How cesspool bacteria work. What biological products are best for cesspools and septic tanks? Biological cleaning station Fast

Sewerage of a private house can be presented in the very simple form wooden toilet, cesspool, but increasingly prefer septic tanks - devices designed for local disposal of wastewater. To some extent, they process waste due to the natural ability of special microorganisms to decompose pollution.

Basically, bacteria are already present in the waste, but sometimes their number is not enough for effective treatment. This can happen for various reasons. But special microbes introduced into cleaning stations or a cesspool will help solve the problem.

Biological products for cesspools and septic tanks are special products that contain bacteria in a "sleeping" form, as well as their enzymes.

Microorganisms in them feed on organic waste, decomposing it eventually into gas and water. Bacterial activity helps to reduce the amount of sediment in septic tanks, pit latrines and toilets and to more effectively separate solid and liquid phase wastewater as a result of the same splitting of organic matter.

This ability is also characteristic of microbes present in the effluents themselves and in the already actively operating treatment plant. But in some cases, wastewater treatment is not effective enough. It is in these cases that biological preparations are used.

When should a cesspool cleaner be used?

The stench that spreads around the treatment plant, as well as the deterioration of the quality of wastewater at the outlet of the treatment plant, can give out a failure in the operation of the local sewage system.

This may occur due to the death of active biomass, which occurs for several reasons:

  • when chemicals lethal to microorganisms (antibiotics, chlorine-containing cleaning products, etc.) enter the drains;
  • as a result of exposure to low temperatures at the stations, for example, in the absence of tank insulation;
  • stopping for a long time the flow of waste into the sewer, which is food for bacteria.

Wastewater treatment can also be incomplete in the first weeks after the commissioning of the treatment plant.

In all the cases described, a specially selected product for septic tanks will help restore the local sewage system. There are bacterial agents that will reduce the amount of sediment in the septic tank, cesspools and country toilets.

Types of biobacteria

Various microorganisms can participate in the processing of waste. The main distinguishing feature that the average user should be aware of is the need for oxygen. According to this property, bacteria are divided into 2 categories.

  1. Aerobic microbes need oxygen to live.. They recycle waste with maximum efficiency. It is these bacteria that work in the chamber-aerotank of local treatment facilities.
  2. Anaerobes can live in anoxic conditions. They do not provide a complete breakdown of waste. The cleaning efficiency is only 60%. However, their use can reduce the amount of sediment.

Ready-made bacterial agents may contain purely aerobic or anaerobic cultures or specially selected complexes.

In addition, enzymes have been added to the preparations to improve the functioning of microbes.

Means differ from each other not only in the type of bacteria, but also in other ways.

Manufacturers produce biopreparations in various forms:

  1. In the form of tablets more often produce bacteria for toilets and latrines. They eliminate odors and reduce sediment.
  2. Another kind of dry form powder or granules. They contain dormant bacteria, to activate which you need to add water.
  3. concentrated solutions bottled require shaking before use. After that, the liquid is directly added to the cesspool or septic tank.
  4. Self dissolving bags used for local treatment facilities.
  5. A separate group is special cassettes on which bacteria are fixed for aerobic purification.

Funds for local treatment facilities are generally a special category. They differ from each other depending on what problem needs to be solved or avoided.

  1. Before the first start of LOS or after a long break in use, starter bacterial complexes are used. A special category is the means used for the conservation of a septic tank. Such bacteria are able to form spores that help to survive the unfavorable period.
  2. At times of severe pollution of wastewater recommend the use of special enhanced biological products. After that, they gradually switch to conventional means.
  3. If the house has a dishwasher and washing machine , that is, there is a large amount of soap in the drains, it is necessary to add special preparations with microorganisms resistant to such intense pollution to the cleaning system.

Thus, biobacteria will help to avoid or reduce the intensity of many unpleasant moments associated with local sewage facilities, for example, reduce the number of calls to a sewer truck. But this is not their only positive quality.

How to do? Varieties, tank volume calculation and step-by-step instruction by installation.

Find out articles on how to properly make a septic tank from Eurocubes on your own.

