Do-it-yourself siding on a village house. Finishing siding on a wooden house - do-it-yourself insulation. Video - An interesting way to solve the laying of thermal insulation

Siding is a modern, promising, cost-effective direction in finishing buildings of various types. The main mission of cladding is protect external walls from damaging effects natural factors, as well as give them a special flavor and presentability.

Covering the facades of buildings with siding does not require much labor from the performers. The activity can be carried out using simple construction tools and fairly short terms.

Types of material

The materials used to create siding are: vinyl, metal, PVC, wood and cement.

If desired, masters can successfully create an imitation other popular materials for finishing houses. Depending on the main material, experts distinguish several types of siding.


Essentially, these are PVC panels that can successfully imitate cladding made of wood, stone or brick.


  • affordable price;
  • light weight structures;
  • vinyl cladding will last more than 50 years;
  • a huge variety of textures and colors;
  • absence of toxic substances;
  • resistance to deformation and disasters;
  • operating temperature: -50–+50 °C.

In order to avoid possible deformation of the material, when installing units it is necessary to take into account the expansion coefficient.


If it is assumed that wooden siding will be used for cladding country houses, then it is additionally treated with special antiseptics under high pressure conditions.


  • high level of thermal insulation;
  • presentable;
  • environmental friendliness.

Covering a building with wood siding is an expensive undertaking. Wherein this material requires special treatment and special care.


This cladding is made of steel, aluminum or zinc. For finishing country houses with metal siding it is preferable to use aluminum, which can be painted to resemble wood.


  • strength;
  • durability;
  • lack of microflora;
  • resistance to sudden temperature changes.

Metal siding is subject to deformation and corrosion processes.


The main production material is high-quality cement, to which cellulose is added. This type of cladding is able to qualitatively replace decorative stone.


  • fire resistance;
  • reliability and strength;
  • resistance to moisture and ultraviolet radiation;
  • ease of restoration;
  • absence of rotting processes and mold formation.

The disadvantage of cement siding is considered high weight of the starting material, which complicates installation work.

Which siding to choose?

If as building material Since timber or a solid log was used, it is best to use vinyl siding to cover the erected log house.

PVC panels reliably protect the building from adverse atmospheric phenomena.

They are quite light, so do not create additional load on the foundation. Plastic panels are easy to install and clean. Such cladding will significantly extend the life of a wooden house and give it a unique appearance. If you sheathe the old one wooden house, this will give it a fresh look.

To sheathe frame house Wood siding is ideal. This type of cladding looks truly expensive and impressive. Sheathing installs very quickly. In this case, the panels can be installed both vertically and horizontally.

Excellent breathability and no toxic fumes– the main advantages of wooden siding. For cladding frame house experts recommend purchasing panels made from beech, spruce, pine or larch wood.

As for the brick building, when choosing finishing material the purpose of the building should be taken into account. If this is an industrial building, then it is best to finish it with metal siding. Residential brick house It is better to sheathe it with vinyl siding. He will allow you to successfully imitate other expensive materials.

To decorate houses made of foam blocks and aerated concrete, you can successfully use vinyl, metal, and basement siding. Ease of installation and excellent performance characteristics , the installed panels will help improve the facade of the house, it will look beautiful and stylish.

A high-quality frame for siding, where insulation is necessarily present, can significantly reduce heat loss and improve the waterproofing of the building.

Features of high-quality siding:

  1. Same panel thickness. Such cladding will not deform and will serve the building owner for as long as possible.
  2. The presence of a uniform layer of paint. If the panel is unevenly painted, then most likely low-grade raw materials were used in the production process. Such panels cannot withstand mechanical loads, quickly lose their color and become deformed when temperatures fluctuate.
  3. Surface structure. There are no chips, stains or cracks on high-quality panels. They should not delaminate.
  4. Plastic. All cladding parts must demonstrate flexibility and strength.
  5. Availability of certificates. When purchasing material for cladding a house, feel free to ask for a quality certificate. The document must contain, certified by seal, expert conclusions that confirm the fire resistance and hygiene of the product.

