considered the most economical, as it eliminates additional fuel costs. If you correctly calculate the materials and strictly follow the manufacturing instructions, then it will not smoke and pollute the air excessively. The operation of such furnaces on transmission, machine or transformer oil is envisaged. A diesel oven for a garage functions on the same principle.

Structurally, the unit consists of two containers, which are interconnected by a perforated pipe with many holes. If a decision is made in favor of installing a working furnace in the garage, then it is necessary that it meets the following requirements:

  • maximum weight - 30 kg;
  • capacity - up to 12 liters;
  • standard size - 70x50x30 cm;
  • average fuel consumption - 1 l / hour;
  • exhaust pipe diameter - 100 mm.

To build such a structure is quite simple. No nozzles and droppers are needed to create it, so special knowledge, skills or experience are not needed to make it.

Useful advice! Before you build a mining stove, it is advisable to first agree with the owners of neighboring garages on the collection of used oil. The container must be made of metal with a thickness of at least 3 mm.

Directly for the manufacture of the furnace will require the following materials:

  • steel pipe;
  • two metal containers;
  • steel corner.

The container can be the case of an old unusable refrigerator compressor or a gas cylinder. The furnace for a garage for mining should be made of a material with a thickness of at least 4 mm, since it is supposed to be heated up to 900 ° C, so thin metal will simply burn out.

The sequence of manufacturing a stove in a garage, functioning at a test

For a mining garage, it is beneficial if there are large stocks of it

The process of creating this type of stove in the garage with your own hands includes the following steps:

  1. Installing the lower container on the legs. For this purpose, parts with a size of 20 cm are produced from a metal corner, on which the container is welded in a horizontal position.
  2. Cutting a hole in the middle of the lower part of the body, which serves as a firebox and a fuel tank, welding a vertical pipe to it, connecting both containers. It is desirable that the upper part is removed. This is necessary for cleaning the burner.
  3. Drilling about a dozen holes in the pipe at a height of half a meter. The first hole must be at least 10 cm from the main body of the oven.
  4. Making a hole on the top of the furnace tank for pouring oil and a lid that will help regulate the level of heating of the room and the combustion process itself.
  5. Welding a branch pipe on the upper tank.
  6. Construction of a galvanized steel exhaust pipe at least 4 meters long and fastening it to the nozzle.

Painting will give a presentable look to the garage stove. For this purpose, a mixture of silicate glue, crushed chalk and aluminum powder is used.

Disadvantages of a furnace for a garage for working out, features of operation

To use such a stove, in order to avoid emergency situations, it is necessary in accordance with clear instructions. To do this, using the lower opening of the furnace, it is necessary to put a small amount of kindling paper into the fuel tank. Next, approximately 1 liter of used oil is poured. The paper is set on fire and wait a couple of minutes until the oil boils. When the oil begins to burn slowly, it must be added as necessary in the amount of 3-4 liters.

Despite the many advantages of this type of garage oven, it is necessary to mention their disadvantages, in particular:

  • a very long chimney, which must be at least 4 meters in height;
  • it is required that the chimney device be strictly vertical, without bends and horizontal sections;
  • The oil containers and the chimney must be cleaned regularly - about once a week.

Useful advice! To avoid the inconvenience associated with frequent cleaning of the tank and chimney, the design with removable parts will help.

The process of creating a heating system in a garage must be approached responsibly so that such structures as a mining boiler, a brick oven, a do-it-yourself potbelly stove are profitable and bring maximum heat. It should be noted that economical options must be carefully looked after, and brick structures require a certain time for kindling. To create a long-burning metal furnace, certain skills and knowledge will be required. At the same time, any of the options considered, under conditions of proper construction and subject to the rules of operation, will make the garage warm and comfortable.

Thermal equipment, safety and reliability are important. In order not to worry about anything after installing the oven, you need to initially know what nuances to take into account when installing it, with regards to the room itself:

  1. There must be a space opposite the door where the stove is to be installed. Its size should be half a meter larger on each side of the furnace, in order to avoid ignition of nearby objects.
  2. Be sure to have a ventilation system in the room, at least a natural type.

