Brick build. Building a brick house with your own hands. We create brick houses from scratch

Based on the climatic conditions of Russia and most other European countries, brick is a classic building material that is in the greatest demand.

Brick houses have a number of advantages and disadvantages, including a high level of strength and durability, the ability to withstand the destructive effects of atmospheric, geoseismic, and biological factors.

Brick houses have undeniable advantages: strength, durability, fire resistance and environmental friendliness. At affordable prices brick house it is quite possible to build with your own hands.

Start of construction

Construction begins with the execution of the relevant documentation, the choice of the construction site, the type of house, its project (or develop the project yourself), the choice of the type of foundation, brick, (may be specified in finished project or chosen by the owner independently), roofs.

You need to decide what kind of work you can do with your own hands.

At the first stage of building a brick house, it is necessary to carry out geological surveys of the site and carry out design work or adapt the finished project.

After the documents are drawn up, you can start building the house directly:

  • mark and prepare a foundation pit or trenches for the foundation;
  • prepare with your own hands or deliver ready-made concrete and pour the foundation;
  • perform waterproofing of the foundation;
  • prepare with your own hands or deliver ready-made plaster mortar;
  • carry out the laying of bricks;
  • install ceilings;
  • perform roofing work;
  • insulate the walls.

Tools and materials


  • level;
  • level;
  • trowel, trowel;
  • construction hammer;
  • stitching;
  • Bulgarian;
  • building cord;
  • plumb.


  • brick;
  • lime;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • insulation (polystyrene, slag, expanded clay, mineral wool);
  • plasticizer or liquid soap;
  • fittings;
  • roofing material or waterproofing.

Stage one: planning

Any construction begins with planning. Initially, you should know how and for what the future house will be used.

If it is a small house in the country, designed for use from spring to autumn, it is enough to build walls in half a brick.

If irregular residence is planned at any time of the year, the walls should be stacked in one brick.

If irregular residence is planned at any time of the year, the walls should be stacked in one brick. The strength of such a wall is sufficient to build a brick structure of two and three floors with a reinforced concrete floor.

In a house for permanent residence, a wall thickness of at least one and a half bricks will be required.

Types of bricks and basic requirements

There are many types of bricks, but two types are most commonly used: white silicate and red fired clay. In construction, they are used both individually and in combined masonry, for architectural decorations.

experts consider well brick laying to be more effective, in the middle of which a layer of insulation is placed, which serves as an alternative to a multilayer system.

To reduce the weight and load on the foundation, to increase heat saving, lightweight cellular brick is used. Its weight is 20% less than usual.

In order for the masonry to turn out to be even and beautiful, the brick must have the correct shape, whole corners, straight edges, and no cracks.

At the last stage of the production of red bricks at a high temperature, they are fired in special kilns. This should close the pores. If the technology is broken, water penetrates into the pores and during cold weather, freezing, destroys the brick. Moss is actively growing on such a brick. When buying, it is quite difficult to check the quality.

Types of masonry mortars

The main types of masonry mortars are cement, lime and cement-lime.

The basis of any solution is sand. It can be ravine sand, but it is preferable to use washed river sand. In any case, it must be sieved, to make sure that there are no clay impurities.

The clay solution must be passed through the fingers

The composition of the cement mortar (the ratio of sand to cement) is 1:3 - 1:6. The exact ratio is indicated on the cement packaging. Dry components are mixed manually or with a concrete mixer, then water is added and kneaded until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Typically, such a composition is used in the construction of non-residential premises, since condensation forms on the walls. The solution is inelastic, it is difficult to lay a brick, but the masonry is the most durable.

Lime masonry has been used since ancient times, when cement was not yet known to builders. Condensation does not collect on the walls, they actively absorb moisture from the indoor air. It is believed that the strength of such masonry significantly loses to cement. However, many limestone structures have stood for centuries. But then strengtheners were added to the solution, in particular, chicken eggs.

Nowadays, cement-lime mortar is more often used. It is prepared similarly to cement. Lime is added as much as cement. Lime in the solution plays the role of a plasticizer, but it quickly “sits down”, it needs to be constantly mixed. You can add special plasticizers or replace them with liquid soap.

