Recreation area on a summer cottage: photos of swimming pools in a private house and ideas for their design. How to build a swimming pool with your own hands: step by step building a swimming pool at the dacha Swimming pool at home

In the summer, when the weather is quite hot outside, it is especially pleasant to be in cool water. However, it is not always possible to go out into nature, where you can swim to your heart’s content in a river or any other body of water. A great alternative to this is to have your own swimming pool located on summer cottage, or on the territory of your country cottage. But to do it, you need to have certain skills and knowledge, which will be discussed in this article.

Before we begin describing the procedure for building your own pool on your site, I would like to talk about the types of structures that you can install at your place. Each of them has its own characteristics, which naturally affects the materials used and manufacturing technology. There are several main types:

4. Swimming poolsstationary type . This type of pool can rightfully be considered a full-fledged pool that can serve its owner for many years. Of course, its construction will require a lot of effort and financial costs, but the results obtained will please everyone.

In principle, this is where the list of types of pools ends. The first three types can be purchased ready-made, so we will not consider them. We are more interested in a stationary pool, the construction of which includes several stages.

Pool location

We have decided on the type of pool. Now we need to think about where exactly it will be located on personal plot? In addition, an important point will be the size of the future pool, which entirely depends on the individual wishes of the owner, as well as on the size of his own summer cottage.

As a rule, many are inclined to install a pool directly behind the house, but here you need to take into account several nuances:

  • Soil properties. A lot depends on its characteristics, because the first stage of work is digging a pit. If the soil contains stones, the work can be very difficult and energy-consuming. Most preferred is clay soil, which has very good waterproofing properties;
  • The direction of the wind must be taken into account. It is clear that the wind can be changeable, but when thinking about the location of the pool, it is necessary to take into account those areas where the wind blows quite strongly. If this circumstance is not taken into account, then there will be a lot of foreign objects and small debris in your pool;
  • The pool should be located in an area where there are no trees or various shrubs. All plants are drawn to water, so the same tree roots can cause damage to the pool bowl.

As for the size of the future pool, everything depends solely on the wishes of a particular person, as well as the size of his plot. For example, if one swimming lane is enough for you, then two meters is enough for the width of the pool. If there are two tracks, then the width will double, i.e. up to four meters.

The depth of the pool will also depend on the individual preferences and goals of the owner. In most cases, one and a half meters is enough for the depth, but if you plan to also equip a diving tower, then naturally the depth will be greater. In addition, if you have children, the depth should not be too great, or they should be under your constant supervision while swimming.

What can you build a pool from?

If you intend to equip your own swimming pool at your summer cottage, then you have two options - purchase a ready-made bowl, which is sold in a specialized store, or make this bowl yourself. It should be noted that in both cases it will be necessary to dig a pit.

The advantages of ready-made bowls include ease of installation, environmental friendliness, high reliability characteristics that prevent environmental influences, etc. If we talk about the disadvantages, then such containers are quite ordinary in appearance, so they are not suitable for every person.

This is why many are inclined to self-production pool bowls. One of the options for how all this can be implemented in practice is shown in the following video:

As for the materials needed for work, there are only a few of them:

  • Hydroconcrete or cement of a certain grade (C500);
  • Sand or crushed stone;
  • Ruberoid and bitumen mass;
  • Boards and waterproof plywood;
  • Reinforcing mesh and wire rod;
  • Facing materials – ceramic tiles, mosaics, PVC film, etc.

This is a fairly standard list of the materials that we will need during the construction process. However, the modern market building materials offers a fairly large selection of products that can be used to build a pool bowl. In particular, for these purposes may be suitable polystyrene foam blocks, which have proven themselves to be the best in terms of ease of installation and low weight of structures.

But we will consider the option of making a bowl using concrete, because... this option looks more traditional and suitable.

How to build a swimming pool with your own hands?

Building a swimming pool with your own hands can be roughly divided into several steps:

  • Drawing up a pool project, as well as choosing a site for construction;
  • Marking the boundaries of the future pool;
  • Excavation work;
  • Making formwork, as well as pouring the structure bowl;
  • Processing the bowl, as well as applying waterproofing;
  • The final stage, which includes the installation of related equipment, lighting, etc.

There is a lot of work, but you shouldn’t neglect any of the stages. The period during which you will enjoy your own pool in your garden will depend on this.


Having decided on the location, you can proceed directly to the work itself. We mark the boundaries of the future pool on the territory using ordinary wooden stakes and a fishing line or rope stretched between them.

