Material on the roof of the house what to choose. The best roofing material: advantages and disadvantages of coatings. Choosing a soft roof for your home

A strong reliable roof protects a private house from rain, snow, wind and scorching sun, keeps heat and comfort indoors. And beautiful - gives the architectural appearance of the entire building completeness, originality and expressiveness.

What kind of roof to choose for the house

The roof is built for more than one decade, so during the entire service life it must meet the requirements of safety, durability and functionality. Construction standards have been developed - SNiP, which regulate the main characteristics of structures, rules for calculating and installing roofs.

The construction and design of the roof are connected with the general architectural solution of a private house, and are developed at the design stage. The climate zone, the type of covering, the materials used for the supporting system and the roofing determine which roof to choose for the house. High-quality performance of work on its installation will allow you to operate the structure for a long time, avoiding expensive repairs.

Construction projects of private houses developed by architectural bureaus contain ready-made roof solutions for standard construction. The customer can order an individual version that will take into account all the necessary requirements and wishes.

The scheme and material for the manufacture of the enclosing structure depends on its spatial solution. What kind of roof to choose for a private house? The most commonly used are pitched forms, less often flat ones.

Classification of pitched roofs

A slope is a roof plane set with a slope. By the number and location of inclined parts, there are varieties:


The roof plane has a one-sided slope with an angle of up to 30°, along which drainage is carried out. This type is used to cover small buildings or outbuildings. The advantage of coatings is high resistance to wind loads, the disadvantage is that snow accumulates on the surface, water does not drain well.


In such structures, the rectangular roof planes are directed in opposite directions at an inclination angle of 20-42 °. Snow and water do not linger on the surfaces. With a larger slope, the windage of the roof increases, which can lead to its separation during strong gusts of wind.


They are called four-sided. One pediment - the triangular part of the facade - is completely or partially replaced with a slope - a hip. The shape is more resistant to wind load than gable. Its varieties are half-hip Dutch with a shortened hip and tent, where the slopes in the form of triangles are located at one angle, connecting at the top point.


The complex design combines three or more gable forms that overlap houses with outbuildings, highlight the attic area with windows. Nippers - pediments - are arranged parallel and perpendicular to each other. A spectacular roof is laborious to build, requires more material consumption, and careful execution of joints.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer roof repair and design services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".


The space under the roof is used for housing or for business purposes.

Conical, domed or bell-shaped

Roofs of this configuration cover buildings that are round in plan. Due to the high cost of construction, they are found mainly in elite mansions, places of worship and stylized buildings.

Pyramidal or spire-shaped

Used for regular polygonal buildings, have an elongated shape. They decorate the building more than protect from precipitation.

flat roofs

Over the past decade, flat roofing has ceased to be a sign of multi-story or industrial construction. Projects of private houses play on the advantages of roofs without a slope. Terraces, recreation areas, solar panels, antennas, climatic equipment.

In fact, the design is not entirely flat, it has a small slope angle - up to 5 °. This allows rain and melt water to drain through an organized internal or external drain. The slope is formed due to the different thickness of the screed.

Flat roofs have advantages over spatial coverings:

  • original and fresh design;
  • the roof can be operated;
  • the attic space is used as a full-fledged floor;
  • increased resistance to wind loads.

The main problem that was previously encountered during operation was the insufficient service life of waterproofing. When the protective layer was destroyed, water flowed freely into the room.

Modern materials and technologies make it possible to build durable flat roofs with guaranteed operation for 50 years. Whatever the promises of the manufacturers, special care must be taken during installation when sealing joints and equipping drains.

Disadvantages of a flat roof:

  • snow accumulation;
  • the need for regular maintenance;
  • increased risk of leaks;
  • icing of catchment funnels in winter.

A flat roof is suitable for individual construction in areas with a mild climate, low rainfall. If there is a lot of snow, heavy rains are frequent, then the best option would be to choose a design with slopes.

Pitched roof device

The truss system is the supporting frame of the roof. It consists of the elements:

  1. Mauerlat - beams on which the entire structure rests. It is mounted along the perimeter of the walls in the upper part.
  2. Rafter legs - inclined elements placed in increments of up to 1 m and interconnected by horizontal runs. They are hanging or layered, depending on the type of support.
  3. The ridge is the top of the roof, the horizontal bar to which the rafters are attached.
  4. Lathing or decking - load-bearing structure for " roofing cake", which adds stability to the truss system.
  5. Roofs - external coating, consisting of layers of insulation, hydro-, vapor barrier, wind protection, roofing material.
  6. Racks, struts, crossbars - vertical, horizontal and diagonal connections, giving the frame rigidity and stability.
  7. Valleys, grooves - docking elements at the intersections of the roof planes.
  8. Overhangs - continuations of slopes beyond the outer walls.

Diagram of a gable roof device

The rafter system for private construction, as a rule, is made of wood. The material is accessible and easy to process. It is lightweight and strong enough. You can create any spatial frame without weighing down the system.

Roofing materials are varied. To choose which roof is best for a private house, you need to know the features of their application.

