How to choose a submersible pump. How to choose a well pump How to choose a well pump

Water supply of a private house can be organized in different ways. If you have access to the central supply line, it is enough to connect your own pipeline to it and, if necessary, supplement the circuit with a circulation pump for a stable supply of water at the desired pressure. But if this is not possible due to the remoteness of the main network, then the construction of a well will be the only way to fully supply water. The submersible pumping unit will become the main functional component of this infrastructure. How to choose a well pump? There are many parameters to consider, from performance to manufacturer. The best option- a pump that suits local operating conditions and meets the requirements of the water supply.

Why submersible pumps?

The target segment of equipment designed to service wells and wells is submersible models. This is a wide group of pumps, which is also segmented into separate types. But initially, you should make sure that the rejection of surface models will really be justified in a particular case. Therefore, the first question in choosing can be put as follows: how to choose a pump for a well, based on its location? Surface models may well be used to pump water from a well by suction. Some models are installed near the source of water intake, while others are installed on a float. Such a unit will justify itself in the case of a small depth of the well - about 8-10 m. This is the level Abyssinian wells. The choice in favor of a surface pump is reasonable for two reasons. Firstly, such equipment will be located in conditions of direct accessibility for maintenance. And secondly, in this case, there is no need to calculate the structure for specific well parameters. The pumping station can be located next to a narrow water intake opening without sinking to the bottom.

In most cases, borehole water supply is based on submersible pumps, which, depending on the type, can operate at depths of up to 100 m, if we are talking about a domestic class. For artesian or filtration channels, only such pumps for a water well are used. How to choose the optimal model from this group? In this case, the emphasis is on the volume of water supply, and on the size of the well itself, and on the installation depth.

Immersion depth as a basis for selection

Water supply of country houses is usually implemented by equipment located at a depth of at least 20 m. Unlike surface models that draw in water at a shallow depth of up to 10 m, in this case, the resource rises to the surface and further distribution to points of consumption. The average value of the working depth for submersible units can be called 30 m. Therefore, most often the question is how to choose a pump for a well of 30 meters. In the documentation for the equipment, the lifting height should be appropriate - this is the point at which the pump will be located. However, it is important to consider that the rise will only be carried out to the surface. That is, for further water supply, for example, the second floor will require an additional circulation unit or a station with a hydraulic accumulator.

The level of 40 m is considered borderline. Models that raise water from deeper points of occurrence have increased power and are called deep ones. The depth limits for domestic use are at the level of 60-70 m. Up to 100 m, special units are already used. In order not to be mistaken in accordance with the nominal lift height, it is worth considering the pressure that the submersible pump for a well. How to choose a model for this parameter? For this, the height of the so-called water column is calculated: the depth of the water is added to 30, and another 10% is added to the resulting figure. This formula is based on the fact that a rise of 1 m is provided by a pressure of 3 bar. For example, if the height is 30 m, then the pressure of the water column will have to reach at least 66 m.

How to choose a deep well pump?

Deep pumps, as already noted, mean a group of units capable of operating at high altitudes from 40 m. Of course, such equipment can also be used at levels of 15-20 m, but in this case there will be excessive energy consumption. A typical submersible pump has a compact size and high power, but the selection of such a model according to its performance should be approached responsibly. The immersion height should be calculated with an accuracy of 1 m. It is at this distance that the unit is placed relative to the bottom of the well. For installation, it would be useful to provide a special circle with a diameter of 10-15 cm, on which equipment can be installed. By the way, the diameter of the structure should be calculated with an accuracy of 1 cm. How to choose a deep well pump for a well according to the thickness of the casing? The average borehole diameter in private households is 20-40 cm. The pump should not be selected close to a specific value. It should leave 2-3 cm for free immersion. The optimal calculation can be made for the hole in which the nozzle is provided. In fact, this is a pipeline vertical channel, into the cavity of which a cylindrical pump can be easily lowered.

How to choose a well pump according to the well passport?

After completion of the drilling of the well and its technical arrangement, the user is issued a special passport. It specifies the parameters according to which pumping equipment should be selected. One of the primary characteristics of the well is the depth of the hole and aquifer. This indicator has already been mentioned above - it provides the basis for choosing a unit according to the height of the water rise. This also applies to the diameter of the well, according to which the thickness of the cylindrical structure of the pump is selected.

