How beautiful to plan a summer cottage. Garden layout (36 photos) in combination with the general layout of the site. Location of the garden

Site planning largely depends on the zones that need to fit into the landscape and on the size of the territory. In each case, the division is individual. But it is conditionally possible to make a division into the most common zones: residential, recreation, utility buildings, garden and garden.

The size of each zone is planned based on the total area of ​​the site. With proper zoning, up to 20% is allocated to the residential area, no more than 15% to household facilities, a vegetable garden and a garden occupy about 65-75% of the territory.

When breaking down the territory of the site, a number of basic rules and recommendations should be taken into account:

  • Initially, it is worth considering where the house and facilities for household needs will be located. Usually, the central or lateral front of the site is assigned to the house, and the buildings are placed in the background. They can be decorated with decorative shade-loving plants and flowers.
  • The recreation area should be divided conveniently and in an accessible place. Given the area, this territory can be scattered or compact. Here you should also consider a place for children to play.
  • The area for the garden is selected illuminated, on the sunny side. Structures should not cast a shadow on the beds.
  • If a bathhouse and a pool are planned, then it is advisable to place them closer to the fence. This will save a significant part of the area.

There are a lot of options for breaking down a summer cottage, but each depends on the shape of the territory: rectangular, triangular, L-shaped or square.

The comfort of the owners of the future home largely depends on a well-thought-out layout plan. A residential building should be designed to be a cozy haven, filled with pleasant sensations and giving a sense of security and relaxation. We should not forget about the norms established by laws on the remoteness of buildings and trees from the borders of neighboring plots.

When planning the placement of a residential building on a plot of a small area, one should take into account the aesthetic point of view:

  • the house itself is recommended to be placed in the foreground, which will prevent the fragmentation of the territory into small zones and increase the functionality of the area
  • on the outside of the site, leave a place for a garage and a parking space
  • it is better to build economic structures in the back of the yard
  • for the recreation area select the most suitable place behind the house

External factors should also be taken into account: whether there will be neighbors nearby, how close the roadway is located and from which side the sun rises. For a residential building, the south or southeast side is better suited.

When planning the layout of rooms, many people prefer that the windows face south. In this case, the rooms will be bright and sunny. If there is a desire to create twilight, for example, in a bedroom, then its windows should be placed on the north side.

If you take into account not only your preferences, but also the features of nature, you can achieve the greatest comfort while living in a properly built house.

Children's room should be located away from the roadway. This will achieve maximum silence and reduce the penetration of dust. Particular attention should be paid to the location of the kitchen. Firstly, so that soot, grease and dampness from steam do not spread throughout the living area. And secondly, the garden and the children's play area should be visible from the window. An autonomous exit should also be provided, which will be convenient during the preparation of blanks and when organizing picnics and feasts in the fresh air.

Do not build a house close to the roadway. It is advisable to keep a distance of at least five meters. You should consider the location of the rooms, taking into account the cardinal points and the wind loads of the area. From this will depend on how warm it will be in the rooms. Experts advise adults' bedrooms and the kitchen to be left cooler, while children's and playrooms are warmer.

You should also take into account the location of neighboring houses. So you can adjust the house with more comfort and avoid unwanted miscalculations.

Legislative norms for the remoteness of the house from the borders of the neighboring plot:

  • residential building should be three meters away from neighbors
  • utility buildings - one meter
  • trunks of tall trees - by four meters, medium - by two meters, shrubs - by one meter
  • all buildings that are one meter away from their neighbors must have a sloped roof inside their yard

Today, the design of a house is often coordinated with the architectural service. Without such approval, you can earn a substantial fine or a demolition order. Such rules significantly limit the flight of fancy and tie hands.

When placing utility structures, one should rely on the current construction standards, which should be familiarized with in advance. If you ignore at least one of them, you can earn difficulties with the subsequent legalization of such buildings or get an order to demolish or rebuild structures.

The main standards for the placement of structures in the suburban area are:

  1. The fence at the border of the plots should be a lattice or mesh one and a half meters high, which will not obscure the neighboring territory. A blind fence can be put in agreement with the neighbors. A two-meter fence can be installed from the side of the road.
  2. The fire distance between buildings in one area can be any.
  3. Household buildings should be located no closer than five meters from the street and the entrance.

Remoteness of the residential building:

  • from the latrine, cattle shed or poultry house should not be less than 12 meters;
  • from the bath or shower - 8 meters.

These rules apply to any area of ​​the site. And if only 5 acres are available, then you will need to try to meet all the requirements. After all, ignoring those can lead to problems during official registration.

For aesthetic reasons, household structures should be located so that they are not conspicuous. If there is no way to hide them from the gaze of passers-by, then you can try to fit the buildings into the overall picture with the help of decor.

The recreation area is given a special place in the design of a summer cottage. It is planned taking into account the preferences of the owner: some people like active games and noisy feasts, others prefer to enjoy a picnic with barbecue and barbecue, and still others just want to enjoy nature. If you try, then any ideas can be realized.

Location plays an important role in the arrangement of the area for a comfortable stay.

When deciding where to place this cozy corner, you should consider some rules:

  • The presence of the sun. Some like to have a lot of sunlight, others prefer partial shade. In any case, you should not allow the sun to shine in your eyes.
  • Direction of the wind. You should not have a recreation area on the leeward side. If this recommendation cannot be observed, then you should take care of protection from the north winds, for example, build a gazebo.
  • Privacy. To hide from the prying eyes of neighbors, you can install decorative elements: a hedge or interesting landscape ideas.

Options for arranging the territory for recreation can be very diverse. Much depends on the imagination of the owners and on the area of ​​the site. So the recreation area can be placed:

  • In the courtyard, organizing a small courtyard - patio. Around you can plant ornamental plants, arrange an artificial reservoir or build a small light fence. The site itself can be tiled and suitable furniture can be installed.
  • Under the barbecue. It is possible to install a brazier for cooking barbecue or barbecue near the house. By installing benches and a table in this area, you can achieve a cozy atmosphere. And beautiful lanterns placed on tree branches or other supports will add a festive mood.
  • Rest near the reservoir. An artificial reservoir with a fountain located in the recreation area and beautiful benches or swings located near it can add a romantic note to gray everyday life. Such a place brings calm and a sense of relaxation. And if you add decorative elements: plant an alpine slide or hedge, place cute figurines of animals or fairy-tale characters, then such a zone will become a favorite place for children to play.
  • Alcove. The most expensive, but at the same time, the most reliable way to equip a recreation area. Inside you can place a table, chairs, armchairs or sofas, arrange beautiful lighting and install a barbecue. The walls of the gazebo can be decorated with a log house, artificial stone or ornamental plants and flowers in a pot.
  • Rest in the garden. Setting up a cozy corner with a pond and sun loungers in the garden area allows you to relax in the bosom of nature without leaving your own yard. In addition, this option does not require additional decor. Unless, you can take care of artificial lighting.

Furniture for the recreation area is selected individually, based on certain preferences. Interior items can be forged, wicker, wood or stone. Also, it will not be superfluous to have additional accessories: blankets, pillows, sculptures, lanterns or garlands.

By the way, when planning a playground, care should be taken that it is not in a draft and is well visible to adults.

Before planting a garden, you need to carefully examine the soil and determine whether it is suitable for plants. If the land is not suitable, then it should be supplemented with the necessary components: sand, black soil, peat, or replaced completely. The main thing is that the root system has enough nutrition.