Criterias of choice

When choosing a roofing material for coating, consider the possibility of using it from several sides:

  1. Roof pitch. There are manufacturer-recommended dimensions of the angle of inclination at which the material will effectively perform its functions.
  2. Specifications- durability, weight, strength, safety, fire resistance.
  3. Noisiness - some materials, for example, metal profiled sheets, are able to resonate and amplify impact noise from falling raindrops, hail.
  4. financial availability.
  5. Possibility of do-it-yourself installation, if self-construction is expected.

The enclosing structure should fit into the overall architectural solution in style, in harmony with the surrounding landscape.

Materials for various types of roofing

For pitched roofs with an angle of inclination of 12-45 °, the following materials are used:

Folded metal sheets

They are made of steel, copper, titanium-zinc or aluminium. Fastening to each other is carried out by means of a fold - a special type of seam, performed manually, mechanical devices or self-latching. The roof is light, strong, durable, there is practically no waste after installation, no accessories are needed. A special tool is required for manufacturing. The main disadvantage is increased noise. It is eliminated by installing soundproofing. Steel sheets are susceptible to corrosion.


Rolled products with a polymer coating are painted in different colors, durable, non-flammable, durable. The dimensions of the sheet allow you to quickly cover even large spans. Good combination of quality and price.

metal tile

Successfully imitates expensive natural material. Among the shortcomings are noise common to metal surfaces, high thermal conductivity. Advantages - affordable price, decorative effect, ease of installation, durability.

Other materials

At slope angles of more than 12 °, bituminous and ceramic tiles, slate, fiber-cement sheets are used.

Slate and piece tiles require a greater slope - from 25 °. This will allow water to drain without lingering on the surface, protect the roof from leaks at joints and overlaps.

Flat roofs are covered with roll-on welded or mastic bulk materials. The first type includes roofing material, roofing felt, glassine. Their main disadvantage is their low resistance to frost, UV radiation, and mechanical stress. Reapplication is required every 5-15 years.

Modern analogues - fiberglass, isoplasts, special polymer membranes - far exceed the previous generation of rolled materials in these indicators, protecting the roof for up to 50 years without repair.

Video description

More information about the available roofing materials that are offered on Russian market can be seen in this video:

Wooden house - features of the choice of roofing

Wood is an ideal material for housing construction. It is warm, environmentally friendly, aesthetically comfortable. It is easy to breathe in such a house, because. wooden walls have good vapor permeability. But they cannot boast of high fire resistance, such as, for example, brick or reinforced concrete, even after repeated treatment with flame retardants.

What kind of roof to choose for a wooden house in order to preserve the aura natural material and at the same time protect yourself from the possibility of a fire?

Fire resistant roofing materials include:

  • ceramic and cement-sand tiles;
  • metal coatings;
  • asbestos cement sheets.

Cover wooden houses materials containing bitumen and its derivatives - bituminous tiles, euroslate, are not worth it, because. their combustibility is average (G3 group). They ignite spontaneously at a temperature of 250-300 °, while releasing toxic substances that are dangerous for breathing.

Asbestos-cement slate, widely used in private construction, is not combustible, but when heated to high temperatures, the corrugated sheets explode, the fragments scatter in different directions.


There is an answer to the question of which roof is better for a house: it must be safe, reliable, not afraid of cold, heat, wind and water. And at the same time - for a long time to please the eye.


Considering the saturation of the construction market with products of both domestic and foreign manufacturers, it is almost impossible to make a choice in the direction of one or another brand. Roof accessories are no exception. But how do you choose the best roofing material and not be mistaken in its quality? Read about this, as well as about the features of various types of materials in this article.

All currently existing materials can be conditionally divided into several groups according to the technology of their production:

  • bulk;
  • roll;
  • leafy;
  • piece.

Grouping can also be done according to the raw material used:

  • natural;
  • polymeric;
  • bituminous;
  • metal.

When evaluating which roofing material to choose, it is necessary to focus not only on its appearance or price, but also on the load it creates on roof and house structures.

The above groups of materials can be combined in completely bizarre proportions. Therefore, when building a roof, it is equally important to know the physical and chemical properties of each material. Let's move on to considering what material is best for the roof.


It has been used to cover roofs since ancient times. Builders have always liked it due to its ease of shaping, durability and strength. These qualities remain with him to this day. Most modern metal materials are produced in the form of sheets. Galvanized iron can be used in roll form - this reduces the number of joints on the roof.

The longest service life of copper, aluminum and titanium-zinc. They can be used for a century or more. Galvanized steel and materials derived from it (euro tiles, corrugated board) can last about 50 years. But the service life can be extended by covering the metal with polymeric protective equipment.

Laying technology

All metal roofing materials are mounted on top of a wooden crate with a spacing of 30-50 cm. Galvanized steel and derivative materials are laid in a row with an overlap both vertically and horizontally. The rest of the materials are fixed by the seam method - the joints in all rows are flattened during installation or before the material is lifted onto the roof.

