Location on a plot of 12 acres. Layout of a summer cottage. Harmonious combination of zones

Any landowner wants to quickly put his own territory in order - erect all the necessary buildings, uproot interfering bushes, plant the necessary fruit and berry crops, and lay out beds. But the layout summer cottage must be thoughtful. Any mistakes in this matter can result in significant inconvenience in the future.

Drawing up a plan diagram

Do not forget to indicate the cardinal directions - in the case of a garden plot, this factor will be important.

After all, the choice of location of buildings and plantings largely depends on the degree of illumination of a particular place. If not only on your territory, but also on the neighboring site there are trees or any buildings that can provide shade, you should also mark them.

To obtain a large-scale image, you can use a squared piece of notebook paper. A scale of 1:100 is most convenient. In this case, 2 cells (1 cm) will equal 10 m of territory. For clarity, it is better to use colored pencils.

Make a list of desired areas that you would like to see on your territory: a recreation area (a gazebo or canopy), flower beds, a swimming pool or an artificial pond, watering tanks, a septic tank, etc. Determine the places that you would like to highlight or, on the contrary, hide.

On the layout diagram of a summer cottage, it is necessary to indicate not only the location of all zones and buildings, but also the sources of water, and when laying a water pipeline, the location of its passage. Sewage pits, septic tanks, compost heaps are placed at the maximum distance from wells and boreholes. In this case, you should retreat 2 m from the fence.

For convenience, the largest elements of the design can be cut out of paper. They can be moved according to the scheme, trying to find the most optimal place to accommodate. For example, several square figures can represent buildings, circles - trees, shrubs, curvilinear figures - alpine hills, flower beds.

Naturally, there are no strict rules in the zoning of garden areas. Most summer residents allocate about 2/3 of the territory for planting.

When drawing up a plan, please note that according to SNiP, on garden plots of 6-12 acres for all types of buildings, you have the right to occupy no more than 25-30%.

In this case, it is necessary to take not only the area of ​​a residential building (no more than 10% is allocated to it), but also outbuildings, as well as covered areas and paths. For example, when planning a summer cottage plot of 6 acres, you can allocate 1.8 acres for buildings.

Even on a small area, it is worthwhile to provide separate recreation areas, a playground and plantings. In order for them all to look like a single whole, when designing them, use uniform forms of structures. You can visually connect the zones with the help of bridges, lighting, decorative figures, green spaces, made in the same color scheme.

It is better to place gazebos or terraces closer to the entrance so that guests do not have to wade too far through green spaces. And it will also not be very convenient for the housewife to constantly carry dishes and food to the end of the garden.

The playground must be clearly visible, so it is also placed near the house.

The use of only right angles in the planning of a summer cottage is more suitable for areas intended for growing a significant amount of agricultural products. After all, it will be difficult to walk around the garden with a watering can along winding paths every day. In this case, the beds and paths around them are placed strictly parallel, on the same line.

If you purchased a garden only for relaxation, then you can afford the most unexpected experiments: smooth, streamlined or curved shapes, winding paths, alpine slides, flower beds that flow into one another, etc. You can also use a mixture of styles.

Choosing a location for buildings

Planning a summer cottage (photo) begins with the placement of a residential building:

  • if the roadway is close, it makes sense to move it to the opposite side; the courtyard located between it and the road will become a natural protection from noise and dust; if the roadway is far away, the residential building is located right next to the fence - delivery building materials, furniture and products in this case will be easier
  • on rectangular plots, buildings are always located on a short part of it; this will help to arrange the remaining zones more compactly and visually increase the space
  • The residential house and other buildings should be placed only on the north side; otherwise the shadow from them will cover the green spaces; grow good harvest in such conditions it will be impossible
  • do not ignore the direction of the prevailing winds; It is better to position buildings in such a way that they partially cover the plantings from its gusts
  • windows should be positioned in such a way that they bear minimal wind load; try to place them on the west or east side; when facing the south side in the heat, the building will overheat, and in winter the northern winds will cool it down
  • Naturally, you need to think about the convenience of access to the house; otherwise loading and unloading will one day become a serious problem

When planning a dacha plot, keep in mind that you have the right to build a house only at a distance of 3 m from the border of the neighboring plot and 8 m if there is a residential building next door.


Outbuildings are not very aesthetically pleasing, so it is better to move them deep into the yard or behind the house. In small areas they are camouflaged with the help of trees or shrubs. Climbing plants can be used for these purposes. A garage or parking space takes up a lot of space, so they are placed at the very entrance.

For the convenience of laying sewer and water communications, it is better to place a bathhouse or sauna next to the house. In this case, it will be necessary to retreat 8 m from neighboring buildings.

The distance from any outbuildings, except the barn and poultry house, to the adjacent fence should be 1 m. Premises for animals will need to be moved back by 4 m. In addition to sanitary standards, it is necessary to take into account the requirements fire safety. Thus, when constructing buildings made of non-combustible bricks and concrete blocks, a distance of 10 m is maintained between neighboring buildings. Wooden buildings are located 15 m from each other.

To plan your summer cottage and draw up diagrams (see photo), you can use special programs, for example, the free Garden Planner.

The larger the area, the more space you can afford to build recreation areas. The place for them is chosen in the most convenient and comfortable place.

