How to humiliate a person morally, with clever words? How beautiful it is to send a man: without a mat, phrases Clever phrases to send a man

Initially, the article was not conceived as a tutorial for losers: offended, humiliated and offended, who secretly or clearly feel sorry for themselves and hate other people, want to take revenge on “everyone” and find out how to humiliate, insult, “send” a person with words, preferably culturally, smartly and beautifully, without a mat.

A wise and harmonious person in the soul cannot be humiliated, insulted and offended (“sent”) with words, because they do not take offense at the truth, and a lie does not deserve attention.

This article is still about how to use the psychological counterattack ( psychological judo, aikido or sambo, if you like), i.e. how to resist insults and humiliation, rudeness and offensive words, how to react (or not react) and how to respond correctly, culturally and beautifully, of course, with words without a mat, to those people with a low I-position who want to humiliate, insult, offend you ... (i.e. they want to elevate themselves by humiliating you - they are, to put it mildly, without harmony in their souls - they were also humiliated earlier by someone who was stronger than them and to whom they could not correctly answer insults and humiliation, keeping insults in their souls, and now, working them out, they take revenge on others - don't be like them... learn how to communicate without conflict... read this article carefully).

Remember! No one can humiliate, insult or offend a person with words - only he himself, subconsciously interpreting the conflict situation not in his favor. What beliefs and ideas you have about yourself, that is who you are ... and no insulting, offensive and humiliating words can belittle you ... i.e. you belittle yourself by paying attention to the bad words of another person ...

The power of the word, or how to “humiliate”, “insult”, “offend” (“send”) a person with words without a mat

Words in a query how to "humiliate", "insult" and "offend" ("send") a person enclosed in quotation marks, because in reality, we won’t humiliate, insult, or offend anyone ... we won’t “send” either - this is the lot of losers with a negative life scenario and disharmony in the psyche (soul), in which grievances and other negative emotions are accumulated, breaking out in the form of revenge.

These words are used in the article only because there are too many similar requests on the Internet, i.e. a huge number of people have accumulated grievances in themselves and want to vent them (work them out), and without realizing it, drive themselves into a vicious circle of aggression and conflicts, primarily against themselves and with themselves, which in the end will have an extremely negative impact not only on relationships with other people, but also on their own mental health, and on their whole life in general ...

With all this, many want to humiliate, insult and offend a person, “send” him, a man or a woman, a guy or a girl smartly, beautifully, even culturally, and, of course, without a mat ... (apparently, he still “breaks out” ...) . Those. an illusory goal is to get "pleasure", "gloat", to laugh at a humiliated and insulted person who is confused, confused and fell into a stupor at the moment of a psychological counterattack on him - to feel displacement - while not upsetting his moral convictions ("without mate"), and even amusing them ("smart", "cultural", "beautiful" ...).

However, these people do not understand or do not realize that not every laugh prolongs life, and that they will not elevate themselves at all by humiliating and insulting another ... that they, in fact, will become the same as the one they offend, i.e. . disharmonious personalities with an underestimated position in life.
And as you know, everything in the world returns to normal (like this person whom you insulted and humiliated - you "returned", and you will be "returned", if not him, then someone else - such is the nature of life).

How to morally "humiliate" a person with clever words without a mat

Insults, offensive and humiliating words are often perceived as psychological pressure on a person, and therefore as stress. It is known that the negative perception of stress (not stress itself) significantly lowers a person’s intelligence (IQ), and with it rational memory along with vocabulary, so some people begin to speak obscenely - a few words, but how many meanings ... and most importantly - emotions ...

Therefore, in order to morally "humiliate" a person with clever words without a mat, first of all, you need to learn how to quickly relieve stress, or calmly treat it.

And if at the moment of a psychological attack on you you remain unperturbed, do not fall into confusion, stupor and stress, feeling like a “victim” of an emotional attack, then you will retain your intellect and the acquired knowledge about conflict-free communication and methods of psychological counterattack will “pop up”, t .e. you can calmly, intelligently, culturally and beautifully morally “humiliate” a person with clever words without swearing and unnecessary emotions.

How to "insult" a person so that he is silent, without a mat

It often happens in a conflict situation that the opponent constantly speaks and says something abusive, insulting and humiliating, with appropriate gestures, raised tone, and facial expressions, i.e. exerts psychological pressure, which often leads to stress.
Of course, many want to know how to "offend" a person so that he shuts up(shut up).

Because a conflict or pre-conflict situation presupposes a dialogue, i.e. alternating conversation between two or more people, then you will need psychological counterattack techniques (some psychotherapists and psychoanalysts call this psychological judo, aikido and even sambo).