How to calculate the required quantity?

A competent calculation of the amount of material required to sheathe a house or cottage will allow you to predict the total cost of the event and the time frame for completing the work.

To organize the calculation process must be prepared in advance: tape measure, calculator, sheet of paper and pencil.

At the beginning a schematic plan should be drawn up Houses. This will allow you to calculate as accurately as possible required amount materials and additional elements. So let's get started.

  1. Divide the facade into separate segments, determine the actual area of ​​each wall, and then the facade as a whole.
  2. The area of ​​door and window openings should be subtracted from the resulting amount.
  3. The actual metric characteristics of the ridge and roof will indicate the size of the overhangs. They should be hemmed with soffits.
  4. For proper installation of siding panels, it is necessary to determine the true number of platbands, window trims and other additional elements.

After completing all the calculations, you can independently determine the quantity of materials and the approximate cost of the cladding.

Since in the process of cutting and installing panels some amount of material will become unusable, when calculating the total area of ​​the cladding to its total value It is recommended to add another 15%. Thus. You definitely won’t experience a shortage of material when cladding the building.

To correctly calculate the required amount of siding for a house, the surface area that needs to be covered with cladding, must be divided by the area of ​​one panel. The required reserve should be added to the resulting value.

Additional elements:

  1. In order to determine the number of starting strips, the length of the gap sections should be added to the length of the building perimeter, and the resulting amount should be divided by the size of the profile.
  2. The number of external and internal corners depends on the configuration of the building.
  3. The number of window profiles is determined by the length of the perimeter of the recessed window openings.
  4. The number of finishing strips must correspond to the number of starting profiles.
  5. The number of J-straps is determined by the length of the front joints.
  6. The number of platbands depends on the parameters of the facade segments that need cladding.

How much does 1 m2 cost?

The total cost of siding a house determined by several factors, namely:

  • surface area to be covered;
  • cost of source material;
  • the need to install fastening structures;
  • complexity of work;
  • installation of thermal insulation.

On average 1 square meter siding will cost the owner of an architectural structure approximately 200 rubles. Wherein the cost of all other work is considered separately.

Is it possible to clad a building in winter?

Naturally, it is best to cover a house with siding during warm periods of the year. But, if this event has to be held in winter, then must be remembered several important nuances.

Because when exposed to low temperatures, vinyl panels may crack, then this type of cladding is not recommended for installation in winter.

As for metal siding, its panels should be installed with some clearance, After all, with warming, the material will expand. Since there is a gap between the panels and the insulation, owners have no reason to worry about condensation accumulation.

How to properly cover a house with siding yourself?

Since the technology for installing siding sheathing is quite simple, this type of work can be done independently.

When installing cement panels, it is necessary to pre-strengthen the foundation, this is due to their large weight.

Preparatory work

Walls and surfaces around the perimeter of the house must be get rid of mold, dirt, fungi, dust and moss. Places where such phenomena have been identified should be treated with special antiseptics.

The next step is carefully examine the walls of the building. If cracks or other surface damage is detected, they must be repaired with construction emulsion.

The site area needs to be cleared and then built on it. small canopy to protect power supplies and power tools from possible precipitation.

To work you will need:

  • cross saw;
  • pliers;
  • metal ruler;
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • level;
  • knife-cutter;
  • pliers;
  • awl;
  • protective glasses;
  • hacksaw for metal.

Installation of sheathing

So that the siding design securely held by the frame, its creation must be approached as consciously as possible. If the project involves additional insulation of the walls, then the waterproofing should be placed under the insulation ball, and if not, under the sheathing.

First you need to determine the material from which the sheathing will be made. If you plan to install wooden or vinyl panels, then the frame can be either a metal profile or timber.

Other types of siding require the installation of metal sheathing. If timber was chosen as the frame material, it must be thoroughly dried and treated with an antiseptic. After these procedures, you can begin to assemble the sheathing.