The passport also indicates the values ​​​​of the level of water occurrence and debit. The choice by level is determined by the distance from the surface to the direct occurrence of the water table with the pump turned on. This is a statistical indicator, but the dynamic level should also be taken into account. How to choose a pump for a well according to the dynamic water level? To begin with, it is important to understand that this indicator determines the same distance from the surface of the well to the water surface, but only at the time of its pumping. It is this value that should be taken into account when choosing equipment for depth. Unlike the statistical level of water occurrence, the dynamic one gives an idea of ​​the actual height of the rise in the process of pumping water. The difference between these levels can be several meters.

Selection of equipment by debit

The flow rate expresses the volume of water that is, in principle, available for pumping, taking into account the intensity of filling the well with water. How can this indicator be useful in the selection process? It necessitates the presence of a "dry running" function in the pump. That is, productivity will be a key performance indicator in this context. How to choose a pump for a well in terms of performance and flow rate? The daily water consumption is taken into account, the indicator of which must correspond to the nominal value of the pump performance. But at the same time, it is important to add 15-20% to the volume pumped in 1 hour in order to eliminate the risk of overloading the equipment. Another nuance is also taken into account. If, at high power at a dynamic level, the unit will empty the well faster than it is filled, then the risk of breakage will increase. Pumps that run without water often fail, but some models also provide automatic shutdown in this case.

Selection of centrifugal pump

The basis of the mechanism of a centrifugal pump is formed by a combination of a central shaft and a group of blades connected to it. One or more pump wheels can be attached to this structure, providing the working moment. By creating a centrifugal force with pressure drops, the mechanism of the equipment ensures the pumping of water. The design is quite simple, but effective and beneficial in terms of use in private areas with shallow wells of 20-30 m. How to choose a pump for this type of well? First of all, the well passport is also studied, the data of which are compared with the characteristics of a particular model. In particular, one should start from the design of the unit, its ability to lift water in height, requirements for environmental conditions, etc.

What to consider when choosing a vibration unit?

These are relatively cheap models that have low maintenance requirements and at the same time provide high performance. That is, initially you should choose a unit taking into account a high flow rate, otherwise the potential of the equipment will not be realized, but there will be a need to regularly turn off the pump. You should also take into account the warnings of engineers against the use of such equipment in well holes.

The fact is that vibration models work with the transmission of vibrations to adjacent structures. The casing closest to the pump will be the casing pipe into which it is immersed. Accordingly, vibrations during long-term operation can deform or destroy the pipe. In addition, vibration provokes the processes of sanding and silting, and this harms not only the pumping equipment, but also the borehole. How to choose the right pump for a vibration-type well in order to eliminate negative operating factors? From the point of view of operating parameters, the choice is made according to the same principles - taking into account productivity, lifting height, flow rate and other indicators. But it is still impossible to completely eliminate the vibration effect. As practice shows, even providing casing pipes with damping materials is not able to radically minimize destructive processes. Therefore, preference should be given to this type of pumps only with the expectation of temporary use.

What else to consider when choosing?

Even if the pump is selected in accordance with the requirements of the technical passport of the well, there is no guarantee that it will perform its functions properly without the right approach to the selection of related equipment. This mainly concerns the pipes and the cable holding the pump. As for pipes, today plastic is considered the best solution - in particular, polypropylene. This material is especially recommended in conditions clay soils because the metal deforms and corrodes faster. It is desirable to choose a cable from thin stainless steel. But here another question arises - how to choose the right downhole pump for a well that is prone to casing collapses? Unfortunately, accidents at private wells are not uncommon. And besides the immediate working qualities, attention should be paid to the quality of the equipment body. It must be made of high strength steel. Plastic in this case is undesirable, as it is inferior to metal alloys in terms of strength.

Top Producers

Experts recommend the products of the firms "Brook", TAIFU and "Aquarius". In the line of the company "Rucheyek" there are many household models of borehole pumps designed to lift water by 30-40 m. This is an inexpensive, but reliable technique that also demonstrates high performance. TAIFU, and in particular the STM12 and 4STM2 modifications, will be the best solution for adverse operating conditions. They have average performance, but for home use, this technique will justify itself both for irrigation and for domestic water supply. If the question is how to choose submersible pump for a well, taking into account a large number of consumers, then the Aquarius brand should be preferred. Standard models of this manufacturer are able to serve about 5-6 points with a capacity of 1.8 m 3 / h.


