Fastening for rafters. Fastening rafters: methods of fixing and connecting rafter legs. Technologies for attaching the rafter leg to the Mauerlat

Attaching the rafters to the Mauerlat is one of the most important connections. The service life of the roof structure depends on its reliability and strength. Improper fastening can cause the rafters to lower and the roof to deform. It is quite difficult to do this work, but it is quite possible subject to certain rules.

Mauerlat is the basis. It is usually made from wood. Mauerlat is mounted on the outer walls of the building around the perimeter.

Its main functions:

  • Reducing the bursting force from the roof to the walls of the building.
  • Fixing the roof structure to the building.

Mauerlat is necessary to firmly secure the roof of the building and prevent it from falling off in strong winds.

It should be used for buildings made of cinder block, brick, aerated concrete and foam concrete. For buildings made of these materials, the Mauerlat is mounted as a separate structure.

It should be noted that the use of Mauerlat beam in frame houses not necessary.

Mauerlat dimensions

Mauerlat is usually made from wooden logs or beams with a section of 150 x 150, 150 x 100 or 80 x 180 mm. It is not advisable to use a large timber for these purposes, since it will create an extra load on the walls of the building. Also, lifting up such bars will create great difficulties.

In the manufacture of the Mauerlat design, it is important to ensure its integrity. To do this, the timber is fastened together at the joints by means of metal plates.

Necessary tools and materials for work

To make a Mauerlat, the following tools are needed:

  • Hacksaw;
  • Bulgarian with nozzles for cutting metal and wood;
  • Screwdriver or drill;
  • Level;
  • Roulette;
  • Pliers and hammer;
  • Bits for self-tapping screws and drills.

You may also need a welding machine if the Mauerlat is fixed by means of anchor bolts embedded in the armored belt.

When making a Mauerlat, stock up on the following materials:

  • Nails;
  • "L" shaped studs or anchor bolts.
  • self-tapping screws;
  • Wooden beam;
  • Washers and nuts;
  • Waterproofing material (roofing material or similar material);
  • Bolts and metal plates.
  • Steel wire (in case the fastening will be carried out by means of a wire).

The amount of materials required for the construction of the Mauerlat directly depends on the size of the building.

Mauerlat mount

There are the following ways of attaching rafters to the Mauerlat:

    1. Fastening with steel wire. To do this, you need a wire with a diameter of 4 to 6 millimeters. It must be twisted several times and laid 3-4 rows before the masonry is completed. Then you need to wait until the wall gets stronger. Next, you need to pass the wire through the Mauerlat bar and twist its ends. The length of the wire must be calculated in such a way that it can be twisted around the Mauerlat, and then pressed against the wall of the building. Ease of installation and low cost are the main advantages of this mount.

    1. Fastening with anchors. This method is the most reliable and durable. Anchor bolts are welded to the metal using a welding machine. It should be borne in mind that the anchor bolts must rise above the laid Mauerlat by at least 30 millimeters. Then a Mauerlat bar is installed on the wall of the building and fixed with anchor bolts with washers and nuts. Before installing the Mauerlat, it is necessary to drill holes for the anchors in it. The main disadvantage of this mounting method is the high cost.

  1. Fastening with studs embedded in the wall. These studs must be made in the form of the letter "L" and contain a thread. They must be laid in masonry to a depth of 450 millimeters. The studs must be at least 30 millimeters higher than the Mauerlat installed on the wall. After installing the studs, it is necessary to drill holes for them in the Mauerlat. The Mauerlat beam is fixed to the wall by means of nuts and washers screwed onto the studs.

Before installing the Mauerlat beam, it is necessary to lay the waterproofing material on the walls of the building.

When creating a reliable fastening of the rafters to the Mauerlat gable roof the following rules must be observed:

  • It is necessary to fasten the connecting elements to the Mauerlat and rafters firmly and efficiently.
  • The cuts at the points of contact with the Mauerlat must be very accurate, since the reliability of the connection will depend on this.
  • In the process of mounting rafters on the Mauerlat, when fixing to other rafters, stretch marks, braces and other parts, plates, metal corners, bolts, studs and brackets are used, which are designed for these purposes.
  • If the installation is carried out with nuts and bolts, then it is necessary to use metal plates or washers that will prevent the nut from sinking into the wood. You can also use plywood scraps for this purpose.
  • For buildings made of wood, they are applied to the Mauerlat or to the upper side logs.
  • In order for the rafters to slide along the wall when shrinking the walls of the building, special elements are used - the so-called "sled". This detail must be used in the manufacture of a soft roof or a coating of expensive tiles.
  • To fix the rafters, it is necessary to saw down the “saddle” at the junction of the rafters to the Mauerlat beam. This is necessary to ensure a secure fit to the surface of the Mauerlat beam. You can use templates for making cuts if you are sure that all distances and dimensions along the perimeter of the building are as identical as possible. Otherwise, each rafter leg must be adjusted separately. It should be noted that the depth of the cut should not exceed ¼ of the width.
  • To make the fastening of the rafter legs to the Mauerlat more durable and reliable, it is necessary to use special steel corners.
  • In the ridge run, the rafters are attached to each other end-to-end. Fixation is carried out by means of steel plates.

Types of metal fasteners

The rafters are attached to the Mauerlat using the following elements:

  • Metal corner. It is mounted on the sides of the rafters and fixed with self-tapping screws.
  • metal wire, whose diameter does not exceed 6 millimeters.
  • brace. It is a curved form of the letter "P" rod with an elongated top. Fastening is carried out with a hammer. In this case, one end of the bracket is hammered into the rafter, and the other is the Mauerlat.
  • Metal plates. When change to fix . Fasten with self-tapping screws or bolts with nuts.
  • Perforated mounting tape. It can play the role of both the main and additional fastening of the rafters to the Mauerlat beam. The tape is fixed with nails or screws. It gives the roof structure better rigidity.
  • Brackets. When using them, it is not necessary to perform a tie-in on the Mauerlat, so that the supporting structure is not weakened. Brackets are made of galvanized metal 2 mm thick. This element is fixed with anchor bolts, screws or nails.
  • fasteners typeLK. They are used, as a rule, when fixing the rafters to the roof structure. Fixation of this fastener is carried out by means of nails and screws.
  • bracketW.B.. Attaches with bolts and screws. This element allows the use of rafters that have non-standard sizes.

Rigid connection of rafters with Mauerlat

There are two types of fastening rafters: rigid and sliding. Rigid fastening is used on buildings built of cinder block, brick or foam blocks. Fasteners of this type completely eliminate the movement of the truss system.

rigid fastening of rafters to Mauerlat photo

Rigid fastening of the rafter legs is performed as follows:

  1. On the rafters, washed down. It is also called a landing saddle.
  2. Rafters with cuts are installed on the Mauerlat and secured with nails.
  3. For rigid fixation, nails should be driven in on the sides of the rafter legs crosswise. It is also necessary to hammer one nail in the middle.

It is also possible to secure metal corners on both sides of the rafter legs using nails or self-tapping screws. It is important to note that the cuts must be made even, i.e. there should be no gaps and distortions.

Sliding rafter fastening

The hinged fastening of the rafters to the Mauerlat is usually used on log buildings. Such fastening does not allow the roof structure to skew during shrinkage or deformation of the walls of the building.