The next step is tree selection. In this case, the climatic features of this region should be taken into account:

  • Apple, cherry plum and are considered the most sustainable fruit trees. They are able to adapt to any region and are not particularly sensitive to temperature conditions. And fruiting occurs almost every year.
  • and belong to heat-loving trees that do not tolerate cold and rainy spring and rarely bear fruit or die in regions with an unstable and cold climate.
  • Trees do not tolerate groundwater located nearby and quickly wither without reclamation. Damp weather promotes early cracking and rotting of fruits.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of trees, you need to take into account the expected fruiting. Do not clutter up the site with useless trees. It is better to plant those that will be beneficial.

Placement of garden beds

A garden on the site can be planned in any shape, the main thing is that it is convenient to move around with inventory or a wheelbarrow. However, there are general laws and principles that should be reckoned with in order for the beds to bring a good harvest:

  • All vegetable crops prefer sunny places. only some can put up with partial shade. Therefore, near the fence or in the shade of the house, you can only plant onions on a feather and some.
  • Coexistence of different cultures. It is necessary to consider which vegetables tolerate each other's neighborhood. To do this, before landing, you should familiarize yourself with these features.
  • Accounting for predecessors. Will the plant be able to develop in the place of another crop. And do not plant the same vegetables in one place for several years.
  • Maximum use of garden space. Part of the beds can be placed under the trees. To do this, the trunks enclose and pour fertile soil.
  • If there is not enough space, then vegetables can be planted in places where the sun exposure is observed from lunch to dusk.
  • Do not plant garden crops in areas with drafts and stagnant moisture.
  • The beds should be raised to a height of thirty centimeters, by filling in fertile soil and edged with curbs.
  • Weaving crops are recommended to be grown in round beds with a frame pyramid in the center. They will braid the support and will not take up much space.

Planning the site correctly will help following all the rules and recommendations. As a result, it will be possible to create a site that meets all the needs of family members, taking into account their wishes. On such a site it will be possible to fully relax after a working day and receive guests.

More information can be found in the video:

A serious question about how to plan a plot of 6 acres arises not only among novice gardeners, but also among those owners of the "fazend" who decided to completely change appearance their possessions. This is explained simply - if you are lucky enough to have a place where you can escape from a noisy and stuffy city at least for a weekend, it is not at all necessary to use it exclusively for growing organic vegetables, berries and fruits. It would be quite nice to equip one or even several zones for a good rest.

Landscaping is the whole art of designing certain areas of the territory. There are several schemes that professional designers prefer to work with. With independent planning, you can also use one of the ready-made developments, taking it completely as a basis, or use only individual elements from it that are suitable for a particular site.

Whichever plan is chosen, the most important criterion for the residents of the house will be the maximum convenience of using all the facilities provided for comfortable rest and work.

Typical site planning projects

Landscape designers have developed six basic schemes for planning a suburban area, which professionals usually rely on when carrying out work, enriching, of course, these templates with their own ideas.

  • Rectangular layout

This type of territory planning can be called the most popular, since basically all summer cottages have a rectangular or square shape. And it should be noted that they are also the most comfortable for arrangement.

The most uncomplicated - rectangular layout

It is convenient to carry out the distribution scheme of objects on a sheet of paper lined in a cage (or on graph paper), and when drawing it, it is necessary to predetermine and observe a certain scale, for example, 1:100.

Defining different zones in a territory with right angles is much easier to make than creating complex intricate schemes that bring disorder to the general appearance of the site. A rectangular area is easier to make more open by placing on it in right order various residential and outbuildings, ponds, beds, alpine hills, fruit trees and shrubs. In addition, with this approach, it is easier to plan the various communications necessary to ensure a comfortable stay on the site.

  • Diagonal layout

Diagonal planning can be done on a rectangular, square, or irregularly shaped area. The defining elements of such zoning are the paths dividing the section, which are laid diagonally, from corner to corner. Sometimes designers, when drawing up a diagram, prefer to completely move away from horizontal and vertical lines, even planning the placement of a house diagonally across the site.

The main "reference lines" are diagonally drawn tracks

This way of placing objects will visually expand the space and make the territory more spacious. In addition, there is the possibility of the original distribution of zones. With this approach, they can be distinguished much more, since the paths drawn will connect the corners of the territory, which quite often remain completely unused.

Diagonal layout is usually used if it is intended and to complete the entire design of the site in a certain style.

  • Irregular planning

Irregular scheduling includes various ways to organize zones. Here, elements of a rectangular, diagonal and curvilinear layout can be applied, but they must be mutually placed so that they are in harmony with each other.

On the presented plan, which was drawn up for a specific site, you can well consider all the areas of the territory conceived by the designer:

1 - Entrance zone, naturally located in front of the site, overlooking the road. Here, a covered parking lot can be arranged for a car, or a full-fledged garage can be built.

2 - The entrance zone is a continuation of the entrance. A path leading to the house is arranged on it, and it is most often decorated with flower beds.

3 - The recreation area is almost always located in the depths of the site, but not far from the residential building. In this area, a playground, a swimming pool, a gazebo are organized, swings or garden benches are installed for relaxation. Fruit or ornamental trees can also be planted here.

4 - The economic zone is most often located in the far corner of the site. The necessary outbuildings are being erected there, and a sanitary zone is being equipped - a summer shower room and a toilet.

5 - The garden in this diagram is located in the corner of the territory. If this zone is organized in this way, then the fence of the site in this place should not be continuous, since garden crops usually need natural ventilation, otherwise a lack of sun and an excess of moisture can lead to rotting of vegetables right on the beds.

6 - Alpine hill. Usually it is also included in the recreation area, but it is somewhat isolated, as it can become a corner for solitude, sometimes so necessary for communicating with nature.

7 - Garden area. Ornamental and fruit trees and shrubs are planted here, and this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cottage can also be used for recreation.

Irregular site planning can be applied to the territory having any geometric shape. Carrying out the distribution of zones, you do not have to adhere to any strict rules for the location of objects that are not connected by communications, therefore this type of planning is quite popular among land owners.

  • Curvilinear planning

Curvilinear planning can be called spontaneous, since the paths on the site are laid along convenient well-trodden routes. Therefore, in landscape design, this type of distribution of zones is called natural or natural.

The emphasized smoothness of the lines is the main principle of the curvilinear layout

In this version of the arrangement of the site, there are no straight and sharp corners, and all paths have smooth, almost imperceptible turns, so the territory looks aesthetically pleasing and elegant. Various shrubs are planted along the paths passing through the site, flower beds are broken, which will need to be carefully monitored throughout the summer, otherwise they will quietly begin to capture the path area.

  • Tangents and arcs in layout

The use of tangents and arcs in the planning of a site can be applied to a site of any shape. This distribution of zones makes the territory more dynamic, where the shapes and turns, replacing each other, have rounded corners, which is very comfortable for leisurely walks.

A similar layout of the arrangement of the site can be used for any architectural style of the house. On the presented diagram, you can clearly see all the objects located on the site.

  • Radial layout

The radial or circular planning scheme is different in that all the objects of the site are located in a circle or semicircle, which fit into a certain area of ​​the territory. In order to emphasize the unusual shape of the arrangement of elements on a rectangular plot, its corners are planted with shrubs or fruit trees.