Providing a home with an autonomous water supply system is a responsible task, which should be solved taking into account many factors. The main direction in the choice should be directly the parameters of the well. Technical indicators, coupled with the requirements for water delivery volumes, will determine the basic set of characteristics of the target model of a submersible pump for a well. Which unit to choose in terms of functionality and the presence of protective functions is also an important issue. To begin with, a complete set of electrical protective devices should be provided, which may be included in the equipment. This applies to the means of grounding and automatic disconnection. Then you can move on to ergonomics and pump control. The optimal solution may be to interface with a relay, which will also allow you to program the operation of the equipment depending on the filling level of the well and the current requirements for water consumption. The presence of such a possibility to control the unit minimizes the cost of electricity and increases the life of the equipment.

Nowadays, it is not worth relying on high-quality and regular centralized water supply, so many owners of private houses decide to create an autonomous water supply. To do this, they make a well or a well, and the next question that interests them is how to choose a surface pump.

The pump is necessary in order to pump water from a well or well.

This issue must be approached responsibly and be prepared to make right choice. The quality and reliability of the pump will depend on the uninterrupted supply of water to the house. There are a number of factors to consider when choosing a water pump, including the depth of the well, the amount of water consumed, sampling points, etc.

Well parameters

Before choosing a pump for water, it is necessary to determine the depth of the well and the level at which the water is in it. In order to accurately know these values, it is enough to take a rope with a load and take simple measurements. After determining the depth of the well and the height of the water, these parameters must be paid attention to before choosing a pump. They are indicated in the passport.

It is also necessary to take into account the capabilities of a well or well in terms of the amount of water that they can produce. It is very difficult to accurately measure this parameter, so you will have to focus on approximate indicators. To determine this, we must try to pump out the maximum amount of water from the well and measure its volume. After that, it is necessary to detect the time during which the water in the well rises to a normal height.

The choice of pump also depends on the diameter of the well. If you do not know him, then it will not be difficult to take the necessary measurements. Typically, such equipment is designed for a well with a diameter of 3-4 inches. In order not to make a mistake, you need to take a pipe with a diameter of 4 inches, then you will not have problems with choosing a pump.

Water requirements

To determine the required pump power, you need to know your family's water needs.

The deeper the well, the more you need to take the pump for pumping water.

Most often, the equipment is capable of supplying from 20 to 200 liters of water per minute. You should not buy a very weak or, conversely, a powerful pump. For a family of 3-4 people, there will be enough equipment that supplies 40-60 liters of water per minute. If you use water not only to provide for the house, but also for watering the garden, washing the car and other purposes, then the equipment must be taken several times more powerful.

To make the right choice for the pump head, it is necessary to calculate the indicated value, for this, 30 and another 10% are added to the depth of the well, this will be the required pump head. For example, if the depth is 40 m, then the head is calculated as follows: 40 + 30 + 10% \u003d 77 m, that is, you need to take equipment with a head of 80 m.

It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the well or well. If they are contaminated, then the pump will become contaminated, it will have to be taken out more often for repairs and maintenance.

An important factor in making a choice is the price of equipment. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to buy not only a pump, but also a cable for mounting it, an automatic machine and a starting-protective device. Although there are high-quality cheap models, you cannot save on the purchase of equipment. It must be reliable, since any breakdown, especially under water, will involve the need to pull the equipment, and this takes not only a lot of time, but also effort.

Additional selection rules

In order for the device to serve for a long time and reliably, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  • German-made pumps are considered the most reliable, but at the same time, expensive;
  • for fastening equipment, it is better to purchase a thin stainless cable than a cable of a larger diameter, but subject to corrosion;
  • if the soil in the area is clayey, then it is recommended to use not metal, but polypropylene pipes;
  • the deeper the well, the better the pump should be.

Selection of a surface pump. The name of such equipment speaks for itself: the device is located at a distance from the water. Usually it is on the surface, but there are special floats on which such pumps can be installed. However, this can only be done in a well where the diameter allows. If the well is shallow, then a surface pump will provide clean water without sand and silt.