Do not place anything near the stove, especially those that are easily flammable, and make sure that when moving around the garage you do not get burned due to close contact with the heating device.

No matter how logical it seems ventilation in a garage with a heating system, it is a must. The reasons for this are as follows:

  • for a car, the accumulation of moisture and condensate is categorically harmful, which is implied by the conditions of any garage, especially in which there is heating. For this reason, ventilation is necessary, it will be able to take away excess moisture with the flow of incoming air and remove it from the room;
  • the accumulation of toxic and dangerous substances for the body also implies activities that are usually in a garage room. A ventilated room will exclude the possibility of toxic poisoning of the body, even with a very long stay in the garage.

Furnace types

Given the specificity of the heating garage system, it there are a number of characteristics that it must meet:

  • be small;
  • allow the use of solid and liquid fuel fractions;
  • high heating rate;
  • the ability to maintain a high level temperature for a long time;
  • simplicity of design;
  • budget cost;
  • be easy to use;
  • ease of maintenance.

Based on such compliance criteria for garage ovens, they are divided into several types. The classification is based on the type of fuel:

  1. Gas heating. It is convenient in those cases where there is central gas heating in the nearby location. The price of such a system is acceptable, but there is a danger of an explosion.
  2. Bake, heated with solid fuel. The installation and heating costs are low, the thermal effect is good. Convenient and easy to use.
  3. electric oven. There will be no questions about the quality of heating for such a furnace, however, the cost of heat in the garage will not be cheap.

The best option, which is popular, is a wood-fired oven. Such a furnace can be purchased at the store, or you can design it yourself.

Do-it-yourself stove design for a garage on long-burning wood

Taking up the home-made manufacture of the oven, some safety rules must be observed:

  • the floor under the stove should be overlaid with a sheet of metal that will protrude 1 m beyond the door;
  • protect the walls that will be located near the furnace with a brick or metal sheet;
  • between the chimney and the ceiling, a gap of 2.5 cm wide should be left, which must be filled with basalt fiber;
  • protect the flue from wind by installing a deflector.

materials, which will be needed for the manufacture of heating equipment for the garage (the number and dimensions depend on the individual characteristics of the selected furnace option):

  • a barrel of any size and volume made of metal, with a volume of 200 l;
  • steel pipes, one is longer, the other is shorter;
  • a little metal channel;
  • hacksaw for metal, hammer, ax;
  • devices for measuring length;
  • reflector;
  • small steel sheet
  • welding;
  • brick for the foundation for the furnace;
  • cement and materials to prepare the mortar.

Instructions for making a furnace:

How to make a stove in the garage with your own hands?

  1. It is best to make such a furnace from a finished 200 l barrel made of metal.
  2. Initially, you need to prepare it for further manipulations. To do this, the top is cut very evenly and neatly.

    If it is not possible to use a barrel, then a large diameter pipe is suitable, to which the bottom should be welded. In this case, it is better to make the bottom in the shape of a square, and not a circle, so that in the future there will be no problems with stability.

  3. The next step in the design will be cutting a circle from a steel sheet. It should turn out to be slightly smaller in size than the main diameter. In the same circle, you need to cut another circle for the pipe. Next, you need to weld a small diameter pipe to a cut out circle of steel.
  4. Further, the channel cut off and prepared in advance is welded downwards of the same steel circle, already with a welded pipe.
  5. It is worth making measurements in such a way as to ensure free movement of the channel in the interior of the barrel. This structure will allow you to press on a mass of fuel that has already burned out due to the lowering of the steel circle.