Now comes the turn of the most labor-intensive and important construction process - earthworks, i.e. digging a pit. At the same time, it is important to understand that all parameters of the pool (length, width and depth) should be made approximately 50 cm larger. This is necessary so that there is space for arranging the formwork. If your pool is small enough, then all the work can be done manually, but if the size is impressive, then you obviously cannot do without special equipment.

After the concrete has hardened, you can remove our formwork. Then it is necessary to treat the entire surface with a mixture of cement and water, as a result of which we have a waterproofing film.

We line the bottom of the pool with a mesh made of rebar. Then we fill it with concrete so that its thickness is approximately 15-20 cm.

Bowl lining

As facing materials You can use mosaic or ceramic. Both options have a right to exist, because they are quite attractive appearance, and are also very easy to care for.

There are other materials for cladding (for example, PVC films), so the choice remains entirely up to the person himself. To improve the area around the pool, you can plant a lawn.

If you have enough money, then you can equip your pool with additional equipment:

  • Water purification system. Typically, this system includes a valve, a filtration tank, circulation pump and various filters. If you provide such an installation for your pool, you can change the water in the pool much less frequently;
  • A flow-type heater that allows you to swim in the pool, regardless of the ambient temperature;
  • Illumination around the entire perimeter of the pool will look very advantageous.

Remember that the area around the pool should also be equipped with something. Ceramic tiles with an anti-slip surface are perfect for these purposes, allowing you to avoid possible injuries and falls.

Each craftsman who has built a homemade pool on his site has his own personal preferences and secrets. You can clearly see one of the construction methods if you watch this video:

Making a homemade pool in a summer cottage is a rather labor-intensive process, but it is quite possible to implement it if you follow certain instructions. Of course, certain financial investments will be required on your part, but each of us understands that our own pool is a great way to relax in the summer without leaving your own home or cottage.

Swimming is not only a fun pastime, it is also a very useful physical activity. According to statistics, a person who spends 20 minutes in the pool three times a week is half as likely to get sick. If you don’t like going to public pools every day or week, but want to swim, the ideal option is to build a pool in a country house. It can bring you many joyful moments in the future and become a great place for a fun summer vacation with the whole family. But before you start construction, you should consider all types of pools, pay attention to their advantages and disadvantages and understand which one suits you best.

Deciding on a place

First you need to decide on the location of your future construction. Let us immediately note that when designing a swimming pool, it is advisable to collaborate with architects and engineers. The decisions they will help you make will ensure the necessary microclimate and will not disrupt the design of your home. Do you want an indoor pool or would you prefer an outdoor option?

Most swimming pools are located outside the house itself, i.e. on a personal plot or in the immediate vicinity of a building. However, if you live in a private house all year round and you want to use the pool all year round. After all, even in summer (not to mention other times of the year), our climatic conditions do not always allow swimming in a pool that is located outside. If you want to get a swimming pool inside a private house, then you first need to decide on its location. Ideally, a separate extension next to the house could be allocated for the pool. There would be room in it for the necessary equipment and additions, such as a sauna. Also, don’t forget about an additional bathroom if you decide to install a pool in a separate room from the house.

When building a pool in the building itself, the ideal location would be a basement or ground floor. Placing a pond on the upper floors is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to undesirable consequences. If you, nevertheless, want to equip some kind of swimming facility on the upper floors of the house, let it be a small sauna or plunge pool. In the basement, you should not forget about utilities, for example, there must be at least supply and exhaust ventilation. The good thing about an indoor pool is that it is easier to maintain and you can use it all year round, regardless of the weather.

As for building a pool on the site, there are also pros and cons. It has already been said that swimming in such a pool is very dependent on the weather, although now so-called “all-weather” pools have begun to be produced. In case of wind or rain, they are covered with a special canopy and, if desired, you can continue swimming. Another disadvantage of outdoor pools is that they are poorly protected from debris and leaves getting into them. You will have to carefully monitor their cleanliness. You also need to remember about the possibility of freezing of the reservoir in winter time. It will be necessary to take protective measures to avoid this.

Among the advantages of this type of pool is that being in them promotes more active recreation. You find yourself closer to nature, and good weather can make such a swim simply unforgettable. An outdoor swimming pool is an original addition to various parties and meetings with friends that you will host in your home. Many people ask whether it is possible to build a swimming pool in wooden house? The answer is yes. Modern technologies make it possible to maintain a room with high humidity - such as a swimming pool - even in a house made of wood.