Advantages and disadvantages of biological products

Bacterial preparations for cesspools and septic tanks have several positive qualities in addition to the direct decomposing effect on the sediment:

  • do not contain microbes that can cause disease in humans and animals;
  • do not have a negative impact on the environment;
  • contribute to the disinfection of wastewater;
  • allow you to clean from plaque and sewer communications;
  • do not destroy the walls of the tank and pipes.

Chemistry for cesspools, popular to this day, is inferior in this regard to biological products.

After all, it has aggressive properties for humans, animals, the environment and materials from which pipes and tanks are made, and often replaces one unpleasant odor with another, for example, formaldehyde or chlorine.

Bacteria for septic tanks also have several negative properties that must be considered when using such products, for example, sensitivity to low temperatures and the presence of certain detergents in the water.

In addition, it is precisely because of the wrong choice and non-compliance with the rules of use that bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools have unflattering reviews.

Tips for choosing and using a bacterial agent

The first thing to be guided by when buying biological products is the instructions and special instructions on the product label.

  1. It is worth paying attention to the amount of dry residue, which is indicated on the packaging of the product. The smaller this value, the better. This is especially important when choosing bacteria for a septic tank.
  2. The wide variety of microorganism species that make up the product is a positive feature, as it will allow the processing of various types of waste.
  3. You also need to look at the concentration of microbes, since the required frequency of adding the drug with bacteria directly depends on this indicator.
  4. The label also indicates how much waste the product is designed for. If the amount of waste exceeds the "power" of the biomass, then the microbes may die.
  5. A particularly high-quality product can process not only purely fecal effluents, but also toilet paper and plant waste.

When choosing bacteria for the toilet and cesspool, it is better to give preference to the tablet form if the sediment is planned to be used in compost.

When using bacteria to clean wastewater, it is necessary to take into account a few more nuances.

  1. The use of aggressive detergents in the household, as well as the discharge of fuels and lubricants, solvents, antibiotics, flushing water from water treatment plants, etc. into the sewer, will lead to the death of microbes.
  2. Long breaks in the use of a septic tank deprive the bacteria of nutrition. As a result, microbes die. Therefore, the use of special biological preparations for conservation is required.
  3. Microbes can carry out normal life activity at a temperature not lower than + 4, but not higher than +30 degrees.
  4. Above the solid fraction of the waste there should be a liquid layer of at least 20-30 mm.

Knowing these simple rules, you can buy and use bacteria for sewage and get the maximum effect from them.

Popular bacterial complexes for septic tanks and cesspools

There are many biological preparations for local sewage on the market. Bacteria for cesspools and septic tanks differ in price and scope.

Below is a short list of the most popular manufacturers:

  1. Firm "Saneks" produces powder for cesspools and septic tanks. There are also dry products for preparing a cleaning solution. sewer pipes, accelerating the formation of compost, etc. The cost of a package weighing 400 g is about 700 rubles.
  2. "Bionic" company manufactures a wide range of drugs Bioforce". A package of 500 g costs about 700 rubles.
  3. The leader among manufacturers of biological products for septic tanks and cesspools is "Doctor Robik". For 75 grams of funds from this company, you will need to pay about 150 rubles.
  4. Among the many products of the company "Micropan" Cesspool tablets are the most popular. The price for 1 unit is 170 rubles.

Comparing the cost, you need to pay attention to the estimated volume, as well as the effectiveness of the drug according to the characteristics described above.

If you follow the instructions and follow all the recommendations, then bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools in a natural way without harm to humans and the environment will help optimize the operation of local sewage systems and save on its maintenance.

On the video you can see the result of using a biological product for Septifors cesspools:

Cleaning sewer facilities is an unpleasant, but extremely necessary component of servicing a private house or cottage. If you neglect it, you can forget about the comfort and coziness of your own site. But, of course, due to the laboriousness of cleaning work, each owner wants to facilitate this procedure by any means. And one of these ways is to buy bacteria for and. They accelerate the natural processes of waste decomposition, therefore, they greatly simplify the maintenance of sewage facilities. But to get the maximum effect from bacteria, you need to choose them wisely. And for this, it will not be superfluous to find out how they work, what are the differences between their types, what reviews say about certain means - all this and more will be discussed further.