  6. The next step is to make a cover for the heating structure. If a barrel is taken as the basis for it, then the upper part from it will be the lid. And if the pipe is taken as the basis, then you will have to cut a metal circle of the same diameter. In the lid you need to make a hole for a small pipe.
  7. To ensure the possibility of laying fuel, you need to cut a hole for the door. Attach a handle to the door for easy opening and closing. The door can be installed independently, put on hinges and welded. You can use the purchased.
  8. Just below the main door, a hole is made for another one, through which burnt firewood will be removed.
  9. Before installing the furnace, the foundation for it will be an obligatory step. This is done for the reason that a prerequisite is its refractory and durable base. It is very simple to make it, you just need to lay a layer of 1 brick and cement it.
  10. No stove is complete without a chimney. In this case, it can be made from two pipes with a diameter of 15 cm. One should be welded on top, the other on the side and bent up.
  11. You should also take care of the reflectors, since fast heating and a constantly heated state of the furnace are ensured. The reflector will be able to redistribute the heat fluxes. It is especially needed in small spaces.
  12. The last step is to collect all the resulting elements together and weld.

Some technical points that will facilitate the installation and further operation of the furnace:

  1. At the assembly stage, all parts are recommended to be connected to each other in the opposite direction of the gases.
  2. As a precautionary measure, it is worth determining the distance at which objects that are unstable to combustion and ignition should not be placed, as well as people should not be and mark it.
  3. The design of the chimney itself must be such that, if necessary, it can be disassembled into parts and cleaned, after which it can be easily and quickly assembled and installed in place.
  4. After installing the furnace, it must be checked for performance in different modes so that you can choose the right option.

To definitely avoid any problems with the homemade heating system, it is recommended to consider the following factors:

  • the pipe must be at least 4 m high;
  • pipes can be rotated a maximum of 3 times;
  • pipe rotation angles can only be 30 degrees, in exceptional cases 45 degrees can be made.
  • if necessary, bring the pipe horizontally, such a section can be no more than 1 m;
  • on the street, it is recommended to insulate the pipe with basal wool in order to prevent the formation of condensate;
  • ensure attachment to the wall of the chimney, removing the load from the main structure of the furnace.

Ensuring comfortable conditions in the garage requires some effort, patience and expense. At the same time, it should be remembered that it is very important to make not only the ability to heat the room, but also keep safe being in it.

Unfortunately, heating is not provided for garages (although, perhaps, fortunately, given the current tariffs), therefore, you have to heat yourself. Well, any heating is a stove. In this case, it should be small, but effective - you need to quickly move the room from a “minus” to a good “plus”. So when choosing a design, do not forget that the garage oven should ignite quickly and easily. It is also desirable that it could be heated with waste - it is very non-budgetary to buy good firewood, and there is nowhere to store it. Well, one more requirement - the design should be simple so that you can easily do it yourself.

What stoves can be made for a garage

In a cold garage in winter is very unpleasant. That is why heating is required. Garage stoves are usually small steel potbelly stoves. They are made from thick-walled barrels, pipe sections or from gas cylinders. Such garage ovens are simpler in execution, require only minor modifications, because the body, and sometimes the bottom, is already there. Furnaces are also made from sheet metal, but these are options for those who are closely friends with. Brick stoves in garages are not very common - they are still larger, they heat up less, which is not entirely suitable for this case.

The most common potbelly stoves that work on wood, everything that burns is laid in them. Such omnivorousness and fast heating are their main advantages. They also have many shortcomings, and one of them is gluttony, therefore, more economical long-burning stoves have recently begun to be made. Usually the top burning principle is used. They are good because one full bookmark (an oven from a 50 liter propane cylinder) can burn up to 8 hours. All this time it is warm in the garage.

They go separately. There is enough similar fuel in garages, but you need to be careful with mining - heavy metals are contained there and excellent traction is required so that they do not get inside.

Potbelly stoves - proven and simple designs

Potbelly stoves - a hit of the 20s of the last century. Then these stoves competed with brick ones and stood everywhere, even in apartments. Later, with the advent of centralized heating, they lost their relevance, but are used in garages, summer cottages, and for heating utility or outbuildings.

Potbelly stoves from a cylinder, barrel or pipe

The most suitable material for making a potbelly stove for a garage is propane tanks or a thick-walled pipe. Barrels are also suitable, but you need to look for a not very large volume and with a thick wall. In any case, the minimum wall thickness is 2-3 mm, the optimal one is 5 mm. Such a stove will serve for more than one year.

By design, they are vertical and horizontal. It is more convenient to heat a horizontal one with firewood - longer logs fit. It is easier to make it elongated upwards, but the firebox is small in size, you will have to cut firewood finely.