These models can be of two types: vibrating and centrifugal. But both of them must be in the liquid. They are designed to supply water from a depth of up to 10 m, if it is greater, then it is necessary to purchase special downhole equipment.

Features of vibration pumps. The liquid in such equipment is supplied by the movement of the membrane. Preference should be given to models in which water is taken from below and has a thermal switch. If the soil is clayey, then the well will gradually collapse from the operation of the sampling, so it must be lowered as low as possible, thus dirty water will be removed and the well will not silt.

The device and principle of operation of a centrifugal pump

Features of centrifugal pumps. Water is supplied by the rotation of the blades. Now this type of equipment is very popular, it has high performance, is reliable and inexpensive.

Downhole pumps. Such equipment is designed to supply water from great depths where surface and submersible pumps cannot work. Installation and dismantling of such a device is complex and time-consuming, so you need to purchase pumps only well-known manufacturers, then they will work without problems for several decades.

Features of pipe selection

In order for the system to work properly and reliably, you need not only a high-quality pump, but also the right pipes for pumping water.

The structure of a polypropylene pipe.

Recently, polypropylene pipes have been mainly used for these purposes, they have sufficiently high strength and reliability, but their weight is several times less than that of metal pipes. It is simple and quick to transport and install such pipes, and the quality of the connection is not inferior to metal pipes, even more reliable. and stronger.

Restriction for use polypropylene pipes is the water pressure in the system, so you need to pay attention to what indicator they are designed for. It is impossible to mount such pipes in frost, since at low temperatures the plastic loses its plasticity and becomes brittle.

Brief overview of popular models

The most common representative of submersible vibration pumps is "Trickle". Such models are capable of creating a head of up to 40 m and supplying up to 500 liters per hour. To provide a home, it may be weak, but for a summer residence it is an ideal and inexpensive solution.

TAIFU equipment is more expensive, but also of better quality. Can work for a long time in adverse conditions. In order for the device to have a maximum service life, it must not only be installed correctly, but also operated.

For the water supply of a large house, you can purchase the Aquarius pump, it comes with a cable and a cable for fastening. It can provide water supply even if there are 6 water consumption points, in such cases it is necessary to take models that produce up to 1.8 cubic meters of water per hour. These are centrifugal type pumps, their performance will depend on the condition of the blades. If the performance has dropped, then the blades are worn out and need to be replaced.

One of the primary issues in the arrangement of a private house or cottage due to its remote location from the central water supply is water supply. Most owners of cottages or country houses, when choosing household water pumps, are faced with the problem of a wide variety of pump devices for supplying water directly to plumbing fixtures in the house. What should be the best pumping station for a summer residence or a cottage?

It provides the ability to pump water into the house from any available source: a river, a well, a well, a central water supply. A pump for domestic water supply will provide a constant required pressure in an autonomous water supply and an uninterrupted supply of water to plumbing fixtures. Let's look at the principles that should be followed before choosing a pump for water supply to a summer house or a house.

The design and principle of operation of water stations

Before choosing a pump for water in a private house, you should study its design and the principle of operation of the automatic pumping station.

So, automatic pump stations for home and summer cottages consist of the following nodes:

  • pump;
  • hydraulic accumulator;
  • control and automation groups.

For its smooth operation suburban area an uninterrupted power supply is required. The device itself is autonomous and does not require additional third-party intervention: water is supplied at constant pressure - there are small differences, but they are so small that they are not felt by either the equipment or the consumers.

The best pumping stations are equipped with hydraulic accumulators, which are a cylindrical container, which is divided into two parts with an elastic membrane. One of the parts of this container is filled with gas at the factory. A certain pressure is created in this chamber.

When the electric pump is turned on, water enters the second part of the accumulator. With the gradual filling of the container, the membrane is stretched, the gas in the second part is compressed even more. Thus, in plumbing system dacha or private house pressure is created. Its control is carried out by means of pressure relay sensors. When the extreme value (about 2-4 atmospheres) is reached, the sensors give a signal to turn off the pump.

At closed taps in the plumbing system, the pressure is stable and the pump does not work. As soon as a tap is opened somewhere, water begins to flow into it from the accumulator. As the water flows, the pressure in it decreases. As soon as the pressure reaches the lower mark of its limit, the second sensor turns on, giving the command to turn on the pump and the water begins to fill the tank again, thereby equalizing the pressure.