In this case, when drawing up a project, in addition to a square grid, they also use a compass to draw a circle inscribed in a square or rectangular shape of the site and divided into rays. These radially divergent beams are used to place decorative elements of the landscape and the main structures.

A house in such a layout can be located in the central part of the circle or on one of the beams, but in order for the dynamics to be observed, the building will have to fit harmoniously into this shape. In the event that a residential building on the site has already been erected, then planning can be done around it or on one of its sides.

The example project used a radial layout inscribed in a square area:

1 - The residential building is located on the arc of the central circle.

2 - . A path leads to it, which is part of a circle located near the house.

3 - Garage. This building is located at the entrance to the territory, and its own semicircle is organized around it.

4 - A small secluded gazebo.

5 - Greenhouse, remote to the corner of the site.

6 - The garden, located next to the greenhouse, has beds in the form of rays.

7 - Fruit trees are planted in this case along the edge of the site.

8 - A playground installed next to the house, so it can be clearly seen from his window, and the children will be under the control of adults.

9 - Rockery - a flower bed with various plants well matched to each other, and additionally decorated with stones.

10 - Ornamental trees or shrubs. They can be selected in such a way that flowering will continue from early spring to late autumn.

11 - Tracks that are arranged in circles.

12 - Entrance zone, which can be used as a parking lot for a car.

Criteria for determining the main purpose of the site

To apply one or another basic planning scheme, you need to decide in advance what the area around the house will be intended for:

  • It will only be a place of rest, a garden, a garden or a complex divided into different zones.
  • Will one of the varieties of artificial reservoirs be located on the site - a pond, a decorative waterfall, a pool or a fountain.
  • Do you need a playground, and what will be on it.
  • Will there be a zone.
  • Which of the outbuildings is planned to be erected on the site.
  • The number of flower beds and their varieties.
  • Do you need parking or a garage for a car in the country?
  • Where will the sanitary zone be located - on the site or in the house itself.

After a clear answer to the questions listed, the owner of the site will most likely have the first outlines of the plan.

What should be considered in the project?

In order for the planning to be successful, the plan of the site attached to the cadastral passport must be taken as the basis for the drawing, which must be transferred to graph paper on a scale of 100: 1, that is, 1 m of the site per 1 cm of the scheme. In the case when the house has already been erected, it is applied to the diagram immediately, and already around it other buildings, objects and elements begin to “place” landscape design.

Plumbing and artificial reservoirs

The plan for distributing water pipes must be drawn up as rationally as possible, since the network being created should cover all areas where water is required - this is, first of all, a residential building, then a bathhouse, a swimming pool, a garage, a barbecue area, a garden and a kitchen garden.

  • It is desirable to deepen the pipes into the ground by 500 ÷ 700 mm. If the pipeline is planned to be light, which will pass through the ground, then it will have to be dismantled annually for winter period, and in the spring - put in place.

It often makes sense to limit yourself to light "summer" plumbing.
  • In the event that a country house is planned to be used only in summer, you can use ordinary reinforced hoses, polyethylene or polypropylene pipes, which are installed only for this time and are brought to the desired zones.

How to install plumbing in the country

This largely depends on the type of main water source. Read more about how you can - read in a separate publication of our portal.

  • Further, the water supply is directed to the area where a bathhouse will be erected, as well as a shower and a toilet. Even if the bathroom is planned to be made in the house, it is recommended to have a toilet on the site, so that during work in the garden you do not drag dirt into the house. It is best to install these objects in the far corner of the site.

The toilet and shower are usually installed in the complex, and sometimes a utility block is attached to them. Thus, you can save not only on materials, but also on the organization of sewage.

Complete solution - toilet, outdoor shower and utility room

Usually this zone is closed from prying eyes by tall shrubs or planted with evergreens such as pyramidal thuja, boxwood and others.

  • Naturally, it is necessary to provide vegetable beds with high-quality watering, berry bushes and fruit trees. To do this, it is recommended to bring the water supply to the garden and garden area.
  • If it is planned to equip a pool or pond on the site, then it is also necessary to lay a pipeline to them, but not only for supplying water, but also for sewage. These reservoirs require periodic flushing and water changes.

It should also be taken into account that a pool or a pond is arranged in different places, but for one or another reservoir, an important condition will be the absence of tall trees nearby.

The pool is usually located outdoors. sunny area, near the house. It is desirable that it is clearly visible from the window, especially if the family has small children.

The pond is recommended to be located at a distance from the house among low shrubs that can shade the surface of the water, since ultraviolet rays will contribute to its flowering, and it will often have to be changed or a complex cleaning system provided.

This reservoir should not be located close to the house, because in the evening, a lot of different insects gather in the grass near the water, which will fly into the light of the windows and into the house.

Artificial reservoir - decoration of a suburban area

It is quite possible to build such an original element of landscape design on your own. Read more about that in a special publication of the portal.


It is impossible to do without a sewerage system or collection of household waste in a summer cottage, especially if the house is used for living all year round. In order not to have problems with regulatory organizations, it is necessary, in accordance with existing sanitary standards, to properly locate and equip a septic tank or an isolated cesspool on the territory. At the same time, they adhere to certain rules established by SNiP and SanPiN.

  • Sewer pipes must be located at a distance of at least 10 m from the water main. If possible, a treatment or storage facility on the terrain of the site should be located below the water intake so that in the event of a breakthrough, sewage does not enter clean water.
  • The septic tank must be at least 5 m away from the foundation of the house - this will eliminate the risk of washing away the walls of the building in emergency situations, and also eliminate the unpleasant smell in the house. However, you also need to know that it is also not worth removing the septic tank too far from the house, as this will provoke internal blockages. If you still have to equip it at a more distant distance, then it is necessary to provide an inspection well every 15 m.
  • The septic tank must be located at least 5 meters from a busy road.
  • A septic tank is located from the fence between the sections, stepping back at least 2 m.
  • From fruit trees or shrubs, the distance should be at least 3 m.
  • Distance from a river or stream -10 m, from a stagnant reservoir - at least 30 m.
  • The entrance to the inspection hatch of the septic tank should be free, since it will periodically have to be cleaned of accumulated deposits using sewage equipment.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the sewer system and the location of the septic tank must be planned immediately when building a house before dividing the site into zones.

Sewerage in a country house is a serious issue

In order not to have problems with regulatory organizations, with the sanitary-epidemiological or environmental service, and with neighbors in the area, special attention will have to be paid to issues - details are set out in the corresponding article of the portal.

And another publication will help with, optimally meeting the specific conditions of living in a country house.

The main elements of the arrangement of the site and its landscape design

  • At the entrance to the site, parking is often provided for a car, with or without a canopy. If, however, it is not so much a summer cottage that is being equipped, but a house for long-term or permanent residence, then it is more expedient to think about a stationary garage.

Sometimes a garage is also arranged under the house, but this can only be foreseen at the stage of drawing up a project for a residential building, even before the foundation is erected.

  • Recently, more and more often in summer cottages, in their recreation areas, barbecue stoves are being installed. The convenience of this zone lies in the fact that it can serve as a gazebo and a summer kitchen, which makes it possible to spend more time outdoors. Such zones are arranged close to the house, but at the same time - and not too close to it, so that during cooking, smoke does not enter the open windows of the living quarters.