You can cook with your own hands or order ready-made.

Foundation construction

Calculating the exact amount of bricks needed is very important. Since, bricks from different batches, even from the same manufacturer, can have completely different shades.

Among wall materials brick has the highest density, therefore, taking into account the weight of the masonry mortar, it exerts heavy loads on the foundation.

Therefore, it must be strong enough. Preference is given to tape and tile types. An incorrectly calculated or built with violations of technology foundation leads to subsidence and distortion of the walls, their possible cracking and destruction.

The depth of the foundation is determined from local conditions: the level ground water, soil freezing.

The height of the foundation is determined mainly at the request of the owners, taking into account the terrain, the presence or absence of basements.

If selected belt type foundation, along the perimeter of the house, a trench is dug to the required depth. Formwork is installed above ground level and carefully strengthened. It is advisable to consider laying a reinforcing belt.

When building a brick house less than three floors high, you need to choose a brick of the M100 brand - it is able to withstand a load of about 100 kg / cm2.

Concrete is poured into the trench and formwork. You can do the work yourself, but it is more profitable to order ready-made concrete and pour it in one go. This will ensure the strength of the foundation and the entire house.

Under normal conditions, concrete hardens within a week, but you can start laying bricks no earlier than a month later.

During the tiled construction of the foundation over the entire area of ​​​​the house, a fertile layer is taken out, a foundation pit is dug out, covered and rammed with gravel. Then a concrete layer about 10 cm thick is poured. When the concrete hardens, reinforcement is laid and the concrete layer is re-poured to the final height. A single concrete slab is formed, which is the basis for laying bricks and floors. Therefore, you need to make it perfectly even.

Types of bricklaying

Solid masonry with solid bricks

Usually it is laid in 2 bricks, while the thickness of the masonry will be from 50 to 60 cm. In the conditions of modern technologies, it is quite expensive, cannot provide the necessary thermal insulation of the walls, has a lot of weight and creates a lot of pressure on the foundation. Therefore, it is rarely used, mainly for the construction of interior partitions in half a brick.

Void brick

Hollow brick walls retain heat better, their thickness is 25-38-50 cm. The material costs and weighs less than in the previous case.

Well solid masonry with hollow bricks

You can not cover the seams between the bricks, because. the top row will close these seams.

Masonry is carried out with hollow bricks so that the walls are not solid. They form external and internal partitions separated by emptiness. It is filled with insulation: foam plastic, slag, expanded clay, mineral wool.

The well masonry must be completed with several rows of continuous masonry.

For all types of masonry, especially for wells, it is recommended to make a reinforcing belt. It can be connected or welded fittings, masonry mesh, which covers the perimeter of the entire house.


The next stage after laying the foundation and its complete drying is waterproofing. It prevents moisture from pulling from the foundation, ensures normal humidity in the room and protects the brick from destruction.

This stage of work is simple, it will not be difficult to do it yourself. Pieces of roofing material or waterproofing are laid on the foundation. Some masons glue them on. Put preferably 2-3 layers of insulation. Professionals advise laying an additional layer of insulation at the level of the possible height of snowdrifts. When the construction of the walls is completed, the protruding parts of the insulation can be removed.

Brick walls are always laid out only under the cord. If the corners are drawn evenly, then the rows of masonry will be even.

Wall construction begins with the removal of corners. The first bricks must be laid especially carefully. From how they are laid depends on how the whole building will look. Corner bricks should "look" exactly at each other in both planes - horizontal and vertical. To do this, a construction cord is pulled between the corners. All intermediate bricks are aligned on it. The same height of the corners is checked with a water level, laser or using a level. Verticality is checked with a plumb, regular or laser level. You need to check constantly. It’s easier to fix the mistake right away with your own hands than to disassemble the masonry later.

Initially, corners are laid in 5 - 10 bricks, as intermediate corners are laid, they are raised.

Each subsequent row must be laid so that the bricks are tied, i.e. each overlying brick was shifted by 1/2 - 1/3 of its length or width. If the brick does not fit entirely, it is cut with a grinder or a part is beaten off with a construction hammer.