After the tap is closed, the water pumping station for the well or well continues to work for some time, after which it turns off. Due to the stable pressure in the system, it is possible to connect any household appliances- and a water heater, and a washing machine and a dishwasher. If necessary, it can also be included in the automatic watering system of the site or lawn.

The internal design of individual pumps also has its differences. It is from this factor that the noise level during operation depends:

  1. Vortex. Suction occurs due to the blades, which are located inside the body. These pumping stations for providing water to the house are quite quiet or even almost silent. But they can only lift water from a shallow depth. It is recommended to install them in residential buildings due to the fact that this equipment is extremely sensitive to temperature changes, and when freezing, it can even break completely.
  2. Centrifugal pumps create a fairly high noise level during operation, but have such significant advantages as lifting water from a sufficiently large depth and insensitivity to temperature changes, thanks to this quality, a centrifugal device can be installed in specially equipped rooms.

Most of the stations that are supplied by manufacturers already assembled are equipped with surface pumps. They are mounted on the same frame with a hydraulic accumulator and a control group. The pump is equipped with a pipeline descending into the water source. The advantage of this option is that it is possible to use a pumping station for a private house even in rather narrow wells, where the pipe diameter can reach 32 mm, which is the norm even for the narrowest well. But such a system can lift water from a depth of about 7-10 meters.

For a deeper well, a submersible pump or an installation with an external ejector will be required. In this case, the ejector must be lowered into a well or well by connecting two hoses to it. The rest of the device remains on the surface. With this type of system, water can be raised from a depth of about 40-45 meters. The disadvantage of this system is the sensitivity to the presence of air in the hoses (pipes), which is why starting the system is a rather responsible and troublesome task.

What to look for when choosing?

Before choosing the type of pumping station, you should definitely take into account several conditions in which the installation will operate. Given these nuances, equipment is selected that can provide uninterrupted water supply.

The main parameters of the pumping station that affect its operation are:

  • electric motor power;
  • station performance;
  • maximum storage capacity;
  • the height to which the station can raise water.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that the manufacturer indicates the limiting capabilities of the station, which in no case will coincide with the actual required parameters. For example, the passport indicates the value of 3 m3 / h. This characteristic indicates the maximum possible volume of pumped water; at the moment this value is reached, there will be no pressure.

Or a maximum head parameter of 40 meters is indicated, which indicates that the water supply source is at the level of the pumping station, while water flow is not provided. Under these conditions, the pump will give the indicated pressure value, but will be absolutely useless.

In order to obtain accurate data on the relationship between flow rate and pressure at the pressure of the pumping station, it is recommended to use the data in the tables and graphs indicated in the equipment passport. As a rule, the manufacturer indicates the true characteristics of the pump, giving the consumer the opportunity to choose a water pump with matched parameters for specific purposes.

You can also choose a pump housing. The materials for its manufacture are stainless steel, cast iron, and high density polypropylene. The polypropylene housing is quite cheap, while it is not susceptible to corrosion and does not transmit noise during operation. But even with increased density, you should not forget that this is plastic, and if handled carelessly, it can be easily damaged (for example, during transportation).

Second in price is a steel casing, but in combination with a centrifugal pump, this casing transmits noise and even sometimes resonates. So the working process of this pump is characterized by an increased noise level.

A similar pump operating in a cast iron housing is noticeably quieter. But in acidic water, cast iron is subject to a high level of corrosion, which is not a positive quality: usually the iron content in water is already in excess. The case made of stainless steel can be considered the best, but its price is correspondingly the highest.

Rating of the best water pumps for a private house

Typically, water consumption in the country is characterized not only by household needs, but also by irrigation. personal plot. Sometimes water is taken from sources with a high content of various impurities in the form of sand grains or other suspensions, given this feature, it is strongly recommended that an additional filter be installed at the inlet.

In the case when it is necessary to operate the station in a permanent residence, then you will need to choose a completely different equipment. Which will significantly affect its cost.
In order to realize an uninterrupted supply of water to country house with a large consumption volume and maintaining a stable supply, equipment with improved parameters is used. Of course, their cost is much higher, but the benefits received are more than worth the money spent.

