Types of ornamental shrubs with photos with names. Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs for growing in the northern regions and Siberia What are the shrubs

It is impossible to create complete harmony of the country landscape without ornamental shrubs. They make the natural picture complete, bright and attractive. With the help of low plants, you can highlight a certain area, it is advantageous to emphasize decorative elements. Evergreen species will create a unique atmosphere. They will find a place everywhere - at the hedge, along the paths. Shrubs of various sizes and shapes will create a stunning backdrop for perennial flowers.

Ornamental shrubs can be divided into three groups, each of which, in turn, is divided into subgroups. Plants are grouped according to size, ability to keep, lose leaves at certain times of the year, flowering time, planting methods and other factors. Plants for garden design can be as follows:

  • Beautiful flowering. The largest group. Representatives of the species successfully grow in the middle lane due to frost resistance. Perennials retain an attractive appearance throughout the season. Before planting, you should check the soil, since the composition of the soil greatly affects the duration of flowering;
  • Decorative leafy. The main beauty lies in the leaves. They may have an unusual shape, color, size. The stiff shoots form several similar branches from the soil itself. Most representatives are deciduous, but there are evergreens. You can plant singly or create green compositions;
  • Coniferous. Almost all representatives love acidic soil. The group includes both light-loving and shade-loving shrubs. Many conifers grow slowly, do not tolerate stagnant water and drought.

Advantages and disadvantages of shrubs in the design of the site

Decorative low-growing greenery is widely used in the design of the site. If landscaping is taking place for the first time, it must be carried out according to certain rules. The main color is green. Yellow, white, red leaves can be present as spectacular accents. The main advantages of shrubs are as follows:

  • Durability. Low-growing plants, having reached maximum decorativeness, will remain unchanged for a long time;
  • Minimal maintenance. For most species, periodic feeding, shearing is sufficient;
  • Neat appearance. The presence of shrubs on the site makes the territory front, noble;
  • Protection from prying eyes and drafts. The dense canopy of large, fast-growing perennials creates a secluded setting;
  • The garden does not lose its charm even in winter.

Shrubs on the site are the link between trees and undersized grasses. Their main task is to create a smooth visual transition. But this approach is not always beneficial. The following factors influence the reluctance of landscaping mainly from such plants:

  • The need to select contrasts in the form of leaves, crowns, silhouettes;
  • Mandatory combination in style with the house and outbuildings;
  • The need to comply with compositional means - the ratio of scale, mass and other things;
  • Limited ability to use color accents.

How to place shrubs in the country and in the garden - choose a place

Before planting seedlings in the ground, it is necessary to carefully plan your actions - choose the right place, planting method, and foresee possible growth. At the dacha for decorative purposes, you can use the following methods:

  • Solitary landing. Suitable for bushes with beautiful leaves, crown, which do not need company to create an effect;
  • Group landings. Simple combinations allow the presence of only one type of plant, mixed - two or more;
  • Hedge. They are located around the perimeter of the site, a separate zone.

When planting shrubs in the garden, the allowable distance between seedlings and fruit trees should be taken into account. Tall species during growth will not shade short ones. The choice of plant varieties depends on the planned style. It can be a regular, landscape garden, various compositions.

Ornamental flowering shrubs

More often, gardeners use such plants for the purpose of zoning, creating hedges. Varieties that bloom all season will become an original decoration of the site. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, you can enjoy a sophisticated aroma from stunning views. Decorative bushes are used in mixed plantings, mixborders. Beautiful flowers and an amazing smell will stand on the site all the time if you plant plants of different types with a successive flowering period.

Jasmine or mock orange

Garden jasmine is a beautiful, fragrant plant that can grow up to 30 years without much care and transplantation. Mock orange is characterized by increased frost resistance, quickly builds up frozen branches and self-heals. Deciduous crops can have a variety of shape, flowering type and general appearance. The most popular and beautiful varieties are the following:

  • Glacier. Height up to 1.5 meters. Flowers are large and fragrant. Petals last long after flowering;
  • Air landing. Flexible long shoots are strewn with small flowers in the form of bells. It has an oblique shape due to the severity of the color;
  • Pearl. Height up to 1.3 meters. Differs in the largest snow-white flowers (7 cm);
  • Mont Blanc. Height up to 1 meter. The dwarf bush is strewn with large leaves, white inflorescences are collected in brushes.


An unpretentious plant of the olive family is magnificent in flowering, has an amazing aroma. Depending on the variety, it can form lush bushes or remain solitary, as when planting. Each type of lilac has its own characteristics. Flowers in inflorescences can be painted in white, lilac, pink, purple, violet.

Deciduous multi-stemmed shrub can reach 8 meters in height. The foliage begins to bloom early and lasts until the first frost. When providing the most favorable conditions, the life expectancy of lilacs is up to 100 years.


The main feature and advantage is earlier flowering. The bush becomes covered with small yellow flowers in early spring, long before the leaves appear. It can reach 3 meters in height. The flowering period lasts three weeks. In the place where the flower was, then leaves appear, which, closer to autumn, acquire a purple hue. In place of inflorescences, then boxes are formed, filled with winged seeds.

Bright heralds of spring will decorate any site. Some varieties are able to develop and bloom in the harsh conditions of the middle latitude, Siberia. Popular types of forsythia: European, intermediate, ovoid. Before planting a bright bush, it must be taken into account that the plant is photophilous, prefers calcareous soils. It will look most impressive if placed against the backdrop of coniferous plants.

Exotic ornamental shrub has more than 100 species. Most of them grow only in warm climates, but there are also frost-resistant varieties. Gardeners are attracted by the unusual shape of the crown, stems, and a large abundance of foliage. More often, the plant is used to create a hedge or planted as a tapeworm.

Protruding peduncles consist of purple small flowers, reminiscent of lilac clusters. Their length is up to 40 cm. The shrub begins to bloom in mid-summer and continues until October. A fast-growing plant is capable of forming a crown of 60 cm in a few months, driving out many long peduncles that emit a strong honey aroma.


The shrub has about 50 varieties. May be evergreen or deciduous, with a spreading, downy crown. It grows well in dry, light soil - sandy, sandy loam. An adult plant can reach a height of 3 meters. Bright green smooth stems covered with small trifoliate leaves.

At the end of May, the broom blooms and continues to delight others with its beauty until the end of July. Elongated flowers are collected in brushes, they can be white, pink, yellow. Some varieties have an amazing aroma. The fruits resemble beans and contain small, flattened seeds.

You should not abuse the broom on the site, plant it in the front garden, next to the windows. The shrub is poisonous, contains alkaloids, and can make breathing difficult. Any work with it should be carried out with gloves.