The solution is laid out on the previously laid row with a trowel and evenly leveled to the required thickness.

A small volume of mortar is applied to the edge of the brick, the brick is tapped with a hammer to the previous one and the one lying under it.

When calculating the required amount of bricks, you need to buy 10% more, in case the brick breaks.

If in the future it is planned to plaster the walls, the masonry mortar should not reach 2 cm to the front of the brick, i.e. the outer seams are left unfilled. In this case, when plastering, the joints will be filled with plaster, and the plaster will hold securely.

If the front part of the wall is plastered and closed finishing materials will not, the solution must be put in excess. When laying bricks, excess mortar is squeezed out and cut off with a trowel. The seam should be leveled with a seam or a trowel pen.

Helpful Hints

  • laying the lower basement rows is best done with red brick, and not silicate;
  • the construction of ventilation shafts, chimneys, walls in rooms with high humidity is also best done from red brick;
  • if a brick is placed on a cement mortar, it should be soaked;
  • right-handed laying should be carried out from left to right.

The construction of a brick house can be entrusted to professionals, but the work, or part of it, can be done with your own hands. This is hard and painstaking work. No literature, educational films will have an effect until a person begins to work independently with his own hands. Everything needs to be learned.

A brick house is a building designed for a long service life and is distinguished by its practicality, environmental friendliness, and durability. At the same time, it is quite possible to build a brick house with your own hands, you just need to make the correct preliminary calculations, evaluate your own strengths and have the right amount of money. Let's try to figure out how to build a brick house yourself, how much the order will cost construction works in the company and how to pre-calculate the amount of materials, labor and time costs.


Before starting work, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of brickwork, the type of foundation and the number of floors. By the way, the number of storeys is the main determinant of all other parameters. The type of foundation, the cost of work and the deadline will depend on the number of levels.

A one-story building can be simplified and lightened by arranging internal plasterboard partitions, reducing the load will allow you to choose the type of bearing base, which will not cost too much. Remember that a brick is a weighty piece material, and a considerable amount of it is required for a house, so any opportunity to reduce weight without damage to practical and comfortable properties will come in handy.

Important! An incorrectly chosen type of foundation will lead to the collapse of the structure, so professionals advise choosing a slab or strip base under the box of a brick house.

  1. Clearing the construction site;
  2. Marking the place of the future foundation;
  3. It is better to equip the formwork with pegs, which are selected depending on the height of the concrete pour;
  4. The bottom of the trench under the base is equipped with a pillow of sand and fine gravel. Backfill thickness no more than 5 cm.
  5. One-time pouring with a mixture allows you to increase the strength of the base, so it is best to do the pouring in one day. At the same time, each layer of concrete is pierced to minimize the formation of air pockets.

Arranging a trench for a brick house with your own hands has several features:

  • When deepening more than 0.6 m, after pouring the first layer, sketch rubble stones(per layer) and only then continue to pour the mixture;
  • The top of the base is leveled with a trowel;
  • The drying time of the carrier base is at least 30 days;
  • The base for the house should be at least 15 cm above the soil level, and if there are irregularities, the upper edge is determined by the lowest point, that is, at the point of the highest ground rise, the base will protrude by fewer centimeters than at the lowest point.

Important! The total height of the foundation for a brick house does not depend on the level of ground aquifers, ground freezing points.

Brick laying: types and features

So, in order to build a brick house with your own hands, you need to decide on the type of brickwork. She happens:

  • Solid, where hollow bars are used, it is beneficial to build a house from this type of brick in order to lighten the mass of the structure;
  • Solid, consisting only of full-bodied elements;
  • Three-layer;
  • Well.

Important! Hollow bars not only lighten the mass, but also significantly increase the energy saving rate, which is important for latitudes with frosts. In addition, the use of material with voids allows you to save on building a brick house with your own hands - the material is cheaper, and the wall thickness is allowed no more than 0.5 meters.