Great place to relax - BBQ area

The stove itself must not be installed under the crowns of trees, otherwise hot air coming from the pipe will dry the leaves on the branches, after which the tree may die, and the leaves can easily ignite from a spark that has fallen.

Barbecue prices

  • If instead of a barbecue area it is decided to install a gazebo, then it is usually placed near the house. A pleasant shade that will be created in it thanks to dense greenery will make it possible to relax in coolness and freshness on hot days. In addition, in such a place it is good to spend not only days, but also quiet evenings with a cup of tea and a pleasant conversation.

The variety of gazebos is extremely large, so it is possible to choose the right one both in terms of area and design, so that it harmoniously fits into the created landscape of the site.

  • If there are children in the family, then you can’t do without a playground on the adjacent plot. It can be made stationary, but there is another solution. So, for example, in the modern assortment of specialized stores, original inflatable complexes are attached, including slides, trampolines, pools, as well as other elements of interest to the child.

A good solution - a safe inflatable playground

The convenience of such towns is that they are stable, but light in weight, and they can be rearranged to a shady or, conversely, sunny place. In addition, for the winter period they are easily assembled, packed and do not take up much space in the pantry.

  • If there is a land plot, then few people will refrain from planting at least a small amount of greenery or vegetables on the beds. And in fact, do not bring tomatoes or beets grown in Turkish greenhouses to your own dacha when it is possible to get an environmentally friendly product from your own garden. To get a decent harvest, you need to choose the right place for arranging the beds. For this, an open place on the south side of the house is best suited, where most of the day there is sun.

Fruit trees and shrubs are usually planted along the fence - so they will not block the natural lighting of the beds. Tall trees are often planted near the walls of the house to create dense shade and keep the rooms cool on hot days.

  • Many summer residents dream of getting fresh vegetables in the first month of summer, and for this it is necessary to install a greenhouse or hotbed. It is not at all necessary to build a large structure - it is enough to allocate only two or three square meters of space for this. In early spring, seedlings grown in advance on the windowsill are planted under the film.

It is worth equipping the greenhouse in such a way that the film or transparent walls on it can be removed, periodically giving access to greenery to fresh air and sunlight. In established warm weather, such a greenhouse can be easily turned into an ordinary bed, removing the cover from it completely.

The construction of a greenhouse or greenhouse can be approached creatively

Greenhouses and greenhouses can have very original designs, and various, sometimes even unexpected materials are used for their construction. If you want to get more information on - take a look at the publication of the portal dedicated to precisely these issues.

  • Quite often, if there is a land plot, there is a desire to start breeding poultry, and it should be noted that it is quite possible to implement this even on six acres by installing a compact and fairly aesthetic chicken coop.

This object is best installed at the end of the site, away from the residential building, so that the unpleasant smell does not enter the rooms through the windows open in summer.

Prices for chicken coops

chicken coop for birds

The chicken coop can fit perfectly into the overall style of the site.

How to correctly, and what sizes and proportions should be followed at the same time - all this can be found in a special publication of our portal.

  • The Alpine hill has become one of the favorite elements of landscape design among the owners of private houses. It can be located in a fairly large space or compactly occupy a small corner.

There are many various kinds alpine slides, and picking up one of them to decorate a small corner will not be difficult. In fact, this decorative object is a kind of flower bed, elevated above the main space of the site and decorated with plants that can grow on slopes among stones, as well as large and small boulders and pebbles.

To create an alpine slide, you can use the soil left after digging a foundation pit for one of the buildings. To raise the hill, it is not necessary to use fertile soil - it will be enough to lay it only with the top layer, the thickness of which is determined by the depth of the root system of the plants selected for planting. Around evergreen shrubs and ornamental perennial grass, stones matched to them are laid. An alpine hill can be installed near a pond or in front of the windows of the house, so that you can admire the flowering of plants and their harmonious arrangement on the slope of this artificial elevation.

  • Upon completion of the planning of the site, all objects on it are connected by paths that can be laid from various materials. Paving should be laid out on a place previously prepared for it.

To form the paths, crushed stone of a fine fraction, slabs of various sizes and shapes, round timber sawn from tree trunks and other, sometimes completely unexpected materials, are used.

Paths in the country - space for creativity

Creative owners should not have problems with arranging convenient and beautiful paths on their territory. How to rationally arrange, and from what it is possible to cover them - all this is detailed in a separate publication of the portal.

  • After the distribution of the tracks on the territory, you can think about their design. The best option, which will emphasize the direction of the paths and become a wonderful decoration for the entire site, is the arrangement of flower beds.

Flowerbeds can be of different shapes and sizes - specialists involved in landscape design have special templates for their arrangement. If there are no flower beds on the site, then it looks boring and uninteresting, so you should not refuse this decorative element, although it will cause a lot of trouble, as it requires constant care. And it is best to make flower beds from different varieties of plants that will replace each other with flowering, starting from the warm spring months and ending in late autumn.

In addition to laying out flower beds, free areas of the site are quite often decorated with various decorative items that you can make yourself - you just need to turn on your imagination and make some effort.

Video: basic rules for placing objects on a suburban area

The procedure for drawing up a plan

Now, having information about all the main functional and decorative structures and elements that can be located on the territory of a suburban area, in summing up, it is necessary to consider the general sequence of drawing up a plan:

  • The first step is always to choose a place to build a house.
  • If it is planned to equip the bathroom in the house, then, determining the location of the building, the area where the septic tank will be installed is immediately calculated, sewer pipes coming from the house are laid.
  • Further, it is planned to build a parking lot or garage.
  • It is planned, if necessary, the location of the summer toilet and shower, which, in order to save space and money for building materials, can be combined into a complex and installed in the far corner of the site.
  • After that, you need to determine a place for a garden and garden plantings.
  • Places are allocated for recreation areas - a playground, barbecue, gazebos, etc.
  • When these objects that require communications are distributed, the layout of the pipes of the stationary or summer water supply must be indicated on the plan. At the same time, the issue of laying power cables, if necessary, is being considered.
  • The next step is the planning of specific objects of landscape design - a pond and an alpine slide.
  • After that, you can think about the rest of the elements of landscape design.
  • Now you can combine all the objects with paths along which you can place flower beds or flower borders.

It may be necessary to draw several site plans so that each of the stages of arrangement (for example, laying communications) can be seen as clearly as possible. Therefore, separate schemes will be required, but all of them must be fully consistent with each other.

Drawing up a plan for placing everything you need on a garden plot is a creative process that requires imagination, the use of your own developments and ideas within the framework of existing standards related to fire and environmental safety. Of course, you can entrust site planning to specialists who know their business and do it professionally, but it will be quite expensive. And, frankly, no one except the owners will be able to better provide for all their own requests and wishes aimed at maximum comfort of living in their possessions.

Video: some examples of a successful layout of a suburban area

Each owner of the garden wants it to please the eye with correctly selected proportions and correct lines, and so that the entire summer cottage is fully consistent with all the future ideas of the owner, his correct layout will come to the rescue.

How to approach the issue of planning?

When considering the layout of a garden plot of six or more acres, first of all answer the following questions:

  • What is the terrain like? The site can be flat or located near ravines, hills and even mountains. Not only the layout of a residential building and other buildings, but also the systems of engineering structures depend on the chosen territory.
  • What is the shape of the plot: traditional rectangular or triangular, with rounded corners?
  • What type of soil? It can be sandy, light fertile or heavy clayey or medium loamy.