Once you have decided on the location of the pool, it is time to choose its model. Having decided on the shape and depth, you can move on to the most important thing - the type, filtration system and type of finish. There are three main types of pools: stationary, collapsible and regular inflatable. The choice of one of these types, of course, directly depends on the size of your home and the type of construction. Stationary pools are the most durable and reliable, but they also require a lot of preparatory work. They are usually made from hydraulic concrete and then lined with tiles or other material of your choice.

The size and shape of the pool is not limited by anything other than your imagination and the capacity of your home. Such a pool in a private home is usually installed only with the help of professionals. They can also help you with its design. Most often, pools of this type are equipped with everything necessary for diving and can accommodate a large number of people. In such reservoirs, the level of water quality is maintained and various health-promoting functions are added. For example, hydromassage. In addition, they are not subject to deformation, which can happen with other, less stable types of pools. However, this is also the most expensive option.

The other two types - collapsible and inflatable - are easier to install, but usually not as multifunctional and large-sized as a stationary one. If the main purpose of building a pool for you is for children to relax, then the inflatable type is the most suitable option. It can be easily assembled when good weather arrives and just as easily disassembled and put in a closet when it cools down. The prefabricated type of pools is a little more difficult to handle, but is also ready to withstand a larger number of vacationers.

Based on the filtration system, skimmer and overflow pools are distinguished. Choosing one of them depends on the shape of your pool. If you want a classic rectangular type, then most likely skimmer filtration will suit you. A skimmer is a device that takes the top, dirtiest layer of water, and replenishment is carried out with the same water, purified and disinfected, through wall holes. Overflow pools differ from skimmer pools in that the water edge in them is at the same level as the side and the water is poured into special side gutters, displaced by clean water that comes from the bottom of the pool.

In summary, the basis for successfully building a swimming pool is a competent project, which is best developed together with professionals. They will help you with architecture, the design of the pool itself and solving all the difficulties of supplying communications. Carefully monitor the quality of building materials, because the main problem in the operation of swimming pools is leakage, which leads to leaks and, as a consequence, premature repair of your pool.


To date, several types of swimming pools have been developed, most of which can be installed on your own. The best option is full monolithic pool made of concrete. This design is characterized by the highest reliability and durability.

Read the instructions provided and get started.

Set for work

  1. Level.
  2. Roulette.
  3. Stones.
  4. Rope.
  5. Steel knitting wire.
  6. Reinforcing mesh.
  7. Small pegs.
  8. Fittings.
  9. Shut-off valve.
  10. Wooden boards or shields.
  11. Anti-corrosion agent for metal processing.
  12. Self-tapping screws.
  13. Cement.
  14. Sifted sand.
  15. Material for waterproofing.
  16. A block for compacting backfill layers.
  17. Shovels.

Preparatory activities

Decide on the desired shape and required dimensions of the artificial reservoir to be equipped.

When determining optimal sizes pool, consider how many people will swim in the pond. For a large family, it is better to immediately equip a spacious container.

In accordance with practical experience, the optimal depth of the reservoir is 1.5-1.8 m; in width and length, 4 m is most often sufficient.

For the rest, be guided by your needs and requirements. For example, if you plan to use the pool for full-fledged training, consider this point when determining the required length and width of the reservoir.

Choose a convenient location to build a swimming pool.

The main thing is that the space is not covered by trees. Because of the trees, the water in the pool will not be able to warm up properly and, in addition to this, will be constantly polluted by fallen leaves.

Also, low-lying areas are not suitable for arranging swimming pools, because... with such an arrangement, the water will be constantly polluted by rain flows.

Marking and digging a pit

Armed with a tape measure, stakes and cord, start marking the construction site.

The dimensions of the construction site should be 0.5 m larger than the dimensions of the future pool on each side. To mark boundaries, drive pegs into the ground and stretch a cord between them.

Completely remove the top fertile ball of soil.

Dig a pit of the required dimensions, and the bottom of the hole should be approximately 25-30 cm below the desired depth of the pool.

Carefully level the walls of the pit. The bottom of the pit must be given a slight slope.

Construction of a monolithic pool

Proceed directly to the construction of a monolithic pool.

Place a 20-30 cm layer of sand on the bottom of the pit. Carefully compact the laid material and cover it with waterproofing.

The modern market offers a fairly large range of effective ones. To ensure high-quality moisture protection, roofing material is well suited. This is a practical, reliable and inexpensive material.

Lay roofing felt. You can use molten bitumen to attach the material.