The artificially bred species is valued for its decorative qualities. A perennial deciduous shrub with woody, erect stems. A hemispherical bush gives an annual increase. Tree peony blooms throughout the season, depending on the variety, mainly in May. This period is 2 weeks. The flowers are large (20 cm), may have double, smooth petals. On one bush fits up to 80 flowers.

A place in the garden for a tree peony should be sunny and protected from drafts. This is a non-moisture-loving plant, so a lowland with stagnant water will not work. It tolerates non-critical frosts well, can survive cold without shelter. The best soil is neutral, for example, loamy.


"Rose tree" can be evergreen, deciduous. Belongs to the heather family. This shrub is chosen by many gardeners for decorating the site, as it has a luxurious long flowering. The plant does not exceed 2 meters in height, can have a branched, spherical, elliptical crown. The leaves are dark green in the form of an oval or circle. In autumn they turn purple. Flowers are collected in inflorescences of 5-10 pieces, can be red, pink and white.

It is better to plant a plant on an elevated area in order to exclude stagnation of moisture. Representatives of the species do not tolerate the scorching sun, wind. It is better to shade them with tall trees. The soil for rhododendrons is acidic, breathable. It gets along well next to coniferous bushes and larch. Neighbors with a superficial root system (birch, willow, linden) must be excluded.

Decorative deciduous shrubs for the garden

Not only the beautiful flowering of shrubs attracts garden lovers, but also the original shape and color of the leaves. Such plants will create the right accents if used in moderation. The main color should be green. Contrasting combinations should be avoided, since burgundy, golden, red figures located in the recreation area will only irritate. It is appropriate to plant bushes with a gray, silver edging. Various shades help to successfully model the space.

An ornamental deciduous shrub native to Japan. It can be either a mini-bush or a tall full-fledged tree, up to 10 meters high. Grows very slowly. In summer, the large lobed leaves are green in color, in autumn it changes to fiery red. The crown of the maple is large, sprawling.

It will be possible to grow red maple without problems only in southern latitudes. Seedlings require careful preparation. In cold regions, you can use a large container, which will be brought into the heat in winter. The plant will thrive in partial shade and well-drained soil. Japanese maple is very moisture-loving, it is necessary to provide it with a large amount of water at least once a week.

Successfully applied to the formation of hedges. The beautiful, unpretentious fieldfare got its name for the similarity of the leaves with the tree of the same name. They are lanceolate in shape. The bush is formed from many upright shoots, up to 3 meters high. The leaves are pink when blooming, turn emerald in summer, and red at the end of the season.

The shrub grows well in any location, shaded or sunny. The preferred soil for rapid development is fertile loam. The only condition is soil moisture. Fieldfare does not tolerate drought. In winter, the bush is not insulated, because it tolerates frost well.


Widely used in ornamental gardening. There can be group, single plantings, hedges. Densely branching shoots with small leaves create a beautiful spherical crown. The foliage is dark green in summer, turning bright red in autumn. Small fruits are collected in racemose inflorescences, they open immediately after the leaves unfold. Bright garlands against the background of still green leaves look very original.

The location is chosen depending on the type of plant. Euonymus can not stand stagnant water, demanding on the soil. It should be neutral or slightly alkaline with the addition of lime.

Great decoration for the garden. Some of its species are subject to protection in protected areas. An ornamental shrub grows to a height of no more than 3 meters, in width it can grow up to 4 meters. The leaves are large, texture reminiscent of coltsfoot. Thanks to the lush crown of different shades, the plant does not lose its decorative effect, spectacular appearance throughout the entire growing season. Convex corymbose inflorescences appear in June and remain for 3 weeks.

The vesicle is absolutely not whimsical, has a high frost resistance. With proper care, it begins to bloom and bear fruit in the 4th year after planting. The plant does not do well in calcareous soils, with stagnant moisture.

Hardy, flowering shrubs

They allow you to enjoy both beautiful flowers and the original shape of the leaves. A beautiful flower garden for an unstable climate can be created from a variety of frost-resistant species. They will organically fit into any design of the site. So that the color of the plant is always bright and saturated, before buying seedlings, you should choose a suitable place for a particular variety.

The plant is able to decorate any garden composition at any time of the year. The leaves are large and voluminous with several arcuate veins, mounted on long petioles. The branches of the shrub are flexible, brown, red, black. The wood is dense and durable. Plant height - up to 3 meters. Abundant flowering begins in the first month of summer. In autumn, the white deren blooms again. Dense end shields consist of small white flowers. The fruit is a drupe.

All varieties of white turf are distinguished by good winter hardiness, drought-resistant, unpretentious to the soil composition. Feel great in the shade, partial shade. They can be safely planted along walls, fences. Variegated species are best planted in the sun so that the foliage does not lose its original color.


Depending on the species, spireas can be of various shapes and colors. Some varieties can change their color several times a year. The broad group can be divided as follows:

  • Spring flowering. In addition to early flowering, such spireas have flowers of exceptionally white color and approximate shades. They bloom on last year's shoots. Plants are characterized by strong tillering. Popular varieties are gray spirea, Nipponskaya, Arguta, Vangutta.
  • Summer flowering. Old shoots dry out, so inflorescences form on new young branches. In most varieties, spirea is pink, but it can be red, lilac. Popular varieties are Japanese, Buwalda, Billarda.


The shrub belongs to the dicotyledonous class, has a very bright color. The leaves of the plants are large, oval with a pointed tip, light venation. He fell in love with many summer residents because of the long and beautiful flowering. Its range can be very diverse. There are hydrangeas with pink, white, blue flowers. They form into spherical inflorescences. The bushes are wide, can grow up to 3 meters in height.

You can plant hydrangeas in spring and autumn. The plant prefers shady places. When exposed to sunlight, growth instantly slows down, flowers fade. They need to be watered with rain or settled water. Since the root system is very sensitive, the water temperature should not be below 15 degrees.

The shrub always has an elegant, unpretentious appearance. Potentilla is resistant to low temperatures, aggressive environments and many pests. A perennial plant can live up to 30 years. Calmly takes root on various types of soil - in black soil, sandstone, on pebbles, stones. A branched shrub can reach a height of 1.5 meters. Young branches are covered with short fluff and small carved leaves, dense brown bark forms on adults.

Potentilla flowers begin to open in mid-summer and remain on the branches until late autumn. Depending on the variety, they can be yellow, white, pink. Yellow cinquefoil is more winter-hardy. Looks great in the garden and outside the yard in the form of a low-growing border, hedge.

Ornamental shrubs for summer cottages of medium winter hardiness

Plants from this group are not frost-resistant, but do not require special shelter when it gets cold. For most species, a simple sprinkling of snow is sufficient. Shrubs have an attractive appearance throughout the season.