The essence of psychological counterattack(psychological sambo - self-defense without weapons), as in ordinary, physical martial arts, this is the use of the enemy’s strength against him, with a minimum expenditure of his strength, in this context, psychic energy, and not literally offend a person so that he shuts up.

Those. here you must first "succumb", as if to "humiliate yourself", "offended", in order to then deliver a psychological counterattack. But not so that your opponent loses and fails, but so that both "win" - otherwise, as mentioned above, everything will return to normal.

For example, if heavy, wet snow presses on a branch, “wanting” to break it, then the branch does not directly resist, does not resist, wasting its strength - it bends, as if humiliated ... gives in down, and the snow under its own weight (“force”) slips off it and does not break the branch.

Also, the sambo wrestler, with physical pressure (attack) on him, uses the inertial force of the enemy, applying the technique throws him over himself and drops him to the ground, while practically not wasting his strength.

Very similar techniques and techniques are used in psychological sambo (psychological counterattack), i.e. in the event of an emotional and psychological attack on you (insult, humiliation, offensive words…), you, as a sambo wrestler, need not to resist and confront directly, but, on the contrary, confusion, a dead end ... (and then he, you can say "your" - control this person and manipulate him as you want) ...

But not for the sake of revenge and gloating over the "offended" enemy, but for the sake of justice, balance (congruence) in relations, and, possibly, for cooperation (to the extreme - compromise) and a way out of the conflict situation.

How to "offend" a person with words

Phrase how to "offend" a person with words, as you already understood, we will use in the context of psychological self-defense (sambo), without exceeding its limits ...

Remember! Each person is responsible for his own thoughts, emotions and behavior, and each mentally healthy person can control his negative feelings, such as resentment, irritation, anger, and the corresponding behavior in the form of defensive aggression, including verbal (verbal)...

This is easy to check, for example, if a husband gets angry and insults, offends his wife - he seems to be unable to contain his anger - “bullshit” ... firstly, she is simply initially weaker, secondly, she allows herself to be offended. Most likely, this aggressive husband will hold back the same anger in front of his superiors or the police - they are stronger for him and will not allow themselves to be offended - the husband understands this, which means he controls the situation ...

However, the subconscious desire to get rid of internal negatives gives rise to such a protective reaction of the psyche as "Displacement" ("Movement"), which can be expressed in "vicious circle" anger and aggression.
For example, the boss “offended” the husband ... the husband, in order to work out the negative, can offend his wife with words and behavior ... she, in turn, will offend the child ... and he - the domestic dog .... the dog will go for a walk, and there ... the husband’s boss - she is his , for some reason, it will bite ... (this is again to the fact that in life everything returns to normal) ...

Therefore, instead of literally offending a person with words, you can use psychological counterattack techniques (sambo), even if you have a boss or another person who is obviously stronger than you...
("twist the ropes" it is possible from a strict boss and from a despotic husband, and from a tyrant parent ... but we are not talking about that ... we are talking about psychological self-defense ...).

How beautiful and culturally "send" a person, without a mat

How sometimes you want to “send” (you know where) an annoying partner, an obsessive client, an annoying boyfriend, a stubborn friend, an overly demanding boss, an eternally dissatisfied subordinate ... or another person. But the internal "moral code" and the external "administrative" force one to restrain oneself and suggest thinking how to "send" a person without a mat beautiful and cultural.

To understand how to culturally send a person, in the context of psychological self-defense, i.e. literally without offending, offending or humiliating him (otherwise he will take revenge later ... maybe not you ... remember about "our own circle"?), we need to proceed from who is in front of us and what result we want from interaction with counterparts.

So, how beautiful it is to "send" a person, based on who is in front of us and what we want from him:

  • If this is the boss, then we want from him ... probably ... to be less demanding and critical ... or maybe a salary increase ... or the implementation of our idea ...
  • If this is a subordinate, then, on the contrary, in order to work better and fulfill their duties ... do not “beg” for an increase in salary and in the service ...
  • If this is a business partner (in business), then, probably, good trusting and honest cooperation, without “pulling the blanket” on yourself ...
  • If this is an obsessive girl or boyfriend, then to “fuck off (a)” ...
  • If a friend, then so that he not only listens and hears himself, but also others ...
  • If this is a too strict or overprotective parent, then in order to begin to understand his teenage child ...
  • And if this is a child, ours or whom we are raising, teaching, then to be obedient and diligent, probably ...
  • If this is a seller, then so that “the leftist does not sell” ...
  • If a client or a buyer, then in order to buy a product or service ...

