Do-it-yourself columnar foundation made of PVC pipes. Laying a columnar foundation from plastic pipes with your own hands. Where to start, what to pay attention to

The cost of constructing a foundation for any building is at least a quarter of the total estimated cost, and in cases of construction on difficult soils and flooded areas, even more - more than one third of the total costs are due on the foundation. Over the past ten years, low-rise individual construction has experienced a boom, and that is why modern, economical foundation options are so in demand. The foundation made of plastic pipes - an ingenious option to construct the foundation for a house from a new inexpensive and durable polyvinyl chloride as a formwork for a bored pile, has many supporters.

Advantages of foundations made of PVC plastic pipes:

  • All installation work with PVC pipes are possible on your own, there is no need to involve heavy special equipment, equipment and crews. To install the most common type of foundation for frame and lightweight houses - columnar - there is no need to carry out large volumes of excavation work.
  • By technology bored foundations are considered one of the simplest, and are used for any foundation soil, including problematic ones - heaving, weak, waterlogged, bulk. When building on a site with complex terrain, slopes, changes, pile foundations are also successfully used.
  • The technology does not require large-scale excavation work; all actions can be performed in the immediate area of ​​the building. If there are buildings nearby, the area is saturated with underground utilities, the root system of green spaces located nearby must not be damaged, then pile foundation made from pipes would also be a practical solution.
  • A foundation made of pipes allows you to vary the height of the building above ground level with a minimum of additional financial investments, as needed. For areas flooded by floods or high water in the spring, this is an important advantage.
  • It is possible to lay the necessary pipelines under the building and engineering communications.
  • In terms of construction time, this foundation is one of the fastest. It is possible to cut pipes to the required length using ordinary household tools, without additional equipment.
  • In terms of cost, this foundation provides a reduction of more than two times. The advantages of polyvinyl chloride over other building materials are absolute neutrality to the aggression of the natural environment, to chemicals contained in soils, to water - no waterproofing is required. Plastic also does not need thermal insulation, since PVC does not experience temperature deformations under operating conditions in the ground. Thus, there is no need to purchase insulating materials for the foundation, and in addition, transportation of lightweight plastic pipes is significantly cheaper.

Disadvantages of using PVC pipes for pile foundations:

  • Arrangement of a basement or basement is possible only with considerable additional costs for wall insulation; in addition, in this case, a grillage will be required, working in conjunction with a pile foundation.
  • The service life of this foundation is often shorter than for other types of foundations, but this is due to the weight of the structure. Frame houses are much less massive than brick and block houses. With high-quality installation, a columnar foundation using plastic pipes will last more than 30 years.
  • There is a limitation on the weight of the building, and as a result, all materials are selected on the basis of the least weight: load-bearing blocks for walls, roofing, floors, finishing and cladding.

Scope of application of plastic pipe foundations

  • Country house.
  • Outbuildings - garage, summer kitchen, bathhouse, gazebo or terrace, small architectural forms and others.
  • Prefabricated houses made of large lightweight blocks. Bored piles in pipe formwork can be loaded earlier than a columnar foundation, since the concrete in the pile formwork gains strength faster (up to 70% on the 14th day from the day of concreting under normal hardening conditions).
  • Light frame houses.
  • Stoves, massive boilers and fireplaces

Sequence of work on constructing a foundation made of PVC pipes

The first step is to prepare the site: no leveling is required, only cutting off the fertile soil is performed. Pre-clean the area of ​​stones, debris and vegetation - trees, bushes, roots.

The second stage is marking the piles. The base of plastic pipes is installed so that all pile supports are located along the perimeter of the walls and internal partitions; in the corners and junctions of external and internal load-bearing walls, the piles must be precisely centered. The greatest distance between the centers of pile supports is 250 cm.

The third stage is drilling wells. For this type of foundation, a PVC sewer pipe of small diameter is usually used (200 or 250 mm, much less often 400 or 500 mm), so it is possible to use a hand drill. When drilling manually, it may be difficult to maintain the verticality of the holes, so they are made with a larger diameter than the cross-section of the pipe - for subsequent straightening and unfastening of the pile support in the vertical design position. Along the bottom of the wells, a crushed stone (sand, sand and gravel) cushion and waterproofing are made to protect the concrete of the pile base.

The fourth stage is to install plastic pipes into the wells, level them to the mark and ensure that the plane of the upper edges of the piles is horizontal. Then the piles in the wells are strengthened with external sprinkling with careful layer-by-layer compaction. The filling is made from fine crushed stone or gravel, pouring cement mortar on each layer, and filling the top of the holes with soil.

The fifth stage is to reinforce and concrete the piles in plastic formwork. The number of longitudinal rods and the diameters of the working reinforcement depend on the weight of the future building; usually, periodic profile reinforcement with a cross-section of 8-10 mm is used. There are options for installing a vertical reinforced frame into a pipe before concreting, or installing one to three reinforcement bars into a PVC pipe immediately after the pipe is concreted and the concrete is compacted by bayonet. The outlets of the working rods from the pipes must be left - for connection with the grillage piping or directly with the ceiling of the first floor.

The concrete mixture for filling plastic formwork is usually prepared on site, since the need for the mixture is small. Portland cement M400 and fine aggregate are used, since the cross-section of the pipes is small, and the pipe should be filled tightly and air should be removed from the concrete.

A few nuances regarding the construction of a foundation made of plastic pipes:

A reliable and economical option for arranging the foundation for buildings for various purposes is a columnar foundation made of plastic pipes. It is usually erected in places where there is a high level of occurrence groundwater, which means it is impossible to dig a pit or trench there.

Today, there are several types of foundations and each of them has its own characteristics associated with the installation method, manufacturing materials and the use of special equipment during the work process.

Severe demands are placed on the quality of foundations for buildings. They must be durable and at the same time constructed in the shortest possible time. It is also desirable that the cost of the materials used be affordable.

Structural features of the construction of a columnar foundation

The design of this type of foundation for construction is characterized by its simplicity and this is its advantage over other options. Such a foundation can be built on any soil, since it will preserve the integrity of the structure even on difficult soils, for example, sandy.

Its main part consists of pipes that are buried in the ground through a previously prepared hole. To ensure the reliability of the foundation, the pillars should be located at a depth of 150 centimeters, taking into account the freezing point of the soil.

When erecting a building, all loads on the base act in all directions and this prevents the pipes from loosening and sinking. When arranging the foundation, it is carried out to such a depth that will prevent the building from sinking under the influence of all possible factors, and the pillars will not fall to the ground.

Despite the fact that building foundations made of plastic pipes have many advantages, they also have disadvantages:

  1. They are suitable exclusively for the construction of small buildings, since they cannot withstand significant loads. Such a foundation from PVC pipes is one of the best options for the construction of commercial facilities, small houses, garages.
  2. The service life of such foundations does not exceed 70 - 80 years, which is enough for a garage building, but not for a full-fledged home ownership.
  3. Due to its structural features, a columnar foundation does not make it possible to build a basement.
  4. When constructing such foundations on highly mobile soils and on soils with elevation changes, many problems arise, so it is advisable to abandon such ideas - it is better to choose another option or, if possible, move the construction of the house to another location.

Design advantages

Advantages of a columnar foundation made of PVC pipes:

  1. Affordable construction cost. Materials and the use of equipment for its arrangement will cost approximately 2 times less compared to pouring a monolithic base. This circumstance is most often the reason for choosing a pipe foundation, especially if you plan to build an outbuilding, a small frame house, a garage, etc.
  2. Excavation work is kept to a minimum; you only need to dig holes for the pipes.
  3. You can build a columnar foundation from pipes with your own hands in 6–8 days. For comparison, for the arrangement strip base it will take at least a month. Thus, the speed of construction plays an important role.
  4. Thanks to the design features - after completion of construction, the building is raised above the ground by about 20-30 centimeters - protection is provided from flooding, which can occur as a result of melting snow or heavy rains.
  5. The presence of free space facilitates the work of laying utilities, including sewer and water supply systems. Their performance in this case can be checked immediately after installation is completed. If there is a need for repair work, there is no need to dismantle elements of the building or dig holes.

Thus, a self-made foundation made from PVC pipes, even taking into account its shortcomings, is more advantageous compared to other options for constructing a foundation.
This is explained by the simplicity of its arrangement and the availability of affordable building materials.

Conditions for the construction of a pipe foundation made of plastic pipes

There are no particular difficulties in independently constructing a columnar base from pipes. But you should adhere to some rules. First of all, you need to decide on the site for the construction of the building - it must be level and not have significant differences in height.

The soil is cleaned - debris and unnecessary elements are removed, after which they begin marking pile field using pegs and cord. To determine the number of supports (piles), you need to take into account the area of ​​the building, soil characteristics and expected loads. It is advisable to have an expert opinion regarding the geological features of the area where construction is planned.

Using a hand drill, or better yet a motorized drill, holes (wells) are made for pipe pillars, which must be placed at a distance of 1.5 to 2.5 meters from one another. At the same time, in places where additional load will be placed, additional reinforcement should be provided - this means the installation of load-bearing walls, stoves, fireplaces, etc.

When building a foundation, support pillars should be immersed in the ground approximately 30 centimeters below the freezing point of the soil. As a rule, the depth of the pits is from 1.4 to 1.7 meters. This parameter depends on the type of soil and the presence/absence of groundwater. The diameter of the well for pipes depends on their diameter, but usually it is 150–250 millimeters.

The supports should rise above the ground by about 40–50 centimeters. This distance cannot be less than 20 centimeters.

Materials for creating a columnar foundation

A tubular foundation is a type of pile structure. Materials for poles, in addition to plastic, can be asbestos cement or metal (more details: " "). But best choice Piles made of plastic pipes are now considered.

The installation technology is simple:

  1. Pipes with a diameter of 200 millimeters are placed into the prepared well. They are immersed to a depth of about 150 centimeters. A piece of product 30–40 centimeters long is left above the soil surface.
  2. Metal rods are inserted inside the pipe and the free cavity is filled with concrete. This design of a columnar foundation is characterized by increased strength and resistance to the most unfavorable operating conditions.

The foundation for the building, built from metal pipe products, is more reliable, but such a design is expensive. When constructing a foundation, high precision must be observed when installing metal supports and treated with anti-corrosion agents. If this is not done, in just two decades the foundation will become unusable.

When installing metal supports, the following methods of pouring concrete can be used:

  • a sand and gravel cushion is placed at the bottom of the pit and a pipe is driven into it, inside which metal rods or pipes of smaller diameter are placed, and then the filling begins;
  • metal pillars are immersed to a depth of 50–100 centimeters, for which products with a diameter of 15 to 20 centimeters are used, and finally the structure is filled with concrete mixture.

For strength, a grillage is installed.

Making a foundation from PVC pipes with your own hands

The easiest to construct and inexpensive is considered to be a columnar foundation, which is made using plastic pipe products. PVC sewer pipes with a length of 200 centimeters and an internal diameter of 20 centimeters are suitable for this purpose. If you don't know how to cut pipe straight, it's worth reading for more information.

You will also need metal reinforcement - for each of the supports you need 4 two-meter sections with a diameter of 8-10 millimeters.

Sequence of installation work:

  1. First you need to drill the required number of wells with a widened bottom with a diameter of about 21 centimeters.
  2. Then a bed of gravel and sand is placed in the holes.
  3. The pipe supports are capped on one side with a plug to prevent groundwater from penetrating inside. The pipe is then fixed to the pad.
  4. 4 reinforcing bars are placed inside the supports and poured with concrete.

A pile foundation made of plastic pipes is safe and reliable, it is not subject to corrosive processes and is environmentally friendly, it is not affected by groundwater and the cost of its construction is low.

In this article we will describe another type of columnar foundation using permanent formwork made of plastic pipes (PVC) for external sewerage.

Advantages of a columnar foundation made of plastic pipes (PVC) for external sewerage

  • Durability of formwork. If we consider a PVC pipe for external sewerage, then its service life, according to manufacturers, is at least 50 years.
  • High resistance to aggressive environments. Frost resistance.
  • Lightweight, but at the same time have sufficient rigidity and strength
  • Wide variety of sizes. Diameter 110 mm - 630 mm. Length 1 m – 6 m.
  • Due to the smooth surface, the soil will slide along the surface of the PVC pipe during heaving (in theory, this should be the case).

If you use plastic pipes for internal sewerage (gray), they are slightly cheaper than orange PVC pipes, but at the same time they will last much less in the ground. This is logical, since this type of pipe is intended for indoor sewerage. In general, if we think logically, then the main purpose of permanent formwork is the formation of a pillar. And the service life of a reinforced concrete pillar is 150 years.

Disadvantages of PVC pipe formwork

  • More expensive than roofing felt formwork.

Gray PVC pipes for internal sewerage have a maximum possible diameter of 110 mm. (Orange pipes for external sewerage have a wider range of diameters from 110 to 630 mm.)

Average prices of PVC pipes for external sewerage (St. Petersburg)

Pipe diameter (mm) Wall thickness (mm) Pipe length(mm) Price, rub./piece
110 3,2 1000 130
110 3,2 2000 250
110 3,2 3000 370
110 3,2 6060 730
160 4 1000 240
160 4 1200 290
160 4 2000 470
160 4 3000 680
160 4 6080 1360
200 4,9 1200 400
200 4,9 2000 660
200 4,9 3000 960
200 4,9 6090 1910
250 6,2 1000 600
250 6,2 2000 960
250 6,2 3000 1400
250 6,2 6130 2800
315 7,7 1200 840
315 7,7 2000 1360
315 7,7 3000 2010
315 7,7 6140 4010
400 9,8 1000 1550
400 9,8 2000 2530
400 9,8 3000 3700
400 9,8 6150 7410
500 12,3 3000 5950
500 12,3 6160 11810

Average prices of PVC pipes for internal sewerage (St. Petersburg)

Pipe diameter (mm) Wall thickness (mm) Pipe length(mm) Price, rub./piece
110 2,2 1000 110
110 2,2 1500 160
110 2,2 2000 200
110 2,2 3000 290
110 3,2 1000 130
110 3,2 1500 190
110 3,2 2000 240
110 3,2 3000 370

As you can see, the price of a plastic pipe for external (orange) and internal (gray) sewage systems is practically the same, but the advantages of orange PVC pipes for use as permanent formwork in the ground are undeniable ().

Instructions for constructing a columnar foundation from plastic pipes

We bring to your attention instructions for installing a columnar foundation made of plastic pipes (PVC). You can study more detailed instructions in the article: Do-it-yourself columnar foundation.

Work plan

1. Design of a columnar foundation. Calculation of the number of pillars, their location, depth of placement in the ground. Detailed instructions For foundation markings you can read in the article: . For a columnar foundation: .

If bottom harness If you have a beam, then to connect it with the columnar foundation we will use anchor rods poured into the column.

4. We drill wells to a depth below soil freezing.

To calculate the depth of soil freezing, you can use our calculator: .

5. We make widening at the bottom of our wells.

6. We insert permanent formwork made of PVC pipes into our well and form a widening.

We make all the pillars on the same level. For this task, you will need to beat off the horizontal using a hydro or laser level and pull the string along the level. We will draw out all the pillars using twine. To prevent our formwork from sagging, we make a device in the form of a grip as in the figure. To grab, we need 3 bars, 2 screws and a rope.
If it is difficult to align the formwork along the string, then you can make it longer during the preparation process and then cut all the piles to one level. The main thing is to make a mark on the formwork - to what level you will pour the concrete.

7. We insert the reinforcement cage into the formwork. We unfold the reinforcement to reinforce the heel of the post.

8. Fill the pillar with concrete.
To calculate the composition of concrete, we suggest using our service: .

9. Attach the anchor pin at the top of the post.

10. That’s it, the foundation made of PVC plastic pipes is ready. You can also recommend waterproofing the top of the post using roofing felt or bitumen mastic.

Read more detailed step-by-step instructions in the article:

In modern construction of structures and buildings, the choice of foundation is determined by several nuances. For the construction of frame buildings, bathhouses, garages and summer buildings the best option is a columnar foundation made of plastic pipes, due to the low cost of work and materials. The strength and reliability of the foundation determines the service life of the structure.

Columnar-type foundations are not suitable for the construction of permanent residential buildings due to the absence of basements inside the foundation. It is mainly used for the construction of oversized buildings.

The main features of pipe foundations include the low price of building materials. The possibility of making any depth for the support and its diameter is ensured by a sufficient choice of standard material.

Plastic pipes as permanent formwork ensure the correct geometry of all supports.

When constructing this type of foundation, earthworks are minimal due to the ability to use a hand drill, which significantly saves money, and there is no need for masonry. This type of foundation can be built in a week.

Advantages of a columnar base

The main advantages of a column-type foundation, which is based on plastic material, include:

  • Simple and quick installation method;
  • Possibility of construction on any type of soil;
  • Minimum costs for consumable building materials;
  • Resistance to corrosion and temperature changes;
  • Waterproof plastic;
  • Increased protection from floods and floods;
  • Quick access to the sewerage system;
  • Light weight plastic material.

Plastic is considered a universal material that is widely used in many areas of construction and industry due to its versatile characteristics. They are presented in a large selection, and the cost depends on the overall dimensions and quality of the plastic. The pipe diameter can range from 110 to 630 mm, length from 1 to 6 m, and wall thickness varies from 3.2 to 12.3 mm.

Process and stages of foundation construction

Before the actual start of construction work, it is necessary to develop a design for the foundation being built. To develop the project, the maximum load and soil composition are taken into account, as well as the weight of the future building, taking into account temporary load (snow, wind, etc.).

After drawing up the project, taking into account all factors, the required material, the number of supports with a certain diameter and the required grade of concrete are calculated.

For a columnar foundation made of plastic pipes, there is no need to dig ditches, you only need to drill wells in places for supports. The diameter of the wells is usually at least 30 cm, and the distance should be no more than 2.5 m from each other. Plastic supports are located in the corners of the structure, as well as in areas of ceilings.

Wells are drilled to a depth that exceeds the soil freezing level using a gasoline or hand drill. When choosing supports made of large diameter plastic, it is necessary to take into account that the polymer is resistant to low temperatures.

A moisture-resistant material, a layer of sand-stone mixture, is placed at the bottom of the wells in order to avoid subsidence of the supports.

Before placing them in the well, you should place a thick plastic bag on its bottom to prevent the soil from absorbing moisture from the solution.

The plastic pipe is placed in the ground so that its upper part is 40 cm above the surface level. The use of a laser level ensures precise cutting of all supports, eliminating unevenness and possible distortion of the building.

Reinforcement of concrete inside a plastic support is carried out using the following methods:

  • Two rods of reinforcement are driven in, and the distance between them and the walls should be the same. The rods are driven into the ground 30 cm deeper than the plastic base and at the same level they should be above the ground. This method provides additional stability to the supports. Then concrete solution, which has the highest strength, is poured inside;
  • When using the second method, concrete is first poured into the pipe to create a solid base, and then rods are placed into it.

It is recommended to place a grillage on top of a columnar foundation on plastic supports, which is a power structure that connects all parts of the foundation into a single whole.

The grillage can be on the ground or above it. To make a grillage above the ground, metal beams are used, and to place it directly on the ground, it is necessary to use reinforced concrete.

Disadvantages of plastic for foundation construction

Despite a significant number of positive characteristics, plastic supports for columnar bases have their drawbacks.

Which include:

  • Ability to withstand light loads;
  • Inability to build a basement;
  • Instability of plastic to low temperatures;
  • Short service life, approximately up to 80 years.

In order to build a reliable and high-quality columnar foundation from plastic pipes, you should follow the right technology construction and adhere to some recommendations.

There are several varieties of such a foundation (deep, medium and shallow), the choice of which depends on the type of soil and the weight of the structure being built.

A deep foundation is laid at a level below soil freezing, a medium foundation is laid at 50-60% of the freezing depth, and a shallow foundation is located 40 cm above the ground surface. The maximum elevation of plastic supports above the ground surface should be no more than 0.5 m.

Video on the topic of the article:

The columnar type of foundation is used in private construction in suburban and summer cottages. For the construction of wooden or frame one-story house,bathhouses, garages, outbuildings, stationary fences, a foundation made of simple metal pipes is suitable.

This method of forming supports allows you to reduce the volume of excavation work, save money on the amount of concrete and the construction of formwork.

The optimal choice of diameter and number of pillars makes it possible to significantly reduce the estimated cost and construction time.

Advantages of a columnar foundation

The columnar base is characterized by simplicity and speed of work. Installation of load-bearing pillars does not require the use of heavy equipment to dig a pit or trench.

Concrete for filling the formwork can be prepared on site in a small mixer and poured yourself.

A pipe foundation is a type of columnar foundation and is laid according to the general rules for installing load-bearing supports.

This method ensures precise geometry of the pillars, which guarantees uniform distribution of internal loads. The smooth outer surface of permanent formwork helps to resist the forces that arise during winter heaving of the soil.

The pillars are formed from pipes that are driven tightly into the ground and filled with concrete.

To distribute permanent and temporary loads evenly across all pillars, they are connected with a grillage.

DIY PVC pipe foundation

The reliable grillage design reduces the risk of the building overturning due to soil heaving.

Features of laying pipe supports

The limitation for a columnar base is the significant weight of the building. The use of metal pipes allows you to increase the bearing capacity of the foundation.

The metal casing protects the concrete pillar from moisture penetration and destruction. Such pillars do not require additional reinforcement.

Depending on the weight of the building, climate zone, composition and soil moisture at the construction site, there are two ways to install metal supports as a columnar foundation: shallow and recessed.

On dry, non-heaving soils, the laying depth does not exceed 0.8 m.

The supports are pressed into holes of smaller diameter, filled with concrete and tied with a metal channel or wooden beam at a distance of 30–40 cm from the ground.

Important! On high-lying areas aquifers and unstable soil such as fine sand, sandy loam (a mixture of sand and clay), loam, clay, load-bearing pillars must be buried below the soil freezing mark. In the middle zone this mark is 1.2–1.5 m.

The wells are drilled to a depth of 1.8 m in diameter, which exceeds the size of the permanent formwork.

Coarse sand is poured into the bottom of the hole and a metal pipe is inserted and filled with concrete. The concrete permeates the sand cushion, forming a stable base.

Calculation of the number of foundation pillars

To lay a foundation from simple metal pipes, it is necessary to determine the bearing capacity of the soil and calculate the expected loads on the foundation.

But first, it is necessary to calculate the area of ​​one support: with a pipe diameter of 30 cm, it will be approximately 700 cm2.

The most common type of soil (dense sand, sandy loam, loam, dry clay) has a resistance of 2.5 kg/cm2.

The bearing capacity of one base element on such soil is 2.5 * 700 = 1750 kg.

On wet soil (fine and dusty sands of medium density) with a resistance of 1.5 kg/cm2, one column can withstand a load of 1050 kg.

A resistance of 1 kg/cm2 of wet loam and clay allows 700 kg to be distributed on each support.

Calculation of constant loads on the foundation can be performed using averaged reference values, knowing the quantity and specific gravity materials.

Constant loads include loads from building structures (walls, ceilings, roofs, foundations), finishing and insulating materials, plumbing, engineering systems, furniture and household appliances.

Temporary stress on the foundation of the house is created by seasonal precipitation.

Having determined required amount supports, they are placed on the plan at the intersection of load-bearing walls and along the perimeter in increments of 1 to 2 m.

Carrying out work on laying a columnar foundation

The site for the foundation of the house is prepared according to a pre-developed plan.

The perimeter of the building is outlined, the places of future supports are staked. Remove the fertile soil layer and level the surface.

Wells are made using a hand drill. The depth of the hole depends on the chosen method of laying the pillars. The diameter of the hole should be slightly larger than the size of the permanent formwork.

For the construction of residential buildings, they choose steel pipes with a diameter over 250 mm.

Concrete is prepared in a mechanical or hand mixer. To 1 part of M500 cement add 6 parts of sand and gravel mixture.

Important! Adding a plasticizer to the solution will help improve the mobility of concrete, which will eliminate the formation of voids in a monolithic structure.

Technology for installing buried foundation pillars:

  • A sand cushion is compacted tightly at the bottom of the well;
  • The body of the metal support is insulated with bitumen mastic;
  • The pipe is buried in a sand cushion and fixed vertically;
  • Pour the solution so that it saturates the sand cushion;
  • The formwork is fixed in a vertical position and allowed to wait until the base hardens;
  • To increase the strength of the base, a reinforcement rod is inserted inside the pipe, which must pass through the concrete base;
  • The metal body is filled with concrete to the top edge;
  • The space around the pillar is compacted with sand and soil.

During the process of constructing a foundation made of metal pipes, they ensure that the entire supporting system is at the same level.

The height of the above-ground part of the supports should be 40–50 cm. After the concrete has hardened, you can begin constructing the grillage.

Work can be carried out in any weather conditions. But it is very important to do everything correctly.

  • The metal body is protected from corrosion with bitumen mastic or several layers of roofing material;
  • If pipes of the required diameter are not available, several smaller pipes can be installed in one well;
  • Before the concrete hardens, a threaded pin is placed in the upper part of the post for convenient fastening of the grillage elements;
  • After pouring the concrete, construction continues within 7 days;
  • You can use a wooden beam, a steel channel, an angle or pipes as a support frame;
  • Ready-made supports must be loaded before the soil begins to freeze;
  • Additional supports should not be installed for safety reasons.

    With a low weight of the structure and heaving soil the increased base area contributes to the extrusion of the underground structure.

Useful video on the topic of the article:

Happy construction!

Self-construction of a columnar foundation from plastic pipes

Plastic pipes for column type construction

The choice of foundations depends on many factors: the weight of the structure, soil characteristics and material capabilities.

They are ideal for bathrooms, outdoor kitchens, custom homes, framed homes, plastic pipe stands. This a budget option allows you to reduce construction costs by 2.5 times and build buildings on almost every land, including on a rocky slope.

  1. privileges
  2. Price:
  3. Construction phases
  4. Tips and tricks

The design is simple and easy to install.

It is only necessary to install the pipes to place the tower in the boreholes. There is no need to dig ditches or excavations. Equipment for placing such a substrate at an affordable price. However, if there is no miniature frame, everyone will exclude other types of bookmarks for a long time.

weak sides

1. Plastic pipes in the column-shaped foundation eliminate the possibility of a basement, cellar, utility room under the house.

On the other hand, if the groundwater is too high in a given area, it still cannot be built.

2. Pipes are less durable than other materials, which will be discussed below. In addition, they are unstable at low temperatures: at -15 ° they can be demolished. Therefore, it should be taken into account that the structure on this base will be relatively light (no more than 4 tons per base), and the part above the floor should be better insulated and then leveled.

The tubular design of the shoe is very precise, taking into account the characteristics of the floor, which should not be mobile. If part of the support is present, the tilting design and distortion can cause cracks and subsequent collapse of the apartments.

4. Unfortunately, the structure built on PVC bars is not durable. It does not last more than 50-80 years without repair, compared to a monolithic falcon, which lasts 100-150 years.

Plastics are a universal material that is often used in construction due to their special properties.

It is corrosion resistant, high temperature resistant, light resistant, water resistant and inexpensive. You can freely lay the foundation of PVC pipes with your own hands. Plastic is easy to cut and you don't need to rent a truck to move it.

1. Main column of plastic tubes for frame house or Arbery varies depending on the level of erection.

In just a week, construction can be installed, and construction of a residential building can begin in a short time.

2. Construction costs almost tripled compared to monolithic costs due to savings in consumables building materials and construction services.

It can also be installed in mountainous or hilly areas. The reinforcement does not require additional treatment due to corrosion, as it is protected from moisture.

3. The building on supports, which is located at a distance of 30-50 cm from the ground surface, is protected from spring floods and floods during the rainy season. Transferring messages to the house on stage is faster and easier, but in case of repairs there is no need to dismantle the building - it is still there sewer pipes and water pipes.

Construction cost

  • hole for fountains - 1,600 rubles;
  • construction vibrator - from 1500;
  • steel pipes - 800 rub. / m;
  • asbestos-cement slabs - 700 rubles. / m;
  • PVC pipes - 50/200 rpm;
  • reinforcement 8-10 mm - 15-25 rubles. / m.

How to make a PVC pipe

Before starting work, you must prepare the site: remove grass around the perimeter, destroy rocks, remove residues and the top layer of soil by 25-30 cm.

Then you must make a mark for the columns at a distance of 1.5-2.5 m. They should be located in the corners of the house and at the intersection of partitions and walls. It is also advisable to install supports where additional load is expected: under load-bearing walls, corners and the stove (in the bathroom).

The installation technology is simple.

They will need sewer pipes Ø 20 cm and length 2 m, fittings Ø 10 mm. The first drilling is about 25 cm deep, and the depth is below the freezing point of the soil (usually 1.4-1.7 m, sometimes more). It is advisable to expand the bottom. It should be filled with sand with 5 cm pebbles, which serve as a cushion.

Before installing the tube, a screw is attached to the bottom of the tube to prevent water and soil from entering, as well as waterproofing on the pad, such as roofing material.

Then the carriers are pulled into the holes, which should not protrude beyond the floor more than 50 cm and not less than 20 cm. The pipes must be aligned and pressed against the adjacent ground.

Now the coating is filled with the finished solution by about a third.

If there is no curtain at the bottom, you can carefully lift the hose so that some cement comes out. So, at the bottom there is an expanded base that hardens that the foundation will be more secure. Only after this procedure is it necessary to ensure that the top of all supports remains at the same level.

The reinforcement box is now installed. After gradually filling the container with concrete. The solution shrinks. You can do this with a structural vibrator or rebar.

After all the work is done, all that remains is to wait for the concrete to freeze at the poles.

Then it is advisable to install the grille. It allows you to attach poles in a horizontal plane and evenly distribute the load of load-bearing walls.

It is made of reinforced concrete or metal (for huge structures) or a wooden beam (for light buildings).

Useful tips

Pipes for poles are used not only from PVC, but also from concrete (asbestos) and metal.

The technology for installing structures made from other building materials is no different. It only has its own characteristics. For example, asbestos cement requires reinforcement bars.

Metal staples are further processed, so they are less aggressive. Otherwise the base will not last more than 20 years. Metal is more difficult to cut and align from plastic - you need a welder.

All these disadvantages increase costs.

Columns are often made of brick. They are too unreliable for the home, but for a utility room or temporary bath it is very convenient.

To install a speaker base with your own hands from plastic pipes, you only need a project, equipment to purchase and hiring 2-3 assistants.

The advantage here is obvious.

Before building any capital structure, it is necessary to build a foundation. There are several varieties of them and you will have to choose one of them. This choice depends, first of all, on what exactly you need to build.

If it is a small and light house, a bathhouse, a garage or any other non-massive structure, then the easiest way is to lay a columnar foundation made of pipes.

What is a columnar foundation?

Such a foundation consists of supports dug into the ground, at intervals of 1.5-3 m from each other.

In this case, the pillars must be located at the corners of the building and at the intersection points of walls and partitions (if they are provided for by the project).

The undoubted advantage of a columnar foundation is its low cost and speed of construction. Compared to all other types, a columnar foundation requires much less reinforcement and concrete. In addition, drilling wells is much easier and faster than digging trenches or foundation pits.

Despite the simplicity of the design, the strength of such a foundation is quite high, but only if the entire range of work was carried out correctly.

Advice from the master!

Please note that this type of foundation excludes the possibility of arranging basements.

That's why, the right choice a columnar foundation will occur when the building is erected on a slope or on weak ground, which does not allow the use of another type of foundation.

Support posts can be made from different materials: concrete, metal, asbestos cement, brick, wood. Which one to choose is up to you, but experts note that the best options are still concrete and asbestos cement.

  • Supports made from these materials are the most durable
  • They will not crack under the influence of the weight of the building or frost
  • Their installation work is the fastest

Construction of the building's foundation

The first thing you will need to do is draw up a construction project with all the necessary calculations and drawings.

These documents must also include the correct foundation plan on which you will work. Next, you need to choose a location for the building, and construction can begin.

On the site where the foundation will be located, it is necessary to cut off the turf and remove the top layer of soil, about 30 cm deep. After this, you will need to mark the future foundation and designate places for supports. Using a drill or a hand grab, drill holes, the diameter of which should be 25 cm and the depth approximately 150-170 cm.

What exactly the wells should be depends on the depth of soil freezing in your region.

At the bottom of each well it will be necessary to pour gravel or crushed stone to a height of 20 cm.

Make sure that all pipes are strictly vertical and, if necessary, reinforce them with horizontal formwork.

After installing the formwork, prepare the concrete.

Advice from the master!

You should not skimp on the brand of cement; the higher it is, the better. Use the M400, or even better, the M500.

The ratio of cement: crushed stone: sand is preferably 1: 3.5: 2.5. After the concrete has set, it must be watered for the first 3-4 days.

Fill one third of the internal cavities in the pipes with prepared concrete.

Do-it-yourself columnar foundation made of plastic pipes

As a result, expanded foundations are obtained at the bottom of the wells, which makes the foundation stronger and more resistant to negative influences.

The pipes must be raised to the level indicated in your plan. You will need to mark this height by pulling the cord when marking the construction site.

After this operation, pour the concrete solution into the holes almost completely, not reaching the top edge of the pipes by only 10-15 cm.

Once the mixture is poured, insert reinforcing rods into the cavities.

Now all that remains is to wait for all the pillars to dry. Here, a lot depends on weather and climatic conditions: temperature, air humidity, presence or absence of wind. In sunny weather, the solution can completely harden within 2-3 weeks, but often it takes much longer - up to 1 month.

Basically, the columnar foundation is already ready.

If you want, you can make it even more durable if you connect all the supports together using a grillage. Foundations with a grillage eliminate the possibility of the support pillars tilting, and, therefore, the building will be even more stable.

In order to save money, instead of pipes for columnar bases, you can use roofing material or glassine. The material is rolled into a cylinder having two layers and the desired diameter.

Three paper clips hold the inner edge, and three others hold the outer edge.

The wire can also be replaced with construction tape. Next, the formwork is installed in the wells, which are filled with concrete according to the principle described above.

To compact the mixture, use a construction vibrator.

With option metal pipes it is necessary to protect them from rust.

You can coat them with bitumen mastic or use some special industrial composition. You can also increase the metal's resistance to corrosion by wrapping the pipes in two layers of roofing felt.

How to make a grillage and a fence?

The grillage connects the pillars in a horizontal plane, is a more reliable support for load-bearing walls, and also distributes the load evenly.

Typically it should be built at least 10 cm above ground level.

This structure can be made of monolithic reinforced concrete or metal if you plan to erect a building that has a fairly large mass. For a lighter structure, a grillage made of wooden beams with a cross-section of 20x20 cm is suitable.

When erecting a structure made of monolithic concrete, it is very important to install the formwork correctly.

It should calmly withstand the mass of the liquid mixture without bending. For example, under a grillage with a cross-section of 25x30 cm, formwork spacers must be installed in increments of no more than every 0.5 m.

Immediately align the top edge of the structure with a water or long bubble level.

After this, be sure to lay a double reinforcing frame made of steel rods in the box. Pour the concrete in two stages - first a layer 15 cm thick, and after compacting it using the bayonet method - a second layer, up to the upper edge of the formwork.

To insulate and vertically connect the lower section of the foundation, a fence is installed - a wall made of any durable material (concrete, brick or fiberboard with waterproofing) 10-15 cm thick.

It must be started to be placed slightly below ground level on a sand and gravel backfill.

The height of the fence, as a rule, rises to the grillage. Columnar foundation from asbestos cement pipes it is best to load the building with the weight immediately, rather than leaving the main construction works until spring.

Bathhouse » Construction » Foundation

A modern and inexpensive way to build a foundation for household or outbuildings is. It is capable of withstanding quite heavy loads, but it is not reasonable to use it for the construction of a permanent residential building, since it does not provide for the possibility of creating a basement or basement within the perimeter of the foundation.

Advantages and disadvantages of a columnar foundation

This option for building a foundation does not require much labor and its construction does not require the use of construction equipment.

Advantages of a columnar foundation

  • Low construction cost and minimal physical effort. Even a pensioner can cope with the construction of such a foundation.
  • A small amount of construction excavation work; you do not have to dig a pit.
  • High speed of construction. Concrete solution in bored piles ripens in just a week
  • The high location of the building protects it from flooding by melt water. It is also easy to lay utility lines under such a structure.

Disadvantages of a columnar foundation

  • Such a foundation can withstand a relatively small load; it is already problematic to erect a multi-story or brick building on it.
  • The service life of such a foundation is several decades, which is sufficient for outbuildings, but not suitable for capital residential construction.
  • Problems in building a basement or basement.

Start of construction

The initial stage of building any foundation is drawing up a project. For it you must prepare the following initial data:

  • The maximum load that the soil on your site can withstand. Please note that at different depths the soil may have different structure and composition.
  • The maximum weight of your future building, including the weight of the foundation itself, the weight of all building materials used, the weight of the payload and the weight of possible live loads (for example, snow or wind pressure)

Based on the data obtained, the number and diameter of columnar foundation supports are determined, as well as the strength grade of concrete that will support the weight of your future structure.

After drawing up the foundation project, the resulting drawing must be transferred to the area. There is no need to dig a trench under a columnar foundation; it is enough to just drill wells in the locations of future supports. The diameter of the wells is determined in accordance with the project, but usually it is at least 30 centimeters. The distance between wells cannot exceed 2.5 meters, and support pillars must be placed at the corners of your building, as well as at the junction of internal walls. Also, support posts should be placed in areas with a large payload - for example, under a furnace.

Wells are drilled using a hand or gasoline drill to a depth exceeding the soil freezing level by 30 centimeters. In the middle zone, the depth of the well should be about 1.7 meters.

We build a columnar foundation from plastic pipes

When using large-diameter plastic pipes as formwork for future foundation pillars, it is necessary to ensure that the polymer from which the pipe is made is resistant to low temperatures.

It is recommended to place cushions and compacted sand and crushed stone at the bottom of the wells. If the soil in your area absorbs water well, then you can put a moisture-proofing material, such as a layer of polyethylene, at the bottom of the well.

In addition, the lower part of the well can be expanded so that the area of ​​the bottom of the hole is larger than the actual diameter of the well.

In this case, a concrete support cushion is initially formed at the bottom of the well, onto which a plastic pipe is subsequently installed.

In order to prevent excessive absorption of moisture by the soil from the concrete mortar, the support pads can be attached to the bottom of the plastic pipe with a dense plastic bag, which will straighten out at the bottom of the well and will serve as a kind of formwork.

Pre-sawed sections of pipes of the required size are placed in the wells so that their upper edges protrude above the ground level by about 40 centimeters.

The top parts of plastic pipes must be cut at the same horizontal level to prevent the building from skewing. To do this, it is best to use a laser construction level.

There are two main ways to reinforce concrete mortar inside a plastic pipe.

  • When using the first method, two reinforcing rods are driven into the pipe so that they are located at an equal distance between each other and from the walls of the plastic pipe. The metal rod should go into the ground about 30 centimeters deeper than the lower level of the pipe immersed in the ground. The rods should protrude the same distance above the top edge of the pipe. This is necessary for the further formation of the grillage - the horizontal strength element of the columnar foundation. Concrete solution with a high strength grade is poured inside the pipe.
  • When using the second method, a concrete solution is first poured into the pipe to create a cushion approximately 30 centimeters thick. After this, reinforcing bars are lowered into the solution.

Note that the metal frame of the support pillar can also have a spatial structure. It is somewhat more complex in design than just two parallel rods and is a cage of reinforcement, fixed at the intersections with wire, clamps or electric welding.

It is recommended to place a grillage on top of the columnar foundation - a horizontal load-bearing structure that will connect all the vertical elements of the foundation into a single system. The grillage can be located both above the ground and directly on it.

If you place the grillage above the ground (for example, in areas that are subject to regular flooding), then metal beams can be used to create it.

When placing the grillage directly at ground level, it is advisable to create it from reinforced concrete. To do this, the top fertile soil layer is removed at the site of its construction and a sand cushion is placed.

Then from wooden planks or chipboard sheets, wooden formwork is built. Inside it, a power metal reinforcing belt is created in the form of a cage, which is connected to the metal rods of the power frame of the support pillars. Please note that professional builders recommend creating not just intersections of metal rods in the corners of the foundation, but bending and wrapping them behind each other, fixing them overlapping.

Concrete is poured into the resulting structure, which must be compacted during pouring.

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