Build your brick house. A brick house is comfortable, durable and reliable! Insulation of brick houses

Many experts call a brick house the standard of durability and strength. Subject to the recommended technology, such a dwelling can be built with your own hands, and then enjoy a comfortable life in it for decades.

A huge number of people are attracted by the prospect of living in a private house. Especially if its construction is carried out from scratch and independently. Indeed, in this case, a person gets a unique chance to create the house of his dreams. An ideal home can be built from various building materials. One of the most popular in this case is brick. Residential buildings from it have the following advantages:

  • relative availability of building materials;
  • good level of thermal insulation;
  • durability and reliability;
  • the possibility of implementing original projects using different types of front and ordinary bricks;
  • high strength;
  • the ideal microclimate in the house due to the fact that the described material has a special structure that allows the dwelling to breathe;
  • the possibility of erecting a private building with several floors.

Private brick house

In addition, brick can be used in combination with many other building products and materials. Thanks to this, any fantasies of a private developer can be translated into reality. The main disadvantage of the buildings under consideration is usually attributed to the severity of their construction. This problem is dealt with by building reliable foundations with special characteristics. The second minus of a brick house is the high cost of building materials. They can really be reduced by 15–25 percent if porous bricks are used.

Another disadvantage of such residential buildings is that bricklaying can be carried out exclusively in the warm and dry season. At this point, a person needs to correctly calculate the time when the construction of his dream house will be carried out.

In order to build a residential building, you need to find a good plot of land for it, draw up a construction project, prepare and approve documents for the work, decide on the type of foundation and building materials that will be used. You can draw up a house project yourself or choose a ready-made solution. In the second case, the probability of incorrect design is reduced to zero. But you still have to research the site where the construction will be carried out, as well as perform a lot of additional calculations.

If the project is being prepared with your own hands, it is imperative to take into account the existing financial budget and focus solely on it. Also in this case, you need to decide what construction activities you can do yourself. To build a home without spending too much money, it is important to choose the right brick. It can be hollow and full-bodied, as well as facing and simple. Everything is simple here. Hollow products make it possible to reduce construction costs and the load on the foundation of the house. The load-bearing elements of the building are erected from solid bricks.

brick house project

Face products are good for building decoration. But all the partitions of the building and its box are best made from ordinary bricks. Then the construction will be cheaper. In addition, you should pay attention to the following characteristics of the material used:

  • integrity and accuracy of geometry;
  • water absorption coefficient;
  • thermal conductivity;
  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • strength.

The next preparatory step is the calculation of the required number of bricks. It is necessary to determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bbearing walls (their height should be multiplied by the perimeter of the building) and subtract the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball openings (windows, doors) from the resulting indicator. Then choose a specific option for laying bricks. For this, special tables are used. From them you will find out the required number of products for the construction of one square of the wall. This number must be multiplied by the quadrature (total) of the wall surfaces to obtain the total need for building materials.

It is also necessary to choose the type of mortar that will be used for masonry. It can be lime, cement or combined (cement-lime). The basis of such mixtures is well-sifted river sand. Its ratio to cement varies between 1:3–1:6. With your own hands, it is easiest to work with a combined masonry mortar. It has a fair amount of lime. It plays the role of an effective plasticizer. The cement mixture always turns out to be inelastic. Its difficult to use. Although such a solution provides maximum masonry strength.

The key to the successful construction of a brick house with your own hands is the competent selection of its foundation. Experts recommend opting for a strip foundation. Structurally, it repeats the lines of the building under construction (its load-bearing walls), which gives the structure the required strength. You can also equip a pile, slab or. In some cases, they are more suitable for construction than a strip base.

The choice of the optimal type of foundation depends on the mechanical and physical properties of the soil on your land, the depth of soil water, the terrain and other factors. The construction of any of these foundations for a house consists of several general stages:

  • digging a pit;
  • creation of a special pillow (sand plus crushed stone);
  • installation ;
  • knitting reinforcing elements;
  • pouring concrete mortar;
  • foundation waterproofing.

Arrangement of the foundation of a private dwelling

Concrete at the base of a brick house must be fed in horizontal stripes. Then the mixture will not crack.