First you need to mark the areas for installing fasteners. The first profiles should be installed in the corners. They must be perfectly smooth. Use a building level for control.

Next, you can mount horizontal beams below and above the surface you are sheathing. Once everything is ready, you can safely mount the remaining vertical elements along the entire surface plane.

The distance between the profiles should be about 30–50 cm. It is recommended to attach the lathing directly to the walls of the building with dowels, the holes for which are made with a hammer drill.

Wall insulation

In order to properly insulate the walls of a building, it is recommended to lay insulation (foam plastic, basalt or mineral wool) between the sheathing profiles. Choice of insulation depends on climatic conditions on the territory where the house is located.

If in winter the air temperature does not fall below -15 °C, then experts recommend using polystyrene foam. More severe climatic conditions require the use of mineral wool as insulation.

The insulation should cover with waterproofing film. It is attached directly to the sheathing. To do this, use a construction stapler. A counter batten must be installed on top of the waterproofing layer. This will create a ventilation space between the insulation and the panels.


Before installing panels, you must secure additional elements structures (external and internal components, finishing and starting film, J, H-panels, water supply segments, window film).

First panel fixed on the starting film, after which, moving from bottom to top, the remaining siding segments are installed. The last panel must be secured to the finishing film.

Do not tighten the screws all the way. Between the surface plane and the head of the fastening element it is necessary to leave a gap of 1–2 mm. This will allow the material to expand without harming the siding structure.

So, covering a building with siding is an ideal, generally accessible way to ensure the presentability and durability of the building.

What mistakes can you make when installing siding? Watch in the video:

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

One of the most economical ways to give the facade of a house an attractive appearance is to decorate the house with siding yourself. Moreover, this product is very easy to install. To do this, it is enough to have all the necessary tools and materials, as well as desire.

The advantage of finishing siding with the involvement of workers is that they will be able to accurately calculate the amount of materials and help you select the highest quality ones. This is why you need to use the services of specialists. But you can completely decorate your house with siding yourself, and how to do this, see our article with photos and videos.

In order for the siding to last for a long time, it should be installed correctly with your own hands. The following recommendations will help you deal with this:

  • The panels should not be tightly mounted to the sheathing, since siding, like other cladding materials, is prone to contraction and expansion under the influence of temperature. During operation, you should leave a gap of about two millimeters;
  • If products are joined using accessories or overlapped, the gap for thermal expansion must exceed 6 ml;
  • The material can be cut at a temperature of no more than -10°;
  • Decorating a house with siding yourself involves using short galvanized screws as fasteners. They should have a rounded head and should not have a drill at the end. It is also permissible to use tar nails;
  • Fasteners must be placed in the middle of the slot;
  • There is no need to pre-cut the product. It's best to do this as you go.

Schemes and drawings

Sheathing device

Using lathing, you can organize a ventilated facade system. The lathing for siding can be metal or wood. Depending on type facing material, it is arranged vertically or horizontally.

Siding Installation Tools

The use of a notch punch and a perforator will greatly facilitate the work process. In addition to these, you will need the following tools:

  • Scissors and hacksaw for metal
  • Screwdriver
  • Two meter building level
  • Special pencil for marking
  • A tape measure with a length of at least eight meters
  • Carpenter's square
  • Construction rope.

Step-by-step instructions for decorating a house with siding yourself

Finishing a house with siding can be done using a special H-rail, which is specially designed for these purposes.

This method involves arranging the edges of the panels into the grooves of the product. This eliminates the need to join the panels in a straight line. It is best to match the slats to the color of the siding so that they do not stand out.

Before installing the slats, you must secure the drain strips to the bottom of the wall. It is necessary to install starting slats on them, which will become the basis for attaching the first siding panel.

When fastening, first fasten the upper lock of the first row with the lower lock of the next one and attach it to the sheathing. Only after installing the finishing H-rail can the last row of the product be mounted and there is no need to secure them additionally. It is worth knowing that finishing with siding provides for its indentation from external and internal corners. The gap should be at least ten millimeters.