TOP 10 pumping stations for a country house or cottage:

  1. NeoClima GP 600/20 N (Russia-China) - from 5600 rubles
  2. Quattro Elementi Automatico 801 - from 6000 rubles
  3. AL-KO HWF 1000 - from 6200 rubles
  4. GARDENA 3000/4 - from 9990 rubles
  5. JILEX Jumbo 60/35 Ch-24 - from 8500 rubles
  6. JILEX Water cannon PROF 55/90 House - from 25,000 rubles
  7. VMtec Altera Auto 5/5 - from 27,000 rubles
  8. Wilo HMP 603 1 - from 29,000 rubles
  9. Grundfos CMB-SP SET 3-47 (PM 1-22) - from 29500 rubles
  10. Espa Tecnoplus 25 4M - from 75,000 rubles.

Pay attention to how much this or that pump for water costs.

The choice of the intended unit directly depends on the water supply system being created and the conditions of its operation. small country houses and the irrigation system is quite capable of doing inexpensive models capable of providing the initial level of water supply.

In order to provide a reliable water supply system with a stable water supply for a dwelling with permanent residence of people, it is recommended to pay attention to the presence of an automatic operating mode in the selected unit, which is able to maintain a constant water pressure with the specified parameters.

How to install pumping equipment?

When installing a pumping station, you must follow the installation rules.

For the operation of the pumping station, it is mandatory to supply electricity. This is one of the main criteria during the installation site: it would be better to mount the station near the power supply, or the most successful solution would be to extend the power line from the source to the station installation site. But besides this, there are some nuances:

The equipment must be installed taking into account the distance over which water can be supplied. If you are thinking of using the system in winter period, then the room where the unit will be installed will need to be insulated - household pumping stations for the house and cottage are extremely negative about frost. In addition, the room must be provided with good ventilation to prevent the accumulation of condensate.

If the pump makes a loud enough noise during operation, and its installation is most convenient in the house or not far from it. In this case, to prevent this inconvenience, it is recommended to enclose it in a soundproof box.

Often the most successful solution is the construction of a caisson - a small room, equipped at a depth of 2.5 meters. In the case of water intake from a well, the casing pipe is cut slightly above the bottom of the caisson. A self-priming or conventional pumping station is lowered into the well, supplying water to the accumulator.

The equipment must be mounted below the freezing depth of the ground, this will help prevent it from freezing: inside the temperature does not fall below zero. Due to this factor, it is also more convenient to lay pipes below the freezing level, and to carry out their output already under the house in a non-freezing zone and supply water to the comb.

If for a house where people constantly live, the arrangement of a caisson is a justified cost, then for a summer residence it is very doubtful. In this case, they equip a simplified version: they make a small box or pit, where they install a water pump for a summer residence or a private house for the spring-summer period, and in winter time taking it to a heated room.

Before purchasing a pumping station that best suits your parameters, it is recommended to study the technical data of the pump, expansion tank, and in addition to this, the conditions for installing the equipment - in this case, the operation of the system will not be interrupted by unforeseen malfunctions, and the water supply will be stable and uninterrupted.

Basic principles and criteria for choosing a pump for various purposes.

How to choose a circulation pump

The circulation pump is the main element in heating systems with forced circulation and forces the coolant to move inside the system, which is especially important for houses with more than one floor with an extensive piping system. The circulation pump helps the coolant overcome the resistance in the pipe. The thicker the pipe, the less resistance and less required power pump.

Circulation pumps create a certain pressure drop at the installation site. The pressure difference serves to overcome the sum of all hydraulic losses due to friction in pipelines, that is, due to it, the fluid is kept in constant motion. To determine the actual pressure, the differential pressure is added to the static pressure. When choosing circulation pump need to know:

  • Operating conditions (heat carrier temperature, substance used as a heat carrier or its percentage in solution, pipeline diameters).
  • Performance. For circulation pumps, the performance can be calculated using the formulas below, in any case, and this is done based on the maximum load condition.
  • Head. When selecting a pump, it is necessary to take into account the hydraulic losses that occur in the pipelines at the obtained circulation rate.