Remember that concrete mortar hardens in 6-8 days. But laying bricks on the erected foundation is allowed only after a month. Do-it-yourself waterproofing of the base of a residential building without problems. You need to lay out 2-3 layers of roofing material or waterproofing on the foundation surface and fix the insulating materials in a convenient way (glue, use fasteners). Without carrying out waterproof measures, the construction of a house is not carried out. Melt water and groundwater will very quickly destroy the foundation, and then they will take over the rest of the structure of the residential building.

Do-it-yourself brickwork, as a rule, is carried out according to three common schemes: well, in 4 bricks, lightweight. Well technology involves leaving special voids inside the masonry. Subsequently, they are filled with foam or expanded clay. Due to this, ordinary brick provides a higher thermal protection of the house. Masonry in 4 bricks is carried out using a special metal mesh. It is needed for additional strapping of rows of building products. The mesh increases the rigidity of the masonry. It is mounted every 6-7 rows.

A lightweight technique is that bricks are first placed at the corners of the walls (bearing). The number of products for each corner is from 5 to 10. A charming condition for the process is the use of a plumb line when performing masonry. Bricks must be strictly vertical! The durability of the house under construction and its attractive appearance depend on this.

Brick masonry using a lightweight technique

Do-it-yourself wall construction is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Knead a small portion of the solution, achieving its maximum elasticity.
  2. Apply the mixture to the desired area, very carefully (and at the same time quickly) align it. Some of the solution must be brought to the brick located in the row. Remove any excess mixture immediately with a trowel.
  3. Lay a brick on the mortar and tap it with the trowel's handle. This will ensure a high-quality fit of building products. It is advisable to maintain a distance of about 1.2 cm between individual brick rows.
  4. Lay the last item in the row. In most cases, when doing work with your own hands, putting a whole brick on the edge does not work. You will either have to chip off a piece of material of the required size, or adjust the gap between adjacent products by filling them with a cement mixture.
  5. Stitch all masonry seams. If you will finish the walls with facing bricks, the jointing should be done so that there is no free space between the rows of building material. But in cases where the surfaces will be plastered, small voids should be left in the seams. Then the plaster will lie more qualitatively on the walls to be lined.

Do not forget to leave empty spaces on those sections of the walls where doors and window openings will subsequently be mounted.

The roof frame of a brick house is recommended to be constructed from pine or hardwood timber. It needs to be treated with refractory and antifungal compounds. And then perform the following actions: mount a Mauerlat from 150x150 mm beams on the walls, put a frame. You will need to attach wooden rafters to the Mauerlat. Fix them with nails, crate OSB boards or plywood sheets. The crate for the installation of bituminous tiles is made solid, for metal tiles - in increments of about 35 cm, for slate coating - about 80 cm.

Roof frame of a brick house

Next, protect the roof from moisture. Here it is desirable to use modern types. Mount the selected roofing products and (if provided by the project) decorative elements. If necessary, make a vapor barrier and insulation of the roof. Now your brick building is protected from the weather. You can equip it at any time of the year - lay water, gas and other communications, install doors and windows, make floors.

In the life of every person, sooner or later, there comes a moment when he needs to acquire his own housing, but the prices for finished apartments and houses are sometimes unbearable for an ordinary person. But the problem can be solved by reducing the cost of the construction team at the expense of their own labor and the help of relatives.

Of course, you can’t build a house just like that, you need to know at least the basics of the construction business, it is advisable to read special literature and chat on the Internet with those people who have already built with their own hands. Thus, you will gain knowledge, and you will practice at a construction site)

Here is another example that you can and even need to build yourself. Let's look at what exactly the author needed to build a brick house?

1. cement
2. sand
3. gravel
4. armature
5. brick
6. foam
7. knitting wire
8.board 25-30-40mm
9. timber
10. roofing material
11. window frames and double-glazed windows
12. door jambs and doors
13. putty
14. roofing material

1. shovel
2. concrete mixer
3. drill
4. mallet
5. Trowel
6. trowel
7. spatula
8. hammer
9. hacksaw
10. pliers
11. roulette
12. ruler
13. grinder (UShM)
14th level
15. plumb
16. construction pencil

Step-by-step instructions for building a brick house with your own hands.