The walls of wooden buildings in any case are deformed under the influence of atmospheric phenomena.

Thanks to the sliding fastening, the roof remains flat. The wall, falling down, slides through the fastening and does not pull the roof structure along with it.

The structure of the open mount includes two metal elements: a fixed corner and a guide. The corner is attached to the Mauerlat beam, and the guide plate to the rafters. The stroke of this fastening is 60 - 160 mm.

A closed mount is a non-separable metal structure. Closed fasteners are arranged in almost the same way as open fasteners. The difference is that the closed fastener is mounted assembled.

When installing sliding fasteners, the following guidelines must be followed:

  • Rafters must extend beyond the walls of the building, regardless of what type of fastening is used.
  • The rafters must be the same size. This will significantly reduce the time required for their fitting and installation.
  • Rafter legs must be mounted parallel to each other. In this case, the hinge mount will not jam.

From this video you will learn how to attach the rafters to the Mauerlat:

The structure of the rafters is the skeleton of the roof, which is obliged to take on and evenly distribute the weight of the roofing materials. If you correctly assemble the wooden skeleton for insulation, waterproofing film and top coat, you will be able to achieve a noticeable increase in the load capacity of the truss system.

The main elements of the truss system

The wooden frame of the roof is assembled from parts such as:

  • mauerlat - a kind of base for roofing elements, attached around the entire perimeter of the building to the upper edge of the outer walls in order to disperse the pressure of the roofing pie;

    Mauerlat serves as the basis for the roof frame

  • rafter legs - irreplaceable details of the wooden skeleton of the roof, which determine the angle of inclination of the slopes and the view of the upper part of the house;
  • ridge run - a bar fixed in a horizontal position and, like a spine, connecting all the rafters of the roof frame in their upper part;

    The ridge run is located exactly in the middle of the building

  • side run - a horizontal beam, which differs from a ridge run in that it is fixed in the middle of the rafter legs of each roof slope;
  • puff - a spacer that unites two opposite rafters so that they do not move apart;

    Tightening and struts are necessary to properly distribute the load on the Mauerlat

  • racks - vertical frame elements placed under the ridge and side runs to support the rafters and the ridge beam, and also, if necessary, substituted under the middle part of the rafter legs;

    Racks can support not only the ridge of the roof, but also the rafters

  • struts - parts that rest against the bed, due to which the rafter legs become more stable;
  • bed - a bar placed on the upper edge of the inner wall of the building parallel to the ridge and serving as a platform for attaching racks and struts;

    The bed is located on the inner wall parallel to the mauerlat beam

  • roof ridge - the area of ​​​​combination of two slopes, along which a continuous crate is installed, necessary to strengthen the described part of the roof;

    The ridge is formed in the highest zone of the truss system

  • filly - elements used in the arrangement of the overhang, when the rafter legs are not long enough;

    Fillies lengthen rafter legs

  • roof overhang - zone wooden frame, protecting the walls of the house from contact with a large amount of precipitation;

    The cornice overhang is constructed to protect the walls from rain.

  • lathing - bars or boards nailed perpendicular to the rafters and serving as a platform for attaching roofing materials.

    Sheathing boards are laid out perpendicular to the rafters

Main connecting nodes

The main nodes of the truss system are:

  • roof truss - connection of a rafter pair, stretch marks, as well as racks and braces;
  • ridge knot - combination of two opposite rafters;
  • a link from a Mauerlat and a rafter resting on it;
  • a module that includes a run, a rack and a bed;
  • connection of the rafters with a strut and a rack.

The most complex link of the roof frame, according to the author, is a truss truss, which is distinguished by the fact that:

The ridge knot also has several features:

Rafters and Mauerlat become a single link, which is characterized by the following:

A module from a run, a rack and a bed is formed by driving building brackets, steel dowels or linings from steel strips into their joints.

A node of a bed, a rack and a run allows you to share the load between the external and internal walls of the building

Struts, racks and rafters are assembled into a single module, creating cuttings. To ensure that their connection is not weak, construction brackets are used.

A knot of struts, racks and rafters allows you to soften the pressure on the inner wall of the house

Ways of fastening rafters

In the lower part, the rafters can be connected both to the Mauerlat and to the floor beams. Sometimes, for example, when frame construction, they are fixed directly on the wall. And in the upper part, the rafter legs are combined with the ridge. Each labeled node can be created in several ways.

Mauerlat connection

The rigid fastening of the rafters on the Mauerlat guarantees the absence of any displacement of the assembly elements. It is performed by cutting in a certain sequence:

  1. To speed up work, a template is made from a piece of board or thick cardboard. A line is drawn on the workpiece, stepping back from the side edge a distance equal to 1/3 of the width of the rafter, and then the point of contact with the Mauerlat beam is marked, along which a second line is drawn perpendicular to the first.

    If the width of the rafter is more than 200 mm, then washed down is done at a depth of 70 mm

  2. At an angle of inclination of the roof slope, the template is substituted to the edge of the Mauerlat, making sure that the point marked on the piece of wood is strictly opposite the corner of the beam. Two lines are drawn from it with a pencil - vertical and horizontal, as a result of which a triangle is obtained on the workpiece, which is carefully cut out.
  3. The made template is assessed for correctness by putting it on the Mauerlat in several places. If the groove made turned out to be smaller or larger than necessary, then the pattern is made anew, correcting the mistake made.
  4. The template is placed on a horizontally located rafter. The triangle in the pattern is circled with a pencil. The same is done with other rafter legs. At the same time, make sure that the horizontal line of the groove in the pattern is always in the same place on the rafter. Otherwise, notches will be created at different distances from the ridge.
  5. The triangles drawn on the rafters are cut out with a hand saw. The tool is operated slowly so as not to accidentally increase the depth of the groove in the rafter leg. Possessing the skills of working with an electric saw, recesses can be made with this device. True, it must be borne in mind that a tool powered by the mains is much worse at listening to the hand and is able to go to the side.

    The triangular cut allows the rafter to rest against the Mauerlat

  6. The correctness of the size of the grooves made is checked with a pattern. If discrepancies are found, the notch is corrected with a hacksaw.
  7. Two extreme rafter legs are placed on top of the house. They are inserted into the Mauerlat with grooves, fixed on the sides with metal corners or brackets.
  8. A rope is pulled along the bottom edge between the two installed elements. Then, one by one, the remaining rafter legs are attached to the Mauerlat.

The technology of attaching the rafter legs to the Mauerlat with a patch of a thrust bar can be taken into account by builders without experience. With this method of creating a node, as the author of the article noted, it is possible to change the position of the rafters until it becomes completely correct.

To connect the main elements of the roof frame with the Mauerlat with a stripe of a thrust bar, do the following:

When building a roof frame for a wooden frame, which always shrinks, it is preferable to use the sliding method of attaching the rafters to the Mauerlat. Thanks to it, it is possible to avoid deformation of the truss structure and deterioration in the stability of the upper row of logs, which replaces the Mauerlat.

The choice of sliding rafters is justified only when a ridge beam is provided for the main elements of the roof frame, against which they could abut with their upper part.