Principles of operation and benefits

Bacteria is an effective, safe and extremely convenient alternative to chemical and physical cleaning of local sewer facilities. They are used in a concentrated form - in the form of biological products, consisting directly of live inactive bacteria and enzymes. Activated by dissolving in water, crushing or simply shaking, microorganisms begin to naturally break down complex organic wastewater pollution into simple substances. In the process of their work, microorganisms:

  • quickly convert waste into safe sludge;
  • liquefy solid residues at the bottom of serviced sewer structures;
  • clean pipes and containers from greasy deposits, thereby reducing the risk of blockages.

Important! Bacteria effectively decompose organic matter only at a positive air temperature: most of the biological products are functional at a temperature range from +3 to +30 degrees.

Advantages of biological products for cleaning sewer septic tanks and cesspools:

  1. They do not contain any chemicals, therefore they are as safe as possible for humans, animals, vegetation and other environment.
  2. They do not react with metal, plastic and other materials, so they do not cause any harm to pipes and sewer tanks.
  3. They disinfect waste, so that the formed sludge can be used as fertilizer.
  4. They slow down the processes of gas formation in sewer facilities, therefore they significantly reduce, and eventually completely eliminate unpleasant odors.

Bacteria for septic tanks do not harm the environment

Now let's take a step-by-step look at how biologics are classified and what are their differences.

Sign #1: Type of Bacteria

Based on whether bacteria need oxygen to function effectively or not, they are divided into two categories: anaerobic and aerobic.

Anaerobic Bacteria that work without oxygen. Biological products with such microorganisms provoke decay of solid waste: under the influence of active agents, pollution goes to the bottom, and then begins to rot until it completely decays. And liquid waste is cleaned of impurities, which, in turn, also move to the bottom. As a result of anaerobic treatment, a large mass of solid sediments is formed in the cesspool and septic tank, so sewer facilities must be cleaned regularly.

Aerobic- microorganisms that function only with free access of oxygen. Due to this feature, they are used mainly in filter fields or in biofilters. To use biological products with aerobic bacteria in a septic tank, you need to install a compressor that will supply oxygen to the working area. Air-assisted waste digestion generates a small amount of solid waste, so there is no need for regular maintenance of the septic tank.

Please note that bacteria different types work differently

It is also impossible not to mention the growing popularity of the third cleaning method - combined, which involves the use of both types of bacteria. In this case, the treatment is carried out as follows: first, the waste enters the waste facility, where it is decomposed by anaerobic microorganisms, then the solid waste settles to the bottom, and the roughly purified water is fed into biofilters, in which it is “treated” by aerobic bacteria.

Sign number 2: the appointment of the composition

Cleaning biological products can be used for different purposes, therefore, when buying a product, be sure to pay attention to its purpose. There are four groups of biological agents:

  • Starting - start the process of wastewater treatment after a long break. For example, if a dacha or a house has not been used all winter period. In such cases, starting bacteria must be introduced immediately after the resumption of use of the sewage system - delay is fraught with a long-term formation of a symbiosis of beneficial microorganisms and, therefore, ineffective wastewater treatment for the first 2-3 weeks.
  • Universal - the most common biological products used in normal mode for cleaning standard waste from all types of sewer facilities.
  • Reinforced - biological products designed to clean heavily neglected sewer facilities.
  • For specific conditions - biological products designed to increase the level of cleaning of certain types of dirt, such as grease. They are not used regularly, but only when necessary.

Sign number 3: release form

Biological preparations for the treatment of sewage waste are produced in three forms.

Powder- dry preparations, which are based on saprophytic bacteria. To activate microorganisms, the powder must be diluted with warm water exactly in the proportions indicated on the product packaging. The procedure for using a dry biological product is simple: pour the powder into a container, dilute it with the required amount of water, let it brew for 20-25 minutes and pour it into a sewer facility.

Liquid- highly concentrated biological products, including a complex of predominantly anaerobic bacteria. The main advantage of the product is the economy of use: in order to process a large amount of waste, you need very little biocomposition - approximately 1 liter of the drug per 2,000 liters of sewage.