The shrub has a large wide crown, which is formed by densely planted oval leaves. It can reach a height of 5 meters. Skumpia refers to centenarians. In addition to decorative purposes, it is grown on an industrial scale to obtain a natural dye for silk, leather, and wool. Young shoots begin to branch from the ground itself. Over time, they become covered with gray, red bark.

In May, June, last year's shoots are covered with yellow inflorescences in the form of a panicle. Hairy pedicels, which after flowering cover the entire bush with a whitish cloud, give a special decorative effect to the bush. Skumpia grows well in any soil, even rocky.

An easy-to-grow shrub is the best in its adaptability. When decorating a garden, the Japanese kerria can become the most prominent representative that creates the background. Even a novice gardener can easily cope with an unpretentious plant. The average height of the culture is 2 meters, it is regulated by pruning, molding.

The compact bush has thin green shoots that form a pyramidal crown, bending over time. Kerria seems fluffy at any time of the year. The main advantages of the plant are compactness, early, double flowering.

Chaenomeles (Japanese quince)

The exotic shrub has an impressive size. Its branches are densely covered with emerald leaves and small spines on the shoots. Flexible branches in the spring are covered with numerous small flowers of white, red, pink. They are replaced by yellow-green fruits.

The plant is absolutely not whimsical, it has a high regenerative ability. Chaenomeles can safely do without watering for a long time. It grows in one place and bears fruit for more than 50 years.

Unpretentious shrubs for summer cottages: photos and names of beautiful plants

When choosing decorative bushes for a summer residence, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the splendor of the crown and the flowering period. Of great importance are the features, the complexity of care. The less labor required to grow it, the more valuable the plant for the summer resident. There are a lot of unpretentious and at the same time very spectacular cultures.


A member of the honeysuckle family is able to grow in the most shaded areas and infertile soils. An interesting appearance of the shrub is given by snow-white berries, which persist for a long time, even after all the leaves have fallen. Yellowish-green branches form a hemispherical crown, hanging to the ground. Popular varieties are Chinese snowberry, pink, Chenot, Doorenboza.


Woody flowering shrub from the Adox family. If there is at least one viburnum bush on the site, beauty will not leave it all year round. The plant looks especially interesting in early summer during its flowering period. Flowers can be white, pale yellow, pink. The leaves of ordinary species are large, pointed, in ornamental varieties - oval.

You can plant viburnum in any shaded area. She is not picky about the soil. The plant will feel great at the fence, behind the barn. The main thing is the proximity to the water source.

If there is not enough space on the site, but you want to accommodate a lush shrub, you can easily form a slender tree from it.

Rose hip

The second name of wild rose is wild rose. A perennial shrub boasts not only beautiful flowers, but also bright fruits filled with vitamins. In order for the plant to grow quickly and bear fruit, it must be properly watered, cut and fed. When choosing a variety for planting in the country, it is better to give preference to species with the highest content of vitamins:

  • The rose is wrinkled;
  • May rosehip;
  • Spiny;
  • Rose Webb.


Irga berry bush is not suitable for every garden. Caring for him has its own characteristics. The plant has a wide crown, formed from thin branches. Young twigs are grey, turning brown as they mature. Buds bloom a little, up to 2 weeks. They are replaced by bunches of berries. Depending on the variety, they can be blue, red, pink. Fruiting occurs after 4 years. Not all fruits are edible.

Having taken root in one place, the irga is able to grow for 15 years. It is a drought and cold tolerant plant. He needs direct sunlight. Shrubs look great as a hedge.


The shrub belongs to plants that combine incredible endurance to precipitation, temperature changes and excellent decorative qualities. Hawthorn has a huge number of species that differ in leaf shape, color, size.

Mostly tall shrubs. An oval crown is formed by shoots densely covered with thorns. The plant has a spectacular appearance throughout the growing season. This is provided by large fruits of different colors and graceful leaves.

For hawthorn, it is better to take the most illuminated place on the site. They grow well in alkaline, moderately moist soil. It is undesirable to place shrubs next to apple and pear trees, since plants have common diseases and pests.

shade-loving shrubs

Some suburban areas receive less sunlight to the fullest. Such unpleasant moments can be created by terrain features, proximity to a pine forest, small size, the presence of high fences, buildings. You can create a beautiful, original environment under any conditions, just plant shade-loving perennials, annuals.


Belongs to the honeysuckle family. Only 15 species of weigela are known. An ornamental flowering shrub, under favorable conditions, can bloom twice a year. The first flowering at the end of May, the second in August. The flowers are small, funnel-shaped or bell-shaped, hanging singly or collected in inflorescences. They can be of various shades. During flowering, the color may change, gradually becoming more saturated.

Weigela is planted both under the sun and under the openwork crowns of tall trees. Winds, drafts, and lowlands have a negative effect on the plant. Land for shrubs should be light, nutritious, able to retain moisture. Landing pits can be laid out with peat, turf, leaf humus.


When choosing such a plant for the decoration of the site during the flowering period, the gardener expects an amazing sight. Flowing lilac-violet brushes are carried by aroma to the whole district. The foliage of the shrub has antibiotic properties, emits phytoncides into the air, which suppress the development of certain viral diseases.

Wisteria is a tree-like vine from the legume family. Rapidly growing shoots are able to climb up to 10 meters. The real value of the creeper is the domed, lush inflorescences. Their maximum length is 80 cm. Flowers bloom on them in early spring, even before the leaves appear. There are 10 plant varieties in total.

It is better to plant a vine next to the porch, in front of the entrance to the terrace. Wisteria should always be in sight in order to constantly monitor its development and correct it in time. Powerful shoots grow quickly and can harm neighboring plants.


Deciduous shrub can grow up to 4 meters in height. Belongs to the hydrangea family. The main feature of the action is the ability of the stems to grow after injuries and freezing, to bloom in the year of planting. A shrub with a folding, slender crown will effectively green any area.

Many flowers cover the action for a long time in spring and summer. It is great for decorating a recreation area. It is planted by the pool, next to the summer kitchen, terrace. The life span of a shrub is 25 years. Annually, its shoots grow by 25 cm, growing from the rhizome. The plant will do well in moist soil in a shady area.

Fruit and berry bushes

Such plants will give not only aesthetic pleasure, but will also give you the opportunity to enjoy delicious, healthy berries, if at least one of the representatives of a large group is present even in the smallest summer cottage. You can choose suitable perennials from their many types. With proper care, they will become a source of excellent harvest.