First, how to make a vertical garage oven from a cylinder or pipe. Divide the selected segment into two unequal parts. Below is a smaller one for collecting ashes, above is the main one for laying firewood. The following is the order of work:

All in all, that's all. It remains to assemble the chimney and you can test a new stove for the garage.


If the body is horizontal, the ash drawer is usually welded on from below. It can be welded to the required dimensions from sheet steel or a suitable sized piece of channel can be used. In the part of the body that will be directed downward, holes are made. It is better to cut something like a grate.

Then in the upper part of the body we make a pipe for the chimney. To do this, you can weld a cut piece from a pipe of a suitable diameter. After a piece of pipe is installed and the seam checked, the metal inside the ring is cut out.

The next step is to install the doors. On the blower, you can cut a piece of metal, attach loops and constipation. Here without any problems. The gaps along the edges do not interfere - air for combustion will flow through them.

There will be no difficulties even if you make a metal door - welding the hinges is not a problem. Only here, in order to be able to at least slightly regulate combustion, the door needs to be made a little larger - so that the perimeter of the opening is closed.

It is problematic to install furnace casting. Suddenly someone wants to have not a steel door, but a cast-iron one. Then it is necessary to weld a frame from a steel corner, attach a casting to it with bolts, and weld this entire structure to the body.

From two barrels

Everyone who used a potbelly stove knows that very hard radiation comes from its body. Often the walls are heated to a red glow. Then next to her is impossible. The problem is solved by an interesting design: two barrels of different diameters are inserted one into the other. The gaps between the walls are covered with pebbles, clay mixed with sand (calcined on fire, covered only when it has cooled down). The inner barrel acts as a firebox, and the outer one is only the body.

This stove will take longer to heat up. It will not immediately begin to give off heat, but it will be more comfortable in the garage and after the fuel burns out, it will warm the room for a couple more hours - giving off the heat accumulated in the tab.

Long burning garage oven

All from the same gas cylinder, you can make a stove for a long-burning garage. There are different designs, but the most proven and stable one is called Bubafonya - after the nickname of the author who invented it and posted it on one of the forums. It was about 5-6 years ago. Since then, many have had this miracle - a simple and original design, high efficiency and the fact that you can lay not only firewood, but also shavings and even sawdust. You can even modify Bubafonya for water heating in the garage, which has been done more than once (a water jacket around the body).

Wood-burning stove in a long-burning garage (diagram and photo)

This homemade wood-burning stove has only one drawback - in order to remove the ashes, you will have to turn the body upside down. True, there are already improvements that eliminate this shortcoming. With a welding machine, you can make such a stove in the garage with your own hands in a few hours - it is very easy to manufacture.


This stove uses the principle of top combustion: firewood burns from above, the flame spreads down as the upper layers burn through. This explains the long period of time for combustion - the flame spreads down much more slowly. However, the heating is effective. Already in the first minutes, a sufficient amount of heat begins to be released.

This stove is traditionally round, vertical. The body is an ordinary cylinder with a bottom without a welded cover. The main focus is in the shape and structure of the moving part. It is often called "cargo", but this is only one of the functions. This part also brings air into the combustion zone. She represents a metal circle to which a pipe is welded in the middle. On the back side of the metal circle - from the center to the edges - corners or pieces of a small channel are welded. These are air ducts through which air enters the periphery of the combustion area. There is also a cover with a hole cut out in the center through which the cargo pipe is passed. The smoke pipe is welded almost at the very top of the body. Its horizontal part should not be more than 40 cm, then the pipe rises. The height of the chimney is at least 2-3 meters, but it must be determined by the draft - so that in any weather the smoke does not go into the garage.

Principle of operation

Having filled the body with firewood interspersed with shavings and sawdust, the bookmark is kindled. A lid is put on the pipe and, when the flame flares up, the lid is placed on top. Since the pipe is hollow, air is supplied through it to the combustion zone, which supports combustion.