If you like to soak up the sun, close to the water is really sunny area arrange a place for sun loungers. Install the outdoor shower away from prying eyes. A terrace or gazebo is placed near large trees, in a place protected from strong winds. Consider several layout options at once to choose the best one.

It is better to decorate semi-closed areas under canopies with climbing plants - in the heat they will not only protect from the sun’s rays, but also saturate the air with moisture.

Decorate the recreation area with various decorative structures: fountains, sculptures, artificial ponds, wooden bridges, landscape it with ornamental plants.

When planning a summer cottage, be sure to consider street lighting not only in the residential area, at the entrance, but also in the recreation area.

Try to arrange the lamps in such a way that there are as few shaded corners as possible, but at the same time the light does not hurt your eyes, and you still have a feeling of complete unity with nature. For this you can use not only flashlights or LED strips, but also spot lighting. Lamps can be mounted in steps, placed along paths or placed along the perimeter of a fence.

Green area

When planning garden plot one should take into account not only its shape, but also the characteristics of the soil. If necessary, it is leveled, the slopes are strengthened, fertile soil is brought in or fertilizers are applied. In wet areas, drainage should be provided immediately.

If the annual plowing of the land will be done using a mini-tractor or cultivator, it is necessary to consider where they will pass along the entire perimeter of the site. It is not worth placing perennial crops, shrubs, and trees in these places.

Plantings are always placed on the south side so that the plants are well lit. It is better to place large fruit or ornamental trees and shrubs at the farthest end of the garden so that they do not shade the plantings. Just like a residential building, it is advisable to place them on the north side. This will help protect the area from strong winds. According to SNiP, you have the right to plant shrubs 1 m from the neighbor’s fence, medium-height trees – 2 m, and tall trees – 4 m.

The roots of trees and large shrubs can destroy even the strongest foundation, so they should not be placed near buildings. It is necessary to retreat 5 m from them.

The close location of large plantings near buildings and due to strong shading is undesirable. Due to the slow drying of the soil in these places, the formation of dampness is inevitable. For ease of passage, a distance of 0.5 m is left between trees and paths.

When laying out beds, try not to save space or make narrow paths. It has been proven that yields only decrease. After all, with dense plantings, plants suffer from a lack of light.

Approximate layout options

On 5-6 acres

Despite the compactness of such a territory, in addition to a residential house, it can accommodate a couple of outbuildings, a bathhouse and even a mini-pool. If there is not enough space, the gazebo for relaxation on a plot of 5 acres is replaced with a small canopy. Next to it you can place a compact platform for 1-2 sun loungers.

In a small area, use a large number of winding paths and curved or curved structures. irregular shapes not very rational. After all, they are able to “eat up” a significant part of the space.

When planning a summer cottage plot of 6 acres, you should not limit yourself to only straight paths. One or two paths of complex shape will make the area visually wider.

Green hedges made of climbing plants, bright flower beds, small, eye-catching objects, for example, unusually shaped benches and arches, will help make the area more comfortable and visually expand the space. Neat sculptures can also be placed near winding paths.

Such techniques work well in the presence of elongated sections. To visually expand them, you can use branched paths, as well as shrubs and large flowers planted along them. Spacious lawns, on the contrary, only emphasize the elongated shape of the site.

For planting for a family of 3-4 people, 50-60 square meters will be enough. m. It is more convenient to make beds 0.5 m wide with fairly wide passages. To save space, flowers and greens can be planted in vertical or multi-level beds.

In small areas it is not always possible to place garden crops in one place. Some of them can be planted closer to the house in free areas, combining them with ornamental plants.

On 8-10 acres

When planning a summer cottage plot on 8 acres, the recreation area can be increased to 20% of the total area. There is a gazebo with barbecue facilities, an alpine slide, a small outdoor pool, etc.

Try to arrange large and small elements evenly so that they look balanced. When planning them, try to adhere to proportions: a small patio against the backdrop of a two-story house can simply get lost, just like a small flower garden on a huge lawn.

On a narrow plot, it is better to place a residential building on the short side. In this case, the territory will be used more rationally, plus it will not seem dismembered.

On 12 acres

In such an area there is enough space for a house with a veranda, a garage, outbuildings, a bathhouse, a summer kitchen, a gazebo or terrace, a swimming area with a fairly large pool and an alpine slide. When planning a summer cottage on 12 acres, you can allocate more space for children and equip a playground with a sandbox, swings, slides, and a small children's house. Let us emphasize once again that such a zone should be located near the house so that parents are always aware of what their child is doing.

In large areas you will have the opportunity to plant more not only fruit but also ornamental shrubs. They are placed evenly in the most significant places and along the paths.

The rest of the area can be planted with potatoes, beds, or made into a garden with fruit trees, berry bushes. In order not to run across the entire garden for greens or radishes, it is better to arrange beds for them closer to the house or next to the summer kitchen. Bulky greenhouses are installed at the end of the garden. Decorative plantings are located closer to the entrance.

On 15 acres

There are quite a few standard layout schemes for large summer cottage plots on 15 acres. You can take one of them as a basis and make your own adjustments. As in previous cases, the territory must be divided into several zones: residential, territory of outbuildings, recreation area, planting area. Since the development of large plots often occurs over several years, temporarily plant the area between the house and future outbuildings with garden crops or flowers so that the free area is not overgrown with grass.