And so, the first step is to decide on the project at home, today drawings and diagrams can be downloaded for free from the Internet, those that are freely available. It is rational to choose a place for construction in accordance with the legislation of your Country. Further, the marking of the base of the house is transferred to the site, for which, with the help of pegs and a white ribbon (string), the boundaries are marked.

The main thing in any construction is, of course, the foundation, in this case, a tape one was chosen. To create it, you need to dig a trench according to the construction plan. For a one-story house 50-70 cm, for a 2-storey house 1-1.5 m, a 3-storey house 1.5-2 m. Then a metal frame is made from reinforcement, which can be welded or wired.

The trench is digging.

The house will be built close to the next one.

The trench is ready, the sand cushion is laid.

After that, a metal frame is made of reinforcement rods, twisted together with a knitting wire.

Next, you need to make a formwork from a board or plywood, on the inside you can beat it with roofing material or dense polyethylene so that there are no losses when pouring concrete, and then the surface will be even and smooth. Here the author uses a 25-30 mm board and timber.

Then the resulting structure is poured with concrete in the ratio of 1 part of cement, 3 parts of sand, 4-5 parts of filler (gravel, crushed stone). You can also order a mixer with a ready-made solution and simply pour it, which the author actually did.

Filling must be done evenly so that the solution flows into each slot, you can tap on the formwork or use a professional vibrator. The solution is filled exactly along the edge of the formwork, because it will sag a little more until it hardens and spreads through cavities and air pockets.

The foundation must be allowed to dry and gain strength for at least 28 days, it is recommended to moisten it periodically with water, so it will become much stronger. And then the formwork boards are removed.

Thus, the master adjusted the surface to the level of the foundation.

Again, everything is poured with concrete, doing it neatly and evenly.

The poured concrete must be leveled and pulled together.

Thus, another month of downtime until the floor dries. And then the laying of red brick walls begins, first you need to lay a couple of layers of waterproofing in the form of roofing material. Laying walls begins strictly from the corner, observing the string, you constantly need to use the level.

In the corners, the author made columns from reinforcement, in the future they will be filled with concrete. As you can see, there was a thorough approach to the construction of the house, because the terrain is not seismically stable and it is better to make the house as reliable and strong as possible.

Window and door openings are formed.

After the walls are raised to the required level, the author additionally makes an armored belt.

Then wooden logs and a subfloor made of boards and plywood are laid, a waterproofing layer is laid on it, and foam plastic and reinforcement are on top.

The surface is again poured with concrete.


When building a house, a lot of questions arise, and as a rule, many do not even know where to actually start, and even more so when it comes to building with the help, since the most economical approach is needed here for the reason that brick material is not cheap and therefore all the little things should be worked out in sufficient detail.

The construction of a cottage can be done in various ways, it all depends on your desires and capabilities, but one thing should be borne in mind for sure that a lot depends on you, including saving the budget and the cost of building a brick house. Many companies are ready to promote their customers to the fullest, “selling” them additional services or work pitches, which, in principle, can be dispensed with, perhaps this is comparable to going to the store when you buy a lot of unnecessary stuff, which could have been prevented by making a list beforehand.

In order to build a cottage using such material as brick, you must first draw up your own action plan, according to which you will later implement all your plans, only this way you can avoid many problems and mistakes.

Before you plan any action, you need to decide what you really want. Most developers think they know what they want, and as practice shows, at the time of construction, there are many alterations associated with additional suddenly arisen "Wishlist".

Let's look at a few points that will help determine the general idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba brick house:

  • The number of floors of a brick building - such material as brick allows the construction of multi-storey buildings (as an example, you can see the pros and cons of one-story and two-story houses made of foam blocks), the question of the number of floors primarily refers to the required specific living space, which depends on the area of ​​​​the building site. That is, if there is a small plot of land for construction, it would be better to build a 2-storey residential cottage;
  • Planning - the most difficult, in my opinion, is the choice of a suitable space-planning solution. Brick allows you to embody almost any architectural complexity (unlike, for example, construction from logs or profiled timber), so there is a lot of variety in the choice of draft designs. It is better to preview a very large number of draft projects of summer cottages, which abound on the Internet;
  • The presence of additional premises (pools, spas, saunas) - took them to a separate item. Since the presence of these additions significantly increase the cost of construction and the construction time of the cottage due to the presence of additional engineering systems and design features;
  • Think again about the first three points!!! – as they say “measure twice, cut once, it never hurts to check your decisions when it comes to a significant budget and time spent.