The parameters of the circulation pump are selected in such a way that three times the total volume of the system coolant is driven through it within an hour. The performance of a specific pump model is determined by the pressure-flow characteristic of the second speed of rotation of the pump, at a pressure equal to the hydraulic resistance of the system. As a rule, due to the low circulation rate of the coolant, the value of hydraulic resistance for a private house does not lead to losses of more than 1-2 meters (0.1 - 0.2 atm). Therefore, if the calculation of hydraulic resistance is problematic, then the performance of a particular pump model is recommended to be determined at the midpoint of its pressure characteristic.

How to choose a surface pump

Surface pumps are installed outside the source and can usually lift water from a depth of up to 7-8 m. Surface pumps, in turn, are divided into self-priming, designed to draw water directly from the source, and so-called normal suction pumps, which are used to increase pressure in an existing plumbing. Self-priming devices must be filled with water before starting; a special hole with a plug is provided for this. When selecting a surface pump, the following parameters must be considered:

  • required performance
  • pressure
  • pressure loss
  • depth of the water table

The surface pump produces maximum performance when water is raised from a depth of up to 9 m (from a river, lake, shallow well). In order to somehow compensate for the loss of power when working at great depths, manufacturers began to equip pumps with ejectors that maintain water circulation.

How to choose a submersible pump

A submersible pump looks very similar to a borehole pump, but is designed to lift water from a depth of no more than 10 m, and this already makes it similar to a surface pump. With the same technical specifications two types of pumps, the question immediately arises, which one is better to buy - surface or submersible? The choice depends on the depth of the reservoir. For the operation of a submersible pump, a depth of at least a meter is needed, otherwise it will begin to suck in silt and sand from the bottom, which will quickly disable it. A surface pump can pump water from a depth of several centimeters. If you take water for drinking from a well, and for watering the site - from a river or lake, then the best option is a surface pump. You can move the pump itself, or rearrange the hose. You can't do that with a submersible pump. It is necessary to disconnect the hose, pull the pump out of the well, then do everything in the reverse order. To extract water only from a well, a submersible pump is usually bought. It hangs in the well, does not make noise, it is not visible. It is only important that the water level does not decrease, since running dry for the pump will quickly lead to its failure.

How to choose a well pump

The pump is selected according to two main parameters: productivity (flow rate) - how many liters per minute or cubic meters of water per hour the pump can pump, and pressure - to what height in meters the pump can deliver this water.

Consumption. For a normal comfortable existence, 1000 liters of water per day per person is usually enough (even if you take a bath twice). So it's easy to get required amount: multiply the number of people permanently living in this house by 1000 liters (1 m3) per day. For example, for three people, 3000 liters is enough. An additional indicator is the maximum consumption. It is determined by the possibility of simultaneous use of several points of water consumption. For example, if you have three people who can simultaneously use: a shower (bath) - 8-10 liters per minute a tap in the kitchen - 6 liters per minute a toilet - 6 liters per minute, then the maximum water flow will be 22 liters per minute. Our experience shows that for a family of 4-5 people it is enough if the maximum flow is 30 liters per minute (1800 l = 1.8 m3 per hour), and the total daily consumption is 3000 l = 3 m3 of water per day.

Separately, it is necessary to consider the case of choosing a pump if you use it for watering the garden. Here everything is determined by the size of your farm and the weather. Usually 2000 liters per day is enough for this case.

Head. To determine the minimum pump head you need, take the height of your house in meters and add 6 meters. Then multiply this number by 1.15 (head loss factor in the pipeline). For example, your house has a height of 10 m, then the minimum required head characteristic of your pump is (10+6)x1.15=18.4m. If you have a well, then you need a pump with a head of 18.4 m, providing a flow rate of 1800 liters per hour (30 liters per minute) at this pressure. If you have a well, then you need to add the depth of the well to this pressure. More precisely, the distance from the surface of the earth to the water surface in the well. For example, if this distance is 30 meters, then for the considered water supply system you need a pump with a head of 30 + 18.4 = 48.4 meters and a flow rate of 1800 liters per hour at this head. If the water supply source is remote from the house, then it should be taken into account that approximately 1 meter of pump head is lost per 10 meters of the length of the horizontal pipeline. In reality, it is more important to correctly determine the pressure characteristic, and it is quite enough to take the flow rate based on a value of 800 - 1000 liters per hour, since the simultaneous use of all points of water consumption is very rare, and in this case it is possible to ensure maximum flow using a hydraulic accumulator.