At first, for the delivery of building materials, the area at the entrance must be left free - it will be a shame if the flower beds grown with such difficulty are trampled.

Planning and laying out a summer cottage is a big creative process that will require you not only to have certain knowledge, but also to use your own imagination. At the same time, knowledgeable people recommend following the advice of specialists who will help you complete all the work, as a result, every square meter of the territory will be useful and delight you with beauty and comfort every day. We will consider in detail how to plan a summer cottage plot with our own hands, step by step.

Preparatory work

Before you begin drawing up a future site plan, you need to decide on the terrain itself, the nature of the relief, the shape of the land, the presence of any buildings, as well as other features of the area. For example, in rural areas there are a large number of streams and reservoirs, if one is present on your site, then you can use it correctly.

Pay attention to several features of the location of the dacha:

  • lowland - hill;
  • presence or absence of a water source;
  • wooded area - steppe.

Quite often it is necessary to add or remove soil, make blind areas for walls, and also make organized drains. Only with proper placement of buildings on the site can you make maximum use of the dacha plot and highlight all the zones.

To ensure that all the preparatory work is done correctly, it is best to assess the space and start from the ground.

  1. Relief: hilly, flat, with ravines or mountains. The layout of utility lines will depend on this indicator.
  2. Soil: clayey, humus, sandy. If you plan to equip a vegetable garden, you should increase the soil fertility by applying fertilizers. The set of plants for the garden and flower beds will depend on the acidity level.
  3. Shape and size of the territory: square, rectangular and elongated.
  4. Groundwater: when sufficient high level you should think about water drainage.
  5. Climatic conditions.
  6. Illumination.

It is better to orient all large buildings and trees towards the north. This approach will reduce the influence of shadows, and the view from the house will be maximally illuminated throughout the day.

Zones on the territory of the dacha

The layout of a summer cottage depends precisely on the zones that will be included here. Each individual case will have its own list, but you can consider the largest example and list of zones:

  • residential;
  • recreation;
  • outbuildings;
  • garden.

Each of them should have its own area depending on the total area. So, if zoning is carried out correctly, the residential part should be up to 20%. If it is planned to build outbuildings, then this percentage should not exceed 15%. At the same time, the largest plot is allocated to the vegetable garden and garden - 75%. This approach will allow you to diversify your landscape design and fill it with a wide variety of flower varieties and plant species.

  1. The house is placed first. Most often, a central zone is allocated for it, but buildings are most often located somewhere in the depths. In an interesting and original way, they can be disguised with the help of decorative plantings that are not afraid of shadows.
  2. The place to relax should be the most comfortable and best. In this case, the nature of the zone can be arranged or scattered. Here you should not forget about the place for a children's playground.
  3. The garden should be well lit, so it should be given the sunny side. The shadow of buildings should not obscure the territory.

Shapes of plots

Options for planning a summer cottage can be very diverse, but almost everything will depend on the shape of the land plot. The most common type of site is rectangular shape, on which it is possible to implement a wide variety of solutions and ideas. There is also an L-shaped type of plot. It is quite complex, so you will need to think and think about where and how to place everything. The part that protrudes can be used as a place to relax or as a playground.

On a triangular-shaped site, you can consider an asymmetrical approach when planning and dividing the territory. The emphasis should be on round elements:

  • lawns;
  • bodies of water;

It is best to place outbuildings in remote corners.

Planning is a creative endeavor. Experts advise considering a wide variety of options, but not copying them completely, but making some changes.

Once the important points have been identified and various layout options have been explored, you need to sketch everything out on a piece of paper. You can turn to specialists and designers for help. landscape design who use special programs for project development. But to save money, a regular sheet of A4 paper and a pen (pencil) will be enough.

To sketch the plan, consider an example - a 10-acre dacha plot. It is best if you take a scale of 1:100 and a sheet of whatman paper of the appropriate size - a square of 50x50 cm. For convenience, it is better to arm yourself with a pencil and a ruler to line the entire sheet into a grid in increments of 1 cm. Next - a flight of fancy: arm yourself with colored pencils, clippings from magazines and felt-tip pens, with the help of which you can create a real collage.

When working with the diagram, you must take into account:

  • location of the house taking into account all exits;
  • places allocated for outbuildings and auxiliary buildings;
  • rest zone;
  • playground;
  • paths;
  • fence;
  • flower beds, rock gardens and front gardens;
  • bodies of water;
  • engineering Communication.

When preliminary placing objects, you should select the optimal location that will suit the purpose.

So, as already mentioned, the main elements in the following categories should first be placed on the site:

  • the basis is the house;
  • additional buildings and outbuildings: summer kitchen, garage, well, barn, cellar and others;
  • recreational buildings: terrace, patio, gazebo, playground, swimming pool and outdoor shower;
  • garden and vegetable garden: flower beds, front gardens, beds for vegetables and root crops, greenhouses.

It is important to pay attention not only to their placement and shape, but also to decide on the materials that will be used during construction. Only in this case the site will achieve a harmonious garden style. The children's playground is no less important: when choosing a place, you should opt for the most visible area, so that the kids are always under the visual control of their parents.