When the rafters are fixed on the Mauerlat using the sliding method, certain steps are taken:

The layered method of attaching rafters to the Mauerlat is adopted when the purchased lumber turned out to be shorter than necessary. Also, this method of fixing the main elements of the rafter system is used during the repair of a roof of complex configuration.

When fixing the rafters on the Mauerlat using the layered method, only 3 tasks are performed:

Video: installing rafters

Combination with floor beams

It is possible to fasten the rafters to the floor beams only being sure that the walls of the building will withstand the pressure of the roof frame. Still, in the absence of a Mauerlat, the load on the house is not uniform, but point.

Without fear and doubt, the rafters are attached to the floor beams if they are building a light mansard roof. At the same time, boards with a section of 5x15 cm are used as ceiling beams.

The rafters are not connected to the Mauerlat, but to the beams of the attic, if they know for sure that they will withstand the pressure exerted

To firmly fix the rafter legs on the floor beams, perform the following tasks:

wall mount

If for some reason the rafters have to be fixed directly on the walls, then they will definitely need to be connected with a puff. She, as the author of the article personally made sure, who helped build the roof of the utility room, will remove part of the stress transmitted by the rafters from the house.

Rafters should never be directly connected to the outer walls of the building if they are built from foam or gas blocks. These materials freely transfer their moisture to the wood and are unable to retain fasteners.

On the wall, the rafters can be fixed using a sliding method, but this is not the most reasonable solution.

To securely fix the rafter legs on the walls, it is necessary to take certain measures:

  1. At the right angle, make on the rafters washed down with one tooth.
  2. Install the rafters on the walls with the butt end and drive a nail 10-12 cm long into them.
  3. If necessary, attach metal corners to the sides of the rafters.

Since the roof ridge is under serious pressure from the entire truss system, roofers with extensive experience create a ridge knot in five ways: butt, on a beam, overlap, in a groove, in half a tree.

To create a ridge knot by connecting opposite rafters end-to-end, do the following:

When attaching rafters to a beam, or rather, to a special ridge run, they act in a special way:

When the rafters are connected to the beam, the ridge is not pointed, but flat.

If the ridge knot is made by fastening the rafters with an overlap, then you will need to perform a few simple tasks:

To connect the rafter legs into a ridge knot using a groove, several skillful carpentry actions are performed:

Having chosen the method of connecting the rafters to half a tree, do the following:

Video: building a roof frame with connecting rafters with a ridge run

The construction of the rafter system should not be started until it is possible to understand the features of attaching the rafters to other elements of the roof supporting structure. By the way, among the various ways of fixing the rafter legs, there are options not only for experienced builders.

The key to a long and trouble-free life in a newly built house is a strong and safe roof. The basis of its reliability is the correct calculation of all elements of the selected truss system and a well-executed installation. The quality of installation is based on the correct selection of materials, fasteners and methods of connecting all components of the structure.

Mounting options

The device of any roof includes several basic elements:

  • The rafter frame is the main supporting element of the roof, one might say, its skeleton.
  • Lathing - ribs for the roof, if we continue the anatomical analogy.
  • The roofing package is the top skin covering, following the same pattern.

All varieties of truss systems can ultimately be reduced to two main classes:

hanging rafters

This type of roof device is formed by a rigid triangular interface of a truss structure made of rafter boards and a lower puff bar, which, in turn, rests on a Mauerlat. Such a device creates a load on the walls of the building, which has a predominantly vertical component.

Hanging rafter construction

Mauerlat - a thick support beam, tightly fixed at the top of the wall and serving as the base, and in fact the foundation, for the truss frame. It performs an important role in uniformly distributing along the walls of the house both static loads from the weight of the roof and equipment on it, and dynamic effects from snow, wind, the weight of people working on the roof, etc.

Hanging type truss systems can be held in place only due to their own weight, and their additional adhesion to the wall is performed solely to compensate for shear forces during significant wind loads. It is provided by fastening the lower beam-tightening of the hanging rafters to the Mauerlat and, without presenting great technical complexity, can be performed with any available fasteners: brackets, squares, nails, clamps, etc.


Construction with layered rafters

Slanted rafters - a variant of the roofing device, when the bars of the rafters lying at an angle have two points of support at their ends: a Mauerlat and a ridge beam. The latter, in turn, rests through intermediate racks on the inner wall of the house or on a thick longitudinal beam - the “mattress”.

The rafter system of the layered type has a more complex distribution of loads: in addition to the vertical "gravitational" there are already "sliding" horizontal and "bursting" angular components.

Due to the complexity of the triangle of forces, their compensation should be ensured by a reliable connection of the rafter legs with the Mauerlat.

Support nodes and their fastening

One of the features of the layered truss frame is that its elements can have both fixed and movable hinge joints between them. All three fixed frame units are usually used in brick or stone houses, where the strong walls of the building give them additional rigidity.

Attachment points for rafters to Mauerlat

The connection of the upper ends of the rafters with a ridge or the lower ends with a Mauerlat, or both together, is often performed articulated. This is necessary to reduce the internal stresses arising in the truss frame, the cause of which may be:

  • temperature fluctuations;
  • sediment at home;
  • deformations of wooden structures, such as torsion or bending;
  • uneven loads from wind and snow.

If working under the ridge at a great height, installing the mount is not very convenient, then it is better to choose a rigid interface for the rafters at the top. For their lower ends, leave a little freedom of longitudinal movement.

Rafter leg attachment

The lower node for supporting the rafters on the Mauerlat is usually performed in one of two ways:

  • Spacer- a variant of a fixed lower clutch assembly, when the rafter firmly rests on the timber.
  • Sliding- a movable connection, in which the rafter slides along the beam, being held on it only by fasteners.

Both of these methods are widespread and have their own characteristics and varieties.

Fastening methods with and without sawing

Mating without gash is used only with a sliding connection. The rafter leg lies freely with its lower edge on the Mauerlat, held only by fasteners, which are most often used as corners. This mounting option cannot be called absolutely reliable under significant loads from the roof, so it is used mainly to cover small spans.

For a more reliable articulation of the elements of the lower node, a blocking tooth is cut out in the rafter board. It can be done in the following ways:

  • With an emphasis on the inner side of the Mauerlat, forming a rigid mount that works in compression.

Focusing on the inside

With nailed board

In most cases, washing down must be done in the rafter, and not in the Mauerlat, so as not to weaken or deform it.

Fasteners for rafters

In the recent past, traditional staples and nails were used as fasteners for elements of roof frames, and in the simplest case, ordinary wire rod, folded in several rows. Today in the construction market you can find fasteners of various types for any application. The industry also produces specialized kits for use in truss systems.

The nails used in the joints, in order to avoid pulling out, should be taken twisted or with a special notch.

Work performance rules

  • The workpiece of the rafter leg must be placed with its upper edge on the ridge beam, and its lower corner should be aligned with the inner edge of the Mauerlat beam.
  • Having attached a piece of the board that serves as a template, draw a line on the rafter parallel to the upper edge of the Mauerlat.
  • If necessary, mark on the outer or inner side of the persistent tooth washed down.
  • Cut along the marking lines.

When making cuts, it is necessary to strictly observe the measured and marked angles for a snug fit of all planes of the wooden structural elements.

  • Install the rafter in its place, exactly aligning all the cuts.