Physical and chemical resistance

Galvanized iron is prone to corrosion. The material is resistant to physical influences.

Labor intensity and terms of work

Installation is relatively easy and fast. Difficulties can arise only if the roof has a complex shape and at the junction with vertical elements (pipes, chimneys, windows, etc.). These difficulties are caused by the relatively large dimensions of the sheets of material.

Metal roofs are lightweight, and therefore do not require the organization of a powerful truss system.


Galvanized steel, aluminum and uncoated corrugated board do not look very attractive. Steel metal materials have a very good appearance.

Special properties

Metal roofs are poor sound insulators. In addition, sheets of material are subject to bending deformations, and therefore they require proper wind protection.


Galvanized steel and materials produced from it have an average cost, other materials are distinguished by their elite and high cost. But the price is completely offset by the almost complete lack of service.


Roofing bitumen has a long history. This material is still the most rational solution for flat and low-slope roofs. This group of materials is produced using bitumen-mastic mixtures, which allowed to slightly improve the technical performance of roofs. Such materials are the most easily and quickly mounted. To get started, you need to know how to calculate the material for the roof.

Roofing bitumen is also used as waterproofing under other types of materials. This category of materials includes eurotile, which is a cut mastic-bitumen sheet. But according to the laying technology, such material is much closer to the piece.

On the basis of bituminous mastic, self-leveling roofs are also produced, but in their properties they differ significantly from rolled ones.

Laying technology

The reverse side of the rolls of material is covered with mastic. It is heated with a special one, after which the roll is pressed tightly against the base. The lathing in this case should be continuous (for pitched roofs), on flat roofs the floor slab acts as the base.

The material is laid in two or more layers with overlapping rows.

Physical and chemical resistance

Such materials do not tolerate contact with solvents, liquid bitumen. They do not cope well with high and very low temperatures. Mechanical impact is extremely detrimental to such a coating.

Labor intensity and terms of work

Large roof areas can be covered in almost one working day by a team of 3 people.

The load is minimal - about 8 kg per square meter area (2-layer technology).


The best samples of material can last no more than 25 years, lower quality material - up to 10 years.


The use of colored sprinkles allows you to give more aesthetics to the material, but in most cases this is not a very attractive roof.

Special properties

Rolled roofs are very flammable and highly hygroscopic.


The material itself and roofing work will cost the customer very cheaply. But it should be understood that in the future such a roof will require regular repairs and routine inspections, which increases costs.

To reduce the cost of repairing such a roof, it is necessary to use mastics for self-leveling roofs. They allow you to securely close the resulting holes and openings, not allowing them to "grow".

natural materials

They can be both sheet and small pieces. The first category includes cement-fiber and asbestos-cement sheets, the second:

Natural sheet materials are similar in their characteristics and installation technology to other sheet materials. But they are distinguished by a large weight, as well as fragility to impact. What material to choose for the roof depends on the architectural design of the house and the preferences of the owner.

Laying technology

Small-piece materials are laid on a continuous crate with pre-laid waterproofing. Laying technology is often in-line, with elements engaging with the help of their own relief. An exception is shingles, which are fixed with nails. Laying starts from the roof overhang. Junctions, valleys and other irregularities are covered with special shaped products.

Physical and chemical resistance

Under normal operating conditions - high. The material does not tolerate freezing cycles well. Due to improper installation and poor quality, the material may crack.

Labor intensity and terms of work

Large. Since it is necessary to accurately fit each separate element, then highly qualified roofers are required.

Load on load-bearing roof structures

Such materials are very heavy (up to 40 kg / sq.m.), so it is imperative to calculate in advance all the loads on the truss system. The rafters themselves and load-bearing walls must be strong enough to withstand the weight of the roof. In the case of using euro tiles, the installation of lightweight rafters is allowed, since the material itself is not heavy. How much roofing material do you need? It all depends on the angles of the slopes and their area. This is not always easy, it is desirable that the calculation is performed by an experienced specialist.


It is not inferior to the best metal materials, that is, it is about 100 years old. The eurotile on term of operation is comparable to rolled materials.


Inferior only to wooden materials.

Special properties

All materials are fireproof. Repair of such roofs is simple. Virtually maintenance free.

Materials that are intended for roofing must be very strong and durable, have the ability to withstand various atmospheric factors: solar radiation, negative temperatures, frost resistance, corrosion resistance.

The difficulty lies precisely in the large assortment, and whatever material you choose, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

To make the right decision on how to choose a roof for your home, you need to consider many factors.

Key factors to consider when choosing a roofing material

  1. First of all, the choice depends on the load that will act on the roof. It consists of the weight of the whole (battens, rafters, insulation, roofing, etc.) and the weight of the snow cover (the normative weight for the given region is taken). You also need to take into account the strength of the wind in this region.
  2. The choice also depends on the architectural solution of the roof. Looking at the draft design, it becomes clear what kind of roof the planned building will have. Based on the dimensions, shape, design features of the planned building, they choose the design of the roofing system and the material with which it will be covered. For example, when choosing ceramic tiles, when building a building, you need to make at least 30-35 degrees - this is provided for by device technologies.
  3. An important factor is fire resistance and durability. The choice is made based on the functionality of the building under construction. For example, for the construction of the roof of a utility shed, it makes no sense to spend money on very expensive materials.