We also take into account the legal requirements regarding distance standards:

  • from the house to the red line of the street - 5 m;
  • from the house to the neighbor’s fence – 3 m;
  • between houses made of stone - 6 m, wood - 15 m, mixed - 10 m;
  • from the fence for a garden house - 3 m, buildings for animals - 4 m, outbuildings - 1 m, trees - 4 m;
  • from the windows of the house to the neighbor’s utility parts – 6 m.

A variety of examples are given at the end of the article. finished projects planning of summer cottages. Check them out and draw your own conclusions.

Plot of 12 acres

A garden area of ​​12 acres will allow you to place a larger number of objects and allocate additional space for recreation areas in comparison with the previous option. In this case, the layout will be distributed as follows:

  • House with a spacious veranda – 150 m2.
  • Household part 50 m2.
  • Recreation area and playground – 200 m2.
  • Vegetable garden and greenhouse – 200 m2.
  • Garden plot – 550 m2.
  • Paths and paths – 50 m2.

The principle of placement of buildings will be similar to the option of a plot of 6 acres, but in this case there is an additional opportunity for the implementation of various landscaping ideas. Thus, a large number of not only fruit trees and shrubs are connected, but also decorative ones. They can be planted around each object, as well as along paths.

In addition, additional square meters allocated for the recreation area will allow you to build a gazebo, swimming pool, and barbecue. It is very important to think through here decorative lighting, which will make it possible to spend time in the evening.

Plot of 15 acres

First of all, we note that 15 acres is as much as 1500 m2 of free territory, on which a wide variety of landscape combinations can be implemented. Most often, the plot has the shape of a rectangle 30x50 m or 25x60 m. There is enough space to include in the project everything necessary for comfortable and functional living not only in summer, but also in winter.

  1. Residential building with attic and veranda – 200 m2.
  2. Summer kitchen – 30 m2.
  3. Guest house – 50 m2.
  4. Bathhouse – 50 m2.
  5. Outbuildings – 70 m2.
  6. Garage with access for a car - 30 m2.
  7. The recreation area includes a gazebo, a children's playground, a barbecue and picnic area, as well as benches throughout the area - 300 m2.
  8. Decorative structures (fountain, artificial or natural pond, garden bridge, stone sculptures) – 100 m2.
  9. Vegetable garden – 200 m2.
  10. Flower beds and mixborders – 70 m2.
  11. Garden – 400 m2.

There are no special recommendations for such a site, so pay attention to the first and second options. Everyone will be able to realize any idea here, and even more than one - it’s enough to rationally weigh and develop everything so that everything fits and harmonizes very well with each other.

A country house should be surrounded by greenery, so a lot of time and effort is devoted to this stage. A large number of flower beds are planned and laid out, and a large front garden is set up in front of the house.

When independently developing a plan for your summer cottage, you need to take into account many nuances and points that will help you complete all the work correctly and efficiently. Please take note of the recommendations and advice given in the article, and also review the sketches of the site plans. As a result, you will be able to create the summer cottage of your dreams, where it will be comfortable to spend all seasons, regardless of weather conditions.


Lots of useful tips are given in the following video:


A country house and the plot attached to it become the ultimate dream of a city dweller. No neighbors, tight parking or constant restrictions. This small private corner provides owners with a unique opportunity to create their own residential “paradise”, which will exist according to its own rules. Landscape design of a plot of 12 acres should begin with the development of the project. Professionals will do it for you faster and better, but not many people prefer to master this complex science on their own. Landscape design is akin to interior design; coziness and comfort in the area where the owners will spend most of their time in the summer will also depend on it. Let's try to figure out where to start planning, and how to correctly arrange functional areas within twelve acres.

Before you start a project, you need to decide on the final picture that you want to see completed. This could be a ready-made design object that you saw in a fashion magazine, or an image “from your head”, generated solely by your imagination. On a blank sheet of paper, draw the shape of the area (top view). It is usually rectangular, square, triangular or trapezoidal. More complex forms are not found often. If you are “lucky” to become the owner of such a rarity, then every extra corner must be played up so that it later becomes a highlight. Then the cardinal directions and relief features are marked on the plan, that is, the landscape: elevations, lowlands, slopes, perhaps a lake or pond splashes near the fence. Also consider the groundwater level. Then decide on the purposes for which the garden area will be used. For example, if the owners are avid summer residents and plan to spend most of their time cultivating the soil, then the lion’s share of the plot will have to be given over to gardening. Perhaps even to the detriment of other functional sites. However, twelve acres is quite enough to arrange a minimum dacha. This area is considered large. All zones are classified into four types:

  • Living spaces. The house and its possible extensions. This also includes the adjacent parts of the yard;
  • Relaxation area. It includes gazebos, barbecues, swimming pools, tennis courts, cozy places for thinking about the eternal by the pond;
  • Buildings for economic purposes. These include bathhouses, cellars, sheds for storing equipment and firewood, garages and parking lots;
  • Land for a garden and vegetable garden.

Although the location and dimensions of the above zones are calculated either by the owner himself or by the designer in accordance with his wishes, there are generally accepted standards.