We meet many different people in life, many different situations, including conflict situations, can arise in interaction with these people. Our task is not to humiliate and insult a person, with or without a swear word, but to answer correctly and wisely (psychologically counterattack) without harming ourselves and him ...

To clearly and automatically master these techniques of “psychological sambo”, training (practice) is necessary, as in ordinary martial arts ... otherwise, even knowing how to answer, but having entered stress and confusion in a specific conflict situation, you will simply be confused and forget all your knowledge - you need skills, and they are given by practice and practice again ...

Further, you will learn in PRACTICE (with examples from life) how to intelligently and beautifully respond to insult, rudeness, rudeness and humiliation with the help of techniques and techniques of psychological self-defense (counterattack) - this

01.02.2012 15:43

The ability to defend yourself with beautiful excuses.
Have you ever had cases when you were cruelly teased and at that moment you become very uncomfortable in your soul, you begin to be embarrassed, blush and want to hide away from everyone. Still plays a role always and the fact who exactly teases you, boyfriend, girlfriend, friend, enemy, child or mother-in-law (mother-in-law). And of course, I wanted to know a worthy answer to all the jokes !!! If this is your lover, then maybe it will be nice to be in the role of a defenseless girl and give him pleasure being embarrassed by his jokes, and if suddenly this is your rival or neighbor with whom you are at war ... ??? Then of course you need to adequately answer and be able to stand up for yourself!
Here for example you were interrupted: Excuse me for what I say then when you interrupt.
If they are joking out of place, say: such a sharp joke! That I almost cut myself!
If a interlocutor is not interesting and repeatedly teased you: do not pay attention, I usually always yawn when I'm not interested!
Well standard: Don't talk and I won't tell you where to go.
And this, for example, when an evil aunt screams in the market where is the youth going:
Yes, we are the same age, we just take care of ourselves in different ways.
For the annoying suitor: Leave in English, because I will send in Russian.
Sitting and waiting for a girlfriend, this is how you can send off an undesirable person:
- Girl, can I sit with you for a while?
- It won’t work out a little, next to me they turn gray all over their heads and immediately!
Banal excuse with a threat: For some jokes, there are gaps in the teeth.
Like this: Are you asking me if I like sex?? Of course I owe him my life!
About appearance: Listen, I look at you and all my complexes disappear!
If you suddenly say:
No need to be nervous, nerve cells are not restored! Then you can answer like this: - would be silent! teeth too!
Astrology)): I guess what your stone is according to the horoscope ... judging by the face it is a brick ....
If they suggest themselves, but you don’t want to apply physical force: I could offend you, but unfortunately it won’t work out better than nature anyway.
From a wicked smile: Just don't smile, I've been afraid of horses since childhood.
You can warn like this: dear lady, are you just so brave or still insured ??
Excuses for Mom or Grandma: and what's wrong with the wind in my head, for that my thoughts are always fresh.
If they tell you that you are evil and bitchy: it is better for him to be a tigress for a year than to be a sheep all his life!
If a girl refuses to drink: . What are you going to drink, girl?
- I do not drink!
- Come on, you DRY after all !!!)))
Data: Nothing is more annoying than if the person you interrupted continues to talk!
For uncultured boys: Call me a CHICKEN one more time!! I'll lay your balls for you.
If a stranger asks a lot: dear, you should not be too persistently interested in my life. It will seem so interesting to you that you will be disappointed in yours.
Data))): It's easier for men, they immediately see what kind of chest we have. But we poor women are in for a surprise!
Data:.Women's logic of course there is! It's just that men are so stupid that for some reason they can't understand her)))
For talkative gossips: If a person can't keep his mouth shut, then he doesn't really need his teeth!!!
For a picky husband: Cute! There have never been people like you, there is no now and there is no need at all ..
In an unpleasant society: I feel so smart next to you.
: .
- You're so cool when you drink!
- And you are very cool when I drink!
About jokes: Usually the last person to laugh is the one who didn't immediately understand the topic!
Rude but helpful:
- Such a girl is beautiful and smokes?
- Such a man is scary and talks?

They say a woman should have 5 men: the first husband to whom you can show everything and not tell anything, the second friend to whom you can tell everything but not show anything, the third lover to whom you can show a little and tell a little, the fourth gynecologist to whom you can show everything and tell everything and the boss who, as he says, will be !)))

Actually, what they say is true. But it is also true that if you wish evil, it will return to you! So why not wish everyone well, even in those moments when it is especially difficult to do it!!! You try it, and I'm sure you will definitely return the good! Be kinder, more pleasant and then you will never have to look for tricky excuses for people!!! Love the people, the world that surrounds you, and radiate more goodness! Good luck to you!