A shrub from the gooseberry family. Depending on the species, its height can vary from 0.5 to 5 meters. Its root system is very powerful, goes deep into the ground, more than 1 meter. Shoots are straight and long, slightly covered with fluff.

Currant leaves consist of several lobes, have a rounded, elongated shape. They can be smooth or with villi. The foliage of ornamental shrubs has an unusual shade - crimson, orange, red, yellow, it can change throughout the season.

Flowering depends on the area. It usually starts in May. Currant berry can be round or elongated. Grade affects color and taste. Popular blackcurrant, red, white. Moisture-loving shrubs are best planted in an open area with maximum illumination.


You can get little aesthetic pleasure from overgrown thorny bushes, but the taste of the berries fully compensates for this shortcoming. In order for raspberries to bear fruit, it is necessary to choose the right variety, a place for planting, and carry out proper care.

There are many varieties of raspberries. Every year, breeders breed species that are more resistant to pests and diseases. All of them differ in ripening period, color, shape and size of berries. According to their distinctive abilities, they are divided into the following groups:

  • traditional varieties. They grow in any conditions, quickly multiply by root shoots. The overall harvest is not always rich, the berries are small. These include Volnitsa, Meteor, Kirzhach;
  • Repairing. They give two or more crops per season, bear fruit until frost. Among the representatives of the variety Atlant, Apricot Raspberry, Bryansk Divo;
  • Large-fruited. The berries are very large, bushes give record yields with excellent taste. The best representatives of the variety with branching shoots are Ruby Giant, Abundant, Patricia.


A shrub with stone fruit belongs to the plum genus. The almond is often referred to as a nut because it has edible seeds. In length, the plant can reach 10 meters. The root system deepens 5 meters into the ground. During flowering, the entire shrub is covered with white, pink flowers, surrounded by pistils and stamens. Flowering precedes the release of leaves and occurs in mid-spring. The pericarp begins to crack in early autumn. The berries are extracted from the fruit and dried.

The choice of almond variety is influenced by climatic conditions, the possibility of self-pollination. Shrubs grow well and bear fruit in well-lit places in calcareous soils. If the climate is dry, irrigation is required.

Almonds are often planted in ornamental areas due to their beautiful early flowering. Plants are used to create alleys and shading, having correctly formed the shape of the crown.


The fruits of this shrub ripen in early summer, before most of the favorite fruits. Honeysuckle easily tolerates frost. Roots, branches, flower buds do not freeze even at -50 degrees. The shrub grows up to 2 meters in height. A lush crown is provided by many shoots. The root system grows at least 1 meter in width and depth. When planting next to other crops, this feature should be taken into account.

Honeysuckle can grow up to 20 years in one place, it tolerates transplants well at any age. Sun-loving shrub, prefers fertile loams. It does not tolerate too wet soil. If the site is located near marshes, honeysuckle will need good drainage.

Sea ​​buckthorn

A low leafy shrub with thorns from the Lokhov family prefers pebbly, sandy soils. At their summer cottage, it can be planted both as a decor and for getting berries. Sea buckthorn fruits are slightly elongated, have a bright orange, yellow color. The plant does not require special care, except for the obligatory pruning, which is necessary for the formation of a healthy, beautiful crown.

Cultures are highly winter hardy. When buying seedlings, it is better to give preference to varieties of local selection. The root system does not tolerate the proximity of groundwater. The shrub does not like transplants, so it is important to choose a permanent place for it right away. It should be on the south side, as sunny as possible, hidden from the wind.

Shrubs for hedges

A favorite technique for landscape designers to create maximum comfort is the use of shrub hedges. She will transfer attention from a heavy fence to herself, decorate the whole yard. Densely growing plants will be an excellent replacement for any fence. Before buying seedlings for planting, you need to decide on the variety and type of greenery. It should be noted that each type of shrub has its own characteristics, shape, degree of growth.


Several types of such shrubs can be used in garden design. Their distinguishing feature from each other is the height - 0.3 - 3 meters, the color of the leaves - gold, green, purple, with spots. All varieties bloom with yellow flowers collected in a brush.

Barberry does not like shading, so the shrub is given a place in a hedge in an open area or on the sunny side of the fence. You can give the plant a more aesthetic appearance by forming a crown. Many trunks grow vertically upwards, so they should be cut into a ring. It is easy to create various geometric shapes from a barberry bush - a column, a ball, a pyramid.

In addition to design techniques for landscaping a site, barberries are used to harvest healthy berries. Leaves, bark, roots are endowed with healing properties.


The plant has a shrub form, reaches a height of 4 meters. The branches of the spreading dogwood are located almost horizontally, covered with very dark bark. The foliage is bright, shiny, has the correct shape. The fruits are large, pear-shaped with juicy, tasty pulp. Red berries shower dogwood from the very rhizome.

The shrub blooms unusually effectively - lush yellow umbrellas. The first flowers are formed very early, even before the leaves appear. Thanks to its powerful immunity, dogwood takes root well in any unfavorable conditions. The life span is up to 250 years.


The evergreen plant is widely distributed on all continents. There are numerous garden types of it, differing in the shape of the leaf, the size of an adult tree. Variegated bushes are also found, but they do not take root well in the middle lane, they do not withstand the cold.

Boxwoods are one of the most shade-tolerant shrubs. They have minimal needs for light and moisture, but require sufficient heat. This is a classic plant for building hedges, single decor and creating compositions. It remains to cut the boxwood correctly, and it will become a real unique decoration for the yard.


Fruit ornamental shrub is often used as a hedge. A dense crown with many thorns creates a real impenetrable barrier to overcome. The turn belongs to the plum genus, has a high growth activity, and is able to tolerate pruning at any time.

The leaves of the blackthorn are elliptical, obovate in shape with serrated edges. Flowering occurs in late spring, strongly dependent on weather conditions. The warmer, the faster white single flowers appear. The fruits are rounded, blue in color with a waxy coating. The taste of berries is sour and tart.


Decorative shrub is indispensable in the design of landscapes. Privet is a branched, densely leafy plant that calmly tolerates a curly haircut at any time of the year, has minimal soil requirements.

The leaves of the shrub are small, leathery, retain their natural color all season. The height of the shrub, depending on the species, ranges from 1.5 m to 3 m. Excessive growth is easily controlled by pruning.

Privet blooms in early summer with white and fragrant flowers collected in loose inflorescences. A month later, they are replaced by black shiny berries and remain on the bushes until late autumn. Leaves and berries are very poisonous to animals and humans because they contain terpenoid glycosides.