Solid brickwork is allowed up to 0.6 meters wide, however, thermal insulation will be reduced. A three-layer type of masonry is done by including a heater inside. The width of the inner layer in this case is not more than 35 cm, and it is better to lay out the outer row from facing piece material. As for the well masonry, there is also a hollow brick, and the walls are not solid, but with the arrangement of the outer and inner walls, between which a layer of insulation is poured: slag, expanded clay.

So, having calculated the cost of the material, choose the type of masonry and you can proceed to the next step.

Assembly processes

As soon as the masonry is selected and the foundation is ready, complete waterproofing is done. Materials are selected depending on the tastes and preferences of the user. In addition, you will need a cement mortar for the installation of brickwork. It can be made from sand, cement and water (sand and cement in a ratio of 3: 1), the cost of the mixture is low, but it is better to have some supply of raw materials so that all materials are enough until the end of construction.

It’s also a good idea to stock up on the following tools before building a brick house:

  • a pick for upholstering bars;
  • Master OK;
  • level;
  • stitching;
  • plumb;
  • rule.

If construction is to be high-rise building It doesn't hurt to have a concrete mixer. It can be rented so as not to increase the cost of construction. And now we are building a house:

  1. the initial row is laid out on top of the base, leveled by means of a level;
  2. subsequent masonry should ensure the dressing of the seams: the middle of the upper beam falls at the junction of two bars under it;
  3. the solution is laid out on top of each row and leveled;
  4. if during the laying process there is excess mixture squeezed out by a brick, they are removed with a trowel.

Advice! So that your built house can stand firmly and for a long time, it is better to start building from the corners. Lay out 3-4 bars in height, pull the string and continue laying the walls along it. The thickness of the supporting structure cannot be less than 2 bars.

Well, to help you, a video showing all the stages of construction.

We consider the cost of construction

And now one of the main questions - how much does it cost to build a brick house? Of course, it is impossible to give an exact answer, since various nuances arise in the process, but an approximate figure can still be determined. To do this, we will take into account all the stages (prices are averaged):

  1. purchase of a plot from $1600 outside the city;
  2. design work of an individual type $ 1000;
  3. preparation of the construction site and premises for temporary storage of materials $ 600;
  4. digging a foundation pit $450;
  5. foundation work $20,000;
  6. installation work with window, doorways, trim $ 20,000;
  7. roof $10-12000.

Thus, you can calculate how much it costs to build a house out of bricks. However, there is an opportunity to save a lot if there is transport - the cost of transportation will be lower. Moreover, by finding a good material supplier, you can negotiate the purchase of bricks at reduced prices (out of season). And many ranges of building materials are subject to price fluctuations, so in the case of arranging a temporary warehouse, the calculations for how much it costs to build a brick house will be lower.

Advice! Experts say that the price of a brick is 10-15% of the total amount, so by calculating how much construction costs only on the subject of material, you can determine the approximate amount.

And, most importantly, as a rule, every self-respecting company offers a calculation calculator, according to which it offers to calculate how much a brick house will cost if it is built with the services of this company. Building a house from piece bricks is a very laborious work, it is important to take into account not only the price of the material, but also all the technological nuances. And if you doubt the possibility and do not know how to build a mansion, it is better to look for a reliable developer who will complete the work on time and at a relatively affordable price.

In this article we will tell you how to build a brick house with your own hands, so that it is solid, durable, and comfortable. Since a brick house is a very heavy structure, the foundation must be appropriate for it.

Foundation device

How strong the foundation will be depends on the number of floors of the house. Also, its device may be different, depending on whether the basement will be made or not. If not, then you can make a tape recessed foundation, which will be quite reliable and protect the walls from cracking when the house shrinks.


Depending on the number of floors, the thickness of the walls can be different, since the higher the building, the greater the load on the walls of the lower floors. If the house is one-story, then the foundation can be simplified due to the fact that the piers will be made of drywall, under which there is no need to strengthen the ground. For the construction of solid partitions, the foundation will be different - under each wall or partition, you need to fill in your own fragment, which will be part of the entire foundation.