Tablet preparation

Tableted- the most convenient biological preparations in application. Manufacturers indicate that the tablets do not require processing - they just need to be lowered into the sewer facility in the required amount, depending on the waste array. But still, experts recommend crushing the tablets before use - this way the bacteria become more active.

As you can see, bacteria-based biological products for cleaning sewer facilities are presented in the widest range - they differ in the way they function, and in purpose, and in form. In order not to get lost in such a variety, compare performance characteristics biologics and match them to your needs - this formula will allow you to choose a truly effective product.

The use of bacteria in a country septic tank: video

Cesspool bacteria: photo

Owners of private houses and garden plots annually have to deal with such a problem as cleaning the toilet or septic tank. Most often they resort to the services of a sewer, but at present there are more simple ways solution to this problem. One option that is becoming increasingly popular is bacteria for and septic tanks. They break down and convert waste into simple substances: water, carbon dioxide and minerals.

Why do we need bacteria

Cesspools cause a lot of inconvenience, including flies and a very characteristic smell. In addition, they periodically fill up and need to be cleaned. This procedure does not cause pleasant emotions in anyone.

Most often they call a vacuum cleaner. A bit of a hassle: I put a hose through which the machine sucks the contents of the pit, and removed it after the procedure was completed. However, while the cleaning process is underway, not only the owner of the house, but also a huge number of neighbors manage to enjoy the aromas. In addition, a vacuum cleaner is a paid service, and the larger the family, the more often you have to call it and the more money it will take.

In addition to pumping out, disinfection of the toilet is necessary. Usually chlorine is used. However, the use of this substance entails a number of problems in terms of ecology, for example, chemically treated soil is restored for a long time. In addition, chlorine corrodes the walls of a pit or septic tank, as a result of which you will have to change the toilet or put it in another place. Moreover, the need for this procedure will arise quite often. Chlorine has a negative effect on the person himself, for example, it corrodes the skin on the hands, etc.

All these problems can be solved by bacteria for cesspools and septic tanks. They are harmless to the environment, destroy harmful microbes.

What are biobacteria and how do they work

In laboratories, special microorganisms are artificially grown, which help to get rid of human waste. These bacteria are alive, they also live in nature, but in a lower concentration. Microbes are absolutely harmless to humans and the environment. To ensure their livelihoods, they need nutrition, which is played by organic residues: feces, food debris, cleaning and other plant waste, paper. Artificially created materials, such as plastic, cannot be recycled by biobacteria. Microorganisms break down organic residues into simple substances: water and carbon dioxide. In some cases, a small amount of mineral residue falls out. As a result, carbon dioxide escapes, water is absorbed into the ground if the drug was used to clean the cesspool, or drained in the case of a septic tank. A little mineral sediment may remain at the bottom, it is often used as a fertilizer. With a lack of nutrition, the colony of microorganisms dies.

Before you need to know how bacteria work for cesspools, septic tanks of toilets (cleaning). How to choose a remedy? Biologics work in the same way. The package contains a colony of bacteria in a "sleeping" state. In order for them to “wake up”, you need to prepare a solution in a special proportion. Each drug has its own recipe, because different microorganisms are everywhere. Usually preparations in dry form are diluted in a large amount of water, in some cases it is necessary to immediately add organic matter. Liquid products are either poured into a septic tank, or also diluted according to a prescription. As a rule, before the bacteria fully “wake up”, some time must pass. After that, the solution can be poured into the pit. After a couple of hours, the effect will appear: the level of sewage will decrease and the smell will decrease. Do not be afraid if bubbles begin to appear on the surface: this is how carbon dioxide is formed and evaporates.

Types of bacteria

There are 2 types of microorganisms:

  • Aerobic. They need oxygen to live.
  • Anaerobic. They don't need this stuff. They need nitrates and carbon dioxide to survive.

In everyday life, anaerobes or a combination of two types are most often used. Companies usually use preparations that contain both types of bacteria.

If the product contains both aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms, then it is called a bioactivator. In such cases, enzymes are added to the preparations to speed up the processes of waste breakdown. In addition, the addition of catalysts improves the quality of the bacteria.