Manufacturers offer not only wavy, but also flat slate sheets. As a rule, the type of material is selected depending on the slope of the slopes. Flat sheets should only be used on slopes with a slope of at least 25 degrees.

When all operating conditions and installation technology are met, roofing materials have the following warranty periods:

  • soft tiles -15-20 years;
  • metal tile - 5-15 years (the period depends on the polymer coating of the sheets);
  • natural tiles - 20-30 years;
  • slate up to 10 years;
  • roofing steel and corrugated board - 15-20 years;
  • bituminous sheets - about 15 years;
  • slate roofs - 30-40 years.

Currently, there is a very large selection of materials. The financial issue during construction is of great importance, especially at the end of construction, when there are few funds left, but it is necessary for a long time and with high quality. When choosing, do not overestimate the types of materials that have recently appeared on the market and are praised by sellers. There is no ideal material that will suit any conditions of use for the roof.

To understand which roof to choose for your home, it is best to consult with a specialist and familiarize yourself with the types of roofing materials.

Roofing material - ceramic tiles

S-shaped ceramic tiles are one of the characteristic and traditional types of roofing. Also called Dutch tiles, they especially attract attention on the preserved roofs of many ancient buildings and churches.

This type of roofing material is made from clay mass, which is formed and fired in a kiln at a temperature of over 1000 degrees Celsius, after which it acquires a brown-red color. It can be covered with a protective film applied before firing and serving to better remove natural deposits. The finished product looks like a tile about 30x30 cm in size and weighs at least 2 kg. Ceramic tiles are classified depending on the method of manufacture and position on the roof. It happens with one or two waves, grooved, flat tape, slot stamping, etc.

Tiled roofing is used when the roof slope is from 25 to 60 degrees. If the slope is less, measures are taken to improve ventilation and waterproofing. If the slope is greater, auxiliary fastening with nails or screws will be required.

Tiles are attached to each other with the help of special locks. Fastening to the crate is carried out using special holes. The upper tile is installed on top of the lower tile, creating a continuous roofing which prevents leakage. Such laying is used in wooden, stone, brick houses and even in high-rise buildings.

The basic tool needed for laying a roof with ceramic tiles

  • trowel;
  • putty knife;
  • acute-angled trowel;
  • faceted awl;
  • barrel for solution;
  • pick hammer;
  • pickaxe hatchet;
  • hammer-hacksaw-hatchet;
  • stairs.


  1. Low costs during operation (cleaning of valleys, gutters and inspection of abutments is usually carried out once a year).
  2. High degree of noise absorption.
  3. Ceramic tiles are not subject to corrosion.
  4. High degree of frost resistance.
  5. The roof looks very attractive. There is a wide choice of colors and shapes.
  6. The construction with ceramic tiles allows the roof to "breathe". Thanks to this, the moisture that accumulates under the roof evaporates quickly.

Minuses ceramic tiles as a roofing material:

  1. Too much weight, due to which it will be necessary to increase the sections of the truss structure or reduce it with the same section.
  2. Ceramic tile is a rather fragile material.
  3. During the creation of complex structures, various technological difficulties arise: a greater consumption of elements for fastening, strengthening the crate, laying additional waterproofing.

Roofing material - cement-sand tiles

Cement-sand tiles - a cheaper and lighter analogue of natural tiles, made of sand concrete with the addition of dyes.

Ceramic tiles are too heavy. To reduce it, cement-sand tiles were created. It consists of cement, sand, iron oxides (they serve as dyes). In appearance and in all design features, it is not inferior to ceramic tiles. There is a flat cement-sand tile and profile, with and without coating. The slope at which it can be used should be from 20 to 60 degrees.

Installation on the crate is done in rows, using the ligation method so that the previous row is offset by half the width of the tile. A rafter cross section of about 50-150 mm and a step of 600 mm are recommended (it all depends on the span of the rafter leg and the load). The tiles are fastened with nails to the crate. Holes for the passage of nails are already made at the factory. Under the cement-sand tiles, an underlying layer is made of waterproofing and battens.

The main tool required for laying a roof with cement-sand tiles is the same as for ceramic tiles.


  1. Becomes more durable over time.
  2. Wide choice of color scale.
  3. Frost resistance.
  4. Resistance to aggressive environmental influences and solar radiation.

Minuses cement-sand tiles as a roofing material:

  1. High price.
  2. Massiveness (tile thickness more than 10 mm).
  3. With improper transportation, a large percentage of scrap.

It can be used in brick and wooden house different storeys.

Roofing material - bituminous tiles

This type of material is made from cellulose, fiberglass and polyester. Such a tile is quite reliable, it has a small size (100x30 cm) and a weight of about 8-12 kg / sq.m. It comes in triangular, rectangular and round shapes. There is a large selection of colors. The tile is very plastic and resistant to natural precipitation. With its help, it is not difficult to create various intricate forms of roofing structures.