    On depleted soils, not all plants can develop as necessary, which means they will not please you with beautiful flowering and a chic harvest.

  • Are natural water bodies present and at what level ground water? Their presence depends on a properly equipped drainage system.
  • How is the site located relative to the cardinal points?
  • Did you know? The origins of landscape design lie back in the 19th century BC, when the first ornamental gardens appeared. The Babylonian Gardens of Babylon, luxurious and mysterious Egyptian gardens significantly influenced the further development of garden art. Over the years, the style has changed and various elements have been added. Each state had its own individual style of landscape design.

    How to arrange buildings on a summer cottage?

    After buying a summer cottage, it is necessary to think through all the nuances of the layout of the house as soon as possible, as well as further arrangement of the territory and landscape design.

    Carefully thought out aspects of the layout will help to avoid mistakes that can occur during haste and rash decisions, as well as to find best option rational use of the entire territory.

    Where to place the house?

    Usually, the planning of a summer cottage begins with determining the place where the house will be located, and the further project plan directly depends on the location of the central building.

    This will increase the area in which sun-loving plants will be planted, which delight the eye with their decorative beauties or give a rich harvest.

    If you are going to use the site only as a place to relax from the bustling everyday metropolis, then the placement of the house should be a harmonious addition to the design idea and clearly fit into the picturesque ensemble.

    There are several factors to consider here:

    Each of the above factors can affect the construction of a future home. Moreover, many of them simply will not allow building a house, because norms, laws and rules are violated.

    The average plots are mostly six acres in size. In this case, it is better to start designing a summer cottage by studying the development plan of your area. It marks all communications, the size of the plots, the location of public roads and streets.

    It will not be superfluous to find out both the places where groundwater passes and the acidity of the soil. This will directly affect the construction of the foundation and the operational life of the building.

    When you already know what, where and how is located on your site and connected to it, you can plan the dimensions of the future home. You can draw the plan yourself.

    On the issue of communications, contact the administration at the construction site, and if there are none yet, then ask when and where they will be laid. The closer the house is to the legal boundaries of the lot, the more space there will be for landscaping or other personal needs that require free space.

    Where to build a summer shower and toilet?

    The layout of the land plot should not be limited to one dwelling. Do not forget about personal hygiene rooms, and as for the convenience of their placement, it would be best to build one common building for a summer shower and toilet.

    In this case, there will immediately be no need for the scattered construction of various houses, which will stand close to each other, and only occupy such a necessary space.

    This is especially true if the improvement of a summer cottage of 6 acres occurs not with the help of professional designers, but with your own hands.

    When creating a project for a garden plot, take into account the following factors:

    Important!When doing work, use screw piles. This solution is very affordable in finance and their installation does not take much time and effort.

    Be sure to consider the quality of the materials that you will use in construction.

    Other buildings

    First of all, the planning and design of the suburban area are aimed at making the most efficient use of every corner of the territory, hiding unsightly elements of the landscape.

    Outbuildings are best placed somewhere in the depths of the garden, and they need to be erected so that they do not cover the sun for green spaces and at the same time protect the territory from gusts of wind.

    If it is not possible to build these buildings away from the house or lounge area, then there is a way out.planting green spaces. Thus, beautiful picturesque thickets will hide outbuildings. The best option for the construction of such premises would be the northwestern side of the summer cottage.

    Where to locate the recreation area, and what should it include?

    There is no single correct placement of a recreation area on a garden plot. The lounge area can be divided into several segments and placed throughout the cottage. However, it can also be a separate composition, standing apart in a place convenient for the owner.

    A gazebo entwined with clematis will serve as a beautiful decoration of the territory. In such a building it will be very comfortable and cozy to indulge in your thoughts, hiding from the scorching sun, strong wind or heavy rain.

    You can complement the recreation area with a variety of flower beds, ornamental pond or bordered plants that love moisture. Winding paths with multi-colored stones laid out on the sides will look very impressive.

    On the outskirts of the site, you can build a bathhouse or dig a pool. By and large, landscape design planning depends only on the imagination and financial capabilities of the owners of the site.

    Did you know? The era of the Renaissance became the turning point in the development of scientific progress and a turning point in art. It was during this period that the first attempts to harmonize architecture and landscape can be traced. Emphasis was placed on the gardens.

    Placement of flower beds and decorations

    Thinking over the design of the cottage, especially if the plot is small and is about 6 acres, it is better to make a sketch on paper to simplify the further construction of buildings and planting plants with your own hands. When setting up a flower garden in front of the house, for greater clarity, it is better to make a color layout.

    Thus, it is possible not only to carry out the correct planning of the place allotted for this, but also to calculate the need for planting material and the amount of fertilizer required. All this is necessary to translate ideas into reality.

    Note that when choosing a place for a flower garden, it is also necessary to calculate all the possible nuances of future care for it. Do not plan too distant landings. It is necessary to plant plants in such a way that each of them can be freely reached.

    Landings wider than two and a half meters should not be done. It is natural, of course, to choose a place for a flower bed near the house, but the possibility of placing several separate flower beds in different parts of the territory is not excluded. For example, places along paths, near small waterfalls or arbors are noteworthy.

    Important! Try to determine the location for placing flower beds and other decorations at the planning stage.

    Plan to place a flower bed with a small margin of territory, all of a sudden in the future you want to expand it. A visual result usually exceeds planning, therefore, inventing a variety of landscape compositions, do not limit the place to specific dimensions.

    The idea of ​​​​decorating the yard according to the type of what is done by professional designers will be easier to implement, having various decorative elements of a certain style. Large decorative elements direct the garden plot into a certain stylistic environment, bringing current accents and creating dynamics.

    For example, sculptures of people or animals, large sculptures, fountains and obelisks should be placed in open areas. Small decorations give the courtyard a special charm. Gardeners are very fond of cute figurines of animals and fairy-tale characters, made in such an attractive and “cozy” style.

    The main thing is to know the measure in their quantity, because even cute decor elements can turn a summer house into a playground. Of course, if you do not pursue such a goal intentionally.

    For modern landscape design, the trend of symbiosis of decorative and functional roles is acceptable. So, for example, birdhouses, squirrel cages and bird feeders are a manifestation of animal care, but in the interpretation of decorative decoration they play the role of worthy design elements of a garden interior.

    Vine fences, flower vases or wicker screens can become beautiful objects that also perform certain functional tasks in parallel.

    Where to place a greenhouse and a vegetable garden?

    An open sunny place is allocated for the design of the garden plot. To ensure that your harvest is always in the desired quantity, consider planting crops in such a way that they are not obscured by the buildings of the summer cottage.

    Important! When choosing one or another horticultural and horticultural crop, consider all the features of their planting and caring for them.

    Some plants need constant moisture, others are not afraid of drought, others cannot grow for a long time without the sun, and still others feel comfortable being in the shade most of the time.

    Knowing all this, you can easily determine for each culture its place in the garden or in the garden. Thus, each plant will grow in comfortable conditions for it and delight the owners with a bountiful harvest.

    How the greenhouse will be placed will have a great impact not only on the conditions for its construction, but also on the yield of planted crops. If you choose the wrong place in terms of sunlight and wind loads, you may encounter a number of unpleasant moments: poor germination of the crop, inconsistency in humidity and temperature regime optimal performance.