Problems that biological products can solve

  • eliminate an unpleasant smell;
  • disinfect the toilet;
  • liquefy waste, reduce their volume.

Positive aspects of using biobacteria

  • do not destroy or corrode the walls of the septic tank, pits;
  • harmless to people and the environment;
  • waste generated as a result of processing can be used as fertilizer;
  • regular use of biological products reduces the need for the services of a vacuum cleaner.

How to choose an effective remedy

The modern market offers a large number of different drugs. Forms in which bacteria are produced biologics: liquid, powder, tablets, granules.

The release form does not affect the quality of drugs, so everyone chooses what is convenient for him personally. However, it should be borne in mind that dry microorganisms "sleep", and a number of special procedures will be required to "awaken" them. They are active in liquid mixtures. However, the shelf life of solutions is usually much shorter than that of powders and tablets.

Now it is clear what bacteria are for cesspools, what are the means, how useful they are. The next point to consider when choosing a drug is the type of toilet. So, summer residents should give preference to those biological products that contain microbes that can utilize not only human waste products, but also various organic residues. The bacteria will turn the waste into good compost that can be used on the site as fertilizer.

For septic tanks, it is better to buy products containing microbes that turn solid waste into liquid. Due to this, the volume of sewage will be significantly reduced, therefore, pumping will not be required longer.

Bacteria for septic tanks. Reviews. Choosing the best toilet cleaner

Before buying this or that tool, you need to read the instructions. Particular attention should be paid to the following sections:

What products and bacteria for cesspools deserve positive reviews? The greatest confidence of buyers is enjoyed by the biological product "Udachny", the drug "Doctor Robik", the liquid "Waist Treat", the powder "Septifos". People note the high efficiency of these drugs, they say that, in addition to the main task, they also destroy unpleasant odors.

  • If the biological product will be used for the first time, then you should pay attention to the products with the inscription “start” or the mark “for primary use”. Such mixtures contain substances that stimulate the development of the primary colony.
  • As a result of the activity of bacteria, water remains in the septic tank, which can be pumped out with a simple pump. However, it is advisable to use a filter so that the unit does not become clogged with mineral deposits.
  • The resulting water is not suitable for drinking by people and animals, but it can be used to water the garden.
  • If, for any reason, the bacteria for cesspools and septic tanks have stopped working, then you should simply introduce a fresh portion of microorganisms. It is possible that the colony died due to unfavorable conditions.
  • When using a washing machine or dishwasher you should buy special preparations that contain bacteria that are resistant to chemical attack.

How to use bacteria for septic tanks and pit latrines so that they work effectively?

Since microorganisms are living beings, they will function normally under a number of conditions:

  • Temperature range: from +4 to +30°C. If the thermometer drops below, then the bacteria "hibernate". When it warms up, they become active. If the toilet is cold, then germs will not be able to function normally there in winter.
  • Microorganisms constantly need food. With its lack, they die. If the toilet is rarely used, then additional portions of bacteria will need to be introduced periodically. If the toilet is used only in the summer (in gardens, for example), then every year you will need to create a new colony of bacteria.
  • Another important condition for ensuring the vital activity of microorganisms is a sufficient level of humidity. For normal operation, it is necessary that the water rises 2-3 cm above the level of solid waste. If it is not enough, then you should add a little liquid.
  • Bacteria do not process inorganic waste, so it makes no sense to throw metal and plastic elements into the pit: they will remain there. Some substances, such as chlorine or manganese, can completely destroy the colony.
  • When preparing the drug, you must strictly follow the instructions, because in case of non-compliance necessary conditions microorganisms may not wake up.

How can bacteria die?

Exposure to certain substances for the colony can be fatal. It is undesirable to get into a septic tank or pit:

  • Substances containing chlorine.
  • Household chemicals.
  • Manganese.
  • Medications.
  • Antibacterial agents.
  • Filtration installations and their fragments.

If, nevertheless, aggressive substances got into the pit, then you need to introduce fresh bacteria. This will renew or strengthen the colony.