It is applied on roofs of the houses having a slope more than 12 degrees. Necessary condition is the use of a lining layer, which is laid on a continuous crate over the entire roof area.

Bituminous tiles can be chosen during the construction of gazebos, cottages, private houses, garages and other buildings. It can be chosen when reconstructing an old roof (from bituminous materials and roofing iron), creating a new coating on top of the prepared old one.

The tool required for laying a roof with bituminous tiles is the same as for ceramic tiles.

pros shingles as roofing material:

  1. No scrap during installation and transportation.
  2. Fast local repair.
  3. Allows you to create different angles of the roof.
  4. Does not create noise during precipitation.
  5. Small amount of waste.
  6. The tile is not subject to corrosion and rotting, does not rust.

Minuses bituminous tiles as a material for the roof of a house:

  1. High combustibility.
  2. Exposed to the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays (fading).
  3. Installation of this tile can not be carried out in winter.

Roofing material - metal tiles

A metal tile is a durable, easy to use, operate and install roof made of galvanized steel with a thickness of 0.4 - 0.7 mm with a polymer coating that protects the steel from impact. aggressive environment and UV radiation.

It is a sheet of galvanized steel coated with a polymer that determines the property and color of the surface. There are various varieties that mimic ceramic tiles. Sheet thickness - from 0.4 mm. It can be used on roofs with a slope of more than 15 degrees. With a slope of up to 20%, all joints between the decks are sealed.

Installation is quite simple. The tiles are fastened with self-tapping screws. The size of the overlap along the slope is chosen about 250 mm. It is used in the construction of kiosks, shopping centers, high-rise and one-story buildings, industrial buildings and private houses.

The main tool needed for the installation of metal tiles

  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • long rail;
  • hacksaw with fine teeth;
  • marker;
  • stairs;
  • perforator or drill;
  • self-tapping screws.


  1. Fast installation.
  2. Resistance to external mechanical influences.
  3. Small price.
  4. A light weight.
  5. Does not break or crack during transportation.

Minuses metal tiles as roofing material:

  1. Very poor soundproofing.
  2. Lots of waste during installation.

Asbestos-cement slabs (slate)

Slate is produced in the form of rectangular sheets that have a wavy corrugation. The standard size is 1.2x0.7 m. The sheets are overlapped and fixed with nails to the crate. Sealing gaskets are placed under them. The base for the roof is a crate of bars. You can choose this material at 12-60 degrees.

Currently, they are used in the construction of summer kitchens, sheds, utility blocks, country houses, etc.

The main tool needed for laying a roof with slate

  • hammer;
  • Bulgarian;
  • yardstick;
  • slate nails;
  • kapron cord;
  • stairs.

Advantages of asbestos-cement slate as a roofing material:

  1. Pretty durable material.
  2. Can be easily cut with a grinder.
  3. Low price.

Cons of asbestos-cement slate as a roofing material:

  1. Fragility.
  2. Decorative unattractiveness.
  3. Asbestos, which is part of the composition, is harmful to humans.
  4. Accumulates moisture, which leads to loss of color, the appearance of moss and fungus.

Whatever roofing material you choose, you must strictly adhere to the rules for its installation. Then the roof of your house will last for many years!

One of the most important parts of the house is the roof - warmth and comfort, noise level and frequency of building repairs depend on its quality.

Naturally, during development planning, the question arises, which type of roof to choose, or which roof is better - cheaper, more expensive, broken or gable, or maybe four-slope?

It is not enough that the roof is just strong and attractive. It must also have a number of important properties: provide good protection from rain and snow, protect from heat and cold, and be fireproof. Let's look at the main types of roofs and their characteristic features, because the choice of material for the roof depends on the type of roof.

Main types of roofs

  1. flat roofs. They are usually erected over outbuildings and outbuildings, garages, bathhouses, sheds, as well as houses with a terrace on the roof.
  2. pitched roofs. This type of roof is more common, and there are several classifications of pitched roofs, one of which we will give below. Among others pitched roofs can be divided into warm and cold, with and without an attic.

We list the main structural varieties of pitched roofs.

  • Shed roofs
    Their surface is a plane resting on opposite walls of different heights, i.e. is at an angle to the horizon.

  • gable roofs
    They consist of two angled planes and rest on opposite walls of the same height. Perhaps this is the most common type of pitched roofs.

  • broken roofs
    A type of gable roof, in which each of the slopes consists of two rectangles located at an obtuse angle.

  • cruciform roofs
    They are a combination of several ordinary gable roofs, as if cut into each other at a right angle.

  • hip roofs
    This hipped roofs with two long trapezoidal slopes and two short triangular.

  • Half hip roofs
    A type of hip roof, sometimes called a Dutch one, in which the end slopes do not reach the eaves. Thanks to this design, the house can withstand the wind better, and its gables are less exposed to precipitation.