    The harvest will be very poor and with low taste. So how to properly place the greenhouse on the site so that all conditions meet the requirements? Here are the most important criteria:

    • country landscape. This should include the slope of the proposed location of the greenhouse, the presence of a number of reservoirs, freezing of the soil and the level of groundwater.
    • Light direction. Greenhouse plants require a lot of sunlight. This directly affects the rate of their growth. Do not place greenhouses where tall or massive trees, residential or outbuildings can block the light.
    • Soil quality in the place where the greenhouse will be located.
    • Convenience of localization. All necessary communications should be nearby, and maintenance should be as convenient as possible. Proper placement of the entrance and the presence of an entrance.

    Ready examples

    Planning the design of a future garden or summer house is a process as creative as it is technical. Next, you will learn how best to plan a small plot of 6 acres and plots twice as large.

    The primary role will be played exclusively by your imagination, and only after that the time will come for the technical aspects of construction.

    Marking 6 acres

    Plan your placement correctly country house and other elements of landscape design, as well as drawing up the right projects for a plot of 6 acres is not an easy task. In such a small area, it is desirable to place everything harmoniously and, most importantly, functionally: a house, a lounge area and allocate space for other buildings, as well as a garden and a greenhouse.

    The house must be built in such a place that it does not cast a shadow on the future garden or vegetable garden. Planting fruit trees at an equal distance of three meters from each other from north to south will provide the best lighting. It is advisable to plant them in several rows.

    The best place for the house will be the northern border of the site. Thus, the plants will not suffer from the winds. Under the outbuildings, take a place on the north side near the fence. The same side will be successful for installing a greenhouse and planting vegetables.

    How to mark 10-15 acres?

    Building garden houses on a territory of fifteen acres is not like drafting projects for 6 acres, puzzling over the rationalization of space. Even on a plot of ten acres, there is already where to roam.

    In such places, the planning process may include not only a set of the above buildings, but also help to bring to life additional interesting landscape design ideas.

    On plots of 15 acres, several design styles can be combined at once. For example, a mixed style of planning is devoid of strict geometric shapes. Here you can make a creative mess by freely placing decor and plants, and it will look very impressive and attractive.

    Did you know? The peak of landscape design development falls on the 20th century. This period was exploratory in terms of the introduction of new elements, innovations, especially the combination of architecture and landscape. Vegetation played an important role.

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    21 times already

Having conceived the construction of a house, many developers lose sight of the fact that you first need to properly plan all the buildings on the site, and only then build a cottage. If you miss this moment, then problems will arise. For example, it turns out that in front of the house there is not enough free space for a garage or a normal parking lot. The change house is not squeezed between the fence and the greenhouse, and there is nowhere to put the playground. Fire-prevention distances are not maintained between the bathhouse and the neighbor's log house, and at the place where the owner wants to equip a private recreation area with a barbecue, his wife has already decided to set up a vegetable garden.

This article will help you rationally plan the site and, thereby, avoid conflicts with neighbors and endless disputes with household members.

  • At what minimum distance from each other can a house and outbuildings be built.
  • Where can I build a garage on a suburban area.
  • How to properly plan a site.

How to position the house and outbuildings relative to the red line and the border of the neighboring plot

The layout of the site begins with the development of its detailed plan. The stage is divided into a number of successive steps:

  1. Take a graph paper or line a sheet of paper into a box, observing, for convenience, a scale of 1:100, i.e. 1 cell (1 cm) - 1 meter. If the plot is large, then the scale can be increased 1:200 (1 cm - 2 m) or 1:300 (1 cm - 3 m).
  2. Draw the boundaries of the pre-measured area and the road line on the drawing. Sign the length and width of the plot with a pencil. Specify the cardinal points.
  3. Mark on the plan the distance from the border of your site (or the intended fence line) to neighboring buildings, for example, by asking your neighbors.
  4. Armed with a tape measure, measure the dimensions of all buildings (change houses, an old house) that are already on the site, and the distance from them to the border of your site (fence line). Draw the dimensions on the plan.
  5. Mark on the plan where the entrance gate and gate are (or will be placed). If trees grow on the site that are planned to be left, they also need to be put on the plan.

The main thing is not to ignore the planning stage and put on the drawing the exact dimensions of the site boundaries and all planned buildings.

Now, knowing the dimensions of the planned house and buildings, drawing them on the plan, you can estimate whether they will fit on the site. The main thing is to draw every little thing, including paths, a place for a vegetable garden, greenhouses, a lawn, etc.

In order not to redraw the plan each time, it is better, observing the length and width, to cut out “patterns” from a piece of cardboard on a scale of 1 cm = 1 m - i.e. construction spots of a cottage, garage, change house, etc. Now, moving the "models" according to the plan, you can easily change their location relative to each other, the red line or the border of the neighboring area.

Depending on the knowledge, the plan can be drawn by hand or take advantage of the capabilities of computer software.

In the photo below are pictures of well-done site plans.

Plan for a narrow area.

Site plan on graph paper.

So, the plan is drawn, and the country owner can't wait to start filling his territory with objects. Take your time. The second step is to study the documentation regulating the arrangement of land plots. As practice shows, at this stage there are a lot of questions. Here are the most frequent ones:

  • What distances must be maintained between the various buildings on the site.
  • What fire distance to provide between neighboring houses.
  • At what distance from the fence and from the road can you build a garage.

In order not to get into the jungle of legislation, we simplify our work and write down the distances that are necessary to draw up a plan for a suburban area, adhering to the scheme:

  • The distance from the border of the neighboring plot to the house and outbuildings.
  • Fire-prevention distances to buildings on the site of neighbors.
  • Distance from home to red line.
  • Sanitary distances, for example, between a house and a septic tank, a well or a well.

Now we study the following images.

Minimum distances between objects on the site.

The distance to the red line is the distance that is maintained from the edge of the carriageway (edge ​​of the road), and not from the fence, to a country house.

That is, if five meters are maintained from the road to the fence (boundary), then the house can be built at a distance of three meters from the fence.


  • minimum distances from yard toilets, garbage pits, cesspool septic tanks to a neighboring house - 4 m.
  • the minimum distance from the borders of the neighboring plot to the open parking lot is 1 m;
  • the minimum distance from the borders of a neighboring plot to a detached garage is 1 m.

Minimum fire distances between houses on neighboring plots.

How to use the table. For example, you and your neighbor have stone houses (a). This means that the distance between the cottages should be 6 m. If you have a house of type (a), and your neighbor has a house of type (b), then a distance of 8 m is maintained between them. A distance is already maintained between a house of type (b) and type (c) 10 m, and between wooden or frame houses 15 m.

Minimum sanitary distances from buildings on the site to the fence.

Compliance with the necessary distances during the construction of a house and outbuildings on the site is primarily necessary for the developer himself. For example, in case of disputes with neighbors who have written a complaint to the supervisory authorities, as well as for putting the cottage on the cadastral register.

Where can I build a garage on the site

Let's not forget about the frequently occurring nuances.

palychch FORUMHOUSE user

I want to build a garage in the corner of the lot, using it as part of the fence. There is a roadway on both sides. The IZHS site is located in the village. I am already confused with these distances, it is possible to do this or not.

PaulWist FORUMHOUSE user

If the distance to the garage complies with fire and sanitary standards, and more than three meters are maintained from the side passage to the fence, then the garage can be built 1 m from the boundary from the side passage. At the same time, snow from the roof should not fall on passers-by.