Sheathing is also necessary for the roof overhang. To do this, you can take leftover material. You can use special panels with perforations. This procedure allows you to provide the space under the roof with a natural look.

Finishing a house with siding is quite easy to do with your own hands, but it is better to get an assistant. When purchasing material for façade finishing, it is recommended that you additionally obtain installation instructions from the seller, which will indicate all the processes required to be performed.

Siding is famous for its simplicity and low cost of installation. With proper installation of the panels, it will last for several decades, without fear of sudden changes in temperature, wind, or precipitation.

The duration of finishing work, their cost and quality directly depend on the skills of the installer. If you already have some experience in construction, then covering a house with siding will not seem too difficult a task.

In this article, we will step by step explain how to cover a house with siding with your own hands, and also tell you what materials and tools you will need for this.

Finishing a house with siding: preparatory work

Preparing to cover a house with siding begins with cleaning the exterior walls. First of all, all protruding parts that will interfere with the installation of panels are removed: gutters, brackets, ebbs and shutters on windows, trim on doors - everything that sticks out from the flat surface of the walls.

Private houses made of stone and brick are cleaned of old plaster, covering all cracks with cement mortar or polyurethane foam. Wooden houses are cleaned of dirt and mold, and then covered with a layer of antiseptic.

Finishing a house with siding requires an accurate calculation of the required amount of materials. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the width and height of the walls in advance, then subtract the total area of ​​windows and doors from their total area. You also need to calculate the perimeter of the house and all window and door openings, so the total length of the connecting structures will become clear.

Formula for calculating materials: (area of ​​all walls of the house − area of ​​windows and doors) ÷ area of ​​one panel × 1.10

Only the usable area of ​​the siding panel is taken into account, that is, without the upper fixing part. 1.10 in the formula is a 10% supply of material, which usually goes to waste during inaccurate cutting and final fitting.

It is most convenient to use a schematic house plan - you can use it to calculate the required number of panels piece by piece, and you will immediately see where the full-length panels will go and where trimming will be required. Any siding manufacturer will help you with calculations for free. This can be done in advance in the online services “Alta-calculator” and “Alta-planner”.

Tools and materials

To quickly and easily install siding with your own hands, you practically do not need a special tool - just what you already have in any private home is enough.

  1. Tape measure, square and metal ruler - for measurements.
  2. Construction level of at least 120 cm - to check the accuracy of installation of the sheathing vertically and the accuracy of laying siding panels horizontally.
  3. Electric drill, screwdriver or screwdriver for fastening.
  4. A knife cutter, electric jigsaw, grinder or hacksaw (with small and sharp teeth) - any of these tools will be needed to cut the panels. It is better not to use a hacksaw when installing siding in the cold season, because the panels may crack. The grinder should operate only at low speeds: at a high speed of rotation of its disk, the material of the panels at the cut site will melt.
  5. A siding hammer, also known as a punch, is needed to create hooks to secure the siding into the finish strip.

The punch is the only tool for installing siding that will have to be purchased specially. Photo No. 1.

Connecting structures. Siding panels are not the only structural element that will be required during installation. They are connected to each other by special strips: starting, connecting, finishing, etc. Separate structures are used for cladding window and door openings, as well as building corners. The use of additional structures makes it possible to cover a house of any design with siding.

Plastic structures used in siding installation. Photo No. 2.

Areas of application of connecting elements. Photo No. 3.

Insulation. Private country house, used only in spring and summer, in most cases does not require additional insulation. A house in which people live all year round is usually insulated with mineral wool - it is placed outside the building, in the cells formed between the sheathing floors.

Scheme of sheathing and installation of insulation. Photo No. 4.

The lathing is installed on the entire surface of the facade. First of all, it is mounted along the side surfaces of the building, corners, windows, doorways and other protrusions. The standard distance between floors is 40 cm. But the heavier the panels, the smaller the sheathing step needs to be. More dense sheathing should be used on houses that are located in areas of strong winds and possible hurricanes.