The diameter of the “load” circle is slightly smaller than the diameter of the body - through this slot, combustion products enter the upper part (in the figure it is signed as a “secondary combustion chamber”). As you know, they are combustible themselves and can give off a large amount of heat. In this zone, with a well-heated furnace, these gases ignite. Combustion air comes from a slot in the cover in the area of ​​the pipe passage. Something can “pull up” in a circle. It's not that important. It is important that the lid should not be made airtight, and also that because of this, the draft in the pipe should be excellent.

The gases ignited in the upper part give no less heat than burning wood. This explains the heating efficiency when using this design. Burnt gases exit into the chimney. As it burns, the load sinks lower and lower until the entire bookmark burns out. After the stove goes out and cools down, you can lay a new batch of firewood and start the process all over again. It is necessary to take out the ashes after several fireboxes - the firewood burns out completely, only a small pile of ash remains from the bookmark and a couple of coals from the lowest firewood.

This oven for the garage is heated with such "wood"

Here is a brief summary of the principle of operation of this unit. As you can see, there is not only upper combustion, but also afterburning of gases. Very simple and really works well.

Manufacturing process

Most likely you have already understood how to do everything, but we will briefly describe the process. First, let's talk about the materials that are needed for this stove. Most often, 50-liter propane tanks are used. A barrel with thick walls and a piece of pipe with a diameter of 300 mm to 600 mm will do. The height of the case in finished form is from 110 cm to 200 cm. In addition, you will need:

These are all the necessary materials. Now actually about what and how to do. We will proceed from the fact that we make a garage stove from a gas cylinder.

That's all. Do-it-yourself garage oven made.


Design improvements swing ease of use. The most inconvenient thing is the need to turn over a heavy body in order to shake out the ashes. To get rid of this, an ash pan and traditional grates are made in the lower part. The solution is understandable, but this innovation can lead to the fact that the firewood will burn faster - air will be sucked through the door slots. If there is a lot of oxygen in the lower part, the firewood will burn quickly, and not in smoldering mode, as happens in the original design. The way out is to make the door airtight, with sides and a seal.

Efficient and economical garage oven - dimensional drawing

The second improvement concerns the number and shape of the ribs on the air duct disk. They are made not from corners or a channel, but from steel strips. They are bent and slightly displaced, so that passing the air, as it were, twists. 6-8 pieces are welded instead of the original 4. This alteration gives only pluses - air is more evenly distributed over the combustion zone, firewood burns evenly over the entire area.

Brick ovens give softer heat, but until they heat up themselves, they will not heat the garage. If you are going to heat daily, this option is good. If the garage will be heated periodically, it is better to make a metal stove - it is long and dreary to disperse a frozen brick stove, and it will start heating in two hours.

For those who decide to put a brick oven in the garage, we will lay out the order of a small (relatively) oven with a heating panel and a hob (just in case).

A stove made of solid ceramic bricks (not burnt). Without taking into account the battle, 290 pieces are required. Laying is carried out on a clay mortar, the thickness of the seams is about 0.5-1.8 cm.

A separate foundation is needed for this furnace - the mass will be under 500 kg. Its dimensions are larger than the dimensions of the oven by 15-20 cm.

Furnace lining is desirable (laying fireclay bricks on fireclay mortar). Bricks are undermined for furnace casting. The dimensions of the bed for the grate, stove and doors should be larger than the dimensions of the casting. The gap is necessary to compensate for thermal expansion and also for laying a heat-insulating layer around the doors. This will reduce the formation of cracks next to them (due to different thermal expansion).

Asbestos cord has traditionally been used as a heat-insulating material. If you don't want to deal with asbestos, you can cut mineral wool cardboard into strips. Only it must withstand very high temperatures - up to 1200 ° C (minimum 850 ° C).

Installed in the 6th row, the valve allows you to switch the furnace into winter and summer modes. This is convenient in the off-season, when full power is not required, but it is already damp.

The height of the furnace can be increased by repeating the 14th and 15th rows.

See the video for the process of pre-laying a furnace without mortar (recommended in order to pick up bricks and understand what's what).

Drawings and diagrams

Describe all the designs for a long time. Much can be understood from the drawings.