How to choose the right pump for an autonomous water supply system, what parameters should be taken into account and what points should be paid attention to? We will tell you about this in this article.

First of all, when choosing a pump, you must follow the recommendations that are in the passport for your well (flow rate, loading depth, pipe inner diameter). To begin with, we select the pump according to the inner diameter of the well casing pipes. We will not dwell on this in detail, because this is described in our article on casing pipes.
I want to remind you only one thing: do not install the pump with minimal clearances between the pump and the walls of the casing pipes, the larger the clearances, the greater the guarantee that when replacing the pump you will be able to lift it.

Performance and pressure of a centrifugal pump

The pump must match the flow rate of your well. This is the performance of the pump from the depth of the meters to which it is loaded (see the passport for the pump). Productivity should not be more than the flow rate of the well. For example, if the well flow rate is 3 cubic meters. meters per hour, then the pump capacity should be no more than 2.5 - 2.8 cubic meters. meters per hour. Otherwise, the pump will snatch out water and run dry. If there is protection against dry running, it will constantly work, turning off the pump, one way or another the whole system will not work.
The pump must be correctly selected in terms of pressure, i.e. the pump must maintain the desired pressure in your water supply system. What you need to pay attention to when choosing this option. There are formulas by which you can make calculations, we will tell you how to do it easier and faster. So, the water supply system works well at a pressure in the range of 2-3.5 atmospheres. So it is necessary that the pump stably, easily maintain this pressure. We know that a column of water of 10 meters gives a pressure of one atmosphere. For example, a pump load of 30 meters is equal to a pressure of 3 atmospheres for the rise of water, the height from ground level to the highest consumer (second floor bathroom) of 5 meters is 0.5 atmospheres. We will also add 3.5 atmospheres in the water supply system and make calculations. 3 atmospheres uplift + 0.5 atmospheres height from ground level + 3.5 atmospheres system pressure = 7 atmospheres. Losses when supplying water horizontally are approximately equal to 1 atmosphere per 100 meters. It is unlikely that someone drills a well further than 10-15 meters from the house. Therefore, we will not take into account these losses, as well as the resistance in pipes, depending on the materials from which they are made, etc.

Now, in order for the pump to work with a power reserve and easily reach the maximum pressure in the system, and also smooth out all the errors that we have not taken into account, such as horizontal distance, low voltage, etc., we will add 2 atmospheres. Total we get 9 atmospheres. And since one atmosphere is a column of water 10 meters, then 10 meters x 9 atmospheres = 90 meters. So, for a well with a pump loading of 30 meters, we need a pump with a water rise of at least 90 meters.

Now let's determine which pump we need to supply water. Considering that a pump with a capacity of 3 cu. meters per hour provides work with a stable pressure of 5-6 simultaneously open water consumers. We do the calculations like this. For example, it works washing machine, Dishwasher, shower cubicle, etc. If this is not enough for you, then we take a pump of greater productivity, if the flow rate of the well allows. If the well flow rate does not allow, then it is necessary to smooth out peak consumption by increasing the volume of the hydraulic tank. Pump performance can always be found in their passport.

Installation of a submersible pump in a well

I would like to warn you against wrong actions when loading the pump into the well. Sometimes in some articles that I came across on the Internet, it is recommended to lower the pump to the bottom (to the bottom of the well) and then raise it and this will be the pump installation site. This is the most illiterate action that can be performed during the installation of the pump. Those who so recommend, people, most likely far from these subjects. What can be done in a well cannot be done in a well. All well designs are different. By doing this, you risk getting the pump stuck and putting the well out of action. Even if you manage to repair it by contacting a drilling organization, it will be a lot of trouble and financial expenses. We strongly advise you to follow the recommendations for the pump loading depth for your well.

At the end of our article, I would like to say about those who select a pump only for irrigation, i.e. will use it as a summer water supply option. Since the pump does not need to maintain a constant pressure in the water supply system, we leave meters to rise, for example: 30 meters + 20 meters for stable operation. This means that the pump, which is needed for irrigation with a load of 30 meters, must be with a water rise of 50 meters and above.