In order for the house to be correctly located, and during the construction process there were no problems, it is necessary to make markings on the ground, transferring the scheme to it. To do this, you need to hammer pegs in the corners of the future house and in those places where the walls will be installed. Then pull the rope along the pegs - it will be a guideline for digging a trench, the depth of which depends on the number of floors, and can reach up to 2 m. Check the horizontalness of the stretched rope with a water level.

Formwork installation

The foundation should be at least 10–15 cm above ground level; for this, place plywood or board formwork along the edge of the trench. In the event that the site is uneven, then we make the minimum height at the highest point. Further, in order to make the entire foundation in one plane, the formwork must be brought in height to a stretched rope and supported with props.

The higher the height of the formwork, the more often you need to put supports, otherwise the concrete will crush this structure with its mass.

For the manufacture of formwork, a planed board or plywood is most often used, but other material can also be taken - the main thing is to ensure strength and not leave holes through which concrete could flow out.

Before pouring the foundation at the bottom of the trench, make a pillow by pouring fine gravel, or sand, with a layer of more than 5 cm, and compact it. Further, along the entire length of the foundation, you need to assemble and lay a box of reinforcement. It is easy to assemble it yourself.

This will require:

  1. Rebar 10–17 mm.
  2. Reinforcement 5–8 mm.
  3. knitting wire.
  4. Angle grinder (Bulgarian).
  5. Pliers.
  6. Wire cutters.

Pouring concrete

In order for the foundation to turn out to be strong, you need to pour the foundation in one step, and you cannot do such work alone. Therefore, to complete this front of work, additional hands and the delivery of concrete with a mixer, or a concrete mixer and several workers, will be required. The second option is more laborious, but in this case the owner will be sure that the foundation is filled with high-quality concrete.

With a trench depth of more than 60 cm, you can fill in the first layer, throw rubble stones into the trench, and then pour further. When the formwork is completed, it is good to use a deep vibrator to compact the concrete. If there is none, then you can take a thick stick and compact the concrete with it, expelling air from it. Then the top is leveled with a trowel and left for a month so that the concrete gains strength.

Prepare mortar for masonry

The most common sand to cement ratios are 3:1 and 4:1. In order to make a house out of bricks, we need to check in practice which composition will be acceptable, because we do not know how good the cement was sold to us. To do this, stick small balls, making different proportions of the solution for them, and after they are completely dry, break them with a hammer. If a ball made from a 3:1 solution did not crumble, but cracked, then such a mixture will do.

Before laying the first brick, carry out waterproofing work. To do this, it is necessary to lay roofing felt in 2 layers throughout the basement. Now, starting from the corners, you can lay the brick and mortar. For this we need the following tools:

  1. Trowel (trowel).
  2. Hammer-pick - will serve to beat off bricks.
  3. Jointing (for the front wall, if there is no additional cladding).
  4. bubble level.
  5. Water level.
  6. Plumb.
  7. Twine (cord).
  8. Rule.
  9. Concrete mixer.

It may seem that there is nothing complicated in laying bricks, but inexperienced masons often fail to make the walls geometrically correct. However, you can fight it! Although it is long and tedious, but with practice, things will go on easier. What should an inexperienced bricklayer do?

  • Having laid the first brick in the corners, check the horizon with a water level, and, if necessary, level it.
  • Stretch the twine along the top edge of the brick, just do it so that it does not budge.
  • Check that the string is well taut and does not bend. Walk along it and make sure that its distance from it to the foundation will allow laying without problems.
  • Now you can lay the first row, while knocking out a brick with a trowel handle and carefully leveling. Make sure that the brick is flush with the rope. It may be necessary to tap on it with a trowel so that it pushes the mortar out from under it, or moves to the side.

  • If the laying of the outer part of the wall is made with facing bricks, then it is imperative to do the jointing until the mortar has hardened. This will make the surface not only beautiful, but also protected from moisture penetration into it.
  • Having finished laying the first row, move the twine in the same way higher, and, not forgetting about the dressing, lay the next row of bricks.
  • Use every fourth row for the transverse dressing of the wall.
  • Let's not forget about the walls. If they are planned to be made later, then make sure that there is a connection with the load-bearing wall - leave a “ladder” of bricks sticking out of the main wall where the pier will be made.
  • Do not get carried away - having reached a certain height, make window openings.