From the side of the street, the garage can be in line with the fence. This standard is determined by local law, but there is judicial practice that legalizes garages on the front side of the site.

Before building something, it is better to clarify in advance if there are any additional restrictions, for example, due to the close proximity to the site gas pipe, so as not to be afraid that the building will be forced to demolish.

One more nuance. Sometimes situations arise when a homeowner wants to attach a garage to an already built cottage.


If the garage is built on the same foundation as the cottage and has common walls with it, then it is part of the building. Therefore, all indents are considered as from home. If the garage has its own foundation and its own walls, then it is an attached outbuilding. Accordingly, indents are considered as from a farm building.

Jean56 FORUMHOUSE user

And I have such a situation - the site is located on the lands of individual housing construction. There is a building permit. I built a "box" at home, and attached a garage to the house. Those. - different foundations, only the walls and the roof adjoin. I applied to the local administration for obtaining an act for construction in progress. A representative arrived and said that the construction was carried out with violations, because. the distance from the garage to the fence is less than 3 m. I say that according to the standards for an extension, it is supposed to retreat 1 m, and she insists that it is 3 m. It turns out that everyone interprets the concept of an extension and the standards as he wants.

At the end of the article - a few tips for optimal site planning:

  • Everything that you plan to build on the site must be discussed with the whole family. This will help avoid conflict situations. Ideally, after creating a virtual plan, all household members leave for an empty lot. Pegs with stretched ropes or stones mark the places (spots of buildings) of the planned buildings. This is a house, a garage, a bathhouse, a utility block, a workshop, a greenhouse, a garden, a lawn, etc. Paths are marked with sand or spray paint, so that you can walk along them from one object to another and understand in nature whether it is convenient or not. Further, in the "brainstorming" mode, the optimal options for site planning are selected and finally approved.

  • The lawn is not a way to fill empty spaces on the site, but a separate independent element. Remember that the more bushes, trees and objects that are difficult to mow are planted on the lawn, the more difficult it is to care for and maintain the grass in a beautiful state.

If trees are planted on the lawn, it is best to frame them with trunk circles, for example, made of stone. It's beautiful and it's easier to mow the grass.

  • Paths to the house can be made straight or more decorative - curved. We remember that in pursuit of design delights, one should not forget about functionality and that the shortest distance is a straight line. If a person has to walk from home to a change house or greenhouse along an elaborate and too curved path, then most likely he will cut his way and eventually go straight.

  • It is important to maintain the optimal distance from the house to the road in order to create a buffer zone for planting trees or shrubs during entrance zone. Green spaces will protect the site and the house from dust, noise, prying eyes and create a private zone.

Plants planted in the entrance area decorate the site, and the cottage looks more interesting against their background than just a fence and immediately behind it a porch and an entrance to the house.

  • When choosing a place to remember that children need constant supervision. Therefore, the play area should be located near the house and be clearly visible from the windows of the cottage, for example, from the kitchen, even while the hostess is preparing dinner.

  • A recreation area with a sauna, a gazebo and a barbecue is mainly located behind the house, in the so-called. private part, which is separated by a cottage from the entrance area.

  • Before building a gazebo, we think about how often it will be used. In many cases, it is better to equip a spacious terrace or veranda at the back of the house for pleasant pastime and evening tea parties. This is more rational than running with dishes and food from home to the gazebo and back. Or, if the soul requires it, it is better to build a full-fledged one - with water supply and electricity.

In the video - an example of beautiful landscape design on a suburban area.

Before building a house on the acquired site, it is necessary to carefully study the documentation governing the arrangement of land plots. The list of necessary building rules contains SNiP 30-102-99.

General information

A plot for housing construction (IZHS) is a land plot purchased for personal purposes. Building codes allow not only to rest and grow crops there, but also to build residential and commercial buildings.

The status of the main house can be different (this is directly affected by the type of land):

  • Individual house.
  • Garden house (cottage).
  • Country house.

According to the norms for building land plots, each of the above varieties falls under the concept of "estate house". It is impossible to build them wherever you want: the location of the main and auxiliary facilities is strictly regulated by SNiP.

Distance to various objects on the site

When developing a site development scheme, one should be guided by the minimum permitted distances from the dwelling to other buildings:

  1. Household facilities and places for keeping livestock, poultry and animals - 15 m.
  2. A pit for compost, a summer closet, a garbage collector - 15 m.
  3. Filtering well with a productivity of 1m³ / day - 8 m.
  4. Filtering well with productivity up to 3 m³/day - 10 m.
  5. Septic tank with productivity up to 1 m³ / day - 5 m.
  6. Septic tank with productivity up to 3 m³ / day - 8 m.

As for the summer shower, it falls under the norms for a septic tank.

When determining the distance between the main house and various sources of pollution, specific factors are taken into account (the presence of noise, electromagnetic waves, vibration, radiation, unpleasant odors, etc.). For each situation, there are special regulations.

Distance to objects in the neighboring area

You should also take into account the distance of the elements of the neighboring section specified by the rules:

  1. Country house - 3 m.
  2. Auxiliary buildings - 1 m.
  3. Shed, pigsty, chicken coop - 4 m.
  4. Tall trees - 3 m.
  5. Trees of medium height - 2 m.
  6. Bushes - 1 m.

These norms apply to objects on each of the neighboring sites.

Distance between two residential buildings

The distance from a residential building to a similar structure on a neighboring site is regulated by separate fire regulations, and depends on the fire safety class.

There are three such classes:

  1. A (concrete, stone, reinforced concrete and other houses made of non-combustible materials).
  2. B (dwellings made of non-combustible materials, where wood treated with flame retardants is used as floors or finishes).
  3. C (wooden or frame houses).

When determining the distance (it can be from 6 to 15 m) between residential buildings in neighboring areas, their class is taken into account. Two stone cottages must be separated from each other at a distance of at least 6 m. Between the stone and wooden dwelling the distance should be increased to 8 m. The fire regulations prescribe the largest distance for two wooden houses: there should be at least 15 m between them.

"Red line"

The red line in construction is the border separating roads, driveways, highways and other public facilities from the house. As the rules say, the border of the street should be 5 m away from the dwelling, the passage - 3 m.

Location of the Red Line
a - residential building, b - red line (site fence line), c - outbuilding.

Having decided on the location of the house, it is necessary to correctly orient it in space: this will allow you to fill the home with natural light as much as possible, significantly saving the cost of lighting and heating. As you know, the sun shines more intensely from some directions, and less from others. In addition, the prevailing wind rose in this area is also taken into account. Despite the fact that each of the regions has its own specifics, however, there is an average statistics for the country. According to her, the western, northern, and northwestern direction is considered the most unfavorable: most often cold and gusty winds blow from there.