These are, of course, enlarged points that need to be at least somehow worked out and tracked in the future. You will already have a little idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe idea and purpose of what you want to receive.

Build a brick house yourself or not?

Many developers have the temptation to build with their own hands, and many have the right to do so if they are fans of their business or professionally own one or another profession (masoners are very much appreciated, since few people now make good brickwork using technology), but if you are not one of these people, then I advise you to refrain from this.

If you are building it yourself:

  • When building a brick house with your own hands, you must be aware of what you are going for, since masonry work must be at its best if you want to get a good and reliable mansion.
  • You need to purchase or find a cottage project in order to somehow carry out the work.

I am now focusing on masonry work, as they will be predominant and expensive in most cases. Of course, there will be other works such as: foundations, ceilings, roof - by the way, they will also fall on your shoulders.

Perhaps you will choose the option of building a familiar team or teams that will do their job - I also refer to this as independent construction, since you are in charge of the entire process.

  • You may be able to save money - this is not always possible, since you need to plan clearly;
    You are the master of your time - you can wait for a certain time or, on the contrary, “run” while doing work;
  • At any stage, you can make changes and additions - you can do whatever you like, of course, within reasonable limits.
  • It will take a lot of your time - there are a lot of works and you are alone, you will have to organize and purchase everything;
  • Search for a workforce - the search for professionals is
  • difficult task;
    There is no certainty that everything is done correctly and according to the norms .... in case of poor quality work there is no guarantee.

Build with a construction company

Here everything becomes much easier for you, but this does not mean that you should completely relax and enjoy the whole construction process)))
When contacting an organization, you usually discuss with it all the nuances of building your brick cottage from the project to the list of works. which she must produce.

  • You transfer all work and responsibility to one “person”;
  • You have a lot of time - you can only occasionally control the process of building your house.
  • Spend a little more money - the organization will charge you accordingly;
  • It is necessary to choose from several companies - before choosing one, try to communicate with others.
  • How to build a brick house is of course the choice of each of you, everyone has different financial potential and level of knowledge that can help in solving this issue, the main thing is that the approach is solid everywhere, and we should not forget that the requirement for brickwork should be at a high level, especially when it comes to facades.

Building a brick house is not a cheap undertaking, since such material as brick is considered one of the best building materials and, accordingly, its cost is just as much higher than that of its other competitors (we have already considered the consideration of the cost of building a foam block house) and therefore it is better to preliminarily estimate the approximate cost of construction in order to choose the best solution.

The cost of a house can be made up of the main standard elements or stages of building a house (I repeat a little):

1. Earthworks (preparation of a site for construction and excavation of a pit or trenches for a foundation);

2. Foundation device (foundations are completely different, respectively, and the cost of the foundation can be completely different);

3. Installation of brick walls and partitions (thickness and type of walls may vary depending on the project);

4. Roof device (again, they are very diverse);
5. Wiring of internal engineering and external (electrical, plumbing, sewerage, etc.);
6. Finishing both internal and external (finishing can be done both according to the design project and by yourself, it's up to you).

Not all of the above items may be contained in the estimate for building a brick house, but basically they are the main “bricks” that add up to the full price of a brick house. When building a house, all these points are negotiated in advance with the company that will carry out all these installation works, and it is possible that some of the work, such as design and engineering work, will be carried out by specialized organizations separately.

The price of a brick house can be made larger using house building calculators offered by different companies, but keep in mind that this calculation is very approximate and if you do not have special skills, then they will not be of significant benefit to you.

Let's focus on the brick, since its quantity directly affects the entire cost of building a house, and it would be nice if you roughly estimated the calculation of a brick for a house, which, by the way, will help a lot with an approximate estimate of the cost of a house.

What determines the cost of building a brick house?

I will not repeat the above points, but will dwell on the reasons that depend only on the brick.
Wall thickness - the thickness of the walls can be completely different, both internal and external. External walls can be of various structures and types of insulation, it all depends on the construction site and the type of material used. Internal walls can be both partitions (their thickness is 120mm) and load-bearing, usually their thickness can be 250mm.