By checking the position of each brick, you can make high-quality masonry.


If you have already decided to build a brick house, we invite you to see what it can be like.


This video shows step by step the process of building a brick house.


When building a house, a lot of questions arise, and as a rule, many do not even know where to actually start, and even more so when it comes to building with the help, since the most economical approach is needed here for the reason that brick material is not cheap and therefore it should be enough work out all the little details.

The construction of a cottage can be done in various ways, it all depends on your desires and capabilities, but one thing should be borne in mind for sure that a lot depends on you, including saving the budget and the cost of building a brick house. Many companies are ready to promote their customers to the fullest, “selling” them additional services or work pitches, which, in principle, can be dispensed with, perhaps this is comparable to going to the store when you buy a lot of unnecessary stuff, which could have been prevented by making a list beforehand.

In order to build a cottage using such material as brick, you must first draw up your own action plan, according to which you will later implement all your plans, only this way you can avoid many problems and mistakes.

Before you plan any action, you need to decide what you really want. Most developers think they know what they want, and as practice shows, at the time of construction, there are many alterations associated with additional suddenly arisen "Wishlist".

Let's look at a few points that will help determine the general idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba brick house:

  • The number of floors of a brick building - such material as brick allows the construction of multi-storey buildings (as an example, you can see the pros and cons of one-story and two-story houses made of foam blocks), the question of the number of floors primarily refers to the required specific living space, which depends on the area of ​​​​the building site. That is, if there is a small land plot under construction it would be better to build a 2-storey residential cottage;
  • Planning - the most difficult, in my opinion, is the choice of a suitable space-planning solution. Brick allows you to embody almost any architectural complexity (unlike, for example, construction from logs or profiled timber), so there is a lot of variety in the choice of draft designs. It is better to preview a very large number of draft projects of summer cottages, which abound on the Internet;
  • The presence of additional premises (pools, spas, saunas) - took them to a separate item. Since the presence of these additions significantly increase the cost of construction and the construction time of the cottage due to the presence of additional engineering systems and design features;
  • Think again about the first three points!!! – as they say “measure twice, cut once, it never hurts to check your decisions when it comes to a significant budget and time spent.

These are, of course, enlarged points that need to be at least somehow worked out and tracked in the future. You will already have a little idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe idea and purpose of what you want to receive.

Build a brick house yourself or not?

Many developers have the temptation to do the construction with their own hands, and many have the right to do so if they are fans of their business or professionally own one or another profession (masoners are very much appreciated, since few people now make good brickwork using technology), if you If you don't belong to these people, then I advise you to refrain from it.

If you are building it yourself:

  • When building a brick house with your own hands, you must be aware of what you are going for, since masonry work must be at its best if you want to get a good and reliable mansion.
  • You need to purchase or find a cottage project in order to somehow carry out the work.

I am now focusing on masonry work, as they will be predominant and expensive in most cases. Of course, there will be other works such as: foundations, ceilings, roof - by the way, they will also fall on your shoulders.

Perhaps you will choose the option of building a familiar team or teams that will do their job - I also refer to this as independent construction, since you are in charge of the entire process.

  • You may be able to save money - this is not always possible, since you need to plan clearly;
    You are the master of your time - you can wait for a certain time or, on the contrary, “run” while doing work;
  • At any stage, you can make changes and additions - you can do whatever you like, of course, within reasonable limits.
  • It will take a lot of your time - there are a lot of works and you are alone, you will have to organize and purchase everything;
  • Search for a workforce - the search for professionals is
  • difficult task;
    There is no certainty that everything is done correctly and according to the norms .... in case of poor quality work there is no guarantee.

Build with a construction company

Here everything becomes much easier for you, but this does not mean that you should completely relax and enjoy the whole construction process)))
When contacting an organization, you usually discuss with it all the nuances of building your brick cottage from the project to the list of works. which she must produce.