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01. Any resemblance between you and the person is purely coincidental!
02. Are you always this stupid, or is today a special occasion?
03. As an outsider, what do you think of the human race?
04. I would like to kick you in the teeth, but why should I improve your appearance?
05. There is at least one positive thing about your body. It's not as scary as your face!
06. The brain is not everything. And in your case, it's nothing!
07. Be careful, don't let your brain get into your head!
08. I like you. They say I have terrible taste, but I love you.
09. Did your parents ever ask you to run away from home?

10. If I had a face like yours, I would sue my parents!
11. Do not be upset. A lot of people don't have talent either!
12. Do not be offended, but do you have a job to spread ignorance?
13. Keep talking, someday you will still be able to say something smart!
14. Do you still love nature despite what it has done to you?
15. I don't think so, maybe you have a brain sprain!
16. Fellows like you do not grow on trees, they fluctuate there.
17. He has a mechanical mind. This is bad for him, he often forgets to turn his back to the wind.
18. His mind is like a steel trap that always closes when trying to find the answer!
19. You are a man of the earth, it is bad that it is not the best part of it.
20. He thought - this is something new.
21. When it finally gets dark, you will definitely look better!
22. Yes, you are just a miracle comedian. If it's funny, it's a miracle!
23. In Who's Who you should be looked for as What Is It?
24. You are living proof that a person can live without brains!
25. He is so short that when it rains, he is always the last to know about it.
26. Yes, you are just a template for building an idiot.
27. Why are you here? I thought the zoo was closing for the night!
28. How did you get here? Did someone leave the cage open?
29. Do not try to find anything in your head, it is empty.
30. I don't think you would like to feel the way you look!
31. Hello! I am human! What do you?
32. I can't talk to you right now, tell me where will you be in 10 years?
33. I don't want you to turn the other cheek, it's just ugly.
34. I don’t know who you are, but it would be better if you weren’t there, I’m sure everyone will agree with me.
35. I don't know what makes you stupid, but it really works.
36. I can drive a monkey out of you, but it will be very expensive for you!
37. I can't remember your name and please don't help me with this!
38. I don't even like the people you're trying to copy.
39. I know you were born stupid, but why do you relapse?
40. I know that you made yourself. It's good that you plead guilty!
41. I know you are not as stupid as you look. This is impossible!
42. I saw people like you, but then I had to pay for the ticket!
43. Why are you such a fool today? Though I think it's typical of you

How can words - morally, but really humiliate a person? “Today we will not talk about how bad and ugly it is to deliberately humiliate people. Let's look at everything from such an angle that if people are looking for a way to humiliate someone, then there are reasons for this. Let's respect their choice!

This article is dedicated to those girls and women who want, thanks to humiliation, to take revenge on a man for an insult, for a wound, for cruelty, and so on ...

Ways of verbal (moral) humiliation of a person:


You can arrange everything in such a way that you will have fun, and the person you plan to humiliate for some kind of “merit” will be sad ...

Say, for example, the following phrases:

  • “Everything around is people, and you are the real dregs of society!”
  • "Your intellect went for a walk and didn't come back!"
  • “The insufficiency of intelligence cannot be compensated for by something!”.
  • “My rose, hang out from here, otherwise I can dahlias with such force that you will definitely become pissed off!”
  • “It’s better to leave in English, otherwise I can send in other languages!”
  • "Stop rustling at me, you bag of holes!"
  • “It’s time for you to turn to psychologists! Although…. To what psychologists, if the psychiatrist is already powerless here?
  • "Smite me with your stupidity!"
  • “I don’t have time to cherish your complexes – hidden!”.


Speak only the unpleasant truth, which will be difficult for a person to listen to. But he will not object, because you will not lie a word. By the way, it is important not to lie, so as not to spoil the effect. It turns out that the truth can drive a person into a moral impasse ...


For example, you are in a circle of mutual acquaintances or friends. Tell them what kind of gossip the man everyone here respects so much. A person will give everything to disappear as soon as possible from this company. And he will regret that he once said (gossiped) something about one of the “sociable” people.

Sick, weak spots

Surely, every person has something that is disgusting or painful for him to talk about. Here! Threads like this are weapons. Lead them in conversation. Yes, so that a person could not “slip” off it in any way. You can draw up the course (plan) of the conversation in advance. Or you can - impromptu, if fantasy and imagination definitely do not let you down.