Windows and doors are surrounded by sheathing along the entire perimeter - a reinforced contour is created on which window and door frames are attached. Photo No. 5.

As a sheathing on log houses Usually simple wooden slats are used. Their main disadvantage is the high probability of distortion. Therefore, it is important to choose only dry, straight slats without knots, thoroughly soak them with an antiseptic and install them only in dry weather.

Another option is galvanized profiles. They are more versatile, but can expand when installed in extreme heat. When it gets colder, the siding installed on such profiles becomes deformed.

The main advantage of polymer profiles is the quick and accurate installation of siding panels on them. Photo No. 6.

How to install panels correctly

During all preparatory work, it is better to store siding panels in a covered, dry room, protected from direct sunlight, in a horizontal position on a flat surface, at a temperature of –30 to +50 °C.

Fastening sequence. Siding panels are mounted on previously installed connecting structures: starting, connecting and corner strips. Facing starts from bottom to top from left to right. First, the starting bar is attached. It must be mounted absolutely horizontally: the evenness of laying all subsequent layers depends on this.

The first front panel is inserted into the starting bar and slightly pulled up until it snaps into place. Then the panel is screwed to the sheathing through special mounting holes: the first screw is screwed into the middle of the siding panel to avoid its deformation in the future. When screwing in the screws, the panel should not be pulled up - it should hang freely under its own weight.

After fixing the first siding panel, the next one is installed on it using exactly the same technology. In order to cladding the facade evenly and accurately, it is recommended to assemble the panels simultaneously along the entire perimeter of the house - in a circle, visually monitoring the evenness of the installation and checking the horizontality of every third layer of panels with a building level. This way there will be less waste during installation - you can immediately see where the cut pieces can be used.

The finishing strip is attached after the last layer of siding panels is installed. In the very top panel you need to make hooks - for this you will need a punch. These hooks are then snapped into the finishing strip clamp.

Thermal expansion gap. The main installation rule is that siding and accessories must move freely and not rest against anything. Due to natural temperature changes throughout the year, siding is subject to expansion and contraction. Therefore, when rigidly fixed to the sheathing, it becomes deformed and moves in waves.

This is what errors look like when calculating gaps for thermal expansion. Photo No. 7.

Be sure to leave 5–8 mm free between the siding panel and the side fastener. After installing the panel, it should move freely left and right, but not dangle.

Fastening elements. The most convenient way to fasten the siding to the sheathing is with galvanized self-tapping screws with a sharp tip and a wide head. They are not subject to corrosion and over time will not leave unpleasant rusty stains on the facade.

There should be a distance of 1.5 mm between the screw head and the panel. The easiest way is to tighten the screw completely and then loosen it one turn. Photo No. 8.

The screws are screwed exactly in the middle of the mounting holes so that the panels can move. Photo No. 9.

Extension of panels. Often the building is longer than the siding panel. In such cases, a connecting strip is used. In this case, panels of standard length have to be cut. When calculating their length, it is important to remember the temperature gaps.

Installation of siding panels with a connecting strip (left) and extension of panels with an overlap (right). Photo No. 10.

The second way to lengthen panels is overlapping installation. So that the junction points are not noticeable, the joints of the next layers are made offset. But still, after a few years, due to thermal expansion between panels mounted overlapping, gaps will appear and the joints will become noticeable.

Cladding a house with siding - video

For even more information on how to properly and quickly cover a house with siding with your own hands, see the instructions from the Alta-profile company and on video.

The prevalence of siding in decorating the outside of a wooden house with your own hands is rapidly growing, and this is not surprising. This solution has many advantages:
siding is a simple and inexpensive building material;
installation operations are easy to do with your own hands;
finishing a house with siding allows you to hide various defects that were made during the construction of the structure;
The material has a beautiful appearance and is great for decoration.

Wood, compared to other building materials, is more susceptible to environmental influences. Covering a wooden house with siding allows you to give the structure good external characteristics. The material has a long service life and does not require special care.