  • hipped roofs
    A kind of 4-pitched roof, consisting of four equal slopes of a triangular shape.

When choosing the type of roof, one should take into account not only its intended operational properties, but also decorative qualities. In low-rise buildings, the roof has a large relative volume and its appearance largely determines the architectural solution.

In private houses, mainly roofs of high structures are erected. This allows you to build an attic, and the house takes on a more presentable appearance. Also, steep slopes do not allow water and snow to linger on the roof. In areas with strong winds, it is preferable to build low roofs or high ones, with additionally reinforced truss systems.

You should also consider what kind of roof the developer can afford. Naturally, roofs of simpler structures are cheaper, and the most economical options are flat and pitched roofs. An additional convenience of a shed roof is that it allows you to increase the internal volume of the building, and at the same time serve as a ceiling in outbuildings.

If the attic space will be used for household needs, it is better to build a gable roof. In areas with strong winds the best choice there will be a kind of hip roof, but its construction will be expensive. In addition, the construction of hip roofs requires high professionalism, and should only be trusted by experienced craftsmen.

In houses of complex shape, as a rule, cruciform roofs are used. This is a rather complex structure, consisting of many intersecting slopes. The complexity of the device of the cruciform roof is to ensure the tightness of the inner corners of the roof. Such roofs are expensive, they must be erected experienced craftsmen and made of quality materials.

Roof construction elements

After choosing the type of roof, you can begin the selection of materials. Therefore, we will get acquainted with the main structural elements of roofs:

  • Basic structure. Its type depends on the type of roof. Usually it is constructed from wooden beams and rafters.
  • Roof base. It can be built in the form of a lattice or be solid.
  • Hydro- and heat-insulating layers.
  • Roofing material.

Rafters and their types

Rafters perform an important function in roof construction. This is a support for the crate, which takes on not only the weight of the roof, but also the wind load, as well as the pressure of snow.

  • hanging used for long spans;
  • oblique, used for spans up to 6.5 m. With additional support, the spans can be extended up to 12 m.

Design and construction truss systems- jobs that require high qualifications. Its quality determines the bearing capacity and, consequently, the strength of the roof.

Foundations for roofing

The type of base under the roof is selected depending on the intended roofing material.

There are two main types of base under the roof:

  • crate(used for roofing made of metal tiles, slate or metal profile)
  • continuous flooring(when using roll media)

Solid flooring is constructed from two layers of boards. The first layer is called working, and the second - protective. The latter is located at an angle of 45 degrees with respect to the worker and is constructed from narrow boards. Between these layers, a windproof material is placed, usually roofing material RRP-300 or 350.

When installing the crate, a number of rules are observed:

  • all elements of the crate are securely fastened to the rafters;
  • their joints are located on the rafters in a run;
  • the distances between them must be maintained over the entire surface of the roof being constructed.

Roofing materials and works

The top part of the roof is called the roof. It is in direct contact with the external environment, taking on all the power of wind and precipitation. Therefore, the main qualities that it must possess are strength and water resistance.

There are many materials for roofing, and choosing one of them, you should consider it. performance characteristics, as well as a number of other factors:

  • climate;
  • functional purpose of the building;
  • material durability;
  • material cost;
  • its soundproofing and heat-saving properties;
  • the complexity and cost of roof maintenance;
  • external attractiveness of the material.

It is difficult to give unambiguous and comprehensive advice on the choice of roofing material, which will be better, since all of the above factors influence it, and, as you know, ideal building materials do not exist. In addition, the determining criteria may differ, for example, with insufficient funding, price becomes the main one, and all other factors are considered less captiously. On the contrary, if consumer properties come to the fore, then the price, as a rule, does not have a decisive value. For someone, perhaps, beauty or color will be the main factor, since according to the owners' plan, the house should not be like the rest.

The choice of material should be made at the stage of creating a house project, since the type of roof structure depends on it, and changes should be made to finished project will be difficult and expensive.


The selection of a roof structure and roofing material is an important stage in the construction of a house. Finding the best solution can only be done by taking into account a number of factors:

  • purpose of the building;
  • noise-insulating and heat-saving characteristics of the roof;
  • construction budget;
  • climate features;
  • aesthetic impression.

Only by taking into account the listed factors and weighing each of them, you can choose the best roof option and type of roofing material.

The main structural difference between a flat roof and its pitched counterpart is a small surface slope, not exceeding 1-3%. Precipitation falling on such a plane does not roll down, but lingers on it. And of course, even if there is a slight crack, they leak.

We can say that this is a disadvantage of a flat roof. However, when choosing suitable roofing materials, a negative characteristic turns into a minor feature.

Flat roof roofing materials cannot be chosen according to the principle of “relevance in the new season”. All sorts of fashionable ondulines and flexible tiles are not suitable. And here's why: despite their decorative effect and undeniably good performance when working on pitched roofs, they are not able to form a continuous moisture-resistant carpet. And this is how a flat roof should be: absolutely airtight, with a minimum of seams - to ensure that moisture cannot seep under the layers of the roofing cake.