People have always been very wary of bacteria. It has been invested in our consciousness since childhood that these living organisms are capable of causing the most dangerous and painful diseases of the human body. But in fact, among the vast world of bacteria, a whole group of simple organisms can be distinguished, ready and able to help a person with the cleaning of sewers and toilets.

Bacterial sewer cleaning is gaining popularity every year.. But the owners of summer toilets or "latrines" for some reason neglect such great helpers as bacteria. Inhabited in the toilet, they are immediately taken to the processing of fecal matter. As a result of the activity of bacteria from the cesspool of the toilet, the characteristic unpleasant odor disappears.

Then the solid fractions are split into silt and water - substances that are completely safe for humans and nature. The resulting silt fertilizer can be applied to the soil in garden beds without any fear.

Water is useful for irrigation or partially absorbed into the soil while still in the pit, if drainage holes are provided in it.

Purpose of bacteria

Two types of bacteria can take part in the processing of sewage waste and human waste products:

  • Oxygen-dependent or aerobic exist with a regular intake of air into the cesspool. Without oxygen, bacteria die within a few hours to two weeks. The main advantage of such organisms lies in the harmlessness of the final product - silt is suitable for fertilizer, and water for irrigation.
  • Oxygen-independent or anaerobic organisms continue to live in the absence of air and even with a lack of nutrients. Waste is split into water and sediment in the same way. But bacteria, during the active processing of sewage or fecal matter, release methane or hydrogen sulfide, which is present in the sludge, making it unsuitable for use as a fertilizer. Water formed as a result of the vital activity of bacteria cannot be watered. To pump out a drain or a cesspool, vacuum trucks should be involved.

In order to achieve maximum effect and obtain safe cleavage products, both types of bacteria are mixed in laboratories, receiving combined preparations. Today, their use is the most effective way to clean toilets and drains.

Where are biopreparations packaged?

The choice and purchase of a biological product intended for cleaning the toilet must be approached with all seriousness. You can’t buy goods on the regular market - now many fakes are registered under well-known world brands.

It is best to purchase the necessary drug in specialized stores belonging to the dealer network of a well-known brand. Quite a lot of products are sold through online stores. When buying at any specified point, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the seller's license and ask about the reviews of other buyers, for example, on the forums.

Already purchased drugs are used according to the instructions supplied by the manufacturer. Any amateur performance in this case is unacceptable, regardless of whether you have or another type of septic tank.

About correct use

Preparations containing bacteria are sold in several forms of release at once:

  • powder or granules - the most popular forms of release, allowing you to obtain a solution of the required concentration with high accuracy;
  • the tablet form is rapidly gaining popularity due to its ease of use;
  • the concentrate is diluted in a large amount of water and is considered the most economical form of release;
  • soluble sachets - an analogue of the tablet form;
  • gel is another type of release that allows you to use a biological product as a means of cleaning a sink or toilet bowl.

It should be noted that making such drugs at home will not work. Bacteria are grown in special laboratories and packed in dry form in packages. The exception is gels and concentrates. With such packaging, the bacteria enter the buyers in an active state.

Complex preparations (they are the most effective in splitting waste) include the following components:

  • aerobic bacteria "working" with soil, air and liquid waste;
  • anaerobic bacteria that break down solid fractions without the participation of oxygen;
  • enzymes are an essential component of accelerating the fermentation process;
  • enzymes that accelerate the decomposition of any organic matter.

The amount of the drug required to be applied to the cesspool directly depends on its volume. Moreover, the dosage may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Therefore, there is only one rule for use - you must carefully read the instructions and strictly follow its instructions!

Principles of use

How biopreparations are used can be seen in the example famous brands and main release forms.

  • Powders and granules are dissolved in warm water (room temperature) and infused for 20-30 minutes. Water should not contain chlorine impurities, this will kill bacteria! Chlorinated water must first be defended during the day. And then drain, leaving a sediment at the bottom of the vessel. After such a simple preparation, it will be ready to dissolve the drug. The usual concentration of drugs is one dose per 5-10 liters of water. The finished solution is poured into the toilet pit. Re-treatment is carried out after one month. An example of a brand and form of release is the Polish Saneks.
  • Gels are able to handle any kind of waste, including toilet paper. An example of such a drug is Bio Favorit. This American brand produces two lines at once - for septic tanks and cesspools. Pay attention to the corresponding marks on the packaging Special attention so as not to acquire an unsuitable release form for processing the toilet.