One of the main advantages of siding is its decorative effect. This building material is presented on the market in multiple color solutions, can imitate various natural materials: brick, stone, wood and others. If you have the skills to conduct construction work, covering your home with siding yourself is not particularly difficult.

Types of siding

Siding is a board, a panel for cladding. For the exterior decoration of a wooden house, wall lamellas are used, and for the plinth, plinth panels with high strength indicators are used.

Siding happens various types:
fiber cement and others.

Sheathing a house with your own hands is a painstaking, but relatively simple job. Since installation services are expensive, doing the work yourself reduces costs significantly.

Finishing siding of a wooden house

To decorate a house with your own hands, you should prepare a kit necessary tools: level, fine-toothed hacksaw, screwdriver, tape measure, hammer, metal scissors, drill, punch.

Regardless of the type of building material used, the sequence of operations is almost the same. Basement siding has a slightly different installation technology, since it has different dimensions. Currently, the market in this direction sells siding specifically for exterior decoration with holes on the mounting strips.

Preparatory work

Decorating a house begins with preparatory operations. Shutters, trim, doors, drains, metal grilles, lanterns and other elements are being dismantled. If there are gaps around windows and doors, they should be sealed first.

If there are materials from the previous external cladding, it is worth removing them or securing them well so that they do not interfere with the installation of new building materials.

Frame installation

The next step is the construction of a frame (sheathing) around the perimeter of the house. Use galvanized profiles or wooden slats. If metal siding is used, a metal sheathing is made. Vinyl panels can be mounted on a wooden or metal frame.

To cover a wooden house with your own hands, it is advisable to use wooden frame. The sheathing is constructed from slats or boards with a cross-section of 50x25 millimeters, securing them to the wall with nails. For wall siding, a vertical lattice is constructed. Using plinth panels, a vertical and horizontal frame is mounted. Wooden frame slats should be treated with an antiseptic in advance and make sure that they are dry.

Work should begin with fastening the elements that are located closer to the corners, using anti-corrosion nails and a level to check verticality. Wood slats should be mounted vertically every 30-40 centimeters. Installation metal profile carried out using special suspensions. The distance between the suspensions is about 60 centimeters. This distance is considered the most the best option when using siding to cover a house with your own hands.

Insulating a house when covering it with siding

Decorating a house with your own hands is often accompanied by insulation work; this is a simple and inexpensive way. The choice of insulation should be made depending on the climatic conditions of the area and the operation of the house. The insulation is laid between the vertical battens of the sheathing, after which a waterproofing layer is laid to protect the insulation from moisture. In this case, the height of the lathing should not exceed the thickness of the thermal insulation material.

To insulate a house with your own hands, you can use various materials:
mineral wool;
cellular glass;
basalt mats;
penoplex and others.

For insulation of a wooden house, mineral wool insulation or basalt panels are best suited. Polystyrene foam and expanded polystyrene are used to insulate the foundation. The thermal insulation layer is mounted between the profiles. Between the insulation and the panels you need to leave a gap of several centimeters for ventilation.

Facade ventilation

To do this, you will need to build an additional sheathing, which is mounted on top of the main one.

House cladding

The first step of the sheathing itself is to install the starting strip using galvanized nails or self-tapping screws.

After this, the first panel is attached. It is mounted into the first and corner strips, then fixed with nails (screws). Wall panels for outdoor use are equipped with special holes in the slats. A nail (screw) is placed in the center of the panel hole.

The panels should be assembled from the bottom up. Each subsequent panel is joined to the previous one by means of grooves, after which it is fastened. The installed panel can be moved slightly to the right and left. The last panel is inserted into the finishing strip from below.

Do not attach the panels too tightly to each other (unless it is metal siding). When using vinyl panels, it is worth leaving a gap of one and a half millimeters between the panel and the cap, since when the ambient temperature changes, the volume of the material changes and can swell if fastened tightly.

Video. Siding installation

Upon completion of the work, all facade structures are installed in place.