  • You transfer all work and responsibility to one “person”;
  • You have a lot of time - you can only occasionally control the process of building your house.
  • Spend a little more money - the organization will charge you accordingly;
  • It is necessary to choose from several companies - before choosing one, try to communicate with others.
  • How to build a brick house is of course the choice of each of you, each has a different financial potential and level of knowledge that can help in solving this issue, the main thing is that the approach is thorough everywhere, and we should not forget that the requirement for brickwork should be on high level especially when it comes to facades.

Building a brick house is not a cheap undertaking, since such material as brick is considered one of the best building materials and, accordingly, its cost is just as significantly higher than that of its other competitors (we have already considered considering the cost of building a foam block house) and therefore it is better to preliminarily estimate the approximate cost of construction in order to select the optimal solution.

The cost of a house can be made up of the main standard elements or stages of building a house (I repeat a little):

1. Earthworks (preparation of a site for construction and excavation of a pit or trenches for a foundation);

2. Foundation device (foundations are completely different, respectively, and the cost of the foundation can be completely different);

3. Installation of brick walls and partitions (thickness and type of walls may vary depending on the project);

4. Roof device (again, they are very diverse);
5. Wiring of internal engineering and external (electrical, plumbing, sewerage, etc.);
6. Finishing both internal and external (finishing can be done both according to the design project and by yourself, it's up to you).

Not all of the above items may be contained in the estimate for building a brick house, but basically they are the main “bricks” that make up the full price of a brick house. When building a house, all these points are negotiated in advance with the company that will carry out all these installation works, and it is possible that some of the work, such as design and engineering work, will be carried out by specialized organizations separately.

The price of a brick house can be made larger using house building calculators offered by different companies, but keep in mind that this calculation is very approximate and if you do not have special skills, then they will not be of significant benefit to you.

Let's focus on the brick, since its quantity directly affects the entire cost of building a house, and it would be nice if you roughly estimated the calculation of a brick for a house, which, by the way, will help a lot with an approximate estimate of the cost of a house.

What determines the cost of building a brick house?

I will not repeat the above points, but will dwell on the reasons that depend only on the brick.
Wall thickness - the thickness of the walls can be completely different, both internal and external. External walls can be of various structures and types of insulation, it all depends on the construction site and the type of material used. Internal walls can be both partitions (their thickness is 120mm) and load-bearing, usually their thickness can be 250mm.

The degree of individuality of the construction project - the more complex the house, the more expensive it is to build it, in our case, this is an increase in the cost of work associated with brickwork related to technology. The presence of a second light is also a consequence of the rise in the cost of work as a result of the individuality of the house project.

Large spans - brick is a fairly strong and durable material, but with large spans, large loads may come to the brick, which will require additional structural measures that will need to be developed in the project.

Brand of brick and mortar - here you need to choose a certain type of brick and mortar, since they also have their own gradations. The choice is best coordinated with the design organization.

Perhaps I will stop here for now, if you have your own wishes, you can add points by reporting them in the comments

I do not give specific figures on how much the cost of building a brick house can be, since it is very diverse and depends on many factors, an enlarged list of which I presented above. One thing is for sure, this is that a brick house will cost more than the same foam block house, but it will also last much longer.

I recommend ordering an estimate for the construction of a house from an organization that will carry out the construction of the house and its design in order to allocate your budget in advance.
Once again, good luck to you in your difficult work.

Why I decided to build a house of brick - I do not know myself. Around all the neighbors are building frame houses and they sculpt houses from a gas block, but I wanted to have a family stronghold for me for a long time. To be passed on to children and grandchildren.

However, to be honest, the budget for building a house is quite small. And I want to build a brick and beautiful.

In order to combine these two completely incompatible concepts - a small budget and the desire to build a beautiful brick house, I decided to first calculate the estimate - how much it costs to build a brick house in 2014.

And, for one thing, lay out your simple calculations here, so that my vision of the issue would be useful to someone. If you decide to build a brick house in 2015, 2016 or in the anniversary year of 2017 (after all, the centenary of the Great October Socialist Revolution), then you can also safely use my calculations, only multiplying them by a multiplying factor.