The degree of individuality of the construction project - the more complex the house, the more expensive it is to build it, in our case, this is an increase in the cost of work associated with brickwork, which is associated with technology. The presence of a second light is also a consequence of the rise in the cost of work as a result of the individuality of the house project.

Large spans - brick is a fairly strong and durable material, but with large spans, large loads may come to the brick, which will require additional structural measures that will need to be developed in the project.

Brand of brick and mortar - here you need to choose a certain type of brick and mortar, since they also have their own gradations. The choice is best coordinated with the design organization.

Perhaps I will stop here for now, if you have your own wishes, you can add points by reporting them in the comments

I do not give specific figures on how much the cost of building a brick house can be, since it is very diverse and depends on many factors, an enlarged list of which I presented above. One thing is for sure, this is that a brick house will cost more than the same foam block house, but it will also last much longer.

I recommend ordering an estimate for the construction of a house from an organization that will carry out the construction of the house and its design in order to allocate your budget in advance.
Once again, good luck to you in your difficult work.

A brick house is a classic and durable building made of eco-friendly, fire-resistant material. You can build a brick house with your own hands. It is preliminary recommended to determine the type of brickwork and the type of foundation. The thickness of the walls depends on the number of floors in the house. If you build a multi-storey house, then the lower floors will be heavily loaded.

Foundation arrangement

During the construction of one-story brick buildings, experts recommend simplifying the foundation by building a plasterboard wall. Brick is a fairly heavy material. It is laid in 2 rows to enhance thermal insulation, and cement mortar is used for adhesion. The house may tilt if the foundation is chosen incorrectly. Experts recommend laying a slab or strip foundation under the building.

Before starting work, it is necessary to make markings on the ground so that the building is correctly located and there are no difficulties during the construction process. The scheme is transferred to the ground surface. In the corners of the future house and in the places of the walls, it is necessary to drive in pegs along which the rope is pulled. It will serve as a guideline while digging a trench, the depth of which depends on the number of storeys of the building. It is advisable to check the horizontal tension of the rope with a water level.

Depending on the height of the formwork, it is required to place supports so that the concrete does not crush the structure with its mass. The formwork is made of plywood or planed boards. You can use other durable material. The main thing is that there are no holes in it (through which concrete can flow).

At the bottom of the dug trench (before pouring the foundation), it is recommended to build a pillow from a mound of sand or fine gravel. Its thickness should exceed 5 cm. It needs to be rammed. A box assembled from reinforcement is laid along the entire length of the base. For its construction are used:

  • reinforcement 5-8 mm and 10-17 mm;
  • Bulgarian;
  • knitting wire;
  • wire cutters;
  • pliers.

It is possible to calculate the required amount of reinforcement if information about the number of storeys and features of the soil of the future house is known. Experts do not recommend saving on the depth of the base and the thickness of the reinforcement if a multi-storey building is to be erected on loose soil. The strength of the foundation ensures its pouring in one go. You cannot do this work alone. You will need helpers and a concrete mixer.

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Trench construction

If the trench depth exceeds 60 cm, it is recommended to pour the first layer of the base, throw rubble stones into the trench and continue pouring. It is recommended to compact the concrete after pouring the formwork using a deep vibrator, which can be replaced with a thick stick. The top of the base is leveled with a trowel. The solution hardens within a month.

The foundation should rise above ground level by 10-15 cm and above. Formwork helps to comply with this indicator. On uneven areas, the lowest height is set at the highest point. You can position the base in one plane by bringing the formwork in height to a stretched rope and installing props. The height of the base of a brick house depends on the level of groundwater and the depth of soil freezing.

The slab foundation begins to be built by digging a hole, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is equal to the first floor. It is necessary to fill the pit with a mixture of sand and gravel, compact it and fill it with a small amount of concrete. Installation of fittings begins after the mortar has dried. The concrete mixture is poured and leveled over the reinforcement. After the concrete has hardened, a solid base slab is formed.

The strip foundation begins to be built by digging a trench along the perimeter of the load-bearing walls.

Then formwork is formed and poured with mortar. Bricklaying is recommended to be done in a month. During this time, the mixture hardens and can withstand heavy loads.

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Types of masonry and their features

A house can be built with high quality only after the selection of materials and methods of working with them. Brickwork is of the following types:

  • solid with the use of hollow bars;
  • solid with the use of full-bodied bars;
  • three-layer;
  • well.