Suitable options are:

  • bituminous roll materials;
  • polymeric membranes;
  • mastics.

All these coatings in the composition of the roofing carpet are dense enough to provide good waterproofing flat roof, and elastic enough to normally perceive thermal and mechanical influences. Moreover, each material has its own characteristics - in terms of functionality, installation method, durability, cost. Therefore, if you are planning to cover a flat roof, but still do not know how, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the main materials.

Option #1 - bituminous materials

These are materials in rolls, which are a solid base impregnated with oxidized or modified bitumen. Supplied in rolls, 10-30 m long, about 1 m wide.

There are the following types of bituminous materials:

  • ruberoid;
  • rubemast;
  • stekloizol;
  • euroruberoid or bitumen-polymer membrane.


Ruberoid can be called one of the most common waterproofing coatings both in the Soviet period and now. In fact, it is cardboard impregnated with bitumen. On one or both sides of the roofing material there is a protective backfill (sand, asbestos, talc, etc.). The durability of a roof made of roofing material is 5-10 years.

The roofing material has minimal water absorption, so there is no doubt about its waterproofing properties. It is resistant to atmospheric phenomena and mechanical stress, thanks to which it is able to withstand rain, hail, and snow blockages.

Unfortunately, roofing felt is not resistant to extreme temperatures: it melts in the heat (above 50°C) and cracks in the cold. Therefore, it is not necessary to count on long-term operation, without repairs. The average life span of a roofing material is 5-10 years. However, in defense of this material, we can recall that it is inexpensive, and its installation is quite simple. The rolls are rolled out on the roof and glued onto the base with bituminous mastic with careful sizing of the seams - that's all.


Rubemast, in fact, is the same roofing material, but already an improved, more modern version of it. It is also made on the basis of roofing paper, but differs in a thicker bituminous layer on the underside. Due to this, rubemast is characterized by increased plasticity, it is less susceptible to cracking under mechanical stress and temperature changes. Therefore, its service life is longer than that of a conventional roofing material - about 15 years.

Rubemast refers to the welded materials. Its laying is carried out by melting the bottom layer with a propane torch or solvents.


Stekloizol (glass roofing material, glass mast) already belongs to somewhat different materials, although outwardly it differs little from roofing material and rubemast. All the difference is in the filling. As a basis in glass roofing material, fiberglass or fiberglass coated with bitumen is used. A layer of granular bedding is applied on top of the material, and a fusible film is fixed on the bottom. Accordingly, the installation of glass mast is carried out by fusing.

Fiberglass, unlike cardboard, does not rot. They are the "reinforcement" of the material, holding the flexible bitumen together and keeping it from cracking. Accordingly, stekloizol is more durable than roofing material and rubemast. Its service life reaches 20 years.


Despite the advantages of all the listed materials, euroruberoid is a step above them - the most modern and functional bituminous coating. However, it is not entirely correct to call it bituminous, it is more correct to call it bitumen-polymer. Euroroofing material contains bitumen modified with various additives, for example, pieces of rubber, which gives the final material special flexibility and waterproofing properties.

The basis of euroroofing material is fiberglass (canvas, fabric) or polyester (polyester). These materials are synthetic, non-rotting, durable. On both sides of the base, a bituminous binder is applied, consisting of bitumen, additives and fillers. Protective layers of a polymer film or bulk materials (shale, sand, talc, etc.) are fixed at the top and bottom of the canvas.

Installation of euroroofing material, as a rule, is carried out by melting the lower bitumen-polymer layer with a burner and then gluing it to the roof. This laying method is typical for coatings with a polymer (indicator) film. The material with an already existing self-adhesive layer is more convenient in installation. Fixing it on the roof is as easy as shelling pears - just remove the protective film and stick the canvas on a pre-prepared place.

You can learn about the characteristics of euroroofing material using the example of the Technoelast material from TechnoNIKOL by watching a short video:

Option #2 - polymer membranes

This type of materials appeared in our country relatively recently, but has already gained immense popularity. Polymer membranes are a qualitatively different type of roofing roll coverings, which endure mechanical loads, temperature changes and are characterized by increased elasticity. The membranes are supplied in rolls, up to 20 m wide, up to 60 m long. Such impressive dimensions allow you to create coatings with a minimum number of joints and seams (which can threaten to leak).

Not the last role in the secret of the popularity of membrane roofs is their durability, far superior to all other options. Their service life is at least 30-50 years.

Installation of membrane roofs is quite simple, therefore, it is carried out in a short time. According to experienced roofers, the installation of membranes is 1.5 times faster than the laying of bituminous roll coatings (under the same conditions).

Depending on the polymer that forms the basis of the web, membranes are divided into 3 types: PVC, TPO and EPDM.

PVC membranes

The basis for PVC membranes is polyvinyl chloride with a "reinforcement" of polyester mesh. To increase the elasticity of the material, volatile plasticizers (about 40%) are introduced into the PVC composition, which are gradually released after installation.

PVC membranes come in a variety of colors, but unfortunately they tend to fade in the sun.