Lay the waterproofed surface with stones. Lay a ready-made reinforcing mesh on top of the layer of stones, or make it yourself from metal rods.

Create a drainage hole. Its depth should be slightly greater than the depth of the main reservoir. Install a pipe into the hole to drain water. The end of this pipe must be inserted into the reservoir. Equip the pipe with a shut-off valve to drain the water.

Fill the drainage hole with a fairly thick layer of gravel. Install an overflow and skimmer system to purify the pool water.

Place reinforcing bars around the perimeter of the pit in 30 cm increments. Maintain a 50 mm gap between the reinforcement and the edges of the reservoir. Fasten the reinforcement bars with wire.

Fold from boards. Maintain a 15-centimeter gap between the formwork and the walls of the pit.

At the same stage, consider installing pipes and equipment for pumping and supplying water. Or you can use external systems of pumps and hoses - whichever is more convenient for you.

Start concreting the pool. You can order or make it yourself.

Pour the concrete gradually and slowly, in a horizontal layer.

Also fill the voids between the formwork panels and the pit walls. Give the mixture a month to gain strength and begin arranging the pool.

Do the interior design at your own discretion. You can tile the bowl. Or you can line the bottom with a 10-centimeter layer of clean sand, and then the pool will look like a body of natural origin.

Other private pool options

Frame systems

Such structures are constructed from wood with finishing cladding of tin or aluminum. Aluminum sheets have an attractive appearance and are superior to tin in terms of reliability and service life.

The frame straps are made from pine timber. Intermediate parts can be made from any thick, high-quality boards. To provide additional rigidity to the structure, braces made of strong boards are used.

Among the main advantages frame pools It should be noted that there is no need to carry out large volumes of excavation work and the possibility of dismantling the structure during the cold season.

Changing the water in such a pool is carried out using a flexible garden hose, which can be conveniently fixed at the bottom of the tank. Waste water from the pool can be used to water the garden.

All joints of the frame structure are subject to mandatory sealing. To give the structure the required tightness, even ordinary polyethylene film is well suited.

Wooden elements must be treated with an antiseptic.

The installation of frame pools usually costs less money compared to the cost of erecting a monolithic structure, while such reservoirs have a fairly solid appearance and fit well into the design of the site.

Find out how to build with step-by-step instructions in our new article.

To arrange a pool, if desired, you can even use ordinary polyvinyl chloride film. This material has a rather attractive appearance and acceptable performance characteristics.

The film tolerates contact with water normally, ensures proper tightness of the structure and allows you to save on waterproofing the reservoir.

Even if cracks appear in the container, properly installed polyvinyl chloride film will hold water.

PVC film can be used both when arranging a new reservoir and when repairing an old pool. Moreover, to build such a structure, there is no need to carry out extensive excavation work: the elements of the film are simply fastened together using the temperature welding method, resulting in a very durable bowl.

The pool is installed on a pre-prepared base and fixed with a frame made of boards.

Today, swimming pools with a base made of fiberglass are very popular. This durable material can withstand even the most severe mechanical loads and does not require any additional coating.

Among the disadvantages of the design under consideration, one can only highlight the need for mandatory connection of all communications.

The bowl is installed on a solid concrete base.

Thus, there are many pool options available for the owner to choose from. Having studied the features of each type of artificial reservoir considered, you can come to the optimal solution and build the pool of your dreams without outside help.

Good luck!

Prices for prefabricated and inflatable pools from the manufacturer Azuro

Prefabricated and inflatable pools Azuro

Video - How to build a swimming pool with your own hands

Isn't it great to have your own swimming pool in your home? Fortunately, the current building materials market makes it possible to implement a wonderful idea without excessive material costs. Nevertheless, this is a serious question and requires an appropriate attitude. There are sad cases when, after the appearance of such an object in a home, the level of humidity in it increases.

To properly equip a swimming pool in a private home, it is best to involve specialists in this matter. However, some prefer to do everything with their own hands, relying only on personal diligence and conscientiousness.

Before starting work, you must carefully study all recommendations for carrying out construction work.

This is not only a separate water supply system, but also heating and heating systems, and electricity supply.

In some cases, an emergency water discharge system is also provided. All these communications significantly increase the network load, so all electrical equipment must be well reinforced.

Sometimes, in connection with this, they even set up their own separate substation.

How to build a pool: additional equipment

Modern companies that install swimming pools now provide various additional options for their products.

These include:

  • hydromassage;
  • springboards;
  • waterfalls;
  • wave acceleration;
  • fountains;
  • slides.