The use of hollow bars allows you to improve the performance of thermal insulation, while the thickness of the walls erected may not exceed 50 cm. Less material is required for work than when using solid bricks.

The thickness of the walls, for the construction of which masonry from solid bars was used, can reach 60 cm. This technology does not provide the required level of thermal insulation. It is used in the construction of partitions with a thickness of not more than 25 cm.

Three-layer masonry is made of inner and outer layers and insulation. The width of the inner layer reaches 25-35 cm. The outer layer is laid from facing materials.

Additional strength is given to the walls with metal fittings. Well masonry requires the use of hollow bricks (the walls are not solid). They provide internal and external partitions, between which a heater (slag, expanded clay) is placed.

Living in a private home is an attractive prospect for many people. Purchasing a finished house or building plot is associated with the desire to make your dream home a reality. At the same time, some of the future homeowners entrust the performance of all work to professionals. The rest seek to put a piece of their soul into the house at all stages of its construction. In addition, building a house with your own hands is often cheaper than buying a ready-made one or contacting a developer.

For those who are interested in building a brick house with their own hands, this article will be useful. Here we will focus on the key stages of building a brick house, starting with design, choosing the material for the walls and ending with finishing and cladding. But, first, let's look at what a brick house is good for.

Brick house - advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of brick houses:

  • time-tested reliability. Most of the old houses are built of brick;
  • strength. It is determined by the brand of brick and its composition (see "GOST 24332-88 Brick and silicate stones");
  • satisfactory thermal insulation;
  • the microporous structure of the brick allows the house to breathe;
  • the possibility of combining with all known building materials;
  • multi-storey. You can build a one-, two-, three- or more-story house;
  • relative accessibility;
  • a variety of types of ordinary and facing bricks, which allows you to implement projects that are unique in beauty.

Cons of a brick house:

  • price. Building a brick house is expensive. The use of porous bricks allows to reduce the cost of work by 20%;
  • seasonality. Brick laying is carried out in the dry, warm season. The dependence of the temperature of the solution on the ambient temperature is given in the table;
  • the severity of the structure. It is leveled by arranging the foundation of the appropriate type.

Preparatory work

Design of brick houses

There are two ways to get a brick house project:

  • choose a solution. Ready-made projects will reduce the risk of errors in the development of the plan. But, even the acquisition of a finished project does not eliminate the need to carry out additional calculations and surveys of the area. Schemes of some of the typical projects are presented in the photo below;

  • creation of an individual project of the house. In this case, you can develop a project of a beautiful house that will satisfy your needs to the maximum.

When creating a project on your own, you need to evaluate:

  • their financial capacity;
  • types of work that you can do with your own hands;
  • professionalism and reputation of those who will be involved in the implementation of certain stages of construction (if necessary);
  • the complexity of settling formalities related to private housing, communications, water supply, heating, etc.

Stages of building a brick house with your own hands

Brick selection and quantity calculation

Brick can be divided into two types - simple, and facing. In order to reduce the cost of building a brick house, its box and partitions are built from simple brick, and for cladding they acquire a front one.

In addition, the brick is divided into solid and hollow. The first is used for the construction of load-bearing elements of the building. Hollow - to reduce heat loss. Its use reduces the load on the foundation and construction costs.

What else to look for when choosing a brick?

For indicators such as:
- water absorption,
- frost resistance,
- thermal conductivity,
- strength (mark M50 indicates that the brick will withstand 50 freeze / thaw cycles).

And also on the color, geometry and integrity of the brick. A solid color will indicate that the brick is made in accordance with the requirements.

How many bricks do you need for a house?

The material was prepared for the site

Advice. The horizontal waterproofing of the foundation of the house is laid twice. The first layer is between the foundation and the plinth, the second is between the plinth and rows of bricks.

If the foundation is incorrectly selected or filled with violations, deformations shown in the diagram may occur.

Brickwork walls

Before you start building brick walls, you need to decide which type of brickwork to choose.

Popular types of brick laying:

With this scheme, you can use a metal mesh for additional bandaging of the rows. It is laid in 5-7 rows and is designed to increase the rigidity of the structure. Brick masonry. Inside such masonry, voids are usually left, which can then be filled with expanded clay or foam. Thus, the thermal insulation properties of ordinary bricks are increased.