The genus Tui combines a huge group of plants that are particularly decorative. In landscape design, such a shrub plays one of the main roles. Evergreen shrubs of the cypress family are hardy and do not require complex care. The most spectacular crown have the following types:

  • pyramidal;
  • White-tipped;
  • Pyramidalis compacta;
  • Yellow Ribbon;
  • Columna;
  • Emerald;
  • columnar;
  • spherical;
  • Golden.

coniferous shrubs

Compositions from such plants are one of the most advantageous and outwardly attractive. A variety of coniferous shrubs allows you to create interesting compositions with elements of different shapes and sizes. Evergreen flower beds purify the air, decorate the site. Hardy, fragrant needles feel great in the garden. The rich green color provides year-round appeal. In place of the fallen needles, a new one imperceptibly grows.


The shrub has long been grown in culture, is listed in the Red Book of Russia. The microbiota belongs to the Cypress family, has delicate openwork needles. In summer, its color is rich green, in autumn and winter - brown, reddish.

A creeping shrub grows to a maximum height of 0.5 meters. The branches are slightly raised, gradually falling down. Thin, flat needles take root tightly to the ground. The ground cover nature of the microbiota allows it to be used at the foot of taller plants, in the foreground of compositions in the formation of landscape design.


A hardy, hardy plant ideal for modern landscapes. Designers include juniper in the base three, along with spruces and pines. Such shrubs boast much greater variability.

Powerful taproots of juniper lie deep underground, which greatly complicates the transplantation of adult plants. The height of the shrub, depending on the species, can be 10-15 cm and 10 m. The branches of the juniper are thin and long, curly, and can form various patterns.


A small, durable shrub, the yew is known for its hardiness. Some specimens have been growing for 1500 years. All parts of the plant, including the trunk, leaves contain poisonous compounds. Dioecious yews should be planted in pairs for pollination. After that, the ovary of bright red berries will appear on the bushes.

The trunk of the plant is covered with gray-brown bark. The needles are flat and soft, rich green in color. The main advantage of yew is the ability to increase the density of shoots, restore the affected branches after pruning.

Dwarf cushion shrub has dense spreading branches. The crown of Nana is rounded cone-shaped, slightly rounded from the middle to the bottom. The diameter of balsam fir rarely exceeds 2.5 meters.

The shrub grows slowly, especially in the initial stages. Young shoots are green, covered with standing hairs, after a few years they become bare, red-brown. Fir does not tolerate compacted, sandy soils. The plant is used to decorate the foreground of the mixborder, for alpine slides, rocky gardens.

Care and feeding of shrubs

Most garden shrubs are hardy enough. They are able to grow with a lack of attention, careless care. But in order to get the maximum color, bright healthy leaves, a good harvest, they need to provide the most acceptable conditions for growth:

  • Watering. Abundant and frequent moisture is necessary only for non-rooted plants, specimens in flower beds and containers;
  • Top dressing. The introduction of complex fertilizers according to the schedule is necessary even in the most favorable soils;
  • Weed control. It is possible to exclude the growth of various herbs if the bushes are correctly positioned during planting. When their root system closes, weeds will simply have nowhere to grow.
  • Mulching. Humus from leaves, bark, chopped grass is used as a fertilizer for all types of ornamental shrubs.


Not a single modern garden plot can do without high-quality landscaping. Ornamental shrubs of various shades and sizes will add bright touches to the overall natural composition. The presence of even a small flowering bush will make the recreation area elegant and festive.

Trees and herbs alone will not make a garden a true work of art. Shrubs are a link between the lower and upper tiers of the plant world. In this publication on the site portal, we will discuss which shrubs are and which ones are best suited for different parts of the garden.

Beautiful gardens owe their spectacular views to shrubs

Decorative shrubs for the garden with photos and names

Thanks to experienced gardeners for the detailed classification of different shrubs. We decided to offer you one of the most convenient divisions of shrubs into species. In this article, we relied on such points as the requirements for light and the characteristics of the plants themselves.

Flowering perennial shrubs (photo with names)

Blooming perennial shrubs for the garden include not only roses loved by many, but also mock orange, viburnum, spirea, lilacs, tree-like peonies. We offer several names and photos.

tree peony

Fabulous beauty came to us from the Middle Kingdom, where over a thousand varieties of tree peony were bred. This is a fairly demanding plant. If you choose a variety suitable for the region and master some simple tricks, then a beautiful bush will delight not only you, but also your great-grandchildren.

Even one variety out of a thousand possible will make the garden more beautiful.


Magic spireas represent the Rosaceae family. An unpretentious plant takes root in many regions. You can find a spirea to your taste from a hundred varieties that grow remarkably in Central Russia. Spirea bushes are frost-resistant and withstand severe droughts. Throughout its life, the plant remains decorative.

Different varieties bloom at different times, but the beauty of the bushes is unforgettable.
Spirea Japanese has long settled in Russia


A member of the Hortensia family is often confused with jasmine. But the name "Garden Jasmine" has firmly entered our horticultural vocabulary. This chic shrub can feel equally good in the sun and in the shade. Flowering begins at the end of May and lasts almost the entire June. Some species bloom by August. With a great love for moisture, with its prolonged stagnation, the mock orange may die.

The aroma of mock orange is strong and gentle at the same time. But not all species can smell.

Winter-hardy perennial shrubs blooming all summer (photo with names)

Russians with severe winters are especially concerned about such a quality of plants as frost resistance. Who likes to look after the winter at the dead bush, which was cared for with great love? There are several excellent garden perennial shrubs with photos and names.


White and pink deutsia flowers will delight the gardener for the long summer months. An unpretentious bush reaches 2 m in height, expects a fertile place from the owner, loosening and pruning. But the plant does not tolerate frost, so they cover the shrub especially carefully.

For action choose a place protected from the wind

If you are thinking of buying a shrub that blooms all summer and has a winter-hardy quality, then the action is not quite suitable for Siberian winters, but it will survive perfectly in the conditions of the Middle and Lower Volga regions.


Be warned, this is a demanding plant, but striking in its beauty. Of the three species, it is better to opt for a deciduous form that does not exceed three meters. Any rhododendron requires shelter for the winter.

Beautiful in bloom and after


Not everyone saw a bush, which is something fluffy. It has even been nicknamed the "wig tree". If you look closely, you can even notice the similarity of the colors of skumpii with puffs of smoke or sprawling cobwebs. Skumpia takes up a lot of space, growing up to 11-12 m. She will not like shading from neighboring plants.

Flowering continues until the onset of cold weather

Decorative deciduous shrubs (photo with names)

Favorite shrubs for summer cottages are decorative and deciduous. This is an opportunity to create a beautiful hedge, a background, and it is also a play on the difference in contrasts.


Aralia is a guest from the eastern lands. Prefers partial shade and highly fertile land. Caring for a thermophilic fluffy beauty is simple.