A swimming pool located indoors requires additional costs, but it also offers a number of advantages.

Such an object can be used all year round, regardless of the time of year.

There is no need to spend money on preservation in winter.

In addition, heating the pool water requires much less electrical energy.

Indoor swimming pool in a building: features and design nuances

Where in the house is it better to install a swimming pool? For this, you can use any room of suitable size.

The technical documentation assumes the structure of the facility:

The project must provide reliable foundation with the required strength, the optimal load on, integrity and strength of all frame structures is calculated. The best option is a structure for a swimming pool of an autonomous premises.

Installing an indoor pool in your own home is a rather complex process that requires a systematic and competent approach.

It is necessary to start work with planning and developing a plan. Invited specialists will carry out all the necessary research: determine the soil condition and dynamics groundwater, will calculate the upcoming work and its approximate cost.

They will also advise which bowl shape and type of pool is suitable in your particular case. If the pool is supposed to be built in a ready-made building, experienced specialists will create buildings and offer suitable options for the parameters of the future facility.

Also, if necessary, they will develop suitable scheme recirculation, select filtering equipment and control automation.

All important details are discussed in advance: ventilation system, engineering Communication, type of pool drainage.

Already at the design stage, the owner will have an idea of ​​all the important characteristics of the future design - productivity and power, equipment, water surface area.

Only after the owner studies the diagrams and plans and approves them, installation work can begin.

Own pool: type and shape

How to decide on the type and shape of the future structure?
They will largely depend on the area and geological features of the site.

Easier to design and build, as well as the most environmentally friendly, is an open design.

Typically, owners prefer geometric shapes of buildings: rectangular or square, which are easier to design and build. A fairly popular size is 18 square meters. m.

According to the method of arrangement they are:

  • Non-submersible, installed above ground level.
  • Submersible, located below the line;
  • Partially submersible, located, respectively, half below the soil line.

The pool bowl can be made in different ways, from different materials:

  • reinforced concrete is made of heavy and;
  • structures made from are exceptionally tight, so they do not require additional;
  • made from clay, with the condition that the wall thickness will be at least 25 cm;
  • demountable and prefabricated structures are made of plastic or metal components.

Pools may also differ in the principle of water supply.

According to these characteristics they are divided as follows:

DIY outdoor pool

Let's consider the stages of self-construction of an open structure on the site.

This is a fairly simple type of construction, and constructing it on your own will reduce your financial costs compared to if you hired a team of specialists.

First, you need to mark out the area, and also make a project that includes the pool itself, technical rooms and containers for placing equipment.

Let us describe in detail the progress of the upcoming work:

  • Choosing the location of the future object. It is better not to place it in the growth zone of bushes and trees. Take care in advance about a place for a recreation area.
  • Pit with formwork. Since there is quite an impressive amount of work ahead, it is better to use the help of special equipment. In this case it will be an excavator. The required depth depends on the respective dimensions of the pool, and should be half a meter more than this. After all, we will need additional space for installing the layer and erecting the formwork. When the pit is dug to a given depth, you need to thoroughly clean its walls and bottom of roots and debris. Also, if possible, existing irregularities are removed.
  • It is necessary to equip a drainage system. To do this, crushed stone is placed at the bottom, then a twenty-centimeter layer of sand, then a ten-centimeter layer of gravel. Drainage serves as the foundation of the structure.

  • Before installation, the structure is reinforced with reinforcing mesh. Later, various pieces of necessary equipment will be attached to it.
  • Now it's the turn of the formwork itself. Thick, durable boards (50 mm), which are connected by spacers, are suitable for it. To ensure the smoothness of the boards on the inside of the bowl, it is advisable to pre-treat them with sandpaper.
  • Making a bowl from concrete. Our structure will require high-quality, heavy, high-grade concrete that has a suitable level of water resistance and can withstand even extremely low temperatures. The work ahead is quite labor-intensive and quite complicated, so it is advisable to rent a concrete pump or automixer to supply the mixture. An indispensable condition is the use of a deep vibrator. With its help, all air bubbles formed in it are removed from the poured material. We protect the finished site from bright sunlight with sheets, and in hot, dry weather we water it with water to prevent cracking of the concrete.

  • Next stage -. To equip it you will need the following: a PVC membrane, coating with a special waterproofing agent, tiling. Penetrating insulation can be used - at this stage it all depends on the preferences and financial capabilities of the owner.
  • All necessary communications and equipment. This stage includes the installation of technological equipment necessary for the subsequent operation of the structure. These are devices for heating water,