Fix it with the chosen method of fastening. Each of the fastening methods has its own characteristics for proper execution:

  • Nails are hammered at an angle through the rafter board into the Mauerlat, two on each side.

Now, especially for rafters, “sled” corners with a sliding plate have appeared on sale. They provide a reliable connection with full compensation of deformations.

Having completed the installation of the lower node of the rafter leg, you can proceed to pair it with the ridge beam.

The construction of the roof takes almost half of the entire time of building a house. Yes, and the material costs for it are about the same. At the same time, the smallest mistakes made in the design and construction of the roof can become a source of significant problems during its operation.

Starting this responsible and difficult stage in construction work, it is necessary to carefully and repeatedly check all the outlines and calculations. It’s not a bad idea to consult with experts or refer to reference publications.

Methods for attaching rafters to the Mauerlat: installation technology with and without sawing

The connection of the rafter legs with the Mauerlat has many subtleties. But the strength and reliability of the entire future roof depends on them. What are the mounting methods?

Types of fastening rafters to Mauerlat without washing down

The rafter leg is the main load-bearing element of the pitched roof frame. The strength and durability of the entire structure depends on the correct fixation of the rafters. The roof system is most often used, when two rafter legs are connected at the top point on the ridge, and the lower ends are supported and fixed on the Mauerlat beam. There are different options for attaching load-bearing rafter legs to this horizontal beam. In our article, we will consider fastening rafters without washing down.

Varieties of fixation

The choice of the method of fastening the rafter element to the Mauerlat depends on which truss system (inclined or hanging) is used, as well as on the weight of the timber, the complexity of the design and the design loads. To begin with, it is worth saying that there are two ways to attach the rafters to the Mauerlat beam: rigidly or using a sliding fixation. Fixing without gashing can be performed according to both types.

sliding mount

The sliding fastener consists of two elements. One of them can move freely relative to the other. In addition, the rafters can be attached to the Mauerlat beam in an open and closed way. Let's consider them in more detail:

  1. With a closed method of fastening, a special corner with an eyelet resembling a slot is used. This part is first attached to the Mauerlat. A metal part with holes is inserted into the eye. It is through these holes that the corner is attached to the supporting leg. Due to the loose vertical surface of the corner, the rafter can, if necessary, move slightly, thereby protecting the wall structures of the building from excessive load and deformation.
  2. The open version of the fastening is carried out similarly with the only difference that the loop is not inserted into the eye of the corner. The corner is first attached to the Mauerlat, and then the upper part of its shelf is bent down to make the connection.

Rigid mount

If we talk about how the rafters are rigidly attached to the Mauerlat, then there are more options. The choice of one or another method is made taking into account the installation features of the roof system, as well as the dimensions and severity of the wooden structural elements.

Rafters on a shed roof or multi-pitched system can be fastened by:

  • metal corners of different sizes;
  • special LK-mounts.

The last version of the fasteners is made in any size, which makes it easy to choose it for the dimensions of the rafters. For the production of these fasteners, steel with a thickness of 2-3 mm is used. Such connecting elements provide maximum rigidity and reliability of fixation.

Important: the corners for connecting rafters with a Mauerlat without a gash differ from the corners that are used when fixing with a gash. They have enlarged shelves with a large number of holes for self-tapping screws. For their manufacture, thicker steel (3 mm) is used.

Other fastening options without gashing

If, when making a shed roof, it is necessary to ensure high reliability and rigidity of the entire truss structure, then the following mounting option can be used. The supporting leg is installed between two boards, which are sawn from the bottom at the desired angle and additionally fixed with metal corners or LK-fasteners. This method is used if the rafter leg needs to be fixed with a given slope at a small distance from the Mauerlat surface. In this case, the fastening is carried out to the outer vertical surface of the beam.

If the rafters are attached to the Mauerlat, which is made of a beam of small section, then it is reinforced with wooden plates of the required thickness. These pads are attached to the Mauerlat with screws or nails only where the supporting legs will be mounted. To fix the rafters, a strong steel wire, which is screwed to a steel crutch driven into the wall.

Also, brackets can be used to connect the rafters with the Mauerlat in single-slope and dual-slope systems. To do this, you can take staples of different sizes and drive them in anywhere. This method of fastening is quite common, since it allows you to get a durable connection of all elements of the truss system.

Tip: For additional reinforcement of the fastening unit and a stronger fixation, you can use perforated TM tape. Sometimes it is simply impossible to do without it.

Another option for fixing rafters without gashing is sometimes implemented without a Mauerlat. In this case, the bearing legs rest against the floor beams. If we talk about the option without washing down, then the rafters simply rest against the end of the beam. To connect the elements, bolts and mounting brackets made of steel are used.

Choice of mounting depending on the type of system

Depending on the features of the supporting frame of the house and the type of roof, a type of truss system is selected. In each type of such systems, various additional elements are used (puffs, supports, racks, etc.).

When choosing a method for attaching load-bearing legs without washing down, it is necessary to take into account the type of truss system. They are inclined and hanging:

  1. In inclined systems, part of the load from the roof on the walls is redistributed to additional supporting elements. It can be racks, grandmas, floor beams, puffs. Most often, it is a shed roof that is made with this type of truss system. At the same time, it is recommended to use a sliding method to connect the rafters with the Mauerlat. Since in this case the roof structure will be reliably protected from deformations that occur during the shrinkage of the building.

Attention: this method of fixation is especially important for newly erected buildings, which will certainly shrink under the influence of soil movements and temperature changes.

  1. Hanging truss systems do not use additional props, racks and other elements on which part of the load from the roof can be shifted. In this case, the entire load from the roof structure falls on the mauerlat beam. That is why in these systems it is better to use a rigid connection, which will eliminate the possibility of any movement. To partially compensate for the load on the walls in such systems, puffs, crossbars and struts are used.

Fixing Rules

To obtain a reliable and durable connection of the bearing legs with a horizontal beam, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • When using steel angles, plates and other metal parts they must be firmly screwed to the wooden elements of the carrier system using self-tapping screws.
  • If bolts are used to connect the load-bearing legs and other wooden elements of the roof frame, then a special washer for the bolt or a metal plate must be used. This will prevent the nut from digging into the body of the wood and weakening the load-bearing member of the roof frame.
  • The connection of the Mauerlat with the rafters by means of nails and self-tapping screws alone is considered unreliable. Be sure to use metal plates and steel corners, which will strengthen the attachment point.
  • In buildings made of wood, the legs of an inclined or hanging system are best attached to a horizontal bar in a sliding way. This is especially important with a significant weight of the roof, since it will avoid deformation of the roof structure during shrinkage of the building.

As you can see, there are many ways to connect the load-bearing legs to a horizontal bar without washing it down. When choosing one or another option, it is important to consider design features structures, wall material, roof weight, type roofing, as well as the loads that the frame will perceive.

Fastening rafters without gash to the Mauerlat in a shed roof

Fixing rules and methods for attaching rafters to the Mauerlat without washing down the legs. Sliding and rigid fastening. The choice of fixation depending on the type of rafters.