Direct and indirect enumeration of disadvantages

A person from humiliation will not know where to put himself. Create such a situation (and such conditions) that a person can neither run away from you nor leave. Speak, speak, speak. Don't miss anything! Especially if the shortcomings negatively affect society, people, the profession, the inner circle, if the shortcomings of this person create great discomfort.

Calls without swear words

Make a list of offensive words that will hurt for sure.

Compose the list yourself, continuing it even indefinitely. It is important that all words are spoken exclusively on the topic, on time, when necessary. Do not stuff the conversation with these offensive words so that they just swarmed! Give them (words of such content) the right places! Then they will "hook" and humiliate morally.

low insult

Say that he is small, that he never stood normally .... Well, and so on, and so on!

Throw mud at his dignity, his abilities. Oh, how it will humiliate him! And complexes will be born. He won't even notice it at first. Then he will understand how he "hit". He will believe even everything that you said on purpose. Believe and even hate you for a while! He will also hate those who praised him in bed, who spoke chic words about his merits.


Do not answer his call(s) and his messages, do not greet him when you meet him, pretend that he is not around (even if he is standing five steps away from you). Do everything so that he understands that you consider him just a deserted place, zero!


Don't talk to him, don't answer his questions, don't return insult for insult. Imagine that you are playing (until you win) "silence". Be silent when he tries to engage you in a conversation, makes a compliment, tells you something.

indifference is complete

Do not pay attention to a person even when he gives you a gift, makes a surprise, or a very good deed.

cruel humiliation

How to really humiliate a person? - Rigidity. If a person, for example, has some kind of physical defect, you can take advantage of this. How? Either create a situation in which he feels helpless, or call a person names (referring directly to this particular shortcoming).


Talk to a man about your achievements, about what you have achieved.

Condition: you need to talk about those achievements that the man does not yet have on his account.

Depends on a situation

Creating a situation in which a man will definitely turn to you for help, and not to another person. Firstly, a man will be humiliated by the fact that he realizes that he definitely cannot do without you. Secondly, the very understanding that he needs (necessary and important!) to turn to a woman for help kills him morally.

Expressions for humiliation

Skillful use of the phrase:“I can do it, but you will never be able to!”

Come up with (remember) everything that you are proud of in yourself. Line up all the "features" that you think make you better than others. Make sure that the superiority that is in you is certainly not in the person on whom you plan to “bring down” humiliation.

Reminder of the past

Storytelling (memories of the past). Remind the person about some of his actions, about some of his funny mistakes that took place in the past. Tell it with a smile, with a laugh, and with malicious sarcasm. Let a person go through the same state that he had experienced at the moment of that very “humorous incident”.

Women's tricks -

Effective moral "name-calling" -

"The Last Arrow of Cupid" -

Stop communicating with a person who is intrusive, rude or unpleasant to you. Just limit coexistence with him in every possible way. If this does not work out for any reason, then try not to pay any attention to the enemy. Ignoring is a great way to show a person that you are not interested in their attempts to become a significant person for you.

You need to send people "to hell" in different ways. You can not equally "send" a relative, boss and friend. If this is a loved one, think about his feelings. It is clear that you will not be able to send a native for a long time. Then think about how you will restore the relationship. You can hint to the boss who has exceeded his authority that you are not going to endure humiliation. If the position is expensive, then you should not spray curses and swear words, sometimes it’s better to just remain silent. The easiest way is to “send off” a friend by gently expressing your disapproval of his interest in your person.

Restraint is the key to success

Not all people know the word, so many try to respond with rudeness to obsession. By becoming like your ill-wisher, you become the same as him. Having entered into a rough skirmish, you can lose not only nerves, but also respect from people who are significant to you. Thus, we can conclude that sending someone on "distant wanderings" should be restrained. Show the arrogant person your superiority by the fact that you can keep a face even in a situation that irritates you. When the opponent begins to give some reasons, just leave, informing him of the unwillingness to communicate more. A self-respecting person is unlikely to want to climb on the rampage and chase after someone who treated him so humiliatingly.

Proper presentation of information

If "sending" a person directly in the face is impossible for you, then do it by mail. This does not mean that you need to roll up a frank letter with foul language, but you can express your dissatisfaction more intelligibly with the help of the epistolary genre. If you don’t know how to answer correctly, hire someone who writes texts to order. This method is convenient only when you need to get rid of a well-known person.

The ability to give a verbal rebuff provides people with independence from other people's judgments. By expressing your unwillingness to communicate with someone in a literary language, you will ensure not only peace of mind, but also approval from relatives, friends, and simply witnesses of the situation. As a last resort, if a person absolutely does not want to understand your explanations and climbs on the rampage, contact law enforcement agencies.