Large feathery leaves will create a special flavor in the garden

Since the bush does not like cold winters and is quite frost-resistant, it still requires good shelter and spring pruning of frozen branches. Aralia refers to frost-resistant crops, and even those plants that freeze slightly in winter usually recover well.


Decorative varieties differ in the shape of the bush and a rich palette of shades. Planted side by side, two barberries of different colors will become the center of attention in any garden. The purple leaves of the Ottawa barberry or the orange-burgundy coloring of the Thunberg - you can always find a place for such beauty.

Unusual flowering with dense inflorescences pleases the owner in the first half of summer

Amorpha is red and even purple. After flowering, fruit beans remain on the bushes, remaining until spring, decorating the garden in winter.

Goof silver

A wild plant, habitual for the Lower and Middle Volga region, in the northern regions seems like a silvery miracle. Gardeners are not afraid of long thorns, since at the same time the compact and spreading crown of the shrub with gray-brown branches is very adorned with garden compositions.

The leaves resemble eucalyptus and remain silvery until they fall.

After flowering in June, fragrant yellow flowers begin fruiting. The oval-shaped fruits are edible: their taste is somewhat powdery and sweet.


Brooms are divided into evergreen and deciduous. They differ even in the shape of the leaves. The shrub blooms with yellow, red or white flowers collected in a brush. There are frost-resistant species, and there are absolutely not enduring winter colds. Honey-bearing Russian broom is planted in Russian gardens.


The shrub is classified as poisonous, capable of causing respiratory problems.

In the presence of a glazed veranda, it is possible to grow non-winter-hardy types of broom. Very beautiful shrub in the garden

Low growing perennial border shrubs

Low-growing perennial border shrubs make out paths and border various compositions in the garden. We offer a photo and the name of the most interesting plants.


A very low evergreen shrub - only 40 cm of beauty, strewn with bright red round berries since the end of August. Green foliage with varnished leaves is perfectly preserved under snow cover. If you are looking for a low and beautiful ornamental flowering shrub with frost-resistant qualities, then lingonberries are perfect. After flowering, the decorative effect is transferred to the fruits.

There are self-pollinating varieties, but mostly buzzing insects always fly around the bush


A representative of the Honeysuckle family pleases the owner of the garden with its flowering: it can be pink, red, cream, yellow and white bell flowers. Weigela blooms twice a year: spring and late summer will illuminate the garden with fabulous flowering.

Weigela will not tolerate shading, so initially give her a well-lit area with protection from the north wind

Sea ​​buckthorn

Of the three species, we are interested in its bush form: buckthorn-shaped sea buckthorn grows to a height of 1-6 meters. Among the varietal diversity, choose the appropriate crown size, height, color and branches, and leaves, fruits. Varieties differ in varying degrees of roundness.

A shrub for fruiting needs a group planting of 4-5 female and one male plant

The fruits are produced by wind pollination and are oblong, ovoid or round in shape. Fruit colors: yellow, orange, red.

Medium to tall flowering shrubs for the garden

Despite varietal characteristics regarding expected height, plant growth is affected by the quality of care. Shrubs of medium height include those that do not exceed 2.5 m.

elderberry red

The shrub is often medium in size and with great branching belongs to the Honeysuckle family. Flowering begins in June, and the berries appear in September - this is a special time for elderberry.

Berry-studded red elderberry

The fruits are not particularly prominent in size, but attract all kinds of birds to the garden. People are also happy to try red berries and cook them properly. Red elderberry is non-toxic, unlike black elderberry.

Kalina Buldenezh

Viburnum Buldenezh, blooming at the beginning of summer, cheers up for a month. The ball-shaped flowers reach a diameter of 10-15 cm. They are so impressive and numerous that the branches hang down under their weight.

A real fairy tale in the garden!

The leaves of viburnum Buldenezh are carved and have their own charm. Thus, the shrub serves as a decoration of the garden from spring to autumn. The height of an adult bush is 3.5 m.


An unpretentious favorite of many gardeners, which looks wonderful both strewn with racemose inflorescences and after the flowering period. The smell of lilac is strong, exciting and unforgettable. The foliage retains a rich green color until it falls.

Common lilac blooms towards the end of May

All 30 types of lilac are suitable for growing in different regions of Russia. The shrub is very branched and prone to abundant overgrowth. If you use formative pruning, then you can grow not an 8-meter giant, but a neat compact bush with a very dense crown.

Berry bushes for summer cottages

Fruit raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries have long settled in the gardens. But which berry bushes are especially decorative and suitable for decorating a summer house? We offer three of the best plants with photos and names.


The second name sounds like chaenomeles - this oriental plant is thermophilic, but even suitable for the conditions of the Middle Volga region. If the temperature in the region drops below -30°C in winter, then without shelter, flower buds begin to freeze along with annual shoots. This greatly affects the flowering and condition of the plant after winter.

Japanese quince fruits are very tasty

Sandy loamy soils, loamy soils, as well as sod-podzolic soils are suitable for Japanese quince.

Aronia (chokeberry)

Aronia weed growing throughout North America, I.V. Michurin crossed with other cultures and in 1935 received a new chokeberry belonging to the Pink family. The shrub is quite high - up to 3 meters in height, the crown occupies the same amount of space. The autumn foliage is especially attractive with its bright colors.

The flowers are white, fragrant and collected in inflorescences.

Chokeberry has found its place in cooking due to its useful composition, and in the garden it is a real decoration.


Irga can become not only a valuable dish, but also a decorative hedge.

Since the berries do not ripen at the same time, you can immediately see bright raspberry round, purple, green and dark blue on the bush.

This culture is in demand not only as an ornamental shrub, but also as a fruit-bearing berry. Irgi fruits are very tasty and healthy, the bark is used for medicinal purposes. The shrub is not at all picky about care and does not need pruning.

What shrubs to plant in the country, depending on the region

No matter how much the northerners would like to grow southern crops, and the southerners to populate the garden with northern ones, such experiments are unlikely to be 100% successful. Each plant has its own requirements that the gardener must fulfill if he wants to enjoy the beauty on his own site.

Shrubs of the Krasnodar Territory with photos and names

The conditions of the Krasnodar Territory are such that the planted shrubs do not require special care. You can choose any composition for the garden.

A good solution would be to breed hawthorn

A fragile buckthorn with elliptical leaves and greenish-white flowers looks cute.

The bark of the plant has healing properties

All types of poisonous euonymus are interesting. Many people like a variety of leaf colors and small tiny flowers.