The smallest part of the land plot is considered to be a residential building. As a rule, it occupies no more than 10% of the total area. Another 15-20% is taken as a recreation area. The remaining part is given to the flora and possibly fauna (if you plan to keep pets). They are always accompanied by outbuildings, which are installed to provide greater comfort when caring for the household. If it seems that there is not enough space, then individual objects are arranged into zones with conditional boundaries. Alternatively, the garden can be combined with a recreation area. The canopy of trees will provide shade in hot summers and shelter from the wind in winter. Also take into account the features of the relief: slopes, lowlands, natural objects that were marked on the original diagram. They can become a significant obstacle to the placement of certain buildings.

The planning of a summer cottage must be approached from a rational point of view. The beauty of the landscape will be given by its design and polishing, but the inconvenient arrangement of objects will spoil the whole impression. In addition, it may be too late to change anything. It is better to contact a specialist to approve the plan before implementing your project. An experienced designer will help you find errors and correct them in a timely manner.

Rules and regulations for the location of objects

In addition to your desires, you must also take into account generally accepted norms that are regulated by law. Buildings on your land must:

  • Do not disturb neighbors;
  • Do not create obstacles to the free movement of people or vehicles in public places (if there is a street nearby);
  • Ensure safe accommodation for owners.

Read also: DIY garden decor +75 photos

These three aspects can be expressed in numbers. The distance from residential buildings to the neighbor's fence must be at least 4 m. A distance of 1.5 m is maintained from low bushes, and from tall and dwarf trees - 4 m and 3 m, respectively. Outbuildings must be erected at a distance of at least 1 m, and those structures where animals are kept - 4 m. For your own safety, the following distances must be maintained between buildings of different types:

  • For stone and brick houses it is necessary to “retreat” 6 m;
  • If the structure has wooden floors, then the permissible distance is increased by another 2 m;
  • Near wooden houses it is not allowed to erect other buildings closer than 15 m.

These standards are established in order to comply with fire safety. As for sanitary rules, toilets and household facilities. buildings with animals must be located at a distance of at least 12 m from residential buildings. Cesspools and it is better to install showers at a distance of 8 m from the house. It is not permissible to build sheds where livestock will be kept or install outdoor toilets near a water source (well or well). Otherwise, no one will be able to guarantee the owners of such a plot that wastewater with sewage will not end up in well supplies.

In case of violations established rules, unscrupulous owners will face not only fines, but also demands for the demolition of certain buildings. Experienced landscape designers know these rules by heart. Only beginners who for the first time decided to develop a plot of land with their own hands can encounter such a problem.

Landscape Design Styles

IN landscape design just as in ordinary interior design, there are styles, the unity of which is observed when designing areas. Let's highlight the five most common:

  • Classical. It is characterized by straight lines, neatly trimmed lawns and trees, and strict geometry in the arrangement of buildings.

  • Japanese style. The East promotes minimalism in everything. For this reason, avoid “extra” on the site and build only the necessary buildings that perform a specific function. As a decoration, a “winter” garden with a pond in the center of the composition would look good.

  • Russian. In this direction they embody the idea of ​​a domestic “village”. To recreate its color, most buildings are built from wood, and carvings prevail in the decor.

  • English. A style of “freedom” that does not accept symmetry. Although the buildings and gardening area have a neat, neat appearance, they can be scattered chaotically around the site as your heart desires. Don't forget to add some "prim" to the landscape by decorating it with stone paths and benches or ponds with the same finish.

  • Mediterranean style. Forget about lawns. Instead, use wide vases and baskets of flowers. The entire house area is covered with light stone or covered with gravel. Flower pots are grouped into picturesque compositions. Handmade items are used in decoration.

All of the above trends can be combined into one large stylistic group called “ethnics”. Of course, there are other design options: Scandinavian, romantic, high-tech, country, Provence, eco-style. They also live by their own laws.

Arrangement of a residential area

The residential building will be the conventional center of the composition, although it is rarely located exactly in the middle of the plot. If there is a quiet street next to the fence, then the main building and an enclosed courtyard are usually located closer to it. It will be too inconvenient to make your way through a maze of garden paths in order to go outside. A completely different situation arises with a busy highway. It is better to isolate yourself from it and move the construction to a far corner. Otherwise, the noise of cars and constant passers-by will interfere with restful sleep and relaxation. If the site is relief and most of it is in a lowland, then the house is built at the highest point of the slope. This option will eliminate the risk of flooding. The adjacent area will be given over to terraces that will create a picturesque composition. When laying the foundation, it is worth considering the type of soil and the level of wastewater.

Read also: Decorative bridge for the garden +50 photos

Arrangement of a garden plot

As mentioned above, gardening occupies most of the area. Usually it is arranged in the “dead” part of the site, which is removed from the street. It’s unlikely that anyone will like to open the gate and immediately see the cucumber-tomato landscape from the doorstep. A vegetable garden is usually combined with a garden, which becomes a “buffer” zone between it and a recreation area or residential buildings. Bushes are planted along the perimeter of the “green” zone or inside it as conditional boundaries that will separate one bed from another. If there is a busy street or highway near the site, then the vegetable garden area is removed from it as far as possible. Dust will settle on the leaves, and exhaust gases will not add any benefit to the fruits.