The dosage is one bottle per two cubic meters of the pit. The gel is simply poured into the toilet outside. A 946 ml pack is enough for one year of use.

Concentrated liquids on the market in a wide variety are represented by the American brand "Waist". The liquid is sold in ampoules of 1 ml. This amount is enough for a pit with a capacity of up to two cubic meters. The ampoule must be opened and poured into the toilet. Bacteria last an average of 4-5 months. For analogues, this figure is lower and is only one month.

The tableted drug is called "Waist trit". One tablet contains 85 g of active ingredients. Tablets are intended for bulk cesspools with a capacity of 2 to 5 cubic meters. Cleaning is also done once every four to five months.

Soluble sachets usually produce preparations that are resistant to detergents. It is believed that bacteria in a packaged form of release do not die even upon contact with antibacterial agents, and only temporarily reduce activity. An example of such a drug is the French Septifos. In one package, the manufacturer sells 18 bags, total weights at 648 grams. The drug is applied at the rate of 1 sachet per cubic meter of the pit.

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Bacteria that are active in relation to sewage and the contents of street toilets are absolutely safe for humans. At accidental contact with the skin, it should be washed off with soap and water. The drug does not cause skin irritation and cannot cause allergic reactions.

Only accidental ingestion by a child can pose a certain danger, because the preparations contain cultures of soil bacteria that are not at all designed for contact with the human digestive system. If swallowed, induce the child to vomit and rinse the stomach several times with water, and then consult a doctor.

One of the important components of life in one's own country house- taking care of waste disposal. Quite rarely, a suburban cottage village is connected to a centralized sewerage system - in such cases there is only one way out: the installation of septic tanks or on the site.

Cesspools need to be cleaned as they get dirty

Possible ways to treat wastewater with tablets that decompose solid waste

The technologies developed to date make it easy to cope with the tasks of operating septic tanks and cleaning sewage. There are several most effective ways waste disposal in the garden:

  1. The most familiar and simple: calling a sewage truck to pump out wastewater.
  2. Chemicals for septic tanks and cesspools, quickly and effectively decontaminating and decomposing sewage.
  3. Biological products for cesspools (septic tanks) - live bacteria for a septic tank are able to process household waste into a harmless liquid in a matter of hours, which can be used later as biofertilizers.

How the bacterial method works with Dr. Robik

Unlike, any biological sewage works using enzymes and live bacteria that have the ability to process waste in the course of their own life. By adding a septic tank and cesspool agent to wastewater, biomass is obtained - silt and water that are safe for wildlife.

Bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools are a special substance - a mixture of anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms that do not pose a danger to the environment. There are also preparations containing only anaerobic bacteria, which in the process of life do not need air oxygen. If you use a preparation containing aerobic bacteria in the sewer tank, the drains will need to be pumped into the air necessary for the life support of the bacteria.

Under the influence of microorganisms, sewage is decomposed into silt and water.

In order for the sewage and the bacteria contained in it to start their work, it is enough to dilute a certain amount of the biological product with warm water and drain it into a cesspool or sewer sump. The use of preparations containing live bacteria of sewage provides:

  • fast recycling of waste organic fertilizers for plants;
  • absence of unpleasant odors and fumes;
  • the possibility of safe use, no irritating effect for humans;
  • safety of plastic and metal tanks (septic tanks).

Bacteria for cesspools are especially effective with regular use of biological agents for the disposal of sewage: over time, the bacterial environment acquires stability and the ability to accelerate reproduction, which leads to more economical consumption of antiseptic for cesspools.

Some restrictions in the use of biological products for wastewater treatment: bacteria that are not afraid of chemistry

Sewer bacteria are not always capable of active life and work on waste processing. While latrine chemistry helps decontaminate wastewater all year round, the effectiveness of biologics can vary, depending on several factors:

  1. during the cold season (in the range below 3 ° C) and at elevated temperatures (above 30 ° C), when live bacteria for cesspools cease their activity;
  2. if available in sewage chlorine, phenols, aldehydes, strong acids and alkalis.