Fortune's bright euonymus will enliven any garden

Crimean shrubs

Shrubs for the Crimea (see names and photos below) are rich in species diversity. The warm climate allows you to use plants from colder regions, and try to plant southern trees. Special admiration is worthy of beaded tamarix, or comb. An elegant spreading plant from the Pyrenees is a large shrub up to 3 m, although in a garden it usually does not exceed 1.5 m.

Picturesque tamarix will refresh boring garden corners

Another beautiful bush arrived in the Crimea 200 years ago from other areas of the Mediterranean. This is a bright oleander that can decorate not only the garden, but also the room. Each part of the plant is poisonous, however, its beauty is so catchy that few people will refuse to grow such a miracle if they have the opportunity.

In the oleander, not only the inflorescences of different colors are beautiful, but also the long lanceolate leaves

Ornamental shrubs for the Moscow region with photos and names

Beautiful shrubs for the garden are also planted in the Moscow region. The climate is similar to the conditions of the middle zone, so the inhabitants of the region are invited to plant any kind of wild rose. In addition, it is an excellent plant for healing qualities.

Not everyone imagines the richness of rosehip varieties

In the Moscow region, viburnum, derain, roses, juniper, microbiota, elderberry, and sea buckthorn feel good.

Refined, neat and at the same time sprawling microbiota

Ornamental shrubs for the Urals

There are interesting ornamental shrubs for the Urals (photos and names will help in further searches for information). The Ural climate is suitable for shrub cinquefoil. The second name of the bush is Kuril tea. The variety of species will allow you to plant several different ones nearby and be surprised at the created landscape composition. Color variations: white, pink, yellow and shades of these colors.

Potentilla shrub is not only beautiful, but also healing

A vesicle is planted in the Urals, representing a genus of deciduous shrubs of the Pink family. It can be grown as a solo crop or in a group of other plants. Autumn outfit adds charm to an already beautiful bush.

For dachas, a viburnum vesicle is chosen, represented by two groups of varieties

Ornamental shrubs of Siberia with photos and names

For the Siberian garden, the main condition for plants is frost resistance. You can grow hydrangeas in Siberia, but it is better to opt for shrubs that are not threatened with death from improperly organized shelter or a small amount of snow cover. Before planting a particular plant, it is better to get acquainted with its description and requirements.

Plants that survive well at -40°C are represented by coniferous shrubs. Frosts are not terrible for mountain pine, cedar dwarf. Do not worry about the zoned Siberian turf. Hawthorn, viburnum and honeysuckle already need to be covered in winters with little snow.

It is possible to grow privet in Siberia, but it is required to thoroughly approach the issue of shelter
Siberian turf is good: decorative purple foliage is beautifully edged with a lilac-white edge

Grow beautiful shrubs in your garden that will create a good mood and delight you for many years!

Planting elegant flowering shrubs provides an excellent opportunity to transform the backyard. They help in zoning the territory, decorate the areas between the trees and recreation areas, and can become a real highlight of the site. Many of them, in addition to bewitching beauty, give a scent that delights the sense of smell.


This forest shrub with sunny flowers was nicknamed the Japanese rose. It blooms early and continues to delight with lush flowering until mid-summer. Further, single flowers may appear.


At the mention of this plant, many immediately recall the novel "The Lady of the Camellias". This is a very aristocratic plant, which, unfortunately, cannot stand Russian frosts. It needs to be hidden for the winter.

In the photo you see charming camellia flowers.



Before flowering, jasmine bushes are not of any interest in terms of decoration. But with the appearance of delicate white flowers, the picture changes dramatically, and the air is filled with a charming aroma. The petals can be harvested to flavor the tea.

In the photo, a shrub with a rare smell, called jasmine


One of the leaders in terms of flowering. It pleases the owners with a magnificent aroma that spreads far beyond the site.

Irga canadian

The plant has a special decorative effect not only in May, when it is covered with delicate white flower tassels. In autumn, the bush becomes crimson, which looks very impressive.

Kalina, rowan, elderberry

These shrubs delight with their appearance all season long, because beautiful flowers are replaced by no less attractive berries. These berry bushes not only complement country-style decor, but are also actively used for healing.

Summer-autumn flowering shrubs: photos with names

The variety of bushes covered with flowers in summer is amazing. Let's plunge into the world of beautiful garden shrubs, pleasing to the eye during the summer heat.


These ornamental bushes are covered with yellow flowers in summer, which are replaced by red berries in autumn. The barberry leaves, which have a burgundy color, will effectively smooth out.

spray roses

We are more familiar with this plant called wild rose. Red or pink lush flowers appear on prickly branches in early summer, and useful fruits in early autumn.

Pictured is a bush rose

park roses

Bushes are covered with flowers at the beginning of summer, and such beauty lasts for about a month. Modern hybrids bloom much longer.


The bush stands out among other ornamental plants with an extraordinary abundance of flowers. Their color is not bright, so the composition looks very gentle. The enchanting splendor lasts all May and June, and if you're lucky, the continuation will be in August.


Hydrangea always attracts attention: the bushes are very beautiful and do not disappear almost all summer. Flowers, combined into large balls, are sometimes so many that green leaves are not visible behind them. Hydrangea paniculata and tree-like are considered frost-resistant. The plant tolerates partial shade well.

Pictured is a gorgeous hydrangea

honeysuckle b

It has a decorative appearance not only during the flowering period. Flowers bell-shaped, white. Honeysuckle gives delicious fruits - blue berries, reminiscent of blueberries in taste.


Magnificent shrub with an unusual form of flowering. Instead of forming flowers, the plant increases the length of the peduncles, which are covered with fluff. In the photo you can see how unusual the skumpia looks like: like a big cloud.


Delicate pink or white flowers cover the plant in the first half of summer. This guest from the east looks unusually elegant.

Ornamental shrubs, photos and names of which will be presented below, are often elements that harmoniously complement the overall picture, emphasizing the necessary nuances of the suburban area to make it look bright and attractive. These plants, like strokes on a canvas, help to properly dilute the flowerbeds with the necessary details, placing accents on some specific places.

Basic landing criteria

Every summer resident, gardener or owner of a personal plot wants to do everything neatly and correctly so that fruit trees, vegetables, beds with greenery are in their places. Depending on the size of the summer cottage, general preferences and imagination, ornamental shrubs can act as a backdrop for other plantings, be an element of garden compositions, appear as a hedge or become the main nuance to which all attention will be riveted.

Of course, it will be unrealistic to cover the entire spectrum of these representatives of the plant kingdom, but it is worth paying attention to the most popular and decorative deciduous shrubs.

Speaking about how to properly plant ornamental shrubs, the first thing to do is to choose exactly the plant that will feel comfortable in certain climatic conditions of the region. Certain varieties are selected from the whole variety of ornamental shrubs for the city or suburban area. The second nuance that must be considered is the location of the plant.

