How to cover the foundation after pouring in winter. Foundation pouring in winter. Simple ways to fill the foundation in winter

In the process of construction and design of residential or non-residential buildings, it often becomes necessary to pour the foundation with concrete mortar in late autumn or already winter. When the air temperature drops below 0°C. According to the recommendations of specialists and the concrete manufacturer, the optimum temperature for pouring and setting the mixture is +5°C. Hence, the next question arises - how to pour concrete in winter without heating?

Many qualified specialists and construction companies use special heating systems to pour the mixture in the autumn-winter period, which are represented by three methods:

  1. Electrical heating of the solution in special bins immediately before pouring to the optimum temperature of 50-70°C;
  2. Electric heating of the mixture with the help of heat guns, which are installed under the greenhouse (awning, film) and sent directly to the surface of the concrete;
  3. Electric heating of the poured foundation using alternating electric current, which is passed through specially installed fittings or pre-laid heating wires.

However, if there is no such possibility in using the above methods, then in this article we will consider in more detail how it is possible to pour concrete in winter without auxiliary heating.

Helpful information

Filling the solution at sub-zero temperatures has a number of specific nuances. Winter conditions in the construction industry begin when the average air temperature is below +5°C, or when this figure drops below 0°C during the day.

The main task in the process of concreting in winter is to ensure the hardening of the solution in a humid and warm environment during the entire period of its solidification. In other words, you need to provide optimal conditions for the concrete solution to gain a percentage of strength - at least 60%, which will guarantee the preservation of the structure of the entire foundation and its optimal hardening after the thaw.

The poured mortar should gain its strength in winter, which will be enough to fully load the monolithic structure or partial, as well as to strip the formwork.

Below is a table with optimal data on the time of curing the concrete mixture and curing.

Important! Concrete can gain strength only if the solution temperature is positive.

In the process of concreting, it is necessary first of all to protect the mortar from freezing so that the hydration process proceeds normally, and the mortar does not gain sufficient strength to ensure optimal ice resistance, and retain the ability to harden at positive temperatures without deteriorating the main properties of the monolithic structure. When high conditions are imposed on the foundation for dynamic characteristics and frost resistance, then concrete should be protected from freezing until it gains sufficient grade strength. The percentage of optimum strength set for a mortar will depend on the brand of cement used, additives, mixture temperature, and other conditions.

Special additives

If you do not have the opportunity to perform full-fledged heating of concrete, then you need to use special antifreeze additives that have a number of advantages:

  • Accelerate the hardening process;
  • Increase the duration of the hardening of the mixture;
  • Understand freezing temperatures of water;
  • Allow concrete to gain sufficient strength at low temperatures.

Anti-frost additives allow the concrete not to freeze until the entire process of hydration of the mixture takes place. Otherwise, the water will begin to tear, freezing the seized part of the foundation. As a rule, water will rise into the upper layers of concrete (which, in case of thawing and freezing, peeling can begin).

Hydration will occur only when the water is in a liquid state, and the rate of the reaction at negative temperatures decreases rapidly. To do this, use a frost-resistant additive, which also accelerates the process of hardening and setting.

Depending on the ambient temperature, the method of pouring a monolithic structure, the requirements for the solution and the method of caring for the hardening concrete, the amount and type of additives introduced into the finished mixture will depend.

Concrete heating

The second important factor, if it is impossible to pour concrete in winter without warming up, for full-fledged concreting, is heating the mortar. Depending on external factors, air temperature, massiveness of the structure, it is possible to heat up water for mortar or fillers - gravel, gravel, sand, etc. The optimum temperature for the solution when leaving the mixer should not be more than 40 ° C, otherwise the concrete will thicken almost instantly. The minimum temperature of the solution when pouring massive foundations is considered to be at least 5 ° C, and for pouring thin structures at least 20 ° C.