Methods for attaching rafters to Mauerlat: the main methods and schemes for attaching rafter legs

Rafters are the most essential part of the roofing skeleton. The legs of the rafters transmit thrust to the Mauerlat and the load-bearing walls of the house. What determines the quality of the entire rafter system and the roof as a whole? Experts remind that the reliability of any roof structure will depend, first of all, on the quality of fastening the rafters to the Mauerlat. What principles and features of this process every novice builder should know and how to fix the rafters to the Mauerlat with your own hands, you will learn right now.

Fastening rafters to the Mauerlat: a little "materiel"

To begin with, we propose to consider an illustration that shows two types of truss systems:

The place of attachment of the rafter leg with the base is called the support node. There are many such nodes in the system, but we will touch in detail on the lower fasteners of the frame with rafters. Mauerlat and rafter legs are almost always made of wood, less often of metal. It is more profitable and convenient to use wood, since this material is light in weight, easy to install and durable. correct installation and operation.

Types of support nodes according to the level of rigidity

Support nodes - places where the rafters are attached to the roof elements:

In the case of iron joints, the nodes are fixed, rigid (welds or bolts). Wood is a softer and more dynamic material that can swell, dry out and deform. In this regard, experts recommend performing support nodes, adjusted for possible changes in the shape of the wood. Such nodes can have different degrees of mobility:

  • Zero Mobility Node- rigid fastening with corners on both sides, in which the fastening of the rafters to the Mauerlat remains motionless.
  • Connection of the first degree of mobility- the beam can rotate in a circle.
  • Connection of the second degree of mobility- circular rotation with offset, the installation of special sliders or sleds is provided.
  • Movable connection of the third degree– the possibility of horizontal, vertical and circular movement.

For any node, whether it is movable or not, at least two types of fixation should be used. For example, notched planks are additionally fixed from the inside with a support beam, while dynamic connections are strengthened with bolts and special steel angles.

About the types of fasteners for rafters to the base

Let's talk about modern fasteners. For the strength and durability of the support units, a variety of metal fasteners are used: beam holders, equilateral, fastening, anchor, reinforced corners, plates, supports, profiles, connectors, anchors, etc. All these spare parts are made of high-quality metal. For dynamic nodes (types 1, 2 and 3), sliders, corners and perforated plates are used. For rigid fastening, stationary connectors, anchors and corners are used.

Such fasteners for the truss system are most often used:

For self-assembly, more than others, perforated mounts are suitable, as they have many holes for self-tapping screws and bolts.

Rigid or movable connections: what to choose

So, we noted that the support nodes connecting the Mauerlat with the boards can be of varying degrees of mobility: from "0" to "3". Zero degree - these are rigid fasteners that exclude any changes in the position of the beams.

Rigid connections: when you need them

Mauerlat is installed when it is necessary to transfer the spacer load from the rafters to the load-bearing walls. This is done mainly in houses made of bricks, panels and blocks. In this case, they try to exclude deformation and shrinkage of the roof in order to prevent changes in the load on the supporting walls. This is where the need for a fixed connection of the truss system with the Mauerlat appears.

Fixed knots fixed with gash

Many experts recommend making appropriate cuts at the point where the rafters are attached to the floor beams for greater strength and immobility of the connecting nodes. These cuts should fit snugly with the Mauerlat. Additionally, such nodes are strengthened with bolts, anchors and metal plates:

Or with long screws:

And one more important point: the size of the washed down bar should not exceed 1/3 of its section. Otherwise, the rafter system may lose its bearing capacity:

Rigid knots without notching rafters

The fastening method using a hemmed bar is used in layered truss systems. The rafter is cut according to the template and beveled (to give the roof the desired slope) at the point of contact with the Mauerlat. From the inside, such rafters are reinforced with supporting bars and reinforced with corners on both sides to the base frame:

Another option for a non-butt joint is a rigid fastening of the rafters, reinforced with overlay bars on both sides. Two boards at least a meter long border each rafter leg. One end of such supports is cut at an angle that corresponds to the slope of the roof slope (including rafters). The boards are fastened with a cut to the Mauerlat using long bolts and reinforced steel corners. The bars are attached to pre-marked places, first one at a time. Then, close to the overlays on one side, the rafters themselves are mounted, which are immediately reinforced with the same overlay on the other side. There is an option to install two overlay bars at once, and after that, rafters, but this method is used less often, since it requires more accurate calculations.

When do you need to make mobile connections?

So we come to dynamic reference nodes - connections that can change their position. What is it for? We recall the physical properties of materials - many of them shrink or swell. First of all, this applies to buildings made of pure wood - timber, log house, etc. Natural wood necessarily shrinks, due to which your roof can not only be deformed, but also completely destroyed. To avoid such fatal consequences, the masters recommend performing sliding fastenings of the rafter legs with a Mauerlat (or the upper crown of the log house).

A prerequisite for the installation of sliding nodes is the support of the truss frame on a strong ridge beam. Since the supporting lower nodes are dynamic, the maximum rigidity must be achieved at the roof ridge. The upper edges of the rafters are sawn for a tight connection between themselves and the ridge beam, connected and reinforced with crossbars, metal tapes, plates and corners. It is better to connect a truss element already fixed in the ridge with the crown of the log house.

What is a sliding mount?

The movable connection is carried out by establishing sliding fasteners, called "sleds" or "sliders". Such a node provides for a certain freedom of the rafter legs, which helps prevent the deformation of the roofing system after the natural shrinkage of wooden structures:

Here are the types of sliding supports:

Do I wash down on the rafters if the house is made of timber: an alternative expert opinion

I propose to still file down, but not the rafters, but the upper crown. Firstly, in this case, the risk of curvature of the rafters is reduced, secondly, the “cold bridge” decreases, thirdly, the tangential pressure on the Mauerlat (upper beam of the log house) decreases, and fourthly, roof insulation is simplified in the future. The disadvantage of this method is that when the upper crown of the beam is washed down, the height of the ridge decreases, therefore, if in the future it is planned to raise the height of the ceiling, one more crown should be provided. But! Such schemes are only suitable for wooden houses, since in brick and concrete buildings the mauerlat must be intact in order to maintain load-bearing qualities.

How to fix the rafters to the beams?

In simple houses, mostly frame houses, the Mauerlat can be abolished. In this case, the rafters are attached to the floor beams. The most reliable option for assembling such a system is the preparation of roof trusses. Each truss consists of two rafter legs, a connecting crossbar and a lower puff. For strength, the trusses are reinforced with central beams and struts:

Floor beams are laid in such a direction that the roof trusses cross them perpendicularly in different planes. The puff performs the main load-bearing functions, is attached to the floor beams with anchors, through bolts, studs and is reinforced with plates and metal corners.

It is possible to attach the rafter legs directly to the beam, which will additionally perform the functions of tightening. To create high-quality support nodes in such a system, two methods of fastening are recommended:

  1. The connection of the rafters with the beam with a double tooth - the cuts are made on the beam and the bevel of the rafter leg (two butt notches on each).
  2. Bolt and clamp fastening. Through fastening may be provided, but if the boards have a large cross section, cuts are made and the parts are connected with long bolts.

Fastening the rafter to the Mauerlat: a step-by-step description

For example, we will describe the process of rigidly attaching rafter joints to the Mauerlat on a simple gable roof.

I. Preparation of the Mauerlat and rafters for work

At this stage, it is necessary to cut out the rafter legs of a given length and mark their step on the basis. The optimal step length of the rafter legs is 60-200 cm. You should also accurately determine the angle of inclination of the rafters.

