Thai style in interior design: main features and examples. Thai style in interior design: main features and examples Bedroom interior styles or how to decorate a relaxation room

A bedroom in a style that matches modern fashion trends will become a real decoration of the apartment. The variety of directions can confuse any person. Each type has its own characteristics. Their observance in the interior is mandatory. Some decorative elements are considered the main representatives of a particular design. What styles exist and how not to get confused when choosing the optimal design? All detailed information will be presented below.

The bedroom is the main room in the entire apartment. The human condition will depend on its comfort and specific features. Today there are several main directions.

Each of the types presented below has its own distinctive features. Thanks to them, creating a unique image is not so difficult. The main thing is to grasp the specific features and follow them exclusively.

Eco in bedroom design

Ecologically clean materials do not harm health. Their use for bedrooms is a rational solution. The main advantage of this direction is energy and tranquility. The main feature is a genuine feeling of closeness with nature, a charge of its vigor and positivity. The ecological type does not accept the use of polymers and plastics.

Colonial direction

A distinctive feature in the colonial direction is the presence of disparate objects. You can combine modern technologies and products made from natural materials. This style traditionally has a lot of exoticism, in particular unusual trees.

Fusion design

This is a completely design design; only emotions are involved in the process of its formation. A person with impeccable taste can try to make species changes. The main rule of fusion is harmonious combination all items. The design of the room should be dominated by bright colors and floral prints. In fusion there is a very fine line between luxury and bad taste.

Boho direction

A colorful range of shades, a comfortable environment and freedom in choosing textiles - all these are the main canons of the boho trend. The specific features of the room are bright colors. The resulting design should convey an atmosphere of creativity, carefree and relaxation. There is no need to be afraid of self-expression.

Retro style

The distinctive features of retro are unusual pieces of furniture, graphic prints, a bold palette of colors and the predominance of natural materials. Designers recommend combining geometric patterns on textiles, carpets and upholstery. Proper use of stationary and mobile furniture is allowed.

Modern eclecticism

This is a style with enormous possibilities. A competent approach to implementing style in the interior allows you to create an exclusive and individual look for the bedroom. The peculiarity of the direction lies in the combination of similar and non-contradictory styles.

The main features are the combination of textures, colors and extensive design solutions. Mixing patterns, vertical lines and oriental motifs is allowed.

Vintage is a simple decoration for any interior

The vintage type uses old furniture, wallpaper on the walls and parquet on the floor. Wooden boards, acting as flooring, are the main components of vintage. It is advisable to select parquet with an element of wear. It is recommended to place standard wallpaper on the walls, and to complement the decor, select “aged” furniture.

Ethnic direction

Ethnic style combines various trends. These include African, Japanese, Chinese and Egyptian motifs. The ethnic type implies the recreation in interior design of the environment inherent in a particular nation.

Russian interiors

In Russian design, wooden objects predominate, characterizing naturalness, simplicity and naturalness. Preference is given to floral patterns, the effect of artificial aging of furniture and natural materials.

Wooden motif

IN wooden type there is nothing complicated. The bedroom interior must be filled with natural elements. In its execution, the style is similar to Russian motifs.

Glamor is an element of luxury in the bedroom interior

Glamor involves the use of leather, rhinestones, furs, satin, silk, animal prints and pearls. Its main feature is luxury, sophistication and chic. This style is like a diamond, distinguished by its unique external splendor.

Turkish direction

Minimalism prevails in Turkish design. Designers recommend using a minimum amount of furniture. Priority is given to expensive wood species. An appropriate addition to the room is painted ceramics.

Egyptian design

The Egyptian version is dominated by luxurious columns, neutral shades and discreet painting. The room is complemented by smoothed corners, niches and plant motifs. The furniture is dominated by smooth transitions and lines.

Arabic motifs

The Arabic style features high arches, good lighting in the bedroom, rich natural colors and an abundance of ornaments. Preference is given to large windows, this allows you to make the bedroom bright and spacious.

Contemporary – clarity and conciseness of the layout

A distinctive feature of the design is multifunctionality and division of the room into zones. Every person is capable of recreating it. The main thing is to show good taste and try to fill the room with comfort.