When the filling of the structure with mortar is completed, it is necessary to cover the entire foundation with a dense film or special heaters (polystyrene, sawdust, mineral wool, etc.). You can also additionally insulate the entire formwork around the perimeter.

In order for concrete without heating to gain sufficient strength, the following methods can be used:

  • You can burn a fire on the leeward side for 3-4 hours (this method is especially effective at negative temperatures down to -5-6 ° C).
  • As mentioned above, insulate the foundation with heat-insulating materials.

Conclusion and video

After the winter, we carefully examine the entire monolithic structure, pick it up or tap it in dubious places. If defects, exfoliation, insufficient claims of the concrete mix begin to appear, then it is necessary to contact the plant supplier of the solution and file a claim to the quality of the concrete. Good luck!

We also recommend you:

Any construction is best done in dry, warm weather. But a private house, if it is built with your own hands, is built in your free time from work. One warm season is usually not enough for this. In order not to stretch the process for many years, some of its stages are carried out in the winter.

The grillage (or foundation) can be prefabricated from blocks or slabs. In this case (as well as during construction), the peculiarity lies in the fact that the fixation of individual elements is carried out with a cement-sand mortar. Basically the same rules apply to it as to concrete.

Foundation pouring in winter at minus 5

Measures necessary for the construction of a quality base in winter:

  • use of modifiers;
  • solution heating;
  • thermal insulation of the finished foundation.

The problematic component of concrete is water. Even if it is liquid during the pouring process, complete dehydration is impossible. Those. the solution does not set due to the evaporation of water, but freezes. This problem is solved by adding special modifiers to the mixture, which slow down hardening, which allows the concrete to gain strength.

The modifying agent is selected in accordance with the indicators of frost resistance. The right amount is indicated in the instructions, there is a scale on the package: the norm depending on the temperature. The minimum allowable air temperature is -25 degrees.


When preparing a solution with a modifier, the amount of water is reduced by 10-15%. At high air humidity (60% or more), additives cannot be used.

You should also study the instructions for the interaction of the ingredient with the metal.

To dilute the mixture in winter, use heated water. The flooded foundation needs to be warmed up, especially the first couple of days. For heating, you can use a heat gun (power is selected depending on the size of the foundation). Another option is a heating cable or rebar with a 380 volt electric current.

Concrete gains strength within a month. After that, you need to make a vertical and, as well as insulate the finished base. If there is a lot of time before the arrival of spring, the foundation is conserved: covered with a waterproofing film and heat-insulating material:

  • expanded polystyrene (polystyrene);
  • sand;
  • expanded clay;
  • sawdust;
  • priming.

All heaters are hygroscopic to some extent, they must be covered from above with dense polyethylene.

The easiest option is to cover the base with snow. In this case, the film must be laid under the snow, otherwise the concrete will absorb water during the thaw.

Not so long ago, the arrival of winter for builders was associated with forced rest. Buildings froze, waiting for more favorable weather conditions. What are we seeing now? The process does not stop even in frosty weather: hundreds of workers are working on the construction of buildings of various "calibers".

The latest technology has shaken the conservative views of many ordinary people, but caused a storm of protest among others. There are especially disputes about such an important stage of construction as.

For ardent fans of the "classic" way of building, the question itself causes a storm of emotions. How can concrete be poured in cold weather? After all, these are incompatible things!

Their arguments are convincing, because they are based on the physical properties of the building material. One of the components of concrete is water. It "turns" the dry mixture into a liquid "dough", organically linking together the other components of the "cocktail" (sand, gravel and cement).

What happens to water at temperatures below 0°C? That's right, she freezes. By mixing the concrete and leaving it to harden in the cold, you start a destructive "mechanism": water crystallizes and "breaks" it from the inside. Instead of a strong and reliable foundation, we get a fragile unusable "dummy".

But what was previously impossible has long been practiced. There is a technology for pouring the foundation in winter, which arose on the “wave” of the development of high-speed construction. It allows you to form the "sole" of buildings at sub-zero temperatures (up to -15ºС). Moreover, there are several completely different methods:

    • Artificial heating of the site with the help of heating devices

It is known that concrete gains ultimate strength in the first two days. Therefore, it is during this period that the “base” should be especially carefully protected from frost. To do this, heating devices (heat guns) are installed along the perimeter of the site, which maintain the optimum temperature of the hardening concrete. The power of the equipment depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "sole".

    • Foundation heating with power supply

This method is also based on heating the “soles”, but unlike the convection method described above, it uses conduction - the transfer of heat from hot to cold. Not the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site warms up, but only the concrete itself. To do this, an electric current (380 V) is supplied to the reinforcing "grid". The iron bars heat up and heat up the concrete.

    • Use of special additives for concrete

This method is based on the introduction of an additional component into the composition of the mixture, which inhibits the process of freezing water. For these purposes, salt additives are used: sodium chloride and potassium chloride. Their concentration is expressed as a percentage relative to the amount of water in the mixture. On average, this figure ranges from 2 - 15% and depends on the strength of the cement (its brand) and weather conditions (an indicator of the lowest temperature during work). Concrete, "seasoned" with special salt additives, is called cold.

After taking a closer look at the technology of pouring the foundation in winter, a completely logical question arises: do you need it - to contact winter work? After all, they all somehow lead to an increase in construction costs. What are the arguments for such haste?

Points for and against

Why is it necessary to start construction in winter, and not in a more favorable period?

Here is the "hit parade" of the main reasons:

    • Land plot with "fragile" soil

In winter, land work on such a site takes place without problems, since the frozen soil “holds” its shape well. As soon as the temperature rises to positive levels, it is much more difficult to dig trenches: you have to constantly deal with shedding edges, which complicates the work of builders.

    • Living in a harsh climate

Such weather conditions simply force us to work in winter. If the construction was carried out only during a short period of thaw, then its completion time would be too long.

    • Winter "markdown" of building materials

Despite the possibility of carrying out construction work all year round, there is a noticeable decline in this industry in winter. The "hot" trade in building materials is calming down, so many outlets are cutting markups to stimulate customers. In addition, there are no interruptions with “deficit” goods.

The same applies to building services. In winter, labor is much cheaper than during the peak season. Therefore, the decision as to whether it is possible to pour the foundation in winter puts pressure on the subconscious of the layman, tempting them to save money.

    • Availability of free time

More free time appears not only for builders. Some branches of production also suspend their activities during the winter period. People start the season of "big" holidays. Winter construction work is the only chance for them to start their construction and have time to finish it before the "hot" season.

In addition to the listed “FOR” arguments, there are a number of negative factors that every builder who wants to start work with the foundation in winter should take into account:

    • Economic benefits can turn into additional costs

Arranging the foundation for a small garage in winter will cost more. It should be noted that it is almost impossible to dig trenches in frozen soil on your own. You will have to resort to the services of special equipment. The same applies to ways to fill the foundation in winter. All of them, one way or another, will additionally “hit” the owner’s pocket.

    • Do not rejoice at "free" concrete

Very often, the idea to start construction in winter arises because of a "gift" of fate: a profitable offer to buy ready-made concrete. Extra building materials from large construction sites are sold "for a penny." But one significant nuance is forgotten - you are offered ordinary concrete, and not a winter analogue. In connection with this nuance, a very unpleasant surprise may await you. Money will be wasted.

    • Harsh working conditions

Street works in winter are slower, so they require the involvement of more people. It should also provide a place where frozen workers can warm up, and this is not always possible in a remote area.

All objective facts are listed. It remains for you to evaluate all the “FOR” and “AGAINST”, “trying on” your specific situation to them.

If the decision to start the "winter" pouring of the foundation outweighed the scales, then we will describe the nuances of this process.

How to pour the foundation yourself?

Of all the methods of "winter" pouring of the foundation for self-building, only one is suitable - special additives in concrete.

The other two methods disappear for quite objective reasons:

  1. Artificial heating of the site is too expensive and laborious.
  2. The supply of electric current to the fittings is carried out only by specialized specialists. Such work is associated with a mortal risk, and it is impossible to organize them independently.

Let us dwell in more detail on the "winter" additives to concrete and the features of their use. There is a wide range of different types of plasticizers on the market today. Manufacturers even offer 2 in 1 options: fast hardening and frost resistance of concrete.

For convenience, most additives are released in the form of a liquid, which is poured into the prepared mixture along with water. The amount of the injected substance depends on the air temperature and the concrete strength grade (the scale is indicated in the instructions). When using additives, remember the following nuances:

  • The use of a frost-resistant additive reduces water consumption (on average by 10-15%);
  • The minimum temperature at night should not fall below -20 ºС;
  • Concrete with a frost-resistant additive must not be poured in rain or at high relative humidity (above 60%);
  • Read the instructions carefully, as additives have “contraindications” for fittings made of certain steel grades;
  • The frost-resistant additive is incompatible with some concrete aggregates (for example, with silica);
  • Experienced builders are advised to additionally heat the water when mixing concrete (but this is an optional condition).

On the third day after pouring the foundation, it should be insulated. To do this, the entire accessible surface of the "sole" is covered with a layer of sawdust (20 cm), dry grass or turf (20-30 cm). The formwork is left until spring and removed immediately before the start of another stage of construction work.

To pour a concrete foundation in winter, additional measures are required related to heating the concrete mixture and creating a positive temperature after pouring concrete into the formwork. During the period of the main chemical reactions that occur during the setting of cement, the temperature must be above zero, otherwise the water in the foundation will freeze, which will lead to further cracks in the monolithic structure. In order to avoid the destruction of the base of the house, measures are taken to heat the concrete mixture. Our specialists have extensive experience in conducting work in the winter, so we give guarantees for the quality and reliability of our foundations.

The price of a turnkey foundation in winter with additional heating, rub

House size, m*mplate (thickness 250mm)plate (thickness 300mm)tape (width 300mm, height 600mm)tape (width 400mm, height 900mm)
6x6 194 000 rubles 212 000 rubles 160 000 rubles 248 000 rubles
6x8 238 000 rubles 256 000 rubles 192 000 rubles 289 000 rub.
8x8 298 000 rub. 325 000 rubles 210 000 rubles 316 000 rubles
8x10 318 000 rubles 353 000 rubles 203 000 rubles 324 000 rubles
10x10 425 000 rub. 476 000 rubles 286 000 rubles 405 000 rubles
10x12 496 000 rubles 551 000 rubles 290 000 rub. 460 000 rubles
12x12 578 000 rub. 637 000 rubles 315 000 rubles 479 000 rubles

*The price depends on the project of your house, types of soil, conditions of work

Included in the price:

    Territory planning, marking


    Foundation pillow device

    Formwork installation

    Reinforcing cage device

    Concrete heating device

    Pouring concrete

    Creation of a thermal regime for the period of rising of the concrete mixture

    The cost of the foundation includes materials with delivery to your facility (within a radius of 25 km from the Ring Road)

We also carry out additional work on the installation of drainage systems, waterproofing and insulation of the foundation, we make wells for water supply, install septic tanks and treatment plants.

** You can find out more exact cost of a turnkey foundation by calling us.

Completed works on this type of foundation

Foundation construction in winter

Just a couple of decades ago, pouring the foundation in winter seemed like a completely crazy idea. Today, science has stepped forward, and technologies have appeared that would allow water to be concreted in winter. However, heated debates on this topic are ongoing to this day.

Is it possible to pour the foundation in winter?

Many supporters of classical concreting argue that it is impossible. Their arguments are understandable, even when it comes to installing a pile foundation in winter. The physical properties of concrete include a significant amount of water in the composition, which is the binding component of a mixture consisting of sand, cement and crushed stone. At sub-zero temperatures, water freezes, the concrete mixture crystallizes without waiting for natural solidification. The result is an unusable foundation, which, after the water melts, gives cracks incompatible with life. And, regardless of whether it will be tape, slab, pile, columnar or pile-screw, the house on it will not stand even a year. Cracks will go along the walls, it will begin to sag. So, building a foundation in winter is impossible?

Perhaps now we will talk about new technologies that allow us to provide the necessary strength of the foundation for a frame, panel, brick or wooden house.

How to pour the foundation in minus weather

There are several methods that allow winter construction at temperatures down to -15 degrees.

Heating the foundation with heating devices.

In the process of concreting, heat guns are located on the site, which along the perimeter will warm up the entire site. It is known that the main strength of concrete is gaining the first two days. It is during this period that it is important to ensure that the water does not freeze. After two days, the guns can be removed, the rest of the solidification period will occur in natural conditions. The calculation of the number of heat guns and their power will depend on the area of ​​​​the site and the type of foundation.

Heating with electricity.

In this case, not the entire site is heated, but only concrete. The method is based on convection, when heat is transferred from the reinforcement heated at a voltage of 380V to the concrete mixture, thereby preventing the water from freezing.

Is it possible to pour the foundation in winter without warming up at sub-zero temperatures? Yes, there is a third method - the use of special additives.

Components are introduced into concrete that slow down the process of water crystallization in cold weather. Depending on the brand of concrete, the concentration of these salt additives ranges from 2 to 15%. But you will not be interested in how to cover and how to close the foundation so that it receives the necessary strength.

At what sub-zero temperature can the foundation be poured?

Of course, it is desirable that the temperature be positive. But, if you really need to build a house in December, January, February and March, then choose the most convenient winter foundation option for you.

For economic reasons, the first two options are more expensive. Therefore, it is advisable to use frost-resistant additives. Their use is effective if the night temperature does not fall below -20 degrees.

Pour the foundation in winter - the pros and cons

Now we will consider some aspects of the winter foundation device. So, pros and cons:

  1. It is easier to work on a site with fragile soils, since the icy soil is more durable and convenient to work with.
  2. The northern region, when the warm season is much shorter than the cold season with a predominance of sub-zero temperatures.
  3. Cheaper building materials and labor. Indeed, this option exists. Construction work slows down and stops in winter, as a result of which materials become a little cheaper.

The disadvantages include additional costs for electricity and additives that offset the pros.

Do I need to cover the foundation for the winter?

Conservation for the winter is necessary if you managed to fill it in, waited for the necessary strength, but further construction was frozen. So that moisture does not damage the reinforcement, and concrete does not absorb water, they perform not only waterproofing, but also insulation with extruded polystyrene plates.

Is it possible to make a pile foundation in winter?

Can. But it's better not to risk it yourself. Contact the experts. We will tell you everything about the cost, temperature conditions, advise you to choose the method of concreting and, of course, we will undertake turnkey work with a guarantee.

The foundation is a rather complex structure, the construction technology of which

requires special knowledge and skills.

A particularly highly professional approach is required when there is a need
perform its device in the winter season.

Benefits of building a foundation in winter

Many builders in front of such challenging task lead furious discussions and disputes - “How can concrete be poured in frost? After all the basis of the concrete mixture is water, which simply freezes at temperatures below 0°C, which leads to irreversible destructive processes. The outcome of this work will be fragile unusable in future use, the structure, and not a reliable foundation!

To such a controversy, one answer can be given that the foundation today building in winter is quite realistic. It can even be said, despite certain risks, such a solution would be beneficial. This is confirmed by the following criteria:

  • In winter, the walls of pits and trenches will have high strength, they will not collapse and they can be safely used as formwork and retaining frame;
  • The device of the foundation structure in winter will wear profitable economic character, since at this time of the year there is a certain lull in the building materials market, and on the basis of this there is whole system of discounts, allowing you to buy material at low prices;
  • Winter foundation is the only way to accelerate the pace of building construction in harsh climate zone, where the period spring - summer - autumn is very short, almost three months, and therefore, because of this, construction is stopped when cold weather sets in will not be effective.

How to fill the foundation in winter?

Foundation pouring at sub-zero temperatures based on the use following modern technologies:

  • Concrete pouring technology into the prepared heated formwork;
  • Usage frost-resistant substance;
  • Technology replacement using concrete on the technology of using pile devices.

All these indicated processes for laying foundations in winter have its own characteristics which need to be studied in more detail.

Trench heating technology

The purpose of this technology is in the preheating of the walls and the bottom of the trench or pit before pouring the concrete mixture. Also included is the method heating the body of the foundation structure during the period of its strengthening (hardening).

It's very important to remember. The concrete heating process should only be used when the air temperature is outside the limit - 5 ° C.

Above this value, the concrete mixture sets on its own and turns into monolithic base.
Technologically, the process of building a foundation in the cold season is practically is no different from the device of his summer.

It consists of the following steps:

  1. Excavation work, providing for the digging of a trench or pit in accordance with the calculated data and schemes;
  2. Formwork assembly and reinforcing cage;
  3. Mounting the heating device for heating concrete, which may consist of a special heating wire wound with a certain pitch of turns on a reinforcing cage. This wire has outlet outside the formwork for connection to a heating transformer (in some cases, welding transformers of rather high power can be used);
  4. Construction over the foundation structures of a removable and portable hut and the installation of a temperature gun in it - to increase the degree of solidification of the concrete mixture by adjusting the temperature regime;
  5. Removing the heating cover after 2 - 3 days and turning off the heating gun;
  6. Laying on the surface of hardened concrete thermal insulation material conducive to heat retention.

This construction method is very good for all weather conditions even in the most severe frosts. But his only The disadvantage is the high power consumption., causing an increase in the cost of the foundation.

Technology with the use of frost-resistant impurities

Today, the construction industry uses different types of additives to improve the quality of concrete and its hardening. The appearance of these impurities in the arsenal of the builders provided them unique opportunity build foundations, regardless of weather conditions, at minimal cost.
Exists two kinds of impurities, contributing to the hardening of concrete at low temperatures:

  1. Mixture added to concrete with further heating process- the composition of the additive helps to accelerate the hardening of concrete to the desired state;
  2. Additive added to concrete without further heating- the composition of this admixture creates frost-resistant concrete, which, according to its characteristics, can harden very well even at -20 ° C.

feature "winter" type of concrete mix is that in its composition there is practically no water. That is why, before pouring it, special waterproofing specifications, contributing to the fact that during the solidification period it could not gain moisture.

Method of pouring concrete mix with additives practically no different from his device for heating.
The advantage of this method foundation device during frost is that the process itself is very simple, with it easy to handle even an inexperienced person in this matter.
The disadvantage of this method- this is the need to control the moisture content of the concrete filling, or rather, in its absence.

Pile technology

If the above foundation building methods in the winter period of the year they require compliance with quite complex technological processes, then the pile method, in comparison with them, is very simple and less labor intensive. He does not require earthworks, waterproofing devices and installation of a heating structure with constant heating.
The whole point of this method is in screwing in special screw piles into the ground at a calculated distance from each other and according to the drawn up scheme.

Screwing in a pile element carried out up to the mark - 500 mm from the lower freezing point of the soil. When the pile field is ready, then produce tying pile pipes together, using, for example, steel beams by welding. After the end of this process can be mounted on the foundation other building elements.
The main advantage of this method is its speed. In almost a week, you can build a foundation.
And the disadvantage- This high price carrying out such construction work, as expensive equipment and machinery will be used.