Mauerlat installation master class:

II. Creating a gash

We carry out washed down on each rafter leg for a tight connection with the base. To enhance strength, you can provide an additional notch on the frame or rafter and install a thrust beam under each rafter leg.

III. Installation of rafters on the Mauerlat

It is necessary to impose rafters carefully so as not to damage other elements of the building (windows, walls, etc.). We start the boards with a cut on the beams and rest them on the ridge beam. First, we install the extreme rafter legs, between which you need to stretch the thread to align all the other rafters.

IV. Fastening each rafter to the Mauerlat

Now that all the trusses are in place, you need to firmly fix the support nodes. We use several of the mounts proposed above for this:

  • Nails+ steel corners on the left and right side of the joints between the board and the base.
  • Through bolts or studs+ support bar for cutting the rafters.
  • Anchors or bolts+ corners or steel plates, etc.

Two overhead boards on both sides of the rafter leg, installed on pre-marked places of the Mauerlat, will help to strengthen the fastening. You can also use wire fastening as a reinforcement of the strength of the connections. To do this, you need to prepare a steel wire twist of 2-3 wires. Its length should be enough to wrap around the rafter leg at the junction with the Mauerlat and fix the ends of the twist on a metal crutch. As a crutch, you can take a long steel bolt, which is mounted into the wall 30-40 cm below the Mauerlat, strictly under the support node.

We will also consider one of the old-fashioned ways - fastening with staples:

What is the secret of the quality of the truss system: the three main rules of the master

  • High-quality lumber is half the battle on the way to successful construction. Mauerlat and rafters should not have cracks, wormholes and knots.
  • The accuracy of measurements, cuts and the uniformity of the position of the fasteners is no less important. If all rafter legs are of the same length and section, then it is better to prepare a template for making cuts and notches.
  • Washed down on the Mauerlat - loss of the supporting functions of the base by 50% or more. The percentage of strength reduction depends on the depth of the notches.

When the rafter system is ready, the turn comes for the installation of the batten, insulation and flooring. roofing material. But this is another interesting topic, which we will definitely cover in the next article. In the meantime, we wish you good materials, easy work and good helpers!

Fastening the rafters to the Mauerlat: schemes and methods for attaching rafters

Detailed schemes and methods for attaching rafters to the Mauerlat, step-by-step guides for installing rafter legs and expert advice.

Methods for attaching rafter legs to the Mauerlat

Rafters are the load-bearing elements of the roof. Mauerlat, the basis of the truss system, a kind of foundation for the roof structure. Proper fastening of the rafters to the Mauerlat ensures the reliability of the entire structure, eliminates the deformation of the truss system, and prevents the roof from collapsing under the weight of an external load.

Mauerlat - correct installation

Mauerlat, which is, in fact, the foundation of the roof, is made of logs or timber, laid along the perimeter, and is intended to ensure uniform transfer of the load of the roof structure to the walls and foundation of the building. In order for the roof to stand firmly, proper fastening of the rafters to the Mauerlat is required.

Important! IN wooden house from a bar or log, the upper wall trim, the upper crown serves as a Mauerlat, no additions to it are required. In a house made of brick, foam or aerated concrete blocks, building stone, a Mauerlat must be installed.

Brick or block walls do not respond well to undistributed loads, the blocks themselves or bricks are poor material for fixing rafter legs. Even the most reliable fasteners are not firmly fixed in such walls, under load it can be pulled out, as a result, the rafter leg and the entire roof will be deformed.

Mauerlat should be firmly attached to the upper ends of the walls around the entire perimeter to the equipped reinforced concrete belt. Fixing timber to concrete can be very secure if the right fasteners are used. In the process of pouring the reinforced belt, the Mauerlat mount is mounted. It consists of pins, studs, anchors embedded in concrete, on which the Mauerlat is then installed.

Important! The ends of the mounting studs from below should be bent, the distance between them is 1-1.5 m, the diameter of the fastener should be at least 15 mm. In the beam, which will be used as a Mauerlat, make technological holes for fasteners, fix the top of the fastener with bolts. Before installing the Mauerlat, lay a layer of waterproofing material.

After the base is mounted, you can start working with the rafters.

Overview of fastener types

Fastening for any work related to the construction of the roof is a very important point. For fastening strong and reliable rafters to the Mauerlat, different metal fasteners are used, as well as different geometry of the tie-in, cuts are used. For truss fastening apply:

And much more from perforated tape to studs. The use of one or another type of fastening involves different mounting techniques.

If the rafters are fastened to the Mauerlat using brackets, cuts are not required; if the LK fastener is used, anchors are not needed. The use of a perforated tape makes the connection knot heavy-duty. Corner fastening is the most popular, in demand, since it does not need to be cut into the wood of the rafter leg, the corner is easily mounted with self-tapping screws.

Important! You can't save on fasteners. It must be of high quality with an anti-corrosion top layer, galvanized. Fasteners rusting in a beam destroy it.

The principles of connecting rafter legs with Mauerlat

The design features of the roof determine how the rafters are attached to the Mauerlat. Spacer truss structures, as well as those in which struts are not used, rely on the Mauerlat. Layered and hanging rafters can be supported on it, the connection can be rigid and sliding.

Rigid is such a connection of rafter legs and Mauerlat, in which shifts, displacements, bends of elements are impossible. The immobility of the connection is achieved by the method of fastening using a corner. A saddle is cut out in the rafter leg, this reduces strength, therefore it is additionally strengthened with brackets, tightened with bolts, and the rafter attachment point is connected to the Mauerlat with wire twist at the locations of the anchors embedded in the reinforced concrete support.

Sliding fastening, sled for rafters to Mauerlat differs from rigid fastening in that it allows some displacement of the rafter leg relative to the base, this avoids deformation and roof failures during shrinkage, snow and wind loads.

Important! If, in the process of mounting a rigid type of rafter leg to the Mauerlat, it is required to make a nest or a cut, such elements should be made on the rafter, and not on the Mauerlat. The base cannot be weakened.

Proper support of the rafter leg with Mauerlat ensures the reliability of the roof, its durability. With any method of support, to fix the rafters on the Mauerlat, it is important to observe three fundamental points:

  1. correct and accurate making of cuts, cuts and other things, for a perfect fit of the elements;
  2. the use of washers, nuts, growers to prevent the fastener from sinking into the tree;
  3. it is unacceptable to use linings that can change shape from time to time, which will lead to redistribution of the load and destruction.

Proper installation of the roof support system guarantees the durability of its operation.

Types of connection of rafters with Mauerlat

The rafter system consists of many elements, but the main among them are the rafters.

Important! How to attach the rafters to the Mauerlat depends on which rafters are used (layered, hanging), on the loads and how massive the roof is.

The mount can be sliding and rigid, closed and removable.

The most used connection of rafters with Mauerlat:

The installation of rafters on the Mauerlat is carried out by improved corners KR1, KR2. Their design provides technological holes for anchoring. The oval shape of the holes reduces the risk of tearing out anchor bolt when the wood base of the structure dries out. The corners KP5, KP6 are also reliable, which are needed to fasten the rafters to the Mauerlat with a heavy load of a massive roof. Securely fasten the rafters to the Mauerlat, if they have a large cross section, it is better to use perforated KM corners. Such a mount is very reliable, no tie-in is required, but an exact angle is required.