Features of siding installation

Fasteners should only be used that are made of stainless steel, aluminum, and the diameter of the head must be at least eight millimeters.
If the house has just been erected, it is worth waiting for the shrinkage time and only then starting finishing work.
Frequent temperature changes lead to deformation of the panels, so when fixing it, it is worth leaving small gaps between the ends of the panels.
If the corners of a wooden house have a crown, it is either cut off without damaging the structure, or a special additional box is used, but this is a more expensive option.

Old and new structures can be covered with siding. This is a lightweight, durable material that does not create additional load on the walls or foundation. It perfectly protects the house from environmental influences and provides wind protection.

Vinyl or metal panels give the structure a good appearance and extend its service life.

If you want to finish the facade using the dry method, you can use siding, which is suitable for most modern buildings, especially if they are built from sandwich panels or foam concrete.

You can decorate your home with this material yourself without spending a lot of effort. Siding is distinguished not only by the beautiful appearance of the building that it can create, but also by its favorable price.

When considering the complex characteristics of the proposed materials for wall decoration, pay attention to the following factors:

  • finishing operating conditions;
  • total cost of finishing;
  • environmental friendliness.

Information about the characteristics of siding that may be useful for making a decision on covering a house with siding:

  • durability;
  • subject to temperature deformation;
  • resists direct sunlight and adverse external influences;
  • impact resistant;
  • it is easy to install;
  • the finished facade can be easily repaired;
  • fire safety.

If you decide to use siding on your home, the first step is to visit a hardware store in person. When buying online, it will be difficult for you to find out the following features:

  • uniform color on the outside and inside, indicating the quality of the material;
  • quality of mounting holes;
  • uniform thickness of panels around the perimeter and among themselves.

Types of finishing material

Siding has excellent technical characteristics. Due to the wide range of colors and textures available, there is a steadily growing demand in the materials market for a house covered with siding.

It is available in the following variations:

  • vinyl;
  • aluminum;
  • basement;
  • steel;
  • copper;
  • cement;
  • wood.

Any of the above types is suitable for finishing external walls. Focus on your desired budget appearance facade. The cheapest will be vinyl (the most popular), the most expensive will be those containing wood or copper. The first two types are usually used to decorate a wooden house with your own hands without much time investment.

Quantity of material

To calculate the amount of base material (panels, hydro-, vapor barrier) you need to measure the area of ​​the facade for finishing minus the area of ​​the windows, plus five percent on top. The amount of profile is equal to the length of the corner lines of the house, including the angles of contact of doors and windows, the perimeter and doubled.

For a rack profile, it is enough to find out the length of the walls from the ground to the beginning of the roof, multiply by the length of the perimeter, divided by 60 cm. To find out the number of additional parts, before covering a wooden house with siding with your own hands, and parts, you need to divide the length of the rack profiles by the distance between fasteners (70 cm). You will need self-tapping screws:

  1. LN 9 - for galvanized profile, the ability to find out only the approximate quantity.
  2. TN 25–30 - for wood, to calculate we multiply two by the U-shaped fastening, adding five percent.

What is useful when facing

Typically, covering a house with siding with your own hands requires the following tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • scissors;
  • grinder/saw with small teeth;
  • hammer;
  • level;
  • square;
  • ladder reaching to the roof.

Before decorating your house with siding, study its complete set, which consists of the following parts:

  • starting, corner, finishing, connecting strips;
  • elements for slopes;
  • drainage;
  • soffits.

Let's start the preparatory work

Without preparing the facade for work, you should not start cladding. Remove interfering elements: window shutters, external sills, cornices, window sills, drain pipes. Seal old cracks with mortar or foam. Mold, rot, old paint and peeling plaster should be removed from a house that was built a long time ago.

Afterwards, treat the walls with a fire retardant, an antiseptic for the walls of a wooden house, or a special primer for brick or concrete. Next, you need to carefully examine the facade to understand whether the façade cladding with siding requires an additional frame. It may not be installed only for smooth log walls; in other cases, especially when insulating, its installation is required.