It is raising, since brick prices are only growing and are not going to fall in the foreseeable future.

How to build a brick house and save money at the same time

Since, as already indicated above, I want to build a brick house and not sell my last pants, I decided to go for a little trick.

To get into modern standards for the heat resistance of building envelopes, the brick wall of the house must be at least 1.5 meters thick. Which does not suit me at all, since it is necessary to lay the wall in 6 full bricks.

Therefore, there is no special point in making such walls, because to get R = 3, which is now the minimum for Central Russia, you will have to pay as many as 3 budgets.

Consequently, it will be necessary to build a brick house, in which the brick will be only in the form of facing, and the rest of the filling will be modern - blocks and insulation. Building in “brick clothes” will not work, the construction and decoration have different weight categories, the frame of the finishing layer in the form of a brick will not withstand. And yes, it doesn't make much sense.

Those who build frame houses think more about global savings, and not about attractive appearance or monumental façade.

You can, of course, build a house from porous ceramics - such hollow large bricks with many pores. But this material does not really attract me, I do not like its strength characteristics.

So, the brick will be only in the decorative outer layer. This means that the budget will not suffer, and the house will look the way it should. It remains only to make a good, reliable construct that will provide strength to the entire structure.

Outside is a brick, and inside is a modern construct - a reinforced concrete frame and effective insulation.

For the constructive, I chose monolithic. The space between the reinforced concrete racks of the frame will be filled with highly efficient insulation. You can take basalt wool, you can take polystyrene. In any case, the insulation will be hidden on the one hand under a layer of brick on the outside, on the other hand - under the plaster on the inside.

As you can see, I will also frame house, but the frame in it is reinforced concrete. This, I think, will be stronger than a wooden or steel frame. And it will last much longer, since concrete does not rot like wood and does not rust like metal.

How much does it cost to build a brick house

The reinforced concrete structure itself comes out in quite a bit of money. If we calculate that only 40 cubic meters of concrete went into my small house, then the concrete itself cost me only 152,000 rubles.

The cost of a brick in 2014, on average, from different suppliers - from 11 rubles. I was worried about this moment in advance, and at a price of 9.50 kopecks apiece.

That is, the brick had not yet been released by the factory by that time. But the plant has already received the money. And I will get the brick I need just in August, when it would be necessary to lay brick walls in my reinforced concrete frame.

And the price at this point will be almost 15 percent lower than what I would buy from the same factory.

In general, the price of a brick is already 11.50 - 14 rubles, which is how much an ordinary solid brick costs. And if you count the shipping, it turns out even more expensive.

Actually, the prices for bricks in the summer are as follows (taking into account the fact that in different regions factory prices vary quite a lot.

TABLE No. 1. Approximate brick prices in 2014. Central Russia

Ordinary solid single brick - from 11 to 14 rubles
Ordinary hollow ceramic brick- from 13 to 16 rubles
Ceramic single hollow face brick - from 20 to 28 rubles

So look at the savings on bricks when I paid the factory a little earlier than the season began. But the same thing happens with lumber, with reinforcement, with waterproofing, s. Yes, with any building material.

So, we consider further. I got a masonry in one brick - these are two rows of a single solid brick. At first I wanted to lay the wall in half a brick, but then smart people from the forum they suggested that with such large openings between the posts of the reinforced concrete frame, I would not have sufficient strength.

In total, for my house of 100 sq.m. it took 14,800 pieces of solid bricks. The height of the walls of the house is 3 meters. Masonry, I repeat once again, in one brick, that is, we put 2 rows of bricks - thickness brick wall get 25 cm.

In total, I am due from the factory 30 pallets of bricks, each of 500 pieces - the weight of one pallet is 1800 kilograms. This is a total of almost 54 tons of bricks.

That is, I saved almost 10,000 rubles only on the delivery of bricks, when I bought 30 pallets with their delivery at the factory's promotion.

It turns out that at the moment of building a brick house, it’s not even the question of how much it costs to build a brick house, but the question of a competent approach to business and timely savings on building materials, be it brick, or lumber.