Important! For fastening at a right angle, a reinforced KMRP corner is used, it differs from ordinary corners in an elongated hole, it is used to compensate for the displacement of the roof, it is made in such a way that during such processes there is no damage to the fasteners, it is especially suitable where it is impossible to apply a tie-in of one part to another. The corner is made of durable steel with a thickness of 2 mm.

Another type of connection is the installation between boards. The boards are fasteners, they are sawn at the right angle and fixed at the bottom with corners.

Methods for attaching rafters with the help of linings from boards, wire twisting, staples, to the Mauerlat are also used. These types of fasteners have been known for a long time, are popular and economical.

Types of rafter supports on Mauerlat

Mostly for residential buildings, gable roofs are erected. special attention with a gable design, it requires a node for supporting the rafters on the Mauerlat. It is clear that wooden beams are needed for a wooden base.

Important! Rafters require the correct form, without knots, calibrated and milled from all sides. The cross section of the rafters of a gable roof is 40x150mm, the Mauerlat is 100x100mm.

The choice of fastener type depends on the geometry of the gable roof. You can fix the rafters in all the ways listed above. It is also worth considering the hinged attachment points of the rafters to the Mauerlat.

A swivel joint is a type of connection that allows the beam to move in a circle. This happens with the help of one nail or self-tapping screw screwed into the Mauerlat. There is a node with one, two and three degrees of freedom. A node with two degrees of freedom allows the beam to move horizontally, the rafters are attached with a skid. With three degrees of mobility, the assembly is installed using a slider, a special support for sliding the rafter in a vertical, horizontal position, in addition, the rafter can rotate in a circle. To do this, make a special hinge, which is attached to the base.

Important! The most typical way for a gable roof is to use a zero freedom knot. The rafter is fastened with corners on both sides, remaining motionless.

The complex geometry of a gable roof involves the use of layered and hanging rafters. Supported beams are effectively fastened with perforated tape.

Sloped rafters rest on the base, and other anchor points, thereby removing part of the load. Side racks, headstock of the ridge can adjoin them, rafters tighten the structure, strengthening it. Layered structures do not rest on the base, but slide on it. Hanging rafters do not rest on the base, hanging over the insides of the roof, they are supported on the side load-bearing walls.

Basic rules for pairing rafters with Mauerlat

For a reliable connection, it is necessary to carefully fasten the connecting elements, select their required sizes. It is necessary to accurately align the cuts, make them no more than a third of the size of the base. Use a quality timber for the base of the correct section.

Important! It is impossible to use only nails and self-tapping screws for fastening, such fixation cannot be considered reliable, metal fasteners of various types should be used.

The roof will be strong and durable if the calculations are correctly carried out, the material is correctly selected and the connection nodes are correctly mounted.

Fastening rafters to the Mauerlat of a gable roof: methods, nodes, installation

Fastening rafters to the Mauerlat of a gable roof and other types of structures with and without sawing. Description of the types of fasteners and connections of rafters with the base of the roof, as well as useful tips.

There are various ways to attach rafters when building a roof frame. The choice, first of all, depends on the features of the project of the truss system. It is important that the attachment points have high strength and withstand the operational loads typical for the climate of the region.

truss fasteners

To ensure a reliable connection of the parts of the truss system, special fasteners are used. Rafter fasteners are called wooden and metal products that are used in the installation of nodes of the truss system. These include wooden elements:

  • bars;
  • kerchiefs (triangular overlays);
  • pin;
  • spikes.

metal elements:

  • nails;
  • screws;
  • bolts complete with washers and nuts;
  • staples;
  • clamps;
  • overlays;
  • loops;
  • sliders / sleds;
  • anchors;
  • toothed plates;
  • nail plates;
  • corners;
  • perforated tapes, etc.

The choice of truss fasteners depends on the requirements for the strength of structural units, design loads and roof configuration.

Fastening the lower part of the rafter leg

The lower part of the rafter legs rests on the wall. Linking rafters to walls can be done in a variety of ways.:

  • through Mauerlat;
  • using rafter bars and puffs;
  • through floor beams;
  • using the strapping of a frame-type structure;
  • connection with logs of the upper crown of wooden walls.

When installing hanging rafters, it is important to take into account that the rafter legs, rigidly connected at the top, exert horizontal expansion pressure on the walls. To extinguish the spacer forces, the oncoming rafters are connected by a puff made of a board or timber. Thus, a non-thrust triangle is connected to the wall of the building.

An alternative to tightening can be floor beams that are laid perpendicular to the walls. This design without Mauerlat is used for the construction of light attics, provided that the walls are able to withstand point loads. For example, fastening rafters to brick wall without fail requires the installation of a Mauerlat, since a point load is contraindicated for walls made of piece materials. To create a roof overhang, the beams must extend beyond the plane of the wall by at least 50 cm on each side. The rafter leg, which is attached to the edge of the beam, is also carried out beyond the wall.

To prevent the roof from collapsing under stress, the attached rafter must not be able to slide on the beam, so a secure connection is required.

The main methods of fastening to beams

The following options for attaching rafters are used, both independently and in combination:

  • tooth with an emphasis;
  • spiked tooth;
  • stop at the end of the beam.

The use of one or two teeth is due to the angle of inclination of the rafter. The above methods of fastening allow you to transfer the load from one element of the truss system to another.

A single-tooth cut is used when installing roofs with a slope angle of more than 35 degrees. A tooth with a spike is made in the heel of the rafter, an emphasis is cut out in the beam, in which a socket for the spike is provided. The nest depth should not exceed 1/3 of the beam thickness. The cutting is carried out at a distance of 25-35 cm from the edge of the beam, which extends beyond the plane of the wall of the house. The spike prevents lateral shift of the rafter leg.

For a roof with a smaller angle of inclination of the slopes, the rafter legs are mounted in such a way as to increase the contact area between the rafter and the beam, thereby increasing the supporting area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure. For this purpose, a cut is made into two spikes, into a lock or an emphasis with a spike or without a spike, and other combinations.

In addition to cutting, linking the rafter legs to the beams can be done using a bolted connection or a bolt and a clamp.

Fastening rafters to Mauerlat

Fastening the rafters to the wall is most often carried out using a power plate - a special support structure that allows you to evenly distribute the load from the roof onto the walls and foundation of the structure. Rafters can be mounted to the Mauerlat in two ways - using a rigid or sliding mount.

With a rigid method of fastening, the possibility of any interactions (shifts, bends, turns) between the connected structural elements is completely excluded. This is achieved if:

  • corners are used for attaching rafters with a hemmed support beam;
  • a saw (saddle) is performed on the rafter leg with further fixing of the connection with brackets, nails and wire.

In the first case, the support of the rafter legs is carried out using a support beam. The rafter leg rests rigidly along the pressure line, and then is fixed with metal fasteners with a metal corner installed on the sides, which prevents lateral displacement.

The second mounting option is used more often. In this case, the rafter attachment assembly involves the use of nails that are driven from the sides at an angle towards each other (crossing occurs inside the Mauerlat), and then the third nail is driven vertically into the lower part of the rafter.