As for vegetation, of course the choice is up to the owners. Some people love caring for finicky eggplants, while others prefer simpler greens or radishes. It is worth taking into account only the climate features. A vegetable garden can be eliminated altogether if the owners prefer to “lazyly” care for the fruit trees in the garden. As an alternative, only a small bed of herbs and flower beds are left. The latter usually decorate the front patio. It would be a good idea to plant a couple of Christmas trees, thujas or pine trees. Over time, the trees will stretch out and create shade. In addition, all year round the site will spread a pleasant, tart pine aroma and “eternal” greenery will delight the eye. It is not recommended to plant trees too close to buildings, since after ten years the strengthened root system can raise the foundation. For lovers of Russian flavor, there is an option with native birch trees. After 5-6 years of vigorous growth without damage to the trees, the sap can be collected in the spring. The garden minimum usually consists of pear, apple, cherry and plum trees. Cherries do well in warmer climates. Among the shrubs, raspberries, gooseberries and currants are usually preferred. Of course, no garden is complete without “permanent” beds of strawberries. To make caring for it easier, it is recommended to cover the entire area with a special film with slits for the bushes. This way the tender strawberry will be protected from weeds.

Organization of a recreation area

The center of the zone becomes a gazebo. This building is necessary for a good rest. She may be:

  • Monumental made of brick or wood with glazed windows and a stove inside
  • Temporary, used only in summer.

As an economical option, picturesque “green” gazebos are installed. They are a wire frame along which grapes are woven. The composition is completed with country furniture: a table and a pair of chairs or a bench. In addition to the gazebo, a barbecue is installed or a specially designated barbecue area is created. In more expensive options, a garden path can lead to a swimming pool or decorative pond.

Arrangement of a children's playground

The children's playground is combined with a recreation area. This will allow adults to calmly spend their leisure time preparing barbecue and at the same time keep an eye on the kids. It is advisable to install a sandbox, a slide and a couple of carousels on the site. If older children will play on it, then you should think about arranging a tennis court or ping-pong table. The slide can be “complicated”: the free space under it can be completed in the form of a castle or hut.

Economic zone

The utility area includes a bathhouse or shower room, a garage, sheds, summer kitchens, and places to store firewood. All these buildings are necessary, but can slightly spoil the appearance of the site. To get rid of the negative effect, buildings are grouped and decorated with neat paths, on the sides of which flower beds are planted. The result is a small, separate world within a large area of ​​property.

When starting to plan your existing plot of land, you need to take into account not only its future appearance. In fact, landscaping should be the last item on your list.

Design – a site project will help to convey the designer’s ideas, as well as your preferences, more accurately and in detail.

Before you start, prepare everything you might need.

Materials and documents required to draw up a plan:

  • soil map;
  • certificate of groundwater flow;
  • wind data;
  • land plot diagram.

Tools needed for territory planning:

  • rangefinder;
  • measuring ruler or tape measure;
  • notebook.

Assessment of land conditions

It is quite natural that much depends on the size of the plot. On 30 acres, when developing a plan for placing the buildings and objects you need, you can start not so much from the terrain and conditions of the land plot itself, but from your preferences and aesthetic considerations. A plot of 12 acres will require serious efforts from you to place the buildings compactly.

Planning should take into account the following characteristics:

Site planning: a – residential building; b – garage; c – recreation area with a gazebo; d – swimming pool; d – decorative plantings.

  1. Terrain. Subsequent construction and construction costs will depend on it. For example, if the site is hilly, then it is quite possible that it will have to be leveled by tearing down hills and filling in depressions and potholes. This needs to be taken into account when making a plan. If you have 30 acres at your disposal, then it is wiser to plan future buildings based on the relief, without changing it. On a plot of 12 acres, you most likely will not be able to avoid leveling the terrain.
  2. Size and shape of the site. Sometimes the shortcomings of an allotment can be turned into its undoubted advantages. For example, if the plot is wedge-shaped, then at its “narrow” end you can place outbuildings that will be invisible from the entrance to your territory, since they will be covered by the house.
  3. General architectural and planning structure of the settlement. First of all, you should pay attention to the characteristics and condition of access roads. And if the village has general requirements To appearance plots, then, when thinking through the plan, you will also have to take them into account.
  4. Soil type and groundwater availability.
  5. Wind rose and natural light of the site.

The last two points require separate, more detailed consideration.

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Soil type on site

The drawing up of a plan and further construction depend on the type of soil and the depth of groundwater veins. In particular, the characteristics of buildings and their construction (for example, the type and thickness of the foundation), the layout of garden paths, the plants that you are going to plant, and so on. Not to mention the fact that the water supply of a summer cottage, the location of the well and the pump depend on the presence, abundance and depth of groundwater.

Soil composition is also important for gardening planning. So, if the soil on the site is infertile in its composition or has shortcomings (for example, acidic), then you will need to fertilize it in the future, or even get more fertile soil.

The easiest way to determine the composition of the soil is from soil maps that are available to former land owners, for example, in the village administration.

But you can decide on the composition yourself by rolling a lump of soil between your fingers into a flagellum and bending it into a ring. Clay soil plastic, and if it is present, then there will be practically no cracks on the flagellum. The presence of cracks indicates that the soil is loamy. Breaking the flagellum in half is typical for light loamy soil, keeping it intact, but the presence of a large number of cracks characterizes medium loamy soil. If it was not possible to roll the flagellum, then sandy soil predominates on your 12 acres.