If light-loving representatives are selected, then they should be planted in sunny places, where there will not even be a hint of a shadow. Shade-loving shrubs, on the contrary, are located in shady places, or even in the shade of large trees or buildings. This point is considered very important, since the wrong choice of place can adversely affect not only the brightness of the foliage color or the lushness of the flowers on the bush, but also its viability.

It is also recommended to take into account the overall picture of the garden when choosing a particular plant. In a small area, lush and tall specimens will look very out of place. And, for example, decorative, flowering, frost-resistant, low shrubs will look more beautiful in a small garden.

Such representatives of the flora include dwarf varieties of Cossack juniper Green Carpet and Tamariscifolia - creeping along the ground, undersized, very frost-resistant plants. This option will be ideal when creating compact alpine slides, curbs, lawn edging and rockeries.

Features of the choice of plants

For a hedge, shrubs must be selected among medium-sized or undersized representatives with a dense crown, so that in the future, instead of an attractive fence, you do not get a column of high thickets. Spiny shrubs, columnar, ornamental flowering, such as junipers, are optimal for this design. Suitable for joint landing:

  • Spiral.
  • Buddley.
  • Oleander.
  • Weigela.

They will go well with other green counterparts growing in the neighborhood. To form an arch, as well as to decorate a gazebo or fence, it is necessary to select climbing types of shrubs.

Country landscape zones

The choice is very wide! For each personal plot of any size and shape, you can choose your own option. In addition to flowering plants, there are many different types of shrubs with amazing foliage color, leaf shape, unusual crown and tasty fruits. Diversity is considered an important aspect in this matter. Basically, the country landscape is divided into three zones:

  • Lower - flower beds and vegetable beds.
  • Upper - fruit trees.
  • Medium - shrubs.

The combination of plants with each other and their correct choice are the main goal of the summer resident, who strives for comfort, beauty and harmony in his area. Ornamental shrubs in landscape design, the photos of which are presented below, are not only a pleasure to contemplate, but also functional cultures. For example, by planting plants near the fence, you can create a barrier from prying eyes or unwanted intrusions. With the help of shrubs, you can also divide the site into recreation areas and an area for growing any garden crops.

Paths, borders, hedges, the decoration of some unpleasant fragments on the site can be decorated or hidden using a variety of shrubs. And if you additionally plant fruit crops on your site, then you can still get healthy and tasty berries.

Flowering shrubs for a summer residence

Flowering shrubs are also fruit-bearing. Berries from some crops can even be eaten. You can plant in your garden the following flowering bushes:

  • Mock orange or jasmine. Mock orange or garden jasmine is liked by many gardeners due to its enchanting aroma. Currently, there are many hybrids and varieties, all of which are very attractive in appearance. Among themselves, they differ in shape, size, aroma of flowers and color. If we talk about the white flower representative, then it is frost-resistant and disease-resistant, very unpretentious in care. Jasmine will look equally great in both single and group plantings. It is only necessary to water the shrub in time, avoiding stagnation of moisture in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe near-trunk circle. The flowering period will depend on the variety, but, as a rule, flowering begins in May and lasts for a whole month. There are species that can bloom in summer, and even in early autumn.
  • Kalina. Kalina should be attributed to fruit specimens, as well as to ornamental deciduous plants. This plant, unique in every sense, blooms with beautiful large white spherical inflorescences, and viburnum fruits are useful, widely used as a medicine. The foliage of the shrub also deserves special attention. Leaves change color from deep green to orange or red. In total, viburnum has about 200 species, among which you can even find evergreens. In almost every yard, this perennial plant can be found in the Urals and Siberia.
  • Rose hip. Rosehip is considered to be exactly the shrub that needs no introduction and recommendations. Outwardly, it is attractive, and also useful in many ways. Rosehip blooms in spring, decorating the area with red or pink flowers. Also, this shrub creates a prickly barrier if planted along the fence. Rosehip is unpretentious in care, has a dense crown, branches quickly, prefers to grow in partial shade or in the sun. The flowering period lasts from May to August. After flowering, dark red, sometimes almost black, fruits are formed.
  • Lilac. Fragrant, having many shades and colors of lilac, is simply indispensable in a summer cottage or local area. Lilac is a large shrub that can grow up to 3 meters or more in height. Even in a small area, at least one bush, but it will be possible to plant. There are many different varieties of lilac. This plant is resistant to cold, unpretentious in care, beautiful in itself. The culture feels best in sunny places, but it can also grow in partial shade without any problems. The flowering period begins in May, which stretches until June. Inflorescences are presented in the form of balls of blue, white, pink and other shades.

As a fruit shrub, Japanese quince is especially popular, which is also a good honey plant.

decorative hedge

The hedge is one of the most popular, favorite and interesting structures in the garden, in which the line of green spaces acts as a building material. Depending on the desired result, a plant hedge can be arranged in the form of a low border or, conversely, in the form of a high green wall. When selecting semi-shrubs and shrubs for this purpose, it is necessary to take into account the following parameters:

It is also worth noting that low-growing ornamental shrubs for summer cottages are selected for a low hedge.

Green fence crops

Beginners are advised to give preference to shade-tolerant and non-capricious specimens that do not require daily soil moisture. If we consider coniferous shrubs to create a hedge, then dwarf forms of thuja, spruce or juniper will be ideal for this purpose.

A green fence can also be created from climbing plants, and this will take little time. Aubert's Highlander is suitable for creating such a hedge. This vine is one of the fastest growing, which in one season grows up to one and a half meters in length. Liana is unpretentious to the ground, but often needs pruning, blooms with white dense inflorescences. And it is also worth considering that the vine requires a pre-installed strong support.

Hops act as both a climbing vine and a shrub. This plant is frost-resistant, unpretentious, prefers moist soil, does not need frequent pruning. The plant produces beautiful medium-sized buds that only add to the beauty of the bright green and dense foliage. Hops also need a strong and reliable support and garter.

Ornamental bushes are most often planted in the fall, before the onset of frost. Ornamental shrubs for the Moscow region, the photos with the names of which were indicated above, can be planted in early spring, when just starting to wake up there are buds on the trees, but the snow has already melted. Pits for spring planting are prepared in the fall. At this time, fertilizers are applied, the depth and width of the recess for a certain type of shrub is calculated.

It is recommended to purchase seedlings from reliable suppliers, nurseries, as well as trusted online stores, where many different crops are presented in alphabetical catalogs. Before deepening into the soil, the plants must be kept for several hours in water, to which growth stimulants are added in advance.