The PVC sheet during installation is first mechanically fixed (telescopic fasteners), and then, laying the second sheet overlapping on it, the joints are welded with hot air. Another option is diffusion welding. In this case, a solvent is applied to the surface of the membrane (at the seams), after which the panels are lashed and a load is placed on top.

TPO membranes

The production of TPO membranes is based on thermoplastic olefins. For reinforcement, fiberglass or polyester mesh is used. However, membranes of this type are able to work without internal support, so unreinforced TPO sheets can also be found on the market.

Since there are no volatile plasticizers in the composition of the material, it is considered more environmentally friendly than its PVC counterpart. And the most frost-resistant than all other membranes (can withstand up to -62°C).

The connection of TPO rolls into a monolithic roof surface is carried out, as a rule, with the help of a hot air jet.

EPDM membranes

EPDM membranes are rolled material based on rubber reinforced with polyester mesh or fiberglass. It differs from other membranes in increased elasticity (about 400%) and a lower price.

In addition to pure EPDM, which have a rubber base, composite materials are produced. Their upper layer is traditionally rubber, and the lower one is flexible bitumen-polymer.

EPDM are insensitive to bitumen and its modifications. Therefore, the installation of membranes is allowed to be performed on top of the old bituminous roof, excluding its dismantling and simplifying the repair process.

EPDM installation is carried out by connecting the seams with double-sided self-adhesive tape. This method is less reliable than the welded method used for PVC and TPO membranes, and therefore requires the additional use of adhesives. A ballast mounting option is also possible, in which the membrane laid and fixed with telescopic fasteners is covered from above with pebbles, crushed stone, etc.

Interesting information about the characteristics, advantages and features of the production of EPDM membranes is presented in the following video:

Option # 3 - mastics

The use of rolled materials, one way or another forming seams at the joints, is not a prerequisite for creating soft roof. There is an alternative - roofing mastics. With their help, you can create an absolutely monolithic, seamless roof surface with a service life of about 3-10 years.

Mastic is a viscous fluid mixture that, when applied to the surface of the roof, hardens under the influence of air. The result is a homogeneous monolithic coating, without seams. In this case, we are talking about the use of mastics as materials for creating mastic roofs. But they are also used as adhesives when installing a roofing carpet made of rolled materials.

Mastics contain organic binders, mineral fillers and special additives that improve the characteristics of the material. In the air, after being applied to the roof, the mastic already hardens in an hour and turns into a smooth elastic film.

According to the type of application, mastics are cold and hot. Cold ones are already ready for use, they can be applied to the roof without prior preparation. Hot - it is necessary to warm up to a temperature of 160-180 ° C. Cold mastics have become more common, since their application is easier and is not associated with the risk of burns. But hot mastics are more economical and harden faster, almost before our eyes.

Depending on the composition, mastics are:

  • bituminous;
  • bitumen-rubber (with rubber crumb);
  • bitumen-polymer (with polymer components);
  • polymeric.

Bituminous mastics - the simplest in composition, contain petroleum bitumen, a filler and an antiseptic. For mastic roofs, this type of material is not recommended, due to the small operating temperature range.

By adding crumb rubber to bitumen mastic, manufacturers get another material that is more suitable for roofing - bitumen-rubber mastic. After drying, it forms a durable and flexible coating that can withstand harsh operating conditions and extreme temperatures. With the help of bitumen-rubber mastics, you can not only create a mastic roof, but also repair many other types of rolled roofs.

Bitumen-polymer mastics are obtained by modifying petroleum bitumen with various polymers - rubbers, petroleum polymer resins, artificial waxes. After drying, they form a continuous flexible membrane with high waterproofing properties. They are also used for gluing and repairing rolled bituminous materials.

And the last version of the mastics that can be used for self-leveling roofs and repair of rolled ones is polymer compositions. They do not contain bitumen, their functional properties are determined by the content of synthetic resins and polymers. The roofing membranes obtained with the help of polymer mastics are distinguished by their elasticity, resistance to UV radiation, and durability.

Polymeric compositions, by right, are considered the most resistant. What features do they have? And how to apply them to get a reliable mastic roof? Watch the video - there are answers to these questions:

What material is better to choose?

After reading the information about the characteristics of each material, one thing remains - to choose, starting from the desired functional features of the future roof. Do you want to lay the roof yourself? The easiest way to do this is with the use of roofing material or its modern built-up analogues. The most optimal material in terms of quality, ease of installation and durability is euroruberoid, especially one that has a self-adhesive bottom layer.

It is not difficult to build a mastic roof, but its service life is limited and usually is 3-5 years. The highest quality polymer mastics last longer - up to 10 years. However, in any case, mastic is an excellent solution for budget construction and repair, due to its low price.

If you choose the material according to the degree of durability and reliability, not paying attention to the price, then polymer membranes certainly win here. Most likely, the installation of these coatings will have to be entrusted to specialists, which also entails a general increase in the cost of the roof. But the membranes will last much longer (30-50 years) than any other analogues, so their increased cost is fully justified.