Frame installation

As we just said, in most cases you need a frame: from slats for a log house and from a galvanized profile in the case of concrete or brick walls Houses.

Attention: the slats that are necessary to cover a wooden house with siding, after drying, are treated with the same materials as the wooden house.

So, how to cover the facade of a private building with siding:

  • mark lines for a closed contour using a tape measure and level;
  • make a mark at the lower point of contact of the wall with the plinth, making a second contour, where in the future we will install the initial strip;

Be careful: if the second circuit deviates from the level indicators, the finishing wall panels may become warped.

  • start installation with vertical guides, which are mounted using U-shaped fasteners;

Tip: for a tight installation, you can place pieces of wood or foam underneath them.

  • additional guides are made on corner lines, places of future lighting, as well as near door and window openings;

Attention: if you connect the vertical guides to each other, there will be no air circulation, which will expose the façade to destructive biological effects such as fungus or mold.

  • lay layers of hydro- and vapor barrier with your own hands;
  • Between the sheathing, layers of rolled mineral wool or foam boards are laid, if necessary secured with clamps.

Plinth cladding

If you want to use this material for, use the following instructions:

  • install horizontal profiles on the frame;
  • attach the starting strips on top;
  • measure the supporting parts with a level and an angle;
  • fasten the profiles and knees together;

Attention: for secure fastening, use dowel nails up to 8 cm long for this process.

  • If you want to end up with a stable base, attach the profiles horizontally.

If this is your first time facing the need to cover a house with such material, and you are not sure how to properly cover a house with siding, study the following material:

  • When attaching the panels, maintain a gap of 1 mm between the siding and the screw

Attention: if you forget about the thermal gap when finishing the house, the finishing will soon become covered with cracks due to expansion when heated.

  • leave 0.3–0.5 cm of space between the edge and end connections;

Tip: if siding is done in winter, the gap distance is increased due to temporary compression of the material.

  • Fasten all screws in the center of the hole, with the exception of one at the top of the pediment, which is driven into the center of the panel itself and the screws of the upper panels.

Without following these simple rules, the technology for covering a house with siding will be incorrect, and the frame will not hold the material well.

Let's start cladding the facade with panels

Step by step, you come to the main point of siding - fastening the main panels, for this:

  • use a level to attach the initial profile;
  • put panels on it, each of which is attached to the sheathing;

Attention: the mount is done using self-tapping screws in the color of the siding, when choosing which, pay attention to the cap - for strong fastening it must be large and corrugated.

  • fasten the panels from the bottom until you reach the gable;
  • assemble the cornice, for which notches are applied to the pediment and the starting panel is installed;
  • attach the sheathing to the plank;
  • use self-tapping screws to mount the cornice.

What to do with openings

To finish the slopes of doors and windows with panels, if present, there are special components that include the following elements:

  • slope profiles;
  • window aquilons;
  • platbands and others.

To cover slopes after repairing windows and doors, you can use two mounting options. Ways to sheathe slopes with siding:

  • overlay - it is more reliable for protection against moisture;
  • end-to-end - has a more beautiful appearance.

Given the complexity and high cost of implementing the previous options, the technology of siding a wooden house can eliminate them. To do this, frame the frame around the perimeter of the opening with a J-profile. In this case, the siding bypasses the slopes, which are lined separately using a different technology.


Almost always, covering a house with vinyl siding will fully meet your requirements. Despite this, some owners use a log blockhouse to create DIY siding to maintain the look of expensive natural wood. It is very convenient to decorate a house in which the windows are at the level of the walls, without external slopes.

Metal siding is used for commercial properties, where its capabilities provide the benefits of a sheathed structure, which it cannot do for a private home, except that it will complicate the work. If you do not have a strong desire to understand how to cover a house with siding yourself, hire professionals.

The fact is that if you do the finishing yourself, in case of failure there will be no one to blame. In addition, due to inexperience, you risk spending twice as much materials, especially if you are not in the habit of carefully studying the nuances of the cladding process before it begins.