Thai style

In the Thai version, the interior is busy with the help of voluminous furniture. Each item must meet human needs and be multifunctional. It is possible to use minimalism, but this is appropriate in relation to the living room or children's room.

Constructivism is the secret of modern interior

Constructivism has no technological framework. The main thing is to choose an interior item that will convey the spirit of tradition and a unique atmosphere. In most cases, this role is performed by a cabinet made in a classic style.

Rustic in the interior

The main element of rusticism is wood. There can be a lot of it, the material can be used in any quantity and combination. Brown shades are suitable for room design, and the presence of natural stones is appropriate.

Medieval motifs

The medieval version is dominated by rough materials, a fireplace and unusual interior items. Used for room decoration brickwork or natural stone. The Middle Ages meant the use of chests and massive wooden furniture.

Parisian design

The Parisian design contains elements of eclecticism. Modern design implies adherence to historical values, architecture and art. Naturally, Paris is taken as a basis, its main features and the culture of the city. The bedroom should include retro objects with modern features.

Yacht style

Yachting is a way to make all your dreams come true. This is an arrogant and at the same time romantic type. It is based on natural and high-quality materials. For convenience, it is recommended to divide the space into zones.

Steampunk - unique interior

Steampunk is rare and quite difficult to combine. It is based on Victorian era details with a predominance of industrial elements.

German excerpt

There is conservatism in the German design. The design of the room must meet all the requirements of comfort and functionality at the same time. All items must be useful. Modern German design is close to minimalism.

Bedroom in different styles: an unusual solution for a modern apartment

The names of all existing styles can confuse a person. Choosing the optimal interior is challenging task. However, by selecting and recreating all the subtleties of a certain style, you can get an unusual room.

When choosing the design of a room, experts urge you to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • The style of the apartment;
  • Personal preferences;
  • Functionality of the future interior;
  • Cost of registration.

A description of each style makes the selection process easier. It is recommended to pay attention to the complexity of designs. Many of them are difficult to reproduce on your own.

Bedroom interior styles or how to decorate a recreation room

If there is only one bedroom, it needs to be made as comfortable and functional as possible. For this purpose, the presented design styles are used. The style of the bedroom should not differ much from the interior of the entire apartment. Otherwise, you will end up with an inappropriate mixture of different designs.

Main criteria to pay attention to:

  • Restraint;
  • Conciseness;
  • Multifunctionality;
  • Zoning;
  • Convenience.

First of all, you need to choose which styles from the presented options are suitable. You can deviate from the basic selection criteria and do everything according to personal preference. The main thing to remember is that the line between pretentiousness and sophistication is too thin.

Type of bedroom and human psychotype

There is a strong connection between the design of an apartment and a person’s psychotype.

There are four types of temperament:

  • Sanguine;
  • Choleric;
  • Melancholic;
  • Phlegmatic person.

For an energetic sanguine person, bright colors that convey cheerfulness and positivity are suitable. In a cramped room, it is recommended to use mirrors that visually expand the space.

For a choleric person, mixing different styles is unacceptable. A peaceful environment that creates a feeling of comfort in the room will suit him.

Stylish and beautiful bedrooms (video)

It is important for a melancholic person to create a feeling of security. For decoration, it is recommended to choose warm colors. Blue and brown shades are suitable for phlegmatic people.

The magical country of Thailand became available to Russians not so long ago, but its culture and traditions quickly gained popularity. And it has become fashionable to decorate the interior in Thai style. What distinguishes Thai style from others? oriental styles and in general from the European interior?

Before considering the differences, it is necessary to refer to the history of Thailand and its characteristics. It is very important to know that in ancient times, Thais were divided into poor and rich. And, based on this, two stylistic trends in interior design have emerged, and they are absolutely opposite to each other. However, the common roots of the ancient Thai culture make themselves felt in both directions.

The first direction was developed in the slums of poor Thais. Although they cared least about the interior design. However, it should be noted that the Thais are very skilled weavers, so the decoration of their houses consisted mainly of textiles in the form of numerous mats and pillows.

There was no heavy furniture or sharp corners in their houses. The atmosphere of Thai houses was permeated with the spirit of lightness and freedom. Thais had to work a lot, so after work they needed proper rest. This is why a simple and relaxed interior was created in which you can relax.

The second direction is absolutely opposite to the first, as it contains heavy and bulky objects, massive wooden cabinets, coffee tables, sofas and much more. However, these are not just furniture, these are unique interior items. For example, it could be a table inlaid with mother-of-pearl, a cabinet without walls or doors, or two small sofas that place the interlocutors facing each other. Such items are highly valued by lovers of oriental culture.

What do these two Thai destinations have in common? First of all, the atmosphere that they create with the help of textile items. There is a wide variety of uses for mats, pillows, bedspreads, and decorative items. At the same time, they create harmony with the surrounding nature and their inner world, inner freedom.

It should be noted that interior items not only have a functional or decorative purpose. Each item of Thai interior and its presence has its own logical explanation. Thus, Thais sincerely believe that they are surrounded by spirits who protect them from misfortunes and bring joy and good luck to their home. Therefore, figurines of divine beings are everywhere in Thai interiors. Buddha figurines and his footprint are especially valued, as according to legend they are considered sacred. Tourists often bring such figurines with them as souvenirs. And they take their place in the interior of Europeans.

Another mandatory attribute of a Thai home is the spirit house. It can be located both inside and outside the home, and can be of any size. The most important thing is that it should be kept clean, and fresh flowers and fresh fruits should be brought to it, as well as regularly fumigated with incense.

Curtains for a Thai interior are of great importance. With their help, comfort and proper illumination of the room are created. Curtains are always made from natural fabrics, often decorated with handmade artistic paintings. In this case, for painting, paints must be used on a natural basis and must be of bright colors. The fabric for curtains should be combined with the rest of the numerous textiles, in the form of all kinds of pillows and bedspreads.

Using these characteristic features of Thai interior together or separately, you can create harmony in your home with the surrounding nature and with your inner world.

So the first option of “poor” room design is perfect for decorating a recreation area. With its help, you can create an atmosphere that will allow a person to relax and escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Thai interior design in the bedroom is very appropriate. This is a great option for a children's room, where the child will feel free and calm. Curtains for such a children's room should also be simple and calm tones.

For a living room or office, the second option of Thai interior is more suitable. With numerous pieces of furniture that are designed for work and relaxation. In this case, the curtains should be heavy enough to protect from bright sunlight if you need to work or, conversely, relax after work.

Don't forget about the most important thing - flowers! They must be in any form - both live and artificial. And, of course, incense - it is impossible to imagine a Thai interior without them.

The interior, decorated in Thai style, is considered by many to be exotic, but you can see even from photos and videos that true connoisseurs of real art do not neglect such organization of their home. The main feature of the Thai interior is the originality of each individual element and at the same time extreme simplicity.

A room or apartment decorated in Thai style was recently considered a curiosity and few people decided to use such an interior. However, in recent years there has been a noticeable trend toward the growing popularity of the Thai style, which attracts many people around the world precisely because of its originality.

The architectural design of the source country of the Thai style - Thailand - corresponds to two directions. The first interior is the absence of clutter in the room. Thais prefer to spend their free time on the floor, a fact captured in numerous photographs and feature films: extra space is a constant necessity for this culture.

Thai interiors are decorated with furniture made from lightweight materials. The room must have a large number of silk pillows; small chests, tables and mats fit well into the style.

Two Thai style options

Thai interior also means the absence of sharp, sharp protrusions and corners, which are already perceived negatively by people on a subconscious level. The room should not have obstacles in the form of massive chests of drawers, wardrobes, or sofas.

Thai style must definitely give people a feeling of open space and complete freedom. The design of the apartment, made in accordance with the traditions of Thailand, is suitable both in an aesthetic and practical sense for any living space.

Another version of the Thai style has been developed and is successfully used in life, in which fairly large and voluminous pieces of furniture are used to decorate the room. At first glance at the photo of these two interiors, it may seem that they were created based on the complete opposite of each other.

However, with a deep immersion in the Thai style, one comes to the understanding that the main feature of these trends is the creation of a special atmosphere in the room, which allows one to connect the outside world with the spiritual essence of a person. A characteristic feature of the second type of Thai style can be considered massiveness. Typically, such an interior must be decorated using varnished teak beds; due to their size, they can occupy all the free space of the bedroom.

The interior is also formed using wooden, spacious cabinets, tea tables with a mother-of-pearl surface, a variety of bright screens, and original-shaped sofas. In the photo of such an interior, you can notice that the main piece of furniture in the living room is often a large teak table.

The design is successfully complemented by a variety of bronze and wooden figurines, unusually shaped dishes and original souvenirs. All accessories are usually placed in cabinets with glass doors, which makes the interior complete.

Religious component of the interior

The leading role in the Thai interior is played by special symbolic objects. They have a specific role - creating an atmosphere of calm and comfort in the house, attracting happiness, good luck and security to the family. Thai design is usually complemented by special wooden figurines of mysterious creatures, these figurines are called thepprans.

The interior of a Thai house, as you can see in the photo, is not complete without an altar, where the most striking and obliging object is a statue of Buddha.

According to ancient belief, an image or figurine of Buddha should be placed higher than the height of the people living in the room.

There must always be incense near the altar; the owners pay sacred tribute to the deity, constantly leaving flowers and fresh fruits near the statue. The correct design of a home altar shows the reverent attitude of the indigenous people of the country towards their religion.

In rich apartments and houses, an entire room is often dedicated to the altar, the design of which is fully consistent with Thai traditions. The Buddha statue in such rooms is placed on a cabinet with numerous drawers, it is called a bursak. Such a piece of furniture must necessarily be distinguished by the original filigree of its external decor.

The base of the bursak must be installed on figured legs made in the form of anchovy - a mythical, ancient bird. This symbol means enlightenment of the spirit and higher knowledge about the world. In most cases, cabinet doors are decorated with bone plates. Individual parts and corners of the cabinet are decorated with the most elegant carvings. Bursak gives a room decorated in Thai style a semantic completeness.

Decorative functions of Thai textiles

The interior of a Thai house cannot do without special textiles. Thai peasants master the ancient art of creating high-quality silk and cotton fabric. The material is created on handlooms and dyed with plant, mineral and animal dyes.

Thai fabrics make beautiful bedspreads, capes, comfortable and fashionable clothes. Window curtains are decorated with hand painting. Much attention is paid to sewing pillows with bright covers. Pillows used in the interior make the life of Thais more comfortable, and the whole style - rich, colorful and fashionable.

Thai modernized interiors also appeal to Europeans. Taking the traditions of ancient Thai styles as a basis and combining them with your preferences, you can create a unique design that will not only please the eye, but also provide comfort and coziness to all household members.

Thai style in the interior

Thai style in the interior manifests itself in two forms. The ancient Thais, according to their level of wealth, were clearly divided into a caste of rich and poor. And it just so happened historically that it was these two classes that laid the foundation for two styles in interior design. It is clear that these two directions, in essence, are absolutely opposite to each other, but, since they were born in the same geographical area and on the soil of the same ancient culture, they also have a lot in common.

Characteristics of Thai style

The first of the directions is the direction Thai style for the poor, born many centuries ago in the slums of Thailand. People there didn’t even have enough food, not to mention the worries about decorating the interior. Thailand is famous for its skilled weavers; it is for this reason that only textile products such as bedspreads, mats, etc. are present in the interior decorations of the poor.

The absence of heavy pieces of furniture, the absence of sharp corners and large shapes, the spirit of weightlessness and freedom hovers everywhere. It was in such an environment that a person could best relax and rest after a hard day of work.

This option for decorating premises is optimal for decorating recreation areas, since the main purpose of this style is to create an atmosphere in which a person is comfortable, he can relax and escape from the everyday bustle of the world around him. It is appropriate in, in - everywhere, especially for, since a child in such an environment feels lightness and freedom, not being disadvantaged in anything, and as a result grows up to be a comprehensively developed person.

Living room in Thai style

The second direction in Thai interior design is diametrically opposed to the first - this is the life of the rich. Here heavy and bulky furniture comes to the fore: voluminous wooden cabinets; massive coffee tables inlaid with mother of pearl; small sofas strewn with cushions, standing in pairs opposite each other; luxurious, heavy. Moreover, there is a widespread desire for unique, inimitable pieces of furniture.

As for this Thai decoration option, it would be quite appropriate in a room intended for work: in a library. In general, since this style has absorbed the features of two directions, it pushes a person to active work and subsequent relaxation and enjoyment of his victories.

What is common in both stylistic directions is that the person living in them finds unity and harmony of his inner world with the environment. Most of all, the diverse use of textiles and specific Thai decor items helps with this.

Thai style design

A variety of decorative items are a must in a Thai interior, and often their number surprises and alarms inexperienced Europeans, but each of these items has its own meaning and explanation. The Thais believe that every piece of furniture has its own spirit and they are sincerely confident that these spirits can protect them from adversity and bring joy and good luck to the house, which is why they surround themselves everywhere with figurines of their gods. Of particular value to them are images of Buddha and his footprint, which are traditionally considered sacred.

Short description:
The magical country of Thailand became available to Russians not so long ago, but its culture and traditions quickly gained popularity. And it has become fashionable to decorate the interior in Thai style. What distinguishes Thai style from other oriental styles and, in general, from European interior design?

Before considering the differences, it is necessary to refer to the history of Thailand and its characteristics. It is very important to know that in ancient times, Thais were divided into poor and rich. And, based on this, two stylistic trends in interior design have emerged, and they are absolutely opposite to each other. However, the common roots of the ancient Thai culture make themselves felt in both directions.
The first direction was developed in the slums of poor Thais. Although they cared least about the interior design. However, it should be noted that the Thais are very skilled weavers, so the decoration of their houses consisted mainly of textiles in the form of numerous mats and pillows.
There was no heavy furniture or sharp corners in their houses. The atmosphere of Thai houses was permeated with the spirit of lightness and freedom. Thais had to work a lot, so after work they needed proper rest. This is why a simple and relaxed interior was created in which you can relax.
The second direction is absolutely opposite to the first, as it contains heavy and bulky objects, massive wooden cabinets, coffee tables, sofas and much more. However, these are not just furniture, these are unique interior items. For example, it could be a table inlaid with mother-of-pearl, a cabinet without walls or doors, or two small sofas that place the interlocutors facing each other. Such items are highly valued by lovers of oriental culture.


What do these two Thai destinations have in common? First of all, the atmosphere that they create with the help of textile items. There is a wide variety of uses for mats, pillows, bedspreads, and decorative items. At the same time, they create harmony with the surrounding nature and their inner world, inner freedom.
It should be noted that interior items not only have a functional or decorative purpose. Each item of Thai interior and its presence has its own logical explanation. Thus, Thais sincerely believe that they are surrounded by spirits who protect them from misfortunes and bring joy and good luck to their home. Therefore, figurines of divine beings are everywhere in Thai interiors. Buddha figurines and his footprint are especially valued, as according to legend they are considered sacred. Tourists often bring such figurines with them as souvenirs. And they take their place in the interior of Europeans.
Another mandatory attribute of a Thai home is the spirit house. It can be located both inside and outside the home, and can be of any size. The most important thing is that it should be kept clean, and fresh flowers and fresh fruits should be brought to it, as well as regularly fumigated with incense.
Curtains for a Thai interior are of great importance. With their help, comfort and proper illumination of the room are created. Curtains are always made from natural fabrics, often decorated with handmade artistic paintings. In this case, for painting, paints must be used on a natural basis and must be of bright colors. The fabric for curtains should be combined with the rest of the numerous textiles, in the form of all kinds of pillows and bedspreads.

Using these characteristic features of the Thai style in the interior together or separately, you can create harmony in your home with the surrounding nature and with your inner world.
So the first option of “poor” room design is perfect for decorating a recreation area. With its help, you can create an atmosphere that will allow a person to relax and escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Thai interior design in the bedroom is very appropriate. This is a great option for a children's room, where the child will feel free and calm. Curtains for such a children's room should also be simple and calm tones.
For a living room or office, the second option of Thai interior is more suitable. With numerous pieces of furniture that are designed for work and relaxation. In this case, the curtains should be heavy enough to protect from bright sunlight if you need to work or, conversely, relax after work.
Don't forget about the most important thing - flowers! They must be in any form - both live and artificial. And, of course, incense - it is impossible to imagine a Thai interior without them.