Ideally, the orientation of the dwelling according to the cardinal points looks like this:

  • North side. A place to accommodate various technical and utility rooms and non-residential areas. If the house project has a built-in garage, then it is best to plan it on the north side as well. It also allows the location of the boiler room, pantry (it can be heated and unheated) and a toilet without natural light. Since the northern wall is almost not illuminated and not heated by the sun, it is usually made completely deaf (without windows).
  • Northeast side. A great option for the location of the entrance (porch, door, vestibule). In the dwelling itself, along this side, heated utility rooms are usually planned - laundries, workshops, tool rooms. Quite often, the kitchen and bathroom go to the northeast.
  • East side. The most favorable, along with the south side. It fits most spaces general purpose. If sports facilities (pool, gym) are planned in the house, then it is recommended to place them in an easterly direction. There are also bedrooms for people with an active lifestyle who love physical work and early rises. On the east side, it is also convenient to plan a dressing room.
  • Southeast side. An ideal option to accommodate the kitchen: it can be designed as a separate room, or combined with a dining room. Breakfast in the rays of the early sun has a very positive effect on appetite. The same wing is the most suitable place for placement of offices and bedrooms for people with a creative mindset, as well as workers of intellectual professions. If there is a guest room, it is also recommended to place it on the southeast side.
  • South side. A place for common areas where all family members most often visit. In the standard list, this applies to the living room, dining room, children's room. If we are talking about a house with a large area with additional premises, then the southern wall is the optimal location for the winter garden, music and games room. If there is a terrace in the project, it is best to attach it also from the south.
  • Western side. This direction, along with the north, is considered the most unfavorable. However, they can only be present here not in residential premises. From a practical point of view, it is best to place a pantry, an entrance hall and a staircase on the western wall. When planning a toilet, it is better to make it with a window, but you need to prepare for the fact that it will be quite cool.

Along with generally accepted standards, each owner of the house has his own personal preferences. Therefore, the orientation of the house according to the cardinal directions can be influenced by the habits of the owners and the way of life of the family. For example, not every housewife likes a kitchen flooded with sunlight: with prolonged cooking, this can become a serious drawback. In order for the air already heated by a stove or oven to become even hotter from the sun's rays, it is sometimes more expedient to place the kitchen in the north or northeast.

The location of the house depending on the area of ​​​​the plot

The size of the land area is a serious factor that requires consideration in the planning of the location of the house.

It's a very small area, so it takes a lot of effort to squeeze all the important objects into it.

Usually any site, regardless of its size, consists of three zones:

  1. House and outbuildings.
  2. Garden Garden.
  3. Place for rest.

The house is the most important element of the site, so first of all it is necessary to determine its location. If the lion's share of a small area will be occupied by a garden and a vegetable garden, then the northern part of the site, directly near the fence, will be the most suitable place for a cottage. This will protect the planted plants from the shade and cold northern winds. If the land was purchased for recreation, then any place is suitable for housing: the main thing is to achieve harmony and comfort.

Examples of the location of houses on small plots :

These areas are the most common. Due to the larger area, there is a place for a spacious cottage, a bathhouse, a garden, a kitchen garden, a gazebo, a playground and a modest pond. If everything is rationally planned, there is also a place for a guest house and a summer kitchen. The best option for a house for a plot of 10 acres is a 10x10 building, located, as in the previous case, on the north side of the territory. This allows you to achieve the best lighting for the garden area, providing protection for it from the cold northern winds.

Along with the classic (geometric) layouts, the area of ​​​​the plot of 10 acres allows the use of other, more non-standard options. Lovers of privacy and solitude will love the option of placing the dwelling in the middle of the garden. In this case, the starting point for its orientation is not the axis of the site, but directly the side of the world. A gravel driveway can be laid to the roadway from the house. It will also require a separate footpath.

Examples of the location of houses on medium plots (click on image to enlarge):

Such a vast territory removes any restrictions on the way of implementing design ideas and placing various auxiliary buildings. At the same time, it is important to achieve a competent and rational placement of all elements in order to make the territory harmonious, functional and easy to use. As for a suitable landscape style, for plots from 15 acres, the so-called. "pictorial" style. It is characterized by the presence of smooth winding lines, asymmetric placement of elements, a wide use of decor (forged parts, lanterns, bridges, flower beds, etc.).

It looks like a plot of 20 acres

Eco-style, which preserves the almost original appearance of the area, is also very popular in the design of vast areas. Such an approach will require only a slight adjustment of the available natural data, without significant capital investment. The chosen style of landscape design will directly affect the location of the residential building. Along with the classic location (the northern part of the site), the vastness of the territory allows the use of other schemes. In any case, it is advisable to choose the highest point of the area for the house, equipping it with a second exit to the backyard.

Examples of the location of houses on large plots (click on image to enlarge):

Plot Shape Influence

In addition to the building area, the location of the main house is largely influenced by its shape.

The most difficult thing is with elongated sections, because. this configuration is very limited architectural and design thought. On many positions it is necessary to compromise, starting from a specific state of affairs. Zoning of a narrow territory encounters significant difficulties, and ready-made standard designs of suitable dwellings are extremely rare. When determining a place for a house in this case, the relief and orientation of the territory are taken into account.

As a rule, a cottage on an elongated territory is positioned so that its pediment looks out onto the street. If the land plot is adjacent to the central noisy road, the dwelling is moved deeper, to a quieter sector. The third option for placing the house on a narrow lot is one of the sides (where there is the most shade). This makes it possible to achieve rational exploitation of the territory, expand the space in front of the estate and bring all other objects closer.

Layout of a narrow land plot

The most convenient form of territory for development. The location of the house in this case is designed depending on the preferences of the owners and landscape features. If the site is located on the southern slope, the house is best located on the highest point. On the eastern or western slope, they try to move the dwelling closer to the north side, also choosing the highest place for this. The slope to the north is considered the most inconvenient: in this case, the western border, or the middle of the slope, will be the most optimal place to place the house (for this you have to use bedding). Smooth rectangular plots, depending on their size, can be designed traditionally (a house on the north side) or with a shift of the dwelling into the depths of the territory.

The most difficult situation for solving the problem is where to locate the house. Additional difficulties arise when the dwelling has a typical rectangular or square shape. The best option for placing such a building is along the axis of the territory, or with some offset along the axis. A more optimal approach is to design a cottage based on the specific situation on the site. In addition, a corner-type land allotment usually has two-way street overtaking. Such intersection of streets has a direct impact on the location of objects on the site, limiting the choice of a place for a house.

Examples of layout of corner plots (click on image to enlarge):

Recently, when planning the location of a house on a site, the eastern teachings of feng shui are used, taking into account the presence or absence of positive or negative energies at the place of residence of a person. In the process of research, energy flows coming out of the earth's interior to the surface are analyzed. It is of great importance whether there are faults in the earth's crust on the terrain, and what kind of radiation comes from these formations.

Although our country is Orthodox, there is a certain soundness in feng shui advice:

  • Do not build a house on top of a mountain. It is not recommended to choose the upper part of the slope to place the house. There is also a completely logical explanation for this, because. this place is blown by strong winds and is devoid of shade.
  • Give preference to traditional forms of the site. It is better not to choose other options: if the acquired territory has an incorrect configuration, it is advisable to break it into several sectors of the usual form.
  • Avoid proximity to places with negative energy. It is not recommended to build a dwelling next to a cemetery, a highway, a hospital, old ruins, a prison, etc. You should also move away from industrial and polluted areas.


The question of the correct placement of the house should be approached with all seriousness. There were cases when it was necessary to rebuild or displace an already constructed building due to violations of fire or sanitary regulations. It is most convenient to deal with rectangular land plots with an area of ​​10-15 acres, located on a flat area. Suitable for almost any standard project housing, and there are almost no problems with the placement of a cottage.

How to locate a house on a plot: by area, by shape, by cardinal points