Both types of fastening require additional fixation of the rafter legs with the walls of the building using wire rod and anchors.

Sliding (hinged) pairing of elements allows you to provide the rafters with the possibility of some movement relative to the Mauerlat within the specified limits. Several fastening methods are used. It can be washed down with a rafter leg fastened to a bracket, a vertically hammered nail, or two side nails driven at an angle. Also used are special sliding fasteners for rafters - "sleds".

Sliding joint is mainly used in construction wooden houses from logs or timber. In this case, the deformation of the truss system is excluded during the gradual shrinkage of the house. Sliding joints in the attachment points of the rafters to the walls provide a gradual adjustment of the roof structure to a change in the geometry of the structure. The remaining elements of the roof are mounted according to standard technology.

Attachment to the skate

Fastening rafters to the ridge has its own characteristics. The three most common installation methods:

  • connection of rafter legs end-to-end;
  • mount on the run (ridge beam);
  • overlap connection.

Connecting the upper parts of the rafter legs end-to-end with each other is a simple and reliable installation method. The top edge of each rafter should be cut at an angle in accordance with the selected angle of inclination of the slopes. Then the opposite rafters must be connected in places of cut and fastened with two nails from 150 mm. Nails must be driven in at an angle so that the parts that enter the opposite rafter are long enough to ensure tight fasteners.

How to strengthen the rafters connected end-to-end? To do this, it is recommended to use metal or wooden lining. The wooden lining is fastened on both sides of the rafter pair in the connection area with nails, the metal one with bolts.

The connection of the rafters on the run (ridge beam) is similar in execution to the first method. In the same way, the rafter legs are cut in the upper part, but mounted one by one to the horizontal bar.

The overlapping of the rafters implies the connection of the rafter legs not with cut ends, but with overlapping side planes. The connection is made using studs with washers or bolts. Overlapping is the easiest way to install rafter legs.

To facilitate and simplify the installation of the truss system, it is recommended to first make templates. For the template, a board is taken, equal in length to the rafter leg, all the necessary cutouts are made on it. Using a template, rafters are prepared on the ground, then fed to the roof and mounted.

Lathing installation

The reliability of the roof depends to a large extent on the correct execution of the crate. It can be continuous or sparse. The choice of type and pitch of the lathing depends on the roofing material used.

The crate is mounted from a bar or board, usually unedged. The bar is usually attached to the rafter strips (counter-lattice) with one nail at each attachment point. If the crate is made from a board, then the board is attached to each rafter with two nails driven in along the edges.

It is impossible to fasten the boards of the lathing on one nail in the center on each rafter leg, since this method of installation will not protect the roofing from twisting and damaging the roofing under high loads.

The length of the material for the crate is usually less than the length of the roof slope. Proper fastening of the batten to the rafters implies reliable splicing of boards or timber along the length. The joint should fall on the rafter, while both ends of the spliced ​​elements are fastened with nails.

The joints of the elements of the crate should be offset so that the joints in adjacent rows do not fall on the same rafter.

Before proceeding with the installation of the truss system, it is recommended to choose best option how to fix the rafters.

Roofing for a pitched roof with a slope greater than 5% requires a stable support system. The basis of such a system is the rafters. The question of how to fix the rafters must be taken seriously. Errors can lead to subsequent weakening, and then the destruction of the roof.

Before proceeding with the installation itself, you need to mark the rafters on the ground to avoid further discrepancies in the plan. Next comes the assembly of the rafter legs, and this can be done in two ways:

  1. Assemble the truss structure directly on the ground.
  2. Assemble roof rafters.

Important! The first method is very convenient, but it is not always possible to use it: during the lifting process, the structure may be damaged if its mass and type cannot withstand such a load without support, in the air.

Rafter marking

Important! If the rafters have a complex structure with supports, struts and headstocks, then when marking out, you can temporarily fix the structure with nails using three thin rails. It is advisable to leave a margin in length when sawing the rafters so that, if necessary, it can be adjusted.

Installation of the truss system

  1. Extreme rafter legs are installed on both sides of the roof. It is not yet desirable to finally fix them, since you first need to make sure that they are symmetrical. But for convenience, you can use a temporary attachment to the Mauerlat.
  2. On both sides, with the help of twine, the tops of each rafter are alternately connected to the lower end of the opposite.
  3. The tops of the extreme rafters are connected with twine along the line of the future passage of the ridge beam.
  4. The remaining rafters are exposed along the same line.
  5. They are finally attached to the walls or Mauerlat and tied with a skate.
  6. From the outside, a crate is stuffed.

Fastening rafters to Mauerlat + video

All methods of attaching rafters to the Mauerlat are divided into two types:

  1. Rigid mount. This method is chosen when using layered rafters. On each rafter, a cut is made according to the pattern, then each rafter leg rests against the Mauerlat and is fixed with nails.

  2. The process of attaching the truss system to the Mauerlat on video

  3. Sliding mount. Sliding fastening can be achieved by washing down and laying the rafter leg on the Mauerlat. It can be installed using two nails driven in towards each other, or it can be installed with one nail hammered vertically down into the Mauerlat through the rafters.

How to attach rafters to a log house and floor beams

  1. There is a marking of the location of the rafters.
  2. The overlapped rafters are fastened with bolts or special metal mounting plates.
  3. The lower end of the rafter is attached to the groove, which is prepared in advance in the upper wall crown. If necessary, you can install the lower part of the rafter leg on a log without a groove.

Important! Gables made of logs or beams in the process of work can decrease in height by 10-15 cm. Of course, this will lead to deformation of the shape of the roof. To prevent this from happening, special sliding fasteners should be used in the installation of rafters.

Fastening rafters to the wall

Fastening the rafter legs directly to the wall is done in the following ways:

  1. Installing the Mauerlat according to the standard scheme.
  2. Beam fastening.
  3. With the help of rafter bars and puffs.
  4. Tying a frame house.
  5. Fastening to the upper edge of the log walls.

Fastening rafters to the ridge

The most common way to attach rafter legs to a ridge is to join the rafters end-to-end.
  1. At each rafter, the upper edge is cut off at an angle equal to the angle of inclination of the slopes.
  2. Opposite rafter legs are fastened with two nails from 150 mm long at the cut points.
  3. The nails are hammered at an angle so that the parts penetrating the next rafter are long enough to secure the fastener.
  4. The rafters are reinforced with metal and wooden plates, which are fastened with nails or bolts.

How to fix rafters in a mansard roof

  • 1) First, the upper beam is installed using metal staples, nails or self-tapping screws.
  • 2) Next is the installation of the Mauerlat with the help of boards and beams. They are also fastened with brackets or self-tapping screws or thick wire, if it is pre-mounted in the wall before installing the Mauerlat.
  • 3) Last step- installation of the rafters themselves. Their location must be marked in advance on the Mauerlat with a construction pencil. First, the extreme rafters are laid to the front. A level is stretched between them, and the remaining rafter legs are erected.


Fearless man Slava Khramtsov installs truss system for your home alone!

Having carefully studied the plan of the future roof, you should choose the appropriate method of strengthening it with rafters and perform it according to the instructions. In modern construction, this particular method of constructing a roof is the most popular, since its practicality, reliability and economic profitability are obvious.