The best and most effective means for cesspools must be selected taking into account all the requirements for the site.

Forms of release of aerobic and anaerobic biological products

Companies that produce bioactivators (biological agents for) offer for sale products manufactured in a variety of forms, including in the form of:

  • Dry powder substances containing microorganisms and enzymes to maintain their biological activity. Packaged in bags and containers, the antiseptic for cesspools is convenient to use and transport, in portions designed for various volumes of wastewater treatment. Powder for cesspools is produced complete with measuring containers. In addition to powders, biopreparations are available in granular form, which is more suitable for use and packaging.
Tablets are easy to use and do not require special preparation.

Each has its own specific application, each type of packaged product is accompanied by detailed instructions, which contains instructions for the safe and effective use of the drug. As a rule, when using biological products sold in the form of dry powders or granules, the composition of the product requires the addition of water in the proportions necessary for the vital activity of anaerobic microorganisms and further efficient waste processing.

  • Liquid biological agents supplied to the market in high concentrations. In order to activate anaerobic bacteria for sewage, it is enough to add a small amount of the agent to the tank (septic tank) (about 1 liter for a volume of sewage up to 2 tons). Concentrated products are effective in the treatment of highly polluted wastewater.

It should be remembered that it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of manufacturers for the use of each type of biological preparations.

  • The release of biological products in the form of tablets, cassettes, packages is the most convenient way to sell and use them. Required amount tablets for waste disposal are sent to a cesspool, after dissolving in bottom sediments, bacteria for cesspools begin the process of cleaning sediments due to the vital activity of anaerobic bacteria.

Bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools must be used in accordance with all SNIP standards.

The best manufacturers of live bacteria for Topas, Unilos, Tank, Unibac, Astra septic tanks and cesspools

Along with the growth in the scale of suburban construction, the needs of the population for new generation life support systems are also increasing. Such systems include autonomous sewage devices that require effective means of biological treatment of sediments. Among such means, you can choose the following:

  • "Doctor Robik" - according to user reviews - the most effective means for the disposal of wastewater on an individual farm. "Doctor Robik" for cesspools contains a composition of potent bacteria Bacilus that can break down sediments, including proteins, fats, cellulose, nitrates, starch, urea, destroying unpleasant odors at the same time.

It has a preventive effect on the state of drainage, destroys fossils, cleans the pores, contributing to the removal of purified water into the ground. Validity - 1 year.

Average prices - 1300 rubles. for a bottle of 798 ml. Designed for waste volumes up to 2000 liters.

  • "Sanex" for cesspools is a substance whose action is based on the use of bacterial processing of sewage, including vegetable waste, fats, paper, vegetable residues, etc. Prevents precipitation, eliminates unpleasant odors. Sanex can be used to clean deposits on drain and drain pipes.


Available in powder form. Before use, "Sanex" is diluted in a certain ratio with heated water and, after infusion, is poured into the sewer. It is produced in various modifications, including Sanex + EcoSeptic - for biological cleaning of septic tanks, Sanex + EcoSliv - for cleaning sewer pipes from deposits, etc. 230 rubles. for a 100 gram package.

  • "Bioseptic" is the best tool for disposal of sewage waste in septic tanks, cesspools, sewer pipes. Bacteria contained in "Bioseptic" process biological waste (fats, tissue residues, detergents, phenols, including solid waste) into gel-like substances, destroying and neutralizing odors. Treatment with "Bioseptic" helps to reduce the need for pumping out sewage. Price - from 1500 rubles. per package 960 g. Designed to treat 2000 liters of wastewater.
  • Waste utilizer-biocomposition "Dachny" is recommended for use in country cesspools, septic tanks and toilets. Environmentally friendly composition based on bacterial treatment of sewage. To achieve the result, it is recommended for periodic monthly use. Prevents clogging of septic tanks and sewer pipes. Price: 100 rubles. for a package of 100 g.

Bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools are necessary for owners of cottages and private houses.