First of all, brick is laid at the corners of the bearing walls. Not only the appearance of the structure, but also its durability depends on the quality of their installation. The formation of corners involves laying bricks with a height of 5-10 pieces. The correctness of the vertical laying is checked by a plumb line. Horizontally - level. The more often the check is carried out, the less likely it is to skew.

Advice. You can set the horizontal for the entire row using a mooring cord. It is attached to the corners and moves as the subsequent rows of bricks are laid.

As work progresses, the corners are raised.

When laying brick walls, it is important not to forget about dressing. For greater strength, each subsequent row should be shifted by half or a third of the brick in relation to the previous one. And also that load-bearing walls must be connected to internal partitions, for this, bricks are removed from the load-bearing wall to the inside.

Brick wall laying - instructions

  • cement mortar for bricklaying is mixed to achieve greater plasticity;
  • the solution is applied to the right place and leveled. In this case, part of the solution is displayed on a brick located in a row. If the solution is more than needed, then the excess will simply be removed with a trowel;

  • a brick is laid on the mortar. For a tighter fit of the brick in a row, they knock on it with a trowel handle. The optimal distance between rows of bricks is 12 mm;
  • the last brick in the row is being laid. It is good if the bricks are laid whole or in halves. But, in practice, this is rarely the case. You can get out of the situation as shown in the photo.

In the first case, the gap between adjacent bricks was regulated by the thickness of the mortar, and in the second, brick pieces were used. The choice is yours.

  • after the row is completed, the brickwork is grouted.

Advice. If the surface of the wall will be faced with plaster, then it is advisable to leave a little free space in the seams. If the work is done immediately with the front brick, then the jointing must be done beautifully, filling the entire space.

Jointing brick joints is done with a special tool.

Window and door openings in brick walls

During the construction phase, the installation of window and door openings is envisaged. To do this, voids of the appropriate size are left in the walls.

When the planned opening height is reached, a wooden, metal or reinforced concrete lintel should be laid. The width of the jumper is equal to the thickness of the wall. In length - 40-50 cm should exceed the width of the door / window opening. This is due to the fact that for the reliability of the installation, the jumper should go into the wall by 20-25 cm. Rows of bricks will be laid on it in the future.

Advice. When using a wooden jumper, it is necessary to protect its ends with roofing material and treat with a primer. The metal jumper also needs to be treated to prevent rust.

After that, the rest of the bricks are laid until the specified wall height is reached.

At the top of the load-bearing walls, interfloor or attic floors are installed. They can be slab, monolithic or wooden.

Roof of a brick house - roofing work

The roof device includes:

  • project development and choice of roofing material. It is depending on the choice that the calculation of the material, the cost and complexity of the work will be carried out;
  • installation of a truss system. In the vast majority of cases, a wooden beam is used to perform this type of work;
  • framing installation. Its step depends on the type of roofing material. So, for slate, the pitch is 70-80 cm, for metal tiles 35 cm, and for bituminous tiles, a continuous sheathing of plywood or OSB is required;
  • roof waterproofing;
  • laying of roofing material and installation of decorative elements;
  • insulation and vapor barrier (if necessary).

Installing the roof will give the house a finished look and will allow you to carry out further work in any weather and at any time of the year.

Construction of interior walls

It is performed in the same way as the external device, so we will not dwell on it.

Installation of windows and doors

Most often, doors and windows are purchased ready-made. Their installation also remains on the conscience of the manufacturer. But if you are interested in installing windows / doors in a brick house with your own hands, then this can be found in the appropriate section.

Laying communications

Engineering communications, heating pipes, electrical wiring are also an important component that is necessary for the full functioning of the house. Each of these aspects deserves more attention. After all, the implementation of such work requires certain knowledge and skills.

Advice. Don't forget to protect your home from lightning.

Floor device in a brick house

You can lay floors in a private brick house in the following ways:

  1. wooden floor on logs;
  2. floors on the ground (wooden or concrete);
  3. floors on floor slabs.

Insulation of a brick house

An important aspect that must be taken into account when building a brick house, because the brick itself transmits a lot of heat. In order not to heat the air, you need to take care of the insulation. Popular thermal insulation materials include: basalt wool, polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam.