Build a frame house with your own hands. Frame technology for building houses. Insulation and waterproofing of the floor

Managers of construction companies engaged in the construction of frame and frame-panel houses give some arguments in their favor. The first is high environmental friendliness frame construction, since the construction uses new modern technology and environmentally friendly natural material - wood.

90% of the materials of a frame house are wood.

The second is the speed of construction of frame houses and their durability. The third and perhaps their main argument is the low cost of construction and, as a consequence, significant cost savings when building such a house. It is for this reason that they are the most in demand in all developed countries. Does the frame construction method really have only advantages, or are there also disadvantages of houses?

Diagram of a frame house.

Canada is generally considered to be the birthplace of the frame house, although in the countries of the former USSR they are more often called Finnish houses. The technology of their construction is only considered new, but the prototypes of frame houses were built in Canada about 300 years ago, when the question of the rapid construction of inexpensive housing arose in this country. The idea of ​​frame house construction brought to life allowed us to significantly save both time and building materials.

Over time, this technology has been significantly updated, and today most private cottages in America, Canada and Western Europe are built using frame technology. In the territory of the former Soviet Union, mainly barracks, dormitories and Finnish country houses were built using this technology, in which, due to poor materials and construction defects, it was very cold in winter and hot in summer. Therefore, the frame-panel method of constructing such houses is sometimes called frame-slit. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that residents of the post-Soviet space are still skeptical about such construction technology.

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High environmental friendliness of a frame house: is it really so?

Floor plan for a frame house.

The basis of a frame house is the frame. The material for the frame is wood. This tree should be held together as securely as possible. And in the case of frame-panel houses, wooden panels must also be securely fastened. So, 90% of the material in panel and frame houses is wood. It is potentially prone to rot and mold if exposed to excess moisture. It would seem that the solution to this problem lies on the surface: the wood must be well dried.

It is clear that the less moisture remains in the wood, the better for the house being built. But in reality this is not entirely true. According to current building codes, the moisture content of wood used for housing construction should not exceed 25%. Construction companies will readily show you a document in which the wood moisture content will be indicated as 20%, 14% and even 9%. But the problem is that in documents there may be one percent, but in reality it is completely different.

After all, it is impossible to trace how correctly this wood was dried and stored. Now let's look at one more aspect. It is well known that wood is a flammable material. Consequently, houses built from wood will be a source of increased fire hazard. To reduce its level, the entire house will have to be treated with special fire-fighting mixtures - fire retardants. What's the result? Wood requires treatment with special compounds to protect against fungi and rot (antiseptics). Special impregnation and treatment of wooden structures with fire retardants is also required. In addition to all of the above, adhesives are used when fastening wooden panels.

What is included in the same flame retardants? If these are salt-based fire retardants, then they contain salts of mineral acids: carbonic, phosphoric or boric. If non-salt fire-fighting mixtures are used for impregnation, then they are all produced on the basis of organophosphorus compounds. The fact that phosphorus is toxic is known from a school chemistry course. And although manufacturers of fire retardants claim that their products are non-toxic and do not harm human health, everyone can decide for themselves whether to believe these statements or not. Moreover, there are also antiseptics and adhesive mixtures. And among them there are many that contain toxic substances.

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Durability of a frame house

Panel structure diagram.

Construction companies engaged in the construction of houses using frame technology claim that houses built using this technology will last up to 100 years, and in support of their correctness they refer to the experience of foreign colleagues. But what is much more important is not “to”, but “from” (although it is worth noting that the same brick or stone houses stand for several hundred, or even a thousand years). Western construction companies strictly adhere to all details of construction technology, from drying and processing wood to finishing work.

Is this not always possible with us? If the wooden structures used are not dried correctly or insufficiently, or are treated with an antiseptic in violation of the technology, the result will quickly manifest itself in the form of fungus or mold. It would be useful for future developers to know that white house fungus can completely render an oak floor made of 40 mm oak boards unusable in one month!

But even if everything is done exactly according to the technology, we must not forget that the validity period of the antiseptics with which wooden panels are impregnated is generally 15-20 years.

Then the tree remains defenseless, because there is no way to dismantle the house in order to re-treat it with an antiseptic. Even in order to treat the inner area of ​​the walls, you will have to remove and then reinstall the plasterboard finish. And these are additional costs of time, labor, and money, which are not taken into account in the initial cost of the house. Therefore, it would be quite logical to set the service life of frame houses at least 30 years. Therefore, the statement that such a house will be inherited by your grandchildren, or even great-grandchildren, sounds somewhat exaggerated. At best, your children will live in it.

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Cheap construction of a frame house

Model of wall insulation of a frame house.

In terms of cheapness construction work The method of frame house construction is truly unrivaled. To build such a house, you do not need a deeply buried foundation, and the savings in wood due to the small thickness of the walls are 40-50% compared to a conventional log house. But this is ideal. In practice, everything turns out a little differently. Since, for a number of objective and subjective reasons, it is not yet in great demand in our country, finding truly high-quality building materials at affordable prices is a big problem.

It is very difficult to find high-quality wooden boards; it is almost impossible to find tile insulation for the 16-inch (407 mm) stud spacing required during the construction of a frame house. And prices for domestic high-quality materials (for example, OSB for external cladding of a house or tongue-and-groove plywood sheets) are 1.5-3 times higher than the cost of foreign analogues. In addition, unlike timber or log buildings, frame houses must have a good ventilation system. In addition to this, unlike abroad, where for the installation of electrical wiring holes and cuts are made in the frame racks and self-extinguishing electrical wires are used, here everything is exactly the opposite.

According to the current rules for electrical installations, hidden wiring in residential premises must be carried out in special metal pipes, and for wiring, soldered metal boxes and socket boxes should be used.

Therefore, in our conditions, it will not be possible to do the finishing work as they do in Western Europe and Canada, by attaching drywall directly to the posts of a frame house, which ensures high construction speed. In addition, in the West, frame houses are assembled from strictly calibrated planed boards.

In our conditions, this board is taken from a nearby construction market; it is good if it is cut. Therefore, when finishing the interior of a frame house with plasterboard (and this is a mandatory condition), you need to additionally purchase and install metal profiles for fastening drywall.

Upon careful consideration of this issue, such a cheap house at first turns out to be much more expensive. Although it must be said that this is due not so much to shortcomings as to the lack of proper construction culture and the human factor in our country.

In our country, until recently, houses were mainly built from logs, brick or concrete, but now the time has come for new technologies, and frame houses have appeared in this segment. They are very popular due to their unique combination High Quality and small financial costs. But the main thing is the ability to make a durable frame house with your own hands without the use of special equipment. Therefore, we have made detailed step-by-step instructions for you.

The guide itself consists of 7 steps:

  • choosing a location for a home;
  • design;
  • foundation installation;
  • frame assembly;
  • walling;
  • thermal insulation;
  • roofing.

The construction of a frame house has the main advantage over other technologies - the rapid pace of construction without the involvement of special specialists in the work lifting mechanisms. Inexpensive frames are put into operation in one season, but such speed in no way worsens the comfort and quality of living - these parameters are no worse than those of wooden and stone houses.

Choosing a location on the site

In accordance with the urban planning standards of the Russian Federation, your residential building must be located at a distance of at least 3 m from the official border of the site. Also, in most cases, local regulations regulate a 5-meter setback from the red line of the street to the house.

It should be taken into account that all frames belong to the IV and V degrees of fire resistance, therefore, in accordance with fire safety standards, the distance from your building to the house on the neighboring site must be at least 10 meters.

The remaining requirements for placing the house are presented in this image:

We are drawing up a project

According to the Federal Law, the developer is obliged to be guided by the project created by professional design organizations. The documentation drawn up must also be agreed upon by authorized officials of various services, where changes and/or additions may be made.

In fact, local authorities only require a preliminary design, including a general plan diagram, plans, section, facades and basic technical and economic indicators. Such a project costs no more than 10,000 rubles, and it can be ordered after construction and before commissioning.

However, for your convenience and saving on rework, we recommend choosing a suitable standard project or creating an individual one, taking into account personal preferences and wishes. In both cases, it is necessary to mark out all communications and include engineering systems in the plan.

Example of a typical preliminary design

Please note that standard projects Traditionally they are cheaper, and individual ones allow you to realize your own ideas. Custom drawings from project documentation are drawn up taking into account the reference to the topography and other features of the site - only such scrupulousness can guarantee the long-term operation of the home without problems and major repairs.

Engineering systems

To build a frame house, it is necessary to include all utility networks in the project. They are laid in strict sequence, and you need to start from the foundation. If a concrete base is used, all technological holes for communication systems must be made at the time of pouring, so that after hardening you do not have to deal with complex drilling of holes.

The electrical system consists of a distribution board, electrical wiring, outlets and grounding. The distance between points for sockets should be no more than 4 m. Sockets with covers are installed near water sources. The ventilation system includes air ducts with holes. Is it worth reminding that the ease of access and use of taps, switches, as well as the functioning of drains and sewerage drainage depends on the correct layout of pipes and wires?

Foundation installation

Construction technology involves the use of, or. The strength of the base is increased with the help of reinforcement and monolithic piping. It is possible to make a high-quality foundation only after conducting a geological analysis of the soil.

In most cases, a simpler foundation is sufficient for a frame house, which can easily withstand light loads. The most appropriate one is . Such a foundation does not require a large amount of materials, which reduces the cost of construction estimates by an average of 15-20%.

In the case of a monolithic foundation, it is necessary to dig a trench, compact the soil and pour a sand cushion. Before you start pouring concrete, you need to make formwork and install reinforcement bars. The solution must be compacted during the pouring process. IN liquid concrete the base, every 2 m, vertical pins half a meter long are placed - the lower frame frame will be attached to them. The surface of the resulting grillage must be leveled with cement mortar.

Bottom harness

Seven days after the work of pouring concrete, a lower frame made of wooden beams with a cross-section of 15x15 cm is laid over the entire surface of the foundation. The wood is pre-treated with antiseptic agents, and two layers of roofing felt are laid along the bottom, which plays the role of .

The beam can be fixed anchor bolts or foundation studs. If bolts are used, then technological holes up to 10 cm deep must be drilled for them.


When all the wooden beams are laid and connected to each other and to the foundation, grooves are formed in them and floor joists are placed (board 50x150 mm). The upper part of the logs is aligned horizontally, and boards are nailed along the bottom - they will serve as the basis for constructing the subfloor. Membrane insulation is laid on the resulting board base (prevents the insulation from weathering and getting wet, and does not prevent water vapor from escaping outside). In the gaps between the lags you need to press in insulation (mineral wool or polystyrene foam) and cover it with a vapor barrier. Lays on top edged board(40x15 mm).

Creating a frame

From the very name of the technology it is clear that the main element of such a structure is the frame, and it is on it that the entire structure is supported. The frame consists of vertical posts fixed with crossbars and horizontal strapping. As before, here the entire construction process is carried out in stages.

Wood is used as a material. It is recommended to choose coniferous timber with a low degree of humidity, ideally kiln drying. The height of the racks must correspond to a similar parameter of the room. The racks are connected with nails 10 cm long. After adjusting the elements, there should be no gaps.

Depending on the load that will affect the load-bearing supports, as well as based on the size of the insulation and cladding material, the distance between the posts is planned. The universal section of the racks is 150x50 mm; double beams 150x50 mm are placed in the openings. The most popular pitch is 600 mm (allows you to install the insulation “in tension” to densely fill the wall). To connect the racks with the lower frame, temporary braces are used, which is why the structure acquires the necessary rigidity.

Layout of wall corners

The installation of the upper trim is carried out after installing all the racks. Fixation occurs using the same grooves that fastened the lower beam. The upper fastening to the racks is carried out with two nails, which must penetrate the material at least 10 cm. The final fastening of the frame is carried out by permanent bevels installed to replace the dismantled temporary ones. Read more about this in the article ““. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the device of the most important.

We insulate the walls

The outer walls of the house are sheathed with imitation timber, wooden lining, plastic, as the owner of the house wishes. Insulation is best done using mineral wool. It is environmentally friendly, durable and does not burn, which makes frames even more profitable and in demand.

Scheme of proper insulation of frame walls

The material is pressed into all the cracks between the beams to remove voids. A hydro- and windproof membrane, which is attached over the insulation to the studs, will help protect the tree from moisture, and only then the slatted sheathing for the ventilated façade, which will be hidden under the outer cladding, is installed. On the inside, OSB or gypsum fiber boards mounted on top of a vapor barrier are suitable for wall cladding.

Constructing a ceiling

The ceiling is attached to the floor beams, which in turn are fixed with nails or steel brackets on the top frame beam. Where interior partitions are installed, you need to install support beams, in the place of which a wooden ceiling panel is nailed.


Before you start work, determine the degree of slope, the number of slopes, the type of roofing cladding, the design rafter system.

A roof with a complex shape looks attractive, but it is difficult to implement and therefore not cheap. The most common are those that allow or attic space. Here it is necessary to install only one ridge; there are no valleys at all, which eliminates the accumulation of sediments and leaks. To prevent snow from lingering on the roof, plan a slope of more than 28º, but not more than 50º, otherwise the wind load will increase.

The cross-section of the rafters is determined according to the thickness of the insulating material placed between them. It is best to take a board with a caliber of 150x50mm and a length of 6 m. Two boards need to be knocked down in the shape of the letter L, and then they are lifted up and the angle is determined, making sure that the overhangs extend beyond the level of the wall by 30-50 cm. Now the boards can be assembled using a crossbar, and we get something like rafters.

The upper trim acts as a Mauerlat here. Based on the manufactured sample, rafters are created for the entire roof, not forgetting about a pitch of 600 mm. The rafters on the ridge are installed on the pediment and the installation of the remaining elements continues along them. From type roofing material It depends what the sheathing will be like.

Roofing material

The step-by-step instructions end at the stage of installing the roof cladding. You can choose , or . All of these materials are easy to work with, affordable, and look decent. After facing work, all that remains is to install drainpipes and drainage system, which will be responsible for draining sediments outside the site.

Now you can imagine the whole process of building a frame house with your own hands , so that the structure is durable and warm. If you do not ignore the rules of construction and assembly technology, you will become the happy owner of your own home, which you can only dream of.

Frame houses quite popular designs with high positive and thermal characteristics. a frame house allows you to build a full-fledged home in stages in one season. The construction process is not very difficult and all the work can be done on your own. In this article we will analyze in detail frame houses and their structure.

Stages of work and necessary tools

The technology for constructing frame structures consists of assembling a frame. The material used is boards, timber, metal, which is subsequently covered with layers of film, membrane or insulation. This multi-layer wall construction allows you to obtain high thermal insulation qualities with thin walls of the house. The wall consists of the following building materials:

  • mineral wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • waterproofing material (film, membrane);
  • vapor barrier;
  • OSB sheets;
  • external, internal finishing.

Insulation of frame buildings consists of two parts:

  • the inside is lined with mineral wool;
  • outside with polystyrene foam.

Mineral wool can lose its quality over time due to moisture penetration. Therefore, foam plastic is laid to improve sound insulation properties and provide reliable protection from strong gusts of wind and retain heat in the house.

Waterproofing serves as additional insulation against moisture that may form due to precipitation. Lay it overlapping and secure with a special tape.

A vapor barrier is laid inside the building, this allows the walls to breathe. When condensation forms inside the walls, it will escape unhindered, due to which the insulation will last much longer. Using a high-quality membrane and a properly designed ventilation system will avoid the formation of fungus and mold.

OSB sheets are mounted on top of the entire structure, this allows other materials to be attached to it.

For information! In the construction of non-standard and complex projects, a metal building frame is used. This design is quite light and allows you to create a structure of any shape.

For a frame house and its construction, you will need tools such as:

  • circular and miter saw;
  • finishing hammer and for assembling the frame;
  • hacksaw;
  • sledgehammer;
  • screwdriver and nailers;
  • square, tape measure, level;
  • electric plane;
  • sander;
  • stepladders and ladders.

Thanks to simple processes, home arrangement and construction are considered the simplest and fastest.

Construction technology


The most common type of foundation is strip, it is a monolithic concrete base

The construction of houses is divided into several important stages. The technology for building a frame house with your own hands begins with the construction of the foundation. The foundation can be:

  • tape;
  • pile;
  • columnar.

The most common type is strip; it is a monolithic concrete base. To install it, markings are made using a cord and pegs, marks for future walls are placed and a trench is dug. Formwork is installed in the trench, waterproofed with film and filled with cement mixture.

To build a columnar base, the pillars are fixed in certain places: in corners and ceilings. The pillars can be prefabricated or cast in cement. Filling pillars are made as in tape type. They dig holes and install formwork in them, after which they waterproof it. In order for the foundation to be strong, it is necessary to drown the reinforcement a little.

A pile foundation is similar to a columnar foundation; the main role is played by piles. They are driven into the ground in the same way as pillars. Most often, the pile type of foundation is used on heaving soils.


The construction of walls is the next stage of work. The construction of the frame for the house is made of timber. Before assembling it, the strapping is performed: upper or lower. The lower trim involves waterproofing the foundation, laying boards and fixing them with anchor bolts. starts with the corner posts. They are firmly fixed with metal corners and struts. Vertical posts are placed between the corner posts at a distance of 1 meter.

After the walls are erected, the ceiling beams are installed. This can be done in several ways:

  • cutting method;
  • using perforated brackets;
  • steel corners.

It is also possible to combine steel angles with cutting. The beams should rest on the frame beam, and they are fastened with self-tapping screws.

Roof installation

The next step is installing the roof. The type of roof is determined at the design stage of the house; as a rule, it can be a gable or shed roof. The construction of the roof of frame houses begins with a rafter system, which performs a load-bearing function. It consists of the following elements:

  • rafter legs;
  • racks;
  • runs;
  • puffs;
  • struts;
  • lathing;
  • Mauerlat.

The process of insulating the roof is carried out in the same way as the walls. We lay foam plastic or mineral wool on the outside, lay waterproofing on top and cover everything with lathing. We also lay polystyrene foam or cotton wool inside, and cover it with OSB boards on top. Roofing material is laid taking into account the slope of the roof.


Next, the floor is laid. To do this, remove the layer of soil and in its place lay a layer of gravel, which will serve as drainage. Next, we lay a layer of sand, carefully compact everything and make a rough version of the screed using cement.

Important! The sand should be 5 cm lower than the foundation level, this will avoid the formation of a cold bridge and freezing of the soil in the corners.

After the screed is ready, the floor is installed. To do this, a layer of waterproofing is laid, and insulation is laid on top. Liquid or electric floor pipes can be installed on the insulation. Fill everything with screed on top.

Interior decoration

A finished frame house after construction requires external and external finishing, installation of plumbing fixtures, connection of heat supply and drainage systems. Exterior finishing is carried out in the following ways:

  • wet cladding using mineral wool or acrylic plaster;
  • finishing with brick, PVC panels or siding;
  • finishing with facade tiles, which are attached with glue;
  • blockhouse cladding.

For information! Frame houses and their construction allow for cladding with any material. Remember that stone and brick add weight to the walls. If the foundation is not designed to support the heavy weight of the structure, it may crack. House design and construction must take into account such nuances.

Interior decoration is carried out solely according to the wishes of the owner of the house. The materials you can use are: wallpaper, plaster and tiles. Flooring made of laminate boards, wood and tiles.

The technology of a frame house and its structure allows you to do all the work yourself and get a full-fledged house in 3 months. By following all processes correctly and consistently, frame construction will not cause any difficulties.

If you want to build a house as quickly as possible and relatively inexpensively, then you should prefer frame technologies. Frame frames have their own advantages, thanks to which these buildings are very popular. However, one should not neglect the disadvantages that any structure has. The technology of frame construction is quite simple, so you can easily build a house yourself. In order to choose the right technology to build your frame house, you need to study the features of each of them.

Advantages and disadvantages

First of all, it’s worth listing the pros and cons of frame buildings. The technology for constructing a frame house makes it possible to obtain structures that have the following advantages:

  1. Frame buildings are quite warm, despite the small thickness of the walls. The thing is that most of the wall structure is occupied by thermal insulation material, and special methods of connecting components and parts make it possible to avoid the formation of cold bridges.
  2. House operating costs are low. Due to the high airtightness of the house and the good thermal insulation qualities of the walls, little money is spent on heating such a building, because the heat in the room is retained for a long time. Moreover, the walls of the frame structure are quite strong and durable, so they do not require special care during the operation of the house.
  3. The technology of frame house construction is so simple that you can easily build a house yourself. In this case, you will not need heavy construction equipment.
  4. The technology itself for constructing a frame house is relatively inexpensive, so by purchasing standard projects, you can significantly save on construction. You will receive additional savings on the construction of the foundation, which can be made lightweight due to the low specific weight of the wall material.
  5. A frame house can have any configuration and architectural style. You can build a one- or two-story house, a building with an attic, garage, balcony, terrace or veranda. In any case, this house will cost less than a building of a similar layout made of brick or concrete. By using different facade finishes, you will get buildings that are completely different in style.
  6. You will spend 2-3 months building a house yourself using frame technology. If the construction of the building is entrusted to a team of qualified workers, then construction will take even less time (several weeks). Since the structure does not shrink, you can finish the house and move into it immediately after construction.
  7. can be carried out at any time of the year (even in winter), since there are no “wet” processes during the construction of the box. The only thing worth doing before the cold weather is building the foundation.
  8. In a frame house it is much easier to carry out hidden installation of utilities.
  9. Frame buildings can be used as seasonal homes. The thing is that the wall structure can easily withstand the winter period without heating. The walls will not move, they will not warp, they will not become damp.

Very often you can come across the opinions of experts that frame houses, the construction technologies of which we will describe in our article, have many disadvantages. However, whether this is actually so, judge for yourself:

  1. One can often hear the opinion that main drawback frame - the impossibility of its redevelopment after construction. However, this statement is true only for frame-panel houses. A frame house built using frame technology can be redesigned, since lightweight partitions are not load-bearing structures.
  2. The opinion that a frame building can be built no higher than one floor is a misconception. Indeed, it is not recommended to make panel houses two-story, but you can afford an attic floor. If you need a two-story house, then choose frame-frame construction technology.
  3. The myth that a frame house has a short service life (no more than 75 years) can be easily debunked. At the end of this period, the house needs repairs. However, the whole point is that even a house made of any other material needs repair and replacement of some parts, for example, roofing. Since the frame of such a house is reliably protected from any weather influences, the structure can last up to 100 years.
  4. Previously, it was believed that the frame was not very warm, but frame technology has been improving over the years, new thermal insulation materials, effective wind barriers and vapor barrier membranes are appearing, so now there is no need to doubt the thermal insulation qualities of such a house.
  5. The only thing that is true is that the noise protection of a frame house is slightly lower than that of buildings made of brick or stone.

Types of technologies

We list the most common technologies for constructing frame houses:

  • DOK technologies;
  • frame buildings using Canadian technology (houses made of SIP panels and construction using the “Platform” system);
  • houses using German technology (factory kits for panel structures);
  • half-timbered technology;
  • frame-frame buildings.

If you decide to build a frame house, the construction technology may be slightly different, so you should consider in detail the features of each frame construction.

DOK technology

DOK technology is the construction of a house with a double volumetric frame (DOF). The design and construction of such houses is justified in regions with harsh climates. The main distinctive features of structures erected using this technology are the following:

  1. Additional warmth and comfort in the premises of the house is achieved due to the fact that there are completely no cold bridges in the wall design. Thanks to this, the service life of the house increases significantly.
  2. The design of the walls provides additional measures to protect them from the accumulation of condensate and a decrease in thermal insulation qualities during operation. In particular, a special ventilation gap is used for this.
  3. In house construction using this technology, only high-quality materials are used.
  4. Frame houses using DOK technology are built only using kiln-dried lumber.
  5. During construction, European quality standards are adhered to.

Thanks to this, special energy efficiency of enclosing structures is achieved, as well as their strength. The main condition is the displacement of the frame posts relative to each other. After laying the basalt insulation, the wooden frame posts are covered with thermal insulation material, thereby eliminating the formation of cold bridges.

Canadian technologies - Platform system

Such a frame house can be assembled on a construction site, or components for it can be manufactured in a factory. Since the walls of the house are assembled from panels, the buildings belong to the category of frame-panel houses.

Important: panels are a structure made of OSB, plywood and other sheet wood materials with thermal insulation filler inside.

They are installed on a mounted platform of logs and oriented strand boards. The shields are installed with a groove on a special ridge of the platform. From above, all panel elements are connected by an upper trim. Also, the shields are additionally fastened together. The joints are carefully insulated with polyurethane foam.

As you can see, the peculiarity of the installation of panels is that each of them is also a load-bearing element, so redevelopment of such a house is impossible. After installing the walls of the house, the roof is erected, utilities are laid, and the walls are finished.

Canadian technologies - SIP panels

  • the two outer layers are sheet wood material (OSB or moisture-resistant plywood). The most commonly used oriented strand board is 1.2 cm thick;
  • The layer of thermal insulation material can be of different thicknesses, which depends on the climatic conditions of the construction region. Typically, polystyrene foam is used for these purposes.

There is a groove at the ends of the SIP panel to facilitate fixation to the beam, which will serve as the frame. The same beam is installed not only in a vertical position, but also as an upper and lower horizontal wall trim.

Important: SIP panels are used not only to form wall structures, but also as the floor of the first floor, as well as ceiling slabs.

German technology

The construction of houses using German technology differs from the above methods in that panel panels that are manufactured in a factory are used to build a house. Moreover, windows and doors have already been installed in them, communications have been laid, insulation has been laid, and the primary finishing of the walls has been completed. The ceilings are also assembled at the factory.

Due to the significant weight of one panel, lifting equipment will be required for its transportation and installation. All this contributes to the rise in cost of building a house. However, the principle of connecting panels in wall construction is the same as that of the technologies described above.

Among the disadvantages of this technology are the following:

  • the quality of assembly and insulation of panels in the factory cannot be controlled;
  • for installation and delivery you will need construction lifting equipment;
  • the strength and reliability of the house is lower than that of buildings erected using frame-frame technology.

Half-timbered houses

Such buildings are erected using frame-frame technology. To make the frame of this house, laminated veneer lumber with a cross-section of at least 15x15 cm is used. Then the space between the frame posts is filled with the selected material. It can be stone, brick, sheet material with insulation inside, glass, concrete, adobe, etc. Thus, the house is assembled on the construction site. In addition to the vertical and horizontal posts of the frame, diagonal braces and transverse bars are necessarily used.

The main distinguishing feature is that the frame is not hidden in the wall structure, but is exposed. Moreover, it is usually painted in a contrasting color and stands out against the background of lighter walls. Such houses are characterized by large areas of glazing.

Frame technology

This method of building a house is ideal for self-construction due to the simplicity and accessibility of the technology. To build a house, you do not need construction equipment; all work is carried out on the construction site manually. The layout and design of a frame house can be very different.

The essence of the technology is that the frame of the house is first built from timber at the construction site. Then the outside is covered with wood sheet material. After assembling and installing the roof, the walls of the house are insulated from the inside and covered with OSB or plywood. The design of such walls necessarily uses a wind barrier, a hydro- and vapor barrier membrane.

When building your own home from scratch, preference is given to warm, comfortable and reliable projects. Until recently, buildings made of brick, foam concrete and other reliable materials, which guaranteed long-term operation and complete safety, were extremely popular. Wooden buildings, so popular in European countries, were considered unreliable, not aesthetically pleasing and cheap.

At the moment, wooden buildings are gradually replacing other types, due to their environmental friendliness and relative cheapness of projects. In addition, frame houses are especially popular, because their cost is becoming an affordable and real alternative to cramped city apartments. On plots near the city, beautiful and practical houses are being built, which in their quality are in no way inferior to apartments and brick neighbors. Comfortable housing with a significant increase in area and for the same amount is built in the shortest possible time at an affordable cost.

In many nearby countries frame construction technologies have gained enormous popularity and recognition for a long time. To understand the principles of frame construction and ensure its functionality and practicality, it is necessary to identify all the pros and cons of the technology and compare it with other methods of building houses. First of all, you need to understand what a frame house is and what materials will be needed for its installation.

What is a frame house built from and its types depending on the materials?

The concept of “frame house” should be taken literally. The building will indeed consist of an internal frame, which will be sheathed on the inside and outside with special materials. For external and internal cladding, both sheet materials (CBB, OSB and plywood) and molded materials (block house, lining or imitation timber) are used. The insides of the walls are filled with any insulation - glass wool, mineral wool, expanded polystyrene or polystyrene foam. The main load of the building is distributed on the frame, which can be either wooden or metal, although the first option is used much more often.

Frame house is mounted directly on the site from specially selected piece construction materials. Houses built in accordance with frame technologies are resistant to deformation, have high rigidity and a long service life. External cladding of the building sheet materials helps strengthen the overall structure and achieve all recommended parameters.

Among frame construction technologies, there are two types, which are classified depending on the method of covering the building:

In both cases, the cost of installing a house will be approximately the same, but in the first option you need to pay extra for each type of work - cladding, insulation and finishing, while in the second the cost will increase due to the quality of the material.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, when choosing a project for which an individual, comfortable and durable house will be built, many factors are taken into account. I want the construction to not only be inexpensive, but also to last a long time with minimal costs. That is why when choosing a material and project it is worth paying attention Special attention consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of construction technology and its implementation.

Arguments in favor of frame construction:

  • Frame technology considered the most economical for the construction of individual houses;
  • The light weight of the house helps reduce foundation costs;
  • Quick installation allows the building to be put into operation within a few months;
  • Wooden frame buildings have a high energy saving rate and help to significantly reduce heating costs. In addition, in winter conditions the house quickly warms up, and the low thermal conductivity of the structure allows walls to be made 15 cm thick;
  • Simple and comfortable houses have high thermal protection, are resistant to deformation and have high rigidity. They also do not settle, which allows interior finishing to be carried out immediately after installation of the building;
  • The surface of the cladding materials can be used without additional processing, which can significantly reduce finishing costs. The inside of a frame house is covered with plasterboard, which also reduces the cost of interior repairs.

Despite all the advantages and long construction period, frame technologies, like other types of house construction, still have their drawbacks. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with them before starting design in order to fully ensure that frame construction technologies meet your wishes.

Disadvantages of frame construction:

  • The installation of a frame house requires highly qualified workers who will strictly follow the technology, assembly rules and use special tools;
  • Increasing the project will incur additional costs. Basically, frame construction is used for small houses with a maximum height of three floors and a length of no more than 20 meters;
  • The wooden frame requires additional impregnation and treatment with antiseptics and fire protection.

Once the choice has been made in favor of frame construction, you need to decide on the material for making the base of the house.

Frame manufacturing options

Despite the fact that European houses are almost entirely built from wood, it is worth considering a metal frame option, which has significant advantages. A thermal profile is used as a metal base, which has high fire resistance, is not subject to corrosion or the influence of fungi, significantly reduces the weight of the structure and lasts for more than 100 years. A wooden frame has a service life of up to 60 years and is influenced by all of the above factors.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the construction of any type of frame is fraught with consequences. Poor assembly will significantly reduce the life of the housing, and unreliable sealing of seams will reduce the thermal conductivity of the structure. Therefore, it is better not to save money and entrust the construction to professionals.

Making a foundation for a frame house

As you know, the foundation is the basis of the structure and affects its service life. The technology for constructing frame houses involves the use of three types of foundations - strip, column and tile. When choosing a foundation, you need to pay attention to two main factors:

  • Weight of the structure;
  • Soil structure.

For planting or silty soil, a slab foundation would be an ideal option. It helps to evenly distribute the load on the ground, unlike columnar and strip foundations. To arrange such a foundation, it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil, thereby reducing the likelihood of its compression, and then dig a pit, create a sand cushion and lay a slab.

For other soils, both strip and columnar foundations are suitable, which can withstand the load of a frame house and ensure its durability. It is very important, after analyzing the foundation, to correctly calculate the weight of the structure and, based on it, select the required type.

Types of roofing

In frame construction The same types of roofing are used as in brick and wooden houses. Depending on the roofing project and the characteristics of the attic space, the roof can be mansard, gable or multi-gable. Gable and mansard roofs are especially popular for residential buildings. These structures are easy to install and can be covered with any material. The roof must be suitable for the climate and be able to withstand winds and precipitation well.

When choosing roofing material for frame houses, it is necessary to take into account the architectural features of the project, the slope of the structure, the service life of the material and the financing of the project. The following coating is perfect for roofing:

  • Metal tiles. Used for finishing roofs with a slope of 25-45°. Service life with proper care is 35 years;
  • Bituminous slate or ondulin is used for roofing with a slope of 35-40° and lasts at least 50 years;
  • When painted, asbestos-cement slate lasts up to 40 years, without additional treatment up to 30. It is used for finishing roofs with a slope of 25-45°;
  • Roofing steel is used for roofs with a slope of 18-30°. The service life of the material is up to 30 years.

The selection of the roof should be carried out taking into account the arrangement of the attic space. If it is planned to be residential, then additional insulation and careful development of the roof frame will be required.

The procedure for constructing a frame house

Strict adherence to order will ensure the correctness of the work and will help take into account all the details. This algorithm guarantees that the house will be installed in accordance with all building codes and will last for a long time.

To begin with, you should choose optimal place. For construction, you need to choose the optimal soil and location level groundwater, take into account all the climatic features of the place and the location of communication systems. After this, you can mark and lay a suitable foundation. When installing a wooden frame, two crowns of treated timber are placed in the foundation on which the wooden frame is mounted. When constructing a metal frame, such an operation is not performed.

Next comes the construction of the frame and its outer cladding. During installation of the sheathing, windows and doors are installed. Due to the fact that the house does not deform or shrink, windows can be installed directly during construction. This stage is followed by insulation, if ready-made panels were not used during construction, which are simply covered with plasterboard at the time of internal cladding.

Well, when the entire frame is assembled and sheathed, the internal partitions are assembled, the floors and ceilings are installed, and communications are installed. Lastly, the roof is installed and interior and exterior finishing is done.

Frame construction is not only the most popular and inexpensive, but also completely provides the home with durability, functionality and comfort. The costs of subsequent operation are significantly minimized due to insulation and high thermal conductivity of the structure. A huge advantage is the rapid construction and commissioning of the building, as well as the durability and high environmental friendliness of materials that help create cozy and useful housing in a minimum period of time.

Video about the construction of a frame house

  • Frame houses: advantages and disadvantages
  • High environmental friendliness of a frame house: is it really so?
  • Durability of a frame house
  • Cheap construction of a frame house
  • Other disadvantages of such construction

Frame houses: advantages and disadvantages

Managers of construction companies engaged in the construction of frame and frame-panel houses give some arguments in their favor. The first is the high environmental friendliness of frame construction, since the construction uses new modern technology and environmentally friendly natural material - wood.

90% of the materials of a frame house are wood.

The second is the speed of construction of frame houses and their durability. The third and perhaps their main argument is the low cost of construction and, as a consequence, significant cost savings when building such a house. It is for this reason that they are the most in demand in all developed countries. Does the frame construction method really have only advantages, or are there also disadvantages of houses?

Diagram of a frame house.

Canada is generally considered to be the birthplace of the frame house, although in the countries of the former USSR they are more often called Finnish houses. The technology of their construction is only considered new, but the prototypes of frame houses were built in Canada about 300 years ago, when the question of the rapid construction of inexpensive housing arose in this country. The idea of ​​frame house construction brought to life allowed us to significantly save both time and building materials.

Over time, this technology has been significantly updated, and today most private cottages in America, Canada and Western Europe are built using frame technology. In the territory of the former Soviet Union, mainly barracks, dormitories and Finnish country houses were built using this technology, in which, due to poor materials and construction defects, it was very cold in winter and hot in summer. Therefore, the frame-panel method of constructing such houses is sometimes called frame-slit. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that residents of the post-Soviet space are still skeptical about such construction technology.

A frame house is primarily associated with affordable housing. However, not everyone has a complete understanding of the technology’s features. Construction is surrounded by myths and contradictory facts. We will understand the essence of the method, describe popular frame solutions and give an objective assessment of prefabricated structures, referring to design aspects and user reviews.

The concept of frame construction

A budget option home construction is especially popular in the USA and European countries. However, compatriots are increasingly choosing prefabricated lightweight structures.

The essence of the technology is determined by its name. The basis is the frame, assembled from wooden supports or metal profiles. The post-and-beam structure is mounted on a prepared foundation, and the voids in the wall plane of the frame are sheathed with heat-efficient materials.

Insulation, vapor and waterproofing are laid between the outer and inner walls. The facade of the house is covered finishing material: plaster or siding. OSB boards, cement-bonded particle mats or durable plywood are used as cladding. The role of a heat insulator is performed by mineral wool or wood fiber boards - “warm wood”.

A simple building can withstand the vagaries of nature, mechanical shocks and serve not just as a temporary country house, but as full-fledged year-round housing. The service life of frame houses largely depends on the quality of the source materials and compliance with construction technology.

Features of prefabricated buildings

Frame houses are a relatively new direction in construction. Therefore, there are many myths and speculations around innovative technology and the operation of “lightweight” buildings. We will try to separate far-fetched prejudices from real facts, distinguishing between the strengths and weaknesses of framers.

Advantages of frame structures

The list of arguments in favor of prefabricated houses is impressive. Among the most significant competitive advantages are:

  • Price. Price of materials for brick walls, aerated concrete house or buildings made of beams are much taller. In addition, due to its light weight, a frame house does not require significant deepening of the foundation into the ground - additional savings on the zero cycle.
  • Construction speed. Cottage 110-150 sq.m. a team of craftsmen will build it in 3-4 months. The simplest country house will be ready in 2 weeks.
  • Versatility. Frame technology can be implemented on different types of soils, including peaty and silty soils. The main thing is to choose the right type of base.
  • Easy to install. The house is assembled according to the principle of a designer, and no special equipment is used in the work processes - the constituent elements are relatively light and compact.
  • Mobility. If desired, a small structure can be moved to a new location.
  • Ease of redevelopment. The configuration and location of internal partitions can be changed, since they are not load-bearing.

Additional advantages: no shrinkage buildings, variability of architectural forms and all-season work. If the foundation is poured in advance, construction can continue even at sub-zero temperatures, since there are no “wet” processes.

Debunking myths: controversial issues

The lack of objective information and operating experience is the main reason for distrust in frame houses. Some statements are erroneous and require refutation.

  1. Fragility. If regulatory requirements are met, the structure will last 30-50 years. The indicator is determined by the quality of the frame and the safety of the insulation - it is necessary to ensure complete protection of the support posts and heat insulation from moisture. In the USA, many houses have been standing since the beginning of the 19th century.
  2. Cold in winter. A standard insulation layer of 15-20 cm provides a heat transfer resistance coefficient of 2.9-3.3 m*°C/W, additional thermal insulation on the outside increases the figure to 4.7 m*°C/W. The choice of insulation option depends on the climate of the region. Homes with increased energy efficiency are suitable for cold areas with harsh winters.
  3. Frame house - thermos. Despite the high requirements for insulation, a frame building still allows air to pass through the micro-slits of the wooden frame and the fiber insulation. However, to maintain a healthy microclimate, in addition to natural ventilation It is better to provide for compulsory one. This requirement is especially relevant for polystyrene foam and its derivatives.
  4. Toxicity. Only environmentally friendly materials are used in the structural elements of high-quality buildings: wood, metal, stone wool, GKL, OSB, neutral insulating films. Cheap options are likely to contain toxic materials. But this danger is typical not only for frame construction.

Weaknesses of a frame house: comparison with alternative technologies

In some respects, the prefabricated method is inferior to traditional buildings made of brick and aerated concrete:

  • Low-rise. You can build a small one yourself cottage. If you want to acquire a cottage with an attic, you need to involve specialists. It is better not to build houses with more than two floors using frame technology.
  • Low strength. According to this criterion, prefabricated buildings are inferior to brick and log houses. The building will withstand natural influences (gusts of wind, hail, etc.), but may not withstand a person who intends to break the wall or the elements.
  • Fire hazard. Despite the treatment of the wooden frame with fire-retardant impregnations, the risk of fire and the rate of fire spread of a prefabricated house is greater than that of a brick or aerated concrete house. The use of modern fire protection systems somewhat mitigates this disadvantage.
  • Low sound insulation. Sounds from the street and neighboring rooms penetrate to a large extent into the room. Measures to reduce noise help partly - vibrations and echoes when walking on the upper floor are heard from below.

Popular design solutions

The principle scheme for the construction of frame houses is the same - insulation is placed between the frame posts, protected by a vapor barrier film from the inside and a waterproofing membrane from the outside. On both sides the heat-insulating “pie” is covered with rigid sheathing. However, there are different construction methods and design differences.

Conventionally, all frame structures can be divided into two categories: frame and panel. To build the first, the frame is first assembled, and then sheathed and insulated. The second ones are built from ready-made factory panels. Let's look at the features of different technologies.

"Platform" - Canadian method

The technology has taken root in Canada and Finland. The method involves assembling elements on a platform - a rough version of the first floor floor or interfloor ceiling. Fragments of the walls of the house are made by hand on the site or ready-made components are used.

The platform design involves floor-by-floor construction. The floor covering is assembled from logs and OSB, and the walls are prepared and installed. The floor of the second floor or the base for the attic is laid on top.

Features of the method:

  • convenient for self-construction small house;
  • maximum building size – 10-12 m;
  • extensions and complex forms are unacceptable.

Each of the vertical panels serves as a load-bearing element, so redevelopment of the house on a “platform” is impossible.

Half-timbered frame – German technology

One of the oldest methods widespread in Europe. Wall sections are formed from jibs, vertical posts and horizontal beams. Wooden frame They are not hidden behind the cladding, but are highlighted from the outside, emphasizing the decorative nature of the house.

The basis of the structure is made up of thick beams (100*100 mm, 200*200 mm) - they form a rigid, very durable frame. In half-timbered houses, it is the “backbone” that takes on the entire load; the roof and frame represent a single power circuit. Thanks to this distribution, the structure is very strong and durable.

Distinctive features:

  • labor-intensive construction - the technology can be done by experienced carpenters;
  • the ability to build houses with a large area - more than 20*30 m, and up to 3 storeys;
  • presentable appearance.

The technology is not particularly popular among compatriots, since two key aspects of frame house construction are missing: affordable cost and ease of construction.

Finnish house - frame-frame structure

The Scandinavian option is considered optimal for independent construction of a small building. The maximum permissible plan size is 12*10 m. As a rule, this is enough for the construction of a seasonal country house or full-fledged permanent housing.

The design feature is the uniform distribution of the load on all sides of the box. The power part is also taken over by the roof. The frame is assembled from logs or boards, forming open frames. After installing the entire structure, they begin to insulate and sheath.

The main advantages of Finnish technology:

  • small construction budget;
  • ease of work;
  • possibility of completion.

Limitations and nuances of building a frame house:

  • power cladding is carried out on the internal wall - this requirement limits the possibilities of redevelopment;
  • maximum pitch of vertical posts – 50 cm;
  • two floors are allowed.

DOK technology – maximum insulation

One of the promising areas of house construction is the use of a double volumetric frame (). The supporting racks are mounted in a staggered manner, which minimizes the appearance of cold bridges. This results in a double stitch of support beams, and the space between them is filled with heat-insulating material.

This solution makes the structure more expensive, but the energy efficiency and strength of the walls is significantly improved. Square meter a double volumetric frame can withstand about 500 kg - an indicator comparable to a stone building.

To prevent the occurrence of condensation, houses are provided with ventilated facades.

Sandwich panel houses

The number of frame buildings made of sandwich panels or SIP (structural insulated boards) is constantly increasing. This is explained by the availability of materials, their good technical and operational qualities and ease of processing.

  • The panel consists of insulation (expanded polystyrene) framed on both sides with OSB sheets. Ready-made panels are used for the construction of frame-panel houses using the “Platform” technology.
  • At the ends of the SIP panels there is a groove for fastening to a beam, which acts as a frame. Such a support is installed both in a vertical position and horizontally – on the top and on the walls.
  • Thermal insulation boards are universal - they are suitable for forming walls, interfloor ceilings and the floor of the first floor.

The main disadvantage of using such a “pie” is poor breathability of panels. Without arrangement forced ventilation Excess moisture accumulates in the house, and the air becomes musty.

LSTK frame - a dubious replacement for wood

Houses made of light steel thin-walled structures (LSTC) occupy approximately 6% of the total number of frame structures. Metal frames do not pretend to replace wooden beams; they are more correctly considered as a more affordable alternative.

A steel frame, compared to wood, has more disadvantages than advantages. Significant disadvantages:

  1. High thermal conductivity. The metal cools greatly, and when the temperature rises, it quickly heats up. The problem is partially solved by high-quality thermal insulation, but it is difficult to correctly calculate the insulation and determine the dew point on your own.
  2. Magnetization of the frame. Equipping a home with household appliances in tandem with metal structures can have a negative impact on the well-being of residents.
  3. Low fire resistance. Paradoxically, in the event of a fire, a metal frame behaves worse than a wooden one. It quickly loses its rigidity - the house begins to spiral, reducing the time for evacuation.
  4. Susceptibility to corrosion. Manufacturers of light steel products claim to solve this problem by galvanic processing of metal structures. However, in practice, sudden appearance of corrosion centers is observed.

Do not forget about the ability of metal to conduct electrical discharges. To eliminate the risk of electric shock, a potential equalization system is required, the installation and calculation of which is the work of professionals.

Experience in building a frame house: the reality of self-assembly

A frame house meets expectations only with proper design and construction. You should not expect that, without experience, you will be able to build a good-quality home in a couple of months. Nuances that are not a problem for a specialist will become a stumbling block for a beginner.

It is clear that hiring professionals will significantly increase the cost of construction, but in some situations it is unreasonable to save.

Expert advice:

  1. It’s better to try your hand and gain experience on a smaller copy – a temporary shed, a bathhouse or a barn.
  2. The construction of a two-story building or a house with an attic for permanent residence must be ordered on a turnkey basis. Errors in miscalculations and non-compliance with technology can be costly.
  3. You can build a country summer house yourself using a ready-made project, having previously agreed on a work plan with a specialist. For work, it is better to use it with a detailed sketch, diagram of fastening elements, etc.

The technology for constructing quickly erected buildings is very popular. This topic is constantly discussed on construction forums and causes a lot of controversy. The pros and cons of frame houses will help you form a general idea of ​​the method and become familiar with the stages of construction.

Based on the experience of European countries, there is no doubt that frame-panel houses will soon become leaders in low-rise construction. Compared to traditional construction systems, the technology has its advantages, the main one being cost-effectiveness. The financial aspect is one of the stimulating factors for acquiring your own home. Cost of 1 sq. m less than one and a half times foam concrete blocks, 2.4 brick walls, 1.4 times timber.

The frame-panel constructor is assembled by the efforts of 4 people in 1.5 months. According to this principle, it is permissible to build an object of any complexity up to 3 floors. In addition, building a frame house with your own hands will allow you to save on the foundation, equipment, and a team of workers.

The disadvantages include:

  1. Moisture absorption.
  2. Risk of fire.
  3. Poor ventilation.
  4. Sensitivity to vibration.
  5. Fragility.

There is a misconception that only brick, panel or wooden walls keep warm well. However, according to current thermal protection standards, modern buildings in some regions do not meet standard requirements. Canadian houses with 150 mm walls have a thermal protection coefficient equivalent to double block masonry and are quite suitable for living. In cold weather, when the heating is turned off, the rooms remain at normal temperature for a long time.

Temporary or permanent residence is determined by the thickness of the frame house. If housing is planned for seasonal stay, there is no need to purchase expensive insulation. Accordingly, the thickness of the walls will be slightly less. For a comfortable microclimate, a substrate of 10-15 cm is sufficient. If we are talking about permanent housing, the material is laid in a thick layer - more than 15 cm. Ultimately, the wall turns out to be 20 cm without taking into account the outer and inner cladding.

How to correctly calculate the thickness of a frame house

For this purpose, there is a special table with indicators for each region. Insert into the formula:

  • insulation thickness parameters;
  • thermal conductivity coefficient of the material;
  • calculate the parameter.

You can carry out the calculations yourself using our construction calculators.

When ordering a house kit from a factory, calculations are performed on site and the customer is offered slabs with an increased safety margin. Many people believe that if they are thick, there is no need to lay insulation. This is a misconception - without a high-quality substrate, heating costs increase significantly. The walls of the frame building should resemble a layer cake. Thanks to the air cushion between them, the house remains warm even in frosty weather.

A frame house is built with your own hands using Finnish or Canadian technologies. The process algorithm is the same and consists of several stages:

  1. Purchases of materials.
  2. Filling the base.
  3. Bottom frame of the foundation.
  4. Construction of walls, roofs.
  5. Installation of windows and doors.
  6. Wall cladding and insulation.
  7. Interior finishing.

To avoid heat loss and ensure good ventilation, it is important to adhere to adapted technology when constructing a facility.

How to build a frame house: pouring the foundation

Prefabricated lightweight design, so there is no point in building a powerful foundation. Depending on the type of soil and number of storeys of the building, choose between:

  • columnar;

How to make strapping and joists

Next, the transverse joists are installed. Boards with a cross-section of 150 x 50 mm, turned on their sides, are nailed to the end and bottom beam on the left and right in increments of 40 cm with 9 cm oblique nails. If they are long, but a transverse beam is laid, jumpers 45 cm long are stuffed on top.


After installing the sheathing, a waterproofing film is laid between the cells, and insulation is placed on it. Budget option - polystyrene foam from 15 kg/m3 with a thickness of 150 mm. The insulation is cut with a hacksaw and laid in 2 layers. The material is distributed so that the edges of the second row of sheets do not coincide with the first, otherwise the sheets will move. To fix the foam at the bottom of the grate, a 50 x 50 mm cutting beam is stuffed around the perimeter. The seams are covered with polyurethane foam.

The material is covered with a vapor barrier membrane, then a flooring is constructed. For the subfloor, choose plywood, tongue-and-groove boards or cheap OSB-3 boards. The canvas is laid across the grate. For reliability, the sheets are laid in a checkerboard pattern or perpendicular to the joists.

The flooring is secured to the joists with 50 mm self-tapping screws or rough nails. First, glue is applied to the back of the sheets, then nailed every 15 cm along the edge and in increments of 30 cm in the middle. A gap of 3 mm is left between the segments on all sides.

Now to build walls you need a frame: wood or steel. A popular solution is oak timber, larch or other wood with a dense structure. Such designs are one third cheaper than their metal counterparts. Before installation begins, they are planed and treated with impregnations to prevent fire, rot, and pests.

Installation of vertical racks

How to build a frame house so that you can live in it for a long time without repairs? Follow the sequence of stages and take into account all construction nuances. First of all, this concerns the fastening of parts. When constructing the frame, the corner posts are first installed. If dowels are chosen for the connection, step back from the edges up to 10 cm, make holes in the end that are 1 cm longer than the length of the dowel, and attach the timber vertically.

Now choose the method of attaching the intermediate longitudinal struts. The first is fixation to the harness with partial or complete cutting, or connection with galvanized corners. The second method is simpler and more reliable, although it increases the cost of the project.

The principle of installing the upper bars is similar to the installation of the lower trim. Horizontal structures are joined in the corners with vertical posts, connected with 2 nails and corners.

How to build walls

How to make a frame house: first assemble the spans on the ground, then lift them up or assemble them on site? Usually they are already ready-made attached to the lower base. The first span is nailed to the floor and supported by jibs, the second is connected to the rack of the first, and so on around the perimeter.

Regardless of the principle of connecting the racks, they are strengthened with temporary jibs. This enhances bottom trim until permanent supports are installed, giving the frame rigidity and resistance to wind loads. After installation of all structures:

  • the skeleton is measured with a plumb line and level;
  • temporary supports are removed;
  • 2 strips are screwed to each support at the top and bottom.

Windows, doors

Door and window openings are installed in places according to the design. First, the racks are fixed on the sides of the niches, then the lintels at the top and bottom. The internal partitions are mounted in the same way as the frame, tied with boards for rigidity.


The process consists of several stages:

  1. Grooves for beams are cut into the timber.
  2. Transverse structures are inserted into the openings, nailed, and steel corners are screwed.
  3. Inside, supports are installed along the partitions and connected to the upper and lower beams.
  4. Lay a ceiling panel made of tongue-and-groove boards.
  5. Stacked vapor barrier layer, on top there is insulation and a waterproofing membrane.
  6. Constructing a subfloor.


For the device choose: attic, multi-gable, single-pitched or multi-pitched roof with a slope of 10°. To calculate rafters and step sheathing, use construction tables or ours.

  1. The rafters are assembled from timber below. To do this, 2 boards are spliced ​​together at the top at an angle, then lifted into place.
  2. First, rafter pairs are installed on gables with an overhang of 400-500 mm.
  3. The slope of the slope is adjusted, the structures are mounted to the upper frame.
  4. The remaining parts of the system are installed in increments of 700 mm.
  5. Then they are integrated with a ridge beam, which serves as a support for the upper rafters, and are attached to the floor of the paws.
  6. They build a continuous or thin sheathing with a cross-section of 25 x 30 cm, and fix it to the rafters with side counters. The pitch of the beams is the same as that of the rafters.

Towards the inside rafter legs The vapor barrier membrane is fastened with a stapler. The joints are sealed with tape, the space between the beams is filled with thermal insulation boards, then with diffuse film. At the final stage, the roof is laid. The process algorithm is clearly presented in the picture.

Wall insulation

Choose a protective material with a thickness of 50 mm: polystyrene foam, mineral wool or polystyrene foam.

  1. Lay mats between the vertical posts of the frame. With double flooring, the joints of the canvases should not coincide. To protect against moisture, waterproofing is laid on the outside.
  2. Then the sheathing is filled with thin slats corresponding to the thickness of the insulation. This will ensure air movement.
  3. From the side of the rooms, the vapor barrier is stretched and fixed with a stapler. The walls are lined with thick plywood, gypsum fiber sheets or clapboard. The base for finishing with plasterboard is ready.
  4. The outside walls are sheathed with finishing materials: block house, siding, eurolining.

All that remains is to decorate the inside of the house and celebrate the housewarming. There are a great many nuances in the construction of prefabricated frame-panel houses. Experience and knowledge will come along the way.

Full video on how to build a frame house