Samples for this type of analysis should be taken not from the surface, but from a depth of 10-15 cm and from different ends of the site. The results obtained, of course, will be very approximate and give only a general picture.

The acidity of the soil can be determined using litmus paper or an express test, which are sold in stores that sell gardening supplies.

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Groundwater, wind rose and natural illumination of the territory

The chief architect of the area in which your site is located should have all the information about groundwater. But such data can be obtained independently.

A well with a depth of 1.5-2 m is drilled on the territory of the land plot. If you have a plot of up to 12 acres, then you can get by with one such well. If you have 30 acres or more, you will have to drill several holes in different places on the site. After waiting for the water to settle, you need to measure its depth and, based on it, plan further work with the site. If the mark is higher than 1 meter, this means that your area is swampy. If water accumulates in a well less than 0.2 m, then groundwater lie too deep and the soil will be dry. The optimal parameter is 0.6-0.7 m.

A wind map can be obtained from your local district or regional weather service. It largely depends on the type of prevailing winds. So, for example, if in the territory where your plot is located, predominantly northern or north-eastern winds blow, then without a protective wall ornamental trees you can’t do it, otherwise your landscape and garden plantings will suffer.

The location of buildings and plantings relative to the cardinal directions and the competent selection of plants, and therefore the layout of the site, depend on the natural illumination of the territory.

And only after deciding on the characteristics of your plot, you can begin further steps in planning it.

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Zoning of the site

Planning an allotment involves dividing its territory into zones for buildings, household work, and growing various plants, depending on what the specific zone will be intended for. Naturally, a large area, from 30 acres, provides great opportunities for zoning, while 12 acres greatly limits the possibilities and imagination of its owners.

  • recreation area, which includes gazebos, fire pits and barbecues, swimming pools, decorative ponds, playgrounds and the like;
  • residential area, that is, the house itself;
  • economic zone, which includes buildings for household purposes: barns, garages, livestock premises, compost pits, toilets, and so on;
  • gardening or park area, including gardening plantings, greenhouses or landscape design.

All these areas must be included in the plan.

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Mandatory standards for site zoning

When planning zones, it is necessary to take into account not only design requirements, but also mandatory sanitary standards, which are specified in regulatory documents and do not depend on the territory of the site itself: they are the same for everyone. Otherwise, you risk not only worsening your own living conditions, but also may be subject to very serious fines or sanctions. up to the demolition of buildings.

The following parameters must be remembered:

  1. Mandatory distance from residential buildings to utility facilities (toilets, wells, premises for livestock, etc.).
  2. Mandatory distance from residential buildings to the roadway, including the access road.
  3. The location of buildings, depending on the type of material from which they are made and their ability to catch fire.

Naturally, on a plot of 30 acres or more it is easier to comply with these requirements than on a plot of 12. But when planning your territory, it is still worth taking into account existing standards. You can clarify the requirements in the relevant regulatory documents.

The correct layout and design of a garden plot of 12 acres makes it possible to organize a real country estate. This is a fairly spacious area where it would be possible to build a 2-story house for living, place a recreation area, and a children's playground. Amateur gardeners will also have enough space for flower beds and beds. The main thing is to take into account the interests of all family members, so that in the future it will be comfortable for both adults and children.

A competent project will allow rational use of every centimeter of land for living and working.

Before you begin arranging the site, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • find out the condition of the land, its type, which is important when creating a garden and vegetable garden, in choosing a foundation;
  • determine the terrain, what slopes, hills, and depressions there are;
  • how high is the groundwater;
  • are there any nearby reservoirs, rivers, lakes, or floods;
  • what is the illumination of the area, its shape, side of the world;
  • availability of centralized water supply;
  • is there a forest nearby, planting, distance to them.

If you got an old garden with the plot, you will have to remove the old vegetation; for this it is better to invite a forest pathologist who will help determine which trees can be left and what needs to be gotten rid of.

After developing the plan yourself, it is advisable to consult a specialist so that he can remove all the shortcomings in order to avoid serious mistakes.

Breakdown into zones

When dividing zones, it is worth taking into account the hobbies of the owners. Gardeners who like to dig in the ground will have to allocate most of the site for a vegetable garden. On a dacha plot of 12 acres there is enough space for comfortable living, work and leisure.

Main areas:

  1. A residential area where it is planned to build a house, kitchen, and veranda. 10-15% of the area of ​​the entire territory is allocated for it.
  2. The vegetable garden and garden will occupy 60-65% of the plot.
  3. 25% of the total area should be allocated for a recreation area.
  4. For outbuildings, 10-15% is enough.

Some combine or arrange them in order to make it convenient to move around and use them comfortably.

Usually they combine a garden and recreation areas. decorate the yard. Zones are separated using garden paths, decorative fences, and flower beds.

Rules and regulations for the location of objects

When developing a plan, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • buildings should not interfere with neighbors;
  • if the site is located near the roadway, streets and buildings should not interfere with the movement of vehicles and people;
  • accommodation for the owners must be safe.

There are rules that must be strictly adhered to:

  1. The distance from the house to the main fence is at least 3 meters.
  2. An outdoor toilet should be installed no closer than 20 meters from a residential building and 12 meters from a guest house.
  3. The cesspool should be located 7 meters from all buildings.
  4. Animal sheds should not be installed near a source of drinking water.
  5. A house can be built no closer than 7 meters from a neighboring one, provided that the cladding material or the building itself is fireproof.
  6. Near wooden houses other buildings should be located at a distance of 15 m.

All this will ensure safe living for the owners of the site and their neighbors.

If the mandatory rules are not followed, unscrupulous owners may be fined and forced to demolish some buildings.


The location of each zone needs to be carefully considered; future comfort in a country house depends on it.

Residential sector

This is the main area. The house should have a maximum of 3 floors and be located no closer than 3-4 meters from the road. Its location in the foreground makes it possible to hide the recreation area from prying eyes. If the site is located near the roadway, then it is better to build the main building further away from it, in order to avoid unnecessary noise, and install a high fence.

When working on a house project you need to consider:

  • It is advisable to place the residential sector in the northern part of the site and on a hill, if any;
  • It is better that the main windows face east or west;
  • It is convenient if the veranda is located on the south side of the house, so that there are no drafts in the cold season and overheating of the interior rooms in hot weather.

Climbing plants planted near the walls of the building will complement the decor.

You need to build a garage nearby, there are the following options:

  • extension, suitable for one and two-story buildings;
  • on the first floor;
  • as an independent building.

The choice depends on the preferences of the owners, so that it is convenient to use.

Rest zone

This part of the site is divided into areas of passive and active recreation:

The main element is . It comes in different shapes, sizes and designs, open and closed. The choice depends on what time of day the owners expect to use it and how many people it should accommodate. A grill and barbecue are usually placed nearby. There are options when they are installed in the gazebo itself. Recently, purchasing a tandoor has become popular, but it must be in the open air, and for the winter it is put away in a shelter.

It is advisable to place flower beds, flower beds, decorative ponds, fountains, and a swimming pool nearby.

In the depths of the garden you can install a hammock, elegant benches, a bench or a swing.

For active recreation, a sports ground, tennis court, table, and basketball hoop are suitable.


Choosing a play area for kids also has its own requirements:

  1. The side should not be windy to avoid drafts.
  2. The presence of trees is mandatory so that in hot sunny weather the child is in the shade.
  3. The playground should be located near the house; even when the parents are in the room, the child will remain under supervision.
  4. It is advisable that the play area be combined with a recreation area. Then it will be convenient for adults to relax and at the same time keep an eye on the children playing.
  5. Compliance with the age category and safety precautions is mandatory.
  6. The design should be bright and colorful.

Therefore, it is necessary to install a swing, a slide, and a sandbox in this area.

A good option is a sports complex, it includes a slide, a wall bars, a climbing pipe, and an attic house. There are many varieties, for boys and girls, designed according to the interests and age of the children.

It is better to fence the children's area with a small decorative fence, without sharp corners and twigs, or with a hedge.


Experts advise placing this piece of territory on the south side of the site, where there are no tall trees creating shade and no tall buildings.

Before choosing a place for vegetable beds, you need to know the type of soil; if the soil is clay, then it is better to place them from north to south, sandy, from east to west.

It is not recommended to plant trees near the fence closer than 2 meters. Otherwise, they will create a shadow on the neighboring area. Fruit trees and shrubs are planted on the east and southeast sides, ornamental plants on the north.

Economic zone

Sheds, fences for poultry and animals, and small rooms for gardening equipment and tools are built on it.

Its location is on the far side of the yard:

  • will be hidden from prying eyes;
  • during the work, everything you need is at hand;
  • the supposed disorder is not visible;
  • far from children.

It is convenient to keep the entire area clean.


This landscape element can be in the form of large spacious roads, or small, neat paths that separate zones from each other and ensure free movement between them.

They can be decorated with decorative fences, hedges, paved with garden tiles, decorative stone or combined materials. It is imperative to install lanterns along the paths. With the help of these, it is possible to create a beautiful design drawing.


If you use decorative light sources, you can create any picture and highlight its beautiful aspects in the landscape design of your summer cottage. It will look interesting day and night. Such lamps are installed near fountains, ponds, sculptures, and flower beds.

Do not forget that lighting fixtures must be located so that they are visible:

  • residential building, and all paths;
  • sharp turns;
  • steps, stairs;
  • well;
  • various obstacles that are not visible in the dark.

Proper lighting will allow you to safely move around the area at night.


Various sculptures made of plaster, concrete or stone will decorate. These can be characters from fairy tales, animals, birds, insects. They can be purchased at the store or made by yourself. You can place a duck, heron, or frog near the pond. Animals will look beautiful in the flowerbed, and a fairy-tale character next to the bench.

The main thing is not to overdo it with quantity and colors. Otherwise, the interior will be tasteless and oversaturated. Everything should be harmonious.

When planning, you need to take into account the following nuances:

  1. Do not overload the interior with a large number of small details. This will create the appearance of clutter.
  2. Paths in the form of smooth lines and curves will visually expand the space. Straight lines will reduce.
  3. Arc-shaped beds will make the garden aesthetically pleasing.
  4. If you plant aromatic herbs and flowers nearby, the smells will overlap.

Don’t take on everything at once, plan a budget, break the work into stages, and carry out the tasks sequentially.

Design options

We provide photos of examples of finished